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# Coding test for PHP developer

Aim of this task is to better understand your thinking process and experience. Add your insight into
the task.

## Problem Description

Write a REST API with following features

1 .user registration.

Registration fields




-confirm password

2. Registered user can create, read and update their profile

Profile fields

-First name

-Last Name

-role (editor/writer)

3. User with writer role can create posts and read, update and delete only their posts

Article fields



4. User with writer role can read comments on his posts.

5. User with editor role can read all posts and comment on posts.

Upload code to Repository with database schema and doc explaining how to run code.

Please don’t forget, your code should be production ready, clean and tested!

## Nice to haves:

- Demonstrate understanding of MVC

- Unit Tests

- API request response documentation

- Usage of any PHP Framework

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