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Cavite City Campus Cavite City

Department of Computer Science


September 2022

On-the-Job Training
Narrative Report Submitted to the
Faculty of the Department of Information Technology
Cavite State University
Cavite City Campus

In partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the course COSC199 Practicum


September 2022


I, RYAN CHRISTIAN A. REYES, was born in Cavite City on the 24th of

December 2000. I am their youngest child among the two children of my parents. I

am currently residing at 501 Camia rd. Sea Breeze subdivision. Caridad, Cavite City

I finished my primary education at Ladislao Diwa Elemantary School,

P.Burgos St. Caridad Cavite City in the school year of 2007-2013. I finished my

secondary education at Cavite National High School at Chief E. Martin St, Caridad,

Cavite City in the school year of 2013-2017. And in June 2017, I finished my tertiary

education at San Sebastian College Recoletos de Cavite at Manila Blvd., J. Felipe

Blvd Santa Cruz Cavite City in the school year of 2017-2019. I took up Bachelor of

Science in Computer Science in Cavite State University – Cavite City Campus at

Pulo II, Dalahican, Cavite City.


I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the following individuals for

their help and support in helping me complete my 240 hours of on-the-job training:

Mrs. Teresita R. Tolentino, my on-the-job training coordinator, for being

understanding with the trainees, reminding them of their responsibilities throughout

their internship, and obtaining the connection firms for each trainee;

the department head of information technology, Mrs. Teresita R. Tolentino, who goes

above and above to help the trainees by offering them advise and pointers and

serving as a campus mother figure;

Mrs. Maria Christina J. Baesa, Campus Dean, who provided assistance by

endorsing and signing the paperwork that each Trainee must submit;I would like to

express my heartfelt appreciation to the following individuals for their help and

support in helping me complete my 240 hours of on-the-job training:

Mrs. Teresita R. Tolentino, my on-the-job training coordinator, for being

understanding with the trainees, reminding them of their responsibilities throughout

their internship, and obtaining the connection firms for each trainee;

the department head of information technology, Mrs. Teresita R. Tolentino, who goes

above and above to help the trainees by offering them advise and pointers and

serving as a campus mother figure;

Mrs. Maria Christina J. Baesa, Campus Dean, who provided assistance by

endorsing and signing the paperwork that each Trainee must submit;
the MIS Department Manager, Mr. Meynard Villareal, for being kind and making the

trainees feel at ease in their training space, for keeping track on their progress, and

for proactively asking if they need anything;

Mr. Matt Gomez, Associate in the MIS Department, for his assistance and


Mr. Jeff Dela Cruz, an IS Department Technician, for his help, suggestions,

and sharing of his experience.

To my mother: For her unfailing love and support, for providing for all of my material

and moral requirements, for her tolerance and understanding when I'm weary and

unable to assist with the duties, for their timeless advice, and for always being there

for me.I want to express my gratitude to Almighty God above all else for providing me

a normal life, for my great health, my education, and my capacity to face and conquer

any challenges in my path.




BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA...................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………………. v

LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................................... vi

LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURE……………………………………………………………… vii

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………… 1
Objectives of the On-The-Job Training………………………………………….. 1
Time and Place of the On-The-Job Training…………………………………… 2
THE INSTITUTION…………………………………………………………………………… 3

Background………………………………………………………………………… 3

Vison, Mission, Objectives of the Institution/Enterprise………………………. 4

Organizational Structure, Function…………………………………………….. 5
Responsibilities of Management…………………………………………………. 5

THE TRAINING AREA................................................................................................... 6

Function (Department/Section)…………………………………………………. 6
Organizational Structure…………………………………………………………. 7
Facilities…………………………………………………………………………… 8
Equipment………………………………………………………………………… 8
Working Policies and Procedures (SOP’s)………………………………………. 9

THE TRAINING EXPERIENCE……………………………………………………………. 10

Tasks Performed / Specific Activities Assigned………………………………… 10

Observed Strengths and Weaknesses………………………………………….. 11

Problems encountered……………………………………………………………. 12
SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

REFERENCES............................................................................................................... 14



Figure Page

1 Organizational Structure of Phosclay Chemical Manufacturing ……………… 5

2 Organizational Structure of IT Department ……………………………………… 7


Appendix Page

1 Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………………..

2 Recommendation Letter ………………………………………………….

3 Memorandum of Agreement ……………………………………………..

4 Daily Time Record ……………………………........................................

5 Certificate of Completion ……………………………………………………

6 Accomplished Evaluation Form …………………………………………..

7 English Critic Certification ………………………………………………..

8 Weekly Task ……………………………………………………………….

9 Photo Documentation …………………………………………………….



1 Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………..

2 Recommendation Letter ……………………………………………………..

3 Memorandum of Agreement ………………………………………………..

4 Daily Time Record …………………………….............................................

5 Certificate of Completion ……………………………………………………….

6 Accomplished Evaluation Form ……………………………………………….

7 English Critic Certification …………………………………………………….

8 Screen Shot of Virtual ………………………………………………………….

9 Trainee-Designing the Interface ……………………………………………….

One way to give students an opportunity to put the idea and principles they

have learn in the school into practice is through on-the-job training, or OJT. By

participating in real job, it also assists student in gaining information and abilities

setting. Student in colleges and universities are required to complete such training

with a set amount of time as part of the curriculum.

However, a successful OJT program also helps the businesses that

participate in it accept apprentices first OJT or an intern offers more labors at a lower

cost than an ordinary worker. Changes are frequent since the majority of them are

eager to learn the ropes work together. Employers might utilize this inter-ship

recruitment tactic to find new employees. Since the instructor or manager can

monitor the students’ development, he or she can analyze the trainee’s performance,

attitude, and conduct to determine whether they will succeed when his internship is

complete, recruit.

Objective of On-The-Job Training

The trainee's major goal was to complete the 240 hours of internship that

were necessary to fulfill the course's requirements. The On-the-Job Training (OJT)

program seeks to accomplish the following objectives in order to address the CS

industry's demand for technically proficient and well-rounded CS graduates:

a. Apply the information and abilities you learned in the classroom to the

business's actions.

b. Increase their knowledge and abilities and serve the organization better;

c. Utilize the environment, resources, and skill development that are already

there in the company to train a new hire;

d. Establish a foundation for educating the student to perform effectively and

productively in commercial and industrial settings.

Time and Place of the On-The-Job Training

The Management Information System of Cavite City City Hall, which is

located in Cavite City, Cavite, is where the on-the-job training takes place. The

Management Information System department received the trainee. The practicum

was carried out by him between July 25, 2022, and September 6, 2022. He worked

eight hours a day to finish the 240 OJT hours that were needed.

A top port city for international trade and business, with people who value

God and culture and are happy and empowered, living in a society that is secure,

sustainable, and dynamic and working toward a diversified economy under the

direction of a strong and responsible leadership.


Improve the people's quality of life by providing appropriate basic social

services and by creating a living and business environment that encourages

socioeconomic growth. Ensure ecological balance through protecting the

environment and managing the environment properly. By preserving and restoring

cultural sites and legacy, as well as institutionalizing cultural, historical events and

commemorations, the city may be made more of a tourist attraction.

Objectives of the Institution/ Enterprise

The trainee's major goal was to complete the 240 hours of internship that

were necessary to fulfill the course's requirements. The On-the-Job Training (OJT)

program seeks to achieve the following in order to fulfill the Technology industry's

demand for technically proficient and well-rounded IT and CS graduates:

Organizational Structure

Figure 1.Organizational Structure of Phosclay Chemical Manufacturing


The Chief Executive Officer is the one who manage the company’s overall

operations even creating business strategies and communicating with whole

department. The Vice President for Marketing takes charge of thee marketing team.

He reviews the budget, conducting market research and supervising the marketing

area. The General Manager is tasked to monitor the daily business activities,

improving business function and communicating with business partners. The

Production Department is handles raw materials, processing of the production and

giving the consumer the best quality and best selling products. Marketing Department

is promoting the business. In Marketing Department they reach the consumers and

investors. Information Technology Department is fulfills the important role in the

company. They handle technical support, managing the company’s system including

updating files of the company. Legal Department is responsible for all the legal

matters such as investigations and acquisitions. Purchasing Department is tasked for

purchasing materials, finding reliable suppliers and negotiating with price. And lastly,

the Admin Department, it provides administrative and support for the areas of human

resource, budgetary, facilities and security.

Responsibilities of the Management

The Management Information System Department is responsible for these tasks.

• Addressing Issues

We moved into a freshly constructed building for the Municipalities of

Cavite City from a temporary structure at the library. a location in Cavite city's

Samonte Park. Moving equipment and putting up the cable are the first issues

we run into, and while it disrupts business operations across all departments,

they make every effort to acknowledge the duty that has been assigned to


This chapter describes the training environment where the student had his

On-the-Job Training (OJT). It covers the purpose, organizational structure, and

duties, as well as the resources, tools, and protocols of the department to which the

trainee was assigned.

Department Function

Every computer in every other department of city hall is kept in working order

by the management information system staff. installing the internet connection and

setting up the cctv surveillance.


The Cavite City City Government's MIS department was a substantial

organization with separate divisions in charge of different parts of its infrastructure.

On-the-Job Training of the Trainee (OJT).

Figure 1. Department Room

Figure 1. shows the department room wherein the computers is being placed

here is also the repairing and upgrading computer is being done.

Figure 2. Server Room

Figure 2. shows the server room wherein the data can be shared as well as to

share resources and distribute work. A server computer can serve its own computer

programs as well.


Figure 3. UTP Cable

Figure 3. shows the UTP Cables that the trainee used for networking,
Figure 4. Electric Tester

Figure 4. shows the Electric Tester that the trainee used,

Figure 5. Cable Hub

Figure 5. shows the Cable Hub that the trainee used for networking,
Figure 6. Internet Connection

Figure 6. shows the Internet Connection that the trainee used for networking,

Figure 7. Mother Board of a Laptop

Figure 7. shows the Mother Board of a Laptop that the trainee used,
Figure 8. External DVD Drive

Figure 4. shows the external DVD drive that the trainee used for installing drivers.

Policies/ Procedures (SOP)

The working policies and procedures that the City Government of

Cavite City trainees were expected to abide by were as follows:

1. No loitering, tardiness, or theft.

2. No wearing of shorts, sandos, or sandals.

3. Shirt should be white.

4. At all times, keep your school ID and temporary pass on you.

5. No wearing of bracelets, necklaces, or earrings.

6. No gambling or smoking.

7. Lunch break is from 12:00 to 1:00, followed by another break from

3:00 to 3:30.


This chapter details the trainee's training experience. It covers the tasks she

completed and the specific activities that were given to her, as well as any obstacles

or difficulties she faced and her recommendations for changes to address the issues.
Task Performed/ Specific Activities Assigned

I spend more of my everyday time at Cavite City's City Hall's Management

Information System troubleshooting the computers in each department. To

troubleshoot in each other department of City Hall is the assignment my mentor

assigned me. Each day, I had to solve a computer issue, such as networking,

formatting, or one of a few other small problems. Furthering my understanding of

troubleshooting, I discovered how to network a computer connection.

Observed Strengths and Weakness

According to the trainees who saw it, the M.I.S department's strength,

was that they were making every effort to resolve problems and had the training

necessary to do so. Make an attempt to provide for the needs of any employees.

Furthermore, they work hard and devoted to completing their work and fulfilling their

duties to all employees as soon as possible feasible. Regardless of your status as an

employee or a manager, as long as you You will receive the same services and

assistance if you require them.

Problems encountered

Throughout the internship, the trainee's first obstacle was creating a

especially with the M.I.S. Department employees, rapport. This required learning how

to communicate with each individual and get to know them better. Because they are

provided so rapidly.

The intern cannot follow them. The learner must also carry the system unit, which

takes time. Owing to the need to only transport one system unit at a time in order to

prevent damage or accidents

when carrying out preventive maintenance. While performing preventative

In order to avoid harm or accidents the system unit must also be carried by the

learner because we can only carry one unit at a time and that takes time.


The 240 hours of on-the-job training were necessary for the trainee to

complete as part of the course requirements for fourth-year graduating students


My complete training experience in Cavite Municipal's city hall is documented

in full in this narrative. I learned a variety of abilities during my training, including

formatting computers. I was given the task of setting up computers, formatting

laptops, installing different software, activating Windows with the supplied product

key, and printing and scanning reports. I learned via experience how to assess and

manage time and effort as an employee. The company and the individuals working

there help me as a student studying information technology to broaden my

knowledge and abilities. But most significantly, I discovered how to interact and

converse with both clients and employees.

The Cavite State University - Cavite Municipal Campus supported the On-the-

Job Training program in collaboration with Cavite City city hall. Collaboration was key

to this program's success. On July 25, 2022, I began my on-the-job training, which I

completed on September 6, 2022. It was made up of 240 hours, or 31 days with 8

hours of labor each day, omitting weekends and holidays. They were successful in

making sure the trainee understood and completed the tasks required of him.

City Government of Cavite City Background (2022). Retrieved from /#aboutHistory-en

City Government of Cavite City Background Mission and Vision. (2022). Retrieved

City Government of Cavite City (2022). Retrieved from,120.8541359,
Appendix 1

Curriculum Vitae
Appendix Figure 1. Scanned copy of trainee’s Curriculum Vitae
Appendix Figure 1. Continued
Appendix 2

Recommendation Letter
Appendix Figure 2. Scanned copy of trainee’s Recommendation Letter
Appendix 3

Memorandum of Agreement
Appendix Figure 3. Scanned copy of trainee’s Memorandum of Agreement
Appendix Figure 3. Continued
Appendix Figure 3. Continued
Appendix Figure 3. Continued
Appendix 4

Daily Time Record

Appendix Figure 4. Scanned copy of trainee’s Daily Time Record
Appendix Figure 4. Continued
Appendix 5

Certification of Completion
Appendix Figure 5. Scanned copy of trainee’s Certificate of Completion
Appendix 6

Accomplished Evaluation Form

Appendix Figure 6. Scanned copy of trainee’s Accomplished Evaluation Form
Appendix Figure 6. Continued
Appendix 7

Weekly Journal
Week 1

Mr. Meynard E. Villareal and I were introduced to everyone in the

Management Information System (M.I.S) office on the first day of my on-the-job

training, and the first subject he addressed was the M.I.S standards and regulations.

He then asked us to describe our expectations for the entire organization. Our

mentor tested us about computer hardware or components on the second day of our

on-the-job training. On the third day of my on-the-job training, our mentor

demonstrates to us how to connect to computers or laptops using an IP address to

transfer files in order to gauge our proficiency with computers and our understanding

of their components. My mentor demonstrated to us how to use the command prompt

to discover the Wi-Fi password of the previous place where the computers are

connected to Wi-Fi on the fourth day of my on-the-job training. They went through our

responsibilities and activities for the day on the second day of our on-the-job training,

which was the fifth day of my training. As we discussed the hardware and

components of the mother board that we were already familiar with, they

demonstrated several debugging approaches for the computer.

Week 2

During the second week of my on-the-job training, they showed me how to

create LAN connections using UTP cables and RJ45 the Straight-Through and

Cross-Over. while outlining the differences between them and how each one serves

its own purpose. My second day of on-the-job training also includes a discussion of

the fundamentals. networking was not yet a feature of computers that allowed

sharing of data and printers. The machine is also re-formatted, a partition is created,

Windows 7 is installed, and then any drivers are required for it to function. On the

third day of my on-the-job training, my mentor brought us with him to the office where

he fixed his computer. On the fourth day of my on-the-job training, we discuss

PyCharm's applications so that we may expand the programming languages, such

C++, that we already know. My fifth day of on-the-job training included an

examination of PyCharm, the foundational codes of the Python programming

language. Since Python and C++ are so similar, I prefer to program in Python using


Week 3

On the third weekday of my on-the-job training, Mr. Meynard drove us back to

the HR office to fix the internet since the workplace had lost internet. On the second

day of my on-the-job training, we were taught how to use an electrical tester to make

assessments. Learn how much voltage is passing via the wires that are in use. On

the third day of my on-the-job training, my mentor started instructing us on how to

install Windows and reformat PCs and laptops. We continued studying PyCharm's

foundations on the fourth day. Discussion topics included line and dentation,

variables, and several words in Camel, Pascal, and Snake case. On the fifth day, Mr.

Meynard has given us many problems to solve in PyCharm in order to create a

software that can communicate with people as we continue to learn about PyCharm.

Week 4

During the fourth week of my instruction, the firm's system unit was reviewed.

The system component is cleaned, and then the application is examined for updates.

We need to go outside to clear the interior of the unit of dust and other debris before

we can clean the hardware. Numerous activities are taking place in the office and

other departments throughout my training. In our workplace, they showed many

network troubleshooting techniques as well as how to properly backup computer

files. We format computers one at a time for our homework after they demonstrate

how to do it so they can make sure we actually understand how to do it.

Week 5

In order to properly refine our coding skills, we continue to talk about

PyCharm and Python in week 5. In order for us to understand the many sorts of

codes in the programming language that we discuss, our mentors have really helped

us focus our attention. PyCharm provides a wide range of logics and is easy to

understand. We are grateful to our teachers for never giving up on us while teaching

us this programming language.

Week 6

During the six weeks of my on-the-job training, we discovered how to install

fiber internet using a fiber saw and a tool called a buffer tube remover. Alcohol

bottles should never be cut carelessly since doing so might result in the wire

accidentally entering your eyes and blinding you. We kept writing our applications in

PyCharm once the internet connection was installed in order to hone our coding

abilities and familiarize ourselves with the language.

Week 7

They expressed their thanks for our capacity to help them with any concerns

they might have with the government during our last week as an OJT, as well as for

our expertise of how to assist the government in creating the required processes

across several ministries. They are eager for us students to accomplish our

objectives and develop into future programmers. On the last day, Mr. Meynard

surprised us by providing food and beverages for us to share as we celebrated our

victory. Our mentors showed us warmth and respect; they never left our side or were

happy to simply give us advice. They genuinely provide us instructions on how to

manage their department and other aspects of technology.

Appendix 8

Photo Documentation
Appendix Figure 8. Our Mentors and my Co-Trainee’s.

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