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Name- Tham llaklya

Reqister N 0:
Oalt 06loll8a Assiqnment - lluticn a d ontral

Eopla dhe umeaning and Detinrtion Tha Envi1enmental

Tntroduction: Envisonmetal Pollution s one the
Siqnittean thoreats do tedayS world. Bay by tay do
volue Jo vanthrepogenc activitus, OuY crtmakphere Js

e Com umove and movepolluc| e

t sually ole to he pelLttank yeleasccd unto

ThL aUT,water, seil.etr.

Envioonmental pollution: b the effecl Causccd by

in Cur umouncl ings cthat have

Jundesireable Changes
n planb animak And humanbeurgz
hammful umpacB
A ubstance that c a s -pellution noun Os a

pollutant Can be sold, diquud 07
axouS substances
Prescnt un rearter Conetrations than un hattal

abundlanws arel mayYarscluc olue to human

activitiLs oT acturaul appen arM

For Examypte Substancus Such plastu materias
heavy metas ek Once Scelkacd urntb Jhe atmasphere
annot be olegradled cand
cl sprocusses.
By naturcul
ll ame

hanmtul uto iving ogunwms

Defintion o Fnvinonmmetalpollutton
* A5 van undesirable vchange n The chumical

hypical Or biological chara.ct eustics he httura
environmert brought abeut bymans voactivities

Polutions uthich umpa dht soil, ivevs.cas or

Uhe atmosphurts

polutions Modlitina Jhe envivonment caused by humah

urtluenws, uhich oiten enders The environmert hoammtu

and diunolayent o Aive , s Called pellution.

AtmoAphuricpolution causeclby gascsSuch

ulphu olfoxicle,Canbtn umonexicde, and nitrogen
exices beung elesce urto Tn atmoyphume by Vamious

undustries and by uming e tuls.

Water polution Caed by mauny Substanus

vuch cs Mese ound n
ertilizors and endustrial
Concluusien' Thn ome the meaniq ard The cletiotions
h environmental pollutions
What ave the Vovio1s typs e Finement
Thoduction Thu enviroment refers to UY mmediat
Sumedings n uhich all ving vancl noh-living ompenents
MCO-epest it Can be Jucel to vefer to The social,
hatunal OY Jbult environment

*The environment uhas a huge umpact on an

unclividula's ubehavieur and untellect
Any change That Occuvs dh
livig entity iThet
olirectly or indirectly smelated to charge un h
nmediatt sumeunclings.

Types Envionmem Thume c e twe oliftereml types oH


nvronments Gieearaphical Envigo nments

Mlan-made Environments

Cceaahical FnvinonmersItConsu a l components

piavfoleedby natune and uhence can be calleel o s thu
unatural envigonmen 1
saso sotemed o envivonmari
t the physieal
bertaunS D n phytica requiremun lte.
Tt uncucles hatural escunces, The eamth 's
untace umountauns, plahs Aanl water olescrk
vsTos, Cyclents VelCanenus Owans r cimati deectons
Cnd So on it
Tru substahability The hattural yescurces s Krecon
to Contibut douards the econemy a C o u n r t y

Man-made Envionment: ths evionmerst Wed to

veter do The-ene Created by uman in Oroler to

yegulatt and monitoyCoLtaun envionmental Corditions.

bome acolress i t as a ocia-Cutural

environmant. antuther be elivided urito tuo

types e Enviyo ment. A
The unneY Envionment. It s a socical envionmertt
vand is Exsts 0s Arq os aparticula oucty

ecsThe valteec om etThe econemu ard phusical

Artitical envimonmemtoTe cen Os two elittorett
Ospecs dh man-madle envisenments

Tre outey Envtoennient Through ne acyancement on tre

eld o hunu ard technoloq humans have

vctempted o alter Conclittens f physital

This Outer enwironmend w Os a TEsult e These
umodificuticns uhich uneludedsmordem ctrtastruteae
n citi
Conclwion Theyc cme the ypes envionoent un Thu
Enumerac dhu Varicus nds oh Evi7onmertal polutton
TrtroductionPolution uis one P he Primooy cauc e
many n othLeYenvionmental vconcerns, Üneluclina
vclimatk Change ancl ubicdivesity 1

F l e n Crrtial types e pollutios e air, c t e

Soil, OK, Tadoactive, Jat and hemmal, uhich a r e

aftecting9 OUr envinonme
Various Kncs eh Enviojinietal ollution:
Air Pollutions occus ce to ndesirabk vchange un
ohysical, chemical,cT bielogiaal chonaictertb o au
Concentiation o pollution ,Duraction
cthe pellutiens, Expozaoc o
types e Organsm affeck .
Water pollutios cuu to numan aetivitus

arting ollutecd tn cveral porsts T h world.

Waterbem cmes, do, unaterial, om the

undustus such as heavy mctas, pesticlcles, yancluus
Boil pollution The buld-up ef peistent toxc
pmpeunds chemicalssalk, Yadioactive mateMaB
Reoluid ofl Jertility, Recuted
nihcgcn iccutten
Relea pelutart ues
*Relea radicoctue rays causing hoalth problums
N o pollution, Jhe dunpleasert l s Comfert- cauging
&oura 48 Lalledl neie.
ound om any
Tmtation and legs
Racwactive pollution t h i s Consicleel en the

cmDst dargerous pollution becaul a tpermanent effecb

An Aunamrested upet un a nuclec plant, areles

unuclea wast oispasal, eh

iecs nvioonnienta pellction:

AT pollution esuk vare Cance nurobehauicral
vosoreles Conrolíovascular poebkms , reclucad eneng
es remature death, osthma Cndl

Nutmient uolluttee water auses vergouth tou

ae eaten uby other OquattC animals and may caue olath

Chemi calContaumina-tton Can cause eleelines in

biodiveity vand tadpelo mass
pollution an uhereae suscoptibility to eluasc
and atect repvoouctive pocese anol heqcrtiyey
vatfect the clevelcpmerrt mamne OTan ism.

*Mecuny in water Can Causced edltao

slouer and developmant. nepreoluchn
*pollutien omething unioanted that s CaUcol
olue to Contaminctien bUY envionmenta,

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