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1. Why family engagement is important in a child's learning process in school?

Family engagement in a child’s education can improve their test scores, attendance, social
skills, relationships, behavior and how a child feels about school. Why is family engagement
associated with such positive outcomes? Family engagement works because it creates:

• Connected kids. Family engagement helps kids feel connected to their caregivers,
families and communities. Kids who are connected feel safe, secure, supported and are
ready to learn.
• Connected adults. Family engagement helps parents and other caregivers feel
connected and tuned into their children and communities. When adults are tuned in and
feel supported by schools and other agencies, they feel connected to their child and
more prepared to support their child.
• Connected schools or institutions. When schools or other agencies are connecting and
engaging with families, parents and children, they are getting valuable information
about what families need, what strengths families have and how their programs are
• Fun.Family engagement events and activities are supposed to be just that, engaging!
When families spend time having fun together, they create strong bonds and build trust
2. What are the primary barriers to parental involvement and suggest possible strategies to get
family to be involved and engaged?



Parents want to help their children with their classes and schoolwork most of the time.
However, not every parent has the means to do so. For instance, some parents are extremely
busy. Additionally, many parents don’t have the academic background to understand
educational concepts. Furthermore, other parents don’t have the financial means to get their
kids tutors. Overall, inaccessibility to resources is a large reason behind a lack of parent
engagement. It is imperative that resources are made abundantly clear to students and their
families. This could include anything from free or reduced academic tutoring and/or disability
testing, all the way to local food banks and lists of after-school programs.

Time constraint

With both spouses working and multiple school-aged children, parents found it challenging to
fit volunteering into their busy schedules. Many took time off from work to occasionally
volunteer for special events at their school when there was a regular and frequent
communication about the dire need for volunteers.


Communicate often, send repeated and advanced communication for major events requiring
help and make volunteering signup easy. Publishing an events calendar and opening up the
signup right at the beginning of the school year makes it much easier for parents to plan their
schedule. Work to increase everyone’s awareness of all cultures represented in your school.
Learn about and be sensitive to others cultures’ values, attitudes, manners, and views of the
school community. Know and respect the religious holidays and observances of all groups in
your school. Invite parents to discuss their cultural or ethnic practices. Make sure that families
are welcome to drop in at school during the day. Provide welcome to our school buttons for
staff. Post welcome signs in all languages spoken at the school. Provide direction signs for
entering the school and locating the office.

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