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1. aComplete the table below with common recruitment and selection methods.

must identify and explain at least 3 methods in your answer. The first row has been
completed as an example for you to follow.

Method Description
Referrals Referrals are received from other people such as
business associates
Direct The term “direct” means the process does not involve
advertising any middleman. Unlike traditional marketing
campaigns, this marketing strategy focuses on
approaching the potential or interested customers
directly. Direct marketing has worked wonders for the
companies, and here are some mind-blowing stats to
back this claim.
Talent pool A talent pool is ultimately a database which allows you
databases to keep a record of the best talent, giving you the
ability to hire more competitively in the future.

Boomerang Boomerang employees are people who leave their

employees organisation and return at a later date. These rehired
employees either leave the workforce entirely or take a
job at another organisation, then come back to seek
employment at their former company.

2. List some of the key features of recruitment, selection and onboarding policies and


 Workspace & Equipment. Creating an element of familiarity, identifying a new

territory and locating the tools that are required to perform one’s job are steps
that your new hire shouldn’t have to do alone. Helping your new hire navigate the
workplace constitutes an essential step that should be planned prior to their first

 Internal Policies & Documents. The last area that should be covered by your
onboarding program will regard the internal policies of your organisation. From the
workplace safety rules to the quality assessment process, every rule should be
known and abided by employees as soon as they step into their new role. Your
organisation should provide easy and quick access to this information.

 Recruitment policy needs to explain to candidates the details of the job and not
just outlines. So many times, a conflict appears between companies and
employees in the skills needed for the job. Sometimes the employee finds himself
more qualified for the job or the opposite way around.

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 Recruitment policy should reveal a high level of respect to the time and skills of
each candidate. Many companies don’t even reply to candidates leaving them
under pressure and waiting for a call or interview.

3. Complete the table below with a description of the relevant legislation, regulation
standards and codes of practice that may affect recruitment and onboarding. The
first row has been completed as an example for you to follow.

Legislation/Standard/Code Description
Fair Work Promotes a healthy workplace for
employees, contractors and employees
Privacy Act Privacy act promotes the protection of
personal information of people. The Act
also applies to some types of small
business (with a turnover of AU $3 million
or less), as well as applying
extraterritorially in certain circumstances.
Workplace Health, Safety The OSHA safety standards are simply
Standards sets of rules that describe methods
employers need to follow in order to
protect workers. Some examples of these
rules include limitations on exposing
workers to hazardous chemicals and
requirements for safety equipment and
safety practices.
Workplace Health and Safety The act lays down wide-ranging duties on
Act employers. Employers must protect the
'health, safety and welfare' at work of all
their employees, as well as others on
their premises, including temps, casual
workers, the self-employed, clients,
visitors and the general public.
Single Touch Payroll Single Touch Payroll is an ATO compliance
initiative created by the Australian
government to ensure employers report
wages and super payments electronically
through the ATO directly from their
payroll software at the same time they
pay their employees.
Labour Hire Licensing The Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 (the
Act) establishes a mandatory labour hire
licensing scheme in Queensland which
protects labour hire workers from
exploitation and promotes the integrity of
the labour hire industry.

4. Explain the key features of psychometric and skills testing programs for recruitment.
In your answer:

 Describe the reason for using these tests.

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 Explain what they can achieve in the recruitment and selection process.


 When seeking work, job applicants will always try and display the best version of
themselves, often choosing to hide certain character traits. Now I'm not
suggesting that all of these candidates have any skeletons in the closet (some,
probably) but they may be aware, for instance, that introversion or an inability to
work in team could hold them back from getting the role. This is where
psychometric testing comes to the fore. By asking candidates to answer a series
of multiple-choice questions pertaining to personality quirks, employers hope to
be able to uncover characteristics that might not appear until further down the

 Psychometric testing saves employers time and money. Recruiting new staff can
take up a lot of valuable time and can also prove costly, especially if the best
young talent isn’t found straight away. Psychometric testing encourages
consistency in recruitment. The advantage that psychometric tests encourage
consistency and standardisation when you are looking to hire new staff. As I said
above, every candidate is given exactly the same tests and you can use this as a

5. Explain the following key components of a contract of employment.

Component Description
Probation period This outlines the company probation period
Employee Employee Duties means serving the Company in
responsibilities whatever responsibilities the parties mutually agree
upon as amended from time to time.
Performance An expectation is something hoped for, whereas a
expectations and requirement is something that is demanded, something
requirements that is necessary.
Employee Employee benefits are a form of compensation that
benefits and employers provide (along with a salary) to create a
premiums well-rounded, attractive payment package. Employee
benefits vary, depending on the relevant government
labour laws. In the United States, each state has its
own regulations regarding employee benefits.
Employment “Employee absenteeism” is defined as a frequent
absence failure to attend work without valid cause—like illness
or injury. It can also mean an absence taken without
approved time off. Absenteeism does not include
instances beyond an employee’s control, like
emergencies, illnesses, or car trouble.

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