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8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Romuald Juchniewicz, Jezmar Jankowski, and Kazimierz Darowicki

Department of Anticorrosion Technology, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 386

8.1 Historical Background 388
8.2 Basic Concepts 389
8.2.1 Principles of Cathodic Protection 390
8.2.2 Current and Potential Distribution 394
8.2.3 Potential Measurement 396
8.2.4 Reference Electrodes 398
8.2.5 Cathodic Protection Criteria 398 Potential Criteria 399 Kinetic Criteria 401
8.3 Contemporary Trends in Cathodic Protection Criteria 402
8.3.1 Determination of the Corrosion Current Under Cathodic Protection
Conditions 402 Direct Current Methods 402 Alternating Current Methods 404
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 408
8.4.1 Electrical System 409
8.4.2 Cathodic Protection Stations 409
8.4.3 Anodes 410 Platinized Titanium 412 Platinized Niobium and Tantalum 412 Mixed Metal Oxides 412 Conducting Polymers 413 Carbon Backfills 413 Anode Installation 414
8.4.4 Cathodic Protection and Coatings 416 Cathodic Disbonding 418 Field Testing of Insulation 420
8.4.5 Case Study 423
8.5 Sacrificial Anodes 424
8.5.1 Zinc Anodes 427
8.5.2 Magnesium Anodes 428
8.5.3 Aluminum Anodes 428
8.5.4 Backfills 429
8.5.5 Shape and Dimensions of Anodes 429
8.5.6 Installing Anodes 429
384 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

8.6 Protection from Stray Currents 430

8.6.1 General Characteristics of Stray Currents 430
8.6.2 Sources of Stray Currents 430 Electric Tractions 431 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission Lines 431 Cathodic Protection Systems 431 Industrial Equipment 432
8.6.3 Corrosion Caused by Stray Currents 432
8.6.4 Hazard Determination 433
8.6.5 Limiting Hazardous Interaction 435 Preventive Activities 435 Electrochemical Protection 436
8.7 Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 437
8.7.1 Theoretical Principles 438
8.7.2 Protection Criteria 439
8.7.3 Reference Electrodes 440
8.7.4 Anodes 441
8.7.5 Extraction of Chlorides 442
8.7.6 Realkalization of Carbonized Concrete 443
8.7.7 Cathodic Prevention 443
8.8 Other Applications of Cathodic Protection 444
8.8.1 Alloy Steels 444
8.8.2 Ships and Vessels 445
8.8.3 Offshore Structures 445
8.8.4 Process Plants 446
8.8.5 Storage Tanks 446
8.8.6 Power and Telecommunication Cables 447
8.8.7 Electrochemical Protection of Water Installations 447
8.9 Designing Cathodic Protection Systems 447
8.9.1 Current and Potential Distribution in a Stationary Electric Field 449
8.9.2 Transfer Resistance of a Spherical Anode 449
8.9.3 Objects of Linear Symmetry 450
8.9.4 Finite Difference Method of Electric Field Potential Determination . . . . 451
8.10 Anodic Protection 453
8.10.1 Theoretical Principles 454
8.10.2 Scope of Application 455
8.10.3 Characteristics of the Method 456
8.10.4 Functioning and Equipment 456 Operating Parameters 456 Electric Systems 457 Potentiostats 458 Cathodes 458 Reference Electrodes 459 Polarization Methods 459 Protection Range 459
8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection 385

8.10.5 Case Study 460

8.11 Further Development of Electrochemical Protection 461
8.11.1 Recent Developments 461
8.11.2 Future Prospects 462
8.12 References 463
386 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

A surface area
a mean effective radius
/?a, bc Tapel coefficient of the anodic/cathodic reaction
d diameter
E potential
EA, Ec potential of the anode/cathode
Es stationary potential
ECF protection potential
£^ reversible potential of the anodic reaction
ECOTT corrosion potential
£pOl polarization potential
E^ Flade potential
AEX change of the potential at a distance x from the drainage point
AE0 change of the potential of the drainage point
F electric field intensity vector
F intensity
g conductance of the insulation
h depth of installation
/ current
ia partial anodic current density
ic partial cathodic current density
iL limiting current density
Ix current at distance x from the drainage point
/0 current at the drainage point
/SA sacrificial protection current
/app impressed current
/corr corrosion current
IR ohmic voltage drop
J current density vector
j imaginary unit; mean cathodic protection current density
k weight loss
L length
Lx distance
P probability
qreai real current output
R resistance
r lengthwise resistance of the pipeline; radius
/ transfer resistance
Ra anodic process resistance
RA, RQ transfer resistance of the anode/cathode
Rp polarization resistance
R& resistance of the electrolyte environment
s arithmetic mean of the anode length and width; surface
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 387

dS surface vector
T period of functioning
t time
U voltage between cathode and anode
Uo amplitude of the measurement signal
X distance
Z' real part of the impedance
Z" imaginary part of the impedance
a attenuation constant
Y asymmetry coefficient
Q resistivity
ac alternating current
AP anodic protection
BEM boundary element method
CE chloride extraction
CIPS close interval potential survey
CP cathodic protection
CPR cathodic prevention
CSE Cu/sat.CuSO4 electrode
dc direct current
DCF code of time transmitted via long wave from Frankfurt
DCVG dc voltage gradient
DSA dimensionally stable anode
DWT dead weight tonnage
EIS electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
ER electric resistance
FBE fusion bonded epoxy
FEM finite element method
GPS global positioning system
HA harmonic analysis
HIS harmonic impedance spectroscopy
HVDC high voltage direct current
MMO mixed metal oxide
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
PE polyethylene
PP polypropylene
PVC polyvinylchloride
RA realkalization of carbonated concrete
RAM random access memory
sec stress corrosion cracking
SCE saturated calomel electrode
WRT with respect to
388 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

8.1 Historical Background tection methods in the form of cathodic pro-

tection from users of underground steel
Cathodic protection (CP) was first ap- tanks and pipelines with aggressive chemi-
plied by Davy (1824) in the U.K. by attach- cals. This contributes to the protection of the
ing zinc plates to hulls of ships with copper environment from pollution (amongst oth-
sheathing bound to the wooden framework ers, natural resources of potable water and
by steel nails. The corrosion of copper was soil). It should be noted that the cathodic
retarded, but strong biofouling of the hull protection method, with well established
occurred, decreasing the speed of ships and theoretical and technological foundations in
leading to the method not being used for a the 20th century, will become one of the
long time. most important technologies in the fight
Zinc-plating of steel has been used for against the corrosion of metal and rein-
over 100 years and is also a type of cathod- forced concrete structures in the 21st cen-
ic protection, as in most environments the tury.
coating acts as a sacrificial anode in relation Similarly, another electrochemical pro-
to the steel base. The first CP in Germany tection method is developing, i.e., anodic
was applied by Geppert and Liese (1910) for protection, but on a smaller scale. Edeleanu
the protection of pipelines from the hazard- (1954) pointed to anodic protection (AP) as
ous interaction of stray currents. In the an effective method of controlling the cor-
U.S.A. Kuhn (1933) successfully, imple- rosion of metals in aggressive chemical en-
mented a method to prevent the corrosion of vironments. Riggs and Locke (1981) gave a
oil and gas underground pipelines. In 1938 detailed history and bibliography of inves-
in Houston, the Mid-Continent Cathodic tigations on passivity and anodic protection
Protection Association was founded. In from 1790 to 1979. The first reports on the
1936 the General Electrolysis Meeting in practical application of AP in the U.S.A. for
Houston was held to discuss the problems fighting the corrosion of steel chemical ap-
of the interference of CP installations with paratus in a sulfuric acid environment came
underground structures. The activities of from Locke et al. (1960), Riggs etal.( 1960),
both associations led in the U.S.A. in 1943 Shock et al. (1960), and Sudbury et al.
to the formation of NACE (National Asso- (1960).
ciation of Corrosion Engineers), an organ- The International Abstracts of the
ization that to a significant degree still stim- World's Corrosion Control Literature
ulates the development of cathodic protec- COR^AB, issued by NACE covering the
tion in the U.S.A. and the rest of the world. years since 1980, is one of the widest liter-
Hoar (1938) from the University of Cam- ature databases in the world (approx. 72 000
bridge formulated one of the first electro- abstracts), and includes approximately 3000
chemical principles of CP, which is in force papers concerning CP and over 100 papers
to the present day. The scope of application on AP. The first textbooks devoted to CP
of CP systematically increases. After the were published in the U.K. and the U.S.A.
Second World War, in Canada and the and written by Morgan (1959) and Apple-
U.S.A. over 5000 transport sea-going ves- gate (1960). In Poland in the same year a
sels were grouped and subjected to CP with textbook was published devoted to the anod-
success. Since 1989, the Environmental ic, cathodic, and sacrificial protection of
Protection Agency in the U.S.A. has re- metals in technology (Juchniewicz, 1960).
quired the use of effective anticorrosion pro- In the U.S.A. Peabody (1967) produced an
8.2 Basic Concepts 389

extensive dissertation which was published structures in the atmosphere as well as

by NACE. In Germany Baeckmann and underground parts, tunnels (e.g., Eurotun-
Schwenk (1971) edited a textbook with well nel), and other metal equipment. Apart from
known German cathodic and anodic protec- general corrosion, it also reduces corrosion
tion specialists as co-authors. The textbook cracking, pitting corrosion, fatigue corro-
was translated into many languages, and a sion, and erosion-corrosion of metal mate-
third edition prepared by Baeckmann and rials. It can be used for the protection of new
Schwenk (1989) was publised recently in structures, as well as of those in operation
the U.S.A. (Baeckmann etal., 1997). In Rus- (partly corroded). In Fig. 8-1 the effect of
sia Pritula (1950) wrote a textbook concern- the application of CP on the number of
ing the cathodic protection of pipelines and breakdowns of pipelines transporting water
tanks, while Kuzub (1983) wrote a textbook is shown (Swedish data).
on the scope of anodic protection of metals. Figure 8-2 shows a CP installation of a
In the Czech Republic a textbook devoted sea-going vessel. The elements of a protec-
to anodic protection was published (Novak, tion installation will be described in more
1987). Today, electrochemical protection detail in Sec. 8-4, which is devoted to im-
technologies, combined with other anticor- pressed current CP technology.
rosion techniques, are being more widely in- Anodic protection based on the polariza-
vestigated and used in the protection of met- tion of a protected metal in the positive po-
al structures from corrosion and the protec- tential direction is applied under different
tion of the environment. More information corrosion conditions than for CP. The theo-
on this subject is given by Baeckmann et al. retical corrosion areas of resistance and pas-
(1997). sivity of different metals in the potential- pH
systems can be found in Pourbaix (1966).
Anodic protection is mainly used for active-
8.2 Basic Concepts passive metals and alloys used in aggres-
sive, oxidizing environments with small
Electrochemical protection is divided concentrations of chloride and other aggres-
into cathodic and anodic protection. Ca- sive ions. Obtaining the passive state re-
thodic protection based on the change of po- quires the use of potentiostats and continu-
tential of a metal in the negative direction is ous monitoring of the passive state. Even an
realized in electrolytic environments, in instantaneous interval in protection can
most cases neutral, mainly of steel and re- cause catastrophic corrosion. A type of
inforced concrete structures. A well-de- anodic protection, the so-called galvanic
signed and correctly realized CP reduces the AP, can be obtained by applying a coating
corrosion rate to almost zero. In practice it of a more noble metal on the protected ele-
is realized with the use of an impressed cur- ment, e.g., platinum, on titanium, or admix-
rent or protectors (galvanic anodes). The ing with noble metals, for example, as in the
scope of application is enormous and con- case of alloy steels.
tinuously increases. With the use of this The implementation of anodic protection
technology it is possible to protect vessels usually requires using a well-equipped cor-
and ships, docks, berths, pipelines, deep rosion laboratory and specialist apparatus.
wells, tanks, chemical apparatus, under- It is mainly applied in the chemical and nu-
ground and underwater municipal and in- clear industries, during the production of
dustrial infrastructure, reinforced concrete fertilizers, and for the protection of heat ex-
390 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Estimated damage development

Installation of / without cathodic protection
Number cathodic protection /
of leaks

8 -
V No
6 - Leaks

4 -

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

Year of
Figure 8-1. Effect of CP on leaks of water from pipelines [Proc. 4th Int. Conf. CEOCOR (1997), reprinted by


power unit
rudder stock

propeller shaft surface mounted V !

grounding assy lead silver anode recessed platinised J
surface mounted surface mounted zinc recessed zinc reference
lead silver anode reference electrode electrode

Figure 8-2. Cathodic protection of a sea-going vessel; only the more important elements of the protective in-
stallation have been shown (courtesy of Corrpro Companies Europe Limited, U.K.).

changers and tanks with hot concentrated ly increasing (Heitz, 1995). A comparison
acids: sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric, ammoni- of features of cathodic and anodic protec-
um nitrate, etc. Industrial constructions with tion is given in Table 8-1.
anodic protection are usually made of car-
bon steels, alloy steels, titanium, nickel and 8.2.1 Principles of Cathodic Protection
its alloys, etc. Widespread use of anodic pro-
tection is proceeding more slowly than for In Fig. 8-3 a schematic diagram of an im-
cathodic protection. However, the use of pressed current cathodic protection system
technical achievements of applied and new is shown.
technologies of electrochemical protection During protection by an external current,
in the economy and industry is continuous- the following reactions usually take place
8.2 Basic Concepts 391

Table 8-1. Comparison of anodic and cathodic protectiona.

Cathodic protection Anodic protection

Metals all metals and alloys active-passive metals
and alloys only
Solution corrosivity weak to moderate for practical systems moderate to aggressive
Comparative cost:
Installation lower high
Maintenance lower high
Operation higher very low
Throwing power low very high
Rectifiers constant current or controlled potential controlled potential
Applied current higher very low
depends on the cathodic reduction often a direct measure
current. Is not an exact measure of corrosion
of corrosion rate but increases rate during protection
with corrosion rate
Operating conditions usually determined by empirical testing can be accurately determined
or experience by electrochemical measurements

From Jones (1996), reprinted with permission.

Figure 8-3. Schematic diagram

of an impressed current cathod-
ic protection system; 1 - struc-
ture to be protected, 2 - rectifi-
er, 3 - anode in backfill, 4 -
connection to pipeline, 5 - ca-
thodic cable, 6 - anodic cable,
7 - test station, 8 - test connec-
tion, 9 - reference electrode.

on an auxiliary anode, i.e., oxidation of the The liberated electrons flow in the elec-
metal (anode material), water, and chlorides tric cable to the cathode (protected struc-
(if present) ture), polarize it, and are consumed in ca-
thodic reactions on its surface, for example,
M -> Mn+ (8-1) in acidic solutions
(8-2) 2H + (8-4)
2Cr->Cl2 (8-3) (8-5)
392 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

in neutral solutions of mixed potential of Wagner and Traud

(1938), complete quantitative information
(8-6) on the corrosion rate under an applied po-
(8-7) tential is ensured by knowledge of the
course of the partial polarization curve of
The current / polarizing the cathode de- the anodic process, i.e., ionization of the
creases the corrosion current / corr of a cor- metal. According to this theory and state-
rosion cell on the surface of the metal, so ments of Mears and Brown (1938), 100%
decreasing the corrosion rate. Cathodic pro- CP effectiveness is ensured by polarization
tection of underground or underwater steel of the metal to the value of the reversible
structures is attained when the flowing cur- potential of the anodic reaction £^ when the
rent polarizes the structures cathodically to resultant rate of the anodic process is equal
the value of the protective potential. In the to zero. In such a case only cathodic pro-
case of steel, -0.85 V is usually assumed cesses proceed on its surface, for example,
against the Cu/sat.CuSO4 electrode (in fu- reduction of oxygen dissolved in water ac-
ture designated CSE). Freely corroding car- cording to Reaction (8-6). These relations
bon steel (with no cathodic protection) usu- illustrating the principle of cathodic protec-
ally has a potential in the -0.50 to -0.65 V tion are presented in Fig. 8-5.
range vs. the CSE. In Fig. 8-4 the effect of In accordance with the aforementioned
a cathodic current on the potential of steel theory, the value of the potential at which
and its corrosion losses in flowing sea wa- corrosion of the metal is hindered is called
ter is shown. the protective potential, and the current re-
In accordance with the kinetic theory of quired to obtain it in relation to the surface
electrode processes, especially the theory is called the protective current density. The

15°C. 2 4 m/s, 14 days, 0.17 sq dm

600 -1200

500 t j : -1000

E 400 — -800 o
x — Potential
E • — - r Weight Loss
</)" 300 X ^- -600 GO

200 -400 2>

i \ ; 1 o

100 _ ^ -200
Figure 8-4. Effect of a ca-
thodic current on the corro-
sion and potential of steel in
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 flowing sea water [LaQue
(1975), reprinted by permis-
Current Density, mA/m 2 sion].
8.2 Basic Concepts 393

Figure 8-5. Cathodic pro-

tection by impressed current
/ app in neutral aerated water
[Jones (1996), reprinted by

0.01 0.1 10 100


rate of decrease of the corrosion current • the possibility of protecting large surfac-
caused by cathodic polarization depends on es, and
the Tafel coefficient ba of the anodic reac- • the possibility of automation.
tion. In Fig. 8-6 a decrease of the corrosion
The disadvantages are:
rate of a metal has been illustrated as the re-
sult of cathodic polarization by 100 mV for • high installation costs,
two corrosion systems of differing ba val- • the necessity of systematic control and
ues. For a system with a ba value that is two maintenance, and
times lower, the same polarization value • the possibility of causing interference to
leads to a decrease of the corrosion rate of neighboring metal structures.
over three times.
Cathodic protection can have a harmful ef-
The presence of a corrosion environment
fect in the case of so-called overprotection
with ionic conductance of an electric cur-
(the potential of steel below -1.1 V vs. the
rent is an indispensable condition for the ap-
CSE), as the metal can be damaged by hy-
plication of electrochemical protection. A
drogen and the coatings delaminated. Also,
short summary of the characteristics of CP
cases are known of corrosion cracking of
is given below:
pipelines (SCC) covered by cathodic protec-
The advantages of CP include tion due to the common interaction of a car-
• high effectiveness (almost 100%), bonate/bicarbonate environment formed as
• facile regulation of the polarizing current the result of cathodic processes and cyclic
and potential, changes of stress (Procter, 1986). More infor-
394 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Bo2 = 200mV
= 100mV


• Epol

Icorri = 1 Icorr2 = 3.2 10


Figure 8-6. An example of the reduction of the corrosion rate in relation to the anodic Tafel coefficient as the
result of cathodic polarization by 100 mV [Funahashi and Bushman (1991), reprinted with permission].

mation of the principles of CP can be found of Morgan (1987), Baeckmann et al. (1997),
in the works of Wagner (1952, 1957), Kriv- and Parker and Peattie (1995).
ian (1984), Dexter et al. (1984), Ashworth The current and potential distribution on
(1986), Shoesmith (1987), Morgan (1987), structures with cathodic protection will be
Baeckmann et al. (1997), Jones (1986, 1996), described for the example of underground
Baboian (1995), and Juchniewicz (1988). pipelines belonging to the group of linear ob-
jects. The calculations are based on the rela-
tion where potential and current are a func-
8.2.2 Current and Potential Distribution
tion of the distance x along the steel pipe-
A choice of CP installation working con- lines covered with a coating, and are given
ditions is advised in which a uniform distri- by the so-called attenuation equations
bution of current and potential is ensured on
the surface of the construction protected AEX = AE0 exp (- ax) (8-8)
from corrosion. A uniform cathodic pola- / x = / o e x p ( - ax) (8-9)
rization should ensure an equal decrease of
the corrosion rate on the whole metal sur- where AEX is the change of the potential at a
face. The potential and current distribution distance x from the drainage point, AE0 the
is however a function of many variables, change of potential at the drainage point, Ix
and fulfilling the condition of equipotential- the current at distance x from the drainage
ity of the surface is a very difficult task in point, / 0 the current at the drainage point, and
practice. Classic methods of current and po- a the attenuation constant described by
tential distribution calculation for simple equation
geometric structures are given in the works a=V7g (8-10)
8.2 Basic Concepts 395

where r is the lenghtwise resistance of the properties, ensure an almost linear distribu-
pipeline (in £1 m~l) and g the conductance of tion of the potential along a pipeline with ca-
the insulation (in S m"1). Typical potential thodic protection. In Fig. 8-8 the potential
distributions on pipelines with low quality distribution is shown along such a pipeline
insulation are presented in Fig. 8-7. with high quality insulation with local de-
Significant progress has been noted in re- fects.
cent years in the field of anticorrosion pro- The obtained potential distribution is al-
tection of pipelines due to economic reasons most discrete in character in this case. The
and increasing requirements of the protec- potential along the pipeline route has a prac-
tion of the environment. Modern plastic tically constant value, while at single points
coatings, due to their excellent insulation of coating discontinuity sharp potential


Figure 8-7. Potential distribution on a pipeline with cathodic protection.


Middle Large Small
defect defect defect
in coating in coating in coating
, \ /

-850 mV Figure 8-8. Schematic di-

agram of cathodic protec-
tion of a pipeline with de-
fects in the insulation and
-1100 mV the corresponding poten-
tial distribution.
396 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

peaks are observed, indicating uncovering of more advanced current and potential distri-
the base metal. The value of the potential in bution calculation methods are described in
the damaged places depends on the area of Sec. 8.9.
steel in contact with the electrolytic environ- Particular attention is devoted to corro-
ment: the greater the area, the smaller the ca- sion problems and cathodic protection in the
thodic polarization. As a result, such a situ- U.S.A. The Department of Transportation in
ation may occur (as in the figure) where, in 1973 showed that 44.7% of all defects to gas
spite of maintaining a protection potential on pipelines were due to corrosion. Further in-
the whole pipeline, conditions for full ca- vestigations showed that 98% of gas pipe-
thodic protection would not be met in plac- lines corroded on external surfaces, while
es of significant damage of the insulation. 91% of these gas pipelines were not
Unfortunately, this inconvenience cannot be equipped with cathodic protection. Also of
eliminated by increasing the parameters of interest is the fact that only 5% of the total
the cathodic protection installation as this surface was attacked by corrosion, leading
could cause harmful effects (overprotection) to the possibility of repairing the gas pipe-
in smaller defects. This situation requires a lines and further usage after the application
new approach to the distribution of potential of cathodic protection. Important informa-
and current along the pipeline, to equipment tion concerning the cathodic protection of
needed for monitoring, as well as methods pipelines is given in NACE Standard RP
of counteraction. 0169-96. Additional information is given by
Orazem et al. (1993, 1997) and Kennel- Cameron et al. (1993), Harvey (1994),
ley et al. (1993) took up this subject from the Dowling et al. (1995), Juchniewicz and
theoretical as well as the practical point of Sokolski (1996), Sokolski (1997), and Riz-
view, considering the cathodic protection of zo and Wildman (1997).
pipelines covered with insulation, character-
ized by leakiness (holidays and discrete hol- 8.2.3 Potential Measurement
idays). Mathematical models have been
created for different placements of anodes The measurement of he potential of cor-
and their distance from the pipeline. In sev- roding metal or reinforced concrete struc-
eral papers, results are presented of theoret- tures is a traditional measurement technique
ical calculations of the current and potential in electrochemical protection diagnosis. In
distribution and their comparison with spite of the widening criticism and lack of
experimental results. The finite element possibility of calculating the corrosion rate
technique was used to solve the Laplace from potential measurements, these meas-
equation for potentials under boundary con- urements are commonly used in practice.
ditions, which describe the state of the insu- Modern science is searching for new diag-
lation and the metal surface. Carson and nostic methods which will allow direct
Orazem (1998) also investigated the pola- measurement of the corrosion rates of polar-
rization characteristics of a pipeline as a ized structures. More information on this
function of time based on the formation of subject will be given in Sec. 8.3. Measure-
calcium precipitates. The results of these in- ments of potentials of structures are carried
vestigations were utilized in the construction out, amongst others, to determine:
of cathodic protection for the Trans-Alaska • the corrosion hazard degree as a result of
pipeline. More information on the CP of in- the occurrence of macrocells (e.g., gal-
sulated pipelines is given in Sec. 8.4.4, while vanic, concentration),
8.2 Basic Concepts 397

• the presence of stray currents and the de- where ECP is the potential of a polarized
gree of their harmful interaction, structure, Ecorr is the corrosion potential (be-
• the distribution and range of anodic and fore applying CP), AE is the change of po-
cathodic zones as a result of the occur- tential as a result of cathodic polarization,
rence of macrocells and stray currents, and IR is the ohmic voltage drop.
• the degree of polarization as a result of Elimination of the ohmic component is
the flow electric currents, and usually realized by the "on- off" technique,
• the effectiveness and range of electro- which is of low accuracy and requires con-
chemical protection. siderable experience. Martin (1982) has pre-
sented seven techniques of potential meas-
Although laboratory measurements do not
urement with the elimination of the ohmic
usually create any problems, the determina-
component used in the cathodic protection
tion of the potential of exploited metal struc-
of pipelines. They all have advantages and
tures is sometimes more troublesome, and
disadvantages. Much corrosion damage of
the obtained result is burdened by a small-
pipelines with cathodic protection was
er or greater error. The following are neces-
caused by the occurrence of the IR compo-
sary for measurements: a potential meter of
nent in measurements of the potential, lead-
high internal resistance above 100 kQ V"1,
ing to a state in which pipelines were gen-
a metallic connection with the structure (the
erally underprotected. At the Technical Uni-
so-called potential link), and a reference
versity of Gdansk, studies are carried out
electrode. A schematic diagram of potential
on the use of electrochemical ac techniques
measurements has shown in Fig. 8-9.
in CP diagnosis. Accurate determination of
Potential measurements of a polarized the IR component is possible by, amongst
structure, especially in soil, are burdened other techniques, impedance spectroscopy
with an error resulting from the voltage drop (EIS), (Juchniewicz and Jankowski, 1993).
between the structure and the reference elec- Potential measurements of steel structures,
trode. This error depends on the resistance e.g., pipelines in agglomerations with a
of layers of corrosion products and insula- large traffic of trams, which generate stray
tion, and the resistance of the electrolytic currents, require a specialist approach and
environment. Equation (8-11) shows the will be described in the section on stray cur-
amount of ohmic potential drop in the mea- rents (Sec. 8.6), More information on the
surement of the potential of a structure subject of potential measurements can be
with CP found in the papers of Piron (1987) and Ne-
= ^corr + + IR (8-11) koksa and Turnipseed (1996).

b) + -
\ Figure 8-9. Potential mea-

mI surements of metal structures:

a) buried tank, b) ship hull,
where: 1 - potential meter,
2 - connection to structure,
3 - Cu/CuSO4 electrode, and
4 - zinc reference electrode.
398 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

8.2.4 Reference Electrodes concrete structures, silver chloride elec-

trodes are frequently used, along with oth-
Reference electrodes used in electro-
ers which will be described in Sec. 8.7.
chemical corrosion measurements should
Before starting potential measurements,
fulfil three basic requirements:
the correctness of indications of the refer-
1. They should be characterized by a con- ence electrodes should be checked. In the
stant and reproducible potential value. simplest way, this can be carried out by
2. They should not undergo polarization measuring its potential in relation to another
under the measurement conditions. electrode of an exactly known potential val-
3. They should exhibit a small temperature ue. When recalculating potential values of
dependency of the potential. reference electrodes, nomograms or calcu-
lation tables should be used. Such calcula-
In field measurements of potential one of
tions are taken into account in an increasing
the four types of reference electrode is usu-
number of computer programmes used for
ally used:
collection and processing results of poten-
i) copper sulphate - Cu/sat.CuSO4 (CSE), tial measurements, More information on
ii) silver chloride in a saturated solution of reference electrodes can be found in the
potassium chloride - Ag/AgCl/sat. KC1, works of Ives and Janz (1961), Weng and
iii) silver chloride in sea water, or Wilde (1986), and Ansuini (1996).
iv) zinc in sea water.
In laboratory investigations, apart from 8.2.5 Cathodic Protection Criteria
the above-mentioned electrodes, the satu-
rated calomel electrode - Hg/Hg2Cl2/sat. As a criterion of cathodic protection , it
KC1 is most frequently used (SCE). is necessary to know in general the value of
In Table 8-2, minimal CP potentials are an easy to measure variable at which pro-
given, measured in relation to different ref- tection from corrosion is ensured to an as-
erence electrodes used in practice. sumed degree. The necessity of using in
When choosing the reference electrode, practice agreed protection criteria results
it is necessary to stick to the principle that from the impossibility of determining the
they should have a common ion with the en- degree of corrosion retardation as a result of
vironment into which they are inserted. For using cathodic protection by direct corro-
example, the silver chloride electrode is ap- sion rate measurements. The adoption of a
plied in sea water and chloride solutions. In given CP criterion is the basic element of
measurements of the potential of reinforced each project and has a decisive effect on its
operation. Apart from the technical impor-
tance, i.e., the requirement of obtaining the
Table 8-2. CP potentials of steel in relation to vari- required degree of protection against corro-
ous reference electrodes. sion processes, it also has a very significant
effect on the economical situation. At
Electrode CP potential of steel (V)
present in CP, thermodynamic criteria are
Cu/sat. CuSO4 (CSE) -0.85 mainly used based on the potential value of
Ag/AgCl/sat. KC1 -0.75 the polarized structure. Current criteria are
Ag/AgCl/sea water -0.80 used to a smaller degree and determined on
Hg/Hg2Cl2/sat. KC1 -0.78
the basis of empirical data concerning the
Zn/sea water +0.25
required protective current density.
8.2 Basic Concepts 399 Potential Criteria ment on the IR ohmic voltage drop, the im-
portance of the resistivity of soil, the pres-
Minimum potential values at which ca- ence of bacteria, and the temperature. Gum-
thodic protection of metals and alloys is ob- mow also warns against overprotection of
tained in typical corrosion environments are the structure and recommends maintaining
given in Table 8-3. the CP potential of steel in the range -0.85 V
Potential criteria recommended by to -1.1 V versus the SCE. Bash (1996) crit-
NACE (RPO169-96) for the cathodic protec- icizes the stringent polarization potential of
tion of steel and cast iron are given in -0.85 V as it subjects many pipelines to
Table 8-4. risks of cracking caused by hydrogen em-
In the case of steel structures with cathod- brittlement as the result of CP.
ic protection, the maximum potential should Extensive investigations of potential cri-
not be more negative than -1.1 V versus the teria of gas pipelines were sponsored by the
CSE. Exceeding this value requires appro- American Gas Association in 13 field sta-
priate investigations and justification. More tions in the U.S.A., Canada, and Australia.
information on this subject is given by Hei- Results published by Barlo (1994, 1996,
dersbach (1987), Heidersbach et al. (1987), 1997) distinctly point to the complexity of
Treseder et al. (1991) and British Standard the problem. A large effect was shown of
BS7361:Part 1 (1991). the properties of the corrosion environment,
A critical paper on the present potential i.e., the moisture in the soil, its resistivity,
criteria was published by Gummow (1993) and its corrosivity, and of the temperature
who described the effect of the placement on parameters of cathodic polarization. The
of a reference electrode during measure- last edition of NACE Standards RP 0169-

Table 8-3. Minimum potentials for cathodic protectiona.

Metal or alloy Reference electrode (and conditions of use)

copper/copper silver/silver silver/silver zinc/sea waterb

sulfate chloride/saturated chloride/sea waterb
(in soil and potassium chloride
fresh water) (in any electrolyte)

Potential (V)c Potential (V)c Potential (V)c Potential (V)c

Iron and steel

aerobic environment -0.85 0.75 -0.80 +0.25
anaerobic environment -0.95 -0.85 -0.90 +0.15
Lead -0.60 -0.50 -0.55 +0.50
Copper-based alloys -0.50 to -0.65 -0.40 to -0.55 -0.45 to -0.60 +0.60 to +0.40
Positive limit -0.95 -0.85 -0.90 +0.15
Negative limit -1.20 -1.10 -1.15 -0.10
extracts from BS 7361: Part 1 (1991), reproduced with permission; b for use in clean, undiluted, and aerated
sea water. The sea water is in direct contact with the metal electrode; all figures have been rounded to the near-
est 0.05 V.
400 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Table 8-4. Criteria for the cathodic protection of steel and cast iron pipinga.

Criterion Notes

1. A negative (cathodic) potential of a least Consideration is understood to

850 mV with the cathodic protection applied. This potential is mean the application of sound en-
measured with respect to a saturated copper/copper sulfate refer- gineering practice in determining
ence electrode contacting the electrolyte. Voltage drops other the significance of voltage drops
than those across the structure-to-electrolyte boundary must be by methods such as:
considered for valid interpretation of this voltage measurement.
• measuring or calculating the
2. A negative polarized potential of at least 850 mV relative voltage drop(s),
to a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode.
• reviewing past performance of
3. A minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization between the the cathodic protection
structure surface and a stable reference electrode contacting the system,
electrolyte. The formation of decay of polarization can be meas-
• evaluating the physical and
ured to satisfy this criterion.
electrical characteristics of the
Special conditions: pipe and its environment, and
1. On bare or ineffectively coated pipelines where long-line corro- • determining whether or not
sion activity is of primary concern, the measurement of a net there is physical evidence of
protective current at pre-determined current discharge points corrosion.
from the electrolyte to the pipe surface, as measured by an earth
current technique, may be sufficient.
2. In some situations, such as the presence of sulfides, bacteria,
elevated temperatures, acid environments, and dissimilar metals,
the above criteria may not be sufficient.
3. When a pipeline is encased in concrete or buried in dry or aerat-
ed high-resistivity soil, values less negative than the criteria list-
ed above may be sufficient.

NACE International (1998), reprinted by permission.

96 (1996) points to the need of taking into terion of-0.85 V against the CSE electrode.
account the mentioned factors when choos- In Table 8-5, protection potentials of steel
ing CP criteria. are given in different environmental condi-
At present, the most frequently used CP tions.
criterion in the case of steel structures is the Up to the present day, discussions are be-
potential value of -0.85 V versus the CSE ing held on why, in environments where sul-
at a flowing protective current. The basic fate-reducing bacteria are present, the cor-
disadvantages of potential criteria are: no rosion of steel is only reduced at a potential
possibility of recalculation of the potential of-0.95 V vs. the Cu/CuSO4 electrode.
of steel to the corrosion rate, the occurrence Also, another approach to the potential
during potential measurement of the IR oh- criteria of CP exists. It is assumed that po-
mic voltage drop, and a large differentiation larization of a structure from a corrosion po-
of protective potential values according to tential to a protection potential ECP requires
the environmental conditions. This infor- the delivering an appropriate current den-
mation questions the generally adopted cri- sity. This current is known from empirical
8.2 Basic Concepts 401

Table 8-5. Protection potential of steel in different More information on potential criteria of
environment conditions. CP can be found in relevant publications,
Conditions Potential e.g., Dearing (1994), Bennett (1993), Glass
vs. CSE (V) and Chadwick (1994), and Barlo and Berry
Unaerated soil, presence -0.95
of sulfate-reducing bacteria
Ordinary soil -0.85 Kinetic Criteria
Aerated soil g > 100 Q m -0.75
Aerated soil g > 500 Q m -0.65 Due to the more accurate verification and
criticism of cathodic protection criteria used
up to now, the possibility of introducing
data for typical systems under given appli- new, more rational criteria is being consid-
cation conditions, and its value can be ap- ered. The so-called kinetic criteria will
plied interchangeably with the potential cri- probably be adopted. Modern investigation
terion. In Table 8-6, typical cathodic protec- techniques using the theory of kinetics of
tion current densities are given for steel in electrode processes will probably find ap-
soil and sea water. plication in direct measurements of the cor-
rosion current on cathodically polarized
structures. Instead of intermediate control
Table 8-6. Approximate current requirements for the of the effectiveness of anticorrosion protec-
cathodic protection of steela.
tion on the basis of potential measurements,
Environment conditions Current density it seems significantly more purposeful to
(mA m"2) maintain a corrosion rate of the cathodical-
ly protected structure in an accepted range.
Immersed in sea water5 Adoption of the concept of kinetic crite-
Well-coated 1-2
ria allows a simple optimization of protec-
Poor or old coating 2-20 tive installation working parameters. In
Uncoated 20-30 many cases it is unnecessary to fully retard
Low velocity0 the corrosion of a protected metal structure.
Well-coated 2-5 Deep cathodic polarization is an expensive
Poor coating 5-20
Uncoated 50-150
process. It requires the application of high
Medium velocityd power equipment, developed anodic
Well-coated 5-7 systems, and is connected with high opera-
Poor coating 10-30 tion costs. For practical reasons, partial pro-
Uncoated 150-300 tection is sufficient in most cases, ensuring
High velocity6
a decrease of the corrosion rate to such a lev-
Poor coating or uncoated 250-1000
el at which the assumed lifetime of the struc-
Buried underground ture is attained. Evaluation of the effective-
Soil resistivity
0 . 5 - 5 £1 m 1-2 ness of cathodic protection based on a cri-
5 - 15^m 0.5-1 terion taking into account the degree of de-
15-40Qm 0.1-0.5 crease of corrosion process rates can be-
a come in the near future a new, important ap-
Metals Handbook (1978), reprinted by permission;
structures or vessels; c 0.3-1 ms" 1 ; d l - 2 m s " ' ;
plication element in the anticorrosion pro-
turbulent flow; f pipelines or structures, coated or tection technology.
402 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

8,3 Contemporary Trends Direct Current Methods

in Cathodic Protection Criteria
Jones (1971,1972), based on kinetic con-
siderations, postulated the adoption of a cri-
Concepts of CP kinetic criteria were pos-
terion for a permissible corrosion rate on the
tulated from the beginning of the 1970s, but
basis of a polarization characteristic of a
at that time no appropriate measurement
given corrosion system determined before-
method was available to put them into prac-
hand. In order to determine the corrosion
tice. Reliable corrosion rate measurements
rate at polarisation potential ECP, knowl-
of metals in CP conditions were ensured by
edge of the course of the partial curve of the
only two physical methods: gravimetric and
anodic reaction is necessary. The first steps
resistometric measurements. Both methods
in the analysis of partial currents of corro-
allow the determination of increasing cor-
sion systems were made by Stern and Geary
rosion losses over longer time intervals (due
(1957), who described the method of deter-
to relatively low sensitivity); however, they
mination of the Tafel coefficient ba of the
do not allow the determination of the instan-
anodic reaction on the basis of direct cur-
taneous corrosion rate. Such information
rent measurement results of the cathodic po-
would be required by users of CP installa-
larization curve. Extrapolation of the linear
tions, allowing the regulation of protective
section of this curve to a corrosion potential
parameters in a feedback system.
ECOTr allows reproduction of a fragment of
the anodic polarization partial curve at
8.3.1 Determination of the Corrosion chosen potential values, as a difference be-
Current Under Cathodic Protection tween the polarization current and the par-
Conditions tial cathodic current.
Jones and Lowe (1969) applied the de-
In order to determine the corrosion cur- scribed procedure for the estimation of the
rent on freely corroding metal structures, anodic Tafel constant for samples of steel
numerous dc and ac electrochemical meth- exposed in soil, while Schwerdtfeger (1958,
ods are used, but unfortunately most of them 1961) did so for steel and aluminum in soil
cannot be used for the control of polarized and sea water. However, satisfactory con-
systems in their present form. The situation formity between calculations and experi-
has improved since the mid- 1980s, when the mental measurements was not obtained in
need for corrosion rate control methods at all cases. The applicability of the described
potentials different from the corrosion po- method is in accordance with assumptions
tentials was recognized. The electrochemi- limited to corrosion systems with activation
cal nature of processes accompanying CP control showing a distinct Tafel slope over
suggests the application of such methods for the range of cathodic polarization. The pres-
the control of its effectiveness. In the fol- ence of concentration and ohmic polariza-
lowing sections, the most important inves- tion renders determination of the correct ba
tigations are presented in this scope. A flow value difficult or impossible, and therefore
chart of methods that could find application the method did not find wider application in
during the monitoring of the effectiveness practice, especially in cathodic protection
of electrochemical protection is given in technology where it was to be applied.
Fig. 8-10. An interesting method of determination
of the corrosion current of a cathodically po-
8.3 Contemporary Trends in Cathodic Protection Criteria 403








Figure 8-10. A flow chart of potential methods for the control of metal corrosion rates under cathodic protec-
tion conditions.

larized electrode was presented by Meas and As can be seen, the method does not re-
Fujioka (1990). These scientists assumed in quire knowledge of the Tafel coefficients.
their considerations the simplest model of a The authors proposed the determination of
corroding electrode with the participation of Rp values by means of finite differences
two activation controlled electrode reac- without switching off cathodic polarization,
tions: anodic (ionization of metal) and ca- but only changing the polarization of the
thodic (reduction of any depolarizing agent). electrode by a small value AE and measur-
By using kinetic equations describing the ing the resulting increase of current A/. The
currents of both reactions as a function of ratio of these quantities approximately de-
the potential and taking into account reverse termines the required resistance Rp. As a.
reactions, they derived simplified relations more elegant solution they recommend
allowing numeric calculations of the par- measurement by the impedance method,
tial anodic current. The following data which allows more accurate determination
are required for calculations: to character- of the polarization resistance with elimina-
ize the freely corroding electrode: Ecorr, tion of the ohmic and diffusion components.
7corr, and to characterize the polarized elec- Another dc method of corrosion current
trode: E, /, and Rp, where Rp is the polariza- determination of a cathodically polarized
tion resistance of an electrode determined electrode at a value close to E® was de-
as a derivative of the potential in relation to scribed by Qamar and Husain (1992). For
the current at a cathodic polarization poten- the calculations, a set of at least three pairs
tial E. of potential-current data is required, as ob-
404 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

tained in the vicinity of the protective po- tween spectra determined for freely corrod-
tential, although the authors of the method ing and cathodically protected electrodes,
recommend the use of a larger number of which in their opinion were the basis of dif-
data to increase reliability. The authors of ferentiation between systems correctly pro-
the method presented results of calculations tected and those with no protection. Similar
obtained for a hypothetical corrosion sys- trials using EIS for the optimization of the
tem of assumed parameters, confirming its CP potential are described by Sozhan et al.
correctness; however, they did not publish (1993). They investigated the effectiveness
results for real corrosion systems. of the CP of welded steel in brine over the
potential range from corrosion to -1.0 V vs.
SCE using the impedance and gravimetric Alternating Current Methods
techniques. Their evaluation of the results
Alternating current electrochemical of impedance measurements is also qualita-
methods show potentially much wider pos- tive in character and does not include cal-
sibilities for investigations of the kinetics of culations of the corrosion current.
polarized corrosion systems. Their applica- A different approach to impedance meas-
tion does not require switching off of the urements of electrodes in CP conditions was
current or its drastic change, so disturbing assumed by Juchniewicz and Jankowski
the equilibrium, but only perturbs the polar- (1993). They elaborated a quantitative
ized system with a small, defined ac signal. method, allowing the determination of the
Analysis of the response signal as a func- partial anodic current of polarized elec-
tion of time or frequency theoretically al- trodes. They proposed an electric equivalent
lows complete information on the polariza- circuit of a polarized electrode describing
tion characteristics of the system to be ob- the impedance characteristic of an electrode
tained and thus also the rates of controlled as a function of the applied potential. It has
electrode processes. However, attempts to been assumed that on the electrode one ac-
use ac methods for the analysis of corrosion tivation controlled anodic reaction and one
systems have met with one major problem: cathodic reaction with mixed activation-
they do not at the moment allow for the im- diffusion control proceeds. The adopted
plementation of elaborate solutions in in- electric equivalent circuit is presented in
dustrial applications. Fig. 8-11.
This schematic diagram is possibly sim-
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ple and universal, as it models a freely cor-
(EIS) roding electrode as well as a cathodically or
anodically polarized one. To determine the
The first attempts to use impedance meas- metal corrosion rate in cathodic polarization
urements for monitoring the corrosion of conditions, the resistance value Ra should be
metals in cathodic polarization conditions determined on the basis of the measured im-
were made in the U.S.A. in the 1980s. Ruck pedance characteristic. The "IMP-CP" com-
et al. (1985) and Thompson et al. (1988) an- puter software was prepared for this (Jan-
alyzed the nature of impedance spectra ob- kowski and Karciarz, 1992) permitting the
tained for steel exposed in soil and concrete determination of the partial anodic current / a
at various levels of cathodic polarization provided that the Tafel coefficient values Z?a
(from Ecorr to -1.2 V vs. CSE). They ob- and bc and the polarizing current / are known.
served significant quality differences be- The applied fitting procedure uses the Mar-
8.3 Contemporary Trends in Cathodic Protection Criteria 405


Rs Rs Ra=f(E)

Rt Zd

Figure 8-11. Equivalent circuit of a polarized electrode obtained by modification of the Randies diagram, where
/?s is the electrolyte resistance, Cd the double layer capacity, Rt the charge transfer resistance, R,d the anodic
process resistance, Rc the cathodic process resistance, CPE the constant phase element, and Zd the diffusion im-

quardt algorithm and takes into account results for cathodically polarized steel elec-
meeting additional conditions which limit trodes are presented in Fig. 8-12.
the number of solutions. Attempts to using Two-month measurements of the effec-
the "IMP-CP" programme for the analysis tiveness of CP of water heaters carried out
of theoretical and experimental data con- for comparison by the EIS and gravimetric
firmed its usefulness. In most investigated techniques have shown good compliance of
cases, it allowed correct estimation of the the corrosion rates obtained by two indepen-
kinetics of the corrosion process for the free- dent methods (Jankowski and Juchniewicz,
ly corroding metal, as well as when cathod- 1994). Application of the EIS technique for
ically polarized. Promising results have the determination of the corrosion current
been obtained, amongst others, for cathod- of steel in a heterogeneous environment
ically polarized steel in an aqueous environ- such as soil caused significantly greater
ment. Examples of impedance measurement difficulties. Usually, strongly flattened, dif-

-jZ", 0cm 2

•appqE = - 0 . 7 8 0 V vs SCE
AAAAAE = - 0 . 7 2 5 V vs SCE
E = - 0 . 6 7 6 V vs SCE




Figure 8-12. Impedance
. i j i i i i i i i i i i i i i Ill'' i
spectra of cathodically po-
500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 larized steel in water for dif-
1 2
Z , ftcm ferent potential values.
406 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

fused, and difficult to interpret impedance Tafel coefficients of the investigated corro-
spectra were obtained, the analysis of which sion process in order to determine the cor-
relatively rarely allowed accurate determi- rosion rate. The method of harmonic analy-
nation of the corrosion rate, although a de- sis is devoid of this shortcoming. It uses the
crease in the corrosion current density was nonlinear nature of corrosion processes, and
generally observed with an increase of ca- on the basis of a single measurement at a
thodic polarization (Juchniewicz et al., chosen frequency allows determination of
1995). the corrosion current, as well as of the Taf-
el coefficients. The method is based on the
perturbation of a corroding electrode with a
Faradaic Rectification
low amplitude sinusoid signal and measure-
Srinivasan and Murphy (1991) presented ment of the generated harmonic currents of
a method of determination of the corrosion frequencies equal to multiples of the basic
rate of a metal cathodically polarized to a signal. The theoretical principles of the HA
potential close to the reversible potential of method elaborated by scientists from India
the anodic reaction using Faradaic rectifica- (Prabhakara Rao and Mishra, 1977) and
tion. The method is based on measurement Hungary (Devay and Meszaros, 1979) ena-
of the shift of the constant component of the bled determination to the first order of ki-
current or potential resulting from perturba- netic parameters of freely corroding elec-
tion of a system nonlinear in character with trodes.
a harmonic signal. Assuming the possibil- McKubre and Syrett (1983, 1988) were
ity if also running, apart from the anodic and the first to adapt the method of harmonic
cathodic reactions, the reverse anodic reac- analysis for the control of the corrosion
tion, the authors introduced mathematical rate of cathodically polarized systems. They
dependencies allowing the determination presented a theoretical description of the
of the corrosion current of an electrode on problem and developed the measuring
knowing its corrosion potential and the technique by making measurements over
Tafel coefficients of all three analyzed reac- a wide range of frequencies from 1 Hz to
tions. They tested the correctness of the 10 kHz. The method applied by them is
elaborated method on two corrosion systems: known in the literature as harmonic impe-
cathodically polarized steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 dance spectroscopy (HIS). It is based on the
and 0.5 M Na 2 SO 4 . In accordance with pre- measurement of the zero, first, second, and
dictions, they obtained results confirming third harmonics of the current response of
the general trend of decreasing corrosion an electrode perturbed by a voltage sinusoid
current with increasing cathodic polariza- signal. The elaborate mathematical treat-
tion, but due to the short measurement time ment of results theoretically gives the pos-
and minimal corrosion losses in these con- sibility of obtaining admittance data inde-
ditions, they were not able to verify their pendent of the frequency. The numerical so-
calculations by another independent meas- lution of a system of three equations with
urement technique. three unknowns allows the determination of
required AE, ba, and bc values, and finally
the corrosion current. The authors of the HIS
Harmonic Analysis (HA)
method carried out attempts to determine
An inconvenience of the ac methods de- the corrosion rate of copper-nickel alloys,
scribed earlier is the necessity of knowing steel, and titanium under cathodic protec-
8.3 Contemporary Trends in Cathodic Protection Criteria 407

tion conditions in sea water, obtaining how- duction with sufficient accuracy of the sta-
ever slightly lower results compared with tionary polarization curve section in the E
gravimetric investigations. The HIS meth- ± Uo potential range, where Uo is the ampli-
od requires, however, (as stated by the au- tude of the measurement signal. The deter-
thors themselves) further investigations, as mined polarization characteristic can be
its usefulness for the control of more com- easily cleared of errors resulting from the
plex corrosion systems with the participa- presence of the ohmic component and the
tion of ohmic and diffusion polarization, capacitance current. Mathematical analysis
e.g., of steel in soil or concrete, has not been of such determined polarization curves with
confirmed up to now (Thompson and Syrett, available software utilising multiple regres-
1993). sion methods allows determination of the re-
Systematic investigations on the applica- quired parameters, such as the corrosion
tion of the harmonic analysis method for current and the Tafel coefficients. Their
monitoring corrosion processes have been knowledge in turn enables determination
undertaken at the Technical University of of the partial anodic current of an electrode
Gdansk in recent years. Amongst others, for any potential value. Examples of mea-
theoretical and experimental work is being surement results of the corrosion rate of
performed on the application of the HA cathodically polarized steel in flowing tap
method for the control of the corrosion rate water are given in Table 8-7 (Jankowski
of polarized electrodes. Jankowski (1997) 1998b).
analyzed the effect of an anodic reverse re- The data fitting procedure can be carried
action on harmonic currents generated by out depending on the requirements of dif-
the metal electrode under cathodic polariza- ferent corrosion process models, including
tion conditions. Numerous laboratory and the simplest case of two activation con-
field measurements were carried out for ca- trolled reactions (anodic and cathodic), as
thodically polarized steel electrodes in wa- well as more complex systems with the par-
ter and soil. However, great difficulties were ticipation of a greater number of reactions
encountered in the interpretation of the re- proceeding with mixed activation-diffu-
sults of harmonic current measurements, as sion control.
the investigated corrosion systems are char-
acterized by mixed control, exhibiting, apart
from activation polarization, also ohmic and
concentration polarization. Even the appli-
cation of a measurement signal of very low Table 8-7. Results of calculations of the corrosion
rate of cathodically polarized steel by the harmonic
0.01 Hz frequency did not ensure elimina- analysis (HA) and resistometric (ER) methods.
tion of reactance effects under these condi-
tions. Up to now there is lack of verified Potential of steel Corrosion rate (Jim year ')
methods of harmonic analysis of such com- (mV vs. SCE)
plex systems. In order to overcome the dif- HA method ER method
ficulties, a new method has been developed -550 130 139
to analyze the results of harmonic current -600 112 96
measurements (Jankowski, 1998 a). It has -650 48 35
been shown that knowledge of the three first -700 39 30
harmonic components of an electrode per- -750 40 33
-800 28 24
turbed with a sinusoid signal allows repro-
408 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Electrochemical Noise infrastructures against corrosion. Complete

large complexes of pipelines, cables, tanks,
The method of electrochemical noise
sheet pile walls, piles, and industrial appa-
measurement is another promising method
ratus are at present protected by this meth-
of evaluating CP effectiveness, and has been
od. It is generally used in maritime fleets
developing dynamically. It is a completely
and in maritime and industrial construc-
noninvasive measuring technique, allowing
tions. Large industrial enterprises apply CP
qualitative (determination of type of dam-
for the protection of strategically important
age) and quantitative determination (deter-
installations such as pipelines, gas pipe-
mination of corrosion current) on the basis
lines, objects in oil refineries, electric pow-
of measurements of microfluctuations of
er stations, mills, and chemical works. In re-
potential and current of a metal electrode.
cent years, the CP of reinforced concrete has
Only single attempts of using this technique
been intensively implemented, which will
for the control of cathodically polarized
be described in more detail in Sec. 8.7.
systems have been made up to now. Goell-
Impressed current cathodic protection re-
ner et al. (1986) have shown that cathodic
quires the presence of an ac power supply
polarization of aluminum with pitting cor-
for CP stations. Also, another energy sourc-
rosion in an NaClO4+NaCl solution from
es are used, such as batteries, photoelectric
-600 mV to -1000 mV causes a radical
cells (Mttller Filho et al., 1998), diesel ther-
change in the generated current noise in the
form of a decrease in its amplitude by sev-
eral orders of magnitude.
From the presented review, it is apparent
that at present we do not have at our dispo-
sal a reliable and effective electrochemical
technique enabling rapid and accurate de-
termination of the corrosion current of met-
als in cathodic polarization conditions, al-
though achievement of the assumed aim
seems much closer. At present, there is a sig-
nificant demand for such types of methods,
which could be the basis of modern on-line
monitoring systems of corrosion of polar-
ized structures, and would introduce an ex-
pected technological breakthrough in the
control of the effectiveness of electrochem-
ical protection.

8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic


Impressed current cathodic protection is

a method widely used in technology for pro- Figure 8-13. Modern automatically controlled recti-
tecting underground and underwater metal fier.
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 409

moelectric generators, and gas generators. circuits: polarizing (current) and control
Skoulikidis and Tsakopoulos (1978) inves- (potential).
tigated the use of lightning electricity for the The main elements of a polarizing circuit
CP of concrete reinforcement. For this, the are as follows: low voltage source of dc cur-
protected structure was connected through rent, protected structure and auxiliary anode
diodes with lightning conductors, to enable placed in the same electrolytic environment.
the drawing of electrons. In Fig. 8-13, a pho- The protected structure is connected to the
tograph is shown of a modern, highly effi- negative pole of the power source, and the
cient cathodic protection station. anode to the positive pole. The control cir-
Usually power sources from 1 to 10 A are cuit contains a potential meter (voltmeter)
used (rarely 50-100 A), which at a voltage of high internal resistance, a reference elec-
from 5 to 24 V or to 60 V ensure the real- trode (permanent or portable), and potential
ization of CP of modern underground and terminal, i.e., an electric conductor connect-
underwater objects. Due to the application ing the structure with the terminal of the po-
of modern high quality coatings and insula- tential meter. Modern reference electrodes
tion, the current demand for cathodically can be used for many years. The effective-
protected metal structures has decreased, ness of a protective installation depends
creating new, beneficial conditions for the fundamentally on the correct functioning of
development of this technology, at the same the dc power source and the reliable work
time decreasing the hazard of pollution of of anodes.
the environment.
8.4.2 Cathodic Protection Stations
8.4.1 Electrical System
Cathodic potection stations (rectifiers)
A schematic diagram of a typical system are made up of a device powering the ca-
of cathodic protection is presented in Fig. 8- thodic protection system with a current and/
14. The system is made up of two electric or voltage (potential) adjustment equipped

One or more
auxiliary electrodes


Figure 8-14. Circuit diagram of an impressed current cathodic protection system (Changernieur and Legrand,
410 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

with appropriate meters and protection sys- put current and protective potential. In new
tems for each circuit. Depending on the de- solutions, microprocessor steering of CP
signation, current consumption and resis- stations is used.
tance values in the electric circuit, basic pa- When choosing rectifiers it is necessary
rameters of the station, i.e., power, voltage, to take into account the type of anodic ma-
and nominal current, can change over a large terial, which could be prone to corrosion at-
range of values. It is recommended that the tack caused by dc current ripples. The effect
nominal voltage of cathodic protection sta- of dc ripples from cathodic protection rec-
tions of metal structures to be used in water tifiers is relatively less known by installa-
environments does not exceed 24 V, while tion users. At high thyristor ignition angles,
those used to protect buried metal structures when the current waveform is in the form of
and reinforced concrete should not exceed pins, corrosion of Ti/Pt anodes occurs. Efird
60 V (up to 100 V in some countries). (1982) has shown a disadvantageous effect
Constructions of cathodic protection sta- of the shape of the current waveform on the
tions are differentiated and frequently ad- premature failure of Nb/Pt anodes in a CP
justed to individual technical requirements system of two North Sea offshore oil pro-
for a given protected object. Apart from ba- duction platforms. Juchniewicz et al. (1981)
sic equipment elements such as a transform- have shown that the current waveform from
er, a rectifier, regulation systems, voltage a thyristor power source causes accelerated
and dc current meters, switches, fuses, and corrosion of platinum and platinized titani-
terminals for connecting electric cables, a um anodes exposed in 0.1 M NaCl solution
station can be equipped with an electric me- (see Fig. 8-15).
ter, a potential meter for continuous control More information on CP stations can
of the polarization degree of the structure, be found in Baeckmann et al. (1997), Chap-
signalizing systems, a lightning protector, ter 8.
and others such as a remote monitoring
system (McMillan, 1993). 8.4.3 Anodes
If large variations in the operation condi-
Today's CP designers have a wide choice
tions of the objects occur, e.g., moving ves-
of anodes type for the anticorrosion pro-
sels or buried pipelines in the field of inter-
tection of structures working in different
action of stray currents, then automatic ca-
corrosion environments. In 1890 Thomas
thodic protection stations are indispensable.
Edison applied a steel anode for the pola-
In cathodic protection stations 220 V ac
rization of a steel hull. Within years, dynam-
rectifiers are used with silicon diodes or
ic development of anodic materials oc-
steered thyristor rectifiers, the output pa-
curred, leading to a drastic reduction of their
rameters of which are automatically regu-
corrosion by several orders of magnitude
lated. As a result of the development of elec-
during the flow of polarizing current, i.e.,
tronics, field power transistors have been
from kilograms to milligrams (for example,
introduced and used for the construction of
steel anodes show a consumption of approx.
cathodic protection stations in the form of
10 kg A"1 year"1, while Ti/Pt anodes show
superacoustic transistor converters. Such
only 8 mg A"1 year"1).
stations have over approx. 30% energetic
Anodic materials are divided into:
efficiency, much smaller dimensions and
mass, they work quietly, and are easily reg- • soluble as the result of current flow, e.g.,
ulated automatically over the range of out- carbon steel, aluminum,
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 411

Table 8-8. Selected anodes for cathodic protection.

40 Selected impressed Consumption Current

current anodes (kg A"1 year""1) density
(A m"2)
Iron/steel 9-11 5-10
14% Silicon-iron 0.5 40
30 Graphite 0.5 20
Magnetite 0.004 100
Conductive polymers 0.5 0.5
Lead alloys 0.1 50

(mg A"1 year"1)

Ferrite on titanium 500 150

Platinized titanium 8 200-2000
Platinized niobium 8 200-2000
Mixed metal oxides 1-6 100- 500

protected structure. The parameters of the

installation and the effectiveness of the pro-
100 200
tection depend on the work of the anodes.
Charge (kC)
The rate of consumption of anodes and the
permissible density of conducted current are
Figure 8-15. Comparison between unit platinum
weight losses (k) for Ti/Pt anodes vs the electric
the most important factors characterizing
charge (or time) in 0.1 M NaCl under different cur- the properties of anodes and determining
rent waveform conditions; mean anode current den- their practical usability. An anodic material
sity 1000 Am" 2 . should meet the following requirements:
• low consumption, independent of the
type of environment and formed anodic
• sparingly soluble, e.g., high silicon cast reaction products,
iron, graphite, or • low anodic polarization, independent of
• insoluble, e.g., platinized titanium or ti- the type of electrochemical reactions,
tanium covered with mixed metal oxides • high conductance and low resistance of
(MMOs). the anode/environment border,
• high reliability,
Depending on the type of anodic materi-
• high mechanical resistance,
al used, the chemical composition of the ox-
• high resistance to wear and erosion,
idation reaction products affecting the
• low cost, and
stability of anodes is different. Typical
• the possibility of production in any shape
anodic reactions are given in Sec. 8.2.1.
The most important anodic materials used and size.
at present are listed in Table 8-8. Traditional anodic materials such as: car-
The aim of anodes in cathodic protection bon steel, aluminum, high-silicon cast iron,
is to conduct the polarizing current to the impregnated graphite, and lead alloys will
412 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

not be described here due to the limited Juchniewicz and Hayfield, 1969; Shreir et
scope of this work. The above materials are al., 1994; Hayfield, 1998a).
more widely described in available litera-
ture, for example, Moreland and Howell Platinized Niobium and Tantalum
(1989) and Shreir and Hayfield (1986).
Platinized niobium and tantalum anodes
are used in circuits of increased resistance, Platinized Titanium
requiring the application of higher voltages
Anodes made from platinized titanium (for example, when using new conducting
(Ti/Pt) have been developed and imple- coatings for the protection of reinforced
mented by Cotton et al. (1958). These concrete). Platinum consumption on these
anodes behave electrochemically in the anodes is similar to that for Ti/Pt anodes and
same way as platinum, but are much less ex- is equal to 8 mg A"1 year"1. They are used
pensive. The thickness of the platinum layer for the protection of underground structures
depends on the operation requirements. in deep anodic beds, where there is little
Usually platinum layers of 2-5 |im thick- space for the localization of anodes. It is rec-
ness are used, applied on a titanium base by ommended to keep Ta/Pt and Nb/Pt anodes
electrodeposition, thermal decomposition under a constant voltage. More detailed in-
of platinum compounds, plating, or others formation on Nb/Pt and Ta/Pt anodes is giv-
methods. Ti/Pt anodes are used in CP en by Nekoksa and Hanck (1980).
systems of sea-going vessels, off-shore con-
structions, reinforced concrete, and heat ex- Mixed Metal Oxides
changers. Almost 40 years of use have con-
firmed the usefulness of theses anodes, Mixed metal oxide (MMO) anodes are
which without suffering any damage with- more and more frequently used in CP sys-
stand high current densities of up to 10000 tems, substituting traditional anodes made
A m~2 and can work in many aggressive cor- from ferrosilicon and similar materials.
rosion environments. The working current These anodes are light and unbreakable,
density varies from 100 to 2000 A m~2. The which makes them attractive for many appli-
supply voltage in sea water cannot exceed cations. MMO-type anodes were patented by
11 V (breakdown potential). Exceeding this Beer (1958). They are produced on a titani-
value can lead to destruction of the titanium um base, which is covered with metal oxides
base. In other electrolytes with no chlorides, characterized by electrocatalytic properties
higher voltages can be used of up to 60 V. (RuO2 + TiO2, or RuO2 + TiO2 + IrO2 in
Ti/Pt anodes are especially sensitive to the quantities of 15-20 g m"2). They are also
presence of alternate currents of 50 Hz or called DSAs (dimensionally stable anodes).
lower frequencies, which cause catastroph- They are manufactured in the form of tubes,
ic corrosion of platinum (a direct current tapes, wire, meshes, and bars finished with a
anodically dissolves approx. 8 mg Pt A"1 hermetic terminal and tested with helium for
year"1). Ti/Pt anodes work badly in acidic leaks. Mesh anodes have found application
soils, alkaline precipitates of Mg(OH)2 and in the cathodic protection of reinforced con-
Ca(OH)2 contaminated with iron, tin, or crete bridges, viaducts, and off-shore struc-
manganese oxides, and in solutions of su- tures. Anodes containing iridium oxides fa-
crose and other organic compounds (Juch- cilitate oxygen and not chlorine evolution
niewicz, 1962; Juchniewicz et al., 1966; from electrolytic environments, so prevent-
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 413

ing acidification of the environment, which Aharoni (1971) investigated the condi-
is especially hazardous for reinforced con- tions of formation of a network made up of
crete structures. MMO anodes work in a wide conductor particle chains with an average
range of current densities from 0.1 to 750 A number of contacts, which decrease the re-
m~2. They are usually used up after 10 or sistivity of the polymeric composition. Wa-
more years, depending on the density of the laszkowski et al. (1995a) applied EIS (elec-
applied current. In cathodic protection of re- trochemical impedance spectrosocpy) in in-
inforced concrete low current densities of ap- vestigations of the resistance of composite
prox. 0.2 A m"2 are usually applied, and their materials and showed that changes in the
lifetime is assumed to be 50 years. The sup- spectra of the high-frequency part can be
ply voltage should not exceed 10 V. Due to used for the evaluation of the electric prop-
the large surface of anodes, usually a voltage erties of composites for anodic materials.
of 2-3 V is sufficient to maintain an ap- Smith et al. (1992) used a cable anode for
propriate polarization. The presence of some the CP of large underground fuel tanks and
substances, e.g., iron compounds, fluorides, Jensen and Tems (1988) used cable anodes
and bromides has a harmful effect on the for the CP of internal surfaces of water pipe-
work of MMO anodes. More detailed infor- lines in which cement coatings were ap-
mation on this type of anode is given by Hay- plied. Polymeric anodes are sensitive to
field (1998b). contamination by natural oils. More infor-
mation is given by Walaszkowski and Orli-
kowski (1997), Walaszkowski and Janicki Conducting Polymers (1997), Darowickietal. (1998), and Darow-
icki and Orlikowski (1998).
Polymeric anodes produced from 1975, al-
so called cable and composite anodes, ensure
a beneficial linear distribution of current and Carbon Backfills
potential on the protected structure in cathod-
ic protection systems. They have found ap- The aim of carbon backfills is to take over
plications for the cathodic protection of part of the anodic reactions on their surface,
underground pipelines, tanks, and reinforced causing a decrease in the transfer resistance
concrete structures in the vicinity of factories of current to the surrounding environment.
and municipal areas. Cable anodes, similar The large developed surface of the carbon
to graphite and ferrosilicon anodes, are backfill ensures its long life and neutraliza-
placed in a conducting backfill enabling the tion of acidification at the anode. Also, it
transfer of some electrochemical reactions to maintains a high moisture content, so pre-
the carbon backfill/environment phase inter- venting increased resistance and tempera-
face. The applied anodic current density usu- ture and making ignition more difficult
ally ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 A m~2. Conduc- (Burkhart, 1980). As a result of electroos-
tion of current in polymeric anodes can take mosis processes, anodic beds drying can
place in two ways: take place. To avoid this, the installation of
anodes is recommended in backfills below
1. as the result of a strong electric field the level of underground water. As backfill
between conducting particles, or material, granulated metallurgic coke, cal-
2. as the result of direct contact of the cinated petroleum coke, electrographite, or
conductor particles on the macroscopic their mixtures are used. Sometimes, activa-
scale. tion of backfill grains of 1-10 mm diameter
414 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

is used with metal oxides with electrocata- of the system components Ra and CPEA. Pa-
lytic properties (as in MMO anodes, e.g., rameters of the second semi-circle depend
MnO2). The resistivity of applied backfills on the density of the polarizing current.
is usually equal to 0.1-0.35 Q m (uncom- The possibility of gas blocking caused by
pressed) and decreases to below 0.01 Q m oxidation of carbon to CO 2 , and the forma-
after the application of appropriate com- tion of oxygen gas as a result of the oxida-
pression (Shreir et al., 1994). tion of water are disadvantages of carbon
Walaszkowski et al. (1995b) applied the backfills. That is why the ventilation of
EIS technique in the investigation of anod- anodic beds is used. More information on
ic systems and backfills; this technique can anodic backfills is given by Shreir et al.
provide information on the mechanism of (1994) and Walaszkowski (1991).
anode-backfill interactions. By this meth-
od the ohmic resistance of the backfill layer Anodes Installation
can be determined, as well as the resistance
of anodic processes occurring on the anode- The applied anodes have a significant ef-
backfill-environment phase interface. The fect on the parameters of cathodic protec-
authors proposed an electric equivalent cir- tion stations. The largest power losses of the
cuit of polarized anodic systems (Fig. 8-16). systems occur on them. For this reason, spe-
The high frequency semi-circle deter- cial attention is given to the most beneficial
mines the electric parameters of the backfill choice of anodic materials, their shape and
layer, while the low frequency semi-circle dimensions, their placement in relation to
determines the electrochemical properties the protected surface, and the anode trans-

-fc- i = 2 A/m2
°250-^ -O- i = 4 A/m2
R u O x in graphite
-*- i = 7 A/m2
& = -^- i = 10A/m 2
^200-^ 0,05 M Na 2 SO 4
150 — Figure 8-16. An electric
equivalent circuit of an
100- anode-backfill system and
its impedance spectrum. No-
50- tation: Re electrolyte resis-
tance, Rz backfill resistance,
Ra anodic process resis-
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 tance, and CPEZ and CPEA
Zx (Q • cm2) the constant phase elements.
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 415

fer resistance. Anodes can be applied either • lack of susceptibility to seasonal chang-
as single anodes or in groups, depending es in the soil moisture,
amongst other things on the type of struc- • almost complete lack of interaction of the
ture, the cathodic protection station param- cathodic protection with neighboring un-
eters, the environmental conditions, and protected metal structures.
others. In areas with no underground infra-
structure they are usually placed at signifi- For more information, see NACE Stan-
cant distances from the structure - mostly dard RP 0572-95 (1995).
from 50 to 400 m. On the other hand, dur- Deep anodic groundbeds also have some
ing the protection of the same types of struc- disadvantages, which limit their applica-
tures in the vicinity of municipal areas, tion. These are as follows: high installation
where a large concentration of other under- cost (especially drilling of openings) and
ground objects occurs, the distance of more difficult control of work and renova-
anodes can be equal to several or over 10 m. tion of the system. In some countries, the
Anodes can also be mounted directly on the role of deep groundbeds is fulfilled by (where
protected structure, for example, during ca- possible) anodes placed in old, exploited
thodic protection of the underwater part of drilling shafts, significantly decreasing in-
the hull of a vessel, heat exchangers, etc. stallation costs.
The resistance R (in ohms) of a single
In each case the aim is to obtain the best
anode placed horizontally in soil can be de-
possible distribution of current and poten-
termined by use of the Dwight equation
tial on the protected structure in given con-
ditions, and also a possibly low transfer re-
sistance of the anode. The resistance de- R= (2.3 log — +
pends primarily on the resistivity of the sur-
rounding environment and the dimensions + 2.31og L 3-2 (8-12)
h L
and shape of the anodes. In the case of bur-
ied metal structures, anodes should be in- where d is the diameter of the anode includ-
stalled in such places in which the soil is ing backfill (in meters), h the depth of in-
characterized by the smallest resistivity and stallation of the anode (in meters), g the re-
a constant, possibly high moisture content. sistivity of soil (in ohm meters), and L the
More information is given by Leeds (1995). length of the anode with backfill (in meters).
In some cases (low level of underground A series of empirical formulae used for
water, elevated resistivity of upper soil the calculation of the resistance of anodes
layers, high concentration of underground of different shapes and configurations can
structures, etc.), so-called deep anodic be found in the works of Morgan (1987) and
groundbeds are made in which an anode is Baeckmann et al. (1997). To ensure reliable
placed at a depth from 15 to 100 m, or more. functioning of a protective system, attention
These show the following advantages: is given to other factors, especially the con-
nection of the electric cable to the anode.
• significantly lower transfer resistance, al- The conductor lead from the anode is espe-
lowing the application of cathodic pro- cially subject to breakdown and should be
tection stations of lower power, carefully chosen. Its connection with the
• a more advantageous distribution of cur- anode should be insulated in such a way that
rent, and at the same time of potential on no water penetrates over many years of op-
the protected surface, eration of the protective installation. It is al-
416 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

so important for assembly works to be car- • biological damage resulting from the ac-
ried out in accordance with compulsory reg- tion of microorganisms and fungi devel-
ulations over the range of low voltage oping in the soil, and
electrical installations, whilst covering all • ageing processes of insulation material.
safety requirements. For mor information, Modern coatings should be characterized
see Benedict (1986). by appropriate parameters, guaranteeing the
requird quality of the coating and long-term
8.4.4 Cathodic Protection and Coatings protection of the structure. The most impor-
American experience at the beginning of tant parameters are as follows:
the 20th century obtained during the trans- • elasticity of the material,
port of gas in noninsulated pipelines has • adhesion to the base and interlayer adhe-
shown that after several years due to corro- sion,
sion only approx. 10% of the pumped gas • tear resistance,
reached the receivers. This was an pointer • impact resistance,
for applying insulation on pipelines and • absorbability,
then, in the 1930s, cathodic protection. At • resistance to alkalis, and
present, only pre-insulated tubes are used • resistance to wear.
for the construction of more important pipe-
In the initial development stage of mod-
lines. At the construction site, only welded
ern pipeline coatings, thick polyolefin coat-
connections of each section are protected
ings were used in Europe, while in the
with thermoshrinkable sleeves or appropri-
U.S.A. relatively thin FBE (fusion bonded
ate tapes. Conditions for the protection of
epoxy) coatings were used. At present, trials
the environment are fulfilled by modern ma-
are connected with the wide application of
terials used to protect underground struc-
polypropylene as the external coating layer.
tures, e.g., pipelines and tanks, such as:
The applied coatings and insulation on steel
PVC, PE, PP, rubber and modified epoxide,
pipeline surfaces are a barrier to corrosion
and polyurethane resins. The multilayer in-
factors. Appropriate adhesion of the coating
sulation system is made up to a thermally
to the steel base is the condition for the for-
activated primer and a polyolefin external
mation of barrier protection. As shown by
layer connected to it. Monolayer coatings
Mayne (1994), penetration of each coating
are usually prepared by the fluidization
by water and oxygen is sufficient to initiate
method. This concerns coatings, for exam-
corrosion of the base. High adhesion to the
ple, from polyethylene (PE). The stability
metal base is the factor that decides the pro-
of insulated structures depends on:
tective properties (Funke, 1986).
• mechanical damage obtained during Effective and economic anticorrosion
transport and assembly at the construc- protection of structures is obtained by the
tion site, as well as during use (pressure simultaneous application of appropriately
of backfill soil), chosen insulation coatings and cathodic
• chemical damage connected with the ag- protection. Both types of protection can be
gressiveness of the environment, applied simultaneously and they can mutu-
• thermal damage connected with the ally supplement each other (Peabody, 1967).
working conditions of pipelines, includ- The general schematic diagram of a modern
ing temperature changes of pumped me- anticorrosion protection system of pipelines
dia, is presented in Fig. 8-17.
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 417

Corrosion Protection for Buried Pipelines Figure 8-17. Anticorrosion

protection system of modern
Pipeline Coating Cathodic pipelines.
material selection protection

Quality assurance, Quality assurance, Monitoring

quality control quality control potentials

Stable Good-quality Full protective

metal coating potentials


The application of new insulation mate- The determined value of the unit insula-
rials and technologies has led to a decrease tion resistance in real conditions depends
in the required protective currents. The role not only on the resistance parameters of the
of cathodic protection is limited to the pro- insulation material, but also on the resis-
tection of small defects in the insulation, tance of the environment and the electrolyte
which cannot be removed during the long- resistance in insulation defects. Mainly de-
term operation of structures for economic fects, their number, and size affect the unit
and technical reasons (Munger and Robin- insulation resistance value, as the conduc-
son, 1981). tivity of the insulation material is usually
The unit insulation resistance is a signif- several or over ten times lower than the con-
icant parameter determining the usefulness ductivity of the electrolyte in defects. The
of structural insulation in cathodic protec- value of the unit insulation resistance de-
tion. It characterizes the cathodic protection creases during use. This is connected with
current transfer resistance from the ground ageing of the insulation material, penetration
to the pipeline. The interaction range of ca- of the insulation by water and ions from the
thodic protection, and the protective current surrounding environment, the formation of
density change depend on its value. The val- new defects in the insulation due to the de-
ue of the unit insulation resistance R{ is de- structive interaction of the environment, ex-
termined from the formula (Baeckmann et ternal as well as internal; interaction of the
al., 1997) transported medium, changes in its temper-
ature and pressure, and mechanical tension.
Mostly, the unit insulation resistance chang-
(8-13) es exponentially as a function of the oper-
ating time. The process of insulation ageing
where R± is the unit insulation resistance can thus be observed and forecast on the ba-
(Q cm2), EON the pipeline potential meas- sis of unit resistance measurements. The in-
ure when the CP current is on (V), EO¥F the sulation ageing process causes an increase
pipeline potential measured when CP cur- in the current demand of cathodic protection
rent is off (V), and j the mean cathodic pro- installations with time. Usually, a current
tection current density (A nT2). increase of one order is observed after
418 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

10 years of operation of insulated structures. termine whether in these conditions mini-

Analogously, a decrease of one order is ob- mal cathodic protection criteria are fulfilled,
served of the unit insulation resistance. for example, a potential of -850 mV vs.
Prognosis concerning the state of the insu- CSE (Gummow, 1993).
lation during the expected operation period
enables the choice of appropriate devices Cathodic Disbonding
and their parameters (current output).
Insulation used on underground steel In some cases on structures protected by
structures causes a significant decrease in insulation and simultaneously protected by
the demand for a cathodic protection cur- cathodic protection, disadvantageous phe-
rent. Structures with no insulation usually nomena can occur, manifested by loss of ad-
require a current of approx. 25 mA m~2 den- hesion of the coating to the base in areas
sity, structures with bituminous coatings around insulation defects (Leidheiser and
0.05-0.25 mA m~2, and structures with Wang, 1981, 1983; Jack, 1994; Beavers and
polyethylene coatings (1.8-3.0 mm) only Thompson, 1996). Usually, the disbonding
approx. 0.01 mA m"2. areas increases during operation, causing a
The application of coatings from materi- local loss of insulation properties and, as a
als with very high insulation parameters result, corrosion of the structure. The effec-
caused new hazards, which did not occur on tiveness of an anticorrosion coating or insu-
earlier structures. Very good dielectric prop- lation depends to a significant degree on the
erties of the insulation on underground resistance to disbonding around defects.
structures cause high static tension to appear Many authors investigated the behavior of
on them. Also, charges formed as a result of different types of coatings in laboratory and
overvoltage on electrical devices or light- field conditions (Beasley and Barrien, 1987;
ning cannot be led away into the ground. Mills, 1989). The results of studies are not
This can cause a hazard to the lives of per- unequivocal. The susceptibility to disbond-
sonnel and damage to equipment on pipe- ing depends not only on the type of coating,
lines. The application of protective devices but also on the method of application and
is necessary, the presence of which decreas- preparation of the metal surface before ap-
es the effectiveness of cathodic protection. plication of the coating (Beavers et al.,
Location of a pipeline near high voltage 1993).
transmission lines is also dangerous, as it On disbonded areas under the protective
causes the formation of induced alternate coating, corrosion of the metal may occur
currents in the pipeline. Damage of the pipe- as a result of the action of corrosion micro-
line can occur where relatively small defects and macrocells and stray currents. In micro-
are present. cells, oxidation and reduction reactions may
The application of coatings with high in- proceed locally in the area of the defect and
sulation parameters causes the cathodic pro- the disbonded surface. In the macrocell, the
tection circuit to be short-circuited only oxidation reaction takes place in the defect
through insulation defects. Polarization and the reduction reaction in another place
conditions in places of damage are deter- in the structure, causing cathodic disbond-
mined by the size of the damage and its dis- ing. Corrosion caused by stray currents is
tance from the anode, which is affected by similar to corrosion in the macrocell. The
the voltage drop on a low conducting medi- oxidation reaction occurs in such a case in
um such as soil or sand. It is difficult to de- the area of the defect or on the disbonded
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 419

surface. The cathodic protection current cathodic protection conditions the transport
flows mainly through defects to disbonded of cations through the coating predomi-
areas, or directly through the coating. The nates. The mechanism of cathodic disbond-
current flowing through the defect is a func- ing is similar under conditions where no ca-
tion of the electrolyte composition and the thodic protection is used; however, this phe-
geometry of the disbonded surface; howev- nomenon occurs on a much smaller scale
er, it does not depend on the type of coat- and the dominating form of cation transport
ing. In the cathodic reaction zone, under the is the route along the metal/coating inter-
coating alkalization of the environment may face. It has been stated that the disbonding
be observed, resulting from the oxygen re- rate increases with the increase of the ca-
duction reaction Eq. (8-6) in oxidized envi- thodic current (at fixed remaining parame-
ronments or the hydrogen evolution reac- ters). As the transport of charge carriers
tion through the coating is limited by its resis-
tance, then the disbonding rate should be a
function of the coating resistance. The ad-
in oxygen-free environments and at lower vantageous effect on the rate of cationic dis-
cathodic protection potentials. In this area, bonding of aluminum pigments in contrast
bubble formation is observed along with al- to zinc pigments has been stated, confirm-
kalization of the environment to high pH ing these assumptions (Steinsmo and Bar-
values (Sharman et al., 1993; Skar et al., dal, 1989). At present, the choice of coat-
1989); these cause disbonding of the coat- ings and insulation used together with ca-
ing in several different ways by chemical as thodic protection takes into account these
well as mechanical mechanisms. The main requirements.
subject of discussion is the disbonding Another phenomenon observed in sys-
mechanism of a coating from the metal sub- tems protected with insulation and cathod-
strate and the route of cation transport to ic protection is electroosmosis resulting
places of OH" ion formation (Parks and from the existence of an electric potential
Leidheiser, 1986). Transport of cations gradient in the insulation layer causing mi-
through the coating or through the defect or gration of water and ions through the coat-
along the metal/coating interface is dis- ing to the metal base. This can lead to dis-
cussed (Fig. 8-18). bonding of the coating from the metal.
Parks and Leidheiser (1986), whilst in- Counteraction against this phenomenon is
vestigating this problem, stated that under carried out by limiting the migration routes
(decrease of insulation porosity) and in-
creasing the adhesion of the coating to the
metal (especially in the presence of water -
defect so-called wet adhesion). Electroosmosis
phenomena can be dangerous under dis-
bonding conditions for incorrectly applied
layers of insulation tapes, as they favor the
gathering of water and ions under the coat-
ing, as well as the development of microbi-
ological corrosion. Electrophoresis can be
Figure 8-18. Schematic diagram of the two modes by another disadvantageous phenomenon, as a
which cations can reach the disbonding front. result of which migration of charged parti-
420 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

cles occurs, for example, fillers from the in- observation of the technical state and work-
sulation in the direction of the anode, caus- ing parameters of equipment, and also of the
ing destruction as a result of increased po- state of insulation on protected objects. In
rosity. the latter case, the unit insulation resistance
Cathodic disbonding has recently been is most frequently controlled, and this glo-
the subject of many investigations. Differ- bally characterizes the state of the insula-
ent methods are used for this, most frequent- tion and thus the number and area of defects
ly; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in the insulation. Their number in the initial
(Mansfeld, 1989;UmeyamaandTakai, 1989), period mostly depends on the care taken dur-
scanning acoustic microscopy (Kendig et ing assembly works and the transport of pro-
al., 1989), ellipsometry (Ritter and Kruger, tected elements (no mechanical damage to
1980; Ritter, 1984), and the method of la- insulation). With further operation, the state
beled atoms (Parks and Leidheiser, 1986). of the insulation depends on the method of
use of the structure and also on the proper-
ties of the surrounding environment. At Field Testing of Insulation
present, when accepting a structure with in-
In the case of important underground sulation, polarization measurements of the
(main pipelines, tanks) and underwater pipeline are carried out in accordance with
(drilling rigs) structures, monitoring sys- Eq. (8-6), on the basis of which detection of
tems of cathodic protection installations are insulation defects is possible. A correctly
being more widely used. The main reason prepared insulation made from polyethy-
for introducing these systems is to enable lene coatings should exhibit a unit insula-

Table 8-9. Field insulation and cathodic protection test methods.

Pearson's Enables detection Localization of all defects Inspection of the whole pipeline
method of defects of coatings and metal objects, delivers is necessary, there is no differen-
and other metal objects, information on the size tiation between coating defects
possibility of application of the defect. and other metal objects, cathodic
without existence of protection effectiveness cannot
cathodic protection be determined, corrosion cannot
installations. be determined.

CIPS Enables detection of Localization of area with Requires inspection of whole

(close interval defects of coatings, insufficient protection, pipeline, may not show coating
potential evaluation of cathodic localization of coating disbonding, does not determine
survey) protection effectiveness, defects, indication of corrosion.
CP station current defect size.
is used.

DCVG Enables detection Localization of all defects, Requires inspection of the whole
(dc voltage of coating defects, possibility of evaluation pipeline, does not allow evalua-
gradient CP station current of defect size, possibility tion of effectiveness of CP,
survey) is used. of detection of effectively may not point to coating dis-
running corrosion processes, bonding, does not indicate extent
alternate currents do not of corrosion, does not register
interfere with the method. defects continuously.
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 421

tion resistance of at least 105 Q m2, and the age gradient) methods use the direct current
cathodic protection current of the steel base for testing the cathodic protection station.
can under these conditions be of the order In Figs. 8-20 and 8-21, the respective prin-
of JUA m~2. ciples of both measurement methods are
In Table 8-9, three of the most frequent- presented.
ly used methods of field pipeline insulation The CIPS method is based on the connec-
tests during cathodic protection are given. tion of a thin, strong cable to the tested pipe-
The oldest Pearson method uses alternate line and making readings of the potential
currents for checking the insulation. In Fig. every 10-20 cm along the route of the pipe-
8-19, a schematic diagram is shown of the line against a portable reference electrode.
detection of insulation leakiness by the The cable with a scale wound on a drum is
Pearson method. used at the same time to measure the dis-
The close interval potential survey tance with an accuracy of 1%. Also, satel-
(CIPS) and the DCVG (direct current volt- lite localization can be used, giving the po-


On F t
Figure 8-19. Schematic diagram of
the detection of insulation defects on a
pipeline by the Pearson method.



PI P £ / S O I L


Figure 8-20. Schematic diagram of testing insulation leakiness by the CIPS method. (From Global Cathodic
protection Ltd.)
422 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Electric probes Probes placed Electric probes Figure 8-21. Principles of the DCVG
from the left. symetrically. from the right. method [Slatter et al. (1993), reprinted
Swing of a pointer No deflection Swing of a pointer with permission].
to defect to defect

Equipotential lines
around defect

sition with an accuracy of 1 m (GPS sys- ing measurements, the CP station works in
tem). Over several channels of the record- the ON/OFF mode, for example at 1.1 Hz
er, potential "on", "off" values and distanc- (on for 0.3 s/off for 0.6 s). Chmilar and
es are simultaneously recorded. Quartz Holtsbaum (1993) showed that potential
clocks, DCF clocks (radio signals sent out readings after 0.2 s for insulated pipelines
of Frankfurt), and GPS clocks which can be and 0.3 s for uninsulated pipelines after
used over the whole world can be used for switching off the current can be erroneous
synchronization. Special software is most due to the impedance characteristic of the
frequently used for the treatment of record- structure. More information is given by
ed data. Results can be stored in the form of Thompson (1993).
databases which can be compared during Sometimes joint methods (e.g., CIPS and
consecutive measurements. DCVG) are used. A worker walking along
The DCGV method enables the detection the pipeline records the distance as well as
of defects in the insulation by the determi- the on/off potential changes at small inter-
nation of zones of inflow and outflow of po- vals of, e.g., 0.5 m, vs. a close CSE refer-
larizing current. A potential gradient is ence electrode. Measurements are supple-
measured in the ground with a very sensi- mented with potential ON/OFF gradients in
tive voltmeter and two CSE electrodes one or two directions perpendicular to the
placed on both sides of the investigated pipeline. The method requires synchronous
pipeline at distances from each other of switching off of all DC current sources po-
1-2 m. Defects can be localized with an ac- larizing the tested pipeline section. These
curacy of 10-15 cm on pipelines placed at types of measurements allow determination
a depth of up to 6 m. The shape and extent of the effectiveness of CP and detection of
of the defects are determined from potential insulation leakiness (places of increased po-
gradient graphs and soil resistivity measure- tential). Polak et al. (1997) point out that the
ments in the vicinity of the epicentre. Dur- applied methods of detection of insulation
8.4 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection 423

defects on underground pipelines are not re- lines, and the correct interpretation of ob-
liable in the presence of constant stray cur- tained data. However, electrochemical
rents and in pipeline corridors. He propos- measurements in environments of low con-
es a new method, which determines the re- ductivity, such as soils and sands, may cause
sistance of the defect, its maximum area, additional difficulties connected with the
and the protective current density in the ohmic voltage drop.
place of the defect. Implementation of these
field methods significantly decreased the
8.4.5 Case Study
number of underground pipelines break-
downs. More information on field investi- As an example of an impressed current
gations of insulation is given by Matocha CP protection installation, we will discuss
(1995), Leeds and Grapiglia (1995), and the protection of the internal surface of
Funk and Schoneich (1997). large diameter cooling water pipelines in
Trials have been undertaken to evaluate one of the Polish electric power stations
the state of insulation using electrochemi- (Fig. 8-22). After 20 years of operation of
cal techniques, in particular electrochemi- steel pipelines, which corroded in water of
cal impedance spectroscopy to determine high salt content (containing over 500 mg
the disbonding area, the "break-point fre- Cl dm"3 + 750 mg SO4 dm"3) at a rate of
quency" method proposed by Haruyama et 0.2-0.5 mm year"1, CP was applied.
al. (1987), or the "pseudocapacitance meth- On the basis of laboratory tests, it had
od". Field measurements require the forma- been shown that the cathodic polarization of
tion of mathematical models of cathodical- steel by 100 mV ensures a decrease of the
ly polarized underground or underwater corrosion rate of approx. 90% in these con-
structures. The finite element method ditions. On the basis of model investiga-
(FEM) and the boundary element method tions, the attenuation coefficient a and the
(BEM) are used, allowing prediction of the conductance g of the insulation coating were
current and potential distribution of large determined. The "OKPLIN" software was
structures covered with coatings, e.g., pipe- used for the calculation of the current and

Figure 8-22. Impressed cur-

rent CP installation of the
internal surface of large diam-
eter pipeline.
424 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

potential distribution and CP parameters. systematically supervised, while the applied

Maximum distances Lx were calculated solutions are successively implemented in
between anodes placed centrally along the further power blocks (Juchniewicz et al.,
pipeline axis, to ensure the required poten- 1997).
tial changes. Depending on the diameter,
they were equal to
8.5 Sacrificial Anodes
for dx - 1.6 m -> Lx = 16.5 m
for d2 = = 18.7 m. Anticorrosion protection of metal struc-
tures using sacrificial magnesium, zinc, and
In the CP project, the following factors were
aluminum anodes is the oldest and, at the
taken into account:
same time, the simplest method of electro-
• the intense flow of water (30 000 m3 h"1), chemical protection. Galvanic anodes are
• the elevated temperature of the water to mainly used in cases where the structure is
approx. 40 °C, covered with a good insulation coating and
• the high oxygen and salt content, and low currents are required for protection, and
• damages to the protective coating. also when lack of a power supply makes re-
alization of cathodic protection impossible.
The protective installation was made up Independence of a power source is the ba-
of the following systems: sic advantage of galvanic anodes. Other ad-
• anodic with a line supporting structure, vantages are facile installation, the possibil-
• power supply with 24 V/50 A parame- ity of local protection application (e.g., in
ters, and places of particular hazard to the structure),
• a control system for checking the effec- an insignificant effect on neighboring un-
tiveness of CP. protected structures, and a more rational, in
comparison with cathodic protection, use of
LIDA type cable anodes were applied in the protective current.
the form of chains (cylindrical anodes con- The basic disadvantage of sacrificial pro-
nected with sections of cable) and highly ef- tection is the irreversible loss of anode ma-
ficient Polish rectifiers. The control system terial and the resulting need of its replace-
was made up of: ment; in addition, corrosion products of the
• silver chloride reference electrodes for anode can pollute the environment. Also,
control of the potential, the range of application of galvanic anodes
• steel coupons for gravimetric tests, and is limited by the resistivity (the specific re-
• electric resistance probes for corrosion sistance) of the environment and relatively
rate measurements. small values of the protective current. A
schematic diagram of sacrificial anode pro-
After four years of operation, a decrease tection is presented in Fig. 8-23.
of the potential by over 100 mV was noted In the formed structure-sacrificial anode
on the whole surface of the pipeline. The galvanic cell, electrons liberated during
protection current density did not exceed anodic ionization of the sacrificial anodes
7 mA m~2. Gravimetric and resistometric flow in a conductor to the structure and po-
tests have shown an over 95% effectiveness larize it cathodically. Typical information
of CP. No corrosion defects were stated concerning the use of sacrificial anodes is
on LIDA anodes. The installation is still given in Table 8-10.
8 . 5 Sacrificial A n o d e s 425

-Link box

'Terminal board

-Removable link


Sealing compound
Retaining disc
Cotton bag
Anode insert
Pipeline Magnesium anode

Gypsum -75%
• = Current flow Backfill { Bentonite-20%
Sodium sulphate-5% I

Figure 8-23. Schematic diagram of cathodic protection of a buried pipeline with a prepackaged sacrificial anode
[BS 7361, Part 1 (1991), reproduced with permission].

Table 8-10. Typical information on sacrificial anode materials.

Alloy Environment Potential versus Consumption rate

ref. electrode (V) rate (kg A"1 year~])

1.5% Mn soil/fresh water -1.7 (Cu/CuSO4) 7.5
6% Al, 3% Zn
0.5% Al, sea water -1.05 11.25
0.1% Cd (Ag/AgCl/sea water)
3-5% Zn, sea water, -1.1 4.5
0.05% In sea-bed mud (Ag/AgCl/sea water)
426 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

Figure 8-24. Sacrificial protection of a

semisubmersible rig using aluminum anodes
(courtesy of Jotun Cathodic Protection A.S.

In Fig. 8-24, sacrificial protection of a chemical composition of the material,

drilling rig is shown. an adequately high negative stationary
The sacrificial protection current / SA can potential in a given electrolytic environ-
be expressed in the form of an equation de- ment,
scribing the current in a corrosion cell uniform dissolution and delivering of the
polarizing current,
no anodic polarization,
5A (8-15)
small self-corrosion,
* X * high real current output, and
where Ec and EA are the potentials of cost.
the cathode (protected structure) and the
anode, respectively, in zero-current con-
ditions (in an open circuit), and ^R is the Table 8-11. Common resistance formulas for cathod-
sum of all resistances occurring in the sac- ic protection of offshore installation*1.
rificial protection system, i.e., transfer re-
sistance of the anode, resistance of the en- Name Formula5
vironment, transfer resistance of the cath-
ode, and the resistance of the conductor con- Modified Dwight R-
fir , 4 L i) (8-16)
necting the structure with the sacrificial 2nL\r a

anode. McCoy R = 0.315 g^M (8-17)

The first two mentioned resistances play
Waldron and Q
the most important role in sacrificial protec- R- (8-18)
Peterson 0.58 A0"727
tion systems. Niscancioglu (1986) gave the
most frequently applied equations for the Lloyd's (8-19)
calculation of the sacrificial anode resis-
tance in CP installations of off-shore struc- Benedict (1986), reprinted with permission; b g is
tures (Table 8-11). the specific resistivity of sea water (Q cm), L is the
anode length (cm), a is the mean effective radius of
The following criteria determine the the anode (cross sectional area/;r)l/2 (cm), A is the ex-
practical usefulness of metals and sacrificial posed surface area of the anode (cm2), and S is the
alloys: arithmetic mean of the anode length and width (cm).
8.5 Sacrificial Anodes 427

Sacrificial protection requires periodical rent output calculated on the basis of

inspection of the working installation and, Faraday's law. More information is given by
after some time, replacement of the anodes Schrieber(1986).
with new ones. Periodical inspections have
no defined methods that would take into ac-
8.5.1 Zinc Anodes
count the electrochemical behavior of sac-
rificial anodes. According to Hartt et al. Zinc used as a sacrificial material should
(1997), who analyzed the sacrificial protec- be characterized by high purity (99.99% Zn,
tion of steel in sea water, applied depola- less than 0.003% Fe). The presence of im-
rization tests are insufficient. The authors purities such as iron, copper, and lead very
proposed the application of Eq. (8-15). negatively affects the work of a sacrificial
Wyatt (1986) and Warnock (1995) point anode. They cause passivation of the sur-
to the need for the correct design of sacrifi- face of zinc as a result of which the pola-
cial protection of off-shore structures. Re- rization current decreases in the protection
placement of sacrificial anodes is a serious system and the current output is decreased.
problem for off-shore structures, oil and gas In order to improve the sacrificial proper-
drilling platforms, pipelines, and underwa- ties of zinc, small amounts of alloy additives
ter structures. Traditional methods of sacri- are introduced. The following have an ad-
ficial anode replacement are very inconven- vantageous effect: aluminum (0.1-0.5% Al)
ient. Brandt (1997) described a remotely op- and cadmium (0.02-0.15% Cd), and alumi-
erated vehicle, which has been produced to num (0.5% Al) and silicon (0.1% Si).
simplify the work of divers. Tran (1984) pre- Zinc sacrificial anodes are widely used
pared the "ANO" programme on a program- according to U.S. Mil Spec. 18001-J(1983).
mable calculator, which simplifies design- Zinc sacrificial anodes are used for the pro-
ing sacrificial protection (dimensions, life- tection of structures in sea water and soil,
time, current and design parameters, and although the resistivity of soil should not
costs). More information on the sacrificial exceed 20 Q m, The application of zinc sac-
protection of off-shore structures is given rificial anodes in fresh water, especially
by Turnipseed (1996) and NACE Standard warm water, is problematic, as sometimes
RP0387-90 (1990). The real current output (depending on the chemical composition of
of a sacrificial anode is defined as the mean the water) zinc undergoes passivation and
current obtained during protection from one changes its polarity in relation to the pro-
unit of mass of sacrificial material (in A h tected steel structure. It is also known that
kg"1) pipelines transporting high temperature
products protected with zinc sacrificial
/ SA anodes exhibited intercrystalline corrosion
Am and a decrease in protective properties
(Crundwell, 1989). Fischer (1991) de-
where / SA is the mean sacrificial protection scribed the behavior of zinc sacrificial
current (A), T is the period of functioning anodes in high pressure and temperature
of the sacrificial anode (h), and Am is the conditions in natural sea water. Investiga-
sacrificial anode mass loss. tions showed a minimal effect of these pa-
As a result of self-corrosion of sacrificial rameters on the work of zinc anodes at me-
anodes, leading to loss of their material, the dium temperatures, increasing at high tem-
real output differs from the theoretical cur- peratures. The advantage of zinc sacrificial
428 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

anodes is their high current efficiency, the 8.5.3 Aluminum Anodes

disadvantage is a small difference between
the stationary potential of the sacrificial Pure aluminum easily undergoes passiva-
anode and the protective potential of steel tion, and the formed oxide layer has a sig-
structures (approx. 0.25 V). For more infor- nificant resistance and strongly retards the
mation on zinc sacrificial anodes, see Shreir polarization current flow. Only aluminum
et al. (1994) and Haney (1985). alloys are used for sacrificial protection. It
is known that manganese and copper alloy
additives cause a shift of the potential in the
8.5.2 Magnesium Anodes
positive direction, while mercury, tin, and
Magnesium is characterized by a high indium cause a shift in the negative direc-
theoretical current output, but simultane- tion.
ously undergoes strong self-corrosion, es- The current efficiency of aluminum sac-
pecially in the presence of such impurities rificial anodes is equal to approx. 50-90%
as iron, nickel, copper, silicon, lead, and tin. and depends not only on the chemical com-
In such conditions, the current efficiency position, but also on the operating condi-
can be equal to only 25%. Magnesium sac- tions. Cases are known of intercrystalline
rificial anodes are used for the protection of corrosion of sacrificial anodes and their
metal structures in sea water, fresh water, passivation, leading to the disappearance of
and soils (resistivity of soil < 100 Q m). The protection. Espelid et al. (1996) developed
disadvantage of magnesium sacrificial an interesting method of investigating alu-
anodes is their small current efficiency and minum sacrificial anodes used for the pro-
the possibility of sparking (initiation of an tection of steel structures in sea water. The
explosion) during rubbing of their surface authors paid special attention to the elec-
(a blow), while an advantage is the large dif- trochemical behavior of these sacrificial
ference between the stationary potential of anodes. Turner et al. (1991) investigated
an alloy and the protective potential of a aluminum anodes used for the protection of
structure (approx. 0.7 V). In environments pipelines in waters with the EIS technique,
of small resistivity (for example, sea water), by monitoring the increase of the protective
such a high potential difference can lead to current during deterioration of the protec-
the destruction of coatings near sacrificial tive coatings. They showed that the EIS
anodes. To avoid this, sacrificial anodes are method enables investigation of the active-
installed at some distance from the struc- passive states, which was significant for alu-
ture, or their surface is covered with a per- minum anodes. Additional information on
forated plastic coating. Sacrificial anodes aluminum sacrificial anodes is given by
with a perforated cover also ensure a more Murray et al. (1996).
uniform distribution of current on the pro- Practice has shown that in systems with
tected structure, increased current output, high potential (magnesium) sacrificial
and longer life-time. Also, composite sacri- anodes, the flow of polarizing current is
ficial anodes made of two materials are used, mainly controlled by the number and dimen-
with an aluminum alloy inside and magne- sions of the anodes, while in the case of the
sium on the surface (Rossi et al., 1996; Ken- application of low potential sacrificial
nelley and Mateer, 1993). For more infor- anodes (zinc and aluminum), the type and
mation on magnesium anodes, see Baeck- state of the cathode (structure) is the con-
mann et al. (1997) and Morgan (1987). trolling factor. This means that doubling of
8.5 Sacrificial Anodes 429

the number of high potential sacrificial More information on backfills is given by

anodes in the system almost causes a two Shreiretal. (1994).
times higher polarizing current. In the case
of low potential sacrificial anodes, doubling 8.5.5 Shape and Dimensions of Anodes
of their number will not distinctly affect the
increase of current, but will extend the life- The lifetime of each sacrificial anode de-
time of sacrificial anodes. Quality control pends on the current, which to a large de-
of soluble anodes is one of the ways of ob- gree depends on their shape and dimensions.
taining positive results in anticorrosion pro- The current output increases with the in-
tection. Over this range, the standard, pro- crease of surface (especially of high poten-
duction, and correct installation specifica- tial sacrificial anodes). At the same time,
tions should be abided by. Ong (1994) de- given shapes can ensure a more or less uni-
scribes in detail the requirements concern- form alloy dissolution, as well as a smaller
ing the control of all types of sacrificial current flow resistance of the sacrificial
anode. Out of the new investigation tech- anode. Sometimes the shape of the sacrifi-
niques of sacrificial anodes, the work of cial anode depends on the type of protected
Uruchurtu and Dawson (1987) describing structure, e.g., used in heat exchangers or
monitoring of electrochemical noise should coolers. Most sacrificial anodes have a
be mentioned. Good correlation was found fused steel core (bar, flat bar), enabling con-
between the galvanic current and the stan- nection with the structure, which can be
dard deviation of potential fluctuations. made by direct screwing in or welding, or
by an appropriate electric cable. The con-
nection should ensure good electric contact
8.5.4 Backfills during long term protective operation. More
information is given by Qiu and Xu (1997).
Sacrificial anodes used for the protection
of buried metal structures are surrounded by
so-called backfills, which are usually mix- 8.5.6 Installing Anodes
tures of bentonite (fine clay absorbing wa- Sacrificial anodes can be installed as sin-
ter) with inorganic salts (gypsum, sodium gle anodes or in groups. In practice, sacrifi-
sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium chlo- cial anodes are placed relatively close to the
ride, etc.). The role of backfills is based on: cathode (protected structure) to decrease the
resistance of the electric circuit. In water,
• Maintaining appropriate moisture around low potential sacrificial anodes can be
the sacrificial anode and a decrease of mounted directly (through an insulation
the transfer resistance of the sacrificial washer) on the protected surface, while it is
anode, better to place high potential sacrificial
• ensuring a polarizing current that is con- anodes on appropriate supports at some dis-
stant with time, tance (e.g., 0.6 m) from the cathode, which
• counteracting anodic polarization of the has an advantageous effect on the potential
sacrificial anode, distribution. In soil, the method of sacrifi-
• uniform dissolution of the sacrificial cial anode installation depends on many lo-
anode, and cal factors, e.g.,
• prevention of the formation of a badly
conducting layer of corrosion products on • the type and state of the structure,
the surface of anodes. • the resistivity of the soil,
430 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

• access to the structure, may flow in or out of metal structures, such

• the possibility of excavation works, and as underground pipelines and cables. In
• the existence of other buried objects mak- places where stray currents flow out of
ing mounting difficult, etc. structures to electrolytes (ground, water),
metal losses occur and the process is called
More information on the mounting of sac- electrolytic corrosion. Depending on the
rificial anodes is given by Waard (1993). current and duration of flow of stray cur-
rents, corrosion of structures can cause mea-
surable and immeasurable consequences,
8.6 Protection from Stray e.g., interruptions in the supply of water, en-
Currents ergy, lack of communication, pollution of
the environment, gas explosions, fires, haz-
ard to human life, etc. An example of the re-
8.6.1 General Characteristics
cording of potential changes of a metal
of Stray Currents
structure caused by dynamic stray currents
Currents flowing into electrolytic envi- is shown in Fig. 8-25.
ronments (ground, water) from inadequate-
ly insulated working electric circuits are
8.6.2 Sources of Stray Currents
called stray currents. From the corrosion
point of view, industrial equipment powered Tram, rail, and metro dc electric tractions
by dc currents is the most hazardous source are the largest and the best investigated
of stray currents for metal underground sources of stray currents. Outflow of stray
structures. Alternate stray currents of 50 Hz currents occurs to the ground from rails,
frequency pose a much smaller hazard. Cor- which are an element of the return network
rosion losses caused by them are estimated of traction circuits. Other sources of stray
at several percent in relation to the corro- currents are: dc and ac high voltage trans-
sion loss caused by dc stray currents of the mission lines, cathodic protection systems,
same magnitude (Baeckmann et al., 1997). other industrial equipment, especially those
Stray currents flow in the direction of the using dc currents (welding machines, elec-
negative pole of the source. On the way they trolytic plants, galvanizing plants, battery

E vs CSE (mV)


-600 Figure 8-25. Changes of the

40 120 potential with time of a steel
time (s) pipeline due to stray currents.
8.6 Protection from Stray Currents 431

plants), as well as natural currents flowing sion of energy over large distances. These
in the earth's crust, the so-called telluric cur- systems can be monopolar or bipolar. The
rent. monopolar system transmits energy in a sin-
gle cable and uses the ground or sea as the Electric Tractions return circuit. These lines transmit a direct
current of an intensity of the order of kilo-
In electric traction circuits, electric loco-
amperes. Bipolar systems transmit energy
motives draw the current from the contact
in two or more conductors, while in special
system through pantographs. The current is
situations unbalanced currents can flow
led away to the supply substation through
through the ground. They can have an inten-
the return circuit (rails and return conduc-
sity from several to several hundred am-
tors). Some of the return currents leak from
the rails and return to the source through the
Currents flowing in the ground from
ground and underground metal structures
HVDC lines can cause electrolytic corro-
neighboring with the traction. Leakage of
sion of metal structures, especially long
some return currents to the ground always
structures (pipelines, telecommunication
accompanies the exploitation of tractions,
cables, earthing systems). Places of corro-
as the lengthwise resistance of rails is not
sion attack are situated at the ends of the
equal to zero and the resistance between the
structures nearer to the cathode, to which
rail and the ground is not equal to infinity.
currents flow through the ground. Stray cur-
It is estimated that for welded rail circuits
rents from HVDC lines can be dynamic or
approx. 95% of return currents to power
static in character (Fitzgerald and Kroon,
supply substation through rails, while the re-
maining part leaks to the ground. Each
electric discontinuity of rail circuits increas-
es the leakage of stray currents, in extreme Cathodic Protection Systems
cases even to 50% of the return currents, and
their instantaneous current in the ground can The cathodic protection current flows in
even reach hundreds of amperes. the ground from anodes to the protected
structure. If a foreign metal structure is sit-
Traction stray currents are dynamic in
uated in an electric field connected with the
character: their intensity and flow direction
flow of protective current, it may be sub-
continuously change, depending on the load
jected to electrolytic corrosion. In particu-
of the traction and localization of electric lo-
lar, structures that are near to or cross the
comotives in relation to the power supply
route of the protected object or are situated
substation. As a consequence, dynamic chang-
near the anode are subjected to the interac-
es of the potential of underground structures
tion of current. Such situations are present-
and random periods of their anodic and ca-
ed in Fig. 8-26.
thodic polarization occur. This renders de-
Part of the current flowing out of the
termination of the hazard caused by electro-
anode reaches the neighboring unprotected
lytic corrosion difficult (Szeliga, 1994).
structure, flows in it, and then leaves it at
places of intersection or closeness to the High Voltage Direct Current protected structure. In such places, acceler-
(HVDC) Transmission Lines ated corrosion of unprotected objects oc-
High voltage direct current (HVDC) curs. A change of the potential of unprotect-
transmission lines are used for the transmis- ed pipelines under conditions of interaction
432 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

structure, carried out before and after turn-

Pipeline protected ing on the cathodic protection. If, as a result
of turning on the protection, the potential
change is exceeded in the positive direction
from the stationary potential, then the inter-
action is treated as hazardous. Numerical
values of these changes are not uniform. For
example, a flow of anodic direct current of
100 mA rrT2 density may not cause a signif-
icant potential change in the case of a bur-
ied, uninsulated structure, while an identi-
cal current density on an insulated structure
can cause a potential change exceeding 1 V.
Thus, evaluation of the hazard degree of
E i interaction of cathodic protection currents
-0.3 _ anodic zone on the basis of potential changes is usually
carried out separately for each endangered
-0.4 A structure. Cathodic protection systems gen-
d -0.5
erate a direct current from several hundred
o -0.6 milliamps to over 10 A. They function con-
o tinuously, and their parameters remain prac-
cathodic zone tically the same. That is why stray currents
-0.8 -
generated by these sources are most fre-
—' .—. , ^»_
quently static in character, i.e., their inten-
sity and direction of flow do not change with
time. To detect them, measurements are car-
Figure 8-26. The interaction of cathodic protection
on neighboring unprotected metal structures: a) mu-
ried out during cyclic interruptions in the
tual location of protected and endangered structures, work of cathodic protection installations
b) potential changes on endangered pipelines. (Baeckmann et al., 1997). Industrial Equipment

of cathodic protection currents is schemati-
Welding machines, electrolytic plants,
cally presented in Fig. 8-26b.
galvanizing plants, and battery plants are
On endangered sections, changes of po-
sources of stray currents where accidental
tential in the positive direction occur. The
leakage occurs from the working circuit to
degree of interaction of cathodic protection
the ground, metal structures, or earthing
depends on many factors, such as cathodic
system. The intensity of stray currents from
protection station parameters, the distance
industrial equipment may even reach sever-
of the anode from the structure, the location
of endangered structures in the electric field, al hundred amperes.
the type of structure, its dimensions and
shape, the presence and state of insulation, 8.6.3 Corrosion Caused
resistivity of the environment, etc. by Stray Currents
Interaction is determined on the basis of Buried or underwater metal and rein-
potential measurements of the endangered forced concrete structures located near de-
8.6 Protection from Stray Currents 433

vices generating stray currents are endan- tion of current flow. The presence of the IR
gered by electrolytic corrosion. Effects component frequently renders correct deter-
caused by stray currents can be detected in mination of phenomena occurring on the
places where they flow into or our of struc- phase interface impossible. Thus different
tures. In regions where stray currents flow methods are used to eliminate the IR com-
out through an external surface of the struc- ponent. Martin (1982) gives seven such
ture to the ground, anodic polarization of the methods:
metal occurs. Here, electrolytic corrosion
1. measurement of the on-off potential of
processes and dissolution of the metal oc-
the pipeline,
cur (for example, for steel at a rate of ap-
prox. 10 kg A"1 year"1). The corrosion rate 2. measurement of the on-off potential of
depends on the current intensity, the time the coupons,
of outflow from the structure, and the area 3. impulse techniques,
through which it flows. Places where stray 4. measurement of the potential of special
currents flow from the environment to the probes,
structure are not endangered by electrolytic 5. measurement of the potential in relation
corrosion. Here cathodic polarization oc- to an electrode placed near the pipeline,
curs, and corrosion processes are inhibited. 6. measurement of the voltage gradient in
In electric tractions, positive polarity of the the ground, and
contact system and negative polarity of the 7. ac current techniques.
return system are generally applied. In such Unfortunately, only several of them can
systems, the greatest corrosion hazard to be used in interaction zones of stray cur-
structures is expected near places of connec- rents. For example, in cathodic protection
tion of rails to the traction return substation. systems the on-off technique is used, which
in the considered conditions is unreliable
(Baeckmann and Prinz, 1983). The IR prob-
8.6.4 Hazard Determination
lem can be avoided by measuring the poten-
Potential measurements of a given object tial of a coupon galvanically connected with
are generally used for the evaluation of stray the structure, buried next to it, and simulat-
current interaction. A frequently changing ing an insulation defect (Baeckmann and
value of this potential with time points to Schwenk, 1989). Usually, the coupon is part
the presence of stray currents. Their flow of a special probe also containing a refer-
can also be detected by measurement of the ence electrode. Coupons are most frequent-
voltage drop on the ground surface. Stray ly used for the evaluation of the effective-
currents are usually random in character, ness of protective installations and not the
and that is why for measurement stochastic corrosion hazard caused by stray currents
signal principles should be used. (Lawson and Thompson, 1998). Also, the
Unfortunately, in regions of stray cur- extrapolation method is used, which allows
rents interaction the IR component, which determination of the structure potential free
is difficult to determine, also affects the met- of the ohmic component on the basis of volt-
al structure potential measurement. The val- age drop measurements in the ground and
ue of this component depends on the dis- the off potential (Baeckmann, 1983). A new
tance of the electrode from the metal/elec- system of corrosion hazard monitoring of
trolyte phase interface and the polarization underground structures has been developed
current intensity, and its sign in the direc- in Belgium (Carpentiers et al., 1998). The
434 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

CORREAL system enables measurement of • voltage between the underground struc-

the "real" potential with the elimination of ture and the source of stray currents (e.g.,
the IR component even in soils of high re- rails),
sistivity and with interactions of the ac cur- • the potential of the structure against a
rents, simplifying identification of interfer- portable reference electrode.
ence sources.
Robertson (1993) points to CP interfer- The degree of interaction of stray currents
ence in municipal and others areas, and lists is determined from the correlation depen-
techniques that can be used for their detec- dence of the structure potential and the volt-
tion. Backer (1997) describes the current age between the structure and the source of
interference of intersecting pipelines with theses currents. Examples of dependencies
CP in Canada. He points to the frequent lack are presented in Fig. 8-27.
of control measurement points on intersec- If stray currents are random in character
tions of pipelines, making the detection of and have an alternate polarization, then
hazards impossible. Each intersection of ca- from this relation the asymmetry coefficient
thodically protected pipelines should have /can be determined of changes of the struc-
anticorrosion protection in the form of di- ture potential E in relation to the stationary
electric leakproof protective coatings, and potential Es. The value of this coefficient is
should be checked by a CP expert to meet the measure of hazard. It determines the
national standards on interference. In Eng- probability P that the potential value will be
land, the criterion of a positive change of more positive than the stationary potential.
potential of a maximum of +20 mV is used. In other words, it is the percentage share of
In Germany, a potential change of+ 100 mV time TE>Es of anodic polarization of the
is allowed, while NACE Standard RP0169- structure in the observation time T. The
96 (Sec. 8.9) does not allow any potential above dependencies can be given in the fol-
change of an underground structure endan- lowing way
gered by current interference.
Determination of the corrosion hazard of = P(E>Es) = - ^ 4 x 1 0 0 % ) (8-21)
industrial structures in the field of stray cur-
rent interaction, due to difficulties, is the
subject of a relatively small number of pub- Some period of anodic polarization of a
lications, for example, Bazzoni and Lazarri structure is allowed at which a total effect
(1996). The correlation method described of metal loss is not observed. This results
by Juchniewicz and Sokolski (1985, 1986) from a certain degree of reversibility of elec-
allows, on the basis of field measurements, trode processes occurring on the metal-
determination of the potential hazard to electrolytic environment phase interface.
structures caused by electrolytic corrosion On the basis of laboratory and field mea-
and the effectiveness of electrochemical surements, the following criterion of corro-
protection from stay currents. The principle sion hazard to an industrial structure has
is based on simultaneous field measure- been assumed due to electrolytic corrosion
ments of two quantities connected by the caused by stray currents:
presence of stray currents, and analysis of / < 30% no hazard,
the spectrum of their mutual correlation.
During field measurements, the following y- 30 - 50% average hazard,
quantities are most frequently measured: 7> 50% large hazard.
8.6 Protection from Stray Currents 435

of stray currents, discontinuities of tractions

return circuits, interaction of electrochemi-
cal protection installations. More informa-
tion can be found in the works of Juchnie-
wicz and Sokolski (1985,1986) and Zakow-
ski and Sokolski (1997).
Digital recorders are essential for corro-
sion measurements of stray current interac-
tion. Rapid progress in this field led to the
appearance on the market of a series of high
class devices of this type. This in turn led to
the development of computer software for
the analysis of obtained measurement data.
Methods of evaluation of the corrosion haz-
ard caused by stray currents are being im-
proved. Computer controlled stray current
remote monitoring systems are more and
more frequently used. More information can
be found in the publications of Bazzoni and
Lazzari (1996), Fitzgerald III et al. (1998),
Britton (1991), Solomon and Maddocks
(1992), and Flounders and Danilyak (1995).

8.6.5 Limiting Hazardous Interaction

The hazard caused by stray can be limit-
ed mainly by:
• changes and preventive activities in cur-
rent sources (limitation of their leakage
to electrolytic environments),
• insulation of structures and the applica-
/ tion of insulating flanges, and
• the application of electrochemical pro-
tection of endangered structures.
Figure 8-27. Real correlation spectra: a) no protec-
tion, b) polarized drainage, c) automatic drainage. Preventive Activities
Stray currents are a real corrosion hazard
Additional conclusions on the character to metal underground infrastructures, caus-
of stray currents interaction in the place of ing significant corrosion losses. Thus the
measurement can be drawn from the shape electrolytic corrosion hazard should be pre-
of the correlation spectrum of measured dicted at the structure design phase, and the
quantities. Mostly, this takes the shape of an route should be properly chosen (far from
ellipse. All of its deformations (bends, dif- stray current sources). The problem of elec-
fusion, etc.) show, e.g., additional sources trolytic corrosion also can be limited by ex-
436 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

cellent insulation. Its application can, how- • connection of the endangered structure to
ever, favor stray current flow phenomena in the protected structure through a resistor
structures at significant distances from cur- (in endangered places).
rent sources and trigger corrosion hazards
in these regions (e.g., on ends of pre-insu- Stray currents from industrial equipment
lated pipeline sections). Correct construc- can be completely eliminated by their cor-
tion is very important, along with operation rect use.
of the structure so as to minimize flow of
stray currents. Electrochemical Protection
The following main activities are applied
as preventive methods leading to the limi- In the vicinity of electric tractions, pro-
tation of leakage of stray currents from tection is realized by polarized or amplified
electric traction return circuits: electric drainage. Polarized drainage is
• welding of rails (decrease of the resis- made up of e.g., a regulated resistor and an
tance to flow of return currents), element (e.g., a diode), enabling the flow of
• installing connectors between rails (de- current in one direction from the protected
crease of the rail network resistance and structure to the traction rail. Polarized drain-
maintenance of an equal potential be- age is used in the case where the rails at the
tween the rails), and point of leading currents away exhibit a neg-
• the application of insulating washers ative potential almost all of the time and a
between rails and cross-ties (which in- change of polarity can occur for only short
creases the resistance of the rails in rela- periods.
tion to the ground). If polarized drainage does not ensure sat-
isfactory protection of the structure, then
Minimization of the harmful interaction amplified drainage can be applied. A dc
of stray currents connected with the work of power source is connected into the circuit of
a monopolar HVDC line is based on the ap- this drainage, which forces currents away,
plication of ground or maritime electrodes even in the case where the rails have a pos-
of small resistance. This is why they are of itive potential in relation to the structure.
large dimensions and located in environ- The drainage operation is based on con-
ments of small resistivity. Bipolar systems trolled removal of stray currents from the
should be exploited in such a way that leak- underground structure to the source of their
age of equalizing currents to the ground formation. The harmful phenomenon of cur-
does not occur (Nikolakakos, 1998). rents outflow from the external surface of
In cathodic protection systems, the effect structures to the ground is eliminated in this
of stray currents interactions on neighbor- way. Choice and localization of drainage de-
ing structures can be decreased by: vices should be preceded by determination
• the localization of anodes in soil in which of the electrolytic corrosion hazard (on the
a minimal electric field gradient is basis of specialist measurements) and anal-
formed or there will be no interaction ysis of the situation in the field. More infor-
with other structures, mation on drainage is given by Chaker and
• application of sacrificial protection, if Lindemuth (1994) and Pignatelli (1985).
with its use the same protective effect can In the case of small harmful stray current
be obtained, instead of protection by an interaction or a significant distance from
external power source, and their sources, impressed current cathodic
8.7 Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 437

protection is used. Due to variations of the higher intensity currents, protection of the
structure potential caused by changes in the endangered structure is applied by addition-
intensity of stray currents, cathodic protec- al cathodic protection stations. If the protec-
tion stations are usually equipped with an tion installation as the source of additional
automatic parameter regulation system. hazard has an appropriate power reserve,
If the requirement for protective current then metallic connection of both structures,
is not high, then polarized sacrificial anodes i.e., protected and endangered, is advised.
can also be used for protection. These are To enable adjustment of the flowing current
connected with a protected object through intensity, the connection is realized through
semiconductor elements (diodes and tran- a regulated resistor. Attainment of the same
sistors). potential of the endangered structure as that
Elimination of the harmful interaction of before occurrence of the hazard, i.e., the sta-
dc currents generated by cathodic protection tionary potential, is treated as a criterion for
systems can be achieved by: the elimination of the harmful interaction of
cathodic protection currents. Detection, de-
• the application of individual electro- termination of locations of highest hazard,
chemical protection of the endangered and elimination of the harmful interaction
structure, or are especially difficult problems in cathod-
• connection of the endangered structure to ic protection and require significant prac-
the cathodic protection installation (com- tical knowledge of corrosion personnel
mon cathodic protection). supervising protective installations. More
The choice of method depends on the lo- information is given by Ames (1989),
cal devices operation conditions. When a Swaim (1995), Silkworth (1981), Alberizzi
relatively small interaction is encoutered, (1997), and Stella and Fucini (1997).
the application of sacrificial anodes is rec-
ommended for the individual protection of
endangered structures (Fig. 8-28), the sac- 8.7 Cathodic Protection of
rificial anode being connected in the places Reinforced Concrete Structures
of occurrence of the highest positive poten-
tial changes. The cathodic protection of reinforced
To ensure flow of current in the required concrete structures due to its high impor-
direction, a silicon diode is introduced into tance and dynamic development requires
the circuit. Under interaction conditions of separate, more detailed discussion.


Figure 8-28. Elimination of the

Sacrificial anode harmful interaction of cathodic
protection using a sacrificial
anode, where 1 is the pipeline pro-
tected cathodicaliy and 2 is the en-
dangered pipeline.
438 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

8.7.1 Theoretical Principles of the passive state of steel in concrete. More

information on the effect of various factors
The corrosion of reinforcement in con-
on corrosion and the protection of reinforced
crete is caused by destruction of the passive
concrete is given by Page et al. (1990).
layer of steel when the pH of concrete falls
Glass and Buenfeld (1995) published a
from approx. 13 to below 9. There are two
paper on the current density needed to
main causes of this phenomenon: contami-
ensure cathodic protection of the reinforce-
nation of concrete with chlorides and the
ment of concrete exploited in the atmo-
carbonization process of concrete.
sphere, and pointed out that the cathodic
Chloride ions initiate the corrosion of current, apart from polarization, removes
steel by destroying the passive layer. The chlorides and alkalizes the surface layer of
greater the chloride concentration, the more concrete on steel, having a positive effect on
rapid the depassivation of steel. Chloride the effectiveness of protection.
ions enter concrete as a contamination of
A number of processes are now defined
raw materials used for the production of
as the electrochemical protection of rein-
concrete (mainly water and sand) and as the
forced concrete:
result of diffusion from the surrounding en-
vironment especially in the case of apply- • cathodic protection (CP),
ing salt to roads. The high aggressiveness of • chloride extraction (CE),
chloride ions is explained by the autocata- • realkalization of carbonated concrete
lytic course of the ionization reaction of (RA), and
steel in their presence • cathodic prevention (CPR).

Fe + 2 C r -> FeCl2 + 2 e" (8-22) Reinforced concrete electrochemical

protection methods used against corrosion
FeCl2 + 2 H2O -> Fe (OH)2 caused by contamination with chlorides or
(8-23) the carbonization process may be used for
These processes, accelerated by the car- new structures, as well as those already used
bonization of concrete, cause the formation in soil, water, and atmospheric environ-
of active-passive cells on the surface of ments. The first practical CP application
steel, intensifying corrosion of the rein- was realized in the U.S.A. for the protection
forcement, It is considered that chloride of a bridge contaminated with deicing salts
contents in concrete should not exceed 0.4% (Stratfull, 1974).
by weight in relation to the dry mass of ce- Electrochemical protection of reinforced
ment. In many stated cases of corrosion of concrete must take into account the follow-
reinforced concrete structures, a higher ing factors:
chloride content was observed. • ensuring electric continuity in the rein-
Carbonization of concrete caused by the forced concrete structure,
penetration of carbon dioxide into concrete • the high resistivity of concrete up to
leads initially to the formation of calcium 20 000 Q m,
carbonate as a result of reaction with calci- • the possibility of acidification and de-
um hydroxide, and then to calcium hydro- struction of the concrete structure near
gen carbonate, which is washed out by rain anodes during operation, and
water from concrete capillaries. A decrease • the large difficulties connected with the
of the pH of the concrete environment to choice of questionable CP criteria and mon-
8-8.5 is the result and it causes destruction itoring of the effectiveness of protection.
8.7 Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 439

The principle of CP of concrete reinforce- Funahashi and Young (1997, 1998) have
ment is identical to that of the classic pro- described laboratory and field investiga-
tection method (see Sec. 8.2.1). Protection tions of sacrificial protection of reinforced
with impressed current is used, as well as prestressed bridges in Florida. From the re-
sacrificial protection, mainly in the form of port, it appears that zinc coatings on bridg-
coatings with sacrificial properties applied es do not fully protect steel in reinforced
by heat spraying. In spite of initial difficul- concrete. Good results have been obtained
ties and ambiguities, the CP of reinforced in sea water, while unsatisfactory results
concrete structures is presently very inten- have been obtained in medium aggressive
sively implemented in practice. This meth- environments. The current output of zinc
od has been applied for the protection of anodes distinctly decreases on lowering the
over 600 000 m2 of reinforced concrete pH of the concrete environment as a result
structures in the U.S.A. and Canada, includ- of the carbonization process. New anodes
ing over 500 bridges (data from 1998). In made of Al-Zn-In alloys have shown a
Europe, the CP of reinforced concrete us ap- distinctly higher current output than zinc
plied mainly in the U.K., Norway, and Ita- anodes after two years of investigations.
ly. Information is given on application of the Zinc as well as aluminum-sprayed coatings
method in the Arabic countries, Korea, Ja- ensure an approx. 15 years operation peri-
pan, and Australia. In Fig. 8-29, a schemat- od at a thickness of approx. 300 \xm.
ic diagram is shown of cathodic protection Pourbaix and Cargo (1993) provided the
of a reinforced concrete bridge using anodes information that Eurotunnel, a modern rein-
in the form of titanium mesh coated with forced concrete and steel structure, contains
mixed metal oxides (MMOs). 16 anodic beds of 100 m depth, which in the
case of a hazard will protect a 2.5 km sec-
tion of the tunnel. The total length of the tun-
nel is equal to approx. 50 km, out of which
38 km run under the sea. The method of CP
protection of Eurotunnel is schematically
presented in Fig. 8-30.

8.7.2 Protection Criteria

The technology of cathodic protection of
reinforced concrete is to elaborate its own
protection criteria, other than for steel struc-
tures corroding in different environments
than concrete. They are still mainly poten-
tial criteria, used carefully so as not to lead
to overprotection and as a consequence lib-
eration of hydrogen and weakening of the
adhesion of concrete to steel. In prestressed
Figure 8-29. Schematic diagram of cathodic protec- structures, the presence of hydrogen can
tion of a reinforced concrete structure, where 1 is the
lead to embrittlement. John and Messham
rectifiers, 2 the mesh anode (MMO), 3 the protected
reinforcement of deck bridge, and 4 the reference elec- (1989) exhaustively describe the following
trodes. protection criteria of reinforced concrete:
440 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

cross-passage service tunnel running tunnel

Figure 8-30. Schematic diagram of cathodic protection

of Eurotunnel [Pourbaix and Cargo (1993), reprinted with

• 300 mV shift from as-found potential, tical problems of CP in reinforced concrete,

• 100 mV potential decay after disconnec- including protection criteria used in the
tion of CP, U.S.A. for bridge structures. Analysis of in-
• potential-current relationship (E-\ogI), vestigation results on the CP criteria of steel
• and others. in concrete was published by Bennett and
Broomfield (1997), indicating the validity
In the 1990s the most frequently used re- of experimental investigations in relation to
inforced concrete protection criterion has conclusions based in theory or speculation.
been the second criterion, i.e., a decrease of The authors discuss the future European
the potential by 100 mV, determined after Standard (CEN) (1996), commenting its
disconnection of the polarizing current. usefulness. They point to the required pola-
Measurement of the potential was carried rization as a function of chloride concentra-
out after 4 h from CP disconnection (NACE
tion at the surface of steel. For more infor-
Standard RP0290-90 (1990)).
mation, see Bohdanowicz and Krakowiak
Swiat and Bushman (1993) describe the (1996) and Juchniewicz et al. (1989a).
CP criteria of reinforced concrete structures
in atmospheric conditions. The authors crit-
8.7.3 Reference Electrodes
ically assess criteria used in the U.S.A. and
Canada during the CP of bridges. Broom- Reference electrodes used in the CP of re-
field (1997) describes theoretical and prac- inforced concrete should meet the same re-
8.7 Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 441

quirements as those used in classic cathod- Within years, improved anodes were formed
ic protection (see Sec. 8.2.4). Up to now, they with a developed surface (decreased anod-
are a serious investigation problem. Bennett ic current density) and elimination in this
and Mitchell (1992) presented a technical way of the dangerous acidification of con-
outline of most frequently used electrodes crete and extension of the operation time.
for the control of reinforced concrete At present, sacrificial alloys of zinc and
structures, including copper sulfate, silver aluminum are also being investigated, fire
chloride, graphite, catalytic metal oxide sprayed on the concrete surface. An impor-
(MMO), and calomel electrodes. Their re- tant role is also played by economic factors.
producibility, micropolarizability, electro- In Table 8-12 the types of anodes currently
chemical hysteresis, and temperature coef- used for the CP of reinforced concrete are
ficient are given. Huang et al. (1994) pre- listed.
sented results of investigations on the use- Wyatt (1993) describes some anodic
fulness of fixed and exchangeable reference systems used in the cathodic protection of
electrodes: silver chloride and lead for the reinforced concrete, discussing their advan-
potential measurement of reinforcement tages and disadvantages. In the 1990s, mesh
under laboratory and field conditions. They titanium anodes (MMO) were mainly used
stated a greater usefulness of the silver chlo- for the CP of reinforced concrete (almost
ride electrode for engineering applications. 90%) (Tvarusko, 1993; Hayfield, 1998c). It
Dehghanian et al. (1995) carried out two- is worth mentioning that in 1986 conductive
year investigations on molybdenum/molyb- paints were used for the CP of reinforced
denum oxide and mercury/mercury oxide concrete support columns on the Spaghetti
electrodes stating that they have good Junction near Birmingham, obtaining very
properties (stable potential and small differ- good operation results (private communica-
ences of potential between the same elec- tion). Hartt et al. (1997) discussed the re-
trodes). Arup et al. (1997) gave results of sults of investigations of cathodic protection
long-term investigations of the MnO2 elec- systems in concrete. According to them, no
trode designated for the control of the effec-
tiveness of CP of steel in concrete. The elec-
trode is characterized by a high potential
stability (± 10 mV) and small polarization Table 8-12. Types of anodes for the cathodic protec-
tion of reinforced concrete.
during flow of current (less than 1 mV C"1).
The electrode works well in the laboratory Type Applications
over wide range of temperatures from
10-80°C. Mixed metal oxide deck, substructure
Titanium mesh in overlay splash zone, piling's
Potential measurements of steel rein- Conductive asphalt deck
forcement in concrete are relatively difficult
Conductive epoxy
and have been the subject of a interesting
Grout concrete deck
discussion carried out by Myrdal (1996). Conductive paint substructure
Sprayed zinc, aluminum substructure, deck
Titanium splash zone
8.7.4 Anodes Conductive polymers substructure,
splash zone
In the initial period of use of reinforced
Conductive concrete deck, substructure
concrete CP, traditional anodes from im- Ebonex splash zone, substructure
pressed current CP systems were used.
442 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

proper control method has been developed holm and Linder (1995), Glass et al. (1997),
that would take into account the electro- Brousseau et al. (1997), Pedeferri (1996),
chemical behavior of sacrificial anodes, Tettamanti et al. (1997), Mietz and Isecke
whilst the applied depolarization and other (1993), Xu (1994), Ali and Rasheeduzzafar
tests are not sufficient for the evaluation of (1991), Feliu et al. (1995), and Baboian
sacrificial protection systems of concrete in (1995).
sea water. These factors are taken into ac-
count in Eq. (8-24) proposed by Hartt and
8.7.5 Extraction of Chlorides
co-workers, resulting from transformation
of the well-known Eq. (8-15): In Fig. 8-31, a schematic diagram is
shown of a typical electrochemical chloride
= RAcjc (8-24)
extraction installation from reinforced con-
where Ec is the polarized cathode potential, crete. The principle of this method is iden-
£ a the polarized anode potential (instant tical to the case of the CP of reinforced con-
current off values), R the anode to cathode
resistance, Ac the cathode surface area, and
jc the cathode current density.
The above relationships should be known
at the time of energizing and as part of sub- DC Power Supply
sequent surveys (Hartt and Chen, 1995).
Sacrificial zinc anodes for the CP of rein-
forced concrete are described by Hartman Rebar
and Hillier (1997), while Kessler et al. (1996)
describe zinc mesh anodes cast into concrete Concrete
pile jackets. Other considerations of rein-
forced cathodic protection are discussed
by Simon et al. (1997), Kessler et al. (1997) Chloride
and NACE Standard RPO187-87 (1987). Ion (Cl~)
Brown and Tinnea (1991) have described
the causes of failures in the application of
CP of reinforced concrete structures such as
bridges, garages, etc. They point to the fact
that CP systems were incorrectly designed Electrolyte Media
Saturated with Electrolyte
and operated. They also give recommenda-
tions for correct designing. Bianchetti (1993)
in a review gathered information on the cor- Anode Mesh
rosion and CP of prestressed concrete cylin-
der pipes. The author states that the operat-
ing potential level of the polarization of steel
in concrete for prestressed pipes should be
in the range from - 0.5 to - 0.9 V vs. CSE.
From the wide-ranging literature con-
cerning the CP of reinforced concrete, pa- Figure 8-31. Schematic diagram of typical electro-
pers published in corrosion journals of dif- chemical chloride extraction installation [Whitmore
ferent countries can be mentioned: Seder- (1996), reprinted with permission].
8.7 Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete Structures 443

crete. Also, external anodes are used and in the application of lower polarizing cur-
placed on the surface of the concrete, but rent densities of the order of 0.2-2 A m"2,
the chloride extraction process is carried out whilst maintaining an identical system as for
using higher current parameters. Titanium CE. Also, aqueous sodium carbonate solu-
anodes coated with mixed oxides (MMOs) tions have to be used for the moisturizing of
are most frequently used as the anodic ma- the concrete. OH" ions generated on the
terial. The current density is high and reach- cathode (steel) alkalize the surface of the re-
es 20 A nT2 on the reinforced concrete sur- inforcement and after a time (up to 20 days)
face. The system is aided by an electrolyte, cause repassivation, which favors retarda-
frequently sodium carbonate with different tion of the corrosion process of steel. Mietz
additives. In the formed electric field, sim- and Isecke (1993,1994) state that during re-
ilar to cathodic protection, the migration of alkalization of reinforced concrete the fol-
anions (chlorides) occurs to the external lowing processes occur:
anode. On the surface of the anode, chlorine
liberation reactions take place (Reaction • adsorption as a result of capillary effects,
8-3) along with the formation of hypochlor- • diffusion,
ites (Reaction 8-25) • migration of ions,
• electrolysis, and
lo + OH" -» CIO" + H+ + Cl (8-25) • electroosmosis.
The formed products are aggressive to con- Time and current density are the most im-
crete and have to be removed from its sur- portant parameters of the realkalization pro-
face with water. In parallel, on the surface cess. More information is given by Mietz
of the steel reinforcement an oxygen depo- (1995), Pocock (1995), Al-Kadhimi et al.
larization reaction takes place (Reaction (1995), and Bertolini et al. (1998a).
8-6), causing alkalization of the concrete
layer next to the reinforcement surface, and
8.7.7 Cathodic Prevention
the passive state of steel is strengthened. It
is important not to lead to overprotection of Cathodic prevention (CPR) is applied for
the steel and liberation of hydrogen. It has new reinforced or prestressed structures,
been observed that more chlorides are which are not contaminated by chlorides,
washed out near reinforcement bars than in but their contamination is expected during
the concrete mass, and that as a result of operation (for example, as a result of salt ap-
chloride extraction the steel potential be- plication on streets or the action of a sea at-
comes less negative. The process of chlo- mosphere, etc.). In such conditions, as a pre-
ride removal from reinforced concrete usu- vention, the reinforced concrete structure is
ally lasts from 4 to 10 weeks. More infor- subject to a process ensuring CP. Pedeferri
mation is given by Whitmore (1996), Mietz (1996) and Bertolini et al. (1998b) applied
and Isecke (1993), Broomfield (1997), and the CPR method (mainly in Italy) for the
Pate (1996). protection of prestressed reinforced con-
crete structures of a total area of approx.
140000 m2. Prevention works were carried
8.7.6 Realkalization of Carbonized out on new reinforced concrete motorway
Concrete viaducts. In the CPR method, low cathodic
Realkalization of concrete (RA) differs current densities are applied of the order of
from CP and chloride extraction processes 1-2 mA m~2, starting prevention from the
444 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

beginning of operation, before it becomes method. The authors warn that this method
contaminated with chlorides. In this pro- can be applied on structures of simple
cess, up-to-date knowledge is used on pit- geometry with effective monitoring (Berto-
ting corrosion and the steel pitting corrosion lini et al., 1997). More information is given
potential. In Fig. 8-32, the effect of increas- by Pedeferri (1996) and Novokshchenov
ing chloride concentration on the anodic be- (1997). Cathodic protection of reinforced
havior of steel in concrete is shown. concrete is a new field, which has developed
The pitting potential of steel Epit decreas- dynamically in recent years. All elements of
es from approx. + 500 mV vs. SCE (no chlo- it, such as, the applied materials, the protec-
rides in concrete) to approx. - 500 mV at high tion parameters, designing, the protection
chloride contents. The pitting potential de- criteria, the operation conditions, the ele-
pends also on the temperature, pH, type of ments of the environment, and the training
cement, porosity of concrete, etc. The high- of personnel, are subjects of concern for
est permissible chloride content for a given those interested in development of the meth-
potential value at which the passive state is od. Economic factors result in the awarding
maintained is a critical value. The principle of high subsidies for investigations in this
of the CPR method is based on increasing the field by interested countries. More informa-
critical content by decreasing the potential. tion is given by Bazzoni et al. (1996) and
Usually, a decrease of potential of 100 mV Tettamanti et al. (1997).
corresponds to an increase of the critical
chloride contents by an order of magnitude.
By applying cathodic polarization of the re- 8.8 Other Applications
inforcement from the beginning of operation,
of Cathodic Protection
such a high increase of the critical contents
of chlorides in relation to the nonpolarized
structure is obtained that such contents are 8.8.1 Alloy Steels
never attained in operational practice. The protection of alloy steels and other
Three year observations in Italy have passivating alloys from local corrosion is at
confirmed the effectiveness of the CPR present an important investigation and tech-

E ^ -NoC
(mV vs SCE)

rr mcreasing


h — • - >
Figure 8-32. Schematic illustration
of the anodic behavior of steel in
concrete in the presence of chlo-
rides [Bertolini et al. (1998b), re-
printed by permission].
8.8 Other Applications of Cathodic Protection 445

nical problem. More and more frequently, to 10000 tons DWT. Impressed current ca-
in addition to the improvement of alloy com- thodic protection is used for larger objects.
position, electrochemical protection is used Electrochemical protection should assist
as an effective protection from pitting, existing coating protection systems. Ap-
crevice corrosion, and corrosion cracking. propriate sets of organic coatings resistant
Good results are obtained for the CP of al- to alkalis are used as coating protection
loy steels and aluminum alloys in sea water (Berendsen, 1989). Cathodic protection sta-
(Under, 1994). tions usually work in the automatic mode
For many years, throughout the world with continuous control of the hull poten-
studies have been carried out on the electro- tial, which results from the variable operat-
chemical protection of cellulose bleachery ing conditions. Continuous changes in the
filters (Garner, 1982; Thompson and Gar- draught of hulls dependent on the load,
ner, 1986); Rozwadowski and Juchniewicz, waves, temperature changes, and salinity
1996). 317L and 904L chrome-nickel of the water have a large effect on the CP
steels, also containing molybdenum in 3 - parameters, especially the current require-
5% quantities, are the most frequently used ment. Modern insoluble anodes are most
construction materials of bleachery filters. frequently made from platinized titanium.
Filter elements operate in one of the most Zinc sacrificial anodes are used for the pro-
aggressive corrosion environments of the tection of tankers. Magnesium and alumi-
chemical industry due to the following prop- num sacrificial anodes cannot be used due
erties: to the possibility of sparking and causing
explosions. More information is given by
• low pH values (1.5-3), Hargarter (1983), Trotman (1986), Foster
• high chloride ion content, (1988), Carson (1986), Evans (1989), and
• elevated temperature (50-70°C), and Heidersbach (1987b). Excellent results are
• the presence of strong oxidizers (Cl2 and also obtained for nonactive fleet (Lloyd,
C1O2). 1991; Barnard 1948).
Corrosion of filters occurs in the trans-
passive state. Their cathodic protection is
8.8.3 Offshore Structures
based on the polarization of steel to a poten-
tial characteristic of the passive state. Gar- The anticorrosion protection of offshore
ner (1998) states that over 120 CP installa- platforms subjected to difficult operating
tions have been applied, mainly in North conditions is an especially responsible task.
America, for the protection against corro- Apart from the continuous strongly corro-
sion of equipment made of austenitic stain- sive interaction of sea water, periodical
less steels operating in bleacheries. More phenomena are also encountered, such as
information is given by Webster (1989) and storms, earthquakes, hurricanes, pressure of
Singbeil and Garner (1987). ice floats, and other phenomena increasing
the corrosion hazard. These interactions
cause stress and fatigue corrosion and oth-
8.8.2 Ships and Vessels
er forms of corrosion attack. In such condi-
The cathodic protection technology of tions, special protective coating systems are
vessel hulls is based on principles developed applied to protect the objects, coupled with
over many years. Sacrificial anodes are usu- cathodic protection realized by the use of
ally applied for the protection of vessels up sacrificial anodes or an external power sup-
446 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

ply. Design, material, operating require- tinuous development is observed in this

ments, and the methods of control are giv- area of computer-aided methods of design-
en in NACE Standard RP0176-94 (1994). ing CP, applied materials, and elements and
Recently, in Norway the largest rein- monitoring systems of protection effective-
forced concrete drilling platform has been ness. More information can be found in the
constructed and placed in the Troll sea gas works of Piazza (1978), Inagaki et al.
field. Fischer (1988) described the under- (1995), Davis (1990), and Shepherd (1989).
water investigations carried out at a depth
of 500 m on Tromsoflaket and Troll fields
8.8.5 Storage Tanks
in order to design the CP of the platform.
Results of investigations have shown that Anticorrosion protection of storage tanks
initial high polarizing current densities fa- is of special importance due to increasing
cilitate the formation of compact, well ad- requirements concerning protection of the
hering cathodic precipitates, difficult to re- environment. Leaks of fuels and chemicals
move by sea waves. The precipitates signif- from corroded tanks can be the source of se-
icantly reduce the protective current density rious pollution of water and soil. Thus some
in further operating conditions. An automat- countries require from the users the appli-
ic logging unit for in situ monitoring of CP cation of more effective protection means.
and environmental data has been used in in- The Environmental Protection Agency in
vestigations. Caudle (1986) has stated that the U.S.A. has set an example to be fol-
the CP of sea platforms placed on oil and lowed, as from 1989 it requires the applica-
gas fields at great depths requires a new ap- tion of high quality protection means, in-
proach: computer modeling (e.g., "Seacorr" cluding cathodic protection, from users of
program), new design principles of sacrifi- underground steel tanks and pipelines with
cial protection systems, and appropriate aggressive chemicals. If new structures do
coatings for underwater surfaces, which will not meet these requirements, their operation
decrease the CP requirement. More infor- is not allowed. A 10 year period has been
mation concerning computer-aided design set for the improvement of anticorrosion
of CP installations is given by Stromen and protection of old pipelines and tanks (see
Rodland (1980), Haroun (1992), Vennet et Federal Register 1988).
al. (1983), and Wyatt (1986). Requirements Cathodic protection is applied for the pro-
and the repair method of CP installations are tection of internal surfaces of steel tanks, in-
described by Turnipseed (1996). cluding the bottom, which is mainly endan-
gered by corrosion (as a result of filling and
8.8.4 Process Plants emptying), and the external surface of the
bottom. Different CP systems are applied
Cathodic protection is widely used in with the use of sacrificial anodes, as well as
classic and atomic power plants, oil refiner- impressed current. More information on the
ies, chemical works, and for the protection technical characteristics of different protec-
of gas and water pipelines and other metal tion systems, design guidelines, applied ma-
structures. Excellent results are obtained terials, and monitoring systems can be
by this method during anticorrosion elec- found in: ANSI/API 651-1992 (1992) Ciuf-
trochemical protection of reactors, tanks, freda et al. (1990), Collins et al. (1992), and
pipelines (external and internal surfaces), Lehmann(1994).
pumps, coolers, heat exchangers, etc. Con-
8.9 Designing Cathodic Protection Systems 447

8.8.6 Power and Telecommunication nal surface, a thin protective layer is formed
Cables of limited thickness of 0.1 -0.3 mm, which
In 1960 the CP technology of lead cas- effectively protects the metal from corro-
ings of cables was recognized as one ensur- sion processes and the growth of precipi-
ing long-term protection in the power indus- tates.
try (Bow, 1993). At present, the use of cables The idea of the method is derived from
with lead casings for power and telecommu- Denmark and is known in Western Europe-
nications is decreasing. In 1978 in the an countries under the name "Guldager
Electric Power Research Institute (U.S.A.) Elektrolyse". The scope of application of
guidelines were compiled for the CP of bur- this method is wide and includes potable wa-
ied cables with concentric neutrals, which ter installations, hot water installations, and
are more or less up-to-date to the present central heating made of different types of
day. At present in NACE, the TIOC-10 materials: carbon steels, galvanized steel,
group is working in the area of the CP of copper, and its alloys. The number of instal-
pipe-type cables. lations protected in this way approaches
50 000 (Guldager, 1998). In a newer edition,
the work of the protective installation is
8.8.7 Electrochemical Protection
steered by a microprocessor system, while
of Water Installations
the operating parameters are digitally re-
The intensive corrosion of pipelines, corded on a special electronic card, allow-
tanks, and heat exchangers in home supply ing full control of all serviced intallations.
systems of hot and cold water is a serious Recently, a more efficient, different protec-
problem. High corrosion aggressiveness of tive system system has been developed,
water is the main cause of corrosion. Elec- called "Katolysis", which is based on ca-
trochemical treatment of water is a method thodic dissolution of aluminum. More in-
allowing effective protection of water in- formation on electrochemical protection in
stallations from corrosion processes and in- water system is given by Juchniewicz and
crustation. The method links CP processes Jankowski (1991) and Juchniewicz et al.
and the electrolytic treatment of water caus- (1989b).
ing a decrease of its corrosivity. Reactors for
the treatment of flowing water are the main
elements of the protective installation. They 8.9 Designing Cathodic
are equipped with soluble aluminum anodes Protection Systems
supplied from a low voltage dc source. The
function of reactors can be fulfilled by oth-
The basic principle in force during the de-
er devices, e.g., hot water dispensers. CP en-
signing of cathodic protection is the neces-
compasses by direct action internal surfac-
sity of obtaining a uniform protective cur-
es of the reactors, while the remaining part
rent distribution, and at the same time a po-
of the water installation is protected as the
tential distribution on the surface of the pro-
result of secondary processes of colloidal-
tected structure (Morgan, 1987; Nisancio-
chemical character. Aluminum hydroxide,
glu, 1992;Baeckmannetal., 1997). The fol-
generated as the result of the controlled dis- lowing relationship is valid for impressed
solution of aluminum anodes (in quantities current cathodic protection
below 0.2 mg dm"3) is distributed with wa-
ter over the whole installation. On its inter- U = I (RA+ Rc) EA+ Ec (8-26)
448 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

where U is the voltage between the cathode • the period of use and expected future use
(protected structure) and the anode, / the of the object,
current flowing between the cathode and the • the dimensions of the object,
anode, EA the electrode potential of the • the depth of placement of the object,
anode, Ec the electrode potential of the cath- • the electric continuity of the object
ode, RA the transfer resistance of the anode, (placement of insulation joints, gate
Rc the transfer resistance of the cathode, and valves, seals, etc.),
R& the resistance of the electrolytic envi- • the type of protective coating,
ronment. • the existing corrosion defects, and
Designing a cathodic protection installa- • the location of earthing and power sup-
tion is based on the determination of these plies.
current and voltage values, so that the po-
tential of the object (cathode) attains the In the design process, the nature of the
value of the protection potential (ECP) electrolytic environment, the location of
E power sources such as traction stations, the
c - ^cp neighboring metal structures the existing
For a sacrificial protection installation (with nearby cathodic protection installations, the
no external power source), Eq. (8-26) is re- high voltage lines, etc., must be taken into
duced to the form account. Choice of the type of anode is made
taking into account economic, ecological,
/ =- (8-27) electrochemical-mechanical aspects, and
+ also field-environmental conditions. In the
being an expanded version of Eq. (8-15). case of sacrificial protection, apart from the
Obtaining a uniform distribution of pro- mentioned matters, it is essential to deter-
tective current on the whole protected sur- mine the expected operational time of
face of the structure is a complex problem. anodes and changes with time of the electric
The current distribution, as well as the po- field casued by the change of properties of
tential distribution, depends on many fac- soluble anodes.
tors, such as, the polarization capacity of the From the electric point of view, design-
structure, the resistance of the environment ing cathodic protection installations is based
and protective coatings on the structure, the on the determination of the spatial distribu-
dimensions and shape of protected struc- tion of the electric field intensity between
ture, etc. This distribution also depends on anodes and the protected structure as the
the shapes, placement and electrochemical cathode. Classic cathodic protection systems
characteristics of applied anodes. Taking operate in ohmic control conditions (Mor-
into account all of these factors during the gan, 1987; Benedict, 1986). This means that
design process is difficult, thus during the the resistance magnitude between anodes
design of cathodic protection installations, and the protected structure is a factor affect-
technical data corresponding to existing ca- ing the distribution of electric field force
thodic protection installations already in op- lines. The transfer resistance between the
eration are frequently used. anode and the electrolytic environment con-
The technical design of a cathodic pro- nected with electrochemical reactions, and
tection installation should take into account: the transfer resistance between the electro-
• the topographic plan of the protected ob- lytic environment and the cathode, are usu-
ject and its technical use, ally insignificantly small in relation to the
8.9 Designing Cathodic Protection Systems 449

resistance of the electrolytic environment. div J = 0 (8-31)

The ohmic voltage drop of the electrolytic
environment resistance is connected with §JdS = I (8-32)
the current distribution around the anode, s
which is placed at a distance from the cath- F = - grad E (8-33)
ode. Taking into account that the area of
anodes is insignificantly small in compari- where F is the electric field intensity vec-
son with the cathode area, the cathodic pro- tor, J the current density vector, dS the sur-
tection system to a first approximation can face vector, / the current, E the potential,
be considered as a cathode of defined di- and g the resistivity.
mensions surrounded by point anodes. In The presented equations are of funda-
such an approach, the design of a cathodic mental importance in the design process of
protection installation can be reduced to the cathodic protection installations. In the case
application of the Ohm law and its modifi- of objects of simple symmetry, solving these
cations. From this introduction, it is clear equations allows determination of the po-
that designing of a cathodic protection in- tential and current profile changes in the
stallation is a complex process. Usually, form of strict mathematical relations. Equa-
each designed installation requires an indi- tion (8-28) is the mathematical notation of
vidual approach. For this reason, only the a potential field. If, in a conducting medi-
general mathematical methods used in the um, and electric field of intensity F exists,
designing phase will be presented in this then the voltage between points A and B is
section. described by Eq. (8-29). Equation (8-30) is
a vector notation of Ohm's law. The electric
field of a direct current is a potential field,
8.9.1 Current and Potential Distribu- the divergence of the current density vector
tion in a Stationary Electric Field is equal to zero (Eq. (8-31)). If the electric
field flows through a closed surface 5, then
The current/potential distribution is the flux of the current density vector is equal
understood as the relation of current/poten- to zero. Equation (8-32) expresses this state-
tial from spatial co-ordinates, and the poten- ment. This equation expresses the continu-
tial is understood as the electrode potential ity principle of an electric field. At the same
which is not determined in relation to earth time Eq. (8-32) gives the nonsource condi-
but in relation to a given reference electrode tion of a vector current density field. In ac-
maintaining a constant potential which does cordance with Eq. (8-33), the electric field
not change with time. Due to the necessity intensity vector is unequivocally described
of determining spatial dependencies of po- by potential changes in the function of spa-
tential and current, vectors of well-known tial co-ordinates.
relations describing the electric field are
used in the designing process
8.9.2 Transfer Resistance
rot F = 0 (8-28) of a Spherical Anode
The electric field intensity is connected
with the flowing current density and is de-
termined by vector Eq. (8-30). With spher-
= Jg (8-30) ical co-ordinates, the equation assumes the
450 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

forms jects of linear symmetry, such as pipelines,

hot water pipelines, telecommunication
= gJ(r) = Ql (8-34) cables, etc. In designing the cathodic pro-
tection of such objects, it is convenient to
where r is the radius and / = \ JdS is the in- use the theory of distributed electric ele-
s ments. The electric schematic diagram of a
tensity of the flowing current. linear object is presented in Fig. 8-33.
The potential of the sphere, the radius of It has been assumed that the protected ob-
which is equal to r in accordance with Eq. ject is represented by an infinitely long line
(8-29) is equal to of unit resistance r. A change of resistance
of a linear object at a differentially small dis-
(8-35) tance is equal to r dx. At point x = 0 called
An r the drainage point, a point anode is located.
The voltage applied at this point between
If the radius of the spherical anode is equal the anode and the linear structure is equal to
to r0, then the potential of the anode is equal t/(0), and the current corresponding to this
to voltage is equal to 7(0). The voltage at dis-
tance x from the drainage point is equal to
4jtr0 U(x), while the voltage at point x + dx is
equal to U{x) + [dU(x)/dx] dx. Similarly,
By inserting Eq. (8-36) into the known re- the current flowing through the linear object
lationship R = U/I, the dependence describ- at a distance x from the drainage point is
ing the spherical anode resistance is ob- equal to I (JC), and at disstance x + dx is equal
tained to I(x) + [dl(x)/dx] dx. The transfer resis-
tance of the protected object determined per
^A = - ^ — (8-37) unit of its length is equal to r'. In the pre-
sented approach, the changes of voltage in
The transfer resistance of the spherical relation to the spatial co-ordinate x depend
anode only depends on the resistivity of the on the unit resistance of the linear object and
electrolytic environment and the radius of the value of flowing current.
the anode. Such a relation is understandable
in the light of assumptions made on the oh- dU(x)
mic character of the current flow control. dx
The assumption made allowed a reduction
of the anode resistance problem to purely
electric categories, with simultaneous ne-
glect of electrochemical phenomena. Such rdx )+
an approach is the generally adopted and
confirmed procedure, although not in every
case. U(x)

8.9.3 Objects of Linear Symmetry

Very often there is a need to determine Figure 8-33. An electric diagram of a linear object
the cathodic protection parameters of ob- with cathodic protection.
8.9 Designing Cathodic Protection Systems 451

Changes of current in the function of the and field methods:

spatial co-ordinate depend on the voltage
• finite element method, Kasper and April
and transfer resistance r'
U(x) • finite difference method, Strommen
(8-39) (1989), and
dx • boundary element method, Brebbia et al.
Solutions of Eqs. (8-38) and (8-39) take the (1983).
form of well known attenuation equations The finite difference method is a fre-
(Sec. 8.2.2). Current changes, as well as quently used numeric approximation meth-
voltage changes in the case of a linear ob- od for the process of designing cathodic pro-
ject take an exponential form. The charac- tection installations. Relatively simple
ter of changes of current and potential as a mathematical apparatus is used in this meth-
function of distance depend mainly on the od, and therefore the method will be pre-
attenuation constant a given by Eq. (8-10). sented in more detail.
The derived relationships are of fundamen- Changes of the electric field potential in
tal importance in the design of cathodic pro- an area with no electric charge are described
tection of linear objects. by the Laplace equation. If in the analyzed
area an electric charge is present, then the
potential changes are described by the Pois-
8.9.4 Finite Difference Method son equation. The determination of spatial
of Electric Field Potential Determination changes of potential is thus reduced to solv-
The determination of changes of poten- ing the Laplace or Poisson equation.
tial and current in the form of mathematical The idea of the method of finite differ-
equations is only possible in the case of ences of solving boundary conditions for a
objects of simple symmetry. In the case of two-dimensional Laplace or Poisson equa-
complex objects, determination of strict tion is as follows:
mathematical relations describing the po- 1) In a flat area C, in which the potential is
tential and current changes is not possible to be found, a network is formed from
at all. In such cases, numerical approxima- identical square meshes of side h, as rep-
tion computer-aided methods are used. resented in Fig. 8-34. Apart from square
Computer simulation methods allow current meshes, rectangular, triangular, and hex-
and potential distribution profiles on the agonal meshes can also be formed.
protected structure to be obtained for as- 2) A given differential equation is substitut-
sumed initial conditions (Beattie et al., ed in the nodes with an appropriate dif-
1990; Gartland and Johnsen, 1989). By us- ference equation. By proceeding in this
ing computer simulation methods, the main way, a continuously changing potential is
cathodic protection installation parameters replaced by a system of discrete values at
are determined, such as the optimum num- intersection points of the network.
ber and location of anodes, and their shape 3) On the basis of boundary conditions, the
and size. A number of computer analysis values of the sought potential are deter-
methods is used, such as: mined at the network nodes.
• circuital methods, Brichau and Deco- For boundary conditions, when the mesh
ninck(1994), decreases, the real continuous potential dis-
452 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

character, and the accuracy of approxima-

y tion is determined by the size of the mesh
of an area equal to h2. In the boundary case,
when h2 approaches zero a continuous ap-
proximation of the real potential distribu-
p tion is obtained.
Changes of potential in relation to a po-
D tential determined for a given point Po can
be determined using the method of expan-
h sion of function E (x, y) into the Taylor se-
ries. After appropriate mathematical trans-
formations, it can be shown that
0 h
X El+E2 + E3 + E4-4E0 = 0 (8-41)
Figure 8-34. Square mesh with points around point This means that the value of the potential at
Po and contour C of known potential. point Po is the arithmetic mean of potentials
in network nodes directly in the vicinity of
point Po. Next, equations can be determined
tribution is approximated to a better degree for any kth point Pk lying inside the ana-
by the discrete distribution. Application of lyzed area limited by contour C For points
the method of finite differences will be an- lying on contour C, potential values are
alyzed on the basis of the Poisson equation known; thus for these points the number of
in a rectangular co-ordinate system. A sim- unknowns is smaller than five. By calculat-
ilar analysis can be carried out in spherical ing potentials in network nodes, solving the
or cylindrical co-ordinates, this depending Laplace equation is reduced to solving the
on the symmetry of the analyzed system. boundary value problem or solving the al-
The Poisson equation in the rectangular co- gebraic linear equation system.
ordinate system takes the form As a result of writing down k equations
for k nodes lying inside contour C, a system
d2E of algebraic equations is obtained. The ob-
_Q (8-40)
dy2 tained equation system is a linear heteroge-
nous system, while the number of equations
where E (x, y) is the required potential dis- is equal to the number of nodes in the net-
tribution function. In Fig. 8-34 the contour work, this being the number of unknowns.
C of known potential is schematically pre- The profile of potential changes obtained
sented. in this way corresponds to a given number
The profile of potential changes inside and determines the location of polarizing
the contour is not known. To determine the anodes. By changing these parameters, the
potential changes, a square network of side initial conditions are changed and another
h is determined inside contour C The prob- profile of electrode potential changes is ob-
lem of determination of the profile of poten- tained.
tial changes inside contour C is reduced to In the presented approach, designing of
determination of potential values in each cathodic protection installations is reduced
node of the network. The potential distribu- to analysis of potential change profiles ob-
tion determined in this way is discrete in tained for various initial conditions. The
8.10 Anodic Protection 453

presented procedure can be extended to spa- AP. The potentiostatic technique is based on
tial conditions. In this case, elementary determination of the relationship between
cubes are analyzed which are fragments of the applied polarizing current density and
the analyzed space, the potential distribu- the potential of the investigated electrode,
tion of which we are interested in. More i.e., j = / ( £ ) . A schematic anodic polariza-
information on computer-aided design of tion curve showing the passive state is pre-
CP installations can be found in the words sented in Fig. 8-35.
of DeCarlo (1989), Fu (1989), Heidersbach If during determination of the curve the
et al. (1986), Munn (1989), and Warne potential of the electrode changes in steps
(1986). (for example by 20 mV) with sufficiently
long time intervals for the polarization cur-
rent to reach a steady value (e.g., 60 s), then
8.10 Anodic Protection the obtained relation j=f(E) is called the
potentiostatic curve. If the potential chang-
The first attempts to use anodic protec- es continuously at a determined rate (e.g.,
tion (AP) were made by Edeleanu (1954), lOmVmin" 1 ), then the potentiodynamic
who protected stainless steel tanks against curve is obtained. Maintenance of a fixed
corrosion by sulfuric acid. The first reports potential value or appropriate programming
on the application of AP in the chemical in- of electrode potential changes is carried out
dustry in the U.S.A. were given by several in practice with the use of a device called a
research teams: Sudbury etal. (1960),Riggs potentiostat.
et al. (1960), and Locke et al. (1960). Riggs Some metals and alloys exhibit a tenden-
and Locke (1981) summarized achieve- cy to autopassivate, for example, iron and
ments in AP up to 1979. carbon steel in concentrated nitric acid or
The generally used expression "anodic alloy steel in diluted sulfuric acid with an
protection" concerns anticorrosion protec- addition of oxidizers (Fe3+, CrO|~). Metals
tion methods for some metals and alloys in
aggressive chemical environments by anod-
ic polarization with an external dc power
source. Maintaining the metal surface in the Anodic polarization
passive state practically stops corrosion pro-
cesses. However, it should be mentioned
that the anodic passivity phenomenon can
occur in the case of contact with other met-
als characterized by more noble potentials. E,
Cathodic coatings causing anodic passivity
are an example. The same role is played by
platinum, palladium, or copper additives in-
troduced into steel alloys. This method of
protection is sometimes called galvanic
anodic protection. l l l
pass corr crit
Determination of the potentiostatic curve
of the tested metal in its corrosion environ- Current density, log i
ment is the basic condition of the first stage Figure 8-35. Potentiostatic anodic polarization curve
of investigations before proceeding with (Henthorn, 1980).
454 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

and alloys showing the autopassive state are responds to the passive state, in which the
the most desired in operating practice. More metal dissolution rate is small, because an
information is given by Locke (1984) and oxide protective layer is formed as a result
Grafenetal. (1991). of the anodic process in accordance with the
general reaction
8.10.1 Theoretical Principles M + H9O -> MO + 2 H+ + 2 e" (8-43)
To explain the theoretical principles of The composition and structure of passive
anodic protection, the potentiostatic curve layers differ, depending on the metal, the
of anodic polarization of a metal passivat- character of the environment, and other fac-
ing in a given chemical environment can tors, and are often very complex. In the case
be used, as presented schematically in Fig. of iron and carbon steel, a conducting oxide
8-35. In zero-current conditions, the metal Fe3O4 and y-Fe2O3 is usually formed, while
is characterized by a stationary corrosion on alloy steels a mixture of oxides Fe 3 O 4 ,
potential ECOTT. During anodic polarization and y-Fe2O3, and Cr2O3 is formed. The pas-
with a gradual increase of the potential the sive layer usually has the properties of a type
rate of metal dissolution also increases. At n semiconductor with an excess of negative
a potential Epp (critical passivation poten- charge carriers.
tial), the current density attains the maxi- Oxygen plays an important role in the for-
mum value j c r i t (critical passivation current mation of the passive layer. Sometimes oth-
density). After exceeding potential £ p p , er insoluble chemical compounds can be
a rapid decrease of the current density oc- formed, such as sulfates, phosphates, chro-
curs to the value j p a s s (passivation current mates, etc. For example, in concentrated
density). This value practically does not sulfuric acid on the surface of iron and car-
change on a further increase of the potential bon steel, depending on the potential value,
to the value EtT (transpassivation potential). FeSO4 • H2O, FeSO4 • 4H 2 O, FeSO4 •
Above Etr, the current density increases 7H 2 O, or Fe2(SO4)3 • H2O are formed.
again. The range of potentials between £ corr Dissolution of metal in the passive state
and Zspp corresponds to the active state, in is connected with the chemical process of
which the metal dissolves in accordance destruction of the layer according to the re-
with Reaction (8-1). Between the values Epp action
and Ep (Ep is the passivation potential), a
transition range is found connected with re- 2H+->M2 (8-44)
tardation of the metal dissolution process
and initiation of its passivation. This poten- The potential range above the Etr, value cor-
tial for iron in the pH range from 0.3 to 4 responds to the transpassive state. In the
transpassive state, different reactions can
is called the Flade potential (E^) and is de-
take place. For example on the surface of
scribed by
iron and carbon steel in sulfuric acid, oxy-
y = 0.58 - 0.058 pH (8-42) gen is liberated according to Reaction (8-2),
while in the case of chromium or chromi-
Exceeding the Flade potential in the posi- um-nickel steel, a transition occurs from
tive direction causes the formation of pas- the insoluble Cr2O3 oxide into the soluble
sive layers on iron, while in the negative di- dichromate
rection it causes dissolution of the metal.
The potential range between Ep and Etr cor- Cr2O3 + 4H2O (8-45)
8.10 Anodic Protection 455

Unfortunately, this compound has not pro- solution is insignificant. If connections of

tective properties in the passive state of the several metals occur in the structure, then
metal. their passive state ranges should at least
Obtained anodic potentiostatic curves of partially develop,
metals or alloys showing a passive state dif- - the structure is characterized by electric
fer to a smaller or a greater degree from the continuity, and the flow of polarizing cur-
presented schematic diagram. Characteris- rent is ensured to all regions having con-
tic quantities found on curves are strictly tact with the aggressive environment,
connected with the type (composition) of - the medium is of good conductivity and
metal and environmental conditions. An in- stable during operation of the protective
crease of temperature usually significantly installation.
increases the jCTit and j p a s s values, while it
only affects the change of the £ p p value to a Up to the present time, anodic protection
small degree. of chemical apparatus (tanks, cisterns, heat
The presence of aggressive ions, e.g., Cl~, exchangers, reactors) is the most developed
which destroy the passive layer (local cor- and frequently used anodic protection of
rosion occurs, for example, pitting), and at carbon steels and high alloy steels. Also, ti-
adequately high concentrations make its tanium equipment is protected by this meth-
formation impossible, cause an increase of od (Montuelle 1978; Kuzub, 1983). Anodic
theycrit andj pass values with a simultaneous protection of carbon steels is especially ef-
significant decrease of the passive potential fective in diluted (to 20%) and concentrat-
range (AEp). In extreme cases, disappear- ed (above 60%) sulfuric acid and oleum
ance of the passive range occurs. On the (Juchniewicz et al., 1966). Although car-
other hand, the presence of oxidizers (e.g., bon steel in sulfuric acid of concentration
CrO;;~, NO2, Fe3+) usually favors transition exceeding 80% passivates without the use
of the metal to the passive state and causes of an external current, in these conditions it
a decrease of the critical passivation current dissolves slightly. The application of anod-
density. More information is given by Riggs ic protection decreases the corrosion of steel
and Locke (1981), Novak (1987), and Locke by over an order of magnitude at ambient,
(1987). as well as elevated, (to 80 °C) temperatures.
Also, anodic protection is applied for
carbon steel used in fertilizer conditions
8.10.2 Scope of Application (for example, in a mixture of composi-
Up to now, no complete and uniform the- tions 53-66% NH4NO3, 14-26% NH3, and
ory of anodic protection and its design prin- 16-24% H2O, obtaining an over 200-times
ciples has been developed, especially for decrease of the corrosion rate), in aqueous
structures of complex geometric shape. Er- ammonia solutions, and in alkaline cellulose
rors made can lead to catastrophic corrosion solutions (Sprott, 1984). Singbeil (1989) in-
and breakdown. However, empirical princi- vestigated the effect of AP on retarding cor-
ples of its application have been developed. rosion cracking of steel in the paper indus-
Anodic protection can be applied when: try. Laboratory and industrial investigations
have confirmed that AP can prevent the
- the anodically polarized metal shows the cracking of steel in kraft continuous digest-
presence of a passive state range not ers. Garner (1998) stated that AP has been
smaller than 50 mV, in which metal dis- applied with success in the paper industry
456 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

for the protection of over 50 installations of of expensive materials (e.g., high alloy
boiling pots and carbon steel tanks. steels, titanium),
Anodic protection of high alloy steels • the possibility of replacement of expen-
(chromium-nickel and chromium-nickel- sive materials with less expensive ones in
molybdenum) is possible in all sulfuric some cases (e.g., alloy steels with carbon
acid concentrations and necessary especial- steels),
ly at elevated temperatures (up to approx. • retardation of some types of local corro-
120 °C). For example, the protection of steel sion (intercrystalline, selective, stress),
containing 18% Cr, 10% Ni, and 2% Mo in • high throwing power, due to which pro-
sulfuric acid of 20-60% concentration (at tection of apparatus of complicated shapes
47 °C) causes a decrease of the corrosion is possible (pumps, coolers),
rate of over 1000 times. For a given acid • a decrease of the impurity content (cor-
concentration, the dissolution rate during rosion products) in chemical media,
anodic protection depends on the composi- which is of great importance in the pro-
tion of the steel and the temperature of the duction of artificial fibers, and in the
solution. pharmaceutical and food industries, and
The protection of high alloy steels has • relatively low operating costs due to the
been successively applied in phosphoric, ni- application of low currents maintaining
tric, and sulfonic acids (Zhu 1994; Zhou et the passive state.
al. 1995; Sastry and Rao, 1983), and in pro-
The disadvantages and limitations of
cesses where the mentioned acids are one of
anodic protection are as follows:
the components of the environment, for ex-
ample, during neutralization of sulfuric ac- • the possibility of use only in metal - elec-
id (Linder, 1987). trolyte systems showing the passive state,
Titanium in sulfuric and hydrochloric ac- • high initial installation cost,
ids easily undergoes corrosion, but easily • required failure-free operation of control-
passivates during anodic polarization. For regulation systems,
example, anodic protection in 40% H2SO4 • high initial polarizing current, and
at 60 °C decreases the corrosion rate of tita- • designing difficulties.
nium by 1100 times. Also, anodic protec-
tion of this metal is applied in solutions con- 8.10.4 Functioning and Equipment
taining chloride ions, especially in hydro-
chloric acid. The corrosion rate of titanium Operating Parameters
in 30% HCl at 80 °C after the application of
The basic parameters of operating condi-
protection decreases by approximately 800
tions and effectiveness for anodic protection
times. More information can be found in the
are determined from the potentiostatic anod-
works of Locke (1987) and Kuzub and No-
ic polarization curves. They are as follows:
vitskij (1984).
• a critical passivation current density
8.10.3 Characteristics of the Method O'crit) which is essential for crossing the
critical passivation potential (Epp),
A short summary of the AP method is giv-
• a potential range in which the metal is in
en below. The main advantages of AP are:
the passive state (AEp = Etr- Epp), and
• significant extension of the operation • a current density for maintaining the pas-
time of metal structures, frequently made sive state (j pass ).
8.10 Anodic Protection 457

Table 8-13. The AP current parameter values of chosen metals and alloys.

Construction material Environmental Critical passivation Passivation

conditions current density current density
(A nT2) (mA m~2)

S. Steel- 18% Cr, 9% Ni 30% H 2 SO 4 ,24°C 5.5 240

S. Steel- 18% Cr, 9% Ni 67%H 2 SO 4 ,24°C 50 40
S. Steel - 18% Cr, 10% Ni, 2% Mo 67%H 2 SO 4 ,24°C 5 1
Carbon steel 95.6%H 2 SO 4 ,25°C - 100
Titanium 78%H 2 SO 4 ,25°C 10 10
Titanium 20%HCl, 80 °C 13 40

In Table 8-13, examples of anodic protec- 1. the power circuit connecting the output
tion are given. of the potentiostat with the auxiliary elec-
The listed parameter values depend on trode (cathode) and the protected struc-
the type of metal or alloy, as well as on the ture, and
properties of the aggressive environment. It 2. the regulating circuit (potential) connect-
should be kept in mind that current param- ing the input of the potentiostat and the
eter values also depend on the technique of potential meter with the reference elec-
polarization curve determination, and pri- trode and the protected structure.
marily on the potential change rate. More
Technical solutions for each anodic pro-
information on this subject is given by Fo-
tection installation differ depending on the
roulis (1980) and Webster (1989).
type and size of the protected structure, the
In the passive state potential range (A2?p),
character of the environment, and the pola-
frequently a section characterized by the
rization method.
most advantageous passivating current den-
sities is found, the so-called useful anodic
protection range. The protective system
should maintain potential values in this
range. Varying the conditions of opera-
tion of the protected object resulting from
technological processes (e.g., temperature
changes, pH, chemical composition) can,
however, impose other potential values of
the passive state. The chosen value or range
of protective potential values should ensure
complete passivation of the polarized object
in all operating conditions. Electric Systems

A typical schematic diagram of an anod-
ic protection system is presented in Fig. Figure 8-36. Schematic diagram of an anodic protec-
8-36. This system is made up of two basic tion system [ASM Handbook (1987), reprinted by per-
458 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection Potentiostats of material depends mainly on the type of

environment. In anodic protection practice,
In anodic protection installations, poten- the following types of material are used:
tiostats are used in principle, i.e., dc current high alloy chromium-nickel steels (in acid
sources with an electronic system ensuring solutions, ammonia), molybdenum (in sul-
the maintenance of a given potential value furic acid), ferrosilicon alloys (in inorganic
on the surface of polarized metal. Industri- salt solutions and sulfuric acid), nickel (in
al potentiostats differ from laboratory ones alkaline media), and also copper (in sulfur-
by their significantly higher power output. ic acid).
Usually, a ten-fold excess of power of the Construction designs of cathodes vary. At
potentiostat is assumed in relation to the most times, they are bars (cylinders) placed
power calculated on the basis of the current inside the protected structure not far from
required for maintaining the passive state. the bottom. Also, cathodes in the form of
Approximate parameters of industrial po- wire and spirally wound tapes are used. The
tentiostats are as follows: geometric location of cathodes inside the
• output voltage: 5-50 V, structures should ensure a more or less uni-
• output current: 20-60 A, form electric field distribution. A signifi-
• accuracy of maintaining cant role in the work of the protective system
the applied potential: approx. ±10 mV is played by the surface area of the cathode.
• response time: up to 2 s. At too small cathode areas, intensive liber-
ation of hydrogen can occur (high cathodic
There are cases when there is no need to current density) and a connected increase of
use expensive potentiostats, and anodic pro- the power circuit resistance. A too high cath-
tection can be realized by the use of other ode area (small cathodic current density),
dc current sources, for example, stabilized may in some cases lead to rapid corrosion
power supplies. These current sources can of the cathode (e.g., chromium-nickel steel
only be used when the metal is character- in sulfuric acid) and contamination of the
ized by a wide passive state range, e.g., environment. It may be stated that the most
0.8 V, and the current needed for maintain- advantageous is a cathodic current density
ing this state varies insignificantly with that will ensure cathodic protection of the
time. This is connected with the stable con- auxiliary electrode under given conditions,
ditions of working of the structure, for ex- and at the same time will not cause libera-
ample, a tank of 18/8 type steel storing tion of hydrogen, that is
H2SO4 (practically constant acid level, ther-
mal, hydrodynamic conditions, etc.). More < (8-46)
information on potentiostats can be found in where ECE is the potential of the auxiliary
the works of Rickert (1987) and Zhuo and electrode, ECP the cathodic protection po-
Lin (1992). tential of the auxiliary electrode, and EH the
hydrogen liberation potential on the auxil- Cathodes iary electrode.
The geometric dimensions of the cathode
Auxiliary electrodes used in anodic pro- have a significant effect on the voltage val-
tection systems should have appropriate ue between the anode and the cathode. For
properties, especially high stability in giv- small areas of the cathode, maintenance of
en chemical environments. Thus the choice the protective potential of the structure re-
8.10 Anodic Protection 459

quires using high voltages. With an increase Polarization Method

of the surface area of the cathode the volt-
age decreases. So far, anodic protection of As already mentioned, no general princi-
chromium-nickel steel in sulfuric acid has ples concerning the design of anodic protec-
shown that the ratio of 1 -10 cm2 of the cath- tion systems have been prepared up to now.
ode area to 1 m2 of protected surface is ad- Such problems as the number and location
vantageous. More information is given by of cathodes and reference electrodes are
Locke (1984) and Liu et al. (1993). solved experimentally. However, on the ba-
sis of information obtained for many indus-
trial objects with anodic protection, some Reference Electrodes principles may be established concerning
Continuous control of the potential of the method of polarization of the structure
protected structures requires application of (Foroulis, 1980).
appropriate reference electrodes adapted to In the industrial operation of anodic pro-
long term, reliable work in given operating tection, two stages can be distinguished: in-
conditions. Two types of electrodes have itial polarization and operating polarization.
been prepared: closed, with a salt-bridge, Initial polarization causes a change of the
and open, immersed directly in the corro- potential from the value corresponding to
sion environment. the active state to values lying in the pas-
Closed electrodes have their own internal sive range. The degree of difficulty of real-
electrolyte of a strictly determined compo- ization of this stage depends on many fac-
sition; they usually have a complex struc- tors, including the aggressiveness of the en-
ture but ensure a higher potential measure- vironment, the type of metal, the state of its
ment (control) accuracy. Their indications surface, dimensions of the structure, etc.
to a smaller degree depend on the composi- Operating polarization is used to main-
tion and temperature changes of the envi- tain the structure potential in the passive
ronment. The following are the most fre- range during long-term operation. The cur-
quently used electrodes of this type: calo- rent required for maintaining protection de-
mel, silver chloride, mercury sulfate, and pends on many factors resulting from a giv-
mercury oxide. A list of reference electrodes en technological process, namely, the level
used in anodic protection with reference of electrolyte present, the temperature, the
to published papers is given in Novak intensity of solution stirring, changes of the
(1987). chemical composition, etc. Variable operat-
Electrodes directly immersed in the cor- ing conditions require the application of po-
rosion environment are simpler in structure, tentiostats of 5 -100-fold higher power than
but less accurate. Electrodes of this type, de- results from the current required for main-
pending on the type of environment, can be taining the passive state (determined on the
made from different materials. The follow- basis of the anodic polarisation curve).
ing are used: platinum covered with plati-
num dioxide (Pt/PtO2), molybdenum, tung- Protection Range
sten, Armco iron, and others. More infor-
mation can be found in the works of Riggs During realization of anodic protection,
and Locke (1981), Novak (1987), Siebert approximate knowledge of its functioning is
(1981), and Krikun et al. (1981). at least required, that is, of the potential dis-
tribution on the protected surface of the
460 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

structure, especially in pipes, niches, hol- 8.10.5 Case Study

lows, etc. The range depends on the meth-
od of realization of protection. The example below of anticorrosion pro-
Before proceeding with the implementa- tection of a steel tank containing concentrat-
tion of anodic protection, whether protec- ed sulfuric acid is an illustration of the in-
tion will be provided for a given element of dustrial application of the anodic protection
a large structure (e.g., a tank, pump), while method.
the remaining parts (e.g., pipelines drawing A tank of 50 m3 volume and internal sur-
and transferring the corrosion medium) will face 80 m2 made of carbon steel contains
be electrically insulated, or whether the 92-96% H2SO4 at ambient temperature.
whole structure is to be protected, should be The anodic polarization curve of steel in
determined. In the second case, formation 94% H2SO4 is given in Fig. 8-37 a, while a
of the partial passivation state cannot be per- schematic diagram of the location of anod-
mitted, as at the end of the passive zone in- ic protection installation elements in the
creased corrosion of the metal will occur. tank is shown in Fig. 8-37b, (Kolotyrkin et
The structure should be passivated by other al., 1971).
methods (e.g., chemical passivation) and A single ferrosilicon cathode was used in
only after that can the passive state be main- the form of a cast, 40 mm in diameter and
tained with an anodic protection system. At 400 mm in length. This was attached to the
the same time, it is necessary to control the structure by teflon insulation, which is si-
potential at different points of the protected multaneously the electric cable tube. The
structure. More information on this subject mercury sulfate electrode was applied with
is given by Novak et al. (1982, 1986). a salt bridge filled with H2SO4 solution



Figure 8-37. Anodic protection of a tank with concen-

trated sulfuric acid: a) potentiostatic curve of carbon
steel in 94% H2SO4, b) protection system, with 1 tank,
-w1— 0.1 1 2 cathode, 3 reference electrode (Kolotyrkin et al.,
j , A/m2 1971).
8.11 Further Development of Electrochemical Protection 461

of 5 mol dm 3 concentration. Its potential 1980. The database, available in form of a

against the calomel electrode was equal to CD, and also through the Internet, ensures
+ 360± 10 mV. rapid access for engineers and scientists to
The tank was filled to 2/3 rds of the vol- documented experience in this field from
ume (surface of approx. 60 m2) with sulfur- over 150 sources from the whole world. The
ic acid. Next, the tank was polarized with a number of expert systems and calculation
30 A current and 10 V voltage for 20 min, software programs concerning different
after which the current parameters were re- fields of cathodic protection technology is
duced. During operation, the potential of constantly increasing: choice of materials,
steel was maintained by a potentiostat at an designing, control of installations opera-
average value of + 1.2 V versus the mercu- tion (data gathering and result analysis),
ry sulfate electrode at a current intensity of evaluation of operation effectiveness, repairs
1.5-2 A. As a result of application of anod- and replacement of elements (Wegener,
ic protection, the contents of iron in the 1991; Mayer et al., 1992; Harris, 1986;
stored sulfuric acid decreased by ten times. Nicholas, 1988; van Blaricum and Kumar,
1994a, b).
As to training, many universities and
8.11 Further Development technical organizations (e.g., NACE) pre-
of Electrochemical Protection pare specialists in the field of CP. In spite of
significant efforts, there is still a lack of ex-
8.11.1 Recent Developments perts in this field.
In the field of monitoring CP, the devel-
The costs of corrosion systematically ris- opment of measurement techniques can be
ing in industrial countries have led to in- noticed, especially concerning the control
creased interest in cathodic and anodic pro- of insulated pipelines (CIPS and DCVG
tection methods in investigations, as well methods). Remote monitoring systems are
implementation aspects. The largest devel- used and cordless monitoring is investigat-
opment was observed recently in the area of ed (Croal, 1997;Rodrigues, 1996). The GPS
electrochemical protection in three direc- satellite system has recently been used for
tions: the location of measurement points. There
is still a lack of verified CP monitoring
• computerization and training,
methods in onshore and offshore pipeline
• monitoring and CP criteria,
corridors (Harris, 1986; Britton, 1989; We-
• cathodic protection of reinforced con-
gener, 1991; Mayer etal., 1992;Polaketal.,
The preparation of computer databases, Work is being carried out on new on-line
expert systems, and software facilitating the monitoring systems of CP effectiveness.
designing process, and service of protection The start of production by some firms of
installations are great achievements. The complicated portable apparatus for electro-
knowledge databases, for example, the one chemical investigations, allowing measure-
published by NACE and systematically sup- ments in field conditions, should be men-
plemented International Abstracts of the tioned. The SOLARTRON SI 1280 corro-
World's Corrosion Control Literature COR- sion monitor and Gamry Instruments appa-
AB, contain over 3000 abstracts on cathod- ratus can be mentioned here. The develop-
ic and anodic protection gathered from ment of apparatus in this direction holds
462 8 Cathodic and Anodic Protection

promise for the use of modern, computer- lems need to be explained and solved
aided diagnostic methods, such as electro- (Payer et al., 1997).
chemical impedance spectroscopy, harmon- Connection of CP technology with other
ic analysis, measurements of electrochemi- anticorrosion protection methods will re-
cal noise for measuring the corrosion cur- quire significant engagement in the field of
rent of cathodically polarized structures basic investigations, especially in electro-
(Juchniewicz and Jankowski, 1993; Jan- chemistry, to ensure deep cathodic polariza-
kowski, 1998b). Development of the instant tion of a metal with the engagement of var-
corrosion rate measurements in CP condi- ious factors similar to symbiosis in nature.
tions should enable in the near future re- It is predicted that international co-oper-
placement of obsolete thermodynamic CP ation in this field will lead to a drastic de-
criteria with more rational kinetic criteria. crease in CP current density, development
Cathodic protection of reinforced con- of new, less expensive anodic materials,
crete absorbs many scientists and users miniaturization of power sources, and de-
due to safety and economic considerations velopment of new protection effectiveness
in the use of reinforced-concrete structures. monitoring methods, not necessarily con-
The introduction of highly stable titanium nected with potential measurements (Ba-
mesh anodes, coated with catalytic oxides boian and Haynes, 1983; Solomon et al.,
(MMOs) for cathodic protection (bridges, 1993; Miiller Filho et al., 1998).
viaducts, offshore structures) etc., and also In the near future, the use of potential CP
realkalization processes and the extraction criteria may be expected to decrease, giving
of chlorides from these structures is a great way to the so-called kinetic criteria based
success. Further investigations are required on direct corrosion rate measurements of ca-
for anodic systems due to the possibility of thodically and anodically protected struc-
acidification and damage of the concrete tures. Cordless, remote monitoring of CP in-
structure (Wyatt, 1993). stallations will be widely used. Corrosion
Knowledge of CP parameters of struc- breakdowns caused by stray currents will be
tures used in difficult conditions, such as limited (Perry, 1994).
deep oceanic waters and permafrost, is in- In the implementation sphere, wider ap-
creasing (Brandt, 1997; Klechka, 1989; plication of CP for complex protection of
Mitchell et al., 1997). underground municipal and industrial infra-
Modern achievements in the fields of CP structure should be expected, where losses
and AP favorably point to further develop- caused by corrosion are immeasurably high
ment of these technologies, and to the over- (Calvarano et al., 1997).
coming of corrosion problems in the 21st CP methods will become widespread and
century (Juchniewicz, 1998). compulsory, especially in Europe (where
new corrosion standards are being intro-
8.11.2 Future Prospects duced - CEN), for anticorrosion protection
of pipelines and tanks containing aggressive
The future of cathodic protection is media, which can pollute the environment.
stricter connection of this technology with In the sphere of exchange of information
modern organic coatings, insulation, lin- and training of specialists in CP, an increase
ings, and corrosion inhibitors. At the end of in the use of multimedia will be seen, which
the 20th century enormous progress has will allow integration of corrosion engi-
been made, but still many technical prob- neers on an international scale. Even today
8.12 References 463

rapid methods of finding information are Ashworth, V. (1986), Cathodic Protection Theory and
known with the use of electronic mail and Practice. Chichester, U.K.: Ellis Horwood, pp.
the Internet. One may expect that specialist ASM Handbook (1987), Corrosion, Vol. 13, Materials
information exchange banks connected Park, OH: ASM Int., p. 464.
through WWW will be formed, as well as Baboian, R. (Ed.) (1995), Corrosion Tests and Stan-
dards, Application and Interpretation. Philadel-
consulting centers and consulting groups in phia, PA: ASTM.
the field of electrochemical protection. Prob- Baboian, R., Haynes, G. (1983), Mater. Perform.
ably, due to increasing needs, new teaching 22(10), 15.
Backer, M. S. (1997), Mater. Perform., 36(8), 18.
directions will be formed, taking into ac- Baeckmann, W. (1983), Werkst. Korros. 34, 230.
count teaching at technical universities from Baeckmann, W., Prinz W. (1983), Corros. Australa-
the first year of corrosion engineers special- sia 8, 4.
Baeckmann, W., Schwenk, W. (1971), Handbuch des
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