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CFN 20210323663

OR BK 32678 PG 456
RECORDED 07/12/2021 15:03:55
Palm Beach County, Florida
AMT 1,675,000.00
DEED DOC 11,725.00
Prepared bv and return to: Joseph Abruzzo
Jenni fer;\ Ramirez Clerk
The Closing Team Pgs 0456-0457; (2Pgs)
1500 East !antic Boulevard

File No 21

Parcel ldcnti f i ~ No<5)0-42-46-31-01-000-03 70

__ -~-- - ~ - · · - · · · · · · · · · · · ~ . ~"· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,JS:p,)Ci.! Ab-m,: This Lrnc For R<;;'t:Oldrn~ D-11:-if

~ ~~~~!~!ro~s~,~~
This indenture 1~he ~
day of May, 2021 between First American Bank As Successor By Merger To Bank of
Coral Gables LLC, a Limit~ability Company, whose post office address is 3054 East l\ew Vork Street, Aurora, IL 60502. of
the County of DuPage, State~inois, Orantor, to Vehuda Rosenberg and Chaya M. Borger, husband and wife, whose post
office address is 17685 Circle P~ou rt, Boca Raton, FL 33496, of the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, Grantees:

Witnesseth, that said Gra or and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLL.A. RS (U.S.$ l0.00) and other good and
valuable considerations to said Gran and paid by said Grantees, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted.
bargained, and sold to the said Grante s wantees' heirs and assigns forever, the following described land. situate, lying and being
in Palm Beach, Florida, to-wit: ~

Lot 37, Fo, IHII Estates ofBoc, ~co1diog to t],e map°' plat th,reot: as tecNded io Pl,t Book 87, Pag,(s) 4, of the
Public Records of Palm Beach Coun~'S:::orida.

Together with all the tenements. here~s and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining.

Subject to taxes for 2021 and subsequent@not yet due and payable; covenants, restrictions, easements, reservations and
limitations of record, if any. (Q
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee~A:rever.

And Gran tor hereby covenant with the Grantees~ Grant or is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple, that Grantor
have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land and that the Grantor hereby fully warrant the title to said land and
will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.

Warrnnty Deed
Fil0 No .. 21-359 Page I or2
CFN 20210323663
BOOK 32678 PAGE 457
2 OF 2

~ w;,.,., Whmol, Grnmo, i,a,o '""""'o sel Grn,,to,'s haod sod ,cal the day aod ym fast above wdltoa.
Sign~9 and delivered in our presence·

~ 0 First American Bank As Successor By Merger To Bank of Coral Gables LLC, a Limited Liability
~ Company
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NAME: t<,J:>.i?-1.,) v y K'::,1 ~

ST ATE OF ::z:7/,>,r,i s ~
COUNTY OF -6""0.,,,,1...,_;µ/(,__ __ ~
The foregoing instrument was ackn-.:.",m,.,,c, ed before me by means of ( ) physical presence or ( ) on line notarization this s-"'iay of
May, 2021 by Joseph Resler, Vice P f First American Bank As Successor By Merger To Bank of Coral Gables LLC, a
Limited Liability Company, on behal Limited Liability Company.
Signature of Notary Public
Print, Type/Stamp Name of Notary 0-...._._

Personally known: _ _ __
OR Produced Identification: -X:L l)D__..,_,;,
Type of Identification Produced: _ _ __

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