Defense Mechanism

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Reaction Formation-protects a person from painful conflicts

that might arise, if one's true feelings were expressed.
12. Regression-acting childish, showing tantrum and sulking.
Defense Mechanism
▪ It is used to protect against uncomfortable feeling and How Do We Conquer Mental Depressions
anxiety, using it may reduce tension, but over using may
result to trouble. 1. Get enough sleep and rest. Sleep is our body's solution
to relieve stress.
Different Defense Mechanism
2. Eat nutritious food. The nutrients we get from food
1. Denial-rejecting reality; denied reality or refuse to admit supply o ur mind with necessary to become healthy.
problem and will not seek help. 3. Exercise. The toxins inside the body need to be released.
2. Repression-unintentional forgetting: blocking out to do it, 4. Do not drink alcohol beverages. A sound body needs a
because it is associated with unpleasant feelings. sound mind. Alcohol is a depressant.
3. Rationalization-making excuses; effort to avoid a loss of 5. Be active. Enroll on classes which can occupy your time.
self-discipline or prevent guilt feelings, actions make sense 6. Help those in need. Helpless individuals need someone
and seem right. like you.
4. Projection-shifting personal traits to others; shifts to personal 7. Think positive. Every waking hour is a blessing from
traits to others or "Nobody loves me" attitude. God, why fail him.
5. Compensation-substituting goals when one goal cannot be 8. Count your blessings. Remember you are more blessed
reached, we turn our energies and drive toward another goal. than others.
(Positive or negative) 9. Do not procrastinate. Remember its better to do it now
6. Sublimation-redirecting natural energy in socially acceptable than later.
behavior. 10. Do not surrender. It is not right to feel conquered, the
7. Displacement - transferring feelings; angry feelings to world was not made in a flash, so is the problem. Act now.
8. Identification - such to connect yourself with others,
prevents from full developing your own personality.
9. Idealization-putting someone in a pedestal, misjudge the
abilities and attitudes of others; become blind to your own
faults and shortcomings.
10. Daydreaming-fantasy; unconscious mind creates a world as
you would like it to be.

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