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2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)

Analysis of Critical Success Factors on ERP

Implementation in PT. Toyota Astra Motor Using
Extended Information System Success Model
Safira Aini, Muharman Lubis, R. Wahjoe Witjaksono Anik Hanifatul Azizah
Department of Information System Department of Information System
Telkom University Esa Unggul University
Bandung, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia,,

Abstract— Currently, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) efficient ERP system is a big problem. How to achieve the
implementation project is quickly developed in Indonesia. Not successful implementation is a serious assignment.
only large company that implemented the system but also the
medium company. Several large companies in Indonesia that Increasing user satisfaction to adopt an ERP system is not
have implemented an ERP since 2000, then ECC 6.0 version of an easy thing but quite difficult and extremely important as a
SAP (Standard Application Product in Data Processing) determinant of success in any company or organization [1].
information system in 2003. However, how to implement an Readiness is one of the primary factors that leads to successful
efficient ERP system is a big problem. Critical Success Factors implementation by emphasizing two domains namely
(CSFs) become something interesting to identify the organizational commitment and the perception of personal
development of the system. This study presented to examine the competence [2]. Some studies also said the same results [1-3].
effectiveness of ERP system implementation in a large company. Analyzing the Critical Success Factor is the most primary
Critical Success Factor examination are based on the extended thing that should be known for the company who have applied
model that developed based on company reviewed and previous the ERP system. it is necessary to identify key elements and
study. The model can be a guidance for the company who principal determinants that should be consider by each
evaluating the successful of the ERP implementation process. company who will or even have implemented the ERP system.
Eleven variables identified by adjusting the extended IS Success Thus, this study developed a model analysis, focused on
Model. The data collection was conducted by distributing
Critical Success Factor in term of ERP implementation. The
questionnaires to ERP systems users in the company. The
results have verified that the success implementation of the ERP
purpose of the study is determining whether or not exist a
system is influenced by individual contributions, the level of relationship between several variables in term of ERP success.
acceptance of the ERP system, the contribution of a key user, Another aim is identifying how strong the relationship
management of good implementation projects and the quality of between variables in the critical success factors.
information during the implementation phase
Keywords— Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Critical Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are terms that represent
Success Factors (CSFs), Implementation, Extended IS Success various critical or important factors including activities that
Model need to be carried out to ensure the achieved goals by a
company or organization. The purpose of CSFs is determine
I. INTRODUCTION the activities that must be carried out and information needed
ERP system implementation is one of the greater ways to when implementing a system or product [3]. In general, CSFs
support company business efficiency. ERP system could are found in several fields such as production processes,
Integrates and automates all of processes in a company. Many staffing and organizational skills, functions, techniques and
companies in developed country has adopted the system information technology. Analysis of CSFs can carried out all
several years ago, and now it has been established. Whereas aspects and fields that are considered influence the business
in developing country, it still developing and some of them continuity of a company. While implementing ERP, the entire
got the benefits of it. ERP system give many advantages as company transaction is made into interconnected and
long as it well implemented. integrated such as in the sales process, equipment
management, production and distribution planning, and
The implementation of the system need pretty much finance.
investment including quite long processes. Every companies
which will apply the system require lots of considerations. In ERP is a multifunctional system which supported by
a fact, certain company can encounter complex problems integrated application modules that help the company's
within the implementation phase, even at the evaluation internal business processes [4]. ERP system success is
process. ERP project failure rate is quite high. It is found that achieved when the organization is capable to carry out all its
the highest failure is in developing countries. The failure business processes properly and the ERP system achieves the
factors are diverse. Some of the company deal with business desired goals [5]. ERP system implementation projects require
process factors, then some of them encounter with technical high financial commitment and offer many potential benefits
problems. Another failure factor is about the cultural for the organization, understanding the factors that lead to
challenge in the company. Therefore, how to implement an successful ERP implementation is needed [6]. The CSF
method is a very important method for researchers and top
management because it facilitates the identification and

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2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)

prioritization of important factors that might affect the success change successfully. The main reasons for the elements
of an ERP system implementation. In the implementation of related to this dissatisfaction of user in implementing ERP
an ERP system, CSF can be identified as a number of key system include weak work situations, faulty requirements,
areas where everything must be correctly interpreted in order poor strategic or tactical planning, erroneous budgets, weak
to achieve the successful implementation [7]. training programs and general difficulties with the ERP
platform [12]. Therefore, a short training system ensures that
In 1992, DeLone and McLean combined various studies in
the minimum and total disasters are the worst.
their paper entitled "Information System Success: Searching
for the dependent variable." They established the model for III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
evaluating the success of information systems at the
organizational level [8]. Thus, they relied on the mathematical This study collected the data through spreading the
theory of communication that made by Weaver and Shannon questionnaires to the employees in PT. Toyota Astra Motor.
in 1949 to assist them in developing a model for the successful Before did the actual survey, authors conducted a pilot study
implementation of information systems in the organizational procedure for 28 respondents. Then, the actual survey did by
sector. Based on the mathematical theory of communication, distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents which is ERP
the success of organizational information systems is measured users at PT. Toyota Astra Motor.
at three levels, namely, technical level, semantic level, and A non-probability sampling technique used was
effectiveness [9]. The technical level defines the efficiency purposive sampling because the main purpose of the
and accuracy of the system to produce information. sampling was to focused on people with certain
Meanwhile, the semantic level defines the success achieved characteristics who would be more helpful for more relevant
when delivering information to the intended party. On the research. The sample size was determined using the Slovin’s
other hand, the effectiveness of the system defines the impact technique. The variables used in the research model are
that information produces on a user. Based on the project obtained through a combination of several theories, namely
documents, there are primary reasons on the adoption of ERP mathematical theory of communication, diffusion innovation
system for financial systems, which are obsolete legacy theory, organizational technology, environment, and adaptive
systems, integration issues, compliance with international structural theory [2].
public sector accounting and lack of financial information to
Furthermore, the collected data is processed using SPSS
management and stakeholders [9]. Some of the criteria that
and Smart PLS software. Those software help to test the
lead to ERP projects fail such as lower returns than expected,
inability of the ERP system to meet the predetermined measurement model test and structural model. This test is
functional requirement, crossing budget limitations, higher conducted to analyze the structured path coefficients,
maintenance and training costs, missing development and determine the level of significance, and establish the research
deployment dates, incorrect working of the system and not hypotheses.
living up to estimated expectations [10].
Organizational change management is an important aspect
of ERP implementation by communicating with employees A. Individual Impact
before changes occur, reducing resistance to change. In an ERP system, this factor influences ERP project
Therefore, it is not only a communication plan but also a integration, user involvement, quality of service that can help
framework for the successful transition and training of user activity, level of user understanding [13], user
workers. When organizations comply with the digital performance, level of work efficiency, benefits of individual
transformation initiatives, they find that the integration of workability [14]. The user productivity level are individual
people, processes and technology is a challenge. As a result, factors in the success of an ERP system [15].
the principles of change management are expanding among Hypothesis 1: Individual impact has a positive impact on the
organizations. Moreover, some of these organizations use success of ERP system implementation.
traditional change management programs while others adapt
traditional methods to suit the current digital age [11]. At the B. Information Quality
same time when customer requirements are met with the Some researchers propose many criteria for measuring
operating systems, the processes carried out in the work will information quality such, ease of access [12], information
be increased independently and quantitatively [10]. ERP updating, completeness, relevance of information, and
applications require the services of many professionals or accuracy of information [14].
consultants, which require a large amount of money for this Hypothesis 2: Information quality has a positive impact on the
service. The main costs in this category are adjustment,
success of ERP system implementation.
integration, data conversion, data migration, testing and
training. CFOs are unlikely to support unlimited funding ideas C. Workgroup Impact
for ERP projects with a lot of cost information from vendors. Workgroup impact is an important factor between
Approximately, sellers tend to give certain numbers for each individual impact and organizational impact, many
item. The best practices of change management are those
organizations place greater emphasis on the role of a team in
capable of digitizing the workforce. It combines traditional
change management activities with a modern approach that the workplace [16] [17]. The criteria for measuring the impact
focuses on leading successful business outcomes. For of workgroups on the ERP system success implementation are
example, organizations should develop a digital conversion including work team communication, work team productivity
charter that outlines the strategies and objectives needed. They levels, responsibility awareness and work participation rates
also have to develop realistic and measurable KPI to manage [14].

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2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)

Hypothesis 3: Workgroup impact has a positive impact on the development for users or employees in the company. The
success of ERP system implementation. criteria for measuring the quality of training are the training
programs provided [20] and the benefits of the training to
D. Organizational Impact
ERP system users [21].
This factor can be considered as a reciprocal impact Hypothesis 8: Training and Education have a positive impact
between organizations and technology. The first impact on the success of ERP system implementation.
focuses on organizational resistance, the level of readiness for
change, and the suitability of organizations with ERP I. Business Process Reengineering
systems. The second impact can be explained by the Business Process Reengineering is necessary because
contribution of technology to improving organizational ERP systems are basically developed to improve business
performance at the tactical and strategic operational level. processes such as manufacturing, sales and distribution. The
The criteria for measuring the impact of workgroups on the new business process after reengineering business processes
success of ERP system implementation are the suitability of may be one of the factors that contribute to the success of
organizations with systems, management of organizational ERP. The criteria for measuring the suitability of business
resources, organizational performance, organizational processes with ERP systems is to assess the suitability of the
productivity, organizational competitive advantage, and company's business processes with functions in the ERP
reduction in the organization's operational costs [14]. system [21].
Hypothesis 4: Organizational impact has a positive impact on Hypothesis 9: Business Process Reengineering has a positive
the success of ERP system implementation. impact on the success of ERP system implementation.
E. Top Management Support J. Project Management
This factor leads to the commitment given by the Project Management concerns the entire human,
executive or leadership to the diffusion of innovation. This technological, and financial resources used to carry out an
factor is considered very important because the executive or ERP system project that respects the budget and estimates of
top management make quick and effective decisions, resolves scheduling. The standard for assessing the management of
conflicts, brings everyone to the same mind to promote broad implementation projects is constant strategic planning and
project acceptance, as well as build cooperation between project supervision [20].
various groups within the organization [18]. Hypothesis 10: Project Management has a positive impact on
Hypothesis 5: Top management support has a positive impact the success of ERP system implementation.
on the success of ERP system implementation.
K. ERP Fit
F. Vendor and Consultant Quality This factor includes various constructions such as
Both vendors and consultants are grouped together integrase, configuration, customization, compatibility, and
because they have provided a source of external expertise to conformity or alignment of technical implementation and
organizations regarding ERP system implementation. This ERP systems. System integration or configuration is
factor can be considered as an external factor that contributes considered a determining factor for success in the ERP
to carrying out an ERP integration project throughout the implementation phase.
product life cycle. The criteria for measuring vendor quality Hypothesis 11: ERP Fit has a positive impact on the success
and consultants are the quality of vendors and consultants [7], of ERP system implementation.
communication and collaboration with vendors and
consultants [18], and consulting services [19]. V. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
Hypothesis 6: Vendors and Consultant quality have a positive A. Measurement Model Result
impact on the success of ERP system implementation.
Testing the measurement model on two sides by using 5 %
G. System Quality significant level to determine the condition of the impact and
System quality can be defined in many attributes such as the level of significance of the indicator on the research
data accuracy, database contents, ease of use, ease of variable [22]. Table I. Shows the result of Measurement
learning, easy access, usability, the realization of user needs, model test.
system accuracy, system flexibility, system reliability, The first significance test obtained to see the level of
system integration, system sophistication, features and significance of the indicator by looking at the value of outer
functions system, system integration, system efficiency, loadings after going through the bootstrapping procedure.
resource utilization, response time and turnaround time [8]. Some indicators such as II1, II3, IQ3, IQ4, IQ5, OI2, OI3,
Hypothesis 7: System Quality has a positive and significant OI4, TMS4, ERPF2, ERPF4, and ES4 were deleted because
influence on the success of ERP system implementation. the effect was less significant.


Many ERP system adopters need the help of consultants T Values
during the implementation project. Sharing knowledge from Indicators
(N=85; CI=
p Values
an ERP consultant to internal employees is very important for 95%; Ttabel: Level
success and facilitating the adoption of an ERP system by II4 8.093 0.000 High
making proper planning in conducting training and II5 6.771 0.000 High

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2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)


(N=85; CI= Significance-
Indicators p Values Parameter t Values
95%; Ttabel: Level
Coefficient (N=85; CI=
1.67) Path p Values
Structural 95%;
II7 6.346 0.000 High
Path Ttabel: 1.67)
IQ1 4.222 0.000 Low II -> ES 0.318 1.393 0.164
IQ2 3.278 0.001 Low IQ -> ES 0.273 1.056 0.291
WGI1 11.761 0.000 High WGI -> ES 0.098 0.671 0.502
WGI2 19.225 0.000 High OI->ES 0.004 0.023 0.982
WGI3 9.209 0.000 High TMS -> ES -0.019 0.147 0.883
WGI4 8.100 0.000 High VCQ -> ES 0.108 1.144 0.253
OI1 0.481 0.631 Not Significant SQ -> ES 0.006 0.045 0.964
OI5 2.760 0.006 High TED -> ES 0.116 0.946 0.345
TMS1 6.181 0.000 Low BPR -> ES -0.062 0.499 0.618
TMS2 5.962 0.000 Medium PM -> ES 0.309 2.109 0.035
TMS3 8.712 0.000 Low ERPF -> ES -0.096 0.609 0.543
VCQ1 7.145 0.000 High
VCQ2 6.874 0.000 High On the first significance test, Individual impact variable
VCQ3 4.921 0.000 High has a positive effect of 31.8% on ERP success but was not
VCQ4 5.788 0.000 High significance. Information quality variable has a positive
VCQ5 5.343 0.000 High
influence of 27.3% on the ERP success variable but are not
SQ1 8.217 0.000 High
significant. Workgroup impact variable has a positive effect
SQ2 3.854 0.005 High
SQ3 6.559 0.000 High of 9.8% on the success variable ERP but are not significant.
SQ4 8.120 0.000 High Organizational impact variable has a positive effect of 0.4%
SQ5 4.367 0.000 High but not significance. Top management support variable has a
TED3 18.470 0.000 High negative influence of 1.4% on ERP success and not
TED4 17.287 0.000 High significant. Vendor and consultant quality variable has a
BPR1 8.178 0.000 High positive effect of 10.8% on the success variable ERP but not
BPR2 7.978 0.000 High significant. System quality variables have a positive
BPR3 28.858 0.000 High influence of 0.6% on success and not significant ERP
BPR4 5.522 0.000 High
variables. Training and education variables have a positive
PM1 5.358 0.000 High
PM2 6.649 0.000 High
effect of 11.6% on the success variable ERP but not
PM3 9.653 0.000 High significant. Business process reengineering variable has a
PM4 5.780 0.000 High negative effect of 6.2% on success and not significant ERP
PM5 4.485 0.000 High variables. Project management variables have a positive
ERPF1 5.860 0.000 High effect of 30.9% on the ERP success variable with a high level
ERPF3 2.033 0.043 Medium of significance. ERP Fit variable has a negative influence of
ES1 18.449 0.000 High 1.4% on ERP success and not significant. The result of the
ES2 18.615 0.000 High second structural model test are shown in Table 3. On the
ES3 5.140 0.000 High
second significance test, Individual impact variable has a
positive effect of 35.2% on ERP success and high level of
On the second significance test to obtain the level of
significance. Information quality variable has a positive
significance of the indicator by looking at the value of outer
influence of 26.6% on the ERP success variable and weak
loadings after going through the bootstrapping procedure. All
level of significance.
indicators significantly influence the latent variables except
B. Structured Model Results Parameter Value t
A structural model was obtained to see the relationship Path
Coefficient (N=85; CI= p
between research variables, significance values based on Structural 95%; Ttabel: Values
Path 1.67)
structural path parameter coefficients, and evaluation of
structural models using R-Square [21]. Two-sided structured II -> ES 0.352 1.900 0.049
model testing uses a significant level of 5% to determine the IQ -> ES 0.266 1.918 0.056
condition and level of significance of variables on other WGI -> ES 0.144 0.793 0.428
variables in the study with criteria if the resulting t value is OI->ES 0.037 0.670 0.503
greater than 1.67 or p-value is greater than 0.1 (weak TMS -> ES -0.016 0.142 0.887
significance), 0.05 medium), and 0.01 (strong significance). VCQ -> ES 0.114 1.207 0.228
The structural model test is processed using smart PLS SQ -> ES 0.007 0.449 0.650
software with the bootstrapping procedure [See Table II]. In TED -> ES 0.107 0.881 0.379
the subsample bootstrapping procedure was created with BPR -> ES -0.026 0.210 0.834
observations that randomly taken from the original data set. PM -> ES 0.309 2.069 0.051
ERPF -> ES -0.088 0.553 0.580

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2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and Industrial Technology (MECnIT)

Workgroup impact variable has a positive effect of variables outside the research model. Furthermore, the value
14.4% on the success variable ERP but not significant. of cross-validated redundancy which is equal to 0.181
Organizational impact variable has a positive effect of 3.7% indicates that this research model is feasible to be declared as
and not significance. Top management support variable has a having relevant predictive values.
negative influence of 1.6% on ERP success and not
significant. Vendor and consultant quality variable has a VI. CONCLUSION
positive effect of 11.4% on the success variable ERP but not Based on the results of hypothesis testing by obtaining the
significant. System quality variables have a positive structural model test, it can be concluded that the hypothesis
influence of 0.7% on success and not significant ERP of individual impact variable, project management variable,
variables. Training and education variables have a positive and information quality variable are accepted. It means that
effect of 10.7% on the success variable ERP but not the success of the ERP system implementation at the
significant. Business process reengineering variable has a company is influenced by individual contributions both from
negative effect of 2.6% on success and not significant ERP the level of acceptance of the ERP system by users and the
variables. Project management variables have a positive contribution of key user, management of good
effect of 30.9% on the ERP success variable with a moderate implementation projects, and the quality of information
level of significance. ERP Fit variable has a negative obtained during the implementation phase. While the
influence of 8.8% on ERP success and not significant. variables of workgroup impact, organizational impact, top
management support, vendor and consultant quality, system
C. Discriminant Validity
quality, training and education, business process
Discriminant validity is used to measure how much a reengineering and ERP fit are rejected. It means that those
variable is stated to be completely different from other variables did not significantly influence the success of ERP
variables. High discriminant validity values provide evidence system implementation. Those factors can be considerations
that a variable is considered unique and able to capture the for a company who has implemented ERP system or even will
measured phenomenon [24]. Discrimination is supported by implement the ERP system. Several factors should be
evidence that structural measures that do not have to be observed more in term of ERP system evaluation. This
theoretically interrelated, in fact, do not have a close extended model can be a general guidance to an ERP system
relationship with each other [25]. In practice, the coefficient evaluation process. Adding more moderation variable based
of discriminatory validity must be much smaller than the on the company condition would be the future works of the
coefficient of convergent validity. The results of the study.
discriminant validity test with Fornell-Larcker state that the
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