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Shivam Singh

Research Scholar, IIT Indore

Email: . .
. phd1901204009@ii
Contact: +91 8839183188/ +91 8518819524

Educa onal Qualifica ons

Ph. D Hydro-climatology IIT Indore July 2019- Pursuing
M. Tech Water Resources NIT Bhopal 2017-19 CGPA- 8.03
B. Tech Civil Engineering NIT Bhopal 2013-17 CGPA- 7.82
Intermediate Math, Physics, UP Board 2010-11 86%
(10+2) Chemistry
High School Math, Science, UP Board 2008-09 79%
(10) English

Research Works
Title Type Status
Role of large-scale climate oscillations in Journal ar cle Accepted (Hydrological
precipitation extremes associated with Sciences)
atmospheric rivers: Nonstationary framework
Assessing reservoir sedimenta on using remote Journal Ar cle Published (ISH Journal of
sensing and GIS Hydraulic Engineering)
Psychological impacts of COVID-19 Book Chapter Springer (Published)

Workshops and Conferences

● Three-weeks training programme on Hydro-meteorological and extreme events
disaster risk management jointly organized by Indian Ins tute of Technology Indore
and Na onal Ins tute of Disaster Management Delhi.
● Singh S and Goyal M K (2021), Spa o-temporal distribu on of Atmospheric Rivers
and their associa on with large scale climate oscilla ons, 36th M.P. Young Scien st
Congress 2021 by M.P. Council of Science and Technology, Government of India,
March 2021, Ujjain, India.
● Singh S and Goyal M K (2021), Frequency- Dura on Assessment of Atmospheric
Rivers at Global scale, HYDRO 2020- 25th Interna onal Conference (Hydraulics,
Water Resources, and Coastal Engineering), March 2021, NIT Rourkela, India.
● Singh S and Goyal M K (2022), Role of large scale climate oscilla ons over
hydroclima c extremes of Narmada Basin, HYDRO 2022- 26th Interna onal
Conference (Hydraulics, Water Resources, and Coastal Engineering), March 2021, NIT
Rourkela, India.
Awards and Scholarships

Name of Scholarship/Award Type Grant

Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme for Merit Based 24000/year

the wards of Central Armed Forces

Young Scien st Award 36th MP youth Science 25000/ (1st

Congress, MPCST Bhopal Prize)

Best Research Synopsis Presenta on Jointly organized by AIGGPA 1st Prize

Bhopal and ICSSR New Delhi

Research Interests
Atmospheric Rivers, Climate Change, Climate extremes (Precipita on Extremes, Heat waves,
etc.), Hydrological Modelling, Remote Sensing and GIS, etc.
So ware Skills
ArcGIS, SWAT, AutoCAD, MATLAB, R programming, Python etc.

Prof. Manish Kumar Goyal
Civil Engineering Department IIT Indore
Room 209, Pod 1A, IIT Indore
Email: mkgoyal@ii
Phone: +91 7324306697

Dr. H. L. Tiwari
Associate Professor
Civil Engineering Department, MANIT, Bhopal
4/28, MANIT Campus Bhopal (M.P.), India 462051
Ph: 0755-4051228, Mob. – 09424441800, 07869301978
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