Muaaz HRM

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Workforce Characteristics ;

As iTitan is a digital solution company, its workforce is divided into two main components

according to skills one is the technical skills workforce and the other is the non-technical

skills workforce. The technical workforce consists of developers who perform the technical

works in the projects and the non-technical workforce consists of designers who perform the

non-technical works in the company.

So the workforce characteristics of iTiatan consist of four main characteristics. First is mutual

respect for employees. This shows the importance of each employee and the values added

by each employee through their abilities and qualities. Treated respectfully help to promote

positivity in the work culture of iTitan , second is to hire and retain great people this help the

iTitan to prevent them, again and again, hiring process and make a good friendly workforce,

third is to provide competitive compensation helps iTitan to create a competitive environment

because of it every employee tends to move toward a technique to achieve a good

compensation reward and the last one workforce characteristics of iTitan is to invest in

training and development. Investing in training and development is very necessary

nowadays to be a part of a competitive world, so investing in training and development helps

the iTitans to make a competitive functional environment.

Personnel Planning and Recruiting

❖ In iTitan, for recruiting the most important executive body company to announce the

referral bonuses because the current employees know the culture of the organization

so that they will refer to the person according to the working environment of the

company and after the referral process the HR bodies take the interview and make

the decision to select or reject. Most executive hiring also depends on the timeline,

that is why if there is a short timeline then iTitans go for internal hiring and if there is

a long timeline then the HR bodies will use external hiring too.
❖ To forecast the personnel needs of the company iTitans use trend analysis by

knowing the main components of the forecast which are the alteration rate and

retention rate of the company's employees.

❖ In iTitan the main components of the application form are the educational

background, previous experience, and project skills.

Pay for Performance and Incentives

❖ iTitan uses both individual and team base pay for performance and incentive plans to

motivate their employees and staff. For individual incentive plans, iTitan offers

awards like Titan of the month in which they give gift hampers and different coupons

of the brands, and Titan of the year in which iTitan gives a salary of one month which

helps them to keep their employees motivated. For team base pay for performance

and incentives iTitan has different KPIs for teams and according to key performance

indicators, iTitan gives gift hampers and cash awards to the teams. iTitan also

motivates its employees by planning different tours, quarterly dinners, movie plans,

and lucky draws.

❖ iTitan uses an exponential progressive effect for the incentive of a salesperson in

which they give incentives according to the number of clients gained by a

salesperson for example if a salesperson provides 10 clients then iTitan gives him a

month's salary as a commission and 2 salaries for 20 clients.

❖ In iTitan pay for the performance of employees is different from upper management

because companies treat their employees according to the value added by the

abilities and performance of the working bodies.

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