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Forty-Third Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2019



M. Ali Akbar*
Velayati Salim*
Riana Hidayatunnisa*
Arief Budiman Ustiawan*
Safira Rizkia Muthasyabiha*

ABSTRACT field is using surfactant chemicals mixed into the

water injected through injection wells.
The diversity of geological conditions in each oil
field in the world causes many methods to be Keyword : CO2 injection, Ngrayong Formation,
developed, especially in terms of the effectiveness reservoir characteristics, surfactant injection.
and efficiency of oil production. Enhanced Oil
Recovery (EOR) is one of the suitable methods to INTRODUCTION
be developed because it increases oil production by
up to 60%. In this research, two methods –CO2 Oil production in a reservoir if continuously
EOR and Surfactant Injection– are compared to produced and not balanced with the discovery of
determine which method is more suitable to new oil reserves will cause the production in oil
implement in Ngrayong Formation. CO2 EOR fields that have long been operating to decline. The
means injecting compressed carbon dioxide into suitable method is necessary to increase production
depleting oil fields. CO2 decreases the hydrocarbon in oil fields. One of the most efficient methods of
viscosity causing it to expand and flow more easily. increasing the rate of oil production is Enhanced Oil
CO2 EOR can be applied to a range of reservoir Recovery (EOR), which is done by injecting certain
settings including sandstones, limestones and substances into a well. This process would restore
dolostones; in structural or stratigraphic traps; in the reduced the surface tension of the oil with water
small isolated buildups or giant fields; and onshore and with water injection can reduced pressure due
or offshore. Surfactant Injection is the process of to continuous production so that it returns to its
injecting surfactant compounds into hydrocarbon original pressure and pushes the oil out again more
reservoirs with the aim of reducing the surface optimally.
tension between oil and injection fluid which has
different degrees of polarity so that oil mobility can This study intends to compare two EOR methods:
increase. It is suitable in reservoirs with sandstone Chemical (surfactant) and CO2 injection (CO2-
lithology < 9000 feet, good permeability (10 md) EOR) and its theoretical implementation in
and reservoir temperature conditions > 93 ºC as Ngrayong Formation, Cepu Basin, East Java Basin.
lower temperatures result in a slower reaction on Not all EOR methods are suitable to be applied in
surfactants so that the results obtained are not all kinds of reservoirs, this is due to reservoirs
optimal. In Hydrocarbons it has a low specific having a variety of types and characteristics. Due to
gravity value and API value > 25, viscosity < 100cP the varying conditions of the oil field, an effective
and salinity <100,100 ppm. Ngrayong Formation is and efficient EOR method is necessary in its
dominated by massive sandstone lithology, the implementation.
thickness of the formation is >10 feet, the depth of
the reservoir is 600-750 meters below the earth's Surfactant injection is the process of integrating
surface, specific gravity 0.8652, 32 degree API surfactant composition into a hydrocarbon reservoir
value, permeability <200 mD and light oil types. with the intention of decreasing the surface tension
Therefore, the suitable method to better optimize oil between the oil and the fluid transferred so that oil
production in Kawengan Ngrayong Formation oil mobility can increase (Figure 4). On the other hand,
CO2-EOR method is the method used to inject CO2

* Universitas Diponegoro
into the productive layer using pressure under the The Early miocene Tuban Formation consists of
formation fractures pressure. In this EOR, CO2 is monotonous claystone layers with several limestone
used because CO2 is easily dissolved in petroleum inserts. The formation is generally composed of
but it is difficult to dissolve in water (Figure 2). carbonate clastics in the form of packstone-
Ngrayong Formation is located in North East Java wackestone.
Basin with rock characteristics consisted of
quartzarenite sandstones in Madura Island, and Early-Middle Miocene Tawun Formation is
shales and sandstones in the Rembang and composed of interstratification between sand and
Randublatung zone dan These sandstones are claystone, sandstone and limestone.
medium- to coarse-grained and moderately to well
sorted and exhibit excellent reservoir properties Early-Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation,
with porosity greater than 35% and permeability’s usually named part of the Tawun formation, is
up to 10 Darcy (IBS, 2006). Based on the rock consisted of Orbitoid limestone (Cycloclypeus) and
characteristics of Ngrayong formation the authors claystone, while the upper part is composed of
aim to compare between both EOR methods: sandstones with orbitoid limestone inserts. Among
Chemical (surfactant) and CO2 injection (CO2- the claystone layers are typical sedimentary
EOR), in which method is more efficient and structures, namely ripple mark and gypsum pieces.
sustainable going forward if applied to Ngrayong The sandstone is yellowish red, often showing the
formation. soft sediment deformation structure, accompanied
by trace fossils in the form of vertical holes (cutting
METHODS layers) of the Ophiomorpha group.

This study is conducted by compiling data from The Middle Miocene Bulu Formation is composed
various references from previous studies conducted of platty sandstones with insertion of sandy napal.
in the area, books, journal literature and analysis. In some places there is an abundant collection of
The data that has been obtained is then correlated Cycloclypeus (Katacycloclypeus) annulatus.
and further developed to strengthen the argument of
the study. The comparison of CO2-EOR and Wonocolo Formation is composed of napal and
Surfactant Injection requires deep understanding of uncoated claystone. The lower part is composed of
the mechanisms and the compatibility of geological sandstone limestones and side sandstones, which
settings within the research area. Challenges and generally show symptoms of transgressive
opportunities from both methods would be deposition.
considered to determine the most suitable method to
implement. The Late-Early Pliocene Ledok Formation is
composed of interstratification between glauconitic
GEOLOGICAL SETTING sandstones with plate-bearing calcarenites, with
some napal inserts.
The research location is in East Java Cepu Sub
Basin, the North East Java Basin. The North East DATA AND RESULT
Java Basin has several zones namely Kendeng
Zone, Rembang-Madura Zone, Java Sea Exposure Ngrayong Formation
Zone (Van Bemmelen, 1949). Rembang-Madura
Zone is the location zone of the study. Stratigraphic Field data based on researches that have been
Arrangements in the study area from Old to Young conducted in previous studies in the form of
according to Pringgoprawiro (1983) in the cepu Specific Gravity (SG) and API degrees in Ngrayong
sub-basin composed of (Figure 1) : Formation can be seen on Table 1.1 (Nirmala,
Kujung Formation from Oligocene is the oldest
stratigraphy consisted of claystone with the Porosity and Permeability Data
insertion of 10 limestones and sandstones,
especially at the bottom. This formation is deposited Porosity and Permeability data according to the
in the middle exposure environment to outside research conducted by Htwe (2015) are as follows:
exposure. Ngrayong Formation is mainly composed of
quartzarenite sandstones, shales and sandstones in
The Late Oligocene Prupuh Formation is composed Rembang and Randublatung zone. The sandstones
of thick, hard-coated bioclastic limestones, rich in are productive in East Java Basin onshore (Soetantri
Orbitoid fossils, which are layered with white et al., 1973; Sharaf et al., 2005). These sandstones
limestone. are medium- to coarse-grained and moderately to
well sorted and exhibit excellent reservoir

* Universitas Diponegoro
properties with porosity greater than 35% and DISCUSSION
permeability’s up to 10 Darcy (IBS, 2006).
Considering the challenges and opportunities of
Challenges and Opportunities of Both Methods both methods, one is determined to be the most
suitable to be applied in Ngrayong Formation. The
Surfactant injection opportunities parameters are considered in terms of economical
prospect, compatibility and efficiency.
Injection using surfactant as one method in
Enhanced Oil Recovery has several advantages The upper boundary of Ngrayong Formation is
compared to the other method, including: represented by an erosion surface, with meter-scale
conglomerate-filled channels which are overlain by
1. Surfactant injection can be combined with other the late Middle Miocene Bulu Formation, a marker
Enhanced Oil Recovery methods such as water bed consisting of massive carbonates rich in larger
flooding so that you get more optimal results benthic foraminifera and small patches of corals,
than if you only use one method. red algae and sandy carbonates. The lower
2. It is able to reduce the surface tension between boundary between the Ngrayong Formation and
the two mediums that have different degrees of Late-Early Miocene Tuban lithologies is generally
polarity. gradational contact. However, it is locally
3. It is very suitable to be applied for sand and represented by a few centimeters of glauconitic,
carbonate reservoir rock types because fractioned and stained skeletal grains, suggesting
surfactants cannot be absorbed by coarse-sized sediment starvation and possible drowning (Sharaf
material. et al., 2005). The age of Ngrayong Formation is
4. If a composition can be found from a ranging from early Middle Miocene to mid-
combination of other chemical compounds or MiddleMiocene (J.O.B. Pertamina-Trend Tuban,
other material that matches the reservoir 1990). Strontium isotope data indicate that the age
characteristics, oil recovery can be increased of Ngrayong Formation constrains between 15 and
significantly. 13 Ma (Sharaf et al., 2005).
5. It has amphifatic properties (where surfactant
molecules break down into groups which have From CO2-EOR perspective, the physical properties
an excessive solvent tendency). of carbon dioxide is a gas that is colorless, odorless,
inert and is a non-flammable gas with a molecular
Surfactant injection challenges weight at standard conditions 44,010 g / mol, about
1.5 times heavier than the weight of air.
1. Can only be implemented in sandstone
lithology reservoirs. At low temperatures and high pressure CO2 is in
2. Easy to absorb in clay type reservoir rocks. the solid and gas phase, with increasing pressure
3. It cannot be applied to reservoirs with high and temperature to triple point (triple point), CO2 at
temperature and salinity. this triple point will first appear in the liquid phase
4. Dilution used in surfactant injection easily along with CO2 in the solid phase and gas phase.
reacts with water. Up to this critical point, CO2 gas can be in
conjunction with liquid CO2 (Figure 3).
CO2-EOR opportunities
Below the critical temperature CO2 can be a liquid
1. Decrease oil viscosity and increase water or gas phase under various pressures. Above the
viscosity. critical temperature of CO2 there will be as free gas
2. Reducing the surface tension between oil and regardless of pressure. Between the triple point
water so that the displacement is more effective. (triple point) to the critical point (critical point), the
3. Can be applied to deep wells. liquid phase CO2 and gas phase can be at the same
4. Increase the volume of oil (swelling) and reduce time.
the density of oil.
At a higher point of critical pressure and
CO2-EOR challenges temperature (CO2 point), CO2 is in a supercritical
state, where the CO2 substance forms a phase
1. Mobility of CO2 is too high. which has a gas viscosity (the viscosity is quite low
2. CO2 injection is less economical due to its high at around 0.05 cp - up to 0.08 cp) but the density in
price and complex treatment. a liquid state (the density is close to the density of
3. Can easily form acids in water making it highly the liquid).
The challenges and opportunities of CO2-EOR

* Universitas Diponegoro
shows that it is more expensive and less efficient Metode Total Internal Reflection. Jurnal ESDM,
due to the complex distribution of CO2, Vol. 5, No. 2, Edisi November 2013, pp. 65-71.
transporting it to injection sites requires special
trucks to maintain its supercritical phase and Rita, Novita. 2016. A Study On Surfactant-Polymer
pressure. The highly corrosive nature of CO2 also Injection Mechanism In Stratified Reservoirs Of
contributes to its already complex maintenance and NR Field Using Reservoir Simulation. Journal of
treatment. Moreover, the minimum price of CO2 Earth Energy Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 2, Oktober
(32.76 USD/L) transported using trucks starts from 2016. ISSN:2301-8097
48.13 USD/ton. It is not feasible unless the oil price
is higher than 83 USD/barrel according to Saputra, Saputra, Dadan DSM., Sugihardji.,dan Edward ML
2018. Tobing., 2018. Studi Kelayakan Untuk
Implementasi Injeksi CO2 Skala Pilot di
The challenges and opportunities of Surfactant LapanganMinyak A, Sumatra Selatan. Journal
Injection shows that it is more flexible in its Lemigas.Vol 52 No 1.
implementation making it possible to mix with
water injection to give more optimal result, suitable Taber, J.J., Martin, F.D., dan Seright, F.S., 1997.
with Ngrayong Formation reservoir characteristics, EOR Screening Criteria Revisited Part 1 :
having amphifatic properties, and able to reduce Introduction to Screening Criteria and Enhanced
surface tension between oil and water. From Recovery Field Projects., Journal SPE Reservoir
economical perspective, surfactant price starts at 16 Engineering, August 1997.
USD/L which is more economical than CO2.
Therefore, Surfactant Injection is more feasible to
implement in Ngrayong Formation.


In conclucion, based on the comparison and

analysis from previous studies in the area,
Surfactant Injection has the opportunities such as:
1. Increasing the area and displacement sweep
2. Not toxic and not corrosive unlike CO2.
3. Using technology that resembles water
4. Use a water-oil ratio below the waterflood
5. Gravity segregation usually becomes
6. Can be applied to large reservoirs.

Eventually, it is recommended to implement

Surfactant Injection due to its compatibility with
Ngrayong Formation, economical feasibility,
efficiency and less complicated treatment or
maintenance compared to CO2-EOR.


Castanho, Sofia., 2014. Oil Recovery Techniques

MEOR. Repository Universidade de Lisboa.Lisbon.

Htwe, Paike dkk. 2015. Depositionl Mode of

Ngrayong Formation in Madura Area, North East
Java Basin, Indonesia. Jurnal J. SE Asian Appl.
Geol,Vol. 7(2),Edisi 2015. pp. 51–60.

Nirmala, Gerry Sasanti. 2013. Penentuan Specific

Gravity Pada Minyak Ringan Menggunakan

* Universitas Diponegoro

RAJA (ADERA1) 0.8757 30.08 Light

KAWENGAN 0.8652 32 Light

MUDI 0.8448 35-37 Light

SUKOWATI 0.8299 38-40 Light

Table 1 - Specific gravity and API degree of Crude Oil (Nirmala,2013).

Figure 1 – Research location stratigraphy according to Pringgoprawiro (1983).
Figure 2 – CO2-EOR injection.

Figure 3 - CO2 phase properties.

Figure 4 – Surfactant Injection Mechanism (Zerkalov, 2015).
Original wording by author Comment / suggestion
Overall abstract Probably author need to elaborate more, why only
surfactant and CO2 are discussed in this paper and the
other EOR methods are excluded, which is mentioned
very briefly in introduction
Overall abstract Abstract should atleast content: motivation, problem
statement, approach, result, and conclusions.
Please check:

i guess author need to elaborate more on the approach.

Oil production in a reservoir if continuously This sentence is too long. Suggest author to split this
produced and not balanced with the discovery sentence into 2 or more sentences
of new oil reserves will cause the production
in oil fields that have long been operating to
decline so that the suitable method is
necessary to increase production.
This process would restore the reduced I am inclined to disagree with this statement because the
pressure due to continuous production so that EOR (tertiary recovery) main purpose is not to restore
it returns to its original pressure and pushes pressure to original. EOR morelike to change Sor,
the oil out again more optimally. interfacial tention, visc modifier etc.

To maintain or increase reservoir pressure is morelike

water flooding (secondary recovery)
Kujung Formation from Oligocene is the The main topic in this paper is Ngrayong Formation. Not
oldest stratigraphy consisted of claystone with sure why author mentioned the other formation in great
the insertion of 10 limestones and sandstones, detail. I am missing the relevance
especially at the bottom. The limestone at the
bottom is often referred to as the Kranji
Limestone. This formation is deposited in the
middle exposure environment to outside

Table 1 Please convert all to English

Figure 2, 3, 4 Please add wording explaining the figures in discussion

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