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2021 Canada Mercer Job Library Jo

Copyright © 2021 Mercer LLC. All rights reserved.

The Job Matching Booklet assists you with matching your company's jobs to the Mercer Job Library. The following instructions will hel

Click and follow the Job Matching Instructions and the Executive Levels Matching Instructions icons to properly match your jobs.

Click other icons to learn more about the topics covered.

Job Executive Levels Career Streams Family & Year over Year Job
Matching Matching & Levels Sub-family Changes
Instructions Instructions This link reflects all year over year changes in the f
Mercer Job Library and is not limited to the positio
in scope for Canada surveys in Mercer Data
Connector in 2021

Job Matching Instructions:

The Mercer Job Library is provided in two table layouts:

1) in the MJL Specializations & Levels - in a matrix format. Specializations are listed in rows. Career Streams and Levels are provided
2) in the Job Catalogue - in a list format. Each combination of a Specialization, a Career Stream and a Career Level is listed in a separat

You can choose to work with the one you prefer or use both.

Please note that columns have been hidden in the above tabs to allow you to easily view the list of Specializations and/or Jobs and their a
and collapse the hidden rows as necessary to view additional details regarding the Specializations and/or Jobs.

Job Matching Prioritization Instructions/Recommendations

1. Start with matching your Executive population. To locate all of the possible Executive positions, use the following approaches.

Within the MJL Specializations & Levels tab, filter the column 'Executive Career Stream Available' as shown below.
Within the Job Catalogue tab, filter the column 'Career Stream' (Column M) as shown below.

For all Executive matching, please also reference the Executive Levels Matching Instructions for further details.

2. Next match your industry specific jobs (where applicable).

Within the MJL Specializations & Levels or Job Catalogue tabs, filter the columns to the right, depicting the position

Refer to Survey Descriptions for more information about each survey product.

Within each area, take a "top down" approach: start matching from the most senior positions for each area of your business and then wo

3. Next match your general industry/corporate jobs (where applicable).

Within the MJL Specializations & Levels or Job Catalogue tabs, filter the columns 'Full Mercer Benchmark Databa
full list of general industry/corporate jobs.

Within each area, take a "top down" approach: start matching from the most senior positions for each area of your busine

Additional Job Matching Instructions:

Determine Specialization There are multiple ways to search in the job library:
1. Filter by Job Family/Sub-family/Universal Navigation Group.

The broadest/general Specializations within a Sub-family and/or Universal Navigati

Broad-based/General category columns on both, MJL Specializations & Levels and
Currently this applies to only cross-industry content.
Step 1

You may also use Function and Department columns as an alternative way to searc
perspective. Function and Department combinations are intended to reflect how job
Both are defined irrespective of the tasks performed by the position.
The Organization of Work lens can be used to ensure the most appropriate job selec
2. Search for Typical Titles.

3. Search for keywords within Specialization Descriptions.


- Career Stream
While the Job Catalogue contains all of the possible Jobs (Specialization + Level) ava
2 MJL Specializations & Levels tab,

- Career Level 1. Scroll to the right of the Specialization row that you picked up to see Career Strea
to this Specialization and identify the one that matches your job.

2. The chosen Specialization + chosen Career Stream and Level form the Mercer's jo

Please note that all Management (M), Professional (P) and Para-Professional/Suppo
Step 2

For all Executive Career Stream matching, please also reference the Executive Leve


Some industry specific specializations additionally require Specialty Flags. Similarly, some specializations in Life Sciences co

Flags. Please review Mercer Job Library Specialty/Therapeutic Area Flags document for more inform
For matching executive levels, refer to the Executive Levels Matching Instructions

Executive Levels Matching Instructions:

Head of Organization, Head of Function, and Sub-function Head roles are differentiated by the Organization Type and the G
Select Type of Executive Organization Head
Step 1

Function Head

Sub-function Head

Determine Relevant Parent/Corporate

Organization Type:
Step 2



Determine Job’s Geographic Global

Step 3

Regional (Multi-Country)


Identify Level code:

Head of Organization Organization
Geographic Scope of Role Parent/Corporate
Global E5A
Regional (Multi-Country) E4A
Country E3A

Head of Function Organization

Step 4

Geographic Scope of Role Parent/Corporate

Global E41
Regional (Multi-Country) E31
Country E21

Head of Sub-function Organization

Geographic Scope of Role Parent/Corporate
Global E30
Regional (Multi-Country) E20
Country E10/M50*

M50 (M5) applies to a Parent Sub-function Head in larger/more mature markets.

Definitions: Organization Type

► Parent / Corporate: The highest reporting entity without any organization above it. Typically, management is responsib
or to the owners for overall organization performance.

Note: Organizations structured as Joint Ventures should report themselves as Parent/Corporate.

► Subsidiary: The Subsidiary is a separately incorporated legal entity with majority interest held by a Parent/Corporate en
responsible for most organization functions. Although a Subsidiary may ultimately roll up into a Parent/Corporate entity, m
alone organization and is accountable to the Parent/Corporate organization for operations and financial performance.

Note: Hospitals who are majority owned by a college or university and organizations whose parent is structured as a holdin

► Division(s) includes:

► Multi-Division: A major segment of an organization that is composed of related products/services or lines of bu

of financial performance. Is held accountable to either a Parent/Corporate or Subsidiary entity. Does not have a Bo
incorporated legal entity.

► Division: A unit of a Parent/Corporate, Subsidiary, or Multi-Division organization that operates as a profit center
fully integrated business and/or some functions may be supported by Shared Service Centers. Does not have a Boar
incorporated legal entity.

Definitions: Geographic Scope of Role

► Global – worldwide; the position holder is responsible for the full organization’s global geographic scope

► Regional (Multi-Country) – position holder is responsible for a continental region or commonly accepted geopolitical ar
Middle East

► Country – position holder is responsible for a country, or an area within a country, or neighboring countries with a simil
Singapore & Malaysia, UK & Ireland


Mercer Job Library Methodology

Mercer Job Library website

Webinars at iMercer Register for upcoming webinars or listen to pre-recorded trainings.

Contact Details:

Canada and USA

Phone: +1 800 333 3070

Mercer Job Library Methodology


In the Mercer Job Library, a Job (e.g. Electronics Product Design Engineering - Senior Professional) is defined by two
- Nature of Work, in our example: Electronics Product Design Engineering
- Hierarchy of Work, in our example: Senior Professional

Electronics Product Design Engineering - Senior Professional


Electronics Product Design Engineering Senior Professional

a) Nature of Work

in the Library is arranged in a tiered manner: Family > Sub-family > Specialization

Family Sub-family Specialization

Engineering & Electronics Product Design Engineering
Engineering (03)
Science (ENS) (061)
For a summary of the Job Families & Sub-families available across Mercer Job Library, refer to the Family & Sub-fam
To review the Specializations available across Mercer Job Library, refer to the MJL Specializations & Levels tab.

b) Hierarchy of Work

in the Library is broken down into two parts:

Career Stream Career Level

Professional Senior Professional (P3)
For a summary of the Career Streams & Levels available across Mercer Job Library, refer to the Career Streams & Lev


The Mercer Job Library Job Codes consist of: Electronics Product Design Engineering
- 3 digit Family - alpha ENS.03.061.P30
- 2 digit Sub-family - numeric
- 3 digit Specialization - numeric
- 1 digit Career Stream - alpha Family Sub-family
- 2 digit Career Level 3-digit alpha 2-digit numeric

Legal Note
Confidentiality and Data Protection: Both Mercer LLC and you (“Client”) are likely from time to time to disclose infor
the provision of the survey. The party receiving the information (“the receiving party”) shall not divulge or communi
person whose business requires that person to have the information to enable the Services to be provided. This rest
receiving party must by law disclose, or to information which is either already in the public domain or enters the pub
ob Library Job Matching Booklet

ollowing instructions will help you navigate the booklet.

operly match your jobs.

ver Year Job Help

ar over year changes in the full
d is not limited to the positions
da surveys in Mercer Data
nector in 2021

eams and Levels are provided in columns.

eer Level is listed in a separate row.

zations and/or Jobs and their alignment to our various survey products. Please expand

following approaches.

' as shown below.

urther details.

right, depicting the positions covered in industry specific surveys.

a of your business and then work down.

Mercer Benchmark Database/Total Remuneration Survey' to see the

or each area of your business and then work down

y and/or Universal Navigation Group can be easily identified via the
ecializations & Levels and Job Catalogue tabs.

an alternative way to search for jobs matches from an Organization of Work

intended to reflect how jobs could typically be grouped within an organization.
he position.
most appropriate job selection based on Nature of Work.
(Specialization + Level) available, to determine the available levels within the

cked up to see Career Streams and Levels applicable

your job.

Level form the Mercer's job code e.g. SMP.02.005.M40.

nd Para-Professional/Support (S) Career Levels end in '0'.

ference the Executive Levels Matching Instructions for further details.

alizations in Life Sciences companies require Therapeutic Area

document for more information.

Organization Type and the Geographic Scope of the Role .

Organization Type
Subsidiary Division(s)

Organization Type
Subsidiary Division(s)
E34 E32
E24 E22
E14 E12

Organization Type
Subsidiary Division(s)
E20 E20
E10 E10
M50 M50

, management is responsible to either the board of directors and shareholders

d by a Parent/Corporate entity; it can have multiple business divisions and is

Parent/Corporate entity, management performs most functions of a stand-
financial performance.

ent is structured as a holding company should report themselves as a

ucts/services or lines of business that are measured for purposes

entity. Does not have a Board of Directors and is not a separately

operates as a profit center. May comprise most functions of a

nters. Does not have a Board of Directors and is not a separately

aphic scope

nly accepted geopolitical area e.g., Asia, EMEA, North America, ASEAN, Europe,

oring countries with a similar culture, e.g., Western US, Greater China, ANZ,
essional) is defined by two elements:


enior Professional

esign Engineering
efer to the Family & Sub-family tab
cializations & Levels tab.

er to the Career Streams & Levels tab.

oduct Design Engineering - Senior Professional

Specialization Career Stream Career Level
3-digit numeric 1-digit alpha 2-digit

me to time to disclose information and advice to the other party in the course of
all not divulge or communicate such information to any person, other than a
es to be provided. This restriction does not apply to information which the
ic domain or enters the public domain through no fault of the receiving party.
Please note that columns have been hidden to allow you to easily view the list of Spe
the hidden rows as necessary to view additional details regarding the Specializations

Industry Broad-Based/General Specialization Year over Specialization Code

Specialization Year Change Status

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

NEW GMA.01.008
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW GMA.01.009
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW GMA.02.010
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & GMA.03.053

Financial Services

Energy & Mining

Life Sciences

Cross Industry X


Cross Industry X


Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X


Cross Industry X


Cross Industry

NEW FIN.02.002
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Financial Services

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW FIN.09.010
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

NEW HRM.04.009
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW HRM.07.007
Cross Industry

NEW HRM.07.008
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

NEW CCA.04.013

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW LCA.03.086
Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

NEW LCA.04.002
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X
NEW LCA.04.033
Cross Industry

Life Sciences


High Tech,Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW LCA.04.034
Life Sciences

NEW LCA.04.035
Life Sciences

NEW LCA.04.036
Life Sciences

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

NEW LCA.04.047
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW LCA.04.051
Life Sciences

NEW LCA.04.052
Life Sciences
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW LCA.07.009
Cross Industry

High Tech

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Education,Life Sciences

NEW LCA.07.125
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW LCA.07.151
Life Sciences

Energy & Mining

NEW LCA.07.170
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW LCA.09.048
Cross Industry

NEW LCA.09.049
Cross Industry

NEW LCA.09.050
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Construction,Energy &

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

NEW AFS.01.050
Cross Industry

NEW AFS.01.052
Cross Industry
Cross Industry X


Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW AFS.02.007
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry



Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW AFS.07.006
Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

NEW AFS.08.006
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

NEW PPM.02.022
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

High Tech,Professional

Construction,Energy &

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

NEW SMP.02.002
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
NEW SMP.02.039
Cross Industry

NEW SMP.02.041
Cross Industry

NEW SMP.02.045
Cross Industry

NEW SMP.02.046
Cross Industry

NEW SMP.02.043
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW SMP.02.044
Life Sciences

NEW SMP.02.047
Life Sciences

NEW SMP.02.042
Life Sciences

High Tech

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech

High Tech
High Tech

High Tech,Retail

High Tech,Retail

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry



High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW SMP.04.028
Cross Industry

High Tech,Life Sciences

High Tech

Financial Services,High

Energy & Mining

High Tech

High Tech

NEW SMP.04.026
Life Sciences

NEW SMP.04.027
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW SMP.04.125
Cross Industry

NEW SMP.04.126
Cross Industry

High Tech

Life Sciences
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Tech,Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW SMP.07.035
Cross Industry




Cross Industry X
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

High Tech,Media &

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW SMP.11.015
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

NEW SMP.11.014
Life Sciences

NEW SMP.11.013
Life Sciences

Retail, Hospitality


Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW CSV.02.008
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry



Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW QLT.02.017
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.02.018
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.02.013
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Financial Services

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.009
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

High Tech,Life Sciences

High Tech,Life Sciences
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.039
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.040
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.041
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.042
Cross Industry

NEW QLT.03.047
Life Sciences

NEW QLT.03.048
Life Sciences
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW QLT.04.006
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

NEW SCN.02.009
Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

NEW SCN.03.019
Cross Industry

Cross Industry
NEW SCN.03.020
Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW SCN.03.023
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW SCN.03.026
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

NEW SCN.03.035
Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech,Retail

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry X


Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Logistics &

High Tech
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.02.003
Life Sciences
High Tech

High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

NEW ENS.02.054
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Education,Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW ENS.02.052
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW ENS.02.053
Life Sciences
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.009
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.018
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.019
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.093
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.094
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.095
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.096
Cross Industry
Life Sciences

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry



Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.154
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.155
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.209
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.03.207
Cross Industry

High Tech

High Tech


Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Life Sciences

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

NEW ENS.03.278
Energy & Mining

Cross Industry






Construction,Energy &

Energy & Mining

High Tech

High Tech

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

NEW ENS.10.004
Cross Industry X

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.10.051
Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X
Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Energy & Mining

NEW ENS.10.088
Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining
Construction,Energy &

Construction,Energy &
Mining,Real Estate

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

High Tech

High Tech

Energy & Mining,High

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.06.009
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.06.010
Cross Industry



Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ENS.07.053
Cross Industry

NEW ENS.07.041
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.042
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.043
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.044
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.047
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.048
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.049
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.050
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.051
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.052
Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Life Sciences
Life Sciences

NEW ENS.07.060
Life Sciences

Construction,Energy &

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Construction,Energy &

Energy & Mining

NEW ENS.07.107
Energy & Mining

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Construction,Energy &

Energy & Mining
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Education,Life Sciences

Education,Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW PSK.02.025
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.02.026
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW PSK.02.046
Cross Industry

Life Sciences

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW PSK.03.006
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.03.007
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.03.008
Cross Industry
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW PSK.05.027
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry









Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Construction,Energy &
Construction,Energy &

Construction,Energy &

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

NEW PSK.07.002
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.07.003
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.07.004
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.07.005
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.07.006
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.001
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.002
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.003
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.004
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.005
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.026
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.027
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.028
Cross Industry
NEW PSK.08.029
Cross Industry

NEW PSK.08.030
Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

High Tech

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ITC.05.011
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Financial Services,High

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ITC.07.010
Cross Industry
High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ITC.08.015
Cross Industry



Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW ITC.08.078
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech,Professional

High Tech,Professional

High Tech

High Tech
High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Automotive,High Tech
High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech
High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Automotive,High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech
High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

High Tech

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Media &

Energy &

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X
Cross Industry


Cross Industry X


Cross Industry


Cross Industry

NEW TNS.03.004
Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry



NEW TNS.03.999
Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry
NEW TNS.05.999
Cross Industry


Energy &
Mining,Logistics &
Energy &
Mining,Logistics &
Logistics &

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining
Energy & Mining

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Services,High

Financial Services

Financial Services

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Energy &
Financial Services

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Agriculture,Energy &

Energy & Mining





























NEW RET.03.034





















High Tech,Retail








High Tech,Retail












Cross Industry



Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW HPY.03.005
Cross Industry

Cross Industry







Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Cross Industry













Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry


Cross Industry


Cross Industry X


Cross Industry


Cross Industry





Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry
Media &

High Tech,Media &

Media &

High Tech,Media &

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry X
Cross Industry

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &
High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &

High Tech,Media &


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

NEW MDA.02.026
Life Sciences

Cross Industry X

Real Estate

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry




Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Energy & Mining

Construction,Energy &
Mining,Real Estate

Construction,Energy &
Mining,Real Estate

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining

Cross Industry X


Construction,Energy &
Mining,Real Estate

Construction,Energy &

Construction,Energy &

Construction,Energy &

Energy & Mining

Energy & Mining



NEW HLT.02.036


Energy &

Cross Industry




Cross Industry X

Cross Industry X



ife Sciences,Retail





NEW HLT.07.004
Cross Industry


Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Cross Industry

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers
Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers
Financial OGC.11.014
Services,Outsourcing &
Global Capability
Financial OGC.11.015
Services,Outsourcing &
Global Capability
Financial OGC.11.016
Services,Outsourcing &
Global Capability
Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers

Healthcare,Life OGC.16.011
& Global Capability
Life OGC.16.015
& Global Capability
Insurance,Life OGC.16.999
& Global Capability
w you to easily view the list of Specializations and/or Jobs and their alignment to our various
etails regarding the Specializations and/or Jobs.

Specialization Title Family Title Sub-family Title

Chair of the Board (Non CEO) General Management General Management

Chair of the Board and CEO General Management General Management

Head of Organization (CEO) General Management General Management

Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial General Management General Management

Officer (CCO)

Head of Operations (COO) General Management General Management

Head of International Operations General Management General Management

Head of Business Products/Services General Management General Management

Head of Administration General Management General Management

Head of Shared Services General Management General Management

Long-Term Business Strategy & General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Innovation & Strategy General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Digital Strategy General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Business Operations Strategy & General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Business Architecture General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Physical Asset Management General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Management Rotational Program General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Policies and Procedures Analysis General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Other Business Strategy & Planning General Management Business Strategy & Planning

Chief Risk Officer (CRO) General Management Risk Management

General Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Insurance Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Risk Modelling General Management Risk Management

Quantitative Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Business Continuity Planning General Management Risk Management

IT Business Continuance/Disaster General Management Risk Management


Operational Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Security Threat Assessment & Analysis General Management Risk Management

Environmental Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Project Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Risk Adjustment (Retail) General Management Risk Management

General Financial Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Market Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Investment Risk Management General Management Risk Management

(Financial Services)

Energy Trading Risk Management General Management Risk Management

Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life General Management Business Strategy Consulting


Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) Finance Finance & Accounting Leadership

Head of Finance/2nd Level Finance Finance Finance Generalists


General Finance Management Finance Finance Generalists

Finance Business Partners Finance Finance Generalists

Financial Planning & Analysis Finance Finance Generalists

Revenue Management Finance Finance Generalists

Contract Rebate Administration (Life Finance Finance Generalists


General Financial Control Finance Financial Control

Financial Control & Reporting: Finance Financial Control


Financial Control & Reporting: Property Finance Financial Control

Office Cash Control Finance Financial Control

General Management Accounting Finance Management Accounting

Internal Management Accounting: IT Finance Management Accounting


Cost Accounting Finance Management Accounting

Budget Accounting Finance Management Accounting

Government Accounting Finance Management Accounting

Accounting Finance Accounting

Financial Reporting Finance Accounting

Project Accounting Finance Accounting

Joint Ventures Accounting Finance Accounting

Revenue Accounting Finance Accounting

Fund Accounting (Financial Services) Finance Accounting

Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Finance Accounting


Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Finance Accounting


Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) Finance Accounting

Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Finance Accounting


Tax Finance Tax

Tax Research & Planning Finance Tax

International Tax Finance Tax

Tax Compliance Finance Tax

Treasury Finance Treasury

Cash Management Finance Treasury

Financial Structure & Funding Finance Treasury

Investments Finance Treasury

Investment Opportunity Management Finance Treasury

Post-Investment Management Finance Treasury

Accounts Payable/Receivable Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

Accounts Payable Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

Accounts Receivable Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

Billing & Invoicing Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

Billing Inquiry Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

E-Payments Operations Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

Wholesale Chargeback Coordination Finance Accounts Payable/Receivable

(Life Sciences)

Credit & Collections Finance Credit & Collections

Credit Finance Credit & Collections

Collections Finance Credit & Collections

Collections: Field Finance Credit & Collections

Customer Financial/Credit Field Finance Credit & Collections


Head of Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Leadership

General Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Generalists

HR Business Partners Human Resources Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Management (Non- Human Resources Human Resources Generalists

Union Facility)

Human Resources Management (Union Human Resources Human Resources Generalists


Mobility Human Resources Mobility

Relocation Services Human Resources Mobility

Immigration Services Human Resources Mobility

Compensation & Benefits Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Compensation Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Executive Compensation Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Benefits Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Total Rewards Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Work/Life & Wellness Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Health & Welfare Benefits Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Absence/Leave Management Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

HR Operations Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Compensation & Benefits Human Resources Human Resources Operations


Compensation Administration Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Benefits Administration Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Workers Compensation Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Service Center Human Resources Human Resources Operations


HR Outsourcing Management Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Information Systems Human Resources Human Resources Operations

(HRIS) Administration & Reporting

Stock Plan Administration Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Payroll Human Resources Payroll

Sales Commission Payroll Human Resources Payroll

Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &


Employee Relations Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &


Labor/Union Relations Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &


Diversity Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &

Employee Assistance Program Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &

Employee Experience Management Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &


Equal Employment Opportunity Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &


Drug & Alcohol Program Management Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations &

Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Human Resources Talent Acquisition


Recruiting Human Resources Talent Acquisition

Executive Recruiting Human Resources Talent Acquisition

Technical Recruiting Human Resources Talent Acquisition

Campus Recruiting Human Resources Talent Acquisition

Talent Management & Organizational Human Resources Talent Management &

Development Organization Development

Performance & Talent Management Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Organization & Leadership Human Resources Talent Management &

Development Organization Development

Workforce Planning & Analytics Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Organizational Design Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Training & Development Human Resources Training & Development


Training & Development Delivery Human Resources Training & Development


Training & Development Instructional Human Resources Training & Development

Design (Internal)
Internal Technical & Process Training Human Resources Training & Development

Training Center Management Human Resources Training & Development

(Technical & Non-Technical) (Internal)

General Training: Diversity Human Resources Training & Development


Language Instruction Human Resources Training & Development


Head of Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate
Affairs Affairs Affairs Leadership

General Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate
Affairs Affairs Affairs Generalists

Non-Technical Change Management Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Affairs Affairs Generalists

Technical Change Management Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Affairs Affairs Generalists

Communication Materials Production Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Affairs Affairs Generalists

Communication Materials Production Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Support Affairs Affairs Generalists

Speechwriting Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Affairs Affairs Generalists

Lobbying Communications & Corporate Communications & Corporate

Affairs Affairs Generalists

Employee Communications & Communications & Corporate Employee Communications &

Collaboration Affairs Collaboration

Employee Communications Communications & Corporate Employee Communications &

Affairs Collaboration

Knowledge Management Communications & Corporate Employee Communications &

Affairs Collaboration

Alumni Relations Communications & Corporate Employee Communications &

Affairs Collaboration

Corporate Affairs Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs

Government & Public Relations Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs

Government Relations Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs


Public Relations Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs


Social Media Relations Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs


Corporate Social Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs

Responsibility/Community Relations Affairs

Financial Contributions/Volunteer Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs

Programs Affairs

Stakeholder Relations Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs


Grants Administration Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs


Community/Native Title/Heritage Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs

Affairs (Energy & Mining) Affairs

Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Communications & Corporate Corporate Affairs
Sciences) Affairs

Investor Relations Communications & Corporate Investor Relations


Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal Legal, Compliance & Audit Corporate Compliance & Legal

Head of Corporate Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Corporate Compliance & Legal
(Including Regulatory Affairs) Leadership

Legal & Compliance Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal & Compliance Management

Head of Legal Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Counsel: General Business Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Counsel: Litigation Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Counsel: Regulatory Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

General Legal Contract Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Land Contracts & Negotiations Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Land Contracts Analysis Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Service Provider Contracts Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Management (Life Sciences)

Corporate Board Secretary Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Research/Paralegal Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Research/Paralegal Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal Secretarial Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Legal/Regulatory Records Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Patent Preparation & Prosecution Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

Patent/Intellectual Property Search Legal, Compliance & Audit Legal

(Professional Services)

General Regulatory Affairs Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

General Product Regulatory Affairs Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs
Product Safety Risk Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs
Sciences & Agriculture)

Product Regulatory Affairs Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs


Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Affairs (Life Sciences)

Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs
(CMC) (Life Sciences)

Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs
Products (Life Sciences)

Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Medical Information (Life Sciences) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Submission Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

(Life Sciences)

Product Safety Surveillance Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Coordination (Life Sciences)
Food Safety Legal, Compliance & Audit Regulatory Affairs

Internal Audit: General Processes & Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Internal Audit: Internal Financial Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Internal Audit: Information Systems Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Internal Audit: Joint Ventures Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Field Audit (Retail) Legal, Compliance & Audit Internal Audit

Head of Fraud Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Anti-Money Laundering Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Fraud Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Fraud Prevention Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Fraud Detection Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Fraud Investigations Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

Other Fraud Detection & Prevention Legal, Compliance & Audit Fraud Detection & Prevention

General Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Ethics Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Privacy Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Technical Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Online Content Review & Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Accessibility Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Data Privacy & Security Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Classified Information Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Software Licensing (High Tech) Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Vendor Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Original Equipment Manufacturer Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

(OEM) Management

Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Sciences & Education)

International Trade Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Transportation Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Payment Transparency Compliance Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

(Life Sciences)

Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance

Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Legal, Compliance & Audit Compliance


Head of Environmental and Employee Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety Health & Safety

General Environmental and Employee Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety Health & Safety
Store Health & Safety (Retail) Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

General Environmental Health & Safety Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Environmental Planning Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Hazardous Materials Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Environmental Problem Resolution Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Product Stewardship Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Environmental Sustainability Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Emergency Response Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Environmental Remediation Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Radiation Safety Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Radiological Control Technician Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

General Employee/Labor Health & Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Safety Health & Safety

Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee

Support Health & Safety

Workplace Safety Control Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Injury Management Coordination Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Site Safety/Loss Control Management Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
(Oil & Gas, Mining) Health & Safety
Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
& Gas, Mining) Health & Safety

Construction Site Safety Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Health & Safety

Environmental, Health, and Safety Legal, Compliance & Audit Environmental and Employee
Training Health & Safety

General Office Administration & Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial
Secretarial Management Secretarial

Secretary/Administrative Assistant Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


General Office Operations Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


General Office Operations Support Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial

Reception/Telephone/Switchboard Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Internal Events Planning/Coordination Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Data Entry Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Travel Coordination Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Refreshment Services Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Vehicle Fleet Administration Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Confidential Property/Asset Control Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Medical Screening Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial

General Document Management Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial

Document Control Administration, Facilities & Administration & Secretarial


Head of Facilities & Administrative Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &
Support Secretarial Planning

Facilities Management (Non- Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Manufacturing) Secretarial Planning

Manufacturing Facilities Management Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Secretarial Planning

Facilities Planning Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Secretarial Planning

Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Secretarial Planning

Facilities Lease Administration Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Secretarial Planning

Facilities Coordination Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &

Secretarial Planning

Other Facilities Management & Administration, Facilities & Facilities Management &
Planning Secretarial Planning

Facilities Repair & Maintenance Administration, Facilities & Facilities Refurbishment, Repair
Management Secretarial & Maintenance

Facilities Repair & Maintenance Administration, Facilities & Facilities Refurbishment, Repair
Technician Secretarial & Maintenance

Installation Management (Retail) Administration, Facilities & Facilities Refurbishment, Repair

Secretarial & Maintenance

Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair Administration, Facilities & Facilities Refurbishment, Repair
& Maintenance Secretarial & Maintenance

Custodial/Cleaning Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

Groundskeeping Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

Swimming Pool Maintenance Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry
Dishwasher Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,
Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

Parking Supervisor Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

Valet Parking Attendant Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Administration, Facilities & Facilities/Grounds, Custodial,

Cleaning & Laundry Secretarial Cleaning & Laundry

General Facilities Security & Safety Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset
Secretarial Security

Security Guard Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset

Secretarial Security

Facilities Fire Control Services Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset
Secretarial Security

Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset
Prevention Secretarial Security

Loss Prevention/Asset Protection Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset
(Retail) Secretarial Security

Other Property, Facilities & Asset Administration, Facilities & Property, Facilities & Asset
Security Secretarial Security

Head Librarian Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Library Management Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Librarian Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Library Support Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Library Cataloging Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Technical Information Library Services Administration, Facilities & Library Services


Other Library Services Administration, Facilities & Library Services

Firefighting/Emergency Response Administration, Facilities & Safety Services
Services Secretarial

Executive Protection Administration, Facilities & Safety Services


General Program Management Office Project/Program Management General Business

(PMO) Project/Program Management

General Project Management Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Manufacturing Program/Project Project/Program Management General Business

Management Project/Program Management

Project Controls Management Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Project Cost Estimation Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Project Cost Control Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Turnaround Planning Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Maintenance Planning/Scheduling Project/Program Management General Business

Project/Program Management

Technical Program Management Office Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

(PMO) Management

Technical Project Management Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program


Research & Development Portfolio Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

Management Management

Clinical Research Project Management Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

(Life Sciences) Management

Scrum Product Ownership Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program


Scrum Master Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program


Technical Project Management: e- Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

Commerce Management
Technical Project Management: Web Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program
Development Management

Healthcare Solutions Delivery Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

Consulting (Life Sciences) Management

IT/Business Process Delivery Project/Program Management Technical Project/Program

Management (High Tech & Professional Management

Project Management: General Project/Program Management Construction & Property

(Construction) Development Project

Head of Sales & Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales, Marketing & Product
Management Management Leadership

Head of Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Sales, Marketing & Product
Management Management Leadership

Head of Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales, Marketing & Product
Management Management Leadership

General Sales & Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Sales Lead Generation Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Branch Sales Manager Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Business Development Strategy & Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Planning Management

Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Planning Management

Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Planning Management

Advertising Media Planning & Strategy Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Pricing Research Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing


Brand Licensing Strategy & Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Capture Management Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Customer Loyalty Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Market Planning Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing


Product Licensing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing


Head of Managed Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) Management

Health Economics Analytics (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Sciences) Management

Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Sciences) Management

Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
(Life Sciences) Management

Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Investigation (Life Sciences) Management

Government and Managed Care Pricing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Analysis (Life Sciences) Management

Game Product Strategy & Planning Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
(High Tech) Management

Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

E-Commerce Strategy & Planning Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

E-Payment Strategy Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing


E-Commerce Merchant Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Development/Consignment (Internet) Management

E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
Support (Internet) Management
E-Commerce Merchant Training Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing
(Internet) Management

Content Channel Planning (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

Content Channel Operations (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Sales & Marketing

General Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Marketing Generalists


General Product Planning & Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Development Management Management

Product Design Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Product Packaging Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Product Sample/Prototype Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Development Management Management

Apparel Technical Design (Retail) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Product Technical Enhancement Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(Retail) Management Management

Wireless/Mobile Product Planning Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(High Tech) Management Management

Product Operations (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Platform/Portal User Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(Internet) Management Management

Game Product Research & Analysis Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(High Tech) Management Management

General Product Marketing & Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management Management

Product/Brand Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Product/Brand Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

(P&L/Revenue Accountability) Management Management
IT Product Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Product Commercialization Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Draught/Draft Beer Specialists Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Product Management (High Tech & Life Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Sciences) Management Management

Wireless/Mobile Product Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(High Tech) Management Management

Product Management (Financial Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Services & Insurance) Management Management

Price Book Management (Oil & Gas) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Game Product Operations (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Game Product Operations: Licensed Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Products (High Tech) Management Management

Patient Adherence Program Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management (Life Sciences) Management Management

Patient Relationship Management (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Sciences) Management Management

Trade Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Channel/Partner Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Category Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Shopper Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

General Digital/Internet Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Email Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management
Social Media Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

E-Commerce/Online Shopping Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Marketing Management Management

Web Content Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Web Content Curation/Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Search Engine Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Push Content Platform Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Digital/Media Brand Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Influencer Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

General Direct/Telemarketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

(Mail/Email/Mobile) Management Management

Digital Direct/Telemarketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

(Email/Text/Mobile) Management Management

Technical Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Technical Product Training Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Wine Education Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &

Management Management

Beer Knowledge Management Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Billable Customer Product Training Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
(High Tech) Management Management

Nutritional Product Education (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Sciences) Management Management
Market Education Services (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Sciences) Management Management

Medical Writing (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Clinical Education (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Patient Education (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Technical/Scientific Sales Service Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management

Other Product Marketing & Sales, Marketing & Product Product Marketing &
Management Management Management

Advertising & Marketing Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Communications Management Communications

Advertising & Marketing Services Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Management Communications

Branded Merchandise Promotions Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Management Communications

Conferences/Congresses/Events Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing

Promotions Management Communications

Online Advertising Coordination Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Management Communications

Advertising & Sales Promotion Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Management Communications

Media/Special Events (Retail) Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
Management Communications

E-Commerce Promotions Planning Sales, Marketing & Product Advertising & Marketing
(Internet) Management Communications

Market Research & Analysis Sales, Marketing & Product Market Research & Analysis

Consumer/Shopper Insights Research Sales, Marketing & Product Market Research & Analysis
Database Market Research Sales, Marketing & Product Market Research & Analysis

General Field Sales & Account Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management Management

General Field Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

General Field Sales: Key Clients Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Consumer Goods Field Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Technical Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

General Field Sales: Chemical Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Government Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Intellectual Property (IP) Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Direct Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Direct Sales: Key Clients Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Product Financing/Leasing Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Wine Product Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

In-Store Sales (Retail) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

General Channel/Partner Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management
Partner/Reseller Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Pre-Sales Product Consulting Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Software Tools & Applications Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
(High Tech) Management Management

Hardware Sales (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Services Sales (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Online Services Sales (High Tech) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
(Internet) Management Management

Online Training Sales (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Sciences) Management Management

Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Sciences) Management Management
Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Sciences) Management Management

Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Sciences) Management Management

Medical Representation: Animal Health Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
(Life Sciences) Management Management

Medical Representation: General Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Practitioners & Physicians (Life Management Management

Medical Representation: Specialty Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Practitioners & Physicians (Life Management Management

Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Sales (Oil & Gas) Management Management

Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) Sales, Marketing & Product Field Sales & Account
Management Management

Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) Sales, Marketing & Product Remote/Telesales & Account

Management Management

Telesales (Inbound Only) Sales, Marketing & Product Remote/Telesales & Account
Management Management

Telesales (Outbound Only) Sales, Marketing & Product Remote/Telesales & Account
Management Management

Remote Account Management/Inside Sales, Marketing & Product Remote/Telesales & Account
Sales Management Management

Other Remote/Telesales & Account Sales, Marketing & Product Remote/Telesales & Account
Management Management Management

Account Management/Key Accounts Sales, Marketing & Product Account & Client Management

E-Commerce Account Management Sales, Marketing & Product Account & Client Management

Contract Renewals Sales, Marketing & Product Account & Client Management

Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Sales, Marketing & Product Account & Client Management
Management Management
Other Account & Client Management Sales, Marketing & Product Account & Client Management

Sales Training Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Training


Contact Center Sales Representative Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Training
Training Management

General Sales Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration

Operations/Administration Management

Sales Effectiveness & Analytics Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration

Order Processing Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Order Management Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Contract, Bid, and Proposal Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration
Management Management

Proposal Development Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Sales Enablement Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Sales Channel Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Proposal Analysis Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration


Electronic Territory Management Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration

System (ETMS) Analysis (Life Sciences) Management

Managed Care Contracts Management Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration
(Life Sciences) Management

Drug Sample Management (Life Sales, Marketing & Product Sales Operations/Administration
Sciences) Management

Franchising Leadership (Hospitality & Sales, Marketing & Product Franchise/Dealer Channel
Retail) Management Development & Support

Franchise Development Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Franchise/Dealer Channel

(Retail) Management Development & Support
Franchise Development Operations Sales, Marketing & Product Franchise/Dealer Channel
(Hospitality) Management Development & Support

Head of Customer Service Customer Service & Contact Customer Service & Contact
Center Operations Center Operations Leadership

Head of Contact/Call Center Operations Customer Service & Contact Customer Service & Contact
Center Operations Center Operations Leadership

Head of Contact Center Services Customer Service & Contact Customer Service & Contact
Center Operations Center Operations Leadership

General Customer Service Customer Service & Contact Customer Service

Center Operations

Contact Center Vendor Management Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Contact Center Service Technician Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Dispatching Center Operations

Cashier Customer Service & Contact Customer Service

Center Operations

Winery Customer/Visitor Service Customer Service & Contact Customer Service

Management Center Operations

Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Sciences) Center Operations

Business Order Administration & Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Customer Service Center Operations

Business Customer Factory Returns Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Business Customer Factory Repairs Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Sales Center Operations

Contact Center Customer Service: Non- Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Technical Center Operations

Contact Center Customer Service: Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Technical Center Operations

Contact Center Customer Service: Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Complex Issues & Analysis Center Operations
Online Customer Service Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Written Correspondence Customer Customer Service & Contact Customer Service

Service (Letter/Fax/Email) Center Operations

Contact Center Executive Customer Service & Contact Customer Service

Response/Complaint Escalation Center Operations

Contact Center Customer Retention Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Field Technical Service (Non- Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Engineering) Center Operations

In-Store Customer Service/Front End Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Management (Retail) Center Operations

In-Store Customer Service Desk (Retail) Customer Service & Contact Customer Service
Center Operations

Head of Customer Relationship Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Management & Account Activation Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Services Account Activation

Customer Relationship Management Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Service Strategy & Planning Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship
Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Complaint Management Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Success Management Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Experience Strategy Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Experience Operations Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Account Opening & Activation Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship
Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Customer Profile Data Cleansing Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship
Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation

Other Customer Relationship Customer Service & Contact Customer Relationship

Management, Issue Resolution & Center Operations Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation Account Activation
Contact Center Management Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Contact Center Traffic & Dialing Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Contact Center Dialing Platform Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Administration Center Operations Training

Contact Center Scheduling Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Contact Center Operational Support Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Operations Management Center Operations Training

Contact Center Speech Analytics Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Contact Center Voice Biometrics Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Accent Training Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Center Operations Training

Scriptwriting Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &

Center Operations Training

Contact Center Representatives Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Training Center Operations Training

Other Contact Center Operations & Customer Service & Contact Contact Center Operations &
Training Center Operations Training

Head of Quality Quality Management Quality Management Leadership

Business Process Quality Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

IT Process Quality Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

IT Vendor Management Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Data Quality Management Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

IT Service Performance Management Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Outsourcing Vendor Management Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Quality Assurance Documentation Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Agile Coach Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Customer Service Quality Assurance Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Debt Collection Quality Assurance Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

(Financial Services)

Other Business Process/Service Quality Quality Management Business Process/Service Quality

Manufacturing Quality Assurance Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Manufacturing Quality Control Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Manufacturing Quality Improvement Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Manufacturing Process Definition & Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality


Tool & Gauge Inspection Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Manufacturing Quality: Validation Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Manufacturing Quality: Validation Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Quality Assurance/Control Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Quality Assurance Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Quality Control/Inspection Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Head of Product Integrity Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Color Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Wet Processing Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Fitting Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Pattern Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Integrity: Product Safety Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Complaint Management Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Serialization & Security Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Product Sterilization/Sanitation Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Technician Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality


Deviation Management (Life Sciences) Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Other Manufacturing/Product Quality Quality Management Manufacturing/Product Quality

Supplier Quality Management Quality Management Supplier Quality

Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality Management Supplier Quality


Collections Vendor Management Quality Management Supplier Quality

Purchased Parts/Materials Inspection Quality Management Supplier Quality

General Business Quality Quality Management General Business Quality

Assurance/Improvement Management

Head of Supply Chain Supply Chain Supply Chain Leadership

General Supply Chain Operations Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &

Supply Chain Planning Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &


Customer Inventory Planning & Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &
Management Operations

Supply Chain Solutions Consulting Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &

Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &
Sciences) Operations

Other Supply Chain Planning & Supply Chain Supply Chain Planning &
Operations Operations

Procurement Supply Chain Procurement

Procurement Business Partners Supply Chain Procurement

Procurement/Sourcing Systems Supply Chain Procurement

Procurement Contract & Bid Supply Chain Procurement

Subcontract Administration Supply Chain Procurement

Vendor Warranty Administration Supply Chain Procurement

Procurement Analysis Supply Chain Procurement

Purchasing Price Analysis Supply Chain Procurement

Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement Supply Chain Procurement

Strategic Sourcing Supply Chain Procurement

Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing Supply Chain Procurement

Materials Sourcing Supply Chain Procurement

Head of Merchandise Sourcing & Supply Chain Procurement

External Production

Merchandise Sourcing & External Supply Chain Procurement


Head of Offshore Production & Import Supply Chain Procurement


Supplier Relationship Management Supply Chain Procurement

Procurement Vendor Management Supply Chain Procurement

Supplier Diversity Supply Chain Procurement

Materials Procurement & Inventory Supply Chain Procurement


Materials Planning & Control Supply Chain Procurement

Material Requirements Planning Supply Chain Procurement

Materials Forecasting Supply Chain Procurement

Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Supply Chain Procurement

Analysis & Planning

Manufacturing Finished Goods Supply Chain Procurement

Inventory Planning & Control

IT Procurement Supply Chain Procurement

IT Asset Administration Supply Chain Procurement

Buyer (Retail) Supply Chain Procurement

Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) Supply Chain Procurement

General Logistics Operations Supply Chain Logistics

Logistics Planning & Optimization Supply Chain Logistics

Supplier Managed Inventory Supply Chain Logistics

Logistics Documentation Supply Chain Logistics

Spares/Parts Provisioning Supply Chain Logistics

Distribution Center & Warehouse Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution


Warehouse Management Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Distribution Center Management Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Inbound Operations Management Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Outbound Operations Management Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

General Warehouse Operations Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Warehouse/Distribution Center Design Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

& Optimization

Warehouse Shipping & Receiving Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Materials Handling Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Shipping Documentation Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Forklift Operations Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Yard Truck Switching/Spotting Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Returns Processing Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Head of Distribution Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Head of Distribution Strategy Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Distribution Operations Systems Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution


Distribution Operations Analysis Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Head of Order Fulfillment Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Warehouse/Distribution Center Order Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution


Order Filling: Picking & Packing Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

E-Commerce Fulfillment Center Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Management (Retail & Logistics)

Game Release/Channel Distribution Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

(High Tech)
Product Terminal/Distribution Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution
Operations (Oil & Gas)

Product Terminal/Distribution Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Operations Management (Oil & Gas)

Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) Supply Chain Warehousing & Distribution

Import/Export Administration Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs


Customs Clearance Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs


Import Administration Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs


Export Administration Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs


Free Trade Zone Administration Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs


Other Import/Export & Customs Supply Chain Import/Export & Customs

Operations Operations

Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Engineering & Science Joint Engineering & Science
Product Development Technical Leadership

Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Engineering & Science Joint Engineering & Science
Sciences) Technical Leadership

Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre- Engineering & Science Joint Engineering & Science
Clinical (Life Sciences) Technical Leadership

Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Engineering & Science Joint Engineering & Science
Clinical (Life Sciences) Technical Leadership

Head of Technical Product Engineering & Science Joint Engineering & Science
Development (Telecommunications) Technical Leadership

Manufacturing Technical Product Engineering & Science Technical Product

Development Development/Research

New Product Implementation Engineering & Science Technical Product

Engineering Development/Research

Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing Engineering & Science Technical Product

(Life Sciences) Development/Research
Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Cyber Research (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product


Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Natural Language Processing R&D (High Engineering & Science Technical Product
Tech) Development/Research

Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Intelligent Network Value Added Engineering & Science Technical Product

Services (IN-VAS) Product Planning Development/Research
(Telecommunications) Operations

Head of Clinical Operations (Life Engineering & Science Technical Product

Sciences) Development/Research

Clinical Trial Management (Life Engineering & Science Technical Product

Sciences) Development/Research

Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Engineering & Science Technical Product
Education) Development/Research

Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Clinical Data Management (Life Engineering & Science Technical Product

Sciences) Development/Research

Clinical Supply Operations (Life Engineering & Science Technical Product

Sciences) Development/Research

Clinical Data Standards Administration Engineering & Science Technical Product

(Life Sciences) Development/Research

Clinical Trial Support (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Technical Product

Clinical Operations Digital Development Engineering & Science Technical Product

(Life Sciences) Development/Research
Research Operations Management Engineering & Science Technical Product

Head of Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Head of Manufacturing Product Design Engineering & Science Engineering

& Production Engineering

Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering & Science Engineering


General Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering


Mechanical Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Chemical Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Electrical Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Electronics Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering Operations Management Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering Liaison Engineering & Science Engineering

Product Support Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering Rotational Program Engineering & Science Engineering

Facilities Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Facilities Layout Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering & Science Engineering

Facilities Piping Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Engineering & Science Engineering


Product Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Mechanical Product Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Electronics Product Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering & Science Engineering


Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Robotics Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Materials Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering & Science Engineering


Acoustics Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering & Science Engineering


Mechatronics Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Modeling & Simulation Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Nuclear Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Signal & Image Process Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Medical Devices Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering
(Life Sciences)

General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (High Tech)

Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (High Tech)

Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (High Tech)

General Project Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering & Science Engineering


Human Factors Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering & Science Engineering


Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Project Controls Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Distribution Center Industrial Engineering & Science Engineering

Optimization Engineering

Project Procurement Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering


Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Engineering & Science Engineering

Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Mining)

Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Utilities)

Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Utilities & Power)

Manufacturing Production Process Engineering & Science Engineering

Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering & Science Engineering

Chemical Process Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering & Science Engineering


Additive Manufacturing Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Technology Transfer Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Materials Process Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Brewing Process Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Process Engineering (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Engineering

Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Life Sciences)

Metallurgy/Process Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering


Head of Gas Engineering (Utilities & Engineering & Science Engineering


Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering & Science Engineering


Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering & Science Engineering


Welding Equipment Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering & Science Engineering


Field Production Engineering (Oil & Engineering & Science Engineering


Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Quality Assurance Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Quality Control Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

General Product Test Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Supplier Quality Management Engineering & Science Engineering


Reliability Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Customer Quality Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Sustaining Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Verification Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Component Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

System Safety Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Metrology Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) Engineering & Science Engineering

Hardware/Device Test Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

(High Tech)

Quality Assurance/Control Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering


Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Engineering & Science Engineering

General Repair & Maintenance Engineering & Science Engineering

Environmental Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering & Science Engineering


Engineering Sales Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Engineering & Science Engineering


Field Service Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health Engineering & Science Engineering

(Life Sciences)

Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Engineering & Science Engineering

Services (Oil & Gas)

Technical Products Support Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

(Oil & Gas)

Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering & Science Engineering


Structural Engineering: Buildings Engineering & Science Engineering


Structural Engineering: Facade Engineering & Science Engineering


Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Construction)

Landscape Engineering (Construction) Engineering & Science Engineering

Water/Waste Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

(Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

General Municipal Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

(Construction & Civil Infrastructure)
Subsea Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering

Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining)

Network Planning & Design Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering


Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering & Science Engineering

Engineering (Telecommunications)

Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Engineering

Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil Engineering & Science Engineering

& Gas/Oilfield Services)

Mining Engineering (Mining) Engineering & Science Engineering

Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) Engineering & Science Engineering

Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities Engineering & Science Engineering

& Renewables)

General Engineering Technologists & Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technicians Technicians

Engineering Technologists & Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technicians Management (Energy & Technicians

Project Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Project Planning/Scheduling Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist/Technician (Utilities) Technicians

Manufacturing Production Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Robotics Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Manufacturing Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Instrumentation/Calibration Technician Technicians
Chemical Process Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist/Technician Technicians

Biochemical Manufacturing Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Life Sciences) Technicians

Field Production Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
& Gas) Technicians

Mechanical Equipment Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Electronic Equipment Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Electro-Mechanical Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Electrical Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist/Technician Technicians

SCADA Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Laser Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Completions Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Oil & Gas) Technicians

Gas Measurement Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Gas Operations Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Field Metering Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Oil & Gas, Utilities & Power) Technicians

Power Systems Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Technicians

Quality Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Quality Assurance Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist/Technician Technicians

Reliability/Failure Analysis Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Pipeline Leak Detection Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Corrosion/Integrity Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Field Inspection Technician ( Energy & Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Mining) Technicians

Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Oil & Gas) Technicians

Product Measurement/Quality Control Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Technicians
Gas/Oilfield Services)

Environmental Engineering Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technician Technicians

Field Service Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Field Service Technician - Oilfield Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Services ( Oil & Gas) Technicians

Field Technologist/Technician (Oil & Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Gas) Technicians

Facilities Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Plant/Facilities Infrastructure Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technician Technicians

Compression & Controls Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Plant Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Pipeline/Piping Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians
Civil Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist/Technician Technicians

Structural Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Geological Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Energy & Mining) Technicians

Geophysical Technologist/Technician Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

(Oil & Gas) Technicians

Geotechnical Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Technicians

Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

& Gas) Technicians

Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technologist (Telecommunications) Technicians

Network Operations & Control (NOC) Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &
Technician (Telecommunications) Technicians

Telecommunications/Slicing Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician Technicians

Drilling Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &

Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) Technicians

Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) Engineering & Science Engineering Technologists &


Manufacturing Product/System Design Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services


Computer Aided Design & Drafting Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Manufacturing Industrial Model Making Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Configuration Management Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Engineering Design Checking Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Building Information Modelling Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services
Design (Construction)

Structural Design (Construction) Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Engineering Technical Documentation Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Other Engineering Design Services Engineering & Science Engineering Design Services

Chemistry Engineering & Science Science

General Product/Process Research Engineering & Science Science


Discovery Chemistry Engineering & Science Science

Food Science Engineering & Science Science

Perfume/Flavor Research Engineering & Science Science

Sensory Evaluation Research Engineering & Science Science

Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages Engineering & Science Science

Head of Discovery Research (Life Engineering & Science Science


Head of Pre-Clinical Drug Engineering & Science Science

Safety/Metabolism (Life Sciences)

Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Dosage Formulation Research (Life Engineering & Science Science


Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Microbiology/Bacteriology Research Engineering & Science Science
(Life Sciences)

Pathology Research (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Engineering & Science Science

Research (Life Sciences)

Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research Engineering & Science Science

(Life Sciences)

Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering & Science Science

Development (Life Sciences)

Assay Development (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Biologic Product Formulation (Life Engineering & Science Science


Biological Process: Fermentation/Cell Engineering & Science Science

Culture (Life Sciences)

Biological Process: Engineering & Science Science

Purification/Recovery (Life Sciences)

Imaging Biomarkers (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Modeling and Simulation (PK/PD) (Life Engineering & Science Science


Veterinarian (Life Sciences) Engineering & Science Science

Veterinary Research (Animal Health) Engineering & Science Science

Science R&D Analytics: Bioinformatics Engineering & Science Science

(Life Sciences)
Science R&D Analytics: Biostatisticians Engineering & Science Science
(Life Sciences)

Computational Chemistry Drug Engineering & Science Science

Discovery (Life Sciences)

Environmental Science (Construction, Engineering & Science Science

Energy & Mining)

Geology Engineering & Science Science

Hydrogeology Engineering & Science Science

Exploration Geology (Oil & Gas, Mining) Engineering & Science Science

Mine Site Geology (Mining) Engineering & Science Science

Mine Site Geology Technician (Mining) Engineering & Science Science

Mineral Resource Compliance Geology Engineering & Science Science


Geophysics (Construction, Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Science

Exploration Geophysics (Oil & Gas, Engineering & Science Science


Petrophysics (Oil & Gas) Engineering & Science Science

Meteorology Engineering & Science Science

Other Science Engineering & Science Science

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Engineering & Science Science Technical Research

Land Surveying Engineering & Science Science Technical Research

Mine Surveying (Mining) Engineering & Science Science Technical Research

Other Science Technical Research Engineering & Science Science Technical Research

Laboratory Operations Management Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Laboratory Services

Laboratory Technical Analysis Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Laboratory Services

Laboratory Technical Support Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Laboratory Services

Quality Laboratory Services Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Laboratory Services

Animal Care (Life Sciences & Education) Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Laboratory Services

Animal Care Support (Life Sciences & Engineering & Science Science Research & Quality
Education) Laboratory Services

Head of Manufacturing & Engineering Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Plant

Head of Manufacturing Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Plant


Manufacturing Multi-Plant Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Plant

Management Management

Manufacturing Single Plant Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Plant

Management Management

Manufacturing & Production Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Plant

Operations Management Management

Manufacturing Production Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Production Workers Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Production Shift/Group Leader Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Stockroom Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Management Processing & Assembly

Production Tools Handling Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly
Chemical Plant Outside Operator Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,
Processing & Assembly

Chemical Plant Control Room Operator Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,
Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Assembly Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Packaging Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Sewing Machine Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Electrical Installation Assembly Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Precision Electromechanical Assembly Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Chemical Process Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Operations Processing & Assembly

Composite/Metal Bonding Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Process Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Operations (Life Sciences) Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Production Painting Production & Skilled Trades Manufacturing Production,

Processing & Assembly

Manufacturing Production Planning & Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Manufacturing Production Scheduling Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Manufacturing Production Capacity Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Production Planning Support Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Production Materials Control Support Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Manufacturing Expediter Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control
Production Planning & Control (Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Production Planning & Control: Milling Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Other Production Planning & Control Production & Skilled Trades Production Planning & Control

Machining Management Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Manufacturing Machine Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Tool & Die Making Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Mold Making Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Metal Part Machining Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Metalworking Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Plastic Injection Molding Operations Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Production & Skilled Trades Machine Operations

General Repair & Maintenance Trades Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Carpentry Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Plumbing Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Repair & Maintenance Electrical Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Electrical & Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Welding Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Painting Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair Center Technician Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Insulation Services Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Gas Appliances/Equipment Repair Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Locksmithing Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Repair & Maintenance Electronic Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Locking Equipment

Repair & Maintenance Masonry Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Manufacturing Repair & Maintenance Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Brewing Maintenance Management Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: HVAC Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Industrial Machinery Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Refrigeration Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Ammonia Refrigeration Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Forklift Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Boiler Operator Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Tractor/Trailer Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Mechanic: Light Vehicle Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Hazardous Material Transportation Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Truck Maintenance Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Auto Repair Workshop Foreman (Auto Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Dealers & Manufacturers)

Auto Mechanical and Electrical Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Foreman (Auto Dealers &

Auto Mechanic/Technician (Auto Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Dealers & Manufacturers)

Auto System Mechanic/Technician Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
(Auto Dealers)

Auto Body and Painting Repair Foreman Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
(Auto Dealers)

Auto Body Repair (Auto Dealers) Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Auto Body Painting (Auto Dealers) Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Automotive Service Technical Training Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
(Auto Dealers)

Gasfitter (Oil & Gas, Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Steamfitter (Oil & Gas, Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Gas Meter/Pipes Installation, Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Maintenance & Repair (Utilities)

Aircraft Mechanic Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades
Other Repair & Maintenance Trades Production & Skilled Trades Repair & Maintenance Trades

Heavy Equipment Operators Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Mobile/Hydraulic Crane Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Crane Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Shovel/Excavator Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Ancillary Equipment Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Dozer Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Grader Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Haul Truck Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Loader Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Nozzle Operator/Shotcreter Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Underground Haulage Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction
(Mining) Trades

Underground Loader/Bogger Operator Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction
(Mining) Trades

Surface Operator (Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Underground Hoist Operator (Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Winder Operator (Mining) Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Trades Foreman (Construction) Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction
Light Equipment Operations Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Scaffolding (Construction) Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Heavy Equipment Mechanic Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction

Heavy Equipment Mechanic: Production & Skilled Trades Heavy Equipment & Construction
Tireperson Trades

Winery Operations Management Production & Skilled Trades Agricultural/Farming Production


Vineyard Management Production & Skilled Trades Agricultural/Farming Production


Viticulture Management Production & Skilled Trades Agricultural/Farming Production


Chief Viticulturist Production & Skilled Trades Agricultural/Farming Production


Technical Viticulture Production & Skilled Trades Agricultural/Farming Production


Chief/Head Winemaker Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Winemaking Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Cider Making Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Wine Cellar Management Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Wine Cellar Hand Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Brewing Management Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Brewing Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Brewing Technical Management Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing
Brewing Development/Pilot Brewing Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Keg Management Production & Skilled Trades Food & Beverage Processing

Head of Information Technology (CIO) IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet

Head of Digital Technology IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet

Information Technology Chief IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet
Operating Officer Leadership

Chief Technology Officer IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet

General Information Technology IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet

IT Portfolio Management IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet

Information Technology IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet
Outsourcing/Shared Services Generalists

IT Software Development & Operations IT, Telecom & Internet IT, Telecom & Internet
(DevOps) Generalists

Enterprise Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Enterprise Data Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

IT Infrastructure/Systems Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Middleware Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Cloud Computing Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Cyber Security Architecture IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Technology Research IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Internet of Things (IoT) Platform IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

IT Solution Architecture (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

Other Information Systems IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Architecture

IT Systems Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

PC Systems Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

User Liaison Coordination IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

IT Telecommunications Network IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

Analysis & Planning

Data & Voice Network Control Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

IT Business Systems Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts
Business Analysis

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts
Business Analysis: SAP

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts
Business Analysis: Oracle-PeopleSoft

Social Networking & Collaboration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts
Tools Analysis

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

Other IT Business Systems Analysts IT, Telecom & Internet IT Business Systems Analysts

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Configuration & Implementation Programming

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Configuration & Implementation: SAP Programming
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Configuration & Implementation: Programming

Social Networking Tools Configuration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
& Programming Programming

IT Systems Software Analysis & IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Programming Programming

IT Systems Software Programming IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &

Telecommunications Systems Software IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Programming Programming

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Configuration & Programming Programming

Manufacturing Execution Systems IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
(MES) Configuration & Implementation Programming

Laboratory Automation & Process IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Technology Programming

Other IT Systems Configuration & IT, Telecom & Internet IT Systems Configuration &
Programming Programming

General IT Applications Development IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

General IT Mobile Applications IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development


Blockchain Development (Financial IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

Services & High Tech)

General IT Systems Software IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development


IT Software Manual Testing IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

IT Software Development Test IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development


Information Assurance Systems IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development


E-Commerce Web Operations IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

E-Commerce & Internet/Digital IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development
Marketing Technology

Website Design & Development: IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development
Communications & Marketing

Website Development: E-Commerce IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

IT Technical Web Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

Website Search Engine Optimization IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development
(SEO) (Internet)

Technical Writing & Editing: Systems & IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development
Software Documentation

Training: IT Support Function IT, Telecom & Internet IT Applications Development

Information Systems Security IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Web Security IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Network Security IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Security Access Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Ethical Intrusion & Investigation IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Cyber Network Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Cyber Security Incident Response IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security


Cyber/Computer Forensics Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Cyber Security Vulnerability IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Assessment & Penetration Testing

E- Discovery Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security

Software Vulnerability Assessment IT, Telecom & Internet IT Security
(High Tech)

General IT Infrastructure Systems IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Administration Administration

UNIX Systems Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Office Technology Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Email Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


Groupware Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


IT Capacity Planning IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


IT System Release Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Information Systems (IS) IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Recordkeeping Administration

IT Systems Incident Management IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

SharePoint Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


IT Configuration Management IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


Machine Room Monitoring IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Mobile Infrastructure Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Head of Computer Operations & Data IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Processing (Retail) Administration

Point of Sale Systems Administration & IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Data Processing (Retail) Administration

IT Data/Voice Network Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
IT Server Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

IT Storage Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


Head of IT Data Center Facility IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Operations Administration

IT Data Center Facility Operations IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

IT Database Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems


Database Administration: Oracle IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Database Administration: SQL Server IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Database Dictionary Administration IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems

Clinical Trial Database IT, Telecom & Internet IT Infrastructure & Systems
Development/Administration (Life Administration

Management Information Systems IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems

(MIS) Administration & Reporting Administration & Reporting

Corporate Financial Systems IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems

Administration Administration & Reporting

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems
Systems Administration Administration & Reporting

Database Report Development IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems

Administration & Reporting

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems
Administration Administration & Reporting

Master Data Management System IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems
Administration Administration & Reporting

General IT User Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Remote Help Desk Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support
Onsite Technology Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Computing Device Repair & IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Data & Voice Network Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Multi-Media Device Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Internet/Extranet User Support IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

IT Problem Investigations Management IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Point of Sale/Inventory Systems IT, Telecom & Internet IT User Support

Technical Training & Support (Retail)

Information Systems Operations IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations
Management & Production Control

Information Systems Operations: IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations
Technical Support Management & Production Control

Information Systems/Computer IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations

Operations & Production Control

Computer Operations: Production IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations
Control & Production Control

Client/Server Operations IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations

& Production Control

Other Information Systems Operations IT, Telecom & Internet Information Systems Operations
& Production Control & Production Control

General IT Consulting & IT, Telecom & Internet IT Consulting

Implementation (Professional Services
& High Tech)

Strategic IT Business Consulting IT, Telecom & Internet IT Consulting

(Professional Services & High Tech)

Software Architecture Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Software Architecture Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Mobile Applications (High Tech)
Software Architecture Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
System (High Tech)

Application Architecture Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Data Architecture Engineering (High IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Software Development Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Software Development Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
R&D (High Tech)

Software Development Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
End User Applications (High Tech)

Web Applications Development IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Engineering (High Tech)

Web Applications Design & IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Development Engineering (High Tech)

Client-End Software Development IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Engineering (High Tech)

Back-End Server Application IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Development Engineering (High Tech)

Search Engine Development IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Engineering (High Tech)

Algorithm Development Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Streaming Media Development IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Engineering (High Tech)

Virtual Reality Applications IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Development Engineering (High Tech)

Security/Antivirus Software IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Development (High Tech)

Application Security (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Mobile Applications Engineering (High IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Mobile Applications Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Google Android Platform (High Tech)

Mobile Applications Engineering: Apple IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
iOS Platform (High Tech)

Mobile Applications Engineering: MS IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Windows Mobile Platform (High Tech)

Mobile Applications Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
HTML5 (High Tech)

Systems Software Engineering (High IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Platform Development Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Firmware Engineering (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Systems Software Engineering: Mobile IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Devices (High Tech)

Platform Development Engineering: IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Mobile Devices (High Tech)

Software Development Test IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Engineering (High Tech)

Software Testing: Black Box (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Software Testing: White Box (High IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Network Security Reverse Analysis IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Software Release Testing & IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Configuration (High Tech)

External Database Engineering (High IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Cloud Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)

Cloud Platform-As-A-Service (PAAS) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(High Tech)
Cloud Infrastructure-As-A-Service IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
(IAAS) (High Tech)

Cloud Software-As-A-Service (SAAS) IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Reliability (High Tech)

Integrated Solutions (Hardware & IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering
Software) Engineering (High Tech)

Other Software Product Engineering IT, Telecom & Internet Software Product Engineering

Head of Game Development (High IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

General Game Design & Development IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
(High Tech)

Game Development Management IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
(High Tech)

PC Game Development (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Web Game Development (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Mobile Game Development (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Mobile Game Development: Google IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
Android Platform (High Tech)

Mobile Game Development: Apple iOS IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
Platform (High Tech)

Mobile Game Development: MS IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
Windows Mobile Platform (High Tech)

Game Engine Development (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Game Engine Development: Unity 3D IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
(High Tech)

Game Engine Development: Cocos2D IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
(High Tech)

Game Engine Development: Unreal IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
Engine 4 (High Tech)
Game Server Development (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

General Game Testing & Evaluation IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing
(High Tech)

Game Testing: Black Box (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Game Testing: White Box (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Game Evaluation (High Tech) IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Other Game Development & Testing IT, Telecom & Internet Game Development & Testing

Head of Engineering & Network IT, Telecom & Internet Telecommunications Network
Operations (Telecommunications) Planning, Operations & Site

Interconnection Network Planning & IT, Telecom & Internet Telecommunications Network
Traffic Control (Telecommunications) Planning, Operations & Site

Network Operations & Maintenance IT, Telecom & Internet Telecommunications Network
(Telecommunications) Planning, Operations & Site

Base Station Subsystem (BSS) IT, Telecom & Internet Telecommunications Network
Operations & Maintenance Planning, Operations & Site
(Telecommunications) Acquisition

Network Switching Subsystem (NSS) IT, Telecom & Internet Telecommunications Network
Operations & Maintenance Planning, Operations & Site
(Telecommunications) Acquisition

Head of Data Analytics/Warehousing & Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics/Warehousing, &
Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence

Data Science/Big Data Mining Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Data Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business

Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Economic Market Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Supply Chain Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Market/Customer Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business

Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)
Statistical Analysis Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Big Data Security Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Financial Data Modeling Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Mathematical Analysis Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business

Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Online Marketing/Advertising Analytics Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
(Ad Agencies) Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Quantitative Analytics (Financial Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Services & Energy Trading) Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Actuarial Analytics (Insurance) Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Business Intelligence (BI) Data Analysis Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Business Intelligence Architecture Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Other Data Analytics & Business Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Data Analytics & Business
Intelligence (BI) Business Intelligence Intelligence (BI)

Internal Database Engineering Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Internal Data Engineering &
Business Intelligence Warehousing

Internal Data Modelling Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Internal Data Engineering &
Business Intelligence Warehousing

Internal Data Warehouse Development Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Internal Data Engineering &
& Administration Business Intelligence Warehousing

Data Warehouse Operations Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Internal Data Engineering &
Business Intelligence Warehousing

Other Internal Data Engineering & Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Internal Data Engineering &
Warehousing Business Intelligence Warehousing

Data Center Management Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Back-End Transaction/Data

Business Intelligence Processing

Back-End Data/Transaction Processing Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Back-End Transaction/Data

Business Intelligence Processing
Data Control Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Back-End Transaction/Data
Business Intelligence Processing

General Transportation Operations Transportation Services General Transportation Services

Traffic & Distribution Operations Transportation Services General Transportation Services

Freight Hauling Rate Support Transportation Services General Transportation Services

Transit Driver/Operator Transportation Services Road Transportation

Road Delivery Dispatching Transportation Services Road Transportation

Messenger/Courier Transportation Services Road Transportation

Employee Chauffeur Transportation Services Road Transportation

Light Truck Delivery Drivers Transportation Services Road Transportation

Heavy Truck Delivery Drivers Transportation Services Road Transportation

Specialized Freight Truck Drivers Transportation Services Road Transportation

Vehicle Delivery Driver Transportation Services Road Transportation

Food Delivery Driver (Hospitality & Transportation Services Road Transportation


Other Road Transportation Transportation Services Road Transportation

Aviation & Flight Operations Transportation Services Air Transportation


Aircraft Pilot Transportation Services Air Transportation

Aircraft Flight Attendants Transportation Services Air Transportation

Other Air Transportation Transportation Services Air Transportation

Dynamic Positioning Operations Transportation Services Maritime Transportation

(Maritime Shipping)

Radio Operations (Maritime Shipping, Transportation Services Maritime Transportation

Oil & Gas)

Port Operator (Maritime Shipping) Transportation Services Maritime Transportation

Head of Oil & Gas Operations (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations
Gas) Leadership

Head of Mining Operations (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations

Head of Exploration & Production (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Gas) Operations

Head of Exploration (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Head of Production (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Head of Exploitation (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Exploration & Production Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Management (Oil & Gas) Operations

Joint Venture Management (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Joint Venture Contract Analysis (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Gas) Operations

Exploration Operations Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
(Oil & Gas) Operations

Production Operations Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
(Oil & Gas) Operations

Production Operations: Heavy Oil (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Gas) Operations

Production Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Production Operations: Heavy Oil Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Upgrading (Oil & Gas) Operations

Production Field Administration (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Gas) Operations

Field Production Forecasting (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Reservoir Exploitation Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
(Oil & Gas) Operations

Gas Plant Operations Management (Oil Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
& Gas) Operations

Gas Plant Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Extraction Plant Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production

Other Exploration & Production Drilling, Exploration & Operations Exploration & Production
Operations Operations

Head of Drilling Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Drilling Operations Management (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Drilling Operations Supervision (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Toolpusher (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Drilling Asset Management (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Field Service Equipment/Tool Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Operations - Oilfield Services (Oil &

Drilling (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Directional Drilling (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Drilling Support & Maintenance (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations
Derrick Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

General Labor (Energy & Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Drilling Operations

Head of Pipeline Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations

Pipeline Operations Management (Oil Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations
& Gas)

Pipeline Operations (Energy & Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations

Pipeline Scheduling (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations

Control Center: Pipelines (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations

Other Pipeline Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Pipeline Operations

Head of Refining Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Refining Operations

Refining Operations Management (Oil Drilling, Exploration & Operations Refining Operations
& Gas)

Refinery Plant Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Refining Operations

Bulk Plant Operations (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Refining Operations

Other Refining Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Refining Operations

Head of Oilfield Services Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Oilfield Services Operations
(Oil & Gas)

Oilfield Services Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Oilfield Services Operations
Management (Oil & Gas)

Field Service Coordination (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Oilfield Services Operations

Tools Technical Support (Oil & Gas) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Oilfield Services Operations
Head of Exploration (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Exploration

Exploration/Geology Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Exploration


Head of Project Development (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Project Development

Project Development (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Project Development

Mine Single Site Management (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations


Mine Site Security (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Miner (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Plant/Mill Operations Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations


Plant/Mill Production Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations


Plant/Mill Production Operations Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations


Power/Steam Engineer Operators Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations


Site Production Management (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Dispatch Operations (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Blasting: Charge Up (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Blasting: Shotfirer (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Drilling (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Beltrunner Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Dewatering (Mining)

Mining Operations Support: Dry Man Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Nipper Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Paste Crew Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Platman Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations Support: Shaft Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations: Control Room Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Mining Operations: Goldroom (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Drilling Equipment Operator (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Drilling Equipment Operator Support: Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations
Pit Utility (Mining)

Mine Operations Training (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Operations

Head of Technical Services (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Technical Services

Technical Services Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Technical Services

Head of Exploration Technical Services Drilling, Exploration & Operations Mining Technical Services

Mine/Plant Maintenance Management Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance
(Oil & Gas, Mining) Operations
Rig Tools & Equipment Repair (Oil & Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance
Gas) Operations

Engine/Rig Equipment Maintenance Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance
(Oil & Gas) Operations

Mining Equipment Maintenance: Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance
Lube/Fuel (Mining) Operations

Mine Ventilation (Mining) Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance

Other Energy & Mining Maintenance Drilling, Exploration & Operations Energy & Mining Maintenance
Operations Operations

Head of Power Generation & Delivery Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
(Utilities) & Distribution

Power Plant Operations Management Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
(Utilities & Renewables) & Distribution

Power Plant Operations (Utilities & Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Renewables) & Distribution

Power Plant Overhaul Management Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
(Utilities) & Distribution

Head of Transmission and Distribution Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Systems (Utilities) & Distribution

Transmission and Distribution Systems Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Management (Utilities) & Distribution

Field Operations Management Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
(Utilities) & Distribution

Control Center/Scheduling: Power Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Transmission (Utilities) & Distribution

Underground Line/Facilities Location Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
(Utilities) & Distribution

Electric Transmission/Distribution Lines Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Installation & Maintenance (Utilities) & Distribution

Power Station/Substation Systems Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Installation & Maintenance (Utilities) & Distribution

Electric Transmission/Distribution Lines Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Ground Crew (Utilities) & Distribution
Grid Planning (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
& Distribution

Substations Management (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
& Distribution

Tree Trimming (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
& Distribution

Utility Systems Repair & Maintenance Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
Support (Utilities) & Distribution

Other Power Generation, Transmission Energy Generation & Supply Power Generation, Transmission
& Distribution & Distribution

Head of Utilities Operations (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Head of Nonregulated Business Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations


Utilities Business Management Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations


Electric Grid Interconnection Strategy & Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations
Planning (Utilities)

Power Management (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Power Emergency Planning (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Metering Operations Management Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations


Meter Installation, Maintenance & Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations
Repair (Utilities)

Meter Reading (Utilities) Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations
Management (Utilities)

Water Treatment Plant Operations Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Energy Efficiency & Conservation Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations
Management (Utilities)
Other Utilities Operations Energy Generation & Supply Utilities Operations

Loan Processing (Financial Services) Consumer & Commercial Banking Lending & Leasing Operations

Chief Investment Officer (Financial Capital Markets/Investment Capital Markets/Investment

Services) Banking Banking Leadership

Head of Equities (Financial Services) Capital Markets/Investment Capital Markets/Investment

Banking Banking Leadership

Head of Fixed Income (Financial Capital Markets/Investment Capital Markets/Investment

Services) Banking Banking Leadership

Investment Banking Operations Capital Markets/Investment Investment Banking Operations

(Financial Services) Banking

Portfolio/Fund Management (Financial Asset/Investment Management Portfolio/Fund Management

Services & Internet)

Portfolio/Fund Management: Private Asset/Investment Management Portfolio/Fund Management

Client (Financial Services)

Trading & Dealing (Financial Services) Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading: Portfolio & Proprietary Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading: Portfolio Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading: Proprietary Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading: Shift Trading & Dealing Traders

Energy Trading Marketing & Sales Trading & Dealing Traders


Mining & Metal Commodity Trading Trading & Dealing Traders

Marketing & Sales Programs

Other Traders Trading & Dealing Traders

Macroeconomic Research (Financial Trading & Dealing Investment Research

Energy Trading Operations Trading & Dealing Trading & Dealing Operations

Energy Trading Price Supply & Demand Trading & Dealing Trading & Dealing Operations

Other Trading & Dealing Operations Trading & Dealing Trading & Dealing Operations

Energy Trading Origination Trading & Dealing Trading Origination

Underwriting (Insurance) Insurance Underwriting & Loss Control

Claims Handling (Insurance) Insurance Claims Services

Head of Retail Store Operations (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Multi-Store Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Single Store Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Store Co-Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Assistant Store Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Store Department Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Store Shift Management (Retail) Retail Retail Store Management

Store Management Trainee: Area Retail Retail Store Management


Store Management Trainee: Store Retail Retail Store Management


Multi-Store Operations (Non-Sales) Retail Retail Store Operations (Non-

(Retail) Sales)
Merchandise Receiving (Retail) Retail Retail Store Operations (Non-

Photo Lab Operations (Retail) Retail Retail Store Operations (Non-


Merchandise Stocking (Retail) Retail Retail Store Operations (Non-


Field Operations (Non-Sales) (Retail) Retail Retail Store Operations (Non-


Tailoring (Retail) Retail Product Service/Repair


Handbag Repair (Retail) Retail Product Service/Repair


Jewelry Repair (Retail) Retail Product Service/Repair


Watch Repair (Retail) Retail Product Service/Repair


Auto Service/Repair Shop Management Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service/Repair Advisor (Auto Retail Product Service/Repair

Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service/Repair Reception Retail Product Service/Repair

Supervisor (Auto Dealers & Operations

Auto Service Quality Assurance (Auto Retail Product Service/Repair

Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service Vehicle Inspection/Control Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service Process Control (Auto Retail Product Service/Repair

Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service Workshop Administration Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service Workshop Time Keeper Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations

Auto Service Workshop Tool Keeper Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers & Manufacturers) Operations
Auto Service Car Washing (Auto Dealers Retail Product Service/Repair
& Manufacturers) Operations

Car Reconditioning/PDI/Recall Retail Product Service/Repair

Coordination (Auto Dealers) Operations

Technical Warranty Services (Auto Retail Product Service/Repair

Manufacturers) Operations

Technical Warranty Administration Retail Product Service/Repair

(Auto Dealers) Operations

Technical Warranty Administration Retail Product Service/Repair

Support (Auto Manufacturers) Operations

Warranty Claims Administration (Auto Retail Product Service/Repair

Dealers) Operations

Other Product Service/Repair Retail Product Service/Repair

Operations Operations

Branch Management (Auto Dealers) Retail Auto Dealer Branch Management

Branch Supervision: Showroom (Auto Retail Auto Dealer Branch Management


Branch Management: Aftersales (Auto Retail Auto Dealer Branch Management


Other Auto Dealer Branch Management Retail Auto Dealer Branch Management

Field Training Instruction (Retail) Retail Retail Training & Development

Regional Talent Development (Retail) Retail Retail Training & Development

General Merchandising (Retail) Retail Merchandising

E-Commerce Merchandising (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Merchandise Planning & Allocation Retail Merchandising


Merchandise Planning (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Merchandise Allocation (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Category Management (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Merchandise Demand Forecasting Retail Merchandising


Merchandise Warehouse Rebuying Retail Merchandising


Merchandise Pricing Management Retail Merchandising


Merchandise Inventory Control (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Visual Merchandising (Retail) Retail Merchandising

Head of Restaurant Operations Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Multi-Location Operations Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort

Management (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Single Location Restaurant Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
Management (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Front-of-the-House Management Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort

(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Restaurant Kitchen Management Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Restaurant Office Management Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Restaurant Management Trainee Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Operations

Maître D - Fine Dining (Hospitality & Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
Retail) Lodging) Operations

Host/Hostess (Hospitality & Retail) Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
Lodging) Operations

Kitchen Support Services Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel/Resort
Lodging) Operations
Head of Banqueting/Catering Hospitality (Food Service & Banqueting/Conferencing/
Operations (Hospitality) Lodging) Catering Operations

Catering Management (Hospitality) Hospitality (Food Service & Banqueting/Conferencing/

Lodging) Catering Operations

Catering Delivery & Setup (Hospitality) Hospitality (Food Service & Banqueting/Conferencing/
Lodging) Catering Operations

Head of Food Service Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service
Lodging) Provider Operations

Commissary/Cafeteria Management Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service

Lodging) Provider Operations

Food Service Kitchen Management Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service
Lodging) Provider Operations

Food Service Worker Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service
Lodging) Provider Operations

Winery Food & Beverage Service Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service
Management Lodging) Provider Operations

Other Non-Restaurant Food Service Hospitality (Food Service & Non-Restaurant Food Service
Provider Operations Lodging) Provider Operations

Executive Chef (Hospitality & Retail) Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Sous Chef (Hospitality & Retail) Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Sous Chef: Specialty Food (Hospitality & Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Pastry Management (Hospitality & Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Pastry Chef (Hospitality & Retail) Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Baker (Hospitality & Retail) Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Line Cook Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage

Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Prep Cook Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage

Lodging) Preparation/Table Service
Food Service Cook Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Food Table Service (Hospitality & Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Food Table Service Expeditor Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Food Table Service Runner (Hospitality Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
& Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

General Food Service Worker/Crew Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Member (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Table Cleaning & Reset (Hospitality & Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Carryout/Delivery Coordination Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage

(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Alcoholic Beverage Preparation & Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Service (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Wine Service (Sommelier) (Hospitality Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
& Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Coffee/Tea Preparation & Service Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
(Barista) (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Other Food & Beverage Hospitality (Food Service & Food & Beverage
Preparation/Table Service Lodging) Preparation/Table Service

Restaurant Product & Menu Hospitality (Food Service & Food Planning & Development
Development (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging)

Food Test Kitchen Management Hospitality (Food Service & Food Planning & Development
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging)

Food Product Recipe Development Hospitality (Food Service & Food Planning & Development

Sensory Panel Testing Hospitality (Food Service & Food Planning & Development

Other Food Planning & Development Hospitality (Food Service & Food Planning & Development

Head of Food Service Training & Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel Training &
Development (Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Development
Food Service Training & Development Hospitality (Food Service & Restaurant & Hotel Training &
(Hospitality & Retail) Lodging) Development

Product Packaging Design Creative & Design Product Creative/Industrial


Fashion Design (Retail) Creative & Design Product Creative/Industrial


General Graphic Art/Design Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Visual Merchandising Graphic Design Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

(Retail) & Design

Visual Brand/Design Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Photography Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Advertising Photo Studio Management Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

(Retail) & Design

Advertising Photo Shoot Art Direction Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative
(Retail) & Design

Advertising Photo Shoot Styling (Retail) Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative
& Design

Advertising Photo Selection & Editing Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative
(Retail) & Design

General Communications Design & Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

Editorial & Design

General Communications Writing & Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

Editing & Design

Technical Writing & Editing Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Translation Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Proofreading Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design

Web/Internet Content Writing Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design
Interactive Media Art Concept Design Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative
(Media) & Design

Interactive Media Animation (2D/3D) Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

(Media) & Design

Interactive Media Visual Effects Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

(Media) & Design

Interactive Media Audio/Sound Effects Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

(Media) & Design

Other Media/Communications Creative Creative & Design Media/Communications Creative

& Design & Design

Web Layout Design & Administration Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
Interface Design

Multi-Media Web Design Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
Interface Design

New Media Front-End & Graphic Design Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
Interface Design

New Media User Experience Design Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
(UXD) Interface Design

User Interface (UI) Design Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
Interface Design

Game User Interface (UI) Design (Media Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
& High Tech) Interface Design

User Interaction Design (UIxD) (Media Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
& High Tech) Interface Design

Other Web/New Media Creative & User Creative & Design Web/New Media Creative & User
Interface Design Interface Design

Advertising Content Design Creative & Design Advertising Creative, Design &

Brand Marketing Art/Creative Creative & Design Advertising Creative, Design &

Digital/E-Commerce Creative Creative & Design Advertising Creative, Design &


General Advertising Production Creative & Design Advertising Creative, Design &
Other Advertising Creative, Design & Creative & Design Advertising Creative, Design &
Production Production

Head of Game Art (Media & High Tech) Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &

General Game Art (Media & High Tech) Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &

Game Art Concept Design (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Art (2D) (Media & High Tech) Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &

Game Art (3D) (Media & High Tech) Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &

Game Animation (2D/3D) (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Visual Effects (Media & High Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
Tech) Production

Game Audio/Sound Effects (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Technical Art (Media & High Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
Tech) Production

Overall Game Design (Media & High Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
Tech) Production

Game Level/Mission Design (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Content/Plot Design (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Mechanics/Systems Design Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
(Media & High Tech) Production

Game Mathematical Design (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Game Mechanics: Combat Design Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
(Media & High Tech) Production

Head of Game Production (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production
Overall Game Production (Media & Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
High Tech) Production

Head of Game Production: Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
Development Phase (Media & High Production

Game Production: Development Phase Creative & Design Video Game Art, Design &
(Media & High Tech) Production

Film/Show/Program: Lighting (Media) Creative & Design Film/Show/Program Design,

Editing & Production

Visual Effects (Media) Creative & Design Film/Show/Program Design,

Editing & Production

Product Modelling (Retail) Creative & Design Modelling & Personal Styling

Architecture Creative & Design Architecture &

Interior/Landscape Design

Digital Media Campaign Operations Media Media Advertising Operations

Scientific Communications & Media Media Publication Operations

Publication (Life Sciences)

Real Estate Management Real Estate Management, General Real Estate Management
Property Development &

Property Management (Real Estate) Real Estate Management, Property Management

Property Development &

Head of Development Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning

Property Development & & Development

Project Development Management Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development

Project Development Analysis Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development

Property Strategy & Research Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development

Store Planning & Design (Retail) Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development

Store Development/Set-Up (Retail) Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development
Store Space Management (Retail) Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
Property Development & & Development

Restaurant Opening Management Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
(Hospitality & Retail) Property Development & & Development

Head of Acquisitions/Dispositions Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning

Property Development & & Development

Acquisitions/Dispositions Analysis Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning

Property Development & & Development

Other Real Estate Acquisition, Planning Real Estate Management, Real Estate Acquisition, Planning
& Development Property Development & & Development

Head of Land (Oil & Gas) Real Estate Management, Real Estate Land Management
Property Development &

Land Management Real Estate Management, Real Estate Land Management

Property Development &

Land Administration Real Estate Management, Real Estate Land Management

Property Development &

Surface Land Representation (Oil & Real Estate Management, Real Estate Land Management
Gas) Property Development &

Land Lease Payment/Royalties Real Estate Management, Real Estate Land Management
Administration (Oil & Gas) Property Development &

Head of Construction Construction Construction Leadership

Head of Store Construction (Retail) Construction Construction Leadership

Construction Operations Construction Construction Planning, Design &


Construction Superintendent Construction Construction Planning, Design &

(Construction) Delivery

Construction Foreman/Supervisor Construction Construction Planning, Design &

(Construction) Delivery

Rigging Operations Management Construction Construction Planning, Design &


Store Construction Operations (Retail) Construction Construction Planning, Design &

Pipeline Construction & Maintenance Construction Construction Planning, Design &
Management (Energy & Mining) Delivery

Power Line Construction Operations Construction Construction Planning, Design &

(Utilities) Delivery

Medical Laboratory Technologists Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Patient Care Services

Medical Laboratory Technicians Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Patient Care Services

Histology (Healthcare & Life Sciences) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Patient Care Services

Occupational Therapy (Healthcare) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Patient Care Services

Emergency Patient Care (Healthcare) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Patient Care Services

Occupational Health Physician Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Physician Services

Registered Nurse (RN) (Healthcare) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Nursing Services

General Nursing Assistant/Aid Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Nursing Services


Nurse Practitioner (Healthcare) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Nursing Services

Occupational Health Nursing Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Nursing Services

Occupational Health Nurse Assistant Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Nursing Services

Multi-Pharmacy Operations Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Services

Management (Retail)

Pharmacy Management Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Services

Registered Staff Pharmacist Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Technician (Retail) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Services

Pharmacy Technician (Healthcare & Life Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Pharmacy Services

Optical Management (Retail) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Vision Services

Optician: Licensed (Retail) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Vision Services

Optician: Non-Licensed (Retail) Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Vision Services

Public Health Contact Tracing Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Behavioral Health/Social Services

Medical Coding Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Health Information & Coding

Beauty Salon Services Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Child Care Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Water Safety & Rescue Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Gym/Fitness Center Management Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Gym/Fitness Instruction Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Massage Therapy Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Spa Management Healthcare/Pharmacy Services Personal Care Services

Financial Modeling & Analysis Outsourcing & Global Capability Finance & Accounting
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Centers) Centers)

General Revenue Accounting & Outsourcing & Global Capability Finance & Accounting
Reconciliation (Outsourcing & Global Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Capability Centers) Centers)

Tax (Outsourcing & Global Capability Outsourcing & Global Capability Finance & Accounting
Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Accounts Payable/Receivable Outsourcing & Global Capability Finance & Accounting

(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Centers) Centers)
General Human Resources Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers Global Capability Centers)

HR Operations & Employee Data Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
Management (Outsourcing & Global Centers Global Capability Centers)
Capability Centers)

Human Resources Service Center Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
Support (Outsourcing & Global Centers Global Capability Centers)
Capability Centers)

Payroll (Outsourcing & Global Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
Capability Centers) Centers Global Capability Centers)

Recruiting (Outsourcing & Global Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
Capability Centers) Centers Global Capability Centers)

Staff Resourcing Management Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers Global Capability Centers)

Learning & Development Support Outsourcing & Global Capability Human Resources (Outsourcing &
Services (Outsourcing & Global Centers Global Capability Centers)
Capability Centers)

Supply Chain Planning (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Supply Chain & Logistics
Global Capability Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Sourcing & Procurement (Outsourcing Outsourcing & Global Capability Supply Chain & Logistics
& Global Capability Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Supplier Quality Management Outsourcing & Global Capability Supply Chain & Logistics
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Centers) Centers)

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Outsourcing & Global Capability IT Infrastructure & Applications
Configuration & Implementation Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers)
IT Applications & Systems Software Outsourcing & Global Capability IT Infrastructure & Applications
Testing (Outsourcing & Global Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Capability Centers) Centers)

Web Content Curation/Management Outsourcing & Global Capability Internet/E-Commerce

(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Centers) Centers)

Data Analytics Services (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Data Management, Processing &
Global Capability Centers) Centers Analytics (Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers)

Business Analytics (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Data Management, Processing &
Global Capability Centers) Centers Analytics (Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers)

HR Analytics (Outsourcing & Global Outsourcing & Global Capability Data Management, Processing &
Capability Centers) Centers Analytics (Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers)

Supply Chain Analytics (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Data Management, Processing &
Global Capability Centers) Centers Analytics (Outsourcing & Global
Capability Centers)
Risk Analysis & Management Outsourcing & Global Capability Banking & Finance (Outsourcing
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers & Global Capability Centers)

Credit Risk Assessment & Analytics Outsourcing & Global Capability Banking & Finance (Outsourcing
Services (Outsourcing & Global Centers & Global Capability Centers)
Capability Centers)

Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Outsourcing & Global Capability Banking & Finance (Outsourcing
Crime (Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers & Global Capability Centers)

Content Writing (Outsourcing & Global Outsourcing & Global Capability Content Development
Capability Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Medical Research (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Global Capability Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Pharmacovigilance (Outsourcing & Outsourcing & Global Capability Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Global Capability Centers) Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability

Other Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Outsourcing & Global Capability Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
(Outsourcing & Global Capability Centers (Outsourcing & Global Capability
Centers) Centers)
d their alignment to our various survey products. Please expand and collapse

Universal Navigation Group Title Specialization Description

Organization Leadership Chair of the Board (Non CEO) leads the Board of Directors for the
organization to oversee and ensure that management serves the
long-term interests of shareholders and other stakeholders including:
•Acting as a liaison between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and
Organization Leadership the
Chair board
of the•Assessing
Board andand CEO reporting
leads theonBoard company performance
of Directors and as
and serves
Chief Executive recommendations
Officer (CEO)for forimprovement
the organization •Setting agendas
including: and
with senior board meetingsand
executives •Inthe someBoard organizations,
of Directorsacting as an current
to develop external
and long-rangefor the company
objectives, policies, and procedures for the
Organization Leadership organization
Head •Leading(CEO)
of Organization the Board of Directors
is accountable fortothe ensure
overall that the long-
strategy,interests of shareholders
and performance of the andorganization
other stakeholdersincluding: are•Developing
current andand reporting
long-range on company
objectives, performance
policies, and proceduresand providing
for the
organization •Leading for improvement
and coordinating •Representing
the efforts of thea organization
team of
to its customers,
executives with athe
focusfinancial community,
on strategy developmentand the general public
Organization Leadership Responsible for the development and execution of•Assessing and
the organization's
reporting on company performance
commercial strategy and opportunities. Identifies growth and developing strategies for
drives revenue•Representing
and market share the organization to its customers,
growth. Appropriately scales thethe
business and the general
during growthpublic periods. Develops an
Operations Leadership integrated
Head approach(COO)
of Operations to business development,
is accountable for thesales,
product development,
and coordination of theand the customer
overall operationsexperience/interaction.
of an organization
Continuously assesses market
including: •Overseeing, monitoring,and customer analytics.
and evaluating theKey member
of the organization's
performance •Directing executive leadershipofteam.
the preparation operating budgets and
Operations Leadership proposals forfor
Responsible capital expenditure
establishing and investments
and implementing in infrastructure,
strategies and equipment, systems, or
policies. Identifies, other assets
evaluates, and resources
and manages
international and approving
business operationalnegotiating
opportunities, investments allthat best meet
the organization's
contracts and agreementsbusinessnecessary.
needs •Oversee Ensures thethe opening
company or closing
invests of
facilities and the
economically operational
attractive projects aspects
in lineofwith
the and acquisitions
company's financial
Operations Leadership Has fiduciary and profit & loss responsibility for a business within the
organization. legal standards,
Develops newand risk tolerances.
markets and recommends Responsible for
preparing, implementing
in products/services of theand monitoring
business. long range
Implements plans and
corporate polices
and develops May local
be responsible for maintaining
policies applicable external relations
to the business. Has limited with
strategic professional, and governmental
is often and international
supported by corporategroups.
Multi-Support Function Leadership Head of Administration is accountable for leading two or more
support functions.
functions such as Finance, Human Resources, IT,
Procurement, Legal, etc. Typically does not lead operations or
commercial functions.
Multi-Support Function Leadership Head of Shared Services is accountable for centralized support
function operations in a shared services environment, typically
including one or more of the following:
• Finance & Accounting
Human Resources
Business Strategy & Planning work is focused on
Contact/Call Center
and developing the organization’s medium and long-term
goals including: •Identifying growth opportunities, business model
innovation, and facilitating cross-business unit initiatives •Evaluating
and financial
Mergers modeling of
& Acquisitions potential
Strategy merger, acquisition,
& Planning work focuses divestment,
on strategic
transaction planning and execution (mergers, acquisitions,medium to
and joint venture opportunities •Monitoring
partnerships, business trends/outlooks,
joint ventures, etc.). This gathering
may include:competitive
•Company and
industry researchto contribute to strategic
and analysis •Financial business planning
evaluation anddiscussions
modelling of
with leadership
potential investment •Analyzing and
opportunities managing medium
(comparable and
analysis, long-term
capital innovative
expenditure processes,
and products,
project approval and solutions in anticipation
of trends. analysis,may
Activities discounted
cover both flowdecisions
cashinnovation analysis,
•In some impact
products and card
analysis, etc.) may review
•Mergers & corporate
Acquisition governance,
transaction balanced
execution score
performance,offered andtoparticipate
clients as well
in theas annual
innovation in internal
business planningprocesses.
Introduces due diligence,
disruptive negotiation,
ideas definitiveoperations.
to the company's documentation, Develops and
and rationalizes solutions, researching and designing innovative
Explores and defines how digital disruption as macro trend influences
ideas. Oversees
business models,the strategysystems,
products, and culture and required
the manner for in
which theto
organizationwith the right
interacts withresources at the right
clients. Considers locallevel.
global aspects
may include
in terms of howcollecting
services andwilltesting ideas within
be utilized, perceived company, assessing
and adopted
and prioritizing
across a wide range opportunities
of differing in social
line with andbusiness
economic and innovation
Assesses emerging trends, technologies, electronic platforms and
potential digital business opportunities. May present business cases
to executive leadership to obtain funding required to pursue digital
business opportunities.
Responsible for strategy and planning to align business operations
with the company's mission and goals. Researches and analyzes
industry and competitive trends to identify emerging market
opportunities and strategic areas of interest. Identifies and prioritizes
Responsibleand for service improvement
designing and guiding opportunities
a businessand creates plans for
blueprint of the enterprise Develops complex that aligns forecasting models, strategy.
with the business budgets,
resource significant
Provides allocation and role plans for projects.
in analyzing Utilizes comprehensive
and developing a business
knowledge of company's
model for connecting the internal
enterprise operations
strategy to withdevelop
business forward-
looking focuswith
Collaborates for business.
senior management, business leaders, IT
Develops strategies to optimize the profitability and efficiency of an
organization’sbusiness physicaldevelopment,
assets, e.g., plants, and other stakeholders
facilities, equipment, to etc.
connect themonitors
Continually business and architecture
analyzesroadmap with operational
asset operations and costs.
Develops and Creates capability
implements bestmodels
practicesand develops
for managing solutions
and/or for
physical system
assets. enhancement,
Provides asset and operations
performance advice for
Performs work
efficiency. across multiple
Establishes policies departments, e.g., Finance,and Human
Resources, purposes.
Information Liaises andfor
key business
negotiatesSales, with
under andsupervision
third party
vendors. over suppliers, partners and outsourcing vendors.
of a management team member. Gains exposure to a wide range of
business areas, builds corporate familiarization, and networks to
build a diverse
Responsible forcareer in General Management
the development of company policies and to determine
procedures. in which
Develops theyand/or
are interested
analyzes long-term.
and revisesKnowledge
existing of the
organization's operating
administrative operationsprocedures,and management policies,controls
and processes
including is
developed based onoperating
standard practices, observation of other employees
procedures, management and/or
systems, and
reporting hands-on workDevelops
documentation. within variousand/ordepartments.
coordinates May
This benchmark
accompany is to be used
management for incumbents
to client presentations, withstudy
policies, methods,
responsibilities procedures,
across the instructions,
Sub-family or and
incumbents forms to achievebe
greater operations financial performance,
efficiency andSub-family.and/or
cost-effectiveness.addresswho cannot
matched to a specific job in the
concerns. Incumbents are typically expected to take on higher
responsibility within a specific department after one to two years in a
Risk Management Leadership program.
Accountable for all processes and teams that mitigate risk to the
organization's processes, operations, and earnings. Risk Management
responsibilities include but are not limited to: •Financial Risk
•Insurance Risk •Credit Risk •Operational Risk •Project Risk •Market
General Risk Management Risk •Technology
General Risk Management Risk, including work Information Security insurance,
focuses on financial, and/or
operational, project, market and/or regulatory risk including:
•Identifying and characterizing potential risks, assessing vulnerability
of critical assets to specific risks •Optimizing the organization's
General Risk Management insurance
Insurance coverage
Risk Management in areas such workasis property
focused on & casualty,
optimizing general
liability, product
organization’s liability,coverage
insurance and directors/officer's
in areas such liability•
as property Risk&analysis
and modelling to assess probability of specific
casualty, general liability, product liability, and directors & officer's risks occurring and
evaluate/value the impact/consequences
liability. This work includes: •Determining the appropriate mix of of occurrence •Developing
insurance and and procedures to report on, manage, and mitigate risksand
General Risk Management Responsible
acceptable forself-insurance
levels risk analysis,and
identifying insurance
externalcompanies factors and
risk terms
management directly
models. with insurance and/or
Handles risk simulation and predicts risk through
brokers regulatory
•Preparing reporting
specifications forfinancial
and evaluating bids for the
incidence and the ensuing potential loss. Determines
insurance broker
methodology of risk and/or underwriting
modelling and riskservices
assessment •Developing
tools. and
coordinating risk control programs to prevent losses and reduce
General Risk Management Responsible
premiums •Ensuring for developing, implementing,
that insurance premiums administering
are paid and andclaims
are processed quantitative
accordingmodels to policy aimed
terms at portfolio construction, asset
allocation, risk management and investment decision making.
Establish risk metrics and risk tolerance guidelines and policies.
Operational Risk Management Ensure
Business the risk exposure
Continuity Planning of the organization
focuses is within
on mitigating thethese
impact on
guidelines; and/or ensure
business operations maximum
of potential adverseprotection
conditionsof the due organization's
to natural or
assets. Monitor global market developments
structural disasters, acts of terror/war, cyber attacks, etc. including: and identify major
macro risks to company's portfolio.
•Implementing/monitoring BusinessDevelops
Continuity processes
Planningfor effective
and efficient reporting
•Coordinating Business and data analysis
Continuity Planning to minimize
testing andriskevaluation
Operational Risk Management IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery work focuses on
developing contingency identification/analysis
and disaster recoveryof the impact planson forthe business
central and
various adverse
distributed IT systemsevents,and including
networks identifying
to maintain critical product during
operations or
service areas
downtime through
and/or major riskdisasters
documentation and
critical IT
services on
to Business
be maintained Continuityto Action
reduce Plans loss and critical
Operational Risk Management Specializes in operational risk, analyzing loss risk involved with the
organization'sservice capability
internal •Developing
processes, systemsand andimplementing
people. Responsible policies
and proceduresimplementing
for developing, •Testing plansand withadministering
various operational and support
risk management
groups in IT
programs •Evaluating
related vendorrisk.
to operating contracts
This may to ensure
includeservice level risk
tolerance meet business
guidelines and continuance
policies and and disaster
ensuring the riskrecovery
exposure of
Operational Risk Management Responsible
planning for research and analysis of emerging security threats
could impact is within
employees, these guidelines;
company assets and/or or ensuring
Identifies of and the organization's
monitors emerging assets. Develops
threats, such as processes
for effective
social and efficient
and political activism, reporting and dataResearches
and terrorism. analysis toand minimize
prepares risk
detailed threat
Operational Risk Management Responsible forassessments
identifying and andmitigating
advisoriesthe forimpact
specificoflocations of
interest to the company.
environmental risk on operationsAnalyzesand sudden changes,
critical assets.or developing
analysisboth domestically
and modeling and internationally.
of potential risks. Assesses Prepares and
impact on current travelbusiness
information andtoplanned
employees. projects. Manages
Operational Risk Management environmental
Specializes responsibility
in project strategy and
risk management corporate
activities, responsibility
assessing factors
that mayand impactprograms a project to minimize risk exposure
and development of a and to comply with
risk management
strategy. laws.
Operational Risk Management Researches, adjusts, and settles guest general liability and workers'
compensation claims, including lawsuits, in a manner which balances
customer satisfaction with the protection of the organization's assets.

Financial Risk Management Specializes in hedging of currency risk, commodity risk, and interest
rate risk. Responsible for developing, implementing and
administering risk management programs related to any class of
financial risk. This may include establishing risk tolerance guidelines
Financial Risk Management and policies
Manages and ensuring
or performs the risk
market risk exposure
work when ofconcentrating
the organization is
within theseand
in products guidelines;
markets,and/or ensuring
including maximumand
risk projections protection of the
risks of marketassets. Develops processes for effective and efficient
reporting and data analysis to minimize risk exposure.
Financial Risk Management Supports, implements, and/or develops strategic investment
portfolio management risk policies across the organization in order to
minimize potential losses and to optimize the allocation of capital.
Participates in the development of investment policy.
Financial Risk Management Responsible for identifying, managing and reporting on the risks
related to energy trading in order to maximize profits and asset
growth and minimize operating losses. Works on the risk profiles of
each trading area to ensure accurate internal reporting of the firm's
risk positionsfor
Responsible and the evaluates
design and a wide variety of of
development performance
a healthcare measures.
that will deliver the customer's expected outcomes by: •Partnering
with various stakeholders to determine which patients gain the most
benefit from which interventions •Identifying opportunities to
Head of Finance provider&collaboration
Accounting (CFO) and improve
is accountablepatientfor care all quality
and teams associated engagement with: components
•General Finance and customizing
•Corporate solutions
(Financial Planning/Analysis & Treasury) •Financial Control,services
more functionally effective and more cost effective Reporting
for the client •Establishing
& Accounting •Tax and driving the project plan, including
resource allocation, implementation oversight, tracking/reporting of
key of Finance/2nd Level Finance Executive provides overall
direction for tax, insurance, budget, credit, and treasury functions for
the organization including: •Providing direction for all corporate
financial functions so that financial transactions, policies, and
General Finance meetManagement
the organization's short andfor
is responsible medium-term
the day-to-day business
objectives and are of
financial activities conducted in accordance
the organization including: with•Controlling
regulations its and
standards •Activities
financial resources andmay includethat
ensuring credit control, cash
all financial flow,
systems andmanagement,procedures comply tax, insurance, treasury,accounting
with regulations, internal audit,
principles, and
and forecasting,
standards and foreign
•Financial exchange
analysis and •Leading ataxation,
reporting, team of
senior Business to Partners advise
that the and support the business
organization's financial in areas is
related credit
to future control,
state financial payable
performance and receivable,
including: inventory
and costs effectively,
control, and consistently
budgeting and and according
forecasting to established
•Analyzing the
•guidelinesFinance consulting and coaching (e.g., interpreting financial
results and measuresrevenues, liabilities,
in the contextcredit conditions,
of business and other
•Financial indicators
Providing forward to forecast
looking it's short, medium,
financial insight on andmarket long-term cash
flow Planning
position •Evaluating& Analysis work
andalternative focuses on investments
recommending short and long-term and other
conditions, competitors,
financial instruments
planning and/or and
financial analysis business scenarios
of business operations for
•the purpose
Improving the to meet
quality of cash flowand
internal needs •Advising
external financial data to
management of measuring and forecasting the future
drive businesson
performance. This
decision includes:
making andand
•Analysis performance
of internal
of laws and
regulations on the organization •Providing expertise and advice to
Increases need to(e.g.,
them loss accounts,
products/services, budgets, financial
optimizes statements,
pricing, financial
drives working
sustainable andand prices,
their revenue revenues,
financial rates
growth, return,
maximizes etc.)
with of external
adequate recommendations
demand economic
prediction conditions
to top
price and their impactForecasts
optimization. on
future operations
that maysales (e.g.,
include inflation,
revenue. andinterest
Considers rates, exchange
numerous reports, rates,
factors profit
and •Financial
including, balance
but notmodeling
limited to
to, measure
customer and forecast
willingness and potential
to filings
buy, impacts
all financialfinancial
tax returns, transactions and administrative
declarations, and and othersupport
corporate development
required toreports
company activities
are submitted
organizations and competition.
regarding medical Provides
rebate ongoing
programs, analysis
including of the market
segment on time
optimize •Selecting
sales/revenue, and managing
control relationships
inventories, and with
care and
consultants commercial
and advisors operation
to business. Analyses include summaries
of optimum
account/program levels of ensure
characteristics, forsatisfactory
prior the standards of
financial performance,
planned rebate percentages
General Financial and marketfor
Control is responsible share requirements,
directing the and
rebates and profitability.
functions and areasAnalysesof focusalso include:
ensure that
•Accountsfor contract
payable, cost proposals,
accounting, including contract
and financial clauses and
•Developing are maintaining
observed, and that rebates
planning offered are
and budgeting in
systems, the
preparation with
of management's
financial and decisions reports
management regarding and contract
procedures, pricing
in relation toforbest directing
price the accounting
provisions. function at one
and the presentation
plant/facility. of findings andManages/controls
specific normally
recommendations processingtoof
senior claims Specific
management under rebate areas
of responsibility
and to ensure that
interpreting trends
include the
obligations haveandbeen maintenance
met, claimedof planning
utilization andisbudgeting
reasonable, systems;
analysis and attention •Duties
interpretation of trendsmayfor also include training
management's and
managing are
other properly
accounting calculated,
staff approved, paid and recorded.
and preparation
Ensures analyses
the accuracyofof findings
disputed andrebate
and propriety specific allrecommendations
ofclaim data andto
data. Recommends
financial senior
and prepared and dollar for amounts
a property fororreasonable settlements.
group of properties.
Oversees preparation
Responsibilities includeofcoordinating
financial reports related to managed
and supervising the care
and rebates. Develops
maintenance of the general systems ledgerandfor procedures
the production to track ofprograms.
statements. May
Responsible interact with
for maintaining cashinvestors.
controls in the office to include
preparing daily and weekly cash reports, bank deposits, handling and
overseeing activities to support cashiers, and processing vendor
payments, money orders, etc. Ensures security of cash office and
funds by enforcing cash handling controls and procedures.
General Management Accounting work focuses on internal
management financial reporting, including both:
•Cost Accounting (allocating and analyzing direct and indirect costs,
actual vs. budgeted cost variance analysis, etc.) and
•Budget Accounting (developing
Internal Management Accounting: and monitoring annualwork is
IT Function-Specific
focused on the internal budgets for the purpose
management financialof controlling
reporting of funds
the and
measuring operating
organization’s results)
IT Function, including both: •Cost Accounting
(allocating and analyzing direct & indirect costs, actual vs. budgeted
Cost variance
Accounting analysis, etc. specific
is a specialized area toofthe IT function)
internal and •Budget
Accounting (preparing
accounting focused on the annualand
allocating business
analyzing plancosts
and budget
including: for the IT
function, developing
•Allocating direct andand monitoring
indirect costs to annual
products revenue/expense
and services
•Analyzing andhistorical
measuring costsoperating
labor,across the IT function)
equipment depreciation,
repairs, assembly, operating costs, etc.) •Developing
Budget Accounting is a specialized area of internal management variance
accounting reports
on developing actual to budgeted
and monitoring costs •Pricing new
products or services
revenue/expense by developing
budgets unit costs
for the purpose of and projecting
controlling fundsexpenses
measuring annual operating results including: •Developing budgets
for various
Applies andorganizational
analyzes accounting units, product
principles lines, etc. basedcosts,
on contracts, on prior
period budgets,
processes, revenue
practices estimates, expense
and procedures with applicableprojections, and recent
performance •Analyzing
federal/government variancestandards,
regulations, from budget, andidentifying
Ensures continued and forecasting
approved status annual of results •Recommending
major business processesand and
systems required budgetary
to do policieswith
business and governments.
procedures Interacts with
Accounting includes work across multiple areas of Accounting
•Ensuring agencies
compliance and internal personnel
with financial while investigating
transaction recording
and resolving
standards local
(e.g., and foreign
general ledger, government procurement regulatory
cash payments/collections, tax
transactions,issues. Prepares reports of findings
etc.) •Control/reconciliation and and records
of accounts
(balance sheet, P&L, tobank
•Accounting rate agreements,
provide Reporting isregulatory
a specialized accounting accounting
training to focused
company on
preparing statutory for internal
financial audiences
statements (management
and reporting)
and/or for and evaluate
external company
audiences practices
(compliance forreports
regulations. of statutory financial statements and reports for filing
with regulatory ofagencies
financial based statements, cash flowofreporting,
on application budget
relevant accounting
standards etc.) In
(e.g., US some
GAAP, organizations,
IFRS, etc.) Accounting
•Analyzing work may
impacts of newalso
Ensure accurate
include: •Cost reporting of financial(allocation
accounting/budgeting information of and timely
invoicing standards,
pertaining reporting
to a budget
particular requirements,
project. Maintenanceand regulatory
of project-
costs, variance
standards analysis,
on existing andDisseminate preparation,
new transactions etc.) •Accounts
•Profit & Lossreports
(P&L) and
related ledger
Payable/Receivable accounts.and/or Credit & month-end
Collections project to
balance sheet analysis, including variance analysis
management and relevant business lines. Maintain list of month-end that supports
notes and and
deadlines management
ensure that commentary in the
profit and regarding
cash statutory
flow forecasts financial
are prepared
accounts technical recommendations
reports •May alsoproject
internal theor company's
vendor reporting
on time and Review
participation in joint ventures. Makes recommendations on a regular
on basis
and ensure any outstanding matters are dealt
enhancements, maintenance or disposition of assets. Negotiates with on a timely basis.
Maintain project register. Prepare month-end
venture agreements. Ensures maximum cash flow from joint interest posting/ allocations
and accruals. Control the accounts payable and receivable tasks for
the for reviewing,
project. Identify and assist analyzing
with theandresolution
recordingofnew bookings and
accounting recognition
issues. Ensurein accordance
policies and withprocedures
accountingfor principles
project and
accountingpolicies. Ensures
are adhered to.appropriate revenue accounting of all
contract bookings and sales. Monitors issues that may impact future
revenue. Works closely
Fund Accounting (Financial withServices)
Sales, Operations
is responsible and other Finance
for maintaining
the accounting records for a group of funds. Calculates daily NAV per
unit and compiles standard monthly financial statements, while
taking on more complex accounting projects.
Responsibilities include: •Booking revenue, processing and printing
royalty checks •Validating and reconciling oil invoices/statements to
daily/monthly trucking tickets •Validating and reconciling off load
systems with sales tickets •Validating production accounting data
in reportingtruckedthe product
operations reconciliations
of sales and •Updating
marketing of oil and
gas products. accounting master file in compliance with regulatory
standards, measurement plan approvals and operating conditions
•Preparing and submitting regulatory filings related to production
Responsibilities include: •Generating joint interest billing (JIB)
invoices •Establishing and maintaining cost allocations for all
operated properties •Calculating salt water disposal (SWD) and
platform fees for the company’s operated properties •Reconciling
joint interestfor
Responsible billing (JIB) accounts
financial settlement •Preparing non-recurring
and reconciliation journal
in supporting
entries for billing
the trading function.corrections, reclassifications, and changes in
ownership •Reporting and analysis of capital, Lease Operating
Expenses (LOE), and workover costs
Tax includes work across multiple domestic and/or international tax
areas: •Calculation of tax liabilities, tax form preparation, and
external filing/reporting •Tax research, analysis, and interpretation
for purposes of compliance, tax planning, and optimization (e.g.,
Tax of changes
Research to lawswork
& Planning and is
regulations on tax
a specialized arealiabilities,
of domestictax
structuring for merger
and/or international taxand acquisition
focused activity,analysis,
on research, transferandpricing, etc.)
of existing,recording
new taxmaintenance
legislation to:(e.g.,
tax journals, the
•Determine capital expenditure
impact details required
on an organization’s for tax calculations,
tax liabilities •Identify
tax depreciation
opportunities forschedules, etc.) •Consultation
tax optimization •Provide advice withonexternal
tax implications
of proposedand agencies (e.g.,
transactions on taxmergers,
matters acquisitions,
(e.g., externaland auditors,
disposal)regulatory agencies, etc.)
International Tax work is a specialized area of tax focusing on
monitoring, interpreting, and advising on international/cross-border
taxation law to: •Provide advice on tax implications of operating
across multiple borders (e.g., withholding taxes, foreign taxes, local
taxes on foreign work
Tax Compliance income, is aand regionalarea
specialized tax issues
of domesticsuch asand/orEU tax
international tax•Ensure focusedcompliance
on complying with international
with transfer and
existing, proposed,
new taxrules and prepare international pricing documentation
•Ensure compliance with country-specific reporting and regulatory
requirements •Calculate international tax profits, earnings, and
credits forincludes
controlled work acrossbusinesses
foreign multiple treasury areas including:
•Cash flow monitoring and reporting (e.g., daily cash requirements,
cash receipts and payments, financial obligations, debt covenants,
interest charges and earnings, etc.) •Hedging for interest rate,
currency and commodity
Cash Management risk, determining
is a specialized counter-party
area of Treasury focusing risk,onetc.
monitoring and finance structure
controlling cash andflows
thefunding sourcesThis
organization. and
may include: capital
•Banking structure,
accounts, dividend
expenses, investment
long-and short-
term debt,portfolio
and investmentmanagement, management etc.) •Stakeholder
•Forecasts, relations
analysis, related
to externalonfunding
reporting investment (e.g., yields,
banks and cash other financial
position, source institutions,
andofuse of
ratings Structure
agencies, & Funding
regulatory work is aetc.)
agencies, specialized area Treasury
focusedand oneconomic
forecasting, trends •Reviewand
negotiating of cash requirements,
structuring corporate
the organization’s
external accounts-receivable
funding with the purpose deposits,
of managingdisbursements,
the capitaland check
of the business including: •Managing bank loans, commercial paper,
Accountableand stock issues to meet
for determining external strategy,
investment funding needs analyzing •Negotiating
debt terms investments,
alternative and conditions and with financial institutions
recommending appropriate and other
investments. •Managing
May be the portfoliofor
responsible of administration
cash and other of investments
loans, setting to
optimizing the organization's liquid assets
collateral, and tracking loan performance. Prepares reports on •Participating in funding
investment with banks and other
statusfinancial institutions for mergers,
acquisitions, for
negotiating to management.
Determines portfolio allocation and manages
opportunities according to organization’s investment strategy. Finds cash and securities
and collects both debt and equities.
information and doesDo due not match ifofemployee
diligence possible invests
more than the organization's money.
investment opportunities and partnerships for the organization.
Makes overall the business
planningand the strategic value/synergies
of after-investment management.ofConducts the
the investment Createsand financial models,service
value-added does Return
in fouron
aspects: strategy, (ROI) analysis, and prepares
capital, operation, andrecommendation
organizational culture. reports for
the management. Leads the negotiation
Provides decision support for heads of the shareholding committee. process to finalize the deal
structure and terms.
Accounts Payable & Receivable work is focused on administering,
designing and ensuring compliance with accounts payable and
receivable processes including: Accounts Payable •Invoice
verification (e.g., comparing invoice charges to purchase orders,
Accounts Payable that goods workand serviceson
is focused have been received,
administering, purchases
designing and
ensuring approved,
compliance etc.) with
•Payment accounts authorization
payable processesand processingincluding:
•Reconciliation of accounts payable ledgers
•Invoice charge verification (including applicable discounts) vs. to identify improper
charges, validate
purchase transactions,that
orders •Verification and goods
ensureand accurate
services and timely
have been ofreceived
due Accounts of Receivable
purchase •Invoice
approval generation
and Receivable
verification work is credit
of processing
customer focused on administering,
approval •Payment designing,
ensuring and
compliance with accounts •Reconciliation
receivable ofprocesses
accounts payable
and application
ledgers togeneration to customer
identify improper balances,
charges, including
validate reconciliation
transactions, andof cash
payments to customer based on
accounts purchase
•Receivablesorders (including
age analysis applicable
ensure accurate
discounts) and timely payment of amounts due
reporting •Verification of customer credit approval and applicable
payment terms •Verification
Billing & Invoicing work is focused of invoices vs. shipping
on designing documents
and ensuring
with billingand andapplication to customer
invoicing processes balances in the
•Information receivable ledger,
verification including
(e.g., ensurereconciliation
accuracy of billing of cash payments
•Accounts receivable
negotiated terms and age analysis with
compliance and reporting •May include
current legislation)
•Monitoring activities
customer accounts
Responds to billing inquiries and (e.g.,
such as payments
clarification made of on
time, report
on bill statement, on overdue
billing accounts,
discrepancies, etc.) etc.
Reviewsbilling the inquiry/issue
discrepancies (e.g., investigate and resolve
based on customer’s bill statement, billing and consumption history, billing & invoicing errors,
etc. Respondsprocess improvements
to customers to avoid future
with appropriate errors,or
information etc.) •May
billing collections activities
Responsible for managing various payment related operations forand
issue in accordance to established procedures. Documents e-
commercerecords transactions.of customer
Oversees billing inquiry/issue
all payments and resolution
billings/collections, reconciliation and other related activities.
Facilitates efficient and safe clearing/settlement of payments
Processesall channels.chargebacks
wholesaler Checks and follows up on anydeadlines.
within specified discrepancies.
Coordinates with the payment
Resolves discrepancies betweenpartners wholesale to optimize
claims and overall
credit. Coordinates and deliver expected
with credit service. Develops
department to facilitate new procedures
of chargeback to enhance
deductions. existing processeswith
Coordinates and bids
achieve efficiency.
coordinator to
Credit contract
Collections work and is regulatory
focused onagency numbersdesigning,
administering, are used for and
ensuring complianceprocessing. withMaintains
credit and complete
collections chargeback
processes files.
Prepares weekly andcredit
Credit •Researching end-of-month
history (e.g., volume collectreports for processing
for analysis, chargebacks.
run creditPerformsreports, all etc.)tasks necessary
•Applying to ensure
acceptable credit
lines and and
payment timely processing
terms of all chargeback claims.
Credit work is focused onto new customer
designing and/orcompliance
and ensuring supplier accounts with
credit processes •Collection
including: and•Researching
maintenance credit of customer
(e.g., collect (e.g.,
track account status,
personal/business data report on outstanding
for analysis, run credit balances,
credit lines •Follow and up overdue
payment accounts
terms to new (e.g., initiateand/or
demand letters,
supplier accounts outbound phone calls to delinquent accounts,
external debt collection, etc.)
Collections work is focused on administering, designing, and ensuring
compliance with collections processes including: •Collection and
maintenance of customer accounts (e.g., track account status, report
on outstanding balances, prioritize collection activity) •Follow up
Responsible accounts (e.g., initiate
for approaching demand for
customers letters, outbound
delinquency and phone calls
to delinquent
following up the accounts,
collection external
of overduedebt collection,
accounts. Affirms etc.) liabilities for
breach of contract to those who have breached the contract or
potentially have bad debts. Handles freezing of account and other
Audits clients' action. Provides
financial relevant
status, equipmentdocuments and otherto customers
fixed assets and
field investigationwhere necessary.
or other methods. Assesses existing or
potential customers' financial systems or their status of business
Head of Human Resources is accountable for all processes and teams
associated with: •General Human Resources •Mobility
•Compensation & Benefits •HR Operations •Employee/Labor
Relations & Diversity •Talent Acquisition •Talent Management &
General Human Development
Resources includes •Trainingwork & Development
across multiple In some
areas of HR
including: •General may be HRaccountable
program/policy for Payroll.
development, administration,
and compliance •Employee hiring, onboarding, termination, and
records maintenance •Employee and labor relations and
HR Business Partners •Rewards perform program coordination
a specialized type ofand/orHR work focused
on HR consulting •Relocation
to the business services (domestic
including: •HRand international)
consulting and
•Immigration services •HR related
coaching (e.g., working with business leaders to solve training In some organizations,
people and HR cultural
may alsoissues, be accountable for somein
provides expertise ortechnical
all of theand following:
•HR Business
regulatory Partnership
aspects of (consulting
employment and coaching)
including hiring, •Mobility
(strategy andpersonnel
design) •Staffingand employee relations•Talent
and Recruiting programs andfor achange
domestic management,
facility. Position normally rewards, etc.)not
does •Enabling
have labor business
relations or
(e.g., supporting Performance
the talent •Training
aspects ofand Development
organization •Human
structure changes,
Resource development
Information responsibilities
Systems (HRIS)but involves effective
talent integration
administration related
of existing to mergers
programs in&accordance
acquisitions, etc.)
with •HR
policies advocacy
and procedures (e.g., including
communicating EEO and theADA business value ofTypically
compliance. HR
initiatives, human resource HRcompliance
programand labor
to minimize programsbusinessfor a
is responsible
single domestic for OSHA employee safety.
disruption, etc.) facility.
•Partnering Position
withdoes not normally
the business have policy
and talent
management/staffing responsibility but involves
and recruiting effective
colleagues onadministration
key talent of
initiativesprograms in accordance
(e.g., workforce planning, withhi-potential
policies andemployee procedures
Mobility isEEO
development, and ADA compliance.
a specialized planning,
area Typicallyonparticipates
of HR focused developingin andcollective
managing the Normally
programs is responsible
and policiesfor OSHAto
related compliance
international and
employee safety.
assignments including: •Developing talent mobility
strategies and programs to support business growth and key talent
Relocation Services •Selecting and preparing
is a specialized areaemployees
of HR focused for international
administering•Managingrelocation the physical
programs andrelocation
policies for of employees,
domestic and/or their
families, and their possessions (e.g., visa
international assignments including: •Facilitating the physical coordination, immigration
services, moving/housing
relocation of employees, their location assistance,
families, and their etc.)possessions
•Designing(e.g., and
contracting withexpatriate
moving policies and
vendors, reward
housing packages (e.g.,
location/school enrollment
Immigration Services
compensation, housing is aallowances,
specializedtax area of HR focused
equalization, on
administering assistance
immigration with programs
selling/buying/renting a residence,
and policies including: etc.)
•Administering relocation
relocation expense
expense reimbursement,
policies and etc.) •May assist
the business withimmigration applications,
monitoringrelocation visas,
foreign government and visa extensions
policies and actions
•Advising foreign •Processing cash advances, bonuses, etc.
•Visa could impact employees
coordination operations
visa procedures
Compensation tax treaty evaluations and withholding
& Benefits is accountable for all processes and team categories for
visa recipients
associated with•Monitoring
work acrosslegal bothstatus of foreignand
compensation employees
including: •Compensation design and management •Benefits design
and management •Executive rewards design and management
Compensation plan evaluation
is a specialized and analysis •Reward focusing
area of Rewards plan communication
compensation management May also develop
design, management, and total
analysisrewards strategies and
designs that encompass work/lifestyle and
•Compensation program design (e.g., salary and incentive structures, development/career
pay policy,May etc.)also be accountable
•Compensation planformanagement
mobility program (e.g.,strategy
changesand to
base pay, short-term and long-term incentives, allowances, deferred
Executive Compensation work is a specialized area of Rewards
focusing on executive sales compensation,
compensationetc.) design, •Compensation
management,evaluation and
and analysis
analysis (e.g., job
including: analysis,compensation
•Executive evaluation andprogram classification,
salary policy,structures,
and incentive and benefits pay benchmark
policy, etc.) and review)
compensation (e.g., guidance and compensation program
Benefits work
features, plans, isplan
a specialized
options) area(e.g.,
of Rewards
management focusing rewards
(e.g., benefits
and benefits,
program design, short and
management, long-term/equity
andorganization's incentives
analysis including: plan design,
for program
performance design advice
measurement/goal for the setting, peer compensation
group development, plan)
program design (e.g., health and welfare, retirement, etc.) •Benefits
and benchmarking,
plan management (e.g., etc.) retirement,
•Consultinglife with subject-matter
insurance, short and experts
ensure compliance
term disability, with regulations
accident coverage, area related to executive
Total Rewards
compensation work is a specialized
plans •May also administer of Rewards
the long-term focused on
incentive the
designfor of executives
a holistic framework of financial drugs, and job-related
etc.) •Benefits
that reflects thecoverage
to attract, motivate,and cost and analysis
retain employees (e.g., guidance
including: on benefitand
•Researching program
analyzing features,
key plans,
and options to
perspectives employeesexternal
(employee, and management)
labor market, •Vendor
cost, management
and workforce
(e.g., insurance& Wellness
and pension work focuses
brokers, on improving
consultants employee
for program work/life
balance •Incorporating traditional
and overall wellbeing including: •Developing and compensation and benefits
elements etc.)
as well as learning and development opportunities, career
administering work/life policies and programs (e.g., flex-time,
alternative work and scheduling,
work/life benefits dependent •Exploring opportunities for
care assistance,
telecommuting, workplace facilities and perqs, etc.)areas
to allow certain performance driving of the and
implementing to offer fundamentally
psychological, different
health, total rewards
and financial wellnesspackages
(e.g., health management,
education, medical communication,
screenings, and monitoring
health coaching, of plan
management programs, wellness newsletters, on-site fitness
programs and/or facilities, educational programs, etc.) •Identifying
employee needs and interests (e.g., conducts surveys, engages
employees through communications and/or meetings, recommends
Health & Welfare Benefits work is a specialized area of Benefits
focusing on health, life, and disability related insurance benefit
programs including: •Health & Welfare insurance program design
and management (e.g., medical, prescription drugs, dental, vision,
life, short and
Develops, long term
maintains, anddisability,
modifies accident as required coverage,
any plan- etc.)or •Benefits
coverage evaluation,
related policies such as benchmarking,
sick leave, accident and cost analysis
leave, short and long
term disability, FMLA, (e.g.,etc.
Responsible on benefit program
for design, features, plans,
and options) •Vendor
management, and company management policy oversight(e.g., insurance of paid brokers,
leave programs
supporting for program
qualified designdue
absences advice, etc.) •May be
occupational andaccountable
non- areas for for
HR Operations
retiree medical includes
plans,Createswork across
wellness programs, administration
fitness and dependent care
established events. and manages
HR and rewards programs including: •HR employment corporate return to work
programs. etc.Provides a centralized, strategic focus tolawreduce lost time
issues (hiring and termination processes and labor issues,
accidents & indemnity
contract renewals days paid rates.
and dismissals, trainee Reviews
programs, departments'
expatriates, return
to work efforts and
control/process of provide strategic
retirement, etc.) focus to improve
•Personnel records results.
Ensures compliance & Benefitswithand Administration
state & federal includes work focused on
(job history,
assisting andretirement
advising employees insurance documentation,
with compensation andleave accrual
records and
changes, details ofprocess,
enrollment illness, absences,
eligibility, transfers, and salary
coverage amounts/options,
and claims filing etc.)including:
•Statistical reporting to internal
•Compensation (e.g., wages,management base salary,
bonuses, demographics,
supplemental cash, skills
sales inventory,
compensation, absenteeism, executive overtime,
employee Administration
turnover) and external includes
agencies work focused
(e.g., on employee
compensation long-term incentives,
program administration stock
and administration, etc.)
•Retirement insurance
(e.g.,and defined unions etc.)regulatory
contribution •Rewards compliance
plans, program
implementation •Implementing
and administration administering
(e.g., etc.) compensation
compensation programs
plans, definedbase
(e.g., wages, benefit
bonuses, programs,
supplemental •Benefits
cash, enrollment
and personnel records employee benefits
maintenance administration,
(e.g., hire date, etc.) •May
marital status, be
accountable forlong
Benefits Administration term
selecting incentives,
includes managingwork executive
focused compensation,
on assisting andstock
administration, information,
etc.)with breaks
•Calculating in service,
compensation •Ensuring
amounts compliance
for new
advising employees
with insurance, tax,for benefit
securities, and enrollment
other regulations process, eligibility,
and filing
hires and amounts/options,
coverage changes existing and employees
claims resulting
filing including: from job
•Health &
reclassification, •May be accountable for payroll
welfare benefitstransfer, (e.g., medicallocation change,
, dental, promotion,
vision, life andperformance
insurance,cycle ratings,
etc.) achieving
•Retirement sales or(e.g., bonus targets, etc. •Acts as
inquiring Compensation
point on compensation workbenefits
is a amounts
specialized defined
for area
HR &
hires and Rewards
plans, profit-sharing
Administration plans,
focusingresulting defined
on the administration benefit pension programs,
of government etc.)
for existingenrollment
•Benefits employees and personnel fromrecords
job reclassification,
maintenance transfer,
(e.g., hire
location worker’s
change, compensation
promotion, performance programs including:
review cycle •Negotiation
ratings, etc.)
and marital
management status, dependent
of relationships information,
with worker’s breaks in service,
compensationmay be
•Preparation sales andor filing
bonus oftargets,
documents etc. •In some organizations,
necessary for implementing
Responds •Coordinating
to for complying
eligibility with
and organization
enrollment tax andinquiries managers,
securities about insurance
employee and
benefit coverage
administrations, •Ensuring
physicians, compliance
andnot employees with insurance,
to investigate tax, andand other
filing requirements but compensation
limited to:
•May be accountable program
life, health, records
disability claims
insurance, data, claims, maintaining
retirement eligibility
medical/dependent files, and
dates, global
care spending providing
necessary supportworker’s compensation
in defense of claims programs
COBRA, income rates, etc.
continuance,•Ensuring and other•Developing
compliance paid time with offtaxand and
as wellsecurities
retirement •May
and loss prevention
pension plans.and
accountable rehabilitation
for payroll management
HR Outsourcing
programs •May Management
maintain isEnsures
occupational a specializedthat appropriate
safety area
and of HR &agency
health Rewards
Administration is prepared
focusing to ensureand
on initiating newmaintaining
hire transactions outsourced and HR
projects employee
including: changes •Developing can be processed.
requests May also
for vendor answer(RFPs)
and reviews about
vendor various benefits related
specifications •Presenting mailings and
competing proposals
to management May
and may perform
assist research
in vendor toselection
achieve •Maintaining
Human Resources Information Systems Administration & Reporting
(HRIS) work vendor focuses relationship
on vendor and may travel
selection, to outsourcing
configuring, site
and generating reports for an HR information system including:
•Processing employee information and maintaining employee
Ensures in the HRIS •Preparing
compliance and administration statisticalofsummaries the company's and special
stock plan
programs. from HRIS involving
Provides equity related skills, pay datagrade,for allperformance
required security data,
payroll information, and other employee
filings. Oversees stock transactions for global workforce; granting, records •Ensuring the
accuracy of
exercise, sale, HRreleases,
information enteredplan,
retirement into terminations,
the system and testing new
and of the system
international as they
transfers. are implemented
Maintains Plan Sponsor's to verifydataaccuracy
HR includes work
procedures focused on designing and/or ensuring
and periodically validates the accuracy
compliance with some/all of the following payroll processes of database information,
employee indicative data,
including: •Calculating gross retirement
and net pay eligibility
amounts dates,(e.g.,global
salary, tax
overtime, rates,
shift etc. Ensures
payments, sales compliance
commissions, with regulations
bonuses, deferred and
compensation, laws.
Responsible forbenefits, calculating taxcommission
withholdings, deductions,
payments. payrolland
updates data in•Payroll-specific
etc.) customer relationship recordsmanagement
maintenance(CRM) (changes in
regarding changes rates; in pension,
plans and insurance,
employee mandatory deductions; new
status. Reconciles
hires, terminations,
payments with commission leave ofcalculations.
absence, etc.) Works•Reconciliation
closely withofauditors payroll
to ensure (e.g., payments,
internal controls deductions,
are followed. generalAssists ledgerin entriesplan
testing for
wages) •Payroll Relations
data & Diversity
verification includes work •Monitor
and administration across multiple and
changes for accurate
areas of employee and payouts.
labor Provides
relations data and •Implementing
including: creates what-if
scenarios payroll
for new legislation
plan compliance
designs. •Answering questions from
employeestoand increase employee
supervisors regarding morale, motivation
payroll mattersand •May satisfaction
records employee
on vacation, engagement
sick leave, surveys,
etc. work lifestyle programs, on-
Relations diversity
work is focused and inclusion on promoting programs and training,
a positive
etc.) •Managing
workplace environmentemployee relations
through issues (e.g.,
employee investigating
communication and
engagement and/or supervisor
including: complaintsmeasures
•Implementing regardingtoconduct, increase
employee morale,or attendance,
motivationmediation and satisfaction, between whileemployees,
turnover (e.g., diversity/equal
employee employment
engagement opportunity
surveys, program
work lifestyle
compliance, Relations
etc.) •Labor/Unionwork is focused
agreement on representing
negotiation the
organization on-boarding
in (e.g., programs,
labor representing
relations including: diversity and
•Negotiating,inclusion programs
and training, etc.) •Coaching managers the organization
and employees in negotiations,
through the
and administering
interpreting and union/labor
administering collective
union/labor bargaining
collective agreements
•Monitoring management
compliance with process
agreements,•Conducting training
administering sessions
grievance for
managers to monitoring
improve compliance
employee and participating
relations and people in arbitration,
Diversity work and
•Diversity/equal is participating
focused employment in arbitration
on employment opportunity •Building
diversity programs, and maintaining
regulations training,
relations with employee
Trade/Labor relationsUnions issues •May (e.g.,
be investigating
responsible employee
including: •Ensuring
supervisor •May be accountable
complaints with
regarding for
conduct, assistance
external (EAP)
laws, work/life
and union-avoidance
regulations and/or
•Compiling programs
and at nonunion
reporting facilities,
diversity and
statistics to
attendance, mediation
coordinating decertification between activitiesemployees,
at union monitoring
diversity/equal top employment
management,opportunity and public/governmentprogram compliance, agenciesetc.)
•Monitoring compliance efforts
•HR-specific communications andemployment
(e.g., partnering with terms HRand colleagues to
conditions, and company address codesemployee
of conduct, grievances
workforce •May direct the etc.)
processing of complaints and the organization’s defense before
administrative or judicial proceedings •May also include diversity
program development and training
Employee Assistance Program work focuses on counseling and
support services for medical and/or behavioral issues that impact an
employee’s work performance or health and well being including:
•Assessment of medical and/or behavioral problems •Direct
Employee Experiencecounseling and/or referral
Management to externalfor
is responsible treatment
the design &
adoption of •Compliance
programs that reporting
maintain,substance abuse, behavioral
and transform the work
issues, etc.)for
experience •Training on behavioral
the organization's issues and
personnel by: substance
•Measuring abuse in
the workplace
assessing the impact of the organization's policies and processes on
the employee
Plans, develops, experience
coordinates, via focus groups, employee
and administers the equal surveys, exit
program to etc. conform•Ensuring new hires
with federal andare positively
state integrated
laws regarding into
and teams, stayDevelops,engaged,implements,and are retained •Identifying
interprets, and monitors Equal
Employment Opportunitythat improve(EEO) the employee
and affirmative experience actionand that will
likely drivedegree
assessing the organization's
of participation, productivity
adherence •Design
to approaches
policies, and and
provide for management
guidance to others onand administration
effective employeeof company's drug
achievement of goals and timetables.
and alcohol testing programs. Manages records for pre-employment Represents company to
and random drug agencies
tests and communitywith
in accordance organizations. Develops and
regulatory mandates.
directs EEO andand affirmative
facilitates all drugaction andtraining
alcoholand training
classes. programsfor
Responsible fordepartmental
managementstatistical and employees. reports. Reviews,
Talent Acquisition
analyzes and conducts (Strategy & Recruiting)
investigations of includes
possible work across
complaints and
multiple oversees
areas of drug and alcohol testing
staffing/recruiting including:programs •Talent conducted
evaluation by and
takes or recommends
third party(e.g.,
druganalyzing corrective
testing vendor. action
Manages where needed.
employeesand fail
screening resumes for relevant
drug and alcohol
qualifications, tests, andscreening
conducting overseesinterviews,
employees’assisting recoverymanagers process.
with interviews,
Recruiting testing/ranking
is a specialized area ofcandidates,
staffing andchecking recruiting references
focused on and
attracting feedback
and placing to prospective
unsuccessfulemployees candidates) •Job advertising
including: •Promoting and
posting (e.g., developing
the organization’s image job as adescriptions,
desirable place posting
to work on internal
•Attracting, and
external sites, providing specifications
recruiting, screening, and interviewing candidates •Recommending to external recruiting agencies,
etc.) •Talent
placement ofprospecting
internalisand (representing
external candidates the organization
for entry-level at and
Executive Recruiting
employment a specialized
fairs, participating area ofrecruiting
campus staffing and recruiting
focused positions •Referring for particular job
building on
attracting and placing
for targeted
tests, talentemployees
checking pools)
•Talent positions
staffing and including:
planning •Promoting
(e.g., forecasting the organization’s
future hiring image as
a desirable exit interviews
place to work for candidates declining offers, and
providing hiring
feedback strategy to •Attracting,
longer term
to unsuccessful
assist with job
market trends
Technical Recruitingcandidates
that impact for employment
labor supply
specialists perform work focused & in executive
demand, or
management and posting
candidates forpositionsentry-level •Working with executive
and experienced positions search firms or
in specific
other placement
technical agencies•Interviewing
areas including: to develop and andmaintain
recommending a highly qualified
placementpool •Referring
of internal applicants
and external for particular
candidates job openings,
for entry-level and
experienced pre-employment
technical positions tests, checking
•Identifying best references,
recruiting channel
Campus Recruiting
conducting exit is a specialized
interviews for area ofdeclining
candidates recruitingoffers, focused and on
for each technical
attracting prospective areaemployees
(e.g., advertising,
from direct contact, employee
college/university campuses
providing research
referrals, feedback to unsuccessful
organizations, candidates
employment •May assist
agencies, jobwith job
advertising •Promoting
and posting the organization’s image as a desirable place
etc.) •Administering pre-employment
to work •Attracting, recruiting, screening, and interviewing tests, checking references,
candidates exitcampuses
on interviews for candidates
•Referring applicantsdeclining offers, and
for particular
Talent Management
providing feedback to&unsuccessful
Organizational Development
candidates includesjob work
across multiple talent and organization performance areasreferences,
administering pre-employment tests, checking including:
conducting exit interviews for candidates
•Identifying critical workforce requirements (e.g., skills, declining offers, and
providing feedback
competencies, to unsuccessful
and performance candidates
outcomes) •May assist
necessary with job
to achieve
current and and
future posting
business results •Career frameworks •Career
Performance & Talent Management focuses on improving workforce
development •Talent assessment
performance including: •Identifying •Performance
critical workforce managementrequirements
(e.g., skills, competencies,research •Workforce
and performance and succession
outcomes) necessary to
achieve •Leadership and futureassessmentbusiness and development
results •Developing •Organization
managing andperformance
culture change •Organization
review processes transformation
and tools (e.g., and change
goal setting,
Organization &•People/Talent
management Leadership Development strategy process focuses on improving
performance evaluation and calibration,
leadership and management capability including: •Strategy and and results
competencies •Assessment, etc.) •Linkingdevelopment,
individual andand team performance
training •Succession
results to rewards, promotions, and development opportunities
•Creating performance frameworks (e.g., balanced scorecards, key
performance Planning
indicators, & Analytics
etc.) to is a specialized
align individualarea and teamof talent goals with
management focused onand
organization objectives quantitative
business results analysis and predictive
•Training for people
managers for the purpose
to reinforce theof: •Analyzing
importance ofan organization’s
employee future
rewarding needs against internal
high performance, andand externalunder
addressing labor performance
markets to
Responsible potential
for shortfallsand
monitoring and design interventions
developing management
the to fill
organizational theand
metrics gaps
position structure “whattoif”
between scenario
support andthe planning
organization'sand analysis
mission to compliance
and the
with goalandsetting
productivity impact of specific
and HRWorks
review processes,
and effectiveness. initiatives etc.)
with •Developing
business andafunctional workforce
plan andtoassociated
leaders make strategic talentdecisions
management regardingstrategies
company (e.g.,hierarchy
build vs. and
buy) to support the required
personnel future workforce
Training & infrastructure.
Development work Utilizes a variety
includes of assessment
developing training methods to
curriculum/materials, selecting appropriateinformed
the information needed to present delivery mechanisms,
delivering training, and Reviews and analyzes
monitoring training work processes,for
effectiveness workloads,
general and functional
workforce and forinterrelationships
targeted discipline/technical to identify ways areas: to
improve efficiency and
Discipline/Technical productivity.
Training Develops andprofessional
•Discipline-specific presents and
Training & Development
organizational structurestraining Delivery
and staffing workmodels.focusesRecommends
on work
delivering/providingknowledge (e.g., Finance
training for the general workforce and function training on
external changes.
accounting standards and internal financial systems/control
functional/technical areas including: •Delivering training materials
processes) •Discipline-specific
including presentation materials, competency training (e.g., Influence
training guides/manuals, course
and Negotiation
evaluations, training
etc. •Coordinating for Sales Representatives)
trainingDesign schedule Non-Technical
based on training
Training & Development Instructional
•Training on general workplace standards, processes, work focuses on and
developing training curriculum
tools (e.g., Supervisor Training, and Employeematerials Time forEntry,
the general
Email, etc.)
•Training on and targeted
general skillsfunctional/technical
and competencies areas (e.g., including:
Verbal & Written
Communications, employee Timelearning
Management needs and partnering
Skills, Basic with subject
matter experts and business
Spreadsheet/Document Creationmanagement
skills, etc.) to•Training
provide input for course
on leadership
content •Planningdevelopment
and management and coordinating Mayskills develop assessments
training and training
•Providing instruction May
curriculum/materials. and guidance
select and/or to trainers;
overseemay facilitate
vendors to develop
training during
or conduct training. of new courses •Developing and
monitoring metrics for evaluating training and development
effectiveness May include the design of computer-based training
programs. May select and/or oversee vendors to develop training
Responsible for development and delivery of training materials on
company products, processes and technologies so as to ensure that
team members develop, maintain, and increase their own technical
and/or process knowledge. Provides orientation and training on new
Center ManagementSelects appropriate (Technical training aids. Prepares
& Non-Technical) lesson
focuses relevant
on developingto training material.
training May monitor
strategies trainingfor
and initiatives personnel
and to ensure that
non-technical training employees have met
in a dedicated all company
training training
center facility
including: •Managing for company and regulatory
the operational compliance. Analyzes
and administrative activities of
the evaluations
training center, in order todeveloping
including judge effectivenessbusiness and of training
plans sessions
and budgets
and to Training:
implement Diversity
suggestions focuses
for on developing
improvements. delivering
•Working with business management
diversity training programs to the general workforce to promote a to define and develop training
goals and
culture of associated
inclusion and training
respect center strategies
including: •Coaching
•Partnering with training
leadership stafftoondevelopcurriculum and design
implement and training
programs delivery
and policiestechniques that •In
attract, organizations,
retain and may bearesponsible
promote diverse for assessing
workforce employee skill,
Teaches employees
knowledge, to speak/write
and performance gaps, in but foreign
it’s not language
a requirement by developing
materials, training
selecting curriculum/materials
appropriate•May delivery (e.g., reference
mechanisms, materials,
planning and
tests, visual to this specialization
aids, etc.) andand selecting work
appropriate with universities
delivery and
mechanisms other
educational classes/courses,
institutions to assessing
coordinate participants'
training with progress.
courses offered
(e.g., classroom,
Language classes webcast,
may be e-learning,
focused on the etc.) •Conducting
targeted diversity
training •May
someselect and/or oversee vendors to discipline/technical
developcoaching training to
Head of or (in
or conduct
industry-specific training business
& Corporate
accountable participants'
for work
skills and help •Developing
them perform and monitoring
their metrics May provide the
for evaluating
effectiveness with of one
trainingor more •May of thework
and/or oversee vendors to
translations support.
Communications & Corporate Affairstraining
•Employee Communications &
develop training content or conduct
Collaboration •Corporate Affairs •Investor Relations
General Communications & Corporate Affairs includes work managed
or performed across multiple Communications & Corporate Affairs
sub-families. Specializations in this sub-family typically perform work
related to both internal and external communications, including
Responsiblethe forcontent
planningfor and and producing
executing written
change and visual for non-
technical projects.The internal
Focuses on portion
changesoftothe work isprocesses,
business focused on
corporate/market communications
initiatives, mergers to employees
& acquisitionsrelatedand to organization
values/strategy/performance and
organization structures. Identifies project risks and creates employee programs, policies, and
tools. The external
strategies. Applies communications
change management portion of the work includes
aspects of one fororthe IT organization's
more of organizational
the following: process•Publicimprovement
Relations andand
change management planning, activities by applying readiness
process assessment
stakeholder Relations
analyses. •Community
Ability to develop Relations/Corporate
communication, change
change management
Responsibility •Investor methodologies,
Relations In communication
some organizations, planning,
organizational and or
readiness training plans,
assessment materials and oversee
and stakeholder analyses. or monitor
the also develop
execution to materials
ensure for marketing/advertising
adoption and minimal disruption of normal
and executes
Communications process improvement and
Materials Production work focuses on the change management
projects. operations.
Monitors the implementation
coordination of various communication of change(print,
medium management web, video, to
ensure the disruption
infographics, etc.) materials of normal business
for both internaloperations
and externalis minimized.
Possesses and develops
including: •Serving knowledge
as a liaison between of business
internalprocesses, in order to
business customers,
internal when
graphic changes
designers, in software
and applications
external print and systems
and/or design should
be initiated. Acts as Materials
a timeliness
change Production
agent Support work
to implement and ismanage
focused on
to ensure
producing quality
communicationand across a variety
materials from various mediums such asof high volume
printing across the IT organization.
•Developing project schedules and time frames
print, web, video, infographics, etc., for both internal and external
•Ensuring efficient
audiences including: and accuratecollating,
•Printing, process and handoffs
binding between
brochures, operators
and reports •Training
•Operating newnetworked
team members equipmenton print (e.g.,
production work is focused
techniques on authoring speeches
printing and fromother
sensitive and publication(e.g.,
for business
and offline
leadership equipment
and/or (e.g.,
copiers, source materials, etc.)
management in one or more of the following functional areas: etc.)
bursters, collators, sorters, folders, cutters, perforators,
•May distribute
•Public Relationsmaterials,•Government formsRelations
and reports internally to staff across
the organization
Relations/Corporate Responsibility •Investor Relations The work
Serves as spokesperson for the organization at the national level.
May interact developing
with membersoriginal of content
governmentand deliveryand their approaches
staffs. Plans to and
influence internal/external perceptions
executes strategies to ensure that any legislation or federal policy of the organization with the
positive of: •Protecting
or neutral effect and onpromoting
the organization. the organization’s
Appears before image and
reputation •Improving the
government/legislative organization’s
committees. May economic
write and regulatory
legislation oron the
Employee Communications
environments influencing&government
bylegislation. Collaboration work
policy is focused
and legislative
development, to
direction •Maydistribution,
be responsible andfor management
writing editorials of internal
and other
corporate publications content onand behalf tools of including:
the CEO orCommunication
top management and
collaboration between employees: •Creating and managing email
distribution lists, employee bulletin
Employee Communications boards, online
work is focused on providing information
to employees to: •Ensure and internalthat they social media tools
understand the •Implementing
and managing tools/software for internal
mission, strategy, policies, and performance •Equip them with the communication,
collaboration, and
company-wide andknowledge
function-specific sharing/management
tools and information •Providing that they
need to for employee
perform their feedback
jobs and response
•Communicate from leaders
compensation, benefits,
Company Management work is focusedincluding
on collecting, cataloguing,
and other
storingHR programs
technical andtopolicies
non-technical•Convey emails,
a positive
knowledge/information image of the
company The intranet
work “home page”
includes: content,and
•Developing etc.distributing
related to:print
for use internally
•Organization withinstrategy,
mission, an organizationpolicies, including:
and performance• Developing and
based and digital
implementing communications
knowledge (e.g., corporate
sharing processes and tools policy manuals,
to facilitate
internal newsletters, and function-specific
process handbooks, programs,
equipment processes,
manuals, and tools
storage and
Develops, ease of access/retrieval
implements, and strengthens by employees
and other
the HR
firm's within
alumni anand
organization and benefits
• Developing information,
standards etc.)
andrecruiting, •Reviewing
governance for are and editing
around geographies/organizations,
documents culture, people,
drafted by subject incumbents
matterexternalexperts to
to havethey a working
relationships, and knowledge
business should be shared
of English.
development. within
Activitiesthe organization
(e.g., user are
access written
rights appropriately
to various types forofthe targeted
content, audience
intranet site and
comply with alumni
organizationmailing/emailstyle lists, initiating
guidelines •Coaching contactinternalwithproject
folder structures,
employees, document
and organizing sharing
alumnion protocols,
events. etc.)
Researches • May partner
with on approaches
Internal Affairs workfor
Communications effective
is focused employee
& Employeeinfluencing communications
multiple In
some both internal and external
geographies/organizations, incumbentsbestCollaboration
of competitors.
to •have
of external
to implement
for alumnimanage knowledge
website content
to improve
sharing environment
development (e.g., news, Inin a
which an knowledge
some organizations, of English.
may include including: •Government
knowledge/information Relations
along with
(influencing etc.). Determines
government and maintains
policy and legislative content for alumni
direction to improve
programs, governance
including those with external
related to parties such
former, as partners,
the organization’s
suppliers, investors, regulatory
regulators, and economicetc.
customers, environments)retired
current, and •Public
employees and partners.
Relations (communications May serve
to customers, as point of contactthe
consumers, formedia
all alumni.
the general public to protect and promote the reputation of the
organization) •Community Relations/Corporate Responsibility (active
involvement with the communities in which an organization operates
to address social, economic, and environmental challenges and
promote the organization’s image in a positive way)
Government and Public Relations is a specialized area of Corporate
Affairs focused on influencing government policy/legislative direction
and public opinion to improve the environment in which an
organization operates including: •Building/maintaining relationships
with governments,
Government Relations trade workassociations,
is a specialized industry areacoalitions,
of Corporate public Affairs
focused on and other authorities
influencing government to influence
policy and policies and positions
legislative direction to
improve analyzing, and
the regulatory and economic
reporting environment
on government policy and
in which the
organization (e.g., identifying
operates emerging
including: policy/regulatory trends,
•Building/maintaining relationships
with issues and position papers for presentation to business
leadership, etc.) work trade
is a associations,
•Developing specialized
of Corporategovernment
focusing and
on other
communication authorities with to influence
customers, policies
consumers, and positions
the media
•Monitoring, initiatives
analyzing, (e.g., trade association member outreach,
and the general
grassroots public toand
calls and
on government
policy and
the reputation
political action of the
organization (e.g., identifying
including: emerging
•Creating and policy/regulatory
distributing public trends,
developing etc.)
issues(e.g., •Creating
and position and distributing
papers for public
presentation communications
to business
to protect
Social Media and promote
Relations media
isthe releases,
responsible forspeeches,
the and newsletters,
in conversation social
media etc.)
communication, •Educating etc.) business
•Organizing leadersand acting the as public
company about
the thereleases,
potential consequences speeches, newsletters,
ofevents social
legislation media
•Developing communication,
other and open
etc.) •Organizing
stakeholders at online
via promotional
and actingplatformsas company (e.g., press
social conferences,
networks. at association
Promotes and
days, exhibitions, government
tours and relations
visits, etc.) •Preparing (e.g., trade
executives for
member events
outreach, (e.g.,
grassroots press
about conferences,
the organization's
employee/public open calls days,
to exhibitions,
tours andactionvisits,interviews
products/services. etc.) Reviews •Responding
•Respondingand to to
to inquiries
responds inquiries
customer first first contact
feedback for
Corporate Social committees, etc.)
for inquiries
provided from
via fromtheResponsibility/Community
social the public,
media the the
channels. press,consumers,
consumers, government
is a
agencies, area
etc.) of
In as Corporate
some Affairs
organizations, maytoalso focused on active involvement
that can
with the be
communities potentially
in which damaging
an organization thebe accountable for
operates including:
reputation orrelations/corporate
image. Ensures responsibility
messaging is which
consistent includes: all•Active
involvement andinimplementing
the community programs
by planning to improve
and theacross
implementing economic,
social, and/or Keeps abreast
environmental of evolving
quality social media
of lifegiving,
inisthe platforms
community and
industry programs,
specifics. company/employee Programs grant
a specialized making, area of
Community involvement/volunteering,
clean-up, etc.
Relations/Corporate company/employee
Responsibility focused on financial giving,
grant making, environmental clean-up,
contributions and volunteer programs to improve the quality of life inetc.) •Building/maintaining
communities beneficial
in which relationships
the organization with local business
operates groups,•Planning
and implementing representatives,
community and not-for-profit
involvement and organizations
giving programs
Manages the relationship
•Coordinating community with
outreachkey stakeholders,
to promote including
the local in
government areasand (e.g., education,
business leaders.communityProvides development
community & human
image in aculture
services, positive & and community-oriented
arts, neighborhood grants,way etc.)(internal events, the
facility tours,policyfairs, development
and othergroups, and management.
community Plays
In some a leading role
in building andthe with non-profit
sustaining stakeholder community
relations through issue and
community leaders work may
relevant alsoprogram
include: •Implementing
areas •Screening and
Responsible public
for the administration metrics toand negotiation,
financialprocess, and
management transfer ofof
for financial Measures
knowledge. support, coordinating
and evaluates the the effectiveness ofandcompany
grants and
managing for responsibility
thetheir objectives
disbursement and
offostering •Working
manages with business
funds and promoting good working process
from on approaches
application success
receipt in
tofor addressing
close-out complex/sensitive
for grants, awards, charitable
community and
issues, company
contributions, and independent research image
locations within forthe community
grants. Ensures etc.)at large.
money is used according to the terms
Responsible for working with the indigenous groups and community of the grant. Maintains records
to grants,
providetracks effective funds/expenditures,
advice on mattersand prepares
related to thereports.operationsReviews
grant programs
development ofto theensure adherence
community. to corporate,
Coordinate and record government
surveys on guidelines.
company leases and tenements. Liaise with stakeholders
to ensure heritage
Acts as a liaison avoidance
between patientsareasand arehealth
care providersand to help
improve through
and maintain land disturbing
a high quality activities.
of health Supports
care for local
thesites to
design appropriate indigenous programs
Maintains knowledge of compliance and regulatory issues and may including consultation plans
and localwith
interact engagement.
local governments Prioritize to and recommend
ensure patientsprograms.
get information,Identify
and document
financial aid, and anyassists
issues or matters relevant to to the improved
Investor Relations
Maintain positive work iswith
with keyon managing
theand communications
care for the patients. Collaborates
between the company and financial community to ensure with Public Policy and fair
Reimbursement Departments' strategies
valuation of the company's securities, reduce funding costs, to identify and engageand
Patient Leaders
maintain a consistent in policy issues of joint
shareholder baseinterest
including: to •Communicating
support access to
the for patients
financial and families
performance andorbroader
under developeddirection countries.
Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal strategic
is accountable for work of the
organization (e.g., investor news
associated with the following areas: •Corporate Compliancereleases/fact sheets) and •Legal
•Regulatory Affairs investor relations
•Ethics events (e.g., earnings releases,
investor/shareholder calls and meetings, etc.) •Establishing and
maintaining relationships with key stakeholders (e.g., analysts,
shareholders,for the development,
portfolio implementation,
managers, stockbrokers, and enforcement
financial media,
of the agencies,
rating corporateetc.) compliance
•Monitoring and regulatory
and presenting affairsinvestment
community on analyses
an ongoing basis on related
to management onissues
company with operation
managers and executives. Ensures
performance/benchmarking, industry conformance
and competitor with applicable
analysis, laws
Manages work associated with Legal and one or more on
investor profiling, Ensures
etc.) regular
•Complying training
with is conducted
securities regulatory
areas of
(e.g., overseeing
Compliance and Internal issues.Audit:
production of annual
•Legal reports,
(Including earnings releases,
Legal Counsel,
stock exchange filings,
Patent/intellectual proxy Law,
Property statements,
Legal Researchetc.) & Document
Drafting, Contract Negotiation & Administration, Legal Records
Legal Leadership Management,
Head of Legal isetc.) •Compliance
accountable for work(Ensuring
associatedbusiness with two or more of
the following: •General are in compliance
Business Law/ Legal withCounsel
external regulations and
•Patent/Intellectual Property Law •Legal Researchcompliance
standards) •Ethics Compliance (Ensuring & Document with
ethical standards
Drafting •Contractsuch as policies
Negotiation && procedures related
Administration •Legalto conflicts-
Management confidentiality/privacy, fraud, appropriate use of
Legal Counsel Legal
company Counsel:
assets, General Businessconduct
interpersonal includesinadvice/counsel
the workplace, across etc.)
multiple areas
•Internal Auditof businessBusiness
(Auditing law related to an organization’sFinancial,
Operations/Processes, legal rightsIT
and obligations,
Systems, etc.) including: •Providing legal advice/counsel in
business-related areas of expertise (e.g., corporate law, real estate,
Legal Counsel tax, business
Legal Counsel:litigation, transactions/anti-trust,
Patent/Intellectual Property is a compliance,
specialized area of
General Business property, Lawemployment/labor,
focused on ensuringcorporate governance,
that an organization’s
ethics, etc.) •Researching,
inventions/intellectual analyzing,
property and interpreting
are protected and do proposed
not infringe andon
the patents laws, ofstatutes, and regulations
others, including: •Identifying, evaluating,
•Structuring/negotiating patentand
licenses andissues intellectualof legalproperty
risk •Structuring,
agreements drafting, negotiatingtrade
(e.g., copyrights,
and/or approvingrights,
marks, database legal contracts,
design rights, letters of agreement,
domain names, etc.) policies and
other documents
•Preparing, filing, related to a variety
and prosecuting of trade,
patent commercial,
applications financial,
and operational
legal advice and matters opinions•May represent/advocate
on patentability of inventions, for anvalidity of
patents, and in litigation,
patent arbitration,
infringement •May mediation
handle appeal or other anddisputes
with courts, government
interference proceedingsagencies, or other legal authorities •In-
house legal counsel may also be accountable for liaising with external
Legal Counsel Represents plaintiffs and defendants in civil cases and manages all
phases of the litigation process from investigation, pleadings and
discovery to pre-trial, trial, settlement and appeal.

Legal Counsel Specializes in law regarding regulatory and environmental advice at

multiple layers of government including joint review panels, boards
and commissions, and environmental acts and regulations. Work
encompasses all environmental aspects of industry including oil &
Legal Counsel gas, power,
Specialist in manufacturing
commercial law. and May transport.
be involved in business
transactions or negotiations related to establishing or dissolving a
business, merging two businesses, creating contracts, establishing
non-compete clauses or changing a business's organizational
Legal Contract Management structure.
Responsible for management of contracts with customers, vendors,
suppliers, partners, or employees. This includes contract drafting,
execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximizing financial and
operational performance and minimizing risk. Negotiates the terms
Legal Contract Management and conditions
Requires a solidinunderstanding
contracts andof ensures compliance
regulations, agreementswith them. and
negotiations.any changes/amendments
Negotiates and drafts agreements that may for happen
execution of the
acquisitions, and contract.
divestitures; Creates and maintains
monitors performance contract database
of contractual
for easy access
obligations; and retrieval.
participates in sales providing advice on potential
Legal Contract Management competitors,
Requires a solid historical sales data,
understanding posting
of types ofandlandbidding
contracts strategies.
regulations. Responsible for the preparation and administration of
land contracts in an assigned area. Typical duties include analyzing
and drafting more complex agreements, monitoring contractual
Legal Contract Management obligations
Negotiates,in an assignedand
implements area, ensuring Land
administers Administrators
the service receive
and/or financial
appropriate information
terms of contracts from land
with Contract contracts
Research and follow up
Organizations with third
Research onand
Development agreements
contractand documentation
vendors such as research in their area
of responsibility.
organizations, commercial central laboratories or other service
Legal Support providers.
Corporate Develops
Board Secretariesand/or maintains
implement systems
decisions to track
madecosts by theandBoard
of Directors and metrics. Keeps abreast
work includes: of industry
•Coordinating theoutsourcing
agenda fortrends Board
and market conditions
of Directors and shareholder to ensure effective
meetings andallocation of financial
ensuring meeting and
human resources. Develops, implements
are recorded and applicable next steps are completed •Ensuring and enforces policies,
corporate anddocuments
legal protocol and areadvises management
in compliance of applicable
with organization's
Legal Support Responsible
obligations. for recruiting,
May coordinate, hiring,
or leadthe cross-functional
and regulations
negotiationWhileor buying some portion of work may be the same as
Paralegals, primary responsibilities include: •Preparing recruitment
information, conducting interviews, and making employment offers
Legal Support to Paralegals
Legal •Developingincludes:
Research/Paralegal Paralegal•Conducting
education materialslegal researchand/or(e.g.,
ensuring all Paralegals
due diligence, case andreceivefactualongoing
patentand development
searches, responding
to queries andthe investigations,
most appropriate Paralegal
preparing to eachreports,
summary project requiring
support •Monitoring
•Drafting, reviewing and the editing
organization's utilization(e.g.,
legal documents of Paralegals
contracts, to
ensure project
agreements, profitability
business is attained and
communications, etc.)project
•Project milestones
management are
Legal Support Legal Secretarial
achieved •Training work
focused on supportingattorneys individuals/small
in proper utilization
for legal
teams orcases,
departmentslitigation,of transactions,
lawyers in theetc. •Preparing
day-to-day legal
activities of an
of Paralegals
forms/templates and legal pleadings (arbitration, litigation, etc.)
internal legal department or legal firm including: •Performing basic
editing, and maintaining
proofing, formatting offiles, legaldatabases
documents and•Obtaining
systems to collect,
store and retrieve
signatures data
on legalRecords on litigation,
documents, unionlegal contracts, patentpreparing
Legal Support Legal/Regulatory
management, etc. work notarizing
is focused on documents,
ensuring control of
and organizing stock certificates etc.
legal/regulatory records in compliance with external and •Legal document management
organization-specific regulations and standards including: including
archiving •Planning and scheduling logistics for travel,
board of director
•Developing and shareholder
and implementing meetingsgovernance, and
Legal Support employee training for electronic/paper
Assists with the preparation and prosecution document collection,
of patent storage,
for patent search archives,
analysisand anddisposal
patent •Managing
research. Assists system
with administration, dictionaries,and
foreign patent applications security, accessProvides
responses. control patent
lists and
quality control
knowledge processesfor
consultation •Supporting audits, inspections,
relevant departments and shares new
patent due diligence
information. Responsibleand litigation
for the activities •In some
maintenance of the patent
Legal Support Responsible formay
organizations, searching multiple databases
be accountable for developing to provide patent,
and implementing
trademark, database.
intellectual Investigates
property and
and/or analyzes
other relevant
relevant patent andto
technical disaster preparation and recovery plans
internal orinformation.
external clients. Monitors and manages business and
company name searches. Prepares client reports and
General Regulatory Affairs correspondence.
Responsible for ensuring May attend that to trademark due
organization's diligence
activities arematters,
including the in
ethically and filing and renewal
compliance withof business
relevant and company
regulations, lawsnames.
standards. Develops and implements regulatory strategies,
procedures and controls for new products and/or business activities
General Regulatory Affairs that require
Ensures governmentalunderstanding
a comprehensive approvals. Prepares of existingand submits
requirements applications such as permits,
and continuously monitorslicenses,
trends to and
anticipate the required
impact ofbynew governmental agencies. Coordinates
regulatory requirements in a country or
globally. Ensures interactions
regulatory andenvironment
compliance activities;
is shaped by andengaging
with regulatory
and influencing agencies.
Product Regulatory Affairs General Productregulatory
Affairs work and industry
is focused associations,
on ensuringand
products the
are development
in complianceof advocacy
with external materials.
regulations Develops and
and internal
maintains a network •Filing
standards including: with key playersnotifications,
product influencing regulatory
applications, and worldwide. Incorporates
quality testing resultsnew withinformation back into
applicable government
company standard operating procedures,
and regulatory agencies •Interpreting/evaluating proposed forms, and/or training
and advising regulatory
management intelligence
on impactinformation
to the to facilitate
efficient use andand
•Implementing re-use of information
auditing processes and analyses.
to ensure compliance with
applicable regulations and internal standards •Providing advice to
development and/or marketing teams on product changes, quality
testing requirements, product labelling, literature, and advertising
•May represent the organization with regulatory agencies and trade
Product Regulatory Affairs Develops the safety and risk management strategy across the
project/product life cycle. Develops proactive internal and regulatory
risk minimization action plans including post marketing commitments
for real and theoretical risks. Utilizes understanding of the scientific
Product Regulatory Affairs basis
The Headfor diseases,
of Product adverse
Regulatory events, and/or
Affairs (Lifeknowledge
Sciences)of risk
is accountable
for all processes tools andtoteams assessassociated
benefit versus with:risk. Ensures clear
•Submission and
of product
balanced communication
registration for new drugsof and safety
medical risksdevices
to internal and external
•Submission of
biologic licensing Providesagreements guidance in safety
progress signal supplements,
reports, detection and
amendments, product
and risk/benefit
periodic experience rational, and associated
reports •Interactions regulatory
Product Regulatory Affairs Product Regulatory
interactions. EnsuresAffairs compliance (Life Sciences
with & Agriculture)
regulatory standards workand
includes: authorities
•Directing and
submission other approval
development authorities
of product as needed to
expedite reports, and corporate
pending matters standard and answer operating
questions procedures as they
relate to safety risk supplements,
management. amendments,
May provideand/or internal periodic
experience reports •Providing strategic product direction to teams on
Product Regulatory Affairs interaction
Product Regulatory and negotiating evidence with regulatory
Affairs Documentation work includes agencies some or all
of the following: and Ensuring
negotiating with regulatory
a controlled agency personnel
documentation system, record in
order to expedite
retention, and informationapproval services of pending registration
including electronicand answerrecordsany
questions •Serving asinaaccordance
retention processes regulatory with liaison on the project
regulatory team
•Complying the
with product
regulatory lifecycle
agency •Participating
requirements in one or all of the
Product Regulatory Affairs Creates, reviews,
following activities: and releases textofthat
development productmeets all medical,
plan, regulatory legal,theand
regulatory and non-technical
requirements for documentation
labeling medical change
products. system Develops
•Developing risk management,
andsuch implementing implementation
procedures plan,
to classifychemistry
and maintain
manufacturinglabeling controland as(CMC)
product profiles
pre-clinical (TPP), and company core
clinical trial
data sheets •Interpreting
(CCDS), instructions enforcing for use,all documentation
and safety dataformatting,
standards, meet regulatory
policies,ofand requirements
operating •Ensuring rapid and timely
Product Regulatory Affairs Monitors
Develops,of process
revises, drugs, anybiologics/biotechnology
tracks changes
documents in the
In some
and/or abroad. may
Reviews identify labeling change components,
information, communicate
and ensures
including and
documentation continued
issuance of
standards approved
Core Labeling status
Change of marketed
Notifications, drugs or medical
devicesit is•Serving
International supported as by
Labeling the and
and consistent
and with
of regulatory
New Coreapplication.
Supports May
and analyze
assists theand evaluate
development data,and extract pertinent
participates in
information, project teams
prepare and government
and mockupabstracts regulatory
for all products.
and agencies
executive summaries
packaging on later
content to
and stage
artwork products with regulatory
is compliant marketing
with agencies
internal on on
Product Regulatory Affairs of material
approval of searched.
label. May
Monitors, maintain
of advertising
evaluates extensive
and and knowledge
recommends ofmaterials.
information standard changes,
andtocontinuous line extensions,
contacts technical
with local, worldwide labeling,
regional, health
appropriate regulatory
regulations compliance
labeling and processes,while quality,
interpretations effectively managing
•Coordinating, tools business
risk. Monitors regulations.
regulatory Maintains
promotional and tracks labeling/packaging
environment by reviewing
documents May
potentially in review
thepreparing promotional
labeling reports
repository and
for commercial
and/or In
electronic communication
some system.
organizations, promotional
may coordinate guidelines and and
maintainuntitled and warning letters to
companies worldwide
published regulations
by regulatory pertaining
agencies. toreporting
labeling schedules
Manages and assistsfor
activities in
Product Regulatory Affairs Develops
the drugs,and
newmaintenance implements
medical of devices,
standard global
and chemistry, manufacturing
operating procedures. Assists andandwith
control to products
(CMC)promotionregulatory andstrategies
advertisingthroughout including maintenance
the lifecycle and
preparation submission-ready notices.
for electronic submission labeling documents.of Prepares
promotional May ensureof to
translations pharmaceuticals,
are completed and devices.
the centralized summary and directs
ofIV the
development agencies. CMCProvides
of(SmPC). submissions including initial onmarket
phase clinical
trial design with regardreports,May work
to marketing with vendors
promotion to prepare
possibilitiesand/or standard
Product Regulatory Affairs registrations,
Responsible labeling. progress
for preparing, managing,supplements, and leading amendments,
periodic data/claims.
experience Maintains
reports. awareness
Represents of competitive
company during activities
by monitoring in utilities
major rate cases before local, regional or arefederal
agencies. and medical
Responsibilities meetings include
with where
of allare Interacts and
negotiates Ensures
with regulatory changes
regulatory activities in product
agencies in information
order toactivity
expedite reflected
approval in
current with
promotions and advertising. including across otherof
regulatory registration
entities and and answer
maintaining any questions.
relationship Participates
with all regulators. in
Product Regulatory Affairs Gathers, prepares,
identification of riskand areas interprets
and develops information regarding costs of
operations cost
for factors
use in in association
filing rate increases,withalternative
utilities rate
cases, of
may not, impact
be involvedof new in regulations
delivery of and implements appropriate
for construction of new facilities, and
changes, leads development of company policy and positions on draft justification for tariff purposes
of gas transportation
regulations and guidance. rates and gas gathering rates. Prepares and
Product Regulatory Affairs reviews
Prepares involved technicalbody
federal regulatory analysis filings. Analyzes
related decisions
to utility finance, or cases
rate of
and program bodies and their effect
administration. Monitors on the organization
compliance with operations.
billing codes and systems settlement codes. Supports daily billing and
settlement functions to provide electricity retailers with site specific
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) distribution
Sets policy and anddirects
transmission strategic tariff charges
planning forand usage information.
marketing studies and
clinical trials conducted on marketed products, as well as product line
extensions. Responsible for labeling of marketed products and
approval of promotional material to ensure compliance with
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) corporate
Medical Affairs standards and government/industry
(Life Sciences) work includes: regulations. Provides
•Planning, support to the product
and executing clinicalplanning
trials/research team onand thedatanewcollection
and formula changes. Works closely with Commercial Operations.
•Contributing to implementation of clinical protocols and facilitating
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) completion
Medical Information of final reports (Life Sciences) work includes: •Developing and
providing toclinical the company, investigators and negotiating
its customers, and thestudy governmentdesign and
medical and technical information related to the company's
marketed human clinical •Providing, trials,reviewing,
phases III and andIV, for company
ensuring medical
activities under
(including development
promotional support, operational reviews and
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) Pharmacovigilance
•Participating in adverse (Life Sciences)
event reporting work includes:and safety •Designing
developing and clinical
safety protocols)
surveillance are implemented
strategy for products in and
approval with
product strategies, andcompany's
in compliance with regulatory policies and
•Coordinating for the
and providing reporting drug surveillance
information program
forand reports
including •Contributing
necessary follow-up, to the development, review, approval of
clinical to regulatory
protocols agencies risk assessment, and relatedness
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) to product onfor
Responsible adverse
adherence reaction
the preparation, to protocols reports, andoversight
publication, determining
quality of safety
studyin and
control, clinical
trials andofpost
delivery paper marketing
and electronic programs •Participating
components of allinsubmissions
the resolution of
any legal liability
including initialand and
large complying
marketing with governmental
authorization initiations regulations
applications and group and
studies common
electronic and contributing technicaltrends documents and safety (e-CTD).signal detection and
Submissions are
risk management
produced aswith
medical assessment
electronic consultant for
publishing tothe products'
tools life cycle with
in compliance •Providing
or research
Medical/Clinical Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) Documents
teams receiptto the
and of adverse
government drug
development or
regulatory medical device reaction
teams activities related
reports under management standards. Responsible
to off ondevelopment
product safety fromreviewsclinical and post marketing
surveillance. Administers requests for use ofsystems,
enterprise-wide regulatory management including
clinical investigative
drugs or coordination,
devices, actions training
taken, others,
and developing
follow-up, until and all implementing
reports have
In some
plans, andorganizations,
providing maytoparticipate
input systems in adverse
designs. eventcontinuous
Ensures reporting
been received
and safetyand and
responsibilitiesunused medication
monitoring. returned. Initiates
May actmeasurements and
as consultant/liaison
maintains effective process improvement underare
with otheracorporations
to evaluate
system when
prepare, submit, track,
review; documents actions taken; and maintains a file of reported
index and
claims andarchive
all relevant paperdocuments.
and electronic submissions
Coordinates the use including
supplementalamendments, adverse experience annual file reports, generaland
for analysis correspondence,
reporting of
adverse event reporting, and promotional materials.
clinical studies.
Food Safety & Regulatory Affairs Responsible for ensuring food products meet corporate and
regulatory standards. Develops, reviews, and/or oversees the
implementation of policies, procedures, and training programs
related to food safety.
Internal Audit: General Processes & System includes work across
multiple audit areas including: •Process/operations monitoring and
review (review of operational and/or financial processes;
documentation of performance and productivity) •Financial
Internal Audit: monitoring
Financialand review &
Processes (verification
Systems work andfocuses
inspection on of
determining statements, transactions,
the reliability reports, and
and effectiveness policies)financial
of internal •Systems
auditing including:
controls (e.g., IT systems audit; information
•Monitoring, evaluating, security
and testing evaluation)
processes, forand
systems auditors,
•Auditing regulatory
recording authorities, joint
of transactions
and partners,with
compliance etc.applicable laws, agreements, and policies
Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls is responsible for
identifying, reports of findings
documenting, and and recommendations
implementing to management
internal financial
•May recommend
controls including: improvements
•Ensuring compliance to financialwithpractices,
and control procedures
requirements in accordance with regulatory directives •Coordinating
processes to document
Internal Audit: Information andSystems
communicate with senior
work focuses management,
on determining the
and functions,
effectiveness external auditors,
of internal and the accounting
information systems controls
function •Auditing information technology (IT) infrastructure, data
flows/processes, and operating procedures in accordance with
established standards
Analyzes, reviews and for efficiency,procedures
implements accuracy, security
to ensure and risk
mitigation •Interpreting
with joint venture regulations
policies, government as they pertain and
regulations to information
accountingand IT operating processes, practices and
procedures •Determining and recommending improvements to
current risk management controls •May revise controls for new or
modified computerfor traveling to stores
applications to to reviewcalculation
prevent store operating errors, data
loss, etc. to verify compliance to policies and procedures,
especially concerning shrinkage. Assists Loss Prevention management
with case investigations. May be responsible for counting
Accountable for andalladjusting
processes inventory
and teams levels. May also
associated verify
with onethat
or more
company funds are
of the following: accounted
•General Fraud forManagement
and that units•Fraud are complying
company policy in the area of money handling
•Fraud Investigations •Fraud Prevention •Credit Card Fraud and security.
Detection & Prevention •Credit Card Fraud Investigation
Monitor intellectual property infringement activities by different
channels. Collects intelligence information from numerous sources.
Works with police and related government departments for license
protection; develops policies to ensure protection against
counterfeiting of product and
Monitors all transactions designs and
filters fakewhich
those production/distribution;
seem to be coming
works on investigation
from illegal or unethicaland resolution
sources. Prepares of cases.
reports of such suspicious
transactions and other cash transactions for further review. Keeps
up-to-date on latest developments in anti-money laundering
Establishes or andassists
ensures withcompliance
the definition to achieve business
of strategies, results.
programs, and procedures for the control, detection and analysis of
frauds against the organization to eliminate any eventual possibility
of financial or image loss to the company. Uses sophisticated data
Researches andandsoftware
analyzes to identify potential
issues related cases of fraud
to customer including:
Identifies valid and counterfeiting, cloning, creates
fraudulent charges; tumbling, piggy-backing,
fraud files, handles etc.
and resolvesand fraud monitors
cases usingexisting and potential
multiple research fraudulent
situations. When
Reconciles identified, fraud
and summarizes notifies appropriate
losses, internal staff
communicating with for
customers verification
and/or banksor legal
to action.
notify of Provides
inquiry or documentation
problem to law
Researches and
enforcement analyzes
agencies foraccount activity to assess levels of risk.
Analyzes information for close/open account determination. Takes
appropriate corrective action through customer contact to verify
legitimate usage. Provides review and analysis of risky or exception
Investigates suspected incidents of illegal activity or cases of
suspected fraud by employees, vendors, or third parties. Coordinates
information gathering and reporting with applicable law enforcement
authorities, and present evidence to court. Maintains case
This benchmark and is evidence
to be used infor
incumbents with legal
with requirements.
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

General Compliance Ensures organization functions are in compliance with all relevant
laws, regulations, and policies. Responsible for organization and
implementation of compliance audits. Performs or manages daily
compliance risk identification, inspection and reporting. Develops
General Compliance and implements
Ethics Compliancepreventative
manages ormeasures
performs and
to developing
and administering organization-specific ethical standards applicable
to all employees including:  •Documenting policies and procedures
related to the ethical standards established by the business (e.g.,
policies & procedures related to conflicts-of-interest,
confidentiality/privacy, fraud, appropriate use of company assets,
interpersonal conduct in the workplace, etc.) •Develop and conduct
employee ethics training and ensure employee
attendance/completion of all required courses •Audit compliance
with ethics programs &  procedures, investigate complaints, and
verify that deficiencies are corrected
General Compliance Privacy Compliance is accountable for: •Development,
implementation, maintenance, and adherence to the organization's
privacy program •Collaboration with legal counsel and management,
key departments, and committees to ensure organization has and
General Compliance maintains appropriateisprivacy
Technical Compliance and confidentiality
accountable for: •Development, consent,
implementation, forms, and information
maintenance, notices and
and adherence materials
to the reflecting
IT organization
compliance policies, and legal practices
standards, processes and requirements
and processes to assess,
monitor, report privacy risk assessments
and escalate compliance •Compliance
related issues monitoring
activities in coordination
•Collaboration with with the
corporate organization's
compliance, internalother compliance
audit, corporate
General Compliance Ensures
and online content
operational assessment is compliant
functions with legal regulations
•Development and/or
of corporate
risk management
company standards. and technical
Content team
includes in
Userthe design
Generated and Content (USG)
privacy policies
implementation and procedures for the handling of protected health
posted on onlineof
audit, riskowned
platform(s) assessment by theand regulatory
company compliance
and/or external
practices for IT •Direction
online platform content, and of compliance
some content monitoring
may be and reporting
activities within the organization's
sensitive/disturbing. Follows technical
established functional
procedures toteams
review and
General Compliance Responsible for
•Coordinates theensuring
IT componentthe organization's
of both internal compliance with all
and external audits,
applicablethe content.
federal, Acts
state upon
and localnon-compliant
laws relating content
to by contacting
accessibility for
regulatory examinations
users, removing the content, or escalating internally. Keeps
people with disabilities, including building/facility as well as up-to-
date on government
accessibility. Identifies, laws and regulations
analyzes, prioritizesthat andcould
removal on compliance.
ofandbarriers May evaluate
to people with for external online
disabilities. platforms
Investigates and for
General Compliance Evaluates
safe placement improves
of processes
company-owned investigating,
content, e.g., documenting,
and to
reporting any technical
unauthorized inquiries
access concerning
or disclosure accessibility
of personal issues.
involved in developing
across the company
organization standards
continually and/or
improve and
procedures Develops,
related tooptions.implements, and
online content management. data related privacy
enhance accessibility
policies, standards and procedures, and corrective actions as needed
General Compliance in responseand
Develops, to administers
complaints concerning
security programsthe organization’s
and procedures processing
for of
classified information.
or proprietary Maintains
materials, andsaleupdates the IT Privacy
of counterfeit products,Program
documents, in collaboration
and equipment. withStudies
legal and andgovernance
implementsteams. Creates
and delivers privacy related training programs
security regulations that apply to company operations and and anti-phishing
organization campaigns
reputation. forObtains
all employees,
rulings, contractors,
interpretations, andand
General Compliance Coordinates third
appropriate software licensing
parties. related
Responsible agreements
for privacy including
program risk
participation deviations
in research for compliance
and negotiation with of regulations from
software license
assessments agencies.
government and resulting mitigation
Prepares manuals andoutlining
remediation plans. terms
regulations, and
Maintains with vendors.
current knowledge Ensures of compliance
applicable dataandprotection
performance laws ofand
establishes procedures
End User License for handling,
Agreements. May act storing,
as athe and keeping
point of contact records,
for client
and for granting standards. andCollaborates
staffsoftware visitors access with toand cyber
restricted security
records branch
Supplier/Product Compliance inquiries
to lead concerning
Conducts on-site prioritization,
vendor audits compliance
and implementation
to evaluate use.
vendors' Approves
of privacy
software Conducts
license security
requests. education
Processes classes
maintenance and security
renewals and
Investigatesand/or technical
security capability,
violations environmental
and prepares reports safety, people
policy and license
working orders.
preventive action toconditions;
be taken. ensures after-action audits;
implements corporate/customer compliance policies; prepares
Supplier/Product Compliance compliance
Partners with proposals
Original and participates
Equipment in setting compliance
Manufacturers (OEMs) to
stay in conformity
processes. with local regulations.
Evaluates and auditsProvides
the OEM's
supply chain, manufacturing processes, and product of
to vendors to conform with code conduct.

Clinical Research Compliance Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) work
includes: •Monitoring progress of clinical trials at the site level or
headquarters and ensuring they are conducted, recorded, and
reported in accordance with the protocol, standard operating
Logistics Process Compliance procedures
Develops and (SOP),
clinical practicesinternal(GCP), andexport otherandapplicable
controls to requirements
ensure compliance •Developing and maintaining
with regulatory agenciesliaison in the with
clinical investigators, medical educators, clinical
conduct of international marketing, sales, supply chain and other research
business (CRO),Establishes
activities. affiliated hospitals, state and/or
business processes for government
submitting to
and obtainingand from
the institutions
government toallinitiate
necessaryand export
expedite and clinical
Logistics Process Compliance Maintains
studies on necessary
products transportation
that documentation
have investigational new thatoraffect
drug medical
licenses, permits,
transportation certifications,
records or governmentand technology release
transportation regulations.
devices approval
determinations. •Reviewing
Establishes and adverse event
maintains cases with
relations with investigators,
determining for
monitoring of all
time driver qualification
schedules, preparing files
study and driver
updates. regulatory
Responsible foragencies.
various Establishes
transportation operational
reports, processes
for ensuring and issuing status reports •May assist
trade compliance through gate reviews of technical data, with design,
fuel reports.
Healthcare Compliance Plans,
foreign travel, and
develops andmonitoring
foreign executes
visits and ofexport
aggregate evaluation
spending projects
shipments. •Training
state and federal
Maintains and law
requirements. including
compliance Files headquarter
records and federal
in accordance andreports,
conducts research
regulatory training, associates
requirements. (CRA) May
and audits
Supports lawcontact
departmentandto recommend
support the
in investigating
reporting investigators
and resolvingobligations
compliance to perform
and to assurestudies
problems, the and initiate
questions, clinical trials.
or complaints. with
legal and
and and retention
maintains training of patients.
and Manages
audit/assessment efforts to
programs comply
Field Construction & Production Compliance Responsible for monitoring computer-based gas measurement
systems, regulations
identifying and effectiveness
problems state
and law reporting requirements
of internal
discrepancies controls.
in receipt and
evaluation of interactions
Electronic Flow withMeasurement
metrics Healthcare
for exportProviders.
and import
(EFM) and May partner
with international
measurement data.counterparts
Resolves audit as required
exception toreports;
meet transparency
evaluates regulations.
and identifies volume discrepancies at major testingdeliveryand and
Controlled Drugs/Substances Compliance Provide oversight for dispensing, processing, sampling,
warehousing operationpoints.
measurement processes to ensure compliance to law
enforcement agencies, federal and state regulatory requirements for
the handling and processing of controlled substance materials and
Environmental and Employee Health & Safety Leadership Head Conducts day-to-day
of Environmental and Employeelaw enforcement
Health & Safetyagency is compliance
activities. Reviews controlled
for work associated with one or substances
more of the to related
following: operations
including, but not limited
•Employee/Labor Health & to,Safety
receiving, quarantining,
•Environmental distribution,
Health & Safetyand
•Environmental theSustainability
destruction of controlled substances. Reviews
reports and investigates events related to controlled substances in
Environmental and Employee Health & Safety General
relation toEnvironmental
non-conformance and Employee Health & Safety
events. Coordinates, work and/or
Generalists encompasses
maintains lawactivities
enforcement related to the
agency environment
compliance (including
readiness the
in existing
and newcommunity impacted
business activities. by environmental
Writes, reviews and hazards) and
revises controlled
substances including: •Creating
related standard and implementing
operating procedures health,
as necessary safety,to
meet Currentand Good environmental
Manufacturing programs
Practices to(cGMPs)
prevent and injuries
law and
enforcement within the workplace
agency requirements. and environmental accidents
•Inspecting workplace and environmental incidents in accordance
with company procedures and implementing corrective actions
•Ensuring compliance with internal and external requirements
related to environmental and employee health and safety and
identifying areas for improvement •Developing and managing an
Environmental and Employee Health & Safety Oversees the execution of Health & Safety and accident prevention
Generalists programs in stores. Ensures stores are safe and compliant, in order to
provide a comfortable experience for customers and a hazard free
environment for associates. May work with internal departments to
Environmental Health & Safety drive
General compliance.
Environmental Health & Safety work encompasses activities
related to the environment including the broader community
impacted by environmental hazards including: •Developing and
implementing environmental health and safety programs, processes,
Environmental Health & Safety and procedures
Responsible •Developing,
for planning maintaining, and
and administering improving
a suite an
of environmental
policies and programs accident and investigation
across the corporation. process to identify
Involved root
in activities
causes and
aiming performorcorrective
to preserve improve air, actions soil,•Delivering
and water quality. training,Prepares
and development
maintains environmentalrequirements to employees
documents •Ensuring
and records that the
demonstrate isdiligent
fully compliant
environmental with allmanagement.
legislative and organization
Environmental Health & Safety Responsible for
requirements forcollection,
safeguarding treatment,
the storage andwhile
environment, disposal of the
hazardous interests
waste, on various
ensuring safe industry
manner, and
legal governmental
compliance and
lives and assets •Maintaining relationships with the community,
environmental protection.
groups, andDevelops,other stakeholdersimplements and maintains
impacted by the day-
to-day materialperformance
environmental safety inspection of the and monitoring, labeling, and use.
Environmental Health & Safety Investigates
Responsible accidents/incidents
for application of alland implements
engineering corrective
activities involved in
identifying Keeps up with changing
and alleviating environmental environmental, Directs (industrial
hygiene) and
economic impactsafety laws and regulations
assessments. Ensures compliance and adviseswith on their impact
to businessand
provincial, operations.
local ordinances concerning environmental standards.
Environmental Health & Safety Ascertains levels of pollution
Interprets government and makes recommendations
laws, regulations, and orders to ensure to senior
health, safety, social and environmental impacts of a
product/packaging are minimized. Ensures the stewardship program
is both transparent and accountable. Researches and responds to
Environmental Health & Safety internal and external
Environmental requestswork
Sustainability for environmental
encompasses research impact and andsafety
analysis as input Develops and maintains
to corporate sustainabilitydocumentation
programs detailing
and projects the
including:safety and environmental
•Monitoring aspects of the science,
trends in environmental company's renewable
resources, sustainable Prepares and conducts
work processes, and othertraining on the
diverse fields
•Researching product stewardship
traditional sources program.
for new data sets, key reports, and
Environmental Health & Safety Responsible for emergency response in the event of an accident or
Plans, trains•Exploringand coordinates alternative, early adopters,
Collaborates with the
and unconventional indicators to support
Safety and Environmental groups in accordance with regulations, corporate benchmarking
and environmental
company plans and regulatory
procedures. compliance
Maintains efforts investigation records and
Environmental Health & Safety databases. Updates emergency
Develops and implements long-range remedial response plans.environmental
solutions in response to environmental investigations and property
assessments to reduce environmental risk and protect company
assets. Coordinates company responses and solutions with business
Environmental Health & Safety plans, regulations,
Evaluates, implements, and realandestate
controls matters.
company's May radioactive
negotiate waste
managementsolutions programswith andenvironmental
procedures to regulatory protect against agencies to
minimize regulatory impact
hazards. Recommends and compliance
and develops policiesdamages.
for inspection
standards, decontamination procedures, emergency procedures,
Environmental Health & Safety waste
Performs handling,
surveillanceand disposal
of radiological Controls
areasstaff radiation
to detect and
document the environmental
level and type releases,
of ionizing and radiation/radioactivity
surface-type contaminants. in
accordance with radiological control regulations. Performs and that
abreast of all radiation protection regulations and ensures
radiation levels
documents are in compliance
air, water, solid and surface with standards. May develop and
surveys radiation
using training and
instruments monitoring
designed to programs.
detect type and level of
Employee/Labor Health & Safety General Employee/Labor Health & Safety work encompasses
related to the usage and maintenance
wellbeing of employees of nuclear
including: containment
•Developing Responds to radiological
and implementing policiesincidents to ensure
and practices toemployee
and environmental
identify/mitigate safety. conditions within the workplace
Employee/Labor Health & Safety •Identifying
Develops, coordinates,workplace
potential and implements hazards,anunsafe equipment, work
practices, and working
hygiene program. conditions •Investigating
Responsibilities include: anticipation, accidents and liaising
with engineers,
assessment andmanagement,
control of occupationaland healthhealth and safety
hazards regulatory
such as toxic
authorities to identify
contaminants and chemicals,causes of accidents
noise, Naturally andOccurring
prevent their Radioactive
Material •Providing
(NORM), advice and
Legionella, molds, training
indoor onair
safety protocols
quality, and and
Employee/Labor Health & Safety Responsibleaudits
conducting for thetocollection, analysis and
ensure compliance with reporting
organization of occupational
hygiene design
related (ergonomics).
data forrelated
employees, Recognizes,
contractors evaluates
and and
visitors, monitors
environmental standards
factors of that maytoimpairemployee health
the health ofand safetythisor
•Maintainingthe provision
and analyzing specialist
records reports.
of workplaceExamines credentials,
injuries, illness, and
the efficiency
licenses, or of work
permits to operations.
ensure Developswith
compliance andlicensing
corrective to identify
action to areas
eliminate,of concern
control and
or provide
reduce informationhealth
Employee/Labor Health & Safety requirements.
Responsible byMustforHelps
regulatory direct rescue implementation
the knowledgeable
management, and fire fighting operationsand safe in the
event of a fire orbe an explosion. about all health regulations.
application of Permits to Work Maintains
and other Control required records
of Work, Safeand
Systems of Work,Maintains logbooks
and/or isolation & of daily activities,
tagging procedures. including
for and activities
ensuring performed. Plans
permit requirements emergency
are known, response
scheduled anddrills.
implemented. and calibrates
Conducts equipment
isolation and used to collect
isolation and analyze
verifications as in the
Employee/Labor Health & Safety Provides
samples. detailed
Prepares advice
and and support
reviews to
specifications individuals and assists
and orders for the
required. Maintains
establishment, accurate
implementation records for
and improvement the Permit oftotheWorkinjurydetails.
Perform of safety
reviews equipment,
of submitted ensuring
permits that proper
in line with policies features andare and
present andand system.
items Assists
conform Issue with
to health the development
and and safety of initiatives
standards.Ensures all
planning, implementing, legislation. and achieving permits certificates.
injury management objectives
company and
and targets. Sets contractor personnel
and implements are in compliance
injury management with
policy and
Employee/Labor Health & Safety Responsible
Permit/Control for developing
of Work/Safe and managing
Systems the
ofprograms. company's
work procedures. loss
procedures. Coordinates
prevention function return
at a site; to work
provides assistance toPlays all line a lead
and role
all workers compensation
departments on first aid, safety cases and including
security dispute
develops and legal
implementscommon law exposure,
loss control programs; rehabilitation management
evaluates conditions andand
action plans,corrective
determines cost containment and claimant/employee
actions; evaluates loss control practices interaction
and support.
indicators; provides advice and consultation to staff and line
Employee/Labor Health & Safety Responsible for first aid, site security and emergency services.
Conducts first aid training. Provides first aid treatments, medical
administration and medical transport. Conducts drug and alcohol
tests. Conducts site induction. Identifies possible security breaches
Employee/Labor Health & Safety and actions.
Create, evaluateCoordinates responses
and administer to emergency
safety, health andsituations.
programs for all employees at a construction site. Analyze safety
problems and recommend solutions to appropriate manager. Inspect,
monitor and evaluate the site safety programs for value and
Environmental and Employee Health & Safety Training effectiveness.
Environmental,ConductHealth, investigations
and Safety Training of siteencompasses
accidents andplanning,
that may require
developing, litigation. Develop
and conducting training and maintain
programs professional
related to
relationships with
environmental regulatory
hazards includingbodies,
limitedand to) contemporaries to
foster the professionalhazardous
identifying/mitigating image of the organization.
conditions withinCreate and
the workplace and
external a safety program
environments, for project
investigating employees.
accidents and environmental
Administration & Secretarial Generalists General Office Administration & Secretarial Management is
accountable identifying
for processescauses andof teams
accidentsin twoandorhowmore to of
prevent their
the following
areas: •Generalsafety protocols,
Office and organizational
Administration and Clerical and regulatory
•Reception/Telephone/Switchboard •Mailroom & Filing Support
Secretarial Support •Secretarial/Administrative
Secretary/Administrative Assistant Assistant Support
work •In some
is focused organizations
on supporting
may be accountable
individuals, small teams for office event planning
or departments and/or
(vs. the entire office
planning •Document editing, proofing, formatting, and production
•Data entry and paper/electronic document filing/archiving
Secretarial Support •Scheduling/coordinating
Executive Secretary/Executive meetings,
workand travel arrangements
is focused on
supporting an individual telephone
or small from internal
number and external
of executives in
their day-to-day office activities including: •Obtaining and organizing
information for use in conferences, speeches, and reports as
Administration & Support requested
General Officeby the executiveincludes
Operations •Editing,planning
proofing, formatting,
and implementing document
projects that impactform filling,office
the entire and data and/orentryspecific departments
including: •Analyzing and developing meetings, diaries,
office or and travel arrangements
department budgets
•Receiving/relaying telephone messages
•Implementing corporate programs and requirements at from internal and theexternal
office managing
level the time/interaction
•Researching vendors for executives
office have with internal
Administration & Support General
and Office
external Operations
sources Support
•Handling includes: business
confidential •Enteringand data or and
performing services
word •Analyzing
processing work and in projecting
support of staffing needs
local office or
•Planning office events, moves, and assisting with office space for
function-specific business processes •Coordinating the logistics
office events •Coordinating the logistics for office moves (e.g.,
Administration & Support moving office furniture, packing files,
Reception/Telephone/Switchboard etc.)is•Providing
work focused onback-up
supporting the
support for reception/switchboard
entire organization or the mailroom
as first point of contact for inbound telephone
inquiries and office visitors/guests including:
•Receiving and relaying messages/telephone calls from internal and
Administration & Support external sources •Greeting
Office/Mailroom/Clerical guests/visitors,
Support documenting
work is focused information,
on supporting the
issuing appropriate
entire office security passes
in the following areas: •Reporting
•Managing security issues
office supply
•Responding to routine inquiries on office location,
inventory, preparing purchase orders, and processing/delivering hours of
office supply telephone
•Sorting and e-mail/website addresses and
delivering mail/packages
Administration & Support preparing
Internal mail/packages
Events for shipping
Planning/Coordination •Copying
work documents for small
In some
scale smaller
projects andorganizations,
performing routine may is
this rolemaintenance focused on planning
coordinateon mail/copy
and logistics
meetings/room for large-scale
bookings internal meetings (e.g., annual general
room equipment
meetings, holiday•Providing
functions, etc.)clerical/data
including: input support
•Facility for various
selection, menu
office administration
planning, transportation systems
arrangements, provision of audio/visual
Administration & Support equipment,
Data Entry work etc. •Preparing and distributing
includes: •Operating invitations,
input devices agendas,
to enter data and
codes intomaterial/ handouts
digital files, forms, •Maintain
and databases calendar of events, logs of
coordinating and recording event summaries and
data entered •Monitoring data entry applications screens for errors feedback from
•May •Contract/vendor negotiation and
or code paper-based sourceliaison
data into format
Administration & Support required for data entry
Responsible for in-country and international travel requirements,
including lodgment of travel requests, visa administration and local
vehicle transportation. Utilizes systems to quote best rates and
optimum travel routes to ensure maximum travel satisfaction.
Administration & Support Responsible for keeping pantries and staff common area clean and
tidy. Serves beverages to senior employees and visitors. Ensures
pantries are well-stocked. Handles cafe-bar ingredients refills and
maintains aid boxes.
Administration & Support Vehicle Fleet Administration is responsible for all organization-
owned/leased vehicles including: •Purchase and disposal of vehicles
•Insurance administration including acting as liaison between
insurance companies and employees •Fleet expense report
Administration & Support administration
Maintains •Safety
records and maintenance
of property policy definition
owned by government, &
company, and
associate contractors•Scheduling vehicle with
in accordance assignments
procedure andor
implementing maintenance
government regulations. programs
Maintains to ensure
records all vehicles
and logs of propertyare in
good working
received, condition
transferred, •Purchasing
allocated, heldfuel
and disposed; coordinates
Administration & Support property transfers;
Responsible conductsmedical
for completing periodicscreening
inventories;such and as: 
•Recording reports of property
and taking status. •Making basic visual inspection
of a person’s general appearance for signs of illness •Asking
screening questions related to illness symptoms •Reviewing health
related questionnaires and/or documents completed by individual(s)
being screened, or complete such documents on behalf of individual
after verbally screening •Instructing and/or assisting individuals being
screened to follow proper procedures according to screening results
Document Management Responsible for the storage, indexing, and handling of the
organization's documentation, ensuring documents/files can be
retrieved easily. Oversees and/or maintains the document/records
management system and services including the maintenance of files
Document Management as well as locating,
Responsible for thetracking,
control of updating,
classifiedandandsharing documents
unclassified documentsand
originating within of repositories.
the company. May be responsible
Reviews documents for to
of paper documentation
pre-established into an
classification levelelectronic
based onformat to simplify
contract(s) the
or security
handling of large volumes
manual, distribution of documentation. 
requirements and processes, and distribution
requests according
Head of Facilities & to established procedures.
Administrative Coordinatesfor
Support is accountable the
processes in approval, and processing
non-manufacturing relatedof areas/departments
document revisions, and
tracks document
performed activity
by internal to ensure
and/or timeliness
external vendorand process
staff: efficiency.
May be required
Management to property
(e.g., maintain management,
a secure, computerized
related to
vehicle afleetperiodic review system,
management, and statusPlanning
etc.) •Facilities tracking(e.g.,
for all
Facilities Management
process-related documents (Non-Manufacturing)
and records. is accountable for
space planning, facility infrastructure condition assessment,
processes and teams in one or more of the following areas: •Facilities etc.)
•Facilities Security
Management (e.g.,(People/Facilities)
property management, •General/Semi-Skilled
purchasing related Facilities
facilities, vehicle& Repair •Custodial & Groundskeeping
fleet management, Services(e.g.,
etc.) •Facilities Planning •Office
space & Secretarial Services condition assessment, etc.)
Plans, planning,
organizes,facility infrastructure
and schedules the design, maintenance,
construction, renovation, and repair of•Planning
Security (People/Facilities) manufacturingmaintenance
facilities and
programs forDevelops
equipment. building plans
and grounds of an organization
and programs that meet presentincluding and the
upkeep of equipment
anticipated space and and supplies
facility •Coordinating
requirements. Monitorscontractors
and inspectsfor all
buildings where required •Overseeing
and equipment to ensure theutility
that planning
systemsof space
are allocation
and Planning
changes work focuses on planning/overseeing construction,
re-modelling, renovation and facilities improvement projectsbeing
and that preventive maintenance schedules are
followed. Prepares
involving space cost estimates
allocation for building
and/or changes renovations or space
allocations. Evaluates completed work
•Planning/designing efficient utilization of space andand checks forfacilities
to specifications.
•Drafting initial Mayestimates
cost direct theforsafety and/or
facilities security
planning functions of
the lease renewal/negotiation services, monitors lease contract
•Examining facilities and evaluating requirements
compliance, and serves as a liaison between leasers and for elements such
as heating, ventilation
management on all lease& air-conditioning
related issues. May (HVAC), lighting, size,
appropriate and suitability
site selectionfor andoccupancy •Planning,
be responsible coordinating,
for excess propertyand
disposal. furniture, equipment, etc. layout and moves
Handle, review, and negotiate lease terms. Comprehend and manage
critical terms of the Tenancy Agreement for daily operation. Process
lease renewals and terminations. Review, negotiate, and process
lease assignments
Coordinates the construction, installation or rearrangement of
equipment and building facilities and/or equipment and machinery
maintenance for assigned area. Maintains contact with and directs
contractor representatives and assists in resolving discrepancies in
design specifications.
This benchmark Verifies
is to be used for labor expendedwith
incumbents and hybrid
materials used and
inspects projects
responsibilities for conformance
across the Sub-family to engineering
or incumbents standards
who cannot and be
matched building techniques
to a specific job inandthe safety practices. Estimates percent
completion of projects and advises designated individuals of cost
Facilities Refurbishment, Maintenance & Repair Facilities Repair & Maintenance Management work is focused on
maintenance of building and grounds of an organization, overseeing
staff, and the upkeep of equipment and supplies including:
•Scheduling repairs, renovations projects, waste reduction
Facilities Refurbishment, Maintenance & Repair improvements,
Responsible for and safety
repairs, inspectionsand
adjustments, •Negotiating with outsideof
ongoing maintenance
vendors/contractors for supplies,
facilities. Performs electrical, repairs,
painting, and carpentry
and/or capital purchases
repairs of
•Overseeing services related
fixtures and equipment to electric
on company maintenance,
premises. Conducts mechanics,
hydraulics, carpentry
inspections to determine and maintenance
masonry, substituting,
work required.changing, cleaning,
Maintains all
equipment and installingtopieces,
necessary perform components
work. Primaryand emphasis
equipmentis •Ensuring
Facilities Refurbishment, Maintenance & Repair Prepares for
operating and directs installation
requirements, building activities,
codes, and i.e. department
safety regulations are
remodels andof a varietySupervises
refreshes. of maintenance tasks,
the activities rather than a high
of retail
degree of skill in any particular trade.
merchandisers during product display installations at retail stores.
Communicates key installation information to new and existing
This benchmark Manages and
is to be discards
used order systems,
for incumbents with fixtures
hybrid and
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Facilities Custodial/Cleaning & Groundskeeping Custodial/Cleaning performs custodial and cleaning work including:
•Dusting furniture, walls, fixtures, or equipment; cleaning/waxing
floors, and cleaning common area kitchens and rest rooms
•Operating cleaning equipment (e.g., steam cleaners, floor polishers)
Facilities Custodial/Cleaning & Groundskeeping •Collecting and disposing
Groundskeeping work is aof garbage and
specialized typerecycling according
of facilities to
focused onand operational
maintaining thestandards
grounds of buildings/industrial facilities
including: •Performing a combination of cutting lawns, trimming and
edging around walks, flower beds, and walls; pruning shrubs and
Facilities Custodial/Cleaning & Groundskeeping trees, spraying
Responsible forlawns, shrubs,
ensuring and trees;
cleanliness raking
of the up leaves
swimming pooland
maintaininggrass, flowers,
it in trees, and shrubs; watering lawns and shrubs;
good condition.
cleaning out drainage ditches and culverts •Removing snow from
pedestrian and vehicle areas and may perform minor maintenance
on roads, curbs, sidewalks, and storm drains •Mixing and applying
pest control material in accordance with government regulations
•May operate tractors equipped with attachments such as mower,
fertilizer spreader, and lawn roller
Hospitality & Healthcare Housekeeping/Laundry Ensures all silverware, glassware, plate ware, pots, and pans are
properly sanitized. May also be responsible for other duties including
mopping the floors and taking out the trash.

Parking & Valet Services Ensures that all day-to-day management activities are smoothly
performed. Organizes parking administration team to inspect parking

Parking & Valet Services Greets arriving and departing guests. Opens passenger door(s) and
offers assistance if appropriate. Provides claim check and instructs
guests on how to reclaim vehicle. Parks and retrieves vehicles from
specified areas.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Facilities Security & Safety General Facilities Security & Safety work focuses on deterring crime
and protecting an organization’s property, assets, and people
including: •Personal/electronic surveillance, securing premises and
personnel by patrolling property, inspecting buildings, equipment,
Facilities Security & Safety and access
Guards andpoints
facilities and grounds and administering
to protectsecurity
property and
clearances •Preventing
personnel against lossesvandalism,
fire, theft, and damage by reporting
illegal entry, andirregularities;
informing violators of policy and procedures,
hazards. Periodically tours premises; examines doors, windows, and evicting trespassers
gates to determine that they are secure; observes departing to
loss control and accident reports •Responding
personnel for safety/security
toforguard against assistance
thefts from employees •May
Facilities Security & Safety Responsible
perform firstand ensuring
if required that fire of
with alarms
laware available
and working correctly. to ascertain
Reports if
potential tampering
fire has
hazards occurred;
or fires toreports
enforcement agencies
irregularities; sounds when and
alarm; necessary
permits authorized persons to enter
property. Examines credentials of persons desiring entrance to
restricted areas. May be required to direct traffic on company
Asset Protection/Loss Prevention Responsible
premises. for loss prevention services within the supply chain's
distribution facilities and ensures distribution facilities are secure.
Identifies key business opportunities and shrinkage reduction
programs. Completes shortage research and generates incident
Asset Protection/Loss Prevention reports.
ResponsibleTrains fornewloss employees
prevention,and contract
including security incident
shrinkage, officers on loss
and crime management. Assists with investigations or directly
investigates losses, monitors safety standards, and ensures loss
prevention programs are executed to minimize losses. Responsible
Thisthe loss prevention
benchmark is to beaudit usedprogram
for incumbents and safeguards
with hybrid company assets
from shrinkage.across
responsibilities Ensures thestores are toured
Sub-family on a regular
or incumbents who basis
cannotto be
to a specificand jobimplement
in the Sub-family. or recommend corrective action.
Stays aware of high pilferage areas to reduce/control merchandise
losses. Maintains and establishes good working relationships with law
enforcementfor the management and operation of the library
network and associated services. Manage the collating, cataloguing
and distribution of technical and commercial information from a wide
variety of internal and external sources, to meet the information
needs of management,
Responsible for management and toof support
developmentoperational activities. of the
and operation
Library. Serves forasthe themanagement
primary pointofofthe libraryfor
contact and its peoplein one
or more areas the within
collections and associated
the Library, plans and distribution
implements channels
services, electronic channels).and
procedures, Thecommunications;
position may be participates
responsible for in
recruiting libraries.
and developing staff. Supervise library staff in a subset of
Collect, catalogue and distribute technical and commercial
core library functions
information from a wide to include
variety one or more
of internal andof external
the following sources areas:
meet the services,
information collection needs development,
of management serialsand&support
online databases,
technical services
operating activities&of systems,
the company. digital & media
Direct theservices, research &
indexing, Assist in planning
cataloguing, shelvingotherand
circulation or
ofphysical space,
Sorts books,
library budget publications policiesand
and classified and items according
procedures. Evaluateto resources and
papers, microfilm,
code, returns reports and documents. Requisition
purchase with
of new atoview
of constant
etc. Review
Collect, storage and
analyze Assists
library instatistics.
locating books and publications forcurrent
patrons, literature
to determine
and receive library if specific items Executes
materials. or data may be of value
all aspects to the
of library
operations; Research
circulation, andorganization
investigate the and availability
processing ofofdata
all for special
company for cataloging
requirements andmaterials.
take Inputs
the necessary datasteps
about to materials
secure suchinto
materials. Creates
electronic catalog and
towith reviews
ensure usersrecords to
can locate compile list of
books, serials, overdue
films, or
books, issues Confer
overdue staff
notices to borrowers
to ensure the andrelevance
collect of library
overdue fines.
other documents.
materials Categorizeneeds.
for all information and classify
Ensurelibrary materials,is including
books, processes
films, related to the
newspapers, oracquisition
other documents. of books, periodicals
Follows libraryand
other in
materials accordance
that havewhen with copyright
been classifying legislation.
selected fordocuments.additionAssist thetechnical
toEnsures library's
staff by
Determines and
types guidelines
of library
technical research
literatureand preparing
searches bibliographies.
and sources all
material can Maintains
retrieved and updates the library's patron and vendor
database to
within the the conveniently
using standardized
software needs
a real-time
and staff originalthe
within and copy cataloging
company. Conducts and adapts of
searches online records
basis. Assists
according to in maintaining
guidelines in alland troubleshooting
subject areas library
and languages. computers
literature, analyzes and evaluates data,
and other equipment. Processes invoices for payment and carries out extracts pertinent
This benchmark prepares to beinformation
of ismonthly payable
used abstracts and
for incumbents bibliographies
hybrid in of
committee, searched.
responsibilities taskacross
and extensive
the Sub-family or knowledge ofwho
planning. Assists
incumbents literature
in the be
matched toanda of continuous job incontacts
the maintenance
specific ofwith
the Sub-family. local, national,
software, and
hardware and
network upgrades. information centers and agencies. Maintains and
improves information retrieval capabilities. Assists in the selection of
literature for inclusion in the library's collection and may translate
foreign technical literature. Keeps abreast of developments in areas
of interest to the company and periodically consults with researchers
and other information users to ensure maximum usefulness and
Performs assigned firefighting and emergency response services with
established protocols and standard procedures. Provides fire
suppression and prevention services, medical services, hazardous
spill response and specialized rescue operations. Conducts
Provides protective of fire extinguisher
services forand the fire
companysystems (e.g., sprinklers,
executives, members fireof
the board of May operateand
directors, andvisiting
maintain emergency
dignitaries, such response
as CEO'svehicles
of other
(e.g., fire trucks,
organizations, ambulances).
major customers, political leaders, and heads of state.
Plans, coordinates and ensures personal protection throughout
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) facilities,
General Programresidence, airfields, off-site
Management Officeevents,
(PMO) and ground andfor
is accountable air
providing central Recommends
expertise, support, procurement and control and installation of
for an organization's
security equipment.including:
projects/programs Maintains•Developing
personal profiles and conducts risk
managementof bestpersonnel covered by protection.
practices/templates and providing
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) training/mentoring
General Project Management to project teams requires •Monitoring
general business dependencies
to plan,multiple
organize, inter-related
and controlprojects resources, •Gathering
procedures, and and reporting
timing for
an administrative project status and
or business financial
process information
including: to leadership
•Organizing project
•In some
teams, organizations
assigning individual mayresponsibilities,
serve as a central governing
developing body to
schedules, and adherence
determining to methodologies,
resource budgets,•Monitoring
requirements and timing •In and
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) Develops
some and
organizations manages mayof new
provideand existing
full staffing programs by
and management for the
recommending, on the status
monitoring projects
or including
adjusting cost,
appropriate timing,
plant and staffing
•Ensuring adherence major projects/programs
to internal and external quality
procedures to meet program requirements within thestandards
manufacturing (e.g.,
International Standards
facility. Coordinates program Organization) •Identifying/resolving
vendor activities including design,
tooling, and to parts
completing suppliers projectto ensureon time cost, anddelivery,
to budget and•Mayquality include
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) Provides
work overall
managing project
multiple, controls
interrelated services.
projects Provides direction
(including to
project are met according
controlsprojects)personnel. to customer
Oversees requirements
plans, scheduling and schedules.
and include
Prepares quotations •On
piece some
cost dates.projects,
and tooling. theProvides
work may technical
integrating meet
vendor targettasks into the project Maintains
plan and standardized
tracking and
project support
controls at customer wouldassembly locations.
reviewing vendorwhich deliverables include the development,
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) enhancement, and continuous
Develops the estimating program and produces improvement of the following:
estimates based work
breakdown structure,data,
collected contractual cost estimating, project costand
financial requirements control,
the scopeproject of
purchasing, project warehousing,
work and services. Analyzes specifications, including scope project accounting and reporting,
documents, management, schedule development
drawings, blueprints, bills of material, andand tracking. Develops
historical data
and mitigation
calculates measures
project to ensure
costs using project
labor and control
material deliverables
pricing are
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) Sets up budgetary
attained. Ensures control
that systems
project reports andare documentation
accurate, for aand
timely, project.
Prepares Preparescost
forecasts, the trend
estimate by the
reports and work breakdown
monitors cost and structure
and codethe of information
accounts. required
Maintains to represent
close liaison with the status and
and provides
condition to
of the to budget
project. and forecast. Coordinates information
supplied byinput estimating, planning and scheduling.
procurement, Works closely
construction, planning with
engineering toformonitor
cost project costs
projections. and produces
Reports deviations, preliminary
underruns cost
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) Responsible
curves fortoclientfor planning
information. and managing
Evaluates large comprehensive
scope changes, contract
turnarounds. project
Develops, management.
plans, and Analyzes
reports data
on to
turnaroundestablish the
metrics for
values, cost in
differences trends
initial impacts,
estimates fieldandorder
finaland projecttrade-off studies.
safety, schedule, quality and cost. Works with allcosts. areas of the plant to
develop the turnaround work scope, safety plans, and budget.
Project/Program Management (Internal Projects) Defines
Responsible the critical path, costs
for developing for the turnaround,
maintenance programsand andreports
plans for
preventive daily.
correctivethe staff on the Manages
maintenance. turnaround theteamworkand order and
ensures turnaround objectives are met.
maintenance tracking systems. Responsible for establishing survey Incorporates industry best
and into theprograms.
inspection turnaround process the
Maximizes through continuous
utilization of maintenance
resources, Leads the
responsible forcontractor
spare parts selection
strategy. effort
Ensures for planning
General Technical Project/Program Management Technical Program
execution Management
of the turnaround. EnsuresOfficetimely(PMO) closework out is of
for are
providing resolved.
central Participates
expertise, support, in the preparation
and control of the
for an
and expenditure
maintenance budget,documentation,
providing andestimates
cost turnaround for books.
the projects;
organization's technical projects/programs including: •Developing
monitors program/project
technical costs against budget. Supports turnaround
management activities; assists
best practices/templates
providing of critical path plans
training/mentoring to and budgets.
project teams Provides
General Technical Project/Program Management Technical Project
information foracross Management
weekly and monthly requires specific
reporting technical knowledge
requirements. Ongoing
to plan, organize, multiple
andoperations inter-related
control resources, technical
procedures, projects
and timing staff. for a
•Gathering and with
reporting consolidatedmanagement technical andproject
status and
technical process or project including: •Developing detailed work
plans, information
schedules, projectto leadership
estimates,•In some organizations
resource plans, and status may serve
as a central
reports, governing
conducting riskbody to review/audit
analysis and monitoring adherence the to
progress of plans
Product Development/Research Project Management Designs and implements
methodologies, budgets, businessand timing processes sometoorganizations
•In•Providing enable product
andstaffing milestones
development and budgets
portfolio prioritization, technical may
resource and
analytical fullguidance and management
to the project Designs for
team •Ensuringthe organization's
adherence process major
technical and risk management.
projects/programs related integrated
and standards
product teamand reviewand
activities of project deliverables
directs technical and•Analyzing
operational and
activities to requirements
ensure vertical by liaising
and horizontal withintegration.
a range of users Provides in the
Product Development/Research Project Management Clinical Research
organization •On Project Management
some projects, whereto (Life Sciences)
applicable, work includes:
manages the
•Planning, portfolio
directing, analyses
creating, and reports management committees
for support of
of vendor tasks andand
decision-making. Leads
tracks and reviews
teams in
study time-
lines •Gathering input from cross-functional teams and creating plans
that helpmanagement
the team produce planning, and assessments
deliverables on schedule of probability-of-
consistency Develops
of clinicalsystems
study toand support
processes dynamic across portfolio
IT Project/Program Management Leads the development
management. Serves effort
a key rolebyinconveying
portfolio the vision to
evaluation atrials
Delivery Team, and resolving
outlining and operational
prioritizing aspects
work of clinical
based onunits trials inDrives
conjunction across
with functions,
project research
teams and and
in development
accordance with standard to create
fully Liaises with
integrated stakeholders
strategies. Monitors ensuring
and their interests
reports on are included
portfolio status
in the procedures
release, and the(SOP),
team good
to clinical
ensure the practice
release (GCP) and specific
is developed by
and proactively
country regulations addresses
such as and
site resolves
and vendorissues. selection, preparing
IT Project/Program Management the deadline.for
Responsible Responsible
facilitating for
work theofbusiness
a Scrum aspects
Team of the project,
including trial budgetsthe
ensuring •Ensuring
right product studyisisbeingconducted built, within
inframework clinical
the right trial
protocols collaborative
•Monitoring progress team and using the Scrum
following up with team to
deliver as
highthe Scrum
value outcome Delivery Team's
addressing primary contact for information,
and line
work managers
prioritization, when issues
and decision-making. developcomplex •Implementing problems and such as
preparing the development)
clinical development including:strategy •Coaching the teambytothe clinical
as outlined
IT Project/Program Management understand
teams •Maythe
Responsible for Scrum
technical framework
recruitment and practices
project management, for the •Guiding the
e- team
trial intoprogram
commerce execution
applications. of theOversees
Scrum practices programming to deliver staffoutcomes
(internal and/or
contract staff), by the Scrum that
ensuring Product Owner hardware,
deadlines, •Helping ensure that goals
and programming
and scope are are
specifications clear for Responsibilities
met. the team •Identifying may include tools for Product
as well asrequirements)
business-to-consumer. management Duties •Supporting
may include team’s
budgeting to create
and hiring high staff
directing •Removing
an outsourced impediments
programming that
service. project progress •Facilitating the Scrum Events (Daily Scrum,
Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective) •Promoting
continuous communication •Monitoring and helping improve team
dynamics •Motivating and acting as the glue that holds the team
together •Managing external interference to secure team
IT Project/Program Management Technical Project Management: Web Development requires specific
Web Development knowledge and focuses on planning, organizing
and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to bring about
beneficial changes and/or added value to the organization’s website
Professional Services Delivery Management functionality
Responsible for including:
implementing •Defining the scope
a suite of web development
of innovative healthcare
solutions advising
that deliver on scope
improved changes andoperational,
clinical, quality assurance aspects of
and financial
the projectto•Providing
outcomes clients by:technical
•Establishingand analytical
a project guidance
charter and to plan
the for
project team •Coordinating
each engagement component teams,
with including
clearly stated vendorsand andagreed contractors
to create
goals and websites
objectives •Reviewing
•Executing progress,
some of the manages resources,
components aand
Professional Services Delivery Management Responsible
ensures overallfor quality
overseeing of the execution
completed website, of an information
ensuring website
solution inoffering
accordance underwith the client’s
coordination of a Solution Architect (who
project with
manages existing software
the delivery andcontractually
of the systemsas
contract Ona established
•Acting as
and conditions.
overseeing website Manages technical/service relationship between thea
outsourcingexpert (suchdevelopment
providers asand
process using techniques
the client and/or
identified towith
to collaborate
increase sales
internal/external that are consistent with the
stakeholders to ensure project/program company`s strategies and
Lead, plan,project
goals relative implementation
to online
direct sales. the construction of a project to ensure
and control
complies with the
completion in accordance project’swith schedule,
requirements qualityand standards
time and and
costs requirements.
constraints Performs
to achieve profitpost-implementation
objectives. Manage project all aspects reviews
for an assessment
project delivery from on site
team-setup to handover. Works Reportswith to the
senior management team on alltoissues
achieve customer satisfaction on &
Head ofmanagement
retention Sales
and & Marketing
build therole
is accountable
business further
forthe project
sales and marketing a regular
strategy, teams/processes, and achieving sales revenue andreview
Maintain in client liaison. Develop and product
construction planning
management profit and and monitor
loss targetsprogress
including: of •Direct
allocated and projects
ensure theyAccount
Field Sales, are on schedule
Management, and within quality and cost estimates.
and Remote/Telesales •Sales
Operations and& direct construction
Administration •Productplanning,
and programming
Brand Marketing and•Product
Head of Sales
completion is accountable for sales strategy,
schedules. sales teams/processes
Management •Advertising & Marketing
and achieving sales revenue targets across all sales channels Communications •Market
including:&•DirectAnalysis Field (Face-to-Face) Sales •Indirect Field
(Channel/Partner/Distributor) Sales •Account Management
Head of Marketing is•Sales Trainingfor
accountable •Sales Operations/Administration
management strategy, marketing teams/processes, and achieving
product management profit and loss targets including: •Product and
Brand Marketing •Product Management •Direct/Telemarketing
Sales & Marketing Generalists •Channel/Trade
General Sales & Marketing Marketing work •Digital/Internet
focuses on aMarketing combination •Advertising
of general
& Marketing
sales and marketingCommunications
work including: •Market Research &and/or
•Face-to-face Analysis remote
sales to new or existing customers •Assessing customer needs and
suggesting appropriate products, services and/or solutions •Planning,
Sales & Marketing Generalists developing,
Prospects and and delivering
qualifies leadsthefor marketing
the sale of strategy for
the organization's
products and services. and associated
Identifies leads brand(s) •Evaluating,
by following up on measuring,
those from
and managing
marketing or fromthe product/brand
outbound calling P&L of (e.g., budgeting,
or marketing expenditures,
to target
customers. Engages return-on-investment, etc.) Incumbents
target leads in conversations in this
to determine their
needs and mayifalso
assess they provide
are a customer
qualified service
lead. Liaisesandclosely
support within the
Sales & Marketing Generalists Responsible
form of for managing
information on operations of
product/price and a sales outpost
resolution to branch.
issues related
Oversees and sales
sales teams
and delivery,
the to build
provision of aservices
pipelinetooflocal potential
clients. leads.
to billing,Client
Updates shipping, Relationship with complaints,
Management etc.
(CRM)Incumbents matching
with to
this maintains
specialization relationships both new and existing Is
information for
responsible leads. operations of the branch, e.g., Human sales
on internal compensated based on achievement of
Sales & Marketing Strategy Resources, Finance, Information
Business Development Strategy &Technology.
Planning work Mayidentifies,
upsell additionalevaluates
services, parts, and
and negotiates, newequipment as needed.growth opportunities across
sales and marketing
multiple of the following areas: •Commercial/Pricing Strategy •Sales
Channel Strategy (Alliance Partnerships, Franchising, E-Commerce,
Sales & Marketing Strategy etc.) •New
Alliance Product Development
Partnerships Strategy & PlanningThe work workincludes:
is focused•Identifying
on and
developing optimaland managing revenue models, sales/distribution
relationships with partner organizations channels,
pricing, and newestablishing
that go beyond product developmenta third partystrategies
sales channel •Identifying
to enable andan
negotiating strategic
organization to achieve partnerships including (e.g.,
strategic objectives financial arrangements,
accessing new
markets, sharing,industry
defining and intellectual
standards property
for work rights •Prioritizing
emerging technologies, and
Sales & Marketing Strategy Commercial/Pricing
tracking investments Strategy & Planning
new product focuses
development on developing
initiatives In
block competitive
commercial/pricing threats,
strategies industry-leading
for a portfolio cost
of current and future
some organizations
structures through may
supply bechain
alliances, foretc.).
projectThe work includes:
products across targeted
managing/integrating newcustomer/market
business ideas new segments
and/or including:
•Researching analyzing,
market to and negotiating
understand competitive alliance partnerships
•Identifying governance
target market ofposition
the allianceby relationship,
geography, resolving
market segment,
Sales & Marketing Strategy Responsible
conflicts, for maximizing
negotiating Operations the impact of advertising
Maintenance (O&M) campaigns.
Optimizes group, etc. •Developing
customer touchpoint strategy using a largestrategy
low building
price or high quality) with alliance
to achieve partners •Implementing
position(s) and
media. Identifies
administering thetarget
alliance audience
their characteristics,
across sales,
marketing, and mediadevelopment,
product habits to decide andhow otherto best
areas of the with
Sales & Marketing Strategy them. Designs
organization a media
•Ongoing plan based
monitoring on
of the
Establishes and grows customer relationships across all digital company’s
value of the objectives.
relationship effectiveness
Typically analysis
involved ofinof
the campaign
developingtargets, andand media investments.
executing anmetrics,
risk analysis,
integrated etc.
customer strategy across all digital channels, developing
digital loyalty programs, and ensuring consistency in digital customer
Sales & Marketing Strategy contact points.
Conducts research Usesofcustomer
different data market analytics
segments (e.g.,and
and product
pricing analysis recommendation systems), andprices.
to optimize product/service develops a
pricing strategies model andto enablefor
margins effective
and new across productallline(s).digital
Tracks/measuresMay besales involved and in defining
margin and exploring
performance. Maydigital
engage platforms
promotional mobile/social
pricing analysisapplications,
andexecuting etc. ) the
determine the organization
type brand
of promotion should&
Sales & Marketing Strategy Responsible
utilize to to
grow for developing
customer and
relationships. the
Maypricing global
also be involvedare licensing
strategysales optimize
to maximize promotions.
revenue, Ensures
deliver products, andstrategies
build brand
consistent withthrough
brand online
and channels
marketing as well as sharing
strategies. best practices
equity. Develops
and insights comprehensive
to advance financial and
the organization’s digital marketing
platform. plans to
obtain new licenses with full responsibility for operations, budget and
P&L performance of the licensing business. Works closely with
licensing partners to identify and capitalize on new and existing
trends in the market. Develops, manages and maintains relationships
with licensees and third parties to create new business opportunities
and distribution channels.
Sales & Marketing Strategy Leads capture efforts to secure new or re-compete contracts, or task
order business. Develops capture strategy including business solution
for pursuit of opportunities; identifies potential customers,
competitive assessments, teaming suppliers, and prices-to-win;
Sales & Marketing Strategy participates
Markets loyalty in bid and proposal
programs as they activities.
relate toMaintains
selected market on-going
audiences. Works with marketing.
with Marketing team to proactively add new
partners, develop promotions and marketing tie-ins, and improve
program benefits. Develops new programs designed to reward
Sales & Marketing Strategy existing
marketingasplans well andas attract new customers.
sales forecasts translating Maythem heavily into
and profit plans and to direct marketing
achieve growthinitiatives.
and sales objectives.
Analyzes problem/opportunity areas of assigned projects and
structures data-gathering function. Gathers and processes data into a
Sales & Marketing Strategy form that allows
Identifies, evaluation.
investigates Evaluates
and analyzes data and
potential makes opportunities
to achieve growth and on marketing actions. Participates
financial profitability, in accordance in developing
materials objectives
company for presentationsand strategicand new approaches
plans. Plans anddirected implements toward the
expansion of all product
licensing promotions lines.
to maximize consumer exposure and vendor
Sales & Marketing Strategy profitability. Negotiates
Plans, directs and implements and ensures
programs to contracts
and policies andto
guarantees. Ensure development
ensure the company's products and of standards,
services aretrademark appropriately and design
approval processes
leveraged with national for licenses.
hospital buying groups and national managed
care accounts. Provides direction and oversight for submitting and
Sales & Marketing Strategy processing
Health Economics bids as Analytics
well as the follow-up
(Life Sciences) andworkperformance analysis of
includes: •Designing
and implementing accounts. Oversees
economic the relationships
research studies that with federal
provide and
state medical
perspective forrebate
clinical programs.
and/or pre-clinical product portfolio decisions,
marketing, product reimbursement strategies and regulatory agency
Sales & Marketing Strategy submissions
Market Access •Comparing
Strategy (Life andSciences)
evaluating workthe includes:
economic•Creating value of and
executingand therapies with
comprehensive the clinical
market accessand quality through
strategies of life outcomes
data from clinical
integration of pricingtrialsand and/or epidemiology
reimbursement, studies
health registry and
assessment,modeling,evidence-based surveysmedicineand meta analysis
review, and •Developing
health economic
modeling specific
•Designing,requirementdeveloping, for optimal
and reimbursement
Sales & Marketing Strategy Product Reimbursement
coverage and usage •Working Strategy (Lifewith
closely Sciences)
product work includes:an to
•Developing approach
and to all aspects
implementing of the payer value
reimbursement strategiesproposition
help develop
from earlyto strategies and
development marketing
through and and and pricing
beyond loss of programs,
standardizing obtain
best coverage,
practices coding
•Working with payment
clinical from
research to add
payer/providers the uniquereimbursement-related
•Providing attributes of the therapeutic advicearea to product
health economics
drugs/medical endpoints
devices to to clinical
external trials and biostatisticians
multi-stakeholders to ensure to
Sales & Marketing Strategy development
analyze and report
Builds relationships teams, marketing,
and results sales,
demonstrates regulatory,
the clinical/clinical,
health and the
business leaders value proposition
•Identifying payer will be recognized
opportunities and and maximize
issues and
market uptake and value of company
•Working products
collectively withtopayers,
payers, integrated
including HTA, health
systems, programs
medical groups, to resolve/decrease
government barriers
agencies, healthto entry for the
company's productsinfluencers
or therapiesand other decision
•Working closely makers with to ensure
Health for the
continuous groups that
changing manage formularies
reimbursement systems orremain
make decisions
fair to all
populations. staff to
Provides evaluate the
and translates economic impact
scientific of
evidence the use
to of
Sales & Marketing Strategy involved
Obtains parties
therapies/products •Developing
identifies on newpayers, strategic
product studies
including the access,withinthe
government end-customer
May create
in mind
areas asto
as customers
platform the such
technologies as
from impact
external medicalpricing,
organizationsgroups, via
training health
outside and deliver education
professions, programs
public, and to sales force,
government. physicians,
Responds to
home care and market
of research-based
agencies, case access
managers, ashospital
companies,well asgovernmental
CFO's uptake
medical agencies,
academic inquiries
institutions, toandestablish
and and/or
external further
pricing the knowledge
research •Working and
billing personnel,
understanding and pharmacists
marketed products inrelationships
and related
and hospitals.
topics. Conducts
with Health
meetings, Economics/Outcomes
etc.). preliminary Research
scientific to design
analyses pricing
for strategy
Sales & Marketing Strategy Analyzes
research and reviewswith
discussions dataexternal
for accuracy customersand compliance
to understand for alland
and acquisition
submissions projects.
regarding Analyzes and
government evaluates theprograms
full range of data
to profile on
product questions
candidates. ofmedical
mutual rebate
Characterizes Engagesprior
external and to
supports Maintains
real world analysis and documents findings for each
government underevidence
and delivery.
proposals, for
recommends alliances,
pricing joint ventures,
strategies, or for
determines investment
compliance purposes.
conflicts May and
Sales & Marketing Strategy Responsible
work for planning
the business operational
development activities
team of game
for deal products.
transactions and
Formulatesofdetailed sub-targets Analyzes
of the and reviews
projects government
in scope, according to
payment opportunities
requests identified in the search and evaluation
the overall
process. goals ofand managed
product care rebates.
operations. Organizes Examinesmarketand promotion
monitors according
activities the effectivenessto operationalof Supplemental
requirements Rebate andprograms
product content and
updates, recommendations
including formulation to improveand or enhance performance
implementation of offline under
Sales & Marketing Strategy Reviews
these site market
programs. May maps and various
facilitate legal reviewfuel pricing
and approval reportsfor for
activities, drafting
assigned divisions relevant
onagreements. publicity topics,
a daily basis. Analyzes information andimplementation of
phased and other
publicity plans.
recommends changes. Handles dealer and branded retailer
discrepancies and other pricing issues with the field locations.
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management E-Commerce Strategy & Planning work includes: •Developing an
online sales business plan by identifying the highest value online
touch points with customers (e.g., the organization’s general website
and e-commerce site, blogs, online communities, social networking
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management sites, etc.) •Designing
Responsible for designing the theonline sales organization
payment strategy andand processprocesses
for the
e-commerce e-commerce
payment features and functionality
Develops and owns the •Prioritizing
and tracking investments across e-commerce
services strategy. Reviews the existing processes to find projects
opportunities to improve customer experience, payments
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management functionalityfor
Responsible andengaging
businessnetwork economics. Researches and identifies
of merchants/vendors for a
defined category for of
companyortoservices distinguish its payments
or geographic offering.
Keeps up-to-date
Coordinates on the latest
with different technologies
functions in the field ofsuch
in the organizations online as
Sales and Marketing to drive revenue growth, ensure fulfilment,
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management Customer service,
Responsible Quality,merchants
for managing etc. May provide that sell feedback
their productsfor developing
on the
company’s e-commerce to achieve
website, organizational
making sure goals. that they Thehave role maythe best
have defined
experience andrevenue/sales
results. Works targets
closely or with
otherthe financials
merchants allocated
to ensure for
their products or services or geographic
seamless workflow and SLA (Service Level Agreement) fulfilment, regions
driving merchant loyalty and retention. Answers merchants’
emails/calls, and provides them timely and accurate operational
support. Works to improve the quality of answers and support
practices to the merchants, and investigates/escalates any issues
with company’s technical systems
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management Responsible for providing training to merchant/seller partners to
inform/instruct them on how to use the company’s e-commerce
website effectively to sell their products. Identifies the training and
development needs of sellers across their lifecycle with the company.
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management Works with other
Responsible internal
for content stakeholders
channel planning to including
develop merchant
new user training
plan, content,
and user activity,andchannel
daily Takes local merchant
management, practices into
and planning/designing
account content
channel and utilizes variousadditional
to attract media of users.
delivery (online, interactive
trainings, etc.). Evaluates training effectiveness to continually
improve their quality
E-Commerce Strategy, Planning & Management Responsible for the selection of product promotion channels, the
establishment and maintenance of cooperative relations, and the
quality of the process of delivery to do the supervision and control,
the main monitoring of the channel downloads, conversion rate;
Manages or toperforms
their product workcharacteristics,
across multipleintegration
Marketing channel sub-families
resources, design and operation
including: Product/Brand Marketing: program.•Defining targeted customer
segments and associated messaging •Developing marketing
strategies and plans. Product/Brand Management (P&L
Product Planning & Development Accountability):
General Product•AnalyzingPlanning &markets Development to identify
is focused on
stewardingproductnew products requirements,
from initial andconcept
inform marketing
through technicalstrategies
•Managing the product/brand.toP&L
research/design/manufacture Advertising
product launch&including:
•Identifying or market
coordinating the production
opportunities and distribution
and associated new product of
strategies and promotional
•Developing new materials.
product Marketing
value propositions Research and &
Product Planning & Development Creates product
Analysis: •Gathering designsandand develops/uses
analyzing marketplace concept boards
trends and to
communicatesets •Developing commercial/pricing strategies
product ideas. Establishes overall design standards (e.g., low and
price or high quality)
ensures design quality•Ensuring
is alignednew withproduct
corporate success through
branding close
collaboration with research &
Monitors the market, competitors, and, manufacturing, marketing, and
sales leadership •Interpreting regulatory requirements and driving
Product Planning & Development Resolves
approval packaging
processes relatedand printing issues;safety,
to product makeslabelling,
recommendations on
creative packaging to achieve
performance/effectiveness best cost
claims, benefit;
etc. •In somecoordinates
organizations external
vendors to resolve any
also be accountable fortechnical
post-launch andproduct
issues;and issues
packaging specifications if necessary.
Product Planning & Development Product Sample/Prototype Development focuses on developing early
product samples in accordance with the designer's ideas and
specifications including: •Identifying potential product problems
•Participating in checking product samples in order to modify the
Product Planning & Development prototype
Responsible •Making
for the recommendations
creation of technical to design
is superior
generatesand function
all specifications, participating in fittings and making
corrections as needed. Communicates design comments and
corrections to agents and vendors. Ensures quality fit, desired
Product Planning & Development appearance,
Develops newand quality standards
methodologies are achieved.
or improvement measures to enhance
quality of products (fabric, apparel, footwear and/or non-apparel)
and/or effectiveness/efficiency of production. Evaluates samples and
provides technical advice to vendors, merchandising, and quality
Product Planning & Development assurance
Responsible functions. Provides
for identifying training
critical to vendors.
customer needs and
market/technology trends for mobile/wireless product(s) (or
applications) that influence the product development direction.
Researches and analyzes market conditions to define customer
Product Planning & Development needs, and develops
Responsible competitive
for development andinsights
execution in partnership
of plans for with generalcross-
hardware, teams software to deliver
and web the right solutions
products to the market.
or wireless/mobile Defines
and long-term
applications. strategy of the
Develops product and
operational creates to
strategies product
implement roadmap.
product plans and achieve product objectives. Communicates with
Product Planning & Development cross functional
Responsible teams and
for various oversees
activities thatproduct
the construction Manages
management of feedback and usesand
the user systems it for on-goingthe value output of
development/refinement of the product.
the user's retention. Designs maintenance program and incentiveDrives continuous
mechanism forofdifferent
the product typesdevelopment
of users; enhances process. the retention rate
Product Planning & Development and
Responsible for the import of games from overseasanalyzes
activity of the user. Collects, summarizes, and marketsuser or the
introduction from of different
promisingvenues.gamingBuilds productscoretouser group markets.
overseas and organizes
online/offline activities. Creates user reports
Conducts market research of games and shares findings, reviews to help build user
business system. Oversees
potential. Partners with product team
the application to improve
of licenses andproduct
quality and key metricsofbased
preparation/planning game on user feedback
localization before orand
after findings.
Product Marketing & Management General Product Marketing & Management work includes one orare
sold in/to an overseas market. Liaises with
more of the following areas: Product/Brand Marketing •Conducting internal teams to ensure
research to define are successful
targetedand to share
customer analysesand
segments anddetermine
insights into thethe
key valuesmarket. Manages
that drive buying deal documentation
behavior •Developing and product/brand
positioning, with both domestic
associated marketing and foreignand
themes, laws and regulations.
media channels that
Product Marketing & Management Product/Brand
Requires insights Marketing work isof
and knowledge focused
gaming onindustry
identifying and target
related laws
align with
customers target
and customizing marketing messages/mediaand
customer demographics •Developing
and regulations.
implementing marketing strategies/plans and overseeing
channels/strategies to maximize product/brand appeal including:
•Conducting research and distribution
to defineoftargeted
marketing materials
customer Product/Brand
segments and
determine the key (P&L/Revenue Accountability)
values that(P&L/Revenue
drive buying behavior •Identifying market
for each
Product Marketing & Management Product/Brand
opportunities, Management
translating opportunities Accountability)
into product design, and is
focused •Developing
on brand/product
driving branding/marketing positioning,
strategies associated
that result in
marketing branding/marketing
themes, and media strategies
channels that result
that align the in
a target
product/brand products/brands
launch •Managing including: •Managing
the product/brand product/brand
P&L (e.g.,
P&L (e.g., demographics
budgeting, (e.g.,
expenditures, company website,
profitability, social
ROI media,
etc.) •Analyzing
publications, expenditures,
email, profitability,
radio/TV, face-to-face, ROI etc.)
etc.) •Partnering
•Developing with
product markets, competitor andstrategiespositioning,
marketing teams and customer
to ensure thatbuying
patterns to project marketing
demand/profitability (e.g., advertising,
for potential informational
products, key
webinars/blogs, are incorporated into
direct marketing,favorable product design,
trade shows/public branding, and
marketing features/requirements,
approaches timing for product
etc. •Partneringpromotions,
with productbusinessdevelopment customer andrelationship
marketing teams building,
ensure •Overseeing
that customer development
needs for and eachdistribution
targeted segment of marketing
incorporated •Ensuring customer
into product experience
design, branding, is in
and line with brand image
and strategy•Developing
approaches •Monitoringproduct the effectiveness of marketing
commercialization campaigns
strategies (e.g.,
Product Marketing & Management Referred to as the "service owner" in the shared service delivery
model, responsible for an IT service end to end, in terms of its
description, customer satisfaction, financial performance and value of
the service. The role is critical when the IT organization transitions to
Product Marketing & Management aResponsible
service portfolio
for theapproach. Participates in the process
product commercialization IT leadership and and
developing the management
products from discussion
sampleabout stage the shape and content
to production. Providesof
the IT service
technical advice portfolio
to ensure delivered by the shared
the transition of design service
into organization.
samples and
Defines the nature
production. Oversees andthe scope of theproducts
assigned service, from and works with other
to cost roles,
and relationship
production targets. managers
Partners and capacity
with the planners to team
Product Marketing & Management Developsdemand
forecast and maintains for eachrelationships
service. Defineswith aclients and sales teams.
cost allocation, cost
to continuously improve
Researches/evaluates the
potential technical
new applications
beer system and production
recovery and
process. Uses pricing plan
commercialization within the overall
insights context
influence of the IT
internal and
chargeback stock control,model.
or pricing and develops newwith relationships.
enacts, decisions
manages onNegotiates
price and product other value.IT product
managers about the ofmarketing
costs from strategies
infrastructure to the client
Product Marketing & Management group. Maintains/ensures
Responsible or services
for managing thatproduct
the are
entire quality.
shared among
product lifemultiple
cycle forservices.
Regularly creates
product(s) a service improvement
(e.g., hardware, software, wireless, plan in web terms of people,
products, medical
devices, andfrom technology
planning toto improve
execution a service.
in support of organizational
strategy and objectives. Researches and analyzes market conditions,
Product Marketing & Management and identifiesfor
Responsible key consumer
managing thetrends
entireand opportunities
product life cycle for for product
wireless/mobile product(s) and/or Determines product features
application(s) from planning and to
functions, in
execution and oversees
support product development
of organizational strategyliaising with cross
and objectives.
Researchesteams.and analyzes Prepares product
market documents
conditions, andand supports
identifies keysales
and marketing
consumer trends with and the necessary product
opportunities for knowledge and technical
Product Marketing & Management EffectivelyUses
expertise. market marketassigned feedback products/services.
to evaluate Monitor,
product analyze, and
evaluate Determines product andfeatures andactivity
and drivesmarket
functions, and
trends, consumer
oversees product
liaising with crossand
to identify market opportunities for products/services. Monitor
functional teams. Prepares product
evaluate product performance and customer feedback to generatedocuments and supports sales
new marketing
product with identify
ideas, the necessary product knowledge
product/service features and technical
needing to be
Product Marketing & Management EstablishesUses
expertise. policiesmarket andfeedback
procedures that communicate
evaluate price changes,
changed to meet
distribution, product customer
changes, needs.and item withproduct
other areas
to of the
the field to
and drives present/future
organization to implement product direction.
these changes. Prepare sales forecastsof
maximize profit margin. Responsible for overseeing maintenance
and budgets; monitor
the merchandise database salesand volume,
related revenue,
field systemsand cost and against
may have
forecasts. Adapt
responsibility for plans
vendor to relations.
improve the Works saleswith performance
category of the
Product Marketing & Management Responsible for theLiaise
products/services. overall with operation,
advertising declaration
specialists and to data
design collection
of develop
the game. and implement
Engages pricing
in marketfor strategies.
research and conducts feasibility
campaigns and sales collateral the products/services that are
studies andeffective
consistent, statisticaland analysis
appropriateof the market
for the data. targetCollects
audience. user
feedback and translates it into new features and functions. Involved
Product Marketing & Management in development,
Responsible for the copywriting
overall operationand promotion of licensed of the game, including
products, suchproduct as toys,introductions.
apparel or food & confectionaries. Engages in
market research and conducts feasibility studies and statistical
analysis of the market data. Monitors and evaluates product
Product Marketing & Management performance
Develops andand customeradherence
implements feedback to generate
programs newpatient
using productinsights,
Involved in development,
segmentation research and copywriting,
disease specific introduction
patient journeys and promotion with a of
broad array of products.
emerging technologies and customer channels (e.g.
web, in-office materials, pharmacy, patient service center, etc.) to
Product Marketing & Management engage in brand
Implements and strategy
processes within Developsa program comprehensive
to facilitate
patients starting plan andtostaying
evaluate onand optimize
therapy. Liaisesadherence
between patients
interventions. Manages patient satisfaction;
and the health care organization. Educates, listens, and problem listens to patients and
solves solutions. questions. Responsible for triaging calls to clinical
Channel Marketing educators/nurses.
Trade Marketing isProvides marketing tailored financial
that targets assistancewholesalers,
distributors, options to
ensure patients
and retailers with findthethe goalmost affordableopportunities
of increasing way to continue for with
to purchaseCoordinates
products mentoring including: •Offeringprogram in which
sales newly diagnosed
and are teamed
incentives to display withproducts
other patients •Providing for support
trainingand onassistance.
Channel Marketing benefits and uses •Increasing value for
Channel/Partner Marketing includes marketing activities directed at channel partners through
improved logistics
sales channels and(i.e.,
partners on-time delivery,
including: shorterjoint
•Driving product lead times,
consistent product availability,
sales opportunities to achieve desired more accuraterevenueinvoicing, and profitabilityetc.)
objectives end-userdirectly satisfaction withwith the channel
distributors, partner
resellers through
and/or sales
high quality products,
representatives to ease of
develop and returns,
execute etc.
channel marketing programs
Channel Marketing Category Management work is focused on maximizing
•Focusing on identifying
sales/profitability distribution
for a category channelsproducts
of consumer and promotional by aligning
manufacturer •Helpingpricing, in the roll outand
selection, of industry
promotions campaigns
for the by partners,
with thepartners
retailer’s torole/profit
create their own marketing
margin for the category campaigns and
•Analyzing partners’
and sharing marketing teams •Mayresearch
customer/shopper coordinate channel
retail salestrade
Channel Marketing Shopper
shows andMarketing
in-store work
events is focused on increasing retail
partners as input to joint category
by developing and implementing in-store product marketing plans and reviews (e.g., category
demand projections,
strategies/tactics consumerconsumer
to influence shoppingpurchasingtrends, purchasing decision
including: price/discount sensitivity,
and/or overseeing brand/retailer
research on loyalty,
•Researching thebehaviors,
buying role that the category
price sensitivity,playsbrand in driving loyalty,footand traffic,
Digital/Internet Marketing General
sales volume, and Marketing
profitability for the is focused
retailer on
low pricecustomer leader
demand, to various in-store displays and promotions as input
to certaintraffic
shopper items,
company price
forandothers, andhighest
product sales by
•Negotiating or designing
and implementing
selection for digital/internet marketing approaches including:
Inbound/Pull incertain
point-of-sale categories, check-outetc.) •Offering
areas, discountsdisplays,
end-of-aisle and
desirable shelftoMarketing:
locations, the•Optimizing
role for the keywords/text
category (e.g.,
to drive
Digital/Internet Marketing high search
Builds, deploys,engine
manufacturer and rankings
optimizes and placing
email pay-per-click
marketing low price
campaigns ads that
items,and display
based onbundling
search promotions
criteria entered •Distributing
•Developing in-store productuseful
or publishing samples
and adequate
coupons programs
mainly on supply
shopping during
customer in-store manufacturer
audio and andvideo
coupons entertaining
for bundling web
low content high(blogs, games, videos, product
retention. Assists
systems, training/reference
reviews, display with
areas, etc.and
email marketing cost strategies
etc.) on
toin exchange
product leads,for
packaging product
to and
increase stocking
increasedappeal and vs.placement
lifetime vs. competitors
value. Manages
competitors the email
marketing calendar andMarketing:
including •Email,
tasks and text,deadlines,
andsocial retailer
ensures tasks
are category
completed targetsby
on-time •Advertising
internal parties. in online content
Provides andmarketing
email on non-
company owned websites, social media
support to internal departments. Creates and maintains accurate sites, etc.
performance reports,Shoppingand communicates Marketing:results Converting website visitors
and actionable
to customers
insights to thethrough
team. Develops in-site promotions,
concepts incustomer line with the strategic
goals in collaboration and withwebsite
team member. Adheres to tight
deadlines and implements last-minute changes as needed.
Digital/Internet Marketing Social Media Marketing is focused on building a social media site
presence to increase product/brand awareness, drive traffic to
product/brand social media pages, and encourage potential
customers to join product/brand social networks including:
Digital/Internet Marketing •Conducting
E-Commerce/Online market research
Shoppingto identify the
Marketing social media
is focused sites and
on generating
traffic to the tactics of moste-commerce
organization’s interest to target customers •Developing
site, converting site visitors
to implementing
customers, social
andmedia drivingpromotions,
repeat salescontests, including: •Developing
and implementing digital/internet content,marketing etc. to encourage
strategiespotentialto promote
products/brands to joinand product/brand
attract potential socialcustomers
networks and share
to marketing
the content
Digital/Internet Marketing Web others
with Content Marketing
•Developing is
and focused
updating on inbound/pull
social media page content to
site (e.g.,
company search
websites engine,
bygames, social
developing media,and/or display ads,
publishing email/text
informational or
(e.g., blogs,
promotions, etc.) e-books, •Ensuring videos, product reviews,
training/reference website contentthat
the e-commerce
technical •Conducting
white papers,
is visually
webinars, research
to identify the easyweb to navigate
content and (e.g., find
e-books, responsive
games, videos, (i.e., pages
and pop-ups product/brand
load quickly), andsocial networks,
includes responding
clear/detailed to
product questions,
Digital/Internet Marketing product
Web reviews,
and collecting
Content training/reference
Curation/Managementon current and materials,
workpotential technical
is focused future white
papers, webinars, and photos of•Developing
etc.) informational
most interest and to implementing
target customers online
shopper and
marketing editing
tactics (e.g., daily or entertaining
deals, user content
registration to
attract potential andcustomers
developing tocontent,
company coordinating
websites internally
developed shipping
content promotions,
from other customer
areas reviews,
of the and/or
company, and/or locating
similar/complementary and creating productoriginal content
recommendations, coordinating
etc.)website traffic
and purchasing
internally developed content from from
content external other sources
areas •Driving
of the company based
Digital/Internet Marketing •Encouraging
by embedding repeat
Engine Marketing sales
links profiles
to content through
includes: product/packaging
in search and social sitesquality,
optimizing, and
•Organizing post-
sale target
executing customer
searchupdatesengine and (e.g.,
marketing blogs,
plans e-books,
and and high games,
campaigns videos,
product in a way that
reviews, makes sense/ismaterials,
training/reference most useful for target
customers for•Optimizing
search engine web marketing
content initiativestechnical
keywords ensuring
and text
budget, webinars,
ROI, and etc.) •Locating
other business and
goals negotiating
are metis•Managing the purchase pay-per-
external engine
content rankings
•Organizing •Ensuring content all content
in a way high
that quality,
makes up-to-
Digital/Internet Marketing click
date, (PPC)
Responsible activities
and consistent
for target •Tracking
collecting, brand
editing,and and analyzing campaign
style guidelines
maintaining, and pushing data, industry
trends, useful for
and internal
competitive customers
landscape •Performing
to proactively website
identify editorial
activitiesfor to ensure and
all external
content media
is optimization
high platforms
quality, (e.g., consumer
up-to-date, and the
subscriptions, for expansion and •Understanding
data, withetc.).brand Analyzes
and style effectiveness
guideline •May of content
optimize distribution
web as
input measuring
keywordsto designing
and text
to drive
optimizing collaborating
high the content
search engine
withpush the
strategy. marketing
platforms to exchange data observations and learning •Managing
Digital/Internet Marketing Builds andused
relationships sustainsto push
with brand
related to
include media
emerging platform, social media
digital channels.
or the company website.
Manages and develops perceptions of the brand and/or organization
in new digital platforms such as websites and social media to
effectively position the brand and/or organization in the public space.
Digital/Internet Marketing May developfor
Responsible promotional
obtaining metrics contentthat for digital
analyze launches, and monitor
the effectiveness and
returndigital media landscape
on investment of digital for marketing
opportunities. campaigns. Analyzes digital
media usage to identify opportunities to optimize digital media
investments and marketing effectiveness. Provides performance
Digital/Internet Marketing reporting
Builds brand andawareness
translates through data setsdevelopment into actionable andresults
ongoing that align
with the growth
collaboration with objectives.
prominent Identifies
influencers trendsacrossandmultiple
opportunities social and
may recommend
channels. Conducts website
research content changes
to identify, vet, that
andwill driveinfluencers
recruit current and
future business.
that are authentic to the brand. Creates and manages influencer
Direct/Telemarketing campaigns. Tracks and monitors
General Direct/Telemarketing influencer performance.
(Mail/Email/Mobile) is focused Mayon
developing relationships
and implementing with a select group of influencers
outbound/push marketingsuch that
they become a strategic
strategies/plans throughpartner in the promotionwith
direct communications of the company's
targeted lists of
services, brands,
customers including: or products.
•Analyzing Stays marketabreast of industry
research trends. target
to determine
Direct/Telemarketing customer segments and campaign
Digital Direct/Telemarketing contact lists based
(Email/Text/Mobile) on pastonbuying
is focused
and implementing interest in certain product
outbound/push marketing categories,
margin on items through
strategies/plans purchased, etc. •Developing
email/text communications and implementing
with targeted
lists campaigns
of customers by calling,
including: emailing,
•Analyzing mailing
market catalogs,
research to etc. to a
high volume
determine of targeted
target customer customers
segments to and
achieve specific
campaign response,
contact listsby
Technical Product Marketing & Education Technical Marketing
application, orbuying is focused
sales targets on marketing
•Developing complex
call scripts and products
based on past
describing detailed behavior,
product demographics,
specifications, interest
functionality, inemail
product language
categories, •Monitoring
margin on items and measuring
purchased, customer
etc.the response
rates vs. •Conducting
campaign targets market research
•Partnering to identify
with product technical and
features email/text to
most important marketing
customers, campaigns
competitor andofferings,
promotions etc.(e.g.,
new product/brand
product technical marketing
announcements, colleagues
discounts, to coordinate
coupons, etc.) direct
to apapers,
Technical Product Marketing & Education •Developing
Plans, campaign
develops, content
implements marketing materials (white
technical of targeted to technical
achieve productresponse,
specific training
application, including
or sales
standard, in-depth
targets •Developing repeatable specifications,
email messageand training videos,
blog posts,
customized/new etc.) •Partnering
product with
modules, advertising
for customers, to develop/place
employees, ads &
promotional and measuring
materials on thefor customer
company response
website rates
and vs.
•Partnering teams. Sources
with product venue,
developmentvendors, processes,
product/brand and
technologies. enthusiast
Identifies critical media learningchannelsneeds; (e.g.,
prioritizes media,
Technical Product Marketing & Education marketing
periodicals, colleagues
websites, to
•Monitoring email/text
to food,
online marketing
technical and campaign
forums for
guests budgeted
and events. resources.
Includes Reviews,
hosting validates,
and delivering and modifies
tasting the
training plan customer
regularly reactions
to achieve to product
learning design
solution and
objectives and
messages advising
to inform staff
futureon matters
enhancements relating to wine, and developing,
managing, andEffectively
deliveringand proactively
educational manages
programs the entire
focused on wine training
the lifecycle
business and which
customers. involves Envisioning
Sources feedback (Vision/Scope),
and provides Planning
to the
Technical Product Marketing & Education Serves
(Project asPlan
the and ultimate expertSpecs), on theDeveloping
organization's beer product
range and team.Functional
is accountable Promotes the portfolio
for sharing of wines
the knowledge
and brand
of what theto
increase Stabilizing
sales and (BETA/Train
market exposure. the Trainer),
Hosts and Deploying
sessions for customers
(coordination produces
of people, to both
staffing, internal and external
and other resources stakeholders.
covering wine
Develops tastings
and implements and amatching/pairing
to effectivelywith food. share Advises
product on
food and wine Develops
related matters, training including matching/pairing. and uses a variety
Technical Product Marketing & Education knowledge.
of training
Responsible Owns
for and suchdevelops
implementing, as classes, amanaging,
workshops, framework
and Computer
delivering regarding
a range of
the organization's improvements to training sessions.
customer (CBT),
on-line including
services help.provided supporting
Measures thethe
by training creation
return on
organization of content
for education
Defines andand
client’s training purposes.
educational and new Creates
training and manages
needs, objectives, events
tools,andand to
promote the
business organization's
to increase training beers and leverages festivals/industry
customer theeducational
internal network services of beer expertsbusiness
in assigned and educators.
Technical Product Marketing & Education Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) work focuses on product
segments (core business/solution business)
marketing programs and strategies that promote nutritional product
awareness customized solutions to match client’s needs
• Measures
Supporting thefield
personnel of and customer
customers educational
on product programs
May also design and
legal, and regulatory affairs issues develop training content/materials such as
user guides, web-based
• Educating and consulting instructions,
on health recorded
and food regulatory
information applicable etc. to health and wellness brands
• Providing assistance and direction on nutritional product
development guidelines
• Creating and delivering nutritional communications to customers,
healthcare professionals/organizations, and the general public
Technical Product Marketing & Education Market Education Services (Life Sciences) work includes:
• Developing, maintaining, and enhancing the company's image
with thought leaders/high profile individuals and/or groups
• Organizing company-sponsored symposia for consultant and
Technical Product Marketing & Education advisory
Medical Writing board meetings
(Life Sciences) work includes:
•• Responding Writing and to outside
editing requests for
manuscripts on samples,
clinical studies literature,and/or and
general information
scientific reports including special summaries from raw data for
•submission Developing concepts and
to regulatory aligning
agencies programs
or for in-company with market,
use, product
monographs, brand strategiescomprehensive reviews, scientific exhibits, and other
Technical Product Marketing & Education •Medical Scientific
Designing Liaison (Life Sciences)
and implementing educational workprograms
• Building requiring skill in medical
relationships communication
and demonstrating the clinical outcome and
• Compiling,
benefits of companyanalyzing, products and summarizing additional data from other
sources some as organizations,
needed may beto thought leaders,
responsible medical
for integration groups,
customer and agencies,
product key opinionwith
knowledge leaders the and
sales health
force systems
and/or with
•drugPreparing formularies, literature for new products
consumer-ready medical and
and revising
dental existing
Technical Product Marketing & Education negotiation
literature of sponsorship
Education (Life Sciences) contracts. work includes: • Providing field
•support Educating
to bothand demonstrating
customers and the
other benefits
field of
personnel key products to
•clinical Writing and
professors, maintaining
teaching-hospital files on informative
faculty, journal
residents, abstracts
and students
•according Conducting on-site
to current education
estimated future and consulting,
needs and supports
•establishment Providing medical
and maintenance oftocustomer
relations by health
with sources
•suchComposing as the sales medical
force, papers from
outside health outlines provided
professions, public,doctors
and for
Technical Product Marketing & Education healthcare
presentations professionals
Patient Education (Life Sciences) work includes: and organizations
•• Participating and developing presentations for conventions,
•forums, Providing
Exploring disease
and and therapy
identifying sites specific
for clinical education
trial in tostages
all enhance of
compliance some and meetings
and patient for
may the purpose
treatment of product
outcomes awareness
regarding company
•• Sharing product information/data analysis to clinical research
•groups drugs,
Bridging or diseases
patients on disease and refers
state, in-depth
treatment technical
guidelines, inquiries
proper to
medical Requires
personnel. education
Requires inbetween
a health-related
sales, marketing
field and
Technical Product Marketing & Education •dosing, side
May or have
Sales importance
Pharm work of
includes: workshops,
• Providing
seminars, and
and programs
advice fortograduate
relationships literature.
patients, their
dealers, pharmacists,
distributors and
sales physicians, insurance providers
personnel responding to product related questions, and others involved issuesin and
Responding thetotreatment
unsolicited plan and reimbursement
inquiries to establish and/or further the
Providing and and
sales participating
personnel in marketed
with patient
technical meetings
data and and
necessary may attend
for the
topics benchmark
shows to of is to be used
increase knowledge for incumbents
of company with hybrid and
responsibilities products
across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
of patients
liaison between and their situations
job in thesales personnel and technical staff
May make technical or scientific presentations at sales meetings and
In some organizations,
customer locations. may include patient education during clinical
Advertising & Marketing Communications is focused on increasing
product/brand awareness in the market, creating a brand image for
targeted customers, and implementing promotional programs
including: •Creating and/or coordinating the production of
Advertising and promotional
& Marketing materials
Services work basedis focusedon predetermined
on coordinating the
productionthemes and messages
of advertising (e.g., logos,
and promotional flyers, billboards,
material to support
television commercials, radio ads, digital
marketing strategies and sales objectives including: •Coordinating advertising, etc.)
•Identifying the optimal mix of advertising
(either internally or by hiring specialized companies) production and promotional channels
that align with defined customer
advertising/promotional material market
(e.g., segmentation
briefing graphic and
Branded Merchandise
personas (i.e., television, Promotions
radio, worketc.)
online, is focused
•Managing on identifying,
ordering, advertising
and agencies
distributing and other
branded media channels,
merchandise internally etc.)
•Developing and
managing promotion
campaignterms plans with retailers •Managing
and resources (e.g.,
externally in support
conferences/congresses/events of product/brand and marketing
coordinating campaigns
brand and
tactics estimates,•Partnering
preparing and with negotiating
Product/Brand advertising
Marketing and & sales
contracts, (e.g., mugs,
etc.) •Measuring bags, pens,
advertising etc.) •Measuring
and promotion advertising
and promotiontoeffectiveness
identify appropriate merchandise, islogo, quantity,
•Procuring required •In for
items some return-on-investment
internally or
work may
on be
done in aand
shared coordinating
services the logistics of industry and customer
suppliers, managing supplier cost/quality/timing
conferences, congresses, and events to increase product/brand •Coordinating
awareness of branded merchandise
•Planning events as(e.g.,
part of product packaging, in-
price retail
for displays,
event space, conference/congress
determining event events, employee
agendas, coordinating event
Works with etc.
gatherings, marketing and web development teams to coordinate
web marketing etc.)tactics.
•Setting up exhibition
Creates and maintainsspace and online displaying
promotional materials the
calendar. Coordinates (e.g., brochures,
addition product
of landing pages and banners that
target specific brands, product coupons, lines,branded
or product merchandise,
types in order etc.)to
drive increased event
search catering,
relevancy entertainment,
and create and company
interest in selected
Develops and/or implements
speakers/representation advertising
at booths, programs, sales
demonstrations strategies,
and promotions
program budgetstoand increase
measuring customer demand and
lead generation awareness
resulting from
events a company or its products/services. Utilizes a variety of
techniques and methods to bring attention to a product or service,
Responsible butfor notimplementing
limited to traditional media events advertising,
like new product
store openings,
celebrity events, mailings,and coupons,
other sales and events. Uses
promotion a series
projects. of methods
to stimulate product purchases in
logistics, setup/knockdown, and on-site problem resolution. the short-term and monitors May also
coordinate largeMay suggest loyalty
employee group meetings schemes as to well.
help retain customers.
Responsible for planning and implementation of promotional
activities for whole or specific categories in the company. Designs
strategic promotion plans based on business objectives and analytics.
Manages the promotion campaign and is accountable for its
Market timeliness
Research and relevance.
& Analysis Develops
work focuses and organizes
on gathering, joint
promotions with marketplace
and interpreting other partnertrends
and customer datato enhance
as input to
brand awareness
marketing and sales.
and product Performs strategies/plans
development analysis to help measure
for individual
promotional effectiveness.
consumers, business Possesses
customers, and/or deep understanding
retail and
channels including:
knowledge about the
•Monitoring marketInsightscategory
trends, as well as
competitors, competitor
to product
information. Research
Assists in the development work is performed
of new processes and tools
business sector/consumer
manufacturers demand and
to collect quantitative inform
and product
qualitative launch
data timing
on overall
to enhance
•Researching cross-product
competitor promotional
behavior planning
including and
consumer buying
effectiveness. behaviors and product perceptions including:
pricing, sales and
•Monitoring and analyzing
methods of operation
consumer •Monitoring
shopping trends,media coverage
and polling/interviewing customers and/or retailers to determine
behaviors, price/discount sensitivity, brand/retailer loyalty, etc.
•Monitoringof brands/products
media coverage and•Identifying purchasingconsumers
interviewing/polling behaviors,
and retailers tosensitivity,
determinebrand loyalty,ofetc.
perceptions across and
products customer
reactions to
segments and
advertising sales channels
•Measuring •Simulating
the impact the impact
of consumer of proposed
marketing plans and
marketing campaigns
tactics (e.g., coupons, and measuring
samples, results against targets
discounts/promotions, point-of-sale
and aisle displays, packaging design, shelf placement, etc.)
•Developing reports/recommendations as input to consumer
Database Market Research work is focused on capturing and mining
data to identify customers most likely to respond to various direct
marketing messages including: •Capturing or purchasing data from
sales transactions, customer service calls, loyalty programs,
Field Sales & Account Management Generalists registrations
General Fieldfor Salescoupons/contests,
& Account Management subscriptions workto is newsletters,
focused on face- etc.
to-face selling with
account programmers
management to build warehouses
activities including: •Face- and
tools forsales
to-face datato mining •Segmenting
new customers andcustomers
cross/up/repeat based on salespastto buying
•Assessing customer interestneeds in certain product categories,
and suggesting appropriate
products, onservices,
items purchased,
and/or etc. •Performing
solutions •Developing statistical
and delivering sales
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) General Field
analysis/modeling Salesto work includes
generate listsface-to-face
of customers andforremote
targeted selling to
both new and existing customers and conducting
including: product
•Selling directly to the
demonstrations campaigns •Making
•Developing recommendations
medium to long-term on strategies
plans andfor
end consumer/business
leveraging customer to purchaser
information for orother
of the
marketing, sales
preparing strategies
channels •Assessing protect,needs
customer grow, andsuggesting
and diversify relationship
with targeted customers Incumbents in this specialization may be
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) products,
Field Sales: and/or solutions
work•Developing and delivering and sales
bids, presentations, to theKey
proposals purchaser
or indirectly through
channel selling to both
partners.•Identifying new
Incumbentsand and existing
matching key customers
to this specializationincluding:
•Selling directly to the contacting prospective
and building based onend
to generate offuture
sales sales
targets. and
indirectly through various sales channels •Assessing customer needs
and Incumbents
suggesting matching
appropriate to this services,
products, specialization and/or aresolutions
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) Travels
compensatedthrough assigned
based area
on achievement to call on accounts.
sales targets.Checks
•Developing and delivering sales
stock/inventory and obtains new product orders. Notesbids, and proposals
quantity of
and conducting
items for delivery product
to eachdemonstrations
account to ensure •Identifying
proper product and contacting
prospective customers and
inventory is maintained. building
Reviews relationships
exposition of itemsto generate
on shelves. future
Builds and repeat
rapport business
with store Incumbents matching
management to maintain to this specialization
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) Sellscompensated
are technical products, based on services, installations,
achievement of sales and configurations to
assigned customer for specific technical product and/or application
of product. Provides technical interface between customer and
company engineering, manufacturing and program management
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) representatives.
Responsible for selling Researches
basic and customer technicalproducts
end chemical specifications and but
not limited to with current
polymers, or potential technical
intermediates, inorganics, specifications
specialty of
industrialPrepares and conducts
gas, agrichemicals, technical
flavors sales briefings
& fragrances, coatings
for customer and company representatives.
& adhesives. Delivers sales bids/proposals/presentations Develops potential
conducts specifications,
product pricing considerations
demonstrations. Assesses and contract
clients’ business
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) Responsible
requirements. forPrepares
selling the
sales organization's products
forecasts. Investigates directly to needs
and offers
governmental appropriate
entities recommendations.
or subcontractors. Acts as annew
or improvements
between customers to and
products with customers.
organization's departments.process Facilitates
procedures for a request for proposal (RFP)/bidding to
cross-functional cooperation
ensure compliance with governmental policies. to translate the overall scientific vision
into the final products. Applies advanced skills to provide technical
Field Sales (Ultimate Purchaser or Channel Partner) Responsible for selling escalating
support to customers, IntellectualasProperty required.(IP) products.
Develops andIdentifies
potential clients and of
deep understanding creates/manages
the market structure, client relationships.
competition, existing Number of
and potential clients mayin
clients bealimited and the to
given segment sales timeframe
create commercial may be
lengthy depending
opportunities. Manageson the and IP to be sold.
reviews files,Negotiates
includingthe contract for
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) the company
Direct to obtain
Sales involves safety the most
selling directlyprofitable
andtolegalthe enddealconsumer/business
by estimating
documents coveringhow
purchaserthe client
comprehensive through may
chemicalbe willing
primarily to (i.e.,
field pay (such
and estimating
as substance
face-to-face) potential future
interactions with
customers from
identification, the Intellectual
including: •New Property.
sales to new Explains
customers to clients
as welland the
as range
of values that
cross/up/repeat may
release be assessed.
sales to existing Understands
customers legal and
and reactivity
•Assessing intellectual
or physical
customer and
needs andlaw principles.
suggesting Coordinates
the products). delivery and
products, transition
seminars, panels
and/or details,
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) Direct
and Sales:within
ensures KeyIPClients
all related involves selling directly totokey end
solutions •Developing
consumers/business andstandards
the field
of relevant
delivering and
through sales processes
industries are
bids, proposals,
develop and
professional expertise
presentations and and stayproduct
conducting up-to-date with thefield
demonstrations latest (i.e., face-to-
trends and
face) interactions
emerging technologies. with customers including: •New sales to new
customers as well as cross/up/repeat sales to existing customers
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) •Assessing
Responsiblecustomerfor offering needssales and suggesting
financing appropriate
to customers and products,
by providing and/or solutions
a range •Developing
of financing options and to delivering
maximize sales sales bids,
proposals, and presentations and conducting
opportunities. Primarily engages in lending money, either directly or product demonstrations
through arrangement with dealers, for the purpose of providing
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) collateralized
Responsible for goods through
promoting thea contractual
sale of wineinstalmentproducts while sales
maintaining Evaluates customers/prospects
the presentation and cleanlinessrecords of the wine and recommends
sales area.
extended service plans
Ensures operating procedures are followed, facilitates wine tastings,
and sells wines. Supports the preparation of samples and
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) promotions.
Provides a high Ensures
level ofproducts
supportare to adequately
customers in stocked and presented.
the selection and
purchase of merchandise. Consults with customers and interests
them to purchase products. Completes sales transactions and tracks
stock levels. Builds customer relationships to drive sales, potentially
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) maintaining
Responsible after-sales
for sales and relationships
merchandise with clients. May
presentation ofmaintain
skincare, makeup, and/or and/orrestockfragrance
merchandise. May assist
products. Rotates from
customers with delivery and installation
counter to counter or promotional booth. Proactively approaches services.
customers to promote/demo products, provide product information,
Direct Sales (Ultimate Purchaser) includingstyling
Provides latest trends,
advice and and personalized
promotion specifics. Establishes for
recommendations clientele
and maintains
existing online after-sales
customers. clients relationships.
Creates multipleMay provide skincare
personalized looks
based on the to or apply makeup
customer's profile. toBuilds
customers. lastingMay andtrack stock levels.
relationships to ensure repeat business and to develop customer
Channel/Partner Sales base. Keeps
General customer informed
Channel/Partner Sales work of current
is focused products, trends, andselling
on face-to-face
of a varietyAssists with inquiries,
of products, services processes exchanges/replacements,
and/or solutions to the end
and searches
customer for highly desirable,
via intermediaries such as butdistributors
hard-to-find and items. May place
re-sellers (i.e.,
channels) orders.
including: •Face-to-face selling to new channel
partners/distributors and cross/up/repeat sales to existing channel
partners/distributors •Maintaining and expanding existing
relationships with organizations distributing products, services
and/or solutions •Developing and delivering product demonstrations,
sales bids and presentations to channel partners/distributors and
may also train channel partner/distributor sales personnel in product
use and sales techniques •Managing the relationship with the
Channel/Partner Sales Responsible for supporting and driving sales through partners and
resellers. Works with personnel in business development to Identify
new partnership opportunities, in addition to growing existing
business. Manages partnerships with reseller/OEM/VAR sales
Pre-Sales Product Consulting personnel
Responsible tofor
ensure company
providing product
pre-sales is properly
technical represented and
support/expertise to
assist the sales team in their sales effort. Possesses specialized
product knowledge in a single product or product line. Delivers in
depth presentations and product demonstrations to clients and sales
Pre-Sales Product Consulting representatives.
Responsible for the May possess
design andsome capabilityoffor
development the installation
component of product/service
technology solutions. Works closely solutions
withand the develop
sales team prototypes
to identify to
external theneeds
clients’ feasibility of product
and business solutions. May
requirements. have a such
specifications roleintoin customer support to address
possible technological clients’
solutions. issuesproject
Outlines in the
usage of organizational
objectives, products/services
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible for selling software tools and applications to achievecost
technical requirements, schedules, deliverables, and
revenue/sales Works in conjunctions
targets. Involved inwith the client
the direct salesand the by
development team
understanding to arrive requirements
the software at the recommended of clients, solution
managing and new
and existing direct support
accounts ofinregional,
meetings and presentations.
national, Presents
or strategic significance
and managing solution
post sales tosupport
client for forvalidation and improvements.
client accounts. Types of
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible
Keeps abreast forof selling hardware
technological equipment
developments toandachieve revenue/sales
applications to
targets. sold
Involved may in vary
the in scale
direct ranging
sales processfrom byenterprise
managing level
new and
programs enhanced
such as of solutions
CRM, ERP, etc. to consumer levelsignificance.
custom software
existing accounts regional, national, or strategic
Serves as aServeskey point as a ofkeycontact
point of contactthe
between between
client and the client
the and the
organization. Informs
Informs clients
clients of
of new
new software
hardware tools and applications
offerings and
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible
offerings, andfor selling integrated
recommends solutions (that bring together thatboth
hardware and hardware
software thatsoftware
suit clients’
products) to
tools and
needs. Coordinates
the businessof
preparation needs.
bids Coordinatesand
documents theproposals.
preparation May bidstargets.
of conduct
documents in the
anddirect sales May
proposals. process by managing
conduct product -new and existing
accounts demonstrations.
of regional, Examples
national, of Hardware
strategic electronic
significance. Serves as a
equipment, of Software Tools and - operating systems,
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet key point of machinery,
Responsible contact
for sellingetc.
etc. the client and the organization.
IT services, solutions, and maintenanceInforms
servicesoftonew integrated
clients. Involved solutions offerings
in the direct salesand recommends
process by managing
new and existingsolutions that suit
accounts clients’ business
of regional, national, needs. Coordinates the
or strategic
significance. of bids documents
Responsible and proposals.
for relationship Maymanaging
building, conduct product
accounts, and Examples
building of Integrated
proposals with the Solutions
help of - networking
technical staff.and
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible
systems for selling
integration, the business’s
hardware and online tools
software system and services
support, to
Serves as a key point of contact between
merchants/companies for better marketing outreach and the client and the
effectiveness.InformsThis includes clientsadvertising
of new IT-services
space onand thesolutions
business’s e-
commerce and/or affiliated web pages; web analyticsbusiness
and recommends services that suit clients’ needs.
(e.g., traffic the preparation
statistical reports, ofkeyword
bids documents
search and proposals.
suggestions), May
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible
conduct for Business
product to Business
demonstrations. (B2B) sales
Examples of of Onlineservices
IT-related to Offline- IT
(O2O) marketing the marketing needs
platforms, services, of
as well asetc.clients and presents
complementary services. the benefits
and featuresdataofmanagement
product offerings. Ensures products reaches out to
Develops and delivers sales bids, presentations, and proposals and
conducts targeted
demonstrations.through Identifies
effective matching
and contacts systems and
tools. Manages
prospective the sales
customers andpipeline
builds and develops to
relationships long-term
generate and
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible
strategic for matching
relationships withthe structure of products and services
available on an online purchasing platform with customer between
and repeat business. Serves as a key point of contact
the client and the
requirements. organization.
Connects upstream Informs
(service clients of newsuch
providers offerings and
as house
landlords, maidssolutions
or cooks) thatwithleverage the potential
downstream of products
(consumers). and
relationshipthey provide.upstream and downstream, to ensure the
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible between
for selling online education programs, courses and
transaction betweenand
trainings. Develops both partiessales
delivers is successfully closed. Collects
bids, presentations, and and
proposals and conductsrelated
information product todemonstrations.
customers and product/service
Identifies and
providers.prospective customers and builds relationships to generate
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet future sales and
Responsible repeatthe
for selling business. Providespayment
organization's necessary guidance
services and
to achieve
advice related targets.
revenue/sales to offering and adjusts
Involved in thecourse specification
sales process according
by managing new
andcustomer needs . Determines
existing accounts of regional,need for new
national productssignificance.
or strategic or
Understands to existingproduct,
merchant's products. Evaluates
process and market
technical and industry
trends, competitors,
requirements of paymentsales processing
programs and territory
across all of coverage.
their channels and
Industry-Specific Sales: High Tech & Internet Responsible for selling multi-tenant end user applications delivered
the abilitythrough
remotely to match these software-as-a-service
a cloud with existing solutions(SAAS) offered by the
DemonstratesActs ability as atokeyadvisepointclients
of contact betweensolutions
and propose the client and
the organization.
address their business Informs needs.clients of the newthe
Understands product/service
marketing needs offerings
and recommends
clients and presents products/services
the benefits and that suit clients.
features of product offerings.
Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) work includes: •Promoting and
selling theproducts reach out
organization's to the targeted
products audience
across multiple salesthrough
including matching
selling directlyof systems and tools. Manages
to end-consumer the sales selling
or organizations; pipeline to
and develops
resellers, long-term
distributers, orandretail strategic
and promoting with clients.
Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences medical representatives
Direct Sales: Animal Health to physicians,
(Life Sciences) includes: •Selling the
organization's products directly to end-user veterinary organizations
and farmers

Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) work includes: •Selling the
organization's products directly to hospitals

Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) work includes: •Selling
the organization's Animal Health products to reseller partners
Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) work includes: •Selling
organization products to pharmacies and other retail outlets
•Responsible for meeting sales objectives

Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) work includes: •Selling the
organization's products to distributers •Selecting partners, signing
contracts, and ensuring sufficient supply in the area of responsibility
Collecting the payment and supervising distributor timely payment
Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences •Monitoring and coordinating
Medical Representation: Animalgoods flow
Health from
(Life distributor
Sciences) worktoincludes:
and to otherthe
•Promoting distributors
organization's products to veterinary professionals in
order to achieve pre-established targets and meet sales objectives

Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) work includes: •Promoting the organization's products to
prescribing General Practitioners or Physicians in order to achieve
pre-established targets and meet sales objectives
Industry-Specific Sales: Life Sciences Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) work includes: •Promoting the organization's products to
prescribing specialists at hospitals and clinics in order to achieve pre-
established targets and meet sales objectives
Industry-Specific Sales: Media Responsible for selling advertising space on the business’s e-
commerce and/or affiliated web pages to merchants/companies.
Involved in the direct sales process by contacting potential clients
and serves as a key point of contact between the client and the
Industry-Specific Sales: Energy, Mining & Construction organization.
Responsible for Understands the marketing
technical selling of products needsandof clients to
services and
new or
presents the benefits
existing customers andfield,
in the featuresor atofthe product
client offerings.
site. Usually Recommends
calls at rig-
appropriate sizes
site or other client site. and customized formats for advertising to meet
client’s needs that will help promote their products or services in the
most effective way. Prepares promotional plans, sales literature,
Industry-Specific Sales: Energy, Mining & Construction Responsible
media kits, and for sales
purchasing and Ensures
contracts. selling energyproducts products
reach (i.e.,
out toliquids,
targetedetc.) audience
and services directly
through to/from
effective end users
matching and intermediaries
systems and tools.
Manages negotiated
the salesrates and and
pipeline terms. Identifies
develops prospects,
long-term prepares
relationships negotiates
with clientsand administers intermediate and long-term
Remote/Telesales energy
Telesales sales contracts, etc. Responsibilities
(Inbound/Outbound) work is typically include transaction
performed in a call
center environment and negotiation,
and focuses risk management,
on: •Nominal inbound and distribution
and/or interconnection and transmission
service (logging requests, activating accounts, setting up service of energy through other
organizations' transmission and distribution
appointment times, etc., transfers issues for resolution to customer systems. Manages
service business
reps) relationships
•Primary focus with customers,
is selling Inbound including
work identifying
Remote/Telesales Telesales
strategies (Inbound
to meet Only)
customer work is typically
requirements. performed
Solicits aand in evaluates
a call center
environment to customer initiated calls to activate service, request
aenergy marketand
focuses on:
change, and •Nominal
scheduleprepares inbound customer service
sales recommendations.
an setting
installation or repair, or
May requests,
alsoa be activating
responsible for accounts,
community up service appointment
times, etc.,product/service
transfers issues orfor
billing issueand
to customer targeted relations, and
service reps)
fulfilling budgets
products/services and
as contractual
part of the requirements.
customer initiated Prices commodities
Remote/Telesales •Primary
and developsfocus
Telesales (Outbound is
new selling
energy Inbound
risk work
work is focused includes: •Responding
100% on customersfor third to
selling, typically
customer work includes:
initiated calls activate acalls
to environment, to potential
service, request a from
list of in a call
provided center
leads. Leads on the list including:
are: Initiating
•Existing calls to
potential customers change,from schedule an
a list ofcustomers installation
provided •Potential or
leads. Leads repair, or resolve
on customers
the list
targeted for
a product/service cross/up sell •Prior
or billing issue •Selling targeted new
are: •Existing customers targeted for cross/up sell products/services
•Prior customers
as part of the customer
•Potential initiated interaction
Remote Account Management Responsiblenew for customers
selling products/services primarily through phone
and emails to achieve predetermined sales quota. Focuses on
developing long term customer relationships. Sales are typically
achieved through assigned accounts and qualified leads. Assesses
This benchmark needsis and
to bepresents
used forthe features and
incumbents withbenefits
hybrid of
responsibilities across offerings theto existing/new
Sub-family customers.who
or incumbents Alsocannot
engages bein
to a specific price
in the Sub-family. and volume discounts for
customer retention and continued business
General Account Management Account Management/Key Accounts work focuses on medium to
long-term planning and face-to-face selling of a variety of products,
services and/or solutions across multiple lines of business for a
defined group of existing clients including: •Developing medium to
General Account Management long-range
E-Commerce sales plans Management
Account and preparingisstrategies
responsible to protect,
for driving grow,
diversify the relationship
and enhancing with a of
online presence defined group of existing customers
the organization’s
•Identifying and managing
products/services with etailersinteractions with assigned
and third-party group of
existing customers
partners including: to identify cross/up
•Developing and repeat sales
and implementing opportunities
marketing and
activities and
continued receive
sales high quality
General Account Management Responsible
customer for
service contract renewals
•Developing up-selling
client retention of company
and growth plans and
products which
toforcurrent of the organization’s
customers. Maintains products/services
a close should
be sold and developing
ensuring profitable
promotion of business
the with relationship
the sales team
•Reviewing andinreporting
order to pass along lead
on customer generations that may
occur. •Analyzing
Understands salescan
and information
explain toretention,
companydetermine business
products opportunities
and their mayfor
growth, and
including market
the trends Incumbents
identification of new in this
e-commerce specialization
Relationship Management benefits
be sellingtodirectly
Responsible customers.
for to negotiating
the ultimate
managing purchaserwith
the relationship or indirectly through
•Overseeing and/or agreements with
partners partners.
transfer agent
•Reviewing Incumbents
andregistrar. matching
analyzing to this and
e-commerce specialization
supports the
partners’ are
stock transfer based
agents on
in achievement
all shareholder of sales targets.
platforms/websites to develop recommendations for improvement and initiatives such
as dividend/interest
•Staying up-to-date on payments,
e-commerce investor mailings, share
opportunities account
and online
shopping trends selling/transferring shares, etc.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Sales Training work is focused on training programs/courses specific

to the Sales Function including: •Developing and delivering internal
training courses/programs targeting new hire orientation, product
training, sales process and consultative selling, sales effectiveness,
Assists in evaluating skills, phone selling skills,product
sales techniques, etc. •Applying
and system foundational
knowledge,of andthetelephone
Sales Function to designIdentifies
performance. curriculum/content
training needs (tests,
visual aids,
ensure etc.), select appropriate
the effectiveness of phone-based delivery salesmechanisms
personnel. (i.e., Performs
one-on-onewebcast, coachinge-learning,
with team etc.) members and conduct
on a regular training basis.
Motivates andtomonitoring
staff ensure sales metrics
goals for evaluating
are met and training
that work
General Sales Managers
effectiveness Operations/Administration
may also be work is focused
accountable for onproduced
broader sales
analysis quality
and standards.
reporting and Monitors •Selecting,
includes: calls and provides managing, feedback.
May assist talent
with development
theon modification as part of
ofsystems, Sales functional
training programs.
training sales
excellence/performancestaff sales related
improvement databases,
initiatives. and and/or
May select
oversee vendors processes •Ordertraining
to develop processing contentand customer
or conductsupport training.
including advising customers
Sales Effectiveness & Analyticsofwork product shortages,
is focused expected delivery
on developing,
dates, price changes,
implementing, etc. •Organizing
and monitoring compliance saleswithseminarssales and workshops
processes and
for customers
tools to improve •Managing
sales force inventory
effectiveness of sales literature and brochures
•Selecting, managing competitor andresearch
training and on salesmaintaining a library and
related systems of
databases information
(e.g., CRM: •Preparing
customer reports related
relationship management to customersystems,
Order Processing
inquiries, sales trends, work customer
is focusedcomplaints,
on responding to inbound customer
calls electronic
(business-to-businessterritory management
or business-to-consumer)systems, etc.)
•Analyzing reasons
sales for product
process reports returns,
(e.g., etc. activities,related
sales opportunity
processing sales orders and resolving routine order/delivery issues
•Using atime to close, characteristics
computerized system to gather of wins vs. losses,and
information etc.)
to identify
confirm salesareas for salesbyprocess
prompted incoming improvement
calls •Responds to routine
•Assisting for teams
sales providing withorder salesmanagement
reporting and services
individual to clients.
Activities (such
include as helping
address changes,
clients with delivery delays,
order quoting, etc.)
order byprocessing,
customers to territory
published planning
materials, secondary sources, or more senior
order fulfilment,
•Developing order
territorial review,
sales quotas order entry, order
in accordance but dispatch
withdoes & support,
the profit
order members •May promote products/services,
payment, etc. Ensures timely release of orders and a fulfilment not have
aofsales quota •Maystandards include operator services positions
•May prepare & control and
commission policies
Responsible for administrating, consulting and/or negotiating to
incentive achieve
budgets customer
product/service Monitors
contracts and withresolves ordercustomers.
external issues andDevelops processing pre-
sales contract strategies and works closely with marketing, sales,
business management, and technical/engineering teams to structure
Responsible for development documents. Negotiates
and execution of acontracts
wide range thatof are
presentation with business
projects forobjectives
potential or and engages
existing in contract
clients. Writes key
messages (e.g., and renegotiation
value proposition, todifferentiators)
accommodate scope
and generates
Ensures fulfilment of contractual obligations
ideas on how to convey the message. Performs research on target from contracting parties.
and require
analyzes theclient
incumbent needs to
to have
ensure legal
the qualification
proposal messaging is
Responsible for developing and executing strategies that enable sales
on target with the
representatives to firm's
optimize priorities.
every buyer Participates
interaction in theinprovision of
order to build
relationships and biographies, and specialized
pipeline, progress contentand
opportunities, as needed.
close deals.
Utilizes knowledge original content and writes
and proficiencies in buyer proposal
behaviors, sections.
market process, enablement content,
Responsible for the implementation and day-to-day support tools and methods, andof
channel program measurement.
operations.Assesses Participates information,
in the design, timing, and
context of messaging
and compliance to help
of channel sales representatives
program operations, tools, engageand clients
for sales differentiated
teams and external experiences to identify, advance
partners/distributors. and close
with opportunities.
the sales team Assists
to gather salesand representatives
document to achieve
technical, targets
and objectivesplans byand schedules
equipping proposals.
sellers with Compiles
insights, cost,product
knowledge, schedule, and
contract requirements
and technicalcoaching elements regarding
in facilitating.the implementation
the development of proposals in and ongoing
maintenance of products and and/or services.
accordance with request for proposal (RFP) specifications.
Coordinates the collection and accumulation of cost, scheduling, and
Responsible for elements
updatesfrom to the functional
sales force departments.
reporting system Researches and
and Sales
& Marketing historical
analysis data, develops
reports. cost data
Ensures models to support
integrity proposal
and generates
study fromactivities
availableand sales participates
database. in fact-findingfor data
meetings. Participates
processing in should-cost
for Sales & Marketing and pricing
department reviews
(e.g., with SAP,
sales objectives, andKPIs).
customer Analyzes representatives.
product Participates
availability and as a
member of thefor contract
some or negotiating
all of the following:team. the overall coordination
returns, compensations and debtors, ensuring
and implementation of bid contracts to institutions including national their constant
hospital buyingParticipates
groupsinand administering
national managed and executing marketing
care accounts,
programs. administration
managing Provides both technical support toand
fees, memberships fieldcharge
sales personnel
and assistance
Directs the in interpreting
processing, submission, customer needs.and performance
Provides sample accountability to reduce company liability, exposure
and risk.of bid quotations.
Oversees inventory Coordinates
allocation,with product administration
distribution, management
and action
reporting plans of and
samples and activities
relatedof thelevel
field managed care field
staff. Analyzes
Implements theand communicates
standard operatingcompetitive
proceduresinformationin support of and the
market conditions.
prescription drugthe Develops,act.
marketing analyzes, and processes pricing
Franchise Development & Support Responsible for ongoing growth, development,
strategies, contract language defining performance parameters, and and
administrative procedures success forof the franchise
rebate programs program.
to targeted Manages
markets the
and manages and and franchisee
monitors organizations'
contract liferelationship with
cycle. Also interfaces with
managed care Ensures field stafffranchise
on process programs
issues, and processes
contract are aligned
structure and
Franchise Development & Support with
data company
Responsible forstandards
the franchise and long-term
development goals. Responsible
process for state
by assisting
and nationalinfranchise
franchisees registration,
the identification, and regulatory
acquisition, compliance.of
and development
Develops consistency
franchise sites. Develops in thelocal administration
recruiting sources and policy
through formation
with minority agreements.
and otherManages, community directs, and provides
organizations, localfiscal controlof
for the company's franchisee efforts.
commerce, business organizations, trade shows, military installations,
and local newspapers. Works with qualified franchisees seeking
development opportunities; partners with Company Development
department to identify markets and target areas designated for
franchise expansion. Assists franchisees during site selection,
manages process for all franchise development, sales transfer and
settlement agreement process, makes recommendations, and
Franchise Development & Support Monitors and supports franchisees, and oversees franchise processes
and documentation. Provides detailed information to potential
franchisees regarding the company's franchising procedures, policies,
and programs. Processes applications, coordinates necessary
Head of Customerand serves as first
Service is point of contact
accountable for for
work franchisees.
associated with
one or more of the following: •General Customer Service •Customer
Relationship Management, Issue Resolution & Account Activation
•Contact Center Operations & Training
Head of Contact/Call Center Operations is accountable for centralized
contact/call center operations in a shared services and outsourcing
environment including: •Contact/Call Center Traffic & Scheduling
•Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations •Contact/Call Center
Accountable Service
for one & Sales
or more Representatives
of the following contact center areas: •
Customer Service - Phone Support (Technical) • Customer Service -
Phone Support (Non-Technical) • Email/Chat Support •
Sales/Telesales • Inbound - Order Entry and Management •
General Customer Service Collections
General Customer • Scriptwriting
Service includes post-sale technical and/or non-
technical customer service and support across multiple sub-families
for business and/or end-consumer customers including: Remote
Customer Service: Providing customer service and support via phone,
General Customer Service online
Manages chat, or textcenter
contact including:
agents •Call center-based
within the outsourced customer support
contact centerin
operations. to Responsible
a high volume forofnegotiating
low complexity pricing inquiries
and overall•Customer
cost while
identifyingand resolution
outsourcing (typically performed
opportunities. Overseesin an office
deployment and implementation of programs and newcomplexity
in response to a lower volume of higher initiatives.
Analyzes Distribution
or audits Centerinvoices
monthly Customer andService:
forecasts Performed in a
General Customer Service Responsible
distribution for handling
center, product incoming consumer
returns/repair calls future
center, to
or schedule
dispatch service May communicate foreseen staffing plans vendor
while servicetechnicians
continuously facility
to problem
including: vendor•Acting areas.
costs. asMay Responsible
liaison between
customers, of field, distribution
production and or other traffic
distribution to meet specific
departments relatedservice
and delivery business reviews.
commitments. Reviews
Maintains and documentation
identifies opportunities
of crew to
improve customer
or reduce orders
costs. •Providing technical and non-technical
General Customer Service activities.
Handles customer support in a walk-in service
transactions, receives center
funds Incumbents
from customers, matching andto
this specialization
records monetary are not compensated
transactions incidentalbased to theonconduct
of the of
sales targets.
business. Counts money to verify amounts and issues receipts for
funds received using a cash register.
General Customer Service Oversees and manages all customer/visitor service aspects of the
winery including but not limited to the wine retail sales area(s),
restaurant, grounds, etc. Oversees the tourist and education
elements of the winery as well as functions and business
General Customer Service development.
Medical AffairsEnsures operations
Call Screening (Lifeare focusedwork
Sciences) on creating
includes:a positive
• Handling experience.
triage calls Implements
to medical and affairsmanages programs focused on
• Responding visitationaccurately,
and brandpromptly,
awareness. Maintains
and effectively andtomeets
a varietybudget
set for the wine
individuals, retail sales
healthcare area(s).
providers or Ensures
institutions site is maintained to high
ProactivelyManages all financial,
questioning callers strategic,
to identify legal,
andand environmental
General Business Order Administration & Customer aspects ofOrder
the wineAdministration
retail sales & Customer
area(s). Service work information
focuses on
Service to answer complex inquiries regarding
optimizing and monitoring processes related to customer product issues, and/or
complaints, and/or adverse events
processing, shipping, and returns including: •Processing complex
• Handling
orders triage callsand
from customers andresolving
forwarding to appropriate
order/delivery party
issues for
and assistance
ensuring that systems are updated with the latest information on
General Business Order Administration & Customer Business Customer Factory Returns work focuses on processing
Service product
product shortages,
returns expected
including: deliveryand
•Opening dates, price changes,
examining customer etc.returns
•Acting requires
as liaison a Pharm D.
between customers,or R.N. production and distribution
•Preparing documentation and entering data for processing credits
to •Analyzing
customer accounts and summarizing
•Determining if productreports relatedintocurrent
is useable
state or caninquiries, sales trends,
be refurbished customer
•Preparing reportscomplaints,
onon unsalvageable
General Business Order Administration & Customer Business Customer
delivery/service Factory reasons
problems, Repairs work focuses
for product returns,optimizing
etc. and
Service goods and monitoring status of product
monitoring processes related to product repairs and returns fromrefurbishing
external customers and internal supply chain areas including:
•Product check-in, disassembly, diagnosis, repair, reassembly, and
General Business Order Administration & Customer test calibration
Responsible for •Setting
providinguppre and managing
and/or post repair and testincluding:
sales services facilities
Service and
•Acting equipment
as a liaison•Managing
betweenspare parts supply chain inventory
customers/distributors and sales reps to
resolve issues andandtraining repair
facilitate sales center skilled fast
•Providing trades team members
turn-around time for
price quotations, administrative solutions, sales orders, delivery
Contact Center/Online Customer Service status,
Centerand repairsService:
Customer •Generating price quotations
Non-Technical provides•Sales Order
non-technical customer service to business or end-consumer
customers via phone, online chat, or text including: •Responding to a
high volume of low complexity general inquiries (e.g., general
Contact Center/Online Customer Service product Center
Contact and pricing information,
Customer Service:billing issues,
Technical warranties,
provides etc.)
technical customerresponses to customer
service to business inquiries based on pre-determined
or end-consumer customers
via phone, and online
other response
chat, or text guidance
including:tools •Recommending
• Responding products or services
to a high volume(e.g., of low warranties)
complexityastechnical part of customer
issue resolution
(e.g., equipment This position
or software is not compensated based
installation/activation/troubleshooting, on
Contact Center/Online Customer Service Facilitates
achievement resolution
of sales of complex issues
targets.specifications requiring
Work Environment: research
Typically and follow-
up with technical
customer. product
Complaint resolutions will & information
be conducted onlocated
by either
call center environment
with other products, etc.)
verbal or written contact with customers using a high degree of
Providing responses
Utilizes othertocontact
customer centerinquiries
complaint basedhandling
on pre- units to
determined scripts and other response guidance
assist in complaint resolution. Must have excellent written and verbal tools
Recommending alternative products or services (e.g., warranties)
as part of customer issue resolution

This position is not compensated based on achievement of sales

Contact Center/Online Customer Service Provides service primarily via real-time web-based applications (for
example, live chat, message boards, social networking sites).
Incumbent is primarily on queue responding to live chat, but may
also respond to customer phone calls and email. May answer
Contact Center/Online Customer Service predominately
Composes electronic routinecorrespondence
inquiries, resolve or problems, promoteto
letters in response and sell
requests for merchandise, and/or enter damage or confirm sales. and
claims, credit Requires
PC/Internet skills.
information, Must have
delinquent accounts, outstanding
incorrect written
or unsatisfactory
skills. Requires
services. Dutieslimited
may include knowledge of the
gathering organization,
data to formulate products,
reply and
preparing services. May assessResearches
correspondence. needs and suggest/promote alternative
Contact Center/Online Customer Service Facilitatesorresolution
products services. of escalated or sensitive customerand
problem areas complaints.
documents processes used to correct issues.
Complaint resolutions will be conducted by either verbal or written Recognizes and reports
contact with problem
customers areas. usingMust havedegree
a high outstanding written Utilizes
of discretion.
other contact center skills.complaint
This is a non-phone
handling units based to position.
assist in complaint
Contact Center/Online Customer Service resolution. Must have excellent
Handles inbound telephone calls and/or Internet and written and verbal communication
correspondence on a client save queue. Addresses customer requests
to discontinue service(s) and appeases customer dissatisfaction.
Responsible for maintaining an acceptable save rate percent while
Field Service (Onsite at Customer) following all policy
Field Technical and (Non-Engineering)
Service procedure guidelines. Requires
provides general
expertise/supportof organization's
in assistingmarketingclients with campaigns
installations,and save offers,
and makesand
upgrades, appropriate use of campaigns/save
repairs including: •Serving as theoffers in retaining
key customer
customers. Responsible
contact on technical andfor tracking
service customer
related problemsfeedback and reporting
to achieve
that feedback
required to management.
product/service performance standards and total customer
In-Store Customer Service Ensures all customer service standards, merchandising programs,
sales plans, and •Diagnosing,
budget and troubleshooting,
sales requirements and resolving
are met in and for the
front end. Duties include issues •Instructing
supervisionclients of frontonend thesales
properandusage and
associates. of equipment •Documenting and maintaining clients’
service logs •Preparing reports for product failure analysis and
In-Store Customer Service Provides assistance
serviceability issues to and customers
escalatingboth in the store
to relevant and via phone
engineering teams
including, but not limited
Work Environment: Typically to, price verifications,
on-site/field and does exchanges
not handleand
returns, and special
queries remotely viaorders.
phone/emails Directs customers to appropriate
departments/areas of the store. Resolves problems when possible or
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution refers problems
Accountable for to
or more of Heads or Storecustomer
the following Managers when
managementProvides (CRM) and assistance
accountto other Store
activation Associates
areas: •Customer as
necessary. May also provide
Retention Management assistance
•Complaint to vendors •Account
Management and maintain Opening
vendor visit logs.
& Activation •Customer Data Cleansing •Customer Analytics
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution Responsible for the development and implementation of customer
relationship management expansion and retention strategies. Works
with business development staff during initial account management
period. Maintains loyalty and segmentation programs. Develops and
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution maintains
Responsible strategic business
for planning relationships
innovative customer withservice
customers to promote
strategies to
enhance customer awareness and profitable
satisfaction rate andbusiness.
increasing Regularly
the client reviews
and reports on customer retention, business
Reviews existing customer handling/satisfaction policies and opportunity, and market
trends. Maintain
monitors the currentrelationships
status of the withcustomer
high value clients.
care department.
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution Collects feedback from customers
Responsible for providing complaint management servicesand product planners, and to clients.
analyzes it to plancalls,
Handles inbound for the email,future.
chat or plans/strategies
facsimile. Addresses to improve
customer complaints and/or requests to discontinue service(s).the
service level and customer experience, and achieve
long-term customer
Appeases goal of enhancing
dissatisfaction sales forandthe product.
delivers resolution. Ensures
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution customer complaints/dissatisfactions
Responsible for overall satisfaction and proactive retentionare handled in an effective
customers to through
retain customers.
knowledge Tracks andcore
of their maintains
business records/feedback
and products.
of complaints/dissatisfactions and resolution
Builds long-term client relationships to become a trusted advisor. information. Escalates
issues oreffective
Ensures redirect and complaints/dissatisfactions
efficient client training and to appropriate
of new
or personnel.
customers. Providesasuperior
Maintains deep customer service
understanding of and maintains
solutions and high
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution Responsible
customer for the strategy,
satisfaction ratings. design, engagement and
products and educates customers about the
implementation of the organization’s brand experience including its most relevant
products and services. for their specific
Establishes business needs.
the overarching visionServes as the
and defines
voice of the customer
organization-wide (issues,
strategic feedback, by
imperatives escalation).
transforming Provides internal
the brand
experience on product enhancements andteamhowmembers.
to better serve
Customer Relationship Management & Issue Resolution Responsiblefor
customers. forcustomers,
championing vendors and
the customer experience across Ensures the
experience, design, and improvement
business to ensure exceptional service is continuously strategies drive provided
to all
goals and the culture of the organization.
customers across all channels and platforms. Leads or oversees
customer research projects, taking customer feedback, wants, and
Account Opening, Activation & Management needs into consideration
Responsible for providingto enhance
account the brand
opening and experience for
activation services to
clients. ExplainsIdentifies
account andservices
implements improvements
available to prospective to drive a best-
in-class customer experience with the
and assists them in the preparation of account applications. organization's products and
services. Works
Processes closelykeys
documents, withinother teamsaccount
necessary to ensure the customer
information, and
files relevant environment
documents is
to optimized
support and customer
account opening expectations
and activation are
Account Opening, Activation & Management Responsible
exceeded. for providing data cleansing services to clients. Performs
transactions. Ensures data quality by entering
customer profile updates by calling existing contacts within the accurate and complete
database. information
Ensures data intoquality
the system.
by entering accurate and complete
customers’ information (i.e., name, contact number, address, email,
etc.) benchmark
This into the system. is to be Validates
used forand corrects inaccurate
incumbents with hybrid records.
Allows up-to-date
responsibilities information
across the Sub-family for customer acquisition
or incumbents whoorcannot
customer be
matched to management
a specific jobactivities.
in the Sub-family.
Contact Center Operations Responsible for the operation of a contact center(s). Oversees
operating systems including policies, procedures, operating structure,
and information flow. Establishes and implements product/service
standards to ensure quality and consistency. Analyzes operational
Contact Center Operations practices for effectiveness
Analyzes contact and practicality.
center trends, including call May build industry
volume, call patterns,
relations, communicating
staff productivity, attritiontechnologies,
rates, and resource and operational
through industry
inbound networking.
call traffic and ensures efficient distribution based on staff
availability. Ensures customer service needs are met by coordinating
Contact Center Operations and adjusting
Manages the call volume
and evaluates in a timely
the traffic operationsmanner. Utilizes
for the call center.
contact volume
Develops and coordinates
dialer strategy and completes capacity
for department planning
operations. within the
May include
budget center. Conducts
development. Monitors call
thepattern forecasting
application of theand schedule
traffic function,
including to meetand
policy business objectives
procedures, operating structure, and information
Contact Center Operations flow. Ensuresfor
Responsible that
thestaffing is efficient
administration of in
the order to maintain
Dialing platform operational
for all
objectives. Analyzes contact
functions, managing center trends
both outbound in ordercustomer
and inbound to predict long-
and short-term
Develops staffing needs.
and maintains Position isand
dialer efficiency responsible
productivityfor achieving
Coordinates efficiency
technologyof productivity
changes andfor the department.
production impacting issues
Contact Center Operations that affect areas of responsibility.
Analyzes contact center trends, including callExecutes dialer campaign
volume, call patterns,
strategies. Manages
staff productivity, dialersrates,
attrition to idleandtimes, abandon
resource rates and
allocation. other
call pattern forecasting objectives.
and schedule Takesplanning
appropriate action
activities to when
help meet
objectives. Mayare out of established
recommend guidelines. Reviews
dialer statistics and
improvements. Uses makes
analysis changes
results totocampaigns
forecast to arrival
call ensureand dialing
Contact Center Operations Oversees
goals and and has full responsibility
productivity targets are overUtilizes
met. all operational
staffing supportbuildto
aspects and scheduling plans to meet business unit goals and
the contact center.
facilitate and monitor all
dialer strategy,
results andplanning
changes issues,
across including staffing,units
various business scheduling
and multi-and
management systems, and policy
levels. Creates, and procedure.
analyzes and reports Mayrelevant
Contact Center Operations implementation
function usesand
performance execution
as itcalls
inbound oftoall
relates totraining programs
elicit information, across the
trouble center. Oversees
May recommend
shooting, resolve all
operational aspects of contactRequires
first-level problems, center quality
confirm issues
and support
validate of the implementation
contact center's and management.
staffing availabilityMay and be call
volumes. for multiple contact centers.
Contact Center Operations Contact Center Speech Analytics work is focused on analysis of
contact center customer interactions to improve and enhance
customer experience including: •Analyzing customer call data using
speech analytics tools and spot trends/patterns to identify cost
Contact Center Operations drivers and key performance
Oversees/manages the process indicators •Delivering actionable
of call authentication, security,
insights to develop
identification customer
and storage service
of voice strategies
prints for improved
to reduce call center fraud,
performance in acquiring, retaining, and servicing customers
improve customer satisfaction, and lower costs/agent handling time.
Assists in the and maintaining
day-to-day supportdataand
trend reports/dashboards
administration of the to
organization's callvoice
trends, customer satisfaction,
technologies to ensure and call
contact center
center agents’
agents are
Contact Center Scriptwriting & Training Responsible for developing and delivering voice (accent) training
quickly alerted to mismatched caller voice prints.
programs for organizational staff. Identifies training needs and Partners with
designs lessonteamsplansin the
training implementation,
materials to ensure maintenance, and
support ofdevelop
members the voice biometrics
and enhance infrastructure to ensure
their communication, a stable fully
articulation, platform.
and accent skills. Monitors and administers training
Contact Center Scriptwriting & Training Designs and creates application programs (scripts) for contact center
programs. Follows
representatives/agents up and conducts
using feedback
designated session
software andfor trainees to
measure training effectiveness. Requires excellent
provided by sales, marketing, or contact center management. language and
Evaluates script skills
programs against user specifications. Analyzes
Contact Center Scriptwriting & Training changing departmental
Creates and conducts training needs programs
and revisesforand maintains scripts to
meet operational
and first requirements.
line supervisors on new Requires familiarityselling
products/services, with necessary
and/or systemand software.
changes. Participates in identifying program needs,
obtaining technical data, and scheduling programs. May track and
analyze training programs
This benchmark is to be usedby examining
for incumbents training
hybrid position
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Head of Quality is accountable for all processes and teams associated

with: •Business Process/Service Quality •Manufacturing/Product
Quality •Supplier Quality

General Business Process/Service Quality Business Process Quality work focuses on developing, identifying,
analyzing and improving existing general business processes (i.e.,
back-end processes not related to manufacturing) including:
•Applying process definition, improvement and design
General Business Process/Service Quality methodologies
IT Process Quality to identify, analyzeon
work is focused and improveand
planning business processes
implementing a
to improve quality,
framework to ensure reduce costs,ITincrease
error-free systemsefficiencies/productivity,
(i.e., hardware, software,
and data)customer
•Planning and etc.implementing
•Developing documentation
programs to ensureto
support analysissystems
all information and improvement
products and including
servicesbusiness requirements,
meet minimum
organization specifications,
standards and process
end-usermaps, gap/problem
requirements analysis, etc.
General Business Process/Service Quality IT Vendor Management
•Planning implementing work
assurance•Identifying and managing
and compliance processes
technical product testing prior to implementation, devising
•In some and
IT outsourcing
to currentmay vendorssupporting
according to
procedures, developing
and/or and policies
change •Providing
management adviceand
materials andactivities
training toon
technicalof possible
aspects offuture configurations
technical architecture, •Administering
systems problem
and solutions
support new
management processes and
process,level procedures
including monitoringIncludes Six
and reporting onmetrics
•Negotiating service
Sigma/Lean/Kaizen agreements,
practitioners working performance/quality
in a non-manufacturing
problem resolution
and ensuring •Devising
contractual improvements
obligations are met to current procedures.
•Resolving vendor
Performing work-flow analysis and recommending quality
problems related to quality, performance, and service level
improvements •Making recommendations regarding the acquisition
and/or implementation of software to increase information systems
General Business Process/Service Quality Primary point of responsibility, accountability and activity for the
assessment, improvement and governance of quality and ongoing
fitness-for-purpose of an organization's critical data assets. Data
stewards are not owners of the data but rather serve as trustees to
General Business Process/Service Quality ensure adequate
Responsible for thedata quality
overall is maintained
development, so thatand
support data can
effectively support
of the IT service business processes.
performance management Engages withAnalyzes,
process. business
reviews andtomeasures
quantify and articulate
service the businessagainst
level performance impact agreed
of dataupon
service issues. Assesses the
level agreements current
(SLAs). state of data
Establishes, quality within
implements, and their
scope of responsibility.
enforces standards, Establishes
procedures, and target goals
service for to
levels data quality
ensure that
General Business Process/Service Quality Responsible for
improvement andoversight
identifies of optimal
service delivery
approaches fromfor outsourcing
resolving data
vendors Level
contracted Agreements
for functions, (OLAs)
such with
as both internal
employment/benefits, and external
quality issues
service providers to achieve
are met. targets. Works
Creates and etc. within
maintains and beyond
IT service of
control and
to accounting,
implement procurement,
improvement Manages
approaches. Identifies data
vendorsmetrics Works
according with the business and service providersand to define
the proper andto
metrics and
KPIs data
service todelivery
General Business Process/Service Quality Develops
state of data
Prepares, and implements
reviews and service
issues required level
tracks agreements
and reports
documentation related
such to
as good
financial, levels.
operational, Evaluates
and quality and defines strategies
deliverables. for improving
processes quality
and guidelines
procedures. and regulations
Develops (GxP)Analyzes
and implements procedure performance
changes manuals,
quality and ensures
engineering obligations
documents,are met. Conducts
production audits
to evaluate user satisfaction, vendor delivery, and compliance.
instructions, and change authorizations in accordance with company
policies, and systems
quality reports recommended
and government changes to outsourcing
regulations. Implements
General Business Process/Service Quality Performs
vendors, detailed
contracts audits of practices
and services. at company laboratory and R&D
sites to ensure that policies and procedures complyand
periodic documentation reviews. Proposes withimplements
set forthcontrol processes.
by regulatory Coordinates
agencies. Worksthe withreview
product andsafety
revision of
evaluation and specifications, and forms. Provides
reports on weaknesses, ineffective input on qualitypolicy
control procedures
exceptions and R&D documentation.
General Business Process/Service Quality Responsibleand for reporting
developing discrepancies
and implementing and recommends
Agile processes appropriate
corrective actions. Consults
the organization including coaching with laboratory
teams inmanagement
the application to establish
of Agile
best practices. Identifies methods to improve the organization's May
and procedures that comply with regulatory agencies.
review and verify technical of
understanding/knowledge dataAgilesuchand asdrives
adoption ofMay include
the Agile
framework across the organization. Provides training on Agile
Customer Service Quality Monitors and evaluates the quality of inbound and/or outbound
telephone calls and standards, and processes.
other customer contactEnsures
methods consistency in the
(e.g., email,
application of Agileand
chat) for accuracy practices
adherence and measures
to quality the successDocuments
standards. of Agile
quality issues and performance measures for management review.
Customer Service Quality Provides
collection callsto assist
to ensurein thethe feedback
quality and formal education
of customer contact
process of individuals
and compliance on the phone.
with applicable laws and regulations specific to
collections. Completes form while monitoring calls. Notifies
management of violations requiring immediate attention. May
This benchmark otherisconcerns
to be used onforform. Records forms
incumbents on database
with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Manufacturing Quality Manufacturing Quality Assurance work includes: •Defining and

specifying activities, processes, and standards to fulfill the quality
requirements for a manufactured material, component, or product
•Building and maintaining the infrastructure and systems necessary
Manufacturing Quality to consistently ensure
Manufacturing Qualitythe timely
Control delivery
work of quality
includes: •Auditing,products
and determiningmonitoring, and determining
the quality of manufacturing the quality
processesof manufacturing
processes and/or outputs against defined internal
outputs against defined internal and regulatory standards •Testing and regulatory
random •Reporting
samples and troubleshooting
of finished goods •Reporting manufacturing
manufacturing process
deviations and
and defects
defects in
in finished
finished goods
goods and liaising with Quality
Manufacturing Quality Manufacturing Quality Improvement work includes: •Creating and
implementing to troubleshoot
quality management and resolve problems
programs focused on continuous
improvement of manufacturing-related business systems from the
customers’ point of view •Identifying and monitoring customer and
Manufacturing Quality employee
Manufacturing feedback
Processloops regarding
Definition the effectiveness
& Improvement of on
manufacturing operational business systems and
improvement andprocesses
cost savings •Encouraging
to improve
the organization's employee engagement
profitability to gatherincluding:
and efficiency information and
designs, changes
methods andat internal
every level in the organization
manufacturing processes •Develop
Manufacturing Quality strategies and initiatives
Inspects, tests, and adjusts fornew operational
and reworked efficiency
dies, gauges,
jigs, andimprovements and changes
fixtures for conformance to in product design
specifications suchand
as dimension,
manufacturing methods •Implements
tolerance, and hardness. Inspects tools in accordance with continuous improvement
initiatives using
specifications various
with locating Leanpoints,
coordinated anddimensions,
principles (e.g.,
and 5S,
tooling Stream
holes Mapping
that are at (VSM),
right Single Minute
angles, compound Exchange
angles, oforDies
Manufacturing Quality Good Manufacturing
(SMED), Total Productive Practices (GMP) work
Maintenance (TPM), includes:
Kaizen, etc.)
Tests units
•Developing forand
fit of moving
performing parts and mechanical
detailed audits of practicesfunctioning.
at company
Verifies accuracy of measuring instruments
manufacturing plants and sites to ensure that policies and such as dial indicators,
fixed gauges,comply
procedures heightwithgauges, opticalset
guidelines equipment,
forth by all and electrical and
regulationsgauges using master
domestic, gauges. May
international, anduse optical instruments
applicable International
Manufacturing Quality Manufacturing
to examine measuring Validation
instruments work includes:
for standards
wear, damage, and defects,
•Developing andfor Organization
evaluating (ISO)
quality and system standards to ensure
and makes
•Reporting adjustments
weaknesses,withto inaccurate
ineffective instruments.
procedures, May
electrical and
instruments (AC/DC, company
radio, etc.) standards and
for wear,corrective governmental
damage and
and discrepancies
regulatory and
requirements recommending appropriate actions
with electrical supply,
manufacturing and to make
management to adjustments.
establish practices
Manufacturing Quality •Investigating/troubleshooting
Manufacturing records of comply
Quality: defective
Validation validation
parts discrepancies
and types.
Support Determines
includes: for systems
performance that with all applicable
ability of
•Performing items.analyses,processes
inspection, and tests of raw materials,
packaging statistical
materials, analyses ofassays
quantitative testingonresults
samples,and processfinished
In some organizations,
anomalies may be responsible for clinicaland/or
assurance from manufacturing,
protocol amendments to ensure
and/or quality
biological standards
licensingand for
compliance reviewing, approving and/or executing
to customer and regulatory requirements, and tolerance documentation
new and current
specifications forvalidation
the chemical procedures
or physical andproperty
technical reports related
•Performing a varietyand/or
systems, products processes
of qualitative tests or qualitative assays on
samples measures and
aid in maintenance meetcertification
acceptableof reliability standards
test instruments
and apparatus calibration,
to ensure maintenance
complianceand repair of instruments
•Performing required inspections, checks, analysis and
In some organizations,
documentation of studies may assist with establishing corporate
Manufacturing Quality Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) work includes: •Ensuring
implementation of quality plan at every stage of the Clinical Trial
process/operations •Implementing quality assurance regulations
•Writing and revising standard operating procedures •Supporting
Product Quality and facilitating
Ensures productaudits,qualityregulatory
specifications inspections, and all quality
are in compliance withcontrol
aspects of the process standards
corporate/customers' (laboratories andstudies, clinical research,
requirements. Establishes testing,
QA/QC •Ensuring
policies that standards
and standards for product are met and reporting
assessment, potential
vendors withevaluations,
quality or reliability
and off-shore of testing
QA/QC; procedures
team and vendors ofto
new regulations
implement and •In some corporate
enforce organizations, QA/QC may
Product Quality Ensures efficient
support quality and effective workflow, procedures, policy
training and
inspection programs; manages in-process product quality with
vendors; communicates with customers/vendors in resolving quality
related issues.
Product Quality Responsible for in-process and final product quality
analyses/inspection in compliance with standards and regulatory
requirements. Interprets and evaluates the analyses in terms of
accuracy and precision compared against established specifications.
Product Quality Identifies
Manages the on-going
Technicalquality issues,
Service prevents
Function potential
covering production
testing, coloring,
issues, andpattern
fitting and makes suggestions
and wet processing for improvement.
to ensure ordersUses various
are in
measuring devices,
compliance testing equipment, predetermined
with corporate/customers' quality requirements; methods,
operations, setups and
develops strategies andprescribed
policies forspecifications
product assessment to accept in or reject to
technical May work from
performance; blueprints,
identifies diagrams,
technical issuesdialandindicators,
conducts preset
Product Quality Performs colorscales,
micrometers, assessment
fixtures, based
customeron corporate/customers'
specifications, needs;
drawing or
collects and to facilitate
orders color Merchandising
standards; and in decision
distributes making
color process;
provides instructions and checklists.
and support
required to Merchandising andtocorporate/customers;
team and vendors; maintains conducts
relationship with service
research and gathers information on providers andnew monitors
processes; provides technical training and recommendations to team
Product Quality Carries out garment wet processing procedures per
and vendors on colorrequirements;
customer/corporate quality issues.executes wet processing
procedures including new wash development, pre-production
sampling and production troubleshooting; ensures factory/laundry
Product Quality achieve
Ensures wetthat processing
garment samples requirementsconform including wash, color,
to corporate/customers'
improves quality abrasion in the areas against standards.
of sewing and
construction, fitting, pattern and grading; provides technical advice
and training to vendors on sample fitting, construction and grading.
Product Quality Executes fit standard supplied by pattern maker to ensure proper fit
of products on model or mannequin; prepares fitting specifications
for production; monitors quality and ensure fitting procedures are
Product Quality Develops fit standards to ensure consistency of fit for each product
category; attends fittings for samples and production to provide
technical advice; provides comments to Product Development team;
ensures products are fitted, tested and approved that meets
Product Quality company
Ensures the quality,
complianceperformanceof latestrequirement.
safety regulations; communicates
product safety policies and requirements to vendors, product
development team, merchandising team, and other sourcing
functions; establishes database to track international regulations,
Product Quality guidelines
Processes, and standardsand
investigates, pertaining
monitorstotrending product and safety, chemical
reporting of
product defect etc.complaints,
May apply serving for official product contact.
as primary safety certificate
Aligns with
before the product is sold in the market.
Medical Safety and/or R&D on adverse events while addressing and
expediting product complaints under the company's complaint policy
Product Quality and procedures,
Designs and implementsand ensures a robustcompliance
and compliantwith regulatory
framework agencies
current Good requirements.
Manufacturing Monitors
(cGMPs) activity
suggestions to appropriate company authorities
procedures and processes for the global supply chain security to modify existing
program, including or packaging
serialization, process and/or customer
track-and-trace, training
and product
upon pattern
configures andand related analyses.
upgrades Maintains
systems. Keeps
Product Quality Designs,product
unified constructs, defectvalidates and implements
investigation operatingand new and refurbished
procedures. Provides
abreast of changing
sterilization, regulatory
sanitization, emissions requirements
and monitoring trends and
systems. Directs
implements expertise
systems to tooptimize
address complaint
potential processing
compliance systems.
Maintains of
and the sterilization
monitors systems or sanitization
to ensure of products.
that all product Ensures test
samples andprocedures
recommends appropriate
in compliance actions, activitiesand
with internal andexternal
projects received
for continuous are
improvement. investigated
Coordinates and concluded
with business
Product Quality requirements.
per the company's
Performs Monitors
non-destructivecomplaint water
tests systems
(NDT) on for contamination.
materials, Tracks Writesand
manufactured and
reviews teams ascertaining
documentation for new system
and requirements.
current test procedure and
evaluates effectiveness of corrective actions
items, or components. Inspects metallic and nonmetallic materials, associated with product
and reports
parts related
and adverse
assemblies to laboratory
defects equipment,and
using automated products
manual and/or
methods Investigates
techniques out of specification
including radiography, product results,
penetrant, eddy incidents
current, and
shearography, appropriate
andprogram resolutions
magnetic particle.
Product Quality Establishes monitoring
including product guidelines
disposition. Setsfor andallreinforces
stability product studies.
Works withfor
standards product teams to negotiate necessity, appropriate
the organization.
number and design of studies performed. Provides cost estimate for
stability studies. Performs sample receipt, labeling, placement on
Product Quality condition, removal
Processes, investigates at defined
and acts intervals, and sampleto
as first responders distribution
Addresses and with approvedproduct
expedites procedures deviationand protocols.
under the Performs
required inspections, system
quality management checks,procedures,
analysis andand documentation
ensures complianceof studies.
Works with quality assurance and chemistry
with regulatory agencies. Monitors, investigates deviations and areas to insure study
samples are tested properly, timely and have
escalates corrective and preventive actions to appropriate company been properly
authorities to Develops
modify existing new protocols,
manufacturing processes and procedures
or packaging processas
based uponInvestigates
trend, deviation and documents
and relateddeviations. Assures that
analyses. Maintains unified
stability defect
product equipment and facility
investigation is maintained,
operating calibrated,
procedures. Provides andtechnical
is in accordance
expertise to optimize with good
management, practices. Inspects
corrective andand
preventiveinventory of all clinicalto
actions effectiveness trial and qualifying
prevent reoccurring lotsevents.
of final filled
drug product.
Maintains andGivesmonitorsfinalsystems
review and approval
to ensure thatforallregulatory
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Supplier Quality Management work includes: •Identifying, coaching,

and managing suppliers according to organization quality standards
and policies •Providing advice and training on quality protocols and
conducting audits to ensure compliance with organization and
applicable government standards
Contract Manufacturing Compliance •Negotiating
& Quality work service level
agreements, performance/quality
•Monitoring quality, compliance and metrics
regulatory and ensuring
aspects contractual
company andarethirdmetparty •Resolving supplier problems
manufacturers including related
relationship to quality,
management, and service
technical level schedule
issues, •Identifying and certifying
conflicts, supply chain alternative
quality to mitigate
issues, vendor supply
selection disruption
and risks
Responsible for entrusting external dunning companies to collect
•Providing contractors
overdue accounts. with theinproper
Participates informationfor
or is responsible tothe
ensure that
and management meet quality standards
of the dunning companies.
•Acting as liaison between company and contractors to ensure all
products are manufactured following good manufacturing practices
(GMPs) and purchased parts andare
quality products materials
released forand conformity
customer needs and processing requirements. Inspects for proper
•Ensuring and dimensions
third using measuring
party manufacturers devices such
are meeting supply aschain,
logistics and equipment
product delivery and/or objectives
micrometers, gauges, and calipers.
Visually inspects
Responsible potentialfor obvious
for ensuring defects
contractors or and
processes, andsuch
evaluating asfinancial
are in
compliance of newwithscratches,
suppliers and pits. Verifies
the organization’s Qualityspecifications
Assurance (QA) usingstandards,
purchase orders,
international blueprints,
the development drawing or inspection
of documentation
and government regulations. instructions,
for Establishes
quantitative Makes pass/fail decisions
measurements on inspected
and techniques goods. Maintains
for measuring quality
and of results.
drives improvements. Inspections may involve
Conducts process compound
quality angles
audit andor
three-dimensional for
In some organizations, all processes
projections and
may respond usingteams associated
to cost with:
and feasibility such as
•Procurement inspection
•Supply records.
Chain Requires
Planning & understanding
Management of external
and obtainsuch
standards micrometers,
vendor as quotations,
International telescope
and/or gauges,
Organization andStandardization
for opticalin negotiating
comparators. & Optimization
Reviews and •Materials
approves Management
inspection reports •Warehousing,
(ISO), Lean Six
Distribution Sigma for
& Transportation quality in their
•Import/Export industry field. against
& Customs Operations
technical requirements.
Manages or performs procurement and supply and logistics work for
materials and finished goods, or products for resale including two or
more of the following: •Procurement
•Demand/Inventory/Production Planning & Control •Warehousing,
Responsible & forTransportation
long-term supply •International
chain strategies Tradeand networks that
address capacity issues and production location decisions in support
of business goals. Supports business execution of new programs and
initiatives that include promotional activities, forecast and
coordination for key and
Identifies, evaluates events, new product
develops customer launches,
inventoriesand network
analysis and Monitors
operations key ofsales
theand operations planning
replenishment performance
system. Maintains
indicators, cost-to-serve performance data,
replenishment model information, including monitoring the accuracy and coordinates cross-
of work history,
weekly data, teams tonetwork
effectiveness of supply
lead-times, pastchain and future
promotional events,data newsystems,
product information, pricing, and and customer
Collect and analyze procedural activities
service performance
information flows andgoals. assess Ensures availability
the efficiency andof product
costs through
of logistics
the monitoring
processes. Research and oversight
operational of inventory
costs, industry systems.and Maximizes
regulatory the issues
and maintain ofashipments.
current and Resolves unacceptable
comprehensive databasesituations
on which withto
draw as well development.
for solutions as problems between shipping
Use statistical locations,
modeling carriers,
receiving and ensuresinventory
departments, the efficient clinical
analysts, andsupply
buyers chain of to
to ensure
develop, and
pharmaceutical, cost justify
orproduct. logistics
biological or as solutions
medical to
devices meet agreed
andcustomer, customer
relevant sales,
needs. arrival of
Manage inventories Acts
and liaison
tactical between
planning, taking into account
customer service information
and carriers. between
Advises clinical
on trends supply
and/or shifts in
customer's future needs. Manage/coordinate
manufacturing/packaging inter-company
shipments that
and could impactsites,
company's supplylevels. shipping depots and
This benchmarksites is towhile
be used ensuring GMP (Good
for incumbents withManufacturing
Practices), GCP (Good
responsibilities across Clinical Practices)
the Sub-family or and regulatory
incumbents who requirements
cannot be
are maintained. Executes the
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family. continuous improvement of standard
clinical supply chain processes, such as replenishment systems, data
interchange systems, demand management, electronic data systems
General Procurement Accountable
administration forand obtaining
functions. Mayrequired by the for
support planning
clinical studies including: •Indirect Operations
and/or toxicology studies and/or (e.g.,consumer
Office Supplies,
Computers, Travel, globally
preference studies Maintenance,and/orMachine
domestically. Parts, etc.) •Direct
Operations (e.g., Raw Materials and Services for Manufacturing,
General Procurement Production
Procurement orBusiness
Construction; PartnersProducts
act asfor Retail,between
a liaison etc.) Procurement
procurement include:
function •Product/Service
and local business Sourcing to help •Supplier Selection
shape strategic
•Pricing/Terms Negotiation •Order Processing
planning including: •Advising on procurement strategies •Ensuring •Contract
information flow •Supplier
procurementManagement and business•May include
Strategic Sourcing
goals achievements
General Procurement Develops systems and process roadmaps to optimize performance of
sourcing and procurement activities. Defines requirements for and
maintains electronic catalogs, purchasing/sourcing and monitoring
tools, demand planning systems, etc. to ensure efficiency and
General Procurement streamlining
Manages of the procurement
or performs work associated process.withMay collaboratenegotiating,
coordinating, with IT
and other internal procurement
administering resources to automate,proposals,integratebids, andand improve
contracts with
enterprise resourceincluding:
suppliers/vendors planning•Coordinating
(ERP) systems.preparation Adheres to of all contract
compliance and ethical standards.
and bid documents, ensuring appropriate approvals are obtained
throughout the process •Collecting and analyzing technical, financial,
and legal information as input to contract and bid documents
•Liaising with applicable technical, finance or legal teams on matters
requiring review •Documenting performance and service level
agreements and monitoring vendor/supplier performance against
those agreements
General Procurement Develops subcontract specifications, work statements, and terms and
conditions for the procurement of specialized materials, equipment,
and services for subcontract systems in support of development,
production and global sustainment for multiple contract types.
General Procurement Prepares
Develops bid andpackages,
maintainsconductsa warranty bidders' conferences,
administration system develops
ensures maximumcriteria, return
analyzes fromandwarranty
evaluates proposals,
claims. negotiates
Negotiates working
subcontract provisions,
agreements with selected selects
vendors.or recommends
data and maintains
copies subcontract
of records and packages
vendorfor review,
policy prepares
statements awards and
necessary to
substantiate resulting
warranty subcontracts.
claims. Negotiates
Negotiates claims and
and coordinates
settlements for
General Procurement Conducts research,
additions, deletions, analysis,
or and provides
modifications to recommendations
subcontracts. Participatesin the
labor and areas:
following material costs when
purchase rework
analytics, and replacements
current purchase mix, are not
with contracts
specifically administration
covered by supports
establishedand purchasing
warranty to develop subcontract
policies market review,
and procedures. May signsourcing
supplier strategy
and purchase
RFI/RFPwithin all warranty
recommendations actions with other departments.
and analysis, conducts quote/bid analysis,
orders established authority.
General Procurement and prepares
Analyzes buyers forstatistical
and compiles vendor negotiations.
data to determine Identifies
the tools,
feasibility of
making or buyingand best practiceand
products approaches
to establish to price
to supported for
contract and may support
transactions. Trackscross-functional
data and information keep informed
on price trends and manufacturing processes. Confers with suppliers
General Procurement and analyzesfor
Responsible supplier
purchase operations to determine
of Intellectual Property factors that affect
(IP), ensuring the
purchase Prepares reports,
is consistent charts,
with and graphscommercial
organization’s of findings.termsEvaluates and cost
findings Identifies
targets. and makespotential recommendations
suppliers, and to the purchasing function
creates/manages supplier
Negotiates of manufacturing
the contract or withbuying needed
suppliers for products.
the company
Sourcing to obtain the
Manages most profitable
or performs strategicdeal. Understands
sourcing work to legalmanage andrisk intellectual
optimize thelaw value/resilience
principles. Coordinates delivery and payment
of materials/services sourcingdetails,
and ensures all IP related standards and processes
including: •Establishing supplier relationship management processes are followed.
and continuous improvement goals/programs •Negotiating contracts
Sourcing and coordinating
Responsible supplierwork
for sourcing integration
taking intoplansaccount
with internal clients
the environmental,
social and ethical market dynamics
factors that impact
throughout the supplymaterials/services
chain. Ensures the
implementation and/or ofpricing •Partnering
the company's with internal
corporate clients to identify
social responsibility
policy goals with a special focus on the ‘supplier’ modulemarketplace
needs, develop buyer/market profiles, identify and the
sourcing and defineSets
markets. acceptable
corporate service levels for
Sourcing Responsible for materials sourcingstandards
work from sample development,
vendor recommendations and to selection;
ensure products meet any
works closely with statutory
during production and social
process norms. Develops,
to resolve issues; recommends,
negotiates with implements
and manages
on pricing systems
to satisfy and processes thatmargin
customer/corporate foster aexpectations;
socially responsible drives
raw material/culture
trimthat benefits the
development customers,
process employees
in accordance with and the
Sourcing Heads the sourcing
communities served. and production requirements of designated range
for product development; coordinates amongst
of products; develops strategies and objectives and sets policies for QA/QC, technical
service and compliance to ensure timeline
new vendor appointment, order placement and management, and is met; proposes cost-
effective ways for material
product development sourcing
support; based with
be familiar on the latestsourcing
global technologies trends
and trends; supports
opportunities; in research
allocates & development
production capacity of newassigned
across materials.
Sourcing Responsible for the sourcing and production requirements of
designated to meet production
brand(s) or product needs line(s).and margin
Follows expectations
through the entire of
sourcing process from sample development, vendor
recommendations and selection, negotiation of pricing in the case of
Sourcing advanced
Responsible level
imports and/orcosting offshore analysis, and order
merchandise tracking
and delivery.
including Assesses
licensing and the local sourcing
monitoring productiontrendat and environment.
offshore factories.
Works closelyforwith
Responsible both vendors
overseas during production
production process
standards and to resolve
issues. Ensures quality standards
shipping/import/quota management. and schedules
May assistare metdepartment
Traffic based on
or third-party contractor needs.
with shipping arrangements through
Supplier/Vendor Management Manages the relationship with key/strategic suppliers using
relationship Primarily
management an overseas production
techniques to deliverQuality
for both position
with limited
company andlogistics
supplier. responsibility.
Responsibilities include: •Developing
relationship management plans •Monitoring performance and
Supplier/Vendor Management compliance with organization's
Develops profitable standards including
vendor relationships, •Driving continuous
negotiating, and onpurchasing
supplier side •Reporting
from vendors.on and partnering
Ensures favorablein pricing
resolving any performance issues on supplier
and develops KPIs for vendor selection. Collaborates with business side
partners on vendor management to meet business needs. Evaluates
Supplier/Vendor Management and provides
Identifies, recommendations
evaluates and develops forprograms
buying strategies
to increase to senior
from, and May oversee
contract delivery
awards from vendor
to, diverse and evaluate
businesses such as vendorSmall
performance/impact on business outcomes.
Business (SB), Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDB), Women-Owned
Small Business (WOSB), Historically Black Colleges/University and
Materials Management (Procurement, Inventory Control Minority
or performs(HBCUs/MIs).
work associated Actswith
as advocate for all types
the procurement andof
& Distribution) diverse
supply andbusiness
logisticsthatofare potential
materials or current
including: suppliers.
•Materials Ensures the
company complies with
Planning •Materials all internal, external and
Procurement/Purchasing government
•Materials Inventory
Planning for the
& Control use of small,
•Materials minority-owned
Warehousing, and other
Distribution & diverse
businesses. Participates in and monitors contracting and
Materials Management (Procurement, Inventory Control Transportation
Plans, schedules and manages the efficient
subcontracting processes, pre-proposal activities, and procurement movement of material
& Distribution) from receiving
procedures or the warehouse
to ensure the maximum to production.
participationDevelops raw of
for all classes
material requirements
diverse businesses. and scheduling
Provides assistancerequirements
in locating diverse from business
sources. Actsspecifications
as the focal point and production
for all diverse schedules
business and plans and
Materials Management (Procurement, Inventory Control Analyzes material
referrals, manufacturing,
distributes movement
referral with purchasing,
enterprise resource warehouse,
to applicable
planning, and and
buying othergroups
& Distribution) production.
and follows-up
material Mayforuse
requirements Material
based on Requirements
needs of assembly Planning (MRP) systems.
May negotiate
component lead times with
replenishments, suppliersparts/materials,
substitute and manage schedules production for
engineering May changes
have responsibility
and enterprise for maintaining
supplies. Resolvesinventory
schedule, of material
equipment parts.
requirement or business system problems with
cross-functional representatives. Approves part or material
requisitions and initiates production and purchase change orders.
Resolves master schedules and production problems and negotiates
lead times.
Materials Management (Procurement, Inventory Control Forecasts materials, builds/validates forecast models. Analyzes
& Distribution) current, historical, and projected volumes to determine requirements
and ensure the timely availability of resources required for a
seamless and efficient production process.
Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Inventory Control Develops, integrates and provides account or brand-specific forecasts
(Manufacturers) for internal sales and operations planning which includes
replenishment data, point-of sale data, sales promotion information,
marketing plans, manufacturing capacity, and new
Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Inventory Control distribution/product
Plans and/or controlsdeletions.
inventoryAssists in the
of finished improvement
goods for sales of
(Manufacturers) demand
warehouses,forecasting accuracy
distribution for internal
centers, and factoryand mixing
to meet
sales and determining the appropriate
distribution demand. Analyzes algorithm
inventory forlevels,
positioning, Maintains and manages
and planned production product
and saleshistory, accurate
forecasts. Develops
and maintains and promotional
inputs to demand.
inventory system,Analyzes internal
including demand
Technical Procurement Manages
stream or performsand
information, work associated
categorizes with obtaining
according to demandinformation
technology lead-times, cost and delivery
related goods/services expectations,
required past and
by the organization future
Aligns sales/marketing
promotional events, intelligence
and new product for each operating
introductions. unit for use in
forecast •IT
working Sourcing
with sales •IT Vendor
organization(s), Selection &
with traffic,
Contract production
Administration planning,
•Defining and
and warehouse
contract ensure
appropriate marketing,
routing, research
scheduling, and anddevelopment,
storing of and
goods. relatedterms
Technical Procurement (e.g., system
forecasting standards,
and planning service
groups. level agreements, etc.)
IT Asset Administration work includes administration of information and pricing
•IT Vendor Performance
technology assets (hardware Management
and software) May and
participate in
contracts IT related equipment
including: •Implementing installations,
administering IT assetmoves,
management andsystems
changes.•Tracking IT asset life cycle and inventory
Retail Procurement •Maintaining supplier
Manages or performs work records, service level
associated agreements,
with planning, and and
purchasing license information/updates
quantities •Developing
of goods and merchandise to enterprise wide IT
be sold including:
•Liaising with standards
existingand procedures
suppliers •Receivingcontracts
and negotiating new •Sourcing
and building relationsrequests
with new•Verifying
suppliers financial
(e.g., leased,
changes, or expensed),
competitor prices, and
and monitoring
products and reconciling
•Analyzing past changes in
Energy Commodities Procurement Responsible for the administration, monitoring, analysis, negotiating,
patterns to anticipate trends in consumer buying
and concluding of somewhat complex agreements and contracts for patterns
the purchasenew rangesgas.
of natural to retail managers

Manages or performs work associated with two or more of the

following: •Logistics Planning & Optimization •Warehouse &
Distribution Center Operations (Warehouse, Warehouse Shipping &
Receiving, Distribution Center, Distribution Inbound/Outbound,
Manages or Handling,
performs etc.)
associated with Management •Fleet
identifying and planning
the implementation of improvements to logistics processes including:
•Identifying enhancements to materials and finished goods
movement and storage •Identifying and defining new approaches
and systems
Supplier for inventory
Managed Inventory management
work focuses •Defining optimal
on managing the logistics
and distributionroutes
of products manufactured by outside vendors to key
customers including: •Aligning vendor and internal logistics
operations to drive supply chain improvements •Collaborating with
the operations
Responsible fororganizations at keydocumentation
providing logistics accounts to identify customer
services. Prepares
needs •Monitoring
documents critical
for logistics logistic
service metrics,
within including
established on-timeand
processes delivery,
order cycle time, and order fill rates •Investigating
requirements to ensure a successful delivery service. opportunities to
improve distribution efficiencies and drive transportation savings
Analyzes technical data and reports to determine spares and support
equipment provisioning requirements. Reviews site survey results
and letters of offer and acceptance and formulates specific
recommendations for spare/repair parts and support equipment.
Warehouse & Distribution Center Management Manages
Responsible andfor controls
warehousethe asset position of customer
and distribution activities inventories.
to ensure the
May originate
efficient support plans
and economical for offer
utilization ofto potential
facilities forcustomers
storing andand
provide technical assistance to existing customer
distributing finished goods. Review and analyze inventory reports personnel. May and
surplus and manage budget system,
lists to improve inventory establish
Collect and andinterpret
informationthe oncostpresent
and delivery
and futureof spares, trainingneeds
distribution equipment,
for planningand
Warehouse & Distribution Center Management Manages processes
customer repair, and &production
teams associated
parts with planning,
requirements in directing,
order to
monitoring Ensures conformity
warehouseobligations. with shipping commitments;
activities related to movement, storage, evaluates
shipping with
deadlines and take corrective action to eliminate behind-
and inventory control of materials, finished goods, tools, and
schedule conditions.
packaging Coordinates
including: •Shipping special distribution
& Receiving •Warehousing efforts to
Handling new
•Orderproduct introduction.
Filling, Picking, and Supervise
Packing the receiving
•Inventory and &
Warehouse & Distribution Center Management Responsible
storing for managing
merchandise andand directing
finished goods thesupplies.
of the the
inspection ofcenter,
incoming involving
material thefor
conformity delivery and control
with order and of
specifications Develops and monitors
and for defects. Arranges budgets, maintains
for return of defective
material. Arranges andforinventory
inventory control
reviews programs, ensuresbook
and reconciles distribution
Warehouse & Distribution Center Management center facilities
Responsible for and
with equipment
the initial counts.
maintained, and
proposes improvements
reconciliation, in orderoftogoods,
visual inspection optimize andthe distributionand
identification process.
counting of general
incoming supervision
material.ofMay overall distribution
include activity,
responsibility forincluding
inspection,control, order processing,
identification, and delivery warehouse
to stocking activities,
locations. Works
closely with Purchasingmaintenance, and customer service.
Warehouse & Distribution Center Management Responsible for all orderDepartment.
filling activities, stock replenishments, and
shipping of products at a facility, as well as timely reporting of
completed shipments. Handles tracking and claims. May coordinate
routing and carrier selection.
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations Assists Warehouse Management with daily warehouse business
activities and planning including: optimizing storage of purchased
materials, efficient transportation and supply of components to
production lines, ensuring accurate shipment of finished goods to
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations customers,
Responsibleefficient storage
for designing andofplanning
stock, future warehouse
the inner layout capacity
of the
warehouse, requirements, trackingfunctioning
ensuring optimized and improving delivery
of the performance
warehouse and
to customers.
achieving maximum efficiency & space utilization. Develops
warehouse design by planning layout, product flow, and product
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations handling
Warehouse systems.
ShippingAdopts lean concepts
& Receiving to •Receiving/inspecting
includes: streamline processes to
goods and process flowitems
verifying efficiency.
againstPlans for efficient
the shipment operation,
record allowing
access to products
verifying, as well
and packing items asfor
accordingproduct types
to specifications
from each
and the other. Proficient
applicable in computer
transportation method aided design and
•Recording drafting
received and
shipped (e.g., AutoCAD).
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations Moves and stores materials/products using a combination of manual
labor and low complexity machinery/equipment (e.g., forklifts and
conveyors) including: •Handling and maintaining flow of materials
and products according to established guidelines •Logging the
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations movement of incoming
Prepares, processes, andand outgoingdaily
distributes materials and products
shipment documentation
for all facetslow complexity
of inbound andmotorized
outboundand non-motorized
services. material
Responsible for
handling documentation
ensuring equipment compliance with all requirements, e.g.,
customs regulations. Coordinates with overseas offices to check and
Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations verify
gas or information.
electric powered forklift truck to move, stack, load or
unload materials, parts, finished goods, etc. May load/unload trucks;
may use a Hi-Rise to load items in storage racks.

Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations Moves trailers to and from doors, buildings, and areas in the lot as
necessary. Pre-trips equipment. May perform pre and post route

Warehouse & Distribution Center Operations Responsible for sorting returned products to ensure proper credit
given. Scans returns accurately and efficiently. Maintains records of
returned products and loads boxes onto scan line.

General Distribution Operations Responsible for all distribution functions, often including multiple
facilities. Responsible for the strategic direction of the following:
warehousing, transportation, inventory management, shipping and
receiving, and customer service levels. Evaluates, plans, and directs
General Distribution Operations the cost-effective
Responsible for thedistribution of inventory.of
strategic development Usually supervises
distribution other
policies and
procedures throughoutand theprofessional
Responsible staff
for at
allone or
or most
more location(s).
of the following: shipping and receiving, inventory control, traffic,
fleet vehicles, warehousing, and order processing. Develops effective
General Distribution Operations inventory strategies
Assists in the design,to meet customer
development, andneeds. Responsible
implementation offor all
gathering anddistribution staff.
reporting methods and procedures within the
Distribution Operations area. May recommend procedural changes to
improve efficiency of operations. Functions as a technical coordinator
General Distribution Operations and internal
Evaluates consultantand
distribution regarding the needs
transportation and requirements
operations, data, andof
Distribution Operations
facilities in order datathe
to support processing. Typically
identification responsible
of the for the
most effective
distributionanalysis and forecasting
and transportation of storage
patterns capacities,Evaluates
for products. inventoryand
levels, equipment,
implements resultsand
distribution requirements.
analyses. Identifies projects,
Order Fulfillment performs data research, reviews and analyzes
Responsible for the pick, pack, and send operation findings, make
specific to orders.
Oversees fulfillmentpresents
centers findings,
and may and also implements
be responsible approved
for call
recommendation with assistance from senior staff.
centers. May manage an internal processing staff or direct an
outsourced distribution center service provider.
Order Fulfillment Responsible for in-coming and out-going order processing and
documentation, including generating delivery/shipping documents.
Liaises with internal and external transport companies/departments
for timely in-coming/out-going shipments. Ensures prompt and
Order Fulfillment accurate declaration
Verifies stock of permits
availability and picksandtheprompt
day's delivery
orders toand be clearance
filled as of
accurately and Investigates
possible allusing
non-conformance and
established guidelines.
Prepares productscorrective actions. or storage. Places products in proper
for shipment
shipping containers. May mark or identify containers with destination
Order Fulfillment information and
Responsible assemble and
for managing and directing
strap pallettheloads of materials.
activities May
of a direct-to-
consumer warehouse
fulfillmentmachinery (non-forklift)
center, involving in accordance
the reception, deliverywithand
established procedures as
control of merchandise. needed to and
Implements maintain the warehouse
improves policies andstock.
procedures in order to achieve productivity, quality, and customer
Media Distribution Operations service goals.for
Responsible Develops and monitors
distribution budgets,various
of game through maintainschannels.
safety/security and inventory
Provides professional plans forcontrol
domestic programs, and ensures
and international facilities
and equipment
Establishes and are properly
maintains maintained.
long-term Exerciseswith
relationship general
supervision of overall fulfillment activity, including inventory control,
platform provider.
order processing, transportation, maintenance, and customer
Oil & Gas Distribution Operations Responsible for bulk terminal/distribution operations, typically at
plant sites, or at other terminal/distribution sites. Duties include
loading and unloading activities, monitoring products transferred to
and from tanks, vessels or pipelines, preparation of reports and
Oil & Gas Distribution Operations maintenance
Responsible for duties as required.
planning and directing the surface and/or marine
product terminal operations of the entire organization. Coordinates
the storage, loading, and unloading of new materials and finished
products at truck and marine terminals to meet needs of supply,
Oil & Gas Distribution Operations distribution,
Responsible for marketing,
measurement and operations
of products groups.
and quantity control.
Responsibilities may also include monitoring product movement,
preparing economic valuations of transportation bids, or evaluating
various service responsibilities in gathering, transporting and
Manages orproduct. performs work associated with both import and export
administration including: •Managing and planning import process,
customs documentation, shipping, and receiving of foreign
merchandise to ensure it arrives at correct time •Overseeing the
Manages of import licenses
or performs andassociated
work completionwith of monetary
the customs transactions
requirements with forthe import in a timely
import/export related manner
activities •Controlling
including: all
•Preparing customs related to the export
declarations and process,
other required ensuring necessarythat
describe the goods is provided
and materialsto customers to enable
being shipped andthemcomply to receive
with all
the products without
import/export regulationsdelay•Researching,
•Monitoring the preparation
identifying, and and dispatch
of customer Administration
export workand
orders, focuses on the import the
planning/directing of material
flow of and/or
air and
the permits,
equipment licenses,
from and certificates that are required for customs
surface traffic
clearance to overseas
•Working the with market(s) including:
final external
destination •Ensuring
authorities to
verify and
andwith the
home import process,
countrycustoms documentation, shipping, and
with alland
of foreign requirements government laws and customs
merchandise to ensure it arrives at correct time
Export Administrationthe issue work of import focuseslicenses
on the and completion
sales of monetary
of organization
products in foreign associated withincluding:
markets the import•Planning
in a timely mannerthat
maintain and customs
expandand/or sale ofshipping documentation,
organization’s products in ensuring
overseas that
inward shipments of material or product
markets, including introduction of new products to export market are accompanied by
•Reviewing documentation
and determining •Ensuring
business compliance
potential forwith
thethe government
import laws the
regulations in all
involved involving
in problem operations
of •Monitoring the preparation dispatch of customer
anda negotiation
Free Trade Zone (FTZ)handling
of freight including:agreements
Customs Service, with local Port
foreign clients
authorities, internal and external counsel on Customs issues, to
and planning/directing the flow of air and surface traffic
the final destination •Ensuring compliance
independent custom brokers and carriers; acts as a subject matter with the home and
expert country
on Customs government
Tariff laws and
structure customadvice/counsel
providing regulations to
This benchmark
•Controlling all is to be used
documentation forrelated
incumbentstothe with
export hybrid
process, of
business unit
responsibilities operating
across management
the Sub-family on implications
various necessary unitdocumentation
strategies. is or
who cannot
to customers
balances to be
enable to ato
them specific
receive jobthein products
the Sub-family.
without delay
shipments and consumption on a weekly basis to ensure sufficient
inventory is available in various product classifications. Classifies
imports of into
dutiable and R&D/Technical Product Development
non dutiable categories as to maximize is
duty avoidance for andall engineering,
duty deferral. science,
Ensures and technical
timely activitiesfiling
and accurate in an
of all Customsrelated to the development and evaluation of new
products including: •Developing, implementing, and monitoring
scientific research & engineering
Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Lifedesign initiatives
Sciences) •Developingfor all
is accountable
processesplans and budgets
and teams associated for product development
with technical •Ensuring
and scientific that
in the developmenttechnical,and andanalytical
human resourcesevaluation areofallocated
new products properly
and for
the achievement
applications of long-term
including: •Contributing business to objectives
the company's May growth
be the Chief
market Officer of the organization.
Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) is chief
share •Directing research and serving as the company's
accountable •Developing, implementing,
for all processes and teams andassociated
monitoring research
with pre-clinical
including: that budgetary,new
•Developing technical,
drugs,and humanorresources
products, technologies are
allocated properly
•Directing a broad for rangetheofachievement
research andofinvestigation
long-term business into new
products, May serveand/or
processes, on the technologies
executive committee and participate in
Head ofstrategic
overall Biopharmaceutical
and operational R&D: issues
(Life Sciences)
the May
accountable for all processes
be the Chief Scientific or Technical and teams
Officerassociated with clinical
of the Corporation.
research including: •Setting policy and directing strategic planning for
all clinical development activities, typically including clinical research,
Oversee the clinical
development, etc.and•Establishing
of newconditions
advanced essential
network fortechnologies,
determining translating
the safety, efficacy,
usefulness, and marketability of drug and
requirements or strategic business objectives into final product product candidates
design. as a medicalforconsultant and thoughtofleader
in-depth assessment to marketing,
customer's network
application project
needs, teams,
provide andnetwork
government modeling regulatory
and agencies testing,
Technical Product Development (General Manufacturing) Typically
Manufacturing the Chief Technical
Medical Product
for the corporation. work focuses on
and engineer
improving high-speed
or developing network
new transports
products, to deliver
components, application
functionality. Responsible for developing
systems, or processes including: •Ensuring that research and design and implementing
corporate policies
methodologies meet that support the
established development
scientific of Telecomstandards
and engineering
•Assisting with
Technical Product Development (General Manufacturing) Responsible forformulating
the transition business plansfrom
of products and budgets
R&D intofor fullproduct
production readiness. •Analyzing quality/safety
Responsible test results
for creating to ensure and
specifications with
production andtest external
either directly •Monitoring
development development
teams oroutcomes
by collaborating to ensure with technical,
product functional,
test engineers. cost,
and timing
May developfor targets
and are met
define product In some organizations,
support plan. Worksmay be responsible
Technical Product Development (General Manufacturing) Responsible
for managing microbial,
product mammalian,
regulatory approval and other
process. hostclosely with
R&D and Operations
development projectstoinensuresupport proper operational
of basic research supportdiscoveryis and/or
in place
for full production
product development of new products.
programs. Evaluates in collaborative fashion
the best overall strategy for optimal fermentation design, operation,
and scale up jointly with process and product development and
product isolation groups. Schedules and oversees fermentation
experiments, and ensures proper documentation and compliance
with current good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines and
federal, state, and local regulations. Documents and may transfer
process technology to engineering and manufacturing groups for
construction and start-up of ultimate large-scale facilities.
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & Responsible for research in simulation of human intelligence
Telecomm) processes by machines including learning, reasoning, and self-
correction. Designs advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to
solve critical business challenges.
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & Responsible for creation of modeling techniques, visualization,
Telecomm) algorithm development, test, recovery strategies, anomaly
identification and diagnosis, and remediation for cyber and cyber-
physical systems. Researches and develops new capabilities in
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & computer
Responsible science,
for thesoftware,
detectionhardware, tools, and
and identification ofdata analytics
various targets
Telecomm) techniques that enhance
(including objects, scenes,the
anddefense andinresilience
activities) the image ofor
well ascyber and cyber-physical
the analysis of the Liaises with program
management, project management, scientists, engineers, and IT
security engineers to understand objectives and designs to identify
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & Responsible
and manage for studying
areas how to
of greatest use the machine to simulate human
Telecomm) learning activities, to improve their performance by data analyzing
without following the instructions of the program. Including deep
learning framework and system development.
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & Responsible for the design and development related to speech
Telecomm) recognition, such as voice wake, dictation, speech synthesis, open
semantics, voiceprint recognition, online and offline speech
recognition mode. Responsible for speech recognition related
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & research and analysis,
Define, develop such as the
and prototype voice of
cognitive the previous
solutions processing,
for word
Telecomm) acoustic modelanalysis
segmentation, training,and
language modeloftraining,
recognition parts ofdecoder
speech, newand word
discoveryspeech recognition
and other Naturalalgorithm,
Language etc.Processing (NLP) research
work, to ensure the computer is able to handle text, such as
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & extracting
Responsible fromfor the text andartificial
developing interpreting
neuralthe relevantimitating
networks meaning, style,
Telecomm) grammar.
behavior and learning characteristics of biological neural system.
Collects, interprets and analyzes data related to learning process of
the models. Designs algorithms and testing procedures that allow for
Technical Product R&D (Internet, High Tech & monitoring
Responsibleand for anticipating flaws, errors
planning, deployment, andand anomalies. of
optimization Identifies
Telecomm) and studies
Charging functional
System (OCS)principles
platform andof neural
Valuenetworks. Implements
Added Services (VAS). and
practically applies developed solutions, using multidisciplinary
Launches all new services and promotions from an end to end
perspective.encompassing statistical
Meets commercial analysis,
calendar big data processing,
requirements for new
services and systems and other
promotions within relevant fields.
established company policies and
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) Leads clinical operations which typically includes clinical monitoring
and clinical data management. Manages resource needs and resolves
resource and scheduling conflicts to meet organization's goals.

Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) work includes: •Overseeing,
designing, planning, and developing clinical evaluation research
studies •Preparing and authoring protocols and patient record forms
•Conducting registered and non-registered clinical studies of
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) products thatDesign
Clinical Trial have been determined
(Life Sciences to satisfy awork
& Education) medical need and/or
offer a commercial
•Designing potential
and providing •Overseeing
oversight andresearch
of clinical interpreting results of
•Building investigations
relationshipsinwith preparation
key opinion for new
appliesor consumer
input •Overseeing
to enhance and resolving
study design and protocolsoperational aspectsclinical
•Confirming of clinical
trials in conjunction with project teams and in accordance is with
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) research
Clinical Trial
meets scientific
(Life Sciences)
good includes:
with commercial
managing patient needs •Serving
recruitment, as medical/scientific
retention services and consultant
solutions for
and specific
marketing orcountry
research regulations,
project teamsand may
and prepare
government clinical trial
budgets programs
•May be •Conducting
responsible protocol
for clinical feasibility
supply assessments,
operations, site site
agencies •Establishing
identification, proposalthe criterion essential
development, vendorfor determining
evaluation and the
safety, selection
efficacy, and medical utilities •Interpreting results of Phase I
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) management
to PhaseDataIII
•Evaluating online
investigations in(Life
working with patient
new-drug or medical
•Processing, programs
reviewing,•Serving as recruitment
receiving patient expert advisor to clinical
teams application
In some In some
organizations, may be maydata
responsible serve and records
safety expert
for individual clinical data
clinical forms from
projects. May particular
be therapeutic
responsible for post groups
outside oversight for multiple studies for more than one
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) •Providing
Clinical Supply Operations timely, andSciences)
(Life consistent clinical
work data to
includes: the
medical department
orders and maintaining andrecords
other groups
for clinical trial supplies including
•Planning and preparing for data management plans includingfor
order form documentation datapackages
•Labeling, data validation
assembling, activities,
and shipping writing
clinical specifications
supplies used in for data
trials in etc. with good manufacturing practices (GMP)
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) •Following
Assesses quality-related
Good Clinical activities
Practices to pre-clinical
(GCP) and clinical
data-handling data
management •Maintaining
and programming records, evaluating
including protocols,
database, coding of
and guidelines
samples, and storage of approved materials •Maintaining batch
and data trending.
•Participating in theDefines
reviewthe of preclinical
clinical and clinical
research datareports,
protocols, content
and and clinical
structures supplies
for collection, database
transformationIn someand organizations
submission may
have statistical
responsibility analysis plans
for manufacture of the active ingredients and
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) Clinical Performs
Support (Lifeimpact
creating, and
Sciences) analysis
includes: modifications
to forms
existing for clinical
domains, supplies.
permitted choices, and reference. Develops,
supporting the conduct of clinical trials Phase I studies •Ensuring the
safety and
•Gathering input from all documentation
confidentiality cross-functional
of all study subjects needed for clinical
teams through
and creating studies.
plans that
helps the the
surveillance team process
and produce
of patientsand
deliverables Corrective
on schedule aspectsAction and
of compound
under study Action
consistency initiatives.
•Maintaining of clinicalActsdata as the
and data steward
processes for
across the clinical
Clinical Research Operations (Life Sciences & Healthcare) Evaluates,
trials develops,
administration. pilots,records and
and implements documentation of safety
digital clinical trial
related events
technologies •Supporting
to improve the conduct
theoperational of
experience for patients, in
clinical trialaspects clinical research trials sites
accordance and resolving
all regulatory requirements
and sponsors. Assesses and provides feedback on technologies and
approaches to maximize
In some organizations, may efficiencies and identify
include managing opportunities
service providers for
improvement. Partners and collaborates
(clinical research organizations) that perform these activities.with vendors and cross-
functional teams in areas
Requires knowledge of drug such and asdisease
diagnostics and monitoring,
wearable devices, telemedicine, medical modeling, smart devices,
data management, and tracking and delivery. Ensures compliance
with relevant company standards, policy and procedures, patient
privacy and other laws and regulations related to the use of clinical
digital technology.
General Research Operations Identifies research and development areas that should be
investigated. Responsible for attaining laboratory or department
research, marketing, fiscal and staffing goals to conform to
organization goals. Establishes operating procedures, practices and
Engineering Leadership guidelines and communicates
Head of Engineering is responsible themfor with
direction and or department
leadership of
the overall Establishes,
engineering monitors
operations and controls
(design, schedules
process, andetc.)
quality, project
budgets. Plans,
associated organizes
project activities andofmanages work of research
the organization. Works with and support
staff. Responsible
management for negotiation
to design, develop, and of research
modify the contracts.
products Plans
facilities business
of the development
organization. and marketing
Coordinates activities for
implementation of product
Engineering Leadership Head of Manufacturing
laboratory Product Design & Production Engineering is
and facilityor
changes and the costing
for engineering and purchasing
teams performing workofinassociated
the following
materials and equipment.
manufacturing-related Assesses
areas: •Product processes
& Packagingand environmental
ensure compliance with local
Engineering and federal
•Production regulatory
Engineering and•Equipment
organization&safety Tools standards.
Engineering •Repair & Maintenance
Engineering Leadership Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering is accountable for
engineering •Quality & Reliability
teams performing workEngineering
in the following•Environmental
manufacturing- &
related Safety
areas: Engineering
•Production Process Engineering •Equipment & Tools
Engineering •Repair & Maintenance Engineering •Quality &
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Reliability Engineering
General Engineering is •Environmental
responsible for leading,& Employee Safetyand/or
performing work across multiple engineering areas of an
organization’s operations. Activities include but are not limited to,
analyzing technology trends, designing new products/processes,
Multi-Disciplined Engineering modifying
Responsible andforimproving existing products/processes,
the development, implementation, anddeveloping evaluation of
new procedures. Confers with
production materials, others inand
equipment, the technologies
organization to determine
engineering feasibility, cost effectiveness,
conducting mass production. Completes manufacturing research and customer demand & for
new and existing products. May be involved
development to solve problems related to production cost and in field-testing of
quality. processes,
Conducts and/orfeasibility
technical systems. tests to ensure production
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Mechanical Engineering researches, plans, designs and develops
efficiency. Evaluates project
mechanical products and systems capacity
such asasthe basis for production
instruments, controls,
process design and development.
robots, engines, machines and mechanical, thermalDevelops and implements
or heat
transfer systems procedures.
for production, Evaluates production
transmission, processes toand
measurement, reduce
of costs.
energy. Determines
Applies research product
to the quality
planning, standards
design, and arranges
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Chemical Engineering
equipment and tools researches,
to support designs, develops,
production. Selects and implements
and testing
chemical of mechanical
reactions inand/or electromechanical systems,
instruments, withused
controls, vendors processes
engines, to and/or
determinethat convert
materials or
Ensures products are delivered within approved timelines and include
into more useful or valuable forms. Responsibilities
the design of chemical plant equipment and processes for the
Multi-Disciplined Engineering manufacture of chemical
Electrical Engineering productsdevelops,
researches, such as gasoline,
and testsrubber,
components, cement, paper,systems,
equipment, and pulp.and Determines
networks.most Designs
electrical arrangement of operations
equipment, facilities, such as mixing,
components, products, crushing, heat
and systems
transfer, distillation, oxidation, hydrogenation,
for commercial, industrial, and domestic purposes. and polymerization.
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Electronics Engineering researches, designs, develops, and tests a
variety of electronic equipment and systems, including radar and
radiation detection equipment, power electronics; radio, television
and other communications equipment and systems; circuitry
Multi-Disciplined Engineering components
Responsible for andtheintegrated
engineering circuits; analog of
operations andthedigital computers,
business. Directs
and oversees field-programmable
business engineering gate arrays (FPGA)
practices, including andtheassociated
firmware; and control and test equipment.
optimization of equipment and materials for production. Manages
the introduction of new/modified equipment, tools, software and
Multi-Disciplined Engineering systems.
and resolves insight and develops
engineering priorities
related productionfor engineering
related toand services, while
manufacturing, ensuring
design, engineering
quality and material performance
quality goals are met. Analyzes market
Analyzes engineering specifications and drawings; confersand technology demands
with to
assess the
quality, feasibility
material, of projects and
manufacturing andplans. Establishes
subcontractors toengineering
provide and
obtain and manage
technical budgetary
information; controls.reports of defective,
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Responsible for production support engineering with respect to
damaged or malfunctioning
testing methods, procedures,parts, assemblies,product
and problems; equipment or systems;
and reviews production
yield problems; minor schedules
redesignand orders. Examines,
of products; analysis of measures,
inspects and
returns; or tests defective
optimizing parts for relative
production conformance. to costEvaluates
constraints. findings
to formulate
Assumes corrective for
responsibility actions.
product after transfer into high-volume
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Responsible for work across multiple Engineering Disciplines under
production and usually
the close supervision ofresponsible
a team member. for entire manufacturing
Incumbents gain exposure
operations other than wafer
in multiple Engineering fabrication.
Disciplines and buildMayan assist customer inof
usage problems
processes, or customer
technologies used,testing of complex
etc. Knowledge ofproducts.
the organization's
Plant/Facilities Engineering operating
Facilities Engineering is responsible for the design, planning,based on
procedures, policies, and processes is developed
construction,ofand other employeesofand/or
maintenance completing
equipment, hands-on
machinery, work
and othervarious disciplines.
facilities. Incumbents
Plans, budgets, andare typicallyfacility
schedules expected to take
on reasonable including
modifications, independent responsibility
estimates of their labor,
on equipment, work within a
and other Engineering Discipline
costs. Oversees afterthe one to two years
coordination ofof induction
building space
Plant/Facilities Engineering Facilities
program. Layout focuses on planning, designing, and
implementing and thelayout, communication
layouts of plant, office, services and facilities
and equipment in order to
provide theMay maximumhave responsibility
utilization of for establishing
facilities and overseeing
and efficiency of
health and safety
production including:standards.
•Developing specifications and preparing
Plant/Facilities Engineering detailed
Plant estimates of
Construction design costs including
& Maintenance Engineering equipment, installation,
is responsible for the
maintenance,and otherand/or related
repaircosts •Developing
of plant building(s)
criteria and performance
or machinery. May establish specifications
standards and for facilities and equipment
policies regarding
necessary to meettesting,
pollution control, uniqueoperating
requirements and building
inspection, andand
safety codes •Reviewing plant/facility specifications,
maintenance of equipment. May research and recommend purchase required
of new equipmentdates, external
and systems. regulatory requirements, and
construction/environmental feasibility studies
Plant/Facilities Engineering Responsible for planning and designing the physical piping layout
within a process plant or a commercial building, including design
calculations for pressure, sustained and occasional loads, and piping
Plant/Facilities Engineering Responsible for the planning, design, construction, integrity,
maintenance and operations of pipelines and associated facilities,
both onshore and offshore, such as pumping stations, compressor
stations, storage terminals, manifolds, and control systems.
Plant/Facilities Engineering Involved in the development, design, research, construction, and
ongoing operations of nuclear power plants or equipment for nuclear
power generation, such as nuclear reactors.

Design Engineering Product Design Engineering focuses on designing and developing new
or existing products, components, or assemblies including: •Applying
engineering principles to develop mechanical, electronic, or chemical
products that meet customer technical/functional specifications as
Design Engineering well as manufacturing
Mechanical Product Design cost/efficiency
Engineering requirements
work focuses •Conducting
on designing
and developingmodelling mechanical to determine if proposed designs
products, components, or systems are
including: feasible •Supporting
mechanical and participating
engineering in theto
principles design,
develop test,
modification, fabrication,
products, components, and and assembly
systems thatofinvolve
prototypes movement •May also
engines, with designing
vehicles, robots, product specific manufacturing production
Design Engineering Electronics
processes Product
and equipmentDesignprosthetic
Engineering devices,
work energy
on designing
systems, machinery, etc.) •Supporting
and developing electronic component, products, or systems and participating in the design,
test, modification,
including: •Applying fabrication, and assembly
electrical/electronic of prototype
engineering mechanical
principles to
products and assemblies •Collaborating with
develop electronic circuitry and components (e.g., electron tubes, marketing and
semiconductor designdevices,
teams to develop products
transistors, diodes, etc.) that •Designing
meet and
Design Engineering Manufacturing Packaging
technical/functional Design Engineering
specifications as well and focuses on designing
as manufacturing
and developing consumer
product electronic
packaging products
(e.g., boxes, components
cartons, (personal
cost/efficiency requirements •May
communication/entertainment also be
devices, involved with
computers, designing
product wraps
other containers) including:
production •Designing
processes and and
electronics, navigation devices, smart appliances,
constructing new packaging or improvements to existing packaging; etc.) •Designing
and developing
testing, analyzing, electronic systems and equipment (radio/TV
Design Engineering Responsible
broadcasting for theand
product materials
for packaging
development and
based on
realization and cost effectiveness
process. Work includes •Supporting
the analysis andof participating
radio frequency in the
design, test,systems,
modification,etc.) •May also beand
fabrication, involved
assembly withof prototypes
design feasibility,
designing/developing establishment of
product/component development processes,
manufacturing and
product-related process(s) to manufacture
documentation (such as packaging;
schematics, PCB andthe BOM
installation, processes
operation, and
and equipment
maintenance of packaging machinery,
Design Engineering tables and
Responsible test
for analysis
designing, report) preparation
developing, and
andperformance review.
implementing Other
of and
responsibility: processes to
frequencyhuman optimal
devices, new suppliers, •Designing
new tasks.
systems to automate
quality assurance/control processes functions
and procedures or dangerous
Applies assessment
engineering of
and computer the production
science structure,into packaging
support which
and may include
project compliance
maintenance, with principles
addressing specific
technical and
regulatory mechanism
standards components and systems.
related to technology.
product packaging Supports and to radio
participates andin radio
research, frequency
design, Ensures the objectives
Design Engineering Responsible
related to the forproduct
researching and configuration,
as aofwhole studying
are achieved
test, modification,
the structures
on technical and chemical
time. Works in
properties ofand assembly
various natural prototypes. Provides direction
for collaboration
system repair and with and provides support to otherby
and manmade materials performing
experiments and computer modelling. Determines ways to
strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials with new
Design Engineering or
CFD group properties
provides forspecialized
use in a variety skillsof in products
fluid dynamics and applications.
modeling to determine
techniques. conformance
This includes to specifications
the thermal analysis of
mechanical strength, strength-weight
group which provides specialized skills in heat transfer and ratio, ductility, magnetic and
electrical properties,
assessment of the thermal and resistance
to changing heat/cold
and recommends
conditions them
affect for reliableofperformance
functioning the components in various
Design Engineering Develops new
environments. Teststechniques.
products in the field
to This
ensure of acoustics
allbequality and
and applies
safety to the
development modeling may solid or fluid.
standards are of met new and enhanced tools and processes. Responsible
for perfecting the quality or managing the effect of audio signals and
transmissions. May focus on electronic circuits that replicate specific
Design Engineering audio profilesfor
Responsible ordesign
designand systems to minimize
integration the negative
of electronic impact of
and mechanical
components vibrations,
and theirhigh decibelsduring
interfacing or unwanted frequencies
the development of or
mechanical Conducts tests to develop,
systems. Participates design, and demonstrate
in cross-functional teams to define
compliance. Ensures
requirements, analyze compliance
feasibility,with noise regulations/specifications
and propose solutions that meet
and guarantees
customer needs. requirements.
Conducts Coordinates
system analysis with
to suppliers
resolve on noise
tradeoffs and
Design Engineering Designs,
levels, analyzes,
testing and of modifies,
design. and integrates robotics, automation,
technologies and processes related to equipment and toolingacross
integration system engineering tools and processes for
applicability to tooptimize
programs performance.
and products. Manages
Develops, resolution
implements,of systemand
tests preventative and performance
maintenanceissues plans, interim solutions for damaged
Design Engineering and unsafe
Develops newequipment, and tooling.
and/or integrates Investigates
existing and documents
system simulation
frameworks,changes performance and controls
models equipment
and algorithms, and tooling
threat models and
command andincontrol accordance models. with standard
Develops operating
software that procedures.
Develops of
behavior and recommends
users and systems. equipment
Develops, reliability
integrates improvements
and uses
graphicalthe userapplication
interfaces ofandreliability engineering
visualization tools. and tooling.operational
Design Engineering Designs, develops, and tests nuclear equipment systems or
applications of nuclear/radioactive materials used insimulation
performs trade studies via computer medical and
and treatment supportequipment.
for alternative architectures.
Conducts researchPerformson new
materials of analysis and mission
special interest effectiveness
in nuclear reactors.analysis.
Conducts May build
and design
related to the training
detection models. and control of radiation
Design Engineering Researches, designs, develops and verifies signal and andradioactive
collection systems, Studies andnuclear
definesfuel andcycle
developsto define most economical
processing and
uses of material
dissemination and safest
computer means of Develops
algorithms. waste products requirementsdisposal.analysis,
areas of research include radiation transport
system architecture, and integrates new signal and image capture modeling, statistical
analyses and performance
and processing technology metrics. systems.Recommends
Designs, develops various andtechnology
systemsor forapproaches
the extraction for system, processes,
of information fromfacility
sensors. or program
improvements in terms of safety, performance,
utilization includes implementation of signal and image processing efficiency or costs.
with advanced computer architectures.
Design Engineering Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) work includes:
•Applying mechanical and electrical engineering principles to
develop medical devices that meet customer technical/functional
specifications as well as manufacturing cost/efficiency requirements
Design Engineering •Conducting
Responsible for mathematical
designing complex modelling andtohighdetermine
performance if proposed
for technically feasible •Supporting
electronic products and other hardware and participating
systems in in the
design, test,
support of end modification,
users’ needs. fabrication
This includes and assembly of prototypes
design of various circuit In
some organizations,
components such as may Analog alsotobe involved
Digital with designing
Converter, Oscillators, product
specific manufacturing
(phase-locked production processes and equipment.
Design Engineering Responsible for the R&D activities in relation to the design,design and
loops), etc. Facilitates transition of product
characterization, to full production/delivery
iterative refinement of mechanical through involvement
components, in
circuits, simulationfiber
assemblies, andoptics,
validation based place
electronic on analysis
parts, of and linkage,
specifications, integration,
etc. Identifies technical and reliability.
solutions based onGets marketinvolved in the
trends/opportunities optimization,
and documentation,
drives them through layout,
design andtodebug of
Design Engineering Responsible
these circuitsfor in usability
various testing technologies
process and design of(e.g., high 65nm,
tech products
(hardware orStays Works
software) on product
in support of definition,
end users’ design,
needs. process
28nm, etc.).
requirements, and up-to-date with technical and scientific advances
for applied support
research toreview
conceive a practical
by Builds
performingin various
heuristic to determine feasibility
tools usedevaluation,
in analog design cognitive walkthroughs,
(e.g., Spice, Spectre, andCadence,
task analysis.etc.) and
Project Engineering Compiles,
Generaldesign analyzes,
Project (e.g., and documents
Engineering focuses test
Simulink, results.
on designing,etc.)Proposes conceptual
designs and modifications
and implementing to existing
an operational planproducts for
for completing an engineering-
based project including: •Preparing Establishesdesigns,usabilityproject
standards and best
controls and
practices during
specifications, product development
schedules, cost estimates, to production,
ensure optimal user
installation, testing and/orOptimization
commissioning of new infrastructure,
Project Engineering Manufacturing Industrial Engineering focuses on
optimizingequipment, etc. •Monitoring
the interconnected components progressof a and performance
against the project plan; taking action
system (e.g., plant location, personnel work flow/ergonomics,to resolve operational
problems and minimize
materials logistics, delays process
production •Identifying,sequence,developing, and
and equipment
layouts, theincluding:
etc.) resources•Establishing
necessary to complete methods themaximum
for project •May
Project Engineering Human Factors
include preparing Engineering
engineering focuses on thedesigns
standards, ergonomics and work of designing
equipment, ofmachines,
production facilities
devices, and personnel
facilities/work •Conducting
environments to
specifications; developing
cost/inventory/production project
control schedules,
and human budgets
factors and forecasts;
studies to
and human
selecting well-being
materials, and overall
equipment, operational
project staff, andperformance:
develop and implements plans for facility
•Developing ergonomic design concepts with user interface design modifications and revisions
to operating methods •Assisting manufacturing plant/facilities
Project Engineering considerations
Responsible for•Conducting
establishing user needs
baseline analysis,
criteria taskand
to plan flowschedule
interface with facility
analysis/design, planning
product andusability
design •May assist intest
evaluations, establishing
accident relative
prevention to various
measures engineering
and manage projects.
production Prepares project
and problem
planning and resolution
scheduling •Conducting
status reports human
and factors applied
recommends research
in programs forofplant
the development new personnel
products •May to actexamine
as an internal
actions. Carries out necessary preplanning scope of work
and services, providing
work technical
breakdown guidance
structure, on new product
engineering quality and
Project Engineering Plan, prepare and
development and product
coordinate enhancement
quantities, financial and contractual obligations
pre-commissioning/commissioning/start-up and division
activities leadingofto
project completion. to controlDevelopand report
and ensure on planning
adherence and to scheduling
a detailed
commissioning Worksschedule
with third and parties to ensureall
plan, covering plans
aspectsare realistic
of pre- and
commissioning analyzes
and third party
start-up phases contractor
through progress
to handover.information.
Project Engineering Establish and
Prepares schedulesmaintain for cost control procedures.
commissioning and start Liaise withPrepare
up. Assist planning,
the project
cost, update
and estimatinga comprehensive
engineering commissioning
functions and manual. Develop a
control team
reporting in establishing a project performance index.
accounting/administrative functions on cost control matters. team.
structure and accountabilities for the commissioning
Plan and coordinate
Monitors and reportsthe commissioning/start
information for master plan up schedule
roll-ups.and Provide
commercial work
input with
and third party review
technical providers. of Developand
tenders pre- proposals.
Project Engineering Optimizes distribution
commissioning center workflow.
test forecasts,
procedures Maintains Labor
and documentation. CorrectTablesanyforand
Ensure that budget
the distribution center. Audits progress monitoring,
labor standards cost
and piece reporting
corrective found.
action, Ensure
information compliance
systems and progress
procedures reports
meet are
produced Recommends
in accordance withchange,
client and develops,
legislative documents
requirements. and
projects requirements.
implements work measurement
Liaise with government agenciesprograms.
where required Analyzes cost saving
to obtain necessary
Project Engineering proposals.
Responsible priorfor to start-up.
technical Prepare client
procurement, acceptance
usually for capitalforms and
ensure satisfactory
equipment, direct and sign-off
indirectis obtained.
materialsDevelop relatingcomprehensive
to construction
quality, environment
projects. Call for tender andand safety commissioning
quotes, evaluate vendors' plans. capability,
quality, reliability and price competitiveness, negotiate with/award
Project Engineering contracts
Coordinate within specified
the daily spending
construction limits, and
activities at thedevelop
project newsitequalified
sources of supply.
the objective of ensuring all activities comply with project quality
plans, specifications, site programs, and meet all safety standards
and legal requirements. Plans the activities in order to effectively use
Project Engineering resources
Responsible to for
meet theconstruction
development, program.
documentationReviews and specification
of closureinplans
orderfor to closed
resolvesites any in discrepancies or conflicts.
various jurisdictions. Monitors
materials, equipment and manpower on
reviews, and updates individual site closure plans and assesses site in order to ensure that
the appropriate
changing risks that materials are available
may contribute to meet the
to increased construction
Contributes timing.
to monitoring projects from selection to execution to
Project Engineering Accountable for the planning and design of capital projects, including
project independent
planning and quality management. review and oversight.
Oversees Contributes
electrical and civilto the
designs, drawings of allandclosure planning
technical activities, such as opportunity
assessment, life of asset plans, and budgeting other teams and
functional leads. Ensures or participates in the maintenance and
Project Engineering Prepare
update of plans,
best specifications,
practice site closure and cost estimates
plans with risks forand
the liabilities.
maintenance, repair and expansion of electrical distribution systems.

Process Engineering Manufacturing Production Process Engineering focuses on designing,

developing, and implementing new or revised production processes
for the efficient/economical mass production of goods including:
•Designing arrangement of manufacturing equipment to ensure most
efficient and productive layout •Designing the sequence of
production operations, specifying procedures for the fabrication of
applicable tools and equipment, and adapting machinery in response
to factory conditions •Conducting tests throughout all stages of
production to determine control over applicable variables and
troubleshooting/solving production problems •Providing guidance to
product design engineering on technical specifications that will best
Process Engineering Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering focuses on designing,
developing, and implementing new or revised processes for
assembling the component parts and subassemblies required for a
finished product including: •Designing the sequence of assembly
Process Engineering operations
Chemical Process and theEngineering
arrangement focusesof equipment
on designing for automatic
process flows partsand
equipmentfastening layout for (e.g.,
or revised welding,
chemical screwdriving,
process operationsapplying
including: etc.), labeling, sorting, and
equipment and processes
packagingthat •Performing
change the quality
chemical properties and functional tests on
of materials and assembled
ingredients goods(e.g.,•Overseeing the
heating/cooling, operation,
oxidation,and fermentation,
maintenance of assembly equipment
Process Engineering Conducts failure
•Monitoring analysis
rate •Planningto identify
of assembly andproduction
finished issues;inventory
goods providesto
technical expertise and resolves sequence
technical of operations
problems; and
specifying and resolve
procedures issues impacting
for preparing achievement
materials and of cost,
operating quality, or
production and minimizes
targets downtime to bring about process
equipment •Determining
improvement and production yield. process design by balancing process cost,
yield, worker safety/comfort, and material waste considerations
Process Engineering Responsible
•Conductingfor teststhethroughout
design, development,
all stages ofand testing of
processing to Additive
control over applicable (AM) processes
variablesand technologies
(e.g., temperature, thatpressure,
are used to
density, viscosity, 3D objects etc.)made
and of various materials,process
troubleshoot/solve including, but not
limited to, plastic, metal, etc. Designs parts and creates methods to
Process Engineering optimize
Responsible 3-dimensional
for designing layouts
integrationto ensure productivity
requirements and quality are
of new
technology, processes, achieved. Determines
and equipment processintoparameters for printing
current infrastructure.
machine and
Conducts materials,
feasibility studiestaking into account
to establish the various
most efficientaspectsway suchofas
implementing density, geometric
technology accuracy,
transfer. and temperature.
Monitors and controls new
processes and and evaluates
equipment tools and/or
introduced during software
start-up thatandcan be used
Process Engineering Designs
to achieveand plans
production layout for
targets. such
May processes
design as
tools hardening,
and/or software washing,
laminating, runs to
etching, identify problems
engraving, polishing, and failures
painting, encountered andthat
plating, chemical
work additive manufacturing equipment reliability.
mixing, reaction vessels, pumping, piping, dispensing, assemblyor
towards solutions. Suggests changes in working methods and
other material-processing sequences to improve operations. efficiency
Plansand effectiveness.
sequence of operations
and specifiesnew operating procedures,
procedures training and certification
Process Engineering Responsible
specifications. for the designfor andcutting, shaping,
installation and
of all otherwise
preparing basic material, exercising
required in the brewing process, and ensures the production line judgment in compromising
operates conflicting efficiently and requirements,
effectively.economic Designs, developsevaluation and ofintegrates
new technologies for brewing production. Inspects and repairs tests,
operator effectiveness and comfort. Designs and conducts
brewing andproduction
measurements throughout
equipment. Manages stages of production
technical projects tofor the
Process Engineering Process Engineering
determine control (Lifesuch
over Sciences)
variables work as includes:
temperature, density,
•specific Designing line.
and Ensures
developing equipment meets company requirements
and gravity,
specifications. pressure, andnew
Leads efforts
or revised
to improve Establishes
production and process
submits and
processing requirements to processes
be met intaking
designing into consideration
and acquiring
problems inherent the creation in theof standard operating
transfer of technology procedures.
research to
processing equipment. Troubleshoots and optimizes
Process Engineering manufacturing
Pharmaceutical/Biological systems. Process Engineering (Life Sciences) work
•includes: Developing procedures for economical mass production in
• Implementing with pilot-plant
and maintaining and production departments
•processes Conducting tests and measurements throughout stages of
Calculatingto determine
and organizing control data overforapplicable
complexincludes: variables
instrumentation and
Process Engineering •control Servicing, Engineering
troubleshooting, and (Mining)
solvingwork production process
•problems considerations
Improvement and optimization of existing metallurgy
•processes, Modelingwithprocesses
processesand or equipment
units operationsalready and inensuring
operation processes
•andPreparing problem
and solving and
maintaining development
reports toregulations
ensure of new metallurgy
the plant's processes
processes procedures
to are
reduce in compliance
costs, increase with
recovery and improve safety and
•environment procedures
Ensuring properare sequence
in compliance with regulations
of operation and prepares
Process Engineering Responsible for
specifications andestablishing
operating the engineering
instructions and technical
for processing equipment
•requirements Development and/or recommendation of the most robust
for theand
ore processing
of compliance,
gas pharmaceutical,
sheets stages storage,
production to and biological,
determine controlbiochemical,
over such medical,
variables the patent
as andand

engineering Monitoring
of new trends
systems, in organizations,
and major processing,may: make
modifications metallurgy,
to existingbulk
materials pressure and
emission control, and water treatment
Servicing, troubleshooting, acquisition
and solving and use
engineering of new problems with
Equipment & Tools Engineering technology
technological Mechanical
equipment and Equipment
materials; Engineering
develop and work
inform focuses
new on
designing or equipment
Ensuring developing
process already
product design or current product upgrades to ensure
in operation
cost, and and
recovery tools for
targets use
are in
manufacturability processes
and including:
assembly; •Researching
support investigations productionby providing
In someWorking
•technical organizations,
solutionswith andmay bedepartments
geology responsiblenew orfor
to corrective
determine and
preventive reports
actions for
and use by regulatory
investigation agencies/bodies.
management, and/or process
Equipment & Tools Engineering equipment
Manufacturing designs
sample •Designing,
Equipment developing,
analytical and
Engineering and implementing
work focuses on
evaluation,and andincluding
equipment equipment
other testing tools selection
requirements machinery,and modification.
designing developing electrical instruments, devices, and

systems Designing dies, gauges,
and interpreting
for manufacturing jigs, fixtures,
applications etc.)
metallurgical •Overseeing
including:testing the
•Developing and

overseeing operation,
the andand
and evaluating
installation maintenance technical
operation of equipment
industrial and
systems processes
•Designing to provideto optimize
power expert utilization,
controlopinionspanel onuptime
systems processing and production
to minimizeaspects for
Equipment & Tools Engineering Responsible
yield •May
potential for welding
acquisition withprojects
and equipment
conduct and process
training for the improvements.
Provides support facility electrical
to welding hazards
operations to•Designing
improve production
quality results.

automation and Production
Participating Groups
as required on
in anynewscoping
equipment study, and associated
study or andsystems
Identify equipment
needs, analyze•Designing
weld electrical
concerns and instruments
recommend and devicestoto
Participating in process plant
manufacturing commissioning
process pressure, and aligning
Equipment & Tools Engineering Engineering
metallurgical management
for the design,team.
departments Schedule
with corporate and execute
requirements preventive
maintenance. speed, etc.
operation, andProvide
reporting standards maintenancetechnical support and training to
of instrument/electrical welders.
systems. Focus
• on mathematical
May providemodelling assistanceofwith systems of a diverseclosure
site temporary nature,and
permanent their
closuredynamic behavior,related
requirements and using control theory
to processing and to create
Equipment & Tools Engineering amanagement
controller that
Responsible will cause the
for monitoring thesystems to behave process.
entire production in a desired
manner. May specialize
Monitors/evaluates wellinsystems
the design, configuration,
to maximize production.and automation
of systems. systems and determines the need for new or improved
equipment to increase production rates. Develops methods to
Equipment & Tools Engineering improve extraction
Responsible and oversees
for designing and monitoringdrilling activities.
the assembly Evaluates the flow
of downhole
between the equipment
tubulars and reservoir and the wellbore.
required to enable safe and efficient
production from an oil or gas well. Devises methods to improve oil
and gas well production. Designs and coordinates completion
programs, manages company completions operations.
Equipment & Tools Engineering Involved in design and management of natural gas systems. Prepares
cost estimates for projects, supervises installation or modification of
gas delivery systems, and prepares technical standards, studies and
evaluations of gas system operations.
Quality & Reliability Engineering Quality Assurance Engineering work focuses on developing,
modifying, applying, and maintaining quality evaluation and control
systems/protocols including: •Devising and implementing methods
and procedures for inspecting, testing and evaluating the precision
Quality & Reliability Engineering and accuracy
Quality Control of Engineering
products andwork production
focuses equipment
on designing, •Designing
developing, and
analyzing inspection
and implementing and testing
testing methods processes,
and equipmentmechanisms, and
for products,
equipment •Conducting
components, and processes quality assurance
to ensure tests and
conformity to performing
statistical analysisand
quality protocols to assess
standards the level of control
including: and manage
•Planning product
and arranging
the risks
labor, •Undertaking
schedules, and root causerequired
equipment analysis of for incidents
testing requiring
Quality & Reliability Engineering Works withaction
corrective development
•Ensures engineers
thatfor to develop,
corrective measures execute, and track
the test
testingarea ofwith parameters
and existing sampleand
products testing andand
Creates tests
meet acceptable
to be performed •Compiling standards
data and and that
defining documentation
changes required is to
cases that
compliant will
with ensure the
requirements reliable operation of the products including
testing equipment,
four-corner testing.testing
Works procedures,
with customer and/or
support processes
to reproduce
Quality & Reliability Engineering customer
Supplier Quality Management Engineering focuses methods
problems for engineering. Develops test on planning, to be
used from engineering
organizing, directing, and specifications.
reporting onReads supplier andprovided
interprets rawdiagrams,
materials, and drawings to isolate goods, issues found in testing.materials to
and packaging
ensure they meet or exceed requirements including: •Verifying and
Quality & Reliability Engineering validating
Reliability that suppliersfocuses
Engineering and/oron subcontractors have received
developing, coordinating, and
conducting technicalmanufacturing,reliability and qualityonrequirements
studies engineering designs •Monitoring
quality control activities and systems at supplier
assess the likelihood that a product/process performs its intended and subcontractor
function •Ensuring programs
over the intended are in place
lifecycle to improve
including: •Measuring supplier and
analyzing the and productivity
reliability of the •Reviewing
design, and analyzing
materials, processes, corrective
cost, and
Quality & Reliability Engineering Responsible
action reports fortotranslating
reduce/eliminate customer feedback
defects. May and requirements
perform deviation into
final products
production of production
process quality •Recommending
improvements. designclose
Ensures or test methods
and statistical into quality
process issues.
control procedures for achieving required
with customers to identify risks and improvement opportunities.
levels of product
Investigates reliability
complaints and•Completing
conducts root riskcause
analysis studies
analyses to of new
factors and processes
driving quality •Undertaking
decrease. testing
Conducts and
risk analysis onwith
assessment failures,
Quality & Reliability Engineering Researches,
proposing develops, and prepares specifications for improvements
to existing to changes
or formulation
Initiates to improve
and coordinates
processes, equipment,
system flow
and process
corrective reliability
actions taken in response to a complaint.
technology. Identifies quality and cost improvement opportunities.
Evaluates, develops with and Quality Managers
verifies product toconcepts
resolve qualityto ensureissues raised
by clients.
being Initiates
developed are cross-functional
reliable and cooperation
conform to and participates in
Quality & Reliability Engineering Ensures product
product planningistobeing ensure built correctlyrequirements
customer by analyzing are technical
taken into
account. Draftsand anddesign.
handles Designs
required andquality
develops test plans, test cases
and test steps. Validates functional requirements and benchmarks
current system performance. Reports defects and tracks until
Quality & Reliability Engineering resolution.
Responsible for selecting, approving and qualifying purchased
components utilized in assemblies or end products. Ensures
selections are both cost efficient and reliable. Troubleshoots issues
with purchased components. Works closely with developers to
Quality & Reliability Engineering evaluate design reviews
Reviews product systems, ofassociated
components. support equipment and
facilities, functional specifications and operations, and establishes
safety requirements for assigned systems. Independently analyzes
and recommends safety criteria in system design, equipment and
Quality & Reliability Engineering procedures
Develops and toevaluates
control ormetrology
eliminate hazards.calibration Develops
systemssafety that measure
characteristics as required
of objects, to substances,
support customer and test/operational
or phenomena, such as length,
range requirements. Performs audits
mass, time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity,of operational areas and and
derived units ofof physical
system safety or chemicalprogram. Participates
measure. in accident
Identifies magnitude
of error sources involving
contributing damage to productsof
to uncertainty orresults
determine and
Quality & Reliability Engineering Synthesizes
assists customer
in identification contractual
of causes needs
and and requirements
corrective actions. into the
system of measurement
test solutions process
that acknowledges in quantitative
technical, terms. Develops
calibration methods of system
and safety requirements andschedule
other and cost
of aspects of
concept designDevelops
and andtechniques
based on and
directs preparation
to execution
ensure theofmost
measurement science,
comprehensive test plans, technical
procedures analysis and ofschedules
measurement problems
for completing
and effective and
accuracy program.
precision requirements.
Quality & Reliability Engineering systems. Coordinates integrated testing
Responsible for testing standard and/or custom products, devices, activities. Reviews and
and/or hardwaretest requirements
to assess their to insure completeness
performance of test program.
and reliability. Ensures
Performs technicalare
products/devices analysis
designed of complete systems and
and implemented prepares to
in accordance
established system
quality level evaluations.
standards and specifications. Serves as a primary
Quality & Reliability Engineering source for problem identification
Works with the Project QA/QC Manager and improvement.
to ensure the Selects
of project operationsfor new/existing
are managed products/devices
with the objective and ensures
of meetingtesting
procedures are in compliance to industry
requirements of clients, the company and certification standards. standards. Documents
procedures for all phases of testing and test results. Improves and
automates the test methodology
Quality & Reliability Engineering Responsible for all engineering activities and projects of the
organization related to reservoir performance improvement.
Specializes in reservoir performance analysis and reserve compliance
reporting for multiple jurisdictions.
Quality & Reliability Engineering Specializes in pipeline and equipment corrosion. Knowledge of
pipeline integrity procedures and systems. Responsible for
monitoring platforms corrosion and maintaining mitigation policies.
Maintains pipeline integrity by carrying out cathodic protection
programs. Implements and updates corrosion strategies, arranges
material investigations. May be responsible for maintenance and
repair of cathodic protection systems, pigging operations,
coordination of pipeline service and in-line inspection, and ensuring
documentation and records are maintained.
Repair & Maintenance Engineering General Repair & Maintenance Engineering focuses on planning,
designing and implementing maintenance programs to optimize the
availability and productivity of manufacturing facilities and
equipment including: •Planning and coordinating maintenance
Environmental & Employee Safety Engineering engineering
Environmental work including review
Engineering focusesof onmechanical and electrical
designing engineering
solutions to mitigatespecifications •Performing
environmental engineering
hazards review of and
in the workplace
broader new equipment including: designs to assessand
•Designing reliability, ease of
environmentaland availability
safety and pollution of replacement
preventionparts •Liaising
programs in with
accordance staff
with to coordinate regulatory,
organization, repair work,and statutory
labor safety
Environmental & Employee Safety Engineering Employee/Labor
inspections Healthof&new
and supply Safety Engineering
plant andenvironmental
equipmentfocuseswith on designing
engineering solutions to mitigate •Conductinghazardous workplace engineering
schedules •Participating
studies and•Designing
preparing and in the
environmental installation
impact and commissioning
reports for new of new
equipment administering employee/labor health &
construction projects, plant processes,
safety programs in accordance with organization, regulatory, and and permits •Reviewing and
labor union environmental documentation
requirements/agreements issuedpreliminary
•Taking by regulatory samples
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering Engineering
agencies Sales is focused
•Evaluating on regulations
providing technical advicefinancial,
support measurements
to public,
sales teams ofproposed
and conducting andtotoxic
forcestechnical determine
analysis of product
•Removing hazards and environmental
and/or protecting impact
employees •Workingthrough with external
regulators to determine
to resolve compliance customer
issuesspecific pricing including:
revising work procedures, or requiring use
•Preparing and conducting technical sales briefings for customer and of protective
company protective
representatives equipmentcustomer
•Researching •Taking measures to ensure
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering Engineering
that workplace Sales & Post-Sale
conditions complyConsulting is focusedtechnical
with applicable on selling
technical and
products estimating
leading the costs,
post-sale and resources,
product time, and technical
requirements and oflabor
modifying, agreements
configuring, all required
and installing therecords
productare or
prepared and maintained including: •Preparing and conducting
sales briefings sales forproposals
customertoand ensure
company they are technically
•Researching and consistent with the organization’s
customer technical specifications quality
and standards
estimating the
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering Field Service
•May Engineering
resolve/troubleshoot work is focused
implementation on problems
providing technical
and conduct
advice resources,
to customers time, and
including technical requirements
commissioning, of
and testing
initial user training
configuring, and installing the product or solution •Leading post-sale
of products/equipment including:
• configuration and
Identifying and correcting designingmorecustomcomplex solutions
problems in accordance
with customer
start-up specifications •Diagnosing malfunctions of complex
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering Responsible for providing specialized
devices/equipment/systems and technical supportrepair
directing/overseeing to internal
•and external
including andveterinarians,
recommending petnew products
owners, or
performed by
equipment Engineering
upgrades that Technicians
will meet •Conducting
customer needs technicalfarmers
trainingEvaluates product
and product needs
briefings in accordance
with customers, to customer's
vendors, and technical
Developing on-going
Handles relationships
customer inquiries with
educationtoofsecure products.
future business
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering Collects
Responsible information
for providingon and handlesand
technical technical
and complaints,to
backattogiventhe company. implementation
May assist problems
sales and/or
and marketing
train customers
customers on theknowledge locations.
features ofand Responsible
the support,
equipment theypre-planning,
for have
jobproviding technical
execution, post job analysis, and overall performance of company ensuring all marketing
and promotional
assets on location.materials
Providesare technically
field service inaccurate.
an efficient and high
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering quality manner for the following
Responsible for providing a high level of support product line(s): fluids,
to the drill
drilling, directional
line(s), technical drilling,
selling, keypumping
field product & completions,
application,subsea & surface
well prognosis,
systems, chemicals,product
and/or completion wireline,performance
compressionsupport. servicesIdentifies
& equipment, new
productand productionand
opportunities systems, and others.
development strategies. Interfaces with
Sales, Consulting & Field Service Engineering product
Providesline daymanagement
to day technical andsupport,
local management
troubleshooting, to supportand project
management and strategies
on field site. to Solves
best captureproblems, market opportunities.
participates in planning
objectives, and analyzes and interprets data. Performs system
installations, systems startups, commissioning, in-house repairs,
Civil/Construction Engineering system checks, production, transportation,
Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering manages and installation,
or performs testing
projects such of equipment.
as roads, airports, Ensuresrailroads,
system failures
corrected and takesand
pipelines, tunnels, action
water to and
sewage reoccurrence.
systems. Analyzes the
design effectiveness and structural reliability of major projects.
Civil/Construction Engineering Ensures
Managesloading and structural
or performs work related standards associated
to building with engineering
structural plant and
on construction are maintained.
projects. Analyze the purpose and scale of the
construction, and is responsible for the design of the overall
construction structure. Responsible for the proof, evaluation and
Civil/Construction Engineering optimization
Manages or performsof the structure,
work related foundation and other
to building facade civil engineering
Provides resourcestechnical andscheme
schedules to ensure that the
in response various usage
to specified of the
dates and technicalis convenient and practical.
applications. Prepares proposals and cost
estimates and evaluates all project progress and recommends
Civil/Construction Engineering changes,
Manages iforneeded,
performs in work
final procedures.
related to heating and ventilating design
and installation on a construction project to ensure conformance to
project specifications and safety standards. Provides technical
assistance regarding heating and ventilating. Mainly responsible for
Civil/Construction Engineering coordinating
Manages or performsand managing ventilating
work related and heating
to landscape projects, making
engineering at a
construction planssite.
to accomplish
Monitors landscape engineering goals.
construction quality and
progress. Responsible for the materials and equipment associated
with the landscape construction process.
Civil/Construction Engineering Manages or performs engineering work related to water/waste
system projects to address water resource management, wastewater
treatment and storm water management issues.

Civil/Construction Engineering Manages or performs engineering work related to municipal

construction including design, budget, approval, implementation,
acceptance, and opening.
Civil/Construction Engineering Manages or performs engineering work related to the planning,
design, installation, and structural reliability of mechanical systems
used under the ocean, such as underwater pipelines, pumps,
transportation equipment, offshore drilling rigs, etc.
Civil/Construction Engineering Responsible for the application of soil and rock mechanics in
determining physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of
materials. Conducts rock mechanics related studies to evaluate
implication of mine activities, and analyzes geotechnical and geo
Telecommunications Engineering mechanical
Responsibledata. for theProvides
strategic rock mechanics
planning designsofand
and design modeling.
Advises the mine
infrastructure on safe
and/or mining
network activities and
components. practices.
Analyses the short-term
and/or long-term network capacity needs for current and future
network requirements. Designs the network architecture and
Telecommunications Engineering performs
Responsible technical
for theanalysis
configurationof software, hardware,ofand
and installation network
systems, systems
infrastructure engineering
and/or network for front-end to
components processors,
meet design multiplexes,
LAN/WAN communications,
specifications. Plans, organizes, network nodes,allswitches,
and directs operations andwith
transmission systems. support,
respect to installation Ensures compliance
service, major with Service
moves andLevel
Agreement (SLA) standards
additions/changes. Diagnoses, andtroubleshoots
protocols. Hasand knowledge on IP
Drilling & Exploration Engineering Responsible
routers, for planning
switches, fiber andconnections,
optic and gasresolves
designing oil microwave wells. problems,
wireless and
and takes
maintains corrective
subsurface action when
information necessary.
related Provides
to drilling technical
activity. Develops
expertise, 2G/3G/4G,
business planning DSL, radio
and for frequency
workflow systems, etc.
drilling programs (bit, mud, etc.) turnkeymanagement
and footage for jobs.ensuring
Monitorsintegration of network and system solutions. Monitors costs
drilling activity.
and ensures that all installation functions are performed in a timely
Drilling & Exploration Engineering Reservoir/Exploitation
fashion to meet specifications. Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) work
includes: •Application of analytical and reservoir simulation
techniques to forecast reservoir performance and reserve
assessments •Providing technical and economic support to optimize
Drilling & Exploration Engineering existing
Responsibleproducing assets andand
for researching assess acquisition
determining opportunities
feasibility of mining
Assesses the plan, determining
potential exploitation
for commercial methods,
benefit of new
designing equipment, identifying optimal drilling
sites and extraction risks. Conducts environmental assessments, and completion
in technical and improving
planning anddepletion
design forstrategies
possible mining sites
Drilling & Exploration Engineering and oversees mine construction
Develops blast designs and determines methods projects. Plans and implements
to improve
performance systems, monitors andSchedules
and methodology. evaluatesdrill underground
and blast activities to
maintain productionto maximizetargets.production, and ensures
Provides daily drilling andcompliance
health & safety requirements. Closes the
proposals. Develops a weekly and monthly mine plan for drillmine and fills in the and
blast May liaise Liaises
operations. with and with advise
mine and technical
engineer on site staff and
Alternative/Renewable Energy Engineering Designs
may alsoand develops energy
be responsible and renewable
for designing, energy
developing and systems for
energy assistance
conversions, for mine
andand activities.
increase Provides
energy technical
mining and
advice equipment,
planning such
to as ventilation
mining management extraction
and systems.
for commercial building systems, new building constructions and
industrial manufacturing operations. Designs energy modeling and
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Technologists & simulations, conductsTechnologists
General Engineering HVAC assessments and designs.
& Technicians support Designs and
Technicians develops renewable
in the design, energy and
modification, systems such as photovoltaics,
improvement wind and
of products/processes.
distributed generation
Activities include but are systems incorporating
not limited state-of-the-art
to, identifying and
sustainable practices.
recommending Designs solar domestic
improvements/preventive hot water
actions, and space
inspecting, testing,
heating systems
maintaining, for newand
repairing, andinstalling
existing equipment
structures, and applying knowledge
Multi-Disciplined Engineering Technologists & Ensures
of engineering
structural technology projects
energy requirements, local are appropriately
climates, staffed.
solar calculations,
Technicians Monitors
Provides processes,
technical andestimates
functional costs, makes
guidance. or verifies
Applies soundanalysis or
and thermodynamics.
analyzes and interprets Performs
data. site-specific
Tests new and engineering
modified products,
evaluation oftechnology
energy principles
efficiency andandsolartechnical
involvingto clarify
project and/or
scope. systems.
Assists engineering with conceptual design and
residential, commercial, or industrial customers. Performs measure
Project Engineering Technologists & Technicians recommends
analyses and experimental
analytical testing
findings and procedures and
Provides technical support for project engineering activities. equipment/toolsSupports
to be used for
preparation oftesting.
design, May projectassist otherand
controls teams with developing
specifications, schedules,
business opportunities and estimating
production, transportation, installation, testing and/or costs for experimental
programs. May of
commissioning support
equipment.the development
Reviews andofverifiesclient presentations
progress for and
invoicing or payment as appropriate.
Project Engineering Technologists & Technicians Responsible for the implementation of project management plans
through the provision of project scheduling, monitoring, reporting
and forecasting. Enters job plans into scheduling software, produces
diagrams and summary bar charts. Updates schedules as required to
Project Engineering Technologists & Technicians reflect
Acts as progress and planfor
primary contact changes.
customer calls and project submissions to
capture customer requirements related to mains and service piping,
system work, residential, commercial and multimetering projects.
Coordinates projects, creates work orders, liaises with other
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & departments
Manufacturing regarding
Production materials,
Technician etc. work focuses on implementing,
Technicians modifying, and monitoring the quality, safety, and efficiency of
discrete production processes (i.e., production of unit based items
assembled from component parts) including: •Assisting engineers
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & with developing
Responsible and implementing
for programming, new/modified
installing, maintaining, production
and servicing
Technicians processes,
robotics and tools, and equipment
peripheral equipment. •Identifying/documenting
Assists engineers with
implementing control standardsrobotic
new/modified and testing equipment
mechanism to assessand
conformance with engineering
systems. Troubleshoots and repairsspecifications
robotic drive•Setting
unitsup andtest
apparatus and
Performs preventive conducting tests of raw
maintenance of equipment materials, parts,
to maximizecomponents,
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & Manufacturing
finished items, and packaging •Troubleshooting and resolvingfocuses
Instrumentation/Calibration Technician work
Technicians efficiency.
on installing, calibrating,
technical production line testing,
problems and torepairing
finished item and
rejection levels that monitor thegauges,
•Monitoring environmental
dials, andconditions within of
other indicators a
manufacturing facility including: •Inspecting
production equipment/machinery performance and testing the
operation of instruments/devices (e.g., oscilloscopes, calipers,
pressure gauges, and temperature controllers) to diagnose faults
•Installing and maintaining control and measurement instruments on
plant equipment •Testing and measuring heat, light, voltage,
amperage, weight, vacuum, magnetic resistance, or various content
measurements to ensure conformance with quality standards and
controls •May also work with Engineers to design and build custom
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & Chemical Process Technologist/Technician work focuses on
Technicians implementing, modifying, and monitoring the quality, safety, and
efficiency of chemical process operations (i.e., processes that alter
the chemical properties of materials) including: •Assisting engineers
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & with developing
Biochemical and implementing
Manufacturing Techniciannew/modified
(Life Sciences)chemical
work includes:
Technicians processes, tools, and fermentation,
•Media preparation, equipment that alter
cell the chemical
culture, properties of
buffer preparation,
materials •Identifying/documenting
purification and aseptic operations •Preparing operational control
media andstandards
and testingcleaning
solutions; equipment and to assess conformance
preparation of autoclaves, withglassware
engineering and
components •Conducting
•Cleaning, quality/safety
sterilizing, batching, tests
raw materials,of oil
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & Responsible
finished for
goods, assisting
and and providing
packaging (e.g., technical
testing for assistance
purity, proper on and
Technicians and
gas fermentersrelated
production •Operatingissues.filtration,
Implementsfill-finish, and liquid
production operational
chromatography of ingredients, strength,
•Operating durability,
computers etc.) •Diagnosing
for to
process and
resolving and coordinates
underlying process, equipment, data andacquisition supportthat
problems the
control and
generation data
of entry
production •Following
graphs standard
and analysis operating
of production trends.
result in nonconformance
•Manufacturing tickets to standards
•Formingand good manufacturing practices and
Production Process & Instrumentation Technologists & May perform
Supports well onsite
asset monitoring
management testing,
gathering and make
and changes
analyzing or
safety guidelines
adjustments to •Recognizing
equipment. Only and
applies to abnormal
Upstream eventswell
Technicians operations
circumstancesdata, including operating and non-operating wells
(onshore and offshore), and field-based facilities and pipelines.
Manages the technical and regulatory reporting requirements
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians throughout
Mechanical the assets’ lifecycle.
Equipment Technologist/Technician work focuses on
devising, fabricating, installing, calibrating, testing, and repairing
mechanical equipment and systems involving the movement of
physical components including: •Assisting mechanical engineers with
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians developing technical solutions
Electronic Equipment Technician related
work to the operation
focuses and
on installing,
calibrating, and of testing
mechanical devices
electronic and systems
equipment and•Installing,
systems including:
calibrating, repairing,engineers
•Assisting electrical and upgrading components
with developing of mechanical
technical solutions
devices and systems •Devising, fabricating, and
related to the operation and performance of electronic devices assembling newandor
systems mechanicalcalibrating,
•Installing, components for machinery
repairing, and and equipment
upgrading components
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians Responsible for
•Conducting the design,
quality development,
assurance/control tests implementation,
and procedures
of electronic
operation, anddevices and systems,
maintenance control equipment/circuitry,
of electro-mechanical systems.
electrical panes, and facility electrical infrastructure
Troubleshoots, tests, and assembles electro-mechanical •Inspecting and
maintaining equipment using tools such as voltmeters
Assists in reworking, repairing, and modifying non-conforming and PC-based
equipment. software •May use computer-aided-design software
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians Responsible for supporting
(CAD/CAM/CAE) the development,
to model proposed electricaldesign,
systemsand testing of
to assess
safety andcomponents,
reliability equipment, systems, and network that
includes facilities, components, products, and systems for
commercial, industrial, and domestic purposes.
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians Responsible for supporting the design, development,
implementation, operation, and maintenance of
instrument/electrical systems. Focus is on mathematical modelling of
systems of a diverse nature, analyzing their dynamic behavior, and
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians using
installs theory to createSupervisory
and maintains a controllerControl
that will
Datathe systems
to behavesystems
(SCADA) in a desired manner.
including May specialize
input/output signal in the design,
hardware, controllers,
HMI, networks,and automation ofdatabase
communication, systems.and software.

Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians Performs a variety of duties in the electronic, mechanical, electro-
mechanical, or optical areas as related to laser systems. Establishes
test setups, conducts testing and reports data in prescribed formats.
Performs inspection, cleaning, bonding, and troubleshooting of laser
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians optical components.
Responsible Assembles,
for supporting aligns,and
the design troubleshoots, adjusts, tests,
assembly monitoring of
and maintains
downhole laserand
tubulars components,
required to enablesystems
safe and
efficient production from an oil or gas well. Assists with devising and
support equipment. Performs electronic fault analysis
repair as related
methods to improveto laser sub-system,
oil and system and Provides
gas well production. drive electronics.
technical appropriate
support andlaser safety and
assistance with laser
the cleanliness procedures
development of /
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians Provides technical support related to measurement equipment such
completion practices that will fully utilize available new technology.
as orifice plates and meter runs, runs gas gravity tests, and maintains
and services motor valves. Calibrates and sets measurement
equipment such as orifice plates and meter runs, runs gas gravity
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians tests, andtechnical
Provides maintains and services
support motor
to natural gasvalves.
systems operations
including cost estimates for projects, installation or modification of
gas delivery systems, and technical standards preparation, and gas
system operations studies and evaluations. Involved in calibrating,
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians testing,
Knowledge andof
repairing of natural gas
field measurement systems. and procedures.
Performs activities such as maintaining and repairing of all pipeline
metering equipment, designing meter proving schedules, working
with field operations staff to ensure accuracy of measurement data,
Equipment & Tools Technologists & Technicians proving meters,
Responsible calculating
for testing, proving reports
maintenance and ensuring
and repair of powercompletion
of supportingRequires
equipment. documentation,
knowledge andofresolving
medium measurement
voltage systems and
discrepancies and product volume balance issues.
safety procedures.

Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians Checks, tests, and inspects raw materials, goods in process, and
finished goods. Compares the physical characteristics of components,
materials, equipment, and products to technical specifications to
identify defects. Conducts tests (for example on electrical function,
reliability, packaging quality); records results and prepares technical
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians Participates in the design and performs quality assurance tests and
creates certificates of analysis. Implements quality standards,
ensures and executes compliance on every stage of the process.
Develops and implements quality assurance strategies and
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians regulations.
Responsible Assesses
for assistingpotential risks, ensures
and supporting compliance
engineers in the and gives
analysis process to assess Takes responsibility
the likelihoodfor thatallaquality control aspects
of the process
performs (laboratory
its required studies,
functions under research,
conditions operations,
over theraw
materials, production,
intended lifecycle. finished
Analyzes andproduct or services).
tests products; Facilitates
utilizes test audits
and regulatory
equipment inspections.
to implements
support failure Liaises with external
investigations. vendors,
Supports the contractors
analysis of
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians Develops
or suppliersand to ensure their leak detection
products orand systems
services changes
meet thetofor
all reliability
projects and test failures
continuous by collecting
improvement. analyzing
Ensures data
compliance with
organization's the quality
determine standards cause of standards.
a product May coordinate
(pre- andquality trainings.
May work in a site or pertaining
field tofailure
environment. leak detection post-sales)
system and
on pipeline
how to prevent
systems. Performs it from reoccurring.
activities such as reviewing, investigating and
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians resolving
Specializesleak detection
in pipeline and alarms
equipmentand product
Maintainsauditing of leak
integrity by systems
carrying toout
protection programs. May be
responsible for maintenance and repair of cathodic protection
systems, pigging operations, coordination of pipeline service and in-
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians line inspection,
Responsible for and ensuring
inspecting, documentation
taking measurements, and records
levellingare and
surveying of various structural components, including inspection and
testing of in-progress and completed systems and installations.
Completes all organized examination or formal evaluation exercises.
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians Ensures
Responsiblecompliance with relevant
for activities and projects regulations, laws and standards.
of the organization related to
the improvement of reservoir performance. Specializes in reservoir
performance analysis and reserve compliance reporting for multiple
jurisdictions. Gathers, selects, analyzes and interprets reservoir
Quality & Reliability Technologists & Technicians performance
Ensures compliance data. with regulatory standards pertaining to all
measuring devices and product quality assurance of pipeline systems.
Develops and implements quality control initiatives. Performs
activities such as reviewing, investigating and resolving measurement
Environmental & Employee Safety Technologists & discrepancies
Responsible for andtheproduct
day-to-day balances, auditing
collection of measurement
of field samples and data,
Technicians equipment to ensureof
and implementation accuracy
specificand coordinating
regulatory, permit equipment
or other
calibration if necessary.
requirements. Maintains and updates Environmental Health & Safety
(EHS) standards and records. Prepares presentation materials for
Environmental & Employee Safety Technologists & safety orientationHealth
Employee/Labor and induction
& Safetycourses.Technician work focuses on
Technicians implementing engineering solutions to mitigate hazardous workplace
conditions including: •Implementing and monitoring employee/labor
health & safety programs in accordance with organization,
Field Installation & Service Technologists & Technicians regulatory,
Field Serviceand labor union
Technician work requirements/agreements
focuses on installing, configuring, •Taking
calibrating, and samples and measurements
repairing technical products of hazardous
and systems forces and
at customer
toxic substances
field locations •Removing
including: hazards and/or
•Performing a variety protecting employees
of maintenance and
through training,
technical supportrevising
on installedworkproducts
procedures, and or requiring use of
protective clothing/personal
•Troubleshooting, diagnosing, protective
and technical equipment
resolving •Taking measures
Field Installation & Service Technologists & Technicians Provides
to ensureonsite
that when services,
workplace including
conditions comply analysis and specific
with applicable
recommendations, products
related should
associated be upgraded
product lines.or replaced
Installs, •May
provide onsite regulations
training and
for customer union
personnel and all required
and repairs systems and
records are prepared and maintained equipment; completes preventive
maintenance and diagnoses malfunctions. May participate in trial
Field Installation & Service Technologists & Technicians runs of equipment
Provides technical supportand system fieldinstallations.
engineering Providesactivitiessupport for
such as system
external clients
installations, for thestartups,
systems following product line(s):in-house
commissioning, fluids, drill bits,
drilling, directional
system checks, drilling, pumping
production, & completions,
transportation, subsea testing
and installation, & surface
and/or chemicals, wireline,
commissioning compression services & equipment,
of equipment.
drilling and production systems, and others.
Plant/Facilities Technologists & Technicians Responsible for supporting the design, planning, construction, and
maintenance of equipment, machinery, buildings, and other facilities.
Plans, budgets, and schedules facility modifications, including
estimates on equipment, labor, materials, and other related costs.
Plant/Facilities Technologists & Technicians Oversees the coordination
Plant/Facilities Infrastructure of building
Technician spacework allocation
focuses on andinstalling,
maintaining, andservices repairing and facilitiesand
electrical expansion.
mechanical Mayinfrastructure
have in
facilities including:for establishing
•Installing,and overseeing
calibrating, health and
repairing, and upgrading
engines and equipment which supply electricity, steam, heat,
Plant/Facilities Technologists & Technicians refrigeration,
Responsible for airperforming
conditioning, compressed
duties associated air,with
transmission etc.
compressor stations architectural blueprints
and control, SCADA,andand infrastructure
electronic schematics
to perform preventative
measurement maintenance,
facilities including testing,programming,
installation, diagnosing, and
repairs •Coordinating
activation, trouble shooting,outsideoperation
contractors andand vendors providing
maintenance of
mechanical,for building/facility
pneumatic, equipment,
hydraulic, machinery,
electrical, electronic,or operational
control and
Plant/Facilities Technologists & Technicians Responsible
systems (e.g., for carrying
lift systems, out engineering assignments
air-conditioning/heating, plumbing,to
related and
process equipment.
control, process Maintains
optimization, preventative
environment maintenance
fire safety
schedules. systems, etc.) •Inspecting and maintaining
equipment requiring a wide range of technical skills and specialized
Plant/Facilities Technologists & Technicians Responsible for the planning, design, construction, integrity,
maintenance and operations of pipelines and associated facilities,
both onshore and offshore, such as pumping stations, compressor
stations, storage terminals, manifolds, and control systems. Duties
include maintenance, repairs and troubleshooting.
Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians Specializes in civil engineering or one of its sub-disciplines, including
environmental engineering (treatment of biological and chemical
waste), geotechnical engineering (designing tailings, dams, waste
dumps, pit slopes and other large earth structures in the mines),
Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians hydraulic
Responsible engineering (designing
for ensuring and planning
that loading hydraulic
and structural engineering
associated with projects
plant and/or hydraulicdrilling
and equipment, equipment) and structural
equipment, and vessels
are maintained.(ensuring that loading and structural standards
associated with plant and equipment, drilling equipment, and vessels
are maintained).
Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians Responsibilities include assisting with gathering and testing of
geological samples from the earth; collecting materials, cataloging
findings, setting up experiments and completing research. Extracts
and interprets geological information from aerial photographs,
Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians satellite
Processes images, contour geophysical
and interprets maps, and cross
using testing
and analysis on
gravitational, rock, minerals
magnetic, and soil samples.
electromagnetic, Determines
seismic, and other the
content methods.
sensing and characteristics
Operates ofandthe samples geophysical
maintains collected from the soil
survey and
rock and minerals.
well-logging Assistsand
instruments in hydrographic, geochemical
equipment. Conducts and
surveys forsurveys.
locating environmental
Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians Photographs, organizes and deliversproblems, e.g., contaminant
the core samples to the assay
plumes and buried
lab. Assists the hazardous
assayers waste mapping.
with processing the core samples.

Civil/Construction Technologists & Technicians Responsible for the collection, processing, analysis and interpretation
of spatial data for positioning, navigation and mapping. Duties may
include land surveying, executing mapping projects and
implementation/development of Geographic Information Systems
Telecommunications Engineering Technologists & (GIS).
Installs and/or maintains switch/cell/network equipment at the
Technicians customer site or at organization location. Interprets service orders,
circuit diagrams, and electrical schematics. Installs, rearranges, and
removes equipment and associated wiring, verifies work-order
Telecommunications Engineering Technologists & information,
Operating fromanda verifies
base orofinall necessaryOperations
a Network equipmentControl
Technicians information.
monitorsand repairs
critical equipment
network problems
elements associated
to keep the network
with trouble reports.
and systems Tests
functioning in and adjusts
a stable equipment
operation Assists
ensuring quick service restoration of problems using fault
Telecommunications Engineering Technologists & management procedures.
Installs, maintains, Assists
and repairs in the documentation
telecommunications of NOC
cables and
Technicians processes,
electronics.procedures, and resolution information.

Drilling & Exploration Technologists & Technicians Provides technical support for planning and designing oil and gas
wells. Obtains and maintains subsurface information related to
drilling activity. Supports development of drilling programs (bit, mud,
etc.) for turnkey and footage jobs. Monitors drilling activity.
Drilling & Exploration Technologists & Technicians Supports the exploitation of oil/gas fields and reserves.
Responsibilities include compiling data from a variety of sources to
assist with technical analysis and simulation of reservoir
performance, assisting with reserve evaluation, and well
Drilling & Exploration Technologists & Technicians performance
Responsible for evaluations andassignments
carrying out profitabilityin
environment or geology requiring a wide range of technical skills and
specialized knowledge.

Product/System Design Services Manufacturing Product/System Design Services work focuses on

designing product components or portions of a functional system as
part of a broader engineering solution including: •Creating layouts
and detailing mechanisms, structures, and parts for a major/more
Product/System Design Services complex
Computerproduct component,
Aided Design portion
& Drafting of a functionalwork focuses on
system/manufacturing operation,
the documentation, illustration, or digital
and technically advanced
modelling prototype
of engineering
•Researching ease of manufacture,
designs and processes availability
including: •Assessing of materials and
equipment, interchangeability,
requirements and translating into strength-weight efficiency,
technical blueprints, etc. and
layouts, andcost studies for
simulation assigned
models components
using CAD/CAM/CAE •Using Computer-
software or
Product/System Design Services Manufacturing Industrial Model
Aided-Design/Engineering Making
(CAD/CAE) Supportduring
software work thefocuses on
designing standard CAD/CAM/CAE
and building scaledesign
models techniques
of industrialto digitize,
products edit, and
revise process
engineering •Identifying
drawings of errors,
components, omissions,
parts, and
and other
deficiencies, and recommending
and manufacturing equipment
revisions including:
and/or •Analyzingin
engineering CAD/CAM/CAE
industrial design software to model complex
specifications/drawings or
designs layout
•Creating to engineers
digital or designers
proto-types and conducting design
Product/System Design Services translating
Plans and those into
coordinates digital modelsofusing
preparation projectcomputer-aided-design
documentation, such as
software for purposes of•Determining
(CAD/CAM/CAE) verifying reliability/safety
the bestand and optimizing
approach to and
engineering drawings, production
processes •Collaborating specifications
with schedules,
contract a complex model
modifications, out ofcustomer
to ensure multiplecontract
pieces •Programming
process engineers
computer numeric by recommending
control (CNC) changesfortosubtractive
machinery component designs
basedmetonand compliance
outcomes of with
digital engineering
proto-typing specifications.
and design Reviews
contract 3D printing
determine for additive
documentationmodelling •Applying
required colors,
for eachfor textures,
phase of
Product/System Design Services •May
and provide
graphics tomaterials
simulate lists
the and
drawings look cost
and estimates
of the documents
soundness,applying knowledge
efficiency, of engineering
and simplicity in design; manufacturingclarity,
processes. Analyzes
and dimensional proposed
accuracy; changes of
correctness of product
materialsdesign to
and processes;
conformityeffect on overall product,
to design/drafting system,
standards, andspecifications,
design documentation and
such as drawings,
practicability; and test specifications,
economy manuals,
of fabrication, etc. Coordinates
assembly, and installation.
modification records for management control. Establishes change
orders and prepares for change authorization and documentation by
company and subcontractor. Reviews and analyzes released
engineering change data and coordinates changes with other
departments. Compiles release packages ensuring all documentation
is present. Maintains audit trails. Researches and resolves
Product/System Design Services Manages or performs work related to the use of building information
modelling (BIM) CAD design tools that range from those that support
simple surface designing to tools that allow more refined designing
like 'A Class Surfaces', e.g. Unigraphics, CATIA, etc.
Product/System Design Services Manages or performs work related to design of Intelligent Electronic
Device (IED) systems. Investigates, evaluates design, and prepares
construction documents and technical reports. Drafts presentations,
construction documents, and bidding documents.
Product/System Design Services Manages or performs work related to structural design including
concept design and construction drawings/documentation. Provides
professional support to ensure that the features of the structure
meet market needs. Responsible for professional design, technical
Engineering Documentation management,
Responsible forand study of theand
administering structure worksthe
controlling to Engineering
ensure alignment
Noticethe broader
System. engineering
Implements and architectural
document changes design principles.
and coordinates
internal organization's communications to ensure changes are
documented. Responsible for the reporting of updated change
This benchmark Maintains
is to becontrolled documentswith
used for incumbents in compliance
hybrid to
responsibilitiespolicies, Good
across the Manufacturing
Sub-family Practices
or incumbents (GMPs)
who cannotandbe
Good Laboratory
matched Practices
to a specific job in(GLPs).
the Sub-family.

General Science Chemistry is the branch of science focused on performing qualitative

and quantitative analyses of the composition, properties, and activity
of organic or inorganic compounds and biologics including:
•Determining chemical and physical properties during chemical
Product/Process Research Science syntheses,
General Product/Processfermentation or other chemical
Research Science processes
is focused on scientific
research, development, the relationships between
and testing of newmolecular
products, structure
processes,and and
physical or biological properties
raw materials including: •Researching potential new to aid in analysis of compounds
products and and
processes by developing and testing theories on the physical,
chemical, research
and/or to develop
biological properties or improve analytical
of materials and techniques,
Product/Process Research Science Conducts exploratory
methodology, procedures research to produce new knowledge and
potential various conditions
products; •Devising
conceives, research
organizes, methods,
promotes, andpreparing
technical application
specifications, andof specifying
instruments in analysis
laboratory test equipment
ideas and plans to increase chemistry's role in and contribution to the
discovery processes •Making approaches
and chemical recommendations to meetconcerning
exploratory acquisition
objectivesand in
product of new technological
discovery. Develops equipment
research and materials
proposals to •May participate
provide a the
Product/Process Research Science Performs
in research
intellectual propertyand development
evaluations andactivities
developmentconcerned of with
chemical, and economically
biological, physical sound basis
nature, and for developing
nutritional value andof food
evaluating •Coordinating
new orand
improved pilot-plant
products, or initial
synthetic production
methods, runs onin
new to evaluate
products or processesimprove the quality of existing food products
and analytical and physical
related processes and to testing
develop techniques.
new products Recommends
and processes.
Where of the to
assigned results
Quality or changes
Assurance in functions,
the scope conducts
of work orfood
Product/Process Research Science Perfume/Flavor
termination of Research work is focused on researching and
developing new experimentation
or improved includingperfumes/flavorstaste-testincluding:
panel evaluation
consumer test batches for newconducting
requirements, products orsensory processes. Providesanalysis,
or chemical test
and for quality
developing control formulations
prototype testing. Collaborates •Conducting with product
life teams
and in developing
participating new flavoring
in consumer research ingredients.
•Preparing and
Product/Process Research Science Sensory
Coordinates pilot-plantResearch
or initialwork is focused
production on researching,
runs on new products testing
and final
evaluating perfume/flavor
how human formulas
sensesformulas and
(sight, smell, specifications
touch and hearing)for
production Prepares
•Producing and supplies
test batches for and
quality specifications
control purposes for new
products. toMayproducts
provide and ingredients
insight toproperty including:
marketing teams•Developing
onandhealth sensory
•May participate
evaluation testingin intellectual
methods and programs evaluations
and techniques such as
development claims
of to
patentensure accuracy
applications and regulatory compliance.
Product/Process Research Science mass
Provides spectrometry and magnetic resonance
technical microbiological support toimaging •Overseeing the
the winemaking,
bottling, anddescriptive cellar teams. analysis
Conducts panel to support
analysis on othernewmicrobiological
matters and wastewater on sensory management.
profile mapping •Interpreting
Participates statistical
in quality
analysis of sensory
management efforts testing resultsmicrobiological
concerning •Ensuring quality standards
aspects are
of processes
such according
as cellaring toandestablished
bottling, schedules
yeast and and costspropagation,
Product/Process Research Science Responsible for planning, directing, and managing the broad range of
basic researchand packaging.
involved Keepsdiscovery.
in product records and analyses
Directs of in the
fields of engineering testing,
andand implements
sciences such ascorrective measures through
biology, pharmacology,
partnership with
biochemistry, andthe relevantchemistry.
medicinal teams. Ensures testingtofacilities
Contributes are
the strategic
direction toresearch
of meet requirements.
by managing Coordinates
a complex trials
set of and projects,
scientific and
Product/Process Research Science Sets policy
reports theand directs
results. strategic
Advises planning
on hygiene andforsanitation
all preclinical safety
studies. Directs activities, including
policies andresearch
programs direction
for and matters,
toxicology, portfolio
prioritization, creating
operating and capital training,
budget and processes.
allocation and approval,
Responsible andforpharmacokinetic
laboratory inventory studies conducted
control or sponsored
and routine sample by
and corporation
the workforce management
prior to clinical decisions.
Product/Process Research Science Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) includes:
• Identifying and validating molecular targets that play a key role
in a particular disease process
• Studying origin, relationship, development, anatomy, functions,
Product/Process Research Science and chemical
Dosage processes
Formulation of living
Research organisms
(Life Sciences) work includes:
•• Analyzing
Designing materials
dosage forms to determine their toxic or nontoxic
for drug products
• Developingbinding and efficacy
procedures for the economical mass production of
•dosage Isolating
forms in orcooperation
purifying analyses, with theand identifies hormones,
pharmaceutical pilot-plant and
minerals, proteins,
production department and/or cultures of microorganisms to determine
Product/Process Research Science Epidemiology
their biological Research
properties (Life Sciences) work includes:
•• Evaluating physical parameters critical to the formula and drugs,
and conducting
research ofon
chemical aspects
new of cells
observational safety studies of marketed and general
•and cell divisionknowledge of the theory and techniques of scientific
epidemiologic studies
• some industrial
Developing pharmacy
and implementing epidemiology studies within the
•context organizations,
Requiring may identify
a specialized and
understanding produce small
of chemical, quantities of
new of the
drugs, company's
pharmaceutical research
compounds and development
and/or andbiochemical,
nutrients. post
May market
programs, medical, patent, and commercial factors
• anincluding
Evaluatingassayand dataemploys
which collection
and management
new and/or in-vivo
and making
immunological research
systems. administration
May experiment andwith study protocols
animals and tissue to
• Designing, concerning
analyzing, acquisition and application of new
technologies the effect of newand drug reporting
compound information obtainedin-vivo,
entities utilizing from
in-vitro studies
and ex-vivo and investigational
models on cells, tissues new and drug
Product/Process Research Science Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) work includes:
• Carrying out studies in the growth, structure, development, and
general characteristics of bacteria and other microorganisms
• Isolating and producing cultures of microorganisms to identify
Product/Process Research Science them
Pathology and to observe(Life
Research theirSciences)
action upon workliving includes:tissues and dead organic
• of animals,
Evaluating dataplants,
collectedand other
on body microorganisms
tissue, fluids, secretions, and

other Conducting
specimens utilizing chemicallaboratory analysis ofprocedures
substances such as acids,
• and enzymes
Conducting postmortem phases of toxicology studies
•• Evaluating
Reporting the newresults
substances of these prior to their initiation
investigations into clinical
sections of
Product/Process Research Science Pharmacokinetics/Drug
and/or toxicological Metabolism
investigations byResearch
verifying(Life activity work
includes: to regulatory agencies
••In some Maintaining
organizations,and constructive
may drug
experiment with
and information flow with
animals andmetabolism tissue to
and members
excretion of the research
(ADME) new onproject
compounds,teams drug agents
•metabolites Providing the effect
support of new
and drug
possible compound
interpretation entities utilizingand
using in-vivo,
Product/Process Research Science in-vitro and ex-vivo
Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics in pre-clinical
modelsand/or onResearchclinical
cells, tissues development
(Life and whole animal
Sciences) work includes:
••systems. Using histopathology,
a physicochemical morphology,
approach, histology,
attemptingintotissues, or electron
microscopy Studying the effects of drugs and compounds cells
and data suchpreparations
sub-cellular as absorption and excretion
derived from animals rates and/or
and drug agent
• in order to establish
Experimenting with animals pharmacokinetic
and tissue toprofiles determine of new the effect
of new and/or
drug compoundmolecular entities
entities as well
utilizing as determining
in-vivo, in-vitro, andtheex-vivo
Product/Process Research Science Toxicologyand
optimum Research
safe (Life Sciences)
dosage forms for work
compounds includes: that have been
•determined on cells, tissues
Conducting and whole animal
summarizing toxicology systems safetygroupsstudies on new
• to have for various
Developing in-vivo and in-vitro models for compound screening disease
•and profiling; substances
Developing protocolsthe and/or preparing study documentation
• findings Designing investigates
toxicology mechanism
strategies of action for research
targets and to support
compounds domestic andand programs
international submissions of
Product/Process Research Science •Translational
new StudyingMedicine
drugs the effects (Life Sciences) work includes: animals and
of chemical substances on
• Initiatingtoxicology and executing investigations
the analysis on of experimental
non-humandrugs translation
In some Conducting
to human postmortem maytrials
clinical toxicology
include modeling investigations
and simulation. on May
conduct studies drugs
using in animals
• Coordinating analysis pathways to find links to diseases optimization approach.
•• Identifying Developing andand improving
utilizing methods
appropriate for drug safety
biomarkers to predictevaluation.
drug or
Product/Process Research Science •Applies the techniques
Analyzing and of molecular
preparing reportsand cellular biology,
of findings including
analysis of efficacy in
deoxyribonucleic human acid (DNA) ribonucleic acid
••proteins Performingbiomarkers
Establishing advisory functions in dealing with items foundand
(RNA) to
contain to the
toxic discovery of to
drugs, preclinical
development ofand/or
drugs clinical
and/or help
and detect
the presence
validating reviewing of toxicology
disease-causing section pathogens.
of submissions
Product/Process Research Science to regulatory
Develops research
new agencies in such and
and improved areas implementing
as molecular
processes for theand
economical, and efficient,
molecular genetics, gene cloning, (PK/PD)
gene expression, immunogenicity
host vector
and safe
assays toand/or chemical/biological
support good practice manufacture
guidelines of experimental
(GxP),toclinical and and
trials, bulk
active-drug/biological cell biology.
materials; Analyzes
preparing materials determine
large quantities of their on
target development
impact drug/biological decision-making
including toxic or non-toxic
Utilizing innovative therapies materials
andof forproperties,
showing extended
proof of
binding and
Advances the development state-of-the-art techniques andto
Product/Process Research Science •pharmaceutical,
designs andpurify
characterize, from
in-vitro and
through clinical
in-vivo biological
substances and
agents and/or
in an
immunological issues involving
and life-cycle
systems. the
Develops physicalfacile properties
screens bio of a
to detect bulk product
agents to
effort toacceptability
ensure discover therapeutic
as required and/or
by diagnostic
formulation products
specifications. such
pharmacologic regulatory
probes, recombinantactivities submissions
proteins to and
and monoclonalcommercial
of interest efforts
to R&D
Ensuring clinical concerning
patient acquisition
safety and use ofantibodies
new or to
make suchand
as forthe other development
research projects. of
Product/Process Research Science technology
Developssupport and designs
formulations to high experiments
that ensure the to confirm of
stability hypotheses
biological and regarding
assay techniques
molecules of action
and/or as or toxicity
vaccines. of drugs,
Studies needed.
the andSupports,
physical to chemistry
identify potential
of and
proteins, as of
initiates automation
well exposure,
as the efficacy,scientific
of different
chemical toxicity in
stability or disease.
relation and Establishes
to programs.
methods necessary
validate system
Develops drug dosage andto determine
forms. Keeps Mayspecific
abreast techniques
of analytical activity
such of as the
methodology, small gene molecules,
such splicing,
as size and other reagents.
exclusion, ion sequencing
exchange Advances the
and chemical
Product/Process Research Science Responsible
application for microbial, mammalian,
microscopyand other host fermentation
in supportofofof
DNA bioassays
formulation todevelopment,
and screening
wellprotein effort.
as physical Creates
and interprets
measurement Mayprojects
microcalorimetry, tissue discovery
studies for preclinical
determine and/orthe
effect ofdevelopment
development. new drug May createprograms.
compound profiles Evaluates
entitiesfor specific
utilizing in collaborative
in-vivo, in-vitro,fashion
the best overall and fluorescent
strategy for spectrophotometry.
optimal fermentation Develops
design, operation,
ex-vivo toxic
mechanism models effects of compounds.
on cells, tissues and whole animalproducts. system. Partners
Product/Process Research Science and scale upfor
Responsible for
the with
molecular biologyand
purification, development
characterization and product
with clinical
isolation pharmacology
groups. Schedules and
and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics
oversees fermentation experiments,
team to from recombinant
ensure drug product and natural sources.
performance meets Evaluates
clinical in a
and ensures proper documentation and
collaborative fashion the best overall strategy for optimal isolation compliance with current
and Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
experimental design.guidelines
Develops and and federal,
scales upstate,
and local and
isolation regulations.
purification Documents
processes and for may
bio transfer process
products withidentifying
Product/Process Research Science Responsibletoforengineering
technology clinical imaging andnovelefforts directedgroups
manufacturing towards for construction
functional of platform
measures and
as permeability, technologies angiogenesis, to enhance new efficacy
of start-up
process of ultimate
development. Types facilities.
of bio products May ensure
include compliance
or plaque
with GMP formation
guidelines which
and can
federal, significantly
state, shorten the biomarker
response acids,
process.purifiedDesignsviruses andand other and
local regulations.
non-invasive imaging as products scans
such as research
positron tools
emission to good laboratory
tomography practices
(PET), functional (GLP)magnetic
and/or good
Product/Process Research Science Evaluates
manufacturing and understands
practices (GMP)pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic
standards. Evaluates other
resonance imaging
(PK/PD) characteristics (FMRI) in drug
absorption, discovery
distribution, andmetabolism
development. andand
Reviews in-vivo andbiochemistry
maintains contacts
and with scientific
physiology information community used as
academic (ADME)
institutions research
to keep onabreast
compounds, of and associated
scientific developments. variability
of drugs in in experimental
non-clinical and animalsdevelopment,
clinical and in patients usingin clinical
empiric, trials.
Documents and may transfer process technology to engineering and
Product/Process Research Science mechanistic
Responsible and
manufacturing population
veterinary modeling
for construction
medical care approaches.
for start-up
all species Embraces
of including:
ultimate model-
scale drug
clinical medicinedevelopment
and diagnosis, (MBDD) - a mathematical
disease outbreaks, and and animal
surgery. Plans that and constructs,
conducts validates,
experiments and utilizes disease,Develops
with animals. placebo,
animal models. Develops, and pharmacometric
implements andmodels controls toprocedures
evaluate risk and
related todrug development,
acquisition, maintenance,in close quarantine
collaboration andwith R&D of all
Product/Process Research Science Responsible
partners. for research
Applies PK/PD and development
techniques/aspects ofduring
Animal allHealth
stages products
of drug
research animals.
including pharmaceuticals, Provides technical
biologics, support,
feed additives, and acts as
animal liaison on
animal health including
matters. molecule
Continually selection,
improves non-clinical
the welfare dose
of and
regimen etc.
selection, Develops, plans, and conducts experiments to
and participates
research more in first-in-human
effective wayswelfare studies,
of diagnosing,
Phase II dose/regimen
treating andthe to include
work with and strategic
government/regulatory and tactical decision-making
animal care for
committees. large
Science R&D Analytics animalIIIdiseases.
Science clinical
R&D Analyzes
Analytics: and prepares
Bioinformatics on the(Lifereports
Sciences)of findings
and using
work includes:
veterinary in the
concepts. design of
May assist new facilities
with preparing and improvement
technical of and
facilities. andof innovative
employing trial designs
computational to enhance
tools to analyzethemanuals
and provide
data •Analyzing better andinformedsubmissions
interpreting decision to regulatory
data,making. agencies.
such as gene or protein
expression patterns, nucleotide and protein sequence, structure,
functions, pathways and genetic interactions •Supporting the
identification of new drug targets and biomarkers as well as the
validation of existing drug targets •Utilizing existing algorithms,
techniques, and statistical methodologies but also developing novel
ones •Developing cutting edge techniques such as gene or protein
expression profiling analysis methods and implementing them
successfully within project teams •Supporting the design of new
Science R&D Analytics Science R&D Analytics: Biostatisticians (Life Sciences) work includes:
•Designing, planning and executing biostatistical components of
plans for research and development projects that establish the
conditions essential for determining safety, efficacy, and
Science R&D Analytics marketability
Develops and of pharmaceutical
employs computational and/ortools biological products
to analyze chemical data.
Modelssound statistical
and analyzes themethodology
two or three-dimensionalto conduct studies structuresrelatingof to
the lifemolecules
small processesand of plants,
proteins animals, and humans
and structure activity•Inrelationships.
Predicts projects, preparing
and analyzes the statisticalproperties
physicochemical component ofofnewprotocols
Explores meet
the project
molecular objectives,
diversity health
of a authority guidelines,
compound. Supports and
Environmental Impact Science Research
clinical themethodology
trial environmental effects of the organization's activities
standards to
develop methods of new drug
of applying candidates
controlling and
or minimizing the optimization
factors of
contributing to
•Developing and/or
chemical leads.damage Utilizes existing statistical
and develops theories, methods,
new algorithms, and
software and/or improve the effectiveness of
techniques, and statistical
restorative activities. Identify,methodologies.
planinto andtabular Proposesenvironmental
implement synthesis of
compounds and interpreting
that show improved data potency, forms
selectivity, amenable
absorption, to
Geoscience research
Responsibilities statistical
include and report on
undertaking andfactors affecting
is responsible
technical and the
for natural
scientific statistical
environment metabolism,
which arise excretion
from (ADME)
organization's and toxicity profiles. May
of rock, soil,
leverage of reports
three-dimensional describing
and other
information outcomes
to designtoactivities.
and methods
impactthe that sources and effects ofdevelopments
construction pollutants or will the ecological
have on
of land affinity,
uses and potential immunogenicity
restoration and better
activities. Develop and
pharmacokinetic specifications
collecting, analyzing
properties. and
and directions
Understands tomolecular
docking (such
and as
test models
radar images, ofaerial
the environment
photographs, using
reports knowledge
and of ecology,
geological maps);
Geoscience dynamics.
mathematics, for analysis
statistics andreview
testingand of underground water.
organizing andand
the distribution,
of the
and report on by
properties of
therapies problems,
creating boreholes participate
and trial pits; in the
reports; standards
advising on and
approaches forwater.
the Monitors
control of water
pollution. levelsMay and pollution
prepare content.
Generates use, subsidence
reports based onand theirconstruction materials; assessing and
In somestudies
minimizing the in
organizations, conjunction
risks may
of man-made withresearch.
partner development
in program
and planners.
natural hazards and
in the in
Geoscience Responsible
environment; for
establishing standards naturalfor
managing resources
liaising exploration
conduct, andprojects
with construction within a
the collection,
management area contractors
consultants, or withinreporting
and/or theand boundariesof data.of a engineers.
geotechnical specific identified project.
Investigates the structure and evolution of the earth and its natural
resources. Identifies and assesses the location, quantity and quality
Geoscience of mineral deposits
Responsible for the in the earth.ofPlans
calculation programsdefinition
ore reserves, for exploration of of
sites for oil,structures,
geological gas, water,development
minerals, etc. and Surveys and maps
execution of mine geologically
explorationsites. Collects
programs and andtherecords
evaluation samples and data from
of exploration results.test
sites. Ascertains extraction risks and advises managerial, technical
and engineering staff on the development of reserves.
Geoscience Plans the construction of ore stockpiles for mill feed, using
information provided by the Mine Engineering and Mill Technical
groups. Utilizing information from blast-hole assay data, inputs data
allowing for calculation of tonnages and grade for a shot. Once the
Geoscience shot
Works is with
blasted, bothflagsmine thesiteshotand and monitors
field exploration the dig face to
project ensure
staff to
and waste are withseparated.
internal and government standards; ensures
effective transfer and validation of drilling, assay and geological data
needed to support modeling; assists in ensuring the integrity of
Geoscience resource databases;
Responsibilities include assists in creating
planning, acquiring,or updating 3D geological
processing, and
seismic appropriate
and other geophysical data analyses data.toThese
support gradeboth
estimation; assists in developing and
surface and borehole data, such as checkshot surveys, Vertical updating resource models;
ensures Profiles
Seismic all resource (VSPs), modeling
surfacework seismic is properly
and crosswelldocumentedseismic(internal
and reports)
single-well and displayed (appropriate scale sections and
Geoscience Responsible
plans); ensures for resource
the acquisition,
model data, assembly suchand interpretation
as block model values of and
3D digitaland items,geophysical
are formatted data for andthe exploration
stored in a form of that
oil &willgasallow
seamless products.
between different designs, plans and
commercial executes
mine planning both
software; provides andsupport
detailedand property
for mine geologyexploration staff on
Geoscience programs;
maintaining evaluates
and and
updating recommends
short term
Performs interpretation of petrophysical data for resource new
resource techniques
models in geophysical
(i.e., grade
control models);
Collaborates technical
other evaluation
teamsstaff to and in the
plan reporting
data and
during submittals.
drilling reporting ofAnalyzes year endpetroleum mineral resources
reservoir of thefluid
content usingminesdataand projects.
collected during drilling and provides high quality
Atmospheric Science analyses
Forecasts immediate and long-rangehydrocarbon
during drilling. Determines change in weather. volumeResearches,
and flow
that can be
analyzes, andused to optimize
interprets reservoir productivity.
meteorological data gathered Models
by surface and
upper-air stations, data.satellites, and radar including barometric
pressure, temperature, humidity, wind velocity, and areas of
This benchmark to make
is to be forecasts.
used forConducts incumbents studies
with into
hybrid severe
weather phenomena
responsibilities acrossand the solar
Sub-familyheating; or investigates
incumbents meteorological
who cannot be
matchedoftoradio propagation,
a specific job in the aurora,
Sub-family.air glow, and cosmic rays;
advises pilots and other flight personnel regarding meteorological
data such as winds aloft, ceilings, visibility, icing conditions,
Designs, analyzes
thunderstorms, and and develops
cloud formations geo-spatial solutions and
and movement. product
Studies and
interprets synoptic for infrastructure,
reports, maps, hydrographic
photographs, andandphysiographic
charts tofor globaloutput
analyze geo-spatial
from solar images or andwindvector products.
assessment tools.Develops
and maintains geospatial databases. Uses GIS to perform spatial
analysis, database
Manages or performs development,
work related extraction and manipulation.
to the collection, measurement,
Converts data received from
analysis, interpretation, portrayalinternal andand external sources
dissemination to make
of spatially
related usable in the GIS. Maintains
land information. Provide the metadata and documentation,
basic information required for
performs topology and
land development checks and other data
redevelopment, quality checks
including to identify
such activities as
and correct
road-building, errors or omissions
construction in data.
projects,impact and subdivision of land. Works
Completes surveys, environmental assessments and risk
with engineersInvestigates
assessments. to plan, organize and complete
rock structures field surveys
and ground movements and for
potential cost and project
hazard. Provides objectives
valuation are achieved.
services Drawtoup
related plans of
land information
bearing land, extractionby recording
sites and information,
waste management making calculations
sites. Provide and
plotting information into the required
valuations of mineral deposits. Interprets rock sample data and format.
records results. Uses site data and other information sources to map
levels of physical resources. Uses specialist CAD (computer-aided
design) software to map the structure of a site. Writes planning
applications. Liaises with local authorities. Researches land and tax
records to establish site ownership and access.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Research & Quality Laboratory Services Laboratory Operations Management is accountable for scientific
research or quality testing performed in a laboratory environment
•Managing a team of laboratory staff and developing operating
Research & Quality Laboratory Services procedures to ensureAnalysis
Laboratory Technical that experiments and analyses
work is focused on chemical are conducted
within budgets
biological analyses andin according
support of to scientific
established scientific
research standards
or quality testing
including: and allocating
•Planning, designing, laboratory operationslaboratory
and conducting and workflow so
that the laboratory’s
experiments to test the equipment and resources
physical and/or chemical arespecifications
used efficiently of
and work
various schedules materials,
substances, and targetsand areproducts
met to inform scientific
Research & Quality Laboratory Services Laboratory Technical
•Researching, evaluating,Support and work is focused on
recommending performing
investments in routine
laboratory •Estimating
operations the resources
support the and time required
laboratory environmentto conduct an
experiment equipment,
and monitoring or other
performance toassets
ensure that will enhance
these targets are
the •Setting
laboratory’s up,
performanceconfiguring, installing, and maintaining
met •Collecting,
laboratory equipment preparing,•Follow andinstructions
testing samples and recording
and checklists toandoperate
observations the maintenance,
•Preparing detailed repair, construction,
reports quality,
Research & Quality Laboratory Services equipment
installation tofor mix chemical
performing solutions
various forwith
testing use recommendations,
in tests •Taking
procedures in a laboratory
measurements and andconclusions
performing •Performing
routine routine
biological maintenance
or chemical and
safety checks for
on quality
laboratory assurance.
equipment Dutiesto usually it
ensure consist
is in of making
good working
analytical tests according
measurements, performing to several
standard procedures
routine •Compiling
quantitative and
research data, operating records, and reports of testand results
qualitative analytical tests, performing calculations
determinations stocks of materials
tests, and and chemical
evaluating agents •Performing
Laboratory Animal Care Animal
safety Care (Life
program checks and &preventive
Education) work
maintenance includes: •Performing
and Familiar with the use
documenting procedures and techniques on animals of standard andon laboratory
specialized laboratory equipment. Analyzes test results and
for studies in toxicity, research, and other areas of biotechnology,
medical device, to ensure
or drugconformity
research and to physical
development and/or chemical
program and Maintains
facility records
standards to of analysis
ensure and testsof animal
Laboratory Animal Care Animal Care (Life Sciences & Education) Support work includes:
•Caring for animal
animals husbandry practices,and
used in research anddevelopment
in vivo testingstudies procedures
to all applicable
•Performing regulations
duties related to •Continually
the maintenance improving the welfare of
of experimental
the animals
animals suchInassomefeeding organizations,
and caring for mayanimals,
serve ascleaning
the liaison cages,with
holding maintenance,
animals for and engineering
treatment by laboratory personnel
support and/or
or with
Head of Manufacturing
commercial vendors & Engineering
maintain is accountable
preventive maintenance for allschedules
inventory and
processes/teams animal
associated records •Performing
with manufacturing, engineering, and
and periodic quality-control
cleaning/sanitation of animal assessments
facility and for major
equipment equipment
•Bio-safety items
essential to across
the all plants/facilities
delivery of high-quality including:
care to •Manufacturing
research animals. May
Engineering of animals
•Manufacturing In some organizations,
Production may partner
Operations •Manufacturing with pre-
clinical Laboratory
investigators Animal
to assistSciences
and certification.
support veterinarians with surgery,
Head of&post-op
Maintenance Operations
Manufacturing •Manufacturing Production
Planning & with
Control andismonitoring
care•Quality accountable
animalall processes/teams
and studies.
Employee May Health
associated manufacturing
Laboratory Animal Services certification. production across all plants/facilities
including: •Manufacturing Production Operations •Manufacturing
Repair & Maintenance •Operations •Manufacturing Production
Planning & Control
Manufacturing •QualityManagement
Multi-Plant •Environmental and Employee
is accountable for allHealth &
processes/teams associated with manufacturing, engineering, and
production across multiple plants including: •Manufacturing
Engineering •Manufacturing Production Operations •Manufacturing
Repair & Maintenance
Manufacturing Single Plant Operations
Management •Manufacturing
is accountable Productionfor all
Planning & Control
processes/teams •Quality •Environmental
associated with manufacturing, and Employee
engineering, Health
and &
production in a single plant including: •Manufacturing Engineering
•Manufacturing Production Operations •Manufacturing Repair &
& Production •Manufacturing
Operations ManagementProduction Planning work &
Control •Quality
encompasses •Environmental and Employee
managing/coordinating teams andHealth processes & Safety
multiple manufacturing areas including: •Production Engineering /
Manufacturing Process Development •Tool and Die/Model Making
General Manufacturing Production •Production
Manufacturing Operations
Production (i.e., assembly,
manages material
or assists with forming/shaping,
managing various
processing, treating, packaging,
production activities (e.g., assembly, etc.) material
•Production Planning/Control
processing, treating, or packaging, etc.) including: •Planning,
directing, and monitoring production to meet established
General Manufacturing Production specifications,
Workers focus on setting targets, and quality
up, operating,
maintaining, •Liaising with Manufacturing
and troubleshooting Engineering,
manufacturing Supply &(i.e.,
machining, Sales, etc. as input
processing, assembly, to developing
or packaging) production
equipment schedules and
allocating labor/capital
•Operating machine tool, resources
processing, prioritizing,
assembly,and or
packaging production
equipment line
toall maintenance/downtime
manufacture productsduring to minimize
according to
General Manufacturing Production Oversees and
disruptions organizes operation activities normal
production for responsible area. Leads all team members totargets,
specifications, schedules, volume/cost/wastage
and quality production
implement standards •Moving, packing, and
safely, efficiently, and sorting
accurately rawbasedmaterialson or
safety goods •Monitoring
regulations, standard the qualityprocedures,
operating of output tochecklists,identify, discard,
or re-manufacture
standards, production faulty products
plans, •Maintaining
etc. Assists with accurate dailyof lean
General Manufacturing Production Manufacturing
production recordsStockroom inputManagement
ashealth, to manufacturing workimplementation
is accountableanalysis
performance for the
methodology and/or safety
physical custody and inventory control for component & environment practices.
assemblies, and/ormaintenancefinishedissues goodswith the amaintenance
within manufacturing department
and oversees including:
plant/facility safety during maintenance
•Shipping & Receiving if necessary.
•Storage Works with
other personnel
Order Filling, to
Picking, complete
and Packing equipment
•Inventory isolation, flushing,
Control & Records
General Manufacturing Production Production
replacement, Tools Handling
inspection, work focuses
commissioning, on maintaining
etc. Communicates the with
necessary •Dispatch
team members on alllevels
issues. of Provides
manufacturing performancesuppliesevaluation
and tools input to
support production
to supervisor. May work needsasincluding:
a backup •Collecting,
to positions storing,in a shiftand issuing
hand tools, machine tools, dies, measuring devices, and other
equipment •Maintaining records of withdrawals and returns of
tooling •Locating missing or misplaced tools •Ensuring that all tools
and equipment are in good working condition and meet calibration
General Manufacturing Production Responsible for controlling operations and monitoring utility units in
an outside chemical plant area. Performs pre-production route
inspections and associated tasks (such as machinery preparation,
unloading, lubrication, etc.) based on defined process documentation
General Manufacturing Production and technicalfor
Responsible specification.
overseeing the Ensures facility infrastructure
operational environment in and
the plant.
Controls a set areofproperly
parameters maintained
(such asand flowfully rate,operational.
pressure, Monitors
temperature, etc.) to ensure processes
operational to contain
efficiency.possible incidents and
production emergency
plan based procedures
on defined according
specification to EHSand andtargets.
HSE regulations.
Optimizes safe andof
levels in-time handovers
raw materials and toensures
maintenance proper and monitors
utilization of
Manufacturing Assembly & Packaging Accountable
possible for setting
technological up, operating,
disruptions. maintaining,
Cooperates with and
repairto and
troubleshooting Monitors production/technological
manufacturing assembly line processes
machinery/equipment contain
possible incidentsstaff andto ensure
the production components
procedures according are to
at fixed workstation
properly handled positions
during including:
maintenance •Operating
activities (such as dismantling,
machinery/equipment regulations. to install a piece/part/component of an in-
flushing, replacing, etc.).
Manufacturing Assembly & Packaging process
Accountable product, assembly,
for setting or sub-assembly
up, operating, as it moves
maintaining, and along the
troubleshootingline •Moving, packing,packaging
manufacturing and sorting raw materials or finished
goods •Monitoring
including: •Operating themanufacturing
quality of output to identify,
packaging discard,that
equipment or re-
packages materials faulty or products
products •Maintaining
by insertingaccurate them into daily assembly
containers or
filling records
containers fromas input
spouts toormanufacturing
chutesfocuses•Monitoring,performance evaluating,analysisand
Manufacturing Assembly & Packaging Manufacturing Sewing Machine work on the set up,
and maintenance packaging equipment
of industrial sewing toequipment
maximize quality to cut,
and efficiency
sew, and trim pieces •Restocking machines with
of fabric/leather packaging
for clothing, materials
luggage, home•May
include packing,
furnishings, wrapping,•Performing
etc. including: securing, or labeling containers
precise measurements to size
Manufacturing Assembly & Packaging and cut fabric
Performs to specified
all duties required dimensions
to lay out,•Operating
fabricate, and sewing
install machines
to edge,
wiring orhem,
coaxial and seam
cable onfabrics
aircraft, •Attaching
maritime,trim including
vehicles or zippers,
buttons, collars,equipment.
transportation tags/labels,Checks, embroidery tests,patches, etc.
and troubleshoots electrical
systems for conformance to specifications and performs repair,
Manufacturing Assembly & Packaging removal,
Performs and reinstallation
a variety of operations of wiring as necessary.
to assemble precision Cuts wire to
length, strips insulation
electromechanical from Performs
products. wire ends,tasks and suchinsulates connections
as drilling, reaming,
with plastic and
burnishing, sleeves.
uses wire or complicated
precision measuring electrical instruments systems
to fixtures
ensure and accessories
conformance such astolerance.
to specified transformers, Assembles,instrument panels,
and switchboards
repairs and reassembles with fasteners
precision such as bolts,and
assemblies screws,
correctsor solder. May
Manufacturing Processing Accountable
monitor for operating
and verify quality automatic
in accordance and/or with manual
statistical equipment
processunits to
process batches May assemble and modifies prototype
of bulk materials/ingredients in accordance with precision
for control
engineering procedures.
teams. May monitor and verify quality in accordance
operating procedures including: •Operating chemical or mechanical
batchstatistical process or other
process equipment control grinders,
(e.g., mixers, procedures. filterWorks
presses, from dryers,
filtering drawings and/or
equipment, furnaces, Standard
coolers, Operating
pressure Procedures.
chambers, chemical
Manufacturing Processing Bonds a variety of dissimilar materials (composite, metal, or
laminate)tanks, etc.) •Performing
assemblies, parts, skins,qualitycomponents, control equipment
analyses asor required
to complete
structures intoin-process
semi-finished batches or and
products. variations
Lays outfrom articles,
cuts parts or •Participating
materials toinsize. training
Applies for liquid
hazardous or solid material
bonding handling
and emergency
Operates autoclave, procedures
hydraulic presses and ovens to complete
Manufacturing Processing Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Process Operations (Life Sciences)
bonding cycle. Controls
work includes: •Performing conditions
a variety of ofheat,tasks pressure,
related and to the timing by
processingand of operating
ingredients various
and/or controls according to
pharmaceutical the specifications
products •Operating
for the materials
general manufacturing and the bonding agent
equipment, such being used. Sands,
as autoclaves, ovens, burrs and
and overapparatus
filtration areas, apply sealing resins
•Handling raw to cut orand
materials exposed edges. or
Manufacturing Surface Finishing Manufacturing
Monitors Production
and verifies quality Painting workproduct.
of finished focuses on coating surfaces
Completes repairs
finished products
of manufactured •Mixing
parts, compound ingredients for liquidwith products,
on composite,ointments,
suspensions, metal or assemblies,
mixes, or
for tablet
using inspection
granulations and
and rework and/or decorative
instructions. Verifiesmaterials
quality (e.g., paint, varnish,
of finished product. enamel,
lacquer, powders
or stain) •Performing
including: •Setting general upmaintenance
and operating as required on
pumps, homogenizers,
painting/coating equipment filter (e.g.,
presses,spray tablet compression
machines, dippers, machines,
etc. •Performing Production
standard Planning
operating &procedures
Control workto focuses
meet on
managing systems, etc.)
productionPractices •Cleaning,
to optimize sanding,
the use and/or
of masking
resources records andsurface
meet to
be Manufacturing
painted •Selecting and mixing (GMP)coating and maintaining
material •Monitoring as
required schedules
•Completing and standards including: •Planning and
painting system
controlling controltasks
production panelsin compliance
schedules andand inspecting withindividual
all regulatory
with items to
verify quality •Participating in program or functional team projects
developing to
process ensure a controlled
improvement flow
Manufacturing Production Scheduling work focuses on scheduling of approved
solutions, materials
procedures to
production, and scheduling
processing, programthe human
assembly, quality, resources,
and packaging tools,
cost, andactivities and
scheduling In some
•Scheduling needed
the mayhumanfor the
monitor production
and verify
resources, tools, process
quality in•Researching,
and equipment accordance neededwith for
the production and process
process recommending
or other control
•Selecting changes
and to production
sequencing processes,
resources technology,
and required or processing
equipmentto toindividual
enhance organization's
production Production Capacity Planning work focuses on or lines
work centers
measuring, forecasting, scheduling andchanges
adjusting due to backlogs, design
manufacturing changes,
plant capacity
•Identifying or material/labor
and recommending shortagesshort-term adjustments to
plant capacity to ensure alignment with production schedules and
Plans sequence demand •Researching,
of fabrication, evaluating,
assembly, and recommending
installation, and other
longer term changes
manufacturing operationsto production
relating to processes,
specific portion systems, oftechnology,
the product
or equipment to enhance organization's
for guidance of production workers. Plans detail operations from production capabilities
•Liaising with
blueprints, Product Development,
engineering orders, change Sales,
notices, Marketing,
and other Production,
and Inventory
releases. DeterminesPlanning thetoneed
understand current
tooling and and makes projected future
capacity requirementsthe design and planning of required tools.for
schedules for material and availability
the manufacture offor industrial and commercial products to support
production shop work Compiles
control. orders forrecordsmaterials and product
concerning processing
quantity, cost, andand
coordinates with schedulers
type of material received, shipped, to ensure that items
in stock are being
or inventory, processed
and/or in
production. toExpedites
specifications and time requirements. Maintains within
progress reports, and flow
routes,schedules, of materials,
dispatches material
and other
related andand parts
in accordance
or between departments in accordance
with production schedules and commitments. Reviews master with production and shipping
productionAssists schedule in determining
to determinepossible possibleand andactual
shortagesMay and
initiate actionauthorities
alerts proper to correct these deficiencies.
of potential problems. UsesGenerates
knowledge of
reports on scheduleprocurement, statusand andengineering
keeps records departments
of completed to alert
proper authorities action
Takes appropriate regarding potentialmaterials
to expedite problemssuch and as appropriate
remedial action. Estimates and logs production
damaged material repaired or in-house material transportation. rate and time
Reports and may be
on completion required
dates, materialto establish
changessequence or substitutions,and lead
time of each
shortages, and operation
meet shipping dates.
Coordinates all aspects of the mine development, production
operations and the integration of maintenance to achieve planned
production and improvement. Identifies potential improvements to
the mining process. Monitors actual vs. target production and
initiates action
Responsible foras appropriate.
preparing Conducts
detailed millingand reviews risk
production and hazard
schedules in
accordance with required volumes, plant capacity and materials
availability. Controls actual figures of production and prepares
schedule adjustments whenever required.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Machining Management oversees skilled trade workers who produce

and repair precision metal parts, tools, and dies for use in
manufacturing including: •Supervising repair & maintenance
machine shop operations and inspecting finished parts, tools, and
dies against specified
Responsible tolerances
for the set-up, •Reviewing
calibration, work orders
and operation and
of machines
scheduling resources
used in production •Monitoring
processes. Works machine shop tools/equipment
from verbal or written
and adjustingdiagrams,
instructions, setups, calibrations,
or models. Inspectsand alignments
machining where requiredand
finished product against specified tolerances using precision
measuring tools. Determines
Tool & Die Making Operationsand corrects
focuses more complex
on operating computermachine and/or
malfunctions. Performs routine
mechanically controlled machine maintenance
tools to produce and cleaning.
and repair May
make calculations as well as assist with numeric
precision metal tools and dies for use in manufacturing including: controlled
•Analyzing blueprints, computer-aided design (CAD/CAM/CAE)
Mold Making and engineering
Operations specifications
focuses on operating to define the dimensions
computer and/or and
mechanically of thecontrolled
machine tools,
toolsforms, molds,and
to produce gauges,
precision metal •Determining
molds usedthe to optimal
mass produce tool path for fabricating
plastic or metal items the
tool/form/mold by selecting appropriate
including: •Analyzing blueprints, computer-aided design machine tools (e.g., lathes,
drill presses, milling
(CAD/CAM/CAE) machines,
models, grinders, boring
and engineering machines,toetc.)
specifications defineandthe
Metal Partthe
specifying Machining
sequence Operations
of tool focuses on
operations operatingsetting
•Manually computer and
mechanically and features
controlled of the
machine metal
tools mold to
to produce be produced
and repair
up/adjusting machine
•Determining the tools
optimal and/or
tool path loading
to instructions
fabricate/shape intomold by
computer metal
numeric parts for manufacturing
control (CNC) systems equipment including:
•Analyzing appropriate
computer-aided machine tools
design (e.g., •Recommending
lathes, drillmodels
(CAD/CAM/CAE) presses, revisions
in design
machines, and/or
boring in
machines, materialetc.) based
and on machinability
specifying the or
Metalworking specifications
Operations to
encountered define
focuses the dimensions
on thesetting
operation and features
of machine of
the metal of tool
part toandoperations
be form
produced •Manually up/adjusting machine
tools cut,
and/orshape,loading metal•Determining
instructions including:
into computer
the optimal
•Setting up and
tool path
for fabricating
light-duty bench- theorpart by selecting
floor-type machine appropriate
tools andmachine
equipment toolssuch
lathes, systems
drill •Recommending
presses, milling revisions
machines, in design
grinders, and/or
boring machines,
small lathes, power
substitutions mills,based
in material extruding onof machines, drills,
machinability punch presses,
or fabrication
and the sequence
saws to perform tool
metalworking•Manually operations
setting encountered
up/adjusting Molding
tools work is
and/or focused
loading on setting
instructions up,
operating, up,and
adjusting, and performing
maintaining equipment routine
that maintenance
heats/mixes oninto
machine numeric controlwork
•Checking (CNC) systems
using •Recommending
prescribed gauges, jigs,revisions
in design theand/or
liquid substitutions
plastic into a in mold, and allows
material based theon•Mayplastic to coolor
into to measure
desired against prescribed
shapes including: •Loadingtolerances
plastic pellets enter
into the feed
numeric problems
control encountered
instructions specified by•Emptying
more senior machinists
Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Programming focuses onhopper
of an injection molding machine the feed
into a heating
translating cylinder to melt
computer-aided designthe plastic pellets •Injecting
(CAD) models into a series theof
commands plastic
thatinto a mold
control the•Regulating
movementspressure, of machine temperature,
tools including:and
plastic speed/feed
•Importing CAD models rates orin order
manage quality
programs andinto
CNC cycle
programming software to using
definea the dimensions and features
Produces machined parts Computer Numerical Controlof the
be produced Studies•Analyzing
work orders, CAD blueprints,
models or engineering
engineering plans,
specifications to determine
materials, specifications, the appropriate
reference tools andofmost
planes, locations efficient
surfaces, and
sequence of
machining tool operations
parameters; •Tuninggeometric
interpreting the CAD file or G-codeand
dimensions to
tolerances machine
(GD&T).tool operations/minimize
Checks SPC charts waste and
for frequency loading the
of checks,
Creates inspection
instructions into theprograms
machinefor tool the Coordinate
control systemMeasuring
•May alsoMachinecreate
gauging and
(CMM). G-code measurements.
analyzes,usingand reports custom written programs to
custom macro programming
generate inspection data for manufacturing, engineering, and quality.

Operates the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) for inspection

of product. Performs all dimensional layouts using coordinate
measuring equipment and prepares layout reports. Assists
production in interpreting specifications and inspection procedures.
General Repair & Maintenance Trades General Repair & Maintenance Trades Management includes skilled
trades workers who construct, maintain, and repair facilities systems,
buildings, and equipment including: •Carpentry, plumbing, electrical,
heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC), welding, and mechanical
General Repair & Maintenance Trades repair &&maintenance
Repair Maintenance•Machining repair
Carpentry work & maintenance
focuses trades (i.e.,
on installing,
tool & die and
repairing, making, mold making,
maintaining wooden metal part making,
structures etc.) •Heavy
and equipment
Equipment Operators rough or finish carpentry work on building
including: •Performing
structures/scaffolding, platforms, work benches, cabinets, flooring,
General Repair & Maintenance Trades and interior
Repair trim •Operating
& Maintenance woodworking
Plumbing work focusestools
on(e.g., electrical
installing, saws,
routers, drills, planers,
and maintaining lathes,
heating, jointers,
water, molders,
and drainage borersincluding:
systems and sanders)
•Measuring, shop computations
cutting, relating to
threading, bending, dimensions
reaming, of work and
and installing pipe
selecting required
and pipe fittings materialsand inspecting high-pressure, air, steam,
water, and gas systems •Repairing or replacing burst or leaky pipes,
removing clogs, and replacing washers •Installing, repairing or
replacing plumbing fixtures such as sinks, commodes, water heaters
and hot water tanks •Maintaining/applying knowledge of plumbing
General Repair & Maintenance Trades Repair & Maintenance Electrical work focuses on repairing,
constructing, installing, troubleshooting, and maintaining electrical
systems and equipment including: •Installing, calibrating, and testing
electrical building infrastructure, control systems, and equipment
General Repair & Maintenance Trades •Cutting,
Responsiblethreading, bending,maintenance,
for installation, coupling, andcalibration
strapping electrical
and program
conduit wiring
monitoring, •Troubleshooting
measurement and/orelectrical malfunctions and
control equipment.
inspecting circuits/wiring for shielding and grounding •Testing
electrical equipment for safety and efficiency
General Repair & Maintenance Trades Repair & Maintenance Welding work focuses on repairing and
maintaining equipment, structures, and fixtures by applying heat to
bond/fuse metal surfaces or parts together including: •Using hand
welding and flame cutting equipment such as arc welders, gas
General Repair & Maintenance Trades welders, andfor
Responsible gaspainting
to assemble metal
surfaces components
as required and into
in parts
for equipment
accordance with•Maintaining
established and repairing
safety manufacturing
procedures. Responsible production
for the
equipment, structures,
preparation pipe systems,
of various surfaces and theand ductwork of
application •Inspecting
enamels,weldments to identify
stains, shellac, areasorofother
varnishes, weakness •May
finishes usingalso use
or rollers. to perform
Mixes paintsmetal
and cutting/trimming
matches colors work
using or
General Repair & Maintenance Trades Responsible
fabricate for performing
simple fixtures oil, complete operation checkout,
proportions of pigment, base, and thinner. Must utilize
modification, disassembly, repair, reassembly, test calibration, proper
painting and
diagnosis, andfinishing application
correction procedures
of problems. Followstorepair
processes to ensure high quality and short cycle time of repair and
General Repair & Maintenance Trades return. Sets up
Responsible fornecessary repair andmaterials
applying insulation test facilities.
to pipelines, plumbing,
heating, cooling and refrigeration systems, and pressure vessels.

General Repair & Maintenance Trades Provides repair services for residential and commercial equipment
including constructing, testing and certifying piping installations,
metering and gas pressure regulating equipment. Troubleshoot a
wide range of gas burning equipment. Provide advice on matters
General Repair & Maintenance Trades such as spacefor
Responsible heating, water heating,
the installation, repair,cooking, clothesservice
maintenance, drying,and
inspectionheating andand
of locks insulation
locking requirements.
devices. May cutInvestigates
metal keysand
produce emergency
mechanical gasandleak reports.
electronic keys. Responsible for key security
and inventory including documentation.
General Repair & Maintenance Trades Installs, reviews, repairs and maintains electronic locking equipment.
Locks may be wireless or utilize Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
technology. Equipment includes door locks and safes.

General Repair & Maintenance Trades Uses building materials such as bricks, blocks, concrete or stone
structures, to repair walls, floors, fences, partitions, arches, and other
masonry structures.

Manufacturing Repair & Maintenance Manages repair and maintenance of manufacturing facilities and
equipment including: •Installing, repairing, and maintaining
mechanical and electronic equipment, tools, and instruments
•Installing, repairing, and maintaining manufacturing facilities
Manufacturing Repair & Maintenance infrastructure
Coordinates and •Making/machining
controls the activities replacement tools and
of maintenance parts
staff in for
manufacturing operations
relation to production •Planning
facilities and prioritizing
and equipment. worktechnical
Provides orders and
scheduling overall repair
advice to maximize and maintenance
production activities toManages
equipment efficiency. minimizethe
planned downtime and
maintenance disruptions
activities of the production facility and
General Equipment Repair & Maintenance supports
Mechanic:the development
(HVAC) work focusesof maintenance plans.
on installing, Ensures the
maintaining, andcorrect
materials and tools
repairing HVAC are available
systems for maintenance
that control activities.
thermal comfort/air Manages
maintenance staff to the
including: •Installing ensureHVACmaintenance plans are safety
system compressors, and
effectively actioned.
ventilation fans, etc. and fabricating/assembling/installing ductwork
General Equipment Repair & Maintenance •Performing maintenance
Mechanic: Industrial to prevent
Machinery work failure
focusesofonHVAC equipment
installing, &
maintaining, (e.g., centrifugal
dismantling, and compressors, electrical
moving large and/or controls,
evaporative condensers,
stationary equipment pumps,•Leveling,
including: fans, heating equipment,
aligning etc.)
and installing
industrial routine inspections
machinery of piping
(e.g., conveyors, tramsystems, valves,turbines,
rails, engines, and
related equipment
production equipment,•Charging
etc.) onairfoundations/base
conditioning systems
General Equipment Repair & Maintenance Performs scheduled
refrigerant, preventative
checking/testing maintenance
for leaks, and on HVAC
adjusting and hand
and power tools
refrigeration •Dismantling/moving
systems. machinery/equipment using
hammers, wrenches, crowbars, hoists, dollies, rollers, and trucks
•Determining and performing required maintenance (cleaning,
lubricating, aligning/adjusting parts, calibrating, etc.) •Testing,
General Equipment Repair & Maintenance Diagnoses and solves
troubleshooting, most ammonia
and repairing machines problems. Experience
and equipment andin central
ammonia refrigeration
ordering/installing systems. parts
replacement Must have electronic operational

General Equipment Repair & Maintenance Performs maintenance repairs on forklifts, jacks, etc.
General Equipment Repair & Maintenance Operates and maintains boilers, stationary/steam engines, turbines,
and equipment which supply electricity, steam, heat, refrigeration,
air conditioning, compressed air, ventilation, or which treat water.
Calibrates equipment, performs troubleshooting, and
Heavy & Light Vehicle Repair & Maintenance repairs/replaces defective
Performs maintenance andequipment. Monitors
repairs on tractors and
and interprets
gauges, dials, meters, and charts to ensure equipment is functioning

Heavy & Light Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Provides service and repairs to light vehicles to maintain the safety
and reliability standard according to manufacturer’s specifications
and requirements. Inspects and tests mechanical units, such as
engines, transmissions, axles and brake systems, to locate faults and
Heavy & Light Vehicle Repair & Maintenance malfunctions.
Responsible for Repairs or replaces
monitoring mechanicalof
the performance units
the or components
truck wash
using hand
ensuring alland power
vehicles tools. Orders
carrying materials
hazardous and are
materials spare parts
clean that
are needed.
leaving Maintains
the plant the vehiclefacility
site. Completes serviceinspections,
and historystart-up and
shutdown procedures. Washes and air-dries trucks and gathers
Heavy & Light Vehicle Repair & Maintenance samples
Fuels andfor lab testing
maintains oil from
in trucksand
androadways. Documents
refrigerated trailers.
processes and procedures,
Washes inside andacommunicates
of trailers using high-pressure monitoring
system. and testing

Auto Repair & Maintenance Responsible for all services and repair jobs including the supervision
of technicians/mechanics to ensure customer satisfaction.

Auto Repair & Maintenance Responsible for mechanical and electrical repair by collecting
technical information and performing repair duties according to the
standard and process.

Auto Repair & Maintenance Responsible for repair and maintenance work in accordance with
quality control standards. Carry out technical diagnosis and
documentation of results based on the procedures.

Auto Repair & Maintenance This function is required to perform work as described on repair
order with efficiency and accuracy, in accordance with OEM
standards. This function is also responsible for the diagnosis and
checking of cause of vehicle malfunctions.
Auto Repair & Maintenance Responsible for the complete and proper execution of repair order by
the technicians. Ensure high quality of work through the use of
suitable workshop facilities, testing devices and methods. Provide
expert support for the technicians in the process of identifying the
Auto Repair & Maintenance flaws
Carry in
start and
the repair process.
function Check procedures,
test. Initiate the quality and
punctuality of all repair operations.
testing and adjustment and maintenance
Reportwork ordered from external
and communicate to the
service provider. Organize parts supply for technicians.
service advisor the vehicle conditions in order to facilitate repair
quotation and the job extension. Advise the service advisor on the
Auto Repair & Maintenance applicable warranty repair.
Carry out independently paint repair and function tests. Review
regularly quality of team repair work. Advise the Service Advisor on
the applicable warranty repair. Fill out the job orders according to the
standards. Ensure accurate clocking of all jobs carried out. Carry out
Auto Repair & Maintenance necessary
Responsibleinspection of the paint
for establishing area in accordance
and implementing annualtotraining
the safety
based on theand the workshop
training by OEM.rules.
Provide on-site training based on the
training plan.

Oil & Gas Installation, Repair & Maintenance Trades Responsible for installation, testing, and servicing of natural gas and
propane equipment.

Oil & Gas Installation, Repair & Maintenance Trades Builds and maintains piping systems used to produce or transport oil
and gas.

Utilities Installation, Repair & Maintenance Trades Installs prefabricated single meter sets and distribution pipe, fittings
and related components. Repairs and alters gas mains and services
using heat fusion operations on plastic pipe systems. Conducts
system leakage and hazard surveys to locate, classify, pinpoint and
Aviation Installation, Repair & Maintenance vent gas leakage
Responsible to arepair,
for the safe condition pending
replacement repairs.
and maintenance of the key
components of aircrafts. Performs the necessary checks in regards to
the mechanical and functional components of the aircraft, including
the testing of and replacement of defective or faulty parts. Uses a
variety of tools and equipment to perform diagnosis on parts to be
replaced. Ensures repairs and maintenance are compliant with
national and international standards of work. Maintains safety and
cleanliness of the hanger or workshop. Demonstrates knowledge in
one of the three main components of aviation maintenance,
including airframe maintenance, power plant mechanics or Airframe
& Power plant (A&P) components.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Heavy Equipment Operators Heavy Equipment Operators drive, move, or control a variety of
heavy equipment including: •Industrial lift equipment/heavy forklifts,
cranes, bulldozers, graders, hydraulic/electric shovels, etc.
•Conducting pre-operation inspection to ensure all systems are
Heavy Equipment Operators working
hydraulicmaking sure theboom
or telescoping machine is stable
cranes and able
in a heavy to
operate safely •May carry out routine maintenance, involving
site environment.
cleaning and lubricating of equipment, checking fluid levels and
hydraulic lines, changing the oil and filters, and making minor repairs
Heavy Equipment Operators Works on cranes or drag lines to lift, move, position and place
machinery, equipment or other large objects. Operates machinery in
response to hand signals and/or radio contact from a co-worker or
supervisor. Requires awareness of possible hazards and safety
Heavy Equipment Operators regulations on the job.
Operates excavators toMay carry out
dig, move androutine maintenance,
load earth, rock or otherinvolving
materials.and lubricating ofwith
Communicates equipment, checking
truck drivers and fluid
otherlevels and
to lines,operations.
coordinate changing the oil and
Selects andfilters, andexcavator
changes making minor repairs.
Heavy Equipment Operators Responsible for the operation of a large earthmoving truck to
undertake the earthworks around the operation. Inspects area and
identifies hazards. Plans earthworks ensuring levels are maintained.
Inspects and services equipment when necessary.
Heavy Equipment Operators Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of dozers, using the
blade and other attachments to gouge out and move rock, earth and
other materials. Carries out pre start checks, basic maintenance,
adjustments and repairs.
Heavy Equipment Operators Operates graders to spread and level materials on site. Digs out
ditches by tilting grader blade. Breaks up surface with scarifying
attachments and servicing equipment. Levels surfaces by making
repeated passes over working areas and observing survey pegs or
Heavy Equipment Operators signals
the co-workers.
dump truck and work environment before shift starts.
Responsible for collecting ore/waste and tipping it at the correct
location. Monitors the control panel of the truck and corrects any
malfunctions. May perform other tasks and services as needed.
Heavy Equipment Operators Transports broken material and maintains level roadways to
maximize safety and haulage rates. Typically responsible for bogging
out both development and production work areas. Loads trucks with
broken materials and directs truck driver to correct destinations for
Heavy Equipment Operators various
the proper types. Prepares
operation development
of shotcrete face forand
equipment bogging by
of wet orapproved waterMaintains
dry shotcrete. and scaleaccurate
procedures. Follows records.
shotcreting maintenance
procedures to maximize
Ensures consumables areoperational
used safelyeffectiveness with equipment.
and in accordance with site
procedures. Undertakes loader duties as required.
Heavy Equipment Operators Responsible for the collection and haulage of ore/waste and tipping it
at the correct location. Conducts prestart inspections of both trucks
and environment. Identifies if there are malfunctions or service
required for the truck.
Heavy Equipment Operators Responsible for transporting or bogging, waste rock and soil or ore
onto trucks or to different parts of a mining operation. Digs holes and
scrapes material from the inside of the open cut or underground
surface. Performs regular inspection of the bogger/loader and
Heavy Equipment Operators reports
Operates any damages
heavy or faulty
equipment forequipment. Ensures accurate
the mine department endtrash
including of
shift reports
trucks, bus, 966are forklift,
completed.bull fork, tractor/trailer, telescoping forklift,
1T 38 tool handler forklift, bull 45T forklift, tractor broom, dump
truck with sander/20 inch plow/belly blade, snow blowers (966
Heavy Equipment Operators attachment
Performs all and truck type),
functions related966
to push blade,
the safe aircraftofdeicing
operation truck,
the hoisting
systemgrader, dozer, tractor
and understands thewith
M50 belly pump/water
loadout and 1085tanker/high
dump systems.deck
Understands tiltoperation
trailer. of the 50 level grizzly truck dump light.
Identifies and communicates any deficiencies and demonstrates
Heavy Equipment Operators knowledgethe
Operates of winder
mine emergency
safely andand evacuation
efficiently procedures.
to deliver people,Notifies
equipmentwhen hoist is down
underground, and toand communicates
hoists materials towith
the rock breaker
operator and crusher operator in order to maintain production flow.

Construction Trades Supervise trades and semi-skilled staff to ensure assigned work
conforms to quality and time requirements. Coordinate and allocate
work to trades staff and related employees in accordance with
directions. Order equipment and materials as required. Monitor the
use of materials and care of tools and equipment to minimize
unnecessary waste and damage. Ensure adherence to safe working
practices. Refer disciplinary action to the General Foreman for
Construction Trades Operates light equipment used in construction and earthmoving,
such as bob-cats, back-hoes, trenchers, hydro-vac trucks, and
directional drills.

Construction Trades Responsible for the construction and dismantling of scaffolding at

construction sites. Determines the amount of materials, identifying
appropriate construction locations and transporting scaffolding
Heavy Equipment Mechanics Undertakes preventative maintenance inspections and repairs of
heavy mobile equipment. Conducts safety inspections of
maintenance tools and equipment. Diagnoses malfunctions using
computerized and other testing equipment to determine extent of
Heavy Equipment Mechanics repair required.
Responsible Adjusts equipment
for mounting and demounting and repairs heavy defective
industrial parts,
performing tire or systems,
assessments, usingrepairing
hand andindustrial
power tools. tires,Completes
and using tire
technical documentation,
mounting machineries. reports and drawings as required. Ensures
all work is carried out according to environmental regulations and
Oversees all aspects of operations within a winery, including the
vineyard, office, winemaking operations, and retail sales areas(s).
Prepares annual budgets and ensures winery profitability.
Coordinates activities related to winemaking, bottling, and
for vineyard and operations
implementsincluding new initiatives
managementin winemaking
such as the
oversight ofcreation
daily work of new wines. Tracks
and projects carried progress
out in the andvineyard.
updates the
organization on performance. Maintains
Maintains the vineyard through the coordination of programs that and promotes the winery's
facilitate fruit production such as planting, spraying, pruning,
Provides adviceand harvesting.
and guidance Monitors the quality
on viticulture of fruit
matters to produced
Plans andthe sustainable
develops production
procedures and of the vineyard.
actions for various Identifies,
assesses and manages
stages. Manages potential
the creation andhazards, while applying
redevelopment of the occupational
health and safety policies and procedures.
organization's vineyards in accordance with best practices. Ensures equipment Leads andand
coordinates are
the maintained
vineyard's and
teams serviced/repaired
to maximize when required.
production output and
Assists with develops,
vineyard and manages
programs, all aspects
including pestof an organization's
control, data
operations and vineyards.
and implements potential
Liaises with vineyard
growers and
collection, soil moisture
improvements. Develops monitoring,training irrigation and sampling.
Identifies the
areas purchase
that could of technical
production. programs
and makes the intakethe of
policies and procedures
fruit and organizes to workloadof the vineyard
toproduction for
support production. employees and
Responsible for
contractors. Supports increase
the development ofquality.
operational Assists in the
plans, budgets,
Coordinates and cost
of operating
with control
growers to related
and budgets
ensure to vineyard production.
for theoperations,
organizations' vineyard and
specifications tracksand
and strategies.
Implements Reports on vineyard activities, budget,
etc. areand
associated manages
adhered to. vineyard
vineyardAligns projects
research that help
activities withincrease
output, improve quality, reduce costs, etc.
winemaking, sales and marketing teams to ensure they align with depending on organization
organizational goals. Manages vineyard
Assesses theoperating
quality of procedures,
fruit in the field including
and at
delivery. and maintenance
Collects/arranges for of bestcollections
sample practices. Regularly
for research,engages
Wine/Cider Production Oversees
with all aspectse.g.,
stakeholders, of winemaking,
growers, to including
share laboratory,
information on cellar,quality
trends, and
maintenance and analysis
operations. of maturity.
Ensures Creates
occupational and implements
health and strategies
related to organization
pest control. requirements,
Manages irrigationetc.programs throughout the
standards are adhered to, staff have required licenses, and
growing season,
equipment including reportingmaintained.
is regularly/adequately of water usage and monitoring
Guarantees wine
soil moisture.
supply produced Collects
meets petiole samples for analysis of nutritional data
Wine/Cider Production Carries
and out/manages
makes recommendations theseasonal
onprocess Directs viticulture
results.from harvest
Manages toon
bottling, selection, sourcing, and utilization. Ensures all produced
required reports
qualitybased on findings.
are met
and areCreatesthrough each
delivered to
reports. in the inspection and assessment of the vineyard
and on time.
fruit, and dispatchParticipates
of product in topromotional
the bottling activities, including to
team. Contributes
the productprocess
winemaking advocacy, representing
in tasting the organization at events,
Wine/Cider Production Utilizes
and production
hosting cellar environment
door visits. to toand
create cider.
technical and
assistance,cellar staff
conducts in relation
analyses, wine making
and provides operations,
recommendations handling,in
storage, them
and current
quality with
Ensures research
output and technical
meets budgeted quantity
relation to production.
developments. Leads and Implements
implements anddevelopments
audits brewing standards.
within the team
and qualityproduction
Optimizes standards as well
processes as consistency.
and outputs Schedules
through the and plans
to reduce
cellar costs
operations andto improve
meet wine
packaging quality. Communicates
requirements and changesof
standards. to
Wine/Cider Production technical
Manages projects.
cellar Trains
operations relevant
and and
leads teams
manageson aspects
the cellar of
teamSupports cider budgets
production. in and supports promotional activities. the
covering production
development planning volumes,
and monitoring
of the winemaking personnel,to meet
operations equipment utilization and
expenditure.winery waste levels, and implementing, managing,
enforcing, and reviewing control systems to maintain quality
Wine/Cider Production standards.
Supports cellar Ensures the department
operations related tohas therequired
production infrastructure
and movement and
of wines. Washes,to meetfills,requirements
and empties and that itand
barrels is adequately
manages ullage.
Supports preparation for Communicates
vintage and and coordinates
pre-vintage the logistics
processing. Assistsof
with and outgoing
the transfer goods.and ensures hygiene standards are
of products
Brewing Production maintained
Responsibleand improved.
for the overall management, coordination, and oversight
of brewing. Ensures brewing processes conform to set
specifications/standards and meets production plans. Manages
brewing projects, coordinates logistics for produced goods, and
Brewing Production ensures equipment
Responsible for running is properly
the brewingmaintained.
includingand manages
preparation, budgets and controls
quality control, expenditures.
and operating equipment. Maintains and
repairs equipment to highest standards. Conducts carbonation,
filtration, and product transfers as well as trial brews for product
Brewing Production development.
Responsible forEnsures
processproduct meets bottling
and performance specifications
optimization withinand the
brewing area by providing quality technical
control. Continuously
advice to theseeks brewing andteams
problem solvingtotechnical increaseissues.
product quality. analysis,
Conducts Orders and maintains
stock. Completes excise
recommendations, records. Ensures
and supports implementationall actions of are recorded and
meet organization standards.
recommendations on technical matters related to the brewing area.
Develops controls and monitors the effects of process changes on
production output. Trains operators and teams on standard operating
procedures. Develops quick fix routines with teams.
Brewing Production Responsible for the execution and reporting of brewing and
production trials including production briefs from inception to
packaging, technical requirements, quality control, and progress of
the production project. Arranges analysis from laboratory teams.
Brewing Production Supports
Oversees the the maintenance
team responsible of plant capability product
for packaging includinginto arranging
kegs. for
Manages assistance,
the overall kegging and documenting/controlling
process including ensuring raw materials.
quality and
delivery or product on time. Sets team performance measures.
Ensures assets and equipment are adequately maintained and all
Head members
of Information are trained
Technology in correct(CIO)processes.
is accountable for all processes
& teams associated with the following areas: •IT Platform
Architectures •IT Systems Software, Hardware & Databases •Data &
Voice Networks •Data Processing Operations •End User Technology
& Software
Creates Support
a digital vision and strategy for the organization, and ensures
its integration with the organization's overall strategic plans.
Identifies opportunities for differentiating the organization's digital
portfolio including capabilities and solutions. Acts as a change agent
in leading thefor
Responsible organizational
managing thechanges overall that are required
IT day-to-day to create
operations toand
maintain the necessarycosts,
improve infrastructure digitalperformance
portfolio. With andextensive
and understanding
Partners with Chief of the evolving
Information digital
Officer andmarket, acts as a thought
Chief Technology Officer.
Provides onleadership
emerging digital in planningtrends and related
managingto technology
computerand business.
and production
Responsible for support,
establishing systems
current andand database
long-range administration,
direction of
technology operations,
aimed at PC/desktop
keeping the support organization and customer service.of
on the forefront
change. Generally, this may include the analysis of purchased are
systems performance and service level requirements
met. Manages
systems, hardware strategic relationships
and software, or the with key IT design
internal productand and services
development Provides
of in-depth
hardware technical expertise for both tactical and
General Information
operational initiatives. Technology work involves managing or technical
and software systems. Dispenses
advice, guidance, direction, and authorization
performing work across multiple areas of an organization’s overall IT to carry out major
plans and procedures. Coordinates
Platform/Infrastructure including analysis, the design, development,
development, and
administration of: • IT Systems Software, Hardware, or
and maintenance of technology projects and product
Databases lines.•
Data & newNetworks
Voice technologies • andProcessing
Data runs competitive Operations analyses.
• End Promotes
IT Portfolio
the interfacing Management
and control work
of the focuses on determining
organization's an
organization’s & Software
optimal of Support
level Conducts
of investment cost/benefit
in IT assets and whichthe for
and the dissemination
proposed IT projects as technological
input to the information
organization’s ITthroughout
areas to apply
organization. that investment to including: •Identifying which areas
of the business could benefit the most from technology investments
Responsible thefor optimal mix of infrastructure,
the leadership transactional,
of the entire outsourcing/shared
services function. andOversees
strategic the IT investments to support business
entire outsourcing/shared services
spectrum from •Developing
engagement short,process
mid, and long term
through IT investment
delivery and client
management. based on the optimal portfolio mix for the organization
•Measuring IT portfolio performance and recommending changes in
investment for developing
to achieve goals and executing a Development Operations
(DevOps) strategy to ensure quality software deployments and
overall application health and performance. Optimizes relationships
between the development, quality assurance and IT operations
work involves integration,
developing andhighcollaboration
level for
frameworks software
that align development
an organization’s productivity. Develops with
IT infrastructure
business processes/datato incorporate latest technology
to improve the efficiency bestand practices
productivityand of
improve operational
business operations including:performance. •Mapping Requires thebroad technical
relationships between
information and experience
systems components across (i.e.,a variety of IT areas,
end users, businessincluding
Enterprise Data
infrastructure, Architecture
development, work involves
operations, and developing
quality standards,
tools, and governance for capturing, modeling, storing, networks)
data, IT platform hardware/software, and and delivering
•Identifying key interactions
data for the enterprise including:and dependencies across separate
•Identifying data-related business
systems and platforms
requirements and service •Evaluating
standardsthe total
(e.g., cost of ownership
transaction processing and
speed, on
mining andofreporting
various architecture
capabilities, alternatives
data security,
IT Infrastructure/Systems Architecture work involves developing the
core technical etc.)platform,
•Developing a high level
capabilities, and enterprise
services that data model and
conceptual views ofand
business processes related
datadata sub-architectures
including: •Mapping the (e.g., database,
data integration,
between data warehouse/business
IT platform/infrastructure components intelligence, reporting,End
(i.e., Technology
Users, IT and content
Systems Software management
& Hardware, architectures)
and •Optimizing
overall for designing,flow
data/information developing
by reducing or adopting
redundancy middleware
and enabling
technology to Networks)
meetsecurity •Identifying
the organization's the key technology interactions
and dependencies within across boundariesrequirements.
systems/platforms impacting
connects components or applications and allows multiple processes
running on oneability or more to achieve
machines integration,
to interactcompatibility,
across a network. and
Middleware targets •Evaluating
provides total cost of ownership
interoperability/coherent distributed and return
on Computing
investment Architecture
of various focuses on cost/benefit
IT platform/infrastructure analysis to
determine theand is integral
financial, to XML, SOAP,
operational, Web services,
and technical feasibility andof
service-oriented architecture.
adopting external cloud based IT platform and infrastructure services
including: •Platform-as-a-service (PAAS) that provides a scalable
Designs for develops
application new development and deployment,
systems, applications, including
and solutions for
software development
enterprise-wide tools that
cyber systems and provide
system for
common application
security needs development
established and maintained tasks andfor outsourcing
operationsof system
development, security tasks •Infrastructure-as-a-service
requirements definition, security (IAAS) that risk provides
scalable IT infrastructure
assessment, systems including
analysis, systems servers, security
design, devices,
securityand test info-
communications the networking,
strategic direction of the
mass storage, enterprise
and associated the
supporting certification
IT systemsthe and accreditation,
architectures. systems
Maintains hardening,
testing andtrends scanning, incident of cloud vs. virtual
response, privateof
networks vs. technological
dedicated hostingand utilizes
in knowledge
solutions to educate
both IT and and business
the organization’s continuity
business on opportunities and provides
to build betterwith IT solutions
support of the
for security policy IT platform/infrastructure
development and analysis. Integrates thenew
that support
highest potential and drive
return business
cloud decisions.
deployment Assists in the
•Managing definition
the of
the architecture of features
andcloud into
technology infrastructures,
needs of the organizationdesigns cyber
based on
security architectural services
artifacts, and integrating
provides architectural withanalysis
in-house of
new and emerging
applications and technologies, and establishes priorities and
cyber security
strategies features
consistent withandbusiness
relates existing
goals and system
economicto future needs
and trends, foundation
Establishes embeds advanced architecture forensic for tools and techniques
organization to standardizefor
attack reconstruction,
on hardware and software providesusage. engineering
Recommends recommendations,
and incorporates and
technology integration
with long-term and testing business issues. May interface with external
Responsible for IoT (Internet of Things) platform work that enables
users to control and monitor devices from any part of the world.
Includes connecting edge devices to a cloud platform and backend
services. Evaluates different software solutions for developing
Responsible solutions;
for the supports
design and multiple use cases
development of like B2B (business-to-
technology and B2C (business-to-consumer)
architecture for internal and/orservices. external clients. Serves as
a technical expert on solutions design, development, and
implementation requirements to address business needs. Analyzes
benchmark isand to be constraints of recommended
used for incumbents solution/changes
with hybrid
across multiple across
responsibilities systems/platforms/applications.
the Sub-family or incumbents Ensureswho cannot be
matched interoperability,
to a specific job in thestability,
Sub-family. and usability of solution
architecture. Requires broad and deep technical knowledge and
experience across varying infrastructure requirements, development,
IT Systems
design, andAnalysis
re-engineering work focuses on designing information systems
that are appropriate for users' needs and consistent with the overall
design of the organization's information systems architecture
including: •Collecting and analyzing information from system users to
PC Systemsthe scope work
Analysis and objectives
focuses onofidentifying,
the systemconfiguring,
•Preparing flow and
personal andcomputing
procedures (PC)andsystems
conducting hardware,feasibility studies
software, to
design possible systemnetworks
info-communications solutionsto•Estimating
enhance employee the costsproductivity
of system
and improve andprocess
preparing project while
efficiency plans ensuring
to provide input into with
compliance decisions
overall prioritizing
information projects
systems and allocating
goals and IT resources
procedures. The •Preparing
work and
Acts as the interdepartmental
maintaining technicaland documentation interface tobetween
guide system the user users andand to
systems business
programming and end user
operations. requirements •Analyzing
Normally responsible and
for of
assist with
evaluating the ongoing operation, maintenance, devices,and development
the systemthepersonal
user in the computing
interpretationproducts, of information andsystems
available in the marketplace
report capabilities, and limitations. for affordability,
Usually hascompatibility,
only departmental
staff responsibility. and easeAssists of use/support
in establishing •Installing
systems and configuring PC
IT Telecommunications
systems software to Network
optimize Analysis &
performance Planning
and work focuses
integration with on
data and
& voice transmission computer operations
network priorities
planning including: in order to
effective serviceapplications
to all users. and info-communications
Recommends standard transmission
policies and
networks network
•Analyzing systems and planning
functionality and riskslong-termfor mobilestrategies
computingto ensure
network for providing
capacity meets routineand
current service.
futurefor network requirements
devices, including policies and approaches managing security and
data & Voice feasibility
Data back-up in studies Analysis
Network Control on strategic workand
(BYOD) tactical onplans
focuses data & voice
transmission complexnetwork technicalperformance analysis
control of software,
•Monitoring and
network systems, systems engineering for
and controlling the performance and status of the network resources front-end processors,
•Routine testing LAN/WAN
and analysis communications,
of all elements network
of the nodes,
network switches,
and various
including transmission
power, software, systems
communications machinery, lines,
IT Business Systems Analysis work involves acting as a liaison
between the andbusiness/end
terminals •Identifying users andand diagnosing
IT systems problems teams
development and
factors affecting
for business needs network
requiring performance
IT based solutions including: •Identifying
and analyzing business needs, conducting requirements gathering,
and defining
Enterprise scope and
Resource objectives
Planning (ERP)•Making
Analysis work focuses for on
identifyingorand improvements
analyzing business to business needs, processes
conducting thatrequirements
can be
gathering, andthrough definingnew scope technology
and objectives or alternative
for Enterpriseuses ofResource
Planning •Researching
(ERP) applications business
integrated requirements
with business and processes/data
and relationships between the“application
components of the application system
Business Analysis
end recommendations
users, business
work an focuses on
processes, data,
and analyzing
and to devices)
business needs, conducting for solutions
requirements or improvements
and defining
business business requirements into application
scope andprocesses
objectives thatforcan SAPbe accomplished
Enterprise Resource through an ERP
Planning (ERP)
module(s) •Researching
applications integrated with business
processes/data developing
and IT detailed
infrastructure and validating
(i.e., an “application the ERP solutions
system”) with business
including: •Making and
stakeholders Business
•Communicating Analysis
business work focuses
stakeholder onneeds
to the ERP
analyzing business for
needs, solutions or
conducting improvements
requirements to gathering,
business and
processes that team
can beby translating
accomplished business
through requirements
SAP module(s) into ERP
module scope and objectives for Oracle-PeopleSoft Enterprise
Resource Planningbusiness(ERP)requirements, developingwith
applications integrated detailed
processes/data and
and validating
IT the SAP(i.e.,
infrastructure solutions
an with business
“application system”)
Social Networking
stakeholders & Collaboration
•Communicating Toolsstakeholder
business Analysis work focuses onSAP
andteam recommendations
analyzing businessbusiness
needs, solutions orneeds
for conducting to the
to business processes by translating
that can be accomplished requirements
through into
Oracle- SAP
module and defining scope and objectives for an internal social
networking module(s)
and employee •Researching
collaboration businesstoolsrequirements,
“system” (where
system is detailed
defined as specifications,
the integration and
of validating
social the Oracle-
networking end users,
PeopleSoft for analyzing, designingstakeholders
with business and implementing Robotic
Process IT
Automation Infrastructure,
(RPA) business
solutions. processes,
Analyzes process andsteps
including: stakeholder
•Researching needs to the
and analyzing Oracle-PeopleSoft development
team by and
translating inbusiness
existing businessexpected
requirements applications business
that are
into Oracle-PeopleSoft
/ user
done by a humanpotential
user. limitations
Identifies of social operations
business networking applications
processes that
module requirements
•Synthesizing business requirements with knowledge technical of blogs, social
This feasible
benchmark for automation.
is tonetworking, Assesses
be used for incumbents and documents
with and
functional social
requirements. Implements socialand news, videohybrid
supports /photo process
streaming, across the
podcasting, etc.Sub-family
asandinput toortheincumbents
design and who cannot be
matched Provides
to a specific expertise
job inprototype is liaison
the Sub-family. between the businessofunit
vendor solutions
and IT department. •Creating designs for social networking
projects and assessing implementation options
ERP Configuration & Implementation work focuses on programming
and configuration of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
application that is integrated with business processes/data and IT
infrastructure (i.e., an “application system”) including: •Building and
SAP application
Configuration tables/panels/reports,
& Implementation work focuses and coding individual
on programming
modules and complex
and configuration of anfunctions
SAP Enterprisefor a client/server
Resource Planning enterprise (ERP)
application •Integrating
that is integrated software,
with developing external interfaces,
business processes/data and IT and
maintaining technical documentation •Designing
infrastructure (i.e., an “application system”) including: •Building and and developing
most aspects
developing of data conversion
application •Troubleshooting
tables/panels/reports, and resolving
and coding individual
modulesissuesand complex functions for an SAP client/server enterprise
application •Integrating software, developing external interfaces, and
maintaining technical documentation •Designing and developing
most aspects of data conversion •Troubleshooting and resolving
testing issues
Oracle-PeopleSoft Configuration & Implementation work focuses on
programming and configuration of an Oracle-PeopleSoft Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) application that is integrated with business
processes/data and IT infrastructure (i.e., an “application system”)
including: •Building&and
Social Networking developingTools
Collaboration application
Configuration &
Programming work focuses and coding
on the individual modules andand
design, configuration, complex
functions of
adoption foran aninternal
social networking client/server enterprise
and employee collaboration
tools “system” •Integrating
(where system software, developing
is defined as theexternal interfaces,
integration of social and
networking technical
end users, documentation
applications, IT •Designing
Infrastructure, and business
IT Systems
most aspects Software dataAnalysis & Programming focusesandonresolving
programming andof&data)
IT Systems and analyzing
Software business
(i.e. software
needs, issue
for use conducting requirementshardware
in operating/controlling gathering,and andproviding
defining ascope and
for runningfor the internal
internal social networking
end user/business and collaboration
applications). The work tools
includes: •Synthesizing
•Identifying business/functional/technical
and analyzingfocuses business requirements
IT Systems
with knowledge Software Programming
of blogs, social bookmarking, onneeds,
networking, &
configuration gathering,
of IT Systems and defining
Software scope
(i.e. and
software objectives
for use infortothe IT
social news, video/photo
System •Developing programming streaming, podcasting,
specifications, etc. as input
diagrams, and the
design, selection andcodehardware
configuration and providing
of the a platform
system components for running
internal end•Writing
user/business inapplications).
lower-level programming
The work includes:languages to
optimize the and integrating
performance and commercial-off-the-shelf
efficiency of an (COTS)•Writing
organization’s IT
code in
Develops lower-level
applications using programming
telecommunications languages
software to
and optimize
solutions todiagnosing,the
address user
performance and with •Configuring,
efficiency of customizing, and
enhancingInterfaces performance
vendor users
systems toan
define troubleshooting
IT and
operating resolving
systems and
tests complex issues, and•Configuring,
communications recommending
software customizing,
interface diagnosing,
and system
programs. and
and utilities
enhancing that
vendor manage
systems access
software to peripherals, facilitate
manage memory usually include
allocation, technical
manage file storagefacilitate and
on hard networking,
drives, design
and utilities
phases of that manage
project. Requires access
strong toknowledge
peripherals, of communication
manage diagnostic
memory for design,programs
allocation, to
manage test integrated
file storage software/hardware
on and testing
hard drives, of
Robotic andhardware,
resolve and realfaults
system time•Creating
system programming.
Requires diagnostic
level programs
of proficiency
to test
one or more
systems and of systems
resolve system software
faults as programs
•Creating and code
the technical requirements
languages such
and specifications as Assembler, FORTRAN, or C.functional and technical
documentation of for the application.
systems software programsIdentifies opportunities
and code for
Responsible for and/or automation
designing, developing of existing processes.
and implementing
Manufacturingand resolves
Execution testing(MES).
Systems issues.Designs automation
technology solutions for manufacturing process optimization.
Analyzes and develops process flows that document the
Develops and maintains of raw materials
automation to finished
hardware goods.
and Guides
software and
processes that integration
are utilized intotomanufacturing
execute complex environment.
experiments Reviews
and monitors implementation and change
approachable by traditional laboratory techniques. Performs activities. Ensures process
programming andand control
analysis systems
relatedmeet all compliance,
to robotics. Providessafety,
support quality,
high reliability
through-put design criteria.screening, and other techniques as
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilitiesand needed.
across the Supports,
Sub-family develops and initiates
or incumbents whoautomation
cannot be
of different
matched to scientific
a specificprocess
job in the and programs. May validate system and
IT Applications Development General IT Applications Development includes analysis,
programming, and configuration of end user applications and/or
systems software including: •Analyzing detailed
business/functional/technical requirements and specifications for the
IT Applications Development application
Accountable•Coding internally
for developing IT developed
applicationsapplications and/or for use
for mobile devices
configuring commercial-off-the-shelf
by external customers (COTS) applications
to purchase products/services, using
access online
programming, scripting, and
customer service/account database languages
management, or to access •Supporting
application testing,including:
products/content deployment, maintenance,
•Designing, developing, and evolution
and testing
activities by correcting
platform-specific programming
applications that are errors,
installed responding to scope
IT Applications Development Responsible
changes, and for designing,
coding researching
application and developing mobile
on the blockchain device
(i.e., native installation) •Developing applications
products, studying blockchain agreements, operation mechanism using the tools andand
the targeted device platform
Develops (e.g., Xcode
applications andon
based Objective-C
for Apple iOS
blockchain, devices,including
generally Eclipse and Java for
financial Google applications
products Android devices) and
IT Systems Software Development online financial platforms.
General IT Systems Software Development includes analysis,
programming, and configuration of IT Systems Software (i.e.,
software for use in operating/controlling hardware and providing a
platform for running internal end user/business applications). The
IT Software Development Testing work
Design, includes:
create and •Identifying
build testand analyzing
cases, test plans business needs,
and test conducting
strategies for
multiple software gathering,
platforms andalong
defining withscope and objectives
automation test scriptsfor the IT
for all
System •Writing code in lower-level programming
applications and convert manual test preparation into automated languages to
test the performance
preparation. Collaborate andwith efficiency of an organization’s
the Software DevelopmentITteams
and other Product Owners •Configuring,
to understand customizing,
the diagnosing,
requirements and
IT Software Development Testing Responsiblevendor
enhancing for testing
systems the software
functionality (e.g., and performance
operating systems ofand
applications and manage
or systems the test scenarios for all the new development
and utilities
projects. that
access toDevelops
prioritize peripherals,
and track
and facilitate
test execution,
test plans
managescripts designed
memory to detect
allocation, problems
manage file in software
storage on applications
hard drives, and
and issues
systems appropriately
software. Ensures and recommend
software corrective
applications action whenever
or systems software
meets technicalFacilitateandfunctional
functional testing, regression
requirements. testing,work
Performs UI testing,
Information Systems & Network Security Systems Designs
and unitand implements
testing for alltest
new information
features inassurance
cross browser and security
Development analysis,
engineering documents
systems results
with Provide and
requirements recommends
of business quality
improvements. mobile devices.
Works with development leadership and
to resolve facilitate
software problem
resolution, security,
and cryptography,
coaching forensics,
Product Owners regulatory compliance,
and developers,
and diagnose/improve
internal counter-espionage product (insider threat for current
detection and and future
modules. mentoring junior QA team members and offshore teams. Work
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- physical
Responsible security
with development for theanalysis
ongoing (including
and Database
oversight facilities
of to security
Commerce Technology management).
system deficiencies
and complete Assesses andofmitigates
and escalate
functionality system
to appropriate
E-commerce security threats
activities. for timely and
risks throughout
business plan andthe
of issues. program
annual life cycle.
budget. products
Conducts Validates system
by thoroughly
website trackingsecurity
and web
usage alldefinition
statistics phases
analysis. ofand analysis.
Plans and drives Establishes
cycleweb system
Functional, Implements
Integration, security
End todesigns
development process by translating user testing and in
testing) hardware,
using a software,
customer data,of
and procedures.
support feedbackVerifies
methods. security requirements;
into feature/function requirements. performs system
for budget, staff and planning,
accreditation planning and
management, andtesting
product andandliaison
delivery. Supportsoperation
secure systems operations
activities and maintenance.
of the website(s) with specific
attention aimed at content creation, traffic management, and
website maintenance
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- Responsible for developing and maintaining business-to-consumer
Commerce Technology and/or business-to-business e-commerce and internet/digital
marketing websites and web applications. Interfaces with non-
technical user functions, including merchandising, marketing, and
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- creative
Accountable teams. forOversees
the design, programming
maintenance, staff (internal
technical and/or contract
functionality and
Commerce Technology staff),
content ensuring
of a website that deadlines,
for internal hardware,
employees andand programming
specifications are met. Enhances
marketing/communications purposes site performance
including: •Programming metrics through
web analytics
website and makes
functionality using recommendations
programming languages for website (e.g.,content
ASP, Java,
Perl, C++, thatetc.) will
in drive
addition business
to growth.
scripting languages (e.g., HTML, CSS,
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- Website Development: E-Commerce is a specialized area of Website
Commerce Technology PHP, JavaScript,
Development etc.) toonoptimize
focused planning, performance,
developing, security, and deploying and E-
scalability •Designing
Commerce web sites. the The look,
workfeel, includes:and navigation
•Programming of thethe website
using graphic/multi-media
functionality of the E-commerce designwebsite software •Working
using programming with marketing
and IT to coordinate
languages (e.g., content
Java, Perl, and C++,siteetc.)
updates •Performing
addition to scriptingwebpage
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- Responsible
updates, for the
documenting source operation,
code changes, and maintaining and
Commerce Technology languages
maintenance (e.g., HTML, CSS,
of website. Maintains PHP, JavaScript,
andwebsite etc.) to
upgrades hardware and optimize
performance, documentation
security, and toscalability
assist with •Developingtoprograms to
software including
maintenance/upgrades website technical architecture support the
website. information
Coordinates between the integration the E-commerce
of website website with other andcomputer
systems. pricing, and
Monitors webcustomer
traffic anddatabases
recommends •Maintaining
improvements. technical
Internet/Digital Marketing, Communications & E- Responsible
documentation for necessary
developing, tooptimizing
deliver and executing
E-commerce search engine
purchasing options
Commerce Technology Reviews
optimizationand maintains website to ensure
(SEO) strategies. Defines, prioritizes, and manages functionality and
to customers
adherenceoftokey organization specifications and standards.
execution SEO tactical initiatives, including keyword research
and analysis, on-site systemcontent errors and bugs.
optimization, and inbound link
IT Systems/Software Documentation & Training acquisition
Technical Writing and optimization.
& Editing: Systems Establishes, tracks, Documentation
& Software and reports on SEO
work(key performance
focuses on technical indicators)
writing to such as search
create engine results
the following types of page
(SERP) ranking, keyword
documentation for computer traffic, basedand salessystems, performance.
software, and Analyzes
hardware: trends and competitive
•Requirements Documentationlandscape •Architecture/Design
to exploit any expansion
and optimization•Technical
Documentation opportunities Documentation (code, algorithms, user
IT Systems/Software Documentation & Training Training: IT Support Function work focuses on training
and application interfaces,
programs/courses for internal system/hardware
IT support function configuration,
professionals etc.)as
well as User Manuals
employee & Help Screens
end-users including: The•Developing
work includes: and•Determining
an effective
training structure and layout
courses/materials focused foronhighly complex documentation
the operation, maintenance
and troubleshooting researchofand liaising with
off-the-shelf and technical
customized staffend to ensure
accurate Systems Security
interpretation of complexwork focusestechnical ondata,
drawings, IT-based
crime, and
hacking, software
intentional applications
or inadvertent•Applying foundational
modification, knowledge
disclosure, or
of IT software •Ensuring
and systems appropriate
to design technical
curriculum/contentcontent and (tests, visual
terminology to an organization's
review occurs and information
that provision systems
is made and
for IT
the assets
aids, etc.), selectproperty
and intellectual appropriate delivery
including: mechanisms
•Designing, (i.e., and
testing, classroom,
webcast, of updates
e-learning, etc.), and
conduct training •Developing
Responsible for for secure operating
developing, systems,
implementing, networks,
and maintainingand databases
•Password auditing, custom
network applications
basedtoand and
application applications,
security measures
using a variety and
of delivery procedures
mediums protect
•Developing the organization’s
and monitoring
digital assets scanning,
from inadvertent virus management,
modification, and intrusion
disclosure, detection
and/or may
•Conductingfor evaluating
risk audits training
and course
assessments, effectiveness
providing •Managers
also be Assesses
accountable forthe potential
broader IT risk and
Support opportunities
Function talent of
vulnerability for application
inasnetworks. design •Monitoring and analyzing
system access for logspart
developingof IT Serves
•Planning functional
as gatekeepers
managing excellence/performance
security network
to security
Assesses of
the privacy
potential of organization
initiatives risk•Mayand select (i.e., theftoversee
opportunities of
of trade secrets,in
vulnerability to
unauthorized access to internal/personal information, destructive
develop training
networks. Implements content or conduct
network security trainingpolicies, procedures, and
viruses). Provides
systems. Ensures network security security
backup and access ensures system disaster
and protects against
unauthorized processes access, are in place. Keeps
modification, or up-to-date on
destruction. Keepsnewup-to-date
Assesses and resolves
developments in E-commerceuser access problems related
security/practices to security
to offer solutions
on current
controls to andminimize emerging businesstrends in theand
impact arearisk of exposure.
network security
systems encryption software, firewall technologies, access control,
public keysecurity incidents,
infrastructure) that engages
provideprocess the greatest partners as required.
security for the
organizationinand internal and external
its customers' privacy audit and activities,
Provide subject for matterfuture audits. to
expertise Provides consultationteam.
level investigation on the impact
to currentadvanced
Leverage state andbig make data recommendations
security analyticsto tofuture
identify state
Reviews controls and
threats. Proactively makes recommendations
recommend long and short on term improvements
enhancements to
to monitoring risks.and detection content, tools, and security controls
Performs on the input received
assessments of systemsfrom the andthreatnetworks intelligence
within the sources and
networking incidents.
environment Request technicaland
or enclave delivery
identifies to implement
systems and
networks that deviate to the monitoring
from acceptable and detection
configurations, content. Liaisonpolicy,
enclave with
or cyber threatEvaluates
policy. intelligence teamresponse
incident to ensureproceduresthat the intelligence
capabilities. are incorporated into technologies and processes.
Investigates Exploits
and analyzes system all and
response network vulnerabilities
activities related to and cyber
misconfigurations for purposes
incidents within the network environment or enclave. of gathering data from Collects
target ordata
adversary automated information systems
from a variety of Computer Network Defense (CND) tools, including or networks and to enable
intrusion and intelligence
detection system alerts, collection firewallcapabilities.
and network Leveragestraffic logs,
and host system networks logs totodisrupt,
analyze deny,
events degrade,
that occur or destroy
within information
resident inforensic
computers analysis and of digital
computer information
networks, and
or thegathers
computers and
handles evidence. Provides operations for persistent
Identifies network computer intrusion evidence monitoring of all and
designated themselves.
networks, enclaves, and systems. Interprets, analyzes,
and perpetrators. Investigates computer fraud or other electronic
and reports
crimes, crackallfiles events
and and system anomalies
passwords, in accordance with computer
detects steganography and
recovers directives,
deleted, including initiating,
fragmented and responding,
corrupted data from anddigital
reporting media
discovered network or software vulnerability assessments and
of all
penetration Ensures Executes
chain ofreverse
testing utilizing
custody leveland responses and
procedures, Perform
documents or procedures
detected incidents.
and findings Distributes
in a directives,
manner suitable vulnerability,
and threat advisories analysis and exploitation
to identified of applications, operating
systems or networks. Identifies intrusion or incident path and notes
presentation and prepares comprehensive written
and reports.
method. May be
Isolates, blocksrequired
or removesto testify threatin court as expert witnesses.
Collects and preserves electronically storedaccess.information Evaluatesincludingsystem
security configurations. Evaluates findings
computer hard drives, server shares, mobile devices, applications, and performs root cause
enterprise Performs analysis email
vault, exchange of complex holds,software
SharePoint, systems to
etc. Prepares
determine both functionality
output deliverables for reviewand by the intent legalof and/or
software systems.
internal security
group, including data extraction, deduplication, filtering,Contributes
highly complex malware and intrusion issues. keyword to
the design,image
searching, developmentconversion, and branding,
implementation of countermeasures,
media preparation, labeling,
delivery and and tools specific
archiving. Ensures to Cyber
structured and Information
and unstructured
data is preserved May prepareappropriately. and presents Maintains technical
tracking reports
logs and andchain of
custody for Maydata perform
collected, documentation,
received, andvetting shipped. andConducts
weaponization forensicof
imaging and vulnerabilities
investigationfor ofoperational
end-user data. use.Executes testing of tools
and methods to validate their accuracy and reliability.
Responsible for the company's product vulnerability mining and
designing appropriate preventive solutions. Develops algorithms and
testing procedures that allow for monitoring and anticipating flaws
and errors. Designs and modifies tools and system components to
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration optimize
General ITthe company's own
Infrastructure Systemsproduct performance.
Administration work focuses on
installation, configuration, and maintenance of IT systems software
and hardware for multi-user server computers and/or personal
computing devices including: •Meeting end user needs by ensuring
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration the
Systems performance,
Administration resource availability,
work focuses and security of the
on installation,
configuration, managed within established
and maintenance budgetsITand
of Unix-based operational
systems software &
hardware •Acquiring,
multi-user installing, and upgrading
server computers: computer
•Creating and maintaining
a UNIX environmentand software andjob
for batch planning for/responding
data processing, includingto service
managing andthe other
daily problems
batch cycle •Automating
and UNIX routine
batch tasks using
reporting subsystem
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Office Technology
scripting and writing Administration
basicby computer work focusesto
programs onaddress
the acquisition,
installation, end user needs
configuration, and ensuring
maintenancethe uptime,of localperformance,
office IT
complex systems
resource availability, software
and configuration
securityincluding and
of the computers enhancement
technology and related software multi-usermanaged computers within
personaland operational
computing (PC)guidelines
devices and •Acquiring,
peripherals, installing,
and upgrading
audio/video computerand
equipment, components
the local & software and planning
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Email Administration
for/responding to workoutages
service focuses on area
other problems
•Automating and
maintenance andof evaluating
organization technology
Email products
systems available
software & in the
routine tasks
marketplace using scripting
for affordability, and writing
compatibility, basic computer
expandability, programs
and ease to
address •Meeting
more complex endsystems
user needs by ensuring
software configurationthe uptime, and
of use/support
performance, •Meeting end user needs by ensuring
resource availability, and security of the Email system the uptime,
performance, resource availability, and security of the •Acquiring,
PCs managed
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration within established
Responsible budgets
for implementing, andmaintaining,
operational guidelines
and supporting the
within established
installing, and budgets
upgrading andsystems
Email operational guidelines
hardware & •Acquiring,
software and
organization's messagingtechnology
and upgrading system. Provides componentstechnical support on
& software andlocal
groupware replication andto service
client outages
dial-up and
access other
issues. problems
•Overseeing for/responding
maintenance toof service outages
directories andand otherupdates
system problems
smooth integration
•Automating routine oftasks
all groupware
using systems
scripting and inwriting
a particular
basic computer
environment. routine
May tasks
serve using
ascomplex scripting
an internal and
consultant writing basic
to developers, computer
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration programs
programs to
to address
address more
more capacity
complex technology
systems systems
software softwareto
assisting them
mitigate in the
risk and area
enhancement of
that server supports,
existing hardware, security,
software ID files,
andand and
and enhancement
other development •May
issues. be responsible for training material
network resources are being used efficiently
curriculum related to standards and use of organization e-mail to meet business needs,
systemslevel requirements and IT infrastructure growth capacity.
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Ensures
Responsiblethat for
capacity workload modeling
cross-organizational effortsand availability
required analysis is
to introduce
applicationsfor and a variety of platforms
infrastructure changes andinto
the production Serves as a
subject matterResponsible
environment. expert to application
for ensuring development,
all changes are systemsdelivered to
administration and engineering and other
user while maintaining the integrity and availability of technical andthe business
in planning
systems. the resourcerelease
Communicate requirements for systems
expectations across under
all impacted
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Information Systems (IS) Recordkeeping work is focused on
classifying, storing, and disposing of electronic records related to
Information Systems (IS) business process files/data/reports in
compliance with organization-specific standards and applicable
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration external
Responsible regulations
for major including:
IT systems •Maintaining a storage library
incident management from of
initiation until System files on awork-around
an acceptable variety of mass is instorage
place or devices
tapes, disks,appropriate
Coordinate and local orresources
cloud file to storage
resolve servers,
criticaletc.) •Classifying
incidents in
files according
accordance withtoservice
content/routing type andand
level agreements assigns applicable
operational levelcodes
based on the Own
agreements. organization’s
all IS recordsduring
communication managementa major cataloging
system outage,
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Responsible
system for installing,
•Managing configuring
file check-out andand maintaining SharePoint
systems. IT management
Supports system and the system
operations businesses inspecting
andtoservices. kept returned
Creates and
the determine
incident isneed for replacement
resolved. Coordinate, due
manage wear
and orkeep
damage •May of
maintain sites.
IT Identifies,
Operations analyzes,
(i.e., IS Dataand resolves system
Processing problems.
Trains during incident
supports management
business conference&and
users. Researches
calls. Updateaccess
resolves the
incident reporting systems with resolution information, liaise with
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration issues. Plans,
Responsible directs
for products and executes system upgrades and design
changes. management onbaseline
detection management,
of potential trends; document control
driving down
repeat, serviceconfiguration
impacting failures. identification management and IT
infrastructure change management. Conducts configuration auditing
in areas such us software version control, integration construction
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration and release management.
Responsible for centralizedBuilds and manages
monitoring CMDB (Configuration
and management of all
equipment and Database).
environment in the computer room, including
subsystems of the computer room.

IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Oversees the daily operations of the organization’s mobile device
system. Enforces mobile device security, pushes software to devices,
and provides the library with a real time inventory of active devices.
Responsible for all mobile device administration, maintenance,
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration installation,
Top positionand performance
responsible optimization
for computer using specialized service
operations/technical skills
and hardware.withEstablishes
enterprise-based mobile
operating deviceand
standards management
may initiate tools.
capitaland executes
budgets. upgrades for
Responsible andcoordinating
patches for all mobile device
computer room
operations Technical
with liaisonnetworks,
workstation for all aspects of vendor-designed
telecommunications, register
polling, device
and anyapplications.
other data operations.
IT Platform/Infrastructure Administration Responsible for the management, maintenance, and information
processing for retail point of sale (POS) and inventory systems.
Reviews and edits price change and new item maintenance and
deletions to be sent to point-of-sale systems. Coordinates the entry
Data & Voice Networks Administration of Data/Voice
IT necessary data to maintain
Network databases
Administration andfocuses
work ensureson
that files are
planning the
accurate and automated systems
network implementation, function
determining properly.
physical Requires
and logical a
installing, understanding
configuring, andofmaintaining
sales taxability
ICT and
dataother surcharges.
and voice networks
•Meetingwhen possible
end user needs orby
alerts management
ensuring to problems
the uptime,
when appropriate.
performance, resource availability, and security of the networks
managed within established budgets and operational guidelines
•Determining and diagramming the physical layout which illustrates
the physical location of and the connections between devices
participating on the network •Determining and diagramming the
logical layout which documents the communication protocols (e.g.,
IP, TCP, POP3, etc.) and type of service/application (email, file
Data & Voice Networks Administration Responsible for the design, installation, administration and
optimization of the company servers, e.g., Windows, UNIX,
Macintosh, LINUX, AIX, Citrix, Solaris, etc. and related components to
achieve high performance of the various business applications.
Data & Voice Networks Administration Ensures
Responsiblethe availability
for storageof client/serverpractices
management applications, configures
including all
new implementations,
and day-to-day management and develops processes/procedures
of centralized, complex, and for
ongoing management
heterogeneous storageofenvironments.
the server environment. Handles access
Installs, configures, and tests
storageand assists in overseeing
management software and the hardware.
physical security,
Develops integrity,
safety of the
allocation, data center/server
defines backup, farm procedures. Monitors storage
IT Data Center & Data Processing Formulate operation plans,and archival
policies and procedures for Data Centre.
use/resources and troubleshoots
Major role in the direction and management storage related of allissues.
areas Performs
of Data
Centre. planning and formaintains/modifies
the data center performance backup an recovery and provides
advices and recommendations. Ensure delivery of services as per
IT Data Center & Data Processing client
Manage requirements
data centerand control which
operations cost and covermanage
managing Monitor
and maintain
maintenance, uptime of facilities
security by minimizing
and surveillance breakdowns
systems, systemand
maximizing process
installations and theand overall system efficiencies.
customer experience. Ensure delivery of
services as per client requirements and control cost and manage
Database Development & Administration vendors.
IT Database Monitor and maintain
Administration workuptimeincludes of facilities
designing, byconfiguring,
minimizing and
managing databases and maximizing
to ensure process and system
the integrity, security efficiencies (e.g.,
and accessibility
of and administration
the organization's data including: of •Defining standards for physical
data storage, maintenance, access and security administration infrastructure). Plans
and administers
•Performing acquisition/installation
backup and recovery using of hardware
Database equipment,
Database Development & Administration Responsible
software andfor designing, configuring,
maintenance agreements and managing
to maximize databases in
Oracle database
environment, parameters and
usingofdedicated defining
repository and continuing
requirements, data operations
dictionaries, systems
and with
warehousing minimal
(Oracle Enterprise
disruption. Manager, Oracle Net Manager, etc.) to ensure the
integrity, security •Designing and implementing
and accessibility approachesdata.
of the organization's to improve
Manages performance,
schemas consistingcapacity, and scalability
of shared tables, indexes,databases
Database Development & Administration Responsible for designing, configuring, and managing
Transact SQL-based MS SQL Serverlogical
program units and other to ensurestructures. Grants security
the integrity, schema
accesses to users,ofassigns
and accessibility users to appropriate
the organization's data. Defines groups and roles.
standards for
physical datausers authentication
storage, maintenance, process and manages
access and security security
administration. (such as user names,
Configures database passwords,
parameters localand anddefines
external data
Database Development & Administration In a client/serveretc.).
authentication, environment,
Configures enters and maintains
and defines data data dictionary
information, requirements,
data keyword data
lists dictionaries,
and dictionary and warehousing
forms. Reviews all
requirements, data
requirements. dictionaries, and warehousing requirements.
Audits and to Ensures
be entered
into the has access totoanensure
transactions, tracks
transaction logsto
standards instance
and with itsthat
to ensure unique collection of are
all requirements objects.
met. Prepares
Maintains Data
to prevent
Recovery errors
Plan and and disruptions.
follows database processing Performs backup
Backup andsystem's and
Restoration recoveryStrategy
Database Development & Administration current
Designs, library
programs of each
to proceduresand client/server
implements scenarios in Oracle
clinical trial environment. information
in the Enhances
dictionary. database capacity and database
scalability for new and
to business tuning
needs. of Designs
research instances
and Manages
implements to optimize
approaches performance.
database activities
to improve
including: capacity
database performance, scalability
of clinical
capacity, dataandaccording
clinicalto business
study needs.
and compiles
reports, administration,
metrics and insights electronic
using data MS SQL received
Serverfrom add-onsclinical trial
SSRS, and
Management vendors, and the Systems
Information development (MIS) of technical study
Administration & Reporting
work focuses such as annotatedmaintaining,
on configuring, case report generating
forms. and analyzing
reports for a MIS system in order to speed up an organization's
decision making process, improve efficiency and workflow including:
Corporate Financialcomplex work operating
Systems Administration variousfocuses
data applications
on vendor and
the collection
selection, of information,
configuring, maintaining, analysis andofgenerating
data and generation
reports forofa
Finance •Maintaining
Information System systemincluding:
and MIS applications
•Processing•Ensuring financial the
accuracy of financial
information and operational
and maintaining financialinformation
records in the entered
system into the
system and testing
•Generating reports new
and features
conducting of the systemon
analyses asfinancial
they aresystems
Enterprise Resource
implemented tothe
accuracy (ERP)of MIS Systems Administration
procedures •Designing workandis
data •Ensuring
performing ERP accuracy
systems of financial
administration information
work focusesenteredon vendor into the
system and reports
testing •Providing
new features input
of thein system
the development
as they are or
modification configuring,
oftocurrently maintaining,
established and generating
processes reports
and procedures to for an
Enterprise Resource verify accuracy
Planning of financial
system including: procedures
drive efficiency •Supporting staff, contractors and partners inERP
Creates database reports based on the needs of end•Generating
customer and
service maintaining
and training records
•Vendor in the system
selection users. ERP
reports and conducting
Incorporates end user requestsanalysesand on ERP data •Ensuring
requirements the accuracy
to develop an
of information
enterprise entered
reporting into the
solution. system knowledge
Requires and testing of newSQLfeatures of
the system as they
programming. Mayareassist implemented
in training users to verify accuracy of
on reporting ERP
Supports the•Troubleshooting
user community for
in hardware,
the use of softwareintelligence
business and systemtools
problems thatforinvolve
daily electronic
ERP modules data interchange (EDI) operations of
an query files
organization. andProvides
databases for report
support for EDIoutputs.
database Assists customers
analysis, design,in
use of OLAP tools, extracts
and operations. Establishes and maintains and collects data for performing within
communications queries
and writing reports.
organization and with Reviews
partners. queries
Conducts for performance
and managesissues, product making
changes needed.
Provides Participates
product in the design
installation, and development
configuration, and of
the system, asend-to-end
as creationmasterofdata user processes
documentation. and flows andtraining.
Monitors uses
Performs systems
knowledgeusage, to design and implement to update
master records,
dataquery specifications,
management and
operating proceduresupgrades enterprise
of partner systems. wideMaintains
OLAP EDI and reporting
tools, Provides
monitors business process, system
batch queries and ensures interoperability and support and data quality
governance activities.
for master data through data coordination and
security of various front-end components.
integration toforensure
Responsible providingefficient processes
day-to-day and consistent
technical support to data flows to
for a range and ofstakeholders.
hardware andConducts softwaretesting relatedand system
systems. validation
Responds toto
and diagnosesissues related
problems to master
through data management
discussion with users, which and system.
Identifies and implements
includes trouble shooting, fault process improvements
rectification in relation
and problem to
master data
ProvidesHelp processes.
effective and Identifies,
timely reviews
resolution and
of users’ evaluates
problems, master data
management Desk Support
metrics. provides
Recommends real-time
ways support
to strengthen viadataqueries
or complaints.
phone/chat/email Assists in hardware
to availability
employee end and software
users evaluation
including: •Responding and
recommends quality and
upgrades orandimprovementsacross the toenterprise.
IT infrastructure. Provides to,
researching, diagnosing,
training and support on master resolving
data processproblems through real-time
to users.
discussions/chat with users •Typically resolving less complex
problems immediately, escalating more complex problems to senior
level support •Referencing problem management database and help
desk systems
Onsite Technology Support provides in-person assistance to
employee end users including: •Maintaining and troubleshooting a
range of user problems including PC hardware/software/LAN and
voice network •Diagnosing problem source through discussions with
users and coordinating
Computing Device Repair with internal organization
& Maintenance support•Performing
work includes: and
operations groups and/or
general maintenance tasks, with vendors to resolve
troubleshooting, problemscomputer
and repairing
systems andinstalling,
peripheraland upgradinglocated
equipment PC components
throughout andthesoftware
and planning•Maintaining
organization for/responding anto service outages
adequate spare parts andinventory
other problems of
systems, users on useand
subsystems, of new technology
component parts and software
used in repair work
Responsible for providing support to users for problems associated
•Preparing progress reports
with the organization's for all work performed
telecommunications networks (voice and/or
data). Diagnoses problem source through discussions with users.
Coordinates with internal support and operations groups or with
Multi-Media to resolve
Support work Requires an understanding
includes: •Assembling,of technical
aspects of telecommunications
transporting, operating, maintaining, equipment and systems
and repairing and vendor
the technical
capabilities.associated with live events and businesses •Ensuring all
of the audio-visual presentations and equipment runs smoothly
Responsible for a catalog
equipment to usersthe organization
of Internet and owns and
teaching otherstechnical
sites. Provides to operate the equipment
advice and guidance •May also provide
relative to problems visual
graphics, audio
involving tracks and
user interface, lightinghardware
browser, for live events and supporting software.
Troubleshoots and restores routine technical service and equipment
Manage IT byproblem
analyzing, identifying and
investigations from diagnosing
start to finishfaultsbyandfacilitating
symptoms. Maintains a knowledge
root cause investigations and managing database and call trackingof
the implementation
database to enhance quality of problem resolutions.
corrective and preventative measures. Analyze and report IT incident Coordinates
efforts withtothe
trend data Help Desk
identify to ensure root
and eliminate all calls outside
causes, the customer
initiate action to fix
potential are effectively resolved.
Responsible for technical support and training for retail pointanalysis,
interruptions to service identified during proactive of sale
(POS) andreport inventoryto demonstrate
systems. Ensures wheresystems
repeat incidents
equipment areisoccurring
across the organization, diagnose whether
and operating properly. Maintains systems and equipment. Supports new incidents are related
to known
store errors or existing
management and other problems.
systems Provide
users with process improvements
fixes efficiencies
that they aimed
can make at or
coordinates operational
third partyrisk and improving
repair calls.
overall service forquality.
all information systems operations activities,
computertraining operations,questions data andentry, assists
data with
and operating systems programming. Controls revenues and
expenses within department and responsible for meeting budget
goals and objectives.
Responsible Provides
for all activities input to
relating to policy
technical level direction
guidance for
regarding standardsand
planning, directing, andmonitoring
budget constraints.information Makes decisions
systems on
personnel actions (hiring, terminations,
Plans and recommends machine modifications or additional promotions, etc.). Assigns
equipmenttotoprojects increaseand thedirects
capacity their activities.
of the system.Reviews
Prepares and
operational workcost and prepares
estimates for performance
current and reports. Confers
proposed projects. with and
advises and schedule oncomputer
administrative operationspolicies andand workflow
processing vendor
equipment proposals
and otherfor purchases of hardware. May manage
related problems,
outsourcing priorities,
contracts andITservice
methods. levels.
are usedwith to their full
Directs compilation
in other Analyze
information production,
systems maintenance,
sections to and
coordinate malfunction
activities. records
of records
to and
identifyactivity reports
problems and concerning
recommend production,
solutions machine
(e.g., changessystems to
malfunctioning, andmaintenance.
and progress reportsMaytoregarding
advise orinformation
consult on and
operations. workflow,
Controls the processing or equipment)
of programs improve
and peripheral performance
increase theand/or procedural,
capacity. Research,and work-flow
and methods,
recommend and on
procedures analysis. distributed
Analyzes computer
the results of workflow to ensure
plans,the monitors
highest purchases
levels system(s) to
of service and enhance
and recommends the capabilities
system availability of
are to computer
the operating
operations. production
Lead, direct,runs, evaluate, andthat changes
develop computer improve
processing andcomputer
May ensuring
have activities appropriate
departmental staffjoboperations
staff to ensure
language, run documentation and data files aremeet pre-established
available. Assists in
production and controls
targets and systems
operating in budgets.
a client/server Liaise environment
with functional in or
job set-up. Performs
accordance with problem
established identification,
routines. Assists escalation
incurrent and
resolution. area managers
Communicates to understand
status ofinstructions their
operationsand to allow and
for future
information settings
needs and anddevelop
operating plans, cost estimates, maintaining
and schedules
operating response to service
Requires solid disruptions.
understanding of client/server
for integrating these needs into existing operations. Select, and
manage ongoing
This benchmark to identify problem
to be used sources
for vendors
incumbents concerning
and system
hybrid (e.g., data
entry providers)
responsibilities Ableacross
to ensure
to communicate withorsystem
the organization
the Sub-family users satisfactory
incumbents to
cannot be
matched and
service. jobcomplex
in themay problems.
include data
Sub-family. Mayprocessing,
act as second-level
entry, data for control,
help desk for certain
position problem
language resolution.
set-up, and tape library.
Responsible for the project management and delivery of IT consulting
services. Works with user groups to identify, develop, acquire, and
implement methodologies for the installation of new information
systems or integration of existing systems. Coordinates in the
Responsibleand for installation
the project of hardware, software,
management and delivery databases, and
of IT business
peripherals that meet
strategy consulting client needs.
services. Assists Often
clientshave focusedand
in defining knowledge of
specific technology or industry.
their IT strategy Possesses
through the necessary
the review of business technical
skills to study
objectives andand
valueanalyze systemsAdvises
proposition. needs;senior
and handle systems on
future business systems
direction process analysis,
and aligns design
IT with and re-engineering
Software Architecture Engineering Software Architecture Engineering (High Tech) focuses on
priorities, strategies, and operating models. Recommends
architecting multiple types/categories of software including long-term
applications andand changessystems/utility
operating to organization’s IT systems
software to provides
(which support a
future business direction and growth
platform for running end user applications) for sale to external
Software Architecture Engineering customers.
Software The work includes:
Architecture •Performing
Engineering: complex software
Mobile Applications (High Tech)
process definition,
work includes: requirements
•Responsible analysis,the
for defining andarchitecture
high-level and
framework for mobile to convert stakeholder
software needs
applications into software
•Defines the direction
and scope•Designing
of developmentand specifying the overall
of the mobile software software structure,
core elements, and properties
applications/products •Designsbytheunderstanding the software
architecture ensuring
requirements, constraints,
performance, capacity, andinterfaces,
scalability and dependencies
of the •Developing
mobile application, and
development guidelines, specifications,
teams during and technical
implementation standards,
phase •Proactively
including coding
researches nascentstandards, tools,and
technologies services
keepsand platforms
up-to-date onrelated to
industryand future technological
standards environments
and best practices •Drives the •Communicating
application of the
leadingof the architecture
edge software architecture
developmentto stakeholders
methodologies and tools, and
related development and coding standards across platforms and
Software Architecture Engineering Responsible for the overall design of the website platform system.
Ensures system is developed in an optimal manner, is regularly
available, and performs in a reliable manner.

Software Architecture Engineering Responsible for defining architecture and framework of software
applications. Defines direction and scope of development of
applications/products. Designs architecture of applications ensuring
desired performance, capacity, and scalability. Leads teams in
Software Architecture Engineering implementation phases. Researches
Responsible for architecture designing nascent technologies
and researching on anddata
keeping up-to-date
product line, developingwith emerging
the system's industry
technicaland best
practices framework,
business Drives applicationand systemof cutting-edge
development methodologies and tools, development and coding
standards across platforms and products.
Software Development Engineering Software Development Engineering (High Tech) focus on developing
multiple types/categories of software including end-user applications
and operating systems/utility software, that provides a platform for
running end user applications for sale to external customers. The
Software Development Engineering work
Softwareincludes: •Conducting requirements
Engineers/Programmers matching gathering and analysis to
to this specialization
understand the domain
work in a software R&D of the software
environment problem and/or
developing software functionality,
the interfaces
code betweenthat
or new software hardware
will be and software,
released and the overall
software characteristics •Using programming, scripting, and/or
database languages to write the software code •Supporting software
Software Development Engineering Software Development
testing, deployment, Engineering:and
maintenance, Endevolution
User Applications
activities (High
Tech) workprogramming
correcting focuses on developing end user software
errors, responding applications
to scope changes, and
coding multiple
enhancements operating systems,
•Applying and devices
knowledge including:
of software
•End user applications
development for desktop/laptop
best practices, including coding PCs,standards,
server computers,
Software Development Engineering and/or
reviews, mobile
Web Applications control •Platform-specific
Development build
Engineering applications
(High Tech) that arefocuses
work and
on directly
developing on theproduct
external computing webdevice (i.e., native
applications applications)
for desktop/laptop
PCs, server computers, and/or mobile devices. Web applications are
defined as: •Cross-platform applications installed on remote servers
Software Development Engineering and
Design the&internet
Development•Developed using standard
Engineering (High Tech) web
work focuses (i.e., HTML5, JavaScript,
on designing the look/feel/userand CSS)experience
that work acrossin addition
multiple devices the
to programming Webfunctionality
interactive •Use back-end
web applications.
programming languages (e.g., ASP, Java,
Web Applications are defined as: •Cross-platform applications Perl, C++, etc.) in addition to
the front-end
installed on scripting
remote languages
servers and (HTML5,through
accessed JavaScript, the CSS)
Software Development Engineering Responsible
optimize for developing
performance, the client-end
security, and software
scalability applications.
•Develop programs to
Develops using standard
software programs web
tothe technologies
create the (i.e., HTML5,
visual front-end elements
transmit information
JavaScript, andapplication,
CSS) thatbetween
work acrossweb application
multiple devices front-end
•Developed and
of a software,
applicable back-end databasesor website using programming languagesfor
use as a product by external
like HTML5, JavaScript, CSS etc customers (vs. as an e-commerce
website/online sales tool, external marketing/communications
Software Development Engineering Develops
website, or server
companyusing intranetprogramming
website). Web languages like
Python, PHP, .Net, C++,•Create
designers/developers: C, VB, Delphi, etc. Apart
the overall visual,fromaudio, programming
design back-end
of the web development
application is •Create
requiredand to achieve
manipulate product
individual design andelements
meet business, still images, animation,
(e.g., audio,
Software Development Engineering text, etc.) using
Responsible for graphic/multi-media
design and development design software
of search (e.g.,technology
for the product Illustrator,
or company Flash,website.
ProTools, AfterEffects,
Designs etc.) •Develop
and implements
the architecture
systems and features and program
for improvingthe functionality
and optimizing of thetheweb application
search engine
with languages
focus on scalability, speed,(e.g.,andASP, Java, Perl,
accuracy. C++, etc.)
Develops in
and toolstoforscripting
search languages (HTML5,
relevance, JavaScript, CSS)
content classification, ranking,inand
Software Development Engineering Responsible for design and development of novel algorithms
indexing. Develops system metrics
support of end users’ needs. Designs, implements, related to searchand engine
performance, conducts
statistically robust, experiments,
efficient, and scalable analyzes results,Adapts
algorithms. and makes the
algorithms to meet Expertise
systeminand programming languages (C, C++,
customer requirements. DevelopsJava,
test etc.). and methodologies to evaluate new or competing
Software Development Engineering Responsible for design, development, testing, and implementation of
streaming media Documents the processcontent
(i.e., audio/video behind which algorithm design, played
is constantly
including goals,
to the end user while trade-offs,
delivered criteria,
by theand reasoning
provider). behind
highly choices. Stays
scalable streaming up-to-date
solutions that canonsupport latest research
a large numberand
of concurrent development
sessions. methodologies.
Drives continuous improvement in the pace
Software Development Engineering Responsible for design and development of virtual reality
at which media
applications for content is delivered
desktop/laptop PCs, to the customer.
mobile devices, etc. Stays Usesup-to-
date on technology
programming languagestrends toin streaming
design modular media andspace.
components in
that serveprogramming
as the building languages
blocks for (e.g.,
the C/C++,
virtual .NET,realityJava, etc.) and
Provides of streaming
support to software servers (e.g.,and Flash Media Server, Apache,
Software Development Engineering Responsible
Smooth for safety
Streaming, testingtesting
etc.). of businessvalidationplatform and teams to identify
and debug issues. Must have expertise in 3D
of protection and monitoring system. Tracks vulnerability information programming languages
(e.g. , Unity internal
to optimize 3D). security policies.

Software Development Engineering Responsible for working closely with the product and software
development team to threat model, vulnerability scan and pen test
the early software/system/network architecture to identify required
control points in the application stack. Cooperates closely with
Software Development Engineering: Mobile Applications Mobile to diagnose,
Applications document
Engineering andTech)
(High remediate application
work focuses on
security vulnerabilities. 
developing multiple types Evaluates, recommends
of end user applicationsandforimplements
mobile devices
application security related software
defined as: •Platform-specific in an automated
applications continuous
that are installed on the
mobile device (i.e., nativeenvironment. Expertise in related
installation) •Developed using the tools
and languagelike Identity
of the and device
targeted Accessplatform
Management(e.g., tools,
Security, IBMforAppscan,
Objective-C Apple iOSCAdevices,
Siteminder, etc.and Java for Google
Android devices)
Software Development Engineering: Mobile Applications Software Engineers/Programmers matching to this specialization
develop applications for mobile devices that use the Google Android
platform. Significant portions of the application are installed on the
mobile device (i.e., native installation) and are developed using
Software Development Engineering: Mobile Applications Android-specific languages and development
Software Engineers/Programmers matching totoolsthis (i.e., Java and
develop applications for mobile devices that use the Apple iOS
platform. Significant portions of the application are installed on the
mobile device (i.e., native installation) and are developed using iOS-
Software Development Engineering: Mobile Applications specific
Softwarelanguages and development
Engineers/Programmers tools (i.e.,
matching Objective-C
to this and
develop applications for mobile devices that use the MS Windows
Mobile platform. Significant portions of the application are installed
on the mobile device (i.e., native installation) and are developed
Software Development Engineering: Mobile Applications using
mobileMobile-specific languages
application based and development tools
on HTML5.
(i.e., C, C++, and Visual Studio)

Systems Software Development Engineering Systems Software Engineering work focuses on developing software
for use in operating/controlling computer hardware, which provides
a platform for running end user applications. Systems software is
written using lower-level programming languages and includes
Systems Software Development Engineering operating
Responsible systems, device drivers,
for development of thecompilers,
software utilities,
platformetc. to support
various applications. Designs, develops, tests, debugs, and
implements cross-domain and globally scalable software platforms in
support of end users’ needs. Creates product roadmap, defines
Systems Software Development Engineering technical
Responsible requirements,
for the creation and develops
and coding platform
of firmwarearchitecture.
- the embeddedProvides
software in documentation,
electronics devices, guidance, and support
including embedded on platform
2D/3D graphics
capabilities. Expertisedesigns,
engine. Researches, in software programming
and develops firmwarelanguages
algorithms and used
database technologies.
in electronic hardware devices. Develops and executes test plans and
Systems Software Development Engineering: Mobile scripts
Software to Engineers/Programmers
ensure new firmware meets specifications,
matching functionalities,
to this specialization
Devices and
focusperformance requirements.
on the development Debugssystems
of operating firmware and compatibility
software for use in
issues. Documents technical
operating/controlling mobilemanuscripts
devices and for firmware
providing operations
a platform for and
running mobile end user applications. Examples of mobile device in
with programmers & hardware design engineers. Expertise
operating language,
systems assemblyinclude
software language, Googleand Android,
other programming
Systems Software Development Engineering: Mobile Responsible
languages forC,
(e.g. design and development
C++, etc.) of platform Apple for mobile iOS, and
Devices MS Windows Mobile
software. Designs, develops, tests, debugs, and implements mobile
platforms in support of end user needs. Writes specifications,
prioritizes features and coordinates with engineering team to deliver
Software Development Test Engineering product
Development ProvidesTesttechnical
Engineering documentation,
(High Tech) work guidancefocusesandon
developing on mobile
software platform capabilities.
to test multiple Keeps up-to-date
types/categories on
of software
emerging technologies
including end-user related to
applications andmobile
operatingapplications. Expertise in
software development
(which provides alanguages
platform for (e.g., C, C++,end
running Objective-C, Java,
user applications
for external customers. The work includes: •Developing and directing
Software Development Test Engineering Responsible for testing the functionality of the software applications
the preparation
or systems and execution
software. Develops of andcomprehensive
executes test cases test plans, quality
and scripts
designed toplans, detectprocedures,
problems. and Testsschedules •Planning
the application’s and
interface bysoftware
and examining using outputs,
programming generally languages
to write code
automated for use Verifies
systems. in testing thethe
that application/software
software application code),
is able to
Software Development Test Engineering Responsibleanalysis
performing for detailed
of test testing
results,of the
and internal logic/structure
tracking/reporting of the
risk levels
softwareall requirements
applications orinsystems
accordance with
software. the functional
Develops and executes
during test
specifications execution
document. •Performing
Identifies regression
software and ad-hoc
risks/defect testing
and work of
test plansand
software andcomponents
scripts designed to detect
potentially problems.
affected Performs
by system changes
flow analysis, test results. test
documents results and recommends quality
•Diagnosing software/hardware/data interface problems and
Software Development Test Engineering improvements.
By collectingsystemandWorks with Applications
summarizing Development/Systems
the virus/system vulnerabilities on the
network and Engineers
combining to resolve
with the software
company's defects and products, carries
out artificial safety analysis and security penetration.and
product configuration for current futurewith
the Well versed
application in scripting
of reverse, source languages
code and resourceto automate software
test cases.
dynamic debugging attacks, anti-compilation and other methods.
Software Release Testing & Configuration Responsible for testing software applications or systems software.
Develops outandsecurity
executes analysis and security
test plans and scripts penetration
designedtest on the
to detect
problems. Ensures applications in order
the quality andtosuccess
strengthen the security
of various computing of the
software itself.Performs work flow analysis, documents test results,
External Database Product Engineering and recommends
External DatabasequalityEngineeringimprovements.
(High Tech) Works
work with Applications
includes performing
a variety of database/data Software Engineers
warehouse design to and
defects and diagnose/improve product configuration
activities including: •Creating data architectures (i.e., designing and for current and
future modules.
specifying Conducts
the overall configuration
database/data management
warehouse activities
structure based on
including control of initialrequirements)
and technical release, version control, and
•Developing change
logical and
Cloud Computing Services Engineering Software
management in support of new/currentmatching to thisWell
products. specialization
versed in
physical data
develop scalable, models •Developing
multi-tenant end strategies for
user applications data acquisition,
archive languages
recovery, to automate software test cases
remotely through and database
a cloud implementation(SAAS) subscription.
SAAS applications engineering and programming requires expertise in
Cloud Computing Services Engineering developing
Software the following product functionality:
Engineers/Programmers matching to this •Multiple tenants
utilizing the same
build software software installation
development tools for use (vs.inseparate installations for
cloud platform-as-a-
servicecustomer) with some
(PAAS) product level ofSoftware
offerings. customization available
development tools by tenant
created for subscription/user
specific software/hardware management that enables
development customers
platforms and to
scale up or down the number of users
provide ready-made functionality for common application in real time within the
development itself •Large
tasks scale •Integrated
including: data transferdevelopment
& storage, security,
environment and
(IDE) software with other systems
•Application on a cloud interfaces
programming infrastructure (APIs) •Data
retrieval and storage, debuggers and compilers •Sample code
libraries and user interface elements
Cloud Computing Services Engineering Cloud Infrastructure-As-A-Service (IAAS) (High Tech) work includes:
•Responsible for the development of cloud infrastructure to host
cloud applications, platforms and other user offerings/data
•Determines infrastructure specifications and designs/develops large
Cloud Computing Services Engineering virtual infrastructure
Responsible for ensuringsolutions
support of end users’
functionality in needs
web based
"cloud" service and tests infrastructure
software (SaaS) products. solutions
Partner using
teams tools,new
to architect techniques,
services. and technologies
Participate in the to support
design of multiple
cloud platforms
architecture and•Ensures
automation infrastructure scalability
to deliver against and security.
requirements for
Expertise in virtualization technologies,and servers, networks etc.
Integrated Solutions (Hardware & Software) Engineering functionality,
Responsible for scalability,
designing, performance,
configuring, and reliability. Serve
installing information in on-call
rotation or 24/7 team
systems (including to respond
hardware to escalation
and software) thatofhave
been purchased
by the organization's customers. Advises the sales team on the
technical aspects of information systems and products. Collaborates
with the sales team
This benchmark is totobeestimate
used forthe costs andwith
incumbents technical
of modifying, configuring,
responsibilities across the and installing
Sub-family or information
incumbents systemswho cannot be
products to
matched to ameet customer
specific job in needs and systems environment. Ensures
the Sub-family.
smooth integration with customer’s existing systems. Prepares flow
charts, models, and procedures and conduct feasibility studies to
Game Development Leadership Oversees all aspects
design possible system of two or more
solutions. of the
Writes following
system and game
specifications areas:
so that•PCwhen Gamethe Development •Web Game
system is implemented it will meet
customer needs. •Mobile
Prepares Game andDevelopment •Game documentation
maintains technical Engine to
guide system users•Game andServer
to assistDevelopment
with the ongoing operation,
Game Development Programming maintenance,
General Gameand Designdevelopment
& Development of the (High
system. Tech) work includes:
•Responsible for the design and development of game systems and
content •Creates and designs fun and compelling game content and
playing experience for different game platforms (e.g., PCs, handheld
Game Development Programming devices, consoles, mobile
General management roles phones,
of game online, and otherResponsible
programming. wireless game for
overall game •Defines
development gameprocess.
mechanics based on target audience’s
needs and preferences •This includes defining the game plot,
scenario, storylines, characters, rules, audio, difficulty levels,
interface designs, and modes of play •Develops programming codes
Game Development Programming Responsible for design
that run the game •Testsand development
codes and solvesofbugs software applications
reported by gamefor
PC games,
tester i.e., games
•Expertise which are played
in programming on a personal
languages computer
(e.g., C/C++), serverslike a
(e.g., SQL,laptop, etc. Develops
JavaScript, TCP/IP), and programming
3D graphics codes that run the
programming PC
OpenGL forESdifferent
2.0, GLSL) software
for games platforms (e.g., Windows, Mac, etc.).
and simulation
Game Development Programming Tests codes and
Responsible solves and
for design bugsdevelopment
reported by game tester.applications
of software Expertise in for
online games. languages (e.g., C/C++), servers
Develops programming codes that (e.g.,
online game
TCP/IP), and game
for different 3D graphics
(e.g., PCs, (e.g.,
handheldOpenGL ES 2.0,
devices). GLSL) for
games and simulation.
codes and solves bugs reported by game tester. Expertise in
Game Development Programming programming
Responsible for languages
design and (e.g., C/C++), servers
development (e.g., SQL,
of software JavaScript,
applications for
TCP/IP), 3D graphics
mobile games. Developsprogramming
programming (e.g.,codes
OpenGL thatES run2.0,
game forfor
games and simulation, and web technologies (e.g.,
different mobile platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows PHP, Flash, HTML
5, JavaScript).
Mobile, Symbian, etc.). Tests codes and solves bugs reported by
Game Development Programming game tester.
Responsible for Expertise
developmentin programming
of mobile languages
games on (e.g.,Android C/C++, C#),
Develops (e.g., SQL, JavaScript,
programming codesTCP/IP),
that runand the3D gamegraphics programming
for Android mobile
(e.g., OpenGL
platform. TestsEScodes
2.0, GLSL) for games
and solves bugs and simulation.
reported by game tester.

Game Development Programming Responsible for development of mobile games on iOS platform.
Develops programming codes that run the game for iOS mobile
platform. Tests codes and solves bugs reported by game tester.

Game Development Programming Responsible for development of mobile games on Microsoft Windows
Mobile platform. Develops programming codes that run the game for
Microsoft Windows Mobile platform. Tests codes and solves bugs
reported by game tester.
Game Development Programming Responsible for creating the base engine of the game, including the
game graphics, input, output and the sound engines. Develops
programming codes for core engine of the game system, ensuring
that the system is reliable and scalable. Architects and builds new
Game Development Programming systems as well
Responsible for as makes improvements
developing to existing
games using Unity functionality.
3D. Includes
Tests codes and
development of solves bugs logic
application reported by testing.
of game's serverOversees the engine
side or client side
and thedocumentation's
function of connecting Expertise in programming
client languages
side and server side.
(e.g., C/C++).
Game Development Programming Responsible for developing games using Cocos2D. Includes
development of application logic of game's server side or client side
and the function of connecting game's client side and server side.

Game Development Programming Responsible for developing games using Unreal 4. Includes
development of application logic of game's server side or client side
and the function of connecting game's client side and server side.
Game Development Programming Responsible for design and development of game server platform for
multi-player games. Plans and designs the features, and develops
programming code for the game servers. Ensures that the code is
efficient, flexible and scalable, and can support multiple platforms.
Game Testing Develops
Responsible integration points
for testing games with various the
to ensure game clients (including
functionality, qualityweb,
console andofmobile)
playability andEstablishes
the game. servers. Expertise
standard insystem
and procedures
for (e.g., C/C++,
game testing. C#) improvements
Suggests and servers/network technologyto(e.g.,
and refinements
SQL, JavaScript,
enhance TCP/IP).
the elements of games such as graphics, sounds, interface,
Game Testing and entertainment
Responsible experience.
for testing Teststhe
games. Tests andgame
evaluates games by trying
as end-user.
and performing game actions that are not anticipated by game
developers. Detects bugs or problems such as game lags. Documents
the defects and report to game designer. May also conduct private
and public test to gather feedback for improvements in the game
Game Testing Responsible for testing games. Requires development knowledge to
test the game.

Game Testing Responsible for evaluating the quality of game and game play
experience through playing games from a customer perspective.
Assesses games and identifies game functionality and aesthetic
defects including graphics, messaging, font spacing, sound, interface
This any other feature
benchmark is to be that
usedmayforaffect the customers’
incumbents with hybrid game play
responsibilities Suggests
the Sub-familyand refinementswho
or incumbents to enhance
cannot be the
matched to a specificexperience job inofthe
game and maximize player
satisfaction. Collaborates with studio game designers, engineers,
sound designers, and artists on game enhancements. May also
Telecommunications Operations Leadership Head
conductof Engineering
private and public & Networktest toOperations (Telecommunications)
gather feedback for improvements is
accountable for all engineering and non-engineering network
in the game product.
operations areas: •Network Planning & Design •Network Field
Installation, Integration & Maintenance •Network Operations &
Network Planning Maintenance
Responsible for •Network Monitoring
the performance & Control
of traffic in the entire
interconnection network. Produce and analyze capacity reports,
incidents, threshold warnings and crossings. Consider all resources
required to deliver the service, and plans for short and medium term
Network Operations & Maintenance business
Responsible requirements.
for the operation Resolve,andlead, and contribute
maintenance to the
of telecom
infrastructureof immediate
and/or network and longer term capacity
components to drive and performance
issues. Interact
efficiency with the interconnected
and availability. Maintains network operators.
quality standards to
achieve optimal levels of operation and KPI targets. Tracks and
Network Operations & Maintenance monitors
Responsible network traffic and performance
for maintenance operations ofto ensure
the accessminimal
interruption to networkpower
including transmission, transmission and/or network
and environment. Extendsswitches.
level 2 and
Corrects network problems effectively and in a
3 Base Station Subsystem (BSS) support. Ensures optimal capability timely manner. Drives
and industrialization,
availability of access network and efficiencies
is providedtotonetworksupportfacilities
needs withinfor (i.e., enhancements,
established policies and updates,
procedures.upgrades, and new
Network Operations & Maintenance Responsible
systems). Network
Establishes toolsSwitching Subsystem
and procedures (NSS) Operations
to monitor network that
includes Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs), Media Gateways (MGWs),
General Packet Radio Services (GPRS), etc. Manages NSS network
availability and configuration to support business requirements and
Head of Dataintegration/deployment
Analytics/Warehousing support. Ensures
& Business network stability
Intelligence is
by providing for
accountable proactive, preventive
work associated andtwo
with corrective
or moremeasures on faults,
of the following:
operation and maintenance. Monitors Key Performance
•Data Science/Big Data Mining •Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis Indicators
(KPIs) andData
•Internal manages Service &
Engineering Level Agreements (SLAs) with the
objective of ensuring customers have full use of products and
Data Science & Analytics Data Science/Big
services 24/7/365Data withinMining work defined
the scope includes:by•Creating data mining
SLAs, Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) andstatistical reporting, and data
business requirements.
analysis methodologies to identify trends in large data sets •Analysis
may be applied to various areas of the business (e.g., Market
Data Science & Analytics Economics,
ResponsibleSupply Chain, Marketing/Advertising,
for performing general analytics and statisticalScientific Research,
etc.) •Researching
on existing data sets and
in applying knowledge
various areas of existing
of the business andMarket
(e.g., emerging
data science principles, theories, and techniques
Economics, Supply Chain, Marketing/Advertising, Financial Services, to inform business
decisions Research,
Scientific •At higheretc.). career levels, may
Activities conduct
include: scientific
defining data research
projects with the
requirements, data goal of breaking
collection, new ground
processing, in data
cleaning, analytics
Data Science & Analytics Economic Market Analytics work includes: •Identifying economic and
modeling and visualization. Examines and identifies
business trends in large data sets to identify market and investment data patterns and
trends to help answer
opportunities/risks businessmathematical,
•Applying questions andstatistical,
improve decision
and economic
making. Provides
techniques inputs for
to determine andcomplex
forecastData Science
market, and Big Data
investment, and broad
economic projects.
conditionsIdentifies areasrates,
(exchange to increase
interest efficiency and•Creating
Data Science & Analytics Supply Chain
automation Analytics work includes: •Performing analytics
data mining of
and statistical
data analysis processes.
modelling on large data sets to statistical optimize supply reporting,
data analysis
operations methodologies
workflow, reduce •Developing and presenting
costs, and increase efficiencydetailed
reports and conclusions
mathematical, statistical,for andbusiness,
economic finance, and investment
techniques to determine and
forecast the cost/availability of raw materials, customer demand,
Data Science & Analytics Market/Customer Analytics includes: •Performing complex analytics
and statistical capacity,
modelling availability
on largeofdatacostsets
effective shipping, etc.
to identify
•Creating data mining
market/business sectorarchitectures/models/protocols,
trends, customer buying patterns, statistical
etc. to
reporting, and data
inform business, analysis
product methodologies
development, andto identify Supply
marketing Chain
operations improvements and simulate the
•Applying mathematical, statistical, and economic techniques toimpact of proposed
market conditions,with business
projectline managers
customer to understand
demand, and inform and
product operational
launch timing problems for further
•Creating data mininganalysis
architectures/models/protocols, statistical reporting, and data
analysis methodologies to identify target customer segments and
simulate the impact of new product launches and marketing
campaigns •Quantifying the revenue impact of various online
Data Science & Analytics Provides information for research and analysis in line with statistical
methodology. Plans data collection, analyzes and interprets
numerical data from surveys, experiments, studies, and other
sources. Plans methods to collect information and develops
Data Science & Analytics questionnaire
Responsible fortechniques
data securityaccording to to
analytics survey design.
monitor andConducts
surveys, evaluates
information securityreliability
threats. of sourcesecurity
Utilizes information, adjusts
analytics toolsand
weighs raw
collect, data, and
integrate analyzes andlarge
analyze interprets
volumes statistics
of dataand organizes
extracted from
sourcesconclusions and predictions
(events on servers, networks,based on data and
devices) in near real-time. Performsdata
complex analytics andand
Data Science & Analytics Responsible for using the financial statistical analysis data
modelling on largethe
mining to confirm data setsneeds,
user to inform on and
design vulnerabilities,
plan the data threats,
according the organization.
the demand. Researches
Familiar with new ways of
MySQL, PostgreSQL,
science forindata
the security monitoring
use of power andErwin
designer, threatand
other model Recommends
design tools. and develops data quality standards and
Data Science & Analytics Conducts mathematical
improvements. Designs andanalysis for the
develops solution
reports andtodashboards
scientific and
engineering problems.metrics,
identify key business Develops innovative
trends mathematical
and analytical needs. principles
or methods of application of mathematical theory to unexplored
scientific studies.
Data Science & Analytics Uses business intelligence (BI) tools, techniques, and methodologies
to design and develop measurement strategy, reporting and analysis
approaches customized to the client's needs and business
requirements. Provides integrated marketing focused analytical
Data Science & Analytics solutions
Respondsacross customer
to pricing, touch points
structuring, and channels.
and quantitative Stays
issues fromabreast of
client anddepartments.
multiple industry standards.
Aids in Closely partners with
the development assigned client
of department
policies, teams.
procedures, and new valuation models. Involved in the
integration of new pricing models into front-office systems and helps
Actuarial Science & Analytics create newpremiums,
Calculates pricing andreserves,
analysis and
non-forfeiture values of new and
existing insurance plans. Performs actuarial research, statistical
analyses, and mathematical calculations.

Business Intelligence (BI) & Analysis Business Intelligence (BI) Data Analysis work includes: •Analyzing
business intelligence data to inform business and product decisions
•Blending historical data from available industry reports, public
information, field reports or purchased sources as input to analyses
Business Intelligence (BI) & Analysis •Identifying
Responsible and analyzing
for building theindustry/geographic
business intelligence trends
system andfor the
company, basedmarket onstrategies
the internal and monitoring
and current/potential
external data structure.
Responsible trends •Partners
for leading thewith
design other
supportof the business (e.g.,
of enterprise-wide
Marketing, Logistics, Customer Service, etc.)
business intelligence applications and architecture. Works to model the outcome
with of
enterprise-wide potential
business business
and IT strategies
senior management to understand
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
and prioritize data
responsibilities andthe
across information
Sub-family requirements.
or incumbents Solves
who complex
cannot be
matched to problems.
a specificOptimizes
job in thethe performance of enterprise
business intelligence tools by defining data to filter and index that
add value to the user. Creates testing methodology and criteria.
Internal Database
Designs and Engineering
coordinates work includes:
a curriculum •Creating
for coaching data
and training
customers in the for databases
use of businessand data warehouses
intelligence tools(i.e., designing and
to enhance
specifying the overall database/data
business decision-making warehouse
capability. Develops structurepolicies,
standards, based on
functional and technical
and procedures requirements)
for the form, structure, •Developing
and attributes logical
of theand
physical datatools
Internal Data models
and •Developing
Modelling systems. strategies
work includes: for data
•Gathering andacquisition,
data recovery,
requirements and
and database
new data flowsimplementation
technology to and
systems •Managing
business data to
support enterprise-wide
database requirements into and troubleshooting
logical intelligence
data models data processing issues
•Developing physical
data models to define the database structure •Optimizing database
Internal Data through
Warehouse efficient indexing and
Development table relationships
& Administration work
includes: •Designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining a
data warehouse to collate and integrate current/historical data from
various sources/systems within an organization •Preparing data
Responsibleand testing
for data methods
storage for data/applications
maintenance and securityloaded& accessinto the
management. to ensure compatibility
Keeps tracks across different
of data updates. Deliverssources
data quality
•Implementing procedures
inspection. Maintains for maintenance,
metadata; monitoring,
Audits and reports backup,
the status of data
and recovery
repository. for the data
Implements warehouseforand
procedures related
data systems
deletion, copy, partition,
distribution, research
backup into new data warehouse applications and
This benchmark
determining is toand
viability be recovery
for used
for incumbents
adoption with hybridof ETL
•Requires knowledge
responsibilities across the Sub-family
(Extraction, Transformation, and Loading),or incumbents
reporting who cannot be
and database
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Responsible for the overall enterprise wide effectiveness and

efficiency of data center technology systems and networks and in
ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction are maintained. Leads
the migration to new technologies, evaluates processing
Performs relating processing
transaction to machineinvolving
& and
forecasts financial,
management, data physical, and
validation, human
simple resource
data needs
analysis, to meet
loading of data
established objectives.
into appropriate Oversees
system/s and/orand coordinates
organization network/data
of data into
operations, business continuance and
meaningful reports for decision making. restoration plans that isolate
problems and implement pre-planned alternative routes or systems
to restore service.
Maintains and revises lists, control records and coding schemes
necessary to process source data. Codes data and calculates batch
totals where appropriate, inputs data with necessary documentation
for computer processing, audits output to ensure control totals are
Manages and
or distributes
performs work output reports according
associated to pre-determined
with the efficient
transportation Performs related
of materials andclerical
products duties.
from origin to destination
including: •Identifying and selecting most appropriate and cost
effective transportation •Controlling and tracking critical material
Manages or performs•Establishing emergencywith
work associated plansthe•Analyzing
efficient current
transportation operations
of productspractices to determine process
to distributors/customers and cost
•Ensuring opportunities
products are delivered•Mayatinclude
maximum fleetefficiency,
management quality, and
customer service for vehicles
•Determiningcontrolled by the transportation
economical routes and modes function
transportation and distribution •Working with supply
Freight Hauling Rate Support work focuses on identifying the most and logistics
team to plan and
economically scheduledomestic
appropriate deliveriesand/or
•Performing demand
international forecasts
for peakondelivery
rate(s) incoming periods •Auditing
and outgoing and reviewing
materials operations
and products including:
•Analyzing tarifffor rates,
improvement •May work with
freight classifications, external
delivery global/local
schedules, and
•May to optimize
audit freight routes and shipment cycle times
General Road Transportation  Responsible for transporting people between places safely, reliably,
and on time via a bus, motor coach, light rail vehicle, streetcar, or
trolley. Checks passes/accepts fares or tickets and provides route
information. Assists passengers who have physical difficulty getting
Road Transportation Planning/Scheduling on and off transportation.
Determines the most efficient Ensures transportation
delivery schedules, vehicle is kept
taking various
suchassist passengers
as driver withsize
availability, luggage. May
of load, perform
trip length,basic vehicle
etc. into
checks before and
consideration. afteralltransport.
Directs delivery activity to and from specific
destinations including company stores, local warehouse distributors,
Messenger/Courier Services distribution, andmail,
Transports local various
packages,establishments. Maintains
or legal documents regular
and professional
company locations communication with theorganizations
or to nearby external customer. May trace lost
or delayedand
•Handling deliveries.
storingDirects the activities
mail securely of drivers.
to maintain Maintains of
the confidentiality
records and databases as appropriate to
correspondence •Responding to inquiries from within themonitor movement.
Motor Vehicle Drivers organization about mail
Transports company delivery including:
employees times and•Driving
schedules •Identifying
executives in
and resolving
company cars issues relatedpurposes
for business to incorrect(mayaddresses
also perform personal
tasks such as errands and shopping) •Driving shuttle buses to
transport employees between office locations, from offices to
Motor Vehicle Drivers production
Drives light facilities,
passengeretc. •Performing
vehicles, basic vehicle
vans, pickup trucks, maintenance
etc. to transport
(e.g., cleaning,
passengers, inflatingmerchandise,
materials, tires, checking orfluid levels, etc.)
equipment within an
industrial area including: •Performing miscellaneous errands such as
carrying mail to and from post office and acting as chauffeur or
Motor Vehicle Drivers courier •Coordinating
Drives heavy duty trucks the(typically
loading or unloading
with either aof trucks •Preparing
semi-trailer or heavy-
receipts and to
duty trailer) verifying
and •May
delivercollect payment for
manufacturing deliveries
related materials
•Cleaning and servicing vehicles and performing
and finished goods including: •Driving a heavy truck (more than 7 minor preventive
tons) containing•Commercial Driver's License
materials, merchandise, or not required•Coordinating
Motor Vehicle Drivers the
Responsible for driving special vehicles such as oil tankreceipts
loading or unloading of trucks/trailers •Preparing trucks andand
verifying orders
mixer trucks •May collect
to deliver specificpayment
productsfor ondeliveries
time. Focus •May
is onperform
preventive maintenance
goods delivery by testing
such as chemicals andvarious operative
equipment. Maysystems
also load andand
fluids levels
unload truck.•Commercial
Prepares receipts,Driver's License
verifies required
orders, and may collect
Motor Vehicle Drivers payment
Responsiblefor for
deliveries. May alsotoinspect
driving vehicles and repair
dealerships, vehicle.
branches, service
centers, auctions or directly to the consumer. Picks up vehicle at
scheduled time and abides by all traffic laws. Inspects vehicles before
and after taking delivery. Responsible for delivery paperwork.
Motor Vehicle Drivers Interacts/communicates
Drives delivery vehicle towith vehicle
and from theowners and/or
restaurant with staff at
to business
businesses whoand
establishments accept delivery May
residences. of theusevehicle.
vehicle or a company car.

This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid

responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

General Air Transportation Responsible for planning, directing and controlling all aspects of the
company's aviation activities. Has responsibility for aircraft
maintenance and flight administration.

Air Crew Operations Responsible for overall operation of the organization's aircraft and for
the physical safety and comfort of all passengers. Coordinates all
flight and aircraft maintenance functions with that of the
organization's air transportation schedule. Operates aircraft in a safe
Air Crew Operations and efficient for
Responsible manner, maintains
the physical appropriate
safety, reports
security and and logs,
comfort of all and
complies with all
organization's applicable
aircraft rules and
passengers. regulations.
Coordinates with pilots and crew
in creating exceptional service to aircraft guests while ensuring
everyone follows security regulations. Must be certified for specific
type of the organizations aircraft. Responsibilities may include the
following: •Greeting passengers •Ensuring aircraft cleanliness
•Ensuring adequate supplies of refreshments and emergency
equipment are onboard •Serving refreshments •Attending to
passenger needs and assisting passengers with special needs
•Directing passengers in emergency situations
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Maritime Crew Operations Responsible for operating the Dynamic Positioning (DP) System to
maintain a fixed station keeping of the vessel and to evaluate
sufficient redundancy. Organizes and monitor initiating movement or
securing the Dynamic Positioning Systems and its associated
Maritime Crew Operations equipment.
Responsible Sustains good and
for operating communication
maintaining with the crew at all times
all communication
and with theincaptain
equipment the radio during
room. severe
pilots condition
of landingto ensure the
desired position
weather of the
conditions, andunit is maintained.
helicopter traffic. Repairs and troubleshoots
Keeps abreast of
DP systems frequency
emergency and other associated
radio watchelectronic
and alertsequipment
appropriate within
staff its
of any
limits to ensure
emergencies. full operational
Keeps records of capabilities
all radio prior to destination.
communication such as
Maritime Port Operations Operates
Places conveyor
orders for equipment
spare parts and
and suction
ensure pumps for
adequate bulk
spare cargoes
parts are
such traffic.
as grain, coal and oil. Adheres to all safety regulations and
procedures outlined by the company and chemical safety authorities.
Operates heavy equipment for port operations including: operating
tub grinder, vacuum
Responsible (VAC)
for strategy truck, front and
development end the
loaders, skid steer,
planning, dozers.
and coordination of all activities involving company operations which
may include engineering, oil sands, pipeline, field or plant operations.
Conducts and reviews feasibility of new or revised systems and
Responsible Manages the internal
for long-term planning,audit process
directing andtocontrolling
ensure the
compliance with organizational
activities of mine standards.
operations. Ensures the effective and profitable use
of resources and facilities of the company.

Exploration & Production Operations Leadership Responsible for the planning, direction and coordination of all
activities involving production, engineering, drilling, exploration, land
activities, and also for the creation/development/implementation of
oil and gas exploration programs in conformance with established
Exploration & Production Operations Leadership programs
Responsible andforobjectives.
the company'sProvides advice and
exploration expertise
of oil and gastoreserves
staff onbut
does not haveandproduction
matters and also lends
Plans, assistance
directs and to
other departments
coordinates as required.
the creation, development and implementation of the
organization's overall oil and gas exploration program in
Exploration & Production Operations Leadership conformance
Responsible for with
company's policies andproduction
oil and gas objectives.operations
Generally but
does not leadership to the geology
have responsibility department,
for exploration. Plansgeophysics
and directs the
department, land department
overall production, engineeringand andregional
drilling exploration
activities of managers.
organization. Coordinates the development, design and improvement
Exploration & Production Operations Leadership of the organization's
Responsible oil and related
for the company's hydrocarbons-producing
exploitation facilities
of oil and gas reserves,
in conformance
maximizing with established
the value of companyprograms and objectives.
assets. Reviews, Provides
plans, directs and
coordinates theand development
production advice as well as assistance
and implementation of theto other
departments asoverall
organization's required.
oil and gas reservoir optimization strategies.
General Exploration & Production Operations Responsible for all facets of oil and gas production, gas plant
operations and exploration programs within an operating unit other
than a subsidiary (typically a regional or strategic operating unit
within an organization) in accordance with established practice. Has
General Exploration & Production Operations responsibility
Responsible for forallmaintaining
joint ventureproduction
activities volumes
related to within budget
constraints (including
properties. Ensures maintenance
maximum requirements,
cash flow from jointcompletions
ventures andand
workovers), effectively developing/implementing
makes recommendations on enhancements, maintenance production or
strategies, developing
disposition explorationthe
of assets. Represents philosophies,
company onestablishing
committees objectives,
and actjoint and overseeing
as company and prioritizing
spokesperson with all exploration
General Exploration & Production Operations Drafts and reviews
plays. venture agreements and hasregard
a full to
negotiating units and all other agreements related
understanding of all forms of exhibits within the joint venture to joint venture
Assists withEstablishes
research and andinvestigation
monitors capital, production
of assigned issues.and
operating budgets for non-operated properties.
Exploration Operations Responsible for the success of all facets of oil and gas exploration
programs within an assigned geographical region or geological zone
including: development of an exploration philosophy, establishing
exploration objectives and selecting and motivating a professional
Oil & Gas Production Operations staff of geologists,
Responsible for all geophysicists andgas
facets of oil and exploration
production technologists.
and/or gas plant
Responsible for overseeing
operations. Maintains actualand prioritizing
production of all exploration
volumes plays
within budget
within the assigned region or geological zone.
constraints, including maintenance requirements, completions and
workovers and effective development and implementation of
Oil & Gas Production Operations production strategies.
Responsible for managingHas all
responsibility for gas plant
company-operated heavyoperations,
oil or oil
production engineering and community relations. Ensures operations
sands operations.
follow company health, safety and environmental protection policies.

Oil & Gas Production Operations Responsible for operation and maintenance of central production
treatment/storage/compression facilities, water injection pumps,
related equipment, and various utility support systems including
oilfield boilers, centrifugal desanders and chemical injection
equipment. Performs operating functions and trouble shooting on all
equipment. Tests and monitors gas and oil wells using correct
procedures. Identifies deficiencies and recommends corrections to
existing procedures to ensure the assigned field meets performance
Oil & Gas Production Operations Operates in upgrader facility settings. Responsible for operation of
heavy oil upgrading processes to optimize production in an
environmentally responsible manner. May assist in maintenance at
assigned facilities, monitor the control panels and prepare daily logs.
Oil & Gas Production Operations Works closely with field operations. Assists in all areas of production
and general accounting duties, clerical and office administration
functions. Provides analysis and input of operational accounting
information and codes and inputs all payables and production
Oil & Gas Production Operations volumes. May assist
Tracks corporate in preparing
production special
trends production
through reports.
production data Orders
interface with Landand andruns office. Monitors,
Accounting computertroubleshoots
databases onand
sales, with
expense, head
and office maintenance
production of existing
data. Prepares monthly computer
reports asPrepares field accruals
well as ten-year and analyzes
production actual performance
versus budget.
Reservoir Exploitation Responsible for all exploitation activities and projects of the
organization relating to the improvement or modification of various
exploitation engineering areas.

Gas Plant Operations Supervises daily activities of a full scale operating gas plant, directing
production operations. May coordinate activities from a head office
or field office environment depending on area of accountability.

Gas Plant Operations Responsible for gas plant operations. Follows established procedures
for safety, troubleshooting, production logging, normal operation,
start-up, shut-down, and equipment maintenance. Ensures maximum
product recovery and maintenance of throughputs within license
Extraction Operations restrictions. Ensures that
Operates in extraction all gas
plant products
setting. meet specifications.
Responsibilities include May
panel and related equipment, monitoring
facility readings, product sampling and quality control. May assist in
preventive maintenance at assigned facilities.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

General Drilling Operations Directs operations of all organization rigs (both onshore and
offshore). Monitors reports from rigs and directs corrective action as
necessary. Responsible for developing programs and procedures to
ensure maximum operating efficiency. Maintains positive customer
General Drilling Operations and prospect relations.
Responsibilities include: •Managing and executing all company-
operated oil and gas wells and/or heavy oil drilling operations
•Selection of contractors, negotiation of joint venture drilling
contracts •Preparation of well authorization •Cost control for drilling,
General Drilling Operations completions and workovers
Supervises drilling activities ofand reclamations/abandonments
drilling and completion crews. May be
involved in well status of projects
completions and fieldCoordinates
activities. related problems •Oversees
activities from a
head office or field office environment dependingactions
HR-related issues on rig, including disciplinary on areaandof
investigations, crew movements (promotions, transfers,
terminations, etc.) •This position is not responsible for full P&L.
General Drilling Operations Responsible for supervising
•Directly manages OIM and and coordinating
Master all activities
(if applicable) who areon a single
drilling rig. Ensures
responsible implementation
for executing of contractual terms between
the work offshore
operator and contractor. Controls downhole conditions in
cooperation with engineers and consultants. Directs training of all rig
General Drilling Operations personnel
Responsible andforoversees
performanceof all equipment.
improvement and reaching set
objectives for the rigs. Ensures tasks are executed in a safe, efficient,
technical and economic way within the company. Complies to local
rules and regulations. Develops rig team. Responsible for improving
General Drilling Operations Health, Safety
Responsible forand Environment
operating (HSE)and
equipment performance
tools at rigand asset
site. Maintains
all requiredLiaises
records with
on clients
equipmentand vendors. Is involved
and inspection in May
complete pre and post trip inspections plus fuels and completely
services the unit. Provides support for external clients for the
Drilling Crew following
Responsible product line(s): fluids,
for monitoring drill bits,
progress drilling,
of drilling directional
operations, drilling,
operations & in
completions, subsea & surface
down-hole conditions, systems,
and controls thechemicals,
major rig
wireline, compression
systems. Assists in the services
training of& equipment,
crews and has drilling and production
responsibility for the
safety of and
all rigothers.
Drilling Crew Responsible for directional drilling operations, i.e., drilling at a non-
vertical angle. Works with the drilling crew on a day-to-day basis on
drilling operations and down-hole conditions.

Drilling Crew Responsible for assisting the driller or the derrickhand. Handles the
entire drill pipe on the platform floor, measures tubular goods,
breaks and inspect tubular connections, and mixes mud and
chemicals for drilling. Performs labor-intensive duties such as
handling tubular goods by manually pushing, pulling, lifting, and
operating hoists and racking equipment. Observes mud weight,
viscosity and sand weight while drilling. Performs maintenance on
draw works, rotary transmission, and rotary table oils. Inspects all
safety equipment, TIW valve, BOP valve, choke manifold and
accumulator unit. Performs general cleaning and digging around the
drilling rig daily.
Drilling Crew Responsible for all work in the mast above the drilling floor.
Maintains drilling fluid circulating system and equipment.

Drilling Crew Responsible for assisting technicians, performing manual labor, and
may do truck driving. May be a training position for loader or
operator. Acts as a general laborer. Duties involve general field
maintenance or clean-up work.
Responsible for the daily crude and/or natural gas pipeline
operations function. Usually has responsibility for ensuring
compliance with pipeline and regulatory policies, production targets
and quality standards, and forecasting manpower and facilities
Responsibilities include: •Operation of the company's crude and/or
natural gas pipeline operations / system •Establishing tariffs and/or
cost of service fees for customers using the pipeline system
•Developing plans for expansion of the company's pipeline and
storage facilities
Responsible •Liaising
for safe, and negotiating
accurate movement of with pipeline products.
petroleum and other
companies to obtain
Performs activities required
such transportation
as monitoring capacity
of product to ensure
quality and cost
effective transmission
measurement accuracy, ofmetering,
company sampling
product toand markets;
conductingthe company aton
maintenance regulatory
equipment, hearings,
logginge.g. environmental
ensuring shipment with
compliance and temporary
regulations. storage of
natural gasthe movement
liquids of crude
(NGL), crude, oil or gas
liquefied on connecting
petroleum pipeline
gas (LPG) and
systems including
other liquids batch/operational/product
•Supervising daily activities of crudesupply scheduling
and/or natural gas
logistics. Analyzes system
pipeline operations; tankage inventories
may coordinate and issues
activities from a headdaily pump
office or
orders to various
field office locations
environment and control
depending centers
on area along the pipeline
of accountability
Focuses Monitors and updates
on the control theflow
of product system conditions
through daily with
a pipeline.
system inventories,
Responsible batch positions,
for managing activities,
the nominating and maintenance and
gas control activities,
operating considerations.
ensuring efficiency and costCommunicates
effectiveness.requested scheduling
Ensures proper reporting
changes from shippers.
of operational data to the Coordinates
company and receipts at various
external locations
along the pipeline. Simulates volumes through the various tankage
This benchmark
locations to ensureis toappropriate
be used forworking
incumbents with
levels. hybridproduct
responsibilities acrossby
quality is maintained the Sub-family
proper or incumbents
utilization of tankagewho cannot
on the be
matched to a specificoperational
system. Coordinates job in the Sub-family.
and maintenance issues with
pipeline operations.
Responsible for all refining activities, including refinery operating
divisions, refining central engineering and technology, facilities and
business planning, and equipment reliability.

Responsibilities include planning directing, and coordinating

operations of petroleum processing units; managing construction,
maintenance, administrative, and technical functions of a refinery.

Operates in a refinery plant setting. May perform basic operating

assignments, such as: gauging production tanks, changing gas charts,
maintaining production records, testing production wells, and
assisting in maintenance at assigned facilities. May monitor the
control panel.
Responsible for blending and mixing bulk materials and delivering to
work sites. Checks and calculates material blends and coordinates
movement. Ensures quality control procedures and proper loading
procedures. May assist in inventory, ordering, and shipping of
chemicals and products.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Responsible for overseeing operations of oilfield services.

Manages the operations of a area or product/service. Responsibilities

could include employee management and development, sales,
engineering maintenance, inventory management, etc. May have
sales teams directly reporting to them. Has profit and loss
Responsible for coordinating and supervising activities of service or
technical personnel via personnel assignments, job or project
management, administration, and technical support. Responsible for
multiple products/services in multiple legal entities. Typically does
not have budgetary
Responsible responsibility.
for providing technicalMonitors dailyoverseeing
support and progress ofthe
or project(s).
rigging up andProvides
running some technical
of various guidance
specialized andwithin
tools work adirection
single to
field staff.
product Requires
line a thorough
(e.g., liner hangers,understanding of customer
packers, whipstocks, etc.).
Assembles andand of processes
prepares and
tools for procedures
rig-site of and
delivery the operating
oversees thearea.
related processes and procedures associated with setting and
retrieval of the product in the well bore. May liaise with rig crew
during rig up assemblies, running, cementing, and retrieval
Responsible for all exploration activities (tactical and strategic
planning, joint venture and corporate project implementation and
management); depending on the reporting lines, may be a member
of the Senior Operating Committee.
Responsible for all exploration activities in a region or district. Directs
exploration activities, enters into subcontracts or agreements,
represents the corporation's interests in joint operations, and may
supervise divisional and support staff. Seeks, evaluates and
Leads new mine new exploration and
development acquisition
activities opportunities,
(from late explorationand
negotiates option and
through feasibility, joint venture
licensing, agreements.
construction, May be locatedMay
and commissioning). at
be regional or for corporate
one or moreoffice.major mine development projects at
any one time. Has the corporate direct and/or oversight
Responsible for and accountability
managing a majorfor any and all phases
capital/mine developmentof a mine
or its component project. Develops(e.g.,
or discipline the electrical,
strategic and executionprocess
mechanical, plan
flow). the project
Develops organization
the execution planand structure,
including contracting
the project strategy
and resource
structure,plans. Responsible
contracting strategy andand accountable for the
resource plans. If selection
at the pre-of
the projectormanagement
feasibility feasibility teammay
stage, andbe allresponsible
third party for design, engineering
General Mining Operations Holds
or othertheconstruction
most seniorand management
consulting position
firms that on-site
may be at aengaged.
mine only
and overseeing
operation and/or
(e.g., a coal acting
mining as the primary
operationpolicies, interface/liaison
a wash plant foraall
necessary compliance
property/projectwith all baseline
applicable studies, technical laws andorsocio-
mine site
government without a
regulationsmill), with overall responsibility for cost-effective
economic impact
mine production, studieswithin Project Scope.audits;
and environmental Authorizes
assures all work
done is to andengineering,
standard expenditures
requirementswithinand in
and administration.
authority levels, and
General Mining Operations responsible
costs within
Responsible for capital
for overall projects
limits. and/or
management, other development
direction and geology.
coordination Directs
annual and policies,
longer-term rules, laws
site and
planning government regulations within
Project the board
Scope; of project
receives of
and status
these andand budgeting
interprets for significant process.
extendstrends and
all studies,
mine inand
production implements
and company policies and procedures
includes several additional functional areas to
facilitate and audit
corporate results.
such as mine maintenance and/or mine engineering. Ensures
General Mining Operations operations' production
Tracks ore deliveries andobjectives
employees, arevisitors
met at the lowest
to the site. possible
Serves ascost.
Achieves these objectives
First Aid responders on delegating authority to key supervisors
in mine production, mine maintenance, mine engineering, and other
related functions. Is responsible for short and long term planning,
capital and operating budgeting, engineering and cost studies for
General Mining Operations Provides supportmine
mine expansion, to theequipment
mine operationsselection including haul truckand
and acquisition
tendering and support
awarding equipment
of major(light
supply plants, pumps, heaters, etc.),
and/or drill/blast operations

Plant/Mill Production Operations Responsible for overall management, direction and coordination of
mill operations, including plant maintenance and process engineering
activities. Ensures mill production objectives are met at lowest cost
consistent with quality requirements. Achieves these objectives by
Plant/Mill Production Operations delegating
Responsibleauthority to key supervisors
for the day-to-day scheduling in production, qualityofcontrol,
and coordination
maintenance and other
plant/mill production related functions.
operations to ensureIsmaximum
also responsible for and
efficiency short
and long-term
safety planning,
of manpower and capital
equipment.and operating budgets,
Is responsible feasibility,
for meeting
engineering and
commitments in cost studies
tonnage andfor plant waste
quality, operations and plant
removal, reclamation,
equipment selection
and and acquisition.
manpower utilization and budget/cost control. May
Plant/Mill Production Operations Performs a number of tasks regarding the processing/milling
be responsible
operations. for operations
Operates machines onand
more than onethat
equipment shiftcrush
or area
materials. Responsible for coordinating maximum process efficiency
by overseeing process controls.
Plant/Mill Production Operations Operates and does running repairs and preventative maintenance of
the steam generating plant, steam distribution system, cooling water
system, domestic water system, compressed air system, water
treatment system, and the standby diesel fire pump. May analyze
Mining Site Production Operations and recordand
Manages instrument
coordinates readings and equipment
the production crews malfunctions,
responsible forcleanthe
and lubricate
operation equipment,
of the mine andand use valves,
related facilitiesgauges, alarms, meters
in accordance with and
other instruments to measure temperature, pressure
company objectives and procedures, and is responsible for meeting and fuel flow,
or to detect leaks
commitments or otherand
in tonnage equipment malfunctions.
quality, waste removal, equipment and
Mining Site Production Operations manpower utilization. Also is responsible
Coordinates machinery, equipment and people for grievance handling
in the mine to and
achieve targetscontrol.
and serves as the central communications point.
Provides equipment servicing schedules to maintenance and
production staff. Coordinates the refueling of trucks and mobile
Mining Site Production Operations equipment.
Responsible Liaises with maintenance.
for undertaking all blastingProvides
activitiesa to
first point the
ensure of
contact for reached
targets are mine emergencies.
in a safe and efficient manner. Uses explosives to
ensure that powder factors conform to budget forecasts with
maximum advance and break tonnes being achieved for the holes
Mining Site Production Operations charged. Conducts
Responsible for thepreparation
loading, primingfor blast
blast holes.with site
equipment, to minimize
work misfires
areas and and improve
identifies utilization
any hazards. Tests of

Mining Site Production Operations Responsible for sample drill rig or operations of blast holes in open
cut operations. Oversees working of the control panel of the drill rig
ensuring no malfunction occurs. Monitors work area for any damage
or hazards. Ensures equipment is in safe operation.
Mining Site Production Operations Installs mine services and ancillary works required to maintain
production throughout the operation of the mine. Installs air, water
and pump lines, electrical cable and infrastructure. Installs mine
ventilation ducting, fans and regulators. Maintains mine dewatering
Mining Site Production Operations system.
Monitors and maintains a fully automated underground crushing and
material handling system which transfers ore and waste rock
material. Liaisons with winder driver in regard to system status,
material type and job priorities. Ensures accurate end of shift reports
Mining Site Production Operations are completed.
Installs, Monitors
maintains and cleans
and repairs pumps,allstand
transfer points
pipes, and chutes on
regular basis tobores.
and pit ensure smooth operation. Performs regular
inspection of material handling system and reporting of any damage
or faulty equipment.
Mining Site Production Operations Responsible for keeping the Underground Dry area clean and is also
responsible in maintaining the cap lamps.

Mining Site Production Operations Transports materials/consumables and employees to mine work
areas. Setups headings for jumbos and assists operators when
required. Cleans rubbish from mine. Maintains the mine dewatering
system. Follows maintenance procedures to maximize operational
Mining Site Production Operations effectiveness
Responsible for with equipment.
maintaining the operation and housekeeping of the
pastefill plant and assisting with underground duties. Executes minor
routine maintenance tasks. Assists with duties underground including
the installation of the paste reticulation and construction of paste
Mining Site Production Operations barricades. Participates
Transports materials andinworkers
safety and production
in the shaft in an improvement
environment (via lifts and cages). Maintains housekeeping standards
in the brace and plats. Washes cage floor and assists with the
conveyance and maintenance inspections.
Mining Site Production Operations Responsible for providing engineering maintenance, repairs and
construction services to the shaft. Obtains daily and weekly work
instructions from the Logistic Supervisor. Prepares and plans work
priority list and resource requirements in order to complete tasks.
Mining Site Production Operations Informs the Shaft
Responsible Head Controller
for monitoring activitywhen
at thework
plantis in
line conducted
with the in
the areasafety
plant's of responsibility.
systems, theprocessing
safe and proper installation
plans, and securityof
systems. cars,
High pipes and proficiency
technical equipment.isInspects
requiredshaft andasinstallations.
as well ability to
prioritize in a high-pressure environment.
Mining Site Production Operations Responsible for day to day running of the gold room, and operates all
equipment as needed. Maintains day to day gold room security.
Complies with all health and safety standards and requirements.

Mining Equipment Planning & Operations Responsible for setting up, moving, or controlling a variety of drilling
equipment including: cable bolt drill, drilling rigs, jumbo drilling rigs,
single boom long hole jumbo drilling rig, rock breaking machines, etc.
Conducts pre-operation inspection to ensure all systems are working
Mining Equipment Planning & Operations properly, ensuring the ismachine
Primary responsibility to moveiscable
and able and
shovel to operate safely.
drill moves.
Completes routine
Cable handling maintenance
including and minor
cable reeler repairs.
operation, trailing, cable
connect and disconnect, cable horsing and layout, shovel and drill
set-up, skid shack handling, and electrical training. Other duties may
Mining Operations Training include
Providessite project
training onwork aroundand
equipment site,work
pit dewatering and site
processes used water
in mine
control, andTrains
operations. performing
newlylock out
hired procedures.
employees and upgrades training for
existing employees. May be required to write (or contribute to the
writing of) training programs where such do not exist. Responsible to
conduct classroom
Leads technical and field
services withtraining
respecton to machinery, equipment
mining, particularly and
work processes.
pertaining to mineIdentifies and corrects
and advanced projectimproper
procedures. Ensures training conforms to standard operating
procedures and meets all health and safety requirements.
Mine site responsibility for all technical functions that provide
support for the mining operations. Oversees Mine Surveying, Mine
Geology, and Rock Engineering. Contributes to strategic outlooks and
geologic advice for short and long-term planning at the company’s
mines andalladvanced
Manages technicalprojects.
aspects ofInteracts with theworld-wide
the company’s company’s
exploration;personnel at each to
may be required mineactand advanced
in capacity project,country
of acting and with or
the corporate
project manager operations andregions
for specific exploration teams ensures
or projects; to provide technical
insight, experience and creative issue resolution. May
exploration programs meet the company’s objectives and standards; be responsible
for organizing
monitors weeklyregular estimates
and monthly of thefrom
reports company’s
active mineral
and mineral for maintenance
resources. and
Recognizes, servicing
promotes of all
implements global
buildings corporate geology
and facilities. Scopereport; develops
of responsibilities exploration
may models
typically and
best practices
assists with the in geologic
planning interpretation,
of exploration drill and
programs; assay data
reviews quality
the management
assurance/quality or oversight
control, and of such maintenance
3D digital modeling related functional
activities plansjoband approves amendments; reviewsat the company’s
regional budgets
and andas:
monitors advancedplanning,
shift control,
or PdM
support to
tactics, parts, materials, systems (i.e., data) management,
the in-countrymonitoring
performance exploration(e.g.
groups; oversees
strategic corporate
direction, exploration
selection, and filing budgeting,
training, system; liaises
and with consultants
business process and contractors
and thewith
liaisons geological aspects
operations of work
groups programs
to ensure and exploration
techniques; monitors geological
scheduled downtimes publications
are coordinated and advises exploration
group of relevant information. Generates new projects and helps
select new targets on existing projects; assists in the development of
Responsible for repairs, assembling/disassembling, testing (where
appropriate), and refurbishing equipment at the workshop location
and ensuring that the equipment is in good working order for its
return to the rig-site. May manage tools and parts inventory, and
may go out to
Responsible forthe
thefield to assessmaintenance
preventive parts required
on or
and rig
equipment. Assists mechanics on engine repair and maintains
inventory of hand tools, spare parts, and engine equipment.

Responsible for keeping surface equipment fueled and lubed.

Performs maintenance and calibration of service and gas monitors.

Schedules routine maintenance and service requirements for refuge
chambers. Updates and distributes ventilation and emergency escape
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Responsible for all engineering, construction, maintenance, and
Leadership operations, as well as all electrical system planning, power
generation, transmission, and electrical substations.

Power Plant Operations Responsible for the reliable generation of power through planning
and directing the operation, maintenance, and administration of the
organization's plants. Recommends plans for additional power
generation facilities or modifications to existing facilities to meet
Power Plant Operations power
in a power plant setting. Monitors and repairs the
instrumentation, controls, and electrical systems in a power
generating facility. Ensures maximum product recovery and
maintenance of throughputs within license restrictions. Ensures all
Power Plant Operations power
Manages products meet
all stages of aspecifications.
unit overhaulMay monitor
including the control
planning, panel.
execution, control and reporting of power plant scheduled overhauls.
Manages and coordinates the work groups supporting the overhaul,
including onsite and off site workers, contractors, design and staging
Transmission & Distribution Operations staff, maintenance
Responsible for theoperations and capital projects
planning, construction, staff.
operation, and control of
the transmission and/or distribution systems. Directs the
maintenance, protection, and improvement of transmission and/or
distribution lines.
Transmission & Distribution Operations Manages distribution transmission and distribution operations,
maintenance and construction including coordinating, scheduling and
supervising line crews.

Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsible for management of field staff providing meter
installations and removals, power outage response, and new service
locations. Ensures external vendor contracts are in place for the Field
Operations department.
Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsibilities include controlling the station and transmission
system voltages and ensuring the voltage is within the schedule and
specification. Monitors transmission system and reacts to alarms and
non-forecasted events, investigates the cause and validity of the
Transmission & Distribution Operations alarms
Operatesand provides corrective
specialized equipmentactions. Facilitates
to locate all scheduled
underground distribution
preventive maintenance,
electric cable reviews
lines and marks withimpact ofstakes
paint or proposed
color flagging.

Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsible for the installation, maintenance, removal, and
inspection of transmission/distribution power lines.

Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsible for installing, maintaining, repairing, and operating
substation related work. Erects and maintains structures and installs
miscellaneous substation equipment. Uses troubleshooting skills to
locate electrical and mechanical problems. Performs substation
Transmission & Distribution Operations switching.
Responsible for working on the ground assisting in the installation
and maintenance of transmission/distribution power lines where no
electrical hazards exist.
Transmission & Distribution Operations Manages, organizes, and directs resources in grid solutions
engineering. Provides major input to grid technology development,
including research, data analysis, technology integration and
migration and implementation.
Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsible for leading and managing metering, protection & control
and substations services including coordinating, scheduling and
supervising crews.

Transmission & Distribution Operations Responsible for trimming and clearing trees around electric lines.

Utilities Maintenance Operations Responsible for assisting crews as required by performing tasks
utilizing hand held tools and/or devices to assist with the
construction, maintenance and repair of electrical systems, traffic,
light-rail transit (LRT) and streetlight systems or water treatment
systems. Gathersisand
This benchmark organizes
to be used forjob specific tools
incumbents withand supplies.
Adheres to safety
responsibilities regulations
across and safeorwork
the Sub-family plans/procedures.
incumbents who cannot be
Ensures that
matched to awork is compliant
specific job in thewith applicable government
regulations, codes and company operational and safety standards.
Utilities Operations Leadership Accountable for the direction, management, and profitability of a
regulated utility business, either electric, gas, or combined electric
and gas. Responsible for transmission, distribution, marketing, and
customer service within its service area.
Utilities Operations Leadership Accountable for the direction, management, and profitability of all
the organization's non-regulated businesses, which may, or may not,
be energy related.

Utilities Operations Management Responsible for providing business management leadership including
rate design, marketing, regulatory and business development.
Provides analytical evaluation of impacts pertaining to energy,
regulatory, legislative and ratemaking. Liaison with major customer
Utilities Strategy & Planning accounts.
Oversees the development, implementation, and administration of
cross territory wheeling services. Negotiates issues related to
transmission interconnection contracts and transmission services
with stakeholders. Develops and updates transmission access policies
Utilities Strategy & Planning and procedures.
Responsible Responsible
for providing for enabling
technical agreements
planning for
and engineering support
transmission services, tariff
by analyzing engineering strategies,
economics posting,
and marketing,
technical probability of
coordinating arrangements and forecasting for transmission
conservation, fuel resources, generation, transmission, and load service
Utilities Strategy & Planning Responsible for “closed loop” power system event management
including data collection, analysis, prioritization, scheduling,
customer service and logistics. Manages the operation of the power
emergency center. Oversees the development, management and
Utilities Metering Operations implementation
Responsible for theof the information
supervision systems
of meter and applications
reading related
and supports
to power emergency
skilled/difficult operations.
electrical and mechanical work in the installation,
testing, calibration, and repair of electrical watt-hour meters,
instruments and protective relays, etc.
Utilities Metering Operations Responsible for installing, maintaining, repairing, and testing of

Utilities Metering Operations Responsible for reading electric, gas, or water meters and keeping
track of their average use by recording information. May also inspect
meters for damages and defects.

Utilities Metering Operations Responsible for leading the organization's Automated Meter
Infrastructure (AMI) including developing and implementing
operational policies and practices and meeting regulatory
Utilities Plant Operations Maintains the water treatment plant and all associated water
treatment processes and equipment. Updates and implements site-
specific operating procedures for the water treatment process
system. Provides information on treatment rates, chemicals and
Utilities Energy Efficiency & Conservation Management dosage to assure
Responsible flow
for the rates and boiler
improvement feed quality
of energy areby
efficiency maintained.
Ensures compliance
energy efficiency with regulatory
programs, agencies.
identifying energy efficiency
opportunities, and managing technical assistance.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Loan Processing & Administration Obtains credit documents and appraisals. Prepares loan documents
from rough drafts and reviews documents for accuracy and
completeness. Maintains records for processing of each loan.
Prepares credit reports, bank papers, and instruction forms.
Directs all investment activity to maximize returns, after taxes and
expenses, on assets under management. Oversees business
development activities.

Directs the investment of a portion of assets under management

(equities) within policy guidelines to maximize returns. Establishes
written objectives for assets under management and directs the
activities of portfolio managers and traders. Participates in the
development of investment
Directs the investment policy and
of a portion actively
of assets solicits
under new business.
(fixed income) within policy guidelines to maximize returns.
Establishes written objectives for assets under management and
directs the activities of portfolio managers and traders. Participates in
the development
Responsible for theofprocessing,
policy and actively solicits new
and settlement of
products, services and business operations for investment banking
such that support is provided to all areas of the institution.
Responsible for activities related to the control, financial and tax
accounting of the performed
Manages, controls and/or advisesmovement, ensuring
the process adopted systems
of portfolio/fund
offer total security,
management reliability
that will guaranteeandthecompliance
projectedwith currentoflegislation.
standards risk and
Participates meetings
Proposes with
and representatives
tracks of internal
along with Economic andand external
audits including
Investments regulatory/government
Analysis areas, specific studies agencies. Tracks changes
of operations that are in
tax, accounting
compatible with and
the corporate
profile and laws, identifying of
characteristics those
the that affectunder
portfolios the
Actively manages
operations developedcustomer theportfolios
by marketinstitution. of high net worth investors in
management. Tracks the in all aspects, anticipating
order to fulfil the client's desired investment strategy. May act as the market
movements. Identifies new business opportunities
relationship manager to assigned clients and may prospect new for the institution
and to obtain
business withinnew clients.
their assigned marketplace.
General Trading & Dealing Responsible for purchases and sales of securities of a specific asset
class based on instructions from portfolio managers and also within
defined discretionary guidelines. Records transactions and may
prepare related statistical reports. Provides market intelligence to
Energy Commodities Trading portfolio
Responsiblemanagers. Apprises portfolio
for the exchange managers
of oil & gas of market
commodities. Findsconditions
ways to
and newsrevenues;
increase which may mayaffect
complex holdings
financial and the execution
instruments to makeof a
orders. Develops and maintains relationships with
profit from the difference between the buying price and the sellingbrokers.
price. Involved in supply chain planning, execution operations and
Energy Commodities Trading preparing
Involved inrisk/market/supply
the responsibilitiesand demand
of the analysis.
Portfolio Traders,Works with
quantitative analysis
executing forward teamfor
trades in the
organization'sand supply
or demand of
tools for pricing
portfolios, in orderandtotrading
achieve structured
sales and/orproducts.
requirementsnew ideas
and identifies
working new business
to achieve opportunities
price targets. In addition,andalso
undertakes structured
speculative trades for forward
profit. trades for supply and/or demand
Energy Commodities Trading Involved in executing
portfolios in order to achieve sales and/or demand requirements.

Energy Commodities Trading Involved in building a sustainable and profitable trading portfolio
where the focus is executing trades at the right price and generating
value from infrastructural assets.

Energy Commodities Trading Involved in the execution of trades within a 24 hour trading window
in order to achieve balance between supply and demand. Trades
involve very limited risk. Primary responsibility is supporting senior
positions in modeling and pricing, establishing profitable hedging
Energy Commodities Trading strategies forand
Solicits sales several types ofcontracts
negotiates exposures.
for Works in conjunction
mid-sized with
accounts. May
also administeranalysis teamOperates
contracts. in development and implementation
in a complex marketing of
tools for pricing
environment and trading
utilizing sound structured
judgment in products.
order to maximize revenue
and production.
Mining & Metals Commodities Trading Responsibilities include overseeing and coordinating corporate
marketing strategies and bulk commodity (concentrates/coal)
marketing and related logistics functions. Develops key customer
relationships. Identifies and analyzes new commercial opportunities.
This annual
benchmark terms,
is to adjustments,
be used spot sales
for incumbents withand tolling and/or
purchasing contracts
responsibilities acrossfor thebulk commodities
Sub-family with new/existing
or incumbents who cannot be
matched to Works with
a specific ship
job owners
in the and/or brokers to move bulk
commodities from the mine to buyers, including logistics functions
such as truckers, railways, transloading operations and port terminal
Responsible for studies of an economic nature related to market
projections. Monitors the market, may contact government agencies,
market economic analysts, or businessmen. Provides analysis of
companies and economy segments, performed through the
Energy Trading Operations computation of financial
Ensures successful tradingand
by profitability indexes,systems,
overseeing trading aiming at reconciling
supporting third-party's
positions, verifying marketresources investment
data, prices decision.
and product listsCoordinates,
advises andexchange
monitoring controls the permanentResponsible
connectivity. bonds research for oillocally and
and freight
operations to the Provides
varioustechnical advice
trading desks toto internalthe
optimize clients in
benefits of theareas, as well
trades. as toproper
Ensures external clients,ofregarding
delivery trade risks and
Energy Trading Operations Performs supply
opportunities and demand
presented by all
market.of one or more commodities in
to counterparties.
support Includes
of the trading function. aspects of operations - cargo
operations, vessel operations, product quality, blending, tankage
logistics and financial operations.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Responsible for origination across all energy products (gas, power,

coal, oil and emissions). Manages respective commodity purchase
contracts. Works on transactions to capture value from cross-border
and time spreads. Contacts counterparties to gain information about
Responsibleproducts; negotiates
for evaluating contracts,
risk and exposuresexecutes transactions,
to determine
evaluates products
acceptability and ensures
of business. transactions
Determines are properly
premiums, terms and
conditions based established rules, rates, and guidelines. May
analyze data such as financial conditions of the organization,
participation percentage,
Investigates and evaluatestype of industry,
insurance claims.characteristics
Examines claim of forms
employee groups, to
and other records or determine
past claim experience.
insurance coverage. Utilizes various
methods of investigation and negotiates settlement with claimants
within prescribed limits.
Multi-Store Management (Retail) Responsible for all store operations within a unique brand or business
with full profit and loss responsibility. The responsibilities may
include franchised operations. Develops operational plans and
policies. Assists with long-range business planning and strategy.
Multi-Store Management (Retail) Ensures
operationimplementation of staff
of a number of retail policies
stores in aor programs,
but does notarea
geographic haveorstaff or buying
product responsibility.
category/group in order to achieve
revenue and customer service goals.

Single Store Management (Retail) Manages the overall daily operation of a store including hiring,
discipline, and scheduling of employees to ensure cost effective and
quality Store/Field Operations. Maintains inventories at adequate
levels, promotes sales, and maintains the appearance of the store.
Store Assistant/Co-Management (Retail) Completes accounting
Assists the Store andin
Manager paperwork
the overallwith
dailycash receiptsof
and prices
a store, and conducts
including physical
the hiring, inventories.
discipline, and scheduling of employees
to ensure cost effective and quality store/field operations.
Participates in the achievement of store objectives. Assists in
Store Assistant/Co-Management (Retail) completing accounting
Assists the Store Managerandinpaperwork associatedofwith
the daily operation cashstore.
a retail receipts
Underprices and conducts
the direction of thephysical inventories.
Store Manager, Ensuresemployees,
schedules all customer
maintainsstandards, merchandising
inventories, programs,
conducts physical sales plans,
inventories, and budget
maintains store
and sales requirements
appearance, are met
and completes in that segment
day-to-day paperworkof as
Store Department Management (Retail) Under the direction of the Store Manager, is responsible for the In-
store/Field Operations that are directly involved in the sale of
merchandise for an accountable selling area or areas. Responsible for
maximizing sales, profit, and inventory objectives within these areas.
Store Shift Management (Retail) Supervises,
Responsibletrains, and develops
for in-store all Sales
operations staff
specific to associated
the sale of with these
specific areas.for an accountable selling area or areas. Under the
direction of the Store Manager, Assistant Store Manager, or
Department Store Manager, maintains inventory, ensures correct
Store Management Trainees (Retail) pricing, assists
Responsible forwith training,
working maintains
alongside areastore's
with delegated
(cleanliness andand
responsibilities stock), andwith
duties assists
goal shift changes. becoming an
of eventually
area manager.

Store Management Trainees (Retail) Responsible for working alongside store managers with delegated
responsibilities and duties with the goal of eventually becoming a
store manager.

Store Operations (Non-Sales) (Retail) Responsible for the coordination between store and corporate
locations. Responsibilities typically include new store opening
coordination, store payroll administration, store incentive plan,
payroll payment coordination, event planning, contest planning and
promotion, similar info clearinghouse functions, and distributing
communications to/from the stores/corporate.
Store Operations (Non-Sales) (Retail) The primary duty is physical labor and inventory control in a store
merchandise receiving area (truck dock). This position differs from
the Store Stock Associate position in that this job routinely works
with truckers making deliveries and is responsible for checking in and
Store Operations (Non-Sales) (Retail) counting
Performs merchandise received.
functions necessary to May act customer
process as a lead person the Store
Stock Associate.activities and maintains processing equipment. Assists
customers with the selection and purchase of all Photo Lab services.

Store Department Clerks/Stockers (Retail) Responsible for stocking merchandise onto shelves to achieve 100%
in stock, organizing the sales floor to create a pleasant and safe
shopping environment, and providing customer service as required
by customer demand. Operates reach trucks and order pickers to
Field Operations (Non-Sales) bring down merchandise
Responsible safely from
for field operational the overhead
activities bays
in offshore to theLiaises
offices. sales
and coordinates with vendors to ensure timely order placement and
delivery according to specified quality standards and costs to meet
customer/corporate needs and margin expectation. Monitors vendor
Product Repair/Alteration (Retail) performance and
Alter, repair, or fitcompliance and provides
made-to-measure guidance/training
or ready-to-wear to them
garments. Fits
to achieve
garment onsourcing
customer and
determine goals.
required alterations. Records
required alterations and instructions. Repairs or replaces defective
garment parts, such as pockets, pocket flaps, and linings.
Product Repair/Alteration (Retail) Individual contributor that works under moderate supervision.
Repairs, assembles, and tests handbags in the customer service

Product Repair/Alteration (Retail) Individual contributor that works under moderate supervision.
Repairs, assembles, and tests jewelry in the customer service center.

Product Repair/Alteration (Retail) Repairs/assembles/tests watches instruments in customer service


Automotive Service/Repair Operations Plan and monitor the workshop capacity/available man-hours.
Monitor the overall workshop process and quality of work. Ensure
the availability of necessary facilities, bays, machines, special tools
and equipment. Ensure the service literature, product brochures as
Automotive Service/Repair Operations well as the
Establish process
and documentation
maintain are available.
good relationships with theLead the team
customer. of
with the information and solutions on products and
services to meet their needs and desires. Adequately handle
customer complaints and inquires. Organize initial inspection, test
Automotive Service/Repair Operations drives and initiate
Responsible workshopservice
for day-to-day orders.reception operations. Ensure that
service reception area and posts are clean and in a good visual
appearance. Ensure that vehicles are clean and in a good appearance
prior to customer arrival.
Automotive Service/Repair Operations Responsible for quality inspection and conduct vehicle inspection.
Check workshop order and service process. Analyze quality
inspection result and deduce preventive measures.

Automotive Service/Repair Operations Check scope of repair and the overall technical vehicle condition.
Conduct various performance and function tests. Document and
submit vehicle inspection process and test results of final control
Automotive Service/Repair Operations Oversee workshop order progress. Evaluate clocking hours of
individual workshop process, inform Foremen (Repair + Body & Paint)
in case of job order delay. Receive and clarify feedback about
additional repair/maintenance requirements from workshop. Inform
Automotive Service/Repair Operations promptly
DistributeService Advisor
repair work about
based on proposed job order extension.
technicians/mechanics Check
skills and
the job order.
abilities Hand workshop
and comply order,guidelines
with the pricing vehicle keysto and paperwork
ensure the
back to Service
customer’s Advisor.
needs are met and vehicles are fixed right the first time.
Prioritize and schedule work inside the workshop, track status of
Automotive Service/Repair Operations repair orders,
Prepares coordinateand
job envelopes with concerned
monitors departments
progress to ensure
of individual workshop
effectiveness of the regular
processes. Provides service process. Archive
updates to all workshop
the progress related
documentation according government laws and dealer standards.

Automotive Service/Repair Operations Ensure proper recording of all tools movement. Ensure all tools
loaned are returned timely and recorded. Ensure equipment's
condition upon return.
Automotive Service/Repair Operations Clean and vacuum interior of vehicles. Wash and dry the complete
vehicle. Maintain washing area in safe and hygienic condition.

Automotive Service/Repair Operations Manages and tracks all reconditioning, pre-delivery inspections, and
inventory recall activities. Maintains vehicle status in the system and
manages relationships with suppliers. Prepares a comprehensive
estimate based on vehicle inspections and findings from technical
Warranty Administration Services staff, includingis the
This function specific
based work
in auto carrequired, the total cost,
makers, responsible for and the time
schedule before
request from performing
dealers the work,
or customers etc.on
based Responsible
the warrantyfor efficient
and timely tracking
administration andand
process processing of old car refurbishment, pre-
delivery inspection activities, and completion of all new and old car
recalls. Liaises with the parts/service team for timely recall
Warranty Administration Services Responsible
completion. for developing and implementing technical warranty and
quality assurance plan. Ensure the smooth operation and good
quality of the technical warranty work by updating technical
documents and collecting relevant information.
Warranty Administration Services Process and administer new vehicle sales warranty and goodwill to
principals, assembly plants and suppliers.

Warranty Administration Services Responsible for warranty standards, administration and process.
Coordinate and handle warranty claims from customers. Provide
feedback or regular analysis on warranty claim.

This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid

responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Leads the management team to achieve the overall business strategy

set by the board of directors. Supervises the implementation of the
business strategy and plans. Identifies and assesses business risk in all
dimensions such as economic environment, internal control and
locally specific
Responsible forconditions.
the operationAnalyzes
of thethe current situation
showroom inclusive of
of the
following and identify
activities: strengths andreceptionist
administration, weakness. Leads and motivates
and greeters
the team.
schedule, coaching, and data documentations review. Monitor and
ensure that showroom, display vehicles and advertisements are clean
with good visual
Responsible appearance.
for after Ensure
sales service that
that sufficient
enhances thedisplay and
the organizationvehicles
has withare
clients andand presentedDefines
customers. with goodthe visual
market segment and develops aftersales marketing plan. Implements
improvement measures and develops customer-care programs.
Monitors performance
This benchmark is to beofused
aftersales, and provides
for incumbents with guidance.
Evaluates activities
responsibilities from
across thethe major competitors
Sub-family and also
or incumbents whoimplements
cannot be
market specific strategies and measures.
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Conducts training classes to equip frontline employees on product

knowledge and/or selling and customer service techniques; provides
feedback to Product Training Manager on training needs, prepares
training materials and arranges logistics required to support the
Ensures assigned region or district has knowledgeable and skilled
store associates, experienced management, and an available pipeline
of qualified and diverse talent. Executes, and assesses training
programs, training completion and overall performance and talent
Merchandising (Retailers) management
Responsible for of the
region or district. Collaborates
organization's with field operations
buying and merchandising
management to identify
strategies. Accurately and close
forecasts performance
trends gapsperformance
and monitors in leadership,to
establish and technical
overall product knowledge.
assortment strategy. Plans the inventory
levels for season, department, or class of merchandise. Decides how
Merchandising (Retailers) much moneyfor
Responsible should be spent, howe-commerce
the organization's many lines should be bought, and
in what quantities.
strategy. Deals with supplier
Establishes/maintains problems
programs, as theyand
procedures, arise. May
negotiate very large
to ensure brand and contracts or manageare
financial objectives theachieved.
relationship of large
vendors toor
guidelines ensure
may be vendor compliance
responsible withlevels/ranges
for price guidelines. May andpartner
with the planning
markdowns. May groupresponsibility
have to create monthly (or periodic)
for vendor sales goals.
Merchandising (Retailers) Responsible for financial inventory planning and relationships, and
directing allocation
works closely with
of merchandise. Supply Chain
Oversees and Merchandise
high-level Planning
strategic business functions.
Develops company seasonal financial targets/plans. Coordinates the
in-season business review and reaction process. Ensures the
Merchandising (Retailers) allocation/replenishment
Works with Merchandising, strategies
andprocesses are in place into
Account Management
order to maximize
determine internalsales, gross
analytic, margin,reporting,
financial and turnover. Advises Buyers
and budgeting needs
for optimum unit purchase
the merchant planning
organization. and stock
Performs ratios.
analysis and Does gross
creates various
margin planning and analysis for Buyers.
financial reports that focus on assisting management in
understanding and projecting merchandise sales, margin, and
expense performance. Evaluates and develops merchandise systems
and procedures.
Merchandising (Retailers) Responsible for the allocation of merchandise to stores, ensuring all
stores are within their goal inventory targets. Plans daily stock
replenishment. Assigns and maintains optimum stock levels and
ensures appropriate assortment of stock in order to maximize store
Merchandising (Retailers) sales performance.
Responsible Responsible
for developing for merchandise
and executing optimalassortment sales
category strategy,
and margin.
product assortment, pricing, promotions and merchandising plans for
new launch or ongoing expansion. Performs detailed assessment of
the category business and provides insights of sales, pricing and other
Merchandising (Retailers) growth opportunities.
Responsible for ensuring Develops
adequate online
to meet forecast promotion
demands and and tosales targets.
ensure Workslevel
an agreed with of
customervendor base to
negotiate terms
Generating and develop
a consensus monthly newforecast
incentive forprograms.
each stockIdentifies
keeping unit
(SKU). Providingkey performance
net monthly and indicators
yearly (KPIs) and creates forecast
stock requirements to each
operational for various
unit. customer
Implementing andsegments and stock
maintaining sellers. Keeps up-to-
Merchandising (Retailers) Responsible
date on key for analyzing
market news, merchandise
trends and demand forecasts
insights. to
inventory. safety stock levels,
Rebuyers purchase andadditional
economicstock order
based Setting appropriate
on purchase agreementsforecasts
and pricing in-line
terms with budgets and
negotiated by lead
Buyers. for each SKU. Providing accurate information for inventory
management purposes. Provide feedback on sales forecasts versus
Merchandising (Retailers) Responsible
actual forSales
sales to updating retail storeProviding
and Marketing. merchandise prices
analysis and based
address slowof competitor
moving stock pricing.
lines.Maintains pricing data in central
database for download to individual store systems. Manage price
differentials between different stores. May utilize a price
Merchandising (Retailers) optimization
Responsible for toolaccounting,
to assign prices.
control, and analysis of retail inventory.
Ensures inventory accounting is accomplished efficiently and timely.
Ensures inventory shrinkage is kept to optimal level. Provides
forecasts, analysis, and reporting of gross margin, inventory levels,
Visual Merchandising turnover,
Responsible andfor
the overall appearance of Makes
stores including
windows, sales to floor
ensure accurate
signage, andand sufficient
displays. inventory.
Supports storeReviews
sales by
daily audit reports and is responsible for
coordinating the design and implementation of appealingcorrect ledger entries.
and May
interesting maintain,
merchandise and/or coordinate the
presentations. relationship
Sets store-wideofpromotions
a third-party
for control areas
departmental service,andincluding
windows scheduling
and storeschemes.
seasonal inventories,Liaises
Restaurant Operations Responsible standard
establishing for the overall resultsfor
procedures of all restaurant operations,
physical for the
entire buying, merchandising
organization or and other
concept(s). internalinventories,
Responsibilities functions
may toand
negotiating fees.
appropriate interpretation of strategies. Applies a high degree of
franchised operations. Develops operational plans and policies and
market awareness
assists with long-rangein allbusiness
and planning. Ensures store
and strategy.
environment is stimulating at all times.
Restaurant Operations Responsible for the overall results of a group of restaurants.
Responsibilities may include franchised operations. Develops and
executes operational plans and policies to accomplish assigned goals.
Responsible for the implementation of staff policies and programs,
Restaurant Operations and supervises
Manages lower-level
the overall restaurantofmanagers.
daily operation one restaurant including
hiring, discipline, and scheduling of employees to ensure cost
effective and quality restaurant operations. Focuses on customer
service and exceptional food service while managing the kitchen,
Restaurant Operations dining
Manages area
alland following
aspects of theallfront
regulatory mandates.
of the house, Completes
including dining area
and bar area. and paperwork
Ensures qualityassociated withincash
controls are place receipts
and anand prices
and conducts physical inventories. Responsible
customer experience. Works under the General Manager and for the restaurant at
all times. General Manager and communicates with the chef and
Restaurant Operations kitchen
Managesstaffandwhen needed.
oversees all kitchen activity. Responsible for quality
and sanitation, inventory control, managing costs, and training
kitchen staff.

Restaurant Operations Manages all aspects of the restaurant's facilities and back office
operations. May assist with recruitment, payroll, scheduling, and
organizing the day-to-day needs of the restaurant.

Restaurant Operations Under the direction of the General Manager, engages in a structured
training program designed to teach all aspects of restaurant
management. This training program may combine classroom and in-
restaurant training and is structured for a specific period of time.
Restaurant Operations Oversees the front-of-the house dining experience. Responsible for
ensuring smooth communication between the kitchen and dining
room, and may direct wait staff. Typically associated with fine dining
Restaurant Operations Greets all guests as they enter and exit the restaurant. Responsible
for seating guests and organizing seating arrangements while taking
reservations. May also have minor duties to assist with meeting the
guests' needs.
Restaurant Operations Following established guidelines and standards, cleans, transports,
and stocks all equipment and materials used during food and
beverage operations. Supports various areas of the kitchen, including
dishwashing, food preparation areas, general cleaning, and banquet
Responsible for managing sales and service for large catered events
within the established objectives, standards, and procedures.
Provides overall direction and guidance with the objective of
maximizing growth and profitability while meeting high client
Responsible forFocuses on organizing,
booking, client retention and relationship
servicing, and runningbuilding,
catered as
well as while
events compliance
meeting with all regulatory
budgeted guidelines
revenue and purchasing
goals. Ensures supplies,
resources, and tools are ready and available. Coordinates staff, sets
up displays, plans menus, books talent, and decorates. Maintains a
strong focus for
Responsible on customer satisfaction
driving a catering van and building
or similar strongResponsible
for event loadtoinensure repeat
and out, business
as well andand
as set up increase walk-inMay
breakdown. sales.
have guest service responsibilities.

Manages the food service function. Responsible for enforcing safety

and sanitation policies and procedures. Manages food inventories,
vendor deliveries, food preparation, and menu planning while
adhering to regulatory guidelines.
Responsible for managing all operations of the commissary. Ensures
adherence to safety and sanitation guidelines, and consistency of
products according to established recipes and procedures. Oversees
staff hiring, training, and development.
Responsible for overall kitchen operations including: maintaining
optimal inventory levels; overseeing use of proper food preparation
techniques; ensuring compliance with safety regulations; setting
work and cleaning schedules for the kitchen staff; monitoring waste
Performsfood cost and
general foodemployee working
service work hoursvaried
involving to optimize profit.
tasks on serving
Drives customerduties,
lines, sanitation serviceand/or
improvements andof
preparation ensuring clients’
food other than regular

On a day-to-day basis supervises team that provides food & beverage

service at the winery. Coordinates hospitality aspects and oversees
customer service aspects of the wine sales area. Ensures retailers are
provided up-to-date product information on a regular basis. Arranges
Thisthe organization's
benchmark participation
is to be in public relations
used for incumbents events.
with hybrid
Manages stock levels
responsibilities acrossto ensure
the adequate
Sub-family material is who
or incumbents available forbe
cannot sale
and transfer.
matched to a Develops and
specific job in manages administrative processes to
the Sub-family.
capture accurate transaction information.
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Manages and oversees all kitchen activity, and also has menu
development and cooking responsibilities. Responsible for quality
and sanitation, inventory control, managing costs, and training
kitchen staff. Provides innovative and artistically superior, cost
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) efficient food
Assists the and beverage
executive chef in products
directing that meet
kitchen established
activities, quality
and presentation
consistent qualitystandards.
of food and beverage, as per standards, to achieve
the maximum level of guest satisfaction and organizational
profitability. May assist with menu planning and inventory control,
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) including
Specializesfood andpreparation
in the product costs.
of a particular cuisine. Provides
innovative and artistically superior, and cost efficient food and
beverage products to enhance the goodwill of the food outlet. Meets
the established quality and presentation standards.
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Supervises the entire operation of the Pastry Department. Supervises
the process of decorating wedding cakes, fine pastry, sweet and
savory breads, among others, based on production lists according to
occupancy percentage and popularity.
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Responsible for preparing pastries, desserts, bread, and other baked
goods including but not limited to cakes, pies, and cookies. Decorates
pastries with glazes and icings.

Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Prepares baked goods, desserts, and dough. Measures and mixes
ingredients to form dough or batter, following recipes. Rolls, cuts,
and shapes dough to form rolls, pie crusts, tarts, cookies, and related
products. Places dough in pans, molds, or on sheets and bakes in
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) oven. Observes
Responsible for products
all aspectswhile cooking
of their andstation
cooking adjustsincluding
icing and preparing,
cleaning, other toppings and decorates
and plating cakes, pastries, and other
the food.
baked goods. Prepares baking equipment and uses a variety of
kitchen tools, including electric mixers, pans, rolling pins, and cutting
tools. May develop new recipes. Maintains hygiene, cleanliness, and
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Responsible for allstandards.
customer service aspects ofMay
cooking station
responsible forincluding stocking,
materials and
and preparing assigned foods. Typically assists the Line
Cook throughout their shift.
Food Preparation (Chefs/Cooks) Performs general cooking duties in preparing food items. Work
involves cooking according to standard recipes and may include some
general cleaning duties. Requires knowledge of basic kitchen
Food Table Service & Delivery Ensures that all guests' needs are met in a timely and friendly
manner. Assists guests with menu inquiries and takes guests' orders.
Responsible for the delivery of the food and processing payments.
Also responsible for setting and clearing tables.
Food Table Service & Delivery Directs the servers and food runners in delivering food. Ensures food
is delivered in a timely manner.

Food Table Service & Delivery Responsible for garnishing plates and the timely delivery of food from
the kitchen to guests.

Food Table Service & Delivery Provides products and services to customers efficiently while
following established safety and cleanliness procedures. Typically
cross-trained to work in several different areas of the restaurant and
may be required to work several positions within a short period of
Food Table Service & Delivery time during peak
Responsible volume
for setting periods.
and May
clearing alsoinhave
tables cashier manner.
an efficient
Performs other duties such as sweeping the floor and stocking
glassware, and ensures guests' needs are met.

Food Table Service & Delivery Responsible for taking carryout orders from guests along with
packing and verifying orders. If delivery is offered, responsibilities
also include organizing delivery orders.

Bar/Beverage Preparation & Service Crafts and serves beverages directly to guests while handling
receipts. Responsible for preparing beverages for servers and
organizing and cleaning the bar during their shift.

Bar/Beverage Preparation & Service Responsible for educating guests about wine and makes suggestions
based on the food ordered. Maintains the wine inventory and places
wine orders. Typically has Sommelier certification.

Bar/Beverage Preparation & Service Ensures that all customers' needs are met in a timely and friendly
manner. Assists customers with menu inquiries and takes customers'
orders. Creates drinks including coffee, tea, smoothies, and other
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Responsible for the research, development, planning, and creation of

new product and menu ideas. Provides leadership to restaurants on
all aspects of menu testing and product development and often
works with the Test Kitchen Manager.
Responsible for overseeing the test kitchen, including managing food,
equipment, recipes, staff, and suppliers. Works with Culinary or Food
Product Development team members.

Responsible for creating, modifying and improving food recipes using

new/improved raw materials and specifications. Creates recipes and
evaluates the impact of changes on cost, nutrition, allergens, and
ingredient lists. Ensures final products meet all regulatory
Responsible forMay use different
tasting recipe management
food products andand
providing tools
(e.g. Optiva,
feedback SAP,onDevEx,
based aroma, Format, etc.) forand
taste, texture recipe creation and
appearance to detect
and correct flaws in product ingredients and in the creation process.
Provides inputs for product formulation. Requires excellent sense of
This and smell. is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Responsible for the development of objectives, policies, and

programs relating to all training and management development
programs. Ensures consistent application of training standards
throughout the organization. Oversees planning and concept
Responsible for training programs for restaurant staff. Analyzes and
determines training needs, administers plans, procedures, and
programs to meet training needs and problems. Develops or assists
with the development of training manuals and aids. Coordinates
resources, training Design
Product Packaging facilities,workandismaterials.
focused on designing and/or
creating non-interactive graphics and art for use on product
packaging including: •Applying graphic design principles (i.e., layout,
imagery, typography, etc.) in alignment with the organization’s
Responsible strategy •Applying
for fashion design graphics software
of products; (e.g., Quark,
research on market,
material, and Photoshop,
fashion trends;Acrobat) to design/create
participates in initialart for product
fitting process.
packaging •Ensuring product packaging adheres to all relevant
industry and internal guidelines •Coordinating marketing, purchasing,
regulatory, and production departments to identify priorities and
Graphic Design General
schedules Graphic Art/Design
for artwork work is focused on designing and/or
creating non-interactive graphics and art including:
•Applying graphic design principles (i.e., layout, imagery, typography,
etc.) to communicate themes and messages in non-interactive
Graphic Design communication materials artworks and graphics; ensures graphics,
Designs prints, placement
•Using graphics software
logos, illustrations (e.g., Quark,
and electronic Illustrator, PageMaker,
communications adhere to
InDesign, Photoshop,
company's branding policy Acrobat, andetc.) and/or
quality web-based
standards. graphics and
and (e.g., Flash, FrontPage and Dream Weaver) to design and
produce finished graphics/artwork
Graphic Design Responsible for
•Maintaining the visual
corporate branding
identity, of company
design standards, public
•Coordinatingand promotional
vendor services material across a variety of digital and
as required
print media. Creates and maintains graphics-specific templates,
instructions, documentation, and best practices. Maintains third-
Photography & Editing party vendor
Operates relationships.
a variety of standard and special-purpose still, motion
picture, digital, and/or video cameras to photograph products,
persons, buildings, machinery, equipment, parts, and other subjects
as required for promotion and marketing, publicity, manufacturing,
Photography & Editing engineering,
Manages theor administrative
activities needs.
of the photo Arranges
studio, equipment
including such as
set builds,
equipment screens, and shades;
maintenance, loadsand
staffing, film; sets camera
expenses. Leadsforcreative,
angle, distance,
technical, light, and timing
and operational teams required;
to achieveexposesproduction and develops
goals while film;
enlarges, reduces, and intensifies prints. May
maintaining high quality images. Drives an efficient process for edit, manipulate and
obtaining digital
samples images
on a to create
timely anddesired effects,basis.
cost-efficient using computers
Photography & Editing Creates
and and
specializeddirects photo
software. shoots, while supervising a team of
photographers, stylists, and models. Carries out creative objectives
that support established merchandising and company brand
directives. Manages a high volume of shots while maintaining quality
Photography & Editing and brand consistency.
Responsible for ensuring the styling of the photo set is in line with
brand aesthetics. Stays within the timeframe on number of shots per
day while not compromising the aesthetics. Partners with Creative
team and Brand Design team to ensure clear understanding of
Photography & Editing messages.
Reviews and Oversees and directs
selects photos, andassistant
performsstylists and freelance
any necessary staff.
Coordinates andtheorganizes
type andproduct,
number supplies,
of photosand equipment.
needed. May select
images for online use and create web graphics. Works with
photographers, stylists, and merchandisers.
Publications Layout, Design & Editorial General Communications Design & Editorial is focused on:
•Developing and executing a wide range of informational materials
for external and internal audiences including the organization's
annual report •Establishing and maintaining corporate identity,
Publications/Media Writing & Editing design
Communications and policiesWriting•Requires
& Editing extensive
is focused knowledge
on writing,of
publications text/picture layout
editing, and proofreading text for& adesign
varietyand visual communication
of internal and/or external
communications and publications including: •Text for internal
audiences related to organization values/strategy/performance and
Publications/Media Writing & Editing employee programs,
Technical Writing policies,
& Editing andfocuses
work tools •Text for external
on writing audiences
related to public,
for technical community,
products, systems, government, or investor operations
processes, equipment relations •In &
some organizations,
maintenance, research may also develop
findings, etc. fortext for Marketing
internal or external material
audiences, including:  •Determining an effective structure and layout
Publications/Media Writing & Editing for complexwork
Translation manuals focusesand onotherthetechnical
conversion documentation
of written text from one
•Conducting researchinand
language to another liaisingofwith
a variety technical
internal staff todocuments,
or external ensure
accurate interpretation of complex
forms, user interfaces, etc., including: •Applying technical data, drawings, and
a thorough
specification •Ensuring
understanding of sourcethat appropriate
language text and technical
matter to andclearly
terminology review occurs
convey the meaning and andinthat
style provision
a second is made
target languagefor the
Publications/Media Writing & Editing Proofreading
incorporation work is
of updates focused on detecting
and revisions and correcting
• terminology
Editing content errors in a
variety research
of internal and/or to clarify
external complex
written materials before andtophrasing
they are
•Using impact, flow, meaning, and readability
for publicationmemory and terminology
including: •Proofreading management software
text for grammar,
to archivesentence
spelling, prior translations
structure,and improve accuracy
typographical errors, and andadherence
organizationover style time and/or•Fact
guidelines across multiplecontent
checking translators
for •May and
Publications/Media Writing & Editing Responsible
partner withfor creating
subject matterweb/internet
experts oncontent
specific which
topics includes news
completeness •Work may include proofreading
feeds, blogs, press releases, how-to/self-help guides, infographics, of
product descriptions, etc.publications and/or marketing/promotional
Performs research on products, markets,
and/or keyword usage and leverages research to create engaging
content for the client/customer. Edits and updates outdated content.
Develops web page content such that it is optimized for search
engines. Monitors and analyzes content effectiveness through search
engine results pages. May coordinate translation and localization of
content with vendors.
Interactive Media Art & Design Responsible for the preliminary phase of the project by developing a
visual and narrative representation for the production of interactive
media works (i.e., games, cartoons, animations). Understands target
audience needs to drive the artistic direction of the project. Applies
Interactive Media Art & Design the principlesfor
Responsible ofcreating
arts andgraphical
graphic design animation to create and design
of characters andfeasible
and creative
objects from concepts
graphics based of environments, plots, backgrounds,
on concepts/requirements from clients
or concept design conflict, and color
artists. Developsschemes storyboards and builds 2D/3D
models to create the illusion of movement when recorded in
Interactive Media Art & Design sequence.
Responsible Ensures
for creatingmovements of animations
visual effects that would are synchronized
enhance the with
animation orand gamingaudio requirements.
experience. This Edits
special scenes
effects andsuch as
fire, recordings for
fog, explosions, good story
crashes, flow and
etc. Ensures adherence
visual to specific
integration with
audio and requirements.
animation elements Delivers intoaccordance
achieve thetodesired the artistic
of the project.
Keeps updated Expertise
for new in technicaland
techniques software
software packages,
tools to such
Interactive Media Art & Design Responsible
Flash, 3D Studiofor sound
Max, creation,
Maya, editing,Studio,
Character enhancement,
Lightwave, and Softimage,
integration visual effects. Expertise in tools
of4Dsound elements/environment for interactive mediasuch as Maya, 3D Studio
works (i.e., games, cartoons, animations). This includes character
voices, dialogues, music, soundtracks, sound effects (e.g., explosions,
This benchmark Performs is to production
be used fordialogue incumbents editing,
Dialogue Replacement),
responsibilities across the sound effectsorediting
Sub-family incumbentsand design, foley be
who cannot
matched (human
a specific sound job effects recorded in sync with picture), music
in the Sub-family.
composition, and editing. Maintains audio-related documentation
and expand in-house sound library. Expertise in sound design and
Web/New Media Creative Design Website Layout Designtools
audio post-production & Administration
and technologies work(e.g.,
layout design and ongoing content/functionality administration
(typically for an external marketing or communications website)
including: •Constructing less complex aspects of the website layout
Web/New Media Creative Design by applying defined
Multi-Media Web Design style sheets and usingarea
is a specialized website authoring/layout
of Interactive Media
Design (e.g.,
focused DreamWeaver,
on the look,FrontPage,
feel, sound, etc.)
andwith limited todesign
navigational no usefor of
scripting languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, PHP,
rich media websites and pages. The work includes: •Designing rich Javascript, etc.) •Updating
website contentand
media websites on apages
regular basis tographic
including maximize website hits/visits
design/layout, user
interface softwaresite
features, updates
by the effects
IT development
elements,team and
User Interface, Experience & Interaction Design Creates graphics
maintaining website for new media (i.e., •Partnering
documentation wallpapers, with animated
the IT
screensavers, etc. based on business
3D wallpapers, cell phone and menus,
customer requirements
mobile gameuse design,
development team
•Conceptualizing, for moreand
creating, complex functionality
manipulating requiring
individual design of
etc.). Conceptualizes
programming languages new approaches
(e.g., ASP, Java,for interactive
Perl, C++, experiences
etc.) and
opportunities (e.g.,for audio, video, still
integration images, TV,
of wireless, animation,
and thetext,
Creates data,
the front-endfor etc.)
design usingofandgraphic/multi-media
websites for wirelessengaging design
downloads. (e.g.,
User Interface, Experience & Interaction Design Responsible
Photoshop, design
Illustrator, Flash, development
AfterEffects,ofetc.) user
•Constructing the rich
media website fordesign
a variety usingof applications.
layout and design Studies and evaluates
authoring how
tools (e.g.,
users feel aboutFrontPage,
DreamWeaver, a system, looking Macromedia at things like ease
Director, etc.)oftouse,
define the
way that images, of the text,valueand of the system, utility,
multi-media efficiency
are displayed oninthe
User Interface, Experience & Interaction Design tasks,
•Requiresetc. Translates
Responsible knowledge
for design, user needs and
scripting business
languages requirements
documentation, CSS, PHP,into
and supportand offunctionality
etc.), thebutuserwork fordone
interface web/mobile
to optimize experiences.
through Develops
user experience. design
authoring/layout wireframes,
develops, and HTML and
and models prototypes
editing thesoftware
end usertovs.
working directly
experience includingwith
the underlying
visual design and ofcommunicate
code the application, high-level
to makedesign strategies. simple,
user interaction
efficient, in design
and tools (e.g., Photoshop,
consistent. Illustrator, Fireworks, of
User Interface, Experience & Interaction Design Responsible
InDesign, for
Visio, designingAssesses
etc.). the userand optimizes
interface the performance
and aesthetics of the
new and existing features by actively participating
game, including menus and in-game interface elements. Establishes in usability testing
and user research, and interpreting analytics
usability standards/system for the development of simple interactive data. Expertise in
screens likesolutions
JavaScript, forFlash,
complex XML, HTML, challenges.
usability and CSS Gathers
User Interface, Experience & Interaction Design feedback from users and improves features
Responsible for the feel and layout of the product. Oversees all the for better gaming
functionality and Documents
requirements and maintains user-interface
of the product specifications.
and explores different
approaches in tosoftware
design such as Flash,Observes
the product. Illustrator, theFireworks,
behavior etc.of user or
tester to understand the verbal and non-verbal communication while
using the productis and
This benchmark to beuses used it to
incumbentsthe product. Develops the
with hybrid
responsibilities design acrosslanguage, and optimizes
the Sub-family the micro-copy
or incumbents who cannotfor a be
matched user to experience
a specific job of inthethe product

Advertising/Marketing Creative & Design Responsible for producing the written words or 'copy' for the
advertisement including creating text, slogans, catchphrases, and
messages. Understands business requirements and the target
audience. Familiar with products/services and competitors’ activities.
Advertising/Marketing Creative & Design Collaborates
Responsible for with creative
the team
strategic members
direction, to determine
development, andconcept,
brand, andrange
of a wide copyof directions. Writes including
design projects, clear, persuasive, original
print, digital, copyand
that reflects the appropriate tone and voice. Proofreads
photography, to promote and enhance the brand strategy. Oversees the copy to
the spelling
design andof
output grammar.
the graphic design and creative studio groups
Advertising/Marketing Creative & Design who create
Creates imagery.
vision for theCounsels internal
global online clientsofonthe
presence corporate
brand and identity
and design
ensures thestandards and policies.
organization's e-commerceRequires extensive
marketing knowledge
initiatives in
the brandcopy,
andand digital
global best practices.
positioning. Oversees creative project
management teams, including studio teams with e-commerce
Advertising Production responsibility.
Responsible forClosely monitors
production e-commerce
activities of one orand industry
many trends and
level of position, typical responsibilities may include
developing production budgets, managing vendor relationships, and
supervising projects.
This benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
responsibilities across the Sub-family or incumbents who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.

Game Art Oversees all aspects of two or more of the following game art areas:
•Concept Design •2D/3D Art •2D/3D Animation •Audio/Visual
Effects •Technical Art

Game Art Define the art style of a game, and lead the art team to complete a

Game Art Responsible for the preliminary phase of the project by developing a
visual and narrative representation for the production of interactive
media works (i.e. games, cartoons, animations). Understands target
audience needs to drive the artistic direction of the project. Applies
Game Art the principlesfor
Responsible oftwo-dimensional
arts and graphic design art designsto create and design
and contents forfeasible
and creativemedia
interactive conceptsworks of (i.e.
games, cartoons, plots, backgrounds,
animations), including
characters, objects,
characters, conflict and color schemes.
backgrounds and worlds. Develops and designs
2D graphics and illustrations according to project needs. Takes verbal
Game Art concepts
Responsible through to finalthree-dimensional
for creating execution of artwork art for usefor
assets in the
media works media. Possesses
(i.e. games, excellent
cartoons, design skills,
animations), including
including 3D
effective use of color, form and composition.
modelling, texturing, shading, rigging and rendering. Develops Expertise in softwareand
like Photoshop
designs 3D digital andmodels,
Flash. graphics and illustrations according to
Game Art project
Responsibleneeds. forTakes
creatingverbal concepts
graphical throughoftocharacters
animation final executionand of
objects from for use in the based
graphics interactive media. Possesses excellent
on concepts/requirements from sense
or concept form, space,
design colorDevelops
artists. and lighting. Expertiseand
storyboards in software
builds 2D/3Dlike
models3D toStudio
create Max, XSI etc.of movement when recorded in
the illusion
Game Art sequence. Ensures movements
Responsible for creating visual effects of animations
that would are synchronized
enhance the with
animation orand audio
gaming requirements.
experience. This Edits
includes animation
special scenes
effects and such as
dialogue recordings for
fire, fog, explosions, goodetc.
crashes story flow and
Ensures adherence
visual integrationto specific
audio and requirements.
animation elementsDelivers intoaccordance
achieve thetodesired the artistic
of the project.
Keeps updated Expertise
for new in technicaland
techniques software
software packages,
tools to such as
Game Art Responsible
Flash, 3D for sound
Studio Max, creation,
Maya, editing,Studio,
Character enhancement
Lightwave, and Softimage
integration visual
of4D. effects. Expertise in tools such
sound elements/environment for games. This includes as Maya, 3D Studio
and Cinema
Max etc. voices,
character dialogues, music, soundtracks, sound effects (e.g.
explosions, gunshots). Performs production dialogue editing, ADR
Game Art (Automated
Analyze art relatedDialogue Replacement),
elements of the game sound effects
with editing
technical and and
design, foley recording
use programming or tools(human soundart
to achieve effects recorded in
requirements. synctowith
Need be
familiar of music
the artcomposition
productionand editing.
process, Maintains
such as concept audio-related
design, 3D,
animation, and expand
and visual effects,in-house
etc., andsound library.
also know Expertise
and use some in
sound design and
programming audio(such
language post-production
as C/C+/C# tools
and and technologies
JAVA) and scripts (e.g.
Game Design Responsible
Wwise, F-Mod). for the end-to-end design of a video game including:
as maxscript, mel, and python).
game level/mission design, game content/plot design, game
mechanics/systems design, game mathematical design. Works as
part of a multidisciplinary team ensuring alignment across all
Game Design disciplines
Responsibletofor realize
mappingthe game vision and
and building thedesign. Supports/advises
game environment into
the creation
distinctive and maintenance
levels of playing experienceof game for documentation.
a variety of game Involved
mapping and building the game environment,
ranging from beginner to expert. Determines and creates level
specific functionalities such game as characters
the interactive and plot, and planning
architecture, rules,
challenges, technical
conditions, aspects. May oversee testing and mayforrequire
Game Design Responsible for
programming researching and developing game charactersdesired
and obstacles of each game level and plot
within the experience.
context ofFinalizes
the game gameworld.mechanics
Providesand ensures
creative ideasthatforthe
level is challenging as well as fun to play. Expertise
functionality, story and game flow. Plans and designs individual in 3D graphics
quests (e.g., OpenGL
and compelling content ES 2.0,
for theGLSL)
other software
that the suchgameas
is UnrealEd,
engaging and play. Playtests and refines on all content
Game Design Responsible for designing the mechanics of the game based on target
the game. Communicates Plans the a consistent and clear
technical aspects ofvision of
the contentincluding
gameplay, design tosystems
other teams (engineers,
and detailed artistsinteractions
character etc.), and for
different game with them to(e.g.
platforms realize
and maintains
mobile content
phones, design
online documentation.
and other wireless game applications). Designs
Game Design Establish game's mathematical frame according to its development
and current game rules andSupply
operation. the supporting
mathematical algorithm.
issues and offers
supporting solutions
data. Create therelated
balance, to consistence
gameplay toand ensure a great of
the gameexperience.
mathematical Iterates, balances & tunes features based on
feedback from the game teams, routine user testing and the broader
Game Design Responsible
player community. for optimizing and expanding core game gameplay,
operation mode and fighting experience. Develops game mechanics
with regards to combat tactics and techniques, fitting into the overall
product design. Creates balanced environment for users, stimulating
Game Production interaction.
Oversees allEnsures
aspects the right production,
of game level of risk is built into
including the decision
creative &
technicalprocess and developing
development, quality, an adequate
timely delivery palette
of theofproject,
available as well
actions. Implements
as maintaining budgets.a comprehensive reward system to strengthen
players’ involvement.
Game Production Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the game from kick-off to
release, including creative & technical development, quality, timely
delivery of the project, as well as maintaining budgets. Owns quality
of the product and the overall user experience. Works with
Game Production department
Oversees all leads to of
aspects determine resourcesfor
game production necessary
the gametodevelopment
see the
phase. through to completion. Coordinates, tracks & manages the
activities of personnel and liaises with finance, marketing, support &
game development teams to ensure that project tasks are completed
on time, within budget and with desired functionality.
Game Production Producer who is responsible for the development phase of a game.

Film/Show/Program Technical Production Responsible for setting up and operating lighting equipment. Uses
variety of professional lighting to create light effect and meet
different demands, and create the right atmosphere for television
shows and artistic performances.
Film/Show/Program Technical Production Responsible for creating movie special effects using variety of skills
and techniques such as animation, pyrotechnics or modeling. Ensures
the part of the project in scope is finalized according to the deadline
and client requirements.
Models a variety of apparel, accessories, and other products for shots
in the photo studio. When not modeling, may assist with
merchandise and sample preparation in the studio.

Structure Architecture Responsible for providing architectural advice, ensuring that work is
carried out to specific standards. Produces architectural designs from
concept through working drawings and specifications. Prepares and
makes recommendation to tenders. May supervise or work closely
with draftsmen.
Responsible for successful execution of online advertising campaigns
by ensuring timely and accurate completion of campaign
deliverables. Identifies advertising requirements, devises an
advertising campaign that meets requirements and budget, and
Media Publications Operations assists
Develops with andlaunch
a tacticalMonitors
publication campaign
plan forprogress
forums, andjournals
and meetings Compiles metricsofand
for the purpose analyzes
scientific operational
product awareness, with
input from internal teams such as clinical, epidemiology, healthpost-
for the organization’s sales efforts, and produces
and outcomes research and marketing. Establishes
Responsible publication for product indications.
for the management or supportsServes as the focalof
the management point
on all pre-and post-marketing
organization's real estate activitiespublication
including issues
site and opportunities
location and
related to publication strategy, content communication
acquisition, building and land acquisition and disposition, and space tactics
leasing. and other orrelated
assists activities
with arrangingfor brands / indications.
the purchase or
Property Management (Real Estate Industry) construction of facilities and/or negotiating
Responsible for the day-to-day property management tasks the leases of facilities.
operations proper
of thedocumentation
assigned properties.of leaseCoordinates
or purchasethe transactions.
Responsible for planning in regards to site locations
work and liaises closely with external contractors to ensure that the and availability.
work completed to standard. as appropriate
Implements for building
the disposal of
projects and Maintains
building and manages
A&A (alternation relationships
& addition) with
Assists with
Real Estate Development Has overall
vendors andresponsibility
consultants. for
Maythe actorganization's
as a community development,
expansion,and budgets.
and Familiar
renovation with
activities.relevant policies
Establishes andandimplements
issued by government, andstrategies
can properly handle business
any customer
development policies and to support objectives.
Specific and emergencies.
responsibilities may include identification of opportunities,
Real Estate Development cost analysesand
Participates of proposed projects,
assists in many participation
aspects of real estatein marketing and
merchandising strategies, and
Has overall responsibilities for preparation and monitoring
assigned development of project
or acquisition
projects of a fairly complex nature. Provides administrative and
financial support to ensure new project completion. Has supervisory
Real Estate Development responsibility
Performs analytical for financing, construction
and operational and related
activities relatedactivities.
to proposed
and existing deals. Activities include research, analysis and screening
of market and competitor information. Participates in project
investment analysis, and overall strategic planning and analysis.
Real Estate Development Includes
Works with feasibility
corporate studies on the
strategy teamproject andthe
to draft analysis and operation
on the land
strategy of target
including project.
project May haveindustry
positioning, overall matching,
responsibility for
clients, etc.projects of a less
Completes complex
market nature.
research and analysis by collecting and
consolidating the relevant market information and materials. Provide
Real Estate Development market forecasts
Responsible for theandplanning
predict and trends based
design of on
company's data and
outlets. Coordinates store operating needs with marketing image and
works with architectural and interior design contractors or in-house
staff to create the design. Ensures execution of project plans and that
Real Estate Development blueprints are
Implements andfollowed.
monitors Assists
store with specifications
development for allidentifies and
selects store sites;related installations,
conducts on-sitemajor maintenance,
research and analyzes andfeasibility
projects. May include responsibility
of retail development; ensures regulatory for selecting
compliance and monitoring
regarding store
building contractors.
development; assists in negotiations with landlord for lease terms or
contract renewals.
Real Estate Development Manages or performs work related to the design, implementation,
and/or coordination of plans for the efficient use of sales space in
retail outlets to maximize sales, brand image, store profit, and
customer satisfaction. Researches sales history, store operational
Real Estate Development needs and trends
Coordinates in space design
the planning, management planning. of new restaurants
and construction
from the beginning of the process to the opening of the restaurant.
Ensures that established project plans are carried out. Follows
specifications for construction, installation, and major maintenance
Real Estate Acquisitions/Dispositions projects.
Directs the May also create
company's the first
efforts set of purchase
in identifying orders and
opportunities for project
acquisition, other special projects.
disposition and other business ventures that support the
company's investment and financial objectives. Establishes company-
wide acquisition and disposition policies and procedures. Identifies,
Real Estate Acquisitions/Dispositions negotiates,
Plans, develops, and recommends
and recommends the acquisition
company policiesof and/or andinvestment
real estate
utilized in theproperties
acquisition andand portfolios.
disposalOversees due diligence
of real estate, leasehold process.
Initiates negotiations
properties, and operating withfacilities.
Negotiates and and potential
commitment oflimits
property and may interact
of contracted obligations with/represent
for property, investors
operating in
rights, to investment
and use fees. strategy. Represents
Determines the company's the company
future in property
This facilities
and benchmark is to be used for incumbents with hybrid
for operatingmatters.
responsibilities rights,
across property buildingor
the Sub-family space, and supporting
incumbents who cannot facilities.
Develops to
matched financial
a specific analyses
job in and evaluations used to appraise
the Sub-family.
property acquisition, disposal, lease, and use agreement alternatives
representing heavy long-term obligations of the company. Provides
Responsible for theand
analytical financial company's
operational landsupport
and land to management
proposed deals
and to existing Plans, directs andResearches
investments. coordinates the development
zoning, environmental, of the
regulatory, andland programsissues
engineering and strategies.
relating toAreas proposed of involvement
surface and subsurface for management land functions, lease acquisition,
and represents the
Responsible research,
in property
for managing records,
and payment
the land matters. and of
activities contract monitoring.
the organization.
Develops land alldepartment
legal matters involving land
procedures management.
and priorities withinProvides
the land negotiators
Is accountable and landfor theadministrators.
negotiation ofHas land and
government to sign
saleslegal and binding
agreements, documents
as well as ensuring that appropriate
may require the
administrative of considerable amounts of fundsare and/or manpower.
Requires a soliddocumentation
understanding and of landcontracts
administration maintained.
and Liaises
with industry contacts, identifies potential
government regulations. Typical duties include preparation, joint ventures, maintains
executionland and records,
registration wellofdata andsub-leases,
leases, maps, etc. May be involved
easements, surfacein
developing strategies and programs for the
leases, crossing agreements and all related documents; review and Land Department.
prepare relationships
lease continuation with industry and contacts, evaluating potential
joint ventures. for negotiationrequests of surface and grouping
Works closely with other land administration
Conducts rental reviews and negotiations; keeps abreast and land contracts
of company
personnel and may assist in the training of
and industry activity, government regulations, farming practices and land
trends, land values and recent analysts.prices paid by competitors for surface
rights in the acquisition area;
Responsibilities include: •Preparation preparesofapplications
requests forand performs
payment to all
tasks requiredand
leaseholders to obtain
partners rights of entry and of
•Administration pipeline
payment right-of-way
of leases,
bills, andnegotiations
productionhave failed.
royalties on joint interest properties
•Monitoring production reports, well expenses, and contracts
Responsible for the business development and implementation of all
construction activities for the overall organization. Prepares project
cost estimates, detailed project schedules, and budgets. Develops
and assesses standards for architectural engineering, construction,
Top positionequipment
responsibleand formaintenance.
the selection and Ensures that construction
monitoring of building
work meets or
contractors. exceeds standards.
Establishes construction Oversees
budgetall and contractors.
ensures projects
meet requirements including costs, quality, and timelines.
Coordinates and approves changes to store design. Reviews
Construction Project Delivery alternative
Control andconstruction materials to activities
coordinate construction ensure cost savingsassigned
to ensure and
projects are with standards.
completed to the Works with
client's Construction
satisfaction andProject
to meet
quality, time to and
objectives. to construction/scheduling
Complete assigned projects problems
to minimize with
compliance costsclient
and meet deadlines.
expectations, Supervises
company managers
objectives, andtoall
contractualproblems associated Procure
documentation. with permits or compliance with local
Construction Project Delivery Supervise on-site
ordinances. construction
Selects/develops/directs effortsnecessary
to achieveresources
Construction effective
for assigned
performance Establish and develop
within planned schedules effective project
and teams.
guidelines. Authorize
Provide input
construction Pre-development
planning, Managers,
programming and and Administrative
completion schedules.staff.
to the master construction plan as required. Manage a number of
Area engagement of subcontractors
Supervisors/General Foremen each with and all major subcontract
within industrial
that plan relations
(covering strategy to support
activities, time, project
Construction Project Delivery Coordinateand
objectives all on-site
its implementation. section foremen, directresources,
Monitor progress, wages
employees, plant resources and subcontract
ensuring work quality and techniques are of ateams to achieveand
high standard,
effective performance
report regularly on projectin accordance
performance withand detailed short term
cost against company
objectives.and schedules.
Ensure safety is Coordinate
an integralthe work of employees
component and sub
of all construction
Construction Project Delivery contractors
planning and
Oversees through
operations foremen.
of cranes Contribute
and riggingto development
performed of work
by contracted
methods and rolling
crane operators and short
riggingterm construction
specialists. Does programs
not operate and plan
Responsible for production
planning,work. Ensureand
scheduling all operations
coordinating areallperformed
major lifts in
accordance with agreed
on site. Coordinates lifts safe
and usemethods of work.
of rigging Maintainreviews
equipment; effective
rigging plans with
and workers' representatives
equipmentplanning, prior to lift. on industrial,
riggingsafety and
Construction Project Delivery Manages
consultative thecommittees.
coordination, andPrepares
workforce implementation
industrial issues
of as
new theyand
and plans
remodel for approval.
construction Reviews
projects. Coordinates plans
and implements and erection
new of
heavy Refer major
equipment into issues to
site and the Project Manager.
within site.ofRequests Select, train
assistanceand and
develop construction
foremen through
andexperts development
leadingtohands andloading project
ensure under estimates
the observance of
store civil and obtains
layouts, safety permits, confirm
and negotiates cranes poles
and administers
and at and other work
deadmen. Locates standards
all deadmen and fair and reasonable
anchors. Ensures application
all safety
of industrial Implements
agreements. remodel
regularly to the through design Project
development, are met. of remodel
Manager on allreview
production analysis results,
and employee matters.and contract
negotiations and administration.
Construction Project Delivery Responsible for the maintenance, construction, and engineering
activities for crude oil and natural gas pipelines. Supervises the
preparation of pipeline work requests and authorizations for
management approval. May select outside contractors and
Construction Project Delivery equipment for major
Oversees crews pipelinedistribution
in electrical maintenance and construction
construction and
projects. Establishes
maintenance. and implements
Supervises safety practices
powerline technicians, andteams,
forestry procedures
for pipeline
other maintenance
powerline and staff.
construction repair work. Monitors pipeline
pollution control and oil spill plans.
Medical Laboratory Performs and monitors varied and/or specialized diagnostic
laboratory tests. Performs higher complexity testing including, but
not limited to cytology, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry in
addition to simpler testing such as urinalyses, blood counts, etc.
Medical Laboratory Operates
Sorts and higher complexity
logs specimens, laboratory equipment.
centrifugation, May discuss
blood separations, and
culture with physicians
materials. Labels and/or laboratory
specimens management.
and performs testing in
accordance with strict procedures. Performs venipuncture and skin
puncture to collect specimens from patients. Performs testing such as
Medical Laboratory urinalyses,
Prepares thin blood counts,
sections separating
of body tissuesandforcentrifuging specimens,
use in microscopic
adding reagents
examination by atopathologist.
staining slides, etc. of
all phases Transcribes
sample and
records test
collection and results. Operates
histological sterilizingincluding
preparation, equipment to decontaminate
collection of tissues
at necropsy/autopsy, embedding, microtomy, routine staining,
Rehabilitation special
patients enzyme
and helpshistochemistry,
them improve immunohistochemistry,
basic motor functions
electron microscopy,
and reasoning abilities,and
situ compensate
permanent specifications
loss of
and standard processes to ensure
function by teaching them to perform tasks in specimen integrity is not
their daily living and
working environments. Cover-slips andpatients
These labels each mayslide.
conditions frozen
that are
mentally, Delivers
physically, prepared slides to pathologist.
developmentally, or May maintain
emotionally disabling. May
Emergency Services Determines
cutting the nature
instruments and and extent
other of the
related patient'sequipment.
laboratory condition while
tryingassist patientswhether
to ascertain in selectingtheappropriate adaptive equipment
patient has pre-existing medical and
Provides appropriate emergency care and transports the
patient when necessary.
Diagnoses and treats work-related illnesses and injuries of employees
and conducts fitness-for-duty physical examination. Manages the
company's internal employee-oriented medical activities by
conducting pre-employment physicals, check-ups, treatment of work-
General Patient Care Nursing connected illnesses, and
Renders professional providing
nursing care tomedical
ensureand thesurgical
comfortcare andin well
industrial accidentAdministers
being of patients. or disease cases. May beand
medications responsible
treatments for as
a central
company hospital, company hospitals at plant locations,
prescribed by the physician. Maintains patients' medical records on and
observations. pharmacies. May recommend
Assists physician medical and
during treatment and health policiesof
to avoid May
patient. injuryhaveandspecialized
disease. area of concentration.
General Patient Care Nursing Performs routine nursing service duties and basic nursing procedures
necessary to provide for the care, comfort, and safety of patients. In
doing so, takes vital signs, assists patients with personal hygiene, and
feeds and ambulates patients according to specific procedures.
Advanced Practice Nursing Maintains patient and
Provides assistance andservice
support rooms in a cleanand
to physicians andother
orderly condition.
providers in assessing, planning, and providing patient care. Assesses
physical and psychosocial health status of through collection of
health data. Identifies problems based upon interpretation of
Occupational & Environmental Health Nursing findings.
Responsible Evaluates need for
for providing immediate
health services nursing intervention,
and programs to the
organization’sand referral to
employees onother
companyhealth team members.
premises. PerformsParticipates
with the physician in the formulation of policies,
medical care functions and medical screening examinations such procedures, and as
protocols for
screening, the management
emergency care, andofreferral.
particular healthfactors
Assesses problems. at
workplace, and manages
any, causing thesickness
care of andstabilized chronicand
implements conditions.
Occupational & Environmental Health Nursing Responsible
Teaches, counsels, assisting
and the occupational
guides patients health nurse
on healthcare with
healthcare programs that enhance employees’
providing health services and programs to the organization’s wellness through
employees andon accident
company prevention.
medical recordkeeping
support to
nurses including
onsite employee health records,
clinic management, medical
including leave
patient of absence,
etc. and ensures
Maintains confidentiality
and updates the medical of this data
Pharmacy Management Provides professional support withinrecordkeeping
geographic area. system
and interview pharmacists. Solicitsabsence,
records, medical leaves of etc. Orders medical
file buy opportunities. Ensures
supplies, maintains inventory, and records authorizations
pharmacists are in compliance with laws and regulations. Manages
the execution of managed care and pharmacy programs.
Pharmacy Management Manages the day-to-day operations of the pharmacy. Responsible for
implementing and/or supervising the development of specific
pharmacy services and new programs. Plans, coordinates, and directs
all activities related to the compounding, dispensing, delivery,
Pharmacists receipt, and
Interprets handling of
physicians' medicationsand
prescriptions andcompounds
associated andproducts within
medications guidelines.
within regulatory guidelines. Consults medical staff
regarding use of medications and potential drug interactions and
handles complex problem resolution. Assists in maintenance of the
Pharmacy Technicians & Service Associates pharmacy's
Obtains newfinancial records.
prescriptions and prescription refill information (e.g.,
name, address, and health coverage). Retrieves, counts, and
measures drugs. Assists pharmacist in price-checking and restocking
of drugs. Accesses, inputs, and retrieves prescription information
from computer. Refers doctors' calls and any medical questions to
pharmacist. May operate a cash register.
Pharmacy Technicians & Service Associates Responsible for laboratory value monitoring, medical
chart/pharmacy profile poly-pharmacy reviews, medication
reconciliation, medication use evaluation monitoring,
pharmacoeconomic reviews, telephone logistical support,
Plans, directs and patient education
coordinates eyecommunication
care services. Overseesand prescriptioninventory,
order entry (with
and monitors pharmacist
quality of products.verification).
adjustmentsofand sterile and
to eyewear compounded
as needed. Reviews medicationsbudget, and Asepticstatements,
financial Technique, and over-
insurance payment products and supply
records. Developsitems, andintravenous
implements piggybacks,
plans for large
volume parenterals,
merchandising, and unit and
productivity, of use syringes. Preparation
profitability. Responds toandcustomer
Assists customers
distribution of unitindose
selecting eyeglasses
medications andand ward lens
items, and
appropriate as needed.
to the lens prescription. Measures customers' cornea
intravenous admixtures. Manufacturers complicated and
base curve and parenteral
uncomplicated determinesadmixtures
correct contact to belens, measures
delivered in thefor form of
large and/or distance
volume, pupilometer and observes
infusion syringe, ophthalmic,line of sight to
Assists bifocal
customers placement,
in choosing and and examines
eyeglass complex
frames eye using
and slit lampRings to
up in the
orders andfitting
maintenance,of contact
provides lenses.
excellent Uses computer
and troubleshooting
customer service. Fits to processof
after and places
customer dispensingspecial
order orders
pick-up. to Preparation
Stocks outside
andand Rings
maintenanceup orders
supplies, of
various logs, recordsWhere
department. merchandise,
and reports. and oversees
legally permitted and underapprentices
the as
supervision forofcertification
a licensed qualification.
Optician, mayormeasure and fit contact
Remotely (through e-mail, phone call, other platforms) contacts
lenses and adjust eyeglasses
individuals who have tested positive using frame for awarmer.
communicable disease and
all persons who have come into close contact with the individuals.
Follows designated scripts, policies and procedures to interview
Codes medical for symptoms,
records for information
the purposeon of their close contacts,
reimbursement, and
other required information.
and compliance with government Provides individuals
regulations with approved
according to diagnosis,
operation, and on procedure
isolation and on quarantine
a concurrent procedures
basis. Abstractsand referspatient them
to medical evaluation
medical records on worksheets. or testing. Records collected information in
contact tracing database.
Beauty Care Services Provide beauty related services to enhance clients’ appearance, to
include: skin/body treatments, cosmetology, hair stylization, barber,
make-up, manicure, pedicure. Maintains equipment and inventory of
products and tools. Responds to customer hair and beauty queries,
Child Care Services needs and expectations.
Responsible for providing on-site fun, didactic and caring services to
children. Organizes recreational activities for children, such as playing
games, singing songs, dancing, arts and craft making, reading stories,
etc. Observes and monitors children daily activities and supervises
Personal Protection Services their
Scanssafety. May alsowater
and supervises organize areasmeals or snacks.
(swimming pool, inland water,
ocean/sea beach etc.) to ensure people are safe and behaving
according to the rules. Acts in emergency situations and provides
rescue and first aid until medical personnel arrive.
Physical Fitness Services Plans, directs, and manages the Gym/Fitness Center. Designs,
implements, and evaluates promotional and motivational programs
and interventions. Procures and maintains fitness equipment.
Ensures safety and hygiene standards are followed. Prepares
Physical Fitness Services informational
Coordinates gym brochures
and fitnessand services,
on fitness to meet user
individuals needs.
or groups
in exercise theactivities,
effective supervises
and efficient theoperation
gym and of the gym/ areas,
equipment fitness
center on a routine
demonstrates basis. how to perform various exercises or safely
or explains
use equipment. Ensures the gym area is clean and safe. May perform
Therapeutic Services related booking
Treats clients byandusing cash handling
touch activities.muscles and other soft
to manipulate
tissues of the body. The massage therapy is used to relieve pain,
relieve stress, improve circulation, increase relaxation, help heal
injuries, and aid in the general wellness of clients. May work in spas,
Wellness Services clinics, physicians’
Responsible for theoffices,
effectivehotels, fitness/health
and efficient operationscenters, and
of the
associated areas. Ensures safety and hygiene standards are followed.
Focuses efforts on ensuring guests satisfaction. Responsibilities may
include supplies, inventory, budgeting, cost control, facility
Responsible for supervision.
providing financial modelling and analysis services to
clients. Analyzes organization’s financial statements (i.e. ROI, ration
analysis, cost/benefit analysis etc.) and maintains awareness of
business outlook to identify opportunities, implications and risks.
Builds quant for
Responsible models to analyze
providing general and evaluate debt
accounting services versus equity
to clients.
decisions, potential
Activities include costinvestments,
journal entries preparation; and othercash
flow; generalthat ledgerrelate to organization
processing; objectives.
reconciliations; Keeps up
reporting; andto tax
on changes
support etc.inEnsures
inflation, exchange
accuracy, rates, interest
completeness andrates, etc. and their
conformance to
potential impact on the
reporting/procedural organization.
standards of accounting records,services
Responsible for providing tax advisory and consulting
statements and/ortax
clients. Calculates financial reports.
liabilities May generate
and prepares tax returnsfinancialfor the
statements and reports
client’s different entitiesfor internal
across and/orensuring
the globe, external compliance
use. with
tax regulations. Plans tax strategies to optimize the tax liability by
identifying appropriate
Responsible for providing opportunities.
accounts payable Reviews the impact
and/or accounts of changes
to laws andservices
receivable regulations on taxReceives,
to clients. liabilities.verifies
Provides advice
tracks andonreports
tax all
invoices, andfor proposed
processes transactions
them for payment. suchReconciles
as mergers,and acquisitions
and assets
account disposal.
balances. Researches,
Follow-ups on analyzes and interprets
invoice/payment tax
discrepancies, and
regulations and industry practices to write
maintains vendor files. Ensures timely and accurate processing country-specific tax and
payment of invoices. Receives and posts cash receipts and reconciles
outstanding account balances. Prepares periodic reports on accounts
receivable and determines overdue accounts status. Sends follow-up
inquires and works with the collections team on the restructuring of
overdue accounts repayment.
Responsible for providing a broad range of end-to-end HR services to
clients, covering all aspects of the employee lifecycle from
recruitment to exit. Services may include recruitment and selection,
HR administration, compensation and benefits, payroll, etc. May
recruit and select
Responsible job applicants;
for providing orient and train
HR administration new employees;
and employee data
management compensation
services toand benefits;
clients. Manages appraise andperformance
processes employee and
handle data
records administration.
and information within Maythe also be involved
system. Performs in the design
routine of
audits and ensures solutions such asdata
employee employee self-service
are up-to-date andportal.
accurate. Also
Responsible in back-office
for providing andemployee
transaction services
support such as
services toperformance
Provides frontline records,supportleavebyand exit administration.
responding to HR related employee
inquiries received via the telephone and/or email. Provides self-
service solutions for employees; designs and establishes a self-service
portal or intranet
Responsible to enable
for providing employees
payroll services to tohave a single
clients. point of
Activities include
payroll to human resource
processing, relatedpayments,
direct deposit services. These onlineservices may
pay statements,
etc. access
Handles to HR policies,
employee programs
data receipt (time,andattendance
initiatives;etc.) payrollandchecks
and benefits
validation. administration
Follow-ups records;pay
on incorrect personal
information.information updates;
client’s employee
payroll communications content and allowing managersbasis,to
conduct online forprocessing
system and
providing recruitment appraisals.
services to clients.on a global Provides
and provides timely, efficient and accurate
recruitment expertise by selecting a pool of high-quality and diverse processing of payroll data.
human capital. Assesses and tailors recruitment strategies and
activities in regard to client’s organizational needs and hiring
Responsible forIdentifies providingand staffattracts
resourcing job applicants
management fromservices
clients byresources.
ensuring an Screens
assesses job applicants through
of practitioners/consultants
to projectsscreenings, reference
to fulfil client’s checking, interviews,
commitments and achieve etc. May also
assist in offer processing (offer details,
objectives. Considers staffing mix; procurement of contracting documentations) and the on-
services; process. market trends to ensure the availability of staff
Responsible for the management of the entire learning and
with the appropriate
development lifecycleskillsfor thefor core
Talent Prioritizes
Development staffing anddecisions
teams on by client’s
providing requirements,
training calendar time support
constraints and budget.
activities, Also
participates in project performance
nominations, query management, logistics, vendor management,reviews to effectively allocate
attendance resources for future preparation
projects. of evaluation reports and
Responsiblerecord updates,
for providing supply chain planning services to clients for
billing support services.
increased forecasting accuracy; reduced Handling of all training
inventory requests and costs
& obsolete
requirements such as classroom-based
as well as improved customer satisfaction and profitability. training, e-learning, Activities
training support as well as assessments,
include demand forecasting and planning; inventory & safety stock etc. Assisting in developing
planning; for in-house
supply networkLearning & Development
planning; distribution activities
planning and
updating thefor providing
relevant sourcing
content and
of Aggregates
the procurement
online and offline services
training to
clients.modelling and design, etc.
Manages the entire sourcing and procurement cycle from anticipated demand
across geographical locations and product portfolios; factors in
sourcing and purchasing to settlement. Sources for diverse and
competitive forsources
inventory andmaterials,
of raw safety stock planning;
utilities and otherconducts tactical
Ensures andavailability
the sourcing decisions;
of materials plans in optimal
the supply distribution
chain, as channels
and routes forfora providing
responsive supplier
supply at quality
chain. management services to
and theConducts
clients. maintenance supplierof inventory
audits, assessment minimum andacceptable
evaluation levels.
Monitors inventory requests, production
ensure conformance to client’s quality, cost and delivery schedules and purchase
requisitions tostandards.
performance coordinateEstablishes
activities formetrics or supplier
scorecard to measure demand
supplier ofperformance.
materials andAssesses services.and Collects
suppliers’ for designing,
quotations and developing
examines andIdentifies
bids. implementing ERP
and selects
systems, products
and related and performance
training to
needs. Analyzes ensure compliance
theofcurrent with pre-
established that meet
standards the organization’s
and specifications. standards
Identifies price,
areasand quality
for and
delivery. Negotiatesbusiness processes
terms, and and
manages drives the
supplier design
improvements within
implementation of thethe supplyERP
required chain and works
system closely with
configuration. Supports
ongoing to drive continuous
improvements to the improvement.
ERP system andResolves
conducts poor supplier
training to
quality issues for
and providing
provides applications
appropriate testing
support services to clients.
desired supplier
maximize the usage of ERP system. Develops
Tests for the functionality and performance of software applications user
documentation and provides maintenance and support services.
or systems software prior to their market release. Develops and
executes test plans and scripts designed to detect problems in
Responsible applications
for providing and websystems contentsoftware.
services Ensures software
to clients by creating
and maintaining or systems
accurate software meet technical
and compelling contentand forfunctional
website and
requirements. Performs workflow analysis,
other online communications media. Ensures content is structured documenting test resultsto
and recommends
meet users’ needsquality and aligned improvements.
with client’s Works
web with Applications
strategy. Manages
and performsfor to resolve
website software
editorial defectsincluding
activities and diagnose/improve
Data Science & Analytics Services Responsible
product configuration providing data analytics
current and future services
modules.togathering and
clients. Gathers
operational information
data to to examine enhances
pastsoftware the
businesstest value
performance.of theWellsite. versed
negotiates, languages
and pursues automate
content. Gathers cases.
audience feedback for
data patterns and trends, and provides insights to enhance business
website improvement
decision making capability and in enhancements.
business planning, process
Data Science & Analytics Services improvement, solution assessment,
Responsible for providing business analytics etc. Recommends
services toactions clients.for This
includes developments
developing new andinsights
strategicand business opportunities,
understanding as well as
of business
enhancements to operational policies.
performance based on data and statistical methods. Analyzes May be involved in descriptive
external , exploratory dynamics dataand analysis,
other confirmatory
data sources to data analysis.
assess trends
Data Science & Analytics Services and develop for
Responsible actionable
providing insights and recommendations
HR analytics services to clients. to This
includes analyzing via understanding of the business model and theetc.;
workforce diversity/performance/turnover,
examining impact available of HR forprograms/strategy;
analysis. Typically uses data, statistical
and offering tools forand
further insights. analysis,
Gathers explanatory
insights on andthepredictive
workforcemodeling, performance and fact-
based management
HR programsfor using to drive
industry decision
benchmarks making.
such asoperations
return on human
Data Science & Analytics Services Responsible analyzing supply chain business and
processes revenue
of the per client employee,
with the etc. primaryAnalyzes
of reducing datacostand
and increasingthe findings
efficiency.on the implementation
Partners with different andbusiness
effectiveness line of HR
managers delivery and methodologies
in understanding and framing tooperational
the senior management.
problems for
Identifies areas for improvements
further analysis. Conducts analytical studies to optimize to workforce productivity and
workflow through to HReffective
programs as required.
measuring, May also
modelling andprovide planning
and forecasting
develops data-driven tools for better planning and using
recommendations enhanced productivity.
analytics and quantitative techniques. Designs and develops
reporting and metrics that properly evaluate Supply Chain
operations, and accordingly ideates service improvement initiatives.
Consumer & Commercial Banking (Outsourcing & Global Identifies and analyzes on the potential areas of risks to which the
Capability Centers) Operations client has exposure. This includes market risk, liquidity risk, etc.
Gathers risk-related data from both external and internal resources.
Monitors and ensures client does not take on excessive levels of
Consumer & Commercial Banking (Outsourcing & Global risks.
AssessesRecommends ways to control
the creditworthiness or mitigate risks.customers to
of retail/commercial
Capability Centers) Operations determine degree of risk involved in extending credit or loans.
Analyzes personal/corporate financial status, credit history, and
other financial information. Generates financial ratios to determine
Consumer & Commercial Banking (Outsourcing & Global profitability
Monitors all and liquidity
the client status. Makes
transactions and effective decisions
filters those which in
Capability Centers) Operations to
be credit
coming extensions
from illegal andorcredit limitssources.
unethical to maximize
reports of and
minimize credit
suspicious risks and
transactions andlosses.
otherMaintains up-to-date
cash transactions forand accurate
further review
financial background
by the client. Responsibleinformation on present
for maintaining theand
Know Your Client
(KYC) process,
Responsible forsanctions
technicalinvestigation of alerts, and
writing, proofreading,
editorial services to clients.of programs,
Createsrisk assessment,
a range responsible for
of technical
updating of financial
documentation such crime relatedmanuals,
as technical regulatory requirements
installation manuals,and user
manuals, compliance to achieveand
design specifications, business
materials. Researches
and interprets
Responsible fortechnical
services to update through thediscussions
internal policywith
reference matter
payment andpolicy
libraryinto user-friendly
reference guides, internal
codes from Medical to address
Policy, the business
Client Services,requirements of end
other scientific literature
such as patents.Proofreads
key data or and
external documents
accurately input for continuity,
into sentence
predefined structure,responsible
fields/tables; and typographical errors.research
for ensuring Reviewscodes
edits and evaluates
documents’ contentinformation
forup from healthcare
completeness and providers
accuracy. and
are accurate,
patients complete,
on the adverse and
effects to date as per
of medicines/drugs the changes in the
from the clinical
regular reviews
medical policy. to ensure documentation meet established
trial stage
requirements to the
adhere to quality stage. Prepares adverse event
reports and provides reliable information on the risk-benefit profile
of medicines/drugs.
This benchmark is toContinuously monitors the
be used for incumbents long-term
with hybrid health
effects of authorized
responsibilities acrossmedicines/drugs
the Sub-family ortoincumbents
enhance patient care and
who cannot be
matched to a specific job in the Sub-family.
Specialization Match Note Executive
Typical Titles

Chair of the Board, Chairman, Executive


Chair and Chief Executive Officer (CEO),

Chair & CEO, Chief Executive Officer,
President & CEO, CEO

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Head of

Organization, President, President & CEO,

Chief Commercial Officer, Head of

Commercial, Head of Commercialization,
Head of Commercial Strategy

Head of Operations, Chief Operations

Officer (COO)

Do not report expatriates to this position. Head of International Operations, Top

International Executive

Incumbents matched to this Specialization may Head of Business, Head of Product Line
report to those who lead an operating entity or
may report directly to the Parent/Corporate
organization. Do not match incumbents that lead
an operating entity (Subsidiary, Group, Division) of Head of Administration, Chief
the organization. Administration Officer (CAO)

Head of Shared Services

Incumbents focused solely on the financial Head of Long-Term Business Strategy &
modeling and analysis of proposed business plans Planning, Head of Corporate Strategy &
and strategies should be matched to the Planning, Head of Strategic Planning, Head
Corporate Financial Planning & Analysis of Corporate Planning, Long-Term Business
specialization in the Finance job family. Strategy & Planning
Head of Mergers Executive, Corporate
& Acquisitions, Mergers &
Strategy & Planning Executive, Strategic
Acquisitions Executive
Planning Executive, Corporate Planning
Head of Innovation, Chief Innovation Officer

Chief Digital Officer

Head of Operations Strategy, Business
Strategy Executive

Business Architecture Executive

Head of Physical Asset Management,

Physical Asset Management Executive

Management Trainee roles are also available in

the following Job Families: Consumer &
Commercial Banking, Retail, and Hospitality. If
applicable please match to these roles.

Incumbents matched to this role should be Chief Risk Officer, Head of Risk
directly accountable to senior leadership of the Management
parent company and/or the parent's Executive
Head of Risk Management, Risk
Management Executive

Para-Professional incumbents gather and manage Head of Insurance

data on exposure, pricing, and risk from various
business groups and assists with maintenance of
risk models.
Research Analysis Executive, Research &
Analysis Executive, Model Risk
Management Executive

Head of Business Continuity, Business

Continuity Executive, Head of Business
Continuity Planning, Business Continuity
Planning Executive
Business Continuance Executive, Disaster
Recovery Executive

Head of Operational Risk, Head of

Enterprise Risk, Head of Risk Management

Corporate Security Executive, Security

Executive, Enterprise Protective Services

Environmental Risk Executive, Head of

Environmental Risk, Environmental
Stewardship Executive
Market Risk Management Executive

Investment Risk Management Executive

Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Head of

Finance & Accounting

This is the top position in an organization where Head of Corporate Finance, Corporate
finance is a separate sub-function reporting to the Finance Executive, Finance Executive
Chief Financial Officer (CFO). If incumbent is the
head of a separate sub-function, such as
Controller, Treasurer,
Para-Professional etc., please
incumbents match
compile the
incumbent to the appropriate
maintain financial information.sub-function

Head of Finance Business Partners

Head of Financial Planning & Analysis,

Financial Planning & Analysis Executive

Head of Revenue Management

Corporate Controller, Controller, Head of

Financial Control, Financial Control
Executive, Financial Controller
Head of Management Accounting, Top
Management Accounting Executive

IT Business Executive

Head of Cost Accounting, Top Cost

Accounting Executive

Head of Budgeting, Budgeting Executive,

Head of Budget Accounting

Head of Government Accounting

Para-Professional incumbents are responsible for Head of Accounting, Accounting Executive

accounting transaction/data entry, data
verification, and records maintenance. The
following types of incumbents should be matched
to the Accounting Specialization: •Incumbents Head of Financial Reporting, Financial
with a primary focus on general transaction Reporting Executive
recording and control/reconciliation of accounts
who work in organizations with separate
specialists performing some or all of the
budgeting, cost accounting, internal management
and/or external financial reporting work.
•Incumbents in positions that focus solely on the
accounting aspects of tax, treasury, etc. (i.e., tax
or treasury transaction recording and records
maintenance). This type of highly specialized
accounting work is typically found in a shared
services or outsourcing environment.
Head of Revenue Accounting

Head of Fund Accounting

The following types of incumbents should be Head of Tax, Top Tax Executive
matched to the Accounting specialization in the
Accounting sub-family: •Incumbents in hybrid
positions that include both General Accounting
and General Tax work •Incumbents in positions Head of Tax Research & Planning, Top Tax
that focus solely on the accounting aspects of tax Research & Planning Executive
(e.g., tax transaction recording and records
maintenance). This type of highly specialized
accounting work is typically found in a shared
services or outsourcing environment.
Head of International Tax, Top International
Tax Executive

Head of Treasury, Top Treasury Executive,


Head of Cash Management, Top Cash

Management Executive

Head of Corporate Finance, Head of Finance

Structure & Funding, Corporate Finance
Executive, Finance Structure & Funding
Top Investment Executive

Investment Management Executive

Post Investment Management Executive

Head of Accounts Payable/Receivable,

Accounts Payable/Receivable Executive

Head of Accounts Payable, Accounts

Payable Executive

Head of Accounts Receivable, Accounts

Receivable Executive

Para-Professional incumbents verify information Head of Billing & Invoicing

(e.g., ensure accuracy of billing information,
negotiated terms, etc.) and complete invoice data

Head of e-Payment Operations

Head of Credit & Collections, Top Credit &

Collections Executive

Head of Credit, Top Credit Executive

Head of Collections, Top Collections

Head of Credit Office, Credit Investigation


HR Director, VP HR, VP Human Resources,

Chief People Officer, Chief Talent Officer

Para-Professional incumbents maintain employee Head of HR Generalists, General Human

files/records, support hiring/termination Resources Executive
processes, track performance ratings, and compile
HR-related statistics.
HR Business Partner Executive, Head of HR
Business Partners

For unionized locations, see Human Resources

Management (Union Facility).

For nonunionized locations see Facility Human

Resources Management (Non-Union Facility).

Head of Mobility, Mobility Executive

Head of Relocation, Head of Relocation


Head of Immigration Services, Immigration


Incumbents responsible for general employee Head of Compensation & Benefits

compensation and benefits such as a Rewards Administration, Compensation & Benefits
Generalist or a Compensation & Benefits Administration Executive, Head of
Generalist should be matched to the Compensation & Benefits, Top
Compensation & Benefits specialization. Compensation & Benefits
Head of Compensation, TopExecutive

Head of Executive Compensation

Head of Benefits, Top Benefits Executive

Incumbents responsible for the strategy and Head of Total Rewards, Total Rewards
design of financial and non-financial rewards to Executive
attract, motivate and retain employees should be
matched to the Total Rewards specialization.
Head of Work/Life Programs, Head of
Incumbents responsible for medical and insurance
benefits programs should be matched to the
Health & Welfare Benefits specialization.

Para-Professional incumbents are responsible for Head of HR Operations, HR Operations

HR data entry, HR records maintenance, and Executive
compilation/maintenance of ad-hoc HR
information and documents.
Head of Compensation & Benefits
Administration, Compensation & Benefits
Administration Executive

Head of Compensation Administration,

Compensation Administration Executive

Head of Benefits Administration, Benefits

Administration Executive

Para-Professional incumbents coordinate training Head of Workers Compensation, Workers

programs for occupational safety and health and Compensation Executive
maintain first aid supplies and first aid room in
accordance with legislative requirements.
Head of Human Resources Service Center,
HR Resource Center Executive, Human
Resource Center Executive

HRIS Executive

Head of Payroll, Payroll Executive

Head of Sales Commission Payments, Head

of Sales Commission Payroll

Incumbents responsible for general employee Head of Employee & Labor Relations,
communications should be matched to Employee Employee & Labor Relations Executive
Communications specialization in the
Communications & Corporate Affairs job family.
The communications
Employee component
Relations focuses on HRofand employee Head of Employee Relations, Employee
issues. Incumbents Relations and Programs
responsible is
for business Relations Executive
specific to HR-related
communications issues only.
for employees should be
matched to Employee Communications
specialization in the Communications & Corporate Head of Labor/Union Relations, Labor
Affairs job family. The communications Relations Executive, Labor/Union Relations
component of Employee Relations is specific to Executive
HR-related issues only.
Head of Equal Employment
Opportunity/Diversity, Head of Diversity
Head of Employee Assistance Program,
Employee Assistance Program Executive

Head of Employee Experience, Employee

Experience Executive

Para-Professional incumbents arrange interviews, Head of Talent Acquisition, Head of Staffing

handle communications with candidates, and & Recruiting
assist with initial phone screening of candidates.

Head of Recruiting, Recruiting Executive

Head of Executive Recruiting

Head of Technical Recruiting, Technical

Recruiting Executive

Head of Campus Recruiting, Campus

Recruiting Executive

Head of Talent & Organization

Performance, Talent & Organization
Performance Executive

Head of Performance Management, Head

of Talent Management, Performance
Management Executive, Talent
Head of Leadership & Management
Development, Leadership & Management
Development Executive

Head of Workforce Planning, Workforce

Planning Executive

Organizational Design Executive,

Operational Excellence Executive,
Organization/Talent Development
Para-Professional incumbents compile and analyze Head of Training, Head of Training &
information for inclusion in training materials, Development, Head of Learning &
draft training materials for review, and assist with Development
coordinating training logistics, scheduling,
distribution of materials, etc. Head of Training Delivery, Training Delivery

Incumbents matching to this specialization are Head of Training & Instructional Design,
typically found in larger organizations with Head of Curriculum Design, Training &
separate training positions that deliver the Development Instructional Design Executive
Training Operations Executive, Operations
Training Executive

Incumbents matching to this specialization are

managers or supervisors in dedicated employee
training center facilities, typically found in very
large organizations.

May require language certification.

Communications & Corporate Affairs

Director, VP Communications & Corporate

Corporate Communications Executive

Change Management Executive, Change

Enablement Executive, Change Executive

Change Management Executive, Technical

Change Management Executive, Change

Employee Communications Executive

Communications Executive

Match incumbents focused primarily on collecting, Knowledge Management Executive

cataloguing, and storing knowledge and
information authored by others to this
specialization. Incumbents focused primarily on:
•Authoring and communicating knowledge and Head of Alumni Relations, Alumni Relations
information to internal employees •Facilitating Executive
collaboration and knowledge sharing between
employees Should be matched to the Employee
Communications & Collaboration Specialization.
Corporate Affairs Executive
Government and Public Relations Executive

Government Relations Executive

Public Relations Executive

If the incumbent's responsibility is wider than

social media, please consider matching to a
different role in this Sub-family. Incumbents
whose responsibility is focused on marketing of
the company's products/services should be Community Relations Executive
matched to Social Media Marketing in the Sales,
Marketing, and Product Management Job Family.

Head of Patient Advocacy, Patient Advocacy


This role is focused on the communications, Investor Relations Executive

stakeholder relationships, and monitoring aspects
of investor relations. A similar role may exist
under Finance in some organizations. Incumbents
accountable specifically for investor targeting and Head of Legal, Compliance & Audit,
tracking analysis should be matched to the Compliance & Audit Executive
Finance job family.

Head of Compliance, Compliance Executive

Head of Legal, General Counsel

Incumbents matching to this specialization are Legal Counsel Executive

lawyers that are required to have admission to
practice law. Lawyers working internally as in-
house counsel should be matched to this
Lawyers workingIncumbents
internally with a primary
as in-house focus on Patent Law Executive
be matched(who arespecialization.
to this not necessarily
required to have admission to practice law) should
be matched to the Ethics Compliance
specialization in the Compliance sub-family.
Incumbents in positions involving ethics
compliance in addition to providing legal advice
(requiring admission to practice law) should be
matched to this specialization.
Head of Litigation, Executive Counsel, Head
of Corporate Litigation

Head of Regulatory Affairs, Executive

Counsel, Managing Counsel, Associate
General Counsel

General Counsel, Associate General Counsel

Head of Contract Management

Land Contracts & Negotiations for farm-outs and

farm-ins within the Energy Industry should be
matched to this Specialization.

Head of Contracting and Pricing,

Contracting and Pricing Executive, Head of
Contracts, Contracts Executive

Secretaries providing administrative support to Corporate Secretary

the Corporate Secretary/Legal Sr. Manager and/or
other legal department staff should be mapped to
the Legal Secretarial specialization.

Legal secretaries performing work focused

primarily on the following should be matched to
the Legal Secretarial specialization: •Performing
basic editing of legal documents (e.g., formatting,
grammar/spell checking conducting
Incumbents in positions of content, legal
etc.) research
and draftingsignatures on legal
legal document documents,
content (as described
notarizing documents,
below) should be matched preparing
to theand
stock certificates, etc.
Research/Paralegal •Legal document
Specialization in the Legal sub-
family: and archiving
•Conducting •Planning
legal research and
(e.g., due
scheduling incumbents
logistics for meetings classify records,
maintains case and
indexes factual
of research,
files, and monitors/maintains
searches, board of
responding director and
to queries shareholder
meetings controls, document numbering, titling, etc.
investigations, preparing summary reports, etc.)
•Drafting, reviewing and editing legal documents
(e.g., contracts, agreements, business
communications, etc.) Secretaries providing
administrative support to a specific type of
Company Officer position called a “Corporate
May includeshould be matched
searches to thenature
of a scientific Legal
requiring a specialization.
science background.Despite the somewhat
confusing “Corporate Secretary” title, the
company officer being supported is typically a
Senior Management position in the Legal
Department accountable for implementing Head of Regulatory Affairs
decisions made by the Board of Directors. The
secretary providing administrative support to the
Senior Manager level “Corporate Secretary” is
typically a para-professional level position. Head of Regulatory Policy & Intelligence,
Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Executive

Head of Product Regulatory Compliance,

Product Regulatory Compliance Executive
Head of Product Safety Risk Management,
Product Safety Risk Management Executive

Head of Regulatory Affairs, Head of Life

Sciences Regulatory Affairs

Para-Professional incumbents coordinate, Head of Life Sciences Regulatory Affairs,

schedule, prepare, and compile documents Head of Regulatory Affairs
containing scientific information for submission to
regulatory agencies. Para-Professionals also
review regulatory submissions and sequencing Head of Testing & Documentation,
documents for quality and internal and regulatory Regulatory Documentation

Head of Advertising & Promotion

Regulatory Affairs, Advertising & Regulatory
Affairs Executive, Head of Promotional
Regulatory Affairs, Promotional Regulatory
Head ofExecutive
CMC Regulatory Affairs, CMC
Regulatory Affairs Executive

Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs, Rates

and Regulatory Affairs Executive

Head of Marketed Products Medical Affairs

Head of Medical Affairs

Head of Medical Information

Head of Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety


Head of Regulatory Submissions, Head of

Submissions, Regulatory Submissions
Executive, Submissions Executive
Head of Internal Audit, Internal Audit

Para-Professional incumbents prepare/maintain Head of Internal Financial Audit, Internal

audit files and review manuals, policies, reports, Financial Audit Executive
financial statements, and other written materials
to collect information.
Head of Internal Controls

Head of Information Systems Audit, Head of

IT Audit, Information Systems Audit, IT
Audit Executive

Head of Security & Fraud Detection

Head of Brand Protection

AML Executive

Security & Fraud Detection Director, Head

of Security & Fraud Detection

Para-Professional incumbents monitor customer

accounts and payments to ensure they are used
for the original intended purpose.

Head of Fraud Detection, Fraud Detection


Head of Compliance, Compliance Executive

Incumbents in this role may be Lawyers, but are Head of Ethics Compliance, Ethics
not required to have admission to practice law. Compliance Executive
Incumbents in positions involving ethics
compliance in addition to providing legal advice
requiring admission to practice law should be
matched to the Legal Counsel: General Business
specialization in the Legal sub-family.
Privacy Executive, Security & Privacy
Executive, Data Privacy & Protection

Head of Technical Compliance

Online Content Compliance Executive, Head

of Online Content Compliance, Content
Moderation Executive, Head of Content

Head of Industrial Security, Industrial

Security Executive

Para-Professional incumbents file audit reports, Head of Vendor Compliance

update vendor records on database, and
schedules audits appointments, etc.

Head of Clinical Research Monitoring,

Clinical Research Monitoring Executive

Head of Trade Compliance, Head of

International Trade Compliance, Trade
Compliance Executive, International Trade
Compliance Executive

The intent of this role is to track and report on

payments from pharmaceutical manufacturers to
physicians or teaching hospitals to avoid bribery
and conflict of interest.

Head of Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety, Head of Health Safety &

Incumbents responsible for environmental health Head of Health Safety & Environment, Top
& safety only should be matched to General Health Safety & Environment Executive
Environmental Health & Safety specialization.
Incumbents responsible for employee health &
safety only should be matched to General
Employee/Labor Health & Safety specialization.
Incumbents matched to this Specialization should
have responsibility for both.
Incumbents responsible for both environmental Head of Environmental Health & Safety,
and employee health & safety should be matched Top Environmental Health & Safety
to General Environmental and Employee Health & Executive, Head of Environmental Affairs,
Safety specialization. Incumbents responsible for Top Environmental Affairs Executive
employee health & safety only should be matched
to General Employee/Labor Health & Safety

Para-professionals process hazardous materials Head of Hazardous Materials Management

including receiving, logging, labeling, segregating,
classifying, and packaging. They also assist with
inspections to ensure compliance with the
organization's policies, procedures, regulations
and standards.

Head of Product Stewardship, Product

Stewardship Executive

Head of Sustainability, Top Sustainability


Incumbents responsible for both environmental Head of Labor Safety, Top Labor Safety
and employee health & safety should be matched Executive
to General Environmental and Employee Health &
Safety specialization. Incumbents responsible for
environmental health & safety only should be
matched to General Environmental Health &
Safety specialization.
Incumbents working in a general office
environment performing word processing work in
support of local office or function-specific business
processes (representing a portion or all of their
job’s accountabilities) should be matched to this

Incumbents that focus primarily on producing and

distributing printed communication materials for
both internal and external audiences should be
matched to the General Communications &
Corporate Affairs specialization in the
Communications & Corporate Affairs job family.
Generally only corporate headquarters will have
both the Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support and
the Communications & Corporate Affairs

This Specialization applies to internal travel


Property includes but is not limited to government

classified documents, equipment, components,
assemblies, etc.
Head of Office Facilities & Administration,
Office Facilities & Administration Executive,
Head of Corporate Office Services/Facilities,
Corporate Office Services/Facilities
Para-Professional incumbents issue employee and Head of Security, Security Executive, Chief
guest badges, identification cards, and security Security Officer, Head of Security & Safety
reader cards; verify accuracy of information prior
to issuing clearances.

Head of Library, Library Head

Head of Project/Program Management
Office (PMO), Project/Program
Management Office (PMO) Executive

Para-Professional incumbents update/maintain Head of Project Management, Head of

project schedules and associated resource plans Program Management, Project, Program
and prepares progress reports. Management Executive

Head of Estimating, Estimating Executive

Head of IT Project/Program Management

Office (PMO), IT Project/Program
Management Office (PMO) Executive

Para-Professional incumbents update/maintain Head of IT Project Management, Head of IT

project schedules and associated resource plans Program Management, IT Project, IT
and prepares progress reports. Para-Professional Program Management Executive, Head of
support may be in a Project Management Office Technical Project Management, Technical
(PMO) environment supporting multiple IT Project
Head ofManagement Executive, Head
Portfolio Management, Head of
Projects. Project
StrategicManagement, Project Management
Portfolio Management, Head of
R&D Portfolio Management, Portfolio
Management Executive, R&D Portfolio
Head of Clinical Research Project

Scrum Product Owner Executive, Chief

Product Owner

Scrum Master Executive

Head of ITO/BPO Solution Delivery,
ITO/BPO Solution Delivery Executive

Match lower level project managers to one of the

following specializations: •Project Management:
General (Construction) in the Project/Program
Management job family (If an engineering degree
is not typically required) •Project Engineering Sales & Marketing Director, Sales &
(Construction) in the Engineering & Science job Marketing Executive, VP Sales & Marketing
family (If an engineering degree is typically
Sales Director, Sales Executive, VP of Sales

Marketing Director, Marketing Executive,

VP Marketing

Sales & Marketing Executive

Branch Management roles are also available in the

following Job Families: Consumer & Commercial
Banking, Retail, and Sales, Marketing & Product
Management. If applicable please match to these
Incumbents in positions accountable for mid-term Sales & Marketing Business Development
strategy and planning in two or more of the Executive
following areas should be matched to this
specialization: •Commercial/Pricing Strategy &
Planning •Sales Channel Strategy & Planning Alliance Executive
•New Product Development Strategy & Planning
Incumbents focused on mid-term strategy for
optimizing across all sales channels (omni-channel
strategy) should also be matched to this
Incumbents focused
specialization. on developing
Incumbents mid -term on Pricing Strategy and Policy Executive
focused exclusively
commercial/pricing strategy for
e-commerce channel/online a broad
sales portfolio
strategy should
matchedor toservices should beStrategy
the E-Commerce matched&to this
specialization. Incumbents
Planning specialization. focused on developing
short to mid-term
incumbents commercial/pricing
assist in gathering market strategy for Media Planning & Strategy Executive
assistsproduct/brand should be matched to the
with proposition/campaign
development toManagement (P&L/Revenue
garner new business.
Accountability) specialization in the Product
Marketing & Management sub-family.
Head of Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital
Marketing Executive

Pricing Research Executive

Head of Capture Management, Capture
Management Executive

Head of Loyalty Programs, Head of Loyalty

Marketing, Head of Customer Loyalty
Programs, Loyalty Program Executive,
Customer Loyalty Executive, Loyalty
Marketing Executive

Head of Product Licensing, Product

Licensing Executive, Head of Licensing,
Licensing Executive

Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement

Head of Health Economics

Head of Market Access, Strategic Market


Head of Reimbursement, Product

Reimbursement Executive

Head of Health Economics Liaison, Health

Economics Liaison Executive, Head of
Health Outcomes Liaison, Health Outcomes
Liaison Executive
Head of New Ventures, New Ventures
Executive, Head of Business Development,
Business Development Executive, Head of
Search & Evaluation, Search & Evaluation

Game Product Strategy & Planning


E-Commerce Strategy Executive

E-Payment Strategy Executive

Merchant Development Executive

Merchant Operations Executive

Merchant Training Executive

Para-Professional incumbents perform basic Marketing Executive

editing of marketing proposals, presentation, and
communication materials; compile and maintain
data on status and effectiveness of marketing
campaigns and tactics; conduct routine research Head of Product Development, Product
on marketplace and customer trends. Development Executive

Head of Product Design

Head of Technical Design

Head of Technical Enhancement

Para-Professional incumbents are responsible for

product operations data input, collecting user
feedback, and assisting with organizing user
activities, etc.

Product Marketing Executive

Incumbents in positions focused on managing Product/Brand Marketing Executive

incremental improvements to/expansion of an
existing product or brand and short to mid-term (1
to 3 year) sales and P&L targets should be
matched to the
Incumbents Product/Brand
in positions focusedManagement
on managing Product/Brand Management Executive
(P&L/Revenue Accountability)
incremental improvements specialization.
to/expansion of an
Incumbents matching
existing product to this
or brand andspecialization may be
short to mid-term (1
responsible for one
to 3 year) sales and product/brand or a be
P&L targets should
matched to this of similar products.
Head of Commercialization, Head of
Product Commercialization

Product Management Executive

Mobile Product Management Executive

Head of Product Management, Product

Management Executive

Game Product Operations Executive, Game

Operations Executive

Game Licensed Product Operations


Trade Marketing Executive

Channel Marketing Executive

Match incumbents working for Consumer Goods Category Management Executive

Manufacturing organizations to this specialization.
Match incumbents working for Retail
Organizations to the applicable Retail Industry
Consumer Marketing
Match incumbents specialization.
working for Consumer Goods Shopper Marketing Executive
Manufacturing organizations to this specialization.
Match incumbents working for Retail
Organizations to the applicable Retail Industry
Consumer Marketing specialization. Internet/Online Marketing Executive,
Digital Marketing Executive
Social Media Marketing Executive

E-Commerce Marketing Executive

Content Marketing Executive

Web Content Executive

Search Engine Marketing Executive

Content Operations Executive, Digital

Media Operations Director

Direct Marketing Executive, Direct

Marketing & Telemarketing Executive

Direct Marketing Executive, Direct

Marketing & Telemarketing Executive

Technical Marketing Executive

Employee Product Training Executive

Customer Product Training Executive

Head of Nutrition
Head of Life Sciences Marketing Services,
Professional Services - Marketing Executive

Head of Medical Writing

Head of Medical Scientific Liaison, Medical

Science Liaison Executive

Head of Clinical Education, Clinical

Education Executive

Head of Patient Education, Nurse Educator


Head of Technical Sales, Technical/Scientific

Sales Service Executive

Incumbents matching to this specialization can be Advertising/Marketing Communications

working on advertising and promotion campaigns Executive
for a corporate or for an external
marketing/advertising agency.
Advertising/Promotions Executive,
Marketing Services Executive

Promotion & Merchandising Executive

Conferences/Congresses/Events Executive

Head of Web Advertising, Head of Online


Head of Advertising, Head of Advertising

and Sales Promotion

Marketing Research Executive, Market

Research Executive

Consumer Insight Executive

Database Marketing Executive

Sales & Account Management Executive

Sales Executive

Field Sales (Key Accounts) Executive

Incumbents matching to this specialization do not

decide on price, discounts, and do not discuss
promotion policy.

Technical Sales Executive, Head of Technical


Head of Government Sales

Direct Sales Executive

Direct Sales (Key Accounts) Executive

Sales Finance Executive

This job is typically on premises at a vineyard

where the wine being sold is produced by the

Channel Sales Executive

Partner Sales Executive, Head of Partner

Pre-Sales Product Consulting Executive

If incumbent's role is not sales focused consider Pre-Sales Solution Architect Executive
matching to the IT Solution Architecture (High
Tech) specialization in the IT, Telecom & Internet
job family.
Sales Executive - Software Tools &

Sales Executive - Hardware

Sales Executive - Integrated Solutions

Sales Executive - Services

Online Sales Executive

Head of Medical Sales

Head of Animal Health Sales

Specialist/Head of Clinical Sales, Hospital

Sales Executive

Head of Animal Health Sales

Head of Pharmacy Sales

Head of Channel/Distributor Sales

Head of Animal Health Sales

Head of Practitioner/Physician Sales

Head of Practitioner/Physician Sales

Online Advertising Sales Executive

Requires comprehensive and specialized technical

knowledge of oil & gas products, services, and
their application to customer requirements and
competitive market.
Head of Marketing, Head of Marketing and

Match incumbents in positions encompassing Telesales Executive

both of the following to the Business Order
Administration & Customer Service specialization
in the Customer Service & Contact Center
Operations job family,
Match incumbents Customer Service
in call/contact center sub-
service •New order
positions to processing •Customer
the Customer Service sub-
inquiries related to processing/shipping issues
family in the Customer Service & Contact Center for
orders already
Operations job placed
family.These positions are typically
business-to-business (B2B), but may also be
business-to-consumer (B2C). Match incumbents in
call center positions that focus 100% on new order
processing to the Order Processing specialization
in the Sales Operations/Administration sub-family.
These positions are typically Business-to- Inside Sales Executive, Remote Account
Consumer (B2C) and exist in cases where the Executive
customer is asked to select between: •Assistance
with a new order (call is routed to the Order
Processing specialization) •Assistance with an
existing order (call is routed to the Contact Center
Customer Service (Non-Technical) specialization in
the Customer Service & Contact Center
Operations job family, Customer Service sub-
family) Account Management Executive

Renewals Executive, Contract Renewals

Executive, Head of Renewals, Head of
Contract Renewals
Sales Training Executive

Sales Operations/Administration Executive

Sales Effectiveness Executive, Head of Sales

Effectiveness Control/Measurement

Incumbents matching to this specialization do not Head of Inbound Order Entry, Inbound
have a sales quota and are typically located in a Order Entry Executive
call center environment. Match incumbents in call
center positions that focus 100% on new order
processing to this specialization. These positions Order Management Executive
are typically Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and exist
in cases where the customer is asked to select
between: •Assistance with a new order (call is
routed to the Order Processing specialization)
•Assistance with an existing order (call is routed to Head of Contract, Bid and Proposal
the Contact Center Customer Service (Non- Management, Head of Bid & Proposal,
Technical) specialization in the Customer Service Contract Management Executive, Contracts
& Contact Center Operations job family, Customer & Grants Executive, Contracts Management
Service sub-family) & Legal
Head of Executive
Proposal Development

Head of Channel Operations, Head of Sales

Channel Operations, Channel Operations
Executive, Sales Channel Operations
Head of Proposals, Head of Proposal

Head of Managed Markets, Managed

Markets Executive, Strategic Partners
Executive, Head of Managed Care,
Managed Care Executive

Head of Franchising, Franchising Executive,

Franchise Executive
Customer Service Director, Customer
Service Executive

Head of Call Center, Head of Contact Center

Head of Contact Center Services, Contact

Center Operations Executive

Head of Medical Affairs Call Screening

Incumbents matching to the Business Order Distribution Center Customer Service

Administration & Customer Service specialization Executive
are typically located in a distribution center
environment. Match incumbents in positions
encompassing both of the following to this
specialization: •New order processing •Customer
inquiries related to processing/shipping issues for
orders already placed These positions are typically
business-to-business (B2B), but may also be
Match mechanics and electricians
business-to-consumer (B2C). working in the
repair center to the Production & Skilled Trades
job family.

Match incumbents in a distribution center Customer Service Operations Executive

environment that focus only on post-sale
customer service to Business Order Administration
& Customer Service specialization.
Match incumbents in call center positions that Head of Contact/Call Center Customer
focus 100% on new order processing to the Order Service, Contact/Call Center Customer
Processing specialization in the Sales Service Executive
Operations/Administration sub-family in the Sales,
Marketing &matching
Incumbents Product Management job family.
to this specialization are Head of Contact/Call Center Technical
These positions
typically are typically
considered tier-one Business-to-
support. Incumbents Service, Contact/Call Center Technical
who provide (B2C) and exist
tier-two in cases
support where
should the
be matched Service Executive
customer is asked
to Field Service to select between:
Engineering. •Assistance
For tier-three support
pleasea new ordermatching
consider (call is routed to the Order
to Technical Support
(High Tech). •Assistance with an
existing order (call is routed to this specialization)
Customer E-Commerce Chat Support
Executive, Customer Email/Chat Support

Customer Retention Executive, Customer

Experience Executive

Head of Field Technical Service, Technical

Field Service Executive

Head of Customer Relationship

Management, Head of CRM

Customer Service Planning Executive

Complaint Management Executive

Head of Customer Success, Customer

Success Executive

Head of Customer Experience, Customer

Experience Executive

Industries such as Banking & Finance, Account Opening & Activation Executive
Telecommunications, Utilities and Insurance, etc.
offer Account Opening & Activation service.

Customer Data Cleansing Executive

If incumbent is responsible for operations of
multiple contact centers match to the M50 level.

Call Center Traffic & Scheduling Executive,

Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling

Head of Voice Process Inbound/Outbound

Head of Voice Accent Training, Head of

Voice & Accent Training, Head of Accent
Training & Coaching, Voice Accent Training
Executive, Voice & Accent Training
Executive, Accent
Scriptwriting Training & Coaching

Quality Executive

Business Process Improvement Executive,

Six Sigma Master Black Belt Executive, Six
Sigma Black Belt Executive, Six Sigma Green
Belt Executive, Six Sigma Yellow Belt
IT Assurance Executive, IT Quality Executive

IT Outsourcing Executive, IT Outsourcing

Vendor Executive, IT Vendor Quality
Includes contact center quality evaluations too. Quality Assurance Executive

Match Manufacturing/Product Quality positions Quality Assurance Executive

accountable for hybrid Quality Assurance &
Control or Quality Assurance to this specialization.

Quality Control Executive

Total Quality Executive, Quality

Management (TQM) Executive, Six Sigma
Executive, Lean, Kaizen Executive

Business Process Manufacturing Executive,

Continuous Improvement Executive, Lean
Manufacturing Executive, Chief Lean Officer

Head of Good Manufacturing Practices


Head of Validation, Validation Analysis -

Quality Process Executive
Head of Clinical Trial Quality Assurance

Quality Control & Assurance Executive,

Quality Executive, Product Quality & Safety
Executive, QA Executive

Head of Product Integrity

Requires certifications in non-destructive testing

in accordance with regulations.
Supplier Quality Management, Supplier
Quality Executive

Head of Contract Manufacturing, Contract

Manufacturing Executive

Head of Quality Assurance, Head of Quality


Head of Supply & Logistics, Head of Supply

Chain, Supply & Logistics Executive, Supply
Chain Executive

Head of Supply Chain Planning, Supply

Chain Planning Executive, Integration
Leader, Demand Planning Executive, Supply
Planning Executive

Head of Clinical Supply Chain Planning,

Clinical Supply Chain Planning Executive

Para-Professional incumbents administer the Head of Procurement, Head of

transactions associated with obtaining goods and Procurement & Purchasing
services and do not negotiate pricing or terms.

Procurement Executive, Purchasing

Executive, Purchasing & Trade Relations
Strategic Sourcing Executive, Head of
Strategic Sourcing

Head of Responsible Sourcing, Responsible

Sourcing Executive

Head of Merchandising, Merchandising


This Specialization is intended for incumbents who Head of Merchandise Sourcing, General
are in retail or non-retail settings. Merchandising Manager

Head of Offshore Production, Head of

Import Coordination, Head of Imports &
Exports, Import Coordination and
Production Executive
The entire relationship with the supplier, not just Supplier Management Executive, Supplier
quality, is the focus of this role. Supplier Quality Relationship Executive
roles are available in the Quality Management Job
Family, Supplier Quality Subfamily.

Head of Materials Management, Materials

Management Executive

Para-Professional incumbents determine the

quantity and order date for materials needed to
meet the master production schedule and initiates
purchase or production requisitions.
Head of Demand Planning, Demand
Planning Executive, Head of Demand
Planning & Analysis, Demand Planning &
Analysis Executive
Head of Inventory Control, Inventory
Control Executive

Logistics Executive, Head of Logistics,

Logistics Management Executive, Head of
Logistics Management

Para-Professional incumbents compile data to Head of Logistics Planning, Logistics

calculate optimal transportation routes and Planning Executive
adequate material and finished goods inventory
stock levels.
Warehouse Layout Design Executive

This Specialization does not include responsibility Head of Distribution/Logistics, Head of

for procurement/purchasing. Distribution, Distribution/Logistics
Executive, Distribution Executive

Head of E-Commerce Order Fulfillment

If incumbent routinely drives a forklift, please

match to Forklift Operations.
Para-Professional incumbents issue/control
import licenses, prepare export documentation,
track/control international shipments, and ensure
payment of duties/tariffs.
Para-Professional incumbents complete customs
clearance forms required for permits, licenses,
and certificates and may organize/develop
schedules of shipments with carriers, couriers, and
customs brokers.

Head of Research & Development, R&D


Chief Scientific Officer

Head of Pre-Clinical Research

Head of Clinical Research

Head of Product Development -


Head of R&D, Head of Research &

Development, Head of Technical Product

Head of Product Implementation, Product

Implementation Executive, Head of New
Product Introduction, New Product
Introduction Executive
Head of Biotech R&D, Head of Biotech
Process Development, Biotech Process
Development Executive
Match to this job if the incumbent cannot be AI Research Director, Head of AI Research,
matched to more specific roles in Computer Artificial Intelligence Director, Head of
Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Artificial Intelligence
Networks, etc.

Head of Computer Vision

Head of Machine Learning

Head of Speech Recognition

Head of Natural Language Processing

Positions responsible for broad set of methods

related to machine learning, not specifically
connected with Artificial Neural Networks, should
be mapped to Machine Learning R&D (High Tech
& Internet). Intelligent Network Value Added Services
(IN-VAS) Planning Executive

Head of Clinical Operations, Clinical

Operations Executive

Head of Clinical Trial Management, Head of

Clinical Research (Non M.D.)

Head of Clinical Research

Head of Clinical Trial Recruitment, Study

Feasibility and Patient Recruitment

Para-Professional incumbents perform in-house Head of Clinical Data Management

monitoring of patient records, organizes clinical
data from investigators, assists in review of clinical
edits, and contacts clinical trial sites to reconcile
Head of Engineering

Head of Product Design & Manufacturing

Engineering, Product Design &
Manufacturing Engineering Executive.

Head of Manufacturing Engineering,

Manufacturing Engineering Executive

Please review other Specializations in this Sub- Engineering Executive

family to determine if a more specific
Specialization is appropriate. This Specialization
should also be used by companies that have
generic engineering classifications. Head of Advanced Manufacturing
Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing
Engineering Executive

Mechanical Engineering Executive

Chemical Engineering Executive

Electrical Engineering Executive

Electronics Engineering Executive

Facilities Engineering Executive

Manufacturing Facilities Engineering

Pipeline Engineering Executive

Nuclear Engineering Executive

Product Engineering Executive, Product

Design Engineering Executive, Research &
Development Engineering Executive

Mechanical Product Engineering Executive

Electronic Product Engineering Executive

Packaging Engineering Executive

RF Engineering Executive

Robotics Engineering Executive

Materials Engineering Executive, Materials

Research Engineering Executive

System Integration Engineering Executive

Head of Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear

Engineering Executive
Head of Medical Devices Product
Development Engineering

Use this specialization if the person cannot be IC Design Engineering Executive

classified as analog or digital design engineer, or
for people in managerial roles who have different
types of design engineers working under them.
Hardware R&D Engineering Executive

Usability Engineering Executive

Project Engineering Executive, Plant

Engineering Executive

Industrial Engineering Executive,

Manufacturing Methods & Systems
Engineering Executive

Usability/Human Factors Engineering

Executive, Human Factors Engineering

Head of Commissioning, Head of

Installation & Commissioning

Head of Project Control, Head of Cost

Management, Project Controls Office

Industrial Engineering Executive

Power Systems Design Executive

Transmission & Distribution Engineering

Executive, Head of Transmission &

Head of Manufacturing Engineering, Head

of Engineering, Chief Engineer,
Manufacturing Operations & Engineering
Assembly Engineering Executive, Calibration
Engineering Executive

Chemical Process Engineering Executive

Yield/Failure Analysis Executive,

Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering
Executive, Engineering Investigations

Technology Transfer Executive

Process Engineering Executive, Head of

Process Engineering

Manufacturing Process Development

Executive, Head of Manufacturing Process
Development, Life Sciences Manufacturing
Process Development Executive, Head of
Life Sciences Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical/Biological Process
Engineering Executive, Head of
Pharmaceutical/Biological Process
Chief Metallurgist, Metallurgy Executive

Head of Gas Engineering, Gas Engineering


Head of Hardware Design Engineering

Electrical & Instrument Engineering


Engineers specializing in the design, configuration Instrument & Control Engineering Executive
and automation of systems should be matched to
this role.

Only applies to Upstream Operations. Oil & Gas Field Production Engineering

Completions Engineering Executive

Gas Operations Engineering Executive

Quality Executive, QA Process Executive,

Quality Assurance Engineering Executive,
QA Executive

Head of Quality Control Engineering, QC

Engineering Executive, Product Quality

Head of Product Test Engineering

Supplier Quality Engineering Executive

Head of Reliability/Failure Analysis, Site

Reliability Executive

Customer Quality Engineering Executive

Head of Sustaining Engineering

Head of Verification Engineering

Component Engineering Executive

Head of Systems Test Engineering

Head of Test Engineering, Head of Systems

Test Engineering

Reserves Engineering Executive, Well

Engineering Executive

Corrosion/Integrity Engineering Executive

Head of Repair & Maintenance Engineering,
Head of Maintenance Engineering,
Engineering & Maintenance Executive,
Maintenance Executive
Head of Environmental Health & Safety,
Head of Environmental, Health, Safety &
Environmental Executive, EH&S Executive

Health & Safety Executive, H&S Executive,

EHS Executive

Field Sales Executive, Technical Sales

Executive, Pre-Sales Engineering Executive

Head of Technical Sales, Head of

Applications Development Engineering,
Head of Application Engineering, Technical
Support Executive, Solutions Engineering
Incumbents matching to this specialization are Executive
Head of Field Service Engineering, Head of
typically considered tier-two support. Incumbents Technical Services, Technical Services
who provide post-sales technical customer Executive, Service Operations Head
service, typically seen as tier-one support, should
be matched to Contact Center Customer Service: Head of Animal Health Technical Service,
Technical. For tier-three support please consider Animal Health Technical Service Executive,
matching to Technical Support Engineering (High Head of Veterinary Technical Service,
Tech). Veterinary Technical Service Executive
Only applies to Oilfield Services Operations. Technical Service Engineering Executive

Typically requires a high level of knowledge about Technical Products Support Engineering
technology and proper application of tools within Executive
three or more product lines and a thorough
understanding of down hole hydraulics and rig

Head of Civil/Construction/Structural
Engineering, Construction Executive,
Construction Project Manager, Public
Works Executive
Oil & Gas Drilling Engineering Executive

Reservoir Engineering Executive

Chief Engineer, Mine Engineering Executive

Head of Drill & Blast Engineering, Drill &

Blast Engineering Executive

Renewable Energy Engineering Executive

Please review other Specializations in this Sub-

family to determine if a more specific
Specialization is appropriate. This Specialization
should also be used by companies that have
generic engineering technologist & technician
classifications. Technologists apply engineering
principles in the implementation of products,
systems, and processes. This differs from
Engineers who use theoretical aspects of
Technologists apply engineering
engineering principles to research principles
and in the
conceptually designof products,
processes. This differs
etc. Some countries mayfrom Engineers
require who use to
have a formalaspects of engineering
certification principles
or registration to a
research and conceptually
formal Technologist Degreedesign products,
to practice as a
systems, processes,
Technologist. etc. Some
Professional countrieshave
Technicians maya
TechnicalTechnologists to have
Degree and some a formal have a
combinationor ofregistration and/or a formal Para-
both education/experience.
Technologist Degree to practice
Professional Technicians as a Technologist.
are responsible for
Professional apply
maintenance,Technicians andhave principlesDegree
a Technical
troubleshooting, in the
maysome anyofcertifications/education
not have products,
have asystems, and but
combination of both
experience.This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand conceptually design
troubleshooting, products,
and may not have any
systems, processes, etc. Some
certifications/education countries may
but experience.
require Technologists to have a formal
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologist Degree to practice as a Technologist.
Professional Technicians have a Technical Degree
and some incumbents have a combination of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
Technicians are responsible for maintenance,
repair, and troubleshooting, and may not have any
certifications/education but experience.
Technologists apply engineering principles in the
implementation of products, systems, and
processes. This differs from Engineers who use
theoretical aspects of engineering principles to
research and conceptually design products,
systems, processes, etc. Some countries may
require Technologists to have a formal
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologist Degree to practice as a Technologist.
Technologists apply engineering
Professional Technicians principlesDegree
have a Technical in the
and some incumbents of products,
have asystems,
combinationand of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineering products,
and principles
may not have any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering principlesDegree
have acountries
Technical in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, systems, may
and some incumbents
require Technologists have a combination
a formalwho useboth
processes. This differs to
from Engineers
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or
of engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually
troubleshooting, design
and may not have any
systems, Technicians
processes, etc. have acountries
Some Technical Degree
and some incumbentsto but
have experience.
a combination of both
require Technologists have a formal
education/experience. Para-Professional
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting,
Professional haveand
apply engineering
Technicians may not have
a Technical any
in the
implementation of but
products, experience.
and some incumbents have a combination of both and
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineering products,
and principles
may not have any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration and/or a formal to
theoretical aspects of engineering principles
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering principlesDegree
have acountries
Technical in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, may
and some
require incumbents
Technologists have
to haveasystems,
a formal
and of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually
TechnologistsTechnicians design
apply engineeringand may not have
principles any
in the
systems, processes, etc. have acountries
Some Technical Degree
and some of
incumbentsto but
have experience.
a combination and
require Technologists
processes. have
This differs from a formalwho of
Engineers use
certificationaspects Para-Professional
or registration and/or principles
a formal to
Technicians are of engineering
responsible for maintenance,
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, and
Professional troubleshooting,
Technicians have and may not have
Technical Degreeany
systems, processes,
certifications/educationetc. Some
but aexperience. may
and some incumbents have combination
require Technologists to have a formal of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and
apply engineering
Professional Technicians may not have
a Technical any
in the
and some incumbents but aexperience.
of products,
have systems,
combinationand of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand conceptually
troubleshooting, design
and products,
Technologists apply engineering principles not have any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
theoretical or registration and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering principlesDegree
have acountries
Technical in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, may
and some
require incumbents
Technologists have
to haveasystems,
a formal
and of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
theoretical or registration and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually
TechnologistsTechnicians design
apply engineeringand may not have
principles any
in the
systems, processes, etc. have acountries
Some Technical Degree
and some incumbents but
of products,
have aexperience.
combinationand of both
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certificationaspects Para-Professional
or registration and/or principles
a formal to
Technicians are of engineering
responsible for maintenance,
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, and
Professional troubleshooting,
apply and
Technicians may not have
have acountries
Technical any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, experience.
systems, may
and some
require incumbents
Technologists have a combination of both
processes. This differs to
from a formalwho use
theoretical or registration
aspects of and/or principles
engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree to for maintenance,
practice as a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually design
troubleshooting, products,
Professional Technicians
systems, processes, haveand
etc. Some
may not have
Technical Degree
and some incumbents but
have aexperience.
combination of both
require Technologists to have a formal
certification Para-Professional
or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting, and may not have any
certifications/education but experience.
Professional Technicians have a Technical Degree
and some incumbents have a combination of both

Para-Professional Technicians are responsible for

Technologists apply engineering principles in the
implementation of products, systems, and
processes. This differs from Engineers who use
theoretical aspects of engineering principles to
research and conceptually design products,
systems, processes, etc. Some countries may
require Technologists to have a formal
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologist Degree to practice as a Technologist.
Technologists apply engineering
Professional Technicians principlesDegree
have a Technical in the
and some incumbents of products,
have asystems, and of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineering products,
and principles
may not have any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
research and Degree to practice
conceptually designasproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional Technicians
systems, processes, have acountries
etc. Some Technicalmay
and some incumbents have a combination
require Technologists to have a formal of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting,
Professional haveand
apply engineering
Technicians may not have
a Technical any
in the
implementation of but
products, experience.
and some incumbents have a combination of bothand
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineering products,
and principles
may not have any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration and/or a formal to
theoretical aspects of engineering principles
research and Degree to practice
conceptually designasproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional Technicians
systems, processes, have acountries
etc. Some Technicalmay
and some
require incumbentsto
Technologists have
havea combination
a formal of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting,
Professional Technicians haveand may not have
a Technical Degreeany
certifications/education but experience.
and some incumbents have a combination of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
Technicians are responsible for maintenance,
repair, and troubleshooting, and may not have any
certifications/education but experience.

Only applies to Oilfield Services Operations.

Technologists apply engineering principles in the

implementation of products, systems, and
processes. This differs from Engineers who use
theoretical aspects of engineering principles to
research and conceptually design products,
systems, processes, etc. Some countries may
require Technologists to have a formal
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologist Degree to practice as a Technologist.
Technologists apply engineering
Professional Technicians principlesDegree
have a Technical in the
and some incumbentsof products,
have asystems, and of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
Techniciansaspects of engineering
are responsible principles to
for maintenance,
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineering products,
and principles
may not have any
in the
systems, processes, etc. Some
implementation countries
but experience.
of products, systems, may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
Technologist Degree to
research and conceptually practice as a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering
Technicians have acountries
Technicalmayin the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, systems, and of both
and some
require incumbents
Technologists have a combination
processes. This differs to
from a formalwho use
theoretical or registration
aspects of and/or principles
engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree to for maintenance,
practice as a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually design
troubleshooting, products,
systems, Technicians
processes, haveand
etc. Some
may not have
Technical Degree
and some incumbents but
have experience.
a combination of both
require Technologists to have a formal
certification Para-Professional
or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting,
Professional Technicians haveand may not have
a Technical Degreeany
certifications/education but experience.
and some incumbents have a combination of both
Technologists apply engineering principles in the
implementation of products, systems, and
processes. This differs from Engineers who use
theoretical aspects of engineering principles to
research and conceptually
Technologists designprinciples
apply engineering products,in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Somesystems,
of products, countries may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification or registration
theoretical aspects and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering principlesDegree
have acountries
Technical in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, systems, may
and some incumbents
require Technologists have a combination
a formalwho useboth
processes. This differs to
from Engineers
certification or
theoretical aspectsregistration and/or
of engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
research and conceptually
repair, and troubleshooting, design
systems, Technicians
processes, etc. haveand
apply engineering
may not have
Technical Degree
in the
and some incumbents but aexperience.
of products,
have systems,
combinationand of both
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certification Para-Professional
or registration and/or principles
a formal to
Technicians aspects
are of engineering
responsible for maintenance,
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, and
Professional troubleshooting,
apply engineering
Technicians and may not have
have acountries
Technical any
in the
systems, processes,
implementation of etc. Some
products, experience.
systems, may
and some
require incumbentsto
Technologists have
havea combination
a formalwho of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers
Para-Professional use
theoretical or registration
aspects and/or
of engineering a formal
principles to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, andand
Technologists conceptually
troubleshooting, design
apply engineeringand may not have
principles any
in the
systems, Technicians
processes, etc. have
Some a Technical
countries Degree
and some of
incumbentsto but
have experience.
a combination and
require Technologists
processes. This differs fromhave a formalwho of
Engineers use
certification or Para-Professional
registration and/or a formal
theoretical aspects
Technicians are of engineering
responsible principles to
for maintenance,
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, and
Professional troubleshooting,
Technicians haveanda may not have
Technical Degreeany
systems, processes,
certifications/education etc. Some
but countries
experience. may
and some
require incumbentsto
Technologists have
havea combination
a formal of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
certification or registration and/or a formal
Technologistare responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, and troubleshooting,
Professional Technicians haveand may not have
a Technical Degreeany
certifications/education but experience.
and some incumbents have a combination of both
education/experience. Para-Professional
Technicians are responsible for maintenance,
repair, and troubleshooting,
Technologists apply engineeringand principles
may not have any
in the
implementation but experience.
of products, systems, and
processes. This differs from Engineers who use
theoretical aspects of engineering principles to
research and conceptually
Technologists designprinciples
apply engineering products,in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Somesystems,
of products, countries may
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
theoretical or registration and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
Professional apply engineering principlesDegree
have acountries
Technical in the
systems, processes,
implementation etc. Some
of products, may
and some
require incumbents
Technologists have
to haveasystems,
a formal
and of both
processes. This differs from
education/experience. Engineers who use
theoretical or registration and/or principles
of engineering a formal to
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, andand conceptually
TechnologistsTechnicians design
apply engineeringand may not have
principles any
in the
systems, processes, etc. have acountries
Some Technical Degree
and some incumbents but aexperience.
of products,
have systems,
combinationand of both
require Technologists
processes. This differs to have
from a formalwho use
certificationaspects Para-Professional
or registration and/or principles
a formal to
Technicians are of engineering
responsible for maintenance,
research and Degree to practice
conceptually design asproducts,
a Technologist.
repair, and
Professional troubleshooting,
Para-Professional incumbents
Technicians and
have check may not have
Technical andany Product/System Design Services Executive
drawings processes,
produced etc. Some
but aexperience.
by have
engineers and moremay senior
and some
require incumbents
Technologists combination
to have a formal of both
designers for clarity, completeness,
education/experience. Para-Professionalconformity to
standards, or registration and/or a formal
specifications, and
Technologist are responsible
Degree for maintenance,
to practice as a Technologist.
repair, andof calculations
Para-Professional and
incumbents dimensioning.
and may not haveonany
Professional Technicians have typically
a Technicalwork
and complex engineering
some incumbents but
have aexperience.
designs and processes
combination of both
than Individual Professionals
education/experience. and modify draft
layouts/models created by engineers
Technicians are responsible and
for maintenance,
CAD/CAM/CAE designers. and may not have any
repair, and troubleshooting,
certifications/education but experience.
Head of Chemistry, Chemistry Executive

Product Research Science Executive

Head of Chemistry, Chemistry Executive

Head of Perfume/Flavor

Head of Sensory Evaluation Research

Head of Discovery Research, Discovery

Research Executive

Head of Pre-Clinical Drug Safety &

Metabolism, Pre-Clinical Drug Safety &
Metabolism Executive

Head of Pre-Clinical Research, Head of

Discovery Biology

Head of Research Pharmacy

Head of Epidemiology
Head of Microbiology, Head of

Head of Pathology Science

Head of Pharmacokinetics/Drug

Head of Pharmaceutics, Head of


Head of Toxicology

Head of Translational Medicine

Requires an understanding of one or more of the Head of Molecular Biology, Molecular

following: molecular biology, biochemistry, Biology Executive
microbiology, cell biology, biophysics, virology
and/or immunology.
Head of Pharmaceutical Development,
Pharmaceutical Development Executive

Head of Assay Development, Assay

Development Executive

Head of Biologic Product Formulation,

Biologic Product Formulation Executive

Purification/Recovery Process Executive

Match both clinical and pre-clinical positions to

this role.

May be certified in laboratory animal medicine. Head of Veterinary Care, Veterinary Care
Incumbents within the Animal Health Industry Executive, Head of Veterinary Services,
plan, execute, and follow up on technical, clinical, Veterinary Services Executive
and/or field research projects in toxicity, clinical
pathology, and animal nutrition to produce Head of Veterinary Research, Veterinary
meaningful information related to safety and Research Executive, Head of Veterinary
efficacy leading to regulatory approval. Science, Veterinary Science Executive

Head of Bioinformatics
Head of Biostatistics

The complexity of mineral and land ownership

means the incumbent might have a strong legal
emphasis to the role.
Laboratory Executive

Para-Professional incumbents maintain and Quality Laboratory Executive

calibrate laboratory instruments and equipment
to ensure the equipment is in good working

Head of Manufacturing Operations, Head of

Manufacturing, Head of Manufacturing &

Head of Manufacturing, Manufacturing


Manufacturing Executive - Multiple

Facilities, Plant Manager - Multiple Facilities

Manufacturing Executive - Single Facility

Management incumbents review work orders,
schedule resources, and monitor manufacturing
operations to meet established specifications,
schedules, volume/cost/wastage targets, and
quality standards.
Management incumbents review work orders,
schedule resources, and monitor manufacturing
operations to meet established specifications,
schedules, volume/cost/wastage targets, and
quality standards.

Management incumbents review work orders,

schedule resources, and monitor manufacturing
operations to meet established specifications,
schedules, volume/cost/wastage targets, and
quality standards.

Para-Professional incumbents measure and record

material and production costs and prepare
production/resource scheduling, production work
plans, formulas and other guides.
Requires applicable certification.

Requires applicable licensure.

•Match repair & maintenance engineers and

engineering technicians to the Engineering &
Science job family. •Match repair & maintenance
skilled trades to the Production & Skilled Trades
job family.

Requires applicable certifications.

Typically requires appropriate licensure.

Match mechanics and mechanical technicians

performing repair/service work on stand-alone
vehicles to an Auto Mechanic/Technician
specialization in the Production & Skilled Trades
job family.
Match Match mechanical
mechanics technicians
and mechanical technicians
performing work on broader
repair/service engineered
work systems
on stand-alone
(e.g., mechanical equipment that is
vehicles to an Auto Mechanic/Technician part of a
broader manufacturing
specialization process)&toSkilled
in the Production the Trades
Engineering Technicians
job family. Match sub-family
mechanical in the
Engineering & Science
performing work job family.
on broader Engineering
engineered systems
(e.g., typically
mechanical perform that
equipment workison teams
part of a that
manufacturing process) to the
Engineering Technicians sub-family in the
Engineering & Science job family. Engineering
technicians typically perform work on teams that
include engineers.

Requires applicable certification.

Requires applicable certification.

Requires applicable certification or is capable of

Must meet local jurisdiction driver's licensing

Requires applicable certification.

Entry level incumbents in this role are learning

winemaking procedures and identifying ways to
optimize quality and operational efficiencies.
Activities at this level are typically limited to
delivery of products to bottling, assisting with
stock control, material audits, inspections of
offsite growers and production facilities, and
maintaining information on fruit/wine stock intake
and dispatched products for bottling.
Information Technology Executive, IT
Executive, Head of Information Technology,
Chief Information Officer

Head of Digital Technology, Digital

Operations Executive

Head of IT Operations, IT Chief Operating

Officer, Information Technology Executive

Chief Technology Officer, Technology


Incumbents matching to this specialization are Information Technology Executive, IT

typically found in organizations with smaller/less Executive
complex IT Functions and perform work related to
all areas of their organization’s IT

Information Technology
Outsourcing/Shared Services Executive

Enterprise Architecture Executive

Data Architecture Executive

IT Infrastructure Architecture Executive

Cyber Security Architecture Executive

Head of IoT Platform Development

If incumbent’s role is more sales focused consider IT Solution Architecture Executive

matching to the Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High
Tech) specialization in the Sales, Marketing &
Product Management job family.

This role does not write programming code. IT Executive, Applications Executive,
Infrastructure Engineering Executive

Telecommunications Network Planning


This role is a blend of Business Analysis and IT Business Analysis Executive

Systems Analysis.

ERP Business Analysis Executive

SAP Business Analysis Executive

Oracle-PeopleSoft Business Analysis


ERP Configuration & Implementation


SAP ERP Configuration & Implementation

Oracle-PeopleSoft ERP Configuration &
Implementation Executive

Head of IT Systems Software Analysis &

Programming, Head of Systems Software
Analysis & Programming, IT Systems
Software Analysis & Programming
Executive, Systems Software Analysis &
Programming Executive

IT Applications Development Executive

Match positions accountable for developing IT Mobile Applications Development

mobile software products for sale to external Executive
customers to the Mobile Applications Engineering
This role requires knowledge of various data Blockchain Development Executive
structures and calculations, Bitcoin, Ether,
Encryption Algorithms, etc.

•Match positions accountable for developing IT Systems Software Analysis &

systems software for internal use to this Programming Executive
•Match positions accountable for developing
systems software products for sale to external
customers to the Systems Software Engineering

Head of Software Testing

Cyber Information Assurance Executive

E-Commerce Web Operations Executive

Head of Omni-Channel Development,
Interactive Customer Experience Executive,
E-Commerce Technology Executive, Digital
Marketing Executive, Digital Marketing &
Incumbents who focus solely on the CRM Executive
Website Development Executive
visual/interactive design (i.e., the look, feel, and
navigation) of a rich media website including site
animation, special effects elements, video/audio,
etc. should be
Incumbents who matched to theon
focus solely Multi-Media
the Web E-Commerce Website Development
Design specialization
visual/interactive in the
design Creative
(i.e., & Design
the look, job
feel, and Executive
family. Multi-Media
navigation) Web Design
of a rich media websiterequires
including site
knowledge of scripting
animation, special languages
effects elements, (e.g., HTML, CSS,
PHP, JavaScript,
etc. should etc.), but
be matched towork is done primarily
the Multi-Media Web
through website design authoring/layout toolsjob Head of Web Operations Management,
Design specialization in the Creative & Design Web Technologies Executive, Technical
Multi-Media Web FrontPage,
Design Macromedia
Director, etc.), and graphic/multi-media designCSS, Executive
knowledge of scripting languages (e.g., HTML,
PHP, JavaScript, etc.), but work is doneFlash,
(e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, primarily
through websiteetc.)design
vs. working directly withtools
authoring/layout the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Executive
underlying website programming
(e.g., DreamWeaver, FrontPage, Macromedia code.
Director, etc.), and graphic/multi-media design
software (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash,
AfterEffects, etc.) vs. working
Incumbents writing/editing directly
the withtypes
following the of Software Technical Documentation
systems, websiteand
software, programming code.
hardware documentation Executive
for use by either external customers or internal
users should be matched to this specialization:
•Requirements •Architecture/Design •Technical
(code, algorithms, user and application interfaces,
system/hardware configuration, etc.) •End User
Manuals & Help Screens
Information Systems Security Executive

Web/Network Security Executive

Network Security Executive

Cyber Network Analysis Executive

Cyber Incident Executive

Cyber Forensics Analysis Executive

Cyber Vulnerability Assessment &

Penetration Testing Executive
IT Infrastructure Executive, Head of
Remote/Offshore Infrastructure Support,
Head Technical Services & Support

Head of Computer Operations & Data

Processing, Head of Computer Operations,
Head of Data Processing

Head of IT Data/Voice Network

Administration, Head of Network
Head of Data Center, Data Center Executive

IT Data Center Operations Executive

MIS Executive

Financial Systems Executive

Head of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Systems Administration, Connected
Enterprise Executive

IT User Support Executive

This specialization is not responsible for IT Consulting & Implementation Executive
determining the fit of the new information
systems with business strategy. It is solely
responsible for the technical project of developing
and/or implementing
Implementation roles an operable
should information
not be matched to Strategic IT Business Consulting Executive
this specialization. Rather, they should be
matched to the General IT Consulting &
Implementation specialization.
Head of Software Architecture Engineering,
Software Engineering Architecture

Head of Mobile Apps Architecture

Engineering, Mobile Apps Architecture
Engineering Executive, Head of Mobile Apps
Architecture, Mobile Apps Architecture
Head of System Architecture, System
Architecture Executive

Head of Application Architecture,

Application Architect Executive

Head of Data Architecture, Data Architect


Head of Software Development

Engineering, Software Development
Engineering Executive

Head of R&D Software Development

Engineering, R&D Software Development
Engineering Executive

Head of End User Applications

Development Engineering, End User
Applications Development Engineering
Incumbents who develop websites or web Head of Web Applications Development
applications for the purposes listed below should Engineering, Web Applications
be matched to the applicable Website Design & Development Engineering Executive
Development: Communications & Marketing or
Website Development:
Incumbents who develop E-Commerce
websites or web Head of Web Applications Design &
applications for•Marketing
the purposesor e-commerce
listed below should Development Engineering, Web
websites •Websites or web applications providing
be matched to the applicable Website Design & Applications Design & Development
customer self-service
Development: support or&account
Communications Marketing or Engineering Executive, Head of Full Stack
management •Web applications
Website Development: E-Commerce used primarily to Development, Full Stack Development
deliver/organize virtual content or information Head of Client Side Development, Head of
specialization: •Marketing or e-commerce Executive
Front End Development
websites by customers
or web applications providing
customer self-service support or account
management •Web applications used primarily to
deliver/organize virtual content or information Head of Back End Development, Head of
purchased by customers Back End Java Development

Head of Search Engine Development

Head of Algorithm Development

Head of Streaming Media Development

Head of Virtual Reality Development

Incumbents who develop mobile applications for Head of Mobile Applications Development
the purposes listed below should be matched to Engineering, Mobile Applications
the General IT Mobile Applications Development Development Engineering Executive
specialization: •Marketing or e-commerce mobile
applications •Mobile applications providing
customer self-service support or account
management •Mobile applications used primarily
to deliver/organize virtual content or information
purchased by customers
Incumbents who develop mobile applications for Head of Android Mobile Development
the purposes listed below should be matched to Engineering, Android Mobile Development
the General IT Mobile Applications Development Engineering Executive
specialization: •Marketing or e-commerce mobile
Incumbents who•Mobile applications
develop providing for
mobile applications Head of Apple iOS Development
customer self-service
the purposes support
listed below or account
should be matched to Engineering, Apple iOS Development
the General IT•Mobile applications Development
Mobile Applications used primarily Engineering Executive
to deliver/organize
specialization: virtual content
•Marketing or information
or e-commerce mobile
applications providing for
Incumbents who develop mobile applications Head of MS Windows Mobile Development
customer self-service
the purposes support
listed below or account
should be matched to Engineering, MS Windows Mobile
the General IT•Mobile applications Development
Mobile Applications used primarily Development Engineering Executive
to deliver/organize
specialization: virtual content
•Marketing or information
or e-commerce mobile
applications providing Head of HTML5 Mobile Development
customer self-service support or account Engineering, HTML5 Mobile Development
management •Mobile applications used primarily Engineering Executive
to deliver/organize virtual content or information
purchased by customers
Head of Systems Software Development
Engineering, Systems Software
Development Engineering Executive

Head of Platform Development

Head of Firmware Development

Engineering, Firmware Development
Engineering Executive

Head of Mobile Systems Software

Development Engineering, Mobile Systems
Software Development Engineering
Head of Mobile Platform Development

Para-professional incumbents support the Head of Software Testing Engineering,

execution of planned test scripts; record the Software Test Engineering Executive
results and output; record, track and resolve any
Black box testing is a method of software testing Head of Black Box Software Testing
that examines the functionality of the software
without any knowledge of the internal structure or
White box testing is a method of software testing Head of White Box Software Test
that tests the internal structures or working of the Engineering, White Box Software Test
software application. Engineering Executive

Head of Software Release Testing &

Configuration, Software Release Testing &
Configuration Executive

Incumbents who develop data architectures/data Head of Database Engineering, Database

models for a single organization's data warehouse Engineering Executive
or e-commerce website should be matched to the
Internal Data Engineering & Warehousing sub-
family in the Data Analytics/Warehousing, & Head of SAAS Engineering, SAAS
Business Intelligence job family. Engineering Executive

Head of PAAS Engineering, PAAS

Engineering Executive
Head of IAAS Engineering, SAAS Engineering

Head of Cloud Services Reliability

Head of Integrated Solutions Engineering,

Integrated Solutions Engineering Executive,
Head of Systems Engineering, Systems
Engineering Executive

Head of Game Development

Head of Game Development, Game

Development Executive, Head of Game
Design & Development, Game Design &
Development Executive
Game Development Executive

Head of PC Game Development

Head of Web Game Development

Head of Mobile Game Development

Head of Android Game Development

Head of iOS Mobile Game Development

Head of Windows Mobile Game


Head of Game Engine Development

Head of U3D Game Engine Development

Head of Game Server Development

Head of Game Testing & Evaluation, Game

Testing & Evaluation Executive

Head of Black Box Game Testing

Head of White Box Game Testing

Head of Game Evaluation

Head of Telecommunications, Head of

Telecommunications Engineering, Head of
Network Operations

Examples of telecom infrastructure and/or

network components include IP (Internet
Protocol), fiber optics, radio frequency (RF),
wireless networks, wireline networks, etc.

Head of Data Analytics & Business

Intelligence, Data Analytics & Business
Intelligence Executive, Head of Data
Analytics, Business Intelligence Executive,
Machine Learning techniques may be used to Information
Data ScienceManagement
Executive, BigExecutive, Head
Data Mining
solve business problems and/or derive actionable of Information Management, Head of Data
business insights. Management, Data Management Executive

This specialization serves as a generalist role. If Data Analytics Executive

organization has analytics roles with specific
industry/service line focus, please match to
relevant sub-functions such as Actuary Analytics,
Business Analytics, Customer Analytics, HR Economics Analytics Executive, Economics
Analytics, Healthcare Analytics, etc. Research Executive

Supply Chain Analytics Executive

Market/Customer Analytics Executive,

Market Analytics Executive, Customer
Analytics Executive
Digital Analytics Executive

Head Actuary, Head of Actuarial Services

Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis Executive

Match database engineers focused on external Database Engineering Executive

product databases, software, or applications to
the External Database Engineering (High Tech)
specialization in the IT, Telecom & Internet Job
Incumbents who develop data architectures or
data models for external product databases,
software, or applications should be matched to
the External Database Product Engineering Sub-
Family in the IT, Telecom
Para-Professional & Internet
incumbents Job Family.
are responsible for Data Warehouse Executive
processing activities including archiving, tracking
data changes, monitoring data systems and
migration or loading of data into appropriate
system. Enterprise Information Management
Incumbents matching to this specialization are
focused on designing, developing, maintaining,
configuring, and/or auditing data warehouses to
ensure data quality. Match incumbents focused on
analyzing data from the data warehouse to the
Data Analytics & Business Intelligence (BI) Sub-
Head of Transportation, Transportation

Head of Traffic & Distribution, Traffic &

Distribution Executive

Includes incumbents who transport passengers on

chartered trips or sightseeing tours.

If the individual's primary responsibilities are in

catering, match to Catering Delivery & Setup
(Hospitality) in the Hospitality (Food Service &
Lodging) Job Family.

Must possess airline transport license with multi-

engine and instrument ratings, pass physical
examinations, government/regulatory
examinations, and flight proficiency tests.
Head of Oil & Gas Operations

Head of Mining Operations

Head of Exploration & Production, Top

Exploration & Production Executive

Head of Exploration, Top Exploration


Head of Production, Top Production


Head of Exploitation, Top Exploitation


Often requires commercial and technical

stewardship of both operated and non-operated
joint venture assets. Requires applicable
certification or enrollment in applicable
certification program.

Does not have production responsibilities.

Head of Drilling Operations, Top Drilling
Operations Executive

Do not match incumbents that have

responsibilities over multiple rigs.

Only applies to Oilfield Services Operations.

Head of Pipeline Operations, Top Pipeline

Head of Refining Operations, Top Refining


Head of Oilfield Services Operations

Head of Mining Exploration

Head of Mining Project Development

General Manager, General Manager Mining

Head of Mine Technical Services

Global Exploration Manager

Power Generation and Delivery Executive

Power Plant Operations Executive

Transmission and/or Distribution Systems


Must have the ability to read distribution

construction drawings and maps.
Head of Utilities Operations

Head of Nonregulated Business

Chief Investment Officer

Equities Executive

Fixed Income Investments Executive

Para-professional levels provide support with Middle Office Director

investment banking transactions and customer
support and contact.

Head of Fund Management - Equity, Head

of Alternate Investments -
Derivative/Hedge Funds, Portfolio Mgmt.
And Trading Director, Alternative
Investments Executive,
Head of Private Mortgages
Client Management

Para-Professional incumbents assist with the input Head of Trading - Equities, Head of Global
of trade orders, reconciliation of previous day Markets Trading And Dealing,
trading activity, and researches security prices. BM&F/Bovespa Trading Director -
Head of Energy Trading

Head of Energy Trading

Head of Energy Trading

Head of Energy Trading

Head of Energy Trading

Commodity Trading Marketing & Sales

Chief Economist - Banking & Finance, Head
of Economic Research, Economics Director,
Research Director - Sell Side, Chief
Economist - Banking & Finance

Para-Professional incumbents collect and process Underwriting Executive


Para-Professional incumbents collect and record Claims Executive

information to make basic claim settlement

Head of Retail Operations

Regional Retail Manager, Regional

Manager, Area Manager

Where organization design specifies two or more

distinct levels of Assistant Manager within a store,
this position represents the highest level.

Where organization design specifies two or more

distinct levels of assistant managers within a store,
this position represents the lowest level.
Head of Field Operations
Some companies may combine the job scope of Head of Merchandising
"Buyer" & "Allocator" together with
"Merchandiser". Please match the job to
"Merchandiser" in such cases. Para-Professional
incumbents assist with conducting market e-Merchandising Executive
research and analyzes findings to reveal current
and future fashion trends.

Merchandise Planning and Allocation

Head of Category Management, Category
Management Executive

Para-Professional incumbents audit purchase Head of Inventory Control

requests, prepare purchase orders and maintain
price inventories.

Head of Visual Merchandising

Head of Operations, Head of Restaurant


Division Manager
Pastry chefs are typically associated with fine
dining restaurants.
Please match certified Sommeliers to the
Specialist Para-Professional level and match wine
stewards who are not certified Sommeliers to the
Senior Para-Professional level.

Product Development Executive, Food

Product Development Executive

Head of Food Service Training, Food Service

Training Executive
Packaging Art Executive, Head of Packaging

Head of Design, Design Executive

•Para-Professional incumbents import images and Graphic Design Executive, Head of Graphic
text according to pre-determined layout and style Design, Graphic Art & Design Executive,
guidelines and/or perform basic graphic image Head of Graphic Art & Design
editing. Individual Professional incumbents create
or make significant modifications to graphic
images. •Incumbents with a primary focus on
animation and design of interactive media and
applications should be matched to the
Media/Communications Creative & Design sub-
family. •Incumbents with a primary focus on Head of Creative Services, Head of Visual
animation and design of video games should be Branding, Head of Visual Brand/Design
matched to the Video Game Art, Design &
Production sub-family. •Incumbents with a
primary focus on design of web/new media should
be matched to the Web/New Media Creative &
User Interface Design sub-family. •Incumbents
with a hybrid focus on both non-interactive and
interactive media and applications should be
matched to the Media/Communications Creative
& Design sub-family.

Head of Publications Graphic Design,

Publications Graphic Design Executive

Incumbents matching to this specialization are

typically found in organizations for which
publishing is a secondary support
function/business activity (vs. a primary business
function in the Publishing
Para-professional incumbents industry).
matchingIn these non- Technical Publications Executive, Proposal
to this
Publishing environments,
specialization are: •Creating editing
initialwork (beyond
drafts of Development Executive
basic proofreading)
technical documentsisfor typically
by more by more
senior writerstechnical
experienced or supervisors/managers
writers and/or subject who also
do someexperts
matter direct •Reviewing,
writing. Incumbents
analyzing, focused
primarily on matching
writing tocreative
the this specialization
content ofandare
typically found technical source documents
in organizations for whichbe
distributing applicable materials
information should
to the project
matched toisthe
a secondary
Advertising support
& Marketing
team •Maintaining
function/business records(vs.
activity of project
work/revisions sub-family
•Project inathe
coordination Sales, business
function in
Editorial &the Publishing
assistants industry).
providing Inand
job these non-
support to environments,
the writing andeditingeditorialwork
basic proofreading)
be matched is typically
to the General performed
Secretarial by more
senior writers in
specialization orthe
General Management, who also
do some direct
Business Planningwriting.
& Administration job family.
Head of Concept Design

Head of Animation

Incumbents with a primary focus on creating Head of Visual Engineering

visual effects for video games should be matched
to the Game Visual Effects (Media & High Tech)
specialization in the Video Game Art, Design &
Production sub-family. Head of Sound Engineering

Head of New Media Graphic Design

Head of User Experience Design

User Interface Executive, UI Design


Game User Interface Design Executive,

Game UI Design Executive

Head of User Interaction Design, Head of

UIx Design, User Interaction Design
Executive, UIx Design Executive

Copywriting Executive, Head of Advertising

Content, Advertising Content Executive,
Head of Advertising Copy, Advertising Copy

Production Executive, Top TV Production

Executive, Head of Radio Advertising
Production, Head of Multimedia, Print
Production Executive
Head of Game Art

Head of Game Art, Game Art Lead

Head of Concept Design

Head of 2D Art

Head of 3D Art

Head of Animation

Head of Visual Effects

Head of Audio/Sound Effects

Head of Technical Art

Head of Game Design

Head of Game Level Design, Game Level

Design Executive

Head of Game Content/Plot Design

Head of Game Mechanics/Systems Design

Head of Mathematical Game Design

Head of Game Production

Game Production Executive

Head of Game Development Production

Game Development Production Executive

Lighting Executive

Digital Operations & Planning Executive, Ad

Operations Executive

Head of Publications, Head of Medical

Publications, Head of Scientific Publications

Head of Real Estate

Head of Real Estate Development, Head of

Property Development, New Home
Construction Operations Executive, Real
Estate Executive

Project Strategy Planning Executive,

Property Strategy Executive
Head of Property Investment

Top Land Executive, Head of Land

Land Executive, Head of Land Management

Head of Construction, Construction

Executive, Head of Construction & Design

Head of Store Construction

Requires applicable
licensure/registration/certification for the country
and/or state in which the incumbent is employed.
Incumbents who do not meet the applicable
requirements should not be reported to this role.
Requires applicable
licensure/registration/certification for the country
and/or state in which the incumbent is employed.
Incumbents who do not meet the applicable
requirements should not be reported to this role.
May require applicable
licensure/registration/certification for the country
and/or state in which the incumbent is employed.
Incumbents who do not meet the applicable
requirements should not
Requires Occupational be reported
Therapist to this role. Head of Occupational Therapy

Para-professional levels may drive and maintain

ambulance and provide appropriate ambulatory
care. Requires appropriate certification.

Requires a Doctor of Medicine Degree.

Requires Registered Nurse (RN) license.

Requires applicable licensure and/or registration.

Requires applicable licensure and/or registration.

May require applicable licensure and/or

May require applicable licensure and/or

May require applicable certification.

Requires applicable certification.

May require applicable certification.

At small hotel properties, this role may have

responsibility for the property's gym/fitness

Incumbents working in third-party Business Financial Modeling & Analysis Executive

Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or in
Global Capability Centers (global in house
captives/shared services centers) typically
Incumbents asworking
a separately incorporated
in third-party legal entity Accounting Executive
supporting single or multiple
Process Outsourcing clients/business
(BPO) organizations or inunits
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated rolesentity
other job families. in third-party Business Tax Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Head of Accounts Payable/Receivable,
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits Accounts Payable/Receivable Executive
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
operatingfunctions should be
as a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated rolesentity
other job families.
supporting single or multiple clients/business units
and geographies should be mapped to this role.
Incumbents working under internal shared
services functions should be mapped to roles in
other job families.
Incumbents working in third-party Business HR Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or in
Global Capability Centers (global in house
captives/shared services centers) typically
Incumbents asworking
a separately incorporated
in third-party legal entity HR Administration Executive
supporting single or multiple
Process Outsourcing clients/business
(BPO) organizations or inunits
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
as should be mapped tolegalroles in
other working in third-party Business entity Employee Support Executive
a separately
job families.
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Payroll Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Recruiting Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Staff Resourcing Management Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Head of Learning & Development
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Supply Chain Planning Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Sourcing & Procurement Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Head of Supplier Quality Management
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Enterprise Resource Planning Executive,
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits ERP Executive
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity IT Testing Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Web Content Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworking should be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Data Analytics Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
operatingfunctions should be
as a separately mapped to rolesentity
incorporated in
This specialization
other job families. serves as a generalistlegal
role. If Business Analytics Executive
organization has analytics roles with specific units
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies should be mapped to
industry/service line focus, please match to this role.
relevant working under
specializations suchinternal shared
as HR Analytics,
services functions
Healthcare should
Analytics, be mapped
Supply to roles etc.
Chain Business
Analytics, in
other working
job families. in third-party HR Analytics Executive
Incumbents working in third-party Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or in
Process Outsourcing
Global Capability (BPO)(global
Centers organizations
in houseor in
Global Capabilityservices
captives/shared Centerscenters)
(global intypically
operating asworkingservices
a separately centers) typically
incorporated legal entity Supply Chain Analytics Executive
operating assingle in third-party
a separately Business
incorporated legal entity
Process Outsourcing or multiple clients/business
(BPO) organizations or inunits
and single
geographies or multiple
should be clients/business
mapped to this units
Global Capability
and geographies Centers
should (global
be mapped in house
to this role.
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
services working under internal
services functions
as a separately
be mapped
roles in
to rolesentity
other job families.
supporting single or multiple clients/business units
other job families.
and geographies should be mapped to this role.
Incumbents working under internal shared
services functions should be mapped to roles in
other job families.
Incumbents working in third-party Business Risk Analysis & Management Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or in
Global Capability Centers (global in house
captives/shared services centers) typically
Incumbents asworking
a separately incorporated
in third-party legal entity Head of Credit Risk
supporting single or multiple
Process Outsourcing clients/business
(BPO) organizations or inunits
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
as should be mapped tolegal
roles in
other working in third-party Business entity AML Executive
a separately
job families.
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Content Writing Executive, Technical
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits Writing Executive, Proofreading & Editorial
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role. Services Executive
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Medical Research Executive
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working
captives/shared under
services internal
centers) shared
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity Head of Pharmacovigilance
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
asworkingshould be
a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated roles in
other job families. in third-party Business entity
Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations or inunits
single or multiple clients/business
and geographies
Global Capability should
mapped to this role.
in house
Incumbents working under internal shared
captives/shared services centers) typically
operatingfunctions should be
as a separately mapped tolegal
incorporated rolesentity
other job families.
supporting single or multiple clients/business units
and geographies should be mapped to this role.
Incumbents working under internal shared
services functions should be mapped to roles in
other job families.
Management Professional Para-Professional /
Typical Titles Typical Titles Support Typical Titles

Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning
Manager, Corporate Strategy & Planning Analyst, Corporate Strategy & Planning
Manager, Strategic Planning Manager, Analyst, Strategic Planning Analyst,
Corporate Planning Manager Corporate Planning Analyst
Mergers & Acquisitions Manager Mergers & Acquisitions Analyst

Innovation Manager, Innovation Hub Innovation Analyst, Innovation Consultant


Digital Transformation Manager Digital Strategy Consultant, Digital

Transformation Analyst
Business Operations Manager, Operations Strategy Development Analyst, Business
Manager Operations Specialist

Business Architecture Manager Business Architect

Physical Asset Manager Physical Asset Management Analyst,

Physical Asset Management Specialist

Graduate Trainee, Management Trainee,

Operations Management Trainee

Policies & Procedures Manager, Policies & Policies & Procedures Analyst
Procedures Supervisor

Risk Management Manager, Risk Risk Manager, Risk Management Analyst

Management Team Leader, Risk
Management Supervisor

Insurance Risk Manager Insurance Risk Analyst Risk Management Coordinator, Risk
Consulting Coordinator

Risk Strategy Manager, Research & Analysis Risk Strategy Analyst, Risk Model Analyst,
Manager, Risk Model Manager Model Risk Analyst

Quantitative Risk Manager Quantitative Risk Management Analyst

Business Continuity Manager, Business Business Continuity Analyst, Business

Continuity Planning Manager Continuity Planning Analyst

Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery

Manager Analyst

Risk Manager Risk Analyst

Security Compliance Manager, Corporate Corporate Security Program Coordinator,

Security Manager, Security Systems Security Analyst, Security Officer, Security
Manager, Security Manager Compliance Analyst

Environmental Compliance Manager, Environmental Specialist, Environmental

Environmental Affairs Manager, Analyst, Environmental Compliance
Environmental Manager Specialist

Project Risk Manager Project Risk Analyst

Risk Adjustment Manager Risk Adjustment Analyst, Liquidity Analyst

Risk Manager Risk Analyst

Market Risk Management Manager Market Risk Management Analyst

Investment Risk Manager Investment Risk Analyst

Risk Manager Risk Analyst

Solutions Architect Manager, Solutions Solutions Architect, Healthcare Solutions

Architect Supervisor, Healthcare Solutions Architect, Healthcare Solutions &
Architecture Manager, Healthcare Solutions Partnerships Architect
Architecture Supervisor, Solutions &
Partnerships Architect Manager, Solutions
& Partnerships Architect Supervisor

Head of Corporate Finance, Corporate

Finance Executive, Finance Executive

Finance Manager, Finance Supervisor Finance Analyst Finance Assistant

Finance Business Partner Manager, Finance Finance Business Partner

Business Partner Supervisor

Financial Planning & Analysis Manager, Finance Planning Analyst

Financial Planning & Analysis Supervisor

Revenue Manager, Revenue Strategy Revenue Analyst, Revenue Management

Manager, Revenue Supervisor Analyst

Commercial Rebates Manager, Commercial Rebate Analyst, Managed Care Rebates

Rebates Supervisor, Senior Manager of Analyst, Contract Rebate Analyst
Rebate Invoicing, Rebate Invoicing
Manager, Rebate Invoicing Supervisor,
Discounts and Rebates
Financial Control Manager,
Manager, Discounts
and RebatesFinancial
Controller, Supervisor
Control Supervisor,
Assistant Controller

Business Unit/Plant Controller

Property Controller Property Accountant

Controller/Head Bookkeeper Financial Control & Reporting Analyst Bookkeeper, Store Bookkeeper
Management Accounting Director, Management Accountant
Management Accounting Sr. Manager,
Management Accounting Manager,
Management Accounting Supervisor
IT Business Manager

Cost Accounting Director, Cost Accounting Cost Accountant

Sr. Manager, Cost Accounting Manager,
Cost Accounting Supervisor

Budgeting Manager, Budget Manager, Budgeting Analyst, Budget Analyst, Budget

Budgeting Supervisor, Budget Supervisor, Accountant
Budget Accounting Sr. Manager, Budget
Accounting Manager, Budget Accounting
Government Accounting Manager, Government Accountant Government Accounting Clerk
Government Accounting Supervisor,
Government Accounting Team Leader

Accounting Director, Accounting Sr. Accountant, General Accountant Accounting Clerk, Accounts Clerk, Assistant
Manager, Accounting Manager, Accounting Accountant, Accounts Assistant, Treasury
Supervisor Clerk, Bookkeeper

External Financial Reporting Director, External Financial Reporting Accountant

External Financial Reporting Sr. Manager,
External Financial Reporting Manager,
External Financial Reporting Supervisor
Accounting Works Manager, Project Accounting Works Specialist, Project
Accounting Manager, Financial Project Accountant, Finance Projects Analyst,
Manager, Finance Projects Manager, Finance & Accounting Analyst
Project Accounting Supervisor
Joint Ventures Accounting Manager Joint Ventures Accountant

Revenue Accounting Manager, Revenue Revenue Accountant Revenue Accounting Clerk, Finance
Accounting Supervisor, Revenue Accounting Clerk/Cashier
Team Leader

Fund Accounting Manager Fund Accountant

Production Accounting Manager, Revenue Production Accountant, Revenue

Accounting Manager Accountant

Marketing Accounting Manager, Oil & Gas Marketing Accountant, Oil & Gas Marketing
Marketing Accounting Manager Accountant

Property Accounting Manager Property Accountant

Settlement & Reconciliations Manager Settlement & Reconciliations Analyst,

Settlement & Reconciliations Specialist

Tax Director, Tax Sr. Manager, Tax Tax Analyst, Tax Accountant
Manager, Tax Supervisor, Tax Accounting
Director, Tax Accounting Sr. Manager, Tax
Accounting Manager, Tax Accounting
Tax Research & Planning Director, Tax Tax Research & Planning Analyst, Tax
Research & Planning Sr. Manager, Tax Research & Planning Accountant
Research & Planning Manager, Tax
Research & Planning Supervisor
International Tax Director, International Tax International Tax Analyst, International Tax
Sr. Manager, International Tax Manager, Accountant, International Tax Specialist
International Tax Supervisor

Tax Compliance Director, Tax Compliance Tax Compliance Analyst, Tax Compliance
Sr. Manager, Tax Compliance Manager, Tax Accountant
Compliance Supervisor

Treasury Director, Treasury Sr. Manager, Treasury Analyst, Treasury Assistant

Treasury Manager, Treasury Supervisor

Cash Management Director, Cash Cash Management Analyst

Management Sr. Manager, Cash
Management Manager, Cash Management
Corporate Finance Director, Corporate Corporate Finance Analyst, Finance
Finance Sr. Manager, Corporate Finance Structure & Funding Analyst
Manager, Corporate Finance Supervisor,
Finance Structure & Funding Manager,
Finance Structure & Funding
Investment/Portfolio Manager Director Investment Analyst

Investment Manager Investment Analyst

Post Investment Manager Post Investment Analyst

Accounts Payable/Receivable Director, Accounts Payable/Receivable Analyst, Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk,

Accounts Payable/Receivable Sr. Manager, Accounts Payable/Receivable Officer Accounts Payable/Receivable Assistant
Accounts Payable/Receivable Manager,
Accounts Payable/Receivable Supervisor
Accounts Payable Director, Accounts Accounts Payable Analyst, Accounts Accounts Payable Clerk, Accounts Payable
Payable Sr. Manager, Accounts Payable Payable Officer Assistant
Manager, Accounts Payable Supervisor

Accounts Receivable Director, Accounts Accounts Receivable Analyst, Accounts Accounts Receivable Clerk, Accounts
Receivable Sr. Manager, Accounts Receivable Officer Receivable Assistant
Receivable Manager, Accounts Receivable
Billing & Invoicing Manager, Billing & Billing & Invoicing Officer, Billing & Invoicing Billing & Invoicing Clerk, Billing & Invoicing
Invoicing Supervisor Analyst, Billing & Invoicing Specialist Assistant

Billing Inquiry Manager, Billing Inquiry Billing Resolution Officer, Billing Inquiry Billing Resolution Assistant, Billing Inquiry
Supervisor Officer Assistant

e-Payment Operations Manager, Client e-Payment Operations Specialist, e- e-Payment Operations Assistant, e-Services
Financial Management Manager, e-Billing Payment Operations Analyst, e-Billing Specialist
Supervisor, Payment Posting Supervisor, Analyst, e-Billing Administrator, e-Services
Electronic Payments Manager Analyst
Chargeback Coordinator

Credit & Collections Director, Credit & Credit & Collections Analyst, Credit & Credit & Collections Clerk, Credit &
Collections Sr. Manager, Credit & Collections Officer Collections Assistant
Collections Manager, Credit & Collections
Credit Director, Credit Sr. Manager, Credit Credit Analyst, Credit Officer
Manager, Credit Supervisor
Collections Director, Collections Sr. Collections Analyst, Collections Officer Collections Assistant
Manager, Collections Manager, Collections

Field Collections Manager Field Collections Analyst, Field Collections Field Collections Assistant

Credit Analysis Manager, Credit Customer Account Representative, Credit Representative, Credit Rep
Investigation Manager Recovery Analyst, Credit Analyst

Human Resources Sr. Manager, Human HR Analyst, HR Generalist HR Administration Clerk, HR Administration
Resources Manager, Human Resources Assistant

HR Business Partner Sr. Manager, HR HR Business Partner

Business Partner Manager, HR Business
Partner Supervisor

Human Resources Manager, HR Manager

Human Resources Manager, HR Manager

Mobility Sr. Manager, Mobility Manager, Mobility Analyst, Expatriate Analyst

Expatriate Sr. Manager, Expatriate
Manager, Expatriate Supervisor

Relocation Sr. Manager, Relocation Relocation Services Analyst, Relocation

Manager, Relocation Supervisor, Relocation Analyst
Services Sr. Manager, Relocation Services
Manager, Relocation Services Supervisor
Immigration Services Sr. Manager, Immigration Services Analyst, Immigration
Immigration Sr. Manager, Immigration Analyst
Services Manager, Immigration Manager,
Immigration Services Supervisor,
Compensation Supervisor
& Benefits Sr. Manager, Compensation & Benefits Analyst, Rewards
Compensation & Benefits Manager, Analyst, Rewards Generalist
Compensation & Benefits Supervisor

Compensation Sr. Manager, Compensation Compensation Analyst, Compensation

Manager, Compensation Supervisor Administrator

Executive Compensation Sr. Manager, Executive Compensation Analyst

Executive Compensation Manager,
Executive Compensation Supervisor

Benefits Sr. Manager, Benefits Manager, Benefits Analyst

Benefits Supervisor

Total Rewards Sr. Manager, Total Rewards Total Rewards Analyst

Manager, Total Rewards Supervisor

Work/Life Programs Sr. Manager, Work/Life Work/Life Program Analyst, Work/Life

Programs Manager, Work/Life Programs Program Administrator, Wellness Analyst,
Supervisor, Wellness Sr. Manager, Wellness Wellness Administrator
Manager, Wellness Supervisor
Health & Welfare Benefits Manager Health & Welfare Benefits Analyst

Leave Management Representative, Leave

Management Specialist, Leave Specialist,
Leave of Absence Specialist, Absence &
Leave Specialist
HR Operations Sr. Manager, HR Operations HR Administration Analyst, Personnel HR Clerk, HR Assistant
Manager, HR Operations Supervisor Administration Analyst, HR Administrator,
HR Operations Analyst

Compensation & Benefits Administration Sr. Compensation & Benefits Administrator, Compensation & Benefits Clerk,
Manager, Compensation & Benefits Compensation & Benefits Operations Compensation & Benefits Assistant
Administration Manager, Compensation & Analyst
Benefits Administration Supervisor
Compensation Administration Sr. Manager, Compensation Administrator, Compensation Administration Clerk,
Compensation Administration Manager, Compensation Operations Analyst Compensation Administration Assistant,
Compensation Administration Supervisor, Compensation Operations Clerk,
Compensation Operations Sr. Manager, Compensation Operations Assistant
Compensation Operations
Benefits Administration Sr.Manager,
Manager, Benefits Administrator, Benefits Operations Benefits Administration Clerk, Benefits
Compensation Operations
Benefits Administration Supervisor
Manager, Benefits Analyst Administration Assistant
Administration Supervisor, Benefits
Operations Sr. Manager, Benefits
Operations Manager, Benefits
Worker’s Compensation Operations Worker’s Compensation Administrator,
Sr. Manager, Worker’s Compensation Clerk, Worker's
Worker’s Compensation Manager, Worker's Worker’s Compensation Analyst Compensation Assistant
Compensations Supervisor

Human Resources Service Center Manager, HR Service Center Representative HR Service Center Clerk, HR Service Center
HR Support Center Supervisor, Employee Assistant
Service Center Supervisor, Human
Resources Shared Services Manager
HR Outsourcing Manager

HRIS Manager HRIS Officer HRIS Assistant

Stock Plan Administration Manager, Stock Stock Plan Administrator

Plan Administration Supervisor

Payroll Sr. Manager, Payroll Manager, Payroll Analyst, Payroll Administrator Payroll Clerk, Payroll Assistant
Payroll Supervisor

Sales Commission Payments Manager, Sales Sales Commission Payments Analyst Sales Commission Payments Clerk, Sales
Commission Payments Supervisor, Sales Commission Payments Assistant, Sales
Commission Payroll Manager, Sales Commission Payroll Assistant
Commission Payroll Supervisor
Employee Relations & Diversity Sr. Employee & Labor Relations
Manager, Employee Relations & Diversity Representative, Employee & Labor
Manager, Employee Relations & Diversity Relations Analyst, Employee Relations &
Supervisor, Employee & Labor Relations Sr. Diversity Analyst
Employee Employee & Labor
Relations Sr. Relations
Manager, Employee Employee Relations Analyst, Employee
Manager, EmployeeEmployee
Relations Manager, & Labor Relations
Relations Relations Professional

Labor/Union Relations Sr. Manager, Labor/Union Relations Representative,

Labor/Union Relations Manager, Labor Relations Professional
Labor/Union Relations Supervisor

Diversity Sr. Manager, Diversity Manager, Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity

Diversity Supervisor, Equal Employment Professional, Diversity Professional, Equal
Opportunity/Diversity Sr. Manager, Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Analyst,
Employment Opportunity/Diversity Diversity Analyst
Manager, Equal Employment
Opportunity/Diversity Supervisor
Employee Assistance Sr. Manager, Employee Assistance Program Counsellor
Employee Assistance Manager, Employee
Assistance Supervisor, Employee Assistance
Program Manager
Employee Experience Manager, Employee Employee Experience Analyst, Employee
Experience Supervisor Experience Specialist, Employee Experience

EEO Manager, EEO Supervisor, Equal EEO Representative, EEO Specialist, Equal
Employment Opportunity Manager, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist, Equal
Employment Opportunity Supervisor Employment Specialist, Equal Opportunity
Drug & Alcohol Program Manager, Drug & Drug & Alcohol Program Specialist,
Alcohol Program Supervisor Substance Testing Specialist

Talent Acquisition Sr. Manager, Talent Talent Acquisition Professional, Talent Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Staffing &
Acquisition Manager, Talent Acquisition Acquisition Analyst, Staffing & Recruiting Recruiting Coordinator
Supervisor, Staffing & Recruiting Sr. Professional, Staffing & Recruiting Analyst
Manager, Staffing & Recruiting Manager,
Staffing & Recruiting
Recruiting Supervisor
Sr. Manager, Recruiting Recruiter Recruiting Assistant, Assistant Recruiter
Manager, Recruiting Supervisor

Executive Recruiting Sr. Manager, Executive Executive Recruiter

Recruiting Manager, Executive Recruiting

Technical Recruiting Sr. Manager, Technical Technical Recruiter

Recruiting Manager, Technical Recruiting

Campus Recruiting Sr. Manager, Campus Campus Recruiter

Recruiting Manager, Campus Recruiting

Talent & Organization Performance Sr. Talent & Organization Performance

Manager, Talent & Organization Professional/Specialist
Performance Manager, Talent &
Organization Supervisor
Performance Management Sr. Manager, Performance Management Analyst, Talent
Performance Management Manager, Management Analyst, Organizational
Performance Management Supervisor, Psychologist
Talent Management Sr. Manager, Talent
Management Manager, Talent
Leadership & Management Development Leadership Development Analyst
Management Supervisor & Management
Sr. Manager, Leadership
Development Manager, Leadership &
Management Development Supervisor,
Organizational Development
Workforce Planning Sr. Manager,
Sr. Manager, Workforce Planning Analyst
Organizational Development
Workforce Planning Manager,Manager,
Organizational Development Supervisor
Planning Supervisor

Organizational Development Manager, Organizational Development Specialist,

Organizational Design & Effectiveness Learning Specialist, Organizational
Manager, Organization & Talent Development Advisor, Organizational
Development Manager Development Specialist
Training Sr. Manager, Training Manager, Training & Development Analyst, Training & Training Assistant, Training Administrator,
Training Supervisor Development Professional Training Coordinator

Training Delivery Sr. Manager, Training Trainer, Training Instructor, Training

Delivery Manager, Training Delivery Coordinator
Supervisor, Training Sr. Manager, Training
Manager, Training Supervisor
Instructional Design Sr. Manager, Instructional Designer, Curriculum Designer
Instructional Design Supervisor, Curriculum
Design Manager
Technical & Process Training Manager Technical & Process Training Professional Technical & Process Training Assistant

Training Center Manager

Diversity & Inclusion Manager Diversity Trainer

Language Teacher

Communications & Corporate Affairs Communications & Corporate Affairs Communications & Corporate Affairs
Manager, Corporate Communications Analyst, Communications & Corporate Assistant
Manager, Communications & Corporate Affairs Officer, Corporate Communications
Affairs Supervisor, Corporate Analyst, Corporate Communications Officer
Change Management Supervisor
Manager, Change Change Management Analyst, Change
Enablement Manager, Change Manager Enablement Analyst, Change Analyst,
Change Management Coordinator

IT Process & Change Management Manager IT Change Management Analyst

Print Production Supervisor Production Traffic Coordinator,

Communications Coordinator, Print Job
Planner, Print Production Coordinator

Print Production Supervisor, Print Services Production Traffic Coordinator, Photocopy

Supervisor, Communications Supervisor, Machine Operator
Print Production Supervisor, Multimedia
Production Supervisor
Communications Manager, Speechwriting Speech Writer

National Lobbyist, State Lobbyist

Employee Communications Manager, Employee Communications Officer Employee Communications Assistant,

Enterprise Content Manager, Employee Employee Communications Officer
Communications Supervisor, Enterprise
Content Supervisor
Communications Manager Employee Communications Officer

Knowledge Manager Knowledge Officer

Alumni Relations Manager, Alumni Alumni Relations Specialist Alumni Relations Coordinator
Relations Coordinator

Corporate Affairs Manager Corporate Affairs Representative, Corporate

Affairs Officer
Government and Public Relations Manager Government and Public Relations Officer,
Government and Public Relations
Representative, Government and Public
Relations Professional
Government Relations Manager Government Policy Professional,
Government Relations Officer, Government
Relations Professional

Public Relations Manager Public Relations Officer, Public Relations


Social Media Manager, Social Media Social Media Engagement Specialist, Social
Relations Manager, Social Media Media Analyst, Social Media Coordinator,
Supervisor, Social Media Relations Social Media Relations Coordinator
Community Relations Manager Corporate Responsibility, Community
Relations Officer

Contributions Manager, Philanthropy

Manager, Civic Affairs Manager, Field
Program Manager, Community Relations
Stakeholder Relations Manager Stakeholder Relations Specialist

Grants Administration Manager, Grants Grants Administration Associate, Grants

Administration Supervisor, Grants Manager, Administrator, Grants Coordinator
Grants Supervisor

Indigenous Affairs Manager Community/Native Title/Heritage Advisor

Patient Advocacy Manager, Patient Patient Advocate

Advocacy Supervisor

Investor Relations Manager Investor Relations Analyst, Investor

Relations Analyst Professional

Legal & Corporate Compliance Manager,

Compliance & Audit Manager, Audit

Legal Counsel Manager, Legal Manager Lawyer, Legal Counsel, Attorney

Patent Lawyer Manager, Intellectual Patent Lawyer/Attorney/Counsel,

Property Legal Manager Intellectual Property
Managing Counsel, Managing Attorney, Litigation Counsel, Attorney, Associate
Litigation Counsel, Litigation Support Counsel, Trial Counsel, Legal Counsel, Trial
Manager Attorney

Managing Counsel, Managing Attorney, Regulatory Legal Counsel, Attorney,

Regulatory Affairs Manager, Associate Associate Legal Counsel, Regulatory
Counsel Consulting Specialist, Compliance Specialist,
Regulatory Counsel
Corporate Counsel, Commercial Counsel, Corporate Counsel, Attorney, Legal Counsel,
Associate General Counsel, Senior Counsel, General Commercial Counsel
Attorney Manager

Contract Manager Contract Management Analyst Contract Management Assistant

Land Contracts & Negotiations Manager Landman

Land Contracts Manager, Land Land Contracts Analyst

Administration Manager, Land Acquisitions
Manager, Lease Administration Manager

Clinical Contracting Manager, Clinical Contract and Budget Administrator,

Contracting Supervisor, Sponsor Contracting Commercial Contract Analyst, Contracting
Manager, Sponsor Contracting Supervisor, Officer, Clinical Contracting Officer
Senior Manager of Vendor Management,
CorporateManager, Vendor Management

Paralegal Manager, Paralegal Supervisor

Paralegal, Associate Paralegal, Legal Paralegal, Legal Assistant

Analyst, Legal Assistant

Legal Secretary, Legal Administrative


Legal Records Manager, Legal Document Legal Records Specialist, Legal Document Legal Records, Legal Document Control
Control Manager Control Analyst Assistant

Patent Manager, Patent Prosecution Patent Agent, Patent Engineer, Prosecution Patent Assistant, Patent Administrator
Manager Specialist, Prosecution Agent

Searcher, Patent Analyst, Trademark


Regulatory Affairs Manager, Regulatory Regulatory Affairs Representative Regulatory Affairs Assistant, Regulatory
Affairs Supervisor Affairs Officer

Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Manager, Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Specialist,
Regulatory Policy & Intelligence Supervisor Regulatory Policy & Associate Officer

Product Regulatory Compliance Manager Product Regulatory Compliance Analyst

Product Safety Risk Manager, Product Product Safety Associate, Product Safety
Safety Risk Supervisor Specialist

Life Sciences Regulatory Affairs Manager, Life Sciences Regulatory Affairs Life Sciences Regulatory Affairs
Life Sciences Regulatory Affairs Supervisor, Professional, Regulatory Affairs Professional Administrator, Regulatory Affairs
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Regulatory Administrator
Affairs Supervisor
Testing & Documentation Manager, Testing Testing & Documentation Professional,
& Documentation Supervisor, Regulatory Regulatory Documentation

Labeling Manager, Labeling Supervisor Regulatory Labeling Consultant, Labeling

Coordinator, Labeling Specialist

Labeling Operations Manager, Labeling Labeling Associate, Labeling Specialist

Operations Supervisor

Advertising & Promotion Regulatory Affairs Advertising & Promotion Regulatory Affairs
Manager, Advertising & Promotion Specialist, Promotional Regulatory Affairs
Regulatory Affairs Supervisor, Promotional Specialist
Regulatory Affairs Manager, Promotional
Regulatory AffairsAffairs
CMC Regulatory Supervisor
Manager, CMC CMC Regulatory Affairs Specialist, CMC
Regulatory Affairs Supervisor, CMC Specialist
Manager, CMC Supervisor

Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs, Rates

and Regulatory Affairs Executive

Utilities Rate Filing Specialist, Utilities Rate


Utilities Billing & Tariff Specialist, Utilities

Billing & Tariff Analyst

Medical Affairs Manager, Medical Affairs Medical Affairs Professional


Medical Information Manager, Medical Medical Information Professional

Information Supervisor

Pharmacovigilance Manager, Pharmacovigilance Analyst, Drug Safety

Pharmacovigilance Supervisor, Drug Safety Surveillance

Regulatory Submissions Manager, Regulatory Submissions Specialist,

Submissions Manager, Regulatory Submissions Specialist
Submissions Supervisor, Submissions
Product Safety Coordinator, Product Safety
Food Safety Manager, Food Safety & Food Safety Specialist, Food Safety
Quality Manager Inspector

Audit Manager, Audit Supervisor Internal Auditor, Auditor Audit Assistant

Internal Financial Audit Manager Internal Financial Auditor Audit Assistant

Internal Controls Manager, Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Controls Auditor, Sarbanes-Oxley

Audit Manager, Basel ii Audit Manager, Auditor, Basel ii Auditor, MiFID Auditor,
MiFID Audit Manager, Internal Controls Internal Controls Analyst
Information Systems Audit, IT Audit IT Internal Auditor, IT Auditor, IT Systems
Manager Auditor

Joint Ventures Audit Manager, Joint Joint Ventures Auditor, Joint Ventures
Ventures Internal Audit Manager Internal Audit Specialist

Operation Audit Manager Loss Prevention Auditor, Field Auditor

Anti-Counterfeit Manager, Brand Protection Anti-Counterfeit Officer, Brand Protection

Manager Professional

AML Manager AML Associate AML Assistant

Security & Fraud Detection Manager Security & Fraud Detection Officer

Fraud Prevention Manager Fraud Prevention Analyst Fraud Prevention Administrator

Fraud Detection Supervisor, Fraud Fraud Detection Analyst, Fraud Analyst, Fraud Detection Specialist, Fraud
Detection Manager Fraud Consultant Investigation Agent, Fraud Analyst, Fraud
Detection Representative

Fraud Control Investigations Manager, Fraud Control Investigations Associate

Fraud Control Investigations Supervisor

Compliance Manager, Enterprise Compliance Officer, Compliance Consultant, Compliance Assistant

Compliance Manager, Compliance Compliance Analyst, Regulatory Compliance
Supervisor, Enterprise Compliance Specialist, Compliance Coordinator
Ethics Compliance Manager Ethics Compliance Analyst
Privacy Manager, Privacy Compliance Privacy Officer, Privacy Compliance Officer,
Manager, Compliance & Privacy Manager Privacy Analyst, Data Privacy Analyst,
Information Privacy Specialist

IT Risk and Compliance Manager, Technical IT Risk and Compliance Officer, Technical
Compliance Manager Compliance Officer, Technical Compliance
Specialist, IT Risk & Compliance Analyst

Content Moderation Manager, Content Content Moderator, Content Reviewer, Content Moderation Assistant, Content
Review Manager, Content Control Content Control Specialist, Community Review Assistant, Content Control
Manager, Content Moderation Supervisor, Moderator Assistant, Community Moderation Assistant
Content Review Supervisor, Content
Control Supervisor,
Accessibility Content Compliance
Manager Accessibility Analyst, Accessibility
Manager, Content Compliance Supervisor Coordinator, ADA Coordinator, AODA

Data Privacy Manager, Data Protection Data Privacy Officer, Data Protection
Manager Analyst

Industrial Security Manager, Industrial Industrial Security Specialist, Industrial

Security Supervisor Security Professional

Software Licensing Manager, Software Software Licensing Analyst

Licensing Supervisor

Vendor Manager, Vendor Compliance Vendor Compliance Analyst Vendor Compliance Administrator
Manager, Vendor Management Manager

OEM Manager

Clinical Research Monitoring (CRA) Clinical Research Monitoring (CRA)

Manager, Clinical Research Monitoring Professional
(CRA) Supervisor

Trade Compliance Manager, Trade Trade Compliance Analyst, Trade

Compliance Supervisor, International Trade Compliance Officer, International Trade
Compliance Manager, International Trade Compliance Analyst, International Trade
Compliance Supervisor Compliance Officer
Transportation Compliance Manager DOT Compliance Coordinator,
Transportation Compliance Coordinator

Healthcare Compliance Manager, Healthcare Compliance Specialist,

Healthcare Compliance Supervisor, Senior Compliance Program Specialist, Compliance
Manager of Compliance and Privacy, Senior and Control Specialist
Manager of Regulatory Compliance
Gas Measurement Manager Gas Measurement Analyst

Senior Manager of DEA Compliance, DEA DEA Compliance Analyst, Substance Control
Compliance Manager, DEA Compliance Consultant, DEA Technician, Diversion
Supervisor, Controlled Substances Control Specialist
Manager, Controlled Substances Supervisor

Health Safety & Environment Sr. Manager, Health Safety & Environment Analyst, Health Safety & Environment Assistant, HSE
Health Safety & Environment Manager, Health Safety & Environment Assistant, HSE Technician
Health Safety & Environment Supervisor Representative, Health Safety &
Environment Professional
Health & Safety Manager Health & Safety Coordinator

Environmental Health & Safety Sr. Environmental Health & Safety Analyst,
Manager, Environmental Health & Safety Environmental Affairs Representative
Manager, Environmental Health & Safety
Supervisor, Environmental Affairs Sr.
Manager, Environmental
Environmental Affairs Manager,
Planning Manager Environmental Planning Specialist,
Environmental Affairs Supervisor Environmental Planning Analyst

Hazardous Materials Manager, Hazardous Hazardous Materials Associate Hazardous Materials Technician, Hazardous
Materials Supervisor Waste Handler, Chemical Handler, Chemical
Material Handler

Environmental Services Superintendent Environmental Services Analyst

Product Stewardship Manager, Product Product Stewardship Specialist, Product

Stewardship Supervisor Stewardship Analyst

Sustainability Sr. Manager, Sustainability Sustainability Analyst Sustainability Assistant, Sustainability

Manager, Sustainability Supervisor Technician

Emergency Response Manager, Emergency Emergency Response Coordinator

Response & Preparedness Manager

Environmental Remediation Manager, Environmental Remediation Specialist,

Environmental Remediation Supervisor, Remediation Specialist
Remediation Manager, Remediation
Radiation Safety Manager, Radiation Safety Radiation Safety Analyst, Radiation Safety
Supervisor Specialist

Radiological Control Technician,

Radiological Control Inspector

Labor Safety Sr. Manager, Labor Safety Labor Safety Representative, Labor Safety
Manager, Labor Safety Supervisor Professional

Industrial Hygiene Manager, Occupational Industrial Hygienist

Hygiene Manager

Occupational Hygiene Technician

Permit to Work Manager, Permit to Work Permit Officer, Permits to Work Officer,
Supervisor, Permit Supervisor Permit to Work Coordinator

Injury Management Supervisor Injury Management Coordinator

Site Safety Manager, Loss Control Manager Site Safety Specialist, Loss Control Specialist
Site Emergency Services & Security Site Emergency Specialist, Site Security
Manager Specialist

Safety Manager, Construction Plant Safety Site Safety Officer Safety Assistant, Construction Plant Safety
Manager Assistant

EHS Training Manager, EHS Training EHS Training Officer, EHS Training Specialist

Office Administration Manager, Office

Administrative Manager, Office Services
Manager, Office Support Manager, Office
Services Supervisor, Office Support
Secretarial, Administrative Assistant Secretary, Administrative Assistant

Executive Secretary Manager, Executive Executive Secretary, Secretary to the CEO Executive Secretary, Executive Assistant,
Secretary Supervisor Executive Administrative Assistant

Office Administration Professional, Office

Support Specialist, Office Administrator

Office Assistant, Data Entry Clerk, Word

Processing Operator, Administrative
Support Clerk, Office Support Assistant

Receptionist, Switchboard Supervisor Receptionist, Switchboard Operator

Office Supply, Mail Room Supervisor Office Supply Clerk, Mail Room/Copy Clerk

Events Planning Supervisor Events Planner, Events Coordinator

Data Entry Manager, Data Entry Supervisor Data Entry Operator, Data Entry Clerk

Travel Manager, Travel Supervisor Travel Coordinator

Pantry Assistant, Office Pantry Assistant,

Amah, Tea Lady

Fleet Manager, Fleet Supervisor, Fleet Fleet Specialist, Fleet Operations Specialist, Fleet Coordinator, Fleet Assistant, Fleet
Operations Manager, Fleet Operations Fleet Administrator, Vehicle Fleet Operations Assistant
Supervisor, Vehicle Fleet Manager, Vehicle Administrator
Fleet Supervisor
Property Control Coordinator,
Property/Asset Control Coordinator,
Property Control Specialist

Medical Screener, Health Screener,

Temperature Taker
Documentation Manager, Documentation Documentation Specialist Documentation Assistant

Document Control Manager, Document Document Control Specialist, Project Document Control Assistant, Document
Control Supervisor, Project Document Document Control Specialist, Document Control Clerk, Document Control
Control Manager, Project Document Control Analyst, Project Document Control Technician, Documentation Coordinator
Control Supervisor Analyst
Head of Office Facilities & Administration,
Office Facilities & Administration Executive,
Head of Corporate Office Services/Facilities,
Corporate Office Services/Facilities
Facilities/Building Services Manager,
Facilities Manager, Building Services

Facilities Manager, Manufacturing Facility Facilities Officer, Facilities Maintenance

Manager, Facilities Supervisor Coordinator, Facilities Management

Facilities Planning Manager Facilities Planner

Property Leasing Manager, Lease Real Estate Representative

Administration Manager, Lease Renewal
Manager, Facilities Manager

Lease Administrator

Facilities Coordinator

Facilities Manager, Maintenance Manager,

Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, Facilities
Maintenance & Repair Supervisor,
Facilities/Maintenance Executive
General Maintenance Technician,
Warehouse Maintenance & Repair
Technician, Store Maintenance & Repair
Installation Supervisor, Field Installation

Custodial Supervisor, Janitorial Supervisor, Cleaner, Custodian, Janitor, Housekeeping

Cleaning Supervisor, Housekeeping Team Leader, Housekeeper
Manager, Housekeeping Supervisor

Groundskeeping Supervisor Groundskeeper

Pool Cleaner, Pool Attendant, Pool Assistant


Parking Supervisor


Security Manager, Safety & Security Security Officer, Property Security Security Clerk, Security Assistant
Manager, Security Supervisor, Security Officer/Leadman

Security Supervisor Security Guard

Fire Safety Manager, Fire Safety Supervisor Fire Station Leadman, Extinguishing &
Maintenance Technician

Loss Prevention Director - Loss Prevention Representative -

Warehouse/Distribution Center Warehouse/Distribution Center

Head of Loss Prevention, Head of Asset Loss Prevention Associate, Loss Prevention Loss Prevention Representative, Loss
Protection, Loss Prevention Manager, Loss Analyst, Loss Prevention Specialist, Loss Prevention Officer, Loss Prevention
Prevention Supervisor, Asset Protection Prevention Investigator Assistant
Manager, Asset Protection Supervisor

Head of Library, Library Head

Library Coordinator, Library Manager


Library Technician

Cataloguer, Cataloger

Library Manager, Technical Information Librarian, Technical Librarian, Technical

Library Manager Information Librarian
Firefighter, Emergency Response Specialist

Executive Protection Specialist, Executive

Protection Agent, Close Protection

Project/Program Management Office Project/Program Management Office

(PMO) Manager (PMO) Advisor, Consultant, Analyst

Project Management Manager, Program Project Manager, Program Manager, Project Assistant, Project Coordinator
Management Manager Project Administrator

Program Management Manager, Project Program Manager

Management Manager, Project Manager,
Program Manager, Launch Manager,
Business Planning Manager
Project Controls Manager

Project Cost Estimation Manager, Project Project Cost Estimator Cost Estimation Assistant, Assistant
Cost Estimation Supervisor, Estimation Estimator
Manager, Estimation Supervisor

Cost Estimation Manager, Cost Cost Controller

Management Manager

Turnaround Planning Manager Turnaround/Shutdown Coordinator

Maintenance Planning Manager, Maintenance Planning Coordinator,

Maintenance Scheduling Manager Maintenance Scheduling Coordinator

IT Project/Program Management Office IT Project/Program Management Office

(PMO) Manager (PMO) Advisor, IT Project/Program
Management Office (PMO) Advisor
Consultant, IT Project/Program
IT Project Management Manager, IT Management Office IT
IT Project Manager, (PMO) Advisor
Program AnalystIT Project Assistant, Project Coordinator
Program Management Manager, Technical Project Administrator, Technical Project
Project Management Manager, Project Manager, Project Manager
Management Manager
R&D Portfolio Manager, R&D Portfolio Portfolio Associate, Portfolio Consultant,
Supervisor, Portfolio Manager, Portfolio Portfolio Planning Specialist

Clinical Research Project Management Clinical Research Project Manager

Manager, Clinical Research Project
Management Supervisor

Scrum Product Owner Manager, Scrum

Product Owner

Scrum Master, Scrum Master Manager, Scrum Master

Scrum Master Principal, Lead Scrum Master

e-Commerce IT Project Manager e-Commerce Project Analyst, e-Commerce

Development Project Analyst, e-Commerce
Technical Analyst, IT Business Systems
Project Analyst
Web Project Management Manager, Web Web Development Project Manager
Development Project Manager, Web
Development Manager

Solutions Delivery Consulting Manager, Solutions Delivery Consultant

Solutions Delivery Consulting Supervisor

ITO/BPO Solution Delivery Management ITO/BPO Solution Delivery Manager


Project Director Construction Works Assistant (Civil), Construction Project

Management Analyst

Sales & Marketing Manager, Sales & Sales & Marketing Analyst, Sales & Sales & Marketing Assistant
Marketing Supervisor Marketing Representative

Lead Generation Manager, Lead Generation Lead Generation Specialist, Lead Generator

Branch Manager, General Manager

Sales & Marketing Business Development Sales & Marketing Business Development Business Development Assistant
Manager Analyst

Alliance Manager, Strategic Alliances Alliance Representative


Pricing Strategy and Policy Manager Pricing Strategy and Policy Analyst

Media Planning & Strategy Manager, Media Media Planning & Strategy Associate,
& Consumer Touchpoints Manager Media & Consumer Touchpoints

Digital Customer Relationship Management Digital Customer Relationship Management

Manager, Digital Manager, e-Business Assistant, Digital Specialist, Digital
Marketing Manager, Digital Marketing Marketing Analyst
Manager, Digital Supervisor, Digital
Marketing Supervisor,
Pricing Research Digital Customer
Manager Pricing Analyst Pricing Research Assistant
Relationship Supervisor, e-Business
Marketing Supervisor

Head of Brand Licensing, Head of Licensing,

Licensing Manager, Licensee Operations
Manager, Brand Licensing Manager
Capture Manager, Capture Supervisor Capture Specialist, Capture Analyst

Loyalty Program Manager, Loyalty Program Loyalty Marketing Specialist, Customer

Supervisor, Loyalty Marketing Manager, Loyalty Program Specialist, Loyalty
Loyalty Marketing Supervisor, Customer Marketing Analyst, Customer Loyalty
Loyalty Program Manager, Customer Program Analyst
Market Program
Planning Supervisor
Manager, Market Planning Market Planning Specialist, Market Planning
Supervisor Analyst, Market Advisor

Product Licensing Manager, Product Product Licensing Specialist, Licensing

Licensing Supervisor, Licensing Manager, Specialist
Licensing Supervisor

Health Economics Manager, Health Health Economist

Economics Supervisor

Market Access Manager, Market Access Market Access Professional, Strategic

Supervisor, Strategic Market Access Market Access

Reimbursement Manager, Reimbursement Reimbursement Professional, Product

Supervisor, Product Reimbursement Reimbursement

Health Economics Liaison Manager, Health Health Economics Liaison, Health Outcomes
Economics Liaison Supervisor, Health Liaison
Outcomes Liaison Manager, Health
Outcomes Liaison Supervisor
New Ventures Supervisor, New Ventures New Venture Specialist, Licensing Specialist,
Manager, Director of New Ventures, Strategic Alliances & Business Development
Business Development Supervisor, Business Specialist
Development Manager, Director of
GovernmentDevelopment, SearchGovernment
Pricing Manager, & Evaluation Government Pricing Analyst, Pricing
Supervisor, Search &
Pricing Supervisor, Evaluation
Pricing Manager,
Manager, Pricing Analyst, Rebate Analyst
Director of Search & Evaluation

Game Product Strategy & Planning Manager Game Product Strategy & Planning

Pricing Manager Pricing Analyst

E-Commerce Strategy Manager E-Commerce Strategy Analyst

E-Payment Strategy Manager E-Payment Strategy Analyst

Merchant Development Manager Merchant Developer

Merchant Operations Manager Merchant Support Representative, Seller Merchant Support Assistant
Support Representative
Merchant Training Manager, Seller Merchant Training Associate, Seller Merchant Training Assistant
Education Manager Education Professional

Channel Planning Manager Channel Planning Analyst

Content Channel Operations Manager Content Channel Operations Analyst Content Channel Operations Assistant

Marketing Manager, Marketing Supervisor Marketing Analyst, Marketing Generalist Marketing Assistant

Product Development Manager Products Analyst, Product Development


Product Design Manager Product Designer Product Design Assistant

Product Packaging Manager Product Packaging Analyst

Prototype Development Manager, Sampling Sample Coordinator, Sample Developer


Technical Design Manager Product Technical Designer Technical Design Assistant

Technical Manager Technical Analyst

Mobile Product Planning Manager Mobile Product Planner

Internet Product Operations Manager Internet Product Operations Specialist Internet Product Operations Assistant

User Operations Manager User Operations Analyst, User Operations


Game Distribution Manager, Game Import Game Distribution Analyst, Game

Manager, Game Export Manager Distribution Specialist, Game Import
Analyst, Game Import Specialist, Game
Export Analyst, Game Export Specialist
Product Marketing Manager Product Marketing Analyst

Product/Brand Marketing Manager Product/Brand Marketing Professional

Product/Brand Manager Product Analyst

IT Product Manager, IT Delivery Manager, IT Product Management Analyst, IT Delivery
Technical Product Manager, Solution Analyst, Technical Product Management
Delivery Manager, Product Manager Analyst, Solution Delivery Analyst, Product
Management Analyst
Commercialization Manager, Product Commercialization Analyst Commercialization Assistant
Commercialization Manager

Draught Beer Specialist, Draft Beer


Product Manager, Product Strategy Product Management Analyst, Product

Manager Strategy Analyst

Mobile Product Manager, Product Strategy Mobile Product Management Analyst,

Manager - Mobile Product Strategy Manager - Mobile

Product Management Director, Product Product Management Analyst, Product

Manager Analyst

Price Book Manager

Game Product Operations Manager, Game Game Product Operations Specialist, Game
Operations Manager Operations Associate

Game Licensed Product Operations Game Licensed Product Operations

Manager Specialist

Patient Adherence Manager, Patient Patient Adherence Specialist, Patient

Adherence Supervisor, Patient Adherence Adherence Program Specialist
Program Manager, Patient Adherence
Program Supervisor
Patient Relationship Manager, Patient Patient Relationship Specialist
Relationship Supervisor

Trade Marketing Manager Trade Marketing Analyst

Channel Development Manager, Channel Channel Marketing Analyst

Marketing Manager

Category Manager Category Analyst

Shopper Marketing Manager, Consumer Shopper Marketing Analyst

Marketing Manager

Internet/Online Marketing Manager, Digital Internet/Online Marketing Manager, Digital Internet/Digital Marketing Assistant
Marketing Manager, Internet/Online Marketing Manager
Marketing Supervisor, Digital Marketing
Email Marketing Manager Email Marketing Specialist
Social Media Marketing Manager Social Media Marketing Analyst, Social
Media Communications Professional

E-Commerce Marketing Manager Online Shopper Marketing Manager

Content Marketing Manager, Marketing Marketing Content Analyst

Content Manager

Web Content Manager Web Content Specialist, Web Content


Search Engine Marketing Manager Search Engine Marketing Analyst, SEM

Analyst, SEM/PPC Strategist, Paid Search

Content Operations Manager Content Operations Analyst Content Operations Assistant

Digital Media/Brand Relations Manager, Digital Media/Brand Relations Analyst,

Digital Merchandising Manager, Digital Product Marketing Analyst, Media
Strategy Manager, Digital Product Manager, Marketing Analyst, Digital Marketing
Integrated Marketing Manager Professional
Digital Analytics Manager, Strategic Digital/e-Commerce Analyst, e-Commerce
Analytics Manager, Web Analytics Manager, Analyst
Digital Marketing Manager, Business
Intelligence Manager
Influencer Marketing Manager, Influencer Influencer Marketer, Influencer Marketing
Marketing Supervisor Associate, Social Media Influencer

Direct Marketing Manager, Direct Telemarketer Telemarketer

Marketing & Telemarketing Manager

Direct Marketing Manager, Direct Telemarketer

Marketing & Telemarketing Manager

Technical Marketing Manager Technical Marketing Analyst

Employee Product Training Manager, Employee Product Trainer, Technical Technical Training Assistant
Technical and Process Training Manager Trainer, Technical and Process Trainer

Wine Educator

Beer Knowledge Manager

Customer Product Training Manager Training & Education Professional,

Customer Technical Training Representative

Nutritional Manager, Nutritional Supervisor Nutritionist

Life Sciences Marketing Services Manager, Life Sciences Marketing Services
Life Sciences Marketing Services Supervisor, Professional, Professional Services -
Professional Services - Marketing Manager Marketing

Medical Writing Manager, Medical Writing Medical Writer


Medical Scientific Liaison Manager, Medical Medical Scientific Liaison, Medical Science
Scientific Liaison Supervisor, Medical Liaison
Science Liaison Manager

Clinical Education Manager, Clinical Clinical Education Professional

Education Supervisor

Patient Education Manager, Patient Patient Education Consultant, Nurse

Education Supervisor, Nurse Educator Educator

Technical Sales Manager, Technical Sales Technical Sales Representative,

Supervisor, Technical/Scientific Sales Technical/Scientific Sales Service
Service Manager

Advertising/Marketing Communications Advertising/Marketing Communications Advertising/Marketing Communications

Manager Professional, Promoter Assistant

Advertising/Promotions Manager, Advertising/Promotions Analyst, Marketing

Marketing Services Manager Services Analyst

Promotion & Merchandising Manager, Promotion & Merchandising Analyst Promoter, Promotion & Merchandising
Promotion & Merchandising Supervisor Assistant

Conferences/Congresses/Events Manager Conferences/Congresses/Events Planner

Web Advertising Manager, Web Advertising Web Advertising Professional, Internet Web Advertising Coordinator, Online
Supervisor, Online Advertising Manager, Advertising Professional Advertising Coordinator
Online Advertising Supervisor

Merchandising & Promotion Coordinator, Promoter, Promotion & Merchandising

Promotion Team Leader, Advertising and Assistant
Sales Promotion Manager

Special Events Manager Special Events Coordinator

E-Commerce Promotions Manager E-Commerce Promotions Planning


Marketing Research Manager, Market Marketing Research Analyst, Market

Research Manager Research Analyst

Consumer Insight Manager Consumer Insight Analyst

Database Marketing Manager Database Marketing Analyst

Sales & Account Manager Sales & Account Management

Representative, Enterprise Account

Sales Manager Sales Representative

Field Sales (Key Accounts) Manager Field Sales (Key Accounts) Representative

Field Sales Supervisor Field Sales Assistant, Sales Representative,

Sales Operation Analyst, Sales Specialist

Technical Sales Manager, Technical Sales Technical Sales Representative


Chemical Sales Manager Chemical Sales Representative

Government Sales Manager, Government Government Sales Representative

Sales Supervisor

IP Sales Manager, IP Sales Supervisor, IP Sales Representative, IP Sales Specialist, IP Sales Assistant, Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Sales Manager, IP Sales Professional, Intellectual Property Sales Assistant
Intellectual Property Sales Supervisor Sales Representative

Direct Sales Manager Direct Sales Representative

Direct Sales (Key Accounts) Manager Direct Sales (Key Accounts) Representative

Sales Finance Manager Sales Finance Representative

Cellar Door Sales Assistant

Sales Manager, Sales Supervisor, Sales Sales Specialist, VIP Sales Consultant, Sales Advisor, Sales Representative
Team Leader, VIP Client Manager, Personal Personal Shopper, Made-to-Measure Sales
Shopping Manager Representative, MTM Representative

Counter Chief, Counter Manager, Counter Beauty Advisor, Make-Up Artist, Make-Up
Supervisor, Counter Team Leader Sales Advisor, Skin Care Therapist, Skin Care
Advisor, Fragrance Sales Representative,
Fragrance Advisor
Online Personal Shopping Manager, Digital Digital Stylist, Online Personal Shopper, Digital Personal Shopping Assistant, Online
Personal Shopping Manager, Online Digital Personal Shopper Personal Shopping Assistant
Personal Shopping Supervisor, Digital
Personal Shopping Supervisor
Channel Sales Manager Channel Sales Representative, Indirect Sales
Partner Sales Manager, Partner Sales Partner Sales Representative

Pre-Sales Product Consulting Manager Pre-Sales Product Consultant

Pre-Sales Solution Architect Manager Pre-Sales Solution Architect

Software Tools & Applications Sales Sales Representative - Software Tools and Software Tools & Applications Sales
Manager, Software Tools & Applications Applications Assistant
Sales Supervisor

Sales Manager - Hardware Sales Representative - Hardware

Sales Manager - Integrated Solutions Sales Representative - Integrated Solutions

Sales Manager - Services Sales Representative - Services

Online Sales Manager Online Sales Representative

O2O Sales Manager O2O Sales Representative O2O Sales Assistant

O2O Telesales Manager O2O Telesales Representative O2O Telesales Assistant

Education Sales Manager, Course Manager Education Sales Coordinator, Education

Sales Consultant, Course Consultant

Merchant Payments Manager Merchant Payments Representative

Cloud Product/Services Sales Manager Cloud Product/Services Sales


Medical Sales Manager, Medical Sales Medical Sales Representative


Animal Health Sales Manager, Animal Animal Health Sales Representative

Health Sales Supervisor

Specialist/Clinical Sales Manager, Specialist/Clinical Sales Representative,

Specialist/Clinical Sales Supervisor, Hospital Hospital Sales
Sales Manager

Animal Health Sales Manager, Animal Animal Health Sales Representative

Health Sales Supervisor
Pharmacy Sales Manager, Pharmacy Sales Pharmacy Sales Professional, Pharmacy
Supervisor Sales Representative

Channel/Distributor Sales Manager, Channel/Distributor Sales Representative

Channel/Distributor Sales Supervisor

Animal Health Sales Manager, Animal Animal Health Sales Representative

Health Sales Supervisor

Practitioner/Physician Sales Manager, Practitioner/Physician Sales Representative

Practitioner/Physician Sales Supervisor

Practitioner/Physician Sales Manager, Practitioner/Physician Sales Representative

Practitioner/Physician Sales Supervisor

Online Advertising Sales Manager Online Advertising Sales Representative,

Online Ad Sales Representative

Technical Sales Manager Technical Sales Representative

Energy Marketing Manager, LNG Marketing Coordinator LNG Marketing, Coordinator

Manager, Gas Marketing Manager, Crude Gas Marketing, Coordinator Crude Oil
Oil Marketing Manager, Energy Marketing Marketing, Energy Marketing
Supervisor, LNG Marketing Supervisor, Gas Representative, Energy Marketing
Marketing Supervisor,
Inbound/Outbound Crude Oil
Telesales Marketing
Supervisor Professional
Telesales Representative, Inbound/Outbound Telesales Rep,
Supervisor Inbound/Outbound Telesales Telemarketer

Inbound Telesales Supervisor Telesales Representative, Inbound Telesales Inbound Telesales Rep, Telemarketer

Outbound Telesales Supervisor Telesales Representative, Outbound Outbound Telesales Rep, Telemarketer
Telesales Representative

Inside Sales Manager, Remote Account Inside Sales Representative, Inside Renewal Inside Sales Assistant, Full Account
Manager Sales Rep Management Assistant

Account Manager, Key Account Manager Account Management Representative, Key

Account Management Representative,
Enterprise Account Executive

Online Key Account Manager, Online Online Key Account Representative, Online
Account Manager, E-Commerce Account Account Representative, E-Commerce
Manager, E-Commerce Key Account Account Representative, E-Commerce Key
Manager Account Representative
Renewals Manager, Contract Renewals Renewals Specialist, Contract Renewals Renewals Assistant, Contract Renewals
Manager, Renewals Supervisor, Contract Specialist, Renewals Representative, Assistant
Renewals Supervisor Contract Renewals Representative

Shareholder Services Manager Shareholder Service Representative

Sales Training Manager Sales Trainer

Telephone Sales Manager, Telephone Sales Telephone Sales Coach, Telephone Sales
Training Manager Training Instructor

Sales Operations/Administration Manager Sales Operations/Administration Analyst Sales Administration Clerk/Assistant

Sales Effectiveness Manager, Sales Sales Effectiveness Analyst, Sales

Effectiveness Control/Measurement Effectiveness Control/Measurement
Manager, Sales Effectiveness Analyst, Sales Effectiveness
Control/Measurement Supervisor Control/Measurement Professional
Inbound Order Entry Supervisor, Inbound Inbound Order Entry Representative Inbound Order Entry Clerk
Order Entry Manager

Order Fulfilment Manager, Order Fulfilment Order Fulfilment Associate Order Fulfilment Assistant

Contract & Bid Manager, Contract Manager Proposal Representative, Contract Contract/Tender Coordinator, Proposal
Specialist, Contract Analyst, Contract Administrator, Vendor Contract Specialist,
Administration Analyst, Contract/Tender Bid & Proposal Associate, Contract
Coordinator Administration Assistant
Proposal Development Manager Proposal Writer, Proposal Specialist

Sales Enablement Manager, Sales Sales Enablement Specialist, Sales

Enablement Supervisor Enablement Analyst

Channel Operations Manager, Channel Channel Operations Analyst, Sales Channel

Operations Supervisor, Sales Channel Operations Analyst
Operations Manager, Sales Channel
Operations Supervisor
Proposal Manager, Proposal Supervisor, Proposal Analyst, Proposal Specialist
Proposal Analysis Manager, Proposal
Analysis Supervisor

ETMS Analyst

Managed Care Contracts Manager, Contract and Pricing Analyst, Bids and
Managed Care Contracts Supervisor, Quote Coordinator, Managed Care
Contracts Manager, Contracts Supervisor Contracts Analyst

Sample Accountability Manager, Sample Sample Operations Analyst, Sample

Management Manager, Sample Accountability Specialist, Sample
Accountability Supervisor, Sample Management Specialist
Management Supervisor
Head of Franchising, Franchising Executive,
Franchise Executive

Franchise Director, Franchising Director, Franchising Coordinator, Franchising

Franchise Operations Director, Franchise Analyst
Manager, Franchising Manager, Franchise
Operations Manager
Franchise Director, Franchising Director, Franchising Coordinator, Franchising
Franchise Operations Director Analyst

Customer Service Manager Customer Service Representative, Customer Customer Service Assistant
Service Officer

Outsourcing Vendor Director, Outsourcing

Vendor Manager

Dispatch Supervisor Dispatcher


Cellar Door Manager

Medical Affairs Call Screening Manager, Medical Affairs Call Screening Professional
Medical Affairs Call Screening Supervisor

Customer Relationship Manager - Supply & Supply & Logistics Customer Service Customer Relationship Representative -
Logistics, Supply & Logistics Customer Analyst, Customer Service Operations Supply & Logistics
Support Manager Analyst

Returns Coordinator

Repair Center Manager, Repair Center


Customer Service Operations Manager Customer Service Operations Analyst Customer Service Operations Clerk

Customer Support Manager, Supervisor Call Centre (Non-Technical) Personnel, Customer Support Representative,
Process Associate (Voice) Customer Care Representative

Technical Support Manager, Technical Technical/Product Support Representative Technical/Product Support Representative
Support Supervisor

Customer Service Manager Customer Service Analyst

E-commerce Customer Support Manager, E- eCustomer Care Associate, Customer E-commerce Customer Support
commerce Customer Support Supervisor, Support Representative Representative, Email Chat Representative
Customer Email/Chat Support Manager,
Customer Email/Chat Support Supervisor
Correspondence Representative

Executive Response/Escalation Manager, Executive Response/Escalation

Executive Response/Escalation Team Representative

Retention Manager, Retention Team Leader Customer Relationship Management Retention Representative
Representative, Customer Satisfaction

Field Technical Service Manager, Field Field Service Support Technician, Field
Technical Service Supervisor Technical Support Technician

Customer Service Manager/Front End


Service Desk Associate/Customer Service


CRM Manager CRM Analyst

Customer Service Planning Manager Customer Service Planner

Manager - Complaints, Complaint Complaint Management Officer, Customer Complaint Management Assistant
Management Supervisor Retention Officer

Customer Success Manager, Customer Customer Success Associate Customer Success Coordinator
Success Supervisor

Head of Customer Experience, Customer

Experience Executive

Customer Experience Manager, Customer Customer Experience Officer, Customer Customer Experience Assistant
Experience Supervisor Experience Analyst

Account Opening & Activation Manager Account Origination Officer Account Opening & Activation Assistant

Customer Data Cleansing Manager, Data Cleansing Officer, Customer Profile Customer Data Cleansing Assistant
Customer Data Cleansing Supervisor Updates Officer
Group/Regional Contact Center Executive,
Contact Center Executive, Call Center

Call Center Traffic & Scheduling Manager, Call Center Traffic & Scheduling Analyst, Call Center Traffic & Scheduling Assistant,
Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling Analyst Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling
Manager Assistant

Traffic/Dialer Manager

Dialer Administrator

Scheduling Manager, Scheduling Supervisor Scheduling Analyst

Operational Support Executive

Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Manager Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Associate Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Assistant

Speech Analytics Manager Call Miner Analyst, Speech Analyst

Voice Biometrics Manager, Voice Voice Biometrics Analyst

Biometrics Supervisor

Voice Accent Training Manager, Voice & Voice & Accent Trainer, Accent Training &
Accent Training Manager, Accent Training & Coaching Specialist
Coaching Manager, Accent Training &
Coaching Supervisor
Scriptwriting Supervisor Contact Centre Scriptwriter Contact Centre Scriptwriter Assistant

Training Manager Trainer

Business Process Improvement Manager, Business Process Improvement Analyst, Six

Six Sigma Master Black Belt Manager, Six Sigma Master Black Belt Analyst, Six Sigma
Sigma Black Belt Manager, Six Sigma Green Black Belt Analyst, Six Sigma Green Belt
Belt Manager, Six Sigma Yellow Belt Analyst, Six Sigma Yellow Belt Analyst
IT Assurance Manager, IT Quality Manager IT Assurance Analyst, IT Quality Analyst

IT Outsourcing Manager, IT Outsourcing IT Outsourcing Analyst, IT Outsourcing

Vendor Manager, IT Vendor Quality Vendor Analyst, IT Vendor Quality Analyst,
Manager IT Outsourcing Technical Advisor
Data Quality Management Manager, Data Data Steward
Management Manager, Data Quality

IT Service Performance Management IT Service Performance Analyst, IT Service

Manager, IT Service Owner, Technology Management Analyst, IT Service Delivery
Service Manager, IT Client Service Manager Analyst

Vendor Relations Manager, Vendor Vendor Relations Specialist, Vendor Liaison,

Partnerships Manager, Vendor Program Vendor Coordinator, Vendor Performance
Manager, Vendor/Purchasing Manager, Analyst, Vendor Services Consultant
Vendor Relationship Manager, Enterprise
Support Manager Manager, QA
QA Documentation QA Documentation Coordinator, QA
Documentation Supervisor, Quality Documentation Specialist, Quality
Documentation Manager, Quality Documentation Specialist
Documentation Supervisor
Good Laboratory Practices Manager, Good Good Laboratory Practices Associate,
Laboratory Practices Supervisor, Quality Quality Assurance Audit Lead, Laboratory
Compliance & Audit Senior Manager, Analyst, Laboratory Associate
Quality Compliance & Audit Manager,
Quality Compliance & Audit Supervisor, QA Agile Coach, Enterprise Agile Coach, Agile
Laboratory Manager, QA Laboratory Facilitator

Quality Assurance Manager Quality Assurance Analyst Quality Assurance Assistant

Consumer Loan Quality Assurance Manager Consumer Loan Quality Assurance


Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Quality Assurance Analyst, Quality Quality Assurance Assistant, Manufacturing
Assurance & Control Manager Assurance & Control Analyst Quality Assurance Assistant, Quality
Assurance Technician, Quality Auditor

Quality Control Manager Quality Control Analyst Quality Control Inspector

Total Quality Manager, Quality Total Quality Analyst, Quality Management

Management (TQM) Manager, Six Sigma, (TQM) Analyst, Six Sigma Analyst, Lean,
Lean, Kaizen Manager Kaizen Analyst

Business Process Manufacturing Manager Business Process Manufacturing


Tool & Gauge Inspector, Tooling Inspector,

Tool & Precision Gauge Inspector, Tools

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Manager, Good Manufacturing Practices Professional

Validation Manager, Validation Supervisor, Validation Analyst, Validation Analysis -

Validation Analysis - Quality Process Quality Process Analyst

Validation Supervisor Validation Assistant, Validation Analysis -

Quality Process Assistant
Clinical Trial Quality Assurance Manager, Clinical Trial Quality Specialist, Clinical Trial
Clinical Trial Quality Assurance Supervisor Quality Assurance Professional

Quality Control & Assurance Manager, Quality Control & Assurance Analyst, QA Quality Control & Assurance Assistant,
Quality Manager, QA Manager, Quality Lab Analyst, Quality Assurance Analyst Quality Assurance Auditor, QA Technician,
Assurance Manager QA Clerk, Quality Assurance Technician

Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Quality Assurance Analyst, Quality Quality Assurance Coordinator
Supervisor, QA Supervisor, Quality Specialist, Quality Analyst
Assurance Supervisor, Product Quality
Quality Control Manager, Inspection Quality Control Analyst, Product Inspector Quality Control Technician, Product
Supervisor Inspector

Head of Product Integrity

Color Matching Manager Color Matching Engineer Color Matching Technician

Wet Processing Manager Wet Processing Specialist

Fitting & Pattern Manager Fitting & Pattern Specialist Sample Operator

Product Integrity Manager, Fitting Manager Fitting Specialist

Product Integrity Manager Pattern Specialist

Product Safety Manager Product Safety Specialist

Customer Complaints Manager, Customer Product Monitoring Associate, Customer

Complaints Supervisor, Product Complaint Quality Specialist, Compliance Specialist
Manager, Product Complaint Supervisor,
Product Health and Performance Manager,
Product Health and
Senior Manager Performance
Global Supervisor Serialization Analyst
Product Protection,
Global Product Protection Manager, Global
Product Protection Supervisor, Serialization
Manager, Serialization Supervisor
Senior Manager Sterilization Assurance, Quality Engineer - Sterilization, Sterilization
Sterilization Assurance Manager, Engineer, Sterilization Scientist, Quality
Sterilization Assurance Supervisor, Senior Assurance Analyst - Impurity
Manager Quality Control and Sterility,
Quality Control and Sterility Manager, Non-Destructive Test Technician, NDT
Quality Control and Sterility Supervisor, Technician, NDT Specialist
Sterilization Manager, Sterilization
QA Manager - Stability, Senior Manager Associate Scientist - Stability, Operations
Global Quality Standards & Stability, Quality Test Specialist, Quality Engineer - Stability,
Standards & Stability Manager, Quality Stability Associate
Standards & Stability Supervisor, Stability
Senior Stability
Manager QASupervisor
Investigation, QA Quality Assurance Specialist, Quality
Investigation Manager, QA Investigation Control Specialist, Deviation Management
Supervisor, Deviation Management Analyst, Quality Assistance Specialist,
Supervisor. Deviation Management Clinical Deviation Investigator, Deviation
Leader Management Clinical Leader
Supplier Quality Management Manager, Supplier Quality Management Analyst,
Supplier Quality Manager Supplier Quality Analyst

Contract Manufacturing Manager, Contract Contract Manufacturing Professional

Manufacturing Team Leader

Collections Vendor Management Manager, Collections Vendor Management Analyst,

Collections Vendor Manager Collections Vendor Quality Analyst

Receiving Inspector, Incoming Inspector,

Parts Receiving Inspector, Inspector

Quality Assurance Manager, Quality Quality Assurance Inspector, Quality Quality Assurance Assistant, Quality
Improvement Manager Improvement Inspector Improvement Assistant

Supply & Logistics Manager, Supply Chain & Supply & Logistics Generalist, Supply Chain Supply & Logistics Assistant, Supply Chain
Logistics Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Analyst, Supply & Logistics Analyst Assistant
Supply & Logistics Supervisor, Supply Chain
Supply Chain Planning Manager, Supply Supply Chain Planning Specialist, Supply
Chain Management Manager, Planning & Chain Planner, Supply Chain Analyst, Supply
Logistics Manager, Planning/Logistics Integration Planner, Planner, Demand
Manager Analyst
Vendor Managed Inventory Director, Vendor Managed Inventory Analyst
Vendor Managed Inventory Manager,
Vendor Managed Inventory Supervisor

Supply Chain Solutions Manager, Logistics Supply Chain Analyst, Supply Chain
Solutions Manager, Supply Chain Solutions Solutions Analyst
Supervisor, Logistics Solution Supervisor

Clinical Supply Chain Planning Manager, Clinical Supply Chain Planner, Clinical
Clinical Supply Chain Planning Supervisor Supply Planner, Clinical Supply Chain
Planning Specialist, Clinical Supply Specialist

Procurement Manager, Procurement & Procurement Officer, Procurement Buyer, Procurement Clerk, Purchasing Clerk,
Purchasing Manager Procurement & Purchasing Officer Procurement & Purchasing Clerk, Order

Procurement Manager, Purchasing Procurement Professional, Procurement

Manager, Ops Procurement Manager, Analyst, Category Specialist, Ops
Operations Procurement Manager Procurement Specialist, Operations
Procurement Specialist
Systems Manager, Manager of Procurement Systems Administrator, E-
Procurement Operations, Global Sourcing Procurement Analyst, Procurement Systems
Lead, Global Manager of Procurement Specialist
Compliance, Procurement Operations
Contract & Bid Manager, Contract Manager, Contract Administrator, Contract
Contract Administration Manager Administration Analyst
Subcontract Administration Manager, Subcontract Administration Officer,
Subcontract Administration Supervisor Subcontract Administrator, Subcontract
Administration Specialist

Warranty Administration Manager, Warranty Administrator, Warranty

Warranty Administration Supervisor Administration Specialist

Procurement Analyst

Purchasing Price Analyst, Pricing Analyst

Intellectual Property Procurement Intellectual Property Procurement Intellectual Property Procurement Assistant
Manager, Intellectual Property Specialist
Procurement Supervisor

Strategic Sourcing Manager, Strategic Strategic Sourcing Analyst, Strategic

Sourcing Supervisor Sourcing Specialist

Responsible Sourcing Manager, Responsible Responsible Sourcing Analyst, Sustainable

Sourcing Supervisor Sourcing Analyst

Materials Manager, Materials Supervisor Materials Specialist, Materials Analyst

Merchandise Sourcing Manager, Merchandise Sourcing Analyst, Merchandising Assistant

Merchandising Supervisor, Merchandising Merchandiser

Head of Offshore Production, Head of

Import Coordination, Head of Imports &
Exports, Import Coordination and
Production Executive
Supplier Management Manager, Supplier Supplier Relationship Analyst, Supplier
Relationship Manager, Contracts & Services Development Analyst, Enterprise Vendor
Manager Management Analyst, Vendor Planner

Vendor Manager, Vendor Supervisor Vendor Management Analyst, Vendor

Management Specialist

Supplier Diversity Manager, Supplier Supplier Diversity Specialist

Diversity Supervisor

Materials & Procurement Manager, Inventory Control Analyst, Materials Materials Procurement Coordinator,
Materials Manager, Materials Purchasing Analyst, Inventory Coordinator, Commodity Materials Procurement Specialist
Manager Specialist, Inventory Specialist, Material
Management Specialist
Materials Planning & Control Manager, Material Analyst, Materials Engineer, Material Coordinator, Material Handling
Materials Manager, Materials Supervisor, Materials Planning Specialist, Materials Operator, Warehouse Associate, Planning
Materials Control Supervisor Planner, Material Coordinator, Material Assistant, Materials Planning Assistant,
Management Analyst Supply Planning Assistant
Material Requirements Planning Manager, Material Requirements Planning Analyst
Material Requirements Planning Supervisor
Forecasting Manager, Materials Forecasting Forecasting Analyst, Materials Forecasting
Manager, Forecasting Supervisor, Materials Analyst, Forecasting Specialist, Materials
Forecasting Supervisor Forecasting Specialist

Demand Manager, Demand Supervisor, Demand Planner, Demand Planning &

Demand Planning & Analysis Manager, Analysis Specialist
Demand Planning & Analysis Supervisor

Inventory Control Supervisor, Inventory Inventory Control Analyst, Inventory Inventory Control Assistant, Inventory
Control Manager Control Specialist Control Clerk

IT Contract Manager, IT Procurement IT Contract Analyst, IT Procurement Analyst


IT Asset Administration Manager, IT Asset Asset Management Administrator, IT Asset Asset Management Assistant
Administration Supervisor Management Specialist

Retail Buying Manager, E-Commerce Retail Retail Buyer, E-Commerce Retail Buyer,
Buying Manager, Online Retail Buying Online Retail Buyer

Gas Supply Manager, Gas Supply Supervisor Gas Supply Representative

Logistics Manager, Logistics Supervisor Logistics Generalist, Logistics Analyst, Logistics Assistant
Logistics Officer

Logistics Planning Manager, Operations Logistics Planning Analyst, Logistics Planner Logistics Assistant
Planning Manager, Logistics Planning
Supervisor, Operations Planning Supervisor

Supplier Management Inventory Manager, Supplier Management Inventory Analyst,

Supplier Manager, Supply Chain Manager, Inventory Management Analyst, Demand
Replenishment Manager, Inventory Control Planner
Logistics Documentation Manager, Logistics Documentation Administrator, Documentation Coordinator
Documentation Supervisor Documentation Analyst

Provisioning Manager, Provisioning Provisioning Specialist, Logistics Analyst,

Supervisor, Spares Manager, Spares Spares Coordinator, Spares Specialist

Warehouse and Distribution Manager,

Warehouse and Distribution Supervisor

Warehouse Manager, Warehouse


Distribution Center Manager, Distribution

Center Department Manager, Distribution
Center Supervisor

Inbound Operations Manager

Outbound Operations Manager

Warehouse Operations Officer, Warehouse
Analyst, Warehouse Specialist, Warehouse

Warehouse Layout Design Manager, Warehouse Layout Designer

Warehouse Layout Design Supervisor

Shipping & Receiving Manager, Shipping & Warehouse Worker, Warehouseperson,

Receiving Supervisor Warehouse Technician, Warehouse
Operator, Shipping/Receiving Clerk, Billing
& Shipping Clerk, Shipping Coordinator
Materials Handling Supervisor Materials Handler

Shipping Documentation Manager, Shipping Documentation Administrator, Shipping Documentation Clerk, Shipping
Documentation Supervisor Documentation Coordinator Documentation Assistant, Shipping &
Receiving Clerk, Freight Operations
Coordinator, Warehouse Clerk, Shipping
Forklift Operator

Spotter, Switcher, Yard Jockey

Product Recovery Clerk, Returns Processing


Head of Distribution/Logistics, Head of

Distribution, Distribution/Logistics
Executive, Distribution Executive

Head of Distribution Strategy

Distribution Operations Systems Manager, Distribution Operations Systems

Operations Systems Manager, Distribution Coordinator, Distribution Operations
Manager, Supplier EDI Manager, Systems Analyst
Distribution Operations Systems Supervisor,
DistributionSystems Supervisor
Operations Manager, Distribution Analyst, Distribution
Operations Manager, Distribution & Service Operations Analyst, Distribution Specialist,
Manager, Transportation Manager, Distribution Operations Specialist
Distribution Operations Supervisor,
Distribution & ServiceOrder
Head of E-Commerce Supervisor

Warehouse/Distribution Center Computer


Picker/Packer Supervisor Picker/Packer, Order Fulfillment Clerk

Fulfillment Center Manager

Game Release Manager, Game Release Game Release Associate, Game Release
Supervisor Specialist
Terminal/Distribution Operator

Terminal Operations Director, Terminal

Operations Manager, Terminal Supervisor

Gas Control Transportation/Supply


Import/Export Manager, Import/Export Import/Export Analyst Import/Export Clerk


Customs Clearance Manager, Customs Customs Clearance Analyst, Customs Customs Clerk, Customs Clearance Clerk
Manager, Customs Clearance Supervisor, Analyst
Customs Supervisor

Import Manager, Import Supervisor Import Analyst Import Officer, Import Clerk

Export Manager, Export Supervisor Export Analyst Export Officer, Export Clerk

Free Trade Zone Manager, Free Trade Zone Free Trade Zone Analyst

R&D Engineering Manager, Research & R&D Engineer, Research & Development
Development Engineering Manager, R&D Engineer, R&D Analyst, Research &
Engineering Supervisor, Research & Development Analyst, Product
Development Engineering Supervisor, R&D Development Analyst - Research &
Product R&D Supervisor, ResearchProduct
Manager, & Development,
Product Technical Product
Implementation Engineer, New
Implementation Manager, Research
Supervisor, &
New Product Development AnalystEngineer
Product Introduction
Development Supervisor,
Introduction Manager, NewProduct
Development Manager - Research &
Introduction Supervisor
Development, Technical Product
Pilot Plant Manager,
Development ManagerPilot Plant Supervisor, Pilot Plant Associate, Pilot Plant Engineer,
Formula Development Manager, Formula Scientist
Development Supervisor, Director of
Biologics, Biologics Manager, Biologics
AI Research Manager, AI Research AI Research Scientist, Artificial Intelligence
Supervisor, Artificial Intelligence Manager, Researcher
Artificial Intelligence Supervisor

Cyber Research Manager Cyber Research Engineer

Computer Vision Manager Computer Vision Engineer

Machine Learning Manager Machine Learning Engineer

Speech Recognition Manager Speech Recognition Engineer/Scientist,

Speech Research Engineer/Scientist

Natural Language Processing Manager, NLP Natural Language Processing

Manager Engineer/Scientist, NLP Engineer/Scientist

Artificial Neural Networks Manager Artificial Neural Networks Engineer

Intelligent Network Value Added Services Intelligent Network Value Added Services
(IN-VAS) Planning Manager, VAS Planning (IN-VAS) Planning Officer, VAS Planner

Clinical Trial Manager, Clinical Research Clinical Trial Professional

Manager (Non M.D.)

Clinic Research Manager, Clinical Research Clinical Research Scientist


Clinical Trial Recruitment Manager, Clinical Clinical Trial Recruitment Officer, Study
Trial Recruitment Supervisor, Study Feasibility and Patient Recruitment
Feasibility and Patient Recruitment
Clinical Data Manager, Clinical Data Clinical Data Management Analyst Clinical Data Coordinator

Drug Supply Manager, Drug Supply Drug Supply Coordinator, Clinical Supplies
Supervisor, Clinical Supplies Operations Operations

Clinical Data Standards Manager, Clinical Clinical Data Standards Specialist, Clinical
Data Standards Supervisor Data Standards Administrator

Clinical Research Clerk

Clinical Operations Digital Development Clinical Operations Digital Development

Manager, Clinical Operations Digital Officer, Digital Specialist, Project Lead -
Development Supervisor, Clinical Digital Innovation Research Lab, Data
Operations Lead Scientist
Research & Development (R&D) Program
Manager, Research Program Manager, R&D

Engineering Manager, Engineering General Engineer, Engineer


Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Engineer,

Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Manufacturing Engineer, Manufacturing
Engineering Supervisor Process Engineer

Mechanical Engineering Manager Mechanical Engineer

Chemical Engineering Manager Chemical Engineer

Electrical Engineering Manager Electrical Engineer

Electronics Engineering Manager Electronics Engineer

Engineering Manager, Engineering Services


Engineer Liaison, Liaison Engineer,

Engineering Manufacturing Liaison

Product Engineering Manager, Product Product Engineer, Product Support

Engineering Supervisor, Product Support Engineer, Product Manufacturing Engineer
Engineering Manager, Product Support
Engineering Supervisor, Product
Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Graduate Engineer Trainee
Product Manufacturing Engineering

Facilities Engineering Manager Facilities Engineer, Facilities/Building

Services Engineer

Manufacturing Facilities Engineering Manufacturing Facilities Engineer


Plant Engineering Manager Plant Engineer

Facilities Piping Engineering Manager Facilities Piping Engineer

Pipeline Engineering Manager Pipeline Engineer, Piping Engineer

Nuclear Engineering Manager Nuclear Engineer

Product Engineering Manager, Product Product Engineer, Product Design Engineer,

Design Engineering Manager, Research & Research & Development Engineer
Development Engineering Manager

Mechanical Product Engineering Manager Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Product


Electronic Product Engineering Manager Electronics Engineer, Electronic Product


Packaging Engineering Manager Packaging Engineer

RF Engineering Manager RF Engineer

Robotics Engineering Manager, ROV Robotics Engineer, ROV Engineer

Engineering Manager

Materials Engineering Manager, Materials Materials Scientist, Materials Engineer,

Research Engineering Manager Materials Research Engineer

Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer

Senior Manager, Computational Fluid
Dynamics Engineer Manager,
Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer
Team Leader
Acoustics Engineering Manager, Acoustics Acoustics Engineer, Acoustics Analysis
Engineering Supervisor, Acoustics Analysis Engineer
Engineering Manager, Acoustics Analysis
Engineering Supervisor
System Integration Engineering Manager System Integration Engineer

Mechatronics Engineering Manager, Mechatronics Engineer

Mechatronics Engineering Supervisor

Modeling & Simulation Engineering Modeling & Simulation Engineer, Systems

Manager, Modeling & Simulation Modeling Simulation Engineer
Engineering Supervisor, Systems Modeling
Simulation Engineering Manager, Systems
Nuclear SimulationManager,
Nuclear Nuclear Engineer
Engineering Supervisor

Signal and Image Processing Manager, Signal and Image Processing Engineer,
Signal and Image Processing Supervisor, Signal Processing Engineer
Signal Processing Manager, Signal
Processing Supervisor
Medical Devices Product Development Medical Devices Product Development
Engineering Manager, Medical Devices Engineer
Product Development Engineering
IC Design Engineering Manager IC Design Engineer, Component Design

Hardware R&D Engineering Manager Hardware R&D Engineer

Usability Engineering Manager Usability Engineer

Project Engineering Manager, Plant Project Engineer, Plant Engineer

Engineering Manager

Industrial Engineering Manager, Industrial Engineer, Manufacturing

Manufacturing Methods & Systems Methods & Systems Engineer
Engineering Manager

Usability/Human Factors Engineering Usability/Human Factors Engineer, Human

Manager, Human Factors Engineering Factors Engineer, Human Factors Scientist

Project Planning/Scheduling Manager, Project Planner/Scheduler, Project Planner,

Engineering Programs Manager, Master Project Engineer, Integrated Scheduler,
Planner, Engineering Supervisor Planner Engineer

Commissioning & Start-up Manager, Commissioning & Start-up Specialist,

Installation & Commissioning Manager, Installation & Commissioning Engineer,
Commissioning Manager Commissioning Engineer

Project Control Manager, Project Controls Cost Management Engineer, Project Control
Manager, Controls Application Engineering Engineer, Project Controls Engineer,
Manager Controls Engineer

Industrial Engineering Manager Industrial Engineer

Purchasing Engineer Manager Bidding Engineer, Purchasing Engineer

Construction/Site Manager, Discipline Site Engineer

Construction Supervisor

Mine Site Closure Planning Manager, Mine Mine Site Closure Planner, Mine Site
Site Closure Engineering Manager Closure Engineer

Power Systems Design Manager Power Systems Design Engineer

Transmission & Distribution Engineering Transmission & Distribution Engineer


Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Process Engineer, Manufacturing Engineer,

Manufacturing Process Engineering Manufacturing Process Engineer
Assembly Engineering Manager, Calibration Assembly Engineer, Calibration Engineer,
Engineering Manager, Process Engineering Process Engineer
Manager, Manufacturing Engineering
Chemical Process Engineering Manager, Chemical Process Engineer, Plastics Process
Process Development Manager, Process Engineer, Process Engineer

Yield/Failure Analysis Manager, Yield/Failure Analysis Engineer, Test

Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering Manager, Engineer, Test Manufacturing Engineer,
Engineering Investigation Manager, Failure Analysis Engineer
Analysis Supervisor
Additive Manufacturing Manager, Additive Additive Manufacturing Engineer
Manufacturing Engineering Manager

Technology Transfer Manager Technology Transfer Engineer

Process Engineering Manager, Process Process Engineer

Engineering Supervisor

Brewing Engineer, Brewing Process


Manufacturing Process Development Manufacturing Process Development

Manager, Life Sciences Manufacturing Engineer, Life Sciences Manufacturing
Process Development Manager Process Development Engineer

Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineer

Engineering Manager

Chief Metallurgist, Metallurgy Director, Metallurgy Engineer, Junior Metallurgy

Metallurgy Manager Engineer, Metallurgist/Process Engineer

Head of Gas Engineering, Gas Engineering


Mechanical Engineering Manager, Molding Mechanical Engineer, Molding & Tool

& Tool Designing Manager, Tooling Designing Engineer, Tooling Engineer,
Manager Mechanical Engineer

Electrical & Instrument Engineering Electrical and Instrument Engineer,

Manager, Electrical & Instrument Instrument & Control Engineer, Electrical
Engineering Supervisor Controls Engineer

Welding Engineering Manager Welding Engineer

Instrument & Control Engineering Manager Instrument & Control Engineer

Oil & Gas Field Production Engineering Oil & Gas Field Production Engineer

Completions Engineering Manager Completions Engineer, Well Completions

Gas Operations Engineering Manager Gas Operations Engineer

Quality Engineering Manager, Quality Quality Engineer, Quality Assurance

Assurance Engineering Manager, QA Engineer, QA Engineer, Quality Project
Manager Engineer

Quality Manager, Quality Supervisor, Quality Engineer, Quality Control Engineer,

Quality Control Engineering Manager, QC QC Engineer
Manager, QC Supervisor

Product Test Engineering Manager, Product Product Test Engineer

Test Engineering Supervisor

Supplier Quality Engineering Manager, Supplier Quality Engineer, Sourcing

Supplier Quality Manager, Supplier Quality Engineer, Commodity Management
Engineering Supervisor, Supplier Quality Professional, Commodity Engineering
Assurance Manager Professional
Reliability/Failure Analysis Manager, Product Reliability Engineer, Reliability
Product Reliability Manager, Product Safety Engineer, Plant Reliability Specialist
& Reliability Manager

Customer Quality Engineering Manager Customer Quality Engineer

Sustaining Engineering Manager, Sustaining Sustaining Engineer

Engineering Supervisor

Verification Engineering Manager, Verification Engineer

Verification Engineering Supervisor

Component Engineering Manager, Component Engineer

Component Engineering Supervisor

System Safety Engineering Manager, System Safety Engineer

System Safety Engineering Supervisor

Metrologist, Metrology Engineer

Systems Test Engineering Manager, Systems Test Analyst

Systems Test Manager

Test Engineering Manager Test Engineer

QA/QC Manager QA/QC Engineer

Reserves Engineering Manager, Well Reserves Engineer, Well Engineer

Engineering Manager

Corrosion/Integrity Engineering Manager Corrosion/Integrity Engineer

Repair & Maintenance Engineering Repair & Maintenance Engineer,
Manager, Maintenance Engineering Maintenance Engineer
Manager, Repair & Maintenance Manager,
Maintenance Manager, Facility Services
Environmental Health and Safety Manager, Environmental Health & Safety Engineer,
Environment Affairs Manager, Safety Environmental Engineer, Safety Specialist,
Manager, Environmental Manager, Environmental Health & Safety
Environmental Services Manager Administrator, EH&S Specialist
Site Safety Engineering Manager, Design Safety Engineer, Site Safety Engineer, Site
HSE Manager, HSE Manager, EHS Manager HSE Specialist, Safety Specialist, HSE
Engineer, EHS Professional, Safety
Specialist, HSE Engineer, EHS Professional
Pre-Sales Engineering Manager, Technical Technical Sales Engineer, Field Sales
Sales Manager, Sales Engineering Manager Engineer, Sales Engineer, Application

Technical Sales Manager, Applications Technical Sales Representative,

Development Engineering Manager, Applications Development Engineer,
Application Engineering Manager, Technical Application Engineer, Application Specialist,
Support Manager, Solutions Engineering Technical Support Specialist
Field Service Manager, Technical Service Field Service Engineer, Technical Support
Engineering Manager, Service Supervisor Analyst, Field Service Representative,
Technical Solutions Analyst, Service
Animal Health Technical Service Manager, Animal Health Technical Service Advisor,
Animal Health Technical Service Supervisor, Veterinary Technical Service Advisor
Veterinary Technical Service Manager,
Veterinary Technical Service Supervisor
Technical Service Engineering Manager Technical Service Engineer (Field)

Technical Products Support Engineering District Engineer, Regional Engineer,

Manager Product Support Engineer

Field Engineering Manager, Field Field Engineer, Field Operations Engineer

Engineering Supervisor

Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering Civil/Construction/Structural Engineer, Civil

Manager, Civil Engineering Manager, Engineer, Field Engineer, Structural
Engineer/Architect Manager, Technical Engineer
Structure Engineering Manager, Structure Structure Engineer, Structure Designer
Design Manager

Façade Manager Facade Engineer, Decoration Engineer

Heating & Ventilating Engineering Manager, Heating & Ventilating Engineer

Heating Design Manager

Landscape Manager Landscape Engineer

Water/Waste Engineering Manager, Water/Waste Engineer, Water/Wastewater

Water/Wastewater Engineering Manager Engineer

Municipal Engineering Manager Municipal Engineer

Sub-Sea Engineering Manager, Subsea Sub-Sea Engineer, Subsea Engineer
Engineering Manager

Geotechnical Engineering Manager, Rock Geotechnical Engineer, Rock Mechanics

Mechanics Engineering Manager Engineer

Network Planning & Design Manager, Network Planning & Design Engineer,
Network Planning Manager, Network Planning Analyst,
Telecommunications Planning and Telecommunications Engineer, Network
Engineering Manager, Network Engineering Services Specialist, Technical Support
Manager, Data Engineering
Network Installation Manager,
and Integration Specialist
Network Installation & Integration
Telecommunications Manager
& Maintenance Engineer, Systems Engineer,
Manager, Installation Manager Implementation Specialist

Oil & Gas Drilling Engineering Manager Oil & Gas Drilling Engineer

Reservoir Engineering Manager Reservoir Engineer

Chief Engineer, Director, Mine Engineering Mine Engineer

Drill & Blast Engineering Manager Drill and Blast Engineer

Renewable Energy Engineering Manager Renewable Energy Engineer

Technologist, Engineering Technologist Technician, Engineering Technician

Foreman, Lead Technologist, Lead Technical

Specialist, Shift Team Lead, Supervisor,

Project Engineering Technologist Project Engineering Technician

Project Scheduler

Planning and Design Representative


Production Technician

Robotics Technician

Instrumentation Technician, Calibration

Chemical Technologist, Chemical Chemical Engineering Technician,
Engineering Technologist Production Technician, Manufacturing
Process Technician

Biochemical Manufacturing Technician

Field Production Engineering Technologist Field Production Engineering Technician

Well Asset Technologist Well Asset Technician

Mechanical Technologist Mechanical Technician, Mechanic


Electrical Engineering Technician, Electronic


Electro-Mechanical Technologist Electro-Mechanical Technician

Electrical Engineering Technologist Electrical Engineering Technician

Electrical Instrumentation & Control Electrical Instrumentation & Control

Technologist Technician

SCADA Technologist SCADA Technician

Laser Technician

Completions Technologist Completions Technician

Gas Measurement Technologist Gas Measurement Technician

Gas Operations Technologist Gas Operations Technician

Field Metering Technologist Field Metering Technician

Power Systems Technologist

Quality Technician
Quality Assurance Technologist Quality Assurance Technician

Failure Analysis Technician, Reliability

Analysis Technician, Reliability Test

Leak Detection Technologist Leak Detection Technician

Corrosion Technologist, Integrity Corrosion Technician, Integrity Technician


Field Inspection Technician

Reserves Technologist, Well Technologist Reserves Technician, Well Technician

Product Measurement Technologist, Product Measurement Technician, Quality

Quality Control Technologist Control Technician

Environmental Technician, Environmental


Employee Health & Safety Technician,

Labor Safety Technician

Field Service Technician

Field Service Technician, Field Service


Field Technologist, Field Advisor, Field

Operations Technician

Facilities Engineering Technologist Facilities Engineering Technician

Facilities Systems Maintenance Technician,

Repair & Maintenance Technician

Compression & Controls Technologist, Compression & Controls Technician,

Compression Technologist Compression Technician

Plant Technologist Plant Technician

Pipeline Technologist, Piping Technologist Pipeline Technician, Piping Technician

Civil Engineering Technologist Civil Engineering Technician

Structural Engineering Technologist Structural Engineering Technician

Geological Technologist Geological Technician

Geophysical Technologist Geophysical Technician

Geotechnical Technologist Geotechnical Technician

Geomatics Technologist Geomatics Technician

Network Field Installation & Integration


Network Operations & Control Technician,

NOC Technician

Telecommunications Slicing Technologist, Telecommunications Slicing Technician,

Slicing Technologist Slicing Technician

Drilling Engineering Technologist Drilling Engineering Technician

Reservoir Engineering Technologist, Reservoir Engineering Technician,

Exploitation Engineering Technologist Exploitation Engineering Technician

Mine Technologist Mine Technician

Product/System Design Services Manager Engineering Designer, Research & Engineering Design Assistant
Development Designer, Engineering Design

CAD/CAM/CAE Design Manager CAD/CAM/CAE Drafter, CAD/CAM/CAE CAD/CAM/CAE Operator, Drafter

Designer, Drafter Designer

Model Maker

Configuration Manager, Configuration Configuration Analyst, Configuration Configuration Clerk, Configuration Control
Supervisor, Configuration Analysis Management Analyst Associate, Configuration Coordinator
Manager, Configuration Analysis Supervisor

Design Checker, Engineering Design

Building Information Modeling Engineering Building Information Modeling Engineer,
Manager, BIM Engineering Manager BIM Engineer

IED Design Manager IED Designer

Topography Manager Topography Specialist

Technical Documentation Manager, Automotive Technical Documentation Automotive Technical Documentation

Documentation Manager, Documentation Officer, Documentation Analyst, Assistant, Documentation Assistant
Supervisor Documentation Officer

Chemistry Manager, Chemistry Supervisor Chemist

Product Research Science Manager Product Research Scientist, Manufacturing

Research Scientist

Chemistry Manager, Chemistry Supervisor Chemist

Food Science Manager, Food Science Food Scientist


Perfume/Flavor Manager Perfume/Flavor Scientist, Perfume/Flavor


Sensory Evaluation Manager Sensory Evaluation Scientist, Sensory

Evaluation Engineer


Pre-Clinical Research Manager, Pre-Clinical Pre-Clinical Research Scientist, Discovery

Research Supervisor, Discovery Biology Biology

Research Pharmacy Manager, Research Research Pharmacy Scientist

Pharmacy Team Leader

Epidemiology Manager, Epidemiology Team Epidemiology Scientist

Microbiology Manager, Microbiology Microbiologist, Microbiology/Bacteriology
Supervisor, Microbiology/Bacteriology

Pathology Science Manager, Pathology Pathology Scientist

Science Team Leader

Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism

Manager, Pharmacokinetics/Drug Scientist
Metabolism Supervisor

Pharmaceutics Manager, Pharmaceutics Clinical Pharmacologist, Pharmacology

Supervisor, Pharmacology Manager

Toxicology Manager, Toxicology Supervisor Toxicologist

Translational Medicine Manager, Translational Medicine Scientist

Translational Medicine Team Leader

Molecular Biology Manager, Molecular Molecular Biologist, Molecular Biology

Biology Supervisor Scientist

R&D VP Scientist, Associate Director Principal Scientist, Analytical Scientist,

Bioanalytical Sciences, Senior Manager Associate Scientist Process Chemistry,
Process Development Development Specialist

Assay Development Manager, Assay Assay Development Scientist, Research

Development Supervisor, Research Science Scientist, Biomarker Assay Scientist
Manager, Senior Manager Biomarker
Biological Product Formulation Manager, Product Formulation Scientist, Formulation
Biological Product Formulation Supervisor, Scientist, Research Scientist
Senior Manager Vaccine Formulation

Fermentation/Cell Culture Process Cell Culture Scientist, Fermentation

Manager, Fermentation/Cell Culture Scientist
Process Supervisor

Purification Process Manager, Recovery Purification Scientist, Recovery Scientist

Process Manager, Purification Process
Supervisor, Recovery Process Supervisor

Biomarkers Manager, Imaging Biomarkers Imaging Biomarkers Scientist, Biomarker

Manager, Biomarkers Supervisor, Imaging Scientist, Clinical Imaging Analyst
Biomarkers Supervisor

Modeling and Simulation Manager, Modeling and Simulation Scientist,

Modeling and Simulation Supervisor, Pharmacokineticist
Pharmacokineticist Manager,
Pharmacokineticist Supervisor
Veterinarian Manager, Veterinarian Veterinarian, Veterinary Physician
Supervisor, Veterinary Services Manager,
Veterinary Services Supervisor

Veterinary Research Manager, Veterinary Veterinary Research Scientist, Veterinary

Research Supervisor, Veterinary Science Scientist, Veterinary Product Researcher
Manager, Veterinary Science Supervisor

Bioinformatics Manager, Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Professional

Team Leader
Biostatistician Manager, Biostatistician Biostatistician

Computational Chemistry Manager, Computational Chemist, Computational

Computational Chemistry Supervisor Scientist, Analytical Chemist

Environmental Manager Environmental Scientist

Chief Geologist, Geology Supervisor, Geologist

Geology Manager

Hydrogeologist Manager, Hydrologist Hydrogeologist, Hydrologist


Geology Manager, Chief Geologist Exploration Geologist, Project Geologist,

District Geologist, Field Geologist

Chief Mine Geologist, Mine Geology Mine Geologist


Mine Geology Technician

Resource Geology Manager Resource Geologist

Geophysics Manager, Geophysics Geophysicist


Chief Exploration Geophysicist, Principal Project Exploration Geophysicist

Exploration Geophysicist


Manager (Meteorology) Meteorologist

Geographic Information Systems Manager, Geographic Information Systems Analyst, Geographic Information Systems Assistant,
GIS Manager, GIS Supervisor GIS Analyst, Geographic Information GIS Assistant, Geographic Information
Systems Data Administrator, GIS Engineer Systems Technician, GIS Technician

Survey Manager Survey Officer, Surveyor Land Surveyor Assistant, Survey Assistant

Mine Surveying Manager Mine Surveyor

Laboratory Manager, Laboratory Supervisor

Laboratory Analyst, Laboratory Professional

Laboratory Technician, Laboratory Assistant

Quality Laboratory Manager Quality Laboratory Analyst, Quality Quality Laboratory Technician, Quality
Laboratory Professional, QC Lab Analyst Laboratory Assistant, Lab Tester, Lab

Animal Care Manager, Animal Care Animal Care Professional, Laboratory

Supervisor, Laboratory Animal Services Animal Services

Animal Care Supervisor Animal Care Assistant, Animal Caretaker

Manufacturing Executive - Multiple

Facilities, Plant Manager - Multiple Facilities

Plant Manager - Single Facility

Manufacturing Manager, Manufacturing &

Production Manager

Head of Production, Production Manager, Production Officer, Foreperson

Assistant Production Manager, Production
Supervisor, Production Chief, Foreman

Group Leader, Production Supervisor, Front Production Worker, Production Operator,

Line Production Supervisor Manufacturing Associate, Production Team

Shift Leader, Group Leader, Production


Stockroom Manager, Stockroom Supervisor

Tool Crib Attendant

Outside Operator

Control Room Operator

Assembly Line Manager, Assembly Assembly Line Worker, Assembly Line

Operations Manager, Assembly Line Operator, Assembly Associate, Assembly
Superintendent Worker

Packaging Manager, Manufacturing Packaging Machine Operator, Packaging

Packaging Manager Operator, Packaging Worker

Sewing Machine Operator

Electrical Assembler, Electrician, Instrument


Electromechanical Assembler, Precision

Assembler, Precision Operator

Manufacturing Process Sr. Manager, Process Operator, Chemical Operator,

Process Sr. Manager, Chemical Process Sr. Batch Process Operator
Manager, Manufacturing Process Manager,
Process Manager, Chemical Process
Manager Bonder, Composite Technician, Production

Pharmaceutical Operator

Production Painter

Production Planning Control Manager, Production Planner, Production Controller Production Control Clerk, Production Clerk
Production Control Manager

Master Scheduling Manager, Production Master Scheduler, Planner/Scheduler,

Scheduling Manager Production Operations Scheduler

Capacity Planning Manager Capacity Planner

Production Planner, Manufacturing Planner

Materials Control Specialist, Materials

Control Coordinator

Expediter, Manufacturing Expediter

Production Planning & Control Analyst,
Production Planning & Control Coordinator

Processing/ Milling Production Coordinator

Machine Shop Supervisor, Machining


Machine Operator

Tool & Die Maker

Mold Maker


Metal Worker, Metal Cutting, Punch Press


Plastic Injection Molding Machine Operator

CNC Programmer, Computer Numeric

Controlled Programmer

CNC Operator, Computer Numeric

Controlled Operator

CMM Programmer

CMM Operator

General Trades Supervisor - Maintenance,

Repair & Maintenance Trades Supervisor



Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I)


Welder, Repair & Maintenance Welder

Painter, Maintenance Painter

Repair Center Technician

Insulation Specialist

Gas Operations Customer Representative


Vingcard Technician, Locksmith Field


Bricklayer, Brick Mason, Mason

Repair & Maintenance Sr. Manager, Repair

& Maintenance Manager, Manufacturing
Repair & Maintenance Sr. Manager,
Manufacturing Repair & Maintenance
Brewing Maintenance Manager, Brewing
Maintenance Supervisor, Brewing
Engineering Controller

HVAC Mechanic, HVAC Technician

Millwright, Industrial Machinery Mechanic

Refrigeration Technician

Ammonia Refrigeration Technician

Forklift Mechanic
Boiler Operator, Boiler Technician, Boiler
Engineer, Stationary Engineer

Trailer Mechanic, Garage Mechanic

Light Vehicle Mechanic, Mechanic

Hazardous Material Transportation Cleaner,

Hazardous Material Cleaner, Hazmat

Truck Maintenance Attendant

Automotive Workshop Foreman

Auto Mechanical and Electrical

Foreman/Supervisor, M&E Foreman

Auto Maintenance & Repair Supervisor Automotive Mechanic, Chargehand,

Maintenance Technician, Auto Repair

System Technician

Auto Body and Painting

Foreman/Supervisor, Body & Painting

Auto Body Repairer, Body Repairer

Auto Painter, Painter

Auto Dealers Technical Training Manager, Technical Trainer, Auto Dealers Technical
Service Training Manager Trainer


Steamfitter Supervisor Steamfitter

Gas Operations Mechanic

Mechanics Supervisor, Aircraft Mechanic Aircraft Mechanic, Aircraft Technician,

Supervisor Aircraft Line Mechanic, Helicopter
Heavy Equipment Supervisor Heavy Equipment Operator

Crane Operator

Crane Operator

Dragline Operator, Shovel/Excavator


Ancillary Equipment Operator

Dozer Operator, Wheel Dozer Operator

Grader Operator, Underground Grader


Haul Truck Operator

Loader Operator

Nozzle Operator/ Shotcreter

Underground Haulage Operator

Underground Loader/ Bogger Operator

Surface Operator

Underground Hoist Operator Tech

Winder Operator

Trades Foreman
Light Equipment Operator


Chief Mechanic Heavy Duty Mechanic


Winery Operation Manager

Area Vineyard Manager, Assistant Vineyard Vineyard Operator, Vineyard Leading Hand
Manager, Vineyard Supervisor

Viticulture Manager Viticulturist

Chief Viticulturist

Viticulturist, Technical Viticulturist

Chief Winemaker, Head Winemaker


Cider Maker

Cellar Manager, Cellar Supervisor

Cellar Hand

Brewing Manager


Brewing Area Manager

Pilot Brewing Specialist

Keg Manager

IT Manager, IT Supervisor IT Analyst IT Assistant

IT Portfolio Manager

Outsourcing Operations Manager, Service

Delivery Manager, Shared Technology
Services Manager, Business Technology
Shared Services Manager
Development Operations Manager, DevOps Development Operations Engineer, DevOps
Manager Engineer

Enterprise Architect Manager Enterprise Architect

Data Architect Manager Enterprise Data Architect

IT Systems Architect Manager IT Systems Architect, Platform Architect

Middleware Architecture Manager, Middleware Analyst, Middleware Architect

Middleware & Integration Manager,
Middleware Engineering Manager

Cloud Computing Manager Cloud Computing Architect, Cloud

Computing Analyst

Cyber Security Architecture Manager Cyber Security Architect

Technology Research Manager, IT Technology Research Analyst, Computer

Architecture Manager, Technology Systems Researcher, Operations
Manager, Enterprise Data Office Technical Researcher, Computer Science Researcher
IoT Platform Development Manager, IoT IoT Platform Development Architect
Platform Development Supervisor

IT Solution Architecture Manager IT Solution Architect, Technical Architect

Systems Analysis Manager Systems Analyst

IT Support Manager, Technology Support PC Systems Analyst, PC Products Analyst IT Analyst, Desktop Support Specialist,
Manager, IT Support Supervisor, Technology Support Associate, PC
Technology Support Supervisor Maintenance Technician

User Liaison Manager, IT Customer Liaison User Liaison Coordinator


Telecommunications Network Planning Telecommunications Network Planning

Manager Analyst

Network Control Manager Network Control Analyst

IT Business Analysis Manager IT Business Systems Analyst

ERP Business Analysis Manager ERP Business Analyst

SAP Business Analysis Manager SAP Business Analyst

Oracle-PeopleSoft Business Analysis Oracle-PeopleSoft Business Analyst


Social Networking Manager Social Networking Analyst

RPA Process Manager, Robotic Process RPA Process Analyst, Robotic Process
Automation Manager, Automation Manager Automation Analyst

ERP Manager ERP Analyst Enterprise Resource Planning Assistant, ERP


SAP ERP Manager SAP ERP Analyst, SAP Programmer

Oracle-PeopleSoft ERP Manager Oracle-PeopleSoft ERP Analyst, Oracle-
PeopleSoft Programmer

Social Media Manager, Social Networking Social Networking Technology Developer


Systems Analysis/Programming Manager, Systems Analyst/Programmer

Systems Analysis/Programming Supervisor

Systems Programming Manager Systems Programmer

IT Communications Manager, Telecommunications Programmer - IT

Telecommunications Manager, Software Support
Engineering Manager, IT Communications
Supervisor, Telecommunications
Robotic Process Automation Engineer, Robotic Process
Automation Manager, RPA Manager, Automation Engineer, RPA Engineer, RPA
Intelligent Automation Program Manager Developer

Manufacturing Systems Manager, MES Manufacturing Systems Engineer, MES Manufacturing Systems Support, MES
Manager, Manufacturing Systems Engineer Support
Supervisor, MES Supervisor

Laboratory Automation Engineer,

Automation Engineer, Bioautomation

Applications System Programming Manager Applications System Programmer, End User

Applications Programmer

IT Mobile Applications Development IT Mobile Applications Developer, IT Mobile

Manager Applications Programmer

Blockchain Development Manager Blockchain Developer

Systems Analysis/Programming Manager Systems Analyst/Programmer

Software Testing Supervisor, Quality Manual Test Engineer, QA Manual Tester Software Tester, Manual Tester, QA Tester,
Assurance Manager, Software Test QA & Testing Analyst, Electronics Tester,
Manager, Quality Assurance Supervisor, Quality Assurance Technician, Tester
Testing Manager
Software Testing Engineering Manager, Software Testing Engineer, Software Tester
Software Testing Supervisor

Cyber Information Assurance Manager Cyber Information Assurance Analyst,

Information Assurance Engineer

E-Commerce Web Operations Manager E-Commerce Web Operations Analyst

Web Applications Development Manager, Web Applications Developer, Applications
Web Development Manager, Software Developer, Software Developer, IT
Development Manager, Web/Mobile Developer, Digital Engineering Developer
Application Development Manager, Digital
Website Development Manager Website Developer, Website Programmer

E-Commerce Website Development E-commerce Website Developer, E-

Manager commerce Web Programmer

Web Operations Manager, Web Admin & Web Operations Management Specialist, Web Admin & Maintenance Assistant
Maintenance Manager, Website Manager, Web Administrator, Web Technical
Web Development Manager, Design Administrator, Creative/Web Specialist, IT
Manager, Web Technology Manager, Web Web Engineer, Web Development Analyst,
Services Manager
SEO Marketing Manager Web Technical
Search Operator (SEO) Analyst
Engine Optimization

Software Technical Documentation Systems Documentation Analyst Technical Writing & Documentation Clerk,
Manager Technical Author, Document Control
Coordinator, Documentation Assistant

Information Systems Training Manager Information Systems Trainer

Information Systems Security Manager, IT IT Security Analyst, IT Systems Security IS Security Assistant, IT Security Assistant
Security Manager, Information Systems Analyst, Computer Systems Security
Security Supervisor, IT Security Supervisor

IT Network Security Manager, IT Network Security Analyst, Web Security Web Security Assistant, Web/Network
Web/Network Security Manager, IT Analyst Security Assistant
Network Security Supervisor, Web/Network
Security Supervisor
Network Security Manager Network Security Analyst Network Security Assistant

Security Access Manager Security Access Professional

Ethical Intrusion/Investigating Manager, Ethical Hacker

Network Exploitation Manager, IS Manager,
Network Defense Manager, Cyber Security
Engineering Manager
Cyber Network Analysis Manager Cyber Network Analyst

Cyber Incident Manager Cyber Incident Analyst, Incident Response


Cyber Forensics Analysis Manager Cyber Forensics Analyst, Computer

Forensics Analyst

Cyber Vulnerability Assessment & Cyber Vulnerability Assessment &

Penetration Testing Manager Penetration Tester

E-Discovery Manager, E-Discovery E-Discovery Analyst

Software Vulnerability Manager Software Vulnerability Analyst

IT Systems Administration Manager IT Systems Administrator Remote/Offshore Infrastructure Support

Officer, Systems Administration Technician,
IT Support & Administration Clerk

UNIX Systems Administration Manager, Systems Administrator: UNIX

UNIX Administrator, UNIX Engineering
Office Technology Planning Manager, Office Technology Planning Coordinator
Infrastructure Manager, Desktop Services

Electronic Mail Administration Manager, Email Coordinator, Email Administrator

Email Administration Manager, Enterprise
Messaging Manager, Collaboration
Technology Manager
Groupware Administration Manager, Groupware Analyst
Groupware Manager

IT Capacity Planning Manager, Demand IT Capacity Planner, Capacity/IT

Manager, Capacity & Performance Performance Management Analyst,
Manager, IT Manager Capacity Analyst

IT Build/Release Engineering Manager, IT Release Analyst

Release Manager, Build and Release

Library Services Manager, Information IS Program Librarian, IS File Storage

Services Manager, Records & Information Librarian

IT Systems Incident Manager, Incident

Management Manager, Service Operations
Manager, IT Operations Service Manager

SharePoint Manager, SharePoint SharePoint Administrator, SharePoint

Administration Manager, SharePoint Specialist, SharePoint Developer
Service Owner, SharePoint Service Manager

IT Configuration Management Manager IT Configuration Management Analyst, IT

Configuration Management Officer

Machine Room Monitoring Manager Machine Room Monitoring Officer Machine Room Monitoring Assistant

Mobility Services Manager, Mobility Mobility Services Engineer, Mobility

Engineering Manager Engineer, Technical Lead Mobile

Head of Computer Operations & Data

Processing, Head of Computer Operations,
Head of Data Processing, Computer
Operations & Data Processing Executive
Point of Sale Systems Administration & Price/Item Change Scanning Coordinator,
Support Manager, Point of Sale Systems Point of Sale Systems Assistant
Administration & Support Supervisor, Point
of Sale Systems Manager, Point of Sale
IT Supervisor
Data/Voice Network Administration IT Network Administrator, Network IT Data/Voice Network Administration
Manager, IT Data/Voice Network Administrator Assistant
Administration Supervisor
IT Server Administration Manager Windows Server Administrator, UNIX
Administrator, Server Administrator

IT Storage Administration Manager IT Storage Administrator, Storage


IT Data Center Operations Manager IT Data Center Operations Analyst IT Data Center Operations Assistant

IT Database Administration Manager Database Administrator (DBA) Database Administrator Assistant, Offshore
Database Administrator Assistant

Database Administration Manager, Oracle Database Administrator - Oracle

Systems Manager, Oracle Database
Manager, Database Manager

Database Administration Manager - SQL Database Administrator - SQL

Database Manager Client/Server Database Librarian

Database Clinical Systems Manager, Database Clinical Systems Analyst, Clinical

Database Clinical Systems Supervisor, System Designer, Clinical System
Clinical Systems Design Manager, Clinical Programmer
Systems Design Supervisor
MIS Manager MIS Analyst Management Information Systems
Assistant, MIS Assistant, Reporting Assistant

Financial Systems Manager Financial Systems Analyst

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems ERP Systems Administrator

Administration Manager, Primary Support
Engineering (PSE) Manager, Enterprise
Operations Solutions Manager, Enterprise
Architecture Principal
Database Report Writing Manager, Database Report Writer
Database Report Development Manager,
Data Integration Manager, Enterprise
Reporting Manager, Business Reporting
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Manager Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Master Data Manager Master Data Management Analyst, Data

Management Analyst

IT User Support Manager, IT User Support Advisory Technical Services Professional, Helpdesk Coordinator
Supervisor Services Support Representative

Help Desk & User Support Manager Help Desk Rep, Help Desk Operator
End User Computing Manager, End User End User Computing Analyst End User Computing Assistant
Computing Supervisor

PC Maintenance Technician

Telecommunications Network Helpdesk Telecommunications Helpdesk Analyst


Multi-Media Device Support Supervisor, Multi-Media Technician

Audio-Visual Supervisor, Technical
Supervisor, Audio/Visual Tech Services
Supervisor, Media & Conferencing Services
Web Customer Support Manager Web Customer Support Professional

IT Problem Investigations Manager, IT

Incident/Problem Manager, Problem
Management Manager, IT Support Manager

Point of Sale/Inventory Systems Training Point of Sale/Inventory Systems Training

Manager Specialist

Information Systems Operations/Technical

Support Manager, IT Manager, Information
Technology Manager, Technical Support
Manager, Technical Services Manager,
IT OperationsSystems Manager
Manager, IT Manager,
Systems Engineering Manager, Technical

Computer Operations Supervisor Computer Operations Analyst Computer Operator

Production Control Manager, Production Production Control Analyst, IT Systems

Manager, Production Support Supervisor, Management Consultant, Production
Production Support Manager, Computer Support Engineer, Operations Analyst,
Operations Supervisor Production Support Analyst
Client/Server Operations Manager, Client/Server Operations Analyst, Client
Client/Server Operations Supervisor, IT Server Engineer, Network Services
Manager, IT Operations Manager, IT Specialist, Server Administrator, Client
General Administrator, Server Operations Technology Specialist

IT Consulting & Implementation Manager IT Consultant

Strategic IT Business Consulting Manager IT Strategy Consultant

Software Engineering Architect Manager, Software Engineering Architect, Software

Software Architect Engineering Manager, Architect Engineer, Software Development
Software Development Engineering Engineer Architect, Software Architect
Architect Manager
Mobile Apps Engineering Architect Mobile Apps Engineering Architect, Mobile
Manager, Mobile Apps Architect Apps Architect Engineer, Mobile Apps
Engineering Manager, Mobile Apps Development Architect, Mobile Apps
Architect Manager Architect
System Architect Manager System Architecture Engineer, System

Application Architect Manager Application Architect

Data Architect Manager Data Architect

Software Development Engineer Manager, Software Development Engineer, Software

Software Programming Engineer Manager, Programming Engineer, Software
Software Programmer Manager Programmer

R&D Software Development Engineer R&D Software Development Engineer, R&D

Manager, R&D Software Programming Software Programming Engineer, R&D
Engineer Manager, R&D Software Software Programmer
Programmer Manager
End User Applications Development End User Applications Development
Engineer Manager, End User Applications Engineer, End User Applications
Programmer Manager Programming Engineer, End User
Applications Programmer
Web Applications Development Engineer Web Applications Development Engineer,
Manager, Web Applications Programmer Web Applications Programming Engineer,
Manager Web Applications Programmer

Web Applications Design & Development Web Applications Design & Development
Engineer Manager, Web Applications Engineer, Full Stack Development Engineer,
Supervisor, Full Stack Development Full Stack Engineer
Manager, Full Stack Development
Client Side Development Manager, Front Client Side Developer, Front End Developer
End Development Manager

Back End Development Manager, Back End Back End Developer, Backend Developer,
Java Development Manager Java Backend Developer, Back End Java

Search Engine Development Manager Search Engineer, Search Engine Developer,

Software Engineer - Search

Algorithm Development Manager Algorithm Developer, Software Engineer -

Algorithm Development

Streaming Media Development Manager Streaming Media Developer, Web

Developer - Streaming Media

Virtual Reality Development Manager Virtual Reality Developer, VR Developer,

Virtual Reality Software Engineer

Antivirus Development Manager Antivirus Developer

Application Security Manager Application Security Specialist, Security


Mobile Applications Development Engineer Mobile Applications Development Engineer,

Manager, Mobile Applications Programmer Mobile Applications Programming Engineer,
Manager Mobile Applications Programmer
Android Mobile Development Engineer Android Mobile Development Engineer,
Manager, Android Mobile Programmer Android Mobile Programming Engineer,
Manager Android Mobile Programmer

Apple iOS Mobile Development Engineer Apple iOS Mobile Development Engineer,
Manager, Apple iOS Mobile Programmer Apple iOS Mobile Programming Engineer,
Manager Apple iOS Mobile Programmer

MS Windows Mobile Development MS Windows Mobile Development

Engineer Manager, MS Windows Mobile Engineer, MS Windows Mobile
Programmer Manager Programming Engineer, MS Windows
Mobile Programmer
HTML5 Mobile Development Engineer HTML5 Mobile Development Engineer,
Manager, HTML5 Mobile Programmer HTML5 Mobile Programming Engineer,
Manager HTML5 Mobile Programmer

Systems Software Development Engineer Systems Software Development Engineer,

Manager, Systems Software Programming Systems Software Programming Engineer,
Engineer Manager, Systems Software Systems Software Programmer
Programmer Manager
Platform Development Manager Software Platform Developer/Engineer,
Software Engineer - Platform Development

Firmware Development Engineer Manager, Firmware Development Engineer, Firmware

Firmware Programming Engineer Manager, Programming Engineer, Firmware
Firmware Programmer Manager Programmer

Mobile Systems Software Development Mobile Systems Software Development

Engineer Manager, Mobile Systems Engineer, Mobile Systems Software
Software Programming Engineer Manager, Programming Engineer, Mobile Systems
Mobile Systems Software Programmer Software Programmer
Mobile Platform Development Manager Software Developer - Mobile Platform

Software Test Engineering Manager, Software Test Engineer, Software Software Tester, Software Development
Software Development Test Engineering Development Test Engineer Tester
Manager, Software Test Engineering
Supervisor, Software Development Test
Black Box QASupervisor
Manager Software Tester - Black Box, Black Box QA

White Box Software Test Engineering Software Tester - White Box, White Box
Manager Engineer, White Box QA Engineer

Malware Reverse Engineering Manager Malware Reverse Engineer

Software Release Testing & Configuration Software Release Testing & Configuration
Manager Analyst, Software Release Tester

Database Engineering Manager Database Engineer

SAAS Engineering Manager SAAS Engineer

PAAS Engineering Manager PAAS Engineer

IAAS Engineering Manager IAAS Engineer

Cloud Services Reliability Manager, Cloud Cloud Services Reliability Analyst

Services Reliability Supervisor, Cloud
Services Reliability Team Leader

Integrated Solutions Engineering Manager, Integrated Solutions Engineer, Systems

Systems Engineering Manager Engineer

Game Development Manager, Game Game Developer/Designer, Game

Development & Design Manager Developer

Game Development Manager Game Developer

PC Game Development Manager PC Game Engineer/Developer, Software

Engineer - Desktop Games

Web Game Development Manager Web Game Developer, Online Game


Mobile Game Development Manager Mobile Game Developer

Android Game Development Manager Android Game Developer, Android Game


iOS Mobile Game Development Manager iOS Game Developer, iOS Game Engineer

Windows Mobile Game Development Windows Mobile Game Developer


Game Engine Development Manager Game Engine Developer

U3D Game Engine Development Manager U3D Game Engine Developer

Cocos 2D Game Engine Development Cocos 2D Game Engine Developer


Unreal Engine 4 Development Manager Unreal Engine 4 Game Developer

Game Server Development Manager Software Engineer - Game Server, Game
Server Developer

Game Testing & Evaluation Manager, Game Game Testing & Evaluation Analyst, Game
Testing Manager Tester

Black Box Game Testing Manager Black Box Game Tester

White Box Game Testing Manager White Box Game Tester

Game Evaluation Manager Game Assessment Analyst, Game

Evaluation Analyst

Head of Telecommunications, Head of

Telecommunications Engineering, Head of
Network Operations

Head of Planning/Traffic Control, Planning/Traffic Control Officer

Planning/Traffic Control Manager

Head of Network Operations & Network Operations & Maintenance Officer

Maintenance, Network Operations &
Maintenance Manager

Head of Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Operations
Operations, Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Officer
Operations Manager

Head of Network Switching Subsystem Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

(NSS) Operations, Network Switching Operations Officer
Subsystem (NSS) Operations Manager

Head of Data Analytics & Business

Intelligence, Data Analytics & Business
Intelligence Executive, Head of Data
Analytics, Business Intelligence Executive,
Data ScienceManagement
Manager, BigExecutive, Head Data Scientist, Big Data Mining Specialist
Data Mining
of Information Management, Head of Data
Management, Data Management Executive

Data Analytics Manager Data Analyst

Economics Analytics Manager, Economics Economics Data Scientist, Economics Data

Research Manager Analytics Specialist, Economist

Supply Chain Analytics Manager Supply Chain Data Scientist, Supply Chain
Analytics Specialist

Market/Customer Analytics Manager, Market/Customer Data Scientist,

Market Analytics Manager, Customer Market/Customer Analytics Specialist,
Analytics Manager Market Data Scientist, Customer Data
Scientist, Market Analytics Specialist,
Customer Analytics Specialist
Statistical Analysis Manager, Advanced Statistician
Analytics Manager, Statistical Analysis
Supervisor, Predictive Analytics Manager

Information Security Manager, Data Information Security Analyst, Data Security

Security Manager, IT Data Security Manager Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Steward, Big
Data Architect

Financial Data Modeling Manager Financial Data Modeling Analyst

Mathematical Analysis Manager Mathematician

Digital Analytics Manager Digital Analytics Professional

Quantitative Analytics Manager Quantitative Analytics Analyst

Actuarial Manager, Actuarial Services Actuary


Business Intelligence (BI) Analysis Manager Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst

Business Intelligence Analysis & Systems Business Intelligence Analysis & Systems
Manager Analyst

Database Engineering Manager Database Engineer

Data Modelling Manager, Data Modelling Data Modeler


Data Warehouse Manager, Data Data Warehouse Analyst, Data Warehouse Data Warehouse Assistant
Warehouse Supervisor Administrator

Data Center Manager, Data Center Data Analyst, Data Warehouse Analyst,
Supervisor, Enterprise Information Data Warehouse Systems Analyst
Management Manager

Data Center Operations Manager, Data

Center Manager, Data Services Manager

Data Control Manager, Data Services Data Management Systems Coordinator, Data Assistant
Manager Data Control Analyst, Data Analyst
Data Control Supervisor, Master Data Data Control Clerk, Data Control Associate,
Supervisor, Records Operations Supervisor Data Entry Operator, Data Management

Transportation Operations Manager, Transportation Analyst, Transport Analyst Transport Officer, Transportation Assistant
Transportation Manager, Transport
Manager, Transportation Operations
Supervisor, Transportation Supervisor,
Transport Supervisor Manager, Shipping & Traffic & Distribution Analyst, Shipping &
Traffic & Distribution
Distribution Manager, Traffic & Distribution Distribution Officer
Supervisor, Shipping & Distribution
Freight Rate Specialist

Bus Driver, Coach Driver, Transit Driver,

Transit Operator, Streetcar Driver, Trolley
Driver, Light Rail Operator, Light Rail
Vehicle Operator, Tram Operator
Transportation Dispatch Manager, Delivery Transportation Dispatcher, Dispatcher Dispatcher, Traffic Clerk, Dispatch Assistant
Solutions Manager, Transportation Dispatch
Supervisor, Delivery Solutions Supervisor,
Dispatch Manager, Dispatch Supervisor
Messenger/Courier Supervisor Messenger, Courier

Driver/Chauffeur Supervisor Driver, Chauffeur

Light Truck Driver, Delivery Driver, Courier


Heavy Vehicle Truck Driver, Semi-Trailer

Truck Driver

Special Vehicle Driver

Automotive Driver, Vehicle Collection &

Delivery Driver, Vehicle Delivery Driver,
Automotive Delivery Driver, Dealership
Delivery Driver, Food Delivery Driver

Aviation Manager, Director Flight

Operations, Chief Pilot

Aviation Manager, Captain, Chief Pilot, Pilot, Pilot in Command, Captain, Jet Pilot,
Flight Operations Manager Chief Pilot

Flight Attendant Supervisor, Lead Flight Flight Attendant, Executive Flight Attendant Flight Attendant
Dynamic Positioning Operator, DP Operator Dynamic Positioning Operator Assistant

Radio Operator

Port Operator

Exploration & Production Director

Joint Ventures Manager Joint Ventures Representative

Joint Venture Manager, Joint Venture Joint Venture Analyst Joint Venture Administrator

Exploration Director, Exploration Manager

Production Manager, Production Director

Heavy Oil Operations Director

Field Production Foreman, Field Production Field Operator

Upgrading Foreman, Upgrading SAGD Plant Operator, SAGD Operator
Superintendent, Upgrading Manager

Production Field Administration Manager, Production Field Administrator

Production Field Administration Supervisor

Field Production Technologist Field Production Technician

Exploitation Manager, Exploitation


Gas Plant Foreman, Gas Plant

Superintendent, Gas Plant Manager

Sour Gas Plant Operator, Sweet Gas Plant


Extraction Plant Operations Manager, Extraction Plant Operator

Extraction Plant Operations Supervisor,
Shift Foreman, Operations Manager

Drilling Operations Manager, Rig Manager,

Offshore Installation Manager (OIM), Rig
Manager Assistant

Foreman, Drilling and/or Completions;

Superintendent, Drilling and/or
Completions; Drilling Superintendent;
Drilling Foreman

Rig Asset Manager, Oil & Gas Asset Asset Management Engineer

Field Service Manager, Field Service Wireline Operator, Operator Operator, Tool Operator

Driller Driller

Directional Driller

Floorman, Roughneck
Derrickman, Derrickhand

Roustabout, General Laborer

Pipeline Manager

Pipeline Foreman, Pipeline Superintendent Pipeline Operator

Scheduling Supervisor, Scheduling Manager Pipeline Scheduler

Control Center/Scheduling Manager Control Center Operator (Pipelines)

Refining Operations Foreman, Refining

Operations Superintendent, Refining
Operations Manager

Refinery Plant Operator

Bulk Plant Operator

District Manager, Regional Operations


Field Service Coordinator

Technical Specialist (Tools)

Exploration/Geology Manager,
Exploration/Geology Director

Mining Project Development Supervisor Development/Project Manager

Mine Manager

Mining Operations Manager, Manager

Mining Operations

Security Guard


Plant/Mill Operations Manager

Plant/Mill Operations Foreman, Plant/Mill

Operations Superintendent

Processing/Milling Supervisor, Processing/Milling Operator

Processing/Milling Team Leader

Power/Steam Engineer Boiler Technician

Mining Production Superintendent, Mining

Production Foreman, Mine Captain

Dispatch Officer

Charge Up Operator


Drilling Supervisor Production Driller

Service Crew


Dewatering Technician

Dry Man


Paste Crew

Plat Person

Shaft Services Miner

Control Room Operator

Goldroom Operator

Drill & Blast Operator, Rock Breaker, Airleg

Miner, Cabolt Operator, Jumbo Operator,
Long Hole Driller

Pit Utility

Mine Operations Trainer, Operations


Mine Technical Services Manager

Global Exploration Manager

Maintenance Foreman, Maintenance

Tool Technician, Shop Technician

Motorman, Motorhand

Lube/Fuel Technician

Ventilation Officer

Power Plant Foreman, Power Plant

Superintendent, Power Plant Operations

Power Plant Operator

Plant Overhaul Manager, Plant Overhaul


Transmission and/or Distribution Systems


Transmission and Distribution Systems

Manager, Transmission and Distribution
Systems Supervisor

Field Operations Manager (Utility), Field

Operations Supervisor (Utility)

Control Center/Scheduling Manager, Control Center Operator (Power

Control Center/Scheduling Supervisor Transmission)

Facilities and Services Supervisor, Facilities Facilities Locator

Team Lead, Facilities Operations Manager

Area Foreman, Powerline Foreman, Area Lineman, Line Worker, Lineman

Supervisor, Area Manager Journeyman

Wireman Foreman, Station Supervisor, Wireman, Wireman Working Foreman,

Substation Manager Wireman Utility Journeyman, Wireman
Transformer Journeyman, Wireman
Field Services Supervisor, Regional Groundman, Groundsman
Operations Supervisor, Field Services
Grid Planning Manager, Grid Planning

Substations Manager, Substations


Tree Trimming Superintendent Tree Trimmer

Area Supervisor, Field Services Manager Utility Helper

Utilities Business Manager, Utilities

Business Supervisor

Tariff and Interconnection Services


Power Manager, Power Supervisor

Power Emergency Planning Manager,

Power Emergency Planning Supervisor

Meter Manager, Meter Supervisor, Meter


Meter Field Operations Supervisor, Meter Meter Technician

Services Manager

Meter Reading Supervisor Meter Reader

Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI)

Manager, Automated Meter Infrastructure
(AMI) Supervisor

Water Treatment Plant Manager, Water Water Treatment Plant Operator

Treatment Plant Supervisor, Site Manager,
Manager of Operations, Area Supervisor of
Energy Services Manager Energy Programs Representative
Loan Processing Manager Loan Processor Loan Document Processor

Middle Office Manager, Operations Middle Office Analyst Investment Operations/Service

Manager, Operations Manager - Representative

Fund Manager, Trading Manager, FI Investment Officer - Equity, Property Funds

Portfolio Manager, Equities Portfolio Analyst, Asset Management Analyst
Manager, Multimarket Portfolio Manager,
Regional/Geographic Asset Head
Private Client Fund Manager, Private Client Private Client Fund Analyst, Private Client
Portfolio Manager Portfolio Analyst

Global Markets Trading and Dealing Global Markets Trader/Dealer, Dealer - Trading Assistant - Equities
Manager, Dealing Supervisor - Fixed Income Money Market, BM&F/Bovespa Trader,
& Interest Rate, BM&F/Bovespa Trading Trader
Trading Manager, Trading Supervisor Trader

Trading Manager, Trading Supervisor Trader

Trading Manager, Trading Supervisor Trader

Trading Manager, Trading Supervisor Trader

Trading Manager, Trading Supervisor Trader

Marketing & Sales Program Manager, Marketing & Sales Program Analyst
Marketing & Sales Program Supervisor

Commodity Trading Marketing & Sales Commodity Trading Marketing & Sales
Manager, Commodity Trading Marketing & Specialist, Commodity Trading Marketing &
Sales Program Manager Sales Analyst
Economic Research Supervisor, Chief Economic Research Analyst, Economist,
Economist, Economics Manager - Sell Side, Economic Research Analyst
Research Manager - Sell Side, Economics
Manager - Buy Side
Trading Operations Manager, Trading Trading Operations Analyst
Operations Analyst

Price Supply & Demand Forecasting Price Supply & Demand Forecasting Analyst
Manager, Price Supply & Demand
Forecasting Supervisor

Origination Manager, Origination Origination Analyst


Underwriting Manager, Underwriting Underwriter Underwriting Assistant, Medical

Supervisor Underwriter Assistant, Underwriting
Support Technician, Assistant Underwriting
Claims Director, Claims Manager, Claims Claims Adjuster, Claims Examiner, Claims Claims Assistant
Supervisor, Claims Processing Director, Processor
Claims Processing Manager, Claims
Processing Supervisor
Head of Retail Operations

Region Manager, Regional Manager, District

Manager, Area Manager, Zone Manager,
Division Manager

Store Manager, Store General Manager

Co-Manager, Store Co-Manager, Assistant

Manager, General Merchandise Manager,
Health & Beauty Manager, Personal Care
Manager, Pharmacy Manager
Assistant Manager

Department Manager, Retail Department


Store Shift Supervisor, Store Team Lead

Area Manager Trainee, Area Management

Trainee, Area Trainee

Store Manager Trainee, Store Management

Trainee, Trainee

Store Operations Manager, Operation Retail Operations Administrator, Operation

Support Manager Support Specialist
In-Store Logistics Supervisor, Receiving Receiver, Store Receiver

Photo Lab Supervisor Mini-Lab Operator, Photo Lab Technician

Stock Administrator Supervisor, Store Stock Assistant, Store Stock Associate

Merchandise Stocking Supervisor

Field Operations Manager Field Operations Officer Field Operations Coordinator


Handbag Technician, Handbag Repair

Technician, Handbag Repairman

Jewelry Technician, Jewelry Repair

Technician, Jewelry Repairman

Watch Technician, Watch Repair

Technician, Watch Repairman

Automotive Workshop Manager, Workshop

Manager, Auto Workshop Supervisor

Automotive Service Advisor, Service

Advisor, Auto Dealers Service Advisor

Service Reception Supervisor

Quality Assurance Manager

Vehicle Inspector, Final Controller

Process Controller, Auto Dealers Process


Workshop Administrator, Auto Dealers

Workshop Administrator

Time Keeper

Automotive Tool Keeper, Tool Keeper

Car Washer

Car Reconditioning Manager, Pre-delivery Car Reconditioning Coordinator, Pre-

Inspection (PDI) Manager, Car Recall delivery Inspection (PDI) Coordinator, Car
Coordination Manager, Car Reconditioning Recall Coordinator, Car Reconditioning
Supervisor, Pre-delivery (PDI) Inspection Specialist, Pre-delivery (PDI) Inspection
Supervisor, Car Recall
Technical Warranty Coordination
Manager, Technical Specialist, Car RecallAnalyst
Technical Warranty Coordination Specialist
Warranty Services Supervisor

Auto Dealers Technical Manager, Technical


Technical Warranty Assistant

Warranty Claims Manager Warranty Specialist, Auto Warranty Analyst

Branch Manager, Branch Executive, General


Auto Showroom Supervisor, Showroom


Aftersales Supervisor, Auto Dealers

Aftersales Supervisor, Aftersales Team
Leader, Auto Dealers Aftersales Team
Leader, Aftersales Manager, Auto Dealers
Aftersales Manager

Field Training Manager, Retail Training Field Coach, Training Instructor, Retail
Manager Training Professional

Talent Development Coordinator, Regional

Talent Development Coordinator

Merchandising Supervisor, Assistant Merchandiser Merchandising Assistant

Merchandising Manager, General
Merchandising Manager, Division
Merchandising Manager, Merchandising
Merchandising Manager, Merchandising Merchandising Analyst, Merchandising
Supervisor Specialist

Merchandise Planning and Allocation


Merchandise Planning Manager, Merchandise Planner

Merchandise Planning Supervisor
Merchandise Allocation Manager, Merchandise Allocation Specialist,
Replenishment Manager Replenishment Specialist, Merchandise
Allocation Associate, Replenishment
Category Manager, Online/E-Commerce Category Analyst, Online/E-Commerce
Category Manager, Category Supervisor, Category Analyst
Online/E-Commerce Category Supervisor

Demand Manager, Demand Supervisor, Demand Planner, Demand Forecasting

Demand Forecasting Manager, Demand Analyst
Forecasting Supervisor

Rebuying Manager, Rebuying Supervisor Rebuyer, Rebuying Analyst

Pricing Manager, Pricing Supervisor Pricing Analyst, Pricing Specialist

Inventory Control Supervisor, Inventory Inventory Control Analyst Inventory Control Assistant, Inventory
Control Manager Control Clerk

Visual Merchandising Manager, Visual Visual Merchandiser, Merchandiser, Visual Visual Merchandising Assistant
Merchandising Supervisor Merchandising Coordinator, Display Artist,
Decorator, In-Store Visual Merchandiser

Head of Operations, Head of Restaurant


Operations Manager, Zone Manager,

Division Manager, District Manager,
Regional Manager

Restaurant Manager, Assistant General

Manager, Shift Supervisor

Front-of-the-House Manager, Restaurant


Kitchen Manager

Restaurant Office Manager, Office Manager

Restaurant Management Trainee,

Management Trainee, Trainee

Maître D

Host, Hostess, Greeter

Steward Supervisor Steward

Head of Catering, Head of Catering
Operations, Top Catering Operations

Catering Manager, Catering Event Manager, Catering/Event Coordinator, Catering

Catering Operations Manager Coordinator, Catering Assistant

Delivery Driver, Food Delivery Driver,

Catering Driver

Food Service Manager, Head of Food


Commissary Manager, Cafeteria Manager

Kitchen Supervisor

Food Service Worker

Cellar Door Supervisor

Executive Chef

Executive Sous Chef Sous Chef

Sous Chef Manager Specialty Sous Chef, Sous Chef, Specialty

Food Chef

Pastry Supervisor

Pastry Chef


Line Cook, Cook

Prep Cook, Cooking Aide

Cook, Cooking Aide

Server, Waiter, Waitress, Table Attendant


Food Runner, Runner

Crew Member, Crew, Food Service Worker

Busser, Bus Boy

Carryout Coordinator, Delivery Coordinator,

Delivery Packer

Bar Manager Bar Attendant, Bartender

Wine Steward, Sommelier

Barista, Coffee Shop Attendant

Product Development Director, Food

Product Development Director

Test Kitchen Manager

Material and Recipe Management (MRM) Recipe Developer

Manager, Recipe Development Manager

Sensory Analysis Manager Sensory Analyst Sensory Panelist

Head of Food Service Training, Food Service

Training Executive
Food Service Training & Development Food Service Trainer, Food Service
Director, Training & Development Director, Instructor, Trainer, Instructor
Food Service Training & Development
Manager, Training & Development
Packaging Art Manager, Packaging Art Packaging Art Designer, Packaging Art
Graphic Design Manager Graphic Designer

Apparel Design Manager Apparel Designer, Fashion Designer Design Team Assistant

Graphic Design Manager, Graphic Art & Graphic Artist, Graphic Designer, Graphic Graphic Art Assistant, Graphic Design
Design Manager Art Designer Assistant, Graphic Art & Design Assistant

Graphic Design Manager Graphic Designer

Creative Services Manager, Creative Creative Services Analyst, Visual Branding

Services Supervisor, Visual Branding Analyst, Visual/Brand Design Analyst
Manager, Visual Branding Supervisor,
Visual/Brand Design Manager, Visual/Brand
Design Supervisor
Photography Manager, Photography Photographer, Photojournalist Photography Assistant

Studio Manager

Photo Art Director


Photo Editor

Publications Graphic Design Manager Publications Graphic Designer

Writing & Editing Manager Writer, Copy Writer, Writer/Editor

Technical Writing Manager, Technical Technical Writer, Technical Project Technical Writer, Technical Assistant,
Writing Supervisor, Proposal Manager, Specialist, Technical Publications Specialist, Proposal Coordinator, Proposal Production
Technical Publications Manager Writer/Editor, Proposal Writer, Procedures Assistant
Translation Manager Translator, Translator/Interpreter,
Automotive Technical Translator


Web Content Writing Manager, Web Web Content Writer, Internet Content
Content Writing Supervisor, Internet Writer, Content Writer, Content Creator
Content Writing Manager, Internet Content
Writing Supervisor, Content Writing
Manager, Content Writing Supervisor,
Content Creation Manager, Content
Creation Supervisor
Concept Design Manager, Creative Design Concept Designer, Graphics Designer

Animation Manager Animator

Visual Engineering Manager Visual Engineer, Sound Engineer

Sound Engineering Manager Sound Engineer

Web Producer, Web Content Manager Web Master

Web Design Manager, Web Design Web Designer, Multi-Media Web Designer,
Supervisor Rich Media Web Designer

New Media Graphic Design Senior Digital Media Graphic Designer, New Media
Manager, New Media Graphic Design Graphic Designer

User Experience Design Senior Manager, Digital Media User Experience Designer,
UXD/UED Senior Manager, User Experience User Experience Designer, UX/UE Designer,
Design Manager, UXD/UED Manager UXD/UED Associate

User Interface, UI Design Manager User Interface, UI Designer

Game User Interface Design Manager, Game User Interface, UI Designer

Game UI Design Manager

User Interaction Design Manager, UIx User Interaction Designer, UIx Designer
Design Manager

Copywriting Manager, Content/Copy Copywriter - Advertising, Advertising

Manager, Advertising Content Manager, Copywriter, Advertising Writer
Advertising Copy Manager

Art Director, Creative Director, Art/Creative


Digital Creative Director, e-Commerce

Creative Director

Production Manager, Radio Advertising Production Professional, Radio Advertising

Production Manager, Multimedia Producer, Radio Commercials Producer,
Production Manager, Print Production Multimedia Producer, Print Producer
Game Art Manager Game Artist

Concept Design Manager Concept Artist, Illustrator

2D Art Manager 2D Artist, 2D Modeler

3D Art Manager 3D Artist, 3D Modeler

Animation Manager 2D/3D Animator

Visual Effects Manager VFX Artist, Visual Effects Artist

Audio/Sound Effects Manager Audio Artist/Designer, Sound Designer

Technical Art Manager Technical Artist

Game Design Manager Game Designer

Game Level Design Manager Game Level Builder, Game Level/Mission


Game Content/Plot Design Manager Game Content Designer, Plot Designer

Game Mechanics/Systems Design Manager Game Systems Designer, Game Mechanics


Mathematical Game Design Manager Mathematical Game Designer, Math Game


Combat Mechanics Manager Combat Mechanics Designer

Game Producer Game Production Specialist

Game Development Producer Game Development Production Specialist

Lighting Manager Light Man, Lighting Man Lighting Assistant

Visual Effects Manager Visual Effects Artist

Product Model, Model

Architect Manager, Architecture Design Architect, Architecture Designer

Manager, Architect Team Leader

Digital Operations & Planning Manager, Digital Operations & Planning Professional, Media Operations Coordinator, Advertising
Advertising Operations Manager, Ad Media Operations Analyst, Ad Operations Operations Assistant
Operations Manager Analyst, Advertising Operations Analyst

Publications Manager, Publications Publications Specialist, Medical Publications

Supervisor, Medical Publications Manager, Specialist, Scientific Publications Specialist
Medical Publications Supervisor, Scientific
Publications Manager, Scientific
Publications Supervisor
Real Estate Manager, Real Estate Supervisor Real Estate Analyst

Property Manager, Property Supervisor, Property Management Officer, Building Building Administration Clerk, Real Estate
Real Estate Manager, Real Estate Supervisor Administrator, Real Estate Analyst, Real Coordinator, Real Estate Associate,
Estate Specialist, Property Administrator Property Management Administrator, Real
Estate Associate
Senior Development Executive,
Development Executive

Project Developer/Manager

Development Manager, Land Development Project/Development Analyst

Manager, Development Planning Manager

Project Strategy Planning Manager, Project Strategy Planning Analyst,

Property Research Manager, Real Estate Investment Business Research Analyst, Real
Strategy & Portfolio Manager, Estate Representative, Project
Development/Investments Analytics Development Analyst
Head of Store Planning/Design, Store Construction Project Officer Project Coordinator
Planning/Design Manager, Store
Planning/Design Supervisor

Store Development Manager Store Development Coordinator, Store Store Development Assistant
Development Officer
Space Management Manager Space Management Analyst Space Management Coordinator

Restaurant Opening Manager

Head of Property Investment, Senior

Acquisitions/Dispositions Executive

Property Investment Manager, Investments Acquisitions/Dispositions Analyst Property Investment Assistant

Manager, Portfolio Manager, Acquisitions

Land Manager, Land Director

Land Administration Manager, Land Land Administrator

Administration Supervisor

Surface Land Manager, Surface Land Surface Land Representative


Division Order Supervisor Lease Payment Administrator, Payment


Head of Store Construction

Construction Manager, Construction

Operations Manager

Construction Superintendent

General Construction Foreman, General

Construction Supervisor, General
Construction Operations Foreman

Rigging Coordinator, Rigging Manager

Store Construction Project Manager

Pipeline Maintenance Manager

Power Line Construction Foreman

Laboratory Technologist, Medical


Laboratory Technician, Medical Laboratory


Histology Supervisor, Histology Lab Histotechnologist, Histologist Histotechnician, Histology Technician,

Supervisor Histologic Technician, Histology Lab
Technician, Histotech

Occupational Therapy Manager Occupational Therapist

Paramedic/Transport Supervisor Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Ambulance Driver


Chief Physician, Physician Manager Labor Doctor, Employee Health Physician

Registered Nurse, RN

Nurse Aid, Nurse Assistant, Certified

Nursing Assistant

Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner,

Practical Nurse, Nurse Practitioner

Occupational Health Nursing Manager Occupational Health, Industrial Nurse

Occupational Health Nurse Assistant, Onsite

Medical Clinic Assistant

District Pharmacy Operations Manager,

Regional Pharmacy Operations Manager

Pharmacy Supervisor, Pharmacy Manager,

Pharmacy Director

Staff Pharmacist (RPh), Pharmacist (RPh)

Pharmacy Technician Supervisor, Pharmacy Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy Technician Supervisor, Pharmacy Pharmacy Technician, Hospital Pharmacy
Supervisor Technician

Optical Manager

Licensed Optician, Contact Lens Fitter

Non-Licensed Optician, Contact Lens Fitter

Contact Tracing Supervisor Contact Tracer, Remote Contact Tracer

Medical Records Coding Supervisor Medical Records Coder

Hair Stylist, Barber, Manicurist,

Cosmetologist, Make-up Artist

Kids Club Attendant, Childcare Worker,

Children Entertainer

Water Lifeguard, Water Lifesaver, Water


Fitness Center Manager, Fitness Program

Manager, Supervisor Fitness Center

Fitness & Wellness Specialist, Fitness Center Gym Instructor, Fitness Instructor, Fitness
Coordinator Trainer, Aerobics Instructor

Spa Therapist, Massage Therapist

Spa Manager, Spa Supervisor, Leisure Club


Financial Modeling & Analysis Manager Financial Analyst Financial Assistant

Accounting Manager Accountant Accounting Clerk, Accounts Assistant

Tax Manager Tax Consultant, Tax Analyst, Tax Advisor

Accounts Payable/Receivable Manager, Accounts Payable/Receivable Analyst, Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerk,

Accounts Payable/Receivable Supervisor Accounts Payable/Receivable Officer Accounts Payable/Receivable Assistant
HR Manager, HR Supervisor HR Generalist, Core HR Services Associate HR Generalist Assistant

HR Administration Manager HR Administrator, Workforce HR Assistant

Administration Analyst, Employee Data
Records and Management Analyst

Employee Support Manager Employee Services Associate, Employee Employee Support Assistant
Self-Services Associate

Payroll Manager Payroll Analyst Payroll Assistant

Recruiting Manager, Recruiting Supervisor Recruiter Recruiting Coordinator

Resource Deployment Manager, Resource Resource Deployment Analyst Staff Resourcing Assistant

Learning Development Manager, Training Learning Officer, Training & Development Learning & Development Assistant
Manager Analyst

Supply Chain Planning Manager Supply Chain Planner, Value Chain Planner Supply Chain Planning Assistant

Procurement/Purchasing Manager, Procurement Officer, Purchasing Officer, Sourcing & Procurement Assistant
Commodity Manager Sourcing Officer

Supplier Quality Manager Supplier Quality Assurance, Supplier Audit, Supplier Quality Management Assistant
Supplier Compliance and Performance
Management Associate

ERP Manager, Enterprise Resource Planning ERP Business Analyst ERP Assistant

IT Testing Manager IT Applications Tester, IT QA Analyst, IT IT Testing Assistant

Validation Analyst

Web Content Manager Web Content Writer/Developer, Web Web Content Assistant

Data Analytics Manager Data Analyst Data Analytics Assistant

Business Analytics Manager Business Analyst Business Analytics Assistant

HR Analytics Manager HR Analytics Analyst, HR Analyst HR Analytics Assistant

Supply Chain Analytics Manager Supply Chain Analytics Representative Supply Chain Analytics Assistant
Risk Analysis Manager Risk Management/Loss Prevention Analyst Risk Analysis Assistant

Credit Risk Manager Credit Risk Analyst Credit Risk Support Analyst

AML Manager AML Associate AML Assistant

Content Writing Manager, Technical Content Writer, Technical Writer, Content Writing Assistant, Technical
Writing Manager, Proofreading & Editorial Proofreader, Editor Writing Assistant, Proofreading & Editorial
Services Manager Services Assistant

Medical Research Manager Medical Research Analyst Medical Research Assistant

Pharmacovigilance Manager, Pharmacovigilance Analyst Pharmacovigilance Assistant

Pharmacovigilance Supervisor
Function Department Specialty Flags /Therapeutic Area Flags

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Top Management Leadership

Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning

Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning

Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk IT Security


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management

Business Planning & Risk Risk Management

Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Asset/Investment Management Risk Management

Asset/Investment Management Risk Management

Consulting Services Strategy & Planning

Finance Leadership

Finance Generalists

Finance Generalists

Finance Generalists

Finance Generalists

Finance Generalists

Finance Generalists

Finance Financial Control & Reporting

Finance Financial Control & Reporting

Finance Financial Control & Reporting

Finance Financial Control & Reporting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Financial Control & Reporting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Asset/Investment Management Asset/Investment Management


Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Tax

Finance Tax
Finance Tax

Finance Tax

Finance Treasury

Finance Treasury

Finance Treasury

Finance Treasury

Finance Treasury

Finance Treasury

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting

Finance Credit & Collections

Finance Credit & Collections

Finance Credit & Collections

Finance Credit & Collections

Finance Credit & Collections

Human Resources Leadership

Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Mobility & Relocation

Human Resources Mobility & Relocation

Human Resources Mobility & Relocation

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Compensation & Benefits

Human Resources Payroll

Human Resources Payroll

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Employee/Labor Relations

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Human Resources Talent Management &

Organization Development

Business Planning & Risk Strategy & Planning


Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Human Resources Training & Development

Communications & Corporate Leadership


Communications & Corporate Generalists


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations

Communications & Corporate External Relations

Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Communications & Corporate External Relations


Legal & Audit Leadership

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Leadership

Legal & Audit Generalists

Legal & Audit Leadership

Legal & Audit Legal Counsel

Legal & Audit Legal Counsel

Legal & Audit Legal Counsel

Legal & Audit Legal Counsel

Legal & Audit Legal Counsel

Legal & Audit Contracts

Legal & Audit Contracts

Legal & Audit Contracts

Legal & Audit Contracts

Legal & Audit Generalists

Legal & Audit Legal Support

Legal & Audit Legal Support

Legal & Audit Legal Support

Legal & Audit Legal Support

Legal & Audit Legal Support

Legal & Audit Legal Support Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Patent; Trademark

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Therapeutic Area
Oncology, Rare Flags (applicable
Diseases, Vaccines,for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Food & Beverage Operations Regulatory Affairs

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Legal & Audit Internal Audit

Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Business Planning & Risk Fraud Management


Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Research & Development Clinical Development Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Compliance

Environmental and Employee Leadership

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Generalists

Health & Safety
Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety
Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Environmental Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety
Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety
Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Employee Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Environmental and Employee Training & Development

Health & Safety

Administrative Services Generalists

Administrative Services Secretarial Support

Administrative Services Secretarial Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Travel & Events

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Travel & Events

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Administrative Support

Administrative Services Document Management

Administrative Services Document Management

Facilities Management Leadership

Facilities Management Generalists

Manufacturing Operations Plant/Facilities

Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Lease Administration

Facilities Management Lease Administration

Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Facilities Maintenance & Support


Facilities Management Property Safety & Security

Facilities Management Property Safety & Security

Facilities Management Property Safety & Security

Business Planning & Risk Risk Management


Business Planning & Risk Risk Management Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Management Corporate; General; Store

Administrative Services Information Management

Administrative Services Information Management

Administrative Services Information Management

Administrative Services Information Management

Administrative Services Information Management

Administrative Services Information Management

Safety Services Safety & Security

Safety Services Safety & Security

Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Manufacturing Operations Program/Project Management

Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Business Planning & Risk Program/Project Management


Research & Development Clinical Development

Information Technology Program/Project Management

Information Technology Program/Project Management

Information Technology Program/Project Management

Information Technology Program/Project Management

Consulting Services Program/Project Management

Information Technology Program/Project Management

Real Estate Development & Program/Project Management

Construction Operations

Sales & Marketing Leadership

Sales Leadership

Marketing Leadership

Sales & Marketing Generalists

Sales & Marketing Generalists

Sales & Marketing Generalists

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Marketing Strategy & Planning

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Market Research

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Marketing Strategy & Planning

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &

Management Management

Sales & Marketing Strategy & Planning

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Sales & Marketing E-Commerce

Marketing Generalists Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life

Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Management Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Product Planning, Development & Product Design Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Management General; Wireless/Mobile

Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Management Export; Import

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &

Management Management

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Management Management Sciences):_x000D_
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Consumables/Disposables,
Therapeutic Medicalfor
Area Flags (applicable Devices:
Management Management Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, MedicalDiabetes,
Cardiovascular, Devices: Endocrinology,
In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Generics,Devices: In-Vivo
Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Consumables/Disposables,Nephrology, Neurology,
Medical Devices:
Oncology, Rare Diseases,
Durable Goods, Vaccines,
Medical Devices: Virology
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &
Management Management

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &

Management Management

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &

Management Management

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Management Management Sciences):_x000D_
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Management Management Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Specialty
Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Management Management Auto Finance; Bonds; Business Banking; Cash
Management; Consumer Banking; Corporate
Finance; Credit Cards; Digital - Mobile; Digital -
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Multi-Platforms; Digital - Website; Enterprise
Management Management Banking; Enterprise Banking - Medium
Enterprise; Enterprise Banking - Small Business;
Fixed Deposits; General Insurance; Global
Markets; Health; High Net Worth; Housing
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Loans; Life; Life/Pension/Retirement; Major
Management Management Market Corporate Banking; Middle Market
Corporate Banking; Middle Market Corporate
Banking & Business Banking; Organization
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing & Wide; Pension/Retirement; Premier Banking;
Management Management Prime Broker; Private Banking/Private Client;
Property & Casualty; Reinsurance; Transaction
Services; Treasury Products; Unit Trusts
Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &
Management Management

Product Planning, Development & Product/Brand Marketing &

Management Management

Marketing Channel Marketing

Marketing Channel Marketing

Marketing Channel Marketing

Marketing Channel Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Telemarketing

Marketing Telemarketing

Marketing Technical Marketing

Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education


Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education


Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education


Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education


Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education

Marketing Technical Marketing

Research & Development Clinical Development

Product Planning, Development & Market Access


Product Planning, Development & Product Training & Education


Research & Development Clinical Development

Sales Pre/Post Sales Support Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Marketing Advertising & Promotion Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Market Research

Marketing Market Research

Marketing Market Research

Sales Sales & Account Management

Sales Field Sales Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life

Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Field Sales Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Sales Field Sales Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Sales Field Sales

Sales Field Sales

Sales Field Sales

Sales Field Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales In-Store Sales Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Made-to-Measure (MTM); VIP Clients

Sales In-Store Sales Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Fragrance; General Beauty; Makeup; Skin Care

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Channel Sales

Sales Channel Sales

Sales Pre/Post Sales Support

Sales Pre/Post Sales Support

Sales Direct Sales Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Online

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Key Clients

Sales Telesales

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Direct Sales Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Key Clients

Sales Direct Sales

Sales Channel Sales Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life

Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Direct Sales Consumables/Disposables,
Specialty Flags:_x000D_ Medical Devices:
Durable Goods,
Companion; MedicalPoultry;
Livestock; Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Sales Direct Sales Therapeutic Area
Oncology, Rare Flags (applicable
Diseases, Vaccines,for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Channel Sales Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Sales Channel Sales Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Channel Sales Consumables/Disposables, Medicalfor
Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, MedicalDiabetes,
Cardiovascular, Devices: Endocrinology,
In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Generics,Devices: In-Vivo
Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Consumables/Disposables, Nephrology, Neurology,
Medical Devices:
Sales Medical Representation Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Sales Medical Representation Therapeutic Area
Oncology, Rare Flags (applicable
Diseases, Vaccines,for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Medical Representation Consumables/Disposables, Medicalfor
Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, MedicalDiabetes,
Cardiovascular, Devices: Endocrinology,
In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Generics,Devices: In-Vivo
Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Consumables/Disposables, Nephrology, Neurology,
Medical Devices:
Sales Direct Sales Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Sales Field Sales Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Sales Field Sales

Sales Telesales

Sales Telesales

Sales Telesales

Sales Sales & Account Management

Sales Account & Client Management Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Sales Account & Client Management Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Sales Account & Client Management Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Communications & Corporate External Relations

Sales Training & Development

Sales Training & Development

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Supply & Logistics Order Management & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales Sales Administration & Support

Sales & Marketing Franchise Operations

Sales & Marketing Franchise Operations

Sales & Marketing Franchise Operations

Customer Service Leadership

Contact/Call Center Leadership

Contact/Call Center Leadership

Customer Service Generalists

Contact/Call Center Generalists

Contact/Call Center Generalists

Customer Service In-Person Support

Customer Service Generalists

Compliance & Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs

Supply & Logistics Order Management & Support

Supply & Logistics Order Management & Support

Supply & Logistics Order Management & Support

Customer Service Pre/Post Sales Support

Contact/Call Center Remote Support

Contact/Call Center Remote Support

Contact/Call Center Remote Support

Customer Service Remote Support

Customer Service Remote Support

Contact/Call Center Remote Support

Contact/Call Center Remote Support

Customer Service In-Person Support

Customer Service In-Person Support

Customer Service In-Person Support

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Customer Service Customer Relationship

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Contact/Call Center Operations

Contact/Call Center Training & Development

Contact/Call Center Training & Development

Contact/Call Center Training & Development

Quality Management Leadership

Quality Management Quality Improvement

Information Technology Quality Assurance

Information Technology Supplier/Vendor Quality

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Information Technology Quality Assurance

Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Improvement

Customer Service Quality Assurance

Lending & Leasing Operations Loan Servicing Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Commercial; Consumer; Private
Banking/Private Client

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Improvement

Quality Management Quality Improvement

Quality Management Quality Control

Manufacturing Operations Quality Assurance

Manufacturing Operations Quality Control

Manufacturing Operations Quality Control

Research & Development Clinical Development

Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Assurance

Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality

Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Supplier/Vendor Quality


Quality Management Business Quality Management

Supply & Logistics Leadership

Supply & Logistics Generalists

Supply & Logistics Strategy & Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Strategy & Planning

Supply & Logistics Strategy & Planning

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Supply & Logistics Inventory/Production Planning

Information Technology Procurement & Sourcing

Information Technology Procurement & Sourcing

Merchandising Merchandise Management &


Utilities & Renewables Procurement & Sourcing


Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations
Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center
Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Logistics/Distribution Operations

Supply & Logistics Import/Export & Customs


Supply & Logistics Import/Export & Customs


Supply & Logistics Import/Export & Customs


Supply & Logistics Import/Export & Customs


Supply & Logistics Import/Export & Customs


Research & Development Leadership

Research & Development Leadership

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Research & Development Technology Research

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Research & Development Artificial Intelligence

Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Research & Development Clinical Development Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Research & Development Clinical Development Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Research & Development Clinical Development Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Research & Development Research Operations

Engineering Leadership

Engineering Leadership

Engineering Manufacturing Production

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities
Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Product Design

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Supply & Logistics Warehouse/Distribution Center

Management & Operations

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Decoration; Electric; General; Heating;

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Program/Project Management

Engineering Manufacturing Processing &

Engineering Manufacturing Processing &

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Repair & Maintenance

Engineering Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Engineering Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Chemicals; Compression Services and
Equipment; Directional Drilling; Drill Bits;
Drilling; Drilling Equipment and Production
Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service Systems; Fluids; Other; Pumping/Completion
Services; Subsea and Surface Systems; Wireline

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil

Engineering Construction & Civil

Engineering Construction & Civil


Network Engineering & Network Planning & Design

Operations (Telecommunications)

Network Engineering & Network Field Installation,

Operations (Telecommunications) Integration & Maintenance

Engineering Drilling & Exploration Engineering

Engineering Drilling & Exploration Engineering

Engineering Drilling & Exploration Engineering

Engineering Drilling & Exploration Engineering

Engineering Alternative/Renewable Energy


Engineering Generalists

Engineering Generalists Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Asset Integrity; Chemicals; Civil Engineering;
Compression & Controls; Control Systems;
Corrosion/Integrity; Data Management/Seismic
Engineering Program/Project Management Data; Drilling; Electrical; Electro-Mechanical;
Environmental; Exploration; Field Metering;
Gas Measurement; Gas Operations; Geological;
Geomatics; Geotechnical/Geophysical;
Instrumentation; Laboratory; Maintenance;
Engineering Program/Project Management Mechanical; Mine; Other; Pipeline; Pipeline
Leak Detection; Plant/Facilities; Power
Systems; Product Measurement/Quality
Control; Production; Pumping & Completions;
Engineering Program/Project Management Quality Assurance; Reserves/Well;
Reservoir/Exploitation; SCADA; Services &
Equipment; Solar; Structural Engineering;
Telecommunications/Slicing; Wind
Engineering Manufacturing Production

Engineering Manufacturing Production

Engineering Repair & Maintenance

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Manufacturing Processing &


Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Equipment & Tools

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Quality & Reliability

Engineering Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Engineering Environmental and Employee

Health & Safety

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service

Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Chemicals; Compression Services and
Equipment; Directional Drilling; Drill Bits;
Drilling; Drilling Equipment and Production
Engineering Sales, Consulting & Field Service Systems; Fluids; Other; Pumping/Completion
Services; Subsea and Surface Systems; Wireline

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities

Engineering Plant/Facilities
Engineering Construction & Civil

Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Engineering Construction & Civil


Network Engineering & Network Field Installation,

Operations (Telecommunications) Integration & Maintenance

Network Engineering & Network Operations, Control &

Operations (Telecommunications) Maintenance

Network Engineering & Network Field Installation,

Operations (Telecommunications) Integration & Maintenance

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Process Engineering

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Engineering Engineering Design Services

Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Research & Development Science & Science Technical Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Research Aquatic; Soil; Vegetation

Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Research & Development Science & Science Technical


Mining Operations Technical Services

Research & Development Laboratory Operations

Research & Development Laboratory Operations

Research & Development Laboratory Operations Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Quality Management Quality Control Consumables/Disposables, Medical Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Research & Development Pre-Clinical Development

Manufacturing Operations Leadership

Manufacturing Operations Leadership

Manufacturing Operations Plant Management

Manufacturing Operations Plant Management

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Manufacturing Operations Manufacturing Production

Mining Operations Plant/Mill Operations

Mining Operations Plant/Mill Operations

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Manufacturing Operations Tooling & Machining

Quality Management Quality Control

Quality Management Quality Control

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Utilities & Renewables Repair & Maintenance


Air Transportation Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations

Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Equipment, Repair & Equipment Operations


Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations
Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery
Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Agriculture Field Production Field Operations

Agriculture Field Production Field Operations

Agriculture Field Production Field Operations

Agriculture Field Production Field Operations

Agriculture Field Production Field Operations

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Food & Beverage Production Beverage Production

Information Technology Leadership

Information Technology Leadership

Information Technology Leadership

Information Technology Generalists

Information Technology Generalists

Information Technology Generalists

Information Technology Generalists

Information Technology Generalists

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Architecture

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Marketing Digital Marketing

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Security

Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology IT Operations

Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems

Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems

Information Technology IT Infrastructure & Systems


Information Technology Data Center Management & Data


Information Technology Data Center Management & Data


Information Technology Database Administration &


Information Technology Database Administration &


Information Technology Database Administration &


Information Technology Database Administration &


Research & Development Clinical Development

Information Technology Information Systems

Administration & Reporting

Information Technology Information Systems

Administration & Reporting

Information Technology Information Systems

Administration & Reporting

Information Technology Database Administration &


Information Technology Information Systems

Administration & Reporting

Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT User Support

Information Technology IT Operations

Information Technology IT Operations

Information Technology IT Operations

Information Technology IT Operations

Information Technology IT Operations

Consulting Services Information Technology


Consulting Services Information Technology


External Software Product Software Architecture

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Architecture

Engineering Engineering
External Software Product Software Architecture
Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Architecture

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Architecture

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Engineering Engineering .NET; C/C++; CDN; General; JavaScript; PHP;

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Engineering Engineering General; JAVA

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Engineering Engineering Audio; Fingerprint/Iris/Face; General;
Recommendation; Search

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering
External Software Product Software Development
Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Systems Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Systems Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Systems Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Systems Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Systems Software Development

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Test

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Test

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Test

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Development Test

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Software Release Testing &

Engineering Configuration

External Software Product External Database Product

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Cloud Computing Services

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Cloud Computing Services

Engineering Engineering
External Software Product Cloud Computing Services
Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Cloud Computing Services

Engineering Engineering

External Software Product Integrated Solutions Engineering


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development


Game Design & Development Game Development

Game Design & Development Game Development Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Programming C++; General; Golang; JAVA; PHP

Game Design & Development Game Testing

Game Design & Development Game Testing

Game Design & Development Game Testing

Game Design & Development Game Testing

Network Engineering & Leadership

Operations (Telecommunications)

Network Engineering & Network Planning & Design

Operations (Telecommunications)

Network Engineering & Network Operations, Control &

Operations (Telecommunications) Maintenance

Network Engineering & Network Operations, Control &

Operations (Telecommunications) Maintenance

Network Engineering & Network Operations, Control &

Operations (Telecommunications) Maintenance

Information Technology Leadership

Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics


Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics


Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics


Supply & Logistics Business Data Analytics

Marketing Market Research

Research & Development Research Data Analytics

Information Technology IT Security

Finance Financial Planning, Analysis &


Research & Development Research Data Analytics

Advertising Agency Services & Account Planning


Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics


Business Planning & Risk Actuarial Analytics Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Management General; Health; Life; Pension/Retirement;
Prime Broker; Property & Casualty;
Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics

Business Planning & Risk Business Data Analytics


Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology Enterprise Information


Information Technology Data Center Management & Data


Information Technology Data Center Management & Data

Information Technology Data Center Management & Data

Transportation Operations Generalists

Transportation Operations Generalists

Transportation Operations Generalists

Road Transportation Generalists

Road Transportation Planning & Scheduling

Road Transportation Messenger/Courier Services

Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Drivers

Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Drivers

Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Drivers

Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Drivers

Road Transportation Motor Vehicle Drivers

Food & Beverage Operations Banqueting & Catering

Air Transportation Air Operations

Air Transportation Crew Operations

Air Transportation Crew Operations

Maritime Transportation Crew Operations

Maritime Transportation Crew Operations

Maritime Transportation Maritime Port Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Leadership

Mining Operations Leadership

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Exploration & Production

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Chemicals; Compression Services and
Equipment; Drill Bits; Drilling; Drilling
Equipment and Production Systems; Fluids;
Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations Other; Pumping/Completion Services; Subsea
and Surface Systems; Wireline

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Drilling Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Pipeline Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Pipeline Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Pipeline Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Pipeline Operations Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Crude Oil/Liquids; Gas

Oil & Gas Operations Pipeline Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Refining Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Refining Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Refining Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Refining Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Oilfield Services Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Oilfield Services Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Oilfield Services Operations

Oil & Gas Operations Oilfield Services Operations

Mining Operations Exploration & Production

Mining Operations Exploration & Production

Mining Operations Program/Project Management

Mining Operations Program/Project Management

Mining Operations Generalists

Mining Operations Generalists

Mining Operations Generalists

Mining Operations Generalists

Mining Operations Generalists

Mining Operations Plant/Mill Operations

Mining Operations Plant/Mill Operations

Mining Operations Plant/Mill Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Site Operations

Mining Operations Drilling Operations Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Airleg Miner; Cable Bolt Drill; Drill and Blast;
Jumbo; Long Hole; Rock Breaker

Mining Operations Drilling Operations

Mining Operations Training & Development

Mining Operations Technical Services

Mining Operations Technical Services

Mining Operations Technical Services

Mining Operations Maintenance Operations

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance

Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Equipment, Repair & Repair & Maintenance


Mining Operations Maintenance Operations

Utilities & Renewables Leadership


Utilities & Renewables Power Plant Operations


Utilities & Renewables Power Plant Operations


Utilities & Renewables Power Plant Operations


Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution
Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &
Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Power Transmission &

Operations Distribution

Utilities & Renewables Repair & Maintenance


Utilities & Renewables Leadership


Utilities & Renewables Leadership


Utilities & Renewables Strategy & Planning


Utilities & Renewables Strategy & Planning


Utilities & Renewables Strategy & Planning


Utilities & Renewables Strategy & Planning


Utilities & Renewables Utilities Metering


Utilities & Renewables Utilities Metering


Utilities & Renewables Utilities Metering


Utilities & Renewables Utilities Metering


Utilities & Renewables Plant Operations


Utilities & Renewables Strategy & Planning

Lending & Leasing Operations Loan Production Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Commercial; Consumer; Private
Banking/Private Client

Investment Banking Services Leadership

Investment Banking Services Leadership

Investment Banking Services Leadership

Financial Services & Insurance Investment Banking Operations


Asset/Investment Management Portfolio/Fund Management Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Alternatives; Commodities; Credit; Equities;
Equities - Derivatives; Equities Cash - Canadian;
Equities Cash - International; Equities Cash -
Asset/Investment Management Portfolio/Fund Management Outside
SpecialtyCanada; Equities Cash - US; Externally
Managed Funds;
Alternatives; FixedEquities
Equities; Income;-Fixed
Equities- -
Canada; Fixed
Derivatives; Income -Managed
Externally Outside Canada;
Funds; Fixed
Income;Exchange; General; General;
Foreign Exchange; Index Index
Funds/Passive Investments;
Investment Banking Services Trading & Dealing Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Infrastructure/Project Finance; Mixed
Derivatives; Finance; Mixed
Mortgages; Futures & Options;
Multi-Products; General;
Private Hedge
Mortgages; Private Interest
Fund; Institutional; Debt; Private
Private Equity;
Property; Property;
Quantitative Quantitative
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Investment/Asset
Investments Management;
Specialty Flags:_x000D_ Money
Markets; Private Banking/Private ClientNatural
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG);
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Natural
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Natural
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Natural
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Natural
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Coal; Gas; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG); Natural
Gas Liquids (NGL); Oil Crude; Oil Products;
Other; Power; Renewable
Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading
Investment Banking Services Research & Analysis Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Equities; Fixed Income; General

Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Commercial; Contracts; Demurrage/Claims;
Scheduling/Shift Trading

Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading

Asset/Investment Management Energy Commodity Trading Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Long-term; Short-term

Underwriting Generalists Specialty Flags:_x000D_

General; Health; Health - High Risk; Health -
Low Risk; Life; Life/Pension/Retirement;
Life/Pension/Retirement - High Risk;
Claims Claims Intake & Processing Life/Pension/Retirement
Specialty Flags:_x000D_ - Low Risk;
General; Health; HealthPrime Broker;
- High Risk; Property
Health - &
Low Risk; Property
High Risk;&Life;
Casualty - High Risk;
Property & Casualty - Low Risk; Property &
Casualty - Retail; Property- &
Life/Pension/Retirement Casualty
High Risk; -
Retail Operations Leadership Specialized; Reinsurance;-Surety
Life/Pension/Retirement Low Risk; Low Risk;
Pension/Retirement; Prime Broker; Property &
Casualty; Property & Casualty - High Risk;
Property & Casualty - Low Risk; Reinsurance
Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store Management

Retail Operations Store/Field Operations

Retail Operations Merchandise Receiving &

Retail Operations Store/Field Operations

Retail Operations Merchandise Receiving &


Retail Operations Store/Field Operations

Retail Operations Service/Repair Operations

Retail Operations Service/Repair Operations

Retail Operations Service/Repair Operations

Retail Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Automotive Operations Service/Repair Operations

Warranty Operations Warranty Administration &


Warranty Operations Warranty Administration &


Warranty Operations Warranty Administration &


Warranty Operations Warranty Administration &


Automotive Operations Auto Dealer Branch Management

Automotive Operations Auto Dealer Branch Management

Automotive Operations Auto Dealer Branch Management

Retail Operations Training & Development

Retail Operations Training & Development

Merchandising Generalists

Merchandising Generalists

Merchandising Merchandising Planning &


Merchandising Merchandising Planning &

Merchandising Merchandising Planning &

Merchandising Category Planning &


Merchandising Merchandise Management &


Merchandising Merchandise Management &


Merchandising Merchandise Management &


Merchandising Merchandise Management &


Marketing Visual Merchandising Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Corporate; General; Store

Restaurant Operations Leadership

Restaurant Operations Restaurant Management

Restaurant Operations Restaurant Management

Restaurant Operations Front-of-the-House Operations

Restaurant Operations Restaurant Management

Restaurant Operations Restaurant Management

Restaurant Operations Restaurant Management

Restaurant Operations Front-of-the-House Operations

Restaurant Operations Front-of-the-House Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Banqueting & Catering

Food & Beverage Operations Banqueting & Catering

Food & Beverage Operations Banqueting & Catering

Food & Beverage Operations Generalists

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Generalists

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Kitchen Operations

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Food Service

Food & Beverage Operations Beverage Service

Food & Beverage Operations Beverage Service

Food & Beverage Operations Beverage Service

Food & Beverage Operations Product Planning & Development

Food & Beverage Operations Product Planning & Development

Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Product Planning, Development & Product Planning & Development


Restaurant Operations Training & Development

Restaurant Operations Training & Development

Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Communications & Corporate Communications


Marketing Visual Merchandising

Communications & Corporate Communications


Marketing Photography & Editing

Marketing Photography & Editing

Marketing Photography & Editing

Marketing Photography & Editing

Marketing Photography & Editing

Communications & Corporate Communications


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing

Media Content Management & Interactive Media

Media Content Management & Interactive Media


Media Content Management & Interactive Media


Media Content Management & Interactive Media


Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Digital Marketing

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Information Technology Analysis & Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Product Planning, Development & Product Design


Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Marketing Digital Marketing

Marketing Advertising & Promotion

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Art

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Design

Game Design & Development Game Production

Game Design & Development Game Production

Game Design & Development Game Production

Game Design & Development Game Production

Filmmaking & Television Technical Production

Filmmaking & Television Film & Television Production

Marketing Modelling & Personal Styling

Real Estate Development & Construction/Property Planning &

Construction Operations Design

Advertising Agency Services & Media Execution & Operations


Media Content Management & Content/Publications

Development Management & Operations

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Property Management Generalists Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Commercial/Office; Community/Senior Living;
Diversified; Industrial; Residential; Retail

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Construction/Property Planning &

Construction Operations Design

Real Estate Development & Construction/Property Planning &

Construction Operations Design
Real Estate Development & Construction/Property Planning &
Construction Operations Design

Real Estate Development & Construction/Property Planning &

Construction Operations Design

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Real Estate Strategy &

Construction Operations Management

Real Estate Development & Land Management &

Construction Operations Administration

Real Estate Development & Land Management &

Construction Operations Administration

Real Estate Development & Land Management &

Construction Operations Administration

Real Estate Development & Land Management &

Construction Operations Administration

Real Estate Development & Land Management &

Construction Operations Administration

Real Estate Development & Leadership

Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Leadership

Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Construction Operations Area/Zone; Civil; General; Region; State

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations

Real Estate Development & Construction Project Delivery

Construction Operations
Oil & Gas Operations Construction Project Delivery

Utilities & Renewables Construction Project Delivery


Health Services Medical Laboratory Services Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable for Life
Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Endocrinology,
Generics, Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Health Services Medical Laboratory Services Consumables/Disposables, Medicalfor
Therapeutic Area Flags (applicable Devices:
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, MedicalDiabetes,
Cardiovascular, Devices: Endocrinology,
In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Generics,Devices: In-Vivo
Infectious Diseases, Medical Devices:
Consumables/Disposables,Nephrology, Neurology,
Medical Devices:
Health Services Medical Laboratory Services Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology
Durable Goods, Medical Devices: Implantable
Devices, Medical Devices: In-Vitro Diagnostics,
Medical Devices: In-Vivo
Diagnostics/Radiology, Nephrology, Neurology,
Health Services Occupational Rehabilitation Oncology, Rare Diseases, Vaccines, Virology

Health Services Emergency & Intensive Care


Health Services Physician Services

Health Services Nursing Services

Health Services Nursing Services

Health Services Nursing Services

Health Services Nursing Services

Health Services Nursing Services

Health Services Pharmacy Services

Health Services Pharmacy Services

Health Services Pharmacy Services

Health Services Pharmacy Services Specialty Flags:_x000D_

Certified; Non-certified
Health Services Pharmacy Services Specialty Flags:_x000D_
Certified; Non-certified

Health Services Vision Services

Health Services Vision Services

Health Services Vision Services

Health Services Social Services

Health Services Health Information & Coding

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Health Services Personal Care Services

Finance Financial Planning, Analysis, &


Finance Accounting

Finance Tax

Finance Accounting
Human Resources Generalists

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Human Resources Operations

Human Resources Payroll

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Recruiting & Staffing

Human Resources Training & Development

Supply & Logistics Strategy & Planning

Supply & Logistics Procurement & Sourcing

Supply & Logistics Supplier/Vendor Quality


Information Technology Configuration & Programming

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Applications Development

Information Technology Business Data Analytics

Information Technology Business Data Analytics

Information Technology Business Data Analytics

Information Technology Business Data Analytics

Lending & Leasing Operations Risk Management

Lending & Leasing Operations Risk Management

Lending & Leasing Operations Fraud Management

Communications & Corporate Writing & Editing


Research & Development Clinical Development

Research & Development Clinical Development

Para-Professional/ Head of
Executive Career Management Career Professional Career
Stream Available Stream Available Stream Available
Support Career Organization
Stream Available (E5 - E2)

• GMA.01.001.EXX

• GMA.01.002.EXX

• GMA.01.003.EXX

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Head of Sub-Function Levels

Head of Function
E3 E2 E1 M5
(E4 - E1)







GMA.02.001.E30 GMA.02.001.E20 GMA.02.001.E10 GMA.02.001.M50

GMA.02.002.E30 GMA.02.002.E20 GMA.02.002.E10 GMA.02.002.M50

GMA.02.003.E30 GMA.02.003.E20 GMA.02.003.E10 GMA.02.003.M50

GMA.02.004.E30 GMA.02.004.E20 GMA.02.004.E10 GMA.02.004.M50

GMA.02.006.E30 GMA.02.006.E20 GMA.02.006.E10 GMA.02.006.M50

GMA.02.007.E30 GMA.02.007.E20 GMA.02.007.E10 GMA.02.007.M50

GMA.02.008.E30 GMA.02.008.E20 GMA.02.008.E10 GMA.02.008.M50



GMA.03.010.E30 GMA.03.010.E20 GMA.03.010.E10 GMA.03.010.M50

GMA.03.011.E30 GMA.03.011.E20 GMA.03.011.E10 GMA.03.011.M50

GMA.03.012.E30 GMA.03.012.E20 GMA.03.012.E10 GMA.03.012.M50

GMA.03.032.E30 GMA.03.032.E20 GMA.03.032.E10 GMA.03.032.M50

GMA.03.040.E30 GMA.03.040.E20 GMA.03.040.E10 GMA.03.040.M50

GMA.03.033.E30 GMA.03.033.E20 GMA.03.033.E10 GMA.03.033.M50

GMA.03.035.E30 GMA.03.035.E20 GMA.03.035.E10 GMA.03.035.M50

GMA.03.036.E30 GMA.03.036.E20 GMA.03.036.E10 GMA.03.036.M50

GMA.03.053.E30 GMA.03.053.E20 GMA.03.053.E10 GMA.03.053.M50

GMA.03.055.E30 GMA.03.055.E20 GMA.03.055.E10 GMA.03.055.M50



FIN.02.003.E30 FIN.02.003.E20 FIN.02.003.E10 FIN.02.003.M50

FIN.02.001.E30 FIN.02.001.E20 FIN.02.001.E10 FIN.02.001.M50

FIN.02.005.E30 FIN.02.005.E20 FIN.02.005.E10 FIN.02.005.M50

FIN.02.006.E30 FIN.02.006.E20 FIN.02.006.E10 FIN.02.006.M50


FIN.04.001.E30 FIN.04.001.E20 FIN.04.001.E10 FIN.04.001.M50


FIN.05.001.E30 FIN.05.001.E20 FIN.05.001.E10 FIN.05.001.M50

FIN.05.002.E30 FIN.05.002.E20 FIN.05.002.E10 FIN.05.002.M50

FIN.05.003.E30 FIN.05.003.E20 FIN.05.003.E10 FIN.05.003.M50

FIN.05.004.E30 FIN.05.004.E20 FIN.05.004.E10 FIN.05.004.M50

FIN.05.005.E30 FIN.05.005.E20 FIN.05.005.E10 FIN.05.005.M50

FIN.06.001.E30 FIN.06.001.E20 FIN.06.001.E10 FIN.06.001.M50

FIN.06.002.E30 FIN.06.002.E20 FIN.06.002.E10 FIN.06.002.M50

FIN.06.017.E30 FIN.06.017.E20 FIN.06.017.E10 FIN.06.017.M50

FIN.06.008.E30 FIN.06.008.E20 FIN.06.008.E10 FIN.06.008.M50

FIN.07.001.E30 FIN.07.001.E20 FIN.07.001.E10 FIN.07.001.M50

FIN.07.003.E30 FIN.07.003.E20 FIN.07.003.E10 FIN.07.003.M50

FIN.07.004.E30 FIN.07.004.E20 FIN.07.004.E10 FIN.07.004.M50


FIN.08.001.E30 FIN.08.001.E20 FIN.08.001.E10 FIN.08.001.M50

FIN.08.002.E30 FIN.08.002.E20 FIN.08.002.E10 FIN.08.002.M50

FIN.08.003.E30 FIN.08.003.E20 FIN.08.003.E10 FIN.08.003.M50

FIN.08.004.E30 FIN.08.004.E20 FIN.08.004.E10 FIN.08.004.M50

FIN.08.005.E30 FIN.08.005.E20 FIN.08.005.E10 FIN.08.005.M50

FIN.08.006.E30 FIN.08.006.E20 FIN.08.006.E10 FIN.08.006.M50

FIN.09.001.E30 FIN.09.001.E20 FIN.09.001.E10 FIN.09.001.M50

FIN.09.003.E30 FIN.09.003.E20 FIN.09.003.E10 FIN.09.003.M50

FIN.09.004.E30 FIN.09.004.E20 FIN.09.004.E10 FIN.09.004.M50

FIN.09.005.E30 FIN.09.005.E20 FIN.09.005.E10 FIN.09.005.M50

FIN.09.007.E30 FIN.09.007.E20 FIN.09.007.E10 FIN.09.007.M50

FIN.10.001.E30 FIN.10.001.E20 FIN.10.001.E10 FIN.10.001.M50

FIN.10.002.E30 FIN.10.002.E20 FIN.10.002.E10 FIN.10.002.M50

FIN.10.003.E30 FIN.10.003.E20 FIN.10.003.E10 FIN.10.003.M50


FIN.10.004.E30 FIN.10.004.E20 FIN.10.004.E10 FIN.10.004.M50


HRM.02.001.E30 HRM.02.001.E20 HRM.02.001.E10 HRM.02.001.M50

HRM.02.003.E30 HRM.02.003.E20 HRM.02.003.E10 HRM.02.003.M50

HRM.03.001.E30 HRM.03.001.E20 HRM.03.001.E10 HRM.03.001.M50

HRM.03.002.E30 HRM.03.002.E20 HRM.03.002.E10 HRM.03.002.M50

HRM.03.003.E30 HRM.03.003.E20 HRM.03.003.E10 HRM.03.003.M50

HRM.04.001.E30 HRM.04.001.E20 HRM.04.001.E10 HRM.04.001.M50

HRM.04.002.E30 HRM.04.002.E20 HRM.04.002.E10 HRM.04.002.M50

HRM.04.003.E30 HRM.04.003.E20 HRM.04.003.E10 HRM.04.003.M50

HRM.04.004.E30 HRM.04.004.E20 HRM.04.004.E10 HRM.04.004.M50

HRM.04.005.E30 HRM.04.005.E20 HRM.04.005.E10 HRM.04.005.M50

HRM.04.006.E30 HRM.04.006.E20 HRM.04.006.E10 HRM.04.006.M50


HRM.05.001.E30 HRM.05.001.E20 HRM.05.001.E10 HRM.05.001.M50

HRM.05.003.E30 HRM.05.003.E20 HRM.05.003.E10 HRM.05.003.M50

HRM.05.004.E30 HRM.05.004.E20 HRM.05.004.E10 HRM.05.004.M50

HRM.05.005.E30 HRM.05.005.E20 HRM.05.005.E10 HRM.05.005.M50

HRM.05.006.E30 HRM.05.006.E20 HRM.05.006.E10 HRM.05.006.M50

HRM.05.007.E30 HRM.05.007.E20 HRM.05.007.E10 HRM.05.007.M50

HRM.05.010.E30 HRM.05.010.E20 HRM.05.010.E10 HRM.05.010.M50


HRM.06.001.E30 HRM.06.001.E20 HRM.06.001.E10 HRM.06.001.M50

HRM.06.005.E30 HRM.06.005.E20 HRM.06.005.E10 HRM.06.005.M50

HRM.07.001.E30 HRM.07.001.E20 HRM.07.001.E10 HRM.07.001.M50

HRM.07.002.E30 HRM.07.002.E20 HRM.07.002.E10 HRM.07.002.M50

HRM.07.003.E30 HRM.07.003.E20 HRM.07.003.E10 HRM.07.003.M50

HRM.07.004.E30 HRM.07.004.E20 HRM.07.004.E10 HRM.07.004.M50

HRM.07.005.E30 HRM.07.005.E20 HRM.07.005.E10 HRM.07.005.M50

HRM.07.006.E30 HRM.07.006.E20 HRM.07.006.E10 HRM.07.006.M50


HRM.08.001.E30 HRM.08.001.E20 HRM.08.001.E10 HRM.08.001.M50

HRM.08.002.E30 HRM.08.002.E20 HRM.08.002.E10 HRM.08.002.M50

HRM.08.004.E30 HRM.08.004.E20 HRM.08.004.E10 HRM.08.004.M50

HRM.08.005.E30 HRM.08.005.E20 HRM.08.005.E10 HRM.08.005.M50

HRM.08.006.E30 HRM.08.006.E20 HRM.08.006.E10 HRM.08.006.M50

HRM.09.001.E30 HRM.09.001.E20 HRM.09.001.E10 HRM.09.001.M50

HRM.09.002.E30 HRM.09.002.E20 HRM.09.002.E10 HRM.09.002.M50

HRM.09.003.E30 HRM.09.003.E20 HRM.09.003.E10 HRM.09.003.M50

HRM.09.004.E30 HRM.09.004.E20 HRM.09.004.E10 HRM.09.004.M50

HRM.09.006.E30 HRM.09.006.E20 HRM.09.006.E10 HRM.09.006.M50

HRM.10.001.E30 HRM.10.001.E20 HRM.10.001.E10 HRM.10.001.M50

HRM.10.003.E30 HRM.10.003.E20 HRM.10.003.E10 HRM.10.003.M50

HRM.10.004.E30 HRM.10.004.E20 HRM.10.004.E10 HRM.10.004.M50

HRM.10.005.E30 HRM.10.005.E20 HRM.10.005.E10 HRM.10.005.M50


CCA.02.001.E30 CCA.02.001.E20 CCA.02.001.E10 CCA.02.001.M50

CCA.02.002.E30 CCA.02.002.E20 CCA.02.002.E10 CCA.02.002.M50

CCA.02.003.E30 CCA.02.003.E20 CCA.02.003.E10 CCA.02.003.M50

CCA.03.001.E30 CCA.03.001.E20 CCA.03.001.E10 CCA.03.001.M50

CCA.03.002.E30 CCA.03.002.E20 CCA.03.002.E10 CCA.03.002.M50

CCA.03.003.E30 CCA.03.003.E20 CCA.03.003.E10 CCA.03.003.M50

CCA.03.004.E30 CCA.03.004.E20 CCA.03.004.E10 CCA.03.004.M50

CCA.04.001.E30 CCA.04.001.E20 CCA.04.001.E10 CCA.04.001.M50

CCA.04.002.E30 CCA.04.002.E20 CCA.04.002.E10 CCA.04.002.M50

CCA.04.003.E30 CCA.04.003.E20 CCA.04.003.E10 CCA.04.003.M50

CCA.04.004.E30 CCA.04.004.E20 CCA.04.004.E10 CCA.04.004.M50

CCA.04.005.E30 CCA.04.005.E20 CCA.04.005.E10 CCA.04.005.M50


CCA.04.013.E30 CCA.04.013.E20 CCA.04.013.E10 CCA.04.013.M50

CCA.05.001.E30 CCA.05.001.E20 CCA.05.001.E10 CCA.05.001.M50





LCA.03.011.E30 LCA.03.011.E20 LCA.03.011.E10 LCA.03.011.M50

LCA.03.012.E30 LCA.03.012.E20 LCA.03.012.E10 LCA.03.012.M50

LCA.03.013.E30 LCA.03.013.E20 LCA.03.013.E10 LCA.03.013.M50

LCA.03.014.E30 LCA.03.014.E20 LCA.03.014.E10 LCA.03.014.M50

LCA.03.015.E30 LCA.03.015.E20 LCA.03.015.E10 LCA.03.015.M50

LCA.03.040.E30 LCA.03.040.E20 LCA.03.040.E10 LCA.03.040.M50

LCA.03.086.E30 LCA.03.086.E20 LCA.03.086.E10 LCA.03.086.M50

LCA.03.036.E30 LCA.03.036.E20 LCA.03.036.E10 LCA.03.036.M50


LCA.04.001.E30 LCA.04.001.E20 LCA.04.001.E10 LCA.04.001.M50

LCA.04.002.E30 LCA.04.002.E20 LCA.04.002.E10 LCA.04.002.M50

LCA.04.022.E30 LCA.04.022.E20 LCA.04.022.E10 LCA.04.022.M50

LCA.04.033.E30 LCA.04.033.E20 LCA.04.033.E10 LCA.04.033.M50


LCA.04.024.E30 LCA.04.024.E20 LCA.04.024.E10 LCA.04.024.M50

LCA.04.025.E30 LCA.04.025.E20 LCA.04.025.E10 LCA.04.025.M50


LCA.04.035.E30 LCA.04.035.E20 LCA.04.035.E10 LCA.04.035.M50

LCA.04.036.E30 LCA.04.036.E20 LCA.04.036.E10 LCA.04.036.M50

LCA.04.029.E30 LCA.04.029.E20 LCA.04.029.E10 LCA.04.029.M50


LCA.04.048.E30 LCA.04.048.E20 LCA.04.048.E10 LCA.04.048.M50

LCA.04.049.E30 LCA.04.049.E20 LCA.04.049.E10 LCA.04.049.M50

LCA.04.050.E30 LCA.04.050.E20 LCA.04.050.E10 LCA.04.050.M50

LCA.04.051.E30 LCA.04.051.E20 LCA.04.051.E10 LCA.04.051.M50

LCA.05.001.E30 LCA.05.001.E20 LCA.05.001.E10 LCA.05.001.M50

LCA.05.002.E30 LCA.05.002.E20 LCA.05.002.E10 LCA.05.002.M50

LCA.05.003.E30 LCA.05.003.E20 LCA.05.003.E10 LCA.05.003.M50

LCA.05.004.E30 LCA.05.004.E20 LCA.05.004.E10 LCA.05.004.M50


LCA.06.002.E30 LCA.06.002.E20 LCA.06.002.E10 LCA.06.002.M50

LCA.06.003.E30 LCA.06.003.E20 LCA.06.003.E10 LCA.06.003.M50

LCA.06.005.E30 LCA.06.005.E20 LCA.06.005.E10 LCA.06.005.M50

LCA.06.007.E30 LCA.06.007.E20 LCA.06.007.E10 LCA.06.007.M50


LCA.07.001.E30 LCA.07.001.E20 LCA.07.001.E10 LCA.07.001.M50

LCA.07.002.E30 LCA.07.002.E20 LCA.07.002.E10 LCA.07.002.M50

LCA.07.003.E30 LCA.07.003.E20 LCA.07.003.E10 LCA.07.003.M50

LCA.07.004.E30 LCA.07.004.E20 LCA.07.004.E10 LCA.07.004.M50

LCA.07.005.E30 LCA.07.005.E20 LCA.07.005.E10 LCA.07.005.M50


LCA.07.009.E30 LCA.07.009.E20 LCA.07.009.E10 LCA.07.009.M50


LCA.07.047.E30 LCA.07.047.E20 LCA.07.047.E10 LCA.07.047.M50


LCA.07.098.E30 LCA.07.098.E20 LCA.07.098.E10 LCA.07.098.M50

LCA.07.125.E30 LCA.07.125.E20 LCA.07.125.E10 LCA.07.125.M50




LCA.09.011.E30 LCA.09.011.E20 LCA.09.011.E10 LCA.09.011.M50

LCA.09.041.E30 LCA.09.041.E20 LCA.09.041.E10 LCA.09.041.M50

LCA.09.043.E30 LCA.09.043.E20 LCA.09.043.E10 LCA.09.043.M50

LCA.09.045.E30 LCA.09.045.E20 LCA.09.045.E10 LCA.09.045.M50

LCA.09.046.E30 LCA.09.046.E20 LCA.09.046.E10 LCA.09.046.M50



LCA.09.065.E30 LCA.09.065.E20 LCA.09.065.E10 LCA.09.065.M50



AFS.02.001.E30 AFS.02.001.E20 AFS.02.001.E10 AFS.02.001.M50

AFS.05.001.E30 AFS.05.001.E20 AFS.05.001.E10 AFS.05.001.M50


AFS.07.001.E10 AFS.07.001.M50
PPM.01.001.E30 PPM.01.001.E20 PPM.01.001.E10 PPM.01.001.M50

PPM.01.002.E30 PPM.01.002.E20 PPM.01.002.E10 PPM.01.002.M50

PPM.01.004.E30 PPM.01.004.E20 PPM.01.004.E10 PPM.01.004.M50

PPM.02.001.E30 PPM.02.001.E20 PPM.02.001.E10 PPM.02.001.M50

PPM.02.002.E30 PPM.02.002.E20 PPM.02.002.E10 PPM.02.002.M50

PPM.02.022.E30 PPM.02.022.E20 PPM.02.022.E10 PPM.02.022.M50

PPM.02.023.E30 PPM.02.023.E20 PPM.02.023.E10 PPM.02.023.M50

PPM.02.043.E30 PPM.02.043.E20 PPM.02.043.E10 PPM.02.043.M50

PPM.02.044.E30 PPM.02.044.E20 PPM.02.044.E10 PPM.02.044.M50


PPM.02.068.E30 PPM.02.068.E20 PPM.02.068.E10 PPM.02.068.M50





SMP.02.001.E30 SMP.02.001.E20 SMP.02.001.E10 SMP.02.001.M50


SMP.02.021.E30 SMP.02.021.E20 SMP.02.021.E10 SMP.02.021.M50

SMP.02.022.E30 SMP.02.022.E20 SMP.02.022.E10 SMP.02.022.M50

SMP.02.023.E30 SMP.02.023.E20 SMP.02.023.E10 SMP.02.023.M50

SMP.02.024.E30 SMP.02.024.E20 SMP.02.024.E10 SMP.02.024.M50

SMP.02.025.E30 SMP.02.025.E20 SMP.02.025.E10 SMP.02.025.M50

SMP.02.029.E30 SMP.02.029.E20 SMP.02.029.E10 SMP.02.029.M50

SMP.02.039.E30 SMP.02.039.E20 SMP.02.039.E10 SMP.02.039.M50

SMP.02.041.E30 SMP.02.041.E20 SMP.02.041.E10 SMP.02.041.M50


SMP.02.046.E30 SMP.02.046.E20 SMP.02.046.E10 SMP.02.046.M50


SMP.02.026.E30 SMP.02.026.E20 SMP.02.026.E10 SMP.02.026.M50

SMP.02.027.E30 SMP.02.027.E20 SMP.02.027.E10 SMP.02.027.M50

SMP.02.028.E30 SMP.02.028.E20 SMP.02.028.E10 SMP.02.028.M50

SMP.02.044.E30 SMP.02.044.E20 SMP.02.044.E10 SMP.02.044.M50

SMP.02.047.E30 SMP.02.047.E20 SMP.02.047.E10 SMP.02.047.M50


SMP.02.038.E30 SMP.02.038.E20 SMP.02.038.E10 SMP.02.038.M50

SMP.02.056.E30 SMP.02.056.E20 SMP.02.056.E10 SMP.02.056.M50

SMP.02.057.E30 SMP.02.057.E20 SMP.02.057.E10 SMP.02.057.M50

SMP.02.058.E30 SMP.02.058.E20 SMP.02.058.E10 SMP.02.058.M50

SMP.02.059.E30 SMP.02.059.E20 SMP.02.059.E10 SMP.02.059.M50

SMP.02.060.E30 SMP.02.060.E20 SMP.02.060.E10 SMP.02.060.M50



SMP.03.001.E30 SMP.03.001.E20 SMP.03.001.E10 SMP.03.001.M50

SMP.04.001.E30 SMP.04.001.E20 SMP.04.001.E10 SMP.04.001.M50

SMP.04.003.E30 SMP.04.003.E20 SMP.04.003.E10 SMP.04.003.M50

SMP.04.004.E30 SMP.04.004.E20 SMP.04.004.E10 SMP.04.004.M50

SMP.04.008.E30 SMP.04.008.E20 SMP.04.008.E10 SMP.04.008.M50





SMP.04.012.E30 SMP.04.012.E20 SMP.04.012.E10 SMP.04.012.M50

SMP.04.013.E30 SMP.04.013.E20 SMP.04.013.E10 SMP.04.013.M50

SMP.04.014.E30 SMP.04.014.E20 SMP.04.014.E10 SMP.04.014.M50

SMP.04.023.E30 SMP.04.023.E20 SMP.04.023.E10 SMP.04.023.M50

SMP.04.015.E30 SMP.04.015.E20 SMP.04.015.E10 SMP.04.015.M50

SMP.04.016.E30 SMP.04.016.E20 SMP.04.016.E10 SMP.04.016.M50

SMP.04.017.E30 SMP.04.017.E20 SMP.04.017.E10 SMP.04.017.M50

SMP.04.024.E30 SMP.04.024.E20 SMP.04.024.E10 SMP.04.024.M50

SMP.04.025.E30 SMP.04.025.E20 SMP.04.025.E10 SMP.04.025.M50



SMP.04.040.E30 SMP.04.040.E20 SMP.04.040.E10 SMP.04.040.M50

SMP.04.041.E30 SMP.04.041.E20 SMP.04.041.E10 SMP.04.041.M50

SMP.04.042.E30 SMP.04.042.E20 SMP.04.042.E10 SMP.04.042.M50

SMP.04.043.E30 SMP.04.043.E20 SMP.04.043.E10 SMP.04.043.M50

SMP.04.064.E30 SMP.04.064.E20 SMP.04.064.E10 SMP.04.064.M50

SMP.04.065.E30 SMP.04.065.E20 SMP.04.065.E10 SMP.04.065.M50

SMP.04.066.E30 SMP.04.066.E20 SMP.04.066.E10 SMP.04.066.M50

SMP.04.067.E30 SMP.04.067.E20 SMP.04.067.E10 SMP.04.067.M50

SMP.04.068.E30 SMP.04.068.E20 SMP.04.068.E10 SMP.04.068.M50

SMP.04.070.E30 SMP.04.070.E20 SMP.04.070.E10 SMP.04.070.M50

SMP.04.071.E30 SMP.04.071.E20 SMP.04.071.E10 SMP.04.071.M50

SMP.04.092.E30 SMP.04.092.E20 SMP.04.092.E10 SMP.04.092.M50

SMP.04.093.E30 SMP.04.093.E20 SMP.04.093.E10 SMP.04.093.M50

SMP.04.113.E30 SMP.04.113.E20 SMP.04.113.E10 SMP.04.113.M50

SMP.04.115.E30 SMP.04.115.E20 SMP.04.115.E10 SMP.04.115.M50

SMP.04.116.E30 SMP.04.116.E20 SMP.04.116.E10 SMP.04.116.M50

SMP.04.114.E30 SMP.04.114.E20 SMP.04.114.E10 SMP.04.114.M50

SMP.04.118.E30 SMP.04.118.E20 SMP.04.118.E10 SMP.04.118.M50

SMP.04.119.E30 SMP.04.119.E20 SMP.04.119.E10 SMP.04.119.M50

SMP.04.120.E30 SMP.04.120.E20 SMP.04.120.E10 SMP.04.120.M50

SMP.04.121.E30 SMP.04.121.E20 SMP.04.121.E10 SMP.04.121.M50

SMP.04.122.E30 SMP.04.122.E20 SMP.04.122.E10 SMP.04.122.M50

SMP.04.123.E30 SMP.04.123.E20 SMP.04.123.E10 SMP.04.123.M50

SMP.05.001.E30 SMP.05.001.E20 SMP.05.001.E10 SMP.05.001.M50

SMP.05.002.E30 SMP.05.002.E20 SMP.05.002.E10 SMP.05.002.M50

SMP.05.003.E30 SMP.05.003.E20 SMP.05.003.E10 SMP.05.003.M50

SMP.05.004.E30 SMP.05.004.E20 SMP.05.004.E10 SMP.05.004.M50

SMP.05.010.E30 SMP.05.010.E20 SMP.05.010.E10 SMP.05.010.M50

SMP.05.005.E30 SMP.05.005.E20 SMP.05.005.E10 SMP.05.005.M50


SMP.06.001.E30 SMP.06.001.E20 SMP.06.001.E10 SMP.06.001.M50

SMP.06.002.E30 SMP.06.002.E20 SMP.06.002.E10 SMP.06.002.M50

SMP.06.003.E30 SMP.06.003.E20 SMP.06.003.E10 SMP.06.003.M50

SMP.07.001.E30 SMP.07.001.E20 SMP.07.001.E10 SMP.07.001.M50

SMP.07.010.E30 SMP.07.010.E20 SMP.07.010.E10 SMP.07.010.M50

SMP.07.011.E30 SMP.07.011.E20 SMP.07.011.E10 SMP.07.011.M50

SMP.07.015.E30 SMP.07.015.E20 SMP.07.015.E10 SMP.07.015.M50


SMP.07.017.E30 SMP.07.017.E20 SMP.07.017.E10 SMP.07.017.M50


SMP.07.022.E30 SMP.07.022.E20 SMP.07.022.E10 SMP.07.022.M50

SMP.07.023.E30 SMP.07.023.E20 SMP.07.023.E10 SMP.07.023.M50

SMP.07.024.E30 SMP.07.024.E20 SMP.07.024.E10 SMP.07.024.M50

SMP.07.043.E30 SMP.07.043.E20 SMP.07.043.E10 SMP.07.043.M50

SMP.07.049.E30 SMP.07.049.E20 SMP.07.049.E10 SMP.07.049.M50

SMP.07.058.E30 SMP.07.058.E20 SMP.07.058.E10 SMP.07.058.M50

SMP.07.059.E30 SMP.07.059.E20 SMP.07.059.E10 SMP.07.059.M50

SMP.07.065.E30 SMP.07.065.E20 SMP.07.065.E10 SMP.07.065.M50

SMP.07.067.E30 SMP.07.067.E20 SMP.07.067.E10 SMP.07.067.M50

SMP.07.068.E30 SMP.07.068.E20 SMP.07.068.E10 SMP.07.068.M50

SMP.07.069.E30 SMP.07.069.E20 SMP.07.069.E10 SMP.07.069.M50

SMP.07.070.E30 SMP.07.070.E20 SMP.07.070.E10 SMP.07.070.M50





SMP.07.076.E30 SMP.07.076.E20 SMP.07.076.E10 SMP.07.076.M50

SMP.07.077.E30 SMP.07.077.E20 SMP.07.077.E10 SMP.07.077.M50

SMP.07.078.E30 SMP.07.078.E20 SMP.07.078.E10 SMP.07.078.M50

SMP.07.079.E30 SMP.07.079.E20 SMP.07.079.E10 SMP.07.079.M50

SMP.07.080.E30 SMP.07.080.E20 SMP.07.080.E10 SMP.07.080.M50

SMP.07.081.E30 SMP.07.081.E20 SMP.07.081.E10 SMP.07.081.M50

SMP.07.082.E30 SMP.07.082.E20 SMP.07.082.E10 SMP.07.082.M50

SMP.07.083.E30 SMP.07.083.E20 SMP.07.083.E10 SMP.07.083.M50

SMP.07.084.E30 SMP.07.084.E20 SMP.07.084.E10 SMP.07.084.M50

SMP.07.126.E30 SMP.07.126.E20 SMP.07.126.E10 SMP.07.126.M50

SMP.07.207.E30 SMP.07.207.E20 SMP.07.207.E10 SMP.07.207.M50

SMP.08.001.E30 SMP.08.001.E20 SMP.08.001.E10 SMP.08.001.M50

SMP.08.011.E30 SMP.08.011.E20 SMP.08.011.E10 SMP.08.011.M50

SMP.09.001.E30 SMP.09.001.E20 SMP.09.001.E10 SMP.09.001.M50


SMP.09.005.E30 SMP.09.005.E20 SMP.09.005.E10 SMP.09.005.M50

SMP.10.001.E30 SMP.10.001.E20 SMP.10.001.E10 SMP.10.001.M50

SMP.11.001.E30 SMP.11.001.E20 SMP.11.001.E10 SMP.11.001.M50

SMP.11.002.E30 SMP.11.002.E20 SMP.11.002.E10 SMP.11.002.M50

SMP.11.004.E30 SMP.11.004.E20 SMP.11.004.E10 SMP.11.004.M50

SMP.11.005.E30 SMP.11.005.E20 SMP.11.005.E10 SMP.11.005.M50

SMP.11.006.E30 SMP.11.006.E20 SMP.11.006.E10 SMP.11.006.M50

SMP.11.010.E30 SMP.11.010.E20 SMP.11.010.E10 SMP.11.010.M50


SMP.11.012.E30 SMP.11.012.E20 SMP.11.012.E10 SMP.11.012.M50

SMP.11.015.E30 SMP.11.015.E20 SMP.11.015.E10 SMP.11.015.M50

SMP.11.014.E30 SMP.11.014.E20 SMP.11.014.E10 SMP.11.014.M50


SMP.12.001.E30 SMP.12.001.E20 SMP.12.001.E10 SMP.12.001.M50





CSV.02.005.E30 CSV.02.005.E20 CSV.02.005.E10 CSV.02.005.M50

CSV.02.027.E30 CSV.02.027.E20 CSV.02.027.E10 CSV.02.027.M50

CSV.02.031.E30 CSV.02.031.E20 CSV.02.031.E10 CSV.02.031.M50

CSV.02.050.E30 CSV.02.050.E20 CSV.02.050.E10 CSV.02.050.M50

CSV.02.051.E30 CSV.02.051.E20 CSV.02.051.E10 CSV.02.051.M50

CSV.02.053.E30 CSV.02.053.E20 CSV.02.053.E10 CSV.02.053.M50

CSV.02.056.E30 CSV.02.056.E20 CSV.02.056.E10 CSV.02.056.M50

CSV.02.076.E30 CSV.02.076.E20 CSV.02.076.E10 CSV.02.076.M50



CSV.03.003.E30 CSV.03.003.E20 CSV.03.003.E10 CSV.03.003.M50

CSV.03.004.E30 CSV.03.004.E20 CSV.03.004.E10 CSV.03.004.M50

CSV.03.005.E30 CSV.03.005.E20 CSV.03.005.E10 CSV.03.005.M50

CSV.03.006.E30 CSV.03.006.E20 CSV.03.006.E10 CSV.03.006.M50


CSV.03.024.E30 CSV.03.024.E20 CSV.03.024.E10 CSV.03.024.M50

CSV.03.025.E30 CSV.03.025.E20 CSV.03.025.E10 CSV.03.025.M50


CSV.04.002.E30 CSV.04.002.E20 CSV.04.002.E10 CSV.04.002.M50

CSV.04.007.E30 CSV.04.007.E20 CSV.04.007.E10 CSV.04.007.M50

CSV.04.028.E30 CSV.04.028.E20 CSV.04.028.E10 CSV.04.028.M50

CSV.04.029.E30 CSV.04.029.E20 CSV.04.029.E10 CSV.04.029.M50


QLT.02.001.E30 QLT.02.001.E20 QLT.02.001.E10 QLT.02.001.M50

QLT.02.002.E30 QLT.02.002.E20 QLT.02.002.E10 QLT.02.002.M50

QLT.02.003.E30 QLT.02.003.E20 QLT.02.003.E10 QLT.02.003.M50




QLT.02.025.E30 QLT.02.025.E20 QLT.02.025.E10 QLT.02.025.M50

QLT.03.001.E30 QLT.03.001.E20 QLT.03.001.E10 QLT.03.001.M50

QLT.03.002.E30 QLT.03.002.E20 QLT.03.002.E10 QLT.03.002.M50

QLT.03.003.E30 QLT.03.003.E20 QLT.03.003.E10 QLT.03.003.M50

QLT.03.004.E30 QLT.03.004.E20 QLT.03.004.E10 QLT.03.004.M50

QLT.03.005.E30 QLT.03.005.E20 QLT.03.005.E10 QLT.03.005.M50

QLT.03.006.E30 QLT.03.006.E20 QLT.03.006.E10 QLT.03.006.M50

QLT.03.008.E30 QLT.03.008.E20 QLT.03.008.E10 QLT.03.008.M50

QLT.03.028.E30 QLT.03.028.E20 QLT.03.028.E10 QLT.03.028.M50


QLT.03.031.E30 QLT.03.031.E20 QLT.03.031.E10 QLT.03.031.M50


QLT.04.001.E30 QLT.04.001.E20 QLT.04.001.E10 QLT.04.001.M50

QLT.04.003.E30 QLT.04.003.E20 QLT.04.003.E10 QLT.04.003.M50


QLT.05.010.E30 QLT.05.010.E20 QLT.05.010.E10 QLT.05.010.M50



SCN.02.002.E30 SCN.02.002.E20 SCN.02.002.E10 SCN.02.002.M50


SCN.02.009.E30 SCN.02.009.E20 SCN.02.009.E10 SCN.02.009.M50

SCN.03.001.E30 SCN.03.001.E20 SCN.03.001.E10 SCN.03.001.M50

SCN.03.002.E30 SCN.03.002.E20 SCN.03.002.E10 SCN.03.002.M50




SCN.03.003.E30 SCN.03.003.E20 SCN.03.003.E10 SCN.03.003.M50

SCN.03.013.E30 SCN.03.013.E20 SCN.03.013.E10 SCN.03.013.M50


SCN.03.018.E30 SCN.03.018.E20 SCN.03.018.E10 SCN.03.018.M50

SCN.03.025.E30 SCN.03.025.E20 SCN.03.025.E10 SCN.03.025.M50

SCN.03.005.E30 SCN.03.005.E20 SCN.03.005.E10 SCN.03.005.M50



SCN.03.030.E30 SCN.03.030.E20 SCN.03.030.E10 SCN.03.030.M50


SCN.03.054.E30 SCN.03.054.E20 SCN.03.054.E10 SCN.03.054.M50

SCN.03.055.E30 SCN.03.055.E20 SCN.03.055.E10 SCN.03.055.M50


SCN.04.001.E30 SCN.04.001.E20 SCN.04.001.E10 SCN.04.001.M50

SCN.04.002.E30 SCN.04.002.E20 SCN.04.002.E10 SCN.04.002.M50




SCN.05.026.E30 SCN.05.026.E20 SCN.05.026.E10 SCN.05.026.M50

SCN.05.040.E30 SCN.05.040.E20 SCN.05.040.E10 SCN.05.040.M50


SCN.05.050.E30 SCN.05.050.E20 SCN.05.050.E10 SCN.05.050.M50









ENS.02.001.E30 ENS.02.001.E20 ENS.02.001.E10 ENS.02.001.M50

ENS.02.002.E30 ENS.02.002.E20 ENS.02.002.E10 ENS.02.002.M50

ENS.02.003.E30 ENS.02.003.E20 ENS.02.003.E10 ENS.02.003.M50

ENS.02.019.E30 ENS.02.019.E20 ENS.02.019.E10 ENS.02.019.M50


ENS.02.021.E30 ENS.02.021.E20 ENS.02.021.E10 ENS.02.021.M50

ENS.02.022.E30 ENS.02.022.E20 ENS.02.022.E10 ENS.02.022.M50

ENS.02.023.E30 ENS.02.023.E20 ENS.02.023.E10 ENS.02.023.M50

ENS.02.024.E30 ENS.02.024.E20 ENS.02.024.E10 ENS.02.024.M50


ENS.02.026.E30 ENS.02.026.E20 ENS.02.026.E10 ENS.02.026.M50

ENS.02.054.E30 ENS.02.054.E20 ENS.02.054.E10

ENS.02.046.E30 ENS.02.046.E20 ENS.02.046.E10 ENS.02.046.M50

ENS.02.047.E30 ENS.02.047.E20 ENS.02.047.E10 ENS.02.047.M50

ENS.02.048.E30 ENS.02.048.E20 ENS.02.048.E10 ENS.02.048.M50

ENS.02.049.E30 ENS.02.049.E20 ENS.02.049.E10 ENS.02.049.M50






ENS.03.009.E30 ENS.03.009.E20 ENS.03.009.E10 ENS.03.009.M50

ENS.03.010.E30 ENS.03.010.E20 ENS.03.010.E10 ENS.03.010.M50

ENS.03.013.E30 ENS.03.013.E20 ENS.03.013.E10 ENS.03.013.M50

ENS.03.014.E30 ENS.03.014.E20 ENS.03.014.E10 ENS.03.014.M50

ENS.03.015.E30 ENS.03.015.E20 ENS.03.015.E10 ENS.03.015.M50

ENS.03.016.E30 ENS.03.016.E20 ENS.03.016.E10 ENS.03.016.M50



ENS.03.037.E30 ENS.03.037.E20 ENS.03.037.E10 ENS.03.037.M50

ENS.03.038.E30 ENS.03.038.E20 ENS.03.038.E10 ENS.03.038.M50


ENS.03.040.E30 ENS.03.040.E20 ENS.03.040.E10 ENS.03.040.M50

ENS.03.041.E30 ENS.03.041.E20 ENS.03.041.E10 ENS.03.041.M50

ENS.03.059.E30 ENS.03.059.E20 ENS.03.059.E10 ENS.03.059.M50

ENS.03.060.E30 ENS.03.060.E20 ENS.03.060.E10 ENS.03.060.M50

ENS.03.061.E30 ENS.03.061.E20 ENS.03.061.E10 ENS.03.061.M50

ENS.03.062.E30 ENS.03.062.E20 ENS.03.062.E10 ENS.03.062.M50

ENS.03.063.E30 ENS.03.063.E20 ENS.03.063.E10 ENS.03.063.M50

ENS.03.089.E30 ENS.03.089.E20 ENS.03.089.E10 ENS.03.089.M50

ENS.03.074.E30 ENS.03.074.E20 ENS.03.074.E10 ENS.03.074.M50


ENS.03.070.E30 ENS.03.070.E20 ENS.03.070.E10 ENS.03.070.M50



ENS.03.095.E30 ENS.03.095.E20 ENS.03.095.E10 ENS.03.095.M50

ENS.03.064.E30 ENS.03.064.E20 ENS.03.064.E10 ENS.03.064.M50

ENS.03.065.E30 ENS.03.065.E20 ENS.03.065.E10 ENS.03.065.M50

ENS.03.071.E30 ENS.03.071.E20 ENS.03.071.E10 ENS.03.071.M50

ENS.03.073.E30 ENS.03.073.E20 ENS.03.073.E10 ENS.03.073.M50

ENS.03.108.E30 ENS.03.108.E20 ENS.03.108.E10 ENS.03.108.M50

ENS.03.109.E30 ENS.03.109.E20 ENS.03.109.E10 ENS.03.109.M50

ENS.03.110.E30 ENS.03.110.E20 ENS.03.110.E10 ENS.03.110.M50


ENS.03.112.E30 ENS.03.112.E20 ENS.03.112.E10 ENS.03.112.M50

ENS.03.113.E30 ENS.03.113.E20 ENS.03.113.E10 ENS.03.113.M50

ENS.03.114.E30 ENS.03.114.E20 ENS.03.114.E10 ENS.03.114.M50


ENS.03.119.E30 ENS.03.119.E20 ENS.03.119.E10 ENS.03.119.M50

ENS.03.120.E30 ENS.03.120.E20 ENS.03.120.E10 ENS.03.120.M50

ENS.03.137.E30 ENS.03.137.E20 ENS.03.137.E10 ENS.03.137.M50

ENS.03.138.E30 ENS.03.138.E20 ENS.03.138.E10 ENS.03.138.M50

ENS.03.139.E30 ENS.03.139.E20 ENS.03.139.E10 ENS.03.139.M50

ENS.03.140.E30 ENS.03.140.E20 ENS.03.140.E10 ENS.03.140.M50


ENS.03.151.E30 ENS.03.151.E20 ENS.03.151.E10 ENS.03.151.M50

ENS.03.154.E30 ENS.03.154.E20 ENS.03.154.E10 ENS.03.154.M50

ENS.03.141.E30 ENS.03.141.E20 ENS.03.141.E10 ENS.03.141.M50

ENS.03.142.E30 ENS.03.142.E20 ENS.03.142.E10 ENS.03.142.M50

ENS.03.148.E30 ENS.03.148.E20 ENS.03.148.E10 ENS.03.148.M50

ENS.03.149.E30 ENS.03.149.E20 ENS.03.149.E10 ENS.03.149.M50

ENS.03.166.E30 ENS.03.166.E20 ENS.03.166.E10 ENS.03.166.M50

ENS.03.167.E30 ENS.03.167.E20 ENS.03.167.E10 ENS.03.167.M50

ENS.03.170.E30 ENS.03.170.E20 ENS.03.170.E10 ENS.03.170.M50

ENS.03.171.E30 ENS.03.171.E20 ENS.03.171.E10 ENS.03.171.M50

ENS.03.172.E30 ENS.03.172.E20 ENS.03.172.E10 ENS.03.172.M50

ENS.03.173.E30 ENS.03.173.E20 ENS.03.173.E10 ENS.03.173.M50

ENS.03.188.E30 ENS.03.188.E20 ENS.03.188.E10 ENS.03.188.M50

ENS.03.189.E30 ENS.03.189.E20 ENS.03.189.E10 ENS.03.189.M50

ENS.03.203.E30 ENS.03.203.E20 ENS.03.203.E10 ENS.03.203.M50

ENS.03.190.E30 ENS.03.190.E20 ENS.03.190.E10 ENS.03.190.M50

ENS.03.191.E30 ENS.03.191.E20 ENS.03.191.E10 ENS.03.191.M50

ENS.03.202.E30 ENS.03.202.E20 ENS.03.202.E10 ENS.03.202.M50

ENS.03.204.E30 ENS.03.204.E20 ENS.03.204.E10 ENS.03.204.M50

ENS.03.205.E30 ENS.03.205.E20 ENS.03.205.E10 ENS.03.205.M50

ENS.03.206.E30 ENS.03.206.E20 ENS.03.206.E10 ENS.03.206.M50


ENS.03.192.E30 ENS.03.192.E20 ENS.03.192.E10 ENS.03.192.M50

ENS.03.193.E30 ENS.03.193.E20 ENS.03.193.E10 ENS.03.193.M50

ENS.03.200.E30 ENS.03.200.E20 ENS.03.200.E10 ENS.03.200.M50

ENS.03.201.E30 ENS.03.201.E20 ENS.03.201.E10 ENS.03.201.M50

ENS.03.229.E30 ENS.03.229.E20 ENS.03.229.E10 ENS.03.229.M50

ENS.03.249.E30 ENS.03.249.E20 ENS.03.249.E10 ENS.03.249.M50

ENS.03.250.E30 ENS.03.250.E20 ENS.03.250.E10 ENS.03.250.M50

ENS.03.270.E30 ENS.03.270.E20 ENS.03.270.E10 ENS.03.270.M50

ENS.03.271.E30 ENS.03.271.E20 ENS.03.271.E10 ENS.03.271.M50

ENS.03.272.E30 ENS.03.272.E20 ENS.03.272.E10 ENS.03.272.M50

ENS.03.277.E30 ENS.03.277.E20 ENS.03.277.E10 ENS.03.277.M50

ENS.03.275.E30 ENS.03.275.E20 ENS.03.275.E10 ENS.03.275.M50

ENS.03.276.E30 ENS.03.276.E20 ENS.03.276.E10 ENS.03.276.M50

ENS.03.294.E30 ENS.03.294.E20 ENS.03.294.E10 ENS.03.294.M50



ENS.03.340.E30 ENS.03.340.E20 ENS.03.340.E10 ENS.03.340.M50

ENS.03.341.E30 ENS.03.341.E20 ENS.03.341.E10 ENS.03.341.M50

ENS.03.342.E30 ENS.03.342.E20 ENS.03.342.E10 ENS.03.342.M50

ENS.03.344.E30 ENS.03.344.E20 ENS.03.344.E10 ENS.03.344.M50

ENS.03.175.E30 ENS.03.175.E20 ENS.03.175.E10 ENS.03.175.M50

ENS.06.001.E30 ENS.06.001.E20 ENS.06.001.E10 ENS.06.001.M50


ENS.07.011.E30 ENS.07.011.E20 ENS.07.011.E10 ENS.07.011.M50

ENS.07.021.E30 ENS.07.021.E20 ENS.07.021.E10 ENS.07.021.M50

ENS.07.032.E30 ENS.07.032.E20 ENS.07.032.E10 ENS.07.032.M50


ENS.07.037.E30 ENS.07.037.E20 ENS.07.037.E10 ENS.07.037.M50

ENS.07.038.E30 ENS.07.038.E20 ENS.07.038.E10 ENS.07.038.M50

ENS.07.041.E30 ENS.07.041.E20 ENS.07.041.E10

ENS.07.042.E30 ENS.07.042.E20 ENS.07.042.E10

ENS.07.022.E30 ENS.07.022.E20 ENS.07.022.E10 ENS.07.022.M50

ENS.07.023.E30 ENS.07.023.E20 ENS.07.023.E10 ENS.07.023.M50

ENS.07.024.E30 ENS.07.024.E20 ENS.07.024.E10 ENS.07.024.M50

ENS.07.025.E30 ENS.07.025.E20 ENS.07.025.E10 ENS.07.025.M50

ENS.07.026.E30 ENS.07.026.E20 ENS.07.026.E10 ENS.07.026.M50

ENS.07.027.E30 ENS.07.027.E20 ENS.07.027.E10 ENS.07.027.M50

ENS.07.028.E30 ENS.07.028.E20 ENS.07.028.E10 ENS.07.028.M50

ENS.07.029.E30 ENS.07.029.E20 ENS.07.029.E10 ENS.07.029.M50

ENS.07.030.E30 ENS.07.030.E20 ENS.07.030.E10 ENS.07.030.M50

ENS.07.043.E30 ENS.07.043.E20 ENS.07.043.E10 ENS.07.043.M50

ENS.07.044.E30 ENS.07.044.E20 ENS.07.044.E10 ENS.07.044.M50

ENS.07.047.E30 ENS.07.047.E20 ENS.07.047.E10 ENS.07.047.M50

ENS.07.048.E30 ENS.07.048.E20 ENS.07.048.E10 ENS.07.048.M50


ENS.07.050.E30 ENS.07.050.E20 ENS.07.050.E10 ENS.07.050.M50



ENS.07.045.E30 ENS.07.045.E20 ENS.07.045.E10 ENS.07.045.M50

ENS.07.046.E30 ENS.07.046.E20 ENS.07.046.E10 ENS.07.046.M50

ENS.07.056.E30 ENS.07.056.E20 ENS.07.056.E10 ENS.07.056.M50

ENS.07.057.E30 ENS.07.057.E20 ENS.07.057.E10 ENS.07.057.M50



ENS.09.001.E30 ENS.09.001.E20 ENS.09.001.E10 ENS.09.001.M50

ENS.09.004.E30 ENS.09.004.E20 ENS.09.004.E10 ENS.09.004.M50




PSK.01.003.E30 PSK.01.003.E20 PSK.01.003.E10 PSK.01.003.M50

PSK.01.004.E30 PSK.01.004.E20 PSK.01.004.E10 PSK.01.004.M50








ITC.02.001.E30 ITC.02.001.E20 ITC.02.001.E10 ITC.02.001.M50

ITC.02.003.E30 ITC.02.003.E20 ITC.02.003.E10 ITC.02.003.M50


ITC.03.001.E30 ITC.03.001.E20 ITC.03.001.E10 ITC.03.001.M50

ITC.03.002.E30 ITC.03.002.E20 ITC.03.002.E10 ITC.03.002.M50

ITC.03.003.E30 ITC.03.003.E20 ITC.03.003.E10 ITC.03.003.M50


ITC.03.006.E30 ITC.03.006.E20 ITC.03.006.E10 ITC.03.006.M50

ITC.03.009.E30 ITC.03.009.E20 ITC.03.009.E10 ITC.03.009.M50

ITC.03.008.E30 ITC.03.008.E20 ITC.03.008.E10 ITC.03.008.M50

ITC.04.001.E30 ITC.04.001.E20 ITC.04.001.E10 ITC.04.001.M50

ITC.04.004.E30 ITC.04.004.E20 ITC.04.004.E10 ITC.04.004.M50


ITC.04.006.E30 ITC.04.006.E20 ITC.04.006.E10 ITC.04.006.M50

ITC.04.007.E30 ITC.04.007.E20 ITC.04.007.E10 ITC.04.007.M50

ITC.04.008.E30 ITC.04.008.E20 ITC.04.008.E10 ITC.04.008.M50

ITC.04.009.E30 ITC.04.009.E20 ITC.04.009.E10 ITC.04.009.M50

ITC.05.001.E30 ITC.05.001.E20 ITC.05.001.E10 ITC.05.001.M50

ITC.05.002.E30 ITC.05.002.E20 ITC.05.002.E10 ITC.05.002.M50

ITC.05.003.E30 ITC.05.003.E20 ITC.05.003.E10 ITC.05.003.M50

ITC.05.006.E30 ITC.05.006.E20 ITC.05.006.E10 ITC.05.006.M50




ITC.06.001.E30 ITC.06.001.E20 ITC.06.001.E10 ITC.06.001.M50

ITC.06.002.E30 ITC.06.002.E20 ITC.06.002.E10 ITC.06.002.M50

ITC.06.006.E30 ITC.06.006.E20 ITC.06.006.E10 ITC.06.006.M50

ITC.06.022.E30 ITC.06.022.E20 ITC.06.022.E10 ITC.06.022.M50

ITC.06.023.E30 ITC.06.023.E20 ITC.06.023.E10 ITC.06.023.M50

ITC.06.033.E30 ITC.06.033.E20 ITC.06.033.E10 ITC.06.033.M50

ITC.06.042.E30 ITC.06.042.E20 ITC.06.042.E10 ITC.06.042.M50

ITC.06.043.E30 ITC.06.043.E20 ITC.06.043.E10 ITC.06.043.M50

ITC.06.044.E30 ITC.06.044.E20 ITC.06.044.E10 ITC.06.044.M50

ITC.06.045.E30 ITC.06.045.E20 ITC.06.045.E10 ITC.06.045.M50

ITC.06.046.E30 ITC.06.046.E20 ITC.06.046.E10 ITC.06.046.M50

ITC.06.047.E30 ITC.06.047.E20 ITC.06.047.E10 ITC.06.047.M50

ITC.06.068.E30 ITC.06.068.E20 ITC.06.068.E10 ITC.06.068.M50

ITC.07.001.E30 ITC.07.001.E20 ITC.07.001.E10 ITC.07.001.M50

ITC.07.002.E30 ITC.07.002.E20 ITC.07.002.E10 ITC.07.002.M50

ITC.07.003.E30 ITC.07.003.E20 ITC.07.003.E10 ITC.07.003.M50

ITC.07.006.E30 ITC.07.006.E20 ITC.07.006.E10 ITC.07.006.M50

ITC.07.007.E30 ITC.07.007.E20 ITC.07.007.E10 ITC.07.007.M50

ITC.07.008.E30 ITC.07.008.E20 ITC.07.008.E10 ITC.07.008.M50

ITC.07.009.E30 ITC.07.009.E20 ITC.07.009.E10 ITC.07.009.M50


ITC.08.001.E30 ITC.08.001.E20 ITC.08.001.E10 ITC.08.001.M50



ITC.08.009.E30 ITC.08.009.E20 ITC.08.009.E10 ITC.08.009.M50

ITC.08.031.E30 ITC.08.031.E20 ITC.08.031.E10 ITC.08.031.M50


ITC.08.054.E30 ITC.08.054.E20 ITC.08.054.E10 ITC.08.054.M50



ITC.09.001.E30 ITC.09.001.E20 ITC.09.001.E10 ITC.09.001.M50

ITC.09.002.E30 ITC.09.002.E20 ITC.09.002.E10 ITC.09.002.M50

ITC.09.003.E30 ITC.09.003.E20 ITC.09.003.E10 ITC.09.003.M50

ITC.10.001.E30 ITC.10.001.E20 ITC.10.001.E10 ITC.10.001.M50


ITC.12.001.E30 ITC.12.001.E20 ITC.12.001.E10 ITC.12.001.M50

ITC.12.002.E30 ITC.12.002.E20 ITC.12.002.E10 ITC.12.002.M50

ITC.13.001.E30 ITC.13.001.E20 ITC.13.001.E10 ITC.13.001.M50

ITC.13.002.E30 ITC.13.002.E20 ITC.13.002.E10 ITC.13.002.M50

ITC.13.003.E30 ITC.13.003.E20 ITC.13.003.E10 ITC.13.003.M50

ITC.13.004.E30 ITC.13.004.E20 ITC.13.004.E10 ITC.13.004.M50

ITC.13.005.E30 ITC.13.005.E20 ITC.13.005.E10 ITC.13.005.M50

ITC.13.015.E30 ITC.13.015.E20 ITC.13.015.E10 ITC.13.015.M50

ITC.13.016.E30 ITC.13.016.E20 ITC.13.016.E10 ITC.13.016.M50

ITC.13.017.E30 ITC.13.017.E20 ITC.13.017.E10 ITC.13.017.M50

ITC.13.018.E30 ITC.13.018.E20 ITC.13.018.E10 ITC.13.018.M50

ITC.13.019.E30 ITC.13.019.E20 ITC.13.019.E10 ITC.13.019.M50

ITC.13.020.E30 ITC.13.020.E20 ITC.13.020.E10 ITC.13.020.M50

ITC.13.021.E30 ITC.13.021.E20 ITC.13.021.E10 ITC.13.021.M50

ITC.13.023.E30 ITC.13.023.E20 ITC.13.023.E10 ITC.13.023.M50

ITC.13.024.E30 ITC.13.024.E20 ITC.13.024.E10 ITC.13.024.M50

ITC.13.025.E30 ITC.13.025.E20 ITC.13.025.E10 ITC.13.025.M50

ITC.13.026.E30 ITC.13.026.E20 ITC.13.026.E10 ITC.13.026.M50



ITC.13.035.E30 ITC.13.035.E20 ITC.13.035.E10 ITC.13.035.M50

ITC.13.036.E30 ITC.13.036.E20 ITC.13.036.E10 ITC.13.036.M50

ITC.13.037.E30 ITC.13.037.E20 ITC.13.037.E10 ITC.13.037.M50

ITC.13.038.E30 ITC.13.038.E20 ITC.13.038.E10 ITC.13.038.M50

ITC.13.039.E30 ITC.13.039.E20 ITC.13.039.E10 ITC.13.039.M50

ITC.13.049.E30 ITC.13.049.E20 ITC.13.049.E10 ITC.13.049.M50

ITC.13.050.E30 ITC.13.050.E20 ITC.13.050.E10 ITC.13.050.M50

ITC.13.051.E30 ITC.13.051.E20 ITC.13.051.E10 ITC.13.051.M50

ITC.13.061.E30 ITC.13.061.E20 ITC.13.061.E10 ITC.13.061.M50

ITC.13.062.E30 ITC.13.062.E20 ITC.13.062.E10 ITC.13.062.M50

ITC.13.072.E30 ITC.13.072.E20 ITC.13.072.E10 ITC.13.072.M50

ITC.13.073.E30 ITC.13.073.E20 ITC.13.073.E10 ITC.13.073.M50

ITC.13.074.E30 ITC.13.074.E20 ITC.13.074.E10 ITC.13.074.M50


ITC.13.084.E30 ITC.13.084.E20 ITC.13.084.E10 ITC.13.084.M50

ITC.13.095.E30 ITC.13.095.E20 ITC.13.095.E10 ITC.13.095.M50

ITC.13.105.E30 ITC.13.105.E20 ITC.13.105.E10 ITC.13.105.M50

ITC.13.106.E30 ITC.13.106.E20 ITC.13.106.E10 ITC.13.106.M50

ITC.13.107.E30 ITC.13.107.E20 ITC.13.107.E10 ITC.13.107.M50

ITC.13.108.E30 ITC.13.108.E20 ITC.13.108.E10 ITC.13.108.M50

ITC.13.117.E30 ITC.13.117.E20 ITC.13.117.E10 ITC.13.117.M50


ITC.14.021.E30 ITC.14.021.E20 ITC.14.021.E10 ITC.14.021.M50

ITC.14.022.E30 ITC.14.022.E20 ITC.14.022.E10 ITC.14.022.M50

ITC.14.023.E30 ITC.14.023.E20 ITC.14.023.E10 ITC.14.023.M50

ITC.14.024.E30 ITC.14.024.E20 ITC.14.024.E10 ITC.14.024.M50

ITC.14.025.E30 ITC.14.025.E20 ITC.14.025.E10 ITC.14.025.M50

ITC.14.026.E30 ITC.14.026.E20 ITC.14.026.E10 ITC.14.026.M50

ITC.14.027.E30 ITC.14.027.E20 ITC.14.027.E10 ITC.14.027.M50

ITC.14.028.E30 ITC.14.028.E20 ITC.14.028.E10 ITC.14.028.M50

ITC.14.029.E30 ITC.14.029.E20 ITC.14.029.E10 ITC.14.029.M50

ITC.14.030.E30 ITC.14.030.E20 ITC.14.030.E10 ITC.14.030.M50


ITC.14.031.E30 ITC.14.031.E20 ITC.14.031.E10 ITC.14.031.M50

ITC.14.051.E30 ITC.14.051.E20 ITC.14.051.E10 ITC.14.051.M50

ITC.14.052.E30 ITC.14.052.E20 ITC.14.052.E10 ITC.14.052.M50

ITC.14.053.E30 ITC.14.053.E20 ITC.14.053.E10 ITC.14.053.M50

ITC.14.054.E30 ITC.14.054.E20 ITC.14.054.E10 ITC.14.054.M50

ITC.15.001.E30 ITC.15.001.E20 ITC.15.001.E10 ITC.15.001.M50





DAW.01.001.E30 DAW.01.001.E20 DAW.01.001.E10 DAW.01.001.M50

DAW.02.001.E30 DAW.02.001.E20 DAW.02.001.E10 DAW.02.001.M50

DAW.02.016.E30 DAW.02.016.E20 DAW.02.016.E10 DAW.02.016.M50

DAW.02.002.E30 DAW.02.002.E20 DAW.02.002.E10 DAW.02.002.M50

DAW.02.003.E30 DAW.02.003.E20 DAW.02.003.E10 DAW.02.003.M50

DAW.02.005.E30 DAW.02.005.E20 DAW.02.005.E10 DAW.02.005.M50



DAW.02.009.E30 DAW.02.009.E20 DAW.02.009.E10 DAW.02.009.M50

DAW.02.032.E30 DAW.02.032.E20 DAW.02.032.E10 DAW.02.032.M50

DAW.02.055.E30 DAW.02.055.E20 DAW.02.055.E10 DAW.02.055.M50


DAW.03.001.E30 DAW.03.001.E20 DAW.03.001.E10 DAW.03.001.M50


DAW.03.003.E30 DAW.03.003.E20 DAW.03.003.E10 DAW.03.003.M50

DAW.03.004.E30 DAW.03.004.E20 DAW.03.004.E10 DAW.03.004.M50

TNS.02.003.E30 TNS.02.003.E20 TNS.02.003.E10 TNS.02.003.M50

TNS.02.007.E30 TNS.02.007.E20 TNS.02.007.E10 TNS.02.007.M50

















DEX.09.002.E30 DEX.09.002.E20 DEX.09.002.E10 DEX.09.002.M50



DEX.10.003.E30 DEX.10.003.E20 DEX.10.003.E10 DEX.10.003.M50


EGS.01.010.E30 EGS.01.010.E20 EGS.01.010.E10 EGS.01.010.M50

EGS.01.025.E30 EGS.01.025.E20 EGS.01.025.E10 EGS.01.025.M50





CMB.06.001.E30 CMB.06.001.E20 CMB.06.001.E10 CMB.06.001.M50

AMT.04.001.E30 AMT.04.001.E20 AMT.04.001.E10 AMT.04.001.M50

AMT.04.003.E30 AMT.04.003.E20 AMT.04.003.E10 AMT.04.003.M50

TRD.01.002.E30 TRD.01.002.E20 TRD.01.002.E10 TRD.01.002.M50

TRD.01.040.E30 TRD.01.040.E20 TRD.01.040.E10 TRD.01.040.M50

TRD.01.042.E30 TRD.01.042.E20 TRD.01.042.E10 TRD.01.042.M50

TRD.01.043.E30 TRD.01.043.E20 TRD.01.043.E10 TRD.01.043.M50

TRD.01.044.E30 TRD.01.044.E20 TRD.01.044.E10 TRD.01.044.M50

TRD.01.046.E30 TRD.01.046.E20 TRD.01.046.E10 TRD.01.046.M50

TRD.01.055.E30 TRD.01.055.E20 TRD.01.055.E10 TRD.01.055.M50

TRD.02.003.E30 TRD.02.003.E20 TRD.02.003.E10 TRD.02.003.M50

INS.02.002.E30 INS.02.002.E20 INS.02.002.E10 INS.02.002.M50

INS.03.002.E30 INS.03.002.E20 INS.03.002.E10 INS.03.002.M50

RET.01.001.E30 RET.01.001.E20 RET.01.001.E10 RET.01.001.M50

RET.01.002.E10 RET.01.002.M50

RET.02.047.E30 RET.02.047.E20 RET.02.047.E10 RET.02.047.M50


RET.06.001.E30 RET.06.001.E20 RET.06.001.E10 RET.06.001.M50

RET.06.002.E30 RET.06.002.E20 RET.06.002.E10 RET.06.002.M50

RET.06.003.E30 RET.06.003.E20 RET.06.003.E10 RET.06.003.M50

RET.06.006.E30 RET.06.006.E20 RET.06.006.E10 RET.06.006.M50

RET.06.011.E30 RET.06.011.E20 RET.06.011.E10 RET.06.011.M50

RET.06.053.E30 RET.06.053.E20 RET.06.053.E10 RET.06.053.M50

HPY.01.001.E30 HPY.01.001.E20 HPY.01.001.E10 HPY.01.001.M50

HPY.01.002.E10 HPY.01.002.M50

HPY.05.001.E30 HPY.05.001.E20 HPY.05.001.E10 HPY.05.001.M50


HPY.06.001.E30 HPY.06.001.E20 HPY.06.001.E10 HPY.06.001.M50

CRT.01.001.E30 CRT.01.001.E20 CRT.01.001.E10 CRT.01.001.M50

CRT.01.003.E30 CRT.01.003.E20 CRT.01.003.E10 CRT.01.003.M50

CRT.02.001.E30 CRT.02.001.E20 CRT.02.001.E10 CRT.02.001.M50

CRT.02.003.E30 CRT.02.003.E20 CRT.02.003.E10 CRT.02.003.M50


CRT.02.050.E30 CRT.02.050.E20 CRT.02.050.E10 CRT.02.050.M50

CRT.02.080.E30 CRT.02.080.E20 CRT.02.080.E10 CRT.02.080.M50

CRT.02.133.E30 CRT.02.133.E20 CRT.02.133.E10 CRT.02.133.M50

CRT.02.134.E30 CRT.02.134.E20 CRT.02.134.E10 CRT.02.134.M50

CRT.02.135.E30 CRT.02.135.E20 CRT.02.135.E10 CRT.02.135.M50

CRT.02.136.E30 CRT.02.136.E20 CRT.02.136.E10 CRT.02.136.M50


CRT.03.023.E30 CRT.03.023.E20 CRT.03.023.E10 CRT.03.023.M50

CRT.03.024.E30 CRT.03.024.E20 CRT.03.024.E10 CRT.03.024.M50

CRT.03.025.E30 CRT.03.025.E20 CRT.03.025.E10 CRT.03.025.M50

CRT.03.026.E30 CRT.03.026.E20 CRT.03.026.E10 CRT.03.026.M50

CRT.03.027.E30 CRT.03.027.E20 CRT.03.027.E10 CRT.03.027.M50

CRT.04.001.E30 CRT.04.001.E20 CRT.04.001.E10 CRT.04.001.M50

CRT.04.029.E30 CRT.04.029.E20 CRT.04.029.E10 CRT.04.029.M50


CRT.05.002.E30 CRT.05.002.E20 CRT.05.002.E10 CRT.05.002.M50

CRT.05.003.E30 CRT.05.003.E20 CRT.05.003.E10 CRT.05.003.M50

CRT.05.004.E30 CRT.05.004.E20 CRT.05.004.E10 CRT.05.004.M50

CRT.05.005.E30 CRT.05.005.E20 CRT.05.005.E10 CRT.05.005.M50

CRT.05.006.E30 CRT.05.006.E20 CRT.05.006.E10 CRT.05.006.M50

CRT.05.007.E30 CRT.05.007.E20 CRT.05.007.E10 CRT.05.007.M50

CRT.05.008.E30 CRT.05.008.E20 CRT.05.008.E10 CRT.05.008.M50

CRT.05.009.E30 CRT.05.009.E20 CRT.05.009.E10 CRT.05.009.M50

CRT.05.031.E30 CRT.05.031.E20 CRT.05.031.E10 CRT.05.031.M50

CRT.05.032.E30 CRT.05.032.E20 CRT.05.032.E10 CRT.05.032.M50

CRT.05.033.E30 CRT.05.033.E20 CRT.05.033.E10 CRT.05.033.M50

CRT.05.034.E30 CRT.05.034.E20 CRT.05.034.E10 CRT.05.034.M50

CRT.05.035.E30 CRT.05.035.E20 CRT.05.035.E10 CRT.05.035.M50


CRT.05.057.E30 CRT.05.057.E20 CRT.05.057.E10 CRT.05.057.M50


CRT.05.059.E30 CRT.05.059.E20 CRT.05.059.E10 CRT.05.059.M50

CRT.06.086.E30 CRT.06.086.E20 CRT.06.086.E10 CRT.06.086.M50


MDA.01.004.E30 MDA.01.004.E20 MDA.01.004.E10 MDA.01.004.M50

MDA.02.026.E30 MDA.02.026.E20 MDA.02.026.E10 MDA.02.026.M50

REA.01.001.E30 REA.01.001.E20 REA.01.001.E10 REA.01.001.M50

REA.03.001.E30 REA.03.001.E20 REA.03.001.E10 REA.03.001.M50

REA.03.004.E30 REA.03.004.E20 REA.03.004.E10 REA.03.004.M50


REA.03.031.E30 REA.03.031.E20 REA.03.031.E10 REA.03.031.M50


REA.05.001.E30 REA.05.001.E20 REA.05.001.E10 REA.05.001.M50


CON.01.003.E30 CON.01.003.E20 CON.01.003.E10 CON.01.003.M50

HLT.02.048.E30 HLT.02.048.E20 HLT.02.048.E10 HLT.02.048.M50

OGC.02.012.E30 OGC.02.012.E20 OGC.02.012.E10 OGC.02.012.M50

OGC.02.021.E30 OGC.02.021.E20 OGC.02.021.E10 OGC.02.021.M50

OGC.02.041.E30 OGC.02.041.E20 OGC.02.041.E10 OGC.02.041.M50

OGC.02.051.E30 OGC.02.051.E20 OGC.02.051.E10 OGC.02.051.M50

OGC.03.011.E30 OGC.03.011.E20 OGC.03.011.E10 OGC.03.011.M50

OGC.03.041.E30 OGC.03.041.E20 OGC.03.041.E10 OGC.03.041.M50

OGC.03.042.E30 OGC.03.042.E20 OGC.03.042.E10 OGC.03.042.M50

OGC.03.051.E30 OGC.03.051.E20 OGC.03.051.E10 OGC.03.051.M50

OGC.03.061.E30 OGC.03.061.E20 OGC.03.061.E10 OGC.03.061.M50

OGC.03.062.E30 OGC.03.062.E20 OGC.03.062.E10 OGC.03.062.M50

OGC.03.071.E30 OGC.03.071.E20 OGC.03.071.E10 OGC.03.071.M50

OGC.07.011.E30 OGC.07.011.E20 OGC.07.011.E10 OGC.07.011.M50

OGC.07.012.E30 OGC.07.012.E20 OGC.07.012.E10 OGC.07.012.M50

OGC.07.051.E30 OGC.07.051.E20 OGC.07.051.E10 OGC.07.051.M50

OGC.08.021.E30 OGC.08.021.E20 OGC.08.021.E10 OGC.08.021.M50

OGC.08.023.E30 OGC.08.023.E20 OGC.08.023.E10 OGC.08.023.M50

OGC.09.012.E30 OGC.09.012.E20 OGC.09.012.E10 OGC.09.012.M50

OGC.10.011.E30 OGC.10.011.E20 OGC.10.011.E10 OGC.10.011.M50

OGC.10.012.E30 OGC.10.012.E20 OGC.10.012.E10 OGC.10.012.M50

OGC.10.013.E30 OGC.10.013.E20 OGC.10.013.E10 OGC.10.013.M50

OGC.10.014.E30 OGC.10.014.E20 OGC.10.014.E10 OGC.10.014.M50

OGC.11.014.E30 OGC.11.014.E20 OGC.11.014.E10 OGC.11.014.M50

OGC.11.015.E30 OGC.11.015.E20 OGC.11.015.E10 OGC.11.015.M50

OGC.11.016.E30 OGC.11.016.E20 OGC.11.016.E10 OGC.11.016.M50

OGC.14.021.E30 OGC.14.021.E20 OGC.14.021.E10 OGC.14.021.M50

OGC.16.011.E30 OGC.16.011.E20 OGC.16.011.E10 OGC.16.011.M50

OGC.16.015.E30 OGC.16.015.E20 OGC.16.015.E10 OGC.16.015.M50

Levels surveyed by specialization

M4 M3 M2 M1 P6

GMA.02.001.M40 GMA.02.001.M30 GMA.02.001.M20

GMA.02.002.M40 GMA.02.002.M30 GMA.02.002.M20

GMA.02.003.M40 GMA.02.003.M30 GMA.02.003.M20

GMA.02.004.M40 GMA.02.004.M30 GMA.02.004.M20

GMA.02.006.M40 GMA.02.006.M30 GMA.02.006.M20 GMA.02.006.P60

GMA.02.007.M40 GMA.02.007.M30 GMA.02.007.M20

GMA.02.008.M40 GMA.02.008.M30 GMA.02.008.M20

GMA.02.010.M40 GMA.02.010.M30 GMA.02.010.M20

GMA.02.999.M40 GMA.02.999.M30 GMA.02.999.M20

GMA.03.010.M40 GMA.03.010.M30 GMA.03.010.M20

GMA.03.011.M40 GMA.03.011.M30 GMA.03.011.M20 GMA.03.011.M10

GMA.03.012.M40 GMA.03.012.M30 GMA.03.012.M20

GMA.03.014.M40 GMA.03.014.M30 GMA.03.014.M20

GMA.03.032.M40 GMA.03.032.M30 GMA.03.032.M20

GMA.03.040.M40 GMA.03.040.M30 GMA.03.040.M20

GMA.03.033.M40 GMA.03.033.M30 GMA.03.033.M20

GMA.03.035.M40 GMA.03.035.M30 GMA.03.035.M20

GMA.03.036.M40 GMA.03.036.M30 GMA.03.036.M20

GMA.03.041.M40 GMA.03.041.M30 GMA.03.041.M20

GMA.03.034.M40 GMA.03.034.M30 GMA.03.034.M20

GMA.03.052.M40 GMA.03.052.M30 GMA.03.052.M20

GMA.03.053.M40 GMA.03.053.M30 GMA.03.053.M20

GMA.03.055.M40 GMA.03.055.M30 GMA.03.055.M20

GMA.03.060.M40 GMA.03.060.M30 GMA.03.060.M20

GMA.04.020.M40 GMA.04.020.M30 GMA.04.020.M20 GMA.04.020.P60

FIN.02.004.M40 FIN.02.004.M30 FIN.02.004.M20 FIN.02.004.M10

FIN.02.001.M40 FIN.02.001.M30 FIN.02.001.M20

FIN.02.005.M40 FIN.02.005.M30 FIN.02.005.M20

FIN.02.006.M40 FIN.02.006.M30 FIN.02.006.M20

FIN.02.002.M40 FIN.02.002.M30 FIN.02.002.M20

FIN.04.001.M40 FIN.04.001.M30 FIN.04.001.M20

FIN.04.004.M40 FIN.04.004.M30

FIN.04.006.M40 FIN.04.006.M30 FIN.04.006.M20

FIN.04.005.M30 FIN.04.005.M20 FIN.04.005.M10

FIN.05.001.M40 FIN.05.001.M30 FIN.05.001.M20

FIN.05.002.M40 FIN.05.002.M30

FIN.05.003.M40 FIN.05.003.M30 FIN.05.003.M20

FIN.05.004.M40 FIN.05.004.M30 FIN.05.004.M20

FIN.05.005.M40 FIN.05.005.M30 FIN.05.005.M20 FIN.05.005.M10

FIN.06.001.M40 FIN.06.001.M30 FIN.06.001.M20 FIN.06.001.M10

FIN.06.002.M40 FIN.06.002.M30 FIN.06.002.M20

FIN.06.003.M40 FIN.06.003.M30 FIN.06.003.M20

FIN.06.011.M40 FIN.06.011.M30 FIN.06.011.M20

FIN.06.017.M40 FIN.06.017.M30 FIN.06.017.M20 FIN.06.017.M10

FIN.06.008.M40 FIN.06.008.M30 FIN.06.008.M20

FIN.06.012.M40 FIN.06.012.M30 FIN.06.012.M20

FIN.06.013.M40 FIN.06.013.M30 FIN.06.013.M20

FIN.06.014.M40 FIN.06.014.M30 FIN.06.014.M20

FIN.06.016.M40 FIN.06.016.M30 FIN.06.016.M20

FIN.07.001.M40 FIN.07.001.M30 FIN.07.001.M20

FIN.07.003.M40 FIN.07.003.M30 FIN.07.003.M20

FIN.07.004.M40 FIN.07.004.M30 FIN.07.004.M20

FIN.07.005.M40 FIN.07.005.M30 FIN.07.005.M20

FIN.08.001.M40 FIN.08.001.M30 FIN.08.001.M20

FIN.08.002.M40 FIN.08.002.M30 FIN.08.002.M20

FIN.08.003.M40 FIN.08.003.M30 FIN.08.003.M20

FIN.08.004.M40 FIN.08.004.M30 FIN.08.004.M20

FIN.08.005.M40 FIN.08.005.M30 FIN.08.005.M20

FIN.08.006.M40 FIN.08.006.M30 FIN.08.006.M20

FIN.09.001.M40 FIN.09.001.M30 FIN.09.001.M20 FIN.09.001.M10

FIN.09.003.M40 FIN.09.003.M30 FIN.09.003.M20 FIN.09.003.M10

FIN.09.004.M40 FIN.09.004.M30 FIN.09.004.M20 FIN.09.004.M10

FIN.09.005.M40 FIN.09.005.M30 FIN.09.005.M20 FIN.09.005.M10

FIN.09.006.M40 FIN.09.006.M30 FIN.09.006.M20 FIN.09.006.M10

FIN.09.007.M40 FIN.09.007.M30 FIN.09.007.M20 FIN.09.007.M10

FIN.10.001.M40 FIN.10.001.M30 FIN.10.001.M20 FIN.10.001.M10

FIN.10.002.M40 FIN.10.002.M30 FIN.10.002.M20

FIN.10.003.M40 FIN.10.003.M30 FIN.10.003.M20 FIN.10.003.M10

FIN.10.012.M40 FIN.10.012.M30 FIN.10.012.M20 FIN.10.012.M10

FIN.10.004.M40 FIN.10.004.M30 FIN.10.004.M20 FIN.10.004.M10

HRM.02.001.M40 HRM.02.001.M30 HRM.02.001.M20 HRM.02.001.M10

HRM.02.003.M40 HRM.02.003.M30 HRM.02.003.M20

HRM.02.004.M40 HRM.02.004.M30

HRM.02.005.M40 HRM.02.005.M30

HRM.03.001.M40 HRM.03.001.M30 HRM.03.001.M20

HRM.03.002.M40 HRM.03.002.M30 HRM.03.002.M20

HRM.03.003.M40 HRM.03.003.M30 HRM.03.003.M20

HRM.04.001.M40 HRM.04.001.M30 HRM.04.001.M20

HRM.04.002.M40 HRM.04.002.M30 HRM.04.002.M20

HRM.04.003.M40 HRM.04.003.M30 HRM.04.003.M20

HRM.04.004.M40 HRM.04.004.M30 HRM.04.004.M20

HRM.04.005.M40 HRM.04.005.M30 HRM.04.005.M20

HRM.04.006.M40 HRM.04.006.M30 HRM.04.006.M20

HRM.04.007.M40 HRM.04.007.M30 HRM.04.007.M20

HRM.05.001.M40 HRM.05.001.M30 HRM.05.001.M20 HRM.05.001.M10

HRM.05.003.M40 HRM.05.003.M30 HRM.05.003.M20 HRM.05.003.M10

HRM.05.004.M40 HRM.05.004.M30 HRM.05.004.M20 HRM.05.004.M10

HRM.05.005.M40 HRM.05.005.M30 HRM.05.005.M20 HRM.05.005.M10

HRM.05.006.M40 HRM.05.006.M30 HRM.05.006.M20 HRM.05.006.M10

HRM.05.007.M40 HRM.05.007.M30 HRM.05.007.M20 HRM.05.007.M10

HRM.05.009.M40 HRM.05.009.M30

HRM.05.010.M40 HRM.05.010.M30 HRM.05.010.M20 HRM.05.010.M10

HRM.05.011.M40 HRM.05.011.M30 HRM.05.011.M20

HRM.06.001.M40 HRM.06.001.M30 HRM.06.001.M20 HRM.06.001.M10

HRM.06.005.M40 HRM.06.005.M30 HRM.06.005.M20 HRM.06.005.M10

HRM.07.001.M40 HRM.07.001.M30 HRM.07.001.M20

HRM.07.002.M40 HRM.07.002.M30 HRM.07.002.M20

HRM.07.003.M40 HRM.07.003.M30 HRM.07.003.M20

HRM.07.004.M40 HRM.07.004.M30 HRM.07.004.M20

HRM.07.005.M40 HRM.07.005.M30 HRM.07.005.M20

HRM.07.006.M40 HRM.07.006.M30 HRM.07.006.M20

HRM.07.007.M40 HRM.07.007.M30 HRM.07.007.M20

HRM.07.008.M30 HRM.07.008.M20

HRM.08.001.M40 HRM.08.001.M30 HRM.08.001.M20 HRM.08.001.M10

HRM.08.002.M40 HRM.08.002.M30 HRM.08.002.M20 HRM.08.002.M10

HRM.08.004.M40 HRM.08.004.M30 HRM.08.004.M20

HRM.08.005.M40 HRM.08.005.M30 HRM.08.005.M20

HRM.08.006.M40 HRM.08.006.M30 HRM.08.006.M20

HRM.09.001.M40 HRM.09.001.M30 HRM.09.001.M20

HRM.09.002.M40 HRM.09.002.M30 HRM.09.002.M20

HRM.09.003.M40 HRM.09.003.M30 HRM.09.003.M20

HRM.09.004.M40 HRM.09.004.M30 HRM.09.004.M20

HRM.09.006.M40 HRM.09.006.M30 HRM.09.006.M20

HRM.10.001.M40 HRM.10.001.M30 HRM.10.001.M20 HRM.10.001.M10

HRM.10.003.M40 HRM.10.003.M30 HRM.10.003.M20

HRM.10.004.M40 HRM.10.004.M30 HRM.10.004.M20

HRM.10.005.M40 HRM.10.005.M30 HRM.10.005.M20 HRM.10.005.M10

HRM.10.006.M40 HRM.10.006.M30

HRM.10.007.M40 HRM.10.007.M30 HRM.10.007.M20

CCA.02.001.M40 CCA.02.001.M30 CCA.02.001.M20 CCA.02.001.M10

CCA.02.002.M40 CCA.02.002.M30 CCA.02.002.M20

CCA.02.003.M40 CCA.02.003.M30 CCA.02.003.M20

CCA.02.004.M40 CCA.02.004.M30 CCA.02.004.M20


CCA.02.006.M40 CCA.02.006.M30 CCA.02.006.M20


CCA.03.001.M40 CCA.03.001.M30 CCA.03.001.M20 CCA.03.001.M10

CCA.03.002.M40 CCA.03.002.M30 CCA.03.002.M20

CCA.03.003.M40 CCA.03.003.M30 CCA.03.003.M20

CCA.03.004.M40 CCA.03.004.M30 CCA.03.004.M20 CCA.03.004.M10

CCA.04.001.M40 CCA.04.001.M30 CCA.04.001.M20

CCA.04.002.M40 CCA.04.002.M30 CCA.04.002.M20

CCA.04.003.M40 CCA.04.003.M30 CCA.04.003.M20

CCA.04.004.M40 CCA.04.004.M30 CCA.04.004.M20

CCA.04.011.M30 CCA.04.011.M20

CCA.04.005.M40 CCA.04.005.M30 CCA.04.005.M20

CCA.04.006.M40 CCA.04.006.M30

CCA.04.009.M40 CCA.04.009.M30 CCA.04.009.M20

CCA.04.012.M40 CCA.04.012.M30 CCA.04.012.M20

CCA.04.010.M40 CCA.04.010.M30 CCA.04.010.M20

CCA.04.013.M40 CCA.04.013.M30 CCA.04.013.M20

CCA.05.001.M40 CCA.05.001.M30 CCA.05.001.M20

LCA.02.001.M40 LCA.02.001.M30 LCA.02.001.M20

LCA.03.011.M40 LCA.03.011.M30 LCA.03.011.M20 LCA.03.011.P60

LCA.03.012.M40 LCA.03.012.M30 LCA.03.012.M20 LCA.03.012.P60

LCA.03.013.M40 LCA.03.013.M30 LCA.03.013.M20 LCA.03.013.P60

LCA.03.014.M40 LCA.03.014.M30 LCA.03.014.M20 LCA.03.014.P60

LCA.03.015.M40 LCA.03.015.M30 LCA.03.015.M20 LCA.03.015.P60

LCA.03.040.M40 LCA.03.040.M30 LCA.03.040.M20 LCA.03.040.M10

LCA.03.041.M40 LCA.03.041.M30 LCA.03.041.M20

LCA.03.042.M40 LCA.03.042.M30 LCA.03.042.M20

LCA.03.086.M40 LCA.03.086.M30 LCA.03.086.M20

LCA.03.043.M40 LCA.03.043.M30 LCA.03.043.M20 LCA.03.043.M10

LCA.03.039.M40 LCA.03.039.M30 LCA.03.039.M20 LCA.03.039.M10

LCA.03.050.M30 LCA.03.050.M20 LCA.03.050.M10

LCA.04.001.M40 LCA.04.001.M30 LCA.04.001.M20 LCA.04.001.M10

LCA.04.002.M40 LCA.04.002.M30 LCA.04.002.M20

LCA.04.022.M40 LCA.04.022.M30 LCA.04.022.M20

LCA.04.033.M40 LCA.04.033.M30 LCA.04.033.M20

LCA.04.024.M40 LCA.04.024.M30 LCA.04.024.M20 LCA.04.024.M10 LCA.04.024.P60

LCA.04.025.M40 LCA.04.025.M30 LCA.04.025.M20

LCA.04.032.M40 LCA.04.032.M30 LCA.04.032.M20

LCA.04.034.M40 LCA.04.034.M30 LCA.04.034.M20

LCA.04.035.M40 LCA.04.035.M30 LCA.04.035.M20

LCA.04.036.M40 LCA.04.036.M30 LCA.04.036.M20 LCA.04.036.P60

LCA.04.048.M40 LCA.04.048.M30 LCA.04.048.M20 LCA.04.048.P60

LCA.04.049.M40 LCA.04.049.M30 LCA.04.049.M20

LCA.04.050.M40 LCA.04.050.M30 LCA.04.050.M20 LCA.04.050.P60

LCA.04.051.M40 LCA.04.051.M30 LCA.04.051.M20

LCA.04.071.M40 LCA.04.071.M30 LCA.04.071.M20

LCA.05.001.M40 LCA.05.001.M30 LCA.05.001.M20 LCA.05.001.M10

LCA.05.002.M40 LCA.05.002.M30 LCA.05.002.M20 LCA.05.002.M10

LCA.05.003.M40 LCA.05.003.M30 LCA.05.003.M20

LCA.05.004.M40 LCA.05.004.M30 LCA.05.004.M20

LCA.05.008.M40 LCA.05.008.M30 LCA.05.008.M20

LCA.05.005.M40 LCA.05.005.M30 LCA.05.005.M20

LCA.06.002.M40 LCA.06.002.M30 LCA.06.002.M20

LCA.06.003.M40 LCA.06.003.M30 LCA.06.003.M20 LCA.06.003.M10

LCA.06.005.M40 LCA.06.005.M30 LCA.06.005.M20

LCA.06.006.M40 LCA.06.006.M30 LCA.06.006.M20 LCA.06.006.M10

LCA.06.007.M40 LCA.06.007.M30 LCA.06.007.M20 LCA.06.007.M10

LCA.06.008.M40 LCA.06.008.M30 LCA.06.008.M20

LCA.06.999.M40 LCA.06.999.M30 LCA.06.999.M20 LCA.06.999.M10

LCA.07.001.M40 LCA.07.001.M30 LCA.07.001.M20 LCA.07.001.M10

LCA.07.002.M40 LCA.07.002.M30 LCA.07.002.M20

LCA.07.003.M40 LCA.07.003.M30 LCA.07.003.M20

LCA.07.004.M40 LCA.07.004.M30 LCA.07.004.M20

LCA.07.005.M40 LCA.07.005.M30 LCA.07.005.M20 LCA.07.005.M10

LCA.07.006.M40 LCA.07.006.M30 LCA.07.006.M20

LCA.07.008.M40 LCA.07.008.M30 LCA.07.008.M20

LCA.07.009.M40 LCA.07.009.M30 LCA.07.009.M20 LCA.07.009.M10

LCA.07.010.M40 LCA.07.010.M30 LCA.07.010.M20

LCA.07.047.M40 LCA.07.047.M30 LCA.07.047.M20 LCA.07.047.M10

LCA.07.048.M40 LCA.07.048.M30

LCA.07.098.M40 LCA.07.098.M30 LCA.07.098.M20

LCA.07.125.M40 LCA.07.125.M30 LCA.07.125.M20

LCA.07.122.M40 LCA.07.122.M30 LCA.07.122.M10

LCA.07.151.M40 LCA.07.151.M30 LCA.07.151.M20

LCA.07.138.M40 LCA.07.138.M30 LCA.07.138.M20

LCA.07.170.M40 LCA.07.170.M30 LCA.07.170.M20

LCA.09.011.M40 LCA.09.011.M30 LCA.09.011.M20 LCA.09.011.M10

LCA.09.035.M40 LCA.09.035.M30 LCA.09.035.M20

LCA.09.041.M40 LCA.09.041.M30 LCA.09.041.M20

LCA.09.042.M40 LCA.09.042.M30 LCA.09.042.M20

LCA.09.043.M40 LCA.09.043.M30 LCA.09.043.M20 LCA.09.043.M10

LCA.09.044.M40 LCA.09.044.M30 LCA.09.044.M20

LCA.09.045.M40 LCA.09.045.M30 LCA.09.045.M20

LCA.09.046.M40 LCA.09.046.M30 LCA.09.046.M20 LCA.09.046.M10

LCA.09.059.M40 LCA.09.059.M30 LCA.09.059.M20

LCA.09.048.M40 LCA.09.048.M30 LCA.09.048.M20

LCA.09.049.M40 LCA.09.049.M30 LCA.09.049.M20

LCA.09.065.M40 LCA.09.065.M30 LCA.09.065.M20

LCA.09.070.M40 LCA.09.070.M30 LCA.09.070.M20

LCA.09.082.M40 LCA.09.082.M30 LCA.09.082.M20

LCA.09.083.M40 LCA.09.083.M30 LCA.09.083.M20

LCA.09.090.M40 LCA.09.090.M30 LCA.09.090.M20

LCA.09.091.M40 LCA.09.091.M30 LCA.09.091.M20

LCA.09.101.M40 LCA.09.101.M30 LCA.09.101.M20 LCA.09.101.M10

LCA.09.120.M40 LCA.09.120.M30 LCA.09.120.M20

AFS.01.001.M40 AFS.01.001.M30 AFS.01.001.M20 AFS.01.001.M10


AFS.01.021.M30 AFS.01.021.M20 AFS.01.021.M10




AFS.01.045.M30 AFS.01.045.M10

AFS.01.046.M40 AFS.01.046.M30 AFS.01.046.M10

AFS.01.049.M40 AFS.01.049.M30 AFS.01.049.M20 AFS.01.049.M10

AFS.01.060.M40 AFS.01.060.M30 AFS.01.060.M20 AFS.01.060.M10

AFS.01.061.M40 AFS.01.061.M30 AFS.01.061.M20 AFS.01.061.M10

AFS.02.002.M40 AFS.02.002.M30 AFS.02.002.M20 AFS.02.002.M10

AFS.02.003.M40 AFS.02.003.M30 AFS.02.003.M20

AFS.02.004.M40 AFS.02.004.M30 AFS.02.004.M20

AFS.02.005.M40 AFS.02.005.M30 AFS.02.005.M20

AFS.02.999.M40 AFS.02.999.M30 AFS.02.999.M20 AFS.02.999.M10

AFS.03.001.M40 AFS.03.001.M30 AFS.03.001.M10

AFS.03.012.M30 AFS.03.012.M10

AFS.03.999.M40 AFS.03.999.M30 AFS.03.999.M20 AFS.03.999.M10

AFS.04.001.M30 AFS.04.001.M10

AFS.04.002.M30 AFS.04.002.M10

AFS.04.999.M40 AFS.04.999.M30 AFS.04.999.M10

AFS.05.001.M40 AFS.05.001.M30 AFS.05.001.M20 AFS.05.001.M10


AFS.05.003.M30 AFS.05.003.M10

AFS.05.027.M40 AFS.05.027.M30 AFS.05.027.M20

AFS.05.028.M40 AFS.05.028.M30 AFS.05.028.M20 AFS.05.028.M10

AFS.05.999.M40 AFS.05.999.M30 AFS.05.999.M20 AFS.05.999.M10


AFS.07.002.M30 AFS.07.002.M20 AFS.07.002.M10

AFS.07.006.M40 AFS.07.006.M30 AFS.07.006.M20

AFS.07.999.M40 AFS.07.999.M30 AFS.07.999.M20 AFS.07.999.M10

PPM.01.001.M40 PPM.01.001.M30 PPM.01.001.M20

PPM.01.002.M40 PPM.01.002.M30 PPM.01.002.M20 PPM.01.002.M10

PPM.01.003.M40 PPM.01.003.M30 PPM.01.003.M20

PPM.01.008.M40 PPM.01.008.M30 PPM.01.008.M20

PPM.01.004.M40 PPM.01.004.M30 PPM.01.004.M20 PPM.01.004.M10

PPM.01.005.M40 PPM.01.005.M30 PPM.01.005.M20

PPM.01.007.M40 PPM.01.007.M30 PPM.01.007.M20

PPM.01.009.M40 PPM.01.009.M30 PPM.01.009.M20

PPM.02.001.M40 PPM.02.001.M30 PPM.02.001.M20

PPM.02.002.M40 PPM.02.002.M30 PPM.02.002.M20 PPM.02.002.M10 PPM.02.002.P60

PPM.02.022.M40 PPM.02.022.M30 PPM.02.022.M20 PPM.02.022.P60

PPM.02.023.M40 PPM.02.023.M30 PPM.02.023.M20 PPM.02.023.P60

PPM.02.043.M40 PPM.02.043.M30 PPM.02.043.M20

PPM.02.044.M40 PPM.02.044.M30 PPM.02.044.M20

PPM.02.045.M40 PPM.02.045.M30 PPM.02.045.M20

PPM.02.046.M40 PPM.02.046.M30 PPM.02.046.M20

PPM.02.060.M40 PPM.02.060.M30 PPM.02.060.M20

PPM.02.068.M40 PPM.02.068.M30 PPM.02.068.M20

PPM.03.002.M40 PPM.03.002.M30 PPM.03.002.M20

SMP.02.001.M40 SMP.02.001.M30 SMP.02.001.M20 SMP.02.001.M10

SMP.02.002.M30 SMP.02.002.M20

SMP.02.005.M40 SMP.02.005.M30

SMP.02.021.M40 SMP.02.021.M30 SMP.02.021.M20 SMP.02.021.M10

SMP.02.022.M40 SMP.02.022.M30 SMP.02.022.M20

SMP.02.023.M40 SMP.02.023.M30 SMP.02.023.M20

SMP.02.024.M40 SMP.02.024.M30 SMP.02.024.M20

SMP.02.025.M40 SMP.02.025.M30 SMP.02.025.M20

SMP.02.029.M40 SMP.02.029.M30 SMP.02.029.M20 SMP.02.029.M10

SMP.02.030.M40 SMP.02.030.M30
SMP.02.039.M40 SMP.02.039.M30 SMP.02.039.M20

SMP.02.041.M40 SMP.02.041.M30 SMP.02.041.M20

SMP.02.045.M40 SMP.02.045.M30 SMP.02.045.M20

SMP.02.046.M40 SMP.02.046.M30 SMP.02.046.M20

SMP.02.026.M40 SMP.02.026.M30 SMP.02.026.M20

SMP.02.027.M40 SMP.02.027.M30 SMP.02.027.M20

SMP.02.028.M40 SMP.02.028.M30 SMP.02.028.M20

SMP.02.044.M40 SMP.02.044.M30 SMP.02.044.M20

SMP.02.047.M40 SMP.02.047.M30 SMP.02.047.M20 SMP.02.047.P60

SMP.02.042.M40 SMP.02.042.M30 SMP.02.042.M20

SMP.02.038.M40 SMP.02.038.M30 SMP.02.038.M20

SMP.02.037.M40 SMP.02.037.M30 SMP.02.037.M20

SMP.02.056.M40 SMP.02.056.M30 SMP.02.056.M20

SMP.02.057.M40 SMP.02.057.M30 SMP.02.057.M20

SMP.02.058.M40 SMP.02.058.M30 SMP.02.058.M20

SMP.02.059.M40 SMP.02.059.M30 SMP.02.059.M20 SMP.02.059.M10

SMP.02.060.M40 SMP.02.060.M30 SMP.02.060.M20 SMP.02.060.M10

SMP.02.061.M40 SMP.02.061.M30 SMP.02.061.M20

SMP.02.062.M40 SMP.02.062.M30 SMP.02.062.M20 SMP.02.062.M10

SMP.03.001.M40 SMP.03.001.M30 SMP.03.001.M20 SMP.03.001.M10

SMP.04.001.M40 SMP.04.001.M30 SMP.04.001.M20

SMP.04.003.M40 SMP.04.003.M30 SMP.04.003.M20 SMP.04.003.M10

SMP.04.005.M40 SMP.04.005.M30 SMP.04.005.M20

SMP.04.007.M30 SMP.04.007.M20

SMP.04.004.M40 SMP.04.004.M30 SMP.04.004.M20 SMP.04.004.M10

SMP.04.008.M40 SMP.04.008.M30 SMP.04.008.M20

SMP.04.009.M40 SMP.04.009.M30 SMP.04.009.M20

SMP.04.010.M40 SMP.04.010.M30 SMP.04.010.M20 SMP.04.010.M10

SMP.04.011.M40 SMP.04.011.M30 SMP.04.011.M20

SMP.04.039.M40 SMP.04.039.M30 SMP.04.039.M20

SMP.04.012.M40 SMP.04.012.M30 SMP.04.012.M20

SMP.04.013.M40 SMP.04.013.M30 SMP.04.013.M20

SMP.04.014.M40 SMP.04.014.M30 SMP.04.014.M20

SMP.04.021.M40 SMP.04.021.M30

SMP.04.023.M40 SMP.04.023.M30 SMP.04.023.M20 SMP.04.023.M10


SMP.04.015.M40 SMP.04.015.M30 SMP.04.015.M20 SMP.04.015.P60

SMP.04.016.M40 SMP.04.016.M30 SMP.04.016.M20

SMP.04.017.M40 SMP.04.017.M30 SMP.04.017.M20

SMP.04.022.M40 SMP.04.022.M30 SMP.04.022.M20

SMP.04.024.M40 SMP.04.024.M30 SMP.04.024.M20

SMP.04.025.M40 SMP.04.025.M30 SMP.04.025.M20

SMP.04.026.M40 SMP.04.026.M30 SMP.04.026.M20

SMP.04.027.M40 SMP.04.027.M30 SMP.04.027.M20

SMP.04.040.M40 SMP.04.040.M30 SMP.04.040.M20

SMP.04.041.M40 SMP.04.041.M30 SMP.04.041.M20

SMP.04.042.M40 SMP.04.042.M30 SMP.04.042.M20

SMP.04.043.M40 SMP.04.043.M30 SMP.04.043.M20

SMP.04.064.M40 SMP.04.064.M30 SMP.04.064.M20 SMP.04.064.M10

SMP.04.075.M40 SMP.04.075.M30 SMP.04.075.M20

SMP.04.065.M40 SMP.04.065.M30 SMP.04.065.M20

SMP.04.066.M40 SMP.04.066.M30 SMP.04.066.M20

SMP.04.067.M40 SMP.04.067.M30 SMP.04.067.M20

SMP.04.068.M40 SMP.04.068.M30 SMP.04.068.M20

SMP.04.070.M40 SMP.04.070.M30 SMP.04.070.M20

SMP.04.071.M40 SMP.04.071.M30 SMP.04.071.M20 SMP.04.071.M10

SMP.04.072.M40 SMP.04.072.M30 SMP.04.072.M20

SMP.04.073.M40 SMP.04.073.M30 SMP.04.073.M20

SMP.04.077.M40 SMP.04.077.M30 SMP.04.077.M20

SMP.04.092.M40 SMP.04.092.M30 SMP.04.092.M20 SMP.04.092.M10

SMP.04.093.M40 SMP.04.093.M30 SMP.04.093.M10

SMP.04.113.M40 SMP.04.113.M30 SMP.04.113.M20

SMP.04.115.M40 SMP.04.115.M30 SMP.04.115.M20 SMP.04.115.M10

SMP.04.116.M40 SMP.04.116.M30 SMP.04.116.M20

SMP.04.114.M40 SMP.04.114.M30 SMP.04.114.M20

SMP.04.118.M40 SMP.04.118.M30 SMP.04.118.M20

SMP.04.119.M40 SMP.04.119.M30 SMP.04.119.M20

SMP.04.120.M40 SMP.04.120.M30 SMP.04.120.M20 SMP.04.120.P60

SMP.04.121.M40 SMP.04.121.M30 SMP.04.121.M20

SMP.04.122.M40 SMP.04.122.M30 SMP.04.122.M20

SMP.04.123.M40 SMP.04.123.M30 SMP.04.123.M20

SMP.04.999.M40 SMP.04.999.M30 SMP.04.999.M20 SMP.04.999.M10

SMP.05.001.M40 SMP.05.001.M30 SMP.05.001.M20 SMP.05.001.M10

SMP.05.002.M40 SMP.05.002.M30 SMP.05.002.M20

SMP.05.003.M40 SMP.05.003.M30 SMP.05.003.M20 SMP.05.003.M10

SMP.05.004.M40 SMP.05.004.M30 SMP.05.004.M20

SMP.05.010.M40 SMP.05.010.M30 SMP.05.010.M20 SMP.05.010.M10

SMP.05.005.M40 SMP.05.005.M30 SMP.05.005.M10

SMP.05.006.M30 SMP.05.006.M20

SMP.05.009.M40 SMP.05.009.M30 SMP.05.009.M20

SMP.06.001.M40 SMP.06.001.M30 SMP.06.001.M20

SMP.06.002.M40 SMP.06.002.M30 SMP.06.002.M20

SMP.06.003.M40 SMP.06.003.M30 SMP.06.003.M20

SMP.07.001.M40 SMP.07.001.M30 SMP.07.001.M20

SMP.07.010.M40 SMP.07.010.M30 SMP.07.010.M20

SMP.07.011.M40 SMP.07.011.M30 SMP.07.011.M20


SMP.07.015.M40 SMP.07.015.M30 SMP.07.015.M20

SMP.07.016.M40 SMP.07.016.M30 SMP.07.016.M20

SMP.07.017.M40 SMP.07.017.M30 SMP.07.017.M20

SMP.07.018.M40 SMP.07.018.M30 SMP.07.018.M20 SMP.07.018.M10

SMP.07.022.M40 SMP.07.022.M30 SMP.07.022.M20

SMP.07.023.M40 SMP.07.023.M30 SMP.07.023.M20

SMP.07.024.M40 SMP.07.024.M30 SMP.07.024.M20

SMP.07.025.M30 SMP.07.025.M20 SMP.07.025.M10

SMP.07.027.M30 SMP.07.027.M10

SMP.07.034.M30 SMP.07.034.M20 SMP.07.034.M10

SMP.07.043.M40 SMP.07.043.M30 SMP.07.043.M20

SMP.07.049.M40 SMP.07.049.M30 SMP.07.049.M20

SMP.07.058.M40 SMP.07.058.M30 SMP.07.058.M20

SMP.07.059.M40 SMP.07.059.M30 SMP.07.059.M20

SMP.07.065.M40 SMP.07.065.M30 SMP.07.065.M20 SMP.07.065.M10

SMP.07.067.M40 SMP.07.067.M30 SMP.07.067.M20

SMP.07.068.M40 SMP.07.068.M30 SMP.07.068.M20

SMP.07.069.M40 SMP.07.069.M30 SMP.07.069.M20

SMP.07.070.M40 SMP.07.070.M30 SMP.07.070.M20

SMP.07.071.M40 SMP.07.071.M30 SMP.07.071.M20 SMP.07.071.M10

SMP.07.072.M40 SMP.07.072.M30 SMP.07.072.M20 SMP.07.072.M10

SMP.07.073.M40 SMP.07.073.M30 SMP.07.073.M20

SMP.07.074.M40 SMP.07.074.M30 SMP.07.074.M20

SMP.07.075.M40 SMP.07.075.M30 SMP.07.075.M20

SMP.07.076.M40 SMP.07.076.M30 SMP.07.076.M20

SMP.07.077.M40 SMP.07.077.M30 SMP.07.077.M20

SMP.07.078.M40 SMP.07.078.M30 SMP.07.078.M20

SMP.07.079.M40 SMP.07.079.M30 SMP.07.079.M20

SMP.07.080.M40 SMP.07.080.M30 SMP.07.080.M20

SMP.07.081.M40 SMP.07.081.M30 SMP.07.081.M20

SMP.07.082.M40 SMP.07.082.M30 SMP.07.082.M20

SMP.07.083.M40 SMP.07.083.M30 SMP.07.083.M20

SMP.07.084.M40 SMP.07.084.M30 SMP.07.084.M20

SMP.07.126.M40 SMP.07.126.M30 SMP.07.126.M20

SMP.07.205.M40 SMP.07.205.M30 SMP.07.205.M20

SMP.07.207.M40 SMP.07.207.M30 SMP.07.207.M20 SMP.07.207.P60

SMP.08.001.M40 SMP.08.001.M30 SMP.08.001.M20 SMP.08.001.M10

SMP.08.002.M30 SMP.08.002.M20 SMP.08.002.M10

SMP.08.003.M30 SMP.08.003.M20 SMP.08.003.M10

SMP.08.011.M40 SMP.08.011.M30 SMP.08.011.M20 SMP.08.011.M10

SMP.08.999.M40 SMP.08.999.M30 SMP.08.999.M20 SMP.08.999.M10

SMP.09.001.M40 SMP.09.001.M30 SMP.09.001.M20

SMP.09.004.M40 SMP.09.004.M30 SMP.09.004.M20

SMP.09.005.M40 SMP.09.005.M30 SMP.09.005.M20 SMP.09.005.M10

SMP.09.046.M40 SMP.09.046.M30 SMP.09.046.M20

SMP.09.999.M40 SMP.09.999.M30 SMP.09.999.M20 SMP.09.999.M10

SMP.10.001.M40 SMP.10.001.M30 SMP.10.001.M20

SMP.10.002.M30 SMP.10.002.M20

SMP.11.001.M40 SMP.11.001.M30 SMP.11.001.M20 SMP.11.001.M10

SMP.11.002.M40 SMP.11.002.M30 SMP.11.002.M20

SMP.11.004.M40 SMP.11.004.M30 SMP.11.004.M20 SMP.11.004.M10

SMP.11.005.M40 SMP.11.005.M30 SMP.11.005.M20 SMP.11.005.M10

SMP.11.006.M40 SMP.11.006.M30 SMP.11.006.M20 SMP.11.006.M10

SMP.11.010.M40 SMP.11.010.M30 SMP.11.010.M20

SMP.11.011.M40 SMP.11.011.M30 SMP.11.011.M20

SMP.11.012.M40 SMP.11.012.M30 SMP.11.012.M20

SMP.11.015.M40 SMP.11.015.M30 SMP.11.015.M20

SMP.11.014.M40 SMP.11.014.M30 SMP.11.014.M20

SMP.11.013.M40 SMP.11.013.M30 SMP.11.013.M20

SMP.12.002.M40 SMP.12.002.M30 SMP.12.002.M20

SMP.12.004.M40 SMP.12.004.M30 SMP.12.004.M20

CSV.02.001.M40 CSV.02.001.M30 CSV.02.001.M20 CSV.02.001.M10

CSV.02.002.M40 CSV.02.002.M30



CSV.02.005.M40 CSV.02.005.M30 CSV.02.005.M20

CSV.02.027.M40 CSV.02.027.M30 CSV.02.027.M20 CSV.02.027.M10

CSV.02.029.M30 CSV.02.029.M10

CSV.02.031.M40 CSV.02.031.M30 CSV.02.031.M20 CSV.02.031.M10

CSV.02.050.M40 CSV.02.050.M30 CSV.02.050.M20 CSV.02.050.M10

CSV.02.051.M40 CSV.02.051.M30 CSV.02.051.M20 CSV.02.051.M10

CSV.02.052.M40 CSV.02.052.M30 CSV.02.052.M20

CSV.02.053.M40 CSV.02.053.M30 CSV.02.053.M20 CSV.02.053.M10

CSV.02.055.M30 CSV.02.055.M10

CSV.02.056.M40 CSV.02.056.M30 CSV.02.056.M20 CSV.02.056.M10

CSV.02.076.M40 CSV.02.076.M30 CSV.02.076.M10

CSV.02.096.M30 CSV.02.096.M20

CSV.03.002.M40 CSV.03.002.M30 CSV.03.002.M20

CSV.03.003.M40 CSV.03.003.M30 CSV.03.003.M20

CSV.03.004.M40 CSV.03.004.M30 CSV.03.004.M20 CSV.03.004.M10

CSV.03.005.M40 CSV.03.005.M30 CSV.03.005.M20 CSV.03.005.M10

CSV.03.007.M40 CSV.03.007.M30 CSV.03.007.M20 CSV.03.007.M10

CSV.03.024.M40 CSV.03.024.M30 CSV.03.024.M20 CSV.03.024.M10

CSV.03.025.M40 CSV.03.025.M30 CSV.03.025.M20 CSV.03.025.M10

CSV.03.999.M40 CSV.03.999.M30 CSV.03.999.M20 CSV.03.999.M10

CSV.04.001.M40 CSV.04.001.M30

CSV.04.002.M40 CSV.04.002.M30 CSV.04.002.M20 CSV.04.002.M10


CSV.04.005.M40 CSV.04.005.M30 CSV.04.005.M20


CSV.04.007.M40 CSV.04.007.M30 CSV.04.007.M20 CSV.04.007.M10

CSV.04.008.M40 CSV.04.008.M30 CSV.04.008.M20

CSV.04.009.M40 CSV.04.009.M30 CSV.04.009.M20

CSV.04.028.M40 CSV.04.028.M30 CSV.04.028.M20

CSV.04.029.M40 CSV.04.029.M30 CSV.04.029.M20 CSV.04.029.M10

CSV.04.030.M40 CSV.04.030.M30 CSV.04.030.M20

CSV.04.999.M40 CSV.04.999.M30 CSV.04.999.M20 CSV.04.999.M10

QLT.02.001.M40 QLT.02.001.M30 QLT.02.001.M20

QLT.02.002.M40 QLT.02.002.M30 QLT.02.002.M20

QLT.02.003.M40 QLT.02.003.M30 QLT.02.003.M20

QLT.02.004.M40 QLT.02.004.M30 QLT.02.004.M20

QLT.02.006.M40 QLT.02.006.M30 QLT.02.006.M20

QLT.02.007.M40 QLT.02.007.M30 QLT.02.007.M20

QLT.02.017.M40 QLT.02.017.M30 QLT.02.017.M20

QLT.02.018.M40 QLT.02.018.M30 QLT.02.018.M20

QLT.02.025.M40 QLT.02.025.M30 QLT.02.025.M20 QLT.02.025.M10

QLT.02.026.M40 QLT.02.026.M30 QLT.02.026.M20

QLT.02.999.M40 QLT.02.999.M30 QLT.02.999.M20 QLT.02.999.M10

QLT.03.001.M40 QLT.03.001.M30 QLT.03.001.M20 QLT.03.001.M10

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QLT.03.005.M40 QLT.03.005.M30 QLT.03.005.M20

QLT.03.006.M40 QLT.03.006.M30 QLT.03.006.M20

QLT.03.008.M40 QLT.03.008.M30 QLT.03.008.M20

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QLT.04.001.M40 QLT.04.001.M30 QLT.04.001.M20

QLT.04.003.M40 QLT.04.003.M30 QLT.04.003.M20

QLT.04.005.M40 QLT.04.005.M30 QLT.04.005.M20

QLT.05.010.M40 QLT.05.010.M30 QLT.05.010.M20 QLT.05.010.M10 QLT.05.010.P60

SCN.02.001.M40 SCN.02.001.M30 SCN.02.001.M20 SCN.02.001.M10 SCN.02.001.P60

SCN.02.002.M40 SCN.02.002.M30 SCN.02.002.M20

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SCN.03.003.M40 SCN.03.003.M30 SCN.03.003.M20

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SCN.03.005.M40 SCN.03.005.M30 SCN.03.005.M20

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SCN.03.007.M40 SCN.03.007.M30 SCN.03.007.M20

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SCN.05.003.M40 SCN.05.003.M30 SCN.05.003.M20 SCN.05.003.M10


SCN.05.026.M40 SCN.05.026.M30 SCN.05.026.M20

SCN.05.029.M40 SCN.05.029.M30 SCN.05.029.M10


SCN.05.036.M40 SCN.05.036.M30 SCN.05.036.M20 SCN.05.036.M10

SCN.05.042.M40 SCN.05.042.M30 SCN.05.042.M20

SCN.05.028.M40 SCN.05.028.M30 SCN.05.028.M20



SCN.05.102.M40 SCN.05.102.M30 SCN.05.102.M20

SCN.05.070.M40 SCN.05.070.M30 SCN.05.070.M10

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SCN.06.005.M40 SCN.06.005.M30 SCN.06.005.M20

SCN.06.999.M40 SCN.06.999.M30 SCN.06.999.M20 SCN.06.999.M10

ENS.02.001.M40 ENS.02.001.M30 ENS.02.001.M20 ENS.02.001.P60

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ENS.02.053.M40 ENS.02.053.M30 ENS.02.053.M20

ENS.02.093.M40 ENS.02.093.M30

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ENS.03.017.M40 ENS.03.017.M30


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ENS.10.011.M30 ENS.10.011.M20 ENS.10.011.M10

































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ENS.06.028.M40 ENS.06.028.M30 ENS.06.028.M20 ENS.06.028.M10

ENS.06.999.M40 ENS.06.999.M30 ENS.06.999.M20 ENS.06.999.M10

ENS.07.011.M40 ENS.07.011.M30 ENS.07.011.M20 ENS.07.011.P60

ENS.07.021.M40 ENS.07.021.M30 ENS.07.021.M20 ENS.07.021.P60

ENS.07.032.M40 ENS.07.032.M30 ENS.07.032.M20 ENS.07.032.P60

ENS.07.040.M40 ENS.07.040.M30 ENS.07.040.M20

ENS.07.037.M40 ENS.07.037.M30 ENS.07.037.M20 ENS.07.037.P60

ENS.07.038.M40 ENS.07.038.M30 ENS.07.038.M20 ENS.07.038.P60


ENS.07.022.M40 ENS.07.022.M30 ENS.07.022.M20 ENS.07.022.P60

ENS.07.023.M40 ENS.07.023.M30 ENS.07.023.M20 ENS.07.023.P60

ENS.07.024.M40 ENS.07.024.M30 ENS.07.024.M20 ENS.07.024.P60

ENS.07.025.M40 ENS.07.025.M30 ENS.07.025.M20 ENS.07.025.P60

ENS.07.026.M40 ENS.07.026.M30 ENS.07.026.M20 ENS.07.026.P60

ENS.07.027.M40 ENS.07.027.M30 ENS.07.027.M20 ENS.07.027.P60

ENS.07.028.M40 ENS.07.028.M30 ENS.07.028.M20 ENS.07.028.P60

ENS.07.029.M40 ENS.07.029.M30 ENS.07.029.M20 ENS.07.029.P60

ENS.07.030.M40 ENS.07.030.M30 ENS.07.030.M20 ENS.07.030.P60

ENS.07.043.M40 ENS.07.043.M30 ENS.07.043.M20 ENS.07.043.P60

ENS.07.044.M40 ENS.07.044.M30 ENS.07.044.M20 ENS.07.044.P60

ENS.07.047.M40 ENS.07.047.M30 ENS.07.047.M20 ENS.07.047.P60

ENS.07.048.M40 ENS.07.048.M30 ENS.07.048.M20 ENS.07.048.P60

ENS.07.049.M40 ENS.07.049.M30 ENS.07.049.M20 ENS.07.049.P60

ENS.07.050.M40 ENS.07.050.M30 ENS.07.050.M20 ENS.07.050.P60

ENS.07.051.M40 ENS.07.051.M30 ENS.07.051.M20

ENS.07.052.M40 ENS.07.052.M30 ENS.07.052.M20 ENS.07.052.P60

ENS.07.045.M40 ENS.07.045.M30 ENS.07.045.M20 ENS.07.045.P60

ENS.07.046.M40 ENS.07.046.M30 ENS.07.046.M20 ENS.07.046.P60

ENS.07.056.M40 ENS.07.056.M30 ENS.07.056.M20 ENS.07.056.P60

ENS.07.057.M40 ENS.07.057.M30 ENS.07.057.M20 ENS.07.057.P60

ENS.07.060.M40 ENS.07.060.M30 ENS.07.060.M20 ENS.07.060.P60

ENS.07.079.M40 ENS.07.079.M30 ENS.07.079.M20

ENS.07.099.M40 ENS.07.099.M30 ENS.07.099.M20 ENS.07.099.P60

ENS.07.100.M40 ENS.07.100.M30 ENS.07.100.M20 ENS.07.100.P60

ENS.07.101.M40 ENS.07.101.M30 ENS.07.101.M20 ENS.07.101.P60

ENS.07.102.M40 ENS.07.102.M30 ENS.07.102.M20 ENS.07.102.P60

ENS.07.104.M40 ENS.07.104.M30 ENS.07.104.M20 ENS.07.104.P60

ENS.07.105.M40 ENS.07.105.M30 ENS.07.105.M20 ENS.07.105.P60

ENS.07.106.M40 ENS.07.106.M30 ENS.07.106.M20 ENS.07.106.P60

ENS.07.120.M40 ENS.07.120.M30 ENS.07.120.M20 ENS.07.120.P60

ENS.07.999.M40 ENS.07.999.M30 ENS.07.999.M20 ENS.07.999.M10

ENS.08.001.M40 ENS.08.001.M30 ENS.08.001.M20 ENS.08.001.M10

ENS.08.003.M40 ENS.08.003.M30 ENS.08.003.M20 ENS.08.003.M10

ENS.08.005.M40 ENS.08.005.M30 ENS.08.005.M20 ENS.08.005.P60

ENS.08.999.M40 ENS.08.999.M30 ENS.08.999.M20 ENS.08.999.M10

ENS.09.001.M40 ENS.09.001.M30 ENS.09.001.M20 ENS.09.001.M10

ENS.09.004.M40 ENS.09.004.M30 ENS.09.004.M20 ENS.09.004.M10

ENS.09.024.M40 ENS.09.024.M30 ENS.09.024.M20 ENS.09.024.P60



PSK.01.005.M40 PSK.01.005.M30

PSK.02.001.M40 PSK.02.001.M30 PSK.02.001.M20


PSK.02.004.M30 PSK.02.004.M10
PSK.02.022.M30 PSK.02.022.M10

PSK.02.023.M40 PSK.02.023.M30 PSK.02.023.M10

PSK.02.044.M40 PSK.02.044.M30 PSK.02.044.M10

PSK.03.001.M40 PSK.03.001.M30 PSK.03.001.M20 PSK.03.001.M10

PSK.03.002.M40 PSK.03.002.M30 PSK.03.002.M20

PSK.03.003.M40 PSK.03.003.M30 PSK.03.003.M20

PSK.03.999.M40 PSK.03.999.M30 PSK.03.999.M20 PSK.03.999.M10

PSK.04.001.M40 PSK.04.001.M30 PSK.04.001.M20 PSK.04.001.M10

PSK.05.001.M40 PSK.05.001.M30 PSK.05.001.M20 PSK.05.001.M10

PSK.05.026.M40 PSK.05.026.M30 PSK.05.026.M10

PSK.05.027.M30 PSK.05.027.M20 PSK.05.027.M10





PSK.05.094.M40 PSK.05.094.M30 PSK.05.094.M20


PSK.05.999.M40 PSK.05.999.M30 PSK.05.999.M20 PSK.05.999.M10




PSK.07.003.M40 PSK.07.003.M30 PSK.07.003.M20 PSK.07.003.M10


PSK.07.005.M40 PSK.07.005.M30




PSK.08.004.M40 PSK.08.004.M30 PSK.08.004.M10



ITC.02.001.M40 ITC.02.001.M30 ITC.02.001.M20 ITC.02.001.M10 ITC.02.001.P60

ITC.02.002.M40 ITC.02.002.M30

ITC.02.003.M40 ITC.02.003.M30

ITC.02.004.M40 ITC.02.004.M30 ITC.02.004.M20 ITC.02.004.P60

ITC.03.001.M40 ITC.03.001.M30 ITC.03.001.M20 ITC.03.001.P60

ITC.03.002.M40 ITC.03.002.M30 ITC.03.002.M20 ITC.03.002.P60

ITC.03.003.M40 ITC.03.003.M30 ITC.03.003.M20 ITC.03.003.P60

ITC.03.004.M40 ITC.03.004.M30 ITC.03.004.M20 ITC.03.004.P60

ITC.03.005.M40 ITC.03.005.M30 ITC.03.005.M20 ITC.03.005.P60

ITC.03.006.M40 ITC.03.006.M30 ITC.03.006.M20 ITC.03.006.P60

ITC.03.007.M40 ITC.03.007.M30 ITC.03.007.M20

ITC.03.009.M40 ITC.03.009.M30 ITC.03.009.M20 ITC.03.009.P60

ITC.03.008.M40 ITC.03.008.M30 ITC.03.008.M20 ITC.03.008.P60

ITC.03.999.M40 ITC.03.999.M30 ITC.03.999.M20

ITC.04.001.M40 ITC.04.001.M30 ITC.04.001.M20

ITC.04.002.M40 ITC.04.002.M30 ITC.04.002.M20 ITC.04.002.M10

ITC.04.003.M40 ITC.04.003.M30 ITC.04.003.M20

ITC.04.004.M40 ITC.04.004.M30 ITC.04.004.M20 ITC.04.004.P60

ITC.04.005.M40 ITC.04.005.M30 ITC.04.005.M20

ITC.04.006.M40 ITC.04.006.M30 ITC.04.006.M20 ITC.04.006.P60

ITC.04.007.M40 ITC.04.007.M30 ITC.04.007.M20 ITC.04.007.P60

ITC.04.008.M40 ITC.04.008.M30 ITC.04.008.M20 ITC.04.008.P60

ITC.04.009.M40 ITC.04.009.M30 ITC.04.009.M20 ITC.04.009.P60

ITC.04.010.M40 ITC.04.010.M30 ITC.04.010.M20

ITC.04.012.M40 ITC.04.012.M30 ITC.04.012.M20 ITC.04.012.P60

ITC.04.999.M40 ITC.04.999.M30 ITC.04.999.M20 ITC.04.999.M10

ITC.05.001.M40 ITC.05.001.M30 ITC.05.001.M20 ITC.05.001.M10 ITC.05.001.P60

ITC.05.002.M40 ITC.05.002.M30 ITC.05.002.M20 ITC.05.002.P60

ITC.05.003.M40 ITC.05.003.M30 ITC.05.003.M20 ITC.05.003.P60

ITC.05.005.M40 ITC.05.005.M30 ITC.05.005.M20

ITC.05.006.M40 ITC.05.006.M30 ITC.05.006.M20 ITC.05.006.P60

ITC.05.007.M40 ITC.05.007.M30 ITC.05.007.M20 ITC.05.007.P60

ITC.05.008.M40 ITC.05.008.M30 ITC.05.008.M20

ITC.05.009.M40 ITC.05.009.M30 ITC.05.009.M20 ITC.05.009.P60

ITC.05.010.M40 ITC.05.010.M30 ITC.05.010.M20 ITC.05.010.M10 ITC.05.010.P60


ITC.05.999.M40 ITC.05.999.M30 ITC.05.999.M20 ITC.05.999.M10

ITC.06.001.M40 ITC.06.001.M30 ITC.06.001.M20 ITC.06.001.P60

ITC.06.002.M40 ITC.06.002.M30 ITC.06.002.M20 ITC.06.002.P60

ITC.06.006.M40 ITC.06.006.M30 ITC.06.006.M20 ITC.06.006.P60

ITC.06.022.M40 ITC.06.022.M30 ITC.06.022.M20 ITC.06.022.P60

ITC.06.003.M40 ITC.06.003.M30 ITC.06.003.M20 ITC.06.003.M10

ITC.06.023.M40 ITC.06.023.M30 ITC.06.023.M20 ITC.06.023.P60

ITC.06.033.M40 ITC.06.033.M30 ITC.06.033.M20 ITC.06.033.P60

ITC.06.042.M40 ITC.06.042.M30 ITC.06.042.M20 ITC.06.042.P60

ITC.06.043.M40 ITC.06.043.M30 ITC.06.043.M20 ITC.06.043.P60

ITC.06.044.M40 ITC.06.044.M30 ITC.06.044.M20 ITC.06.044.P60

ITC.06.045.M40 ITC.06.045.M30 ITC.06.045.M20 ITC.06.045.P60

ITC.06.046.M40 ITC.06.046.M30 ITC.06.046.M20 ITC.06.046.M10 ITC.06.046.P60

ITC.06.047.M40 ITC.06.047.M30 ITC.06.047.M20

ITC.06.068.M40 ITC.06.068.M30 ITC.06.068.M20 ITC.06.068.M10

ITC.06.069.M40 ITC.06.069.M30 ITC.06.069.M20

ITC.07.001.M40 ITC.07.001.M30 ITC.07.001.M20 ITC.07.001.M10

ITC.07.002.M40 ITC.07.002.M30 ITC.07.002.M20 ITC.07.002.M10

ITC.07.003.M40 ITC.07.003.M30 ITC.07.003.M20 ITC.07.003.M10

ITC.07.004.M40 ITC.07.004.M30 ITC.07.004.M20

ITC.07.005.M40 ITC.07.005.M30 ITC.07.005.M20

ITC.07.006.M40 ITC.07.006.M30 ITC.07.006.M20

ITC.07.007.M40 ITC.07.007.M30 ITC.07.007.M20

ITC.07.008.M40 ITC.07.008.M30 ITC.07.008.M20

ITC.07.009.M40 ITC.07.009.M30 ITC.07.009.M20

ITC.07.010.M40 ITC.07.010.M30 ITC.07.010.M20

ITC.07.015.M40 ITC.07.015.M30 ITC.07.015.M20 ITC.07.015.P60

ITC.08.001.M40 ITC.08.001.M30 ITC.08.001.M20 ITC.08.001.M10

ITC.08.002.M40 ITC.08.002.M30 ITC.08.002.M20

ITC.08.003.M40 ITC.08.003.M30 ITC.08.003.M20

ITC.08.004.M40 ITC.08.004.M30 ITC.08.004.M20

ITC.08.005.M40 ITC.08.005.M30 ITC.08.005.M20

ITC.08.006.M40 ITC.08.006.M30 ITC.08.006.M20

ITC.08.007.M40 ITC.08.007.M30 ITC.08.007.M20

ITC.08.008.M40 ITC.08.008.M30 ITC.08.008.M10

ITC.08.011.M40 ITC.08.011.M30

ITC.08.012.M40 ITC.08.012.M30 ITC.08.012.M20

ITC.08.013.M40 ITC.08.013.M30 ITC.08.013.M20

ITC.08.014.M40 ITC.08.014.M30 ITC.08.014.M20 ITC.08.014.M10

ITC.08.015.M40 ITC.08.015.M30 ITC.08.015.M20 ITC.08.015.P60

ITC.08.010.M40 ITC.08.010.M30 ITC.08.010.M10

ITC.08.031.M40 ITC.08.031.M30 ITC.08.031.M20 ITC.08.031.M10 ITC.08.031.P60

ITC.08.032.M40 ITC.08.032.M30 ITC.08.032.M20

ITC.08.033.M40 ITC.08.033.M30 ITC.08.033.M20

ITC.08.054.M40 ITC.08.054.M30 ITC.08.054.M20 ITC.08.054.M10

ITC.08.074.M40 ITC.08.074.M30 ITC.08.074.M20 ITC.08.074.M10

ITC.08.075.M40 ITC.08.075.M30 ITC.08.075.M20

ITC.08.077.M40 ITC.08.077.M30 ITC.08.077.M20

ITC.08.076.M40 ITC.08.076.M30 ITC.08.076.M20

ITC.08.078.M40 ITC.08.078.M30 ITC.08.078.M20

ITC.09.001.M40 ITC.09.001.M30 ITC.09.001.M20 ITC.09.001.M10

ITC.09.002.M40 ITC.09.002.M30 ITC.09.002.M20

ITC.09.003.M40 ITC.09.003.M30 ITC.09.003.M20

ITC.09.004.M40 ITC.09.004.M30 ITC.09.004.M20

ITC.09.005.M40 ITC.09.005.M30 ITC.09.005.M20

ITC.09.006.M40 ITC.09.006.M30 ITC.09.006.M20

ITC.10.001.M40 ITC.10.001.M30 ITC.10.001.M20 ITC.10.001.M10

ITC.10.002.M40 ITC.10.002.M30 ITC.10.002.M10

ITC.10.003.M40 ITC.10.003.M30 ITC.10.003.M20 ITC.10.003.M10

ITC.10.005.M40 ITC.10.005.M30 ITC.10.005.M20


ITC.10.007.M40 ITC.10.007.M30 ITC.10.007.M20

ITC.10.009.M40 ITC.10.009.M30

ITC.10.008.M40 ITC.10.008.M30 ITC.10.008.M20

ITC.11.001.M40 ITC.11.001.M30

ITC.11.002.M40 ITC.11.002.M30

ITC.11.003.M40 ITC.11.003.M30 ITC.11.003.M20 ITC.11.003.M10

ITC.11.004.M30 ITC.11.004.M20

ITC.11.005.M40 ITC.11.005.M30 ITC.11.005.M20

ITC.11.999.M40 ITC.11.999.M30 ITC.11.999.M20 ITC.11.999.M10

ITC.12.001.M40 ITC.12.001.M30 ITC.12.001.M20 ITC.12.001.P60

ITC.12.002.M40 ITC.12.002.M30 ITC.12.002.M20 ITC.12.002.P60

ITC.13.001.M40 ITC.13.001.M30 ITC.13.001.M20 ITC.13.001.P60

ITC.13.002.M40 ITC.13.002.M30 ITC.13.002.M20 ITC.13.002.P60

ITC.13.003.M40 ITC.13.003.M30 ITC.13.003.M20 ITC.13.003.P60

ITC.13.004.M40 ITC.13.004.M30 ITC.13.004.M20 ITC.13.004.P60

ITC.13.005.M40 ITC.13.005.M30 ITC.13.005.M20 ITC.13.005.P60

ITC.13.015.M40 ITC.13.015.M30 ITC.13.015.M20 ITC.13.015.P60

ITC.13.016.M40 ITC.13.016.M30 ITC.13.016.M20 ITC.13.016.P60

ITC.13.017.M40 ITC.13.017.M30 ITC.13.017.M20 ITC.13.017.P60

ITC.13.018.M40 ITC.13.018.M30 ITC.13.018.M20 ITC.13.018.P60

ITC.13.019.M40 ITC.13.019.M30 ITC.13.019.M20 ITC.13.019.P60

ITC.13.020.M40 ITC.13.020.M30 ITC.13.020.M20 ITC.13.020.P60

ITC.13.021.M40 ITC.13.021.M30 ITC.13.021.M20 ITC.13.021.P60

ITC.13.023.M40 ITC.13.023.M30 ITC.13.023.M20 ITC.13.023.P60

ITC.13.024.M40 ITC.13.024.M30 ITC.13.024.M20 ITC.13.024.P60

ITC.13.025.M40 ITC.13.025.M30 ITC.13.025.M20 ITC.13.025.P60

ITC.13.026.M40 ITC.13.026.M30 ITC.13.026.M20 ITC.13.026.P60

ITC.13.027.M40 ITC.13.027.M30 ITC.13.027.M20 ITC.13.027.P60

ITC.13.028.M40 ITC.13.028.M30 ITC.13.028.M20

ITC.13.035.M40 ITC.13.035.M30 ITC.13.035.M20 ITC.13.035.P60

ITC.13.036.M40 ITC.13.036.M30 ITC.13.036.M20 ITC.13.036.P60

ITC.13.037.M40 ITC.13.037.M30 ITC.13.037.M20 ITC.13.037.P60

ITC.13.038.M40 ITC.13.038.M30 ITC.13.038.M20 ITC.13.038.P60

ITC.13.039.M40 ITC.13.039.M30 ITC.13.039.M20 ITC.13.039.P60

ITC.13.049.M40 ITC.13.049.M30 ITC.13.049.M20 ITC.13.049.P60

ITC.13.050.M40 ITC.13.050.M30 ITC.13.050.M20 ITC.13.050.P60

ITC.13.051.M40 ITC.13.051.M30 ITC.13.051.M20 ITC.13.051.P60

ITC.13.061.M40 ITC.13.061.M30 ITC.13.061.M20 ITC.13.061.P60

ITC.13.062.M40 ITC.13.062.M30 ITC.13.062.M20 ITC.13.062.P60

ITC.13.072.M40 ITC.13.072.M30 ITC.13.072.M20 ITC.13.072.M10 ITC.13.072.P60

ITC.13.073.M40 ITC.13.073.M30 ITC.13.073.M20 ITC.13.073.P60

ITC.13.074.M40 ITC.13.074.M30 ITC.13.074.M20 ITC.13.074.P60

ITC.13.075.M40 ITC.13.075.M30 ITC.13.075.M20 ITC.13.075.P60

ITC.13.084.M40 ITC.13.084.M30 ITC.13.084.M20 ITC.13.084.P60

ITC.13.095.M40 ITC.13.095.M30 ITC.13.095.M20 ITC.13.095.P60

ITC.13.105.M40 ITC.13.105.M30 ITC.13.105.M20 ITC.13.105.P60

ITC.13.106.M40 ITC.13.106.M30 ITC.13.106.M20 ITC.13.106.P60

ITC.13.107.M40 ITC.13.107.M30 ITC.13.107.M20 ITC.13.107.P60

ITC.13.108.M40 ITC.13.108.M30 ITC.13.108.M20 ITC.13.108.P60

ITC.13.117.M40 ITC.13.117.M30 ITC.13.117.M20 ITC.13.117.P60

ITC.13.999.M40 ITC.13.999.M30 ITC.13.999.M20 ITC.13.999.M10

ITC.14.021.M40 ITC.14.021.M30 ITC.14.021.M20 ITC.14.021.P60

ITC.14.022.M40 ITC.14.022.M30 ITC.14.022.M20 ITC.14.022.P60

ITC.14.023.M40 ITC.14.023.M30 ITC.14.023.M20 ITC.14.023.P60

ITC.14.024.M40 ITC.14.024.M30 ITC.14.024.M20 ITC.14.024.P60

ITC.14.025.M40 ITC.14.025.M30 ITC.14.025.M20 ITC.14.025.P60

ITC.14.026.M40 ITC.14.026.M30 ITC.14.026.M20 ITC.14.026.P60

ITC.14.027.M40 ITC.14.027.M30 ITC.14.027.M20 ITC.14.027.P60

ITC.14.028.M40 ITC.14.028.M30 ITC.14.028.M20 ITC.14.028.P60

ITC.14.029.M40 ITC.14.029.M30 ITC.14.029.M20 ITC.14.029.P60

ITC.14.030.M40 ITC.14.030.M30 ITC.14.030.M20 ITC.14.030.P60

ITC.14.032.M40 ITC.14.032.M30 ITC.14.032.M20 ITC.14.032.P60

ITC.14.033.M40 ITC.14.033.M30 ITC.14.033.M20 ITC.14.033.P60

ITC.14.031.M40 ITC.14.031.M30 ITC.14.031.M20 ITC.14.031.P60

ITC.14.051.M40 ITC.14.051.M30 ITC.14.051.M20 ITC.14.051.P60

ITC.14.052.M40 ITC.14.052.M30 ITC.14.052.M20 ITC.14.052.P60

ITC.14.053.M40 ITC.14.053.M30 ITC.14.053.M20 ITC.14.053.P60

ITC.14.054.M40 ITC.14.054.M30 ITC.14.054.M20 ITC.14.054.P60

ITC.14.999.M40 ITC.14.999.M30 ITC.14.999.M20

ITC.15.045.M40 ITC.15.045.M30 ITC.15.045.M20

ITC.15.065.M40 ITC.15.065.M30 ITC.15.065.M20

ITC.15.066.M40 ITC.15.066.M30 ITC.15.066.M20

ITC.15.067.M40 ITC.15.067.M30 ITC.15.067.M20

DAW.02.001.M40 DAW.02.001.M30 DAW.02.001.M20 DAW.02.001.P60

DAW.02.016.M40 DAW.02.016.M30 DAW.02.016.M20 DAW.02.016.P60

DAW.02.002.M40 DAW.02.002.M30 DAW.02.002.M20 DAW.02.002.P60

DAW.02.003.M40 DAW.02.003.M30 DAW.02.003.M20 DAW.02.003.P60

DAW.02.005.M40 DAW.02.005.M30 DAW.02.005.M20 DAW.02.005.P60

DAW.02.006.M40 DAW.02.006.M30 DAW.02.006.M20 DAW.02.006.P60

DAW.02.012.M40 DAW.02.012.M30 DAW.02.012.M20 DAW.02.012.P60

DAW.02.015.M40 DAW.02.015.M30 DAW.02.015.M20

DAW.02.017.M40 DAW.02.017.M30 DAW.02.017.M20 DAW.02.017.P60

DAW.02.009.M40 DAW.02.009.M30 DAW.02.009.M20

DAW.02.010.M40 DAW.02.010.M30 DAW.02.010.M20

DAW.02.032.M40 DAW.02.032.M30 DAW.02.032.M20

DAW.02.055.M40 DAW.02.055.M30 DAW.02.055.M20 DAW.02.055.P60

DAW.02.057.M40 DAW.02.057.M30 DAW.02.057.M20 DAW.02.057.P60

DAW.02.999.M40 DAW.02.999.M30 DAW.02.999.M20

DAW.03.001.M40 DAW.03.001.M30 DAW.03.001.M20 DAW.03.001.P60

DAW.03.002.M40 DAW.03.002.M30 DAW.03.002.M20 DAW.03.002.P60

DAW.03.003.M40 DAW.03.003.M30 DAW.03.003.M20 DAW.03.003.M10

DAW.03.004.M40 DAW.03.004.M30 DAW.03.004.M20

DAW.03.999.M40 DAW.03.999.M30 DAW.03.999.M20 DAW.03.999.M10

DAW.04.001.M40 DAW.04.001.M30

DAW.04.002.M40 DAW.04.002.M30 DAW.04.002.M20 DAW.04.002.M10


TNS.02.003.M40 TNS.02.003.M30 TNS.02.003.M20 TNS.02.003.M10

TNS.02.007.M40 TNS.02.007.M30 TNS.02.007.M20 TNS.02.007.M10

TNS.03.005.M40 TNS.03.005.M30 TNS.03.005.M20 TNS.03.005.M10



TNS.03.999.M40 TNS.03.999.M30 TNS.03.999.M20 TNS.03.999.M10

TNS.05.012.M40 TNS.05.012.M30 TNS.05.012.M20

TNS.05.045.M40 TNS.05.045.M30 TNS.05.045.M20 TNS.05.045.P60

TNS.05.048.M20 TNS.05.048.M10
TNS.05.999.M40 TNS.05.999.M30 TNS.05.999.M20 TNS.05.999.M10

DEX.02.015.M40 DEX.02.015.M30

DEX.02.016.M40 DEX.02.016.M30 DEX.02.016.M20 DEX.02.016.P60

DEX.02.017.M30 DEX.02.017.M20 DEX.02.017.M10

DEX.02.025.M40 DEX.02.025.M30

DEX.02.035.M40 DEX.02.035.M30


DEX.02.038.M30 DEX.02.038.M20 DEX.02.038.M10

DEX.02.039.M30 DEX.02.039.M20 DEX.02.039.M10

DEX.02.040.M30 DEX.02.040.M10


DEX.02.055.M40 DEX.02.055.M30 DEX.02.055.M20

DEX.02.065.M40 DEX.02.065.M30 DEX.02.065.M20 DEX.02.065.M10

DEX.02.080.M30 DEX.02.080.M20 DEX.02.080.M10

DEX.02.999.M40 DEX.02.999.M30 DEX.02.999.M20 DEX.02.999.M10

DEX.03.002.M40 DEX.03.002.M30

DEX.03.003.M30 DEX.03.003.M20 DEX.03.003.M10

DEX.03.004.M20 DEX.03.004.M10

DEX.03.005.M40 DEX.03.005.M30 DEX.03.005.M20

DEX.03.007.M40 DEX.03.007.M30 DEX.03.007.M20 DEX.03.007.M10

DEX.04.002.M40 DEX.04.002.M30

DEX.04.003.M30 DEX.04.003.M20 DEX.04.003.M10

DEX.04.004.M30 DEX.04.004.M20

DEX.04.005.M30 DEX.04.005.M10

DEX.04.999.M40 DEX.04.999.M30 DEX.04.999.M20 DEX.04.999.M10

DEX.05.002.M40 DEX.05.002.M30 DEX.05.002.M20 DEX.05.002.M10

DEX.05.999.M40 DEX.05.999.M30 DEX.05.999.M20 DEX.05.999.M10

DEX.06.002.M40 DEX.06.002.M30

DEX.07.002.M40 DEX.07.002.M30

DEX.08.002.M30 DEX.08.002.M20

DEX.09.002.M40 DEX.09.002.M30

DEX.09.003.M40 DEX.09.003.M30

DEX.09.015.M40 DEX.09.015.M30

DEX.09.016.M30 DEX.09.016.M20 DEX.09.016.M10


DEX.09.030.M40 DEX.09.030.M30 DEX.09.030.M20 DEX.09.030.M10

DEX.10.002.M40 DEX.10.002.M30

DEX.11.002.M40 DEX.11.002.M30 DEX.11.002.M20 DEX.11.002.M10

DEX.11.999.M40 DEX.11.999.M30 DEX.11.999.M20 DEX.11.999.M10

EGS.01.010.M40 EGS.01.010.M30 EGS.01.010.M20 EGS.01.010.M10

EGS.01.013.M40 EGS.01.013.M30 EGS.01.013.M20 EGS.01.013.M10

EGS.01.026.M40 EGS.01.026.M30 EGS.01.026.M20 EGS.01.026.M10

EGS.01.027.M40 EGS.01.027.M30 EGS.01.027.M20 EGS.01.027.M10

EGS.01.028.M30 EGS.01.028.M20 EGS.01.028.M10

EGS.01.029.M30 EGS.01.029.M20 EGS.01.029.M10

EGS.01.030.M30 EGS.01.030.M20 EGS.01.030.M10

EGS.01.031.M30 EGS.01.031.M20 EGS.01.031.M10

EGS.01.032.M30 EGS.01.032.M20 EGS.01.032.M10

EGS.01.034.M40 EGS.01.034.M30 EGS.01.034.M20 EGS.01.034.M10

EGS.01.035.M30 EGS.01.035.M20 EGS.01.035.M10

EGS.01.036.M30 EGS.01.036.M10

EGS.01.050.M30 EGS.01.050.M20 EGS.01.050.M10

EGS.01.999.M40 EGS.01.999.M30 EGS.01.999.M20 EGS.01.999.M10

EGS.02.015.M40 EGS.02.015.M30 EGS.02.015.M20

EGS.02.025.M40 EGS.02.025.M30 EGS.02.025.M20

EGS.02.026.M40 EGS.02.026.M30 EGS.02.026.M20 EGS.02.026.M10

EGS.02.027.M40 EGS.02.027.M30 EGS.02.027.M20 EGS.02.027.M10

EGS.02.040.M30 EGS.02.040.M20 EGS.02.040.M10

EGS.02.041.M30 EGS.02.041.M20 EGS.02.041.M10


EGS.02.043.M30 EGS.02.043.M20 EGS.02.043.M10

EGS.02.055.M30 EGS.02.055.M20 EGS.02.055.M10

EGS.02.070.M40 EGS.02.070.M30 EGS.02.070.M20

EGS.02.999.M40 EGS.02.999.M30 EGS.02.999.M20 EGS.02.999.M10

CCB.04.039.M40 CCB.04.039.M30 CCB.04.039.M20 CCB.04.039.M10

CMB.06.001.M40 CMB.06.001.M30 CMB.06.001.M20 CMB.06.001.M10

AMT.04.001.M40 AMT.04.001.M30 AMT.04.001.M20 AMT.04.001.P60

AMT.04.003.M40 AMT.04.003.M30 AMT.04.003.M20 AMT.04.003.P60

TRD.01.002.M40 TRD.01.002.M30 TRD.01.002.M20 TRD.01.002.M10

TRD.01.040.M40 TRD.01.040.M30 TRD.01.040.M20

TRD.01.042.M40 TRD.01.042.M30 TRD.01.042.M20

TRD.01.043.M40 TRD.01.043.M30 TRD.01.043.M20

TRD.01.044.M40 TRD.01.044.M30 TRD.01.044.M20

TRD.01.046.M40 TRD.01.046.M30 TRD.01.046.M20

TRD.01.047.M40 TRD.01.047.M30 TRD.01.047.M20

TRD.01.055.M40 TRD.01.055.M30 TRD.01.055.M20

TRD.01.999.M40 TRD.01.999.M30 TRD.01.999.M20 TRD.01.999.M10

TRD.02.003.M40 TRD.02.003.M30 TRD.02.003.M20

TRD.03.035.M40 TRD.03.035.M30 TRD.03.035.M20

TRD.03.036.M40 TRD.03.036.M30 TRD.03.036.M20

TRD.03.999.M40 TRD.03.999.M30 TRD.03.999.M20

TRD.04.010.M40 TRD.04.010.M30 TRD.04.010.M20

INS.02.002.M40 INS.02.002.M30 INS.02.002.M20 INS.02.002.M10 INS.02.002.P60

INS.03.002.M40 INS.03.002.M30 INS.03.002.M20 INS.03.002.M10

RET.01.002.M40 RET.01.002.M30 RET.01.002.M20

RET.01.022.M30 RET.01.022.M20

RET.01.032.M20 RET.01.032.M10

RET.01.033.M20 RET.01.033.M10



RET.02.001.M40 RET.02.001.M30 RET.02.001.M20




RET.02.047.M40 RET.02.047.M30 RET.02.047.M20 RET.02.047.M10

RET.03.024.M30 RET.03.024.M20 RET.03.024.M10


RET.03.034.M30 RET.03.034.M20 RET.03.034.M10

RET.03.053.M40 RET.03.053.M30 RET.03.053.M20

RET.03.054.M30 RET.03.054.M20

RET.03.056.M40 RET.03.056.M30 RET.03.056.M20

RET.03.999.M40 RET.03.999.M30 RET.03.999.M20 RET.03.999.M10

RET.04.001.M40 RET.04.001.M30

RET.04.002.M20 RET.04.002.M10

RET.04.003.M30 RET.04.003.M20 RET.04.003.M10

RET.04.999.M40 RET.04.999.M30 RET.04.999.M20 RET.04.999.M10

RET.05.001.M40 RET.05.001.M30 RET.05.001.M20

RET.06.001.M40 RET.06.001.M30 RET.06.001.M20 RET.06.001.M10

RET.06.002.M40 RET.06.002.M30 RET.06.002.M20

RET.06.004.M40 RET.06.004.M30 RET.06.004.M20

RET.06.005.M40 RET.06.005.M30 RET.06.005.M20

RET.06.006.M40 RET.06.006.M30 RET.06.006.M20

RET.06.008.M40 RET.06.008.M30 RET.06.008.M20

RET.06.009.M40 RET.06.009.M30 RET.06.009.M20

RET.06.010.M40 RET.06.010.M30 RET.06.010.M20

RET.06.011.M40 RET.06.011.M30 RET.06.011.M20 RET.06.011.M10

RET.06.053.M40 RET.06.053.M30 RET.06.053.M20 RET.06.053.M10

HPY.01.002.M40 HPY.01.002.M30

HPY.01.003.M30 HPY.01.003.M20 HPY.01.003.M10

HPY.01.004.M30 HPY.01.004.M10

HPY.01.005.M30 HPY.01.005.M10




HPY.02.002.M40 HPY.02.002.M30 HPY.02.002.M20

HPY.03.001.M40 HPY.03.001.M30

HPY.03.002.M30 HPY.03.002.M10



HPY.03.999.M40 HPY.03.999.M30 HPY.03.999.M10

HPY.04.001.M40 HPY.04.001.M30

HPY.04.002.M30 HPY.04.002.M20

HPY.04.003.M30 HPY.04.003.M20

HPY.04.056.M30 HPY.04.056.M10

HPY.04.999.M40 HPY.04.999.M30 HPY.04.999.M20 HPY.04.999.M10

HPY.05.001.M40 HPY.05.001.M30 HPY.05.001.M20

HPY.05.002.M30 HPY.05.002.M20

HPY.05.003.M40 HPY.05.003.M30 HPY.05.003.M20

HPY.05.004.M40 HPY.05.004.M30 HPY.05.004.M20 HPY.05.004.M10

HPY.05.999.M40 HPY.05.999.M30 HPY.05.999.M20 HPY.05.999.M10

HPY.06.002.M40 HPY.06.002.M30 HPY.06.002.M20

CRT.01.001.M40 CRT.01.001.M30 CRT.01.001.M20

CRT.01.003.M40 CRT.01.003.M30 CRT.01.003.M20 CRT.01.003.M10

CRT.02.001.M40 CRT.02.001.M30 CRT.02.001.M20 CRT.02.001.M10

CRT.02.002.M40 CRT.02.002.M30 CRT.02.002.M20

CRT.02.003.M40 CRT.02.003.M30 CRT.02.003.M20

CRT.02.030.M40 CRT.02.030.M30 CRT.02.030.M20 CRT.02.030.M10

CRT.02.024.M40 CRT.02.024.M30 CRT.02.024.M20

CRT.02.025.M40 CRT.02.025.M30 CRT.02.025.M20

CRT.02.050.M40 CRT.02.050.M30 CRT.02.050.M20

CRT.02.079.M40 CRT.02.079.M30 CRT.02.079.M20

CRT.02.080.M40 CRT.02.080.M30 CRT.02.080.M20 CRT.02.080.M10

CRT.02.081.M40 CRT.02.081.M30 CRT.02.081.M20

CRT.02.087.M40 CRT.02.087.M30 CRT.02.087.M20

CRT.02.133.M40 CRT.02.133.M30 CRT.02.133.M20

CRT.02.134.M40 CRT.02.134.M30 CRT.02.134.M20

CRT.02.135.M40 CRT.02.135.M30 CRT.02.135.M20

CRT.02.136.M40 CRT.02.136.M30 CRT.02.136.M20

CRT.02.999.M40 CRT.02.999.M30 CRT.02.999.M20 CRT.02.999.M10

CRT.03.001.M40 CRT.03.001.M30 CRT.03.001.M20

CRT.03.002.M40 CRT.03.002.M30 CRT.03.002.M20

CRT.03.023.M40 CRT.03.023.M30 CRT.03.023.M20

CRT.03.024.M40 CRT.03.024.M30 CRT.03.024.M20

CRT.03.025.M40 CRT.03.025.M30 CRT.03.025.M20

CRT.03.026.M40 CRT.03.026.M30 CRT.03.026.M20

CRT.03.027.M40 CRT.03.027.M30 CRT.03.027.M20

CRT.03.999.M40 CRT.03.999.M30 CRT.03.999.M20

CRT.04.001.M40 CRT.04.001.M30 CRT.04.001.M20

CRT.04.002.M40 CRT.04.002.M30 CRT.04.002.M20

CRT.04.003.M40 CRT.04.003.M30 CRT.04.003.M20

CRT.04.029.M40 CRT.04.029.M30 CRT.04.029.M20

CRT.04.999.M40 CRT.04.999.M30 CRT.04.999.M20 CRT.04.999.M10

CRT.05.002.M40 CRT.05.002.M30 CRT.05.002.M20

CRT.05.003.M40 CRT.05.003.M30 CRT.05.003.M20

CRT.05.004.M40 CRT.05.004.M30 CRT.05.004.M20

CRT.05.005.M40 CRT.05.005.M30 CRT.05.005.M20

CRT.05.006.M40 CRT.05.006.M30 CRT.05.006.M20

CRT.05.007.M40 CRT.05.007.M30 CRT.05.007.M20

CRT.05.008.M40 CRT.05.008.M30 CRT.05.008.M20

CRT.05.009.M40 CRT.05.009.M30 CRT.05.009.M20

CRT.05.031.M40 CRT.05.031.M30 CRT.05.031.M20

CRT.05.032.M40 CRT.05.032.M30 CRT.05.032.M20

CRT.05.033.M40 CRT.05.033.M30 CRT.05.033.M20

CRT.05.034.M40 CRT.05.034.M30 CRT.05.034.M20

CRT.05.035.M40 CRT.05.035.M30 CRT.05.035.M20

CRT.05.036.M40 CRT.05.036.M30 CRT.05.036.M20

CRT.05.057.M40 CRT.05.057.M30 CRT.05.057.M20

CRT.05.059.M40 CRT.05.059.M30 CRT.05.059.M20

CRT.06.086.M40 CRT.06.086.M30 CRT.06.086.M20 CRT.06.086.M10

CRT.06.091.M40 CRT.06.091.M30 CRT.06.091.M20

CRT.09.001.M40 CRT.09.001.M30 CRT.09.001.M20

MDA.01.004.M40 MDA.01.004.M30 MDA.01.004.M20 MDA.01.004.M10

MDA.02.026.M40 MDA.02.026.M30 MDA.02.026.M20

REA.01.001.M40 REA.01.001.M30 REA.01.001.M20

REA.02.024.M40 REA.02.024.M30 REA.02.024.M20 REA.02.024.M10


REA.03.002.M40 REA.03.002.M30 REA.03.002.M20

REA.03.003.M40 REA.03.003.M30 REA.03.003.M20

REA.03.004.M40 REA.03.004.M30 REA.03.004.M20

REA.03.007.M40 REA.03.007.M30 REA.03.007.M20 REA.03.007.M10

REA.03.008.M40 REA.03.008.M30 REA.03.008.M20 REA.03.008.M10

REA.03.009.M40 REA.03.009.M30 REA.03.009.M20 REA.03.009.M10



REA.03.032.M40 REA.03.032.M30 REA.03.032.M20 REA.03.032.M10

REA.03.999.M40 REA.03.999.M30 REA.03.999.M20 REA.03.999.M10

REA.05.001.M40 REA.05.001.M30

REA.05.002.M40 REA.05.002.M30 REA.05.002.M20

REA.05.004.M40 REA.05.004.M30 REA.05.004.M20 REA.05.004.P60

REA.05.005.M30 REA.05.005.M10

CON.02.025.M40 CON.02.025.M30

CON.02.026.M30 CON.02.026.M20

CON.02.027.M20 CON.02.027.M10

CON.02.029.M40 CON.02.029.M30

CON.02.032.M40 CON.02.032.M30
CON.02.034.M40 CON.02.034.M30

CON.02.035.M30 CON.02.035.M20 CON.02.035.M10

HLT.02.036.M20 HLT.02.036.M10

HLT.02.048.M40 HLT.02.048.M30 HLT.02.048.M20 HLT.02.048.M10

HLT.02.071.M40 HLT.02.071.M30 HLT.02.071.M20 HLT.02.071.M10

HLT.03.001.M40 HLT.03.001.M30 HLT.03.001.M20 HLT.03.001.P60

HLT.04.025.M40 HLT.04.025.M30 HLT.04.025.M20 HLT.04.025.M10

HLT.05.020.M40 HLT.05.020.M30

HLT.05.021.M40 HLT.05.021.M30 HLT.05.021.M20


HLT.06.002.M30 HLT.06.002.M20


HLT.11.003.M30 HLT.11.003.M10

HLT.12.030.M30 HLT.12.030.M20 HLT.12.030.M10

HLT.12.051.M30 HLT.12.051.M20

OGC.02.012.M40 OGC.02.012.M30 OGC.02.012.M20 OGC.02.012.M10

OGC.02.021.M40 OGC.02.021.M30 OGC.02.021.M20 OGC.02.021.M10

OGC.02.041.M40 OGC.02.041.M30 OGC.02.041.M20

OGC.02.051.M40 OGC.02.051.M30 OGC.02.051.M20 OGC.02.051.M10

OGC.03.011.M40 OGC.03.011.M30 OGC.03.011.M20 OGC.03.011.M10

OGC.03.041.M40 OGC.03.041.M30 OGC.03.041.M20 OGC.03.041.M10

OGC.03.042.M40 OGC.03.042.M30 OGC.03.042.M20 OGC.03.042.M10

OGC.03.051.M40 OGC.03.051.M30 OGC.03.051.M20 OGC.03.051.M10

OGC.03.061.M40 OGC.03.061.M30 OGC.03.061.M20 OGC.03.061.M10

OGC.03.062.M40 OGC.03.062.M30 OGC.03.062.M20 OGC.03.062.M10

OGC.03.071.M40 OGC.03.071.M30 OGC.03.071.M20 OGC.03.071.M10

OGC.07.011.M40 OGC.07.011.M30 OGC.07.011.M20 OGC.07.011.M10

OGC.07.012.M40 OGC.07.012.M30 OGC.07.012.M20 OGC.07.012.M10

OGC.07.051.M40 OGC.07.051.M30 OGC.07.051.M20 OGC.07.051.M10

OGC.08.021.M40 OGC.08.021.M30 OGC.08.021.M20 OGC.08.021.M10

OGC.08.023.M40 OGC.08.023.M30 OGC.08.023.M20 OGC.08.023.M10

OGC.09.012.M40 OGC.09.012.M30 OGC.09.012.M20 OGC.09.012.M10

OGC.10.011.M40 OGC.10.011.M30 OGC.10.011.M20 OGC.10.011.M10

OGC.10.012.M40 OGC.10.012.M30 OGC.10.012.M20 OGC.10.012.M10

OGC.10.013.M40 OGC.10.013.M30 OGC.10.013.M20 OGC.10.013.M10

OGC.10.014.M40 OGC.10.014.M30 OGC.10.014.M20 OGC.10.014.M10

OGC.11.014.M40 OGC.11.014.M30 OGC.11.014.M20 OGC.11.014.M10

OGC.11.015.M40 OGC.11.015.M30 OGC.11.015.M20 OGC.11.015.M10

OGC.11.016.M40 OGC.11.016.M30 OGC.11.016.M20 OGC.11.016.M10

OGC.14.021.M40 OGC.14.021.M30 OGC.14.021.M20 OGC.14.021.M10

OGC.16.011.M40 OGC.16.011.M30 OGC.16.011.M20 OGC.16.011.M10

OGC.16.015.M40 OGC.16.015.M30 OGC.16.015.M20 OGC.16.015.M10

OGC.16.999.M40 OGC.16.999.M30 OGC.16.999.M20 OGC.16.999.M10


P5 P4 P3 P2 P1

GMA.02.001.P50 GMA.02.001.P40 GMA.02.001.P30 GMA.02.001.P20 GMA.02.001.P10

GMA.02.002.P50 GMA.02.002.P40 GMA.02.002.P30 GMA.02.002.P20 GMA.02.002.P10

GMA.02.003.P50 GMA.02.003.P40 GMA.02.003.P30 GMA.02.003.P20 GMA.02.003.P10

GMA.02.004.P50 GMA.02.004.P40 GMA.02.004.P30 GMA.02.004.P20 GMA.02.004.P10

GMA.02.006.P50 GMA.02.006.P40 GMA.02.006.P30 GMA.02.006.P20 GMA.02.006.P10

GMA.02.007.P50 GMA.02.007.P40 GMA.02.007.P30 GMA.02.007.P20 GMA.02.007.P10

GMA.02.008.P50 GMA.02.008.P40 GMA.02.008.P30 GMA.02.008.P20 GMA.02.008.P10


GMA.02.010.P50 GMA.02.010.P40 GMA.02.010.P30 GMA.02.010.P20 GMA.02.010.P10

GMA.02.999.P50 GMA.02.999.P40 GMA.02.999.P30 GMA.02.999.P20 GMA.02.999.P10

GMA.03.010.P50 GMA.03.010.P40 GMA.03.010.P30 GMA.03.010.P20 GMA.03.010.P10

GMA.03.011.P50 GMA.03.011.P40 GMA.03.011.P30 GMA.03.011.P20 GMA.03.011.P10

GMA.03.012.P50 GMA.03.012.P40 GMA.03.012.P30 GMA.03.012.P20 GMA.03.012.P10

GMA.03.014.P50 GMA.03.014.P40 GMA.03.014.P30 GMA.03.014.P20 GMA.03.014.P10

GMA.03.032.P50 GMA.03.032.P40 GMA.03.032.P30 GMA.03.032.P20 GMA.03.032.P10

GMA.03.040.P50 GMA.03.040.P40 GMA.03.040.P30 GMA.03.040.P20 GMA.03.040.P10

GMA.03.033.P50 GMA.03.033.P40 GMA.03.033.P30 GMA.03.033.P20 GMA.03.033.P10

GMA.03.035.P50 GMA.03.035.P40 GMA.03.035.P30 GMA.03.035.P20 GMA.03.035.P10

GMA.03.036.P50 GMA.03.036.P40 GMA.03.036.P30 GMA.03.036.P20 GMA.03.036.P10

GMA.03.041.P50 GMA.03.041.P40 GMA.03.041.P30 GMA.03.041.P20 GMA.03.041.P10

GMA.03.034.P50 GMA.03.034.P40 GMA.03.034.P30 GMA.03.034.P20 GMA.03.034.P10

GMA.03.052.P50 GMA.03.052.P40 GMA.03.052.P30 GMA.03.052.P20 GMA.03.052.P10

GMA.03.053.P50 GMA.03.053.P40 GMA.03.053.P30 GMA.03.053.P20 GMA.03.053.P10

GMA.03.055.P50 GMA.03.055.P40 GMA.03.055.P30 GMA.03.055.P20 GMA.03.055.P10

GMA.03.060.P50 GMA.03.060.P40 GMA.03.060.P30 GMA.03.060.P20 GMA.03.060.P10

GMA.04.020.P50 GMA.04.020.P40 GMA.04.020.P30 GMA.04.020.P20 GMA.04.020.P10

FIN.02.004.P50 FIN.02.004.P40 FIN.02.004.P30 FIN.02.004.P20 FIN.02.004.P10

FIN.02.001.P50 FIN.02.001.P40 FIN.02.001.P30 FIN.02.001.P20 FIN.02.001.P10

FIN.02.005.P50 FIN.02.005.P40 FIN.02.005.P30 FIN.02.005.P20 FIN.02.005.P10

FIN.02.006.P50 FIN.02.006.P40 FIN.02.006.P30 FIN.02.006.P20 FIN.02.006.P10

FIN.02.002.P50 FIN.02.002.P40 FIN.02.002.P30 FIN.02.002.P20 FIN.02.002.P10

FIN.04.006.P50 FIN.04.006.P40 FIN.04.006.P30 FIN.04.006.P20 FIN.04.006.P10

FIN.04.005.P50 FIN.04.005.P40 FIN.04.005.P30 FIN.04.005.P20 FIN.04.005.P10

FIN.05.001.P50 FIN.05.001.P40 FIN.05.001.P30 FIN.05.001.P20 FIN.05.001.P10

FIN.05.003.P50 FIN.05.003.P40 FIN.05.003.P30 FIN.05.003.P20 FIN.05.003.P10

FIN.05.004.P50 FIN.05.004.P40 FIN.05.004.P30 FIN.05.004.P20 FIN.05.004.P10

FIN.05.005.P50 FIN.05.005.P40 FIN.05.005.P30 FIN.05.005.P20 FIN.05.005.P10

FIN.06.001.P50 FIN.06.001.P40 FIN.06.001.P30 FIN.06.001.P20 FIN.06.001.P10

FIN.06.002.P50 FIN.06.002.P40 FIN.06.002.P30 FIN.06.002.P20 FIN.06.002.P10

FIN.06.003.P50 FIN.06.003.P40 FIN.06.003.P30 FIN.06.003.P20 FIN.06.003.P10

FIN.06.011.P50 FIN.06.011.P40 FIN.06.011.P30 FIN.06.011.P20 FIN.06.011.P10

FIN.06.017.P50 FIN.06.017.P40 FIN.06.017.P30 FIN.06.017.P20 FIN.06.017.P10

FIN.06.008.P50 FIN.06.008.P40 FIN.06.008.P30 FIN.06.008.P20 FIN.06.008.P10

FIN.06.012.P50 FIN.06.012.P40 FIN.06.012.P30 FIN.06.012.P20 FIN.06.012.P10

FIN.06.013.P50 FIN.06.013.P40 FIN.06.013.P30 FIN.06.013.P20 FIN.06.013.P10

FIN.06.014.P50 FIN.06.014.P40 FIN.06.014.P30 FIN.06.014.P20 FIN.06.014.P10

FIN.06.016.P50 FIN.06.016.P40 FIN.06.016.P30 FIN.06.016.P20 FIN.06.016.P10

FIN.07.001.P50 FIN.07.001.P40 FIN.07.001.P30 FIN.07.001.P20 FIN.07.001.P10

FIN.07.003.P50 FIN.07.003.P40 FIN.07.003.P30 FIN.07.003.P20 FIN.07.003.P10

FIN.07.004.P50 FIN.07.004.P40 FIN.07.004.P30 FIN.07.004.P20 FIN.07.004.P10

FIN.07.005.P50 FIN.07.005.P40 FIN.07.005.P30 FIN.07.005.P20 FIN.07.005.P10

FIN.08.001.P50 FIN.08.001.P40 FIN.08.001.P30 FIN.08.001.P20 FIN.08.001.P10

FIN.08.002.P50 FIN.08.002.P40 FIN.08.002.P30 FIN.08.002.P20 FIN.08.002.P10

FIN.08.003.P50 FIN.08.003.P40 FIN.08.003.P30 FIN.08.003.P20 FIN.08.003.P10

FIN.08.004.P50 FIN.08.004.P40 FIN.08.004.P30 FIN.08.004.P20 FIN.08.004.P10

FIN.08.005.P50 FIN.08.005.P40 FIN.08.005.P30 FIN.08.005.P20 FIN.08.005.P10

FIN.08.006.P50 FIN.08.006.P40 FIN.08.006.P30 FIN.08.006.P20 FIN.08.006.P10

FIN.09.001.P50 FIN.09.001.P40 FIN.09.001.P30 FIN.09.001.P20 FIN.09.001.P10

FIN.09.003.P50 FIN.09.003.P40 FIN.09.003.P30 FIN.09.003.P20 FIN.09.003.P10

FIN.09.004.P50 FIN.09.004.P40 FIN.09.004.P30 FIN.09.004.P20 FIN.09.004.P10

FIN.09.005.P50 FIN.09.005.P40 FIN.09.005.P30 FIN.09.005.P20 FIN.09.005.P10

FIN.09.006.P50 FIN.09.006.P40 FIN.09.006.P30 FIN.09.006.P20 FIN.09.006.P10

FIN.09.007.P50 FIN.09.007.P40 FIN.09.007.P30 FIN.09.007.P20 FIN.09.007.P10

FIN.10.001.P50 FIN.10.001.P40 FIN.10.001.P30 FIN.10.001.P20 FIN.10.001.P10

FIN.10.002.P50 FIN.10.002.P40 FIN.10.002.P30 FIN.10.002.P20 FIN.10.002.P10

FIN.10.003.P50 FIN.10.003.P40 FIN.10.003.P30 FIN.10.003.P20 FIN.10.003.P10

FIN.10.012.P50 FIN.10.012.P40 FIN.10.012.P30 FIN.10.012.P20 FIN.10.012.P10

FIN.10.004.P50 FIN.10.004.P40 FIN.10.004.P30 FIN.10.004.P20 FIN.10.004.P10

HRM.02.001.P50 HRM.02.001.P40 HRM.02.001.P30 HRM.02.001.P20 HRM.02.001.P10

HRM.02.003.P50 HRM.02.003.P40 HRM.02.003.P30 HRM.02.003.P20 HRM.02.003.P10

HRM.03.001.P50 HRM.03.001.P40 HRM.03.001.P30 HRM.03.001.P20 HRM.03.001.P10

HRM.03.002.P50 HRM.03.002.P40 HRM.03.002.P30 HRM.03.002.P20 HRM.03.002.P10

HRM.03.003.P50 HRM.03.003.P40 HRM.03.003.P30 HRM.03.003.P20 HRM.03.003.P10

HRM.04.001.P50 HRM.04.001.P40 HRM.04.001.P30 HRM.04.001.P20 HRM.04.001.P10

HRM.04.002.P50 HRM.04.002.P40 HRM.04.002.P30 HRM.04.002.P20 HRM.04.002.P10

HRM.04.003.P50 HRM.04.003.P40 HRM.04.003.P30 HRM.04.003.P20 HRM.04.003.P10

HRM.04.004.P50 HRM.04.004.P40 HRM.04.004.P30 HRM.04.004.P20 HRM.04.004.P10

HRM.04.005.P50 HRM.04.005.P40 HRM.04.005.P30 HRM.04.005.P20 HRM.04.005.P10

HRM.04.006.P50 HRM.04.006.P40 HRM.04.006.P30 HRM.04.006.P20 HRM.04.006.P10

HRM.04.007.P50 HRM.04.007.P40 HRM.04.007.P30 HRM.04.007.P20 HRM.04.007.P10

HRM.04.009.P50 HRM.04.009.P40 HRM.04.009.P30 HRM.04.009.P20 HRM.04.009.P10

HRM.05.001.P50 HRM.05.001.P40 HRM.05.001.P30 HRM.05.001.P20 HRM.05.001.P10

HRM.05.003.P50 HRM.05.003.P40 HRM.05.003.P30 HRM.05.003.P20 HRM.05.003.P10

HRM.05.004.P50 HRM.05.004.P40 HRM.05.004.P30 HRM.05.004.P20 HRM.05.004.P10

HRM.05.005.P50 HRM.05.005.P40 HRM.05.005.P30 HRM.05.005.P20 HRM.05.005.P10

HRM.05.006.P50 HRM.05.006.P40 HRM.05.006.P30 HRM.05.006.P20 HRM.05.006.P10

HRM.05.007.P50 HRM.05.007.P40 HRM.05.007.P30 HRM.05.007.P20 HRM.05.007.P10

HRM.05.010.P50 HRM.05.010.P40 HRM.05.010.P30 HRM.05.010.P20 HRM.05.010.P10

HRM.05.011.P50 HRM.05.011.P40 HRM.05.011.P30 HRM.05.011.P20 HRM.05.011.P10

HRM.06.001.P50 HRM.06.001.P40 HRM.06.001.P30 HRM.06.001.P20 HRM.06.001.P10

HRM.06.005.P50 HRM.06.005.P40 HRM.06.005.P30 HRM.06.005.P20 HRM.06.005.P10

HRM.07.001.P50 HRM.07.001.P40 HRM.07.001.P30 HRM.07.001.P20 HRM.07.001.P10

HRM.07.002.P50 HRM.07.002.P40 HRM.07.002.P30 HRM.07.002.P20 HRM.07.002.P10

HRM.07.003.P50 HRM.07.003.P40 HRM.07.003.P30 HRM.07.003.P20 HRM.07.003.P10

HRM.07.004.P50 HRM.07.004.P40 HRM.07.004.P30 HRM.07.004.P20 HRM.07.004.P10

HRM.07.005.P50 HRM.07.005.P40 HRM.07.005.P30 HRM.07.005.P20 HRM.07.005.P10

HRM.07.006.P50 HRM.07.006.P40 HRM.07.006.P30 HRM.07.006.P20 HRM.07.006.P10

HRM.07.007.P50 HRM.07.007.P40 HRM.07.007.P30 HRM.07.007.P20 HRM.07.007.P10

HRM.07.008.P50 HRM.07.008.P40 HRM.07.008.P30 HRM.07.008.P20 HRM.07.008.P10

HRM.08.001.P50 HRM.08.001.P40 HRM.08.001.P30 HRM.08.001.P20 HRM.08.001.P10

HRM.08.002.P50 HRM.08.002.P40 HRM.08.002.P30 HRM.08.002.P20 HRM.08.002.P10

HRM.08.004.P50 HRM.08.004.P40 HRM.08.004.P30 HRM.08.004.P20 HRM.08.004.P10

HRM.08.005.P50 HRM.08.005.P40 HRM.08.005.P30 HRM.08.005.P20 HRM.08.005.P10

HRM.08.006.P50 HRM.08.006.P40 HRM.08.006.P30 HRM.08.006.P20 HRM.08.006.P10

HRM.09.001.P50 HRM.09.001.P40 HRM.09.001.P30 HRM.09.001.P20 HRM.09.001.P10

HRM.09.002.P50 HRM.09.002.P40 HRM.09.002.P30 HRM.09.002.P20 HRM.09.002.P10

HRM.09.003.P50 HRM.09.003.P40 HRM.09.003.P30 HRM.09.003.P20 HRM.09.003.P10

HRM.09.004.P50 HRM.09.004.P40 HRM.09.004.P30 HRM.09.004.P20 HRM.09.004.P10

HRM.09.006.P50 HRM.09.006.P40 HRM.09.006.P30 HRM.09.006.P20 HRM.09.006.P10

HRM.10.001.P50 HRM.10.001.P40 HRM.10.001.P30 HRM.10.001.P20 HRM.10.001.P10

HRM.10.003.P50 HRM.10.003.P40 HRM.10.003.P30 HRM.10.003.P20 HRM.10.003.P10

HRM.10.004.P50 HRM.10.004.P40 HRM.10.004.P30 HRM.10.004.P20 HRM.10.004.P10

HRM.10.005.P50 HRM.10.005.P40 HRM.10.005.P30 HRM.10.005.P20 HRM.10.005.P10

HRM.10.007.P50 HRM.10.007.P40 HRM.10.007.P30 HRM.10.007.P20 HRM.10.007.P10

HRM.10.008.P50 HRM.10.008.P40 HRM.10.008.P30

CCA.02.001.P50 CCA.02.001.P40 CCA.02.001.P30 CCA.02.001.P20 CCA.02.001.P10

CCA.02.002.P50 CCA.02.002.P40 CCA.02.002.P30 CCA.02.002.P20 CCA.02.002.P10

CCA.02.003.P50 CCA.02.003.P40 CCA.02.003.P30 CCA.02.003.P20 CCA.02.003.P10

CCA.02.004.P50 CCA.02.004.P40 CCA.02.004.P30 CCA.02.004.P20 CCA.02.004.P10

CCA.02.006.P50 CCA.02.006.P40 CCA.02.006.P30 CCA.02.006.P20 CCA.02.006.P10


CCA.03.001.P50 CCA.03.001.P40 CCA.03.001.P30 CCA.03.001.P20 CCA.03.001.P10

CCA.03.002.P50 CCA.03.002.P40 CCA.03.002.P30 CCA.03.002.P20 CCA.03.002.P10

CCA.03.003.P50 CCA.03.003.P40 CCA.03.003.P30 CCA.03.003.P20 CCA.03.003.P10

CCA.03.004.P50 CCA.03.004.P40 CCA.03.004.P30 CCA.03.004.P20 CCA.03.004.P10

CCA.04.001.P50 CCA.04.001.P40 CCA.04.001.P30 CCA.04.001.P20 CCA.04.001.P10

CCA.04.002.P50 CCA.04.002.P40 CCA.04.002.P30 CCA.04.002.P20 CCA.04.002.P10

CCA.04.003.P50 CCA.04.003.P40 CCA.04.003.P30 CCA.04.003.P20 CCA.04.003.P10

CCA.04.004.P50 CCA.04.004.P40 CCA.04.004.P30 CCA.04.004.P20 CCA.04.004.P10

CCA.04.011.P50 CCA.04.011.P40 CCA.04.011.P30 CCA.04.011.P20 CCA.04.011.P10

CCA.04.005.P50 CCA.04.005.P40 CCA.04.005.P30 CCA.04.005.P20 CCA.04.005.P10

CCA.04.009.P50 CCA.04.009.P40 CCA.04.009.P30 CCA.04.009.P20 CCA.04.009.P10

CCA.04.012.P50 CCA.04.012.P40 CCA.04.012.P30 CCA.04.012.P20 CCA.04.012.P10

CCA.04.010.P50 CCA.04.010.P40 CCA.04.010.P30 CCA.04.010.P20 CCA.04.010.P10

CCA.04.013.P50 CCA.04.013.P40 CCA.04.013.P30 CCA.04.013.P20 CCA.04.013.P10

CCA.05.001.P50 CCA.05.001.P40 CCA.05.001.P30 CCA.05.001.P20 CCA.05.001.P10

LCA.03.011.P50 LCA.03.011.P40 LCA.03.011.P30 LCA.03.011.P20 LCA.03.011.P10

LCA.03.012.P50 LCA.03.012.P40 LCA.03.012.P30 LCA.03.012.P20 LCA.03.012.P10

LCA.03.013.P50 LCA.03.013.P40 LCA.03.013.P30 LCA.03.013.P20 LCA.03.013.P10

LCA.03.014.P50 LCA.03.014.P40 LCA.03.014.P30 LCA.03.014.P20 LCA.03.014.P10

LCA.03.015.P50 LCA.03.015.P40 LCA.03.015.P30 LCA.03.015.P20 LCA.03.015.P10

LCA.03.040.P50 LCA.03.040.P40 LCA.03.040.P30 LCA.03.040.P20 LCA.03.040.P10

LCA.03.041.P50 LCA.03.041.P40 LCA.03.041.P30 LCA.03.041.P20 LCA.03.041.P10

LCA.03.042.P50 LCA.03.042.P40 LCA.03.042.P30 LCA.03.042.P20 LCA.03.042.P10

LCA.03.086.P50 LCA.03.086.P40 LCA.03.086.P30 LCA.03.086.P20 LCA.03.086.P10

LCA.03.037.P50 LCA.03.037.P40 LCA.03.037.P30 LCA.03.037.P20 LCA.03.037.P10

LCA.03.039.P50 LCA.03.039.P40 LCA.03.039.P30 LCA.03.039.P20 LCA.03.039.P10

LCA.03.050.P50 LCA.03.050.P40 LCA.03.050.P30 LCA.03.050.P20 LCA.03.050.P10

LCA.03.051.P50 LCA.03.051.P40 LCA.03.051.P30 LCA.03.051.P20 LCA.03.051.P10

LCA.04.001.P50 LCA.04.001.P40 LCA.04.001.P30 LCA.04.001.P20 LCA.04.001.P10

LCA.04.002.P50 LCA.04.002.P40 LCA.04.002.P30 LCA.04.002.P20 LCA.04.002.P10

LCA.04.022.P50 LCA.04.022.P40 LCA.04.022.P30 LCA.04.022.P20 LCA.04.022.P10

LCA.04.033.P50 LCA.04.033.P40 LCA.04.033.P30 LCA.04.033.P20 LCA.04.033.P10

LCA.04.024.P50 LCA.04.024.P40 LCA.04.024.P30 LCA.04.024.P20 LCA.04.024.P10

LCA.04.025.P50 LCA.04.025.P40 LCA.04.025.P30 LCA.04.025.P20 LCA.04.025.P10

LCA.04.032.P50 LCA.04.032.P40 LCA.04.032.P30 LCA.04.032.P20 LCA.04.032.P10

LCA.04.034.P50 LCA.04.034.P40 LCA.04.034.P30 LCA.04.034.P20 LCA.04.034.P10

LCA.04.035.P50 LCA.04.035.P40 LCA.04.035.P30 LCA.04.035.P20 LCA.04.035.P10

LCA.04.036.P50 LCA.04.036.P40 LCA.04.036.P30 LCA.04.036.P20 LCA.04.036.P10

LCA.04.030.P50 LCA.04.030.P40 LCA.04.030.P30 LCA.04.030.P20 LCA.04.030.P10

LCA.04.031.P50 LCA.04.031.P40 LCA.04.031.P30 LCA.04.031.P20 LCA.04.031.P10

LCA.04.048.P50 LCA.04.048.P40 LCA.04.048.P30 LCA.04.048.P20 LCA.04.048.P10

LCA.04.049.P50 LCA.04.049.P40 LCA.04.049.P30 LCA.04.049.P20 LCA.04.049.P10

LCA.04.050.P50 LCA.04.050.P40 LCA.04.050.P30 LCA.04.050.P20 LCA.04.050.P10

LCA.04.051.P50 LCA.04.051.P40 LCA.04.051.P30 LCA.04.051.P20 LCA.04.051.P10

LCA.04.071.P50 LCA.04.071.P40 LCA.04.071.P30 LCA.04.071.P20 LCA.04.071.P10

LCA.05.001.P50 LCA.05.001.P40 LCA.05.001.P30 LCA.05.001.P20 LCA.05.001.P10

LCA.05.002.P50 LCA.05.002.P40 LCA.05.002.P30 LCA.05.002.P20 LCA.05.002.P10

LCA.05.003.P50 LCA.05.003.P40 LCA.05.003.P30 LCA.05.003.P20 LCA.05.003.P10

LCA.05.004.P50 LCA.05.004.P40 LCA.05.004.P30 LCA.05.004.P20 LCA.05.004.P10

LCA.05.008.P50 LCA.05.008.P40 LCA.05.008.P30 LCA.05.008.P20 LCA.05.008.P10

LCA.05.005.P50 LCA.05.005.P40 LCA.05.005.P30 LCA.05.005.P20 LCA.05.005.P10

LCA.06.002.P50 LCA.06.002.P40 LCA.06.002.P30 LCA.06.002.P20 LCA.06.002.P10

LCA.06.003.P50 LCA.06.003.P40 LCA.06.003.P30 LCA.06.003.P20 LCA.06.003.P10

LCA.06.005.P50 LCA.06.005.P40 LCA.06.005.P30 LCA.06.005.P20 LCA.06.005.P10

LCA.06.006.P50 LCA.06.006.P40 LCA.06.006.P30 LCA.06.006.P20 LCA.06.006.P10

LCA.06.007.P50 LCA.06.007.P40 LCA.06.007.P30 LCA.06.007.P20 LCA.06.007.P10

LCA.06.008.P50 LCA.06.008.P40 LCA.06.008.P30 LCA.06.008.P20 LCA.06.008.P10

LCA.06.999.P50 LCA.06.999.P40 LCA.06.999.P30 LCA.06.999.P20 LCA.06.999.P10

LCA.07.001.P50 LCA.07.001.P40 LCA.07.001.P30 LCA.07.001.P20 LCA.07.001.P10

LCA.07.002.P50 LCA.07.002.P40 LCA.07.002.P30 LCA.07.002.P20 LCA.07.002.P10

LCA.07.003.P50 LCA.07.003.P40 LCA.07.003.P30 LCA.07.003.P20 LCA.07.003.P10

LCA.07.004.P50 LCA.07.004.P40 LCA.07.004.P30 LCA.07.004.P20 LCA.07.004.P10

LCA.07.005.P50 LCA.07.005.P40 LCA.07.005.P30 LCA.07.005.P20 LCA.07.005.P10

LCA.07.006.P50 LCA.07.006.P40 LCA.07.006.P30 LCA.07.006.P20 LCA.07.006.P10

LCA.07.008.P50 LCA.07.008.P40 LCA.07.008.P30 LCA.07.008.P20 LCA.07.008.P10

LCA.07.009.P50 LCA.07.009.P40 LCA.07.009.P30 LCA.07.009.P20 LCA.07.009.P10

LCA.07.010.P50 LCA.07.010.P40 LCA.07.010.P30 LCA.07.010.P20 LCA.07.010.P10

LCA.07.047.P50 LCA.07.047.P40 LCA.07.047.P30 LCA.07.047.P20 LCA.07.047.P10

LCA.07.098.P50 LCA.07.098.P40 LCA.07.098.P30 LCA.07.098.P20 LCA.07.098.P10

LCA.07.125.P50 LCA.07.125.P40 LCA.07.125.P30 LCA.07.125.P20 LCA.07.125.P10

LCA.07.151.P50 LCA.07.151.P40 LCA.07.151.P30 LCA.07.151.P20 LCA.07.151.P10

LCA.07.138.P50 LCA.07.138.P40 LCA.07.138.P30 LCA.07.138.P20 LCA.07.138.P10

LCA.07.170.P50 LCA.07.170.P40 LCA.07.170.P30 LCA.07.170.P20 LCA.07.170.P10

LCA.09.011.P50 LCA.09.011.P40 LCA.09.011.P30 LCA.09.011.P20 LCA.09.011.P10

LCA.09.035.P50 LCA.09.035.P40 LCA.09.035.P30 LCA.09.035.P20 LCA.09.035.P10

LCA.09.041.P50 LCA.09.041.P40 LCA.09.041.P30 LCA.09.041.P20 LCA.09.041.P10

LCA.09.042.P50 LCA.09.042.P40 LCA.09.042.P30 LCA.09.042.P20 LCA.09.042.P10

LCA.09.043.P50 LCA.09.043.P40 LCA.09.043.P30 LCA.09.043.P20 LCA.09.043.P10

LCA.09.044.P50 LCA.09.044.P40 LCA.09.044.P30 LCA.09.044.P20 LCA.09.044.P10

LCA.09.045.P50 LCA.09.045.P40 LCA.09.045.P30 LCA.09.045.P20 LCA.09.045.P10

LCA.09.046.P50 LCA.09.046.P40 LCA.09.046.P30 LCA.09.046.P20 LCA.09.046.P10

LCA.09.059.P50 LCA.09.059.P40 LCA.09.059.P30 LCA.09.059.P20 LCA.09.059.P10

LCA.09.048.P50 LCA.09.048.P40 LCA.09.048.P30 LCA.09.048.P20 LCA.09.048.P10

LCA.09.049.P50 LCA.09.049.P40 LCA.09.049.P30 LCA.09.049.P20 LCA.09.049.P10

LCA.09.065.P50 LCA.09.065.P40 LCA.09.065.P30 LCA.09.065.P20 LCA.09.065.P10

LCA.09.070.P50 LCA.09.070.P40 LCA.09.070.P30 LCA.09.070.P20 LCA.09.070.P10

LCA.09.082.P50 LCA.09.082.P40 LCA.09.082.P30 LCA.09.082.P20 LCA.09.082.P10

LCA.09.083.P50 LCA.09.083.P40 LCA.09.083.P30 LCA.09.083.P20 LCA.09.083.P10

LCA.09.090.P50 LCA.09.090.P40 LCA.09.090.P30 LCA.09.090.P20 LCA.09.090.P10

LCA.09.091.P50 LCA.09.091.P40 LCA.09.091.P30 LCA.09.091.P20 LCA.09.091.P10

LCA.09.101.P50 LCA.09.101.P40 LCA.09.101.P30 LCA.09.101.P20 LCA.09.101.P10

LCA.09.120.P50 LCA.09.120.P40 LCA.09.120.P30 LCA.09.120.P20 LCA.09.120.P10

AFS.01.021.P50 AFS.01.021.P40 AFS.01.021.P30 AFS.01.021.P20 AFS.01.021.P10

AFS.01.040.P50 AFS.01.040.P40 AFS.01.040.P30 AFS.01.040.P20 AFS.01.040.P10

AFS.01.049.P50 AFS.01.049.P40 AFS.01.049.P30 AFS.01.049.P20 AFS.01.049.P10

AFS.01.060.P50 AFS.01.060.P40 AFS.01.060.P30 AFS.01.060.P20 AFS.01.060.P10

AFS.01.061.P50 AFS.01.061.P40 AFS.01.061.P30 AFS.01.061.P20 AFS.01.061.P10

AFS.02.003.P50 AFS.02.003.P40 AFS.02.003.P30 AFS.02.003.P20 AFS.02.003.P10

AFS.02.004.P50 AFS.02.004.P40 AFS.02.004.P30 AFS.02.004.P20 AFS.02.004.P10

AFS.02.005.P50 AFS.02.005.P40 AFS.02.005.P30 AFS.02.005.P20 AFS.02.005.P10

AFS.02.999.P50 AFS.02.999.P40 AFS.02.999.P30 AFS.02.999.P20 AFS.02.999.P10

AFS.03.999.P50 AFS.03.999.P40 AFS.03.999.P30 AFS.03.999.P20 AFS.03.999.P10

AFS.05.001.P50 AFS.05.001.P40 AFS.05.001.P30 AFS.05.001.P20 AFS.05.001.P10

AFS.05.027.P50 AFS.05.027.P40 AFS.05.027.P30 AFS.05.027.P20 AFS.05.027.P10

AFS.05.028.P50 AFS.05.028.P40 AFS.05.028.P30 AFS.05.028.P20 AFS.05.028.P10

AFS.05.999.P50 AFS.05.999.P40 AFS.05.999.P30 AFS.05.999.P20 AFS.05.999.P10

AFS.07.003.P50 AFS.07.003.P40 AFS.07.003.P30 AFS.07.003.P20 AFS.07.003.P10

AFS.07.005.P50 AFS.07.005.P40 AFS.07.005.P30 AFS.07.005.P20 AFS.07.005.P10

AFS.07.006.P50 AFS.07.006.P40 AFS.07.006.P30 AFS.07.006.P20 AFS.07.006.P10

AFS.07.999.P50 AFS.07.999.P40 AFS.07.999.P30 AFS.07.999.P20 AFS.07.999.P10

PPM.01.001.P50 PPM.01.001.P40 PPM.01.001.P30 PPM.01.001.P20 PPM.01.001.P10

PPM.01.002.P50 PPM.01.002.P40 PPM.01.002.P30 PPM.01.002.P20 PPM.01.002.P10

PPM.01.003.P50 PPM.01.003.P40 PPM.01.003.P30 PPM.01.003.P20 PPM.01.003.P10

PPM.01.004.P50 PPM.01.004.P40 PPM.01.004.P30 PPM.01.004.P20 PPM.01.004.P10

PPM.01.005.P50 PPM.01.005.P40 PPM.01.005.P30 PPM.01.005.P20 PPM.01.005.P10

PPM.01.007.P50 PPM.01.007.P40 PPM.01.007.P30 PPM.01.007.P20 PPM.01.007.P10

PPM.01.009.P50 PPM.01.009.P40 PPM.01.009.P30 PPM.01.009.P20 PPM.01.009.P10

PPM.02.001.P50 PPM.02.001.P40 PPM.02.001.P30 PPM.02.001.P20 PPM.02.001.P10

PPM.02.002.P50 PPM.02.002.P40 PPM.02.002.P30 PPM.02.002.P20 PPM.02.002.P10

PPM.02.022.P50 PPM.02.022.P40 PPM.02.022.P30 PPM.02.022.P20 PPM.02.022.P10

PPM.02.023.P50 PPM.02.023.P40 PPM.02.023.P30 PPM.02.023.P20 PPM.02.023.P10

PPM.02.044.P50 PPM.02.044.P40 PPM.02.044.P30 PPM.02.044.P20 PPM.02.044.P10

PPM.02.045.P50 PPM.02.045.P40 PPM.02.045.P30 PPM.02.045.P20 PPM.02.045.P10

PPM.02.046.P50 PPM.02.046.P40 PPM.02.046.P30 PPM.02.046.P20 PPM.02.046.P10

PPM.02.060.P50 PPM.02.060.P40 PPM.02.060.P30 PPM.02.060.P20 PPM.02.060.P10

PPM.02.068.P50 PPM.02.068.P40 PPM.02.068.P30 PPM.02.068.P20 PPM.02.068.P10

PPM.03.002.P50 PPM.03.002.P40 PPM.03.002.P30 PPM.03.002.P20 PPM.03.002.P10

SMP.02.001.P50 SMP.02.001.P40 SMP.02.001.P30 SMP.02.001.P20 SMP.02.001.P10

SMP.02.002.P50 SMP.02.002.P40 SMP.02.002.P30 SMP.02.002.P20 SMP.02.002.P10

SMP.02.021.P50 SMP.02.021.P40 SMP.02.021.P30 SMP.02.021.P20 SMP.02.021.P10

SMP.02.022.P50 SMP.02.022.P40 SMP.02.022.P30 SMP.02.022.P20 SMP.02.022.P10

SMP.02.023.P50 SMP.02.023.P40 SMP.02.023.P30 SMP.02.023.P20 SMP.02.023.P10

SMP.02.024.P50 SMP.02.024.P40 SMP.02.024.P30 SMP.02.024.P20 SMP.02.024.P10

SMP.02.025.P50 SMP.02.025.P40 SMP.02.025.P30 SMP.02.025.P20 SMP.02.025.P10

SMP.02.029.P50 SMP.02.029.P40 SMP.02.029.P30 SMP.02.029.P20 SMP.02.029.P10

SMP.02.039.P50 SMP.02.039.P40 SMP.02.039.P30 SMP.02.039.P20 SMP.02.039.P10

SMP.02.041.P50 SMP.02.041.P40 SMP.02.041.P30 SMP.02.041.P20 SMP.02.041.P10

SMP.02.045.P50 SMP.02.045.P40 SMP.02.045.P30 SMP.02.045.P20 SMP.02.045.P10

SMP.02.046.P50 SMP.02.046.P40 SMP.02.046.P30 SMP.02.046.P20 SMP.02.046.P10

SMP.02.026.P50 SMP.02.026.P40 SMP.02.026.P30 SMP.02.026.P20 SMP.02.026.P10

SMP.02.027.P50 SMP.02.027.P40 SMP.02.027.P30 SMP.02.027.P20 SMP.02.027.P10

SMP.02.028.P50 SMP.02.028.P40 SMP.02.028.P30 SMP.02.028.P20 SMP.02.028.P10

SMP.02.044.P50 SMP.02.044.P40 SMP.02.044.P30 SMP.02.044.P20 SMP.02.044.P10

SMP.02.047.P50 SMP.02.047.P40 SMP.02.047.P30 SMP.02.047.P20 SMP.02.047.P10

SMP.02.042.P50 SMP.02.042.P40 SMP.02.042.P30 SMP.02.042.P20 SMP.02.042.P10

SMP.02.038.P50 SMP.02.038.P40 SMP.02.038.P30 SMP.02.038.P20 SMP.02.038.P10

SMP.02.037.P50 SMP.02.037.P40 SMP.02.037.P30 SMP.02.037.P20 SMP.02.037.P10

SMP.02.056.P50 SMP.02.056.P40 SMP.02.056.P30 SMP.02.056.P20 SMP.02.056.P10

SMP.02.057.P50 SMP.02.057.P40 SMP.02.057.P30 SMP.02.057.P20 SMP.02.057.P10

SMP.02.058.P50 SMP.02.058.P40 SMP.02.058.P30 SMP.02.058.P20 SMP.02.058.P10

SMP.02.059.P50 SMP.02.059.P40 SMP.02.059.P30 SMP.02.059.P20 SMP.02.059.P10

SMP.02.060.P50 SMP.02.060.P40 SMP.02.060.P30 SMP.02.060.P20 SMP.02.060.P10

SMP.02.061.P50 SMP.02.061.P40 SMP.02.061.P30 SMP.02.061.P20 SMP.02.061.P10

SMP.02.062.P50 SMP.02.062.P40 SMP.02.062.P30 SMP.02.062.P20 SMP.02.062.P10

SMP.03.001.P50 SMP.03.001.P40 SMP.03.001.P30 SMP.03.001.P20 SMP.03.001.P10

SMP.04.001.P50 SMP.04.001.P40 SMP.04.001.P30 SMP.04.001.P20 SMP.04.001.P10

SMP.04.003.P50 SMP.04.003.P40 SMP.04.003.P30 SMP.04.003.P20 SMP.04.003.P10

SMP.04.005.P50 SMP.04.005.P40 SMP.04.005.P30 SMP.04.005.P20 SMP.04.005.P10

SMP.04.007.P50 SMP.04.007.P40 SMP.04.007.P30 SMP.04.007.P20 SMP.04.007.P10

SMP.04.004.P50 SMP.04.004.P40 SMP.04.004.P30 SMP.04.004.P20 SMP.04.004.P10

SMP.04.008.P50 SMP.04.008.P40 SMP.04.008.P30 SMP.04.008.P20 SMP.04.008.P10

SMP.04.009.P50 SMP.04.009.P40 SMP.04.009.P30 SMP.04.009.P20 SMP.04.009.P10

SMP.04.010.P50 SMP.04.010.P40 SMP.04.010.P30 SMP.04.010.P20 SMP.04.010.P10

SMP.04.011.P50 SMP.04.011.P40 SMP.04.011.P30 SMP.04.011.P20 SMP.04.011.P10

SMP.04.039.P50 SMP.04.039.P40 SMP.04.039.P30 SMP.04.039.P20 SMP.04.039.P10

SMP.04.012.P50 SMP.04.012.P40 SMP.04.012.P30 SMP.04.012.P20 SMP.04.012.P10

SMP.04.013.P50 SMP.04.013.P40 SMP.04.013.P30 SMP.04.013.P20 SMP.04.013.P10

SMP.04.014.P50 SMP.04.014.P40 SMP.04.014.P30 SMP.04.014.P20 SMP.04.014.P10

SMP.04.021.P50 SMP.04.021.P40

SMP.04.023.P50 SMP.04.023.P40 SMP.04.023.P30 SMP.04.023.P20 SMP.04.023.P10

SMP.04.028.P50 SMP.04.028.P40 SMP.04.028.P30 SMP.04.028.P20 SMP.04.028.P10

SMP.04.015.P50 SMP.04.015.P40 SMP.04.015.P30 SMP.04.015.P20 SMP.04.015.P10

SMP.04.016.P50 SMP.04.016.P40 SMP.04.016.P30 SMP.04.016.P20 SMP.04.016.P10

SMP.04.017.P50 SMP.04.017.P40 SMP.04.017.P30 SMP.04.017.P20 SMP.04.017.P10

SMP.04.024.P50 SMP.04.024.P40 SMP.04.024.P30 SMP.04.024.P20 SMP.04.024.P10

SMP.04.025.P50 SMP.04.025.P40 SMP.04.025.P30 SMP.04.025.P20 SMP.04.025.P10

SMP.04.026.P50 SMP.04.026.P40 SMP.04.026.P30 SMP.04.026.P20 SMP.04.026.P10

SMP.04.027.P50 SMP.04.027.P40 SMP.04.027.P30 SMP.04.027.P20 SMP.04.027.P10

SMP.04.040.P50 SMP.04.040.P40 SMP.04.040.P30 SMP.04.040.P20 SMP.04.040.P10

SMP.04.041.P50 SMP.04.041.P40 SMP.04.041.P30 SMP.04.041.P20 SMP.04.041.P10

SMP.04.042.P50 SMP.04.042.P40 SMP.04.042.P30 SMP.04.042.P20 SMP.04.042.P10

SMP.04.043.P50 SMP.04.043.P40 SMP.04.043.P30 SMP.04.043.P20 SMP.04.043.P10

SMP.04.064.P50 SMP.04.064.P40 SMP.04.064.P30 SMP.04.064.P20 SMP.04.064.P10

SMP.04.075.P50 SMP.04.075.P40 SMP.04.075.P30 SMP.04.075.P20 SMP.04.075.P10

SMP.04.065.P50 SMP.04.065.P40 SMP.04.065.P30 SMP.04.065.P20 SMP.04.065.P10

SMP.04.066.P50 SMP.04.066.P40 SMP.04.066.P30 SMP.04.066.P20 SMP.04.066.P10

SMP.04.067.P50 SMP.04.067.P40 SMP.04.067.P30 SMP.04.067.P20 SMP.04.067.P10

SMP.04.068.P50 SMP.04.068.P40 SMP.04.068.P30 SMP.04.068.P20 SMP.04.068.P10

SMP.04.070.P50 SMP.04.070.P40 SMP.04.070.P30 SMP.04.070.P20 SMP.04.070.P10

SMP.04.071.P50 SMP.04.071.P40 SMP.04.071.P30 SMP.04.071.P20 SMP.04.071.P10

SMP.04.072.P50 SMP.04.072.P40 SMP.04.072.P30 SMP.04.072.P20 SMP.04.072.P10

SMP.04.073.P50 SMP.04.073.P40 SMP.04.073.P30 SMP.04.073.P20 SMP.04.073.P10

SMP.04.077.P50 SMP.04.077.P40 SMP.04.077.P30 SMP.04.077.P20 SMP.04.077.P10

SMP.04.092.P50 SMP.04.092.P40 SMP.04.092.P30 SMP.04.092.P20 SMP.04.092.P10

SMP.04.113.P50 SMP.04.113.P40 SMP.04.113.P30 SMP.04.113.P20 SMP.04.113.P10

SMP.04.115.P50 SMP.04.115.P40 SMP.04.115.P30 SMP.04.115.P20 SMP.04.115.P10

SMP.04.125.P50 SMP.04.125.P40 SMP.04.125.P30 SMP.04.125.P20 SMP.04.125.P10

SMP.04.126.P50 SMP.04.126.P40 SMP.04.126.P30 SMP.04.126.P20 SMP.04.126.P10

SMP.04.116.P50 SMP.04.116.P40 SMP.04.116.P30 SMP.04.116.P20 SMP.04.116.P10

SMP.04.114.P50 SMP.04.114.P40 SMP.04.114.P30 SMP.04.114.P20 SMP.04.114.P10

SMP.04.118.P50 SMP.04.118.P40 SMP.04.118.P30 SMP.04.118.P20 SMP.04.118.P10

SMP.04.119.P50 SMP.04.119.P40 SMP.04.119.P30 SMP.04.119.P20 SMP.04.119.P10

SMP.04.120.P50 SMP.04.120.P40 SMP.04.120.P30 SMP.04.120.P20 SMP.04.120.P10

SMP.04.121.P50 SMP.04.121.P40 SMP.04.121.P30 SMP.04.121.P20 SMP.04.121.P10

SMP.04.122.P50 SMP.04.122.P40 SMP.04.122.P30 SMP.04.122.P20 SMP.04.122.P10

SMP.04.123.P50 SMP.04.123.P40 SMP.04.123.P30 SMP.04.123.P20 SMP.04.123.P10

SMP.04.999.P50 SMP.04.999.P40 SMP.04.999.P30 SMP.04.999.P20 SMP.04.999.P10

SMP.05.001.P50 SMP.05.001.P40 SMP.05.001.P30 SMP.05.001.P20 SMP.05.001.P10

SMP.05.002.P50 SMP.05.002.P40 SMP.05.002.P30 SMP.05.002.P20 SMP.05.002.P10

SMP.05.003.P50 SMP.05.003.P40 SMP.05.003.P30 SMP.05.003.P20 SMP.05.003.P10

SMP.05.004.P50 SMP.05.004.P40 SMP.05.004.P30 SMP.05.004.P20 SMP.05.004.P10

SMP.05.010.P50 SMP.05.010.P40 SMP.05.010.P30 SMP.05.010.P20 SMP.05.010.P10

SMP.05.006.P50 SMP.05.006.P40 SMP.05.006.P30 SMP.05.006.P20 SMP.05.006.P10

SMP.05.009.P50 SMP.05.009.P40 SMP.05.009.P30 SMP.05.009.P20 SMP.05.009.P10

SMP.06.001.P50 SMP.06.001.P40 SMP.06.001.P30 SMP.06.001.P20 SMP.06.001.P10

SMP.06.002.P50 SMP.06.002.P40 SMP.06.002.P30 SMP.06.002.P20 SMP.06.002.P10

SMP.06.003.P50 SMP.06.003.P40 SMP.06.003.P30 SMP.06.003.P20 SMP.06.003.P10

SMP.07.001.P50 SMP.07.001.P40 SMP.07.001.P30 SMP.07.001.P20 SMP.07.001.P10

SMP.07.010.P50 SMP.07.010.P40 SMP.07.010.P30 SMP.07.010.P20 SMP.07.010.P10

SMP.07.011.P50 SMP.07.011.P40 SMP.07.011.P30 SMP.07.011.P20 SMP.07.011.P10

SMP.07.015.P50 SMP.07.015.P40 SMP.07.015.P30 SMP.07.015.P20 SMP.07.015.P10

SMP.07.016.P50 SMP.07.016.P40 SMP.07.016.P30 SMP.07.016.P20 SMP.07.016.P10

SMP.07.017.P50 SMP.07.017.P40 SMP.07.017.P30 SMP.07.017.P20 SMP.07.017.P10

SMP.07.018.P50 SMP.07.018.P40 SMP.07.018.P30 SMP.07.018.P20 SMP.07.018.P10

SMP.07.022.P50 SMP.07.022.P40 SMP.07.022.P30 SMP.07.022.P20 SMP.07.022.P10

SMP.07.023.P50 SMP.07.023.P40 SMP.07.023.P30 SMP.07.023.P20 SMP.07.023.P10

SMP.07.024.P50 SMP.07.024.P40 SMP.07.024.P30 SMP.07.024.P20 SMP.07.024.P10

SMP.07.025.P40 SMP.07.025.P30 SMP.07.025.P20 SMP.07.025.P10

SMP.07.034.P50 SMP.07.034.P40 SMP.07.034.P30 SMP.07.034.P20 SMP.07.034.P10

SMP.07.043.P50 SMP.07.043.P40 SMP.07.043.P30 SMP.07.043.P20 SMP.07.043.P10

SMP.07.049.P50 SMP.07.049.P40 SMP.07.049.P30 SMP.07.049.P20 SMP.07.049.P10

SMP.07.058.P50 SMP.07.058.P40 SMP.07.058.P30 SMP.07.058.P20 SMP.07.058.P10

SMP.07.059.P50 SMP.07.059.P40 SMP.07.059.P30 SMP.07.059.P20 SMP.07.059.P10

SMP.07.065.P50 SMP.07.065.P40 SMP.07.065.P30 SMP.07.065.P20 SMP.07.065.P10

SMP.07.067.P50 SMP.07.067.P40 SMP.07.067.P30 SMP.07.067.P20 SMP.07.067.P10

SMP.07.068.P50 SMP.07.068.P40 SMP.07.068.P30 SMP.07.068.P20 SMP.07.068.P10

SMP.07.069.P50 SMP.07.069.P40 SMP.07.069.P30 SMP.07.069.P20 SMP.07.069.P10

SMP.07.070.P50 SMP.07.070.P40 SMP.07.070.P30 SMP.07.070.P20 SMP.07.070.P10

SMP.07.071.P50 SMP.07.071.P40 SMP.07.071.P30 SMP.07.071.P20 SMP.07.071.P10

SMP.07.072.P50 SMP.07.072.P40 SMP.07.072.P30 SMP.07.072.P20 SMP.07.072.P10

SMP.07.073.P50 SMP.07.073.P40 SMP.07.073.P30 SMP.07.073.P20 SMP.07.073.P10

SMP.07.074.P50 SMP.07.074.P40 SMP.07.074.P30 SMP.07.074.P20 SMP.07.074.P10

SMP.07.075.P50 SMP.07.075.P40 SMP.07.075.P30 SMP.07.075.P20 SMP.07.075.P10

SMP.07.076.P50 SMP.07.076.P40 SMP.07.076.P30 SMP.07.076.P20 SMP.07.076.P10

SMP.07.077.P50 SMP.07.077.P40 SMP.07.077.P30 SMP.07.077.P20 SMP.07.077.P10

SMP.07.078.P50 SMP.07.078.P40 SMP.07.078.P30 SMP.07.078.P20 SMP.07.078.P10

SMP.07.079.P50 SMP.07.079.P40 SMP.07.079.P30 SMP.07.079.P20 SMP.07.079.P10

SMP.07.080.P50 SMP.07.080.P40 SMP.07.080.P30 SMP.07.080.P20 SMP.07.080.P10

SMP.07.081.P50 SMP.07.081.P40 SMP.07.081.P30 SMP.07.081.P20 SMP.07.081.P10

SMP.07.082.P50 SMP.07.082.P40 SMP.07.082.P30 SMP.07.082.P20 SMP.07.082.P10

SMP.07.083.P50 SMP.07.083.P40 SMP.07.083.P30 SMP.07.083.P20 SMP.07.083.P10

SMP.07.084.P50 SMP.07.084.P40 SMP.07.084.P30 SMP.07.084.P20 SMP.07.084.P10

SMP.07.126.P50 SMP.07.126.P40 SMP.07.126.P30 SMP.07.126.P20 SMP.07.126.P10

SMP.07.205.P50 SMP.07.205.P40 SMP.07.205.P30 SMP.07.205.P20 SMP.07.205.P10

SMP.07.207.P50 SMP.07.207.P40 SMP.07.207.P30 SMP.07.207.P20 SMP.07.207.P10

SMP.08.001.P50 SMP.08.001.P40 SMP.08.001.P30 SMP.08.001.P20 SMP.08.001.P10

SMP.08.002.P50 SMP.08.002.P40 SMP.08.002.P30 SMP.08.002.P20 SMP.08.002.P10

SMP.08.003.P50 SMP.08.003.P40 SMP.08.003.P30 SMP.08.003.P20 SMP.08.003.P10

SMP.08.011.P50 SMP.08.011.P40 SMP.08.011.P30 SMP.08.011.P20 SMP.08.011.P10

SMP.08.999.P50 SMP.08.999.P40 SMP.08.999.P30 SMP.08.999.P20 SMP.08.999.P10

SMP.09.001.P50 SMP.09.001.P40 SMP.09.001.P30 SMP.09.001.P20 SMP.09.001.P10

SMP.09.004.P50 SMP.09.004.P40 SMP.09.004.P30 SMP.09.004.P20 SMP.09.004.P10

SMP.09.005.P50 SMP.09.005.P40 SMP.09.005.P30 SMP.09.005.P20 SMP.09.005.P10

SMP.09.046.P50 SMP.09.046.P40 SMP.09.046.P30 SMP.09.046.P20 SMP.09.046.P10

SMP.09.999.P50 SMP.09.999.P40 SMP.09.999.P30 SMP.09.999.P20 SMP.09.999.P10

SMP.10.001.P50 SMP.10.001.P40 SMP.10.001.P30 SMP.10.001.P20 SMP.10.001.P10

SMP.10.002.P50 SMP.10.002.P40 SMP.10.002.P30 SMP.10.002.P20 SMP.10.002.P10

SMP.11.001.P50 SMP.11.001.P40 SMP.11.001.P30 SMP.11.001.P20 SMP.11.001.P10

SMP.11.002.P50 SMP.11.002.P40 SMP.11.002.P30 SMP.11.002.P20 SMP.11.002.P10

SMP.11.004.P50 SMP.11.004.P40 SMP.11.004.P30 SMP.11.004.P20 SMP.11.004.P10

SMP.11.005.P50 SMP.11.005.P40 SMP.11.005.P30 SMP.11.005.P20 SMP.11.005.P10

SMP.11.006.P50 SMP.11.006.P40 SMP.11.006.P30 SMP.11.006.P20 SMP.11.006.P10

SMP.11.010.P50 SMP.11.010.P40 SMP.11.010.P30 SMP.11.010.P20 SMP.11.010.P10

SMP.11.011.P50 SMP.11.011.P40 SMP.11.011.P30 SMP.11.011.P20 SMP.11.011.P10

SMP.11.012.P50 SMP.11.012.P40 SMP.11.012.P30 SMP.11.012.P20 SMP.11.012.P10

SMP.11.015.P50 SMP.11.015.P40 SMP.11.015.P30 SMP.11.015.P20 SMP.11.015.P10

SMP.11.009.P50 SMP.11.009.P40 SMP.11.009.P30 SMP.11.009.P20 SMP.11.009.P10

SMP.11.014.P50 SMP.11.014.P40 SMP.11.014.P30 SMP.11.014.P20 SMP.11.014.P10

SMP.11.013.P50 SMP.11.013.P40 SMP.11.013.P30 SMP.11.013.P20 SMP.11.013.P10

SMP.12.002.P50 SMP.12.002.P40 SMP.12.002.P30 SMP.12.002.P20 SMP.12.002.P10

SMP.12.004.P50 SMP.12.004.P40 SMP.12.004.P30 SMP.12.004.P20 SMP.12.004.P10

CSV.02.001.P50 CSV.02.001.P40 CSV.02.001.P30 CSV.02.001.P20 CSV.02.001.P10

CSV.02.005.P50 CSV.02.005.P40 CSV.02.005.P30 CSV.02.005.P20 CSV.02.005.P10

CSV.02.027.P50 CSV.02.027.P40 CSV.02.027.P30 CSV.02.027.P20 CSV.02.027.P10

CSV.02.031.P50 CSV.02.031.P40 CSV.02.031.P30 CSV.02.031.P20 CSV.02.031.P10

CSV.02.050.P50 CSV.02.050.P40 CSV.02.050.P30 CSV.02.050.P20 CSV.02.050.P10

CSV.02.051.P50 CSV.02.051.P40 CSV.02.051.P30 CSV.02.051.P20 CSV.02.051.P10

CSV.02.052.P50 CSV.02.052.P40 CSV.02.052.P30 CSV.02.052.P20 CSV.02.052.P10

CSV.02.053.P50 CSV.02.053.P40 CSV.02.053.P30 CSV.02.053.P20 CSV.02.053.P10

CSV.02.056.P50 CSV.02.056.P40 CSV.02.056.P30 CSV.02.056.P20 CSV.02.056.P10

CSV.03.002.P50 CSV.03.002.P40 CSV.03.002.P30 CSV.03.002.P20 CSV.03.002.P10

CSV.03.003.P50 CSV.03.003.P40 CSV.03.003.P30 CSV.03.003.P20 CSV.03.003.P10

CSV.03.004.P50 CSV.03.004.P40 CSV.03.004.P30 CSV.03.004.P20 CSV.03.004.P10

CSV.03.005.P50 CSV.03.005.P40 CSV.03.005.P30 CSV.03.005.P20 CSV.03.005.P10

CSV.03.007.P50 CSV.03.007.P40 CSV.03.007.P30 CSV.03.007.P20 CSV.03.007.P10

CSV.03.024.P50 CSV.03.024.P40 CSV.03.024.P30 CSV.03.024.P20 CSV.03.024.P10

CSV.03.025.P50 CSV.03.025.P40 CSV.03.025.P30 CSV.03.025.P20 CSV.03.025.P10

CSV.03.999.P50 CSV.03.999.P40 CSV.03.999.P30 CSV.03.999.P20 CSV.03.999.P10

CSV.04.002.P50 CSV.04.002.P40 CSV.04.002.P30 CSV.04.002.P20 CSV.04.002.P10

CSV.04.004.P50 CSV.04.004.P40 CSV.04.004.P30 CSV.04.004.P20 CSV.04.004.P10

CSV.04.005.P50 CSV.04.005.P40 CSV.04.005.P30 CSV.04.005.P20 CSV.04.005.P10

CSV.04.007.P50 CSV.04.007.P40 CSV.04.007.P30 CSV.04.007.P20 CSV.04.007.P10

CSV.04.008.P50 CSV.04.008.P40 CSV.04.008.P30 CSV.04.008.P20 CSV.04.008.P10

CSV.04.009.P50 CSV.04.009.P40 CSV.04.009.P30 CSV.04.009.P20 CSV.04.009.P10

CSV.04.028.P50 CSV.04.028.P40 CSV.04.028.P30 CSV.04.028.P20 CSV.04.028.P10

CSV.04.029.P50 CSV.04.029.P40 CSV.04.029.P30 CSV.04.029.P20 CSV.04.029.P10

CSV.04.030.P50 CSV.04.030.P40 CSV.04.030.P30 CSV.04.030.P20 CSV.04.030.P10

CSV.04.999.P50 CSV.04.999.P40 CSV.04.999.P30 CSV.04.999.P20 CSV.04.999.P10

QLT.02.001.P50 QLT.02.001.P40 QLT.02.001.P30 QLT.02.001.P20 QLT.02.001.P10

QLT.02.002.P50 QLT.02.002.P40 QLT.02.002.P30 QLT.02.002.P20 QLT.02.002.P10

QLT.02.003.P50 QLT.02.003.P40 QLT.02.003.P30 QLT.02.003.P20 QLT.02.003.P10

QLT.02.004.P50 QLT.02.004.P40 QLT.02.004.P30 QLT.02.004.P20 QLT.02.004.P10

QLT.02.006.P50 QLT.02.006.P40 QLT.02.006.P30 QLT.02.006.P20 QLT.02.006.P10

QLT.02.007.P50 QLT.02.007.P40 QLT.02.007.P30 QLT.02.007.P20 QLT.02.007.P10

QLT.02.017.P50 QLT.02.017.P40 QLT.02.017.P30 QLT.02.017.P20 QLT.02.017.P10

QLT.02.018.P50 QLT.02.018.P40 QLT.02.018.P30 QLT.02.018.P20 QLT.02.018.P10

QLT.02.013.P50 QLT.02.013.P40 QLT.02.013.P30 QLT.02.013.P20 QLT.02.013.P10

QLT.02.025.P50 QLT.02.025.P40 QLT.02.025.P30 QLT.02.025.P20 QLT.02.025.P10

QLT.02.026.P50 QLT.02.026.P40 QLT.02.026.P30 QLT.02.026.P20 QLT.02.026.P10

QLT.02.999.P50 QLT.02.999.P40 QLT.02.999.P30 QLT.02.999.P20 QLT.02.999.P10

QLT.03.001.P50 QLT.03.001.P40 QLT.03.001.P30 QLT.03.001.P20 QLT.03.001.P10

QLT.03.002.P50 QLT.03.002.P40 QLT.03.002.P30 QLT.03.002.P20 QLT.03.002.P10

QLT.03.003.P50 QLT.03.003.P40 QLT.03.003.P30 QLT.03.003.P20 QLT.03.003.P10

QLT.03.004.P50 QLT.03.004.P40 QLT.03.004.P30 QLT.03.004.P20 QLT.03.004.P10

QLT.03.005.P50 QLT.03.005.P40 QLT.03.005.P30 QLT.03.005.P20 QLT.03.005.P10

QLT.03.006.P50 QLT.03.006.P40 QLT.03.006.P30 QLT.03.006.P20 QLT.03.006.P10

QLT.03.008.P50 QLT.03.008.P40 QLT.03.008.P30 QLT.03.008.P20 QLT.03.008.P10

QLT.03.028.P50 QLT.03.028.P40 QLT.03.028.P30 QLT.03.028.P20 QLT.03.028.P10

QLT.03.029.P50 QLT.03.029.P40 QLT.03.029.P30 QLT.03.029.P20 QLT.03.029.P10

QLT.03.030.P50 QLT.03.030.P40 QLT.03.030.P30 QLT.03.030.P20 QLT.03.030.P10

QLT.03.032.P50 QLT.03.032.P40 QLT.03.032.P30 QLT.03.032.P20 QLT.03.032.P10

QLT.03.033.P50 QLT.03.033.P40 QLT.03.033.P30 QLT.03.033.P20 QLT.03.033.P10

QLT.03.034.P50 QLT.03.034.P40 QLT.03.034.P30 QLT.03.034.P20 QLT.03.034.P10

QLT.03.035.P50 QLT.03.035.P40 QLT.03.035.P30 QLT.03.035.P20 QLT.03.035.P10

QLT.03.036.P50 QLT.03.036.P40 QLT.03.036.P30 QLT.03.036.P20 QLT.03.036.P10

QLT.03.037.P50 QLT.03.037.P40 QLT.03.037.P30 QLT.03.037.P20 QLT.03.037.P10

QLT.03.039.P50 QLT.03.039.P40 QLT.03.039.P30 QLT.03.039.P20 QLT.03.039.P10

QLT.03.040.P50 QLT.03.040.P40 QLT.03.040.P30 QLT.03.040.P20 QLT.03.040.P10

QLT.03.041.P50 QLT.03.041.P40 QLT.03.041.P30 QLT.03.041.P20 QLT.03.041.P10

QLT.03.047.P50 QLT.03.047.P40 QLT.03.047.P30 QLT.03.047.P20 QLT.03.047.P10

QLT.03.048.P50 QLT.03.048.P40 QLT.03.048.P30 QLT.03.048.P20 QLT.03.048.P10

QLT.03.999.P50 QLT.03.999.P40 QLT.03.999.P30 QLT.03.999.P20 QLT.03.999.P10

QLT.04.001.P50 QLT.04.001.P40 QLT.04.001.P30 QLT.04.001.P20 QLT.04.001.P10

QLT.04.003.P50 QLT.04.003.P40 QLT.04.003.P30 QLT.04.003.P20 QLT.04.003.P10

QLT.04.005.P50 QLT.04.005.P40 QLT.04.005.P30 QLT.04.005.P20 QLT.04.005.P10

QLT.05.010.P50 QLT.05.010.P40 QLT.05.010.P30 QLT.05.010.P20 QLT.05.010.P10

SCN.02.001.P50 SCN.02.001.P40 SCN.02.001.P30 SCN.02.001.P20 SCN.02.001.P10

SCN.02.002.P50 SCN.02.002.P40 SCN.02.002.P30 SCN.02.002.P20 SCN.02.002.P10

SCN.02.004.P50 SCN.02.004.P40 SCN.02.004.P30 SCN.02.004.P20 SCN.02.004.P10

SCN.02.008.P50 SCN.02.008.P40 SCN.02.008.P30 SCN.02.008.P20 SCN.02.008.P10

SCN.02.009.P50 SCN.02.009.P40 SCN.02.009.P30 SCN.02.009.P20 SCN.02.009.P10

SCN.02.999.P50 SCN.02.999.P40 SCN.02.999.P30 SCN.02.999.P20 SCN.02.999.P10

SCN.03.001.P50 SCN.03.001.P40 SCN.03.001.P30 SCN.03.001.P20 SCN.03.001.P10

SCN.03.002.P50 SCN.03.002.P40 SCN.03.002.P30 SCN.03.002.P20 SCN.03.002.P10

SCN.03.019.P50 SCN.03.019.P40 SCN.03.019.P30 SCN.03.019.P20 SCN.03.019.P10

SCN.03.006.P50 SCN.03.006.P40 SCN.03.006.P30 SCN.03.006.P20 SCN.03.006.P10

SCN.03.020.P50 SCN.03.020.P40 SCN.03.020.P30 SCN.03.020.P20 SCN.03.020.P10

SCN.03.021.P50 SCN.03.021.P40 SCN.03.021.P30 SCN.03.021.P20 SCN.03.021.P10

SCN.03.015.P50 SCN.03.015.P40 SCN.03.015.P30 SCN.03.015.P20 SCN.03.015.P10

SCN.03.023.P50 SCN.03.023.P40 SCN.03.023.P30 SCN.03.023.P20 SCN.03.023.P10

SCN.03.022.P50 SCN.03.022.P40 SCN.03.022.P30 SCN.03.022.P20 SCN.03.022.P10

SCN.03.003.P50 SCN.03.003.P40 SCN.03.003.P30 SCN.03.003.P20 SCN.03.003.P10

SCN.03.013.P50 SCN.03.013.P40 SCN.03.013.P30 SCN.03.013.P20 SCN.03.013.P10

SCN.03.017.P50 SCN.03.017.P40 SCN.03.017.P30 SCN.03.017.P20 SCN.03.017.P10

SCN.03.018.P50 SCN.03.018.P40 SCN.03.018.P30 SCN.03.018.P20 SCN.03.018.P10

SCN.03.005.P50 SCN.03.005.P40 SCN.03.005.P30 SCN.03.005.P20 SCN.03.005.P10

SCN.03.009.P50 SCN.03.009.P40 SCN.03.009.P30 SCN.03.009.P20 SCN.03.009.P10

SCN.03.026.P50 SCN.03.026.P40 SCN.03.026.P30 SCN.03.026.P20 SCN.03.026.P10

SCN.03.030.P50 SCN.03.030.P40 SCN.03.030.P30 SCN.03.030.P20 SCN.03.030.P10

SCN.03.029.P50 SCN.03.029.P40 SCN.03.029.P30 SCN.03.029.P20 SCN.03.029.P10

SCN.03.035.P50 SCN.03.035.P40 SCN.03.035.P30 SCN.03.035.P20 SCN.03.035.P10

SCN.03.031.P50 SCN.03.031.P40 SCN.03.031.P30 SCN.03.031.P20 SCN.03.031.P10

SCN.03.054.P50 SCN.03.054.P40 SCN.03.054.P30 SCN.03.054.P20 SCN.03.054.P10

SCN.03.055.P50 SCN.03.055.P40 SCN.03.055.P30 SCN.03.055.P20 SCN.03.055.P10

SCN.03.007.P50 SCN.03.007.P40 SCN.03.007.P30 SCN.03.007.P20 SCN.03.007.P10

SCN.03.008.P50 SCN.03.008.P40 SCN.03.008.P30 SCN.03.008.P20 SCN.03.008.P10

SCN.03.010.P50 SCN.03.010.P40 SCN.03.010.P30 SCN.03.010.P20 SCN.03.010.P10

SCN.03.014.P50 SCN.03.014.P40 SCN.03.014.P30 SCN.03.014.P20 SCN.03.014.P10

SCN.04.001.P50 SCN.04.001.P40 SCN.04.001.P30 SCN.04.001.P20 SCN.04.001.P10

SCN.04.002.P50 SCN.04.002.P40 SCN.04.002.P30 SCN.04.002.P20 SCN.04.002.P10

SCN.04.003.P50 SCN.04.003.P40 SCN.04.003.P30 SCN.04.003.P20 SCN.04.003.P10

SCN.04.007.P50 SCN.04.007.P40 SCN.04.007.P30 SCN.04.007.P20 SCN.04.007.P10

SCN.04.008.P50 SCN.04.008.P40 SCN.04.008.P30 SCN.04.008.P20 SCN.04.008.P10

SCN.05.027.P50 SCN.05.027.P40 SCN.05.027.P30 SCN.05.027.P20 SCN.05.027.P10

SCN.05.026.P50 SCN.05.026.P40 SCN.05.026.P30 SCN.05.026.P20 SCN.05.026.P10

SCN.05.036.P50 SCN.05.036.P40 SCN.05.036.P30 SCN.05.036.P20 SCN.05.036.P10

SCN.05.042.P50 SCN.05.042.P40 SCN.05.042.P30 SCN.05.042.P20 SCN.05.042.P10

SCN.05.028.P50 SCN.05.028.P40 SCN.05.028.P30 SCN.05.028.P20 SCN.05.028.P10

SCN.05.102.P50 SCN.05.102.P40 SCN.05.102.P30 SCN.05.102.P20 SCN.05.102.P10

SCN.05.072.P50 SCN.05.072.P40 SCN.05.072.P30 SCN.05.072.P20 SCN.05.072.P10

SCN.06.001.P50 SCN.06.001.P40 SCN.06.001.P30 SCN.06.001.P20 SCN.06.001.P10

SCN.06.002.P50 SCN.06.002.P40 SCN.06.002.P30 SCN.06.002.P20 SCN.06.002.P10

SCN.06.003.P50 SCN.06.003.P40 SCN.06.003.P30 SCN.06.003.P20 SCN.06.003.P10

SCN.06.004.P50 SCN.06.004.P40 SCN.06.004.P30 SCN.06.004.P20 SCN.06.004.P10

SCN.06.005.P50 SCN.06.005.P40 SCN.06.005.P30 SCN.06.005.P20 SCN.06.005.P10

SCN.06.999.P50 SCN.06.999.P40 SCN.06.999.P30 SCN.06.999.P20 SCN.06.999.P10

ENS.02.001.P50 ENS.02.001.P40 ENS.02.001.P30 ENS.02.001.P20 ENS.02.001.P10

ENS.02.002.P50 ENS.02.002.P40 ENS.02.002.P30 ENS.02.002.P20 ENS.02.002.P10

ENS.02.003.P50 ENS.02.003.P40 ENS.02.003.P30 ENS.02.003.P20 ENS.02.003.P10

ENS.02.019.P50 ENS.02.019.P40 ENS.02.019.P30 ENS.02.019.P20 ENS.02.019.P10

ENS.02.020.P50 ENS.02.020.P40 ENS.02.020.P30 ENS.02.020.P20 ENS.02.020.P10

ENS.02.021.P50 ENS.02.021.P40 ENS.02.021.P30 ENS.02.021.P20 ENS.02.021.P10

ENS.02.022.P50 ENS.02.022.P40 ENS.02.022.P30 ENS.02.022.P20 ENS.02.022.P10

ENS.02.023.P50 ENS.02.023.P40 ENS.02.023.P30 ENS.02.023.P20 ENS.02.023.P10

ENS.02.024.P50 ENS.02.024.P40 ENS.02.024.P30 ENS.02.024.P20 ENS.02.024.P10

ENS.02.027.P50 ENS.02.027.P40 ENS.02.027.P30 ENS.02.027.P20 ENS.02.027.P10

ENS.02.026.P50 ENS.02.026.P40 ENS.02.026.P30 ENS.02.026.P20 ENS.02.026.P10

ENS.02.046.P50 ENS.02.046.P40 ENS.02.046.P30 ENS.02.046.P20 ENS.02.046.P10

ENS.02.047.P50 ENS.02.047.P40 ENS.02.047.P30 ENS.02.047.P20 ENS.02.047.P10

ENS.02.048.P50 ENS.02.048.P40 ENS.02.048.P30 ENS.02.048.P20 ENS.02.048.P10

ENS.02.049.P50 ENS.02.049.P40 ENS.02.049.P30 ENS.02.049.P20 ENS.02.049.P10

ENS.02.050.P50 ENS.02.050.P40 ENS.02.050.P30 ENS.02.050.P20 ENS.02.050.P10

ENS.02.052.P50 ENS.02.052.P40 ENS.02.052.P30 ENS.02.052.P20 ENS.02.052.P10

ENS.02.053.P50 ENS.02.053.P40 ENS.02.053.P30 ENS.02.053.P20 ENS.02.053.P10

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ENS.07.057.P50 ENS.07.057.P40 ENS.07.057.P30 ENS.07.057.P20 ENS.07.057.P10

ENS.07.060.P50 ENS.07.060.P40 ENS.07.060.P30 ENS.07.060.P20 ENS.07.060.P10

ENS.07.079.P50 ENS.07.079.P40 ENS.07.079.P30 ENS.07.079.P20 ENS.07.079.P10

ENS.07.099.P50 ENS.07.099.P40 ENS.07.099.P30 ENS.07.099.P20 ENS.07.099.P10

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ENS.07.107.P30 ENS.07.107.P20 ENS.07.107.P10

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ENS.07.999.P50 ENS.07.999.P40 ENS.07.999.P30 ENS.07.999.P20 ENS.07.999.P10

ENS.08.001.P50 ENS.08.001.P40 ENS.08.001.P30 ENS.08.001.P20 ENS.08.001.P10

ENS.08.003.P50 ENS.08.003.P40 ENS.08.003.P30 ENS.08.003.P20 ENS.08.003.P10

ENS.08.005.P50 ENS.08.005.P40 ENS.08.005.P30 ENS.08.005.P20 ENS.08.005.P10

ENS.08.999.P50 ENS.08.999.P40 ENS.08.999.P30 ENS.08.999.P20 ENS.08.999.P10

ENS.09.002.P50 ENS.09.002.P40 ENS.09.002.P30 ENS.09.002.P20 ENS.09.002.P10

ENS.09.004.P50 ENS.09.004.P40 ENS.09.004.P30 ENS.09.004.P20 ENS.09.004.P10

ENS.09.024.P50 ENS.09.024.P40 ENS.09.024.P30 ENS.09.024.P20 ENS.09.024.P10

PSK.02.001.P50 PSK.02.001.P40 PSK.02.001.P30 PSK.02.001.P20 PSK.02.001.P10

PSK.03.001.P50 PSK.03.001.P40 PSK.03.001.P30 PSK.03.001.P20 PSK.03.001.P10

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PSK.03.999.P50 PSK.03.999.P40 PSK.03.999.P30 PSK.03.999.P20 PSK.03.999.P10

PSK.04.008.P50 PSK.04.008.P40 PSK.04.008.P30 PSK.04.008.P20 PSK.04.008.P10

PSK.05.094.P50 PSK.05.094.P40 PSK.05.094.P30 PSK.05.094.P20 PSK.05.094.P10
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PSK.07.003.P50 PSK.07.003.P40 PSK.07.003.P30 PSK.07.003.P20 PSK.07.003.P10


PSK.07.006.P50 PSK.07.006.P40 PSK.07.006.P30 PSK.07.006.P20 PSK.07.006.P10

PSK.08.002.P50 PSK.08.002.P40 PSK.08.002.P30 PSK.08.002.P20 PSK.08.002.P10


PSK.08.029.P50 PSK.08.029.P40 PSK.08.029.P30 PSK.08.029.P20 PSK.08.029.P10

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ITC.14.023.P50 ITC.14.023.P40 ITC.14.023.P30 ITC.14.023.P20 ITC.14.023.P10

ITC.14.024.P50 ITC.14.024.P40 ITC.14.024.P30 ITC.14.024.P20 ITC.14.024.P10

ITC.14.025.P50 ITC.14.025.P40 ITC.14.025.P30 ITC.14.025.P20 ITC.14.025.P10

ITC.14.026.P50 ITC.14.026.P40 ITC.14.026.P30 ITC.14.026.P20 ITC.14.026.P10

ITC.14.027.P50 ITC.14.027.P40 ITC.14.027.P30 ITC.14.027.P20 ITC.14.027.P10

ITC.14.028.P50 ITC.14.028.P40 ITC.14.028.P30 ITC.14.028.P20 ITC.14.028.P10

ITC.14.029.P50 ITC.14.029.P40 ITC.14.029.P30 ITC.14.029.P20 ITC.14.029.P10

ITC.14.030.P50 ITC.14.030.P40 ITC.14.030.P30 ITC.14.030.P20 ITC.14.030.P10

ITC.14.032.P50 ITC.14.032.P40 ITC.14.032.P30 ITC.14.032.P20 ITC.14.032.P10

ITC.14.033.P50 ITC.14.033.P40 ITC.14.033.P30 ITC.14.033.P20 ITC.14.033.P10

ITC.14.031.P50 ITC.14.031.P40 ITC.14.031.P30 ITC.14.031.P20 ITC.14.031.P10

ITC.14.051.P50 ITC.14.051.P40 ITC.14.051.P30 ITC.14.051.P20 ITC.14.051.P10

ITC.14.052.P50 ITC.14.052.P40 ITC.14.052.P30 ITC.14.052.P20 ITC.14.052.P10

ITC.14.053.P50 ITC.14.053.P40 ITC.14.053.P30 ITC.14.053.P20 ITC.14.053.P10

ITC.14.054.P50 ITC.14.054.P40 ITC.14.054.P30 ITC.14.054.P20 ITC.14.054.P10

ITC.14.999.P50 ITC.14.999.P40 ITC.14.999.P30 ITC.14.999.P20 ITC.14.999.P10

ITC.15.045.P50 ITC.15.045.P40 ITC.15.045.P30 ITC.15.045.P20 ITC.15.045.P10

ITC.15.065.P50 ITC.15.065.P40 ITC.15.065.P30 ITC.15.065.P20 ITC.15.065.P10

ITC.15.066.P50 ITC.15.066.P40 ITC.15.066.P30 ITC.15.066.P20 ITC.15.066.P10

ITC.15.067.P50 ITC.15.067.P40 ITC.15.067.P30 ITC.15.067.P20 ITC.15.067.P10

DAW.02.001.P50 DAW.02.001.P40 DAW.02.001.P30 DAW.02.001.P20 DAW.02.001.P10

DAW.02.016.P50 DAW.02.016.P40 DAW.02.016.P30 DAW.02.016.P20 DAW.02.016.P10

DAW.02.002.P50 DAW.02.002.P40 DAW.02.002.P30 DAW.02.002.P20 DAW.02.002.P10

DAW.02.003.P50 DAW.02.003.P40 DAW.02.003.P30 DAW.02.003.P20 DAW.02.003.P10

DAW.02.005.P50 DAW.02.005.P40 DAW.02.005.P30 DAW.02.005.P20 DAW.02.005.P10

DAW.02.006.P50 DAW.02.006.P40 DAW.02.006.P30 DAW.02.006.P20 DAW.02.006.P10

DAW.02.012.P50 DAW.02.012.P40 DAW.02.012.P30 DAW.02.012.P20 DAW.02.012.P10

DAW.02.015.P50 DAW.02.015.P40 DAW.02.015.P30 DAW.02.015.P20 DAW.02.015.P10

DAW.02.017.P50 DAW.02.017.P40 DAW.02.017.P30 DAW.02.017.P20 DAW.02.017.P10

DAW.02.009.P50 DAW.02.009.P40 DAW.02.009.P30 DAW.02.009.P20 DAW.02.009.P10

DAW.02.010.P50 DAW.02.010.P40 DAW.02.010.P30 DAW.02.010.P20 DAW.02.010.P10

DAW.02.032.P50 DAW.02.032.P40 DAW.02.032.P30 DAW.02.032.P20 DAW.02.032.P10

DAW.02.055.P50 DAW.02.055.P40 DAW.02.055.P30 DAW.02.055.P20 DAW.02.055.P10

DAW.02.057.P50 DAW.02.057.P40 DAW.02.057.P30 DAW.02.057.P20 DAW.02.057.P10

DAW.02.999.P50 DAW.02.999.P40 DAW.02.999.P30 DAW.02.999.P20 DAW.02.999.P10

DAW.03.001.P50 DAW.03.001.P40 DAW.03.001.P30 DAW.03.001.P20 DAW.03.001.P10

DAW.03.002.P50 DAW.03.002.P40 DAW.03.002.P30 DAW.03.002.P20 DAW.03.002.P10

DAW.03.003.P50 DAW.03.003.P40 DAW.03.003.P30 DAW.03.003.P20 DAW.03.003.P10

DAW.03.004.P50 DAW.03.004.P40 DAW.03.004.P30 DAW.03.004.P20 DAW.03.004.P10

DAW.03.999.P50 DAW.03.999.P40 DAW.03.999.P30 DAW.03.999.P20 DAW.03.999.P10

DAW.04.002.P50 DAW.04.002.P40 DAW.04.002.P30 DAW.04.002.P20 DAW.04.002.P10

TNS.02.003.P50 TNS.02.003.P40 TNS.02.003.P30 TNS.02.003.P20 TNS.02.003.P10

TNS.02.007.P50 TNS.02.007.P40 TNS.02.007.P30 TNS.02.007.P20 TNS.02.007.P10

TNS.03.005.P50 TNS.03.005.P40 TNS.03.005.P30 TNS.03.005.P20 TNS.03.005.P10

TNS.03.999.P50 TNS.03.999.P40 TNS.03.999.P30 TNS.03.999.P20 TNS.03.999.P10

TNS.05.045.P50 TNS.05.045.P40 TNS.05.045.P30 TNS.05.045.P20 TNS.05.045.P10

TNS.05.048.P30 TNS.05.048.P20 TNS.05.048.P10

TNS.05.999.P50 TNS.05.999.P40 TNS.05.999.P30 TNS.05.999.P20 TNS.05.999.P10

TNS.07.057.P50 TNS.07.057.P40 TNS.07.057.P30 TNS.07.057.P20 TNS.07.057.P10

DEX.02.016.P50 DEX.02.016.P40 DEX.02.016.P30 DEX.02.016.P20 DEX.02.016.P10

DEX.02.017.P50 DEX.02.017.P40 DEX.02.017.P30 DEX.02.017.P20 DEX.02.017.P10

DEX.02.041.P50 DEX.02.041.P40 DEX.02.041.P30 DEX.02.041.P20 DEX.02.041.P10

DEX.02.999.P50 DEX.02.999.P40 DEX.02.999.P30 DEX.02.999.P20 DEX.02.999.P10

DEX.03.005.P50 DEX.03.005.P40 DEX.03.005.P30 DEX.03.005.P20 DEX.03.005.P10

DEX.03.007.P50 DEX.03.007.P40 DEX.03.007.P30 DEX.03.007.P20 DEX.03.007.P10

DEX.04.004.P50 DEX.04.004.P40 DEX.04.004.P30 DEX.04.004.P20 DEX.04.004.P10

DEX.04.999.P50 DEX.04.999.P40 DEX.04.999.P30 DEX.04.999.P20 DEX.04.999.P10

DEX.08.002.P50 DEX.08.002.P40 DEX.08.002.P30 DEX.08.002.P20 DEX.08.002.P10

DEX.09.018.P50 DEX.09.018.P40 DEX.09.018.P30 DEX.09.018.P20 DEX.09.018.P10

DEX.09.070.P50 DEX.09.070.P40 DEX.09.070.P30 DEX.09.070.P20 DEX.09.070.P10
EGS.02.070.P50 EGS.02.070.P40 EGS.02.070.P30 EGS.02.070.P20 EGS.02.070.P10
EGS.02.999.P50 EGS.02.999.P40 EGS.02.999.P30 EGS.02.999.P20 EGS.02.999.P10

CCB.04.039.P50 CCB.04.039.P40 CCB.04.039.P30 CCB.04.039.P20 CCB.04.039.P10

CMB.06.001.P50 CMB.06.001.P40 CMB.06.001.P30 CMB.06.001.P20 CMB.06.001.P10

AMT.04.001.P50 AMT.04.001.P40 AMT.04.001.P30 AMT.04.001.P20 AMT.04.001.P10

AMT.04.003.P50 AMT.04.003.P40 AMT.04.003.P30 AMT.04.003.P20 AMT.04.003.P10

TRD.01.002.P50 TRD.01.002.P40 TRD.01.002.P30 TRD.01.002.P20 TRD.01.002.P10

TRD.01.040.P50 TRD.01.040.P40 TRD.01.040.P30 TRD.01.040.P20 TRD.01.040.P10

TRD.01.042.P50 TRD.01.042.P40 TRD.01.042.P30 TRD.01.042.P20 TRD.01.042.P10

TRD.01.043.P50 TRD.01.043.P40 TRD.01.043.P30 TRD.01.043.P20 TRD.01.043.P10

TRD.01.044.P50 TRD.01.044.P40 TRD.01.044.P30 TRD.01.044.P20 TRD.01.044.P10

TRD.01.046.P50 TRD.01.046.P40 TRD.01.046.P30 TRD.01.046.P20 TRD.01.046.P10

TRD.01.047.P50 TRD.01.047.P40 TRD.01.047.P30 TRD.01.047.P20 TRD.01.047.P10

TRD.01.055.P50 TRD.01.055.P40 TRD.01.055.P30 TRD.01.055.P20 TRD.01.055.P10

TRD.01.999.P50 TRD.01.999.P40 TRD.01.999.P30 TRD.01.999.P20 TRD.01.999.P10

TRD.02.003.P50 TRD.02.003.P40 TRD.02.003.P30 TRD.02.003.P20 TRD.02.003.P10

TRD.03.035.P50 TRD.03.035.P40 TRD.03.035.P30 TRD.03.035.P20 TRD.03.035.P10

TRD.03.036.P50 TRD.03.036.P40 TRD.03.036.P30 TRD.03.036.P20 TRD.03.036.P10

TRD.03.999.P50 TRD.03.999.P40 TRD.03.999.P30 TRD.03.999.P20 TRD.03.999.P10

TRD.04.010.P50 TRD.04.010.P40 TRD.04.010.P30 TRD.04.010.P20 TRD.04.010.P10

INS.02.002.P50 INS.02.002.P40 INS.02.002.P30 INS.02.002.P20 INS.02.002.P10

INS.03.002.P50 INS.03.002.P40 INS.03.002.P30 INS.03.002.P20 INS.03.002.P10

RET.02.001.P50 RET.02.001.P40 RET.02.001.P30 RET.02.001.P20 RET.02.001.P10

RET.02.047.P50 RET.02.047.P40 RET.02.047.P30 RET.02.047.P20 RET.02.047.P10

RET.03.025.P50 RET.03.025.P40 RET.03.025.P30 RET.03.025.P20 RET.03.025.P10

RET.03.028.P50 RET.03.028.P40 RET.03.028.P30 RET.03.028.P20 RET.03.028.P10

RET.03.034.P30 RET.03.034.P20 RET.03.034.P10

RET.03.053.P50 RET.03.053.P40 RET.03.053.P30 RET.03.053.P20 RET.03.053.P10

RET.03.056.P50 RET.03.056.P40 RET.03.056.P30 RET.03.056.P20 RET.03.056.P10

RET.03.999.P50 RET.03.999.P40 RET.03.999.P30 RET.03.999.P20 RET.03.999.P10

RET.05.001.P50 RET.05.001.P40 RET.05.001.P30 RET.05.001.P20 RET.05.001.P10

RET.05.002.P50 RET.05.002.P40 RET.05.002.P30 RET.05.002.P20 RET.05.002.P10

RET.06.001.P50 RET.06.001.P40 RET.06.001.P30 RET.06.001.P20 RET.06.001.P10

RET.06.002.P50 RET.06.002.P40 RET.06.002.P30 RET.06.002.P20 RET.06.002.P10

RET.06.004.P50 RET.06.004.P40 RET.06.004.P30 RET.06.004.P20 RET.06.004.P10

RET.06.005.P50 RET.06.005.P40 RET.06.005.P30 RET.06.005.P20 RET.06.005.P10

RET.06.006.P50 RET.06.006.P40 RET.06.006.P30 RET.06.006.P20 RET.06.006.P10

RET.06.008.P50 RET.06.008.P40 RET.06.008.P30 RET.06.008.P20 RET.06.008.P10

RET.06.009.P50 RET.06.009.P40 RET.06.009.P30 RET.06.009.P20 RET.06.009.P10

RET.06.010.P50 RET.06.010.P40 RET.06.010.P30 RET.06.010.P20 RET.06.010.P10

RET.06.011.P50 RET.06.011.P40 RET.06.011.P30 RET.06.011.P20 RET.06.011.P10

RET.06.053.P50 RET.06.053.P40 RET.06.053.P30 RET.06.053.P20 RET.06.053.P10

HPY.02.002.P50 HPY.02.002.P40 HPY.02.002.P30 HPY.02.002.P20 HPY.02.002.P10

HPY.04.002.P30 HPY.04.002.P20 HPY.04.002.P10

HPY.04.003.P30 HPY.04.003.P20 HPY.04.003.P10

HPY.04.999.P30 HPY.04.999.P20 HPY.04.999.P10

HPY.05.003.P50 HPY.05.003.P40 HPY.05.003.P30 HPY.05.003.P20 HPY.05.003.P10

HPY.05.004.P50 HPY.05.004.P40 HPY.05.004.P30 HPY.05.004.P20 HPY.05.004.P10

HPY.05.999.P50 HPY.05.999.P40 HPY.05.999.P30 HPY.05.999.P20 HPY.05.999.P10

HPY.06.002.P50 HPY.06.002.P40 HPY.06.002.P30 HPY.06.002.P20 HPY.06.002.P10

CRT.01.001.P50 CRT.01.001.P40 CRT.01.001.P30 CRT.01.001.P20 CRT.01.001.P10

CRT.01.003.P50 CRT.01.003.P40 CRT.01.003.P30 CRT.01.003.P20 CRT.01.003.P10

CRT.02.001.P50 CRT.02.001.P40 CRT.02.001.P30 CRT.02.001.P20 CRT.02.001.P10

CRT.02.002.P50 CRT.02.002.P40 CRT.02.002.P30 CRT.02.002.P20 CRT.02.002.P10

CRT.02.003.P50 CRT.02.003.P40 CRT.02.003.P30 CRT.02.003.P20 CRT.02.003.P10

CRT.02.030.P50 CRT.02.030.P40 CRT.02.030.P30 CRT.02.030.P20 CRT.02.030.P10

CRT.02.026.P50 CRT.02.026.P40 CRT.02.026.P30 CRT.02.026.P20 CRT.02.026.P10

CRT.02.027.P50 CRT.02.027.P40 CRT.02.027.P30 CRT.02.027.P20 CRT.02.027.P10

CRT.02.050.P50 CRT.02.050.P40 CRT.02.050.P30 CRT.02.050.P20 CRT.02.050.P10

CRT.02.079.P50 CRT.02.079.P40 CRT.02.079.P30 CRT.02.079.P20 CRT.02.079.P10

CRT.02.080.P50 CRT.02.080.P40 CRT.02.080.P30 CRT.02.080.P20 CRT.02.080.P10

CRT.02.081.P50 CRT.02.081.P40 CRT.02.081.P30 CRT.02.081.P20 CRT.02.081.P10

CRT.02.087.P50 CRT.02.087.P40 CRT.02.087.P30 CRT.02.087.P20 CRT.02.087.P10

CRT.02.133.P50 CRT.02.133.P40 CRT.02.133.P30 CRT.02.133.P20 CRT.02.133.P10

CRT.02.134.P50 CRT.02.134.P40 CRT.02.134.P30 CRT.02.134.P20 CRT.02.134.P10

CRT.02.135.P50 CRT.02.135.P40 CRT.02.135.P30 CRT.02.135.P20 CRT.02.135.P10

CRT.02.136.P50 CRT.02.136.P40 CRT.02.136.P30 CRT.02.136.P20 CRT.02.136.P10

CRT.02.999.P50 CRT.02.999.P40 CRT.02.999.P30 CRT.02.999.P20 CRT.02.999.P10

CRT.03.001.P50 CRT.03.001.P40 CRT.03.001.P30 CRT.03.001.P20 CRT.03.001.P10

CRT.03.002.P50 CRT.03.002.P40 CRT.03.002.P30 CRT.03.002.P20 CRT.03.002.P10

CRT.03.023.P50 CRT.03.023.P40 CRT.03.023.P30 CRT.03.023.P20 CRT.03.023.P10

CRT.03.024.P50 CRT.03.024.P40 CRT.03.024.P30 CRT.03.024.P20 CRT.03.024.P10

CRT.03.025.P50 CRT.03.025.P40 CRT.03.025.P30 CRT.03.025.P20 CRT.03.025.P10

CRT.03.026.P50 CRT.03.026.P40 CRT.03.026.P30 CRT.03.026.P20 CRT.03.026.P10

CRT.03.027.P50 CRT.03.027.P40 CRT.03.027.P30 CRT.03.027.P20 CRT.03.027.P10

CRT.03.999.P50 CRT.03.999.P40 CRT.03.999.P30 CRT.03.999.P20 CRT.03.999.P10

CRT.04.001.P50 CRT.04.001.P40 CRT.04.001.P30 CRT.04.001.P20 CRT.04.001.P10

CRT.04.029.P50 CRT.04.029.P40 CRT.04.029.P30 CRT.04.029.P20 CRT.04.029.P10

CRT.04.999.P50 CRT.04.999.P40 CRT.04.999.P30 CRT.04.999.P20 CRT.04.999.P10

CRT.05.002.P50 CRT.05.002.P40 CRT.05.002.P30 CRT.05.002.P20 CRT.05.002.P10

CRT.05.003.P50 CRT.05.003.P40 CRT.05.003.P30 CRT.05.003.P20 CRT.05.003.P10

CRT.05.004.P50 CRT.05.004.P40 CRT.05.004.P30 CRT.05.004.P20 CRT.05.004.P10

CRT.05.005.P50 CRT.05.005.P40 CRT.05.005.P30 CRT.05.005.P20 CRT.05.005.P10

CRT.05.006.P50 CRT.05.006.P40 CRT.05.006.P30 CRT.05.006.P20 CRT.05.006.P10

CRT.05.007.P50 CRT.05.007.P40 CRT.05.007.P30 CRT.05.007.P20 CRT.05.007.P10

CRT.05.008.P50 CRT.05.008.P40 CRT.05.008.P30 CRT.05.008.P20 CRT.05.008.P10

CRT.05.009.P50 CRT.05.009.P40 CRT.05.009.P30 CRT.05.009.P20 CRT.05.009.P10

CRT.05.031.P50 CRT.05.031.P40 CRT.05.031.P30 CRT.05.031.P20 CRT.05.031.P10

CRT.05.032.P50 CRT.05.032.P40 CRT.05.032.P30 CRT.05.032.P20 CRT.05.032.P10

CRT.05.033.P50 CRT.05.033.P40 CRT.05.033.P30 CRT.05.033.P20 CRT.05.033.P10

CRT.05.034.P50 CRT.05.034.P40 CRT.05.034.P30 CRT.05.034.P20 CRT.05.034.P10

CRT.05.035.P50 CRT.05.035.P40 CRT.05.035.P30 CRT.05.035.P20 CRT.05.035.P10

CRT.05.036.P50 CRT.05.036.P40 CRT.05.036.P30 CRT.05.036.P20 CRT.05.036.P10

CRT.05.057.P50 CRT.05.057.P40 CRT.05.057.P30 CRT.05.057.P20 CRT.05.057.P10

CRT.05.059.P50 CRT.05.059.P40 CRT.05.059.P30 CRT.05.059.P20 CRT.05.059.P10

CRT.06.086.P50 CRT.06.086.P40 CRT.06.086.P30 CRT.06.086.P20 CRT.06.086.P10

CRT.06.091.P50 CRT.06.091.P40 CRT.06.091.P30 CRT.06.091.P20 CRT.06.091.P10

CRT.09.001.P50 CRT.09.001.P40 CRT.09.001.P30 CRT.09.001.P20 CRT.09.001.P10

MDA.01.004.P50 MDA.01.004.P40 MDA.01.004.P30 MDA.01.004.P20 MDA.01.004.P10

MDA.02.026.P50 MDA.02.026.P40 MDA.02.026.P30 MDA.02.026.P20 MDA.02.026.P10

REA.01.001.P50 REA.01.001.P40 REA.01.001.P30 REA.01.001.P20 REA.01.001.P10

REA.02.024.P50 REA.02.024.P40 REA.02.024.P30 REA.02.024.P20 REA.02.024.P10

REA.03.003.P50 REA.03.003.P40 REA.03.003.P30 REA.03.003.P20 REA.03.003.P10

REA.03.004.P50 REA.03.004.P40 REA.03.004.P30 REA.03.004.P20 REA.03.004.P10

REA.03.007.P50 REA.03.007.P40 REA.03.007.P30 REA.03.007.P20 REA.03.007.P10

REA.03.008.P50 REA.03.008.P40 REA.03.008.P30 REA.03.008.P20 REA.03.008.P10

REA.03.009.P50 REA.03.009.P40 REA.03.009.P30 REA.03.009.P20 REA.03.009.P10

REA.03.032.P50 REA.03.032.P40 REA.03.032.P30 REA.03.032.P20 REA.03.032.P10

REA.03.999.P50 REA.03.999.P40 REA.03.999.P30 REA.03.999.P20 REA.03.999.P10

REA.05.002.P50 REA.05.002.P40 REA.05.002.P30 REA.05.002.P20 REA.05.002.P10

REA.05.004.P50 REA.05.004.P40 REA.05.004.P30 REA.05.004.P20 REA.05.004.P10

HLT.02.034.P50 HLT.02.034.P40 HLT.02.034.P30 HLT.02.034.P20 HLT.02.034.P10

HLT.02.036.P30 HLT.02.036.P20 HLT.02.036.P10

HLT.02.048.P50 HLT.02.048.P40 HLT.02.048.P30 HLT.02.048.P20 HLT.02.048.P10

HLT.02.071.P50 HLT.02.071.P40 HLT.02.071.P30 HLT.02.071.P20 HLT.02.071.P10

HLT.03.001.P50 HLT.03.001.P40 HLT.03.001.P30

HLT.04.012.P50 HLT.04.012.P40 HLT.04.012.P30 HLT.04.012.P20 HLT.04.012.P10

HLT.04.015.P50 HLT.04.015.P40 HLT.04.015.P30

HLT.04.025.P50 HLT.04.025.P40 HLT.04.025.P30 HLT.04.025.P20 HLT.04.025.P10

HLT.05.031.P50 HLT.05.031.P40 HLT.05.031.P30 HLT.05.031.P20 HLT.05.031.P10

HLT.06.012.P50 HLT.06.012.P40 HLT.06.012.P30 HLT.06.012.P20 HLT.06.012.P10

HLT.06.013.P50 HLT.06.013.P40 HLT.06.013.P30 HLT.06.013.P20 HLT.06.013.P10

HLT.12.031.P30 HLT.12.031.P20 HLT.12.031.P10

OGC.02.012.P50 OGC.02.012.P40 OGC.02.012.P30 OGC.02.012.P20 OGC.02.012.P10

OGC.02.021.P50 OGC.02.021.P40 OGC.02.021.P30 OGC.02.021.P20 OGC.02.021.P10

OGC.02.041.P50 OGC.02.041.P40 OGC.02.041.P30 OGC.02.041.P20 OGC.02.041.P10

OGC.02.051.P50 OGC.02.051.P40 OGC.02.051.P30 OGC.02.051.P20 OGC.02.051.P10

OGC.03.011.P50 OGC.03.011.P40 OGC.03.011.P30 OGC.03.011.P20 OGC.03.011.P10

OGC.03.041.P50 OGC.03.041.P40 OGC.03.041.P30 OGC.03.041.P20 OGC.03.041.P10

OGC.03.042.P50 OGC.03.042.P40 OGC.03.042.P30 OGC.03.042.P20 OGC.03.042.P10

OGC.03.051.P50 OGC.03.051.P40 OGC.03.051.P30 OGC.03.051.P20 OGC.03.051.P10

OGC.03.061.P50 OGC.03.061.P40 OGC.03.061.P30 OGC.03.061.P20 OGC.03.061.P10

OGC.03.062.P50 OGC.03.062.P40 OGC.03.062.P30 OGC.03.062.P20 OGC.03.062.P10

OGC.03.071.P50 OGC.03.071.P40 OGC.03.071.P30 OGC.03.071.P20 OGC.03.071.P10

OGC.07.011.P50 OGC.07.011.P40 OGC.07.011.P30 OGC.07.011.P20 OGC.07.011.P10

OGC.07.012.P50 OGC.07.012.P40 OGC.07.012.P30 OGC.07.012.P20 OGC.07.012.P10

OGC.07.051.P50 OGC.07.051.P40 OGC.07.051.P30 OGC.07.051.P20 OGC.07.051.P10

OGC.08.021.P50 OGC.08.021.P40 OGC.08.021.P30 OGC.08.021.P20 OGC.08.021.P10

OGC.08.023.P50 OGC.08.023.P40 OGC.08.023.P30 OGC.08.023.P20 OGC.08.023.P10

OGC.09.012.P50 OGC.09.012.P40 OGC.09.012.P30 OGC.09.012.P20 OGC.09.012.P10

OGC.10.011.P50 OGC.10.011.P40 OGC.10.011.P30 OGC.10.011.P20 OGC.10.011.P10

OGC.10.012.P50 OGC.10.012.P40 OGC.10.012.P30 OGC.10.012.P20 OGC.10.012.P10

OGC.10.013.P50 OGC.10.013.P40 OGC.10.013.P30 OGC.10.013.P20 OGC.10.013.P10

OGC.10.014.P50 OGC.10.014.P40 OGC.10.014.P30 OGC.10.014.P20 OGC.10.014.P10

OGC.11.014.P50 OGC.11.014.P40 OGC.11.014.P30 OGC.11.014.P20 OGC.11.014.P10

OGC.11.015.P50 OGC.11.015.P40 OGC.11.015.P30 OGC.11.015.P20 OGC.11.015.P10

OGC.11.016.P50 OGC.11.016.P40 OGC.11.016.P30 OGC.11.016.P20 OGC.11.016.P10

OGC.14.021.P50 OGC.14.021.P40 OGC.14.021.P30 OGC.14.021.P20 OGC.14.021.P10

OGC.16.011.P50 OGC.16.011.P40 OGC.16.011.P30 OGC.16.011.P20 OGC.16.011.P10

OGC.16.015.P50 OGC.16.015.P40 OGC.16.015.P30 OGC.16.015.P20 OGC.16.015.P10

OGC.16.999.P50 OGC.16.999.P40 OGC.16.999.P30 OGC.16.999.P20 OGC.16.999.P10


Full Mercer Benchmark

Database/Total Remuneration
S4 S3 S2 S1 Survey
(Click at the plus button to see
detailed product information)

GMA.03.011.S40 GMA.03.011.S30 GMA.03.011.S20 GMA.03.011.S10

FIN.02.004.S40 FIN.02.004.S30 FIN.02.004.S20 FIN.02.004.S10

FIN.04.005.S30 FIN.04.005.S20 FIN.04.005.S10

FIN.05.005.S30 FIN.05.005.S20 FIN.05.005.S10

FIN.06.001.S40 FIN.06.001.S30 FIN.06.001.S20 FIN.06.001.S10

FIN.06.017.S30 FIN.06.017.S20 FIN.06.017.S10

FIN.09.001.S40 FIN.09.001.S30 FIN.09.001.S20 FIN.09.001.S10

FIN.09.003.S40 FIN.09.003.S30 FIN.09.003.S20 FIN.09.003.S10

FIN.09.004.S40 FIN.09.004.S30 FIN.09.004.S20 FIN.09.004.S10

FIN.09.005.S40 FIN.09.005.S30 FIN.09.005.S20 FIN.09.005.S10

FIN.09.006.S30 FIN.09.006.S20 FIN.09.006.S10

FIN.09.007.S30 FIN.09.007.S20 FIN.09.007.S10

FIN.09.010.S40 FIN.09.010.S30 FIN.09.010.S20 FIN.09.010.S10

FIN.10.001.S40 FIN.10.001.S30 FIN.10.001.S20 FIN.10.001.S10

FIN.10.003.S30 FIN.10.003.S20 FIN.10.003.S10

FIN.10.012.S30 FIN.10.012.S20 FIN.10.012.S10

FIN.10.004.S30 FIN.10.004.S20 FIN.10.004.S10

HRM.02.001.S40 HRM.02.001.S30 HRM.02.001.S20 HRM.02.001.S10

HRM.05.001.S40 HRM.05.001.S30 HRM.05.001.S20 HRM.05.001.S10

HRM.05.003.S40 HRM.05.003.S30 HRM.05.003.S20 HRM.05.003.S10

HRM.05.004.S40 HRM.05.004.S30 HRM.05.004.S20 HRM.05.004.S10

HRM.05.005.S40 HRM.05.005.S30 HRM.05.005.S20 HRM.05.005.S10

HRM.05.006.S40 HRM.05.006.S30 HRM.05.006.S20 HRM.05.006.S10

HRM.05.007.S40 HRM.05.007.S30 HRM.05.007.S20 HRM.05.007.S10

HRM.05.010.S30 HRM.05.010.S20 HRM.05.010.S10

HRM.06.001.S40 HRM.06.001.S30 HRM.06.001.S20 HRM.06.001.S10

HRM.06.005.S40 HRM.06.005.S30 HRM.06.005.S20 HRM.06.005.S10

HRM.08.001.S40 HRM.08.001.S30 HRM.08.001.S20 HRM.08.001.S10

HRM.08.002.S40 HRM.08.002.S30 HRM.08.002.S20 HRM.08.002.S10

HRM.10.001.S40 HRM.10.001.S30 HRM.10.001.S20 HRM.10.001.S10

HRM.10.005.S40 HRM.10.005.S30 HRM.10.005.S20 HRM.10.005.S10

CCA.02.001.S40 CCA.02.001.S30 CCA.02.001.S20 CCA.02.001.S10

CCA.02.005.S40 CCA.02.005.S30 CCA.02.005.S20 CCA.02.005.S10

CCA.03.001.S40 CCA.03.001.S30 CCA.03.001.S20 CCA.03.001.S10

CCA.03.004.S30 CCA.03.004.S20 CCA.03.004.S10

LCA.03.040.S40 LCA.03.040.S30 LCA.03.040.S20 LCA.03.040.S10

LCA.03.037.S40 LCA.03.037.S30 LCA.03.037.S20 LCA.03.037.S10

LCA.03.038.S40 LCA.03.038.S30 LCA.03.038.S20 LCA.03.038.S10

LCA.03.039.S40 LCA.03.039.S30 LCA.03.039.S20 LCA.03.039.S10

LCA.03.050.S40 LCA.03.050.S30 LCA.03.050.S20 LCA.03.050.S10

LCA.04.001.S40 LCA.04.001.S30 LCA.04.001.S20 LCA.04.001.S10

LCA.04.024.S40 LCA.04.024.S30 LCA.04.024.S20 LCA.04.024.S10

LCA.04.052.S40 LCA.04.052.S30 LCA.04.052.S20 LCA.04.052.S10

LCA.05.001.S40 LCA.05.001.S30 LCA.05.001.S20 LCA.05.001.S10

LCA.05.002.S40 LCA.05.002.S30 LCA.05.002.S20 LCA.05.002.S10

LCA.06.003.S30 LCA.06.003.S20 LCA.06.003.S10

LCA.06.006.S40 LCA.06.006.S30 LCA.06.006.S20 LCA.06.006.S10

LCA.06.007.S40 LCA.06.007.S30 LCA.06.007.S20 LCA.06.007.S10

LCA.06.999.S40 LCA.06.999.S30 LCA.06.999.S20 LCA.06.999.S10

LCA.07.001.S40 LCA.07.001.S30 LCA.07.001.S20 LCA.07.001.S10

LCA.07.005.S30 LCA.07.005.S20 LCA.07.005.S10

LCA.07.047.S30 LCA.07.047.S20 LCA.07.047.S10

LCA.07.122.S30 LCA.07.122.S20 LCA.07.122.S10

LCA.09.011.S40 LCA.09.011.S30 LCA.09.011.S20 LCA.09.011.S10

LCA.09.043.S40 LCA.09.043.S30 LCA.09.043.S20 LCA.09.043.S10

LCA.09.046.S40 LCA.09.046.S30 LCA.09.046.S20 LCA.09.046.S10

LCA.09.050.S40 LCA.09.050.S30 LCA.09.050.S20 LCA.09.050.S10

LCA.09.071.S40 LCA.09.071.S30 LCA.09.071.S20 LCA.09.071.S10

LCA.09.101.S40 LCA.09.101.S30 LCA.09.101.S20 LCA.09.101.S10

AFS.01.020.S40 AFS.01.020.S30 AFS.01.020.S20 AFS.01.020.S10

AFS.01.021.S40 AFS.01.021.S30

AFS.01.041.S40 AFS.01.041.S30 AFS.01.041.S20 AFS.01.041.S10

AFS.01.042.S40 AFS.01.042.S30 AFS.01.042.S20 AFS.01.042.S10

AFS.01.043.S40 AFS.01.043.S30 AFS.01.043.S20 AFS.01.043.S10

AFS.01.044.S40 AFS.01.044.S30 AFS.01.044.S20 AFS.01.044.S10

AFS.01.045.S40 AFS.01.045.S30 AFS.01.045.S20 AFS.01.045.S10

AFS.01.046.S40 AFS.01.046.S30 AFS.01.046.S20 AFS.01.046.S10

AFS.01.048.S30 AFS.01.048.S20 AFS.01.048.S10

AFS.01.049.S30 AFS.01.049.S20 AFS.01.049.S10

AFS.01.050.S40 AFS.01.050.S30 AFS.01.050.S20 AFS.01.050.S10


AFS.01.060.S40 AFS.01.060.S30 AFS.01.060.S20 AFS.01.060.S10

AFS.01.061.S40 AFS.01.061.S30 AFS.01.061.S20 AFS.01.061.S10

AFS.02.006.S40 AFS.02.006.S30 AFS.02.006.S20 AFS.02.006.S10

AFS.02.007.S40 AFS.02.007.S30 AFS.02.007.S20 AFS.02.007.S10

AFS.02.999.S40 AFS.02.999.S30 AFS.02.999.S20 AFS.02.999.S10

AFS.03.002.S40 AFS.03.002.S30 AFS.03.002.S20 AFS.03.002.S10

AFS.03.999.S40 AFS.03.999.S30 AFS.03.999.S20 AFS.03.999.S10

AFS.04.001.S40 AFS.04.001.S30 AFS.04.001.S20 AFS.04.001.S10

AFS.04.002.S40 AFS.04.002.S30 AFS.04.002.S20 AFS.04.002.S10

AFS.04.003.S30 AFS.04.003.S20 AFS.04.003.S10


AFS.04.065.S30 AFS.04.065.S20 AFS.04.065.S10

AFS.04.999.S40 AFS.04.999.S30 AFS.04.999.S20 AFS.04.999.S10

AFS.05.001.S40 AFS.05.001.S30 AFS.05.001.S20 AFS.05.001.S10

AFS.05.002.S40 AFS.05.002.S30 AFS.05.002.S20 AFS.05.002.S10

AFS.05.003.S40 AFS.05.003.S30 AFS.05.003.S20 AFS.05.003.S10

AFS.05.028.S30 AFS.05.028.S20 AFS.05.028.S10

AFS.05.999.S40 AFS.05.999.S30 AFS.05.999.S20 AFS.05.999.S10

AFS.07.004.S40 AFS.07.004.S30 AFS.07.004.S20 AFS.07.004.S10

AFS.07.999.S40 AFS.07.999.S30 AFS.07.999.S20 AFS.07.999.S10

AFS.08.005.S40 AFS.08.005.S30 AFS.08.005.S20 AFS.08.005.S10

AFS.08.006.S40 AFS.08.006.S30 AFS.08.006.S20 AFS.08.006.S10

PPM.01.002.S40 PPM.01.002.S30 PPM.01.002.S20 PPM.01.002.S10

PPM.01.004.S40 PPM.01.004.S30 PPM.01.004.S20 PPM.01.004.S10

PPM.02.002.S40 PPM.02.002.S30 PPM.02.002.S20 PPM.02.002.S10

SMP.02.001.S40 SMP.02.001.S30 SMP.02.001.S20 SMP.02.001.S10

SMP.02.021.S40 SMP.02.021.S30 SMP.02.021.S20 SMP.02.021.S10

SMP.02.029.S30 SMP.02.029.S20 SMP.02.029.S10

SMP.02.059.S40 SMP.02.059.S30 SMP.02.059.S20 SMP.02.059.S10

SMP.02.060.S40 SMP.02.060.S30 SMP.02.060.S20 SMP.02.060.S10

SMP.02.062.S30 SMP.02.062.S20 SMP.02.062.S10

SMP.03.001.S40 SMP.03.001.S30 SMP.03.001.S20 SMP.03.001.S10

SMP.04.003.S30 SMP.04.003.S20 SMP.04.003.S10

SMP.04.004.S30 SMP.04.004.S20 SMP.04.004.S10

SMP.04.010.S30 SMP.04.010.S20 SMP.04.010.S10

SMP.04.023.S40 SMP.04.023.S30 SMP.04.023.S20 SMP.04.023.S10

SMP.04.064.S40 SMP.04.064.S30 SMP.04.064.S20 SMP.04.064.S10

SMP.04.071.S30 SMP.04.071.S20 SMP.04.071.S10

SMP.04.092.S40 SMP.04.092.S30 SMP.04.092.S20 SMP.04.092.S10

SMP.04.093.S40 SMP.04.093.S30 SMP.04.093.S20 SMP.04.093.S10

SMP.04.115.S40 SMP.04.115.S30 SMP.04.115.S20 SMP.04.115.S10

SMP.04.999.S40 SMP.04.999.S30 SMP.04.999.S20 SMP.04.999.S10

SMP.05.001.S40 SMP.05.001.S30 SMP.05.001.S20 SMP.05.001.S10

SMP.05.003.S30 SMP.05.003.S20 SMP.05.003.S10

SMP.05.010.S30 SMP.05.010.S20 SMP.05.010.S10

SMP.05.005.S30 SMP.05.005.S20 SMP.05.005.S10

SMP.07.012.S40 SMP.07.012.S30 SMP.07.012.S20 SMP.07.012.S10

SMP.07.018.S30 SMP.07.018.S20 SMP.07.018.S10

SMP.07.035.S30 SMP.07.035.S20 SMP.07.035.S10

SMP.07.025.S40 SMP.07.025.S30 SMP.07.025.S20 SMP.07.025.S10

SMP.07.027.S40 SMP.07.027.S30 SMP.07.027.S20 SMP.07.027.S10

SMP.07.034.S40 SMP.07.034.S30 SMP.07.034.S20 SMP.07.034.S10

SMP.07.065.S40 SMP.07.065.S30 SMP.07.065.S20 SMP.07.065.S10

SMP.07.071.S30 SMP.07.071.S20 SMP.07.071.S10

SMP.07.072.S30 SMP.07.072.S20 SMP.07.072.S10

SMP.08.001.S40 SMP.08.001.S30 SMP.08.001.S20 SMP.08.001.S10

SMP.08.002.S40 SMP.08.002.S30 SMP.08.002.S20 SMP.08.002.S10

SMP.08.003.S40 SMP.08.003.S30 SMP.08.003.S20 SMP.08.003.S10

SMP.08.011.S40 SMP.08.011.S30 SMP.08.011.S20 SMP.08.011.S10

SMP.08.999.S40 SMP.08.999.S30 SMP.08.999.S20 SMP.08.999.S10

SMP.09.005.S40 SMP.09.005.S30 SMP.09.005.S20 SMP.09.005.S10

SMP.09.999.S40 SMP.09.999.S30 SMP.09.999.S20 SMP.09.999.S10

SMP.11.001.S40 SMP.11.001.S30 SMP.11.001.S20 SMP.11.001.S10

SMP.11.004.S40 SMP.11.004.S30 SMP.11.004.S20 SMP.11.004.S10

SMP.11.005.S30 SMP.11.005.S20 SMP.11.005.S10

SMP.11.006.S40 SMP.11.006.S30 SMP.11.006.S20 SMP.11.006.S10

CSV.02.001.S40 CSV.02.001.S30 CSV.02.001.S20 CSV.02.001.S10

CSV.02.003.S30 CSV.02.003.S20 CSV.02.003.S10

CSV.02.004.S40 CSV.02.004.S30 CSV.02.004.S20 CSV.02.004.S10

CSV.02.027.S40 CSV.02.027.S30 CSV.02.027.S20 CSV.02.027.S10

CSV.02.028.S30 CSV.02.028.S20 CSV.02.028.S10

CSV.02.031.S30 CSV.02.031.S20 CSV.02.031.S10

CSV.02.050.S40 CSV.02.050.S30 CSV.02.050.S20 CSV.02.050.S10

CSV.02.051.S40 CSV.02.051.S30 CSV.02.051.S20 CSV.02.051.S10

CSV.02.053.S40 CSV.02.053.S30 CSV.02.053.S20 CSV.02.053.S10

CSV.02.054.S40 CSV.02.054.S30 CSV.02.054.S20 CSV.02.054.S10

CSV.02.055.S30 CSV.02.055.S20 CSV.02.055.S10

CSV.02.056.S40 CSV.02.056.S30 CSV.02.056.S20 CSV.02.056.S10

CSV.02.076.S40 CSV.02.076.S30 CSV.02.076.S20 CSV.02.076.S10

CSV.02.097.S30 CSV.02.097.S20 CSV.02.097.S10

CSV.03.004.S40 CSV.03.004.S30 CSV.03.004.S20 CSV.03.004.S10

CSV.03.005.S40 CSV.03.005.S30 CSV.03.005.S20 CSV.03.005.S10

CSV.03.007.S30 CSV.03.007.S20 CSV.03.007.S10

CSV.03.024.S40 CSV.03.024.S30 CSV.03.024.S20 CSV.03.024.S10

CSV.03.025.S30 CSV.03.025.S20 CSV.03.025.S10

CSV.03.999.S40 CSV.03.999.S30 CSV.03.999.S20 CSV.03.999.S10

CSV.04.002.S40 CSV.04.002.S30 CSV.04.002.S20 CSV.04.002.S10

CSV.04.007.S40 CSV.04.007.S30 CSV.04.007.S20 CSV.04.007.S10

CSV.04.029.S30 CSV.04.029.S20 CSV.04.029.S10

CSV.04.999.S40 CSV.04.999.S30 CSV.04.999.S20 CSV.04.999.S10

QLT.02.025.S30 QLT.02.025.S20 QLT.02.025.S10

QLT.02.999.S40 QLT.02.999.S30 QLT.02.999.S20 QLT.02.999.S10

QLT.03.001.S40 QLT.03.001.S30 QLT.03.001.S20 QLT.03.001.S10

QLT.03.002.S40 QLT.03.002.S30 QLT.03.002.S20 QLT.03.002.S10

QLT.03.009.S40 QLT.03.009.S30 QLT.03.009.S20 QLT.03.009.S10

QLT.03.007.S40 QLT.03.007.S30 QLT.03.007.S20 QLT.03.007.S10

QLT.03.028.S40 QLT.03.028.S30 QLT.03.028.S20 QLT.03.028.S10

QLT.03.029.S40 QLT.03.029.S30 QLT.03.029.S20 QLT.03.029.S10

QLT.03.030.S40 QLT.03.030.S30 QLT.03.030.S20 QLT.03.030.S10

QLT.03.032.S40 QLT.03.032.S30 QLT.03.032.S20 QLT.03.032.S10

QLT.03.034.S30 QLT.03.034.S20 QLT.03.034.S10

QLT.03.042.S40 QLT.03.042.S30 QLT.03.042.S20 QLT.03.042.S10

QLT.03.999.S40 QLT.03.999.S30 QLT.03.999.S20 QLT.03.999.S10

QLT.04.006.S40 QLT.04.006.S30 QLT.04.006.S20 QLT.04.006.S10

QLT.05.010.S30 QLT.05.010.S20 QLT.05.010.S10

SCN.02.001.S40 SCN.02.001.S30 SCN.02.001.S20 SCN.02.001.S10

SCN.02.999.S40 SCN.02.999.S30 SCN.02.999.S20 SCN.02.999.S10

SCN.03.001.S40 SCN.03.001.S30 SCN.03.001.S20 SCN.03.001.S10

SCN.03.022.S40 SCN.03.022.S30 SCN.03.022.S20 SCN.03.022.S10

SCN.03.018.S40 SCN.03.018.S30 SCN.03.018.S20 SCN.03.018.S10

SCN.03.030.S40 SCN.03.030.S30 SCN.03.030.S20 SCN.03.030.S10

SCN.03.029.S40 SCN.03.029.S30 SCN.03.029.S20 SCN.03.029.S10

SCN.03.055.S40 SCN.03.055.S30 SCN.03.055.S20 SCN.03.055.S10

SCN.03.008.S40 SCN.03.008.S30 SCN.03.008.S20 SCN.03.008.S10

SCN.04.001.S40 SCN.04.001.S30 SCN.04.001.S20 SCN.04.001.S10

SCN.04.002.S40 SCN.04.002.S30 SCN.04.002.S20 SCN.04.002.S10

SCN.04.007.S30 SCN.04.007.S20 SCN.04.007.S10

SCN.05.029.S40 SCN.05.029.S30 SCN.05.029.S20 SCN.05.029.S10

SCN.05.030.S40 SCN.05.030.S30 SCN.05.030.S20 SCN.05.030.S10

SCN.05.036.S30 SCN.05.036.S20 SCN.05.036.S10

SCN.05.033.S40 SCN.05.033.S30 SCN.05.033.S20 SCN.05.033.S10

SCN.05.034.S30 SCN.05.034.S20 SCN.05.034.S10

SCN.05.035.S30 SCN.05.035.S20 SCN.05.035.S10

SCN.05.031.S40 SCN.05.031.S30 SCN.05.031.S20 SCN.05.031.S10

SCN.05.032.S40 SCN.05.032.S30 SCN.05.032.S20 SCN.05.032.S10

SCN.05.069.S40 SCN.05.069.S30 SCN.05.069.S20 SCN.05.069.S10

SCN.06.001.S40 SCN.06.001.S30 SCN.06.001.S20 SCN.06.001.S10

SCN.06.002.S40 SCN.06.002.S30 SCN.06.002.S20 SCN.06.002.S10

SCN.06.003.S40 SCN.06.003.S30 SCN.06.003.S20 SCN.06.003.S10

SCN.06.004.S40 SCN.06.004.S30 SCN.06.004.S20 SCN.06.004.S10

SCN.06.999.S40 SCN.06.999.S30 SCN.06.999.S20 SCN.06.999.S10

ENS.02.049.S40 ENS.02.049.S30 ENS.02.049.S20 ENS.02.049.S10

ENS.02.051.S40 ENS.02.051.S30 ENS.02.051.S20 ENS.02.051.S10

ENS.10.004.S40 ENS.10.004.S30 ENS.10.004.S20 ENS.10.004.S10

ENS.10.001.S40 ENS.10.001.S30 ENS.10.001.S20 ENS.10.001.S10

ENS.10.002.S40 ENS.10.002.S30 ENS.10.002.S20 ENS.10.002.S10

ENS.10.015.S40 ENS.10.015.S30 ENS.10.015.S20 ENS.10.015.S10

ENS.10.016.S40 ENS.10.016.S30 ENS.10.016.S20 ENS.10.016.S10

ENS.10.017.S40 ENS.10.017.S30 ENS.10.017.S20 ENS.10.017.S10

ENS.10.018.S40 ENS.10.018.S30 ENS.10.018.S20 ENS.10.018.S10

ENS.10.019.S40 ENS.10.019.S30 ENS.10.019.S20 ENS.10.019.S10

ENS.10.020.S40 ENS.10.020.S30 ENS.10.020.S20 ENS.10.020.S10

ENS.10.021.S40 ENS.10.021.S30 ENS.10.021.S20 ENS.10.021.S10

ENS.10.035.S40 ENS.10.035.S30 ENS.10.035.S20 ENS.10.035.S10

ENS.10.036.S40 ENS.10.036.S30 ENS.10.036.S20 ENS.10.036.S10

ENS.10.037.S40 ENS.10.037.S30 ENS.10.037.S20 ENS.10.037.S10

ENS.10.038.S40 ENS.10.038.S30 ENS.10.038.S20 ENS.10.038.S10

ENS.10.039.S40 ENS.10.039.S30 ENS.10.039.S20 ENS.10.039.S10

ENS.10.040.S40 ENS.10.040.S30 ENS.10.040.S20 ENS.10.040.S10

ENS.10.051.S40 ENS.10.051.S30 ENS.10.051.S20 ENS.10.051.S10

ENS.10.042.S40 ENS.10.042.S30 ENS.10.042.S20 ENS.10.042.S10

ENS.10.043.S40 ENS.10.043.S30 ENS.10.043.S20 ENS.10.043.S10

ENS.10.044.S40 ENS.10.044.S30 ENS.10.044.S20 ENS.10.044.S10

ENS.10.045.S40 ENS.10.045.S30 ENS.10.045.S20 ENS.10.045.S10

ENS.10.060.S40 ENS.10.060.S30 ENS.10.060.S20 ENS.10.060.S10

ENS.10.061.S40 ENS.10.061.S30 ENS.10.061.S20 ENS.10.061.S10

ENS.10.067.S40 ENS.10.067.S30 ENS.10.067.S20 ENS.10.067.S10

ENS.10.062.S40 ENS.10.062.S30 ENS.10.062.S20 ENS.10.062.S10

ENS.10.063.S40 ENS.10.063.S30 ENS.10.063.S20 ENS.10.063.S10

ENS.10.064.S40 ENS.10.064.S30 ENS.10.064.S20 ENS.10.064.S10

ENS.10.065.S40 ENS.10.065.S30 ENS.10.065.S20 ENS.10.065.S10

ENS.10.066.S40 ENS.10.066.S30 ENS.10.066.S20 ENS.10.066.S10

ENS.10.075.S40 ENS.10.075.S30 ENS.10.075.S20 ENS.10.075.S10

ENS.10.076.S40 ENS.10.076.S30 ENS.10.076.S20 ENS.10.076.S10

ENS.10.085.S40 ENS.10.085.S30 ENS.10.085.S20 ENS.10.085.S10

ENS.10.087.S40 ENS.10.087.S30 ENS.10.087.S20 ENS.10.087.S10

ENS.10.088.S40 ENS.10.088.S30 ENS.10.088.S20 ENS.10.088.S10

ENS.10.095.S40 ENS.10.095.S30 ENS.10.095.S20 ENS.10.095.S10

ENS.10.096.S40 ENS.10.096.S30 ENS.10.096.S20 ENS.10.096.S10

ENS.10.097.S40 ENS.10.097.S30 ENS.10.097.S20 ENS.10.097.S10

ENS.10.098.S40 ENS.10.098.S30 ENS.10.098.S20 ENS.10.098.S10

ENS.10.099.S40 ENS.10.099.S30 ENS.10.099.S20 ENS.10.099.S10
ENS.10.105.S40 ENS.10.105.S30 ENS.10.105.S20 ENS.10.105.S10

ENS.10.106.S40 ENS.10.106.S30 ENS.10.106.S20 ENS.10.106.S10

ENS.10.108.S40 ENS.10.108.S30 ENS.10.108.S20 ENS.10.108.S10

ENS.10.109.S40 ENS.10.109.S30 ENS.10.109.S20 ENS.10.109.S10

ENS.10.110.S40 ENS.10.110.S30 ENS.10.110.S20 ENS.10.110.S10

ENS.10.111.S40 ENS.10.111.S30 ENS.10.111.S20 ENS.10.111.S10

ENS.10.133.S40 ENS.10.133.S30 ENS.10.133.S20 ENS.10.133.S10

ENS.10.134.S40 ENS.10.134.S30 ENS.10.134.S20 ENS.10.134.S10

ENS.10.145.S40 ENS.10.145.S30 ENS.10.145.S20 ENS.10.145.S10

ENS.10.146.S40 ENS.10.146.S30 ENS.10.146.S20 ENS.10.146.S10

ENS.10.147.S40 ENS.10.147.S30 ENS.10.147.S20 ENS.10.147.S10

ENS.06.001.S40 ENS.06.001.S30 ENS.06.001.S20 ENS.06.001.S10

ENS.06.002.S40 ENS.06.002.S30 ENS.06.002.S20 ENS.06.002.S10

ENS.06.003.S40 ENS.06.003.S30 ENS.06.003.S20 ENS.06.003.S10

ENS.06.009.S40 ENS.06.009.S30 ENS.06.009.S20 ENS.06.009.S10

ENS.06.028.S40 ENS.06.028.S30 ENS.06.028.S20 ENS.06.028.S10

ENS.06.999.S40 ENS.06.999.S30 ENS.06.999.S20 ENS.06.999.S10

ENS.07.103.S40 ENS.07.103.S30 ENS.07.103.S20 ENS.07.103.S10

ENS.07.999.S40 ENS.07.999.S30 ENS.07.999.S20 ENS.07.999.S10

ENS.08.001.S40 ENS.08.001.S30 ENS.08.001.S20 ENS.08.001.S10

ENS.08.003.S40 ENS.08.003.S30 ENS.08.003.S20 ENS.08.003.S10

ENS.08.999.S40 ENS.08.999.S30 ENS.08.999.S20 ENS.08.999.S10

ENS.09.003.S40 ENS.09.003.S30 ENS.09.003.S20 ENS.09.003.S10

ENS.09.004.S40 ENS.09.004.S30 ENS.09.004.S20 ENS.09.004.S10

ENS.09.025.S40 ENS.09.025.S30 ENS.09.025.S20 ENS.09.025.S10

PSK.02.002.S40 PSK.02.002.S30 PSK.02.002.S20 PSK.02.002.S10

PSK.02.003.S40 PSK.02.003.S30

PSK.02.005.S40 PSK.02.005.S30 PSK.02.005.S20 PSK.02.005.S10

PSK.02.010.S40 PSK.02.010.S30 PSK.02.010.S20 PSK.02.010.S10

PSK.02.011.S40 PSK.02.011.S30 PSK.02.011.S20 PSK.02.011.S10

PSK.02.022.S40 PSK.02.022.S30 PSK.02.022.S20 PSK.02.022.S10

PSK.02.023.S40 PSK.02.023.S30 PSK.02.023.S20 PSK.02.023.S10

PSK.02.024.S40 PSK.02.024.S30 PSK.02.024.S20 PSK.02.024.S10

PSK.02.025.S40 PSK.02.025.S30 PSK.02.025.S20 PSK.02.025.S10

PSK.02.026.S40 PSK.02.026.S30 PSK.02.026.S20 PSK.02.026.S10

PSK.02.044.S40 PSK.02.044.S30 PSK.02.044.S20 PSK.02.044.S10

PSK.02.046.S40 PSK.02.046.S30 PSK.02.046.S20 PSK.02.046.S10

PSK.02.045.S40 PSK.02.045.S30 PSK.02.045.S20 PSK.02.045.S10

PSK.02.065.S40 PSK.02.065.S30 PSK.02.065.S20 PSK.02.065.S10

PSK.03.001.S40 PSK.03.001.S30 PSK.03.001.S20 PSK.03.001.S10

PSK.03.006.S40 PSK.03.006.S30 PSK.03.006.S20 PSK.03.006.S10

PSK.03.007.S40 PSK.03.007.S30 PSK.03.007.S20 PSK.03.007.S10

PSK.03.008.S40 PSK.03.008.S30 PSK.03.008.S20 PSK.03.008.S10

PSK.03.999.S40 PSK.03.999.S30 PSK.03.999.S20 PSK.03.999.S10

PSK.04.002.S40 PSK.04.002.S30 PSK.04.002.S20 PSK.04.002.S10

PSK.04.003.S40 PSK.04.003.S30 PSK.04.003.S20 PSK.04.003.S10

PSK.04.004.S40 PSK.04.004.S30 PSK.04.004.S20 PSK.04.004.S10

PSK.04.005.S40 PSK.04.005.S30 PSK.04.005.S20 PSK.04.005.S10

PSK.04.006.S40 PSK.04.006.S30 PSK.04.006.S20 PSK.04.006.S10

PSK.04.007.S40 PSK.04.007.S30 PSK.04.007.S20 PSK.04.007.S10

PSK.04.009.S40 PSK.04.009.S30 PSK.04.009.S20 PSK.04.009.S10

PSK.04.010.S40 PSK.04.010.S30 PSK.04.010.S20 PSK.04.010.S10

PSK.04.011.S40 PSK.04.011.S30 PSK.04.011.S20 PSK.04.011.S10

PSK.05.002.S40 PSK.05.002.S30 PSK.05.002.S20 PSK.05.002.S10

PSK.05.003.S40 PSK.05.003.S30 PSK.05.003.S20 PSK.05.003.S10

PSK.05.004.S40 PSK.05.004.S30 PSK.05.004.S20 PSK.05.004.S10

PSK.05.008.S40 PSK.05.008.S30 PSK.05.008.S20 PSK.05.008.S10

PSK.05.005.S40 PSK.05.005.S30 PSK.05.005.S20 PSK.05.005.S10

PSK.05.006.S40 PSK.05.006.S30 PSK.05.006.S20 PSK.05.006.S10

PSK.05.007.S40 PSK.05.007.S30 PSK.05.007.S20 PSK.05.007.S10

PSK.05.009.S40 PSK.05.009.S30 PSK.05.009.S20 PSK.05.009.S10

PSK.05.010.S40 PSK.05.010.S30 PSK.05.010.S20 PSK.05.010.S10

PSK.05.011.S40 PSK.05.011.S30 PSK.05.011.S20 PSK.05.011.S10

PSK.05.012.S40 PSK.05.012.S30 PSK.05.012.S20 PSK.05.012.S10

PSK.05.013.S40 PSK.05.013.S30 PSK.05.013.S20 PSK.05.013.S10

PSK.05.046.S40 PSK.05.046.S30 PSK.05.046.S20 PSK.05.046.S10

PSK.05.047.S40 PSK.05.047.S30 PSK.05.047.S20 PSK.05.047.S10

PSK.05.048.S40 PSK.05.048.S30 PSK.05.048.S20 PSK.05.048.S10

PSK.05.049.S40 PSK.05.049.S30 PSK.05.049.S20 PSK.05.049.S10

PSK.05.050.S40 PSK.05.050.S30 PSK.05.050.S20 PSK.05.050.S10

PSK.05.051.S40 PSK.05.051.S30 PSK.05.051.S20 PSK.05.051.S10

PSK.05.067.S40 PSK.05.067.S30 PSK.05.067.S20 PSK.05.067.S10

PSK.05.068.S40 PSK.05.068.S30 PSK.05.068.S20 PSK.05.068.S10

PSK.05.069.S40 PSK.05.069.S30 PSK.05.069.S20 PSK.05.069.S10


PSK.05.089.S40 PSK.05.089.S30 PSK.05.089.S20 PSK.05.089.S10

PSK.05.090.S40 PSK.05.090.S30 PSK.05.090.S20 PSK.05.090.S10

PSK.05.092.S40 PSK.05.092.S30 PSK.05.092.S20 PSK.05.092.S10

PSK.05.093.S40 PSK.05.093.S30 PSK.05.093.S20 PSK.05.093.S10

PSK.05.110.S40 PSK.05.110.S30 PSK.05.110.S20 PSK.05.110.S10

PSK.05.111.S40 PSK.05.111.S30 PSK.05.111.S20 PSK.05.111.S10

PSK.05.117.S40 PSK.05.117.S30 PSK.05.117.S20 PSK.05.117.S10

PSK.05.135.S40 PSK.05.135.S30 PSK.05.135.S20 PSK.05.135.S10

PSK.05.999.S40 PSK.05.999.S30 PSK.05.999.S20 PSK.05.999.S10

PSK.06.001.S40 PSK.06.001.S30 PSK.06.001.S20 PSK.06.001.S10

PSK.06.002.S40 PSK.06.002.S30 PSK.06.002.S20 PSK.06.002.S10

PSK.06.003.S40 PSK.06.003.S30 PSK.06.003.S20 PSK.06.003.S10

PSK.06.004.S40 PSK.06.004.S30 PSK.06.004.S20 PSK.06.004.S10

PSK.06.005.S40 PSK.06.005.S30 PSK.06.005.S20 PSK.06.005.S10

PSK.06.006.S40 PSK.06.006.S30 PSK.06.006.S20 PSK.06.006.S10

PSK.06.007.S40 PSK.06.007.S30 PSK.06.007.S20 PSK.06.007.S10

PSK.06.008.S40 PSK.06.008.S30 PSK.06.008.S20 PSK.06.008.S10

PSK.06.009.S40 PSK.06.009.S30 PSK.06.009.S20 PSK.06.009.S10

PSK.06.011.S40 PSK.06.011.S30 PSK.06.011.S20 PSK.06.011.S10

PSK.06.012.S40 PSK.06.012.S30 PSK.06.012.S20 PSK.06.012.S10

PSK.06.013.S40 PSK.06.013.S30 PSK.06.013.S20 PSK.06.013.S10

PSK.06.014.S40 PSK.06.014.S30 PSK.06.014.S20 PSK.06.014.S10

PSK.06.015.S40 PSK.06.015.S30 PSK.06.015.S20 PSK.06.015.S10

PSK.06.016.S40 PSK.06.016.S30 PSK.06.016.S20 PSK.06.016.S10

PSK.06.025.S40 PSK.06.025.S30 PSK.06.025.S20 PSK.06.025.S10

PSK.06.026.S40 PSK.06.026.S30 PSK.06.026.S20 PSK.06.026.S10

PSK.06.040.S40 PSK.06.040.S30 PSK.06.040.S20 PSK.06.040.S10

PSK.06.041.S40 PSK.06.041.S30 PSK.06.041.S20 PSK.06.041.S10

PSK.08.005.S40 PSK.08.005.S30 PSK.08.005.S20 PSK.08.005.S10

ITC.02.001.S40 ITC.02.001.S30 ITC.02.001.S20 ITC.02.001.S10

ITC.04.002.S40 ITC.04.002.S30 ITC.04.002.S20 ITC.04.002.S10

ITC.04.999.S40 ITC.04.999.S30 ITC.04.999.S20 ITC.04.999.S10

ITC.05.001.S40 ITC.05.001.S30 ITC.05.001.S20 ITC.05.001.S10

ITC.05.010.S40 ITC.05.010.S30 ITC.05.010.S20 ITC.05.010.S10

ITC.05.999.S40 ITC.05.999.S30 ITC.05.999.S20 ITC.05.999.S10

ITC.06.003.S40 ITC.06.003.S30 ITC.06.003.S20 ITC.06.003.S10

ITC.06.046.S40 ITC.06.046.S30 ITC.06.046.S20 ITC.06.046.S10

ITC.06.068.S40 ITC.06.068.S30 ITC.06.068.S20 ITC.06.068.S10

ITC.07.001.S40 ITC.07.001.S30 ITC.07.001.S20 ITC.07.001.S10

ITC.07.002.S40 ITC.07.002.S30 ITC.07.002.S20 ITC.07.002.S10

ITC.07.003.S40 ITC.07.003.S30 ITC.07.003.S20 ITC.07.003.S10

ITC.08.001.S40 ITC.08.001.S30 ITC.08.001.S20 ITC.08.001.S10

ITC.08.008.S40 ITC.08.008.S30 ITC.08.008.S20 ITC.08.008.S10

ITC.08.014.S30 ITC.08.014.S20 ITC.08.014.S10

ITC.08.010.S30 ITC.08.010.S20 ITC.08.010.S10

ITC.08.031.S40 ITC.08.031.S30 ITC.08.031.S20 ITC.08.031.S10

ITC.08.054.S40 ITC.08.054.S30 ITC.08.054.S20 ITC.08.054.S10

ITC.08.074.S40 ITC.08.074.S30 ITC.08.074.S20 ITC.08.074.S10

ITC.09.001.S40 ITC.09.001.S30 ITC.09.001.S20 ITC.09.001.S10

ITC.10.001.S40 ITC.10.001.S30 ITC.10.001.S20 ITC.10.001.S10

ITC.10.002.S40 ITC.10.002.S30 ITC.10.002.S20 ITC.10.002.S10

ITC.10.003.S40 ITC.10.003.S30 ITC.10.003.S20 ITC.10.003.S10

ITC.10.004.S40 ITC.10.004.S30 ITC.10.004.S20 ITC.10.004.S10

ITC.10.006.S40 ITC.10.006.S30 ITC.10.006.S20 ITC.10.006.S10

ITC.11.003.S40 ITC.11.003.S30 ITC.11.003.S20 ITC.11.003.S10

ITC.11.999.S40 ITC.11.999.S30 ITC.11.999.S20 ITC.11.999.S10

ITC.13.072.S40 ITC.13.072.S30 ITC.13.072.S20 ITC.13.072.S10

ITC.13.999.S40 ITC.13.999.S30 ITC.13.999.S20 ITC.13.999.S10

DAW.03.003.S40 DAW.03.003.S30 DAW.03.003.S20 DAW.03.003.S10

DAW.03.999.S40 DAW.03.999.S30 DAW.03.999.S20 DAW.03.999.S10

DAW.04.002.S40 DAW.04.002.S30 DAW.04.002.S20 DAW.04.002.S10

DAW.04.003.S40 DAW.04.003.S30 DAW.04.003.S20 DAW.04.003.S10

TNS.02.003.S40 TNS.02.003.S30 TNS.02.003.S20 TNS.02.003.S10


TNS.03.004.S30 TNS.03.004.S20 TNS.03.004.S10

TNS.03.005.S30 TNS.03.005.S20 TNS.03.005.S10

TNS.03.026.S40 TNS.03.026.S30 TNS.03.026.S20 TNS.03.026.S10

TNS.03.035.S40 TNS.03.035.S30 TNS.03.035.S20 TNS.03.035.S10

TNS.03.036.S40 TNS.03.036.S30 TNS.03.036.S20 TNS.03.036.S10

TNS.03.037.S40 TNS.03.037.S30 TNS.03.037.S20 TNS.03.037.S10



TNS.03.047.S30 TNS.03.047.S20 TNS.03.047.S10

TNS.03.999.S30 TNS.03.999.S20 TNS.03.999.S10

TNS.05.048.S40 TNS.05.048.S30

TNS.05.999.S40 TNS.05.999.S30 TNS.05.999.S20 TNS.05.999.S10

TNS.07.057.S40 TNS.07.057.S30 TNS.07.057.S20 TNS.07.057.S10

TNS.07.058.S40 TNS.07.058.S30 TNS.07.058.S20 TNS.07.058.S10

TNS.07.079.S30 TNS.07.079.S20 TNS.07.079.S10

DEX.02.017.S40 DEX.02.017.S30 DEX.02.017.S20 DEX.02.017.S10

DEX.02.038.S40 DEX.02.038.S30 DEX.02.038.S20 DEX.02.038.S10

DEX.02.039.S40 DEX.02.039.S30 DEX.02.039.S20 DEX.02.039.S10

DEX.02.040.S40 DEX.02.040.S30 DEX.02.040.S20 DEX.02.040.S10

DEX.02.041.S40 DEX.02.041.S30 DEX.02.041.S20 DEX.02.041.S10

DEX.02.066.S40 DEX.02.066.S30 DEX.02.066.S20 DEX.02.066.S10

DEX.02.080.S40 DEX.02.080.S30 DEX.02.080.S20 DEX.02.080.S10

DEX.02.999.S40 DEX.02.999.S30 DEX.02.999.S20 DEX.02.999.S10

DEX.03.007.S30 DEX.03.007.S20 DEX.03.007.S10

DEX.03.015.S40 DEX.03.015.S30 DEX.03.015.S20 DEX.03.015.S10

DEX.03.016.S40 DEX.03.016.S30 DEX.03.016.S20 DEX.03.016.S10

DEX.03.017.S40 DEX.03.017.S30 DEX.03.017.S20 DEX.03.017.S10

DEX.03.019.S40 DEX.03.019.S30 DEX.03.019.S20 DEX.03.019.S10

DEX.03.020.S30 DEX.03.020.S20 DEX.03.020.S10

DEX.04.003.S40 DEX.04.003.S30 DEX.04.003.S20 DEX.04.003.S10

DEX.04.005.S40 DEX.04.005.S30 DEX.04.005.S20 DEX.04.005.S10

DEX.04.999.S40 DEX.04.999.S30 DEX.04.999.S20 DEX.04.999.S10

DEX.05.003.S40 DEX.05.003.S30 DEX.05.003.S20 DEX.05.003.S10

DEX.05.004.S30 DEX.05.004.S20 DEX.05.004.S10

DEX.05.999.S40 DEX.05.999.S30 DEX.05.999.S20 DEX.05.999.S10

DEX.06.004.S30 DEX.06.004.S20 DEX.06.004.S10

DEX.09.004.S40 DEX.09.004.S30 DEX.09.004.S20 DEX.09.004.S10

DEX.09.005.S40 DEX.09.005.S30 DEX.09.005.S20 DEX.09.005.S10

DEX.09.017.S40 DEX.09.017.S30 DEX.09.017.S20 DEX.09.017.S10

DEX.09.018.S40 DEX.09.018.S30 DEX.09.018.S20 DEX.09.018.S10

DEX.09.029.S30 DEX.09.029.S20 DEX.09.029.S10

DEX.09.032.S40 DEX.09.032.S30 DEX.09.032.S20 DEX.09.032.S10

DEX.09.033.S40 DEX.09.033.S30 DEX.09.033.S20 DEX.09.033.S10

DEX.09.034.S40 DEX.09.034.S30 DEX.09.034.S20 DEX.09.034.S10

DEX.09.035.S40 DEX.09.035.S30 DEX.09.035.S20 DEX.09.035.S10

DEX.09.036.S40 DEX.09.036.S30 DEX.09.036.S20 DEX.09.036.S10

DEX.09.037.S40 DEX.09.037.S30 DEX.09.037.S20 DEX.09.037.S10

DEX.09.038.S40 DEX.09.038.S30 DEX.09.038.S20 DEX.09.038.S10

DEX.09.039.S40 DEX.09.039.S30 DEX.09.039.S20 DEX.09.039.S10

DEX.09.040.S40 DEX.09.040.S30 DEX.09.040.S20 DEX.09.040.S10

DEX.09.041.S40 DEX.09.041.S30 DEX.09.041.S20 DEX.09.041.S10

DEX.09.042.S40 DEX.09.042.S30 DEX.09.042.S20 DEX.09.042.S10

DEX.09.043.S40 DEX.09.043.S30 DEX.09.043.S20 DEX.09.043.S10

DEX.09.044.S40 DEX.09.044.S30 DEX.09.044.S20 DEX.09.044.S10

DEX.09.045.S40 DEX.09.045.S30 DEX.09.045.S20 DEX.09.045.S10

DEX.09.046.S40 DEX.09.046.S30 DEX.09.046.S20 DEX.09.046.S10

DEX.11.003.S30 DEX.11.003.S20 DEX.11.003.S10

DEX.11.004.S40 DEX.11.004.S30 DEX.11.004.S20 DEX.11.004.S10

DEX.11.005.S40 DEX.11.005.S30 DEX.11.005.S20 DEX.11.005.S10

DEX.11.006.S40 DEX.11.006.S30 DEX.11.006.S20 DEX.11.006.S10

DEX.11.999.S40 DEX.11.999.S30 DEX.11.999.S20 DEX.11.999.S10

EGS.01.011.S40 EGS.01.011.S30 EGS.01.011.S20 EGS.01.011.S10

EGS.01.028.S40 EGS.01.028.S30 EGS.01.028.S20 EGS.01.028.S10

EGS.01.029.S40 EGS.01.029.S30 EGS.01.029.S20 EGS.01.029.S10

EGS.01.030.S40 EGS.01.030.S30 EGS.01.030.S20 EGS.01.030.S10

EGS.01.031.S40 EGS.01.031.S30 EGS.01.031.S20 EGS.01.031.S10

EGS.01.032.S30 EGS.01.032.S20 EGS.01.032.S10

EGS.01.036.S40 EGS.01.036.S30 EGS.01.036.S20 EGS.01.036.S10

EGS.01.050.S30 EGS.01.050.S20 EGS.01.050.S10

EGS.01.999.S40 EGS.01.999.S30 EGS.01.999.S20 EGS.01.999.S10

EGS.02.041.S30 EGS.02.041.S20 EGS.02.041.S10

EGS.02.042.S30 EGS.02.042.S20 EGS.02.042.S10

EGS.02.055.S40 EGS.02.055.S30 EGS.02.055.S20 EGS.02.055.S10

EGS.02.999.S40 EGS.02.999.S30 EGS.02.999.S20 EGS.02.999.S10

CCB.04.039.S30 CCB.04.039.S20 CCB.04.039.S10

CMB.06.001.S40 CMB.06.001.S30 CMB.06.001.S20 CMB.06.001.S10

TRD.01.002.S40 TRD.01.002.S30 TRD.01.002.S20 TRD.01.002.S10

TRD.01.999.S40 TRD.01.999.S30 TRD.01.999.S20 TRD.01.999.S10

INS.02.002.S40 INS.02.002.S30 INS.02.002.S20 INS.02.002.S10

INS.03.002.S40 INS.03.002.S30 INS.03.002.S20 INS.03.002.S10


RET.02.002.S30 RET.02.002.S20 RET.02.002.S10

RET.02.005.S30 RET.02.005.S20 RET.02.005.S10

RET.02.026.S30 RET.02.026.S20 RET.02.026.S10

RET.02.047.S30 RET.02.047.S20 RET.02.047.S10

RET.03.001.S40 RET.03.001.S30 RET.03.001.S20 RET.03.001.S10

RET.03.002.S40 RET.03.002.S30 RET.03.002.S20 RET.03.002.S10

RET.03.003.S40 RET.03.003.S30 RET.03.003.S20 RET.03.003.S10

RET.03.004.S40 RET.03.004.S30 RET.03.004.S20 RET.03.004.S10

RET.03.029.S40 RET.03.029.S30 RET.03.029.S20 RET.03.029.S10

RET.03.030.S40 RET.03.030.S30 RET.03.030.S20 RET.03.030.S10

RET.03.031.S30 RET.03.031.S20 RET.03.031.S10

RET.03.032.S30 RET.03.032.S20 RET.03.032.S10

RET.03.033.S30 RET.03.033.S20 RET.03.033.S10

RET.03.055.S30 RET.03.055.S20 RET.03.055.S10

RET.03.999.S40 RET.03.999.S30 RET.03.999.S20 RET.03.999.S10

RET.06.001.S30 RET.06.001.S20 RET.06.001.S10

RET.06.011.S30 RET.06.011.S20 RET.06.011.S10

RET.06.053.S40 RET.06.053.S30 RET.06.053.S20 RET.06.053.S10


HPY.01.010.S30 HPY.01.010.S20 HPY.01.010.S10

HPY.01.011.S30 HPY.01.011.S20 HPY.01.011.S10

HPY.02.004.S30 HPY.02.004.S20 HPY.02.004.S10

HPY.03.004.S30 HPY.03.004.S20 HPY.03.004.S10

HPY.03.999.S40 HPY.03.999.S30 HPY.03.999.S20 HPY.03.999.S10

HPY.04.004.S40 HPY.04.004.S30 HPY.04.004.S20 HPY.04.004.S10

HPY.04.005.S30 HPY.04.005.S20 HPY.04.005.S10

HPY.04.007.S30 HPY.04.007.S20 HPY.04.007.S10

HPY.04.008.S30 HPY.04.008.S20 HPY.04.008.S10

HPY.04.009.S30 HPY.04.009.S20 HPY.04.009.S10

HPY.04.030.S30 HPY.04.030.S20 HPY.04.030.S10

HPY.04.031.S30 HPY.04.031.S20 HPY.04.031.S10

HPY.04.032.S30 HPY.04.032.S20 HPY.04.032.S10

HPY.04.033.S30 HPY.04.033.S20 HPY.04.033.S10

HPY.04.034.S30 HPY.04.034.S20 HPY.04.034.S10

HPY.04.035.S30 HPY.04.035.S20 HPY.04.035.S10

HPY.04.056.S30 HPY.04.056.S20 HPY.04.056.S10

HPY.04.057.S40 HPY.04.057.S30

HPY.04.058.S30 HPY.04.058.S20 HPY.04.058.S10

HPY.04.999.S40 HPY.04.999.S30 HPY.04.999.S20 HPY.04.999.S10

HPY.05.004.S30 HPY.05.004.S20 HPY.05.004.S10

HPY.05.999.S40 HPY.05.999.S30 HPY.05.999.S20 HPY.05.999.S10

CRT.01.003.S30 CRT.01.003.S20 CRT.01.003.S10

CRT.02.001.S40 CRT.02.001.S30 CRT.02.001.S20 CRT.02.001.S10

CRT.02.030.S30 CRT.02.030.S20 CRT.02.030.S10

CRT.02.080.S40 CRT.02.080.S30 CRT.02.080.S20 CRT.02.080.S10

CRT.02.085.S40 CRT.02.085.S30 CRT.02.085.S20 CRT.02.085.S10

CRT.02.999.S40 CRT.02.999.S30 CRT.02.999.S20 CRT.02.999.S10

CRT.04.999.S40 CRT.04.999.S30 CRT.04.999.S20 CRT.04.999.S10

CRT.06.086.S30 CRT.06.086.S20 CRT.06.086.S10

CRT.07.001.S40 CRT.07.001.S30 CRT.07.001.S20 CRT.07.001.S10

MDA.01.004.S30 MDA.01.004.S20 MDA.01.004.S10

REA.02.024.S40 REA.02.024.S30 REA.02.024.S20 REA.02.024.S10

REA.03.007.S30 REA.03.007.S20 REA.03.007.S10

REA.03.008.S30 REA.03.008.S20 REA.03.008.S10

REA.03.009.S30 REA.03.009.S20 REA.03.009.S10

REA.03.032.S40 REA.03.032.S30 REA.03.032.S20 REA.03.032.S10

REA.03.999.S40 REA.03.999.S30 REA.03.999.S20 REA.03.999.S10

REA.05.005.S40 REA.05.005.S30 REA.05.005.S20 REA.05.005.S10

HLT.02.035.S40 HLT.02.035.S30 HLT.02.035.S20 HLT.02.035.S10

HLT.02.036.S40 HLT.02.036.S30 HLT.02.036.S20 HLT.02.036.S10

HLT.02.071.S40 HLT.02.071.S30 HLT.02.071.S20 HLT.02.071.S10

HLT.04.014.S30 HLT.04.014.S20 HLT.04.014.S10

HLT.04.026.S40 HLT.04.026.S30 HLT.04.026.S20 HLT.04.026.S10

HLT.05.055.S40 HLT.05.055.S30 HLT.05.055.S20 HLT.05.055.S10

HLT.05.056.S40 HLT.05.056.S30 HLT.05.056.S20 HLT.05.056.S10

HLT.07.004.S30 HLT.07.004.S20 HLT.07.004.S10

HLT.11.003.S40 HLT.11.003.S30 HLT.11.003.S20 HLT.11.003.S10

HLT.12.001.S40 HLT.12.001.S30 HLT.12.001.S20 HLT.12.001.S10

HLT.12.011.S40 HLT.12.011.S30 HLT.12.011.S20 HLT.12.011.S10

HLT.12.021.S40 HLT.12.021.S30 HLT.12.021.S20 HLT.12.021.S10

HLT.12.031.S40 HLT.12.031.S30 HLT.12.031.S20 HLT.12.031.S10

HLT.12.041.S40 HLT.12.041.S30 HLT.12.041.S20 HLT.12.041.S10

OGC.02.012.S30 OGC.02.012.S20 OGC.02.012.S10

OGC.02.021.S30 OGC.02.021.S20 OGC.02.021.S10

OGC.02.051.S30 OGC.02.051.S20 OGC.02.051.S10

OGC.03.011.S30 OGC.03.011.S20 OGC.03.011.S10

OGC.03.041.S30 OGC.03.041.S20 OGC.03.041.S10

OGC.03.042.S30 OGC.03.042.S20 OGC.03.042.S10

OGC.03.051.S30 OGC.03.051.S20 OGC.03.051.S10

OGC.03.061.S30 OGC.03.061.S20 OGC.03.061.S10

OGC.03.062.S30 OGC.03.062.S20 OGC.03.062.S10

OGC.03.071.S30 OGC.03.071.S20 OGC.03.071.S10

OGC.07.011.S30 OGC.07.011.S20 OGC.07.011.S10

OGC.07.012.S30 OGC.07.012.S20 OGC.07.012.S10

OGC.07.051.S30 OGC.07.051.S20 OGC.07.051.S10

OGC.08.021.S30 OGC.08.021.S20 OGC.08.021.S10

OGC.08.023.S30 OGC.08.023.S20 OGC.08.023.S10

OGC.09.012.S30 OGC.09.012.S20 OGC.09.012.S10

OGC.10.011.S30 OGC.10.011.S20 OGC.10.011.S10

OGC.10.012.S30 OGC.10.012.S20 OGC.10.012.S10

OGC.10.013.S30 OGC.10.013.S20 OGC.10.013.S10

OGC.10.014.S30 OGC.10.014.S20 OGC.10.014.S10

OGC.11.014.S30 OGC.11.014.S20 OGC.11.014.S10

OGC.11.015.S30 OGC.11.015.S20 OGC.11.015.S10

OGC.11.016.S30 OGC.11.016.S20 OGC.11.016.S10

OGC.14.021.S30 OGC.14.021.S20 OGC.14.021.S10

OGC.16.011.S30 OGC.16.011.S20 OGC.16.011.S10

OGC.16.015.S30 OGC.16.015.S20 OGC.16.015.S10

OGC.16.999.S40 OGC.16.999.S30 OGC.16.999.S20 OGC.16.999.S10

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Retail Compensation Canada MTECH: Mercer New and Emerging Jobs

and Benefits Survey Compensation Survey Survey

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Please note that columns have been hidden to allow you to easily view the list of Specializations
and/or Jobs and their alignment to our various survey products. Please expand and collapse the
hidden rows as necessary to view additional details regarding the Specializations and/or Jobs.

Broad-Based/General Job Year over Year Change

Industry Job Code Job Title
Specialization Status

Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E5A Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Global Parent/Corporate (E5)

Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E4S Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Global Subsidiary (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E4A Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Regional (Multi-Country)
Parent/Corporate (E4)
Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E3S Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary
Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E3A Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Country Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.001.E2S Chair of the Board (Non CEO) - Country Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E5A Chair of the Board and CEO - Global Parent/Corporate (E5)

Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E4S Chair of the Board and CEO - Global Subsidiary (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E4A Chair of the Board and CEO - Regional (Multi-Country)
Parent/Corporate (E4)
Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E3S Chair of the Board and CEO - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary

Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E3A Chair of the Board and CEO - Country Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.002.E2S Chair of the Board and CEO - Country Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E5A Head of Organization (CEO) - Global Parent/Corporate (E5)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E4S Head of Organization (CEO) - Global Subsidiary (E4)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E4D Head of Organization (CEO) - Global Division(s) (E4)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E4A Head of Organization (CEO) - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E3S Head of Organization (CEO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary


Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E3D Head of Organization (CEO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)


Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E3A Head of Organization (CEO) - Country Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E2S Head of Organization (CEO) - Country Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.003.E2D Head of Organization (CEO) - Country Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E41 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E34 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Global
Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E32 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Global
Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E31 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E24 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E22 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E21 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E14 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Country
Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.008.E12 Head of Commercial/Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) - Country
Division(s) (E1)
Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E41 Head of Operations (COO) - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E34 Head of Operations (COO) - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E32 Head of Operations (COO) - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E31 Head of Operations (COO) - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E24 Head of Operations (COO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary
Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E22 Head of Operations (COO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)
Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E21 Head of Operations (COO) - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E14 Head of Operations (COO) - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X GMA.01.004.E12 Head of Operations (COO) - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E41 Head of International Operations - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E34 Head of International Operations - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E32 Head of International Operations - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E31 Head of International Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E24 Head of International Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E22 Head of International Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E21 Head of International Operations - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E14 Head of International Operations - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.006.E12 Head of International Operations - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E41 Head of Business Products/Services - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E34 Head of Business Products/Services - Global Subsidiary (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E32 Head of Business Products/Services - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E31 Head of Business Products/Services - Regional (Multi-Country)
Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E24 Head of Business Products/Services - Regional (Multi-Country)
Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E22 Head of Business Products/Services - Regional (Multi-Country)
Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E21 Head of Business Products/Services - Country Parent/Corporate
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E14 Head of Business Products/Services - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.01.009.E12 Head of Business Products/Services - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E41 Head of Administration - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E34 Head of Administration - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E32 Head of Administration - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E31 Head of Administration - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E24 Head of Administration - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E22 Head of Administration - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E21 Head of Administration - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E14 Head of Administration - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.005.E12 Head of Administration - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E41 Head of Shared Services - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E34 Head of Shared Services - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E32 Head of Shared Services - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E31 Head of Shared Services - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E24 Head of Shared Services - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E22 Head of Shared Services - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E21 Head of Shared Services - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E14 Head of Shared Services - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.01.007.E12 Head of Shared Services - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.E30 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.E20 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry GMA.02.001.E10 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.M50 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.M40 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.M30 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.M20 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.P50 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.P40 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.P30 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.001.P20 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.001.P10 Long-Term Business Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.002.E30 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.E20 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.E10 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.M50 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.M40 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.002.M30 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.002.M20 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.P50 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.P40 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.P30 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.P20 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry GMA.02.002.P10 Mergers & Acquisitions Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.003.E30 Innovation & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.E20 Innovation & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.E10 Innovation & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.M50 Innovation & Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.M40 Innovation & Strategy - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.M30 Innovation & Strategy - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.M20 Innovation & Strategy - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry GMA.02.003.P50 Innovation & Strategy - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.P40 Innovation & Strategy - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.P30 Innovation & Strategy - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.P20 Innovation & Strategy - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.003.P10 Innovation & Strategy - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.E30 Digital Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.E20 Digital Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.E10 Digital Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.M50 Digital Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.M40 Digital Strategy - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.M30 Digital Strategy - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.M20 Digital Strategy - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.P50 Digital Strategy - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.P40 Digital Strategy - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.P30 Digital Strategy - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.P20 Digital Strategy - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.004.P10 Digital Strategy - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.E30 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.E20 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.E10 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.M50 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.M40 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.M30 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.M20 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING GMA.02.006.P60 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Pre-eminent
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (P6)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.P50 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.P40 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.P30 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.006.P20 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry GMA.02.006.P10 Business Operations Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.E30 Business Architecture - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.E20 Business Architecture - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.E10 Business Architecture - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.M50 Business Architecture - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.M40 Business Architecture - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.M30 Business Architecture - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.M20 Business Architecture - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.P50 Business Architecture - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.P40 Business Architecture - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.P30 Business Architecture - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.P20 Business Architecture - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.007.P10 Business Architecture - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.E30 Physical Asset Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.E20 Physical Asset Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.E10 Physical Asset Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.M50 Physical Asset Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.M40 Physical Asset Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.M30 Physical Asset Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.M20 Physical Asset Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.P50 Physical Asset Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.P40 Physical Asset Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.P30 Physical Asset Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.P20 Physical Asset Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.008.P10 Physical Asset Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.009.P10 Management Rotational Program - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.M50 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.M40 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.M30 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.M20 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.P50 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.P40 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.P30 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.P20 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) GMA.02.010.P10 Policies and Procedures Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.M40 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.M30 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.M20 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry GMA.02.999.P50 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.P40 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.P30 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.P20 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.02.999.P10 Other Business Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E41 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E34 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E32 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E31 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E24 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E22 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E21 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E14 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.001.E12 Chief Risk Officer (CRO) - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.E30 General Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.E20 General Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.E10 General Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.M50 General Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.M40 General Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.M30 General Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.M20 General Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.P50 General Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.P40 General Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.P30 General Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.P20 General Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X GMA.03.010.P10 General Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.E30 Insurance Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.E20 Insurance Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.E10 Insurance Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.M50 Insurance Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.M40 Insurance Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.M30 Insurance Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.M20 Insurance Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.M10 Insurance Risk Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry GMA.03.011.P50 Insurance Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.P40 Insurance Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.P30 Insurance Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.P20 Insurance Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.P10 Insurance Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.S40 Insurance Risk Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.S30 Insurance Risk Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.S20 Insurance Risk Management - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.011.S10 Insurance Risk Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.E30 Risk Modelling - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.E20 Risk Modelling - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.E10 Risk Modelling - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.M50 Risk Modelling - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.M40 Risk Modelling - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.M30 Risk Modelling - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.M20 Risk Modelling - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.P50 Risk Modelling - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.P40 Risk Modelling - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.P30 Risk Modelling - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.P20 Risk Modelling - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.012.P10 Risk Modelling - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.M40 Quantitative Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.M30 Quantitative Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.M20 Quantitative Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.P50 Quantitative Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.P40 Quantitative Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.P30 Quantitative Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.P20 Quantitative Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.014.P10 Quantitative Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.E30 Business Continuity Planning - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.E20 Business Continuity Planning - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.E10 Business Continuity Planning - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.M50 Business Continuity Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.M40 Business Continuity Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.M30 Business Continuity Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.M20 Business Continuity Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry GMA.03.032.P50 Business Continuity Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.P40 Business Continuity Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.P30 Business Continuity Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.P20 Business Continuity Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.032.P10 Business Continuity Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.E30 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.E20 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.E10 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.M50 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.M40 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.M30 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.M20 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.P50 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Expert Professional
Cross Industry GMA.03.040.P40 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.P30 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Senior Professional

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.P20 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.040.P10 IT Business Continuance/Disaster Recovery - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.E30 Operational Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.E20 Operational Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.E10 Operational Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.M50 Operational Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.M40 Operational Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.M30 Operational Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.M20 Operational Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.P50 Operational Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.P40 Operational Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.P30 Operational Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.P20 Operational Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.033.P10 Operational Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.E30 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry GMA.03.035.E20 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry GMA.03.035.E10 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry GMA.03.035.M50 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.M40 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.M30 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.M20 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry GMA.03.035.P50 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.P40 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.P30 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.035.P20 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry GMA.03.035.P10 Security Threat Assessment & Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.E30 Environmental Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.E20 Environmental Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.E10 Environmental Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.M50 Environmental Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.M40 Environmental Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.M30 Environmental Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.M20 Environmental Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry GMA.03.036.P50 Environmental Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.P40 Environmental Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.P30 Environmental Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.P20 Environmental Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.036.P10 Environmental Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.M40 Project Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.M30 Project Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.M20 Project Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.P50 Project Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.P40 Project Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.P30 Project Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.P20 Project Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.041.P10 Project Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail GMA.03.034.M40 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail GMA.03.034.M30 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail GMA.03.034.M20 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail GMA.03.034.P50 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail GMA.03.034.P40 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Retail GMA.03.034.P30 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail GMA.03.034.P20 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail GMA.03.034.P10 Risk Adjustment (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.M40 General Financial Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.M30 General Financial Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.M20 General Financial Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry GMA.03.052.P50 General Financial Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.P40 General Financial Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.P30 General Financial Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.P20 General Financial Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry GMA.03.052.P10 General Financial Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & GMA.03.053.E30 Market Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.E20 Market Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & GMA.03.053.E10 Market Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.M50 Market Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.M40 Market Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.M30 Market Risk Management - Manager (M3)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.M20 Market Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Energy & GMA.03.053.P50 Market Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.P40 Market Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)
Energy & GMA.03.053.P30 Market Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)
Energy &
Tech,Insurance GMA.03.053.P20 Market Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & GMA.03.053.P10 Market Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)
Financial Services GMA.03.055.E30 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.E20 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.E10 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.M50 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Senior Manager
II (M5)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.M40 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Senior Manager

Financial Services GMA.03.055.M30 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Manager (M3)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.M20 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Financial Services GMA.03.055.P50 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.P40 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.P30 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Senior

Professional (P3)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.P20 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Financial Services GMA.03.055.P10 Investment Risk Management (Financial Services) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.M40 Energy Trading Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.M30 Energy Trading Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.M20 Energy Trading Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.P50 Energy Trading Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.P40 Energy Trading Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.P30 Energy Trading Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.P20 Energy Trading Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining GMA.03.060.P10 Energy Trading Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences GMA.04.020.M50 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
II (M5)

Life Sciences GMA.04.020.M40 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.M30 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences GMA.04.020.M20 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P60 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P50 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P40 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Specialist

Professional (P4)
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P30 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P20 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences GMA.04.020.P10 Healthcare Solutions Architecture (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E41 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E34 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E32 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E31 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Regional (Multi-Country)
Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E24 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Regional (Multi-Country)
Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E22 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Regional (Multi-Country)
Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E21 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Country Parent/Corporate
Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E14 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.01.001.E12 Head of Finance & Accounting (CFO) - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.003.E30 Head of Finance/2nd Level Finance Executive - Sub-function
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.003.E20 Head of Finance/2nd Level Finance Executive - Sub-function
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.003.E10 Head of Finance/2nd Level Finance Executive - Sub-function

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.003.M50 Head of Finance/2nd Level Finance Executive - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.M40 General Finance Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.M30 General Finance Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.M20 General Finance Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.M10 General Finance Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.P50 General Finance Management - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.P40 General Finance Management - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.P30 General Finance Management - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.P20 General Finance Management - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.P10 General Finance Management - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.S40 General Finance Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.S30 General Finance Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.S20 General Finance Management - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.004.S10 General Finance Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.E30 Finance Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.E20 Finance Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.E10 Finance Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.M50 Finance Business Partners - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.M40 Finance Business Partners - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.M30 Finance Business Partners - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.M20 Finance Business Partners - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.P50 Finance Business Partners - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.P40 Finance Business Partners - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.P30 Finance Business Partners - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.P20 Finance Business Partners - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.02.001.P10 Finance Business Partners - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.E30 Financial Planning & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.E20 Financial Planning & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.E10 Financial Planning & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.M50 Financial Planning & Analysis - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.M40 Financial Planning & Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.M30 Financial Planning & Analysis - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.M20 Financial Planning & Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.P50 Financial Planning & Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.P40 Financial Planning & Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.P30 Financial Planning & Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.P20 Financial Planning & Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.005.P10 Financial Planning & Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.E30 Revenue Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.E20 Revenue Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.E10 Revenue Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.M50 Revenue Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.M40 Revenue Management - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.M30 Revenue Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.M20 Revenue Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.P50 Revenue Management - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.P40 Revenue Management - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.P30 Revenue Management - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.P20 Revenue Management - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); FIN.02.006.P10 Revenue Management - Entry Professional (P1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.M50 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.M40 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.M30 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.M20 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.P50 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.P40 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.P30 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.P20 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.02.002.P10 Contract Rebate Administration (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.E30 General Financial Control - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.E20 General Financial Control - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.E10 General Financial Control - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.M50 General Financial Control - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.M40 General Financial Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.04.001.M30 General Financial Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.001.M20 General Financial Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.004.M50 Financial Control & Reporting: Plant/Site - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.004.M40 Financial Control & Reporting: Plant/Site - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.04.004.M30 Financial Control & Reporting: Plant/Site - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.M50 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.M40 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.M30 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.M20 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry FIN.04.006.P50 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.P40 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.P30 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.P20 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry FIN.04.006.P10 Financial Control & Reporting: Property - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.M30 Office Cash Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.M20 Office Cash Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.005.M10 Office Cash Control - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry FIN.04.005.P50 Office Cash Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.P40 Office Cash Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.P30 Office Cash Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.P20 Office Cash Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.04.005.P10 Office Cash Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.005.S30 Office Cash Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.005.S20 Office Cash Control - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.04.005.S10 Office Cash Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.E30 General Management Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.E20 General Management Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.E10 General Management Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.M50 General Management Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.M40 General Management Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.M30 General Management Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.M20 General Management Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.P50 General Management Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.P40 General Management Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.P30 General Management Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.P20 General Management Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.05.001.P10 General Management Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.002.E30 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry FIN.05.002.E20 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry FIN.05.002.E10 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry FIN.05.002.M50 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry FIN.05.002.M40 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry FIN.05.002.M30 Internal Management Accounting: IT Function-Specific - Manager
Cross Industry FIN.05.003.E30 Cost Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.E20 Cost Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.E10 Cost Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.M50 Cost Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.M40 Cost Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.M30 Cost Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.M20 Cost Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.P50 Cost Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.P40 Cost Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.P30 Cost Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.P20 Cost Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.003.P10 Cost Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.E30 Budget Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.E20 Budget Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.E10 Budget Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.M50 Budget Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.M40 Budget Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.M30 Budget Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.M20 Budget Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.P50 Budget Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.P40 Budget Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.P30 Budget Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.P20 Budget Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.004.P10 Budget Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.E30 Government Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.E20 Government Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.E10 Government Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.M50 Government Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.M40 Government Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.M30 Government Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.M20 Government Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.M10 Government Accounting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.P50 Government Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.P40 Government Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.P30 Government Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.P20 Government Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.P10 Government Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.S30 Government Accounting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.S20 Government Accounting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.05.005.S10 Government Accounting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.E30 Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.E20 Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.E10 Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.M50 Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.M40 Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.M30 Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.M20 Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.M10 Accounting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.P50 Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.P40 Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.P30 Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.P20 Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.P10 Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.S40 Accounting - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.S30 Accounting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.S20 Accounting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.001.S10 Accounting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.E30 Financial Reporting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.E20 Financial Reporting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.E10 Financial Reporting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.M50 Financial Reporting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.M40 Financial Reporting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.M30 Financial Reporting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.M20 Financial Reporting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.P50 Financial Reporting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.P40 Financial Reporting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.P30 Financial Reporting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.P20 Financial Reporting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.06.002.P10 Financial Reporting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.M40 Project Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.M30 Project Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.M20 Project Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.P50 Project Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.P40 Project Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.P30 Project Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.P20 Project Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.003.P10 Project Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.M40 Joint Ventures Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.M30 Joint Ventures Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.M20 Joint Ventures Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.P50 Joint Ventures Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.P40 Joint Ventures Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.P30 Joint Ventures Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.P20 Joint Ventures Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.011.P10 Joint Ventures Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.E30 Revenue Accounting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.E20 Revenue Accounting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.E10 Revenue Accounting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.M50 Revenue Accounting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.M40 Revenue Accounting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.M30 Revenue Accounting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.M20 Revenue Accounting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.M10 Revenue Accounting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.P50 Revenue Accounting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.P40 Revenue Accounting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.P30 Revenue Accounting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.P20 Revenue Accounting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.P10 Revenue Accounting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.S30 Revenue Accounting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.S20 Revenue Accounting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.06.017.S10 Revenue Accounting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.E30 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.E20 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.E10 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.M50 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.M40 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Senior Manager (M4)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.M30 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Manager (M3)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.M20 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.P50 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Expert Professional (P5)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.P40 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Specialist Professional (P4)
Financial Services FIN.06.008.P30 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Senior Professional (P3)

Financial Services FIN.06.008.P20 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Experienced Professional

Financial Services FIN.06.008.P10 Fund Accounting (Financial Services) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.M40 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.M30 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.M20 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.P50 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.P40 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.P30 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.P20 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.012.P10 Production/Revenue Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.M40 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.M30 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.M20 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.P50 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional

Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.P40 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.P30 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.P20 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.013.P10 Oil & Gas Marketing Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.M40 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.M30 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.M20 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.P50 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.P40 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.P30 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.P20 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.014.P10 Property Accounting (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.M40 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Senior Manager

Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.M30 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.M20 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.P50 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Expert Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.P40 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.P30 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Senior Professional
Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.P20 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining FIN.06.016.P10 Settlement & Reconciliations (Energy Trading) - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.E30 Tax - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.E20 Tax - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.E10 Tax - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.M50 Tax - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.M40 Tax - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.M30 Tax - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.M20 Tax - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.P50 Tax - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.P40 Tax - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.P30 Tax - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.P20 Tax - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.07.001.P10 Tax - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.E30 Tax Research & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.E20 Tax Research & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.E10 Tax Research & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.M50 Tax Research & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.M40 Tax Research & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.M30 Tax Research & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.M20 Tax Research & Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.P50 Tax Research & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.P40 Tax Research & Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.P30 Tax Research & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry FIN.07.003.P20 Tax Research & Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.003.P10 Tax Research & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.E30 International Tax - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.E20 International Tax - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.E10 International Tax - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.M50 International Tax - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.M40 International Tax - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.M30 International Tax - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.M20 International Tax - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.P50 International Tax - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.P40 International Tax - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.P30 International Tax - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.P20 International Tax - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.004.P10 International Tax - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING FIN.07.005.M50 Tax Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry FIN.07.005.M40 Tax Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.M30 Tax Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.M20 Tax Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.P50 Tax Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.P40 Tax Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.P30 Tax Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.P20 Tax Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.07.005.P10 Tax Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.E30 Treasury - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.E20 Treasury - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.E10 Treasury - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.M50 Treasury - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.M40 Treasury - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.M30 Treasury - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.M20 Treasury - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.P50 Treasury - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.P40 Treasury - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.P30 Treasury - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.P20 Treasury - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.08.001.P10 Treasury - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.E30 Cash Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.E20 Cash Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.E10 Cash Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.M50 Cash Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.M40 Cash Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.M30 Cash Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.M20 Cash Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.P50 Cash Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.P40 Cash Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.P30 Cash Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.P20 Cash Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.002.P10 Cash Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.E30 Financial Structure & Funding - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.E20 Financial Structure & Funding - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.E10 Financial Structure & Funding - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.M50 Financial Structure & Funding - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.M40 Financial Structure & Funding - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.M30 Financial Structure & Funding - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.M20 Financial Structure & Funding - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.P50 Financial Structure & Funding - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.P40 Financial Structure & Funding - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.P30 Financial Structure & Funding - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.P20 Financial Structure & Funding - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.003.P10 Financial Structure & Funding - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry FIN.08.004.E30 Investments - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.E20 Investments - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.E10 Investments - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.M50 Investments - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.M40 Investments - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.M30 Investments - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.M20 Investments - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.P50 Investments - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.P40 Investments - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.P30 Investments - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.P20 Investments - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.004.P10 Investments - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.E30 Investment Opportunity Management - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry FIN.08.005.E20 Investment Opportunity Management - Sub-function Executive 2

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.E10 Investment Opportunity Management - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry FIN.08.005.M50 Investment Opportunity Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.M40 Investment Opportunity Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.M30 Investment Opportunity Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.M20 Investment Opportunity Management - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.P50 Investment Opportunity Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.P40 Investment Opportunity Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.P30 Investment Opportunity Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.P20 Investment Opportunity Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry FIN.08.005.P10 Investment Opportunity Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.E30 Post-Investment Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.E20 Post-Investment Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.E10 Post-Investment Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.M50 Post-Investment Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.M40 Post-Investment Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.M30 Post-Investment Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.M20 Post-Investment Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.P50 Post-Investment Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.P40 Post-Investment Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.P30 Post-Investment Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.P20 Post-Investment Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.08.006.P10 Post-Investment Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.E30 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.E20 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.E10 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.M50 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.M40 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.M30 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.M20 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.M10 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.P50 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.P40 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.P30 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.P20 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.P10 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.S40 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.S30 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.S20 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X FIN.09.001.S10 Accounts Payable/Receivable - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.E30 Accounts Payable - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.E20 Accounts Payable - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.E10 Accounts Payable - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.M50 Accounts Payable - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.M40 Accounts Payable - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.M30 Accounts Payable - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.M20 Accounts Payable - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.M10 Accounts Payable - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.P50 Accounts Payable - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.P40 Accounts Payable - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.P30 Accounts Payable - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.P20 Accounts Payable - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.P10 Accounts Payable - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.S40 Accounts Payable - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.S30 Accounts Payable - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.S20 Accounts Payable - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.003.S10 Accounts Payable - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.E30 Accounts Receivable - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.E20 Accounts Receivable - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.E10 Accounts Receivable - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.M50 Accounts Receivable - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.M40 Accounts Receivable - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.M30 Accounts Receivable - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.M20 Accounts Receivable - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.M10 Accounts Receivable - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.P50 Accounts Receivable - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.P40 Accounts Receivable - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.P30 Accounts Receivable - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.P20 Accounts Receivable - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.P10 Accounts Receivable - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.S40 Accounts Receivable - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.S30 Accounts Receivable - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.S20 Accounts Receivable - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.004.S10 Accounts Receivable - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.E30 Billing & Invoicing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.E20 Billing & Invoicing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.E10 Billing & Invoicing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.M50 Billing & Invoicing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.M40 Billing & Invoicing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.M30 Billing & Invoicing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.M20 Billing & Invoicing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.M10 Billing & Invoicing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.P50 Billing & Invoicing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.P40 Billing & Invoicing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.P30 Billing & Invoicing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.P20 Billing & Invoicing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.P10 Billing & Invoicing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.S40 Billing & Invoicing - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.S30 Billing & Invoicing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.S20 Billing & Invoicing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.005.S10 Billing & Invoicing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.M40 Billing Inquiry - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.M30 Billing Inquiry - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.M20 Billing Inquiry - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.M10 Billing Inquiry - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.P50 Billing Inquiry - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.P40 Billing Inquiry - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.P30 Billing Inquiry - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.P20 Billing Inquiry - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.P10 Billing Inquiry - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.S30 Billing Inquiry - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.S20 Billing Inquiry - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.006.S10 Billing Inquiry - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.E30 E-Payments Operations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.E20 E-Payments Operations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.E10 E-Payments Operations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.M50 E-Payments Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.M40 E-Payments Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.M30 E-Payments Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.M20 E-Payments Operations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.M10 E-Payments Operations - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.P50 E-Payments Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.P40 E-Payments Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.P30 E-Payments Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.P20 E-Payments Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.P10 E-Payments Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.S30 E-Payments Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.S20 E-Payments Operations - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.09.007.S10 E-Payments Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.09.010.S40 Wholesale Chargeback Coordination (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.09.010.S30 Wholesale Chargeback Coordination (Life Sciences) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.09.010.S20 Wholesale Chargeback Coordination (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) FIN.09.010.S10 Wholesale Chargeback Coordination (Life Sciences) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.E30 Credit & Collections - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.E20 Credit & Collections - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.E10 Credit & Collections - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.M50 Credit & Collections - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.M40 Credit & Collections - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.M30 Credit & Collections - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.M20 Credit & Collections - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.M10 Credit & Collections - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.P50 Credit & Collections - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.P40 Credit & Collections - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.P30 Credit & Collections - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.P20 Credit & Collections - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.P10 Credit & Collections - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.S40 Credit & Collections - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.S30 Credit & Collections - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.S20 Credit & Collections - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X FIN.10.001.S10 Credit & Collections - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.E30 Credit - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.E20 Credit - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.E10 Credit - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.M50 Credit - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.M40 Credit - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.M30 Credit - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.M20 Credit - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.P50 Credit - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.P40 Credit - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.P30 Credit - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.P20 Credit - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.002.P10 Credit - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.E30 Collections - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.E20 Collections - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.E10 Collections - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.M50 Collections - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.M40 Collections - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.M30 Collections - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.M20 Collections - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.M10 Collections - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.P50 Collections - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.P40 Collections - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.P30 Collections - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.P20 Collections - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.P10 Collections - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.S30 Collections - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.S20 Collections - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.003.S10 Collections - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.M50 Collections: Field - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.M40 Collections: Field - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.M30 Collections: Field - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.M20 Collections: Field - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.M10 Collections: Field - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.P50 Collections: Field - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.P40 Collections: Field - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.P30 Collections: Field - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.P20 Collections: Field - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.P10 Collections: Field - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.S30 Collections: Field - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.S20 Collections: Field - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.012.S10 Collections: Field - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.E30 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.E20 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.E10 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry FIN.10.004.M50 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.M40 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Senior Manager


Cross Industry FIN.10.004.M30 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.M20 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.M10 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.P50 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Expert Professional


Cross Industry FIN.10.004.P40 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.P30 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Senior Professional


Cross Industry FIN.10.004.P20 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.P10 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Entry Professional


Cross Industry FIN.10.004.S30 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.S20 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry FIN.10.004.S10 Customer Financial/Credit Field Investigation - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E41 Head of Human Resources - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E34 Head of Human Resources - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E32 Head of Human Resources - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E31 Head of Human Resources - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E24 Head of Human Resources - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary
Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E22 Head of Human Resources - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)
Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E21 Head of Human Resources - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E14 Head of Human Resources - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.01.001.E12 Head of Human Resources - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.E30 General Human Resources - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.E20 General Human Resources - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.E10 General Human Resources - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.M50 General Human Resources - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.M40 General Human Resources - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.M30 General Human Resources - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.M20 General Human Resources - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.M10 General Human Resources - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.P50 General Human Resources - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.P40 General Human Resources - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.P30 General Human Resources - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.P20 General Human Resources - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.P10 General Human Resources - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.S40 General Human Resources - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.S30 General Human Resources - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.S20 General Human Resources - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.001.S10 General Human Resources - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.E30 HR Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.E20 HR Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.E10 HR Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.M50 HR Business Partners - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.M40 HR Business Partners - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.M30 HR Business Partners - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.M20 HR Business Partners - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.P50 HR Business Partners - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.P40 HR Business Partners - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.P30 HR Business Partners - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.P20 HR Business Partners - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.02.003.P10 HR Business Partners - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.02.004.M40 Human Resources Management (Non-Union Facility) - Senior

Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.02.004.M30 Human Resources Management (Non-Union Facility) - Manager


Cross Industry HRM.02.005.M40 Human Resources Management (Union Facility) - Senior Manager

Cross Industry HRM.02.005.M30 Human Resources Management (Union Facility) - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.E30 Mobility - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.E20 Mobility - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.E10 Mobility - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.M50 Mobility - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.M40 Mobility - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.M30 Mobility - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.M20 Mobility - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.P50 Mobility - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.P40 Mobility - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.P30 Mobility - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.P20 Mobility - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.03.001.P10 Mobility - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.E30 Relocation Services - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.E20 Relocation Services - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.E10 Relocation Services - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.M50 Relocation Services - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.M40 Relocation Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.M30 Relocation Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.M20 Relocation Services - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.P50 Relocation Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.P40 Relocation Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.P30 Relocation Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.P20 Relocation Services - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.002.P10 Relocation Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.E30 Immigration Services - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.E20 Immigration Services - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.E10 Immigration Services - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.M50 Immigration Services - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.M40 Immigration Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.M30 Immigration Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.M20 Immigration Services - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.P50 Immigration Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.P40 Immigration Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.P30 Immigration Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.P20 Immigration Services - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.03.003.P10 Immigration Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.E30 Compensation & Benefits - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.E20 Compensation & Benefits - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.E10 Compensation & Benefits - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.M50 Compensation & Benefits - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.M40 Compensation & Benefits - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.M30 Compensation & Benefits - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.M20 Compensation & Benefits - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.P50 Compensation & Benefits - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.P40 Compensation & Benefits - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.P30 Compensation & Benefits - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.P20 Compensation & Benefits - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.04.001.P10 Compensation & Benefits - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.E30 Compensation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.E20 Compensation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.E10 Compensation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.M50 Compensation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.M40 Compensation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.M30 Compensation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.M20 Compensation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.P50 Compensation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.P40 Compensation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.P30 Compensation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.P20 Compensation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.002.P10 Compensation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.E30 Executive Compensation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.E20 Executive Compensation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.E10 Executive Compensation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.M50 Executive Compensation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.M40 Executive Compensation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.M30 Executive Compensation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.M20 Executive Compensation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.P50 Executive Compensation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.P40 Executive Compensation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.P30 Executive Compensation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.P20 Executive Compensation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.003.P10 Executive Compensation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.E30 Benefits - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.E20 Benefits - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.E10 Benefits - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.M50 Benefits - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.M40 Benefits - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.M30 Benefits - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.M20 Benefits - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.P50 Benefits - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.P40 Benefits - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.P30 Benefits - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.P20 Benefits - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.004.P10 Benefits - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.E30 Total Rewards - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.E20 Total Rewards - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.E10 Total Rewards - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.M50 Total Rewards - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.M40 Total Rewards - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.M30 Total Rewards - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.M20 Total Rewards - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.P50 Total Rewards - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.P40 Total Rewards - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.P30 Total Rewards - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.P20 Total Rewards - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.005.P10 Total Rewards - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.E30 Work/Life & Wellness - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.E20 Work/Life & Wellness - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.E10 Work/Life & Wellness - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.M50 Work/Life & Wellness - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.M40 Work/Life & Wellness - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.M30 Work/Life & Wellness - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.M20 Work/Life & Wellness - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.P50 Work/Life & Wellness - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.P40 Work/Life & Wellness - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.P30 Work/Life & Wellness - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.P20 Work/Life & Wellness - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.006.P10 Work/Life & Wellness - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.M50 Health & Welfare Benefits - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.M40 Health & Welfare Benefits - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.M30 Health & Welfare Benefits - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.M20 Health & Welfare Benefits - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.P50 Health & Welfare Benefits - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.P40 Health & Welfare Benefits - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.P30 Health & Welfare Benefits - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.P20 Health & Welfare Benefits - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.04.007.P10 Health & Welfare Benefits - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.04.009.P50 Absence/Leave Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.04.009.P40 Absence/Leave Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.04.009.P30 Absence/Leave Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.04.009.P20 Absence/Leave Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.04.009.P10 Absence/Leave Management - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.E30 HR Operations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.E20 HR Operations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.E10 HR Operations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.M50 HR Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.M40 HR Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.M30 HR Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.M20 HR Operations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.M10 HR Operations - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.P50 HR Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.P40 HR Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.P30 HR Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.P20 HR Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.P10 HR Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.S40 HR Operations - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.S30 HR Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.S20 HR Operations - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.05.001.S10 HR Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.E30 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.E20 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 2

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.E10 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry HRM.05.003.M50 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.M40 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.M30 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.M20 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.M10 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.P50 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.P40 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry HRM.05.003.P30 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.003.P20 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.P10 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.S40 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.S30 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry HRM.05.003.S20 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.003.S10 Compensation & Benefits Administration - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.E30 Compensation Administration - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.E20 Compensation Administration - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.E10 Compensation Administration - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.M50 Compensation Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.M40 Compensation Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.M30 Compensation Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.M20 Compensation Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.M10 Compensation Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.P50 Compensation Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.P40 Compensation Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.P30 Compensation Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.P20 Compensation Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.P10 Compensation Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.S40 Compensation Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.S30 Compensation Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.S20 Compensation Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.004.S10 Compensation Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.E30 Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.E20 Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.E10 Benefits Administration - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.M50 Benefits Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.M40 Benefits Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.M30 Benefits Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.M20 Benefits Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.M10 Benefits Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.P50 Benefits Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.P40 Benefits Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.P30 Benefits Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.P20 Benefits Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.P10 Benefits Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.S40 Benefits Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.S30 Benefits Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.S20 Benefits Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.005.S10 Benefits Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.E30 Workers Compensation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.E20 Workers Compensation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.E10 Workers Compensation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.M50 Workers Compensation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.M40 Workers Compensation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.M30 Workers Compensation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.M20 Workers Compensation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.M10 Workers Compensation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.P50 Workers Compensation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.P40 Workers Compensation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.P30 Workers Compensation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.P20 Workers Compensation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.P10 Workers Compensation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.S40 Workers Compensation - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.S30 Workers Compensation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.S20 Workers Compensation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.006.S10 Workers Compensation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.E30 Human Resources Service Center Support - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.E20 Human Resources Service Center Support - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.E10 Human Resources Service Center Support - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.M50 Human Resources Service Center Support - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.M40 Human Resources Service Center Support - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.M30 Human Resources Service Center Support - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.007.M20 Human Resources Service Center Support - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING HRM.05.007.M10 Human Resources Service Center Support - Team Leader (Para-
SPECIALIZATION) Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.P50 Human Resources Service Center Support - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.P40 Human Resources Service Center Support - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.P30 Human Resources Service Center Support - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.P20 Human Resources Service Center Support - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.P10 Human Resources Service Center Support - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.S40 Human Resources Service Center Support - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.007.S30 Human Resources Service Center Support - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.007.S20 Human Resources Service Center Support - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry HRM.05.007.S10 Human Resources Service Center Support - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry HRM.05.009.M40 HR Outsourcing Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.009.M30 HR Outsourcing Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.010.E30 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.E20 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.E10 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.M50 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.M40 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.M30 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.M20 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.M10 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.P50 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.P40 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.P30 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.P20 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.P10 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.S30 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.S20 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry HRM.05.010.S10 Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) Administration &
Reporting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry HRM.05.011.M50 Stock Plan Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.M40 Stock Plan Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.M30 Stock Plan Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.M20 Stock Plan Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.P50 Stock Plan Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.P40 Stock Plan Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.P30 Stock Plan Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.P20 Stock Plan Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.05.011.P10 Stock Plan Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.E30 Payroll - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.E20 Payroll - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.E10 Payroll - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.M50 Payroll - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.M40 Payroll - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.M30 Payroll - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.M20 Payroll - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.M10 Payroll - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.P50 Payroll - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.P40 Payroll - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.P30 Payroll - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.P20 Payroll - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.P10 Payroll - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.S40 Payroll - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.S30 Payroll - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.S20 Payroll - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.06.001.S10 Payroll - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.E30 Sales Commission Payroll - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.E20 Sales Commission Payroll - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.E10 Sales Commission Payroll - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.M50 Sales Commission Payroll - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.M40 Sales Commission Payroll - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.M30 Sales Commission Payroll - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.M20 Sales Commission Payroll - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.M10 Sales Commission Payroll - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.P50 Sales Commission Payroll - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.P40 Sales Commission Payroll - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.P30 Sales Commission Payroll - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.P20 Sales Commission Payroll - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.P10 Sales Commission Payroll - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.S40 Sales Commission Payroll - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.S30 Sales Commission Payroll - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.S20 Sales Commission Payroll - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry HRM.06.005.S10 Sales Commission Payroll - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.E30 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.E20 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Sub-function Executive 2

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.E10 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.M50 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.M40 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.M30 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.M20 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.P50 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.P40 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.P30 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.P20 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry X HRM.07.001.P10 Employee/Labor Relations & Diversity - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.E30 Employee Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.E20 Employee Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.E10 Employee Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.M50 Employee Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.M40 Employee Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.M30 Employee Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.M20 Employee Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.P50 Employee Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.P40 Employee Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.P30 Employee Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.P20 Employee Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.002.P10 Employee Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.E30 Labor/Union Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.E20 Labor/Union Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.E10 Labor/Union Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.M50 Labor/Union Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.M40 Labor/Union Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.M30 Labor/Union Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.M20 Labor/Union Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.P50 Labor/Union Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.P40 Labor/Union Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.P30 Labor/Union Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.P20 Labor/Union Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.003.P10 Labor/Union Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.E30 Diversity - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.E20 Diversity - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.E10 Diversity - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.M50 Diversity - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.M40 Diversity - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.M30 Diversity - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.M20 Diversity - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.P50 Diversity - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.P40 Diversity - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.P30 Diversity - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.P20 Diversity - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.004.P10 Diversity - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.E30 Employee Assistance Program - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.E20 Employee Assistance Program - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.E10 Employee Assistance Program - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.M50 Employee Assistance Program - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.M40 Employee Assistance Program - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.M30 Employee Assistance Program - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.M20 Employee Assistance Program - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry HRM.07.005.P50 Employee Assistance Program - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.P40 Employee Assistance Program - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.P30 Employee Assistance Program - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.P20 Employee Assistance Program - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.005.P10 Employee Assistance Program - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.E30 Employee Experience Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.E20 Employee Experience Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.E10 Employee Experience Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.M50 Employee Experience Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.M40 Employee Experience Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.M30 Employee Experience Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.M20 Employee Experience Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.P50 Employee Experience Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.P40 Employee Experience Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.P30 Employee Experience Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.P20 Employee Experience Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.07.006.P10 Employee Experience Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.M50 Equal Employment Opportunity - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.M40 Equal Employment Opportunity - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.M30 Equal Employment Opportunity - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.M20 Equal Employment Opportunity - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.P50 Equal Employment Opportunity - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.P40 Equal Employment Opportunity - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.P30 Equal Employment Opportunity - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.P20 Equal Employment Opportunity - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.007.P10 Equal Employment Opportunity - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.M30 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.M20 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.P50 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.P40 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.P30 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.P20 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) HRM.07.008.P10 Drug & Alcohol Program Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.E30 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.E20 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.E10 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.M50 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.M40 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.M30 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.M20 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.M10 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.P50 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.P40 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.P30 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.P20 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.P10 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.S40 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.S30 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.S20 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.001.S10 Talent Acquisition (Strategy & Recruiting) - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.E30 Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.E20 Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.E10 Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.M50 Recruiting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.M40 Recruiting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.M30 Recruiting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.M20 Recruiting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.M10 Recruiting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.P50 Recruiting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.P40 Recruiting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.P30 Recruiting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.P20 Recruiting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.P10 Recruiting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.S40 Recruiting - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.S30 Recruiting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.S20 Recruiting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.08.002.S10 Recruiting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.E30 Executive Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.E20 Executive Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.E10 Executive Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.M50 Executive Recruiting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.M40 Executive Recruiting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.M30 Executive Recruiting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.M20 Executive Recruiting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.P50 Executive Recruiting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.P40 Executive Recruiting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.P30 Executive Recruiting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.P20 Executive Recruiting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.004.P10 Executive Recruiting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.E30 Technical Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.E20 Technical Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.E10 Technical Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.M50 Technical Recruiting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.M40 Technical Recruiting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.M30 Technical Recruiting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.M20 Technical Recruiting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.P50 Technical Recruiting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.P40 Technical Recruiting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.P30 Technical Recruiting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.P20 Technical Recruiting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.005.P10 Technical Recruiting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.E30 Campus Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.E20 Campus Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.E10 Campus Recruiting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.M50 Campus Recruiting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.M40 Campus Recruiting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.M30 Campus Recruiting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.M20 Campus Recruiting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.08.006.P50 Campus Recruiting - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry HRM.08.006.P40 Campus Recruiting - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry HRM.08.006.P30 Campus Recruiting - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry HRM.08.006.P20 Campus Recruiting - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry HRM.08.006.P10 Campus Recruiting - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.E30 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.E20 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.E10 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.M50 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Senior

Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.M40 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.M30 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Manager
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.M20 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.P50 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.P40 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.P30 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.P20 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X HRM.09.001.P10 Talent Management & Organizational Development - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry HRM.09.002.E30 Performance & Talent Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.E20 Performance & Talent Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry HRM.09.002.E10 Performance & Talent Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.M50 Performance & Talent Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.M40 Performance & Talent Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.M30 Performance & Talent Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.M20 Performance & Talent Management - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry HRM.09.002.P50 Performance & Talent Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.P40 Performance & Talent Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.P30 Performance & Talent Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.P20 Performance & Talent Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry HRM.09.002.P10 Performance & Talent Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.E30 Organization & Leadership Development - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.E20 Organization & Leadership Development - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry HRM.09.003.E10 Organization & Leadership Development - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry HRM.09.003.M50 Organization & Leadership Development - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.M40 Organization & Leadership Development - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.M30 Organization & Leadership Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.M20 Organization & Leadership Development - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.P50 Organization & Leadership Development - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.P40 Organization & Leadership Development - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.P30 Organization & Leadership Development - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.003.P20 Organization & Leadership Development - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry HRM.09.003.P10 Organization & Leadership Development - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.E30 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.E20 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.E10 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.M50 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.M40 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.M30 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.M20 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.P50 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.P40 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.P30 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.P20 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.004.P10 Workforce Planning & Analytics - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.E30 Organizational Design - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.E20 Organizational Design - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.E10 Organizational Design - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.M50 Organizational Design - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.M40 Organizational Design - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.M30 Organizational Design - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.M20 Organizational Design - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.P50 Organizational Design - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.P40 Organizational Design - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.P30 Organizational Design - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.P20 Organizational Design - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.09.006.P10 Organizational Design - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.E30 Training & Development - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.E20 Training & Development - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.E10 Training & Development - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.M50 Training & Development - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.M40 Training & Development - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.M30 Training & Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.M20 Training & Development - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.M10 Training & Development - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.P50 Training & Development - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.P40 Training & Development - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.P30 Training & Development - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.P20 Training & Development - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.P10 Training & Development - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.S40 Training & Development - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.S30 Training & Development - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.S20 Training & Development - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X HRM.10.001.S10 Training & Development - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.E30 Training & Development Delivery - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.E20 Training & Development Delivery - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.E10 Training & Development Delivery - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.M50 Training & Development Delivery - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.M40 Training & Development Delivery - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.M30 Training & Development Delivery - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.M20 Training & Development Delivery - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry HRM.10.003.P50 Training & Development Delivery - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.P40 Training & Development Delivery - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.P30 Training & Development Delivery - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.P20 Training & Development Delivery - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.10.003.P10 Training & Development Delivery - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.004.E30 Training & Development Instructional Design - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.E20 Training & Development Instructional Design - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.E10 Training & Development Instructional Design - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.M50 Training & Development Instructional Design - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.M40 Training & Development Instructional Design - Senior Manager
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.M30 Training & Development Instructional Design - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.M20 Training & Development Instructional Design - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.P50 Training & Development Instructional Design - Expert Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.P40 Training & Development Instructional Design - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.P30 Training & Development Instructional Design - Senior Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.P20 Training & Development Instructional Design - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry HRM.10.004.P10 Training & Development Instructional Design - Entry Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.E30 Internal Technical & Process Training - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.E20 Internal Technical & Process Training - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.E10 Internal Technical & Process Training - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.M50 Internal Technical & Process Training - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.M40 Internal Technical & Process Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.M30 Internal Technical & Process Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.M20 Internal Technical & Process Training - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.M10 Internal Technical & Process Training - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.P50 Internal Technical & Process Training - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.P40 Internal Technical & Process Training - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.P30 Internal Technical & Process Training - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.P20 Internal Technical & Process Training - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.P10 Internal Technical & Process Training - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.005.S40 Internal Technical & Process Training - Specialist Para-Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.S30 Internal Technical & Process Training - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.S20 Internal Technical & Process Training - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry HRM.10.005.S10 Internal Technical & Process Training - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.006.M40 Training Center Management (Technical & Non-Technical) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.006.M30 Training Center Management (Technical & Non-Technical) -

Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.M40 General Training: Diversity - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.M30 General Training: Diversity - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.M20 General Training: Diversity - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.P50 General Training: Diversity - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.P40 General Training: Diversity - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.P30 General Training: Diversity - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.P20 General Training: Diversity - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry HRM.10.007.P10 General Training: Diversity - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry HRM.10.008.P50 Language Instruction - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry HRM.10.008.P40 Language Instruction - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry HRM.10.008.P30 Language Instruction - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E41 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Global

Parent/Corporate (E4)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E34 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Global Subsidiary
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E32 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Global Division(s)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E31 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Regional (Multi-
Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E24 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Regional (Multi-
Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E22 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Regional (Multi-
Country) Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E21 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E14 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Country Subsidiary
Cross Industry X CCA.01.001.E12 Head of Communications & Corporate Affairs - Country Division(s)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.E30 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.E20 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.E10 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.M50 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.M40 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Senior Manager
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.M30 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.M20 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.M10 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.P50 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.P40 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.P30 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.P20 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.P10 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.S40 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.S30 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.S20 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X CCA.02.001.S10 General Communications & Corporate Affairs - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.E30 Non-Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.E20 Non-Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.E10 Non-Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.M50 Non-Technical Change Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.M40 Non-Technical Change Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.M30 Non-Technical Change Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.M20 Non-Technical Change Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.P50 Non-Technical Change Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.P40 Non-Technical Change Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.P30 Non-Technical Change Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.P20 Non-Technical Change Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry CCA.02.002.P10 Non-Technical Change Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.E30 Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.E20 Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.E10 Technical Change Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.M50 Technical Change Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.M40 Technical Change Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.M30 Technical Change Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.M20 Technical Change Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.P50 Technical Change Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.P40 Technical Change Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.P30 Technical Change Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.P20 Technical Change Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.003.P10 Technical Change Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.M40 Communication Materials Production - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.M30 Communication Materials Production - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.M20 Communication Materials Production - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry CCA.02.004.P50 Communication Materials Production - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.P40 Communication Materials Production - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.P30 Communication Materials Production - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.004.P20 Communication Materials Production - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry CCA.02.004.P10 Communication Materials Production - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.005.M10 Communication Materials Production Support - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.005.S40 Communication Materials Production Support - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.005.S30 Communication Materials Production Support - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.005.S20 Communication Materials Production Support - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.005.S10 Communication Materials Production Support - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)
Cross Industry CCA.02.006.M40 Speechwriting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.M30 Speechwriting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.M20 Speechwriting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.P50 Speechwriting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.P40 Speechwriting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.P30 Speechwriting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.P20 Speechwriting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.02.006.P10 Speechwriting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.02.007.P60 Lobbying - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry CCA.02.007.P50 Lobbying - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.E30 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.E20 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.E10 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.M50 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.M40 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.M30 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.M20 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.M10 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.P50 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.P40 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.P30 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Senior Professional


Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.P20 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.P10 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Entry Professional


Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.S40 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.S30 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.S20 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X CCA.03.001.S10 Employee Communications & Collaboration - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.E30 Employee Communications - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.E20 Employee Communications - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.E10 Employee Communications - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.M50 Employee Communications - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.M40 Employee Communications - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.M30 Employee Communications - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.M20 Employee Communications - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.P50 Employee Communications - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.P40 Employee Communications - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.P30 Employee Communications - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.P20 Employee Communications - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.002.P10 Employee Communications - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.E30 Knowledge Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.E20 Knowledge Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.E10 Knowledge Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.M50 Knowledge Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.M40 Knowledge Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.M30 Knowledge Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.M20 Knowledge Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.P50 Knowledge Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.P40 Knowledge Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.P30 Knowledge Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.P20 Knowledge Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.003.P10 Knowledge Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.E30 Alumni Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.E20 Alumni Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.E10 Alumni Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.M50 Alumni Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.M40 Alumni Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.M30 Alumni Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.M20 Alumni Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.M10 Alumni Relations - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.P50 Alumni Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.P40 Alumni Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.P30 Alumni Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.P20 Alumni Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.P10 Alumni Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.S30 Alumni Relations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.S20 Alumni Relations - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CCA.03.004.S10 Alumni Relations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.E30 Corporate Affairs - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.E20 Corporate Affairs - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.E10 Corporate Affairs - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.M50 Corporate Affairs - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.M40 Corporate Affairs - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.M30 Corporate Affairs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.M20 Corporate Affairs - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.P50 Corporate Affairs - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.P40 Corporate Affairs - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.P30 Corporate Affairs - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.P20 Corporate Affairs - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X CCA.04.001.P10 Corporate Affairs - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.E30 Government & Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry CCA.04.002.E20 Government & Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.E10 Government & Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.M50 Government & Public Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.M40 Government & Public Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.M30 Government & Public Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.M20 Government & Public Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.P50 Government & Public Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.P40 Government & Public Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.P30 Government & Public Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.P20 Government & Public Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.002.P10 Government & Public Relations - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CCA.04.003.E30 Government Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.E20 Government Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.E10 Government Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.M50 Government Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.M40 Government Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.M30 Government Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.M20 Government Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.P50 Government Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.P40 Government Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.P30 Government Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.P20 Government Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.003.P10 Government Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.E30 Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.E20 Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.E10 Public Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.M50 Public Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.M40 Public Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.M30 Public Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.M20 Public Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.P50 Public Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.P40 Public Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.P30 Public Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.P20 Public Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.004.P10 Public Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.M30 Social Media Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.M20 Social Media Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.P50 Social Media Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.P40 Social Media Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.P30 Social Media Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.P20 Social Media Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.011.P10 Social Media Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.E30 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.E20 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Sub-

function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.E10 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Sub-

function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.M50 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Senior

Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.M40 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Senior

Manager (M4)
Cross Industry CCA.04.005.M30 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Manager

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.M20 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Team

Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.P50 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.P40 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.P30 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.P20 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.005.P10 Corporate Social Responsibility/Community Relations - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.006.M40 Financial Contributions/Volunteer Programs - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.006.M30 Financial Contributions/Volunteer Programs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.M40 Stakeholder Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.M30 Stakeholder Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.M20 Stakeholder Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.P50 Stakeholder Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.P40 Stakeholder Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.P30 Stakeholder Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.P20 Stakeholder Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.009.P10 Stakeholder Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.M50 Grants Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.M40 Grants Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.M30 Grants Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.M20 Grants Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.P50 Grants Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.P40 Grants Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.P30 Grants Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.P20 Grants Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CCA.04.012.P10 Grants Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.M40 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.M30 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) -
Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.M20 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.P50 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) -
Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.P40 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.P30 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.P20 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining CCA.04.010.P10 Community/Native Title/Heritage Affairs (Energy & Mining) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.E30 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Sciences Executive 3 (E3)

Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.E20 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Sciences Executive 2 (E2)

Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.E10 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Sciences Executive 1 (E1)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.M50 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Sciences (M5)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.M40 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Sciences (M4)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.M30 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.M20 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Team Leader
Sciences (Professionals) (M2)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.P50 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Sciences (P5)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.P40 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Specialist
Sciences Professional (P4)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.P30 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Senior Professional
Sciences (P3)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.P20 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Experienced
Sciences Professional (P2)
Healthcare,Life NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CCA.04.013.P10 Patient Advocacy (Healthcare & Life Sciences) - Entry Professional
Sciences (P1)
Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.E30 Investor Relations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.E20 Investor Relations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.E10 Investor Relations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.M50 Investor Relations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.M40 Investor Relations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.M30 Investor Relations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.M20 Investor Relations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.P50 Investor Relations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.P40 Investor Relations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.P30 Investor Relations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.P20 Investor Relations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X CCA.05.001.P10 Investor Relations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E41 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Global Parent/Corporate

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E34 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E32 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E31 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Regional (Multi-Country)
Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E24 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Regional (Multi-Country)
Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E22 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Regional (Multi-Country)
Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E21 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Country Parent/Corporate

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E14 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.01.001.E12 Head of Corporate Compliance & Legal - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E41 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Global Parent/Corporate (E4)
Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E34 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -
Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E32 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E31 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E24 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E22 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E21 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -

Country Parent/Corporate (E2)
Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E14 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -
Country Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry LCA.01.002.E12 Head of Corporate Compliance (Including Regulatory Affairs) -
Country Division(s) (E1)
Cross Industry X LCA.02.001.M50 Legal & Compliance Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.02.001.M40 Legal & Compliance Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.02.001.M30 Legal & Compliance Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.02.001.M20 Legal & Compliance Management - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E41 Head of Legal - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E34 Head of Legal - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E32 Head of Legal - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E31 Head of Legal - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E24 Head of Legal - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E22 Head of Legal - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E21 Head of Legal - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E14 Head of Legal - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.001.E12 Head of Legal - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.E30 Legal Counsel: General Business - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.E20 Legal Counsel: General Business - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.E10 Legal Counsel: General Business - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.M50 Legal Counsel: General Business - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.M40 Legal Counsel: General Business - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.M30 Legal Counsel: General Business - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.M20 Legal Counsel: General Business - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P60 Legal Counsel: General Business - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P50 Legal Counsel: General Business - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P40 Legal Counsel: General Business - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P30 Legal Counsel: General Business - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P20 Legal Counsel: General Business - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.011.P10 Legal Counsel: General Business - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.E30 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry LCA.03.012.E20 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry LCA.03.012.E10 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry LCA.03.012.M50 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry LCA.03.012.M40 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.M30 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.M20 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P60 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P50 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Expert Professional


Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P40 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P30 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Senior Professional

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P20 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.012.P10 Legal Counsel: Patent/Intellectual Property - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.E30 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.E20 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.E10 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.M50 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.M40 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.M30 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.M20 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P60 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P50 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P40 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P30 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P20 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.013.P10 Legal Counsel: Litigation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.E30 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.E20 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.E10 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.M50 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.M40 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.M30 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.M20 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P60 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P50 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P40 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P30 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P20 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.014.P10 Legal Counsel: Regulatory - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.E30 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry LCA.03.015.E20 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry LCA.03.015.E10 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry LCA.03.015.M50 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.M40 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.M30 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.M20 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P60 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Pre-eminent Professional


Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P50 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P40 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P30 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P20 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry LCA.03.015.P10 Legal Counsel: Commercial/Corporate - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.E30 General Legal Contract Management - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry LCA.03.040.E20 General Legal Contract Management - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry LCA.03.040.E10 General Legal Contract Management - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry LCA.03.040.M50 General Legal Contract Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.M40 General Legal Contract Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.M30 General Legal Contract Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.M20 General Legal Contract Management - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry LCA.03.040.M10 General Legal Contract Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry LCA.03.040.P50 General Legal Contract Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.P40 General Legal Contract Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.P30 General Legal Contract Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.P20 General Legal Contract Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.P10 General Legal Contract Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.S40 General Legal Contract Management - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.S30 General Legal Contract Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.040.S20 General Legal Contract Management - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)
Cross Industry LCA.03.040.S10 General Legal Contract Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.M40 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.M30 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.M20 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.P50 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.P40 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.P30 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.P20 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.041.P10 Land Contracts & Negotiations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.M40 Land Contracts Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.M30 Land Contracts Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.M20 Land Contracts Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.P50 Land Contracts Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.P40 Land Contracts Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.P30 Land Contracts Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.P20 Land Contracts Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.042.P10 Land Contracts Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.E30 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.E20 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.E10 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.M50 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.M40 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.M30 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.M20 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.P50 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.P40 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.P30 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.P20 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.03.086.P10 Service Provider Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.036.E30 Corporate Board Secretary - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.036.E20 Corporate Board Secretary - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.036.E10 Corporate Board Secretary - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.036.M50 Corporate Board Secretary - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.043.M40 Legal Research/Paralegal Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.043.M30 Legal Research/Paralegal Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.043.M20 Legal Research/Paralegal Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.043.M10 Legal Research/Paralegal Management - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.P50 Legal Research/Paralegal - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.P40 Legal Research/Paralegal - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.P30 Legal Research/Paralegal - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.P20 Legal Research/Paralegal - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.P10 Legal Research/Paralegal - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.S40 Legal Research/Paralegal - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.S30 Legal Research/Paralegal - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.S20 Legal Research/Paralegal - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.037.S10 Legal Research/Paralegal - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.038.S40 Legal Secretarial - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.038.S30 Legal Secretarial - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.038.S20 Legal Secretarial - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X LCA.03.038.S10 Legal Secretarial - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.M50 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.M40 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.M30 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.M20 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.03.039.M10 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry LCA.03.039.P50 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.P40 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.P30 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.P20 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.P10 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.03.039.S40 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry LCA.03.039.S30 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry LCA.03.039.S20 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry LCA.03.039.S10 Legal/Regulatory Records Management - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry LCA.03.050.M30 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.03.050.M20 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.03.050.M10 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Team Leader (Para-
SPECIALIZATION) Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry LCA.03.050.P50 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.03.050.P40 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.03.050.P30 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry LCA.03.050.P20 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.03.050.P10 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.03.050.S40 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.03.050.S30 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.03.050.S20 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.03.050.S10 Patent Preparation & Prosecution - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Life LCA.03.051.P50 Patent/Intellectual Property Search (Professional Services) - Expert

Sciences,Professional Professional (P5)

Life LCA.03.051.P40 Patent/Intellectual Property Search (Professional Services) -

Sciences,Professional Specialist Professional (P4)
Life LCA.03.051.P30 Patent/Intellectual Property Search (Professional Services) - Senior
Sciences,Professional Professional (P3)
Life LCA.03.051.P20 Patent/Intellectual Property Search (Professional Services) -
Sciences,Professional Experienced Professional (P2)
Life LCA.03.051.P10 Patent/Intellectual Property Search (Professional Services) - Entry
Sciences,Professional Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.E30 General Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.E20 General Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.E10 General Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.M50 General Regulatory Affairs - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.M40 General Regulatory Affairs - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.M30 General Regulatory Affairs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.M20 General Regulatory Affairs - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.M10 General Regulatory Affairs - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.P50 General Regulatory Affairs - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.P40 General Regulatory Affairs - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.P30 General Regulatory Affairs - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.P20 General Regulatory Affairs - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.P10 General Regulatory Affairs - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.S40 General Regulatory Affairs - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.S30 General Regulatory Affairs - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.S20 General Regulatory Affairs - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.001.S10 General Regulatory Affairs - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.E30 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.E20 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.E10 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.M50 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.M40 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.M30 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.M20 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.P50 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.P40 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.P30 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.P20 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.002.P10 Regulatory Policy & Intelligence - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.E30 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.E20 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.E10 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.M50 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.M40 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.M30 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.M20 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.P50 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.P40 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.P30 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.P20 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.04.022.P10 General Product Regulatory Affairs - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.E30 Product Safety Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.E20 Product Safety Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.E10 Product Safety Risk Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.M50 Product Safety Risk Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.M40 Product Safety Risk Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.M30 Product Safety Risk Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.M20 Product Safety Risk Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.P50 Product Safety Risk Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.P40 Product Safety Risk Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.P30 Product Safety Risk Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.P20 Product Safety Risk Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.033.P10 Product Safety Risk Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E41 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E34 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Global
Subsidiary (E3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E32 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Global
Division(s) (E3)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E31 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E24 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E22 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Division(s) (E2)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E21 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E14 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Country
Subsidiary (E1)
Life Sciences LCA.04.023.E12 Head of Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Country
Division(s) (E1)
Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.E30 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Sub-
Sciences function Executive 3 (E3)
Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.E20 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Sub-
Sciences function Executive 2 (E2)
Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.E10 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Sub-
Sciences function Executive 1 (E1)
Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.M50 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Senior
Sciences Manager II (M5)
Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.M40 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Senior
Sciences Manager (M4)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.M30 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Manager
Sciences (M3)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.M20 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Team
Sciences Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.M10 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Team
Sciences Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Agriculture,Life NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.04.024.P60 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Pre-
Sciences SPECIALIZATION) eminent Professional (P6)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.P50 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Expert
Sciences Professional (P5)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.P40 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Specialist
Sciences Professional (P4)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.P30 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Senior
Sciences Professional (P3)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.P20 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) -

Sciences Experienced Professional (P2)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.P10 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Entry
Sciences Professional (P1)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.S40 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Specialist
Sciences Para-Professional (S4)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.S30 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Senior
Sciences Para-Professional (S3)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.S20 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) -

Sciences Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Agriculture,Life LCA.04.024.S10 Product Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences & Agriculture) - Entry
Sciences Para-Professional (S1)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.E30 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.E20 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.E10 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.M50 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.M40 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.M30 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.M20 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.P50 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Expert Professional

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.P40 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Specialist Professional

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.P30 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Senior Professional

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.P20 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Experienced

Professional (P2)

High Tech,Life Sciences LCA.04.025.P10 Product Regulatory Affairs Documentation - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.M50 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.M40 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.M30 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.M20 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences LCA.04.032.P50 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.P40 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.P30 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.032.P20 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional


Life Sciences LCA.04.032.P10 Labeling Specifications (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.M40 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.M30 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.M20 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.P50 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.P40 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.P30 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.P20 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.034.P10 Regulatory Labeling (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.E30 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.E20 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.E10 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.M50 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.M40 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.M30 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.M20 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.P50 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.P40 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.P30 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.P20 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.035.P10 Promotion/Advertising Regulatory Affairs (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.E30 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.E20 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.E10 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.M50 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.M40 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.M30 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.M20 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P60 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P50 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P40 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P30 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P20 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.036.P10 Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) (Life Sciences) -
Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.029.E30 Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs (Utilities) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.029.E20 Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs (Utilities) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.029.E10 Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs (Utilities) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.029.M50 Head of Rates and Regulatory Affairs (Utilities) - Senior Manager II

Energy & Mining LCA.04.030.P50 Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.030.P40 Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.030.P30 Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.030.P20 Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.030.P10 Utilities Rate Filing (Utilities) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.031.P50 Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges (Utilities) - Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining LCA.04.031.P40 Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges (Utilities) - Specialist Professional

Energy & Mining LCA.04.031.P30 Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges (Utilities) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.031.P20 Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges (Utilities) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining LCA.04.031.P10 Utilities Billing & Tariff Charges (Utilities) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E41 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E34 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) - Global
Subsidiary (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E32 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) - Global
Division(s) (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E31 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E24 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E22 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E21 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E14 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Country Subsidiary (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.047.E12 Head of Medical Affairs: Marketed Products (Life Sciences) -
Country Division(s) (E1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.E30 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences LCA.04.048.E20 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.E10 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.M50 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.M40 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.M30 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.M20 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.04.048.P60 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.P50 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.P40 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.P30 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.P20 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.048.P10 Medical Affairs (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.E30 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences LCA.04.049.E20 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.E10 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.M50 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.M40 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.M30 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.M20 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.P50 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.P40 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.P30 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.P20 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.049.P10 Medical Information (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.E30 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.E20 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.E10 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.M50 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.M40 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.M30 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.M20 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)


Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.04.050.P60 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Life Sciences LCA.04.050.P50 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.P40 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.P30 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.P20 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences LCA.04.050.P10 Pharmacovigilance (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.E30 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.E20 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.E10 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.M50 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.M40 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.M30 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.M20 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.P50 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.P40 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.P30 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.P20 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.051.P10 Regulatory Submission Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.052.S40 Product Safety Surveillance Coordination (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.052.S30 Product Safety Surveillance Coordination (Life Sciences) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.052.S20 Product Safety Surveillance Coordination (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.04.052.S10 Product Safety Surveillance Coordination (Life Sciences) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.M40 Food Safety - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.M30 Food Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.M20 Food Safety - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.P50 Food Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.P40 Food Safety - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.P30 Food Safety - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.P20 Food Safety - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.04.071.P10 Food Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.E30 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.E20 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.E10 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.M50 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.M40 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.M30 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.M20 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.M10 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.P50 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.P40 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.P30 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Senior Professional

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.P20 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.P10 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.S40 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.S30 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.S20 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X LCA.05.001.S10 Internal Audit: General Processes & Systems - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.05.002.E30 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.002.E20 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.05.002.E10 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.M50 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.M40 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Senior Manager
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.M30 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.002.M20 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.M10 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.P50 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Expert Professional
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.P40 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.P30 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Senior Professional
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.P20 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.P10 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Entry Professional
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.S40 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.S30 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.S20 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.002.S10 Internal Audit: Financial Processes & Systems - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.E30 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.E20 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.E10 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.M50 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.05.003.M40 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.05.003.M30 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.003.M20 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.P50 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.05.003.P40 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.P30 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.003.P20 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.003.P10 Internal Audit: Internal Financial Controls - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.E30 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.E20 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.E10 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.M50 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.M40 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry LCA.05.004.M30 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.M20 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.P50 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.P40 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.P30 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.P20 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.05.004.P10 Internal Audit: Information Systems - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.M40 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.M30 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.M20 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.05.008.P50 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.P40 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.P30 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.P20 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.05.008.P10 Internal Audit: Joint Ventures - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail LCA.05.005.M40 Field Audit (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail LCA.05.005.M30 Field Audit (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail LCA.05.005.M20 Field Audit (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail LCA.05.005.P50 Field Audit (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail LCA.05.005.P40 Field Audit (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Retail LCA.05.005.P30 Field Audit (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail LCA.05.005.P20 Field Audit (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail LCA.05.005.P10 Field Audit (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E41 Head of Fraud Management - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E34 Head of Fraud Management - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E32 Head of Fraud Management - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E31 Head of Fraud Management - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E24 Head of Fraud Management - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary


Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E22 Head of Fraud Management - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E21 Head of Fraud Management - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E14 Head of Fraud Management - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.06.001.E12 Head of Fraud Management - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.E30 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.E20 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.E10 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.M50 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Senior Manager II


Cross Industry LCA.06.002.M40 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Senior Manager


Cross Industry LCA.06.002.M30 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.M20 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.P50 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Expert Professional


Cross Industry LCA.06.002.P40 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Specialist

Professional (P4)
Cross Industry LCA.06.002.P30 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Senior Professional

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.P20 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.002.P10 Brand Protection/Anti-Counterfeit Operations - Entry Professional


Cross Industry LCA.06.003.E30 Anti-Money Laundering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.E20 Anti-Money Laundering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.E10 Anti-Money Laundering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.M50 Anti-Money Laundering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.M40 Anti-Money Laundering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.M30 Anti-Money Laundering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.M20 Anti-Money Laundering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.M10 Anti-Money Laundering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.P50 Anti-Money Laundering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.P40 Anti-Money Laundering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.P30 Anti-Money Laundering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.P20 Anti-Money Laundering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.P10 Anti-Money Laundering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.S30 Anti-Money Laundering - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.S20 Anti-Money Laundering - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.003.S10 Anti-Money Laundering - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.E30 Fraud Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.E20 Fraud Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.E10 Fraud Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.M50 Fraud Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.M40 Fraud Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.M30 Fraud Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.M20 Fraud Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.P50 Fraud Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.P40 Fraud Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.P30 Fraud Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.P20 Fraud Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.005.P10 Fraud Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.M40 Fraud Prevention - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.M30 Fraud Prevention - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.M20 Fraud Prevention - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.M10 Fraud Prevention - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.P50 Fraud Prevention - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.P40 Fraud Prevention - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.P30 Fraud Prevention - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.P20 Fraud Prevention - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.P10 Fraud Prevention - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.S40 Fraud Prevention - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.S30 Fraud Prevention - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.S20 Fraud Prevention - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.006.S10 Fraud Prevention - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.E30 Fraud Detection - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.E20 Fraud Detection - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.E10 Fraud Detection - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.M50 Fraud Detection - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.M40 Fraud Detection - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.M30 Fraud Detection - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.M20 Fraud Detection - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.M10 Fraud Detection - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.P50 Fraud Detection - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.P40 Fraud Detection - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.P30 Fraud Detection - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.P20 Fraud Detection - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.P10 Fraud Detection - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.S40 Fraud Detection - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.S30 Fraud Detection - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.S20 Fraud Detection - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.007.S10 Fraud Detection - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.06.008.M50 Fraud Investigations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.M40 Fraud Investigations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.M30 Fraud Investigations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.M20 Fraud Investigations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.P50 Fraud Investigations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.P40 Fraud Investigations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.P30 Fraud Investigations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.P20 Fraud Investigations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.008.P10 Fraud Investigations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.M40 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.M30 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.M20 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.M10 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.P50 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.P40 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.P30 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.P20 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.P10 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.S40 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.S30 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry LCA.06.999.S20 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.06.999.S10 Other Fraud Detection & Prevention - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.E30 General Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.E20 General Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.E10 General Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.M50 General Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.M40 General Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.M30 General Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.M20 General Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.M10 General Compliance - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.P50 General Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.P40 General Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.P30 General Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.P20 General Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.P10 General Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.S40 General Compliance - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.S30 General Compliance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.S20 General Compliance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X LCA.07.001.S10 General Compliance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.E30 Ethics Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.E20 Ethics Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.E10 Ethics Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.M50 Ethics Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.M40 Ethics Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.M30 Ethics Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.M20 Ethics Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.P50 Ethics Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.P40 Ethics Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.P30 Ethics Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.P20 Ethics Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.002.P10 Ethics Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.E30 Privacy Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.E20 Privacy Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.E10 Privacy Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.M50 Privacy Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.M40 Privacy Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.M30 Privacy Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.M20 Privacy Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.P50 Privacy Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.P40 Privacy Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.P30 Privacy Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.P20 Privacy Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.003.P10 Privacy Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.E30 Technical Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.E20 Technical Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.E10 Technical Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.M50 Technical Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.M40 Technical Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.M30 Technical Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.M20 Technical Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.P50 Technical Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.P40 Technical Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.P30 Technical Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.P20 Technical Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.004.P10 Technical Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.E30 Online Content Review & Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.E20 Online Content Review & Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.E10 Online Content Review & Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.M50 Online Content Review & Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.M40 Online Content Review & Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.M30 Online Content Review & Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.M20 Online Content Review & Compliance - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.M10 Online Content Review & Compliance - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.P50 Online Content Review & Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.P40 Online Content Review & Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.P30 Online Content Review & Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.P20 Online Content Review & Compliance - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.P10 Online Content Review & Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.S30 Online Content Review & Compliance - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry LCA.07.005.S20 Online Content Review & Compliance - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry LCA.07.005.S10 Online Content Review & Compliance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.M40 Accessibility Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.M30 Accessibility Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.M20 Accessibility Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.P50 Accessibility Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.P40 Accessibility Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.P30 Accessibility Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.P20 Accessibility Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.006.P10 Accessibility Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.M50 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry LCA.07.008.M40 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.M30 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.M20 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.P50 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.P40 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.P30 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.P20 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.008.P10 Data Privacy & Security Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.E30 Classified Information Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.E20 Classified Information Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.E10 Classified Information Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.M50 Classified Information Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.M40 Classified Information Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.M30 Classified Information Compliance - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.M20 Classified Information Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.M10 Classified Information Compliance - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.P50 Classified Information Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.P40 Classified Information Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.P30 Classified Information Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.P20 Classified Information Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.009.P10 Classified Information Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech LCA.07.010.M50 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech LCA.07.010.M40 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech LCA.07.010.M30 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech LCA.07.010.M20 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech LCA.07.010.P50 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech LCA.07.010.P40 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech LCA.07.010.P30 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)
High Tech LCA.07.010.P20 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech LCA.07.010.P10 Software Licensing (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.E30 Vendor Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.E20 Vendor Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.E10 Vendor Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.M50 Vendor Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.M40 Vendor Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.M30 Vendor Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.M20 Vendor Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.M10 Vendor Compliance - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.P50 Vendor Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.P40 Vendor Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.P30 Vendor Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.P20 Vendor Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.P10 Vendor Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.S30 Vendor Compliance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.S20 Vendor Compliance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.047.S10 Vendor Compliance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.048.M50 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Management - Senior

Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry LCA.07.048.M40 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Management - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry LCA.07.048.M30 Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Management - Manager
Education,Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.07.098.E30 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION) function Executive 3 (E3)
Education,Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.07.098.E20 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION) function Executive 2 (E2)
Education,Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING LCA.07.098.E10 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION) function Executive 1 (E1)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.M50 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Senior Manager II (M5)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.M40 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Senior Manager (M4)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.M30 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Manager (M3)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.M20 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.P50 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Expert Professional (P5)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.P40 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.P30 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.P20 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Education,Life Sciences LCA.07.098.P10 Clinical Research Monitoring/CRA (Life Sciences & Education) -
Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.E30 International Trade Compliance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.E20 International Trade Compliance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.E10 International Trade Compliance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.M50 International Trade Compliance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.M40 International Trade Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.M30 International Trade Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.M20 International Trade Compliance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.P50 International Trade Compliance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.P40 International Trade Compliance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.P30 International Trade Compliance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.P20 International Trade Compliance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.125.P10 International Trade Compliance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.M40 Transportation Compliance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.M30 Transportation Compliance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.M10 Transportation Compliance - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.S30 Transportation Compliance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.S20 Transportation Compliance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.07.122.S10 Transportation Compliance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.M50 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.M40 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.M30 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.M20 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.P50 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.P40 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.P30 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.P20 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.151.P10 Payment Transparency Compliance (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.M40 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.M30 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.M20 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.P50 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.P40 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.P30 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.P20 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining LCA.07.138.P10 Gas Measurement (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.M50 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
II (M5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.M40 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.M30 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.M20 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.P50 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.P40 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.P30 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.P20 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.07.170.P10 Controlled Substances Compliance (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E41 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E34 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Global
Subsidiary (E3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E32 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Global
Division(s) (E3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E31 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Regional
(Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E24 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Regional
(Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E22 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Regional
(Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E21 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E14 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Country
Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.001.E12 Head of Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Country
Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.E30 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.E20 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.E10 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.M50 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.M40 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.M30 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Manager
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.M20 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.M10 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.P50 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.P40 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.P30 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.P20 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.P10 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.S40 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.S30 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.S20 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.011.S10 General Environmental and Employee Health & Safety - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Retail LCA.09.035.M40 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail LCA.09.035.M30 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail LCA.09.035.M20 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail LCA.09.035.P50 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail LCA.09.035.P40 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)
Retail LCA.09.035.P30 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail LCA.09.035.P20 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail LCA.09.035.P10 Store Health & Safety (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.E30 General Environmental Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.E20 General Environmental Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.E10 General Environmental Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.M50 General Environmental Health & Safety - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.M40 General Environmental Health & Safety - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.M30 General Environmental Health & Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.M20 General Environmental Health & Safety - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.P50 General Environmental Health & Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.P40 General Environmental Health & Safety - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.P30 General Environmental Health & Safety - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.P20 General Environmental Health & Safety - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry X LCA.09.041.P10 General Environmental Health & Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.M40 Environmental Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.M30 Environmental Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.M20 Environmental Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.P50 Environmental Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.P40 Environmental Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.P30 Environmental Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.P20 Environmental Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.042.P10 Environmental Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.E30 Hazardous Materials Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.E20 Hazardous Materials Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.E10 Hazardous Materials Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.M50 Hazardous Materials Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.M40 Hazardous Materials Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.M30 Hazardous Materials Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.M20 Hazardous Materials Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.M10 Hazardous Materials Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry LCA.09.043.P50 Hazardous Materials Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.P40 Hazardous Materials Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.P30 Hazardous Materials Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.P20 Hazardous Materials Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.P10 Hazardous Materials Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.S40 Hazardous Materials Management - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry LCA.09.043.S30 Hazardous Materials Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry LCA.09.043.S20 Hazardous Materials Management - Experienced Para-Professional
Cross Industry LCA.09.043.S10 Hazardous Materials Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.M40 Environmental Problem Resolution - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.M30 Environmental Problem Resolution - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.M20 Environmental Problem Resolution - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry LCA.09.044.P50 Environmental Problem Resolution - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.P40 Environmental Problem Resolution - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.P30 Environmental Problem Resolution - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.P20 Environmental Problem Resolution - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.044.P10 Environmental Problem Resolution - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.E30 Product Stewardship - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.E20 Product Stewardship - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.E10 Product Stewardship - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.M50 Product Stewardship - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.M40 Product Stewardship - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.M30 Product Stewardship - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.M20 Product Stewardship - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.P50 Product Stewardship - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.P40 Product Stewardship - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.P30 Product Stewardship - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.P20 Product Stewardship - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.045.P10 Product Stewardship - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.E30 Environmental Sustainability - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.E20 Environmental Sustainability - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.E10 Environmental Sustainability - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.M50 Environmental Sustainability - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.M40 Environmental Sustainability - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.M30 Environmental Sustainability - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.M20 Environmental Sustainability - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.M10 Environmental Sustainability - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry LCA.09.046.P50 Environmental Sustainability - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.P40 Environmental Sustainability - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.P30 Environmental Sustainability - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.P20 Environmental Sustainability - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.P10 Environmental Sustainability - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.S40 Environmental Sustainability - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.S30 Environmental Sustainability - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.S20 Environmental Sustainability - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.046.S10 Environmental Sustainability - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.M40 Emergency Response - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.M30 Emergency Response - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.M20 Emergency Response - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.P50 Emergency Response - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.P40 Emergency Response - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.P30 Emergency Response - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.P20 Emergency Response - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.059.P10 Emergency Response - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.M50 Environmental Remediation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.M40 Environmental Remediation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.M30 Environmental Remediation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.M20 Environmental Remediation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.P50 Environmental Remediation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.P40 Environmental Remediation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.P30 Environmental Remediation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.P20 Environmental Remediation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.048.P10 Environmental Remediation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.M50 Radiation Safety - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.M40 Radiation Safety - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.M30 Radiation Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.M20 Radiation Safety - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.P50 Radiation Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.P40 Radiation Safety - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.P30 Radiation Safety - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.P20 Radiation Safety - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.049.P10 Radiation Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.050.S40 Radiological Control Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.050.S30 Radiological Control Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.050.S20 Radiological Control Technician - Experienced Para-Professional
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) LCA.09.050.S10 Radiological Control Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.E30 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.E20 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.E10 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.M50 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.M40 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.M30 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.M20 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.P50 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.P40 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.P30 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.P20 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X LCA.09.065.P10 General Employee/Labor Health & Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.M40 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.M30 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.M20 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry LCA.09.070.P50 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.P40 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.P30 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.P20 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.070.P10 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.071.S40 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Support - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.071.S30 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Support - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry LCA.09.071.S20 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Support - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.071.S10 Occupational/Industrial Hygiene Support - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.M40 Workplace Safety Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.M30 Workplace Safety Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.M20 Workplace Safety Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.P50 Workplace Safety Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.P40 Workplace Safety Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.P30 Workplace Safety Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.P20 Workplace Safety Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.082.P10 Workplace Safety Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.M40 Injury Management Coordination - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.M30 Injury Management Coordination - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.M20 Injury Management Coordination - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.P50 Injury Management Coordination - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.P40 Injury Management Coordination - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.P30 Injury Management Coordination - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.P20 Injury Management Coordination - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry LCA.09.083.P10 Injury Management Coordination - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.M40 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.M30 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.M20 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.P50 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.P40 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.P30 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.P20 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining LCA.09.090.P10 Site Safety/Loss Control Management (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.M40 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.M30 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Manager

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.M20 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.P50 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.P40 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.P30 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.P20 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining LCA.09.091.P10 Site Emergency Services & Security (Oil & Gas, Mining) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.M40 Construction Site Safety - Senior Manager (M4)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.M30 Construction Site Safety - Manager (M3)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.M20 Construction Site Safety - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.M10 Construction Site Safety - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.P50 Construction Site Safety - Expert Professional (P5)


Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.P40 Construction Site Safety - Specialist Professional (P4)

Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.P30 Construction Site Safety - Senior Professional (P3)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.P20 Construction Site Safety - Experienced Professional (P2)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.P10 Construction Site Safety - Entry Professional (P1)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.S40 Construction Site Safety - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.S30 Construction Site Safety - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.S20 Construction Site Safety - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Construction,Energy & LCA.09.101.S10 Construction Site Safety - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.M40 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry LCA.09.120.M30 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry LCA.09.120.M20 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.P50 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Expert Professional
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.P40 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.P30 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Senior Professional
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.P20 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry LCA.09.120.P10 Environmental, Health, and Safety Training - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.001.M50 General Office Administration & Secretarial Management - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.001.M40 General Office Administration & Secretarial Management - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X AFS.01.001.M30 General Office Administration & Secretarial Management -
Manager (M3)
Cross Industry X AFS.01.001.M20 General Office Administration & Secretarial Management - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X AFS.01.001.M10 General Office Administration & Secretarial Management - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X AFS.01.020.M10 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X AFS.01.020.S40 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Specialist Para-Professional
Cross Industry X AFS.01.020.S30 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.020.S20 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X AFS.01.020.S10 Secretary/Administrative Assistant - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.M30 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.M20 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry AFS.01.021.M10 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.01.021.P50 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.P40 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.P30 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.P20 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.P10 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.021.S40 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry AFS.01.021.S30 Executive Secretary/Executive Assistant - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry X AFS.01.040.P50 General Office Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.040.P40 General Office Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.040.P30 General Office Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.040.P20 General Office Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.040.P10 General Office Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.041.S40 General Office Operations Support - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry X AFS.01.041.S30 General Office Operations Support - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.041.S20 General Office Operations Support - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X AFS.01.041.S10 General Office Operations Support - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.042.M10 Reception/Telephone/Switchboard - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.01.042.S40 Reception/Telephone/Switchboard - Specialist Para-Professional
Cross Industry AFS.01.042.S30 Reception/Telephone/Switchboard - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.042.S20 Reception/Telephone/Switchboard - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry AFS.01.042.S10 Reception/Telephone/Switchboard - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.043.M10 Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.043.S40 Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.01.043.S30 Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.043.S20 Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry AFS.01.043.S10 Office/Mailroom/Clerical Support - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.044.M10 Internal Events Planning/Coordination - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.044.S40 Internal Events Planning/Coordination - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry AFS.01.044.S30 Internal Events Planning/Coordination - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry AFS.01.044.S20 Internal Events Planning/Coordination - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)
Cross Industry AFS.01.044.S10 Internal Events Planning/Coordination - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry AFS.01.045.M30 Data Entry - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.045.M10 Data Entry - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.045.S40 Data Entry - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.01.045.S30 Data Entry - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.045.S20 Data Entry - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.01.045.S10 Data Entry - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.M50 Travel Coordination - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.M40 Travel Coordination - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.M30 Travel Coordination - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.M10 Travel Coordination - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.S40 Travel Coordination - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.S30 Travel Coordination - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.S20 Travel Coordination - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.01.046.S10 Travel Coordination - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.01.048.S30 Refreshment Services - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.01.048.S20 Refreshment Services - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.01.048.S10 Refreshment Services - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.M40 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.049.M30 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.049.M20 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.049.M10 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.P50 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.P40 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.P30 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.P20 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.P10 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.S30 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.S20 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB; SPECIALIZATION AFS.01.049.S10 Vehicle Fleet Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.01.050.S40 Confidential Property/Asset Control - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.01.050.S30 Confidential Property/Asset Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.01.050.S20 Confidential Property/Asset Control - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.01.050.S10 Confidential Property/Asset Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.01.052.S10 Medical Screening - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.M50 General Document Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.M40 General Document Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.M30 General Document Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.M20 General Document Management - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.M10 General Document Management - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.P50 General Document Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.P40 General Document Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.P30 General Document Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.P20 General Document Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.P10 General Document Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.S40 General Document Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.S30 General Document Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.S20 General Document Management - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X AFS.01.060.S10 General Document Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.M40 Document Control - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.M30 Document Control - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.M20 Document Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.M10 Document Control - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.P50 Document Control - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.P40 Document Control - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.P30 Document Control - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.P20 Document Control - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.P10 Document Control - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.S40 Document Control - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.S30 Document Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.S20 Document Control - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.01.061.S10 Document Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.001.E30 Head of Facilities & Administrative Support - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.001.E20 Head of Facilities & Administrative Support - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.001.E10 Head of Facilities & Administrative Support - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.001.M50 Head of Facilities & Administrative Support - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X AFS.02.002.M40 Facilities Management (Non-Manufacturing) - Senior Manager


Cross Industry X AFS.02.002.M30 Facilities Management (Non-Manufacturing) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.002.M20 Facilities Management (Non-Manufacturing) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X AFS.02.002.M10 Facilities Management (Non-Manufacturing) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.M40 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.M30 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.M20 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.P50 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.P40 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.P30 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.P20 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry X AFS.02.003.P10 Manufacturing Facilities Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.M40 Facilities Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.M30 Facilities Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.M20 Facilities Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.P50 Facilities Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.P40 Facilities Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.P30 Facilities Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.P20 Facilities Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X AFS.02.004.P10 Facilities Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.M40 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.M30 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.M20 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry AFS.02.005.P50 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.P40 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.P30 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.P20 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry AFS.02.005.P10 Facilities Lease Negotiation/Renewal - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.02.006.S40 Facilities Lease Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.02.006.S30 Facilities Lease Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.02.006.S20 Facilities Lease Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.02.006.S10 Facilities Lease Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.02.007.S40 Facilities Coordination - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.02.007.S30 Facilities Coordination - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.02.007.S20 Facilities Coordination - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.02.007.S10 Facilities Coordination - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.02.999.M40 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry AFS.02.999.M30 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.02.999.M20 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.M10 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.P50 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.02.999.P40 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.P30 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.P20 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.P10 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.02.999.S40 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.S30 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.S20 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry AFS.02.999.S10 Other Facilities Management & Planning - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (EXISTING AFS.03.001.M50 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Management - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X AFS.03.001.M40 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry X AFS.03.001.M30 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.03.001.M10 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X AFS.03.002.S40 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X AFS.03.002.S30 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X AFS.03.002.S20 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X AFS.03.002.S10 Facilities Repair & Maintenance Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Retail AFS.03.012.M30 Installation Management (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail AFS.03.012.M10 Installation Management (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.M40 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.M30 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Manager
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.M20 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.M10 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.P50 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.P40 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.P30 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.P20 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.P10 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.S40 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.S30 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.S20 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry AFS.03.999.S10 Other Facilities Refurbishment, Repair & Maintenance - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry AFS.04.001.M30 Custodial/Cleaning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.001.M10 Custodial/Cleaning - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.001.S40 Custodial/Cleaning - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.04.001.S30 Custodial/Cleaning - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.001.S20 Custodial/Cleaning - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.04.001.S10 Custodial/Cleaning - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.M30 Groundskeeping - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.M10 Groundskeeping - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.S40 Groundskeeping - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.S30 Groundskeeping - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.S20 Groundskeeping - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.04.002.S10 Groundskeeping - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.003.S30 Swimming Pool Maintenance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.003.S20 Swimming Pool Maintenance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.04.003.S10 Swimming Pool Maintenance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.024.S10 Dishwasher - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.064.M10 Parking Supervisor - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.065.S30 Valet Parking Attendant - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.04.065.S20 Valet Parking Attendant - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.04.065.S10 Valet Parking Attendant - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.04.999.M40 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.M30 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Manager
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.M10 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.S40 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.S30 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.S20 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry AFS.04.999.S10 Other Facilities/Grounds, Custodial, Cleaning & Laundry - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.E30 General Facilities Security & Safety - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.E20 General Facilities Security & Safety - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.E10 General Facilities Security & Safety - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.M50 General Facilities Security & Safety - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.M40 General Facilities Security & Safety - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.M30 General Facilities Security & Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.M20 General Facilities Security & Safety - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.M10 General Facilities Security & Safety - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.P50 General Facilities Security & Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.P40 General Facilities Security & Safety - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.P30 General Facilities Security & Safety - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.P20 General Facilities Security & Safety - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.P10 General Facilities Security & Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.S40 General Facilities Security & Safety - Specialist Para-Professional
Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.S30 General Facilities Security & Safety - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.S20 General Facilities Security & Safety - Experienced Para-Professional
Cross Industry X AFS.05.001.S10 General Facilities Security & Safety - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.05.002.M10 Security Guard - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.05.002.S40 Security Guard - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.05.002.S30 Security Guard - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.002.S20 Security Guard - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.05.002.S10 Security Guard - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.05.003.M30 Facilities Fire Control Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.003.M10 Facilities Fire Control Services - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry AFS.05.003.S40 Facilities Fire Control Services - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.05.003.S30 Facilities Fire Control Services - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.003.S20 Facilities Fire Control Services - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.05.003.S10 Facilities Fire Control Services - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.05.027.M40 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Senior Manager

Cross Industry AFS.05.027.M30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.027.M20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry AFS.05.027.P50 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry AFS.05.027.P40 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry AFS.05.027.P30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry AFS.05.027.P20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry AFS.05.027.P10 Warehouse/Distribution Center Loss Prevention - Entry
Professional (P1)
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.M50 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.M40 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.M30 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.M20 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Team Leader
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.M10 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.P50 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.P40 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Specialist Professional

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.P30 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.P20 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Experienced

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.P10 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.S30 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.S20 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Experienced Para-
Retail MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); AFS.05.028.S10 Loss Prevention/Asset Protection (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry AFS.05.999.M40 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.M30 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.M20 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry AFS.05.999.M10 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry AFS.05.999.P50 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.P40 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.P30 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.P20 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.P10 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.S40 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.S30 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.S20 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.05.999.S10 Other Property, Facilities & Asset Security - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry AFS.07.001.E10 Head Librarian - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry AFS.07.001.M50 Head Librarian - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry AFS.07.001.M40 Head Librarian - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.002.M30 Library Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.002.M20 Library Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.002.M10 Library Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.003.P50 Librarian - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.003.P40 Librarian - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.003.P30 Librarian - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.003.P20 Librarian - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.003.P10 Librarian - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.004.S40 Library Support - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.004.S30 Library Support - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.004.S20 Library Support - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X AFS.07.004.S10 Library Support - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.07.005.P50 Library Cataloging - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.07.005.P40 Library Cataloging - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry AFS.07.005.P30 Library Cataloging - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry AFS.07.005.P20 Library Cataloging - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry AFS.07.005.P10 Library Cataloging - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.M40 Technical Information Library Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.M30 Technical Information Library Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.M20 Technical Information Library Services - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.P50 Technical Information Library Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.P40 Technical Information Library Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.P30 Technical Information Library Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.P20 Technical Information Library Services - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.07.006.P10 Technical Information Library Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.M40 Other Library Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.M30 Other Library Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.M20 Other Library Services - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.M10 Other Library Services - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.P50 Other Library Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.P40 Other Library Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.P30 Other Library Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.P20 Other Library Services - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.P10 Other Library Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.S40 Other Library Services - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.S30 Other Library Services - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.S20 Other Library Services - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry AFS.07.999.S10 Other Library Services - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry AFS.08.005.S40 Firefighting/Emergency Response Services - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry AFS.08.005.S30 Firefighting/Emergency Response Services - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry AFS.08.005.S20 Firefighting/Emergency Response Services - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry AFS.08.005.S10 Firefighting/Emergency Response Services - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.08.006.S40 Executive Protection - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.08.006.S30 Executive Protection - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.08.006.S20 Executive Protection - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) AFS.08.006.S10 Executive Protection - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.E30 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.E20 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.E10 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.M50 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.M40 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Manager
Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.M30 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.M20 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.P50 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.P40 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.P30 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.P20 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.001.P10 General Program Management Office (PMO) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.E30 General Project Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.E20 General Project Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.E10 General Project Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.M50 General Project Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.M40 General Project Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.M30 General Project Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.M20 General Project Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.M10 General Project Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.P50 General Project Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.P40 General Project Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.P30 General Project Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.P20 General Project Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.P10 General Project Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.S40 General Project Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.S30 General Project Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.S20 General Project Management - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X PPM.01.002.S10 General Project Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.003.M40 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Senior Manager

Cross Industry PPM.01.003.M30 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.003.M20 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry PPM.01.003.P50 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Expert Professional
Cross Industry PPM.01.003.P40 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry PPM.01.003.P30 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Senior Professional
Cross Industry PPM.01.003.P20 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry PPM.01.003.P10 Manufacturing Program/Project Management - Entry Professional
Cross Industry PPM.01.008.M40 Project Controls Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.008.M30 Project Controls Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.008.M20 Project Controls Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry PPM.01.004.E30 Project Cost Estimation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.E20 Project Cost Estimation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.E10 Project Cost Estimation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.M50 Project Cost Estimation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.M40 Project Cost Estimation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.M30 Project Cost Estimation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.M20 Project Cost Estimation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.M10 Project Cost Estimation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.P50 Project Cost Estimation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.P40 Project Cost Estimation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.P30 Project Cost Estimation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.P20 Project Cost Estimation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.P10 Project Cost Estimation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.S40 Project Cost Estimation - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.S30 Project Cost Estimation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.S20 Project Cost Estimation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.004.S10 Project Cost Estimation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.M40 Project Cost Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.M30 Project Cost Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.M20 Project Cost Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.P50 Project Cost Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.P40 Project Cost Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.P30 Project Cost Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.P20 Project Cost Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.005.P10 Project Cost Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.M40 Turnaround Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.M30 Turnaround Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.M20 Turnaround Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.P50 Turnaround Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.P40 Turnaround Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.P30 Turnaround Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.P20 Turnaround Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.007.P10 Turnaround Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.M40 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.M30 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.M20 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.P50 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.P40 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.P30 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.P20 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.01.009.P10 Maintenance Planning/Scheduling - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.E30 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.E20 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.E10 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.M50 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.M40 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Manager
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.M30 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.M20 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.P50 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.P40 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.P30 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.P20 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X PPM.02.001.P10 Technical Program Management Office (PMO) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.E30 Technical Project Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.E20 Technical Project Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.E10 Technical Project Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.M50 Technical Project Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.M40 Technical Project Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.M30 Technical Project Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.M20 Technical Project Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.M10 Technical Project Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P60 Technical Project Management - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P50 Technical Project Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P40 Technical Project Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P30 Technical Project Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P20 Technical Project Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.P10 Technical Project Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.S40 Technical Project Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.S30 Technical Project Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.S20 Technical Project Management - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X PPM.02.002.S10 Technical Project Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.E30 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.E20 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.E10 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.M50 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Senior Manager
II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.M40 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.M30 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.M20 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P60 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P50 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P40 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P30 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P20 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) PPM.02.022.P10 Research & Development Portfolio Management - Entry
Professional (P1)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.E30 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.E20 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.E10 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.M50 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.M40 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.M30 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Manager
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.M20 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING PPM.02.023.P60 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Pre-
SPECIALIZATION) eminent Professional (P6)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.P50 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences PPM.02.023.P40 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.P30 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.P20 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences PPM.02.023.P10 Clinical Research Project Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry PPM.02.043.E30 Scrum Product Ownership - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.E20 Scrum Product Ownership - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.E10 Scrum Product Ownership - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.M50 Scrum Product Ownership - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.M40 Scrum Product Ownership - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.M30 Scrum Product Ownership - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.043.M20 Scrum Product Ownership - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.E30 Scrum Master - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.E20 Scrum Master - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.E10 Scrum Master - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.M50 Scrum Master - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.M40 Scrum Master - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.M30 Scrum Master - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.M20 Scrum Master - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.P50 Scrum Master - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.P40 Scrum Master - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.P30 Scrum Master - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.P20 Scrum Master - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.044.P10 Scrum Master - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry PPM.02.045.M40 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Senior Manager

Cross Industry PPM.02.045.M30 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.M20 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.P50 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Expert Professional
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.P40 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.P30 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Senior Professional
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.P20 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry PPM.02.045.P10 Technical Project Management: e-Commerce - Entry Professional
Cross Industry PPM.02.046.M40 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry PPM.02.046.M30 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.046.M20 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry PPM.02.046.P50 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry PPM.02.046.P40 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry PPM.02.046.P30 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry PPM.02.046.P20 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry PPM.02.046.P10 Technical Project Management: Web Development - Entry

Professional (P1)
Life Sciences PPM.02.060.M50 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.M40 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.M30 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.M20 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.P50 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.P40 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.P30 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.P20 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences PPM.02.060.P10 Healthcare Solutions Delivery Consulting (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.E30 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.E20 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.E10 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.M50 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.M40 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.M30 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.M20 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.P50 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.P40 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.P30 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.P20 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech,Professional PPM.02.068.P10 IT/Business Process Delivery Management (High Tech &
Services Professional Services) - Entry Professional (P1)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.M50 Project Management: General (Construction) - Senior Manager II

Mining (M5)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.M40 Project Management: General (Construction) - Senior Manager

Mining (M4)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.M30 Project Management: General (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.M20 Project Management: General (Construction) - Team Leader
Mining (Professionals) (M2)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.P50 Project Management: General (Construction) - Expert Professional

Mining (P5)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.P40 Project Management: General (Construction) - Specialist

Mining Professional (P4)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.P30 Project Management: General (Construction) - Senior Professional

Mining (P3)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.P20 Project Management: General (Construction) - Experienced

Mining Professional (P2)

Construction,Energy & PPM.03.002.P10 Project Management: General (Construction) - Entry Professional

Mining (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E41 Head of Sales & Marketing - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E34 Head of Sales & Marketing - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E32 Head of Sales & Marketing - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E31 Head of Sales & Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E24 Head of Sales & Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E22 Head of Sales & Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E21 Head of Sales & Marketing - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E14 Head of Sales & Marketing - Country Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.01.001.E12 Head of Sales & Marketing - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E41 Head of Sales - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E34 Head of Sales - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E32 Head of Sales - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E31 Head of Sales - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E24 Head of Sales - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E22 Head of Sales - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E21 Head of Sales - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E14 Head of Sales - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.002.E12 Head of Sales - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E41 Head of Marketing - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E34 Head of Marketing - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E32 Head of Marketing - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E31 Head of Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E24 Head of Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E22 Head of Marketing - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E21 Head of Marketing - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E14 Head of Marketing - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.01.003.E12 Head of Marketing - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.E30 General Sales & Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.E20 General Sales & Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.E10 General Sales & Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.M50 General Sales & Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.M40 General Sales & Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.M30 General Sales & Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.M20 General Sales & Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.M10 General Sales & Marketing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.P50 General Sales & Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.P40 General Sales & Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.P30 General Sales & Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.P20 General Sales & Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.P10 General Sales & Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.S40 General Sales & Marketing - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.S30 General Sales & Marketing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.S20 General Sales & Marketing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.001.S10 General Sales & Marketing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.M30 Sales Lead Generation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.M20 Sales Lead Generation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.P50 Sales Lead Generation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.P40 Sales Lead Generation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.P30 Sales Lead Generation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.P20 Sales Lead Generation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.002.P10 Sales Lead Generation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.005.M50 Branch Sales Manager - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.005.M40 Branch Sales Manager - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.005.M30 Branch Sales Manager - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.E30 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.E20 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.E10 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.M50 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.M40 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.M30 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.M20 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.M10 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.P50 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.P40 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.P30 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.P20 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.P10 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.S40 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.S30 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.S20 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.02.021.S10 Business Development Strategy & Planning - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.E30 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.E20 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.E10 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.M50 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.M40 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.M30 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.M20 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.P50 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.P40 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.P30 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.P20 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.022.P10 Alliance Partnerships Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SMP.02.023.E30 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.E20 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry SMP.02.023.E10 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry SMP.02.023.M50 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.M40 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.M30 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.M20 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.P50 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.P40 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry SMP.02.023.P30 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.023.P20 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry SMP.02.023.P10 Commercial/Pricing Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.E30 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry SMP.02.024.E20 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry SMP.02.024.E10 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry SMP.02.024.M50 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.M40 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.M30 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.M20 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.P50 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.P40 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.P30 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.P20 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry SMP.02.024.P10 Advertising Media Planning & Strategy - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.E30 Digital Marketing Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.E20 Digital Marketing Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.E10 Digital Marketing Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.M50 Digital Marketing Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.M40 Digital Marketing Strategy - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.M30 Digital Marketing Strategy - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.M20 Digital Marketing Strategy - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.P50 Digital Marketing Strategy - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.P40 Digital Marketing Strategy - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.P30 Digital Marketing Strategy - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.P20 Digital Marketing Strategy - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.025.P10 Digital Marketing Strategy - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.E30 Pricing Research - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.E20 Pricing Research - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.E10 Pricing Research - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.M50 Pricing Research - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.M40 Pricing Research - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.M30 Pricing Research - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.M20 Pricing Research - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.M10 Pricing Research - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.P50 Pricing Research - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.P40 Pricing Research - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.P30 Pricing Research - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.P20 Pricing Research - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.P10 Pricing Research - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.S30 Pricing Research - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.S20 Pricing Research - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.029.S10 Pricing Research - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.030.M50 Brand Licensing Strategy & Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.030.M40 Brand Licensing Strategy & Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.030.M30 Brand Licensing Strategy & Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.E30 Capture Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.E20 Capture Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.E10 Capture Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.M50 Capture Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.M40 Capture Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.M30 Capture Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.M20 Capture Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.P50 Capture Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.P40 Capture Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.P30 Capture Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.P20 Capture Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.039.P10 Capture Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.E30 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.E20 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.E10 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.M50 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.M40 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.M30 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.M20 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.P50 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.P40 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.P30 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.P20 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.041.P10 Customer Loyalty Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.M50 Market Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.M40 Market Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.M30 Market Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.M20 Market Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.P50 Market Planning - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.P40 Market Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.P30 Market Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.P20 Market Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.045.P10 Market Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.E30 Product Licensing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.E20 Product Licensing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.E10 Product Licensing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.M50 Product Licensing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.M40 Product Licensing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.M30 Product Licensing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.M20 Product Licensing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.P50 Product Licensing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.P40 Product Licensing - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.P30 Product Licensing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.P20 Product Licensing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.046.P10 Product Licensing - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E41 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E34 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Global
Subsidiary (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E32 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Global
Division(s) (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E31 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E24 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E22 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E21 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E14 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Country
Subsidiary (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.043.E12 Head of Managed Care/Reimbursement (Life Sciences) - Country
Division(s) (E1)
Life Sciences SMP.02.026.E30 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.E20 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.E10 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.M50 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.M40 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.M30 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.M20 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.P50 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.P40 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.P30 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional
Life Sciences SMP.02.026.P20 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.026.P10 Health Economics Analytics (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.E30 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.E20 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.E10 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.M50 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.M40 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.M30 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.M20 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.P50 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)
Life Sciences SMP.02.027.P40 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.P30 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.P20 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional

Life Sciences SMP.02.027.P10 Market Access Strategy (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.E30 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.E20 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.E10 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.M50 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.M40 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.M30 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences SMP.02.028.M20 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.P50 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Expert

Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.P40 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.P30 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Senior

Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.P20 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.02.028.P10 Product Reimbursement Strategy (Life Sciences) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.E30 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.E20 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.E10 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.M50 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.M40 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.M30 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.M20 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.P50 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.P40 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.P30 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.P20 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.044.P10 Health Economics/Outcomes Liaison (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.E30 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.E20 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.E10 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.M50 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.M40 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.M30 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.M20 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P60 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P50 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P40 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P30 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P20 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.047.P10 Scientific Acquisition & Licensing Investigation (Life Sciences) -
Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.M50 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.M40 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.M30 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.M20 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.P50 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.P40 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.P30 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.P20 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.02.042.P10 Government and Managed Care Pricing Analysis (Life Sciences) -
Entry Professional (P1)
High Tech SMP.02.038.E30 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.02.038.E20 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.02.038.E10 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.02.038.M50 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Senior Manager II

High Tech SMP.02.038.M40 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Senior Manager

High Tech SMP.02.038.M30 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.02.038.M20 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.02.038.P50 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.02.038.P40 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.02.038.P30 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Senior Professional
High Tech SMP.02.038.P20 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.02.038.P10 Game Product Strategy & Planning (High Tech) - Entry Professional

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.M40 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.M30 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.M20 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.P50 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.P40 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.P30 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.P20 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining SMP.02.037.P10 Fuel Pricing (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SMP.02.056.E30 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.E20 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.E10 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.M50 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.M40 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.M30 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.M20 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry SMP.02.056.P50 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.P40 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.P30 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.P20 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.056.P10 E-Commerce Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.E30 E-Payment Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.E20 E-Payment Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.E10 E-Payment Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.M50 E-Payment Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.M40 E-Payment Strategy - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.M30 E-Payment Strategy - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.M20 E-Payment Strategy - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.P50 E-Payment Strategy - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.P40 E-Payment Strategy - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.P30 E-Payment Strategy - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.P20 E-Payment Strategy - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.02.057.P10 E-Payment Strategy - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.02.058.E30 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.02.058.E20 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.02.058.E10 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.02.058.M50 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Senior Manager II (M5)
High Tech SMP.02.058.M40 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -
Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.02.058.M30 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.02.058.M20 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.02.058.P50 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.02.058.P40 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.02.058.P30 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -

Senior Professional (P3)
High Tech SMP.02.058.P20 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.02.058.P10 E-Commerce Merchant Development/Consignment (Internet) -
Entry Professional (P1)
High Tech SMP.02.059.E30 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech SMP.02.059.E20 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech SMP.02.059.E10 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech SMP.02.059.M50 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
High Tech SMP.02.059.M40 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Senior
Manager (M4)
High Tech SMP.02.059.M30 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Manager
High Tech SMP.02.059.M20 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.02.059.M10 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
High Tech SMP.02.059.P50 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech SMP.02.059.P40 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.02.059.P30 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech SMP.02.059.P20 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.02.059.P10 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Entry
Professional (P1)
High Tech SMP.02.059.S40 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)
High Tech SMP.02.059.S30 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
High Tech SMP.02.059.S20 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
High Tech SMP.02.059.S10 E-Commerce Merchant Operations & Support (Internet) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)
High Tech SMP.02.060.E30 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
High Tech SMP.02.060.E20 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
High Tech SMP.02.060.E10 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
High Tech SMP.02.060.M50 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.02.060.M40 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.02.060.M30 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.02.060.M20 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.02.060.M10 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
High Tech SMP.02.060.P50 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Expert Professional
High Tech SMP.02.060.P40 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Specialist Professional
High Tech SMP.02.060.P30 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Senior Professional
High Tech SMP.02.060.P20 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.02.060.P10 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.02.060.S40 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
High Tech SMP.02.060.S30 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
High Tech SMP.02.060.S20 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech SMP.02.060.S10 E-Commerce Merchant Training (Internet) - Entry Para-Professional
High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.M50 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.M40 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.M30 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.M20 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Team Leader (Professionals)
High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.P50 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.P40 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.P30 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.P20 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Experienced Professional

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.061.P10 Content Channel Planning (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.M50 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.M40 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)
High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.M30 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.M20 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.M10 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.P50 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.P40 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.P30 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.P20 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Experienced Professional

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.P10 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.S30 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Senior Para-Professional

High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.S20 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech,Retail SMP.02.062.S10 Content Channel Operations (Internet) - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.E30 General Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.E20 General Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.E10 General Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.M50 General Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.M40 General Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.M30 General Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.M20 General Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.M10 General Marketing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.P50 General Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.P40 General Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.P30 General Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.P20 General Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.P10 General Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.S40 General Marketing - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.S30 General Marketing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.S20 General Marketing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.03.001.S10 General Marketing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.E30 General Product Planning & Development - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.E20 General Product Planning & Development - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.E10 General Product Planning & Development - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.M50 General Product Planning & Development - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.M40 General Product Planning & Development - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.M30 General Product Planning & Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.M20 General Product Planning & Development - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.P50 General Product Planning & Development - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.P40 General Product Planning & Development - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.P30 General Product Planning & Development - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.P20 General Product Planning & Development - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.001.P10 General Product Planning & Development - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.E30 Product Design - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.E20 Product Design - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.E10 Product Design - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.M50 Product Design - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.M40 Product Design - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.M30 Product Design - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.M20 Product Design - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.M10 Product Design - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.P50 Product Design - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.P40 Product Design - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.P30 Product Design - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.P20 Product Design - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.P10 Product Design - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.S30 Product Design - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.S20 Product Design - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.003.S10 Product Design - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.M40 Product Packaging - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.M30 Product Packaging - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.M20 Product Packaging - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.P50 Product Packaging - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.P40 Product Packaging - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.P30 Product Packaging - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.P20 Product Packaging - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.005.P10 Product Packaging - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.M30 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.M20 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.P50 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.P40 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.P30 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.007.P20 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.007.P10 Product Sample/Prototype Development - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail SMP.04.004.E30 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Retail SMP.04.004.E20 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Retail SMP.04.004.E10 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Retail SMP.04.004.M50 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Retail SMP.04.004.M40 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail SMP.04.004.M30 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.04.004.M20 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Retail SMP.04.004.M10 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Retail SMP.04.004.P50 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail SMP.04.004.P40 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Retail SMP.04.004.P30 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail SMP.04.004.P20 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail SMP.04.004.P10 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail SMP.04.004.S30 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Retail SMP.04.004.S20 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Experienced Para-Professional


Retail SMP.04.004.S10 Apparel Technical Design (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Retail SMP.04.008.E30 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 3


Retail SMP.04.008.E20 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 2

Retail SMP.04.008.E10 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Sub-function Executive 1
Retail SMP.04.008.M50 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Retail SMP.04.008.M40 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail SMP.04.008.M30 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.04.008.M20 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Retail SMP.04.008.P50 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)
Retail SMP.04.008.P40 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Specialist Professional
Retail SMP.04.008.P30 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail SMP.04.008.P20 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Experienced Professional

Retail SMP.04.008.P10 Product Technical Enhancement (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.04.009.M50 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Senior Manager II
High Tech SMP.04.009.M40 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Senior Manager
High Tech SMP.04.009.M30 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.009.M20 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.04.009.P50 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Expert Professional

High Tech SMP.04.009.P40 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.04.009.P30 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Senior Professional

High Tech SMP.04.009.P20 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.04.009.P10 Wireless/Mobile Product Planning (High Tech) - Entry Professional
High Tech SMP.04.010.M50 Product Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.04.010.M40 Product Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.04.010.M30 Product Operations (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.010.M20 Product Operations (Internet) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.04.010.M10 Product Operations (Internet) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

High Tech SMP.04.010.P50 Product Operations (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.04.010.P40 Product Operations (Internet) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.04.010.P30 Product Operations (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.04.010.P20 Product Operations (Internet) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.04.010.P10 Product Operations (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.04.010.S30 Product Operations (Internet) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

High Tech SMP.04.010.S20 Product Operations (Internet) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

High Tech SMP.04.010.S10 Product Operations (Internet) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

High Tech SMP.04.011.M50 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager II

High Tech SMP.04.011.M40 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.04.011.M30 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.011.M20 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.04.011.P50 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Expert Professional


High Tech SMP.04.011.P40 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Specialist Professional


High Tech SMP.04.011.P30 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Senior Professional


High Tech SMP.04.011.P20 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.04.011.P10 Platform/Portal User Operations (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.04.039.M50 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Senior Manager II

High Tech SMP.04.039.M40 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Senior Manager

High Tech SMP.04.039.M30 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.039.M20 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.04.039.P50 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.04.039.P40 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.04.039.P30 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.04.039.P20 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.04.039.P10 Game Product Research & Analysis (High Tech) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.E30 General Product Marketing & Management - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.E20 General Product Marketing & Management - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.E10 General Product Marketing & Management - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.M50 General Product Marketing & Management - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.M40 General Product Marketing & Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.M30 General Product Marketing & Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.M20 General Product Marketing & Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.P50 General Product Marketing & Management - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.P40 General Product Marketing & Management - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.P30 General Product Marketing & Management - Senior Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.P20 General Product Marketing & Management - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.012.P10 General Product Marketing & Management - Entry Professional
Cross Industry SMP.04.013.E30 Product/Brand Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.013.E20 Product/Brand Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.E10 Product/Brand Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.M50 Product/Brand Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.M40 Product/Brand Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.M30 Product/Brand Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.M20 Product/Brand Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.P50 Product/Brand Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.P40 Product/Brand Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.P30 Product/Brand Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.P20 Product/Brand Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.013.P10 Product/Brand Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.014.E30 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.E20 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.E10 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.M50 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.M40 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.M30 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Manager (M3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.M20 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.P50 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.P40 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.P30 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.P20 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.014.P10 Product/Brand Management (P&L/Revenue Accountability) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SMP.04.021.M40 IT Product Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.021.M30 IT Product Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.021.P50 IT Product Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.021.P40 IT Product Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.E30 Product Commercialization - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.E20 Product Commercialization - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.E10 Product Commercialization - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.M50 Product Commercialization - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.M40 Product Commercialization - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.M30 Product Commercialization - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.M20 Product Commercialization - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.M10 Product Commercialization - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.P50 Product Commercialization - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.P40 Product Commercialization - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.P30 Product Commercialization - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.P20 Product Commercialization - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.P10 Product Commercialization - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.S40 Product Commercialization - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.S30 Product Commercialization - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.S20 Product Commercialization - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.023.S10 Product Commercialization - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P60 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P50 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P40 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P30 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P20 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.028.P10 Draught/Draft Beer Specialists - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.E30 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.E20 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.E10 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.M50 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
II (M5)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.M40 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.M30 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.M20 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech,Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.015.P60 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (P6)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.P50 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.P40 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.P30 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.P20 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech,Life Sciences SMP.04.015.P10 Product Management (High Tech & Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
High Tech SMP.04.016.E30 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech SMP.04.016.E20 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech SMP.04.016.E10 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech SMP.04.016.M50 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
High Tech SMP.04.016.M40 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Senior
Manager (M4)
High Tech SMP.04.016.M30 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.016.M20 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.04.016.P50 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech SMP.04.016.P40 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.04.016.P30 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech SMP.04.016.P20 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.04.016.P10 Wireless/Mobile Product Management (High Tech) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.E30 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Sub-
Tech,Insurance function Executive 3 (E3)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.E20 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Sub-
Tech,Insurance function Executive 2 (E2)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.E10 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Sub-
Tech,Insurance function Executive 1 (E1)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.M50 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Senior
Tech,Insurance Manager II (M5)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.M40 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Senior
Tech,Insurance Manager (M4)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.M30 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Manager
Tech,Insurance (M3)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.M20 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Team
Tech,Insurance Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.P50 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Expert
Tech,Insurance Professional (P5)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.P40 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Specialist
Tech,Insurance Professional (P4)
Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.P30 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Senior
Tech,Insurance Professional (P3)

Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.P20 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) -

Tech,Insurance Experienced Professional (P2)

Financial Services,High SMP.04.017.P10 Product Management (Financial Services & Insurance) - Entry
Tech,Insurance Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining SMP.04.022.M40 Price Book Management (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining SMP.04.022.M30 Price Book Management (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining SMP.04.022.M20 Price Book Management (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals)

High Tech SMP.04.024.E30 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3
High Tech SMP.04.024.E20 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2

High Tech SMP.04.024.E10 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1

High Tech SMP.04.024.M50 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.04.024.M40 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.04.024.M30 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.024.M20 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.04.024.P50 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.04.024.P40 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.04.024.P30 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.04.024.P20 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

High Tech SMP.04.024.P10 Game Product Operations (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.04.025.E30 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.04.025.E20 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.04.025.E10 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.04.025.M50 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
High Tech SMP.04.025.M40 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Senior
Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.04.025.M30 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) -
Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.025.M20 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.04.025.P50 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.04.025.P40 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.04.025.P30 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.04.025.P20 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.04.025.P10 Game Product Operations: Licensed Products (High Tech) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.M50 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.M40 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.M30 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.M20 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.P50 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.P40 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.P30 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.P20 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.026.P10 Patient Adherence Program Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.M50 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
II (M5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.M40 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.M30 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.M20 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.P50 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.P40 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.P30 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.P20 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.027.P10 Patient Relationship Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.E30 Trade Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.E20 Trade Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.E10 Trade Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.M50 Trade Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.M40 Trade Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.M30 Trade Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.M20 Trade Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.P50 Trade Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.P40 Trade Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.P30 Trade Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.P20 Trade Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.040.P10 Trade Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.E30 Channel/Partner Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.E20 Channel/Partner Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.E10 Channel/Partner Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.M50 Channel/Partner Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.M40 Channel/Partner Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.M30 Channel/Partner Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.M20 Channel/Partner Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.P50 Channel/Partner Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.P40 Channel/Partner Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.P30 Channel/Partner Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.P20 Channel/Partner Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.041.P10 Channel/Partner Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.E30 Category Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.E20 Category Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.E10 Category Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.M50 Category Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.M40 Category Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.M30 Category Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.M20 Category Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.P50 Category Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.P40 Category Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.P30 Category Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.P20 Category Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.042.P10 Category Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.E30 Shopper Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.E20 Shopper Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.E10 Shopper Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.M50 Shopper Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.M40 Shopper Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.M30 Shopper Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.M20 Shopper Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.P50 Shopper Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.P40 Shopper Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.P30 Shopper Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.P20 Shopper Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.043.P10 Shopper Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.E30 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.E20 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.E10 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.M50 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.M40 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.M30 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.M20 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.M10 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.P50 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.P40 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.P30 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.P20 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.P10 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.S40 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.S30 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.S20 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.04.064.S10 General Digital/Internet Marketing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.M50 Email Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.M40 Email Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.M30 Email Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.M20 Email Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.P50 Email Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.P40 Email Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.P30 Email Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.P20 Email Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.075.P10 Email Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.E30 Social Media Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.E20 Social Media Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.E10 Social Media Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.M50 Social Media Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.M40 Social Media Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.M30 Social Media Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.M20 Social Media Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.P50 Social Media Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.P40 Social Media Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.P30 Social Media Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.P20 Social Media Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.065.P10 Social Media Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.066.E30 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Sub-function Executive

3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.E20 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.E10 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.M50 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.066.M40 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.066.M30 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.066.M20 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.P50 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.P40 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.P30 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.066.P20 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.066.P10 E-Commerce/Online Shopping Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.E30 Web Content Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.E20 Web Content Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.E10 Web Content Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.M50 Web Content Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.M40 Web Content Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.M30 Web Content Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.M20 Web Content Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.P50 Web Content Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.P40 Web Content Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.P30 Web Content Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.P20 Web Content Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.067.P10 Web Content Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.E30 Web Content Curation/Management - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.E20 Web Content Curation/Management - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry SMP.04.068.E10 Web Content Curation/Management - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry SMP.04.068.M50 Web Content Curation/Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SMP.04.068.M40 Web Content Curation/Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.M30 Web Content Curation/Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.M20 Web Content Curation/Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.P50 Web Content Curation/Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.P40 Web Content Curation/Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.P30 Web Content Curation/Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.068.P20 Web Content Curation/Management - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry SMP.04.068.P10 Web Content Curation/Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.E30 Search Engine Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.E20 Search Engine Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.E10 Search Engine Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.M50 Search Engine Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.M40 Search Engine Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.M30 Search Engine Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.M20 Search Engine Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.070.P50 Search Engine Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.P40 Search Engine Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.P30 Search Engine Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.P20 Search Engine Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.070.P10 Search Engine Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.E30 Push Content Platform Operations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.E20 Push Content Platform Operations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.E10 Push Content Platform Operations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.M50 Push Content Platform Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.M40 Push Content Platform Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.M30 Push Content Platform Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.M20 Push Content Platform Operations - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.M10 Push Content Platform Operations - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SMP.04.071.P50 Push Content Platform Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.P40 Push Content Platform Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.P30 Push Content Platform Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.P20 Push Content Platform Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.P10 Push Content Platform Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.S30 Push Content Platform Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.071.S20 Push Content Platform Operations - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry SMP.04.071.S10 Push Content Platform Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.M40 Digital/Media Brand Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.M30 Digital/Media Brand Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.M20 Digital/Media Brand Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.P50 Digital/Media Brand Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.P40 Digital/Media Brand Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.P30 Digital/Media Brand Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.P20 Digital/Media Brand Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.072.P10 Digital/Media Brand Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.M40 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.M30 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.M20 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry SMP.04.073.P50 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.P40 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.P30 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.P20 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.073.P10 Digital Marketing Metrics Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.M40 Influencer Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.M30 Influencer Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.M20 Influencer Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.P50 Influencer Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.P40 Influencer Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.P30 Influencer Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.P20 Influencer Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.077.P10 Influencer Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.E30 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.E20 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.E10 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.M50 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.M40 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.M30 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.M20 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.M10 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.P50 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.P40 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.P30 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.P20 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.P10 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.S40 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Specialist

Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.S30 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.S20 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Experienced

Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.092.S10 General Direct/Telemarketing (Mail/Email/Mobile) - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.E30 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.E20 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.E10 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.M50 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Senior Manager

II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.M40 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Senior Manager

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.M30 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.M10 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.S40 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.S30 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.S20 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Experienced

Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.093.S10 Digital Direct/Telemarketing (Email/Text/Mobile) - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.E30 Technical Marketing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.E20 Technical Marketing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.E10 Technical Marketing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.M50 Technical Marketing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.M40 Technical Marketing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.M30 Technical Marketing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.M20 Technical Marketing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.P50 Technical Marketing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.P40 Technical Marketing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.P30 Technical Marketing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.P20 Technical Marketing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.04.113.P10 Technical Marketing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.E30 Technical Product Training - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.E20 Technical Product Training - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.E10 Technical Product Training - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.M50 Technical Product Training - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.M40 Technical Product Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.M30 Technical Product Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.M20 Technical Product Training - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.M10 Technical Product Training - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.P50 Technical Product Training - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.P40 Technical Product Training - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.P30 Technical Product Training - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.P20 Technical Product Training - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.P10 Technical Product Training - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.S40 Technical Product Training - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.S30 Technical Product Training - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.S20 Technical Product Training - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.04.115.S10 Technical Product Training - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.125.P50 Wine Education - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.125.P40 Wine Education - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.125.P30 Wine Education - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.125.P20 Wine Education - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.125.P10 Wine Education - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.126.P50 Beer Knowledge Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.126.P40 Beer Knowledge Management - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.126.P30 Beer Knowledge Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.126.P20 Beer Knowledge Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.04.126.P10 Beer Knowledge Management - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.04.116.E30 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech SMP.04.116.E20 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech SMP.04.116.E10 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech SMP.04.116.M50 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Senior Manager II
High Tech SMP.04.116.M40 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Senior Manager
High Tech SMP.04.116.M30 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.04.116.M20 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.04.116.P50 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech SMP.04.116.P40 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.04.116.P30 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech SMP.04.116.P20 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.04.116.P10 Billable Customer Product Training (High Tech) - Entry Professional
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.E30 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.E20 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.E10 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.M50 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.M40 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.M30 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.M20 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.P50 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.P40 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences SMP.04.114.P30 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences SMP.04.114.P20 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.114.P10 Nutritional Product Education (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.E30 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.E20 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.E10 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.M50 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences SMP.04.118.M40 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.M30 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.M20 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.P50 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.P40 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.P30 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.118.P20 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Life Sciences SMP.04.118.P10 Market Education Services (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.E30 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.E20 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.E10 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.M50 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.M40 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)
Life Sciences SMP.04.119.M30 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.M20 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.P50 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.P40 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.P30 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.P20 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.119.P10 Medical Writing (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.E30 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.E20 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.E10 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.M50 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.M40 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.M30 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.M20 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.120.P60 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional
Life Sciences SMP.04.120.P50 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.P40 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.P30 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.120.P20 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional
Life Sciences SMP.04.120.P10 Medical Scientific Liaison (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.121.E30 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.121.E20 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.121.E10 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.04.121.M50 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences SMP.04.121.M40 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.M30 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.M20 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences SMP.04.121.P50 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.P40 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.P30 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.P20 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.121.P10 Clinical Education (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.E30 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.E20 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.E10 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences SMP.04.122.M50 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.M40 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.M30 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.M20 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.P50 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.P40 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.P30 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.P20 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.04.122.P10 Patient Education (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.E30 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.E20 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.E10 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.M50 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Senior Manager II (M5)

Tech,Life Sciences
Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.M40 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Senior Manager (M4)
Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.M30 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Manager (M3)

Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.M20 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Team Leader (Professionals)

Tech,Life Sciences (M2)

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.P50 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Expert Professional (P5)

Tech,Life Sciences
Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.P40 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Specialist Professional (P4)
Tech,Life Sciences
Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.P30 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Senior Professional (P3)
Tech,Life Sciences
Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.P20 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Experienced Professional (P2)
Tech,Life Sciences

Agriculture,High SMP.04.123.P10 Technical/Scientific Sales Service - Entry Professional (P1)

Tech,Life Sciences

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.M40 Other Product Marketing & Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.M30 Other Product Marketing & Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.M20 Other Product Marketing & Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.M10 Other Product Marketing & Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.P50 Other Product Marketing & Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.P40 Other Product Marketing & Management - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.P30 Other Product Marketing & Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.P20 Other Product Marketing & Management - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.P10 Other Product Marketing & Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.04.999.S40 Other Product Marketing & Management - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.S30 Other Product Marketing & Management - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.S20 Other Product Marketing & Management - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry SMP.04.999.S10 Other Product Marketing & Management - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.E30 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.E20 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.E10 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.M50 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.M40 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.M30 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.M20 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.M10 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.P50 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.P40 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.P30 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.P20 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.P10 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.S40 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.S30 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.S20 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X SMP.05.001.S10 Advertising & Marketing Communications - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry SMP.05.002.E30 Advertising & Marketing Services - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.E20 Advertising & Marketing Services - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.E10 Advertising & Marketing Services - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.M50 Advertising & Marketing Services - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SMP.05.002.M40 Advertising & Marketing Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.M30 Advertising & Marketing Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.M20 Advertising & Marketing Services - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry SMP.05.002.P50 Advertising & Marketing Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.P40 Advertising & Marketing Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.P30 Advertising & Marketing Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.P20 Advertising & Marketing Services - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.002.P10 Advertising & Marketing Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.E30 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.E20 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.E10 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.M50 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.M40 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.M30 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.M20 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry SMP.05.003.M10 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.P50 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.P40 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.P30 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.P20 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.P10 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.S30 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.S20 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.05.003.S10 Branded Merchandise Promotions - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.004.E30 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.E20 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.E10 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.M50 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.M40 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Senior Manager
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.M30 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.004.M20 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.004.P50 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Expert Professional


Cross Industry SMP.05.004.P40 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.004.P30 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Senior Professional

Cross Industry SMP.05.004.P20 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.05.004.P10 Conferences/Congresses/Events Promotions - Entry Professional
Cross Industry SMP.05.010.E30 Online Advertising Coordination - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.E20 Online Advertising Coordination - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.E10 Online Advertising Coordination - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.M50 Online Advertising Coordination - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.M40 Online Advertising Coordination - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.M30 Online Advertising Coordination - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.M20 Online Advertising Coordination - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.M10 Online Advertising Coordination - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.P50 Online Advertising Coordination - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.P40 Online Advertising Coordination - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.P30 Online Advertising Coordination - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.P20 Online Advertising Coordination - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.P10 Online Advertising Coordination - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.S30 Online Advertising Coordination - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.S20 Online Advertising Coordination - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.05.010.S10 Online Advertising Coordination - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.E30 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.E20 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.E10 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.M50 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SMP.05.005.M40 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.M30 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.M10 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry SMP.05.005.S30 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.S20 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.05.005.S10 Advertising & Sales Promotion - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Retail SMP.05.006.M30 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.05.006.M20 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail SMP.05.006.P50 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail SMP.05.006.P40 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Retail SMP.05.006.P30 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail SMP.05.006.P20 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail SMP.05.006.P10 Media/Special Events (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.05.009.M50 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Senior Manager II

High Tech SMP.05.009.M40 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Senior Manager
High Tech SMP.05.009.M30 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.05.009.M20 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.05.009.P50 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Expert Professional


High Tech SMP.05.009.P40 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Specialist

Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.05.009.P30 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Senior Professional
High Tech SMP.05.009.P20 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.05.009.P10 E-Commerce Promotions Planning (Internet) - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.E30 Market Research & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.E20 Market Research & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.E10 Market Research & Analysis - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.M50 Market Research & Analysis - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.M40 Market Research & Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.M30 Market Research & Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.M20 Market Research & Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.P50 Market Research & Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.P40 Market Research & Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.P30 Market Research & Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.P20 Market Research & Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.06.001.P10 Market Research & Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.E30 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry SMP.06.002.E20 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry SMP.06.002.E10 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Sub-function Executive 1

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.M50 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.M40 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.M30 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.M20 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry SMP.06.002.P50 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.P40 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.P30 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.06.002.P20 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry SMP.06.002.P10 Consumer/Shopper Insights Research - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.E30 Database Market Research - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.E20 Database Market Research - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.E10 Database Market Research - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.M50 Database Market Research - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.M40 Database Market Research - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.M30 Database Market Research - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.M20 Database Market Research - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.P50 Database Market Research - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.P40 Database Market Research - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.P30 Database Market Research - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.P20 Database Market Research - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.06.003.P10 Database Market Research - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.E30 General Field Sales & Account Management - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.E20 General Field Sales & Account Management - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.E10 General Field Sales & Account Management - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.M50 General Field Sales & Account Management - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.M40 General Field Sales & Account Management - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.M30 General Field Sales & Account Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.M20 General Field Sales & Account Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.P50 General Field Sales & Account Management - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.P40 General Field Sales & Account Management - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.P30 General Field Sales & Account Management - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.P20 General Field Sales & Account Management - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.001.P10 General Field Sales & Account Management - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.E30 General Field Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.E20 General Field Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.E10 General Field Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.M50 General Field Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.M40 General Field Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.M30 General Field Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.M20 General Field Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.P50 General Field Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.P40 General Field Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.P30 General Field Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.P20 General Field Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.010.P10 General Field Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.E30 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.E20 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.E10 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.M50 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.M40 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.M30 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.M20 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.P50 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SMP.07.011.P40 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.P30 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.P20 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.011.P10 General Field Sales: Key Clients - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.012.M10 Consumer Goods Field Sales - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.07.012.S40 Consumer Goods Field Sales - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.012.S30 Consumer Goods Field Sales - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.012.S20 Consumer Goods Field Sales - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.012.S10 Consumer Goods Field Sales - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.E30 Technical Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.E20 Technical Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.E10 Technical Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.M50 Technical Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.M40 Technical Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.M30 Technical Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.M20 Technical Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.P50 Technical Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.P40 Technical Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.P30 Technical Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.P20 Technical Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.015.P10 Technical Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.M50 General Field Sales: Chemical - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.M40 General Field Sales: Chemical - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.M30 General Field Sales: Chemical - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.M20 General Field Sales: Chemical - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.P50 General Field Sales: Chemical - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.P40 General Field Sales: Chemical - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.P30 General Field Sales: Chemical - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry SMP.07.016.P20 General Field Sales: Chemical - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.016.P10 General Field Sales: Chemical - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.E30 Government Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.E20 Government Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.E10 Government Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.M50 Government Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.M40 Government Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.M30 Government Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.M20 Government Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.P50 Government Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.P40 Government Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.P30 Government Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.P20 Government Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.017.P10 Government Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.M50 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.M40 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.M30 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.M20 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.M10 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.P50 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.P40 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.P30 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.P20 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.P10 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.S30 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SMP.07.018.S20 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.018.S10 Intellectual Property (IP) Sales - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.E30 Direct Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.E20 Direct Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.E10 Direct Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.M50 Direct Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.M40 Direct Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.M30 Direct Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.M20 Direct Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.P50 Direct Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.P40 Direct Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.P30 Direct Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.P20 Direct Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.022.P10 Direct Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.E30 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.07.023.E20 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.E10 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.M50 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.M40 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.M30 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.M20 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.P50 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.P40 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.P30 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.P20 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.023.P10 Direct Sales: Key Clients - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.E30 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.E20 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.E10 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.M50 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.M40 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.M30 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.M20 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.P50 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.P40 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.P30 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.P20 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.024.P10 Product Financing/Leasing Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.07.035.S30 Wine Product Sales - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.07.035.S20 Wine Product Sales - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.07.035.S10 Wine Product Sales - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Retail SMP.07.025.M30 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.07.025.M20 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail SMP.07.025.M10 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Retail SMP.07.025.P40 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Retail SMP.07.025.P30 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail SMP.07.025.P20 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Retail SMP.07.025.P10 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail SMP.07.025.S40 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Retail SMP.07.025.S30 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Retail SMP.07.025.S20 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Retail SMP.07.025.S10 In-Store Sales (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Retail SMP.07.027.M30 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.07.027.M10 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Retail NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.027.S40 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Retail SMP.07.027.S30 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Retail SMP.07.027.S20 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Retail SMP.07.027.S10 In-Store Sales: Beauty (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Retail SMP.07.034.M30 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.07.034.M20 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Retail SMP.07.034.M10 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Retail SMP.07.034.P50 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

Retail SMP.07.034.P40 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Specialist Professional

Retail SMP.07.034.P30 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

Retail SMP.07.034.P20 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Experienced Professional


Retail SMP.07.034.P10 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail SMP.07.034.S40 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Retail SMP.07.034.S30 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional

Retail SMP.07.034.S20 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Retail SMP.07.034.S10 Online/Digital Personal Shopper (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.E30 General Channel/Partner Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.E20 General Channel/Partner Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.E10 General Channel/Partner Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.M50 General Channel/Partner Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.M40 General Channel/Partner Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.M30 General Channel/Partner Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.M20 General Channel/Partner Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.P50 General Channel/Partner Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.P40 General Channel/Partner Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.P30 General Channel/Partner Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.P20 General Channel/Partner Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.07.043.P10 General Channel/Partner Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.E30 Partner/Reseller Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.E20 Partner/Reseller Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.E10 Partner/Reseller Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.M50 Partner/Reseller Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.M40 Partner/Reseller Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.M30 Partner/Reseller Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.M20 Partner/Reseller Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.P50 Partner/Reseller Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.P40 Partner/Reseller Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.P30 Partner/Reseller Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.P20 Partner/Reseller Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.049.P10 Partner/Reseller Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.E30 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.E20 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.E10 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.M50 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.M40 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.M30 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.M20 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.P50 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.P40 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.P30 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.P20 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.07.058.P10 Pre-Sales Product Consulting - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.059.E30 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3
High Tech SMP.07.059.E20 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2
High Tech SMP.07.059.E10 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1
High Tech SMP.07.059.M50 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.059.M40 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.059.M30 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.059.M20 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.07.059.P50 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.059.P40 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Specialist Professional

High Tech SMP.07.059.P30 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.059.P20 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

High Tech SMP.07.059.P10 Pre-Sales Solution Architect (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.065.E30 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.07.065.E20 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech SMP.07.065.E10 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech SMP.07.065.M50 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager II
High Tech SMP.07.065.M40 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager
High Tech SMP.07.065.M30 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.065.M20 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.07.065.M10 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
High Tech SMP.07.065.P50 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech SMP.07.065.P40 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.07.065.P30 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech SMP.07.065.P20 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.07.065.P10 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Entry Professional
High Tech SMP.07.065.S40 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
High Tech SMP.07.065.S30 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
High Tech SMP.07.065.S20 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech SMP.07.065.S10 Software Tools & Applications Sales (High Tech) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
High Tech SMP.07.067.E30 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.07.067.E20 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.07.067.E10 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.07.067.M50 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.067.M40 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.067.M30 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.067.M20 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.07.067.P50 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.067.P40 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.07.067.P30 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.067.P20 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.07.067.P10 Hardware Sales (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.068.E30 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3
High Tech SMP.07.068.E20 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2
High Tech SMP.07.068.E10 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1
High Tech SMP.07.068.M50 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.068.M40 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.068.M30 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.068.M20 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.07.068.P50 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.068.P40 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)
High Tech SMP.07.068.P30 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.068.P20 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

High Tech SMP.07.068.P10 Integrated Solutions Sales (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.069.E30 Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.07.069.E20 Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.07.069.E10 Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.07.069.M50 Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.069.M40 Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.069.M30 Services Sales (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.069.M20 Services Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.07.069.P50 Services Sales (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.069.P40 Services Sales (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.07.069.P30 Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.069.P20 Services Sales (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.07.069.P10 Services Sales (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.070.E30 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech SMP.07.070.E20 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech SMP.07.070.E10 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech SMP.07.070.M50 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.070.M40 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.070.M30 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.070.M20 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals)
High Tech SMP.07.070.P50 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.070.P40 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.07.070.P30 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.070.P20 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.07.070.P10 Online Services Sales (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.071.M50 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.071.M40 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.071.M30 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Manager (M3)
High Tech SMP.07.071.M20 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.07.071.M10 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
High Tech SMP.07.071.P50 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.071.P40 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Specialist Professional
High Tech SMP.07.071.P30 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.071.P20 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Experienced Professional
High Tech SMP.07.071.P10 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.071.S30 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Senior Para-Professional
High Tech SMP.07.071.S20 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech SMP.07.071.S10 Online to Offline (O2O) Sales (Internet) - Entry Para-Professional
High Tech SMP.07.072.M50 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Senior Manager II
High Tech SMP.07.072.M40 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.072.M30 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.072.M20 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech SMP.07.072.M10 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
High Tech SMP.07.072.P50 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Expert Professional
High Tech SMP.07.072.P40 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Specialist Professional
High Tech SMP.07.072.P30 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Senior Professional
High Tech SMP.07.072.P20 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech SMP.07.072.P10 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Entry Professional
High Tech SMP.07.072.S30 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
High Tech SMP.07.072.S20 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech SMP.07.072.S10 Online to Offline (O2O) Telesales (Internet) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
High Tech SMP.07.073.M50 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech SMP.07.073.M40 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.073.M30 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.073.M20 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.07.073.P50 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.073.P40 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.07.073.P30 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.073.P20 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.07.073.P10 Online Training Sales (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.074.M40 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.074.M30 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.074.M20 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Team Leader (Professionals)
High Tech SMP.07.074.P50 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.074.P40 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech SMP.07.074.P30 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.074.P20 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech SMP.07.074.P10 Merchant Payment Sales (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech SMP.07.075.M50 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager II (M5)
High Tech SMP.07.075.M40 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech SMP.07.075.M30 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SMP.07.075.M20 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SMP.07.075.P50 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech SMP.07.075.P40 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Specialist Professional


High Tech SMP.07.075.P30 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech SMP.07.075.P20 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Experienced Professional

High Tech SMP.07.075.P10 Cloud Product/Services Sales (Internet) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.E30 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.E20 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.E10 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.M50 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences SMP.07.076.M40 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.M30 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.M20 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.P50 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.P40 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.P30 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.P20 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.076.P10 Multi-Channel Sales (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.E30 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.E20 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.E10 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.M50 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.M40 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.M30 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences SMP.07.077.M20 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.P50 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.P40 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.P30 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.P20 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.077.P10 Direct Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.E30 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.E20 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.E10 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.M50 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.M40 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.M30 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.M20 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences SMP.07.078.P50 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.P40 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.P30 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.P20 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.078.P10 Direct Sales: Hospital (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.079.E30 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.E20 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.E10 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.M50 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.M40 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.079.M30 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.079.M20 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.P50 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.P40 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.P30 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.P20 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.079.P10 Channel Sales: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.E30 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.E20 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.E10 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.M50 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.M40 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences SMP.07.080.M30 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.M20 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.P50 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.P40 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.P30 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.P20 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.080.P10 Channel Sales: Pharmacy/Retail (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional
Life Sciences SMP.07.081.E30 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.E20 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.E10 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.M50 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.M40 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.M30 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.M20 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.P50 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.P40 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.P30 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.P20 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.081.P10 Channel Sales: Distributors (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.E30 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences SMP.07.082.E20 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.E10 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.M50 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.M40 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.M30 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.M20 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.P50 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.P40 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.P30 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.082.P20 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) -

Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.082.P10 Medical Representation: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.E30 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.E20 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.E10 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.M50 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.M40 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.M30 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.M20 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.P50 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.P40 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)
Life Sciences SMP.07.083.P30 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.P20 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.083.P10 Medical Representation: General Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.E30 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.E20 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.E10 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.M50 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.M40 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.M30 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.M20 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences SMP.07.084.P50 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.P40 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.P30 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.P20 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.07.084.P10 Medical Representation: Specialty Practitioners & Physicians (Life
Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.E30 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Sub-function Executive 3
Entertainment (E3)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.E20 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Sub-function Executive 2
Entertainment (E2)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.E10 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Sub-function Executive 1
Entertainment (E1)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.M50 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.M40 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.M30 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Manager (M3)
High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.M20 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Team Leader
Entertainment (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.P50 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.P40 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.P30 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.P20 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Experienced Professional
Entertainment (P2)

High Tech,Media & SMP.07.126.P10 Digital Advertising Direct Sales (Media) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.M40 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.M30 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Manager

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.M20 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.P50 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.P40 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.P30 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.P20 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.205.P10 Oil & Gas Technical Products/Services Sales (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.E30 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Sub-function Executive 3

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.E20 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Sub-function Executive 2

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.E10 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Sub-function Executive 1

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.M50 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.M40 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.M30 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.07.207.M20 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Team Leader
SPECIALIZATION) (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P60 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Pre-eminent Professional
Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P50 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P40 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Specialist Professional

Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P30 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P20 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Experienced Professional

Energy & Mining SMP.07.207.P10 Energy Product Sales (Energy & Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.E30 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.E20 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.E10 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.M50 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.M40 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.M30 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.M20 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.M10 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.P50 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.P40 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.P30 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.P20 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.P10 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.S40 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.S30 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.S20 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.001.S10 Telesales (Inbound/Outbound) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.M30 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.M20 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.M10 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.P50 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.P40 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.P30 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.P20 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.P10 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.S40 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.S30 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.S20 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.002.S10 Telesales (Inbound Only) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.M30 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.M20 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.M10 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.P50 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.P40 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.P30 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.P20 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.P10 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.S40 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.S30 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.S20 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.003.S10 Telesales (Outbound Only) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.E30 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.E20 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.E10 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.M50 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.M40 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.M30 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.M20 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.M10 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.P50 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Expert Professional

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.P40 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.P30 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Senior Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.P20 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.P10 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Entry Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.S40 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.S30 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.S20 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.08.011.S10 Remote Account Management/Inside Sales - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.M40 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Senior Manager

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.M30 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry SMP.08.999.M20 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.M10 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.P50 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.P40 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.P30 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.P20 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.P10 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.S40 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.08.999.S30 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SMP.08.999.S20 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry SMP.08.999.S10 Other Remote/Telesales & Account Management - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.E30 Account Management/Key Accounts - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.E20 Account Management/Key Accounts - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.E10 Account Management/Key Accounts - Sub-function Executive 1

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.M50 Account Management/Key Accounts - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.M40 Account Management/Key Accounts - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.M30 Account Management/Key Accounts - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.M20 Account Management/Key Accounts - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.P50 Account Management/Key Accounts - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.P40 Account Management/Key Accounts - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.P30 Account Management/Key Accounts - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.P20 Account Management/Key Accounts - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.09.001.P10 Account Management/Key Accounts - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.09.004.M50 E-Commerce Account Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.09.004.M40 E-Commerce Account Management - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.09.004.M30 E-Commerce Account Management - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SMP.09.004.M20 E-Commerce Account Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SMP.09.004.P50 E-Commerce Account Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.09.004.P40 E-Commerce Account Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.09.004.P30 E-Commerce Account Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.004.P20 E-Commerce Account Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.004.P10 E-Commerce Account Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.E30 Contract Renewals - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.E20 Contract Renewals - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.E10 Contract Renewals - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.M50 Contract Renewals - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.M40 Contract Renewals - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.M30 Contract Renewals - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.M20 Contract Renewals - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.M10 Contract Renewals - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.P50 Contract Renewals - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.P40 Contract Renewals - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.P30 Contract Renewals - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.P20 Contract Renewals - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.P10 Contract Renewals - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.S40 Contract Renewals - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.S30 Contract Renewals - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.S20 Contract Renewals - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.005.S10 Contract Renewals - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.046.M40 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.M30 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.046.M20 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.P50 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.P40 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.P30 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.P20 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.09.046.P10 Stock Transfer Agent Relationship Management - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SMP.09.999.M40 Other Account & Client Management - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry SMP.09.999.M30 Other Account & Client Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.M20 Other Account & Client Management - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry SMP.09.999.M10 Other Account & Client Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.P50 Other Account & Client Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.P40 Other Account & Client Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.P30 Other Account & Client Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.P20 Other Account & Client Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.P10 Other Account & Client Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.S40 Other Account & Client Management - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.S30 Other Account & Client Management - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.S20 Other Account & Client Management - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.09.999.S10 Other Account & Client Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.E30 Sales Training - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.E20 Sales Training - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.E10 Sales Training - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.M50 Sales Training - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.M40 Sales Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.M30 Sales Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.M20 Sales Training - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.P50 Sales Training - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.P40 Sales Training - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.P30 Sales Training - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.P20 Sales Training - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.10.001.P10 Sales Training - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.10.002.M30 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.10.002.M20 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SMP.10.002.P50 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Expert Professional
Cross Industry SMP.10.002.P40 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SMP.10.002.P30 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Senior Professional
Cross Industry SMP.10.002.P20 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SMP.10.002.P10 Contact Center Sales Representative Training - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.E30 General Sales Operations/Administration - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.E20 General Sales Operations/Administration - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.E10 General Sales Operations/Administration - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.M50 General Sales Operations/Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.M40 General Sales Operations/Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.M30 General Sales Operations/Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.M20 General Sales Operations/Administration - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.M10 General Sales Operations/Administration - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.P50 General Sales Operations/Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.P40 General Sales Operations/Administration - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.P30 General Sales Operations/Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.P20 General Sales Operations/Administration - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.P10 General Sales Operations/Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.S40 General Sales Operations/Administration - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.S30 General Sales Operations/Administration - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.S20 General Sales Operations/Administration - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SMP.11.001.S10 General Sales Operations/Administration - Entry Para-Professional


Cross Industry SMP.11.002.E30 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.E20 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.E10 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.M50 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.M40 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry SMP.11.002.M30 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.M20 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.P50 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.P40 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.P30 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.P20 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.002.P10 Sales Effectiveness & Analytics - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.E30 Order Processing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.E20 Order Processing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.E10 Order Processing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.M50 Order Processing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.M40 Order Processing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.M30 Order Processing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.M20 Order Processing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.M10 Order Processing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.P50 Order Processing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.P40 Order Processing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.P30 Order Processing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.P20 Order Processing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.P10 Order Processing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.S40 Order Processing - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.S30 Order Processing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.S20 Order Processing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.004.S10 Order Processing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.E30 Order Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.E20 Order Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.E10 Order Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.M50 Order Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.M40 Order Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.M30 Order Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.M20 Order Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.M10 Order Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.P50 Order Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.P40 Order Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.P30 Order Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.P20 Order Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.P10 Order Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.S30 Order Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.S20 Order Management - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.005.S10 Order Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.E30 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Cross Industry SMP.11.006.E20 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry SMP.11.006.E10 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry SMP.11.006.M50 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.M40 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.M30 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.M20 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.M10 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.P50 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.P40 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry SMP.11.006.P30 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.P20 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.P10 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.S40 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.S30 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.S20 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.006.S10 Contract, Bid, and Proposal Management - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.E30 Proposal Development - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.E20 Proposal Development - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.E10 Proposal Development - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.M50 Proposal Development - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.M40 Proposal Development - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.M30 Proposal Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.M20 Proposal Development - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.P50 Proposal Development - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.P40 Proposal Development - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.P30 Proposal Development - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.P20 Proposal Development - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.010.P10 Proposal Development - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.M50 Sales Enablement - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.M40 Sales Enablement - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.M30 Sales Enablement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.M20 Sales Enablement - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.P50 Sales Enablement - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.P40 Sales Enablement - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.P30 Sales Enablement - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.P20 Sales Enablement - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.011.P10 Sales Enablement - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.E30 Sales Channel Operations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.E20 Sales Channel Operations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.E10 Sales Channel Operations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.M50 Sales Channel Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.M40 Sales Channel Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.M30 Sales Channel Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.M20 Sales Channel Operations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.P50 Sales Channel Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.P40 Sales Channel Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.P30 Sales Channel Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.P20 Sales Channel Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SMP.11.012.P10 Sales Channel Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.E30 Proposal Analysis - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.E20 Proposal Analysis - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.E10 Proposal Analysis - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.M50 Proposal Analysis - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.M40 Proposal Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.M30 Proposal Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.M20 Proposal Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.P50 Proposal Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.P40 Proposal Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.P30 Proposal Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.P20 Proposal Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.015.P10 Proposal Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences SMP.11.009.P50 Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) Analysis (Life
Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences SMP.11.009.P40 Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) Analysis (Life
Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences SMP.11.009.P30 Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) Analysis (Life
Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)
Life Sciences SMP.11.009.P20 Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) Analysis (Life
Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences SMP.11.009.P10 Electronic Territory Management System (ETMS) Analysis (Life
Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.E30 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.E20 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.E10 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.M50 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.M40 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.M30 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.M20 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.P50 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.P40 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.P30 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.P20 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.014.P10 Managed Care Contracts Management (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.M50 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.M40 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.M30 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.M20 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.P50 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.P40 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.P30 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.P20 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SMP.11.013.P10 Drug Sample Management (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Retail, Hospitality SMP.12.001.E30 Franchising Leadership (Hospitality & Retail) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Retail, Hospitality SMP.12.001.E20 Franchising Leadership (Hospitality & Retail) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Retail, Hospitality SMP.12.001.E10 Franchising Leadership (Hospitality & Retail) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Retail, Hospitality SMP.12.001.M50 Franchising Leadership (Hospitality & Retail) - Senior Manager II

Retail SMP.12.002.M40 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

Retail SMP.12.002.M30 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Manager (M3)

Retail SMP.12.002.M20 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Retail SMP.12.002.P50 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Expert Professional


Retail SMP.12.002.P40 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Specialist Professional


Retail SMP.12.002.P30 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Senior Professional


Retail SMP.12.002.P20 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Retail SMP.12.002.P10 Franchise Development Operations (Retail) - Entry Professional

Hospitality SMP.12.004.M40 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Senior Manager

Hospitality SMP.12.004.M30 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Manager (M3)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.M20 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.P50 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Expert

Professional (P5)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.P40 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.P30 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Senior

Professional (P3)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.P20 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Hospitality SMP.12.004.P10 Franchise Development Operations (Hospitality) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E41 Head of Customer Service - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E34 Head of Customer Service - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E32 Head of Customer Service - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E31 Head of Customer Service - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E24 Head of Customer Service - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary


Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E22 Head of Customer Service - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E21 Head of Customer Service - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E14 Head of Customer Service - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.001.E12 Head of Customer Service - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E41 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Global Parent/Corporate


Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E34 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E32 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E31 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E24 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E22 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Regional (Multi-Country)

Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E21 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Country

Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E14 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.01.002.E12 Head of Contact/Call Center Operations - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E41 Head of Contact Center Services - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E34 Head of Contact Center Services - Global Subsidiary (E3)
Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E32 Head of Contact Center Services - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E31 Head of Contact Center Services - Regional (Multi-Country)

Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E24 Head of Contact Center Services - Regional (Multi-Country)

Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E22 Head of Contact Center Services - Regional (Multi-Country)

Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E21 Head of Contact Center Services - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E14 Head of Contact Center Services - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.01.003.E12 Head of Contact Center Services - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.M50 General Customer Service - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.M40 General Customer Service - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.M30 General Customer Service - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.M20 General Customer Service - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.M10 General Customer Service - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.P50 General Customer Service - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.P40 General Customer Service - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.P30 General Customer Service - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.P20 General Customer Service - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.P10 General Customer Service - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.S40 General Customer Service - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.S30 General Customer Service - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.S20 General Customer Service - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X CSV.02.001.S10 General Customer Service - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.002.M40 Contact Center Vendor Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.002.M30 Contact Center Vendor Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.003.M10 Contact Center Service Technician Dispatching - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.003.S30 Contact Center Service Technician Dispatching - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.003.S20 Contact Center Service Technician Dispatching - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.003.S10 Contact Center Service Technician Dispatching - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.004.S40 Cashier - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.004.S30 Cashier - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.004.S20 Cashier - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.004.S10 Cashier - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) CSV.02.008.M30 Winery Customer/Visitor Service Management - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.E30 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.E20 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.E10 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.M50 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.M40 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.M30 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.M20 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences CSV.02.005.P50 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.P40 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.P30 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.P20 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences CSV.02.005.P10 Medical Affairs Call Screening (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.E30 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.E20 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.E10 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.M50 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.M40 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Senior
Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.M30 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.M20 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.027.M10 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.P50 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Expert
Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.P40 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.P30 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Senior
Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.P20 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.P10 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.S40 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.S30 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.S20 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.027.S10 Business Order Administration & Customer Service - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.028.S30 Business Customer Factory Returns - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.028.S20 Business Customer Factory Returns - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry CSV.02.028.S10 Business Customer Factory Returns - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.029.M30 Business Customer Factory Repairs - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.029.M10 Business Customer Factory Repairs - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.E30 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.E20 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.E10 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.M50 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.M40 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Senior Manager

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.M30 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.M20 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.M10 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.P50 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Expert Professional

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.P40 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.P30 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Senior Professional

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.P20 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.P10 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Entry Professional
Cross Industry CSV.02.031.S30 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.S20 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.031.S10 Customer Service Operations: Pre/Post Sales - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.E30 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.E20 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.E10 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.M50 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Senior Manager
II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.M40 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Senior Manager

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.M30 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.M20 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.M10 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.P50 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Expert

Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.P40 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.P30 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.050.P20 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.P10 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.S40 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.S30 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.S20 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.050.S10 Contact Center Customer Service: Non-Technical - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.E30 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.E20 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.E10 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.M50 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.M40 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.M30 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.051.M20 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.M10 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.P50 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Expert Professional
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.P40 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.P30 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Senior Professional
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.P20 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.P10 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Entry Professional
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.S40 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.S30 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.S20 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.051.S10 Contact Center Customer Service: Technical - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.M40 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.M30 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.M20 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.P50 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.P40 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.052.P30 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.052.P20 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.052.P10 Contact Center Customer Service: Complex Issues & Analysis -
Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.053.E30 Online Customer Service - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.E20 Online Customer Service - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.E10 Online Customer Service - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.M50 Online Customer Service - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.M40 Online Customer Service - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.M30 Online Customer Service - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.M20 Online Customer Service - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.M10 Online Customer Service - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.P50 Online Customer Service - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.P40 Online Customer Service - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.P30 Online Customer Service - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.P20 Online Customer Service - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.P10 Online Customer Service - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.S40 Online Customer Service - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.S30 Online Customer Service - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.S20 Online Customer Service - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.053.S10 Online Customer Service - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.054.S40 Written Correspondence Customer Service (Letter/Fax/Email) -

Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry CSV.02.054.S30 Written Correspondence Customer Service (Letter/Fax/Email) -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.054.S20 Written Correspondence Customer Service (Letter/Fax/Email) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.054.S10 Written Correspondence Customer Service (Letter/Fax/Email) -
Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.055.M30 Contact Center Executive Response/Complaint Escalation -
Manager (M3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.055.M10 Contact Center Executive Response/Complaint Escalation - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.055.S30 Contact Center Executive Response/Complaint Escalation - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.02.055.S20 Contact Center Executive Response/Complaint Escalation -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.055.S10 Contact Center Executive Response/Complaint Escalation - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.056.E30 Contact Center Customer Retention - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.E20 Contact Center Customer Retention - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.E10 Contact Center Customer Retention - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.M50 Contact Center Customer Retention - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.M40 Contact Center Customer Retention - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.M30 Contact Center Customer Retention - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.M20 Contact Center Customer Retention - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.M10 Contact Center Customer Retention - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.02.056.P50 Contact Center Customer Retention - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CSV.02.056.P40 Contact Center Customer Retention - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.P30 Contact Center Customer Retention - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.P20 Contact Center Customer Retention - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.P10 Contact Center Customer Retention - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.S40 Contact Center Customer Retention - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry CSV.02.056.S30 Contact Center Customer Retention - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.S20 Contact Center Customer Retention - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.056.S10 Contact Center Customer Retention - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.E30 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Sub-function Executive

3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.E20 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Sub-function Executive

2 (E2)
Cross Industry CSV.02.076.E10 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.M50 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.M40 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.M30 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.M10 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.S40 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.S30 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.S20 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.02.076.S10 Field Technical Service (Non-Engineering) - Entry Para-Professional


Retail CSV.02.096.M30 In-Store Customer Service/Front End Management (Retail) -

Manager (M3)

Retail CSV.02.096.M20 In-Store Customer Service/Front End Management (Retail) - Team

Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Retail CSV.02.097.S30 In-Store Customer Service Desk (Retail) - Senior Para-Professional


Retail CSV.02.097.S20 In-Store Customer Service Desk (Retail) - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Retail CSV.02.097.S10 In-Store Customer Service Desk (Retail) - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E41 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E34 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E32 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E31 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E24 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E22 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E21 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E14 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.001.E12 Head of Customer Relationship Management & Account Activation
Services - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.M50 Customer Relationship Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.M40 Customer Relationship Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.M30 Customer Relationship Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.M20 Customer Relationship Management - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.P50 Customer Relationship Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.P40 Customer Relationship Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.P30 Customer Relationship Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.P20 Customer Relationship Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry X CSV.03.002.P10 Customer Relationship Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.E30 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 3
Cross Industry CSV.03.003.E20 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry CSV.03.003.E10 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry CSV.03.003.M50 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.M40 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.M30 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.M20 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry CSV.03.003.P50 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.P40 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.P30 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.003.P20 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Experienced Professional
Cross Industry CSV.03.003.P10 Customer Service Strategy & Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.E30 Customer Complaint Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.E20 Customer Complaint Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.E10 Customer Complaint Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.M50 Customer Complaint Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.M40 Customer Complaint Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.M30 Customer Complaint Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.M20 Customer Complaint Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.M10 Customer Complaint Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.03.004.P50 Customer Complaint Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.P40 Customer Complaint Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.P30 Customer Complaint Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.P20 Customer Complaint Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.P10 Customer Complaint Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.S40 Customer Complaint Management - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.S30 Customer Complaint Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.S20 Customer Complaint Management - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry CSV.03.004.S10 Customer Complaint Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.E30 Customer Success Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.E20 Customer Success Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.E10 Customer Success Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.M50 Customer Success Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.M40 Customer Success Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.M30 Customer Success Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.M20 Customer Success Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.M10 Customer Success Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.P50 Customer Success Management - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CSV.03.005.P40 Customer Success Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.P30 Customer Success Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.P20 Customer Success Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.P10 Customer Success Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.S40 Customer Success Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.S30 Customer Success Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.005.S20 Customer Success Management - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry CSV.03.005.S10 Customer Success Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.006.E30 Customer Experience Strategy - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.006.E20 Customer Experience Strategy - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.006.E10 Customer Experience Strategy - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.006.M50 Customer Experience Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.M50 Customer Experience Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.M40 Customer Experience Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.M30 Customer Experience Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.M20 Customer Experience Operations - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.M10 Customer Experience Operations - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.03.007.P50 Customer Experience Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.P40 Customer Experience Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.P30 Customer Experience Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.P20 Customer Experience Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.P10 Customer Experience Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.S30 Customer Experience Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.S20 Customer Experience Operations - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry CSV.03.007.S10 Customer Experience Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.E30 Account Opening & Activation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.E20 Account Opening & Activation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.E10 Account Opening & Activation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.M50 Account Opening & Activation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.M40 Account Opening & Activation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.M30 Account Opening & Activation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.M20 Account Opening & Activation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.M10 Account Opening & Activation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.P50 Account Opening & Activation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.P40 Account Opening & Activation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.P30 Account Opening & Activation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.P20 Account Opening & Activation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.P10 Account Opening & Activation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.S40 Account Opening & Activation - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.S30 Account Opening & Activation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.S20 Account Opening & Activation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X CSV.03.024.S10 Account Opening & Activation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.E30 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.E20 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry CSV.03.025.E10 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.M50 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.M40 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.M30 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.M20 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry CSV.03.025.M10 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry CSV.03.025.P50 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.P40 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.P30 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.P20 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.P10 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.S30 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.03.025.S20 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry CSV.03.025.S10 Customer Profile Data Cleansing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.M40 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.M30 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.M20 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.M10 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.P50 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.P40 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.03.999.P30 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.P20 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.P10 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.S40 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.S30 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.S20 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.03.999.S10 Other Customer Relationship Management, Issue Resolution &
Account Activation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X CSV.04.001.M50 Contact Center Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X CSV.04.001.M40 Contact Center Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X CSV.04.001.M30 Contact Center Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.E30 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.E20 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.E10 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry CSV.04.002.M50 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.M40 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.M30 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.M20 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.M10 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.P50 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.P40 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.P30 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.P20 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.P10 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.S40 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Specialist Para-Professional
Cross Industry CSV.04.002.S30 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.002.S20 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry CSV.04.002.S10 Contact Center Traffic & Scheduling - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.003.M30 Contact Center Traffic & Dialing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.004.P50 Contact Center Dialing Platform Administration - Expert

Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CSV.04.004.P40 Contact Center Dialing Platform Administration - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry CSV.04.004.P30 Contact Center Dialing Platform Administration - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry CSV.04.004.P20 Contact Center Dialing Platform Administration - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.04.004.P10 Contact Center Dialing Platform Administration - Entry Professional
Cross Industry CSV.04.005.M40 Contact Center Scheduling - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.M30 Contact Center Scheduling - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.M20 Contact Center Scheduling - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.P50 Contact Center Scheduling - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.P40 Contact Center Scheduling - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.P30 Contact Center Scheduling - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.P20 Contact Center Scheduling - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.005.P10 Contact Center Scheduling - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.006.M30 Contact Center Operational Support - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.E30 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.E20 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.E10 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.M50 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.M40 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.M30 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.M20 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Team

Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.M10 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Team

Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.P50 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.P40 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.P30 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -
Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.P20 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.P10 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.S40 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry CSV.04.007.S30 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.S20 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management -

Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.007.S10 Voice Process Inbound/Outbound Operations Management - Entry

Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.M40 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.M30 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.M20 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry CSV.04.008.P50 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.P40 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.P30 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.P20 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.008.P10 Contact Center Speech Analytics - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.M40 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.M30 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.M20 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry CSV.04.009.P50 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CSV.04.009.P40 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.P30 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.P20 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.009.P10 Contact Center Voice Biometrics - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.E30 Accent Training - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.E20 Accent Training - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.E10 Accent Training - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.M50 Accent Training - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.M40 Accent Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.M30 Accent Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.M20 Accent Training - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.P50 Accent Training - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.P40 Accent Training - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.P30 Accent Training - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.P20 Accent Training - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.028.P10 Accent Training - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.E30 Scriptwriting - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.E20 Scriptwriting - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.E10 Scriptwriting - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.M50 Scriptwriting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.M40 Scriptwriting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.M30 Scriptwriting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.M20 Scriptwriting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.M10 Scriptwriting - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.P50 Scriptwriting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.P40 Scriptwriting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.P30 Scriptwriting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.P20 Scriptwriting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.P10 Scriptwriting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.S30 Scriptwriting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.S20 Scriptwriting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.029.S10 Scriptwriting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.M40 Contact Center Representatives Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.M30 Contact Center Representatives Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.M20 Contact Center Representatives Training - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.P50 Contact Center Representatives Training - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.P40 Contact Center Representatives Training - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry CSV.04.030.P30 Contact Center Representatives Training - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.P20 Contact Center Representatives Training - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry CSV.04.030.P10 Contact Center Representatives Training - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CSV.04.999.M40 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.M30 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.M20 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry CSV.04.999.M10 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry CSV.04.999.P50 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Expert Professional
Cross Industry CSV.04.999.P40 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry CSV.04.999.P30 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Senior Professional

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.P20 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.P10 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Entry Professional

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.S40 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.S30 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.S20 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry CSV.04.999.S10 Other Contact Center Operations & Training - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E41 Head of Quality - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E34 Head of Quality - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E32 Head of Quality - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E31 Head of Quality - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E24 Head of Quality - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E22 Head of Quality - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E21 Head of Quality - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E14 Head of Quality - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.01.001.E12 Head of Quality - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.E30 Business Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.E20 Business Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.E10 Business Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.M50 Business Process Quality - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.M40 Business Process Quality - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.M30 Business Process Quality - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.M20 Business Process Quality - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.P50 Business Process Quality - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.P40 Business Process Quality - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.P30 Business Process Quality - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.P20 Business Process Quality - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X QLT.02.001.P10 Business Process Quality - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.E30 IT Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.E20 IT Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.E10 IT Process Quality - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.M50 IT Process Quality - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.M40 IT Process Quality - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.M30 IT Process Quality - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.M20 IT Process Quality - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.P50 IT Process Quality - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.P40 IT Process Quality - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.P30 IT Process Quality - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.P20 IT Process Quality - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.002.P10 IT Process Quality - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.E30 IT Vendor Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.E20 IT Vendor Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.E10 IT Vendor Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.M50 IT Vendor Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.M40 IT Vendor Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.M30 IT Vendor Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.M20 IT Vendor Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.P50 IT Vendor Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.P40 IT Vendor Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.P30 IT Vendor Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.P20 IT Vendor Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.003.P10 IT Vendor Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.M40 Data Quality Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.M30 Data Quality Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.M20 Data Quality Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.P50 Data Quality Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.P40 Data Quality Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.P30 Data Quality Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.P20 Data Quality Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.004.P10 Data Quality Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.M40 IT Service Performance Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.M30 IT Service Performance Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.M20 IT Service Performance Management - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry QLT.02.006.P50 IT Service Performance Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.P40 IT Service Performance Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.P30 IT Service Performance Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.P20 IT Service Performance Management - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry QLT.02.006.P10 IT Service Performance Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.M50 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.M40 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.M30 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.M20 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.P50 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.P40 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.P30 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.P20 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.007.P10 Outsourcing Vendor Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.M50 Quality Assurance Documentation - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.M40 Quality Assurance Documentation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.M30 Quality Assurance Documentation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.M20 Quality Assurance Documentation - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.P50 Quality Assurance Documentation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.P40 Quality Assurance Documentation - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.P30 Quality Assurance Documentation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.P20 Quality Assurance Documentation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.017.P10 Quality Assurance Documentation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.M50 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.M40 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.M30 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.M20 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.P50 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.P40 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.P30 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.P20 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.018.P10 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.013.P50 Agile Coach - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.013.P40 Agile Coach - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.013.P30 Agile Coach - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.013.P20 Agile Coach - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.02.013.P10 Agile Coach - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.E30 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.E20 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.E10 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.M50 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry QLT.02.025.M40 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.M30 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.M20 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry QLT.02.025.M10 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry QLT.02.025.P50 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.P40 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.P30 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.P20 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.P10 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.S30 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.025.S20 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)
Cross Industry QLT.02.025.S10 Customer Service Quality Assurance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Financial Services QLT.02.026.M40 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Financial Services QLT.02.026.M30 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Manager
Financial Services QLT.02.026.M20 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Financial Services QLT.02.026.P50 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Financial Services QLT.02.026.P40 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Financial Services QLT.02.026.P30 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Financial Services QLT.02.026.P20 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Financial Services QLT.02.026.P10 Debt Collection Quality Assurance (Financial Services) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.M40 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.M30 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.M20 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.M10 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.P50 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.P40 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry QLT.02.999.P30 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.P20 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.P10 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.02.999.S40 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry QLT.02.999.S30 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry QLT.02.999.S20 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry QLT.02.999.S10 Other Business Process/Service Quality - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.E30 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.E20 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.E10 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.M50 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.M40 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.M30 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.M20 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.M10 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.P50 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.P40 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.P30 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.P20 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.P10 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.S40 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.S30 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.S20 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry X QLT.03.001.S10 Manufacturing Quality Assurance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.E30 Manufacturing Quality Control - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.E20 Manufacturing Quality Control - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.E10 Manufacturing Quality Control - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.M50 Manufacturing Quality Control - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.M40 Manufacturing Quality Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.M30 Manufacturing Quality Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.M20 Manufacturing Quality Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.M10 Manufacturing Quality Control - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.P50 Manufacturing Quality Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.P40 Manufacturing Quality Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.P30 Manufacturing Quality Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.P20 Manufacturing Quality Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.P10 Manufacturing Quality Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.S40 Manufacturing Quality Control - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.S30 Manufacturing Quality Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.S20 Manufacturing Quality Control - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.002.S10 Manufacturing Quality Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.E30 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.E20 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Sub-function Executive 2
Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.E10 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.M50 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.M40 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.M30 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.M20 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.P50 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.P40 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.P30 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.P20 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry X QLT.03.003.P10 Manufacturing Quality Improvement - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.004.E30 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.E20 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.E10 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.M50 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.M40 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Senior
Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.004.M30 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.M20 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.004.P50 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Expert

Professional (P5)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.P40 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.P30 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.P20 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry QLT.03.004.P10 Manufacturing Process Definition & Improvement - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.009.S40 Tool & Gauge Inspection - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.009.S30 Tool & Gauge Inspection - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.009.S20 Tool & Gauge Inspection - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.009.S10 Tool & Gauge Inspection - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.E30 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Sub-function Executive 3

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.E20 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Sub-function Executive 2
Life Sciences QLT.03.005.E10 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Sub-function Executive 1
Life Sciences QLT.03.005.M50 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.M40 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.M30 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.M20 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences QLT.03.005.P50 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.P40 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences QLT.03.005.P30 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Senior Professional (P3)
Life Sciences QLT.03.005.P20 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Experienced Professional
Life Sciences QLT.03.005.P10 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.E30 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.E20 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.E10 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.M50 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.M40 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.M30 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.M20 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Team Leader (Professionals)
High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.P50 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.P40 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.P30 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.P20 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.006.P10 Manufacturing Quality: Validation - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.007.M10 Manufacturing Quality: Validation Support - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.007.S40 Manufacturing Quality: Validation Support - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.007.S30 Manufacturing Quality: Validation Support - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.007.S20 Manufacturing Quality: Validation Support - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
High Tech,Life Sciences QLT.03.007.S10 Manufacturing Quality: Validation Support - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.E30 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.E20 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.E10 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.M50 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.M40 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences QLT.03.008.M30 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences QLT.03.008.M20 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.P50 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.P40 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.P30 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.P20 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences QLT.03.008.P10 Good Clinical Practices (GCP) (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.E30 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.E20 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.E10 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.M50 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.M40 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.M30 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.M20 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.M10 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.P50 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.P40 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.P30 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.P20 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.P10 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.S40 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.S30 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.S20 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X QLT.03.028.S10 Product Quality Assurance/Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.M40 Product Quality Assurance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.M30 Product Quality Assurance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.M20 Product Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.M10 Product Quality Assurance - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.P50 Product Quality Assurance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.P40 Product Quality Assurance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.P30 Product Quality Assurance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.P20 Product Quality Assurance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.P10 Product Quality Assurance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.S40 Product Quality Assurance - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.S30 Product Quality Assurance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.S20 Product Quality Assurance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.029.S10 Product Quality Assurance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.03.030.M50 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry QLT.03.030.M40 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.M30 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.M20 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry QLT.03.030.M10 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.P50 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.P40 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.P30 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.P20 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.P10 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.S40 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry QLT.03.030.S30 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.S20 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry QLT.03.030.S10 Product Quality Control/Inspection - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.031.E30 Head of Product Integrity - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.031.E20 Head of Product Integrity - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.031.E10 Head of Product Integrity - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.031.M50 Head of Product Integrity - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.M40 Product Integrity: Color - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.M30 Product Integrity: Color - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.M20 Product Integrity: Color - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.M10 Product Integrity: Color - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.P50 Product Integrity: Color - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.P40 Product Integrity: Color - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.P30 Product Integrity: Color - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.P20 Product Integrity: Color - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.P10 Product Integrity: Color - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.S40 Product Integrity: Color - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.S30 Product Integrity: Color - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.S20 Product Integrity: Color - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.032.S10 Product Integrity: Color - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.M40 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.M30 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.M20 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.P50 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.P40 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.P30 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.P20 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.033.P10 Product Integrity: Wet Processing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.M40 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.M30 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.M20 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry QLT.03.034.M10 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry QLT.03.034.P50 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry QLT.03.034.P40 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.P30 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.P20 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.P10 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.S30 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.034.S20 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Experienced Para-Professional
Cross Industry QLT.03.034.S10 Product Integrity: Fitting & Pattern - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.M40 Product Integrity: Fitting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.M30 Product Integrity: Fitting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.M20 Product Integrity: Fitting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.P50 Product Integrity: Fitting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.P40 Product Integrity: Fitting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.P30 Product Integrity: Fitting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.P20 Product Integrity: Fitting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.035.P10 Product Integrity: Fitting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.M40 Product Integrity: Pattern - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.M30 Product Integrity: Pattern - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.M20 Product Integrity: Pattern - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.P50 Product Integrity: Pattern - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.P40 Product Integrity: Pattern - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.P30 Product Integrity: Pattern - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.P20 Product Integrity: Pattern - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.036.P10 Product Integrity: Pattern - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.M40 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.M30 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.M20 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.P50 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.P40 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.P30 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.P20 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.037.P10 Product Integrity: Product Safety - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.M50 Product Complaint Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.M40 Product Complaint Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.M30 Product Complaint Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.M20 Product Complaint Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.P50 Product Complaint Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.P40 Product Complaint Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.P30 Product Complaint Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.P20 Product Complaint Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.039.P10 Product Complaint Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.M50 Product Serialization & Security - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.M40 Product Serialization & Security - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.M30 Product Serialization & Security - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.M20 Product Serialization & Security - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.P50 Product Serialization & Security - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.P40 Product Serialization & Security - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.P30 Product Serialization & Security - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.P20 Product Serialization & Security - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.040.P10 Product Serialization & Security - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.M40 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.M30 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.M20 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.P50 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.P40 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.P30 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.P20 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.041.P10 Product Sterilization/Sanitation - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.042.S40 Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.042.S30 Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Technician - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.042.S20 Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.042.S10 Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Technician - Entry Para-Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.M40 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.M30 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.M20 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.P50 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.P40 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.P30 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.P20 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.047.P10 Stability Assessment Analysis (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.M30 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.M20 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.P50 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.P40 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.P30 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.P20 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.03.048.P10 Deviation Management (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.M40 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.M30 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.M20 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.M10 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.P50 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.P40 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.P30 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.P20 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry QLT.03.999.P10 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.S40 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry QLT.03.999.S30 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry QLT.03.999.S20 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry QLT.03.999.S10 Other Manufacturing/Product Quality - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.E30 Supplier Quality Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.E20 Supplier Quality Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.E10 Supplier Quality Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.M50 Supplier Quality Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.M40 Supplier Quality Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.M30 Supplier Quality Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.M20 Supplier Quality Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.P50 Supplier Quality Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.P40 Supplier Quality Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.P30 Supplier Quality Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.P20 Supplier Quality Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X QLT.04.001.P10 Supplier Quality Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.04.003.E30 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Sub-function
SPECIALIZATION) Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.04.003.E20 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Sub-function
SPECIALIZATION) Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.04.003.E10 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Sub-function
SPECIALIZATION) Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.04.003.M50 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.M40 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Senior Manager
Cross Industry QLT.04.003.M30 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.M20 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.P50 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Expert Professional

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.P40 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.P30 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Senior Professional

Cross Industry QLT.04.003.P20 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry QLT.04.003.P10 Contract Manufacturing Compliance & Quality - Entry Professional

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.M50 Collections Vendor Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.M40 Collections Vendor Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.M30 Collections Vendor Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.M20 Collections Vendor Management - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry QLT.04.005.P50 Collections Vendor Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.P40 Collections Vendor Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.P30 Collections Vendor Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.P20 Collections Vendor Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.04.005.P10 Collections Vendor Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.04.006.S40 Purchased Parts/Materials Inspection - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.04.006.S30 Purchased Parts/Materials Inspection - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.04.006.S20 Purchased Parts/Materials Inspection - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) QLT.04.006.S10 Purchased Parts/Materials Inspection - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.E30 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.E20 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.E10 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.M50 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Senior

Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.M40 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Senior

Manager (M4)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.M30 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.M20 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.M10 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING QLT.05.010.P60 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Pre-eminent
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (P6)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.P50 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.P40 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.P30 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.P20 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.P10 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.S30 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.S20 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Experienced

Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry QLT.05.010.S10 General Business Quality Assurance/Improvement - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E41 Head of Supply Chain - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E34 Head of Supply Chain - Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E32 Head of Supply Chain - Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E31 Head of Supply Chain - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate


Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E24 Head of Supply Chain - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E22 Head of Supply Chain - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E21 Head of Supply Chain - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E14 Head of Supply Chain - Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.01.001.E12 Head of Supply Chain - Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.M50 General Supply Chain Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.M40 General Supply Chain Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.M30 General Supply Chain Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.M20 General Supply Chain Operations - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.M10 General Supply Chain Operations - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P60 General Supply Chain Operations - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P50 General Supply Chain Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P40 General Supply Chain Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P30 General Supply Chain Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P20 General Supply Chain Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.P10 General Supply Chain Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.S40 General Supply Chain Operations - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.S30 General Supply Chain Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.S20 General Supply Chain Operations - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry X SCN.02.001.S10 General Supply Chain Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.E30 Supply Chain Planning - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.E20 Supply Chain Planning - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.E10 Supply Chain Planning - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.M50 Supply Chain Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.M40 Supply Chain Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.M30 Supply Chain Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.M20 Supply Chain Planning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.P50 Supply Chain Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.P40 Supply Chain Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.P30 Supply Chain Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.P20 Supply Chain Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.02.002.P10 Supply Chain Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.02.004.M40 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.M30 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.02.004.M20 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.P50 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Expert Professional
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.P40 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.P30 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Senior Professional
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.P20 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SCN.02.004.P10 Customer Inventory Planning & Management - Entry Professional
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.M50 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.M40 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.M30 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.M20 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.P50 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.P40 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.P30 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.P20 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.02.008.P10 Supply Chain Solutions Consulting - Entry Professional (P1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.E30 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.E20 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.E10 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.M50 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.M40 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.M30 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.M20 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.P50 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.P40 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.P30 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.P20 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.02.009.P10 Clinical Supply Chain Planning (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.M40 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.M30 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.M20 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.M10 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.P50 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Expert Professional
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.P40 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.P30 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Senior Professional

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.P20 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.P10 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.S40 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.02.999.S30 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.S20 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry SCN.02.999.S10 Other Supply Chain Planning & Operations - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.E30 Procurement - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.E20 Procurement - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.E10 Procurement - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.M50 Procurement - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.M40 Procurement - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.M30 Procurement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.M20 Procurement - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.M10 Procurement - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P60 Procurement - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P50 Procurement - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P40 Procurement - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P30 Procurement - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P20 Procurement - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.P10 Procurement - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.S40 Procurement - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.S30 Procurement - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.S20 Procurement - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.001.S10 Procurement - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.E30 Procurement Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.E20 Procurement Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.E10 Procurement Business Partners - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.M50 Procurement Business Partners - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.M40 Procurement Business Partners - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.M30 Procurement Business Partners - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.M20 Procurement Business Partners - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.P50 Procurement Business Partners - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.P40 Procurement Business Partners - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.P30 Procurement Business Partners - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.P20 Procurement Business Partners - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.002.P10 Procurement Business Partners - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.M40 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.M30 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.M20 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.P50 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.P40 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.P30 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.P20 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.019.P10 Procurement/Sourcing Systems - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.006.M50 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.M40 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.006.M30 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.006.M20 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.P50 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Expert Professional
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.P40 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.P30 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Senior Professional
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.P20 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.006.P10 Procurement Contract & Bid Administration - Entry Professional
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.M50 Subcontract Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.M40 Subcontract Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.M30 Subcontract Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.M20 Subcontract Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.P50 Subcontract Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.P40 Subcontract Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.P30 Subcontract Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.P20 Subcontract Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.020.P10 Subcontract Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.M50 Vendor Warranty Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.M40 Vendor Warranty Administration - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.M30 Vendor Warranty Administration - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.M20 Vendor Warranty Administration - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.P50 Vendor Warranty Administration - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.P40 Vendor Warranty Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.P30 Vendor Warranty Administration - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.P20 Vendor Warranty Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.021.P10 Vendor Warranty Administration - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.015.P50 Procurement Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.015.P40 Procurement Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.015.P30 Procurement Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.015.P20 Procurement Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.015.P10 Procurement Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.023.P50 Purchasing Price Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.023.P40 Purchasing Price Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.023.P30 Purchasing Price Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.023.P20 Purchasing Price Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.023.P10 Purchasing Price Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.M50 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.M40 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.M30 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.M20 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.022.M10 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P60 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Pre-eminent Professional

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P50 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P40 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P30 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P20 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry SCN.03.022.P10 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.S40 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry SCN.03.022.S30 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Senior Para-Professional

Cross Industry SCN.03.022.S20 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.022.S10 Intellectual Property (IP) Procurement - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry SCN.03.003.E30 Strategic Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.E20 Strategic Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.E10 Strategic Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.M50 Strategic Sourcing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.M40 Strategic Sourcing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.M30 Strategic Sourcing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.M20 Strategic Sourcing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.P50 Strategic Sourcing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.P40 Strategic Sourcing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.P30 Strategic Sourcing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.P20 Strategic Sourcing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.003.P10 Strategic Sourcing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.E30 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.E20 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.E10 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.M50 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.M40 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.M30 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.M20 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.P50 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SCN.03.013.P40 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.P30 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.P20 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.013.P10 Responsible/Sustainable Sourcing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.M40 Materials Sourcing - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.M30 Materials Sourcing - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.M20 Materials Sourcing - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.P50 Materials Sourcing - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.P40 Materials Sourcing - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.P30 Materials Sourcing - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.P20 Materials Sourcing - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.017.P10 Materials Sourcing - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E41 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Global
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E34 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Global
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E32 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Global
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E31 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Regional
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E24 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Regional
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E22 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Regional
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E21 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Country
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E14 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Country
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.024.E12 Head of Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Country
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.E30 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.E20 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.E10 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.M50 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.M40 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Senior Manager
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.M30 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.M20 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.M10 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.P50 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Expert Professional
Cross Industry SCN.03.018.P40 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.P30 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Senior Professional

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.P20 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.P10 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Entry Professional

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.S40 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.S30 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.S20 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.018.S10 Merchandise Sourcing & External Production - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.025.E30 Head of Offshore Production & Import Coordination - Sub-function
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.025.E20 Head of Offshore Production & Import Coordination - Sub-function
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.025.E10 Head of Offshore Production & Import Coordination - Sub-function
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.03.025.M50 Head of Offshore Production & Import Coordination - Senior
Cross Industry SCN.03.005.E30 Supplier Relationship Management - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.E20 Supplier Relationship Management - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.E10 Supplier Relationship Management - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.M50 Supplier Relationship Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.M40 Supplier Relationship Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.M30 Supplier Relationship Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.M20 Supplier Relationship Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.P50 Supplier Relationship Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.P40 Supplier Relationship Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.P30 Supplier Relationship Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.P20 Supplier Relationship Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.005.P10 Supplier Relationship Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.03.009.M50 Procurement Vendor Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SCN.03.009.M40 Procurement Vendor Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.M30 Procurement Vendor Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.M20 Procurement Vendor Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.P50 Procurement Vendor Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.P40 Procurement Vendor Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.P30 Procurement Vendor Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.P20 Procurement Vendor Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.009.P10 Procurement Vendor Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.M50 Supplier Diversity - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.M40 Supplier Diversity - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.M30 Supplier Diversity - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.M20 Supplier Diversity - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.P50 Supplier Diversity - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.P40 Supplier Diversity - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.P30 Supplier Diversity - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.P20 Supplier Diversity - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.026.P10 Supplier Diversity - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.E30 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.E20 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.E10 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.M50 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Senior Manager
II (M5)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.M40 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.M30 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.M20 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.M10 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.P50 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Expert
Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.P40 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.P30 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.P20 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.P10 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.S40 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.S30 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.S20 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.030.S10 Materials Procurement & Inventory Management - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.M50 Materials Planning & Control - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.M40 Materials Planning & Control - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.M30 Materials Planning & Control - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.M20 Materials Planning & Control - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.M10 Materials Planning & Control - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.P50 Materials Planning & Control - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.P40 Materials Planning & Control - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.P30 Materials Planning & Control - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.P20 Materials Planning & Control - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.P10 Materials Planning & Control - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.S40 Materials Planning & Control - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.S30 Materials Planning & Control - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.S20 Materials Planning & Control - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SCN.03.029.S10 Materials Planning & Control - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.M50 Material Requirements Planning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.M40 Material Requirements Planning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.M30 Material Requirements Planning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.M20 Material Requirements Planning - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.P50 Material Requirements Planning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.P40 Material Requirements Planning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.P30 Material Requirements Planning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.P20 Material Requirements Planning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) SCN.03.035.P10 Material Requirements Planning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.M40 Materials Forecasting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.M30 Materials Forecasting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.M20 Materials Forecasting - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.P50 Materials Forecasting - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.P40 Materials Forecasting - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.P30 Materials Forecasting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.P20 Materials Forecasting - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.031.P10 Materials Forecasting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.054.E30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.E20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.E10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.M50 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.M40 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.M30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Manager (M3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.M20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.P50 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.P40 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.P30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.P20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.054.P10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Demand Analysis & Planning - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.E30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.E20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.E10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.M50 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.M40 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.M30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.M20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.055.M10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.P50 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.P40 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.P30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.P20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.P10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.S40 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.S30 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.S20 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry SCN.03.055.S10 Manufacturing Finished Goods Inventory Planning & Control - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry SCN.03.007.M50 IT Procurement - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.M40 IT Procurement - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.M30 IT Procurement - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.M20 IT Procurement - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.P50 IT Procurement - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.P40 IT Procurement - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.P30 IT Procurement - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.P20 IT Procurement - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.007.P10 IT Procurement - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.M40 IT Asset Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.M30 IT Asset Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.M20 IT Asset Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.M10 IT Asset Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.P50 IT Asset Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.P40 IT Asset Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.P30 IT Asset Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.P20 IT Asset Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.P10 IT Asset Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.S40 IT Asset Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.S30 IT Asset Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.S20 IT Asset Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.03.008.S10 IT Asset Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.M40 Buyer (Retail) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.M30 Buyer (Retail) - Manager (M3)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.M20 Buyer (Retail) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.P50 Buyer (Retail) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.P40 Buyer (Retail) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.P30 Buyer (Retail) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.P20 Buyer (Retail) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech,Retail SCN.03.010.P10 Buyer (Retail) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.M40 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.M30 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Manager (M3)
Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.M20 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.P50 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.P40 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.P30 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.P20 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Experienced Professional
Energy & Mining SCN.03.014.P10 Gas Procurement (Utilities & Power) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.E30 General Logistics Operations - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.E20 General Logistics Operations - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.E10 General Logistics Operations - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.M50 General Logistics Operations - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.M40 General Logistics Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.M30 General Logistics Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.M20 General Logistics Operations - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.M10 General Logistics Operations - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.P50 General Logistics Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.P40 General Logistics Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.P30 General Logistics Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.P20 General Logistics Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.P10 General Logistics Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.S40 General Logistics Operations - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.S30 General Logistics Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.S20 General Logistics Operations - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SCN.04.001.S10 General Logistics Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.E30 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.E20 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.E10 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.M50 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.M40 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.M30 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.M20 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.M10 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.P50 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.P40 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.P30 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.P20 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.P10 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.S40 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry SCN.04.002.S30 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.S20 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry SCN.04.002.S10 Logistics Planning & Optimization - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.M40 Supplier Managed Inventory - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.M30 Supplier Managed Inventory - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.M20 Supplier Managed Inventory - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.P50 Supplier Managed Inventory - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.P40 Supplier Managed Inventory - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.P30 Supplier Managed Inventory - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.P20 Supplier Managed Inventory - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.003.P10 Supplier Managed Inventory - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.M40 Logistics Documentation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.M30 Logistics Documentation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.M20 Logistics Documentation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.M10 Logistics Documentation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.P50 Logistics Documentation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.P40 Logistics Documentation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.P30 Logistics Documentation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.P20 Logistics Documentation - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.P10 Logistics Documentation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.S30 Logistics Documentation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.S20 Logistics Documentation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.007.S10 Logistics Documentation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.M50 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.M40 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.M30 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.M20 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.P50 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.P40 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.P30 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.P20 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.04.008.P10 Spares/Parts Provisioning - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.05.002.M50 Distribution Center & Warehouse Management - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry SCN.05.002.M40 Distribution Center & Warehouse Management - Senior Manager
Cross Industry SCN.05.002.M30 Distribution Center & Warehouse Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.05.002.M20 Distribution Center & Warehouse Management - Team Leader
SPECIALIZATION) (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.05.002.M10 Distribution Center & Warehouse Management - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SCN.05.001.M50 Warehouse Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.001.M40 Warehouse Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.001.M30 Warehouse Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.001.M20 Warehouse Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.001.M10 Warehouse Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.05.003.M50 Distribution Center Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SCN.05.003.M40 Distribution Center Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.003.M30 Distribution Center Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.003.M20 Distribution Center Management - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.05.003.M10 Distribution Center Management - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.05.004.M30 Inbound Operations Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.005.M30 Outbound Operations Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.027.P50 General Warehouse Operations - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.027.P40 General Warehouse Operations - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.027.P30 General Warehouse Operations - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.027.P20 General Warehouse Operations - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.027.P10 General Warehouse Operations - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.E30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.E20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.E10 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Sub-
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.M50 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Senior
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.M40 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Senior

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.M30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Manager
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.M20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Team
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.P50 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Expert
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.P40 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Specialist
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.P30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Senior
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.P20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization -
SPECIALIZATION MOVED (NEW Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.026.P10 Warehouse/Distribution Center Design & Optimization - Entry
Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.M40 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.M30 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.M10 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.S40 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.S30 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.S20 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Experienced Para-Professional


Cross Industry X SCN.05.029.S10 Warehouse Shipping & Receiving - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X SCN.05.030.M10 Materials Handling - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.030.S40 Materials Handling - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.030.S30 Materials Handling - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.030.S20 Materials Handling - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SCN.05.030.S10 Materials Handling - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.M40 Shipping Documentation - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.M30 Shipping Documentation - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.M20 Shipping Documentation - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.M10 Shipping Documentation - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.P50 Shipping Documentation - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.P40 Shipping Documentation - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.P30 Shipping Documentation - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.P20 Shipping Documentation - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.P10 Shipping Documentation - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.S30 Shipping Documentation - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.S20 Shipping Documentation - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.036.S10 Shipping Documentation - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry SCN.05.033.S40 Forklift Operations - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.033.S30 Forklift Operations - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.033.S20 Forklift Operations - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.033.S10 Forklift Operations - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.05.034.S30 Yard Truck Switching/Spotting - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.034.S20 Yard Truck Switching/Spotting - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.034.S10 Yard Truck Switching/Spotting - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.05.035.S30 Returns Processing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.035.S20 Returns Processing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.035.S10 Returns Processing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

High Tech SCN.05.102.M50 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Senior Manager II

High Tech SCN.05.102.M40 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Senior Manager

High Tech SCN.05.102.M30 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech SCN.05.102.M20 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech SCN.05.102.P50 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Expert

Professional (P5)

High Tech SCN.05.102.P40 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

High Tech SCN.05.102.P30 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Senior

Professional (P3)

High Tech SCN.05.102.P20 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Experienced

Professional (P2)
High Tech SCN.05.102.P10 Game Release/Channel Distribution (High Tech) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.040.E30 Head of Distribution - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.040.E20 Head of Distribution - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.040.E10 Head of Distribution - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.040.M50 Head of Distribution - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.041.M50 Head of Distribution Strategy - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.M40 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.M30 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.M20 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Team Leader
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.P50 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.P40 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.P30 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.P20 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Experienced
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.042.P10 Distribution Operations Systems Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.M40 Distribution Operations Analysis - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.M30 Distribution Operations Analysis - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.M20 Distribution Operations Analysis - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry SCN.05.028.P50 Distribution Operations Analysis - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.P40 Distribution Operations Analysis - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.P30 Distribution Operations Analysis - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.P20 Distribution Operations Analysis - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.028.P10 Distribution Operations Analysis - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.050.E30 Head of Order Fulfillment - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.050.E20 Head of Order Fulfillment - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.050.E10 Head of Order Fulfillment - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); SCN.05.050.M50 Head of Order Fulfillment - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SCN.05.031.S40 Warehouse/Distribution Center Order Support - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.031.S30 Warehouse/Distribution Center Order Support - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.031.S20 Warehouse/Distribution Center Order Support - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.031.S10 Warehouse/Distribution Center Order Support - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.05.032.M10 Order Filling: Picking & Packing - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry SCN.05.032.S40 Order Filling: Picking & Packing - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.05.032.S30 Order Filling: Picking & Packing - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.05.032.S20 Order Filling: Picking & Packing - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.05.032.S10 Order Filling: Picking & Packing - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Logistics & SCN.05.007.M30 E-Commerce Fulfillment Center Management (Retail & Logistics) -
Transportation,Retail Manager (M3)
Energy & Mining SCN.05.069.S40 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.069.S30 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.069.S20 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.069.S10 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.070.M40 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations Management (Oil & Gas)
- Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.070.M30 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations Management (Oil & Gas)
- Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.070.M10 Product Terminal/Distribution Operations Management (Oil & Gas)
- Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining SCN.05.072.P50 Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.072.P40 Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.072.P30 Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining SCN.05.072.P20 Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional

Energy & Mining SCN.05.072.P10 Gas Transportation Control (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.M50 Import/Export Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.M40 Import/Export Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.M30 Import/Export Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.M20 Import/Export Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.M10 Import/Export Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.P50 Import/Export Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.P40 Import/Export Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.P30 Import/Export Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.P20 Import/Export Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.P10 Import/Export Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.S40 Import/Export Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.S30 Import/Export Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.S20 Import/Export Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X SCN.06.001.S10 Import/Export Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.M40 Customs Clearance - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.M30 Customs Clearance - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.M20 Customs Clearance - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.M10 Customs Clearance - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.P50 Customs Clearance - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.P40 Customs Clearance - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.P30 Customs Clearance - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.P20 Customs Clearance - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.P10 Customs Clearance - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.S40 Customs Clearance - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.S30 Customs Clearance - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.S20 Customs Clearance - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.002.S10 Customs Clearance - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.M50 Import Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry SCN.06.003.M40 Import Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.003.M30 Import Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.M20 Import Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry SCN.06.003.M10 Import Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.P50 Import Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.P40 Import Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.P30 Import Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.P20 Import Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.P10 Import Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.003.S40 Import Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.003.S30 Import Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.003.S20 Import Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.003.S10 Import Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.M50 Export Administration - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry SCN.06.004.M40 Export Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.004.M30 Export Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.M20 Export Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.004.M10 Export Administration - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.P50 Export Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.P40 Export Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.P30 Export Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.P20 Export Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.P10 Export Administration - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING SCN.06.004.S40 Export Administration - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry SCN.06.004.S30 Export Administration - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry SCN.06.004.S20 Export Administration - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.004.S10 Export Administration - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.M40 Free Trade Zone Administration - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.M30 Free Trade Zone Administration - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.M20 Free Trade Zone Administration - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.P50 Free Trade Zone Administration - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.P40 Free Trade Zone Administration - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.P30 Free Trade Zone Administration - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.P20 Free Trade Zone Administration - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.005.P10 Free Trade Zone Administration - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.M40 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.M30 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.M20 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.M10 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry SCN.06.999.P50 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Expert Professional

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.P40 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.P30 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Senior Professional

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.P20 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.P10 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Entry Professional

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.S40 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.S30 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.S20 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry SCN.06.999.S10 Other Import/Export & Customs Operations - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E41 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E34 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E32 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E31 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E24 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E22 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -
Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E21 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E14 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Country Subsidiary (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.01.001.E12 Head of Manufacturing R&D/Technical Product Development -

Country Division(s) (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E41 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Global

Parent/Corporate (E4)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E34 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Global Subsidiary

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E32 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Global Division(s)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E31 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E24 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E22 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Regional (Multi-
Country) Division(s) (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E21 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Country

Parent/Corporate (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E14 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Country Subsidiary

Life Sciences ENS.01.002.E12 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D (Life Sciences) - Country

Division(s) (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E41 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Global Parent/Corporate (E4)
Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E34 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -
Global Subsidiary (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E32 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Global Division(s) (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E31 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E24 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E22 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E21 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E14 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Country Subsidiary (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.01.003.E12 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Pre-Clinical (Life Sciences) -

Country Division(s) (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E41 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Global
Parent/Corporate (E4)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E34 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Global
Subsidiary (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E32 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Global
Division(s) (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E31 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E24 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E22 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Regional
(Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E21 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Country
Parent/Corporate (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E14 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Country
Subsidiary (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.01.004.E12 Head of Biopharmaceutical R&D: Clinical (Life Sciences) - Country
Division(s) (E1)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E41 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E34 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Global Subsidiary (E3)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E32 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Global Division(s) (E3)
High Tech ENS.01.005.E31 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -
Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E24 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E22 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E21 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E14 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Country Subsidiary (E1)

High Tech ENS.01.005.E12 Head of Technical Product Development (Telecommunications) -

Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.E30 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.E20 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.E10 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.M50 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.M40 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Senior Manager


Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.M30 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.M20 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P60 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P50 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P40 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P30 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P20 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.001.P10 Manufacturing Technical Product Development - Entry Professional


Cross Industry ENS.02.002.E30 New Product Implementation Engineering - Sub-function Executive

3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.E20 New Product Implementation Engineering - Sub-function Executive

2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.02.002.E10 New Product Implementation Engineering - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.M50 New Product Implementation Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.M40 New Product Implementation Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.M30 New Product Implementation Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.M20 New Product Implementation Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P60 New Product Implementation Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P50 New Product Implementation Engineering - Expert Professional


Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P40 New Product Implementation Engineering - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P30 New Product Implementation Engineering - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P20 New Product Implementation Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.02.002.P10 New Product Implementation Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.E30 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.E20 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.E10 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.M50 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.M40 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.M30 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.M20 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.P50 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.P40 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.P30 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.P20 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.003.P10 Pilot Plant Biological Manufacturing (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.02.019.E30 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3

High Tech ENS.02.019.E20 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2

High Tech ENS.02.019.E10 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1

High Tech ENS.02.019.M50 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)
High Tech ENS.02.019.M40 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.02.019.M30 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.02.019.M20 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.02.019.P60 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional

High Tech ENS.02.019.P50 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.02.019.P40 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.02.019.P30 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.02.019.P20 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

High Tech ENS.02.019.P10 Artificial Intelligence R&D (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.02.020.M50 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.02.020.M40 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.02.020.M30 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.02.020.M20 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.02.020.P60 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
High Tech ENS.02.020.P50 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.02.020.P40 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.02.020.P30 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.02.020.P20 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.02.020.P10 Cyber Research (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.E30 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.E20 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.E10 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.M50 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.M40 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.M30 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.M20 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P60 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P50 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)
Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P40 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P30 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P20 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.021.P10 Computer Vision R&D (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.E30 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.E20 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.E10 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.M50 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.M40 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.M30 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.M20 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P60 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P50 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P40 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)
Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P30 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P20 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.022.P10 Machine Learning R&D (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.E30 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.E20 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.E10 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.M50 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.M40 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.M30 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.M20 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P60 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P50 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P40 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P30 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)
Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P20 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

Automotive,High Tech ENS.02.023.P10 Speech Recognition R&D (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.02.024.E30 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech ENS.02.024.E20 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech ENS.02.024.E10 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech ENS.02.024.M50 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager II

High Tech ENS.02.024.M40 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Senior Manager

High Tech ENS.02.024.M30 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.02.024.M20 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.02.024.P60 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.02.024.P50 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Expert Professional

High Tech ENS.02.024.P40 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.02.024.P30 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Senior Professional

High Tech ENS.02.024.P20 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech ENS.02.024.P10 Natural Language Processing R&D (High Tech) - Entry Professional

High Tech ENS.02.027.M50 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.02.027.M40 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.02.027.M30 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.02.027.M20 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.02.027.P60 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional

High Tech ENS.02.027.P50 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.02.027.P40 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.02.027.P30 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.02.027.P20 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Experienced Professional

High Tech ENS.02.027.P10 Artificial Neural Networks (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.02.026.E30 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech ENS.02.026.E20 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech ENS.02.026.E10 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech ENS.02.026.M50 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.02.026.M40 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.02.026.M30 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.02.026.M20 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P60 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P50 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P40 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P30 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P20 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.02.026.P10 Intelligent Network Value Added Services (IN-VAS) Product
Planning (Telecommunications) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.054.E30 Head of Clinical Operations (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.054.E20 Head of Clinical Operations (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.054.E10 Head of Clinical Operations (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.E30 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.E20 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.E10 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.M50 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.M40 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.M30 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.M20 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P60 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P50 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P40 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P30 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P20 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Life Sciences ENS.02.046.P10 Clinical Trial Management (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.E30 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.E20 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.E10 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.M50 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Senior Manager II

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.M40 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Senior Manager

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.M30 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Manager (M3)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.M20 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P60 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P50 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P40 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P30 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P20 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Education,Life Sciences ENS.02.047.P10 Clinical Trial Design (Life Sciences & Education) - Entry Professional
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.E30 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.E20 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.E10 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.M50 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.M40 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.M30 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.M20 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P60 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional
Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P50 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P40 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P30 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P20 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.048.P10 Clinical Trial Recruitment (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.E30 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.E20 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.E10 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Life Sciences ENS.02.049.M50 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.M40 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.M30 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.M20 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.049.M10 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Para-
SPECIALIZATION) Professionals) (M1)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P60 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P50 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P40 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P30 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P20 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.02.049.P10 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.049.S40 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Specialist Para-
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (S4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.049.S30 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Senior Para-Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.049.S20 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Experienced Para-
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (S2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.049.S10 Clinical Data Management (Life Sciences) - Entry Para-Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.02.050.M50 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.M40 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.M30 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.M20 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P60 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P50 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P40 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P30 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P20 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.02.050.P10 Clinical Supply Operations (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.M50 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.M40 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.M30 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Manager
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.M20 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.P50 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.P40 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.P30 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.P20 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.052.P10 Clinical Data Standards Administration (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.02.051.S40 Clinical Trial Support (Life Sciences) - Specialist Para-Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.051.S30 Clinical Trial Support (Life Sciences) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Life Sciences ENS.02.051.S20 Clinical Trial Support (Life Sciences) - Experienced Para-Professional

Life Sciences ENS.02.051.S10 Clinical Trial Support (Life Sciences) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.M50 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.M40 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.M30 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.M20 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.P50 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.P40 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.P30 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.P20 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.02.053.P10 Clinical Operations Digital Development (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.093.M40 Research Operations Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.02.093.M30 Research Operations Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E41 Head of Engineering - Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E34 Head of Engineering - Global Subsidiary (E3)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E32 Head of Engineering - Global Division(s) (E3)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E31 Head of Engineering - Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E24 Head of Engineering - Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E22 Head of Engineering - Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E21 Head of Engineering - Country Parent/Corporate (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E14 Head of Engineering - Country Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.001.E12 Head of Engineering - Country Division(s) (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E41 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Global Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E34 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Global Subsidiary (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E32 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Global Division(s) (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E31 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Regional (Multi-Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E24 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Regional (Multi-Country) Subsidiary (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E22 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Regional (Multi-Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E21 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Country Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E14 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Country Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.002.E12 Head of Manufacturing Product Design & Production Engineering -
Country Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E41 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Global

Parent/Corporate (E4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E34 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Global Subsidiary

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E32 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Global Division(s)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E31 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Regional (Multi-

Country) Parent/Corporate (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E24 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Regional (Multi-

Country) Subsidiary (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E22 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Regional (Multi-
Country) Division(s) (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E21 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Country

Parent/Corporate (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E14 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Country

Subsidiary (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.003.E12 Head of Manufacturing Production Engineering - Country
Division(s) (E1)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.E30 General Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.E20 General Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.E10 General Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.M50 General Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.M40 General Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.M30 General Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.M20 General Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.M10 General Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P60 General Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P50 General Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P40 General Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P30 General Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P20 General Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.009.P10 General Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.E30 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.E20 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.E10 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.M50 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Senior Manager II


Cross Industry ENS.03.010.M40 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Senior Manager

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.M30 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.M20 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.M10 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P60 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P50 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Expert Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P40 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P30 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P20 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.010.P10 Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME) - Entry Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.E30 Mechanical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.E20 Mechanical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.E10 Mechanical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.M50 Mechanical Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.M40 Mechanical Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.M30 Mechanical Engineering - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.M20 Mechanical Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.M10 Mechanical Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P60 Mechanical Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P50 Mechanical Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P40 Mechanical Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P30 Mechanical Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P20 Mechanical Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.013.P10 Mechanical Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.E30 Chemical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.E20 Chemical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.E10 Chemical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.M50 Chemical Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.M40 Chemical Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.M30 Chemical Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.M20 Chemical Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.M10 Chemical Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P60 Chemical Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P50 Chemical Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P40 Chemical Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P30 Chemical Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P20 Chemical Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.014.P10 Chemical Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.E30 Electrical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.E20 Electrical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.E10 Electrical Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.M50 Electrical Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.M40 Electrical Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.M30 Electrical Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.M20 Electrical Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.M10 Electrical Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P60 Electrical Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P50 Electrical Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P40 Electrical Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P30 Electrical Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P20 Electrical Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.015.P10 Electrical Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.E30 Electronics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.E20 Electronics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.E10 Electronics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.M50 Electronics Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.M40 Electronics Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.M30 Electronics Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.M20 Electronics Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.M10 Electronics Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P60 Electronics Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P50 Electronics Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P40 Electronics Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P30 Electronics Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P20 Electronics Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.016.P10 Electronics Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.017.M50 Engineering Operations Management - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.017.M40 Engineering Operations Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.017.M30 Engineering Operations Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P60 Engineering Liaison - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P50 Engineering Liaison - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P40 Engineering Liaison - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P30 Engineering Liaison - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P20 Engineering Liaison - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.018.P10 Engineering Liaison - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.M50 Product Support Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.M40 Product Support Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.M30 Product Support Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.M20 Product Support Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.M10 Product Support Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P60 Product Support Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P50 Product Support Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P40 Product Support Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P30 Product Support Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P20 Product Support Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.019.P10 Product Support Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.025.P10 Engineering Rotational Program - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.E30 Facilities Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.E20 Facilities Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.E10 Facilities Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.M50 Facilities Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.M40 Facilities Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.M30 Facilities Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.M20 Facilities Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.M10 Facilities Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P60 Facilities Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P50 Facilities Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P40 Facilities Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P30 Facilities Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P20 Facilities Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.037.P10 Facilities Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.E30 Facilities Layout Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.E20 Facilities Layout Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.E10 Facilities Layout Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.M50 Facilities Layout Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.M40 Facilities Layout Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.M30 Facilities Layout Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.M20 Facilities Layout Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.M10 Facilities Layout Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P60 Facilities Layout Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P50 Facilities Layout Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P40 Facilities Layout Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P30 Facilities Layout Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P20 Facilities Layout Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.038.P10 Facilities Layout Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.M40 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Senior Manager
Cross Industry ENS.03.039.M30 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.M20 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P60 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P50 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P40 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P30 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P20 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.039.P10 Plant Construction & Maintenance Engineering - Entry Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.M50 Facilities Piping Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.M40 Facilities Piping Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.M30 Facilities Piping Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.M20 Facilities Piping Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P60 Facilities Piping Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P50 Facilities Piping Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P40 Facilities Piping Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P30 Facilities Piping Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P20 Facilities Piping Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.042.P10 Facilities Piping Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.E30 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.E20 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.E10 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.M50 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.M40 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.M30 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.M20 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.M10 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P60 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P50 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P40 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P30 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P20 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.040.P10 Pipeline/Piping Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.E30 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.E20 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.E10 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.M50 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Senior Manager II

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.M40 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Senior Manager

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.M30 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.M20 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.M10 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P60 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P50 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Expert Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P40 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P30 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Senior Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P20 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.041.P10 Nuclear Plant Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.E30 Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.E20 Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.E10 Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.M50 Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.M40 Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.M30 Product Design Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.M20 Product Design Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.M10 Product Design Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P60 Product Design Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P50 Product Design Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P40 Product Design Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P30 Product Design Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P20 Product Design Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.059.P10 Product Design Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.E30 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.E20 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.E10 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.M50 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.M40 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.060.M30 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.M20 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.M10 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P60 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P50 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P40 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P30 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P20 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.060.P10 Mechanical Product Design Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.E30 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry ENS.03.061.E20 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry ENS.03.061.E10 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry ENS.03.061.M50 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.M40 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.061.M30 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.M20 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.061.M10 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P60 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional
Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P50 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P40 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P30 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P20 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.061.P10 Electronics Product Design Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.E30 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.062.E20 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.062.E10 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.M50 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Senior Manager II


Cross Industry ENS.03.062.M40 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Senior Manager


Cross Industry ENS.03.062.M30 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.M20 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.M10 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P60 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P50 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Expert Professional
Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P40 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P30 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P20 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.062.P10 Manufacturing Packaging Design Engineering - Entry Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.063.E30 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.E20 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.E10 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.M50 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.M40 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.M30 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.M20 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry ENS.03.063.M10 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P60 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P50 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P40 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P30 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P20 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.063.P10 Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.E30 Robotics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.E20 Robotics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.E10 Robotics Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.M50 Robotics Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.M40 Robotics Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.M30 Robotics Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.M20 Robotics Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.M10 Robotics Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P60 Robotics Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P50 Robotics Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P40 Robotics Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P30 Robotics Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P20 Robotics Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.089.P10 Robotics Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.E30 Materials Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.E20 Materials Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.E10 Materials Design Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.M50 Materials Design Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.M40 Materials Design Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.M30 Materials Design Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.M20 Materials Design Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.M10 Materials Design Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P60 Materials Design Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P50 Materials Design Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P40 Materials Design Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P30 Materials Design Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P20 Materials Design Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.074.P10 Materials Design Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.M40 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.M30 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.M20 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.M10 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.P50 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Expert Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.P40 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.080.P30 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.080.P20 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.080.P10 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.M50 Acoustics Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.M40 Acoustics Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.M30 Acoustics Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.M20 Acoustics Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.M10 Acoustics Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.087.P60 Acoustics Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.087.P50 Acoustics Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.P40 Acoustics Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.P30 Acoustics Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.P20 Acoustics Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.087.P10 Acoustics Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.070.E30 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.E20 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.E10 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.M50 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.M40 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.M30 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Manager
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.M20 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.M10 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P60 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P50 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P40 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P30 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P20 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.070.P10 Integration (Electronic and Mechanical) Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.M50 Mechatronics Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.M40 Mechatronics Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.M30 Mechatronics Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.M20 Mechatronics Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.M10 Mechatronics Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P60 Mechatronics Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P50 Mechatronics Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P40 Mechatronics Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P30 Mechatronics Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P20 Mechatronics Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.093.P10 Mechatronics Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.M50 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.M40 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.M30 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.M20 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.M10 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P60 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P50 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P40 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P30 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P20 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.094.P10 Modeling & Simulation Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.E30 Nuclear Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.E20 Nuclear Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.E10 Nuclear Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.M50 Nuclear Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.M40 Nuclear Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.M30 Nuclear Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.M20 Nuclear Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.M10 Nuclear Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P60 Nuclear Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P50 Nuclear Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P40 Nuclear Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P30 Nuclear Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P20 Nuclear Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.095.P10 Nuclear Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.M50 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.M40 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.M30 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.M20 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.M10 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P60 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P50 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P40 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P30 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P20 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.096.P10 Signal & Image Process Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.E30 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.E20 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.E10 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.M50 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.M40 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.M30 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.M20 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.M10 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P60 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P50 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P40 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P30 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P20 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.064.P10 Medical Devices Design Engineering (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.03.065.E30 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech ENS.03.065.E20 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech ENS.03.065.E10 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech ENS.03.065.M50 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.03.065.M40 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.03.065.M30 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.065.M20 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.03.065.M10 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

High Tech ENS.03.065.P60 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.03.065.P50 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.03.065.P40 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.03.065.P30 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Senior Professional (P3)
High Tech ENS.03.065.P20 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.03.065.P10 General Integrated Circuit (IC) Design Engineering (High Tech) -
Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.03.071.E30 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)

High Tech ENS.03.071.E20 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-

function Executive 2 (E2)

High Tech ENS.03.071.E10 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-

function Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech ENS.03.071.M50 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
High Tech ENS.03.071.M40 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Senior
Manager (M4)
High Tech ENS.03.071.M30 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Manager
High Tech ENS.03.071.M20 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
High Tech ENS.03.071.M10 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P60 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P50 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P40 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P30 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P20 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
High Tech ENS.03.071.P10 Computer/Peripheral Hardware Engineering (High Tech) - Entry
Professional (P1)
High Tech ENS.03.073.E30 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech ENS.03.073.E20 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech ENS.03.073.E10 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -
Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

High Tech ENS.03.073.M50 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.03.073.M40 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.03.073.M30 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.073.M20 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.03.073.M10 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P60 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P50 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P40 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P30 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P20 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.03.073.P10 Hardware/Software Product Usability Engineering (High Tech) -

Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.E30 General Project Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.E20 General Project Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.E10 General Project Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.M50 General Project Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.M40 General Project Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.M30 General Project Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.M20 General Project Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.M10 General Project Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P60 General Project Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P50 General Project Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P40 General Project Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P30 General Project Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P20 General Project Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.108.P10 General Project Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.E30 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.E20 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.E10 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.M50 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior

Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.M40 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior

Manager (M4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.M30 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.M20 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.M10 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P60 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P50 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P40 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P30 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P20 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.109.P10 Manufacturing Industrial Optimization Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.E30 Human Factors Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.E20 Human Factors Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.E10 Human Factors Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.M50 Human Factors Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.M40 Human Factors Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.M30 Human Factors Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.M20 Human Factors Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.M10 Human Factors Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P60 Human Factors Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P50 Human Factors Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P40 Human Factors Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P30 Human Factors Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P20 Human Factors Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.110.P10 Human Factors Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.111.M50 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.M40 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.M30 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.M20 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.M10 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P60 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P50 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P40 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P30 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P20 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.111.P10 Project Planning/Scheduling Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.E30 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3


Cross Industry ENS.03.112.E20 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2


Cross Industry ENS.03.112.E10 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1


Cross Industry ENS.03.112.M50 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.M40 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.M30 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.M20 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.M10 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P60 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P50 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P40 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P30 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P20 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Experienced Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.112.P10 Commissioning & Start-Up Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.E30 Project Controls Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.E20 Project Controls Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.E10 Project Controls Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.M50 Project Controls Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.M40 Project Controls Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.M30 Project Controls Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.M20 Project Controls Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.113.M10 Project Controls Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P60 Project Controls Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P50 Project Controls Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P40 Project Controls Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P30 Project Controls Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P20 Project Controls Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.113.P10 Project Controls Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.E30 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.E20 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-

function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.E10 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Sub-

function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.114.M50 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.M40 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior

Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.M30 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Manager


Cross Industry ENS.03.114.M20 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Team

Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.M10 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Team

Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P60 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Pre-

eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P50 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P40 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P30 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P20 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.114.P10 Distribution Center Industrial Optimization Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Construction ENS.03.116.M40 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Senior Manager


Construction ENS.03.116.M30 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.116.M20 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.116.M10 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Construction ENS.03.116.P60 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Construction ENS.03.116.P50 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Expert

Professional (P5)

Construction ENS.03.116.P40 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Construction ENS.03.116.P30 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Senior

Professional (P3)

Construction ENS.03.116.P20 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Construction ENS.03.116.P10 Project Procurement Engineering (Construction) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.M50 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Senior
Estate Manager II (M5)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.M40 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Senior
Estate Manager (M4)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.M30 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Manager
Estate (M3)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.M20 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Team Leader
Estate (Professionals) (M2)
Construction,Real ENS.03.117.M10 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Team Leader
Estate (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P60 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Pre-eminent
Estate Professional (P6)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P50 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Expert
Estate Professional (P5)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P40 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Specialist
Estate Professional (P4)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P30 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Senior
Estate Professional (P3)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P20 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Experienced
Estate Professional (P2)

Construction,Real ENS.03.117.P10 Project Site Engineering (Real Estate & Construction) - Entry
Estate Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.M40 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.M30 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.M20 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.M10 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P60 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P50 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P40 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P30 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P20 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.118.P10 Mine Site Closure Planning & Engineering (Mining) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.E30 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.E20 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.E10 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.M50 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.M40 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.M30 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) -
Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.M20 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.M10 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P60 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P50 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P40 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P30 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P20 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.119.P10 Power Systems Planning and Design Engineering (Utilities) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.E30 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.E20 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.E10 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.M50 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.M40 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.M30 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.M20 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.M10 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P60 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P50 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P40 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P30 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P20 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.120.P10 Utilities Transmission & Distribution Engineering (Utilities & Power)
- Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.E30 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.E20 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.E10 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.M50 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Senior Manager II


Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.M40 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Senior Manager


Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.M30 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.M20 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.M10 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P60 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P50 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P40 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P30 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P20 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.137.P10 Manufacturing Production Process Engineering - Entry Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.138.E30 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.138.E20 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.E10 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.M50 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Senior Manager II


Cross Industry ENS.03.138.M40 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Senior Manager


Cross Industry ENS.03.138.M30 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.M20 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.M10 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P60 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P50 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Expert Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P40 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P30 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P20 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.138.P10 Manufacturing Assembly Process Engineering - Entry Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.E30 Chemical Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.E20 Chemical Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.E10 Chemical Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.M50 Chemical Process Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.M40 Chemical Process Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.M30 Chemical Process Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.M20 Chemical Process Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.M10 Chemical Process Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P60 Chemical Process Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P50 Chemical Process Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P40 Chemical Process Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P30 Chemical Process Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P20 Chemical Process Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.139.P10 Chemical Process Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.E30 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.E20 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.E10 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.M50 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Senior Manager

II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.M40 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Senior Manager


Cross Industry ENS.03.140.M30 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.M20 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.M10 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P60 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P50 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Expert
Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P40 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P30 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P20 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.140.P10 Manufacturing Yield/Failure Analysis Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.M50 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.M40 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.M30 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.M20 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P60 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P50 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P40 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P30 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P20 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.152.P10 Additive Manufacturing Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.E30 Technology Transfer Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.E20 Technology Transfer Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.E10 Technology Transfer Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.M50 Technology Transfer Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.M40 Technology Transfer Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.M30 Technology Transfer Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.M20 Technology Transfer Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P60 Technology Transfer Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P50 Technology Transfer Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P40 Technology Transfer Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P30 Technology Transfer Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P20 Technology Transfer Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.151.P10 Technology Transfer Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.E30 Materials Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.E20 Materials Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.E10 Materials Process Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.M50 Materials Process Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.M40 Materials Process Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.M30 Materials Process Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.M20 Materials Process Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.M10 Materials Process Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P60 Materials Process Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P50 Materials Process Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P40 Materials Process Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P30 Materials Process Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P20 Materials Process Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.154.P10 Materials Process Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P60 Brewing Process Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P50 Brewing Process Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P40 Brewing Process Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P30 Brewing Process Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P20 Brewing Process Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.155.P10 Brewing Process Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.141.E30 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.141.E20 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.141.E10 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.141.M50 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences ENS.03.141.M40 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.M30 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.M20 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.M10 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P60 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P50 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P40 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P30 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P20 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.141.P10 Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.142.E30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -
SPECIALIZATION) Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.142.E20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -
SPECIALIZATION) Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.142.E10 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -
SPECIALIZATION) Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.03.142.M50 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -
SPECIALIZATION) Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.M40 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.M30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.M20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.M10 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P60 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) - Pre-

eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P50 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Expert Professional (P5)
Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P40 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.142.P10 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Engineering (Life Sciences) -

Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.E30 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 3


Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.E20 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 2


Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.E10 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 1


Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.M50 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.M40 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.M30 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.M20 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.M10 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P60 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P50 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P40 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Specialist Professional


Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P30 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P20 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.148.P10 Metallurgy/Process Engineering (Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.149.E30 Head of Gas Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.149.E20 Head of Gas Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.149.E10 Head of Gas Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.149.M50 Head of Gas Engineering (Utilities & Power) - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.E30 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.E20 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.E10 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.M50 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Senior

Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.M40 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Senior

Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.M30 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.M20 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.M10 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P60 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P50 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P40 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P30 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P20 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.166.P10 Manufacturing Mechanical Equipment Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.E30 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.E20 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.E10 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.M50 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Senior Manager

II (M5)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.M40 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Senior Manager

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.M30 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.M20 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.M10 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Team Leader

(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P60 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P50 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P40 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P30 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P20 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.167.P10 Manufacturing Electrical Equipment Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.M40 Welding Equipment Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.M30 Welding Equipment Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.M20 Welding Equipment Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.169.M10 Welding Equipment Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P60 Welding Equipment Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P50 Welding Equipment Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P40 Welding Equipment Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P30 Welding Equipment Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P20 Welding Equipment Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.169.P10 Welding Equipment Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.E30 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.170.E20 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.E10 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.M50 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Senior Manager
II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.M40 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Senior Manager

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.M30 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.M20 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.M10 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P60 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P50 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P40 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Specialist

Professional (P4)
Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P30 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Senior
Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P20 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.170.P10 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Engineering - Entry

Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.E30 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.E20 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.E10 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.M50 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.M40 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.M30 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.M20 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.M10 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P60 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P50 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P40 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P30 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P20 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.03.171.P10 Field Production Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.E30 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.E20 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.E10 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.M50 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.M40 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.M30 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.M20 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.M10 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P60 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P50 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P40 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P30 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P20 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.172.P10 Completions Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.E30 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.E20 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.E10 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.M50 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.M40 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.M30 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.M20 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.M10 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P60 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P50 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P40 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P30 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P20 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.173.P10 Gas Operations Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.E30 Quality Assurance Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.E20 Quality Assurance Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.E10 Quality Assurance Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.M50 Quality Assurance Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.M40 Quality Assurance Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.M30 Quality Assurance Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.M20 Quality Assurance Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.M10 Quality Assurance Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P60 Quality Assurance Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P50 Quality Assurance Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P40 Quality Assurance Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P30 Quality Assurance Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P20 Quality Assurance Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.188.P10 Quality Assurance Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.E30 Quality Control Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.E20 Quality Control Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.E10 Quality Control Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.M50 Quality Control Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.M40 Quality Control Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.M30 Quality Control Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.M20 Quality Control Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.M10 Quality Control Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P60 Quality Control Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P50 Quality Control Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P40 Quality Control Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P30 Quality Control Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P20 Quality Control Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.189.P10 Quality Control Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.E30 General Product Test Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.E20 General Product Test Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.E10 General Product Test Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.M50 General Product Test Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.M40 General Product Test Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.M30 General Product Test Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.M20 General Product Test Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.M10 General Product Test Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P60 General Product Test Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P50 General Product Test Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P40 General Product Test Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P30 General Product Test Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P20 General Product Test Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.203.P10 General Product Test Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.E30 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Sub-function Executive

3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.03.190.E20 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.03.190.E10 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.190.M50 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.M40 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.M30 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.M20 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.M10 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P60 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P50 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Expert Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P40 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P30 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P20 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.190.P10 Supplier Quality Management Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.E30 Reliability Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.E20 Reliability Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.E10 Reliability Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.M50 Reliability Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.M40 Reliability Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.M30 Reliability Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.M20 Reliability Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.M10 Reliability Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P60 Reliability Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P50 Reliability Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P40 Reliability Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P30 Reliability Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P20 Reliability Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.191.P10 Reliability Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.E30 Customer Quality Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.E20 Customer Quality Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.E10 Customer Quality Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.M50 Customer Quality Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.M40 Customer Quality Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.M30 Customer Quality Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.M20 Customer Quality Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P60 Customer Quality Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P50 Customer Quality Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P40 Customer Quality Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P30 Customer Quality Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P20 Customer Quality Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.202.P10 Customer Quality Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.E30 Sustaining Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.E20 Sustaining Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.E10 Sustaining Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.M50 Sustaining Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.M40 Sustaining Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.M30 Sustaining Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.M20 Sustaining Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.M10 Sustaining Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P60 Sustaining Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P50 Sustaining Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P40 Sustaining Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P30 Sustaining Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P20 Sustaining Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.204.P10 Sustaining Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.E30 Verification Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.E20 Verification Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.E10 Verification Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.M50 Verification Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.M40 Verification Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.M30 Verification Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.M20 Verification Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.M10 Verification Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P60 Verification Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P50 Verification Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P40 Verification Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P30 Verification Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P20 Verification Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.205.P10 Verification Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.E30 Component Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.E20 Component Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.E10 Component Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.M50 Component Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.M40 Component Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.M30 Component Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.M20 Component Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.M10 Component Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P60 Component Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P50 Component Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P40 Component Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P30 Component Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P20 Component Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.206.P10 Component Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.M50 System Safety Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.M40 System Safety Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.M30 System Safety Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.M20 System Safety Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.M10 System Safety Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P60 System Safety Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P50 System Safety Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P40 System Safety Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P30 System Safety Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P20 System Safety Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.209.P10 System Safety Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P60 Metrology Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P50 Metrology Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P40 Metrology Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P30 Metrology Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P20 Metrology Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.207.P10 Metrology Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.03.192.E30 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 3
High Tech ENS.03.192.E20 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 2
High Tech ENS.03.192.E10 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function Executive 1
High Tech ENS.03.192.M50 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior Manager II (M5)
High Tech ENS.03.192.M40 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.03.192.M30 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.192.M20 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Team Leader (Professionals)
High Tech ENS.03.192.M10 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
High Tech ENS.03.192.P60 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Pre-eminent Professional
High Tech ENS.03.192.P50 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.03.192.P40 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.03.192.P30 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.03.192.P20 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Experienced Professional
High Tech ENS.03.192.P10 Systems Test Engineering (High Tech) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.03.193.E30 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
High Tech ENS.03.193.E20 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
High Tech ENS.03.193.E10 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
High Tech ENS.03.193.M50 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior Manager II
High Tech ENS.03.193.M40 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior Manager
High Tech ENS.03.193.M30 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.193.M20 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
High Tech ENS.03.193.M10 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P60 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P50 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Expert
Professional (P5)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P40 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P30 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Senior
Professional (P3)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P20 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
High Tech ENS.03.193.P10 Hardware/Device Test Engineering (High Tech) - Entry Professional
Construction ENS.03.199.M40 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Construction ENS.03.199.M30 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Manager
Construction ENS.03.199.M20 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.199.M10 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Construction ENS.03.199.P60 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)
Construction ENS.03.199.P50 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Construction ENS.03.199.P40 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.03.199.P30 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Construction ENS.03.199.P20 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.03.199.P10 Quality Assurance/Control Engineering (Construction) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.E30 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.E20 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.E10 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.M50 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.M40 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.M30 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.M20 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.M10 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P60 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P50 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P40 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P30 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P20 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.200.P10 Reserves/Well Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.E30 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.E20 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.E10 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.M50 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.M40 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.M30 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.M20 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.M10 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P60 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P50 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P40 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P30 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P20 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.201.P10 Corrosion/Integrity Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.E30 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.E20 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.E10 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.M50 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.M40 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.M30 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.M20 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.M10 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P60 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P50 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P40 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P30 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P20 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.229.P10 General Repair & Maintenance Engineering - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.E30 Environmental Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.E20 Environmental Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.E10 Environmental Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.M50 Environmental Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.M40 Environmental Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.M30 Environmental Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.M20 Environmental Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.M10 Environmental Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)


Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P60 Environmental Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P50 Environmental Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P40 Environmental Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P30 Environmental Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P20 Environmental Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.249.P10 Environmental Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.E30 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.E20 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.E10 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.M50 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Senior Manager II

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.M40 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Senior Manager

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.M30 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.M20 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.M10 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P60 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P50 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P40 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P30 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Senior Professional

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P20 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.250.P10 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Engineering - Entry Professional

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.E30 Engineering Sales - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.E20 Engineering Sales - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.E10 Engineering Sales - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.M50 Engineering Sales - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.M40 Engineering Sales - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.M30 Engineering Sales - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.M20 Engineering Sales - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.M10 Engineering Sales - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P60 Engineering Sales - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P50 Engineering Sales - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P40 Engineering Sales - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P30 Engineering Sales - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P20 Engineering Sales - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.270.P10 Engineering Sales - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.E30 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Sub-function Executive 3

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.E20 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Sub-function Executive 2

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.E10 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Sub-function Executive 1
Cross Industry ENS.03.271.M50 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.M40 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.M30 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.M20 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.M10 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P60 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P50 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P40 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Specialist Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P30 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P20 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry ENS.03.271.P10 Engineering Sales & Post-Sale Consulting - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.E30 Field Service Engineering - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.E20 Field Service Engineering - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.E10 Field Service Engineering - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.M50 Field Service Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.M40 Field Service Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.M30 Field Service Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.M20 Field Service Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.M10 Field Service Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P60 Field Service Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P50 Field Service Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P40 Field Service Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P30 Field Service Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P20 Field Service Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry X ENS.03.272.P10 Field Service Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.E30 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.E20 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences ENS.03.277.E10 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.M50 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.M40 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.M30 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.M20 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.M10 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P60 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P50 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P40 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P30 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P20 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.03.277.P10 Field Sales Engineering: Animal Health (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.E30 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.E20 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.E10 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.M50 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.M40 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.M30 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Manager

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.M20 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.M10 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P60 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P50 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P40 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P30 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P20 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.275.P10 Field Service Engineering - Oilfield Services (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.E30 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.E20 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.E10 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.M50 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.M40 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.M30 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.M20 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.M10 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P60 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P50 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P40 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P30 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P20 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.276.P10 Technical Products Support Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.M40 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.M30 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.M20 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.M10 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P60 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P50 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P40 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P30 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P20 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.03.278.P10 Field Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.294.E30 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.E20 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Sub-function Executive

2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.E10 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Sub-function Executive

1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.M50 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.M40 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.M30 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.M20 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.M10 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P60 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P50 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P40 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P30 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P20 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.03.294.P10 Civil/Construction/Structural Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)

Construction ENS.03.295.M50 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Senior Manager II

Construction ENS.03.295.M40 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Senior Manager
Construction ENS.03.295.M30 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.295.M20 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.295.M10 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Construction ENS.03.295.P60 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Construction ENS.03.295.P50 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Construction ENS.03.295.P40 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.03.295.P30 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Construction ENS.03.295.P20 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.03.295.P10 Structural Engineering: Buildings (Construction) - Entry Professional
Construction ENS.03.296.M40 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Senior Manager
Construction ENS.03.296.M30 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.296.M20 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.296.M10 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Construction ENS.03.296.P60 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Construction ENS.03.296.P50 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Expert Professional
Construction ENS.03.296.P40 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.03.296.P30 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Senior Professional
Construction ENS.03.296.P20 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.03.296.P10 Structural Engineering: Facade (Construction) - Entry Professional
Construction ENS.03.297.M40 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Construction ENS.03.297.M30 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) -
Manager (M3)
Construction ENS.03.297.M20 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.297.M10 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Construction ENS.03.297.P60 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)
Construction ENS.03.297.P50 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Construction ENS.03.297.P40 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.03.297.P30 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Construction ENS.03.297.P20 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.03.297.P10 Heating & Ventilating Systems Engineering (Construction) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Construction ENS.03.298.M40 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Senior Manager (M4)

Construction ENS.03.298.M30 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.298.M20 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.03.298.M10 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Construction ENS.03.298.P60 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Pre-eminent Professional
Construction ENS.03.298.P50 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Expert Professional (P5)

Construction ENS.03.298.P40 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Construction ENS.03.298.P30 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Senior Professional (P3)

Construction ENS.03.298.P20 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Experienced Professional

Construction ENS.03.298.P10 Landscape Engineering (Construction) - Entry Professional (P1)

Construction ENS.03.300.M40 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Senior Manager (M4)

Construction ENS.03.300.M30 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.300.M20 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Construction ENS.03.300.M10 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Construction ENS.03.300.P60 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Construction ENS.03.300.P50 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Expert Professional (P5)

Construction ENS.03.300.P40 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Specialist Professional (P4)

Construction ENS.03.300.P30 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Senior Professional (P3)
Construction ENS.03.300.P20 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Construction ENS.03.300.P10 Water/Waste Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure) -

Entry Professional (P1)

Construction ENS.03.301.M40 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Senior Manager (M4)

Construction ENS.03.301.M30 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.03.301.M20 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Construction ENS.03.301.M10 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Construction ENS.03.301.P60 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Construction ENS.03.301.P50 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Expert Professional (P5)

Construction ENS.03.301.P40 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Specialist Professional (P4)

Construction ENS.03.301.P30 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Senior Professional (P3)

Construction ENS.03.301.P20 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Experienced Professional (P2)

Construction ENS.03.301.P10 General Municipal Engineering (Construction & Civil Infrastructure)

- Entry Professional (P1)

Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.M40 Subsea Engineering - Senior Manager (M4)

Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.M30 Subsea Engineering - Manager (M3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.M20 Subsea Engineering - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.M10 Subsea Engineering - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P60 Subsea Engineering - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P50 Subsea Engineering - Expert Professional (P5)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P40 Subsea Engineering - Specialist Professional (P4)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P30 Subsea Engineering - Senior Professional (P3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P20 Subsea Engineering - Experienced Professional (P2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.03.302.P10 Subsea Engineering - Entry Professional (P1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.M40 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.M30 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.M20 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.M10 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P60 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P50 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P40 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P30 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P20 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.304.P10 Geotechnical/Rock Mechanics Engineering (Oil & Gas, Mining) -
Entry Professional (P1)
High Tech ENS.03.323.M50 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

High Tech ENS.03.323.M40 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.03.323.M30 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.323.M20 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.03.323.M10 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
High Tech ENS.03.323.P60 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.03.323.P50 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.03.323.P40 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.03.323.P30 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.03.323.P20 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.03.323.P10 Network Planning & Design Engineering (Telecommunications) -

Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.03.324.M50 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Senior Manager II (M5)
High Tech ENS.03.324.M40 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering
(Telecommunications) - Senior Manager (M4)

High Tech ENS.03.324.M30 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Manager (M3)

High Tech ENS.03.324.M20 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

High Tech ENS.03.324.M10 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P60 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P50 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P40 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P30 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P20 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.03.324.P10 Network Field Installation & Integration Engineering

(Telecommunications) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.E30 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.E20 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.E10 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.M50 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager II (M5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.M40 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.M30 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.M20 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.M10 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P60 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P50 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P40 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P30 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P20 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.340.P10 Drilling Engineering (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.E30 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.E20 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.E10 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.M50 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.M40 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.M30 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.M20 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.M10 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P60 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P50 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P40 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P30 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P20 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.341.P10 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering (Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) -
Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.E30 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.E20 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.E10 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.M50 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.M40 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.M30 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.M20 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.M10 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P60 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P50 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P40 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P30 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P20 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.342.P10 Mining Engineering (Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.E30 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.E20 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.E10 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.M50 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.M40 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Senior Manager (M4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.M30 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Manager (M3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.M20 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.M10 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P60 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P50 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P40 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P30 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P20 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.344.P10 Drill and Blast Engineering (Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.E30 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.E20 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.E10 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.M50 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.M40 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.M30 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Manager
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.M20 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.M10 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Team
Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P60 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P50 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P40 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P30 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P20 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.03.175.P10 Renewable Energy Engineering (Utilities & Renewables) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P60 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P50 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P40 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P30 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P20 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.P10 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.S40 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.S30 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.S20 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.004.S10 General Engineering Technologists & Technicians - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.011.M30 Engineering Technologists & Technicians Management (Energy &
Mining) - Manager (M3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.011.M20 Engineering Technologists & Technicians Management (Energy &
Mining) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.011.M10 Engineering Technologists & Technicians Management (Energy &
Mining) - Team Leader (Para-Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P60 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P50 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P40 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P30 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P20 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.P10 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.S40 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.S30 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.S20 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.001.S10 Project Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.002.S40 Project Planning/Scheduling Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.10.002.S30 Project Planning/Scheduling Technician - Senior Para-Professional
Cross Industry ENS.10.002.S20 Project Planning/Scheduling Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry ENS.10.002.S10 Project Planning/Scheduling Technician - Entry Para-Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P60 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P50 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P40 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P30 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P20 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.003.P10 Power Systems Planning and Design Technologist/Technician
(Utilities) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.015.S40 Manufacturing Production Technician - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.10.015.S30 Manufacturing Production Technician - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.10.015.S20 Manufacturing Production Technician - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.015.S10 Manufacturing Production Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.016.S40 Robotics Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.016.S30 Robotics Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.016.S20 Robotics Technician - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.016.S10 Robotics Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.017.S40 Manufacturing Instrumentation/Calibration Technician - Specialist

Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.017.S30 Manufacturing Instrumentation/Calibration Technician - Senior

Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.017.S20 Manufacturing Instrumentation/Calibration Technician -

Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.017.S10 Manufacturing Instrumentation/Calibration Technician - Entry

Para-Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P60 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P50 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P40 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Specialist Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P30 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P20 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.P10 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.S40 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.S30 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-

Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.S20 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.018.S10 Chemical Process Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-Professional


Life Sciences ENS.10.019.S40 Biochemical Manufacturing Technician (Life Sciences) - Specialist

Para-Professional (S4)
Life Sciences ENS.10.019.S30 Biochemical Manufacturing Technician (Life Sciences) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Life Sciences ENS.10.019.S20 Biochemical Manufacturing Technician (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Life Sciences ENS.10.019.S10 Biochemical Manufacturing Technician (Life Sciences) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P60 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P50 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P40 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P30 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P20 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.P10 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Entry Professional (P1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.S40 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.S30 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.S20 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.020.S10 Field Production Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P60 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P50 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P40 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P30 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P20 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.P10 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.S40 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.S30 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.S20 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.021.S10 Well Asset Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P60 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P50 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P40 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P30 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Senior
Professional (P3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P20 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.P10 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Entry
Professional (P1)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.S40 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.S30 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.S20 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.035.S10 Mechanical Equipment Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.036.S40 Electronic Equipment Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.036.S30 Electronic Equipment Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.036.S20 Electronic Equipment Technician - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry X ENS.10.036.S10 Electronic Equipment Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P60 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P50 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P40 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P30 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P20 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.P10 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.S40 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.S30 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.S20 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry ENS.10.037.S10 Electro-Mechanical Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P60 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P50 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Expert
Professional (P5)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P40 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P30 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P20 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.P10 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.S40 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.S30 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.S20 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.038.S10 Electrical Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P60 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P50 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P40 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P30 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P20 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.P10 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.039.S40 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.S30 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.S20 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.039.S10 Electrical Instrumentation & Control Technologist/Technician -

Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P60 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P50 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P40 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P30 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P20 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.P10 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.S40 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.S30 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.S20 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-Professional

Cross Industry ENS.10.040.S10 SCADA Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.051.S40 Laser Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.051.S30 Laser Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.051.S20 Laser Technician - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.051.S10 Laser Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P60 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P50 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P40 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P30 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P20 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.P10 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.S40 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.S30 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.S20 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.042.S10 Completions Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P60 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P50 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P40 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P30 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P20 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.P10 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.S40 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.S30 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.S20 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.043.S10 Gas Measurement Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P60 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P50 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P40 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P30 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P20 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.P10 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.S40 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.S30 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.S20 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.044.S10 Gas Operations Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P60 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P50 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P40 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P30 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P20 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.P10 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.S40 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.S30 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.S20 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.045.S10 Field Metering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas, Utilities &
Power) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P60 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P50 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P40 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P30 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P20 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.048.P10 Power Systems Technologist/Technician (Utilities & Power) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.060.S40 Quality Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.060.S30 Quality Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.060.S20 Quality Technician - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.060.S10 Quality Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P60 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P50 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P40 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P30 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P20 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.P10 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.S40 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.S30 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.S20 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.061.S10 Quality Assurance Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.067.S40 Reliability/Failure Analysis Technician - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry ENS.10.067.S30 Reliability/Failure Analysis Technician - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.067.S20 Reliability/Failure Analysis Technician - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.067.S10 Reliability/Failure Analysis Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P60 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P50 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P40 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P30 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P20 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.P10 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.S40 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.S30 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.S20 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.062.S10 Pipeline Leak Detection Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P60 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P50 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P40 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P30 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P20 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.P10 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.S40 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.S30 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.S20 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -

Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.063.S10 Corrosion/Integrity Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.064.S40 Field Inspection Technician ( Energy & Mining) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.064.S30 Field Inspection Technician ( Energy & Mining) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.064.S20 Field Inspection Technician ( Energy & Mining) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.064.S10 Field Inspection Technician ( Energy & Mining) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P60 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P50 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P40 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P30 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P20 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.P10 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.S40 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.S30 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.S20 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.065.S10 Reserves/Well Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P60 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P50 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P40 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Specialist Professional (P4)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P30 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician
(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P20 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.P10 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.S40 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.S30 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.S20 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.066.S10 Product Measurement/Quality Control Technologist/Technician

(Oil & Gas/Oilfield Services) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.075.S40 Environmental Engineering Technician - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.075.S30 Environmental Engineering Technician - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.10.075.S20 Environmental Engineering Technician - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.075.S10 Environmental Engineering Technician - Entry Para-Professional

Cross Industry X ENS.10.076.S40 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.076.S30 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.076.S20 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.076.S10 Employee/Labor Health & Safety Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.085.S40 Field Service Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.085.S30 Field Service Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.085.S20 Field Service Technician - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.10.085.S10 Field Service Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.087.S40 Field Service Technician - Oilfield Services ( Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.087.S30 Field Service Technician - Oilfield Services ( Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.087.S20 Field Service Technician - Oilfield Services ( Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.087.S10 Field Service Technician - Oilfield Services ( Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.088.S40 Field Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.088.S30 Field Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-Professional
Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.088.S20 Field Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Energy & Mining NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.10.088.S10 Field Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P60 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P50 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P40 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P30 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P20 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.P10 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.S40 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.S30 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.S20 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry X ENS.10.095.S10 Facilities Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.10.096.S40 Plant/Facilities Infrastructure Technician - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.096.S30 Plant/Facilities Infrastructure Technician - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.096.S20 Plant/Facilities Infrastructure Technician - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.096.S10 Plant/Facilities Infrastructure Technician - Entry Para-Professional


Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P60 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P50 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P40 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P30 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P20 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.P10 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Entry

Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.S40 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.10.097.S30 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.S20 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Experienced

Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.097.S10 Compression & Controls Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-

Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P60 Plant Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P50 Plant Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P40 Plant Technologist/Technician - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P30 Plant Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P20 Plant Technologist/Technician - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.P10 Plant Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.S40 Plant Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.S30 Plant Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.S20 Plant Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry ENS.10.098.S10 Plant Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P60 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P50 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P40 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P30 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P20 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.P10 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.S40 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.S30 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.S20 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.099.S10 Pipeline/Piping Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P60 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent

Mining Professional (P6)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P50 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Expert Professional (P5)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P40 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Professional
Mining (P4)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P30 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Professional (P3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P20 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Mining Professional (P2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.P10 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional (P1)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.S40 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Mining Professional (S4)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.S30 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Mining Professional (S3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.S20 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Mining Professional (S2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.105.S10 Civil Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-Professional
Mining (S1)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P60 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Pre-eminent
Mining,Real Estate Professional (P6)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P50 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Expert
Mining,Real Estate Professional (P5)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P40 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist
Mining,Real Estate Professional (P4)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P30 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior
Mining,Real Estate Professional (P3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P20 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced
Mining,Real Estate Professional (P2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.P10 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Professional
Mining,Real Estate (P1)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.S40 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Specialist Para-
Mining,Real Estate Professional (S4)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.S30 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Senior Para-
Mining,Real Estate Professional (S3)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.S20 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Experienced Para-
Mining,Real Estate Professional (S2)
Construction,Energy & ENS.10.106.S10 Structural Engineering Technologist/Technician - Entry Para-
Mining,Real Estate Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P60 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P50 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P40 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P30 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P20 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.P10 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.S40 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.S30 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.S20 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.108.S10 Geological Technologist/Technician (Energy & Mining) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P60 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P50 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P40 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P30 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P20 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.P10 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.S40 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.S30 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.S20 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.109.S10 Geophysical Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P60 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P50 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P40 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P30 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P20 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.P10 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.S40 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.S30 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.S20 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.110.S10 Geotechnical Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas,
Mining) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P60 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P50 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P40 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P30 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P20 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.P10 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.S40 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.S30 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.S20 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.111.S10 Geomatics Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P60 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P50 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Expert Professional (P5)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P40 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Specialist Professional (P4)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P30 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Senior Professional (P3)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P20 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Experienced Professional (P2)

High Tech ENS.10.125.P10 Network Field Installation & Integration Technologist

(Telecommunications) - Entry Professional (P1)

High Tech ENS.10.133.S40 Network Operations & Control (NOC) Technician

(Telecommunications) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

High Tech ENS.10.133.S30 Network Operations & Control (NOC) Technician

(Telecommunications) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

High Tech ENS.10.133.S20 Network Operations & Control (NOC) Technician

(Telecommunications) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

High Tech ENS.10.133.S10 Network Operations & Control (NOC) Technician

(Telecommunications) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)
Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P60 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician
Tech (Telecommunications) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P50 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P40 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P30 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P20 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.P10 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.S40 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.S30 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.S20 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining,High ENS.10.134.S10 Telecommunications/Slicing Technologist/Technician

Tech (Telecommunications) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P60 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Pre-
eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P50 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P40 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P30 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P20 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.P10 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.S40 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.S30 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Senior
Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.S20 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) -
Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.145.S10 Drilling Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil & Gas) - Entry
Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P60 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P50 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P40 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P30 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P20 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.P10 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Entry Professional (P1)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.S40 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &
Gas) - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.S30 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.S20 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.146.S10 Reservoir/Exploitation Engineering Technologist/Technician (Oil &

Gas) - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P60 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Pre-eminent Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P50 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Expert Professional (P5)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P40 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Specialist Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P30 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Senior Professional (P3)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P20 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Experienced Professional

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.P10 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Entry Professional (P1)

Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.S40 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.S30 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Senior Para-Professional
Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.S20 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Energy & Mining ENS.10.147.S10 Mine Technologist/Technician (Mining) - Entry Para-Professional
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.E30 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.E20 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.E10 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.M50 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.M40 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Senior Manager
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.M30 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.M20 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.M10 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.06.001.P60 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Pre-eminent
SPECIALIZATION) Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.P50 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Expert

Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.P40 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Specialist

Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.P30 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Senior

Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.P20 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Experienced

Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.06.001.P10 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Entry Professional


Cross Industry ENS.06.001.S40 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Specialist Para-

Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.S30 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.S20 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Experienced Para-
Professional (S2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.001.S10 Manufacturing Product/System Design Services - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.M50 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Senior
Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.M40 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.M30 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Manager
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.M20 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.M10 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Team Leader
(Para-Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.P50 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Expert
Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.06.002.P40 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.06.002.P30 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Senior
Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.06.002.P20 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.06.002.P10 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Entry
Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.06.002.S40 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Specialist
Para-Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.S30 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.S20 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.002.S10 Computer Aided Design & Drafting (CAD/CAM/CAE) - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry ENS.06.003.S40 Manufacturing Industrial Model Making Support - Specialist Para-
Professional (S4)
Cross Industry ENS.06.003.S30 Manufacturing Industrial Model Making Support - Senior Para-
Professional (S3)
Cross Industry ENS.06.003.S20 Manufacturing Industrial Model Making Support - Experienced
Para-Professional (S2)
Cross Industry ENS.06.003.S10 Manufacturing Industrial Model Making Support - Entry Para-
Professional (S1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.M50 Configuration Management - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.M40 Configuration Management - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.M30 Configuration Management - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.M20 Configuration Management - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.M10 Configuration Management - Team Leader (Para-Professionals)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.P50 Configuration Management - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.P40 Configuration Management - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.P30 Configuration Management - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.P20 Configuration Management - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.P10 Configuration Management - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.S40 Configuration Management - Specialist Para-Professional (S4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.S30 Configuration Management - Senior Para-Professional (S3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.S20 Configuration Management - Experienced Para-Professional (S2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.009.S10 Configuration Management - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.010.P50 Engineering Design Checking - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.010.P40 Engineering Design Checking - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.010.P30 Engineering Design Checking - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.010.P20 Engineering Design Checking - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.06.010.P10 Engineering Design Checking - Entry Professional (P1)

Construction ENS.06.005.M40 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Senior Manager


Construction ENS.06.005.M30 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.06.005.M20 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Construction ENS.06.005.P50 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Expert Professional

Construction ENS.06.005.P40 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.06.005.P30 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Senior Professional
Construction ENS.06.005.P20 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.06.005.P10 Building Information Modelling (Construction) - Entry Professional
Construction ENS.06.006.M40 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) - Senior
Manager (M4)
Construction ENS.06.006.M30 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) -
Manager (M3)
Construction ENS.06.006.M20 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) - Team
Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Construction ENS.06.006.P50 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Construction ENS.06.006.P40 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) -
Specialist Professional (P4)
Construction ENS.06.006.P30 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Construction ENS.06.006.P20 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Construction ENS.06.006.P10 Intelligent Electronic Device Systems Design (Construction) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Construction ENS.06.007.M40 Structural Design (Construction) - Senior Manager (M4)

Construction ENS.06.007.M30 Structural Design (Construction) - Manager (M3)

Construction ENS.06.007.M20 Structural Design (Construction) - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Construction ENS.06.007.P50 Structural Design (Construction) - Expert Professional (P5)

Construction ENS.06.007.P40 Structural Design (Construction) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Construction ENS.06.007.P30 Structural Design (Construction) - Senior Professional (P3)

Construction ENS.06.007.P20 Structural Design (Construction) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Construction ENS.06.007.P10 Structural Design (Construction) - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.M40 Engineering Technical Documentation - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.M30 Engineering Technical Documentation - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.M20 Engineering Technical Documentation - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.M10 Engineering Technical Documentation - Team Leader (Para-

Professionals) (M1)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.P50 Engineering Technical Documentation - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.P40 Engineering Technical Documentation - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.P30 Engineering Technical Documentation - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.P20 Engineering Technical Documentation - Experienced Professional

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.P10 Engineering Technical Documentation - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.S40 Engineering Technical Documentation - Specialist Para-Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.S30 Engineering Technical Documentation - Senior Para-Professional


Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.S20 Engineering Technical Documentation - Experienced Para-

Professional (S2)

Cross Industry X ENS.06.028.S10 Engineering Technical Documentation - Entry Para-Professional


Cross Industry ENS.06.999.M40 Other Engineering Design Services - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.M30 Other Engineering Design Services - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.M20 Other Engineering Design Services - Team Leader (Professionals)
Cross Industry ENS.06.999.M10 Other Engineering Design Services - Team Leader (Para-
Professionals) (M1)
Cross Industry ENS.06.999.P50 Other Engineering Design Services - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.P40 Other Engineering Design Services - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.P30 Other Engineering Design Services - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.P20 Other Engineering Design Services - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.P10 Other Engineering Design Services - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.S40 Other Engineering Design Services - Specialist Para-Professional

Cross Industry ENS.06.999.S30 Other Engineering Design Services - Senior Para-Professional (S3)
Cross Industry ENS.06.999.S20 Other Engineering Design Services - Experienced Para-Professional
Cross Industry ENS.06.999.S10 Other Engineering Design Services - Entry Para-Professional (S1)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.E30 Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.E20 Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.E10 Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.M50 Chemistry - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.M40 Chemistry - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.M30 Chemistry - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.M20 Chemistry - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P60 Chemistry - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P50 Chemistry - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P40 Chemistry - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P30 Chemistry - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P20 Chemistry - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.011.P10 Chemistry - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.E30 General Product/Process Research Science - Sub-function Executive

3 (E3)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.E20 General Product/Process Research Science - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.E10 General Product/Process Research Science - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.M50 General Product/Process Research Science - Senior Manager II
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.M40 General Product/Process Research Science - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.M30 General Product/Process Research Science - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.M20 General Product/Process Research Science - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P60 General Product/Process Research Science - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P50 General Product/Process Research Science - Expert Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P40 General Product/Process Research Science - Specialist Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P30 General Product/Process Research Science - Senior Professional
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P20 General Product/Process Research Science - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Cross Industry X ENS.07.021.P10 General Product/Process Research Science - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.07.032.E30 Discovery Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.07.032.E20 Discovery Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.07.032.E10 Discovery Chemistry - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)
Cross Industry NEW JOB (EXISTING ENS.07.032.M50 Discovery Chemistry - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry ENS.07.032.M40 Discovery Chemistry - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.M30 Discovery Chemistry - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.M20 Discovery Chemistry - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P60 Discovery Chemistry - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P50 Discovery Chemistry - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P40 Discovery Chemistry - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P30 Discovery Chemistry - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P20 Discovery Chemistry - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.032.P10 Discovery Chemistry - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.M50 Food Science - Senior Manager II (M5)
Cross Industry CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.M40 Food Science - Senior Manager (M4)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.M30 Food Science - Manager (M3)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.M20 Food Science - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Cross Industry MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.P50 Food Science - Expert Professional (P5)
Cross Industry CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.P40 Food Science - Specialist Professional (P4)
Cross Industry CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.P30 Food Science - Senior Professional (P3)
Cross Industry CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.P20 Food Science - Experienced Professional (P2)
Cross Industry CODE)
MOVED JOB (NEW CODE); ENS.07.040.P10 Food Science - Entry Professional (P1)
Cross Industry CODE) ENS.07.037.E30 Perfume/Flavor Research - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.E20 Perfume/Flavor Research - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.E10 Perfume/Flavor Research - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.M50 Perfume/Flavor Research - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.M40 Perfume/Flavor Research - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.M30 Perfume/Flavor Research - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.M20 Perfume/Flavor Research - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P60 Perfume/Flavor Research - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P50 Perfume/Flavor Research - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P40 Perfume/Flavor Research - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P30 Perfume/Flavor Research - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P20 Perfume/Flavor Research - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.037.P10 Perfume/Flavor Research - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.E30 Sensory Evaluation Research - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.E20 Sensory Evaluation Research - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.E10 Sensory Evaluation Research - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.M50 Sensory Evaluation Research - Senior Manager II (M5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.M40 Sensory Evaluation Research - Senior Manager (M4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.M30 Sensory Evaluation Research - Manager (M3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.M20 Sensory Evaluation Research - Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P60 Sensory Evaluation Research - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P50 Sensory Evaluation Research - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P40 Sensory Evaluation Research - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P30 Sensory Evaluation Research - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P20 Sensory Evaluation Research - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry ENS.07.038.P10 Sensory Evaluation Research - Entry Professional (P1)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P60 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P50 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Expert Professional (P5)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P40 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Specialist Professional (P4)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P30 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Senior Professional (P3)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P20 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Experienced Professional (P2)

Cross Industry NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.053.P10 Microbiology: Alcoholic Beverages - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.041.E30 Head of Discovery Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
3 (E3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.041.E20 Head of Discovery Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
2 (E2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.041.E10 Head of Discovery Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive
1 (E1)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.042.E30 Head of Pre-Clinical Drug Safety/Metabolism (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.042.E20 Head of Pre-Clinical Drug Safety/Metabolism (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.042.E10 Head of Pre-Clinical Drug Safety/Metabolism (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.E30 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.E20 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.E10 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.M50 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.M40 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.M30 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.M20 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P60 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P50 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P40 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P30 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P20 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.022.P10 Discovery Biology (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.023.E30 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.E20 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.E10 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.M50 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.M40 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.M30 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.023.M20 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P60 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P50 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P40 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P30 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P20 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.023.P10 Dosage Formulation Research (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.E30 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.E20 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.E10 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.M50 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.M40 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.M30 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.M20 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P60 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P50 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)
Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P40 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P30 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P20 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional

Life Sciences ENS.07.024.P10 Epidemiology Research (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.025.E30 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function

Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.E20 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.E10 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.M50 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.025.M40 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior

Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.025.M30 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.025.M20 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P60 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent

Professional (P6)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P50 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P40 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P30 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P20 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.025.P10 Microbiology/Bacteriology Research (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Life Sciences ENS.07.026.E30 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.E20 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.E10 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.M50 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.M40 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.M30 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.M20 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P60 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P50 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P40 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P30 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P20 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.026.P10 Pathology Research (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.E30 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.E20 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-

function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.E10 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-

function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.M50 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Senior Manager II (M5)
Life Sciences ENS.07.027.M40 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.M30 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.M20 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P60 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-

eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P50 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P40 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P30 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P20 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) -

Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.027.P10 Pharmacokinetics/Drug Metabolism Research (Life Sciences) - Entry

Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.028.E30 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-

function Executive 3 (E3)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.E20 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 2 (E2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.E10 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-
function Executive 1 (E1)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.M50 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Senior
Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.028.M40 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Senior

Manager (M4)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.M30 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Manager

Life Sciences ENS.07.028.M20 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Team

Leader (Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P60 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-

eminent Professional (P6)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P50 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Expert
Professional (P5)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P40 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P30 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Senior
Professional (P3)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P20 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.028.P10 Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics Research (Life Sciences) - Entry
Professional (P1)
Life Sciences ENS.07.029.E30 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.E20 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.E10 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.M50 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.M40 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.M30 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.M20 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P60 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P50 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P40 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P30 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P20 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)
Life Sciences ENS.07.029.P10 Toxicology Research (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.E30 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.E20 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2
Life Sciences ENS.07.030.E10 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1
Life Sciences ENS.07.030.M50 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.M40 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.M30 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.M20 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Team Leader

(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P60 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P50 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P40 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P30 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P20 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional

Life Sciences ENS.07.030.P10 Translational Medicine (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.E30 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.E20 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.E10 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.M50 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.M40 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.M30 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.M20 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P60 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P50 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P40 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P30 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P20 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.043.P10 Molecular Biology (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.E30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.E20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.E10 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.M50 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.M40 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.M30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.M20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Team Leader (Professionals) (M2)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P60 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P50 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P40 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P30 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P20 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.044.P10 Pharmaceutical/Biological Process Development (Life Sciences) -
Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.E30 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.E20 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.E10 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Sub-function Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.M50 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II (M5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.M40 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.M30 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.M20 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Team Leader (Professionals)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P60 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P50 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional (P5)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P40 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Specialist Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P30 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional (P3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P20 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Experienced Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.047.P10 Assay Development (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional (P1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.E30 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 3 (E3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.E20 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 2 (E2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.E10 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Sub-function
Executive 1 (E1)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.M50 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager II

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.M40 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Senior Manager (M4)
Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.M30 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Manager (M3)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.M20 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Team Leader
(Professionals) (M2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P60 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Pre-eminent
Professional (P6)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P50 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Expert Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P40 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Specialist
Professional (P4)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P30 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Senior Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P20 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Experienced
Professional (P2)

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.048.P10 Biologic Product Formulation (Life Sciences) - Entry Professional

Life Sciences NEW JOB (NEW SPECIALIZATION) ENS.07.049.M50 Biological Process: Fermentation/Cell Culture (Life Sciences) -

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