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User Confusion Using Templates

Problem 1: UI behavior is inconsistent with most of core application creating unnecessary user

Problem 2: Newly created backlog items go to bottom of rank ordered list…. Using template to generate
does not seem consistent for items as they are not always ranked to bottom
Generate a backlog using a template is done via the Backlog Panel within the TeamRoom.
Outside Teamroom, the sidebar add is used.

When selected (either way), user is prompted from list of templates. Note this takes over the browser tab as
opposed to opening in a window like other selection list panels in the core application.

Generation of the new story then opens in new story details view within the browser tab instead of as a window…..
user does not have the familiar way to just close the details view like behavior throughout the main application
with other detail views.

Now, if they close the browser tab, then they have to open a new tab and re-enter the TeamRoom or the App all
over again.

Or they must use the back button on the browser and refresh. Normally core application behavior does not
require users to use back button on browser to navigate.

I observe users in consulting/training sessions trying to perform this add story from template operation and they
often get totally confused about where they are and how to get back to where they were. And more times than
not, they close the browser tab and then have to start over getting back to app or Teamroom

Requested Resolution: Template selection list presents in a window like other selection lists within application.
Newly created item detail view opens in window like other detail views within application. Like below….
Here is example selection list…..

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