The Silkworm Thread

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The silkworm thread’s process

This diagram show the process of producing the silk cloth. There are two main stage which include the
life cycle of the silkworm that all step is nature. The second stage is man-made which producing the silk
cloth with the material come from the first one. The cocoon is change into silk cloth through out two
stage of this process

The first stage is the longest period which last more than 6 weeks. The beginning step start when the
mothra product its eggs. After 10 days, some of these eggs is hatch to silkworm larva with these
creature eating mulberry leaf to survive. At the next step It produce silk thread to cover around itself
after 4 to 6 weeks from the second step. Taking 3 to 8 next day, the silk-layer complete and become
cocoon which hatch into the moth after 16 days .Tthe life cycle beginning with the new silkworm

At the second stage, they select cocoon from the fisrt stage which is boiled in water after that. Then they
take it out of water and unwind to the thread which lengh 300 to 900 meter. The silk thread from the
previous step can be twist or weave and both result from these two different treatment is being dyed to
the last products.

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