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ICS No.67.020



Standards Development Centre,
PSQCA Complex, Standardization Wing II, 1st Floor, Plot - ST-7/A, Block-3,
Scheme No.36, Gulistan-e-Jauher, Karachi

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ICS No.67.020
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. NORMATIVE REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................... 6
3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 7
4. REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Requirements for slaughtering ........................................................................................................................7
4.1.1 Requirements the animals to be slaughtered ................................................................................ 7
4.1.2 Animal Welfare ............................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.3 Slaughterer ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.4 Slaughtering tools and utensils ...................................................................................................... 8
4.1.5 Slaughtering place........................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.6 Stunning ........................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.7 Slaughtering Procedure .................................................................................................................. 8
4.1.8 Health Checks of Animals before Slaughtering ........................................................................... 9
4.1.9 Cleaning and washing of animals .................................................................................................. 9
4.1.10 Prevention of mixing of different Animals ............................................................................... 9
4.1.11 Leading Animals to slaughtering area ...................................................................................... 9
4.1.12 Slaughtering (Zabah) Procedure ............................................................................................... 9
4.1.13 Post mortem inspection of carcass and giblets ....................................................................... 10
4.1.14 Washing and stamping the carcass ......................................................................................... 10
4.1.15 Health inspection of carcass..................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Nahr .................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Aqr (‫ )عقر‬............................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3.1 Hunting ............................................................................................................................. 11
4.4 Meat and Meat Products ......................................................................................................................... 11
5. PACKAGING MATERIALS...................................................................................................................................11
6. FOOD SERVICE AND FACILITIES....................................................................................................................11
7. MACHINERY, UTENSILS, PRODUCTION LINES ................................................................................... 12
8. HYGIENE, SANITATION AND FOOD SAFETY ....................................................................................... 12
9. DOCUMENTATION......................................................................................................................................... 12
9.1 Documentation Requirements .......................................................................................... 12
9.2 Human Resources ............................................................................................................ 13
9.3 Halaal Control Point ............................................................................................................ 13
9.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response ............................................................................. 13
9.5 Internal Audit .................................................................................................................................... 13
9.6 Management Review ......................................................................................................................... 13
9.7 Improvement ..................................................................................................................................... 14
9.7.1 Continual improvement ................................................................................................................ 14
9.7.2 Corrective action ........................................................................................................................... 14

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ICS No.67.020
9.7.3 Preventive action ........................................................................................................................... 14
10. VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION ...........................................................................................................14
10.1 Verification ........................................................................................................................................ 14
10.2 Validation........................................................................................................................................... 14
10.3 Validation and verification of methods ........................................................................................... 14
11. IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY ..................................................................................................15
12. STORAGE, DISPLAY, SERVICE AND TRANSPORT ......................................................................... 15
13. PACKAGING AND LABELLING ............................................................................................................ 15
Annex A ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Amendment Recorder ........................................................................................................................................ 23

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ICS No.67.020


0.1 This Islamic Republic of Pakistan Standard was developed by the Pakistan Standards &
Quality Control Authority Standards Development Centre on 27 December 2018 after the draft
finalizes by the Halaal Foods Standards Technical Committee had been approved by the National
Standards Committee on Halaal.

0.2 The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority, under the Ministry of Science
and Technology, is the national standardization body. In performing its duties and functions,
PSQCA is governed by the PSQCA Act, 1996. PSQCA has also been established to advise the
Government on standardization policies, program and activities to promote industrial efficiency
and development, as well as for consumer protection.

0.3 The main function of the Department is to foster and promote standards and
conformity assessment as a means of advancing the national economy, promoting industrial
efficiency and development, ensuring the health and safety of the public, protecting the consumers,
facilitating domestic and international trade and furthering international co-operation in
relation to standards and conformity assessment.

0.4 PSQCA establishes Pakistan Standards as per mandate given in sub section (xvi) of section 8
of PSQCA Act VI of 1996 i.e. framing and publishing, amending, revising or withdrawal of
Pakistan Standards in relation to any article, product, process and in accordance with Pakistan
standard rules 2008.

0.5 The formulation and/ or adoption of Pakistan Standards is carried out in technical committees
and recommended by national standards committee which include experts from PSQCA, other public
and private organizations, academia and consumers and from relevant production or service units.
Standard development activity is based on consensus to make sure that Pakistan standards safeguard
national interest, public tendencies keeping in view the concept of quality, safety, health efficiency as
basic parameters for the sustainable development.

0.6 In the preparation of this standard the views of the scientists, food technologists, industry,
certifiers, accreditation body, Islamic scholars, testing authorities and consumers have been taken into

0.7 The assistance has been derived from OIC/SMIIC 1, and other relevant standards and
guides acknowledged with thanks.

0.8 For further information on Pakistan standards development, please visit PSQCA

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The lives of all Muslims including their dietary requirements and daily use are guided by the Islamic
Law. In the regulatory sector, government authorities implement laws covering the approval of products
(including services) for reasons of safety, health, environmental protection, fraud prevention or market
fairness. In the voluntary sector, many lines of food industry have both within an economy as well as
globally, are using non-Halaal sources/process which are not easily traceable by the consumers.
For that reason, there is a need to develop standard for Halaal food manufacturing, processing,
packaging etc. fulfilling both technical and shariah aspects. This standard focuses the requirements of
Halaal meat chain. It ensures that sources and slaughtering of Halaal animals fulfil the shariah
requirements in producing Halaal meat and meat products to maintain the integrity of Halaal.

This standard is aimed to help both producers and supervising organizations (i.e., certification bodies) to
ensure Halaal traceability throughout the meat chain in order to facilitate cross-border trade and to gain
confidence of the Muslims around the globe.

In this Standard, Islamic rules refer to commonly accepted rules and beliefs of Islam, regardless of
variations in different countries/sects. All the Muslims are free to follow their respective School of Fiqh.

This Standard is not meant to be used as a reference for issuing Fatwa on the “Shariah Status” of things,
for it has been prepared to meet the requirements of industry, import, export, procurement and facilitate
trade on Halaal by bridging science & shariah.

It also covers the requirements pertaining to packaging, marking, transport and storage, shelf-life and
expiry date, and other requirements that prohibit deceit and fraud.

Pakistan Standard 3733 has been reviewed 4th time and for the convenience of users is split into
following four parts which replaced PS 3733-2016 accordingly and any part may be used in conjunction
with other part or relevant standard(s):

– PS:3733-2019 Part 1 Halaal Management System-Fundamentals and Vocabulary;

– PS:3733-2019 Part 2 Halaal Management System-Requirements for any organizations in the Food
Chain (4th Revision)
– PS:3733-2019 Part 3 Halaal Management System-Requirements for Animals slaughtering;
– PS: 3733-2019 Part 4 Halaal Management System-Requirements for Poultry slaughtering.

In this standard, the following verbal forms are used:

– “shall” indicates a requirement;

– “should” indicates a recommendation;
– “may” indicates a permission;
– “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.

“NOTES” provide guidance in understanding or clarifying the requirements in this document.

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This Islamic Republic of Pakistan Standard defines the basic requirements that shall be followed for
slaughtering of Halaal animal for any stage of food chain including, production, receiving, sorting,
preparation, processing, packaging, labelling, marking, controlling, handling, transportation, distribution,
storage, marketing and service of Halaal m e a t and its products based on Islamic Laws. This
standard shall be used together with the laws of Pakistan, including relevant standards and guidelines for
local/import/export purposes.

All requirements of this standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all
enterprises/organizations in the Halaal chain regardless of size and complexity. This includes
organizations directly involved in one or more steps of the food chain and wish to implement systems
that consistently provide safe Halaal meat and meat products. The means of meeting any requirements of
this standard can be accomplished through the use of internal and/or external resources.

Guidelines on the application of this standard in all organizations are contained in the standard for Halaal
meat certification rules.

This standard specifies requirements to enable an organization to:

– plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a Halaal Management System aimed at providing
products that are Halaal and are safe for the consumer according to their intended use;
– demonstrate compliance with Shariah rules;
– demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements;
– effectively communicate Halaal meat issues to their suppliers, customers and relevant
interested parties in the food chain;
– ensure that the organization conforms to its stated Halaal Policy;
– seek certification of its Halaal Management System, by a Halaal certification body accredited as
per PS: 4992 for Conformity Assessment-Requirements for Bodies providing Halaal

NOTE: Meat chain includes the production of feed for animals intended for meat production.

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies:

– Pakistan Standard Halaal Management System-Fundamentals and Vocabulary (PS:3733-2019

Part 1);
– Pakistan Standard Halaal Management System-Requirements for any organizations in the Food
Chain (PS:3733-2019 Part 2, 4th Revision);
– Pakistan Standard for Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods(PS:1485);

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– Pakistan Standard for Animal Feed(PS:234);
– Pakistan Standard for Traceability in the Product Chain-General Principles and basic
Requirements for system design and implementation.


For the purpose of this document the terms, definition and principles given in PS: 3733-2019 Part
1 shall apply.


4.1 Requirements for slaughtering

4.1.1 Requirements the animals to be slaughtered:

a. The animal to be slaughtered shall be a Halaal animal;

b. A certificate shall be issued by a qualified veterinarian who attests that animals to be slaughtered
are healthy;

c. The animal to be slaughtered shall be alive at the time of slaughter. The slaughtering procedure
should not cause torture to animal;

d. Amputation of any part from the body of animal is prohibited while the animal is alive;

e. Animals feed shall be porcine free and shariah compliant.

4.1.2 Animal Welfare

a. Animal should be treated in ways that minimize fear, pain; stress and suffering. They are
provided with water, food, proper handling, health care, an environment appropriate to their care
and use, with thoughtful consideration for their species-typical biology and behaviour;

b. Animals should be provided with water and feed during the long journey;

c. If animals have arrived from long distance, they should first be allowed to rest and be provided
with water and feed;

d. The feeding animal by any feed containing the materials which is not suitable for its nature is not

4.1.3 Slaughterer
The slaughterer shall be:
a. Muslim (see! Clause 3.3 of PS: 3733-2019 Part 1);

b. mentally sound and fully understands the fundamental Islamic Laws, rules and conditions related
to the slaughter of animal;

c. trained in terms of health, hygiene, sanitation and animal welfare rules of Halaal slaughtering;
required to check that each one is properly slaughtered.

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4.1.4 Slaughtering tools and utensils

a. Slaughtering lines, food grade tools and utensils shall be clean and used for the purpose of Halaal
slaughter only;

b. Slaughtering tools shall be sharp and cut by their edge, not by weight.

4.1.5 Slaughtering place

Slaughter place shall be dedicated to Halaal animal and for Halaal slaughter only and shall
satisfy the requirements of prerequisite programmes (clause 3.32 of PS: 3733-2019 Part1).
Physical conditions of slaughtering places shall fulfil legal requirements. The following shall be

a. landing area which allows convenient space for health checks;

b. at the entrance a special slaughtering area preferably facing QIBLAH in knocking box
/controlling box, electrically operated automatic or manually operated roller chain system
according to nature of the animal that is used to raise the animal;

c. automatic, movable or manually operated rail system equipped with roller chain, which sequences
flow of work;

d. fixed or movable loading platform and landing areas specially designed for cattle and sheep-
goats, which help workers, handle skinning and carcass preparation with ease and efficiently;

e. weighing facilities at suitable locations;

f. suitable carcass washing facilities (pressure water, preferably automatic);

g. hot water pipes / vessels which contain running hot water at all times for the purpose of washing,
disinfecting or sterilizing dirty tools (knives, hangers, etc.), and cuvettes holding antiseptic liquid
and for hands sink fitted with a tap operated by foot or knee or by photocell;

h. clean and pressure water supply should be made available at all times;

i. all disinfectant and antiseptic liquids shall be suitable for the use in Halaal meat sector;

j. when cleaning or maintaining machinery or devices that comes in contact with Halaal meat,
there shall be no use of any oils or lubricants or cleaning fluids or disinfectants that contain
Haraam or Najis components or materials, or that is not food grade.

4.1.6 Stunning
All forms of stunning and concussion (loss of consciousness) shall not be allowed for animals.
Meat imported from other countries shall also meet this requirement.

4.1.7 Slaughtering Procedure

In addition to clause 4.1.3 the following requirements are also applied:

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4.1.8 Health Checks of Animals before Slaughtering
In addition to ante-mortem control, the following requirements are also applied:

a. Animals to be slaughtered should be checked by a qualified veterinarian following the Good

Veterinary Practices;

b. Animal found sick or suspected to be sick shall immediately be removed or segregated in an

isolated area and legal formalities should be fulfilled;

c. Animals which have completed 1/3 of their pregnancy shall not be slaughtered.

4.1.9 Cleaning and washing of animals

Animals sent for slaughter should be free of faeces, urine and mud. Dirty animals should be
cleaned in paddocks where available or in areas set aside for washing purposes. It is important to
refrain from slaughtering animals when they are still wet.

4.1.10 Prevention of mixing of different Animals

Special care should be taken to avoid mixing of different groups of animals during their transfer
to paddocks, cleaning and transfer to slaughter area.

4.1.11 Leading Animals to slaughtering area

a. Animals to be slaughtered shall be led into the slaughter area by trained personnel through a
corridor/passage using humane methods;

b. At the end of the corridor/passage that animals are led through for slaughtering, it should be
ensured that animals waiting in the line are prevented from seeing those being slaughtered, with
the help of a movable curtain or a partition system.

4.1.12 Slaughtering (Zabah) Procedure

a. The animals shall be hand slaughtered;

b. Mechanical slaughter of Halaal animals is prohibited;

c. The act of slaughtering shall be done with the intention (NİYYAH) in that the slaughterer is well
aware of his action;

d. The purpose of slaughtering shall only be to use the carcass for human food;

e. The animal should be slaughtered, after having been laid preferably on its left flank and facing
QIBLAH (the direction of Makkah). Care shall be given to reduce suffering of the animal while
it is being laid and not to be kept waiting much in that position;

f. At the time of slaughtering the animals, the slaughterer shall recite TASMIYAH (BISMILLAH
WALALAH-O-AKBAR) which means “in the name of ALLAH and ALLAH is Greatest” and he
shall not mention any name other than ALLAH;

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g. Mentioning the name of ALLAH shall be on each and every animal to be slaughtered

h. Slaughtering shall be done only once to each animal. The “sawing action” of the Slaughtering is
permitted as long as required;

i. The act of Halaal slaughter shall begin with an incision on the neck at some point just below or
after the glottis (Adam’s apple) in short-necked animals and in the lower part near the chest of
long-necked animals;

j. The slaughter act shall sever the Trachea (Halqum), Oesophagus (Mari) and both the Carotid
Arteries and Jugular Veins (Wadajain) to enhance the bleeding and death of the animal;

k. The bleeding shall be spontaneous and complete. The bleeding time shall be sufficient to ensure
full bleeding till death of animal;

l. Spinal cord or neck of the animal shall not be cut before complete death of the animal.

4.1.13 Post mortem inspection of carcass and giblets

Post mortem inspection shall be carried out by a qualified veterinarian. Judgement on the carcass
or parts of carcass should be made as stated in the CAC/RCP 58 (Code of Hygienic Practice for
Meat) to meet safety and hygiene requirements.

4.1.14 Washing and stamping the carcass

Washing, drying, chilling and freezing shall be done with suitable tools or equipment. Stamping
shall be done using food grade ink free from Haraam or Najis ingredients. Chilling room
temperature shall be maximum 4°C.

4.1.15 Health inspection of carcass

In addition to post mortem control, the following actions are required:

a. Each carcass, after having been washed, shall be inspected. The inspection shall be done
according the meat inspection regulations or standards of veterinary services;

b. In cases where physical examination does not suffice to reach a diagnosis, suspected substance or
sample shall be sent to the laboratory while the carcass is kept in an area at an appropriate
temperature. A decision should be made in accordance with laboratory testing results.

4.2 Nahr
Slaughtering of long neck animals like camel is only accepted by Nahr it consists in plunging a
knife in the point between core of the neck and the chest (Libbah) to the beginning of chest.

4.3 Aqr (‫)عقر‬

Slaughtering method that can be used for specific condition such as slaughtering of wild animals:

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4.3.1 Hunting Animals hunted by Muslim with weapons are considered Halaal if:

a. Tasmiyah is recited before throwing the weapon towards the Halaal animal;
b. The animal being hunted is hit by the sharp edge of the weapon. Animals hunted by hunting animals and/or birds are considered to be Halaal if:

a. The animal/bird used for hunting the Halaal animals are trained;
b. The trained hunting animal/bird is healthy;
c. The trained hunting animal/bird is released by Muslim and Tasmiyah is recited before releasing;
d. The hunted animals (dead or alive) is not eaten by the trained hunting animal/bird;
e. The hunted animal, if caught alive, is slaughtered (Zabah) as per the Islamic Laws.

4.4 Meat and Meat Products

a. Meat derived from Halaal animal in conformance to clause 4.1 of this standard;

b. No Haram or Najis food additives and/or processing aids shall be used in the production of meat

5.1 It shall not be made from any materials that are Najis or Haraam;

5.2 It shall not be prepared or processed using equipment that is contaminated with Haraam and
Najis materials;

5.3 It shall be physically separated from any Haraam and Najis materials during its preparation,
processing, storage or transportation;
5.4 The food contact materials shall be food grade;

5.5 It shall not impart colour, odour, toxicity or any substance to the meat and its products nor
shall contain any materials that are considered hazardous to human health.


All food services and facilities are Halaal if they meet the following requirements:

6.1 If they deal with only those products and product groups and materials which satisfy
the provisions of Clause 4.

6.2 If the tools and utensils used during the service and sale of products are in total isolation and
only be in use for Halaal products.

6.3 If a plant normally produces Haraam and Najis products, but intends to switch to Halaal
production, it shall go through cleaning process according to Islamic Laws before
commencing Halaal production. Repetition in converting the production to Haraam and Najis
and back to Halaal production shall not be permitted.

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6.4 They shall not be allowed to serve alcoholic beverages at all.

6.5 No person shall be allowed to bring any haram or Najis such as pork, alcoholic beverages
into the Halaal certified premises.

6.6 Clear signage be displayed in the restaurant stating that “Alcoholic beverages are not allowed
on these premises”. Alcoholic beverages shall not be used, stored, consumed or brought onto
any part of the Halaal certified establishment for any reason whatsoever.


7.1 Machinery, utensils, production lines used for processing Halaal shall not be made of or
contain any materials that are decreed as Haraam or Najis by Islamic Law and shall be used
only for Halaal;

7.2 In case of converting any processing, line contaminated by any Haraam or Najis product into
Halaal production line, it shall be washed and cleaned according to laws of Islam hygiene and
sanitary rules (ritually cleansed). Upon conversion, the line shall be operated for Halaal food
only. Repetition in converting the line to Haraam or Najis and back to Halaal line shall not be

7.3 Oils/grease used in the maintenance of machines and devices that may come into contact with
the food shall be food grade and shall not contain any ingredients that are Haraam or Najis.

7.4 Measuring and testing devices used in the process that can affect the integrity of Halaal shall
be properly maintained and calibrated.


8.1 Hygiene, sanitation and food safety are prerequisites in the preparation of Halaal food.

8.2 Halaal meat and its products shall be prepared, processed, packaged, transported and stored
in such a manner that they are in compliance with hygiene and sanitary requirements
of relevant standards;

8.3 appropriate cleaning methods shall be used as per the requirements;

8.4 chemicals and materials used in hygiene and sanitation shall not have any Najis ingredients
and suitable for use in Halaal food sector;

8.5 Appropriate food safety measures should be applicable for use in Halaal meat sector.

9.1 Documentation Requirements
9.1.1 The Halaal Management System (HMS) documentation shall include:
a. Documented statements of a Halaal Food Safety Policy and related objectives;

b. Documented procedures and records required by this standard; (as mentioned in clause 9.1 to 9.7
but not limited to these clauses);

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c. Documents needed by the organization to ensure effective development, implementation and

updating of the HMS;

d. Control of records shall be established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements of the

effective operation of the HMS;

e. Documentation procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the identification,
storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of records;

f. Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.

9.2 Human Resources

9.2.1 The personnel carrying out activities having an impact on Halaal meat safety shall be
competent Muslims and shall have appropriate education, training, skills and experience in
Shariah, Food Technology and/or relevant field.

9.2.2 Where the assistance of external experts (i.e., Shariah advisors, Food technologists, Veterinarians,
etc.) is required for the development, implementation, operation or assessment of the HMS,
records of agreement or contracts defining the responsibility and authority of external experts
shall be maintained.

9.3 Halaal Control Point

Halaal control points shall be established for Halaal meat production requirements.

9.3.1 Where appropriate, Halaal meat production shall be identified by suitable means throughout
product realization;

9.3.2 The critical control point system shall identify incoming material from the immediate suppliers
and the initial distribution route of the end product.

9.4 Emergency Preparedness and Response

The organization’s top management shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to
manage potential emergency situations and accidents that can impact HMS.

9.5 Internal Audit

The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the

9.5.1 conforms to the planned arrangements established by the organization, and to the requirements of
this standard;

9.5.2 is effectively implemented and updated.

9.6 Management Review

9.6.1 The organization’s top management shall review the HMS at planned intervals to ensure its
continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review shall include assessing

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opportunities for improvement and the need for change to the HMS, including the Halaal Food
Safety Policy;

9.6.2 Records of management reviews shall be maintained.

9.7 Improvement
9.7.1 Continual improvement
The organization shall continually improve the effectiveness of the Halaal management system
through the use of the quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective
and preventive actions, management review, appeals and complaints.
9.7.2 Corrective action
The organization shall take action to eliminate the causes of non- conformities in order to
prevent recurrence. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities
9.7.3 Preventive action
The organization shall determine action to eliminate the causes of potential nonconformities in
order to prevent their occurrence. Preventive actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the
potential problems.


10.1 Verification

Verification shall be performed in accordance with planned arrangements to ensure that the
outputs have met the input requirements. Records of the results of the verification and any
necessary actions shall be maintained;
10.2 Validation

Validation shall be performed in accordance with planned arrangements to ensure that

the resulting product is capable of meeting the requirements for the specified application or
intended use, where known. Wherever practicable, validation shall be completed prior to the
delivery or implementation of the product. Records of the results of validation and any
necessary actions shall be maintained.
10.3 Validation and verification of methods
Inspections and testing conducted for the purposes of assessing non-halal sources and content
may be carried out in accordance with inspection and testing methods that are based on validated
and verified methods recognized at national or international levels.

Halaal authenticity confirmatory test methods of analysis used for Halaal food control purposes
may be proved beyond reasonable doubt are:

a. Objectively identified from the Halaal source of Food;

b. It is free from any Haraam and Najis components according on risk based approach;
c. The requirements of slaughtering according to the Islamic rules and Law are fulfilled;
d. It is recommended that fully validated confirmatory methods (i.e. methods validated by
collaborative trials for relevant matrices) are used where appropriate and available.

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11.1 The organization shall establish and apply a traceability system that enables the identification
of product lots and their relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery

11.2 Where appropriate, the Halaal food shall be identified by suitable means throughout the entire
production process.

11.3 The Halaal food status shall be identified with respect to monitoring and measurement

11.4 Where traceability is a requirement, the product shall be controlled, and the unique identification
of the product shall be recorded.

11.5 Traceability records shall be maintained for a defined period for system assessment to enable the
handling of potentially unsafe products and in the event of product withdrawal. Records shall be
in accordance with statutory, regulatory and customer requirements and may be based on the end
product lot identification.


12.1 All Halaal food that are stored, displayed, sold or served and during transport shall be
categorized, identified/labelled and segregated as Halaal at every stage so as to prevent them from
being mixed or contaminated with materials that are Haraam and Najis.

12.2 Transport should be compatible with the nature of the product. Transport vehicles should satisfy
hygiene and sanitation rules.


In addition to provisions specified in PS: 1485 for Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods following
shall apply:

13.1 Packaging
Packaging shall be in conformity with conditions:
13.1.1 Halaal meat products shall be suitably packed using packaging materials that fulfil the
clause 5;

13.1.2 Packaging process shall be carried out in a clean and hygienic manner and in sound sanitary
conditions and controlled temperature that satisfies safety and quality of the product;

13.1.3 Carcass shall be appropriately packed in clean, new, sound, odourless packages that shall in
no way adversely affect the quality and safety of meat.

13.2 Labelling

13.2.1 All Halaal products should be appropriately labelled so that they can be identified and
differentiated from non-Halaal products;

13.2.2 The product name/sub-name shall not have resemblance with Haraam;

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13.2.3 Product using the name and/or having sensory profile of a Haraam product like rum flavour,
pork flavour, hot dog etc. shall not be Halaal certified although ingredients used are Halaal;

13.2.4 For certain products that are sold without packaging, it is possible to mark the point of sale;

13.2.5 Each package shall be marked legibly and indelibly, or a label shall be attached to the
package with the following information:

a. Name of the product;

b. List of all ingredients (in descending order);
c. Date of manufacture/process and expiry/best before;
d. Net content;
e. Name, address and contact details of the slaughterhouse, slaughterer, processor/manufacturer,
importer/exporter and/or distributor;

f. Trademark;
g. Code number identifying date and/or batch number of manufactures for traceability;
h. Country of origin;
i. Instruction of use, where applicable;
j. If meat and/or its products contain GMO, this fact shall be explicitly stated;
k. When Halaal mark is used, the authority and certificate number shall be placed on the product;
l. The nature of product (e.g. dried, fresh, frozen, smoked etc.), where applicable;
m. The animal sourced ingredients such as oils, fats, meat derivatives or extracts like gelatine and
rennet shall be declared;

13.2.6 For primary meat products, in addition to requirements mentioned above the label or mark shall
also include the following information:
a. Date of slaughter;
b. Produced from non-stunned and Hand slaughtered animal, shall be explicitly stated;
c. Date of processing;
d. Number of veterinary health report/certificate on each carcass shall be traceable;
e. Product using the name and/or having sensory profile of a Haraam product like rum flavour, pork
flavour, hot dog etc. shall not be Halaal certified although ingredients used are Halaal;
f. The stamp shall be tamper proof and the branding ink shall be stable and of food grade;
g. Each carcass (chilled or frozen) final packages of special meat cuts shall be branded by
authorized organization’s official stamp, and by the authorized person to indicate that slaughter
has been carried out under the supervision of that competent authority;

h. In case of import, consignment shall be accompanied with certificates that slaughtering has been
carried out in authorized abattoir/slaughterhouse and according to clause 4.1 of this standard, and
that the animal has been inspected before slaughtering and immediately after slaughtering by an
official veterinarian and it has been found sound, free from infectious diseases and fit for human
consumption. The certificate shall indicate the following:

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i) Type of animal, its weight and average age;

ii) Slaughtering date;
iii) Country of origin;
iv) Non-stunned and Hand slaughtered, shall be explicitly stated.

Note: Provided that if the Halaal specific requirements are fulfilled, the Halaal certification body, due to
common requirements, may accept the evidence and valid certificate/document issued by a
competent body.

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Annex A
Slaughtering part for cattle and method of slaughtering

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1. OIC/SMIIC-1, General Requirements for Halal Food.
2. ISO/IEC Guide 2, Standardization and Related Activities-General Vocabulary,
3. CODEX STAN 1, General standard for the labelling of Pre-packaged foods,
4. CAC/RCP 1, Recommended international code of practice general principles of food hygiene,
5. CAC/RCP 58, Code of hygienic practice for meat,
6. ISO 22000, Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food
7. ISO 22005, Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements
for system design and implementation.
8. ISO 9001, Quality management systems requirements


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Membership List of Technical Committee on Halaal Foods (TC1)

S.No Name Organization/Affiliation

SANHA Halal Associates Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. Flat 02, Plot 10-C 2nd
1. Dr. Mufti. Syed Arif Ali Shah (Ph.D.)
Commercial Lane Zamzama D.H.A. phase 5, Karachi.
Mr. Zuzzer Ali Shamsuddin,
2. Ex-officio PCSIR/Consultant.
Dr.S. M. Ghufran Saeed
3. Department of Food Science & Technology, University of Karachi.
Assistant Professor
Prof. Dr. Javaid Aziz Awan Formerly Professor and Chairman (Retd.), Department of Food
Country Director, IFANCA Pak. Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Mufti Yousuf Abdul Razzaq, SANHA Halal Associates Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.
CEO Karachi.
Mr. Hamid Ahmed PCSIR Lahore.
6. Ex-Officio(Food & Nutrients)PCSIR
Consultant Halaal Food
Mr. Hamid K Latif Fahm-ul-Halal/ TTI Labs. Quaid e Azam Industrial estate ,Kot Lakh
CEO pat, Lahore.
8. Representative Pakistan National Accreditation Council, Islamabad

9. Mufti Syed Fazal-ur-Rahim IFANCA Pakistan.

Shariah Advisor
10. Representative Ministry of Religious affairs.

11. Dr. Muhammad Jahangir Assistant Department of Food Science & Technology, The University of
Professor Haripur- Khyber Pakhtoon khah.
12. Dr. Muhammad Sami Haider. PSO, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi.
Dr. Farhan Ullah Khan The Saltpro
CEO R-536 Sector 15A/3, Buffer zone, Karachi.
Dr. Omer Mukhtar Tarer PCSIR Laboratories Complex,
PSO Karachi.
15. Mufti Muhammad Najeeb Khan Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi.
Molana Naeem Shahid Halaal Foundation, Jamia-Tur-Rasheed near Gulshan e Maymar
CEO Karachi.
17. Mr. Sohail Anwer Qarshi Industries Pakistan
Fahm-ul-Halal/ TTI Labs. Quaid e Azam Industrial estate, Kot
18. Mufti Muhammad Imran Mehmood
Lakhpat, Lahore.

19. Dr. Syed Ali Salman,

Abbott Nutrition, Pakistan.
Manager Regulatory Affairs,
Hafiz Shazaib Ameer Fahm-ul-Halal/ TTI Labs. Quaid e Azam Industrial estate ,Kot
Research Associate Lakhpat, Lahore.

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Mr. Zeeshan Ali Qureshi Hamdard Lab (Waqf) Pakistan,
Chemist, Karachi.
22. Justice Khalil Ur Rehman Pakistan Halaal Product Development Board.
Fahm-ul-Halal/ TTI Labs. Quaid e Azam Industrial estate ,Kot
23. Mufti Muhammad Adnan Kashif
Lakhpat, Lahore.
24. Representative Public and Pvt. Departments of academia.
25. Mr. Muhammad Akram Khan Halaal Industry Certification Council, Karachi.
Mr. Muhammad Afaq Shamsi
26. Halaal Awareness Research Council (HARC), Karachi.
Vice President
27. Representative FPCCI/KCCI.
28. Representative Custom House.
29. Representative Halaal certification bodies.
30. Representative Trade Development Authority of Pakistan.
31. Representative Provincial Halaal authorities, Pakistan.
32. Public Analyst City District Government.
33. Dr. Musawir Tareen Government Public Analyst Quetta,Balochistan.

34. Mr.Mustufa Zubairi The Pakistan Business Council, Karachi.

Dr. Syed Ibrar Hussain, Specialty Vericom (Pvt.) Ltd.,
CEO 222, Park Tower, Block-5, Clifton, Karachi.

36. Molana Muhammad Talha Siddiqui RICA Pakistan.

Mr. Qasim Mahmood,

37. The Coca Cola Export Corporation, Lahore.

38. Representative Unilever Pakistan Limited, Karachi.

39. Professor Dr. Iqbal Bhanger Jamshoroo University Sindh.

The International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences

Dr. Syed Musharraf
40. (ICCBS), HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of
Research Expert
Mr. Shehzad Sikander
41. Nestle Pakistan.
Regulatory affairs Manager
Mr. Dhani Baksh International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences
Research Officer (ICCBS),University of Karachi

43. Mr. Khalil Sattar K & N Foods Private Limited, Karachi.

Dr. Feroz Alam Department of Food Science & Technology University of

Assistant Professor Karachi.

45. Representative International Islamic University Islamabad.

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Mrs. Perveen Zahra
46. City District Government Karachi.
Public Analyst

47. Dr. Muhammad Asim Moringa-The Pharmagen Group, Lahore.

Dr. Tahira Zaheer

48. Quality Control Centre, PSQCA, Karachi.
Mr. Naseem-us-Sami Standards Development Centre, PSQCA,
Deputy Director (Agriculture & Food) Karachi.
Mr. Ayaz Ahmed
50. Conformity Assessment /Import Export- SDC PSQCA
Assistant Director
Ms. Afshan Bhatti
51. Quality Control Centre, PSQCA, Karachi.
Assistant Director (Microbiology)


Ms. Yasmin Khanam

Standards Development Centre ,PSQCA-Karachi
52. Incharge(Halaal Division) & secretary to
the committee

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Amendment Recorder

The Pakistan standard is subjected to periodical review according to the current needs of the local and
international industries to keep abreast of progress in the industries concerned.Suggestions of
amendments will be recorded and indue course brought to the notice of the committees concerned.
Amendment issued since publication.

Amendment Date of Text Affected Signature of the

No. Issue Secretariat

For official use

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