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M o t i v a t i o n L e t t e r f o r S c h o l a r s h i p MS

Technical University
sheraz.shery303@gmail.comm Illmenau
Faculty of IT
-ahmed-a296b61a1/ Admission Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am very glad when I saw this scholarship. I would love to express my gratitude to RSCE for this program. I am in7th
semester of Software engineering at Air University Islamabad.

Since I have very strong academic background in gaming and development field that I feel Master course in RCSE
perfectly suits with my profile and career prospects. My goal is to work with research on IOT, Web Development and
Game development as my finalyear project is related to all these fields (VR based Flight Simulator).

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an excellent opportunity to interacts with students and scholars from diverse
scholars and cultural backgrounds coming from all the world. This type of networking is very important for integration
of different ideas and perspectives pertaining to global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I’m determined to make most out the scholarship program. I believe that being
a student in your department would not only empower my career development but would give me the framework to
utilize my full potential. Moreover, I feel that as a Master student at your university, I can benefit from numerous
challenging career opportunities.

Looking forward to hearing your favorable reply.


Sheraz Ahmed

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