What Colours Mean in Other Cultures

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Colours Mean in Other Cultures

03.10.2021 22:47

What Colors
Mean in…

red Fear, fire, wealth, power, purity, fertility, seduction, love, beauty, when woman gets India
married, henna South Africa
Mourning, violence and independence Thailand
Sundays, Surya China
New Year, funerals, and weddings, luck, prosperity, happiness, long life for people

yellow Jealousy, betrayal, weakness, contradiction France

Jealousy German
High rank, money, quality, success, gold Africa
Gold, painting mummies and tombs, mourning Egypt
Bravery, wealth, refinement, emperor, royal family, pledge of courage Japan
Lucky colour for Monday, king of Thailand, king Bhumibol, Thailand
blue Hence, having "the blues", calming and soothing colour, trust, security, authority Western cultures
Masculinity, birth of a boy, feminine colour Middle Eastern cultures
Safety, protection, heaven, spirituality, immorality Latin American countries
Hope, good health, Virgin Mary Judaism
Holliness, divinity Hinduism
Krishna (god)
green Nature, ecology, environmental awareness, the military, traffic lights Western cultures
Spring, money, freshness, inexperience, jealously Eastern and Asian cultures
New beginnings, fertility, youth, health, prosperity Mexico
In Mexico flag represent independence South America

purple Royalty, wealth, power, exclusivity, fame Eastern and Western

Purple clothing was expensive cultures
Death and grieving UK, Italy, Brazil, Thailand,
Honor and courage India
Purple dye was rare and difficult to produce United States
orange Fun and edgy Western cultures
Curiosity, trying new things, creativity Netherlands
Wealth, Dutch Royal family, mourning Egypt
Courage, happiness, love, good health, fire, lucky, sacred Japanese and Chinese
Strength, bravery, cultures
pink Femininity, love, romance, caring, tenderness Western cultures
It's worn by both genders, trust, architecture Eastern countries
Mentally stimulating, reduce violent behaviour, make people feel calmer and more Japan
controlled Korea
Latin America

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