CS Dec 15

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s - 2498

Scat Total No. ofPagcs : 3


T.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication) (Part - I[)

(Semester - Y) Examination, December - 2015
Sub, Code : 66315

Day and Datc : Thursday, 10 - 12 . 2015 Total Marks : 100

Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All qucstio[s arc compulsory.
2) Assumc suitablc data wherevcr nocossary.


@I) Solve any two : [2x9=18]

a) Compare openloop and closed loop system.
b) Explain block diagmm reduction rules.
c) Determine signal flow graph & find TF.

Q2) Solve any two : [2 x I = 16]

a) Derive relation for impulse response of unit step and ramp for first
order system.
b) Derive steady state eror constant for type '0' and type '1' system.
i:,, rfr'
c) A system is given by =4+4\ r8y-8x
Where y = o/p & x = I/p determine all time domain specifications for
unit step I/p.

s - 2498
03) Solve any two : [2 x 8 = 161

a) State and explain Hurwitz and Routh criteria'

b) Appiy Routh's test to determine stability
i) s6+ s5 + 3s1 +3s3 + 3s'+ 2s + 1=0
ii) s6 + 2ss + 8sa + 12s3 +20s2 + 16s + 16 = 0

c) Sketch root Iocus for

s+ 0.5)
---- determine 'k' foi damping ratio of Li
G(s)H (s) = -ria -: ^2) also
s(5' + 2s+
from toot locus


Q4) Solve any two : {2x9=18'l

a) Explain the frequency domain specifications in Bode plot'
b) Sketch Bode plot and determine gain crossover and phase crossover'
100(s + 3)
s(s + l)t.r' t' 5)

c) Sketch Nyquist plot and determine stability of open loop transfer

function of unity feedback system given by


05) Soive any two : t2 x 8 = 161

a) Explain the terms state, state variable, state vectol and state space ofthe
b) Ot,uin tt" state model in Jordan's caronical form of system having
transfer function

Y(s) Zst +6s+7

U(s) (s + l)'(s + Z\
c) Derive state model for general transfer function of system dsing canonical

s , 2498
Q6) Solve any Two : [2 x 8 = 16]
a) Explain the design procedure fol a lead compensator.
b) Wdte note on PID controller:s.
c) Describe Nyquist stability cdterion.



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