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Important Notes on SOLIDserver v5.0.

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

All specifications and information regarding the products in this document are subject to
change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Efficient IP. Efficient
IP assumes no responsibility or liability for any mistakes or inaccuracies that may appear
in this document. All statement and recommendations in this document are believed to be
accurate but are presented without warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their
application of any product.
March 10, 2014

Table of Contents
SOLIDserver First Use ...................................................................................................... 1
IPAM ................................................................................................................................ 2
Default behaviors ...................................................................................................... 2
Administration ................................................................................................................... 2
Rules ....................................................................................................................... 2
Class Studio ............................................................................................................. 2
GUI .................................................................................................................................. 2
Homepage Welcome banner ...................................................................................... 2
Development .................................................................................................................... 2
Custom DB ............................................................................................................... 2

The present document is a PDF version of the Important Notes released along with SOLIDserver
version 5.0.3.P0. This information is available on EfficientIP Knowledge Base at https://kb.effi-

SOLIDserver version 5.0.3 enhanced and modified a set of behaviors, wizards and services
within the appliance. These changes might have impacted or changed the procedures or
rules that you were accustomed to.

SOLIDserver version 5.0.3 enhanced and modified a set of behaviors, wizards and services
within the appliance. These changes might have impacted or changed the procedures or rules
that you were accustomed to.

SOLIDserver First Use

When connecting for the first time to SOLIDserver version 5.0.3, the Internal module setup wizard
that popped up after applying the license key has been removed. You now have to configure
it through the gadget SOLIDserver Configuration Checklist displayed in the Home page .

Important Notes on SOLIDserver

Default behaviors
The default behaviors configuration wizard was edited at subnet level. The Edit the subnet
gateway IP address is now called Display the Gateway field. If you do not want to activate the
automatic gateway calculation, empty the Offset gateway field.

The rules 114 & 115 have been removed. They used to send an alert if the server is in timeout
respectively for the DHCP and the DNS. Now you need to manually add an alert on the All
servers page of each module to receive an email whenever the server status changes to Timeout.

Class Studio
The following useless class objects were removed from the available Predefined variable list:


Homepage Welcome banner
With the new edition options available on the welcome banner, we strongly recommend that
you edit the title from the banner itself rather than from the registry database as formerly de-
tailed in the guide.

Custom DB
Custom DB services were rewritten. Four new services were introduced to replace deprecated

Table 1. Custom DB New Services

Deprecated service New service
custom_db_name_add.php custom_db_name_add
custom_db_data_add.php custom_db_data_add
custom_db_name_delete.php custom_db_name_delete
custom_db_data_delete.php custom_db_data_delete

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