Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs Were Two Influential Urban Thinkers Who Had Very Different Approaches To Urban Planning

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Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs were two influential urban thinkers who had very different

approaches to urban planning. Robert Moses was a powerful city planner in New York City from
the 1930s through the 1970s. His approach was often criticized for its lack of consideration of
the needs of communities and the environment.

In contrast, Jane Jacobs was an urban planner who was highly critical of Moses’ approach.
Jacobs believed that urban planning should be done through bottom-up, grassroots methods,
with a focus on creating vibrant, diverse communities. She believed that cities should be
planned to support people, not cars, and that cities should be planned around the needs of their
residents. Her approach has been credited with preserving many of New York’s unique
neighborhoods and creating vibrant, livable communities.

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