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Advanced Level - Physics

Waves and Oscillations Amith Pussella

Velocity of waves in different media and standing waves PHT5151 2020Th 2019-02-23

Velocity of waves in different media and standing waves

Velocity of a wave in a particular medium depends on certain physical properties unique to that medium.
wWhen there are grant forces acting against the perturbations created in a particular medium, the only the
motion of a wave is possible in that given medium. The stress that occur in solid media can be either due to
the compression, tensile or shearing strains. Therefore both longitudinal and transverse waves propagate
through solid materials.

wOn liquid surfaces, transverse waves occur and due to the bulk modulus of elasticity of a liquid, longitudinal
waves also occur.

wOnly longitudinal waves occur in gaseous media.

Though the velocity of a wave in a given medium is obtained by the equation V = fλ, the velocity of the wave is
independent of both the frequency of the source, and the wavelength. It depends on the physical properties of the
medium, but which is equal to the product of fλ. Therefore f and λ are inversely proportional to each other.

The velocity of transverse waves in a stretched string

This depends on the tension of the string and its l inear density.

T T - Tension (N) L
v =
m m - Linear density A
^mass per unit length& (kgm-1)
If the density of the string is ρ and the cross sectional area is A, then, m = Aρ

Total mass ALρ T

Linear Density = ⇒ m = ⇒ m = Aρ ⇒ ∴ v =
Total length L Aρ

T is dimensionally correct
Showing that v =

Dimensions of V [V] = LT-1 , Dimensions of T[T ] = MLT-2 , Dimensions of m [m ] = ML-1

T M L T-2
∴Dimensions of = = L2 T-2 = LT-1
m ML-1

v = ∴ v = the equation is dimensionally correct
m m

Deriving the equation v = using dimensional analysis


Consider that the transverse wave velocity of a stretched string depends on the tension of the string, it's
length and its mass.

V α Tx, Vα ly , Vα Mz

∴ Vα T x l y M z

V = kTx ly Mz (k is a dimensionless constant&

Considering dimensions on either sides,

Mo LT-1 = [MLT-2] x [L]y [M]z , M0 LT-1 = [ M x+z

] [Lx + y ] [ T -2x

By equating the dimensions of M , L , T on either side,

0 = x +z ................(1) 1 = x + y ................(2) -1 = -2x ................(3)

1/2 1/2
-1 1 1 ∴ v = k T l
z = y = x =
2 2 2 M 1/2

v = k Tl ^linear density& Using m = M

M l

v = k T
It is proven that k = 1 experimentally,
Then, v =

The velocity of a longitudinal wave in a gas.

v= In here, γ ^Gama& represent the ratio between the specific heat capacities in a gas.

Cp C p = The specific heat capacity of the gas at constant pressure.

C v = The specific heat capacity of the gas at constant volume.

ρ represents the density of the gas and P represents the pressure of the gas.

wUnder adiabatic conditions, (without heat loss) when there are compressions and rarefactions occurring in a
longitudinal wave of a gas, the elasticity modulus of that particular gas (E) is equal to the product γP. This was
theoretically proven by Laplace.

Factors affecting the velocity of sound in air.

01' The effect of temperature on the velocity of sound within a gas

Consider the mass of a mole of a gas as M, and the corresponding volume of it as V,

M , γP , v = γPV
Then, ρ = v = ................. (1)
V ρ M


Considering the ideal gas equation,

PV = nRT P - Pressure V - Volume n - number of moles

R - Universal gas constant T - Temperature

When considering a mole, PV= RT

∴ From (1) γ RT
V =
Since γ and M are constants

v = k T, take γR
= k v α T

Hence, the velocity of sound in a gas is directly proportional to the square root of the temperature. Thereby
when the temperature increases, the velocity of sound in a gas also increases.
In a gas, consider that, V1 is the velocity at the temperature T1
V2 is the velocity at the temperature T2

v1 = k T1 .................... (1),
v2 = k T2 ....................(2)

(1) , v1 T1
(2) v2 T2

02'The effect of pressure on the velocity of sound within a gas.

When the pressure is changed, the density also changes accordingly. Since these changes occur in a similar
manner, pressure will not have on effect on the velocity.

03' The effect of humidity on the velocity of sound

The water vapour content in the atmosphere slightly affects the velocity of sound in air. The ratio between the
specific heat capacities of dry air and wet air does not deviate much from each other.

But since the molecular weight of water vapour is less than that of
Nitrogen, O2
H2 O
γRT molecular weight of O2 = 32
V =
M molecular weight of N2 = 28
molecular weight of CO2 = 44
There is a slight increase in v upon the decrement of M. molecular weight of H2O = 18

Therefore, when the humidity increases, there is a slight increment in the velocity of sound

04' The effect of wind on the velocity of sound

If the wind blows in the direction of propagation of the sound wave then the velocity of sound increases. If the
wind blows in a direction opposite to the propagation of the sound wave. then the velocity of sound decreases.
In here, the component of wind has to be added to the velocity of sound as a vector.


S - Source O - Observer V - Velocity of sound W - Velocity of wind

S θ O

Velocity of sound = v + w Cos θ

S θ O

Velocity of sound = v - w Cos θ

05' Velocity of sound depends on the type of the gas

06' Velocity of sound in a gas is also independent on the density of that particular gas

Progressive waves and standing waves

progressive waves
Any wave that propagates energy in the space continuously is known as a progressive wave. All transverse
and longitudinal waves can be considered as progressive waves.

Properties of a progressive wave

01' Progressive waves propagate along a medium continuously until the energy is degenerated completely.
02' The vibration amplitudes of all particles in a progressive wave are equal. Successive particles vibrate with the
same amplitude.
03' The vibrational frequencies of the particles in a progressive wave are the same.
04' The phase of vibration in successive particles of a progressive wave, changes from place to place. The phase
difference in a single cycle changes from 0 0 - 3600

Standing waves
A standing wave is created when an incident wave and it's reflected wave is superpositioned / super - im-
posed. The following diagram represents that the vibrating prong is tied to a string and passed it over a pully.
The end of the string is tied to a scale pan. Vibrating
Vibrator P pulley


A λ/2


The incident wave from the vibrator reflects near the pulley P and superposes with the reflect wave. The
resultant wave formed due to the super - position does not show a forward movement with the time. Hence,
the term ''standing wave'' is given to represent that particular idea.
In a progressive wave, the crests and troughs appear to move forward. But in here the crests and troughs
occur at the same point, and they move upwards and downwards. Changing the weight added to the scale pan,
changes the tension of the string, thereby allowing the number of loops of the standing wave to be changed.

Antinodes of a standing wave.

wIn the above standing wave, the particles at the point 'A' is subjected subjects to constructive interference by
super- positioning. The amplitude is maximum at these points. Therefore these points are referred to as

Nodes of a standing wave

wDestructive interferences occur at points marked as N in the wave resulting in zero amplitudes. Such points
are referred to as 'nodes'.

wLoop is an area between two adjacent nodes. All particles within a loop oscillates at the same phase. There-
fore, the phase difference between any two particles of two adjucent loops is π'

wThe distance between two adjacent nodes or antinodes in a standing wave is λ/2.

Properties of a standing wave

01' Standing wave originates within the small gap between the source and the reflecting surface. Therefore the
wave doesn't show any progression.
02' Amplitudes of adjacent particles in a standing wave are not the same. Amplitudes become zero at nodes (N)
and show a maximum amplitude at the antinodes (A)
03' All particles in a single loop of a standing wave oscillate at the same phase. Therefore, there is no phase
difference between particles of the same loop.
04' The frequency of the standing wave is equal to that of the frequency of the superimposed incident wave and
the reflected wave. The maximum amplitude of that particular standing wave is equal to the summation of the
amplitudes of the incident and the reflected waves. And the wavelength of the standing wave is equal to that
of the wavelengths of the incident and the reflected waves.

Definition of a standing wave

Waves which are created by the superposition of two identical waves (equal in speeds,
wavelengths amplitudes etc.) travelling in opposite directions (incident and reflected waves)
are known as standing waves.

Patterns of standing waves in a stretched string

Fundamental Frequency and Overtones

w An object may have several natural frequencies of vibration. The least frequency out of them is known as the
fundamental frequency.

w The natural frequencies greater than the fundamental frequency are known as overtones.


Overtones are named in an order,
First overtone
Second overtone
Third overtone

Harmonic Number
This number represents, the ratio between the particular natural frequency and the the fundamental fre-
quency. Always the fundamental frequency holds the first multiple of the fundamental, therefore it is referred
to as the first harmonic.
Eg :- (1) Consider the fundamental frequency as 100 Hz and the overtones followed as 200 Hz , 300 Hz ,
400 Hz , 500 Hz etc.
Fundamental mode --> 100 Hz <-- First harmonic
First overtone ---> 200 Hz <--- Second harmonic (Two times as the fundamental)
Second overtone ---> 300 Hz <--- Third harmonic (Three times as the fundamental)
Third overtone ---> 400 Hz <--- Fourth harmonic (Four times as the fundamental)

Eg :- (2) Consider the fundamental frequency as 100 Hz and the overtones followed as 300 Hz , 600 Hz ,
900 Hz etc.

Fundamental mode --> 100 Hz <-- First harmonic

First overtone --> 300 Hz <--- Third harmonic (Three times as the fundamental)
Second overtone --> 600 Hz <--- Sixth harmonic (Six times as the fundamental)
Third overtone --> 900 Hz <--- Ninth harmonic (Nine times as the fundamental)

Transverse wave patterns in a stretched string

The diagram shown above contains waves with different frequencies, which can be created by changing the
vibrational length of the wire, by changing the positions of the P and Q bridges. Once the wire is plucked in the
middle, progressive standing waves originate and move towards either ends. When these waves reflect at P
and Q superposition results in the formation of a standing wave. The wave constructs in such a way that
plucked point of the wire at the centre forming an antinodes while at extreme ends of the wire forming nodes.
If the length of the wire is l"
When the wave length of the standing wave becomes λ0" l = λ0 / 2
Therefore λ0 = 2 l

Then we consider that the wire is vibrating at fundamental mode. If its frequency equals to f0 ,
f 0 = V/λ0 = V/2l
V is the transverse wave velocity along the wire.

Then V = T/m f0 = T/m


(a). Fundamental frequency

V 1
f0 = f0 = T/m
2l 2l

(b). First overtone

Plucking the wire at a point which is 1/4th of the total length measured from an end holding the centre of the
wire will result in the formation of vibration waves shown in the diagram. Such a vibration is known as first

f 1= = = 2f0
λ1 l

This is the second harmonic.

(c)Second overtone
To obtain the second overtone, the wire has to be plucked at a point whose distance from one end is equal to
1/6th of the total distance of the wire, while holding at a point whose distance from one end is equal to 1/3rd of
the length of the wire.

Then, l = / 2 λ2

V 3V
frequency f2 = = = 3f0
λ2 2l
This is the third harmonic.
The next adjoining frequencies will be 4 f0 , 5 f0 , 6 f0 respectively. They can also be obtained by plucking the
wire at relevant points.

Number of overtones
= Number of loops x Fundamental frequency

The travserve wave velocity (V) along the wire depends on the
tension of the wire (T) and the mass per unit length of the wire (m)
The relationship is given by V = T/m
f1 = 2f0
f2 = 3f0
f3 = 4f0
1 T
fn = (n+1)f0 fn = (n+1)
2l m
All the harmonics are obtained during the formation of standing
waves in a taut string.


moveable bridges metal wire


hollowed-wooden box

wSonometer is composed of two light metal wires. One of the wires are connected to a fixed nail and the other
end of it is connected to a weight, drawing it above a smooth pulley. The tension of the wire can be adjusted by
changing the weights added.
wThe other wire is connected to a fixed nail and a key. The key is used to adjust the tension of the wire. Usually
at many experiments, this is used as the wire with standard frequency, since its tension can be kept unchanged.
wThe intensity of the sound emitted during the vibration is amplified by the hollowed wooden box.
wThe length of wire vibrated can be adjusted by the movable wooden bridges.

Tuning the sonometer

The sonometer can be tuned by making the fundamental emitted by the sonometer wire equal to that of the
frequency emitted by a tuning fork or a source of vibration.
First, folded peice of paper (paper rider) has to be placed at the centre of the sonometer wire. After that place
the stand of the vibrating tuning fork on the sonometer box, and adjust the bridges until the paper rider leaves
the wire instantaneously with a jerk. The length of the wire at that instance is equal to the resonant length of
the wire.
Factors to be considered about the transverse waves of a stretched string
01' When a given string is vibrated with a constant number of loops with a constant tension, the frequency of its
vibrations is inversely propotional to the vibrational length.
f α 1 ..................(1)
02' When the length of a given string is kept constant and vibrated with a constant number of loops, the vibrating
frequency is directly propotional to the square root of the tension of the stirng.
f α √T ..................(2)
03' When equal tensions are given for strings of equal lengths but composed of different materials and are vi-
brated with the same number of loops, the vibrating frequencies are inversely propotional to the square root of
the linear density of the string.
f α 1 ...................(3)

Applications of a sonometer
01' To show, f α 1/l
wKeep the tension of the sonometer wire constant, using a constan weight.
wNow using a tuning fork with a known frequency (f), measure the resonant length (l) of the wire. In this step,
the wooden bridges have to be altered, until the paper rider flies off. f
wAccordingly, use different tuning forks and record their resonant lengths.
wIf the graph drawn, between 'f' against the reciprocal of the resonating length (1/l), is
linear then
f α 1 is proved.
02' To show f α √T 1/ l

Measure the weight (tension) that has to be applied to the sonometer wire, to f
resonate with a tuning fork with frequency 'f' by keeping the length of the wire
constant. Measure the tensions for several tuning forks. By plotting a graph
between the frequencies of different tuning forks and √T, it is proven that f α
√T. Since the graph is a straight line passing through the origin.

03' To show that f α T

Out of the two wires of the sonometer, the wire whose tension can be changed is vibrated under constant
length and constant tension. Then use wires of different materials with different cross sectional area but of
lengths and tensions (constant) equal to those of the initial instance and the length of the second wire that
resonates relevant to them is measured.

f = 1 T T
= k
2l m 2l f

k k
f1 = f2 =
m1 m2

f1 m1 = f2 m2
f1 m2 1
= ⇒ f α
f2 m1 m


Standing wave patterns that occur in an air column
Standing wave patterns occur in tubes with one closed end/closed tubes
The mechanism of musical instruments which produce sound by vibrating air is according to the basic theories
of standing waves occur in open tubes or closed tubes. Organ pipe and trumpet are examples.

Standing waves that occur due to the vibration of the air column in a tube closed at one end. This can also be
done by blowing an air current into the open end of a test tube. Standing waves occur due to the reflection that
takes place during the vibration of air column. The longitudinal waves inside the tube generate the sound.
[diagram (a)]

(a) (b) (c)

Shown in diagram (b) is the vibration of air particles along the axis of the tube. The air particles at the open end
vibrate with the maximum amplitude. Therefore, an antinode forms at the open end. The particle at the bottom
of the tube never vibrates. Therefore, a node is formed at the closed end.

A wave is formed from the closed end to the open end of the tube, with ascending amplitude.

When a graph is drawn representing the variation of distance against the displacement, a curve is obtained as
shown in diagram (c) The dotted lines show the reflected wave.

l = λ0 / 4
λ0 = 4l

f0 is the frequency of the

fundamental mode,

l = (λ0 = v/f0)
4 f0
f0 =
(v is the velocity of sound in air)
rp r RT
v= ρ or v =


Notes with high frequency is originated when we blow to the open end of the tube throughly. The other
vibration patterns are shown below.

(a) 1st overtone (b) 2nd overtone

Accordingly, the frequencies f0 , 3 f0 and 5 f0 can be obtained in an open tube. These are known as the
fundamental , first overtone and second overtone respectively.

f1 is the frequency of f2 is the frequency of

the first overtone the second overtone

Only the harmonics of whole numbers which are odd, can be obtained from standing wave patterns in a closed

End Correction
The air particles at the free end of the tube can be freely moved. Therefore the
vibrations of the particles at the free end move slightly away from the brim. There-
fore there is a displacement of the longitudinal wave that originate inside the tube. e
This length (e) at the edge of the tube is known as the end correction.

The value of the end correction depends on the diameter of the tube. It dosen't
depend on the wave length of the wave within the tube. Therefore the value of e is
a constant.

Therefore the net wavelength equals to (l + e)

for fundamental mode (l + e) = λ0/4

for first overtone (l + e) = /4 λ1
for second overtone (l + e) = /4 λ2


Stationary waves in open pipes

A standing wave can be generated by blowing through the ends of an open pipe.

Reflected waves at P and Q super-impose to form a

standing wave. At both ends P and Q, the air particles
are free two move, thus forming antinodes are formed.
Diagram (a) shows the wave pattern of vibrating air
particles. The stationary air particles at N forms a node.
x axis represents the length from end Q and the ampli-
tude of vibration a is collectively shown in the diagram
(b). The dotted lines represent the reflected wave.

(a) (b)
This is the fundamental mode.

l = length of the tube

λ0 = wavelength of the funamental mode

l = /2 = v/2f0

v = velocity of sound in air.

f 0 = V/2l

Fundamental mode
(1). 1st overtone
l = λ1
= v/f 1
frequency of the first overtone
f1 = v/l = 2f0
f1 = 2 f0

(2).for the second overtone

l = 3/2 . λ2

= 3/2 .v/f2

frequency of the second

overtone f2 = 3v/2l (b). 1st overtone (c). 2nd overtone
figure (a)
f2 = 3f0

From the fundamental mode, the overtone frequencies ascend in the order of, f0, 2f0, 3f0 .......

By considering the end correction for the fundamental frequency,

(l + 2e) = v/2f0
= v/2f0
f0 =
2(l + 2e)
All the harmonics can be obtained in an open tube.
Problems related to standing waves and velocity of waves in different media
01'(i). Waves of different media have different velocities. Velocity of waves in any media can be obtained by V =
fλ. Does this velocity depends of f and λ?
(ii). Show how the variables λ varies with v (ms-1) v (ms-1)
f and1/λ varies with f.
(iii).Write an expression for the transverse wave
velocity of a taut string and show that it is
dimensionally correct.
(iv). Show in a graph how the tension of a string, of T (N) T
constant mass and length is varying with the
transverse wave velocity.
(v). The mass of a 5 m length wire is 1.45 m. What is the tension of the wire, when a wave of 120 Hz and a wave
length of 60 cm is propagating along the wire? To obtain this tension, what is the mass that should be hanged
to the end of this wire? ^Ans(- T = 1.5 N, m = 0.153 kg)

02' The diameter of a steel wire is 3m. It is under a tension 10 kN. If the density of wire is 7.8 gcm-3 find the
velocity of the wave travelling along the wire. ^Ans' v = 42.6 ms-1&

03' The transverse wave is travelling along a string with a speed of 100 ms-1. Once the tension of the string is
increased by 4 times, find the velocity of the wave. ^Ans' v = T/m , v α T1/2 , v = 2000 ms-1

04' Length of a rubber string is 5 m and the mass per unit length is 0.3 kgm-1. One end of the string is fixed and
subjected to a tension of 100 N at the other end. Find the time taken when a transverse wave is propagated
from one end of the string to the other.
^Ans' v = T/m = 100/0.3 = 18.3 ms-1s = ut , 5=18.3 x t, t=0.27 s&
05'(i). Explain using clear diagrams how do you illustrate the following using a long soft spiral spring (slinky)
(a). Reflection of a transverse wave pulse at a rigid boundary with an inversion.
(b). Soft reflection of a transverse wave pulse.
(ii). The velocity of pulse moving in a slinky is given by v =
m . Here T and m are tension and mass of
unit length respectively.
^1&' Slinky of mass 500 g contains 600 loops. If the velocity of the transverse wave pulse is 10 ms-1 when this
slinky is kept horizontal and pulled to a distance of 3m , calculate the tension of the slinky.
^2&' Now a part of the slinky which contains 150 loops is pulled to a distance of 3m. If the tension of it is six times
the initial value, what is the velocity of the transverse wave pulse created on it ? (Ans :- 49 ms-1)
(1989 August)

06'(i). The length of a uniform, flexible thread is 20 m while the mass

is 5 kg. It is hung vertically and it is vibrated at a frequency of
7 Hz from the top end.
(a). What is the speed of the progressive wave created when it is at
Thin string vibrating,
the mid point of the thread? at resonance

(b). At the exact mid point of the thread, find the frequency and
wave length of the wave. ^Ans' (a) 10 ms-1 (b) 1.43 m&

(ii). Explain how the velocity of wave changes when a transverse

wave moves up in a heavy thread which is hung vertically.


07'(i). Write down an expression for velocity of longitudinal waves in a gas using the pressure of the gas, density of
the gas and the ratio between the main specific heat capacities of the gas.
(ii). Build up the relationship between the velocity of sound in a gas and temperature.
(iii). The density is 3.5 kg m-3 and the pressure is 215 kPa for a diatomic ideal gas. If γ = 1.4 , what is the velocity
of sound in gas?
(iv). Find the velocity of sound in Neon gas at 27 0C. M = 20 g mol -1 and γ = 1.6'
(v). Sketch the graphs to show the variation of the velocity of sound in a gas with the absolute temperature of the
gas. ^Ans' (iii). 293 ms-1 , (iv). 454 ms-1&

v (ms-1) v (ms-1)

T (k) √T

08' What are the factors that velocity of sound in a gas depends on?
It is found that the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1 when the atmospheric pressure is 72 cm of mercury and
the temperature is 7 0C. What is the velocity of sound in air when the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of
mercury and the temperature is 27 0C ? What is the wave length of a musical note of frequency 512 Hz at this
temperature? ^Ans(- 341.6 ms-1 , 66.7 cm)

09' The velocity of sound in a gas is given by V = γP/ρ. Define the terms and show that this equation is
dimensionally correct.

Using the above equation derive an expression for the velocity of sound in an ideal gas of molar mass M at
temperature T. Two men A and B are at a gap of 209 m. A lightning bolt which struck a point on the straignt
line joining them, can be seen by them but it is heard by B, 2.6 s after A.

^1&' Find the velocity of sound in air.

^2&' Find the temperature of air. (Assume that the temperature of air remains constant)

^3&' If γ = 1.403 for air, calculate the mean molar mass of air. It can be assumed that the air is an ideal gas.
^4&' If the atmosphere contains some amount of water vapour, do you expect the same value for the velocity of
^Universal gas constant R = 8.3 JK-1mol-1 , Velocity of sound in air at 0 0C = 330 ms-1)
(1993 August&

10' Explain the difference between the transverse and the longitu-
dinal waves. A pulse generator (G) creates sound pulses at a G D
uniform rate of one pulse per second in air and in water in a
pond simultaneously (same phase). The detector D is kept as in
the diagram to detect these sound pulses which are progressing
slightly above the water surface and below it.
(1). What is the frequency of pulses in water?
(2). (a) in air (b) in water, calculate the gap between two consecutive pulses.
(3). When the pulse detector is switched on, to detect the first pulse coming in air and the fourth pulse coming in
water simultaneously, at what distance the should detector be kept from the generator?
^4&' Find the times taken by the first pulse created from the generator to move that distance in air and in water.
Velocity of sound in air = 350 ms-1
Velocity of sound in water = 1400 ms-1 (1992 - August&
^Ans' (1). 1 Hz (2). 350 m , 1400 m (3). 1400 m (4). 1s &


11'(i).Describe how sound waves transmit in air and explain the reason for the increase in velocity of sound when
temperature increases.
(ii). The wave length of a note created by a tuning fork in 0 0C air is 98 cm. When the temperature of air becomes
30 0C, what is the wave length of it?

12'(i).How the temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind in air affect the velocity of sound?
(ii). What is the percentage of change in velocity of sound when the temperature of air at 20 0C is changed by
5 0C ? If the temperature of air is - 20 0C, what will be the value of this percentage?

13' (i)(a).What is meant by forced vibrations and natural vibrations of an object?

(b). Describe the resonance (c). Give examples for the instances where the resonance occur.
(d). Give a simple activity using a pendulum to show that resonance takes place.
(e). Sketch a graph to show the variation of frequency of a forced vibration source with the oscillation amplitude
of an object.
(ii). Explain the meaning of fundamental mode, overtone and harmonic of a wave.

14'(i). What is meant by a progressive wave? Mention the

characteristics of a progressive wave.
(ii). What is meant by a stationary wave? Mention the
characteristics of a stationary wave.
(iii). What are meant by nodes and antinodes of a stationary

15'(i).Draw the stationary wave patterns in a stretched string. Write the expressions for the fundamental node, first
overtone, second overtone and write down an expression for the nth overtone.

(ii).1m long string vibrates as in the instances given in the

diagram. Find the relevant three wave lengths.
^Ans" 2 m , 1 m , 0.67 m&

The length of a guitar string is 0.75m and the minimum resonating
frequency of it is 400 Hz. What the speed of a transverse wave
travelling along the string? ^Ans" 600 ms-1&

16' The diagrams a and b shows how a string of same length subjects to two tension forces. In (a) the vibration
frequency is about 20 Hz.


(i). Find the wave length in the instance a. (ii). Find the wave speed in the instance a.
(iii). Find the wave length in the instance b. (iv). Find the frequency in the instance b.
(v). Find the mass of unit length of the wire.
^Ans" (i). 2 m, (ii). 40 ms-1 , (iii). 2/3 m , (iv). 60√2 Hz (v). 1.25 x 10-2 kgm-1 &

17' The diagram shows an experiment to ex-

plain the difference between the stationary
waves and progressive waves. A long thin
string is connected to a vibrator at one end
and the other end is connected to a mass
which moves through a pulley and the string
is subjected to a tension.
The length of the string between the vibrator and the pulley can be changed by moving the vibrator. By doing
so, for huge amplitudes the waves created at the horizontal part of the string is observed. Draw a diagram of
the stationary waves created. Mention its special characteristics and mark the wave length. Draw different
nature of waves which can be obtained for huge amplitudes and mark the wave length. The velocity of waves
in a string is given by V= T/m.
(i) T is the tension of the string and m is the mass of a unit length. Obtain an expression for the frequency
including g. (g = gravitational acceleration) M, m, λ should be in the expression.
(ii) Propose a method to find f when different masses are provided.
(iii) The mass M oscillates as a simple pendulum with a period of 2s. Accordingly the tension of the string also
vary periodically. As you think how will be the nature of the stationary wave changes then?
18'(i).When a 30 cm long string resonates in fundamental mode, its frequency is 256 Hz. If the mass of 80 cm long
string is 0.75 g, find the tension of the string (Ans 22 N)
(ii). The two consecutive resonating frequencies of a stretched string are 420 Hz and 490 Hz. Find the fundamen-
tal frequency ^Ans (- 70 Hz )
19' A thin copper wire of 10 cm long has a mass of 0.8 kg. The wire is passed through two fixed points and
subjected to a tension T. If a small vibration starting from one end of the wire reaches the other end within
0.5s, find the tension T of the string. ^Ans' 32 N&
20' A 40 cm long violin wire creates notes having a fundamental frequency of 450 Hz. Calculate,
(a) the velocity of the wave along the wire. (b) the wave length relevant to the fundamental note.
(c) the wave length relevant to the second overtone. ^Ans' 360 ms-1 , 80 cm , 26.7 cm&
21' A rope of length 6 cm and mass 0.5 kg is subjected to a tension by the weight 1.2 kg. What is the transverse
vibration frequency it should possess to vibrate with loops which are 2m long? ^Ans' 3 Hz&
22' Sonometer is used to study the variation of the frequency of a wave
with the tension of the string, the vibration length and mass of unit
length of the string when stationary waves are created on the string.
(i) What is meant by tuning of the sonometer ?
(ii) Mention the methods that a sonometer can be tuned and describe
(iii) Sketch the graphs of the vibration of vibration length of the wire
and the reciprocal of the length with the vibration frequency when Paper rider
it is subjected to a constant tension.
(iv) Draw the graph to show the variation of √T with the frequency of
when the tension (T) of the sonometer wire with fixed length is
(v) A sonometer wire is 1m long and its diameter is 1mm. If this wire is subjected to a tension by using a mass of
22 kg, find the frequency of the fundamental note relevant to that wire. The density of the substance that the
wire is made of is 7 x 103 kgm-3' ^Ans(- 100 Hz)

23' Two sonometer wires made of same substance, having same cross section subject to the same tension and
vibrate. When the length of two wires are 50 cm and 50.4 cm , if 2 beats per second can be heard, find the
frequencies relevant to notes created by each wire.
24' A stone is tight to the end of a sonometer wire which moves through a pulley and its length when it resonates
with a tuning fork is 88.6 cm. Now this stone is completely immersed in water and the relevant resonating
length is 66.5 cm. What is the relative density of the stone ? ^Ans (- 2'3&

25' A string which is under a tension of 100 N produces a note of 256 Hz in fundamental mode.
(i). When it produces a frequency of 512 Hz, what is the tension of the string?
(ii). How can this string can be arranged to produce a tune of frequency 768 Hz when it has a tension of 100 N?
^Ans(- (i). 400 N (ii). When the length of the string becomes 1/3rd of its initial length.&

26' 1997 A/L

27' Two wires of ratio r and 2r are welded together by one end. It is used as sonometer wire with tension T. The
middle point between the bridges is the welded point. If stationary waves are created in a way that a node is
created in this point, what is the ratio between the loops created? ^n1/n2 = 1/2&
28' The length of a sonometer wire clamped at the
two ends with a tension T is 110 cm. It is divided
into three parts by keeping two bridges. For the
ratio between the fundamental frequencies of the
three parts to be 1 : 2 : 3, at which places the bridges
should be kept ?
(L1 = 60 cm , L2 = 30 cm , L3 = 20 cm)
29' A metal wire of diameter 1 mm is fixed to two bridges which are 50 cm apart and is subjected to a tension of
100 N. When the wire vibrates in fundamental frequency, it makes a beats frequency of 5 Hz with a vibrating
tuning fork. When the tension is reduced to 81 N, the beats were heard at the same rate. Find,
(i). the frequency of the tuning fork (ii). density of the substance of the wire ((i). 95Hz , (ii). 12.7 x 103kgm-3)
30' A wire which is subjected to a tension has a length of 25 cm and mass of 2.5 g. The length of a pipe closed at
one end is 40 cm. When the wire vibrates in first overtone, the air inside the pipe resonates in fundamental
frequency and makes 8 beats within 1 s. It seems that when the tension of the wire is reduced the beat
frequency also reduces. If the velocity of sound in air is 320 ms-1, find the tension of the wire. (T = 27.04 N)

31' The length of a rope connected to a rigid stand is 12 m while the mass is 6 kg. A 2 kg cube is connected to the
lower end. A vibration of wave length 0.06 m is created from the lower end. What is the wave length when it
comes to the upper end? (λ = 0.12 m)

32' A wire of linear mass 9.8 x 10-3 kgm-1 is connected to a mass M1

on a plane which is inclined 300 to the horizontal and the other end
of it is moved through a pulley and connected to a mass M2.
(Diagram) the system is in equilibrium.

A transverse wave at a velocity of 100 ms-1 moves through the

wire. Find the value of M1 and M2.
(M1 = 20 kg , M2 = 10 kg)

0.6 m 0.75 m
What is meant by a node and antionde of a stationary wave? An
Al Ag aluminum wire of length 0.60 m is connected to a silver wire of
same cross section as given in the diagram in a way such that the
length from the joint to the pulley is 0.75 m. A weight of 5 kg is
connected to the combined wire. Stationary waves are created
on the wire by an external source having variable frequencies.

(a). Find the maximum wave lengths in each wire in a way that a node is created at the joint.

(b). What is the relevant frequency at that time? The mass of unit length of aluminum wire is 2.6 x 10-3 kgm-1 and
for silver it is 10.4 x10-3 kgm-1. ^Ans(- 0.6 cm , 0.3m, 231 Hz ) (1985 - August&
34' Explain the difference between progressive and stationary waves. Give an expression for the velocity of
transverse waves in a flexible string subjected to a constant tension. Define all the symbols used for the
expression. 2m long uniform string is connected to a weight of 1.25 N. The prongs of the tuning fork which is
vibrating with a frequency of 50 Hz is connected to one end of this string in a way that the string is perpen-
dicular to the plane of the prongs. It is observed that 10 loops are created along the length of the string.
Calculate the velocity of waves along the string and the mass of the string.
(1982 - Ausust& ^Ans(- 0.2 ms-1 , 6.25 g)

35' Explain what is meant by 'pulses' of sound. Write down an expression for the velocity of transverse waves
created along a stretched string using the tension of the string T and the mass of unit length of it m. If the
resonating length of the string is 1 , write down an expression for the frequency of nth overtone when a tuning
fork is vibrated near a stretched uniform string of 60 cm long, 5 pulses per second can be heard. The tension
of the string is kept constant and its length is reduced to 58 cm , 2 pulses can be heard per second when that
tuning fork is vibrated near it. Find the frequency of the tuning fork. ^Ans(- 92 Hz or 208 Hz) ^1987 August&

36' Write a relationship for the velocity V of a transverse wave on a string with tension T and mass per unit length
m. If this string is drawn horizontally between two stands with a gap d, what is the fundamental frequency of
the vibration? Draw the shape of the stationary wave relevant to this. A heavy rope of length L and mass per
unit length m is hung from a ceiling.

(1). What is the tension of the rope at a distance X from the lower end of the rope?

(2). If a transverse wave starts from the lower end of the rope, what is the velocity of it at a distance X from the
lower end of the rope?


(3). If L = 10 m, find the velocity of the wave at the lower end and at the top of the rope.

(4). Taking the average of the two velocities calculated in (3) as the average velocity of the wave along the rope,
assuming that the wave transmits with that speed, find the time taken by the transverse wave to move from
lower end of the rope to the top of it.

(5). If the lower end of the rope is also at rest, draw the shape of the stationary wave relevant to the fundamental
mode of vibration.
^Ans' (i). mgx (ii). gx (iii). 10 ms-1 (iv). 2 s & ^1998 August&

37' How do you experimentally show the existence of pulses?

Two wires of brass and steel are fixed to a sonometer. The length of the wire is 30 cm and its mass is 0.25 g.
It is subjected to a tension of 20 N. The length of the steel wire is 50 cm and it is subjected to a tension of 50
N. When these two wires vibrate simultaneously, they vibrate in fundamental mode and 3 pulses per second
can be heard. When the tension of the steel wire is gradually increased frequency of pulses decreases at the
beginning. Calculate the mass of the steel wire. ^Ans' 0.384 g & ^1982 August&

Multiple choice questions

01' When a progressive wave transmits through a medium all the medium particles have the same.
(a). velocity (b). amplitude (c). frequency
Out of them, correct ones are
(1). Only (c) (2). Only (a) & (b) (3). Only (b) & (c)
(4). Only (a) & (c) (5). all (a),(b) & (c)

02' A stationary wave is created by the superposition of two progressive waves which are passing the same place
at the same time in a medium. These two progressive waves should,
(a). have the equal frequencies.
(b). have nearly equal or equal amplitudes.
(c). have the same direction of progression.
Out of them the true answers is/are
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & (c)

03' True statement about the stationary waves is,

(1). Structure of the wave does not travel.
(2). The energy of the wave does not transmit.
(3). The particles between two consecutive displacement nodes vibrate in the same phase.
(4). A place where there is a displacement antinode, is called a pressure node.
(5). A pressure antinode is created at the exact midle point between two consecutive displacement nodes.

04' When a stationary wave is in a medium all the particles in the medium vibrate,
(a). with same amplitude (b). with same frequency (c). with same speed Out of them the false ones are,
(1). Only (b) (2). Only (a) & (b) (3). Only (a) & (c) (4). Only (b) & (c) (5). All (a) , (b) & (c)

05' Consider the following facts about the displacement antinodes created when a stationary wave is created in a
(a). The gap between two consecutive displacement antinodes is equal to the wave length.
(b). Point where there is a displacement antinode vibrates with the maximum amplitude.
(c). Point where there is displacement antinode vibrates with a minimum speed.
Out of them true ones are,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). Only (b) & (c)


06' A string of mass per unit length m, length L, mass M, cross sectional area A is made of a substance of density
d. When it is arranged horizontally to have a tension T, consider the following equations about the velocity of
transverse waves (V) along it.

(a). V = TL/M (b). V = T/m (c). V = T/Ad Out of them correct ones are
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & (c)
07' Two wires A and B made of same substance are equal in length. Cross section of A is half of that of B while
the tension of A is twice of that of B. The ratio between the velocities of transverse waves in A and B is,
(1). √2 : 1 (2). 1 : √5 (3). 2 : 1 (4). 1 : 2 (5). 1 : 1
08' The factor that the tension should be increased to double the velocity of transverse waves in a stretched string
(1). 1 (2). 2 (3). 1/2 (4). √2 (5). 4
09' As given in the diagram, one end of a non elastic string is fixed to a rigid surface and the
other end is moved through a pulley and a load is which has a mass ten times of the mass
of the string is fixed. The vertical part of the string is very short. If a transverse wave
pulse takes 0.1 s to move along the string, the length of the string is,
(1). 0.1 m (2). 1 m (3). 2 m (4). 10 m (5). 20 m
10' A gas of molar mass M has a density d and the ratio between the principal specific heat capacities is γ. When
the pressure of the gas is P , temperature is T and the universal gas constant is R, consider the following
equations about the velocity of sound (V) in that gas.
(a). V = γP/d (b). V = RT/γM (c). V = γRT/M Out of them correct ones are,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). Only (a) (c)

11' The variation of temperature (θ 0C) with the square of velocity of sound in air (V2) is,
V2 V2 V2 V2 V2

θ θ θ θ θ
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

12' At an standard temperature and pressure, the velocity of sound in air is 300 ms-1. If the pressure of the gas is
doubled keeping the temperature constant, the velocity of sound is,
(1). 1200 ms-1 (2). 600 ms-1 (3). 300 ms-1 (4). 300√2 ms-1 (5). 150√2 ms-1

13' At absolute temperature T, the velocity of sound in a diatomic gas of molar mass M is V. At the same
temperature the velocity of sound in a diatomic gas of molar mass 4M is,
(1). V/4 (2). V/2 (3). V (4). 2V (5). 4V

14' The temperature at which the velocity of sound in Oxygen gas becomes equal to the velocity of sound in
Hydrogen gas at 0 0C is,
(1). 0 0C (2). 273 0C (3). 273 x 4 0C (4). 273 x 15 0C (5). 273 x 16 0C

15' At 15 0C and a pressure of 76 Hgcm, the velocity of sound in air is 340 ms-1. At 30 0C and a pressure of
75 Hgcm, the velocity of sound in air is, (ms-1)
(1). 340 303/288 (2). 340 288/303 (3). 340 √2
(4). 340 2 x 75/76 (5). 340 75/76

16' On a certain day it is found that the velocity of sound in air becomes smaller closer to the sea level than in a
hill side. consider the following reasons to explain the above observation.
(a). At sea level more amount of water vapour is contained in air.
(b). At sea level the atmospheric pressure is high.
(c). At sea level the temperature of air is low.
Out of the above statements,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (c) (3). Only (a) & (b) (4). Only (b) & (c) (5). All (a) , (b) & c
17' A gas is contained in a closed vessel. Consider the following statements about the velocity of sound in that
(a). At constant temperature, when the volume of the vessel is changed, the velocity of sound remains unchanged.
(b). The velocity of sound changes with temperature.
(c). At constant temperature, when another gas is added into the vessel, the velocity of sound changes.
Out of the above statements,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & c

18' Out of the following which can affect the velocity of sound in air?
(a). frequency of the sound wave. (b). temperature of air. (c). humidity of air.
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (b) & (c) (5). All (a) , (b) & c

19' Consider the following statements about the velocity of sound in air.
(a). When the temperature is maintained constant, the velocity increases with increasing pressure.
(b). Velocity increases with increasing temperature and humidity.
(c). When the temperature is maintained constant, the velocity decreases with increasing density.
Out of the above statements,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & c

20' The diagram shows a set of Barton pendulums used to demonstrate the resonating
incident. A is the driving pendulum while a shows the oscillating amplitudes of them. P Q R
The length of A is equal to the length of Q. Which relationship given below is false?
A a1
(1). a1 < a2 (2). a3 < a2 (3). a1 < a (4). a3 < a (5). a < a2
a a2
21' An oscillator resonates with a source. Here, a3
(a). The frequency of oscillator is equal to the frequency of the source. (b).The energy of oscillator is maximum
(c). The source vibrates with a maximum amplitude.
True out of the above statements is/are,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (a) & (b) (4). Only (a) & (c) (5). All (a) , (b) & c

22' Oscillator is allowed to vibrate with a source with variable frequencies. The graph which shows how the
amplitude (A) of the oscillator differs according to the forced frequency (f) of it is,

f f f f f
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

23' The graph which shows the variation of displacement (d) of an object which shows a damped oscillation with
time (t) is,
d d d d d

t t t t t

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

24' When a progressive wave transmits through a medium, all the particles in the medium have same,
(a). Velocity (b). Amplitude (c). Frequency. Out of them correct the oncs are,
(1). Only (c) (2). Only (a) & (b) (3). Only (b) & (c) (4). Only (a) & (c) (5). All (a) , (b) & c

25' A stationary wave is created by superposition of two progressive waves which are passing the same position
at the same time in a medium. These two progressive wave should have,
(a). equal frequencies. (b). nearly equal or equal amplitudes.
(c). same direction of progression. Out of them the true ones are,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & (c)


26' True statement about the stationary waves is,
(1). The wave structure does not travel. (2). The energy connected with the wave does not transmit.
(3). All the particles between two consecutive displacement nodes vibrate in the same phase.
(4). The place where there is a displacement antinode is called a pressure node.
(5). A pressure antinode is created at the exact mid point between two consecutive displacement nodes.

27' When a stationary wave is created in a medium, all the particles in it vibrate with the,
(a). same amplitude (b). same frequency (c). same speed
Out of them false ones are,
(1). Only (b) (2). Only (a) & (b) (3).Only (a) & (c) (4). Only (b) & (c) (5). All (a) (b) & (c)

28' Consider the following facts about the displacement antinodes occur when a stationary wave is created in a
(a). the gap between two consecutive displacement antinodes equal to the wave length.
(b). The point where there is a displacement antinode vibrates with a maximum amplitude.
(c). The point where there is a displacement antinode vibrates with minimum speed.
Out of them the true ones are,
(1). Only (a) (2). Only (b) (3). Only (c) (4). Only (a) & (b) (5). All (a) , (b) & (c)

29' A string is drawn between two fixed points X and Y.

(Diagram below). The bold line shows the wave cre-
ated with a maximum amplitude. The dotted line shows
the maximum displacement. Which statement out of
the following is true?
(1). Within a short time the string displaces from R. (2). The distance between P and Q is a wave length.
1 1
(3). P and Q on the string move in opposite directions to each other in the next moment.
(4). When it is drawn between X and Y, it gives the minimum frequency that it can have.
(5). At the instance, all the energy exists as kinetic energy.

30. As given in the diagram, a vibrator makes station-

ary waves. When the frequency of the vibrator is
20 Hz, what is the velocity?
(1). 3 ms-1 (2). 10 ms-1 (3). 15 ms-1
-1 -1
(4). 22.5 ms (5). 43 ms

31' A hanging bridge above a river is buffeted a storm by every 5 seconds. The velocity of swinging of the bridge
is 400 ms-1. When it is resonating in the fundamental mode, the length of it is,
(1). 2000 m (2).1000 m (3). 400 m (4). 80 m (5). 40 m

32' If the fundamental frequency of a stretched string is f = 1/2l T

/m l = length" T = tension" m = mass per
unit length. Which graph is true.

(1). (2). (3). (4). (5).

33' A stretched string drawn between two points which are 1m apart from each other vibrates with a fundamen-
tal frequency of 256 Hz. When it is reduced to 0.4 m (under same tension) its fundamental frequency is,
(1). 102 Hz (2). 162 Hz (3). 312 Hz (4). 416 Hz (5). 640 Hz


Questions related to stationary waves in air columns
01' When two tuning forks A and B are vibrated, 5 beats per second can be heard. The tuning fork A resonates
with the fundamental tone at a distance 20 cm in a closed tube while the tuning fork B resonates with the
fundamental tone at a distance 40.5 cm in an open tube. Find the frequency of each tuning fork and the velocity
of sound in air. Neglect the end correction of tubes. ^Ans(- 405 Hz , 400 Hz)

02' Describe an experiment used to find the velocity of sound in air. Draw the first three vibration modes that can
be created in an air column in a tube closed at one end. In such a tube, at the open end a loud speaker is kept
and it is connected to a source with variable frequencies. The minimum frequency that resonance occurs is
170 Hz. The experiment is repeated by connecting a 18 cm long portion of another tube which is similar, to the
above tube at the open end. Now the minimum frequency that resonance can occur is 125 Hz. Neglecting the
end correction, calculate the velocity of sound in air and the initial resonating length of the tube.
^Ans(- 340 S-1 m, 0.5 m )

03'(i) Draw the stationary wave patterns created in an open tube and build up an expression for the nth overtone.

(ii) The stationary waves created open tube have a fundamental

frequency of 300 Hz. The first overtone of the tube with one
end closed is equal to the first overtone of the open tube. Find
the length of each tube. Velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1.
^Ans' l1 = 0.55 m , l2= 0.413 m &

04' Mention an expression for the velocity of sound in a gas using the qualities of a gas and use it to show how the
velocity of sound depends on the pressure, density and temperature of the gas. A sound source produces
stationary waves of frequency 4000 Hz at 0 0C in air. In this wave the distance between two consecutive
nodes is 4.15 cm. From this source at another temperature the distance between two consecutive nodes is
4.22 cm.
(1). Find the value of velocity of sound at 0 0C
^2&' Find the temperature at which the second observation was made. ^Ans (- 332 ms-1 , 9.30 C)

05' Mention the requirements for the occurrence of (a) beats (b) stationary waves by the superposition of progres-
sive waves. Describe in brief how you use a sonometer to find the frequency of a tuning fork by using beats
and stationary waves respectively.
(a) A tuning fork vibrates with a frequency of 440 Hz. When a second tuning fork is vibrated closer to it, the
beat frequency created is 2 Hz. What is the frequency that the second tuning fork can have?

06' Explain what is meant by resonance. A vibrating tuning fork is kept at the end of a thin resonating tube with
some amount of water in it which can change its level and when the consecutive length of the air column is
0.359 m and 1.079 m, the resonance occured. In an another experiment when this tuning fork is vibrated with
a second tuning fork of frequency 234 Hz the beats with frequency 4 Hz could be heard. The second tuning
fork also resonates with the air columns when their lengths are slightly increased. Find the end correction of
the tube and velocity of sound in air. ^Ans(- 0.001 m, 342.72 ms-1)

07' By considering the following, state clearly the difference between a progressive wave and a stationary wave
create along a string.
(a). The energy transmits along the string. (b). The amplitude of particles of the string.
(c). The frequency of the particles of the string


Give the essential steps of a laboratory experiment used to find the velocity of sound in air. A source with
variable frequencies which produces pure notes is kept just above the open end of a uniform vertical tube of
length 0.5 m which is closed at the bottom. When the frequency of the note produced by the source increases
gradually from 150 Hz to 900 Hz at which frequencies do the resonance occur? The temperature of the room
is 27 0C and the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1. (The end correction of the tube can be neglected.)
Now the temperature of the air is changed. When the frequency of the note produced by the source increases,
it is found that the first resonance occurs at 168 Hz. If the experiment is repeated by opening the lower end, the
corresponding instance occurs at the frequency of 335 Hz. Calculate the following.
^1&' End correction of the tube ^2&' The velocity of sound in air at the new temperature
^3&' The value of new temperature
^Ans' Frequencies #- 165 Hz , 495 Hz , 825 Hz (1) 1.5 mm , (2) 336 ms-1 , (3) T = 311 K& ^1994-August&
08' (a) When sound travels through the air, explain the motions occur in air using the necessary rough sketches.
Describe a method to find wave length in air for a note produced from a tuning fork.
How does the, (i). temperature and (ii). pressure of air affect the wavelength?
(b). Using a sonometer wire or a sound tube as the example, define the fundamental frequency and explain
'overtone'. In an air tube of length 30 cm.
(i) When the two ends are open.
(ii) When one end is closed, find th frequencies of fundamental frequency and first two overtones.
Assume that there is no end correction in he tubes and the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1
^Ans' (i). 550 , 1100 , 1650 Hz , (ii). 275 , 825 , 1375 Hz & ^1980 August&

09' Considering the energy, amplitude and phase explain separately the terms the progressive waves and station-
ary waves. A loud speaker which produces pure notes in kept near a tube of 1 m is closed at one end.
Considering that the velocity of sound in air is 340 ms-1, explain what happens when the frequency of this loud
speaker is changed from 50 Hz to 500 Hz. ^Ans' 35 , 255 , 425 Hz &



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