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This chapter presents the methodology utilized in this study. Included here were the discussions of the
subtopics, namely: (1) materials; (2) procedure; (3) data gathering; (4) data procedure; and (5) plots for data

One of the most frequent issues in families is staining, particularly for those who cannot afford to purchase
pricey bleach. Commercial bleach use can be harmful to both people and the environment. This study focuses
on how well kamias fruit extract removes stains from clothing. Our research aims to offer an alternative to
well-known items that are bad for both our environment and our health. The stain is one of people's most
prevalent problems nowadays because it takes a lot of effort to erase. A study was carried out by the
researcher to aid in stain removal. Kamias has a high oxalic content and an antibacterial effect.


 White cotton cloths

 1000ml Beaker

 Juicer or blender

 Knife

 Chopping board

 Gloves

 Container

 Baking soda

 White vinegar

 Water
 Stains


1. Collection and Preparation of Kamias fruit

2. wash the kamias thoroughly with water

3. extract the kamias
4. pour 125ml kamias extract in the beaker.
5. Add 28g of baking soda in the beaker
6. Add ¼ cup of water, and pour it into the beaker.
7. Add vinegar.
8. The last step, mix it well.

Flowchart of the Procedure

Collection and
Preparation of Kamias

Extracting Kamias Fruit

Formulation of

T0 T1 T2
Commercial Bleach 150ml Kamias (Averrhoa 200ml Kamias (Averrhoa
bilimbi) extract bilimbi ) extract as a main
ingredient in stain remover

Collection of Data

Statistical Analysis
Method of Research
The Experimental Method of research was used in this study. Experimentation was conducted at

Gud, San Isidro, Isabela.

Collection and Preparation of Kamias Fruit

Fresh Kamias Fruit were collected at Gud, San Isidro, Isabela. The Kamias were cut using knife.

Extracting Kamias Fruit

Chopped Kamias Fruit will be placed in a Juicer/blender to take the extract. And the extract will be

strained to make it refined.

Formulation of Kamias

Chopped Kamias Fruit will be placed in a Juicer/blender to take the extract. And the extract will be

strained to make it refined.

The different treatments are as follows:

T0 – Commercial Bleach

T1 – 150ml Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi) extract

T2 – 200ml Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi ) extract as a main ingredient in stain remover

Gathering Data
For all of the treatments, twenty (20) respondents between the ages of 25 and 40 will get an

evaluation sheet. To assess if the product is usable and deemed acceptable, the data will be tabulated,

computed for each treatment, and the grand mean for each criterion.

Treatment of Data

In this study, the experimental method will be used. The study will use two (2) treatments. It will be

analyzed statistically using ANOVA to determine which treatments are significant or highly significant and

which are not.

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