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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

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A review of multi-criteria decision-making applications to solve energy MARK

management problems: Two decades from 1995 to 2015
⁎ ⁎
Abbas Mardania, , Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskasb, Zainab Khalifaha, Norhayati Zakuana, ,
Ahmad Jusoha, Khalil Md Nora, Masoumeh Khoshnoudic
Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai Johor 81310, Malaysia
Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, Vilnius LT-10223, Lithuania
Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai Johor 81310, Malaysia


Keywords: Energy management problems associated with rapid institutional, political, technical, ecological, social and
Energy management economic development have been of critical concern to both national and local governments worldwide for
Decision making many decades; thus, addressing such issues is a global priority. The main of objective of this study is to provide a
MCDM review on the application and use of decision making approaches in regard to energy management problems.
This paper selected and reviewed 196 published papers, from 1995 to 2015 in 72 important journals related to
Climate change
Renewable energy
energy management, which chosen from the “Web of Science” database and in this regard, the systematic and
Sustainability meta-analysis method which called “PRISMA” has been proposed. All published papers were categorized into 13
Waste management different fields: environmental impact assessment, waste management, sustainability assessment, renewable
Water resources management energy, energy sustainability, land management, green management topics, water resources management,
Environmental management climate change, strategic environmental assessment, construction and environmental management and other
energy management areas. Furthermore, papers were categorized based on the authors, publication year,
nationality of authors, region, technique and application, number of criteria, research purpose, gap and
contribution, solution and modeling, results and findings. Hybrid MCDM and fuzzy MCDM in the integrated
methods were ranked as the first methods in use. The Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review was
the important journal in this paper, with 32 published papers. Finally, environmental impact assessment was
ranked as the first area that applied decision making approaches. Results of this study acknowledge that
decision making approaches can help decision makers and stakeholders in solving some problems under
uncertainties situations in environmental decision making and these approaches have seen increasing interest
among previous researchers to use these approaches in various steps of environmental decision making process.

1. Introduction fore decisions are made with a considerable degree of uncertainty.

Second, in cases in which there are several traditional stressors and
Energy management decisions generally are complicated proce- situations in regard to the same measure (e.g., risk), multiple lines of
dures, incorporating multiple knowledge bases such as social, physical, evidence exist; however, this evidence might point to multiple manage-
technological, political, and economical. For the human health assess- ment alternatives. Finally, while the application of these tools for those
ment, the risks related to ecological issues accompanied with environ- stakeholders who are interested in particular courses of action gain
mental stressors, and the effects of some strategies on the decrease of increased access to all available information, due to uncertainty of data,
risks, energy management decision makers generally make use of they can justify contradictory courses of action. Therefore, to integrate
several computational models, experimental tests, and tools. For three heterogeneous and uncertain information, there is a need for expert
different reasons, using these computational models, experimental judgment and a systematic framework to organize the technical
tests, and tools are difficult. First, many risks are emerging (for information. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) provides a
example, climate change, life cycle assessment, life-cycle cost analysis, systematic methodology that aids decision makers in combining these
environmental risk perceptions, and human health risk assessment. inputs with the benefit/cost information and the stakeholders' per-
There is insufficient information for managing these risks, and there- spectives in order to rank all alternatives of projects. MCDM illumi-

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (A. Mardani), (N. Zakuan).
Received 17 July 2015; Received in revised form 19 November 2016; Accepted 6 December 2016
Available online 16 December 2016
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

nates and quantifies the stakeholders' and decision makers' considera- 2. Literature review
tions regarding (mostly) different non-financial elements in order to
make a comparison between different courses of action. Under the Energy management problems, associated with rapid social and
umbrella of MCDM, there are many approaches, each of which involves economic development, have been of critical concern to both national
various protocols to elicit the inputs, structures for representing them, and local governments worldwide for many decades [22]. Increasing
algorithms for combining them, and processes for interpreting and numbers of energy issues can lead to a variety of impacts on and
using formal results within real decision-making or advising contexts. liabilities in public health and sustainable regional development;
The literature on energy management is steadily growing, covering additionally, energy problems can affect economic growth [23]. With
a variety of interpretations and implementations. At the time of the demands of both the advancement of regional development and the
decision making, decision makers attempt to select the best solution. need to raise public awareness of energy problems, increasing pres-
Indeed, a truly best solution can be obtained from a single criterion sures are being imposed on planners and decision makers for a more
which is taken into consideration. In most actual decision-making robust response to a number of energy concerns. Consequently, the
procedures, it is not sufficient to make a decision based on only one identification of decision protocols with sound environmental and
criterion; rather, a number of inconsistent and non-commensurable socio-economic efficiencies is desirable in order to promote effective
objectives must be taken into account. As a result, a genuine optimal energy management practices. A number of factors need to be
solution that would be optimal for all of the DMs who are subject to considered by the planners and decision makers in environmental
each of the considered criteria [1] cannot be found. MCDM is applied management systems, such as social, economic, technical institutional
in situations which have contradictory criteria to help individuals make and political issues, as well as environmental protection and resource
decisions in accordance with their preference [2]. MCDM associated conservation. The complexities involved in generating the desired
with complicated difficulties over breaking difficulties into slighter environmental management decisions may be exacerbated by uncer-
portions. After making decisions and considering the issues about the tainties existing in the related system components. Moreover, such
slighter mechanisms, the problem portions are reconstructed to uncertainties and complexities may be further amplified not only by
represent an inclusive view about the DMs [3]. interactions and dynamics among various sub-systems but also the
DMs apply the MCDM approaches and techniques in order to potential for economic penalties.
organize and synthesize the collected information so they can feel In many energy management problems, a number of criteria and/or
confident and comfortable with their decisions. Using MCDM ap- objectives have been considered, leading to the development of multi-
proaches and techniques, DMs must properly account for all significant ple criteria and objectives decision-making approaches [24]. Haimes
criteria, which helps to decrease post-decision regret [4]. MCDM and Hall [25] developed an analytical and operational multi-objective
approaches and techniques can be used to determine vital principles framework, in which sensitivity, stability, risk and irreversibility as
about problem and evade creating important conclusions out of a objective functions were considered, and a surrogate worth trade-off
routine. A great quantity of MCDM methods and practices were offered method was proposed to solve a multi-objective problem. In past
in the related studies recently [5]. The approaches and techniques are decades, many efforts were undertaken to clarify the concept of energy
different in many aspects, including the kind of inquiries examined, the management development and to develop related theoretical/practical
theoretical background, and the kind of outcomes [6]. MCDM ap- options. Currently, the challenge has shifted to designing and stimulat-
proaches are suitable for energy systems since energy systems are ing processes of effective planning and decision making at all levels of
subject to long time frames, sources of uncertainty, and capital- human activity in such a way as to achieve local and global sustainable
intensive investments [7], as well as featuring numerous DMs and development [26]. In order for decision makers to gain insight into the
several contradictory criteria. For the selection of MCDM approaches complicated inter-relationships between the energy management prac-
and techniques, several criteria should be considered. The key is tices, and to address the need for determining strategies to maintain
finding a method for measuring what is supposed to be measured eco-environmental sustainability [27], integrated environmental sys-
(validity). Various methods likely lead to various results; as a result, a tem analyses that comprise simulations of socio-economic behaviors
method reflecting the ‘true values’ of the user in the best possible way and environmental processes, optimization of resource allocation, and
must be selected. Additionally, the method must provide all necessary analysis of associated uncertainties [28] is necessary. Moreover, no
information for DMs. There also should be compatibility between the matter how deeply people understand an energy problem and how
method and available information (suitability). Furthermore, the great a solution to the problem is designed; such a decision will not
approach should be easily understood [5]. When DMs cannot under- really come into effect unless it is agreed upon by multiple stakeholders
stand how a methodology works on the inside, they see the methodol- involved in the decision-making process. Consider the example of
ogy similar to black box. It might lead DMs to distrust recommenda- climate change—humans already well understand the underlying
tions given by the MCDM approaches and techniques. In such cases, mechanisms behind climate change and have developed good strategies
time should not be spent on this method. Some previous papers to cope with this problem.
reviewed the role MCDM techniques in several areas such as service For a long time, DMs have been interested in energy systems using
quality [8], transportation [9], economy [10], TOPSIS [11], renewable MCDM and how these methods have solved complex problems
and sustainable energy [12], fuzzy MCDM [13], classical MCDM [14], regarding energy management. In conventional single criteria decision
quality management [15], VIKOR [16], tourism and hospitality in- making, the aim is to maximize benefits and minimize costs. MCDM,
dustry [17], saving energy [18], sustainable supply chain management on the other hand, helps elucidate inherent features of the problem, to
[19]. This review paper aims to provide review of multi-criteria support the participants’ role in the decision-making process, to help
decision-making applications to solve energy management problems. understanding of the analysts’ and models’ perception in a practical
Few of previous studies reviewed the multi-criteria decision-making scenario, to facilitate compromises and collective decisions, and to
applications in energy management problems [12,20,21]. enhance the quality of decisions through making them more rational,
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides explicit, and efficient. The use of these methods causes factors like
an overview of literature of energy management and MCDM and fuzzy negotiation, quantification, and communication to be facilitated.
MCDM (FMCDM). Section 3 explains the method and the process of this MCDM approaches and techniques are used with decision-making
paper. Section 4 presents results and findings of this paper based on the processes in which there are multiple objectives. DMs have to select
study aims. Section 5 of this paper attempted to discusses on the obtain from among multiple quantifiable or non-quantifiable criteria.
findings and results and Section 6 provides some conclude remarks, Generally, objectives are inconsistent with each other; as a result, a
limitations of this study, and suggestions for future papers. solution depends upon the preference of the DM. In most cases, various

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

groups of DMs are involved in the decision-making process. Each lished working papers, editorial notes, master dissertations and
group provides various points of view and criteria, which are then doctoral theses, textbooks, non-English papers were excluded. For
resolved in a framework of understanding and mutual compromise. evaluating of energy management problems; several of previous studies
MCDM can be applied to a number of areas, for example, integrated have used other methods such as optimization models and soft
renewable energy systems [29], sustainability assessment [30], strate- computing approach which, in this step also we excluded those studies.
gic environmental [31], off-grid electricity supply [32], and sustainable In the end, we selected 196 articles related to MCDM techniques and
energy [21]. energy management problems, from 72 scholarly international journals
and conferences between 1995 and 2015 which met our inclusion
3. Research methodology criteria.

For our research methodology, this review paper proposed the 3.3. Data extraction and summarizing
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) provided by Moher, Liberati [33]. PRISMA statement has In the final step of our methodology, after negotiation with other
two main parts including systematic reviews and meta-analyses. authors some required information was collected and finally 196
Systematic reviews provide objective summaries of what has been articles were reviewed and summarized. Application areas selected
written and found out about research topics. This is especially valuable according to the Web of Science database and “Research Areas” and the
in wide research areas, where many publications exist, each focusing on articles which are refereed and have mainly occurring number of
a narrow aspect of the field [34]. Systematic reviews aim to provide a keywords. Journals that publish refereed articles names. In flowing; all
full overview of research conducted on a specific field until the present selected articles were classified into different classifications including;
date. All research procedures have to be made explicit before the actual environmental impact assessment, energy management, waste man-
conduct of the review to make the process objective and replicable. agement, sustainability assessment, renewable energy, energy sustain-
Meta-analysis presents a means of mathematically integrating findings ability, land management, green management topics, water resources
employing diverse statistical approach from diverse of previous arti- management, climate change, strategic environmental assessment,
cles. In this kind of synthesis, primary studies that are compatible in construction and environmental management and other energy man-
their quality level are selected. This may help and highlight different agement areas (see Table 2). In addition articles were summarized and
facts which individual primary studies fail to do, e.g. it may prove that reviewed based on various criteria such as; the authors, publication
results are statistically considerable and important when small primary year, nationality of authors, region, technique and application, number
studies provide questionable and uncertain results with large con- of criteria, research purpose, gap and contribution, solution and
fidence interval [35]. The main goal of PRISMA statement is to help modeling, and the last column presents comprehensive results and
researchers and practitioners for completing the report of clear findings of each paper in which they seemed. We believe that; the
literature review [36]. reviewing, summarizing and classifying of articles can help us to
Several of previous studies have been conducted PRISMA statement achieve various critical and importance hints. Consequently, some
in various fields to collecting a comprehensive literature review [36– suggestions and recommendations for future studies were proposed.
38]. In our review study, for conducting of PRISMA method, we Furthermore; we believe that; this review paper was accomplished very
accomplished three main steps including: search in literature, choosing carefully and it presented a comprehensive source regarding the
the eligible published papers, extraction of data and summarizing [39]. application of MCDM techniques to solving energy management
problems. It should be noted that the main difficulty during using
3.1. Literature search PRISMA method was about implicit expressing of methodologies in
abstract and research method section of the selected articles. Thus, we
In this step, we have been nominated Web of Science database to required to go through the full content of articles and take a deeper
present a comprehensive application of MCDM techniques to solve look with more details to evaluate the exact applied approach for
energy management problems. The literature search was accomplished evaluating of energy management problems. Although it spent a
based on various keywords such as: “energy management, environ- considerable amount of time in selection step, it helped us to choose
mental management, MCDM+ energy management, MCDM+ water the most suitable publications in conducting this review.
resources management, MCDM+ renewable and sustainable energies,
MCDM+ economic energy, MCDM+ eco-efficiency etc.) in addition, 4. Findings
energy performance+ MCDM and clean energy, MCDM+ sustainability
assessment, MCDM+ green management, waste management, MCDM 4.1. Distribution of paper based on MCDM approaches
+ land management” and different MCDM approaches. We attempted
to collect the current published papers were from 1995 to 2015. In Table 1 presented the MCDM and fuzzy MCDM approaches
total; 265 scholarly papers were extracted according to our strategy frequency of used in the energy management fields. Based on results
search. In the next step we identified and screen articles related to and findings provided in this table, 196 previous published papers
MCDM and energy management fields (n=237), then, we checked the applied fuzzy MCDM and approaches. This table illustrated that hybrid
duplicated papers with redundant information and after this step 225 MCDM and fuzzy MCDM approaches (27.92%) have used more than
paper were remained, we removed 12 records due to duplicates, after other approaches. In addition; AHP and fuzzy AHP approaches
this step, we screened papers based on titles and abstracts and (24.87%) had the second rank. ELECTRE, fuzzy ELECTRE, MCDA
irrelevant papers were removed and in total 197 of potentially related and MCA approaches with 25 papers had the third and fourth rank
paper were remained (see Fig. 1). (12.69%). Furthermore, TOPSIS, fuzzy TOPSIS, PROMETHEE and
fuzzy PROMETHEE held fifth and sixth rank with 10 papers (5.08%).
3.2. Articles eligibility The frequencies of approaches are represented in Table 1.

In this step of review, for the purpose of eligibility, we reviewed the 4.2. Areas of application
full text of each manuscript independently which extracted from last
step. In the last step, carefully we identified the related articles to attain This study reviewed the main aspects of energy management field
a consensus. Articles which had used MCDM techniques to solve in MCDM theory and practice. The main purpose is to identify various
energy management problems were chosen. Book chapters, unpub- applications for MCDM in the energy management topics and to

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Records identified related to MCDM and energy management field through the Web of Science database 1995-2015


Journal Articles related to MCDM and energy management field (n= 265)

Identified and screened articles related to MCDM and energy management field (n= 237)

Removed records due to duplicates (n= 12)


Screened records based of abstract review (n = 225)

Excluded records based of

abstract review (n= 28)

Assessed full-text articles for eligibility (n= 197)

Excluded full-text articles,

with reasons (n= 8)

Studies included in qualitative synthesis (n= 189)

Identified papers in references

(n= 7)

Author (s)

Published Year


Nationality of Author

Included articles for meta-analysis (n= 196) Journal name and

Research purpose

Application areas selected according to the Web of Science database and Research Areas Gap and

Solution and

Environmental impact assessment, (n= 31) Results and

Hybrid MCDM and FMCDM, (n=55) Energy management, (n= 21)
AHP and Fuzzy AHP, (n= 49) Waste management, (n= 16)
TOPSIS Fuzzy TOPSIS, (n= 10) Sustainability assessment, (n= 18)
ANP and Fuzzy ANP, (n= 9) Renewable energy, (n= 12)
Energy sustainability, (n= 9)
Land management, (n= 8)
10) Green management topics, (n= 12)
VIKOR and Fuzzy VIKOR, (n= 5) Water resources management, (n= 10)
ELECTRE and Fuzzy ELECTRE, (n= 9) Climate change, (n= 10)
MCDA and MCA, (n= 25) Strategic environmental assessment, (n= 7)
Other, (n= 24) Construction and environmental management, (n= 21)
Other environmental areas, (n= 21)

Fig. 1. Study flowchart for the identification, screening, eligibility and included of articles.

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Table 1 4.2.1. Distribution of papers based on environmental impact

Summary of applications of the DM techniques. assessment
There are some methods which accepted for understanding of
DM techniques Frequency of Percentage %
application sustainable development such as environmental impact assessment
(EIA). Sometimes, laws and local regulation are determined whether an
Hybrid MCDM and FMCDM 55 28.06% EIA method is essential for evaluation influences of the projects.
AHP and Fuzzy AHP 49 25.00%
However, many stakeholders and shareholders have believe EIA
TOPSIS Fuzzy TOPSIS 10 5.10%
ANP and Fuzzy ANP 9 4.59% method does not achieve acceptably in the practice [42]. The main
PROMETHEE and Fuzzy 10 5.10% EIA method criticisms are the limited attention on alternatives,
PROMETHEE systematically insufficient influence predictions, and the problems
VIKOR and Fuzzy VIKOR 5 2.55% associated with concerning of shareholders and stakeholders in the
ELECTRE and Fuzzy ELECTRE 9 4.59%
significant and dynamic way as the products of exploration do not lead
MCDA and MCA 25 12.76%
Other 24 12.24% to clear understandings [43]. It seems that the concept of EIA is
Total 196 100.00% becoming mainstream at all levels of environmental decision making;
therefore, previous scholars have studied how to solve these problems
and in EIA they have applied DM techniques and approaches; the
suggest robust and effective approaches for identifying the best following are examples of how DM techniques and approaches have
solutions to complex problems. For example ANP approach used for been applied: Josimović, Marić [44] applied a multi-criteria evaluation
various fields of energy management fields such as; strategic environ- for waste management plans based on strategic environmental assess-
mental assessment, land management, green management, climate ment; Wanderer and Herle [45] used AHP for assessment of environ-
change, construction and environmental management etc. The ANP mental impact on energy; Massei, Rocchi [46] applied ELECTRE I,
approach is applied to assess flood risk management with these AHP and fuzzy set for assessment of environmental management
criteria, including economic, environment, safety and social concerns model; Schetke and Haase [41] used MCA for socio-environmental
[40]. The MCA technique, used for socio-environmental assessment in assessment in shrinking cities; Kaya and Kahraman [47] assessed
shrinking cities with criteria of soil quality, hydrology, water balance, environmental impact by utilizing AHP and ELECTRE; [48] applied
quality of green space, quantity of green space, green supply chain, SAW, OWA and TOPSIS for assessment of environmental problems.
population and infrastructure and additional sub-criteria [41]. According to above literature and previous studies, Table 3 shows
In all selected papers, various approaches have been applied for valuable distribution results of decision making approaches based on
numerous applications for solving problems related to energy manage- authors, nationality of authors, region, technique and application,
ment and identify and ranking the best alternatives. This review paper number of criteria, research purpose, gap and contribution, solution
classified all selected paper in various application areas such as; and modeling, results and findings. Findings shown in this table
environmental impact assessment, energy management, waste man- indicate that 31 papers have employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM
agement, sustainability assessment, renewable energy, energy sustain- approaches in the area of EIA. Findings of this table revealed that of
ability, land management, green management topics, water resources the 31 published papers, AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools
management, climate change, strategic environmental assessment, were used the most, followed by MCA and MCDA techniques. The
construction and environmental management and other energy man- findings shown in this table also revealed that four papers were
agement areas. In this regard, Table 2 showed distribution of selected published in 2014, four papers in 2013, and two papers in 2012.
papers based on various application areas.
Next sections present a systematic review and meta-analysis of the 4.2.2. Distribution of papers based on energy management
196 papers, categorizing them into the 13 areas named above and sub- Energy management makes decisions on the production and dispatch
areas. All papers are then presented in tables, and each area of of electric power and heat based on load profiles (both electric and heat),
application is summarized based on the authors, publication year, weather, price of electricity and heat, cost of fuel, environmental
nationality of authors, region, technique and application, number of regulations, and local government policies. Thus, energy management
criteria, research purpose, gap and contribution, solution and model- encompasses all techno-economic issues that strongly impact efficiency
ing, and the last column presents comprehensive results and findings of in optimal investment planning in siting and sizing as well as in the
each paper. technology selection of DERs that could bring the best PQR of supply to
the customers at the optimal price. The objective of energy management
Table 2 is to attain economic feasibility, and so it has a broad role to play in the
Distribution papers based on application areas. maximization of the above benefits [73]. Energy management is one of
the most important topics of research in terms of global benefit. In
Application fields Number of Percentage (%)
paper energy management, energy consumption, environmental impact and
cost efficiency are central to achieving successful sustainable energy
environmental impact assessment 31 15.82% management scenarios [74]. In recent years, numerous studies have
energy management 21 10.71%
attempted to identify suitable energy management opportunities among
waste management 16 8.16%
sustainability assessment 18 9.18% a variety of measures in order to achieve the energy saving targets in
renewable energy 12 6.12% fields such as [75,76]. In addition, some previous scholars employed DM
energy sustainability 9 4.59% techniques and approaches to improve problems in this field such as
land management 8 4.08% Mourmouris and Potolias [77] employed MCDA for assessment of energy
green management topics 12 6.12%
planning and renewable energy sources. Mourmouris and Potolias [77],
water resources management 10 5.10%
climate change 10 5.10% evaluated the performance by fuzzy ANP, AHP and TOPSIS for building
strategic environmental assessment 7 3.57% energy systems. Catalina, Virgone [78] analyzed energy systems by using
construction and environmental 21 10.71% ELECTRE III. Lee, Mogi [79] used FAHP and DEA for allocation of R &
D resources based on efficiently energy, Polatidis, Haralambopoulos [80]
other environmental areas 21 10.71%
Total 196 100.00%
wind-hydro hybrid energy evaluation. Using data from above literature
and previous studies about energy management area, Table 4 shows

Table 3
Distributed papers based on environmental impact assessment.

Author Nationality Region Technique and Number of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
application criteria
A. Mardani et al.

[44] Serbia Europe Multi-criteria 11 Applied Multi-criteria Need to adequate methodology for For implementing of Strategic Findings of this study demonstrated that;
evaluation evaluation for waste evaluation of waste management plan Environmental Assessment (SEA) this planning solutions evaluation was
management plan based on due to exist of several elements study used the MCDM method. achieve zero state which from the
strategic environmental sustainable development which should sustainability aspect of waste
assessment. be considered. management system.
[40] Canada Northern ANP 5 Applied ANP for assessment There is need to comprehensive MCA For assess of complex flood risk Findings of this paper found that; the
America of flood risk management. for assessment of water resources problems this study integrated MCA and proposed integrated model can improve
management and planning complex DSS techniques. flood risk management and assessment
flood risk problems. under uncertainty.
[49] Nepal Asia AHP 10 Used of AHP for develop Need to consider some criteria of For assess of sustainability criteria such Results of this paper indicated that, local
environmental-economic sustainability such as environmental as environmental and social this paper and global priority and farmers'
framework. and economic in the area of lowland used GIS and MCDM methods. viewpoints among other sub-criteria.
irrigated agriculture system.
[50] Canada Northern fuzzy AHP 45 Used FAHP for Risk-based Need to use MCDM tools for selection of Proposed new methodology to help DM Results of this paper indicated that
America environmental assessment. criteria of risk environmental under vagueness type uncertainty by synthetic-based fluids (SBFs) were the
assessment due to conflicting and using risk-based fuzzy AHP. most desirable choice, followed by fluids
competing criteria. —water based fluids (WBFs) and oil
based fluids (OBFs).
[51] Australia Oceania MCAT 9 Employed MCAT for Many of many natural resource Proposed a novel tool called multi- Outcomes of proposed tool can help to
environmental investment. management (NRM) problems have criteria analysis tool (MCAT) for improve the analytic rigour, transparency
some social and ecological issues, so quantify the social and ecological issues and auditability related to investment
quantify of these issue is hard. in NRM problems. decisions.
[52] Australia Oceania MCA 7 Evaluated the perception and Need to assessment of decision maker Comparison between environmental Results of this paper indicated some
learning of decision maker of which used MCA for solving problems projects which used decisions and decision maker which used MCA

MCA’s overall usefulness. related to environmental projects in unaided decisions in evaluation of their techniques were satisfy from these
Australia. criteria. techniques, they would like to adopt these
techniques for future improvement
regarding to environmental problems.
[53] Turkey Europe FAHP 6 Assessment of environmental Ecosystem life quality is important issue Proposed a new integrated model by Findings of this paper found that;
and human health risk by for improve of sustain. using fuzzy AHP for assessment of decision makers in environmental fields
used FAHP. human health risk and environmental can apply this model by develop some
criteria. alternatives of management for on-going
and unfounded industrial plans by use
hazardous materials.
[41] Germany European MCA 7 Used MCA for socio- Nowadays planning of urban going to For solved this problem authors of this Finding of this study indicated that
union environmental assessment in ‘uncharted territory’, therefore need to paper, finding land use and shrinking The results show that
shrinking cities. evaluate the influence of socio- infrastructure changes relevance to shrinkage indicates some changes of
environmental on shrinkage. demolition and vacancy, then, applied socio-environmental in the residential
MCA for impact of socio-environmental livelihoods, though, does not basically
urban residents and greenery. decrease or increase urban quality of life
[54] Germany European MCA 7 Used MCA for assessment of Need to decrease the daily consumption Proposed new MCA-DSS for assessment Results of this study found that; develop
union environmental targets into of greenfield in Germany. of sustainability and resource efficiency greenfield sites usually displays less
strategic urban planning. infill sites and greenfield. sustainability than that of infill sites.
[55] Finland European MCDA 5 Applied MCDA for integrating Lack of experimental stage in evaluation Used MCDA approach for employed and Outcomes of this paper demonstrated
union ecosystem services with of ecosystem service (ES). compared a desktop application of the that, though integrating of ecosystem
assessment of environmental ecosystem service (ES). service (ES) with MCDA approach, can
impact. incorporating ecosystem service (ES) into
[45] Germany European AHP 2 Used AHP for assessment of Need to identify the better locations for Proposed A web-based SDSS based on a Results of this paper found that, using of
union environmental impact on implementing of solar power plants. MCDA approach for identify these kinds this proposed process chain can be
energy. of locations. applied for further assessment of
environmental impact.
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 3 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique and Number of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
application criteria
A. Mardani et al.

[46] Italy European ELECTRE I, AHP 5 Applied ELECTRE I, AHP and Value structure analysis of GIS is lower For solving this problem author of this Results this integration help to
union and Fuzzy set Fuzzy set for assessment of relevance to Spatial Decision Support paper integrated GIS and MCDA for understanding such unusual
environmental management Systems (SDSS). develop of Spatial Decision Support characteristics of MCDA-GIS integration.
model. Systems (SDSS).
[56] India Asia MCDA 9 Assessed environmental Using of some materials in creating a Used MCDA approach for assessment of Results of this paper demonstrated that;
Index by utilized MCDA. building has some impact on energy, materials by developed the composite some buildings which used non-fired
socio-economic impact and Environmental Index. materials were ranked higher compared
environment, natural resource to fire materials.
[57] Greece European MCDA 3 Evaluated of environmental For improvement of decision making Applied MCDA and focus grouping Finding of this paper indicated that, it is
union impacts in aquatic ecosystems process, need to finding and assessing techniques for strengthen the pluralistic social learning and representation
by using MCDA. of the environmental impacts in aquatic concept. conditions which should and encourage
ecosystems. for optimal operation od MCDA method.
[58] Canada Northern Fuzzy TOPSIS 12 Applied fuzzy TOPSIS for Evaluation of suppliers related to Proposed new fuzzy MCDM based on Findings of this paper indicated that, due
America evaluation of environmental environmental performance is very TOPSIS for assessment of supplier to of lack quantitative information the
performance. important issue in recent years. environmental performance. proposed approach can assess the
environmental performance of suppliers.
[59] India Asia ELECTRE and 9 Used ELECTRE and VIKOR Attention on the influence service Suggested the new integrate approach Findings of this paper found that, the
VIKOR for evaluation of supply chain on climate change is the based of MCDM techniques for healthcare sector is the best alternative
environmental performance. very important issue in recent years. assessment of environmental for assessing of the environmental
performance in service supply chain. performance of medical support service
[60] Taiwan Asia FANP 10 Assessed environmental Decision making on approval of EIA is Proposed the new integrated approach Outcomes of this study indicated that;
impact assessment (EIA) very complex process. by using decision-support framework to construction waste heavily impacts some
impact by utilized FANP. operate the subjectivity as decision criteria, thus rendering it noteworthy.

makers do in evaluating the values and
[47] Turkey Europe AHP and 8 Assessed environmental Environmental impact assessment Proposed new integration approach Outcomes this study indicated that, the
ELECTRE impact by utilized AHP and (EIA) is the important issue due to both based on AHP and ELECTRE for proposed model is successfully applied
ELECTRE. quantitative and qualitative factors planning of urban industrial. for EIA in Turkey.
[61] Canada Northern FIS and FAHP 9 Evaluated the environmental How to ranking the environmental issue Proposed new approach by integration Findings of this paper indicated that, the
America management system (EMS) for creating of environmental policy is of FIS and FAHP as robust tool for proposed model can be use in real
by applied FIS and FAHP. important problem in EMS. ranking environmental criteria in problem of EMS.
operations of OOG.
[62] Netherlands European AHP 5 Assessed environmental Decreasing the emissions that cause an Need to evaluate of environmental The results of this study demonstrated
union impact by utilized AHP. environmental problem sometimes lead aspects in some business such national that; COMPLIMENT as the proposed
to higher emissions cause another and international sectors. approach is workable with individual
environmental problem. tools.
[63] Finland European MCDA 26 Evaluated environmental There is lack in one stable methodology Provided MCDA techniques for some Finding of this study found that; in field
union impact by used MCDA. for weigh of relevance significant of weighting tools which can applicable in of biomass products there are less
diverse environmental impacts in LCA, LCA process. environmental impacts of biomass from
while it should be important phase in some developing countries compare to
Life Cycle Assessment. the local forest.
[64] Germany European PROMETHEE 6 Assessed environmental Evaluation of production process under Presented model for assessment of eco- Outcomes of this paper found that, how
union system by used ecological, technical and economic management by integrating of decision the planning of combined the strategies
PROMETHEE. perspectives need to specific support system KOSIMEUS, flow- of the by-product management in the
approaches. sheeting program and MCDA methods. steel and iron making industry can help
by the use of flowsheet-based and MCDA
based on support system.
[65] Turkey Europe OWA operator 12 Used OWA operator for Nowadays consumption of fossil fuel is Using the renewable energies is the best Outcomes of this study can help decision
environmental assessment. increased rapidly and this has negative alternative for replace on these kinds of makers to achieve of the renewable
influence on environment. fuels, so, this study used the DSS tool for energy alternative instead of fossil fuel.
selection of site for wind turbines by
employs GIS.
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 3 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique and Number of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
application criteria
A. Mardani et al.

[66] Australia Oceania AHP 5 Employed AHP for evaluation Environmental management and Used AHP based on world wide web for Outcomes of this paper found the Java-
of environmental problem. natural resource are needed to improve evaluation of environmental problems, AHP is a tool which can use as individual
the decision quality. this model called Java-AHP. and groups decision support system.
[48] Germany European SAW, OWA and 5 Applied SAW, OWA and Environmental problems are complex Development of DSS tool for solving the Results of this paper indicated that,
union TOPSIS TOPSIS for assessment of issue due to exist of several criteria. environmental problems in water mDSS tool had the significant
environmental problem. resource management. contribution on water resource
management for WFD implementation.
[67] Belgium European MCDA 12 Used MCDA for assessment of There are conflicts for environmental For solving these conflicts related to Outcomes of this paper found that; using
union environmental problem. services due to diversity of stakeholders’ environmental issues, this study SROAIs subsequently significantly can
motives related to formulate acceptable proposed a novel methodology for improve the tractability of the process.
environmental policy. enhances the acceptability of the group
[68] New Zealand Oceania MCDSS 4 Employed MCDSS for There are some lacks such as multi Applied Multi Criteria Decision Support Finding of this paper demonstrated that,
evaluation of international criteria based, transparent and decision System (MCDSS) for improve these this tool was useful potentially and
environmental problems. support tool in the level of kinds of lacks in the international particularly in the early phases of policy
environmental problems. policymaking. development.
[69] India Asia AHP 4 Used AHP for assessment of Need to develop a conceptual algorithm Proposed a novel methodology by Results of this paper concluded that how
environmental impact. for integration of optimal process into combining of MADM and optimization combining of MCDM techniques with
MADM procedures. procedures. optimization procedures can be used as a
tool for decision-making in EIA studies.
[70] Slovenia European AHP 4 Applied AHP for evaluation of Need to present a decision tool for Proposed new methodology based on Finding of this study found that; initial
union wood products based on classifying wood products on multi attribute approach which produce of energy consumption and
environmental impact. environment and whole life cycle. including of the main criteria that auxiliary materials provided the main
impact on the burdening of influence of wooden products on the
environment. environment.

[71] Spain European ANP 4 Evaluated EMS by employed Due to reduce the environmental Suggested a novel decision making Results of this paper showed that; all
union ANP. impacts firms need to adopt their approach based on ANP for assess and attributes of olive oil firms had the best
environmental management systems. rank the criteria of environmental intangible elements regarding to
management system options in for- evaluating of the environmental
profit organizations. management systems.
[72] Germany European PROMETHEE 14 Applied PROMETHEE for Regarding the worldwide changing of Proposed an outranking methodology Outcomes of this paper can help to
union environmental assessment. environmental policy need to through integration of PROMETHEE achieve insight into the preference
assessment the production techniques. and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for structure of decision makers and to
environmental assessment. emphasis on critical issues regarding the
soft decision analysis.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 4
Distributed papers based on energy management.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[81] Germany European AHP 5 Utilized AHP for evaluation of Need to find the future-oriented crop Proposed a novel methodology by using Finding of this paper demonstrated
union crop rotations based on energy rotations which include the AHP for evaluation of economic and that, in the first step of evaluation some
crops. environmental and economic criteria environmental criteria regarding to less global dimensions used for show
for decision-making strategies. assessment of crop rotations. how the crop rotations can gain the
requirements of the defined mission
[77] Greece European MCDA 17 Employed MCDA for In recent years there are some Proposed the new evolutional model Finding of this paper found that RE
union assessment of energy planning environmental and economic problems for supporting of energy planning to Sources exploitation in the level of
and renewable energy sources. regarding rational energy planning promote the use of renewable energy regional can satisfy increase power
which is imperative to humanity. sources. demands related to through
environmental-friendly energy systems
which integrate biomass, wind power
and PV systems.
[82] Greece European ELECTRE III 3 Employed ELECTRE III for There is lack for a specific criterion For solving these problems, this Results of this paper indicated that,
union decentralized energy systems. which describes the value of each present study applied ELECTRE III environmental profile, stability and
renewable energy resources and there is technique for scenarios of energy viability were the most important
no specific solution for optimization of generation. parameters.
all criteria of these resources in the
same time.
[83] Ireland European MCDA 7 Assessed domestic electricity Need to the template which can Proposed a new approach based on Results of this paper found that, MCDA
union consumption and heating evaluate the energy systems policy NAIADE for alternative electricity based on NAIADE can measure based
energy by used MCDA. scenarios. policy scenarios and domestic energy. on quantitative and qualitative
[84] Finland European MAVT 5 Utilized MAVT for residential Authors of this paper believed that Applied Preference Assessment by Outcomes of this study found that, after

union energy supply system selection. selection of system related to residential Imprecise Ratio Statements method as comparison analysis of heating systems
energy supply is a MCDM problem. MCDM technique for selection of alternative, micro CHP from
system related to residential energy environmental perspective is reasonable
supply. alternative to traditional system.
[85] Turkey Europe fuzzy ANP, AHP 9 Evaluated of performance by Need to novel approach in the Applied integrated MCDM technique Finding of this study indicated that,
and TOPSIS fuzzy ANP, AHP and TOPSIS construction sector due to an increasing for analyzing of the Building Energy construction firms could identify which
for building energy systems. rising energy prices demand for energy Performance Calculation Methodology section can be ranking criteria for
and efficiency in energy consumption. (BEP-TR). improve and enhance efficiency and
effectiveness of their construction.
[78] Romania European ELECTRE III 3 Analyzed energy systems by Due to complexity and uncertainty of For solving these problems related to Results of this paper found that, MCDM
union used ELECTRE III. qualification and analysis of energy systems this study applied analysis can present some support
information data related to energy ELECTRE III for analysis of related technical scientific which can
performance and economic criteria and performance in these kinds of systems. rank alternative of renewable energy
influence on the environment sector very clearly.
evaluation approach needed.
[86] Greece European ELECTRE III 5 Used ELECTRE III for modern Need to develop the RES and the energy Suggested the new information Outcomes of this paper found that for
union energy formulation. efficiency (EE) for enhance the decision support system, which finding, classify and diagnose the
operational performance in energy involves of an expert subsystem, in suitable activities in the best way, to
companies. addition to MCDM subsystem. assist and help policy making and
formulation of operational performance
in modern energy companies.
[87] China Asia FAHP 3 Employed FAHP for selection Used renewable energy resource for Identify the critical success factors for Results of this study demonstrated that;
of suitable projects in solar generate of electricity keeping healthy solar-wind generation system by using BOCR model can successfully and quite
energy and wind power system environment with rational cost in China fuzzy AHP. lever of complex problems with
is an important issue. outstanding results.
[79] Republic of Asia FAHP and DEA 4 Used FAHP and DEA for Need to create long time strategic Presented the combine two-stage Results of this paper found that;
Korea allocation of R & D resources technology energy plan to enhance MCDM approach to assess the weights building envelope and energy
for efficiently energy. Korean national energy security and of five criteria to measuring the energy conversion utilization had the best
promote the “Low Carbon, Green technologies efficiency against high oil ranks simultaneously.
Growth”. prices.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

(continued on next page)

Table 4 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[88] United States Northern AHP 6 Ranked technologies of electric Development of framework for decision Used MCDM approach for measure Findings of this paper proved that,
America energy production by used makers is important issue to ranking and ranking of these technologies geothermal, solar, wind and
AHP. numerous non-renewable and based on 4 important criteria including hydropower has the significant rank and
renewable electricity production environmental, financial, socio- in case of non-renewable energy only 3
technologies. economic and technical. of 20 high rank positions were oil and
[89] Malaysia Asia IF-AHP 10 Applied IF-AHP for selection There is crisis about global energy due Proposed a novel approach based on Outcomes of this paper found that,
the best technology energy to increase demand of energy in MCDM techniques for choosing the among seven alternatives the best
consumption. developing countries. best energy conservation and energy alternative was nuclear energy in energy
technology by evaluation of planning.
quantitative and qualitative criteria.
[80] Greece European ELECTRE III, IV, 5 Integrated ELECTRE III, There are some limitations for Suggested the new MCDA-RES for Findings of this study found that,
union PROMETHEE I, II ELECTRE IV, PROMETHEE I providing the appropriate power to evaluation of performance in wind- MCDA-RES software can help decision
and PROMETHEE II for a human societies with other economic, hydro hybrid energy project with makers for attain a compromise
wind-hydro hybrid energy resource, environmental techno-logical different criteria. solution.
evaluation. and social simultaneously.
[90] Taiwan Asia DEMATEL and 6 Applied DEMATEL and ANP Need to develop strategy for reduction Proposed a new approach for Findings of this paper found that,
ANP for carbon reduction of carbon and evaluation of system. management of carbon reduction. carbon risk assessment is the best
management. criterion in the carbon reduction
management system.
[91] Greece European New MCDM 14 evaluation of environmental In supply chain management Proposed a novel model for evaluation Findings of this paper indicated that,
union supply chain performance by environmental criteria are important of environmental performance criteria. the proposed approach can use in
employed MCDM which should include. businesses related to internal reporting
which diverse alternatives.
[92] China Asia AHP and fuzzy 18 Evaluated performance by used Increasing of urban energy Proposed new method for evaluation of Results of this study demonstrated that,

extent analysis AHP, membership degree consumption lead to environmental environmental performance by using the best scenario for energy use
analysis and fuzzy extent problems due rapid economic MCDM techniques based on four planning technology-led.
analysis. development. different indicators.
[93] Poland European AHP 4 Evaluated of operational Need to improve working conditions Used the MCDM method for Findings of this study indicated that
union performance by AHP in OSH based on better prevention of measurement of operational AHP technique in suitable technique for
management system. occupational diseases. performance in the selection of leading selection of KPIs based on SMART
key performance indicators. criteria.
[94] China Asia AHP 3 Used AHP for evaluation of Need to propose a new measurement For comprehensive evaluation of CCHP Results of this paper proved that,
combined heating, cooling and for using energy by CCHP system system, this study used simple hospitals and hotels have better
power systems. rationally in Japanese buildings. assessment from energy, MCDM performance that other offices and
technique and environmental and stores.
economic aspects.
[95] Serbia Europe VIKOR 6 Employed VIKOR for Need to comprehensive method for Recommended a new MCDM method Findings of this paper found the
residential building solar water heating systems (SWHSs) for selecting of the best SWHS systematic and clear way for achieve the
refurbishment. integration due to complexity of this integration. optimal design solution for SWHS
system based on its criteria. integration related to criteria and
preference structure.
[96] Iran Middle East SWARA and 11 Implemented of SWARA and Nowadays sustainable development in Investigated of sustainable Results of this study found that stability
COPRAS COPRAS for development of rural areas in important issue. development in rural areas based on is the best criteria for improve of the
building structures MCDM techniques in the building sustainable development in rural areas.
[5] USA Northern MCDM 9 Utilized MCDM for confidence Need to build understanding of people Outcomes of this paper demonstrated
America of Building public in energy related to MCDM approaches. that confidence building and learning is
planning systems the best criteria for using different
MCDM approaches.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

distribution results of decision making approaches. Results of this table Though, there are several problems facing [142,143] the activities to
found that 21 papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM approaches in increase use of renewable energy, that should be understood and
the area of energy management. Findings from this table showed that of correctly interpreted into an inclusive controlling framework. The
21 published papers, majority of the studies were using AHP and fuzzy initial and notable problem for greater renewable penetration into
AHP mixed with other tools, followed by ELECTRE with other techni- energy organizations refers to the high-up front charges and associated
ques. In addition, the findings shown in this table revealed that one inadequate cost usefulness. There are several market barriers and
paper was published in 2015, five papers in 2014, and four papers in failures preventing penetration of renewables, such as commercializa-
2013. tion barriers faced by new technologies competing with mature
technologies; price distortions from existing subsidies and unequal
4.2.3. Distribution of selected papers based on waste management tax burdens between renewables and other energy sources; failure of
The best selection of waste process technologies and efficient waste the market to value the public benefits of renewables and other, such
management strategies offer opportunities to minimize the environ- market barriers such as inadequate information, lack of access to
mental impact, particularly through energy and materials recovery capital, “split incentives” between building owners and tenants, and
[97]. An effective waste management strategy must account for the high transaction costs for making small purchases etc. Consequently, it
complex interdependencies and interactions among waste handling is significant to present financial support mechanism and satisfactory
processes and their effects on competing management objectives (e.g., advancement arrangements, particularly ones which will interest
minimizing cost, maximizing net energy production, increasing waste isolated funding into energy segment and in such way decrease the
diversion from landfills, and minimizing GHG emissions). Results of monetary load on the public budget [144,145]. An MCDM process can
Table 5 found that 16 papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM be used as part of a pre-feasibility study to prioritize renewable energy
approaches in area of waste management. The table shows that the projects [146]. There are various tools currently being used to facilitate
most applied techniques are AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other decision making [147,148] selecting renewable energy projects. The
tools, and TOPSIS and fuzzy TOPSIS with other techniques. In tools are mainly used to help the decision makers reach consensus in
addition, the results in this table show that in 2015 two papers were terms of prioritizing the necessary renewable energy projects through
published and in 2014 were three papers and year of 2013 three papers an objective ranking procedure. Data are needed to formulate a viable
were published. group decision. Table 7 shows that, 11 papers employed fuzzy MCDM
and MCDM approaches. The table indicates that commonly used
4.2.4. Distribution of papers based on sustainability assessment techniques are AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools, followed
For development of projects related to sustainability assessment in by PROMETHEE and TOPSIS. Furthermore, the results in this table
different countries need to integrate values of sustainable development show that three papers were published in 2015, one paper in 2014, and
with programs and policies. According to Ness et al. [114], sustain- two papers in 2013.
ability assessment aims to evaluate global and local integrated nature–
society systems from long and short term perspectives in order to help 4.2.6. Distribution of papers based on energy sustainability
DMs recognize the actions that should or should not be taken to make According to Skoulou, Mariolis [159], the latest developments in
society more sustainable. The sustainability assessment was defined by energy policy have reflected a tendency for increasing the energy
Devuyst et al. [115] as “a tool that can help decision-makers and policy- manufacture portion out of the recyclable energy resources, not merely
makers decide which actions they should or should not take in an about tactical reasons, but likewise for socio-economic and environ-
attempt to make society more sustainable.” According to four dimen- mental aims. Some previous studies such as Balezentiene, Streimikiene
sions of sustainability, a number of comprehensive frameworks have [160] believed that production of biomass can improve for agricultural
been proposed for integrated assessment [116]. In 1996 a group of business due to diversification opportunities. As a result, several
researchers provided a set of useful guidelines in the form of over- studies offered new visions about a recyclable energy strategy from
arching principles to link practice and theory for the assessment the agricultural perspective. For instance, in the Czech Republic,
process, including identification of indicators and system design, field Havlíčková and Suchý [161] analyzed the energy based on future
measurements and compilation, and the communication and inter- prospects. employ data envelopment analysis (DEA), Đatkov and
pretation of results [117]. During the past decade, several concepts Effenberger [162] analyzed the effectiveness of biogas plants, while
have been developed, which have been aimed to upgrade the oper- Madlener, Antunes [163] additionally made use of MCDM approaches
ationalization of the sustainability vision. This resulted in various about the final goal. Problems regarding energy development are
approaches claiming that they could be applied to the assessment of complicated, with several DMs and several principles. Therefore, these
sustainability in a variety of sectors— e.g., jet biofuels [118], energy difficulties are appropriate to the MCDM application. Findings from
projects, building assessment [119], electricity systems [120], hydro- Table 8 show that nine papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM
power projects [121], residential buildings, forest energy, agro-ecosys- approaches in the area of energy sustainability. Results of this table
tems [122], PV solar power [123]. Findings of Table 6 indicate that 18 indicate that AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools,
papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM approaches in area of PROMETHEE and MULTIMOORA were the most employed techni-
sustainability assessment. Results of this table show that of 18 ques in this research area. Furthermore, the results in this table show
published studies, AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools were that in 2015, one paper, in 2014, one paper, and in 2013, three papers
employed the most. Furthermore, the results in this table show that in were published.
2015, four papers, in 2014, and in 2013 five papers were published.
4.2.7. Distribution of papers based on land management
4.2.5. Distribution of papers based on renewable energy Modern planning theories inspire methods which reflect all in-
Renewable energy is important in terms of strengthening the local vestors and their diversity of discourse standards for avoiding political
improvements. Renewable energy is environmentally friendly, avail- as well as scheming judgements [171]. During the current previous ten
able abundantly and can be widely distributed. Renewable energy years, using the quantitative methods like the multi-criteria decision
development has direct impact on increase of employment, stimulates making methods in land suitability processes was improved, that
economic growth and technological progress. In this way, renewable permits using the varied information. Most of these activities chiefly
energy resources are an essential ingredient in doing business respon- applied decision-making methods for ranking the significance of
sibly and successfully. That is why there is a growing interest in predefined organization choices or planning developments. Table 9
renewable energy both in the developed and developing countries. illustrates that eight papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM

Table 5
Distributed papers based on waste management.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[98] Croatia Europe PROMETHEE 3 Employed PROMETHEE There serious problem regarding to Suggested a novel integrated model Results of this paper indicated that, this
for identify solid waste inadequate waste management and waste based of two MCDM approaches by proposed approach presented a new
management criteria. production in some part of coastal of evaluating of some criteria such as perspective to planning of waste
Croatia. social, ecological, functional and management in the strategic level and
economic. rethinking about some strategic waste
management in this country.
[99] Italy European AHP 3 Used AHP for comparison There are some problems in Saharawi Applied of decision making approach Findings of this paper found that two
union of different waste comps related to bad conditions for living for comparison of diverse waste proposed solutions had the best scenarios
management solutions people and food consumption which management solutions in Saharawi regarding to waste management. In
comes from humanitarian help reasons refugee camps. addition; it is very important aspects in an
the generation of several solid wastes environmental and humanitarian project.
which can impact of environment and
health risks.
[100] United European MCDA 6 Applied MCDA for Need to manage some options the waste Recommended the MCDA approach Results of this paper indicated that;
Kingdom union evaluation of waste paper on the Isle of Wight. by using panel of stakeholders and recycling and gasification achieved the first
management. local residents for evaluation of the rank in the manage waste paper.
options for manage waste paper.
[101] Turkey Europe MCDA 3 Selection of site selection There are some problems related to Proposed MCDA technique for Findings of this paper found that; the
for the disposal of operations of waste management for the criticize the important selection site novel structure with some main criteria
municipal solid wastes disposal of municipal solid wastes for disposal of MSW. can effective for solution of the waste
which (MSW). management operations.
[102] China Asia OWA and F-VIKOR 4 Used OWA and F-VIKOR There is a challenge in developing For solving this challenge authors of Finding of this paper indicated that; steam
for evaluation of health- countries related to selection of suitable this paper proposed a new MCDM sterilization was the best technology of
care waste disposal treatment approach in HCW approach for HCW disposal. HCW treatment.

[103] Canada Northern MCDA 5 Review on municipal solid Need to review of MCDA approaches Reviewed all published papers Finding of this review found most
America waste management. which solving MSWM problems and most related to multiple stakeholders and important participant of published
related multiple stakeholders. MSWM problems by application of reviewed paper were municipalities/
MCDA approaches. government and AHP technique is popular
approach in Results of this study show that
AHP has the first rank for implementation
of multiple stakeholders.
[104] Spain European PROMETHEE, AHP 6 Employed PROMETHEE, There is problem in the selection of MSW Highlighted the most important Finding of this paper found that; The
union AHP for municipal solid treatment due to exist of various criteria indicators related to environment ranking obtained in both cases was (from
waste treatment ranking such as environmental, social and and sustainability for providing the best to worst): thermal plasma gasification
economic. comprehensive evaluation. is the best criteria related to MSW
[105] China Asia AHP and TOPSIS 3 Used AHP and TOPSIS for There is challenge in making decision on Used the life cycle assessment (LCA) Finding of this paper found that; that
evaluation of waste selection of environmental friendly, for MSW management with attention incineration scores and performs is the
management systems. energy efficient and economically to the economic factors. significant scenario from other scenarios.
affordable of MSW management.
[106] Serbia Europe AHP 7 Used AHP for assessment Need to consider all important criteria For consideration of all criteria and Results of this paper found that; recycling
of waste management related to waste management sub-criteria of sustainability related of inorganic waste and composting of
sustainability. sustainability scenario based on energy to waste management this study used organic had the best ranks in assessment
recovery. MCDM technique. of waste management sustainability.
[107] Portugal European AHP and IVF- 5 Employed AHP and IVF- In recent there are some challenges about This study to retrieve the societal Outcomes of this paper demonstrated that,
union TOPSIS TOPSIS for solid waste SWM in Europe for fulfillment of the ramifications proposed a new the proposed AMARSUL system can select
management assessment. organic waste recovery and prescribed integrated method which called AHP- the PAYT, handing of recycling and
targets of recycling. based IVF-TOPSIS method. selection of the best option.
[108] Canada Northern SWA, TOPSIS and 12 Assessed solid waste It is require to compromise between Integrated five MCDA techniques for Finding of this study indicated that, for
America ELECTRE management by utilized possible conflicting intangible and selection the best alternatives of selection of landfill problems related to
SWA, TOPSIS and tangible criteria for selection of best landfill for solving problem related to WSM, need to apply some MCDA
ELECTRE location of landfill. SWM. techniques, because, each technique has
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 5 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

different result.
[109] Lithuania European ARAS-F and AHP 10 Employed ARAS-F and There is problem related to increasing of Proposed new integrated approach Results of this study proved that; the
union AHP for incineration of heat and electricity prices. for minimize cost regarding to selected industrial equipment parts
non-hazardous waste. electric energy production. covered the three different perspectives
including the social, economic and
[110] Taiwan Asia DEMATEL and ANP 17 Employed DEMATEL and There is a problem for evaluating and Evaluating of MSW management, Findings of this paper found that, a
ANP for evaluation of solid selecting of the MSW management which need to use robust MCDM approach resource recovery facility and thermal the
waste management expert group can improve this issue. which consider large number of most solutions regarding to MSW
criteria. management.
[111] Canada Northern TOPSIS, SWA, WP 7 Applied TOPSIS, SWA, WP Need to focus on design of SWM systems MCDA approach proposed for solving Results of this paper proved that, MCDA
America and ELECTRE and ELECTRE for based on multi alternative solution and this kind of problem in selection of approaches create a methodical method for
evaluation of solid waste criteria evaluation due to conflicting and landfill. connecting to the SWM problem and
management. complex influence on different results can generated to solve problem
stakeholders. related to landfill selection.
[112] Australia Oceania Fuzzy AHP 4 Selected natural wastewater Few of previous papers focus on For combining of various aspects and Finding of this paper found that, the best
treatment by utilized FAHP. combining the several aspects of selection of natural wastewater alternative among all natural wastewater
wastewater treatment including technical, treatment, this study proposed new treatment systems was stabilization pond.
management and ecological economic MCDM approach based on FAHP
and environmental factors. with MDS.
[113] Republic of Asia WSM, fuzzy TOPSIS 3 Evaluated treated Need to present strategies framework for Proposed robust ranking framework Results of this paper indicated that, the
Korea and TOPSIS wastewater locations by climate change adaptation to finding of TWW use locations with opportunity payoffs in DR are significantly
used WSM, fuzzy TOPSIS emphasize on several uncertainties higher regarding of the DMCU
and TOPSIS inherent in process of decision philosophies, proposing that DR is a robust
making. alternative for usage of TWW.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 6
Distributed papers based on sustainability assessment.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[124] USA Northern MCDA 8 Assessed PGIS for by Need to implementation and design of Established the implementation and Findings of this paper revealed that most
America applied MCDA for web-based participatory GIS model for design of conceptual model for important criteria was fish habitat and
sustainability of offshore analysis of offshore wind suitability. asynchronous and distributed web-based utilities and shore were the significant
wind farm. PGIS. criteria in terms of distance for selection
of location regarding to wind farm.
[125] Taiwan Asia fuzzy Delphi 13 Developed housing In sustainable development, it is necessary For evaluation model related to Results pf this study found that,
method and ANP community sustainable to changing of abstract concepts for sustainable development factors and community ideology and spontaneous
evaluation by used FDM implementation in the residential reginal sectors demands, this study participation of the residents are
and ANP. environment in global view. suggested A MCDM integrated significant highlighted, and some factors
approach. such as of under the open space, safety
requirement and green environment
with public facilities should be in the
[126] Italy European AHP 3 Used AHP for assessment There is problem in open space which Presented and developed a decision Findings of this paper indicated that, the
union of urban open space. richness and heterogeneity is usually making process for selection and suggested MCA model was suitable very
neglected and contribution of the evaluation of renovation scenario related positively for process of decision in the
community overlooked within existing to open space renovation. public open space renovations.
planning instruments.
[127] India Asia FAHP and fuzzy 4 Employed FAHP and fuzzy Due to growing of business activities and Developing of sustainable SC Results of this study found that, study
multi-objective LP multi-objective LP for primarily focus of SC on some economic performance measures and proposed a respondents measured the performance
evaluation of performance. activities need to measure and develop of partner selection with flow allocation of of sustainable production which should
supply chain sustainability. DM approach. be the first significant and important in
develop a sustainable SC in the apparel

[128] Trinidad and The MAHP 57 Applied modified AHP for Assessment of sustainable performance Integrated IPM and Integrated Criteria Results of this paper found that; the
Tobago Caribbean assessment of performance criteria is important issue in building Weighting model for determine the proposed approach successfully help to
of Sustainable Life cycle. envelope is technically complex and criteria weighs in evaluating of the solving problems related to building
challenging. sustainable performance and selection of envelope sustainable performance for
sustainable envelope design. reach the building sustainability.
[129] UK European five MCDA tools 3 Review on sustainability Need to management of sustainability Assessment of sustainability tools based Finding of this study overall indicated
union assessment by applied five assessments due to various information on five MCDM approaches should be that, some of the requirements can
MCDA tools. types and uncertainties. satisfied, among uncertainty and satisfy MCDM approaches by excluded of
thresholds, life cycle perspective, ease of information types and modify of life cycle
use and software support. perspective which were supported by all
mentioned approaches.
[130] Italy European AHP 3 Utilized AHP for Need to present an energy supply DSS Applied a novel mathematical method Results of this paper found that, relevant
union sustainable plant design framework for sustainable plant for eco-industrial park (EIP) background variation in BAU ranking is needed
and production evaluation production and design. by proposed DSS framework. proposing that the alternative ways were
significantly more valuable than the BAU
[131] Brazil South AHP 3 Used AHP for sustainable Water management related to mining is Proposed the stepwise process by Finding of this study indicated that, this
America water management important issue for sustainability due to combining the environmental risks in proposed robust technique is suitable for
assessment. the robust dependence on this resource, DM by employ a multi-criteria and AHP selection and assessment of case study
particularly for the operations with in this Brazil. alternative and can be employed by
beneficiation plants. corporate decision contexts where
environmental risks are relevant.
[132] USA Northern ELECTRE III 3 Analyzed sustainable EMS Need to consider all social, economic and Suggested a strategic positioning of clean Results of this study demonstrated that,
America by used ELECTRE III. environmental criteria for active production and pollution prevention waste streams management in the energy
environmental management related to projects by sustainable environmental drink of manufacture and diet bars for
some initiatives like sustainability, cleaner management system design which presented the sustainable environmental
production and pollution prevention. responsive to regulatory requirements management system which can be
and related to culture and structure of implemented and designed.
industry and business.
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 6 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[133] Turkey Europe FANP 4 Applied FANP for selection There is problem for identify a effective Proposed a novel framework by using Finding of this paper proposed and
of sustainable supplier framework based on principles of MCDM technique under incomplete analyzed of the suppliers sustainability in
sustainability for operations of supplier preference relations for sustainability the real-life problem to determine the
selection in supply chains. evaluation process. validity of the proposed evaluation
[134] France European Choquet integral 3 Employed Choquet Sustainable Development implementation For manage of some problems related to Finding of this study indicated that,
union and ELECTRE integral and ELECTRE for in organizations is the difficult action due sustainable development implementation outranking model and of
implementing of to deal with conflict and incommensurable implementation this study proposed a a mono-criterion synthesis method were
sustainable development aspects such as social, economic and MCDA methodology. done to respectively rank 22 SD strategic
environmental dimensions. activities in expertise Institution and
rank 20 practical operational activities to
control energy consumption of the
Institute’s buildings.
[135] Sweden European MCDA 3 Sustainability assessment Need to assessment of sustainability very SCORE (Sustainable Choice Of Outcomes of proposed SCORE method
union based on SCORE by used transparent by considering most REmediation) based on MCDA-method used for kinds of remediation in some
MCDA methods important criteria in the social, economic was proposed for assessment of locations such as Austria and Sweden,
and environmental dimensions. sustainability. rural and urban setting, pollutants types,
some areas such as groundwater, soil,
surface water and finally liability.
[136] Portugal European ELECTRE TRI 7 Applied ELECTRE TRI for There are some lacks in the GIS technology Proposed a Web MC-SDSS operational Findings of this paper found that
union environmental from various weaknesses due to huge model fully combing GIS system and a MC_SDSS approach provided optimal
sustainability evaluation section to the lack capable analytical definite MCDA approach – ELECTRE decision support tools by presenting a
capacity of spatial decision problems TRI, by the creating of Macro written in view for the combining of the models,
supporting. VBA in ArcGIS software. information and methods which require
for evaluation of environmental

sustainability in dairy farms.
[137] Canada Northern AHP 3 Employed for AHP Reusing of the manufacturing systems in Developed a novel MCDM approach for Finding of this study found that,
America sustainability assessment developing countries is today concern. evaluation of reusing benefits in the economic criteria of sustainability were
manufacturing systems in developing the main focus in developing countries
countries in terms of three main and environmental criteria was the last
sustainability criteria such social, rank.
economic and environmental
[138] UK European PROMETHEE 7 Applied PROMETHEE for There is serious threat related to economic To evaluated the problems of forest Findings of this study indicated that,
union assessment of forest production and ecological systems due to management this study applied the need to awareness of local people related
management continuous deterioration in Ethiopia. MCDA in Ethiopia to sustainability, need to suitable holistic
sustainability. scheme for harmonization of economic
and environmental criteria, MCA
approach is the best tool for evaluating of
sustainability criteria and need to select
and assess criteria set for sustainability
[139] Turkey Europe FMAUT 37 Applied FMAUT for Need to show the sustainable SC Proposed a novel MCDM approach Outcome of this paper indicated that,
measurement of performance measurement in single one- based on fuzzy Entropy and fuzzy MAUT based on proposed model, 2007 year has
sustainability dimensional. to assessing and comparing the company the first regarding social, economic and
performance. performance regarding to sustainable environmental dimensions, while 2003,
SC. 2004 and 2003 has the worst rank in
these regards.
[140] Denmark European fuzzy TOPSIS 4 Applied FTOPSIS for There is lack in previous studies which did Examined and assessing sustainable Finding of this paper help to companies
union sustainability performance not consider sustainability issues in supply chain initiatives problems based in four different ways including;
measurement. selection of suppliers. on Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach. selection of the best supplier among
other, working with supplier group
continually, suggested certain suppliers
for enhance some of their defects and
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

approaches in area of land management. In the field of land manage-

polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe is the best

sustainable option from economic and
ment, findings of this table demonstrated that the most popular
techniques used were AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools.

Findings of this paper found that

stop working with some certain
Moreover, the results in this table show that one paper was published
in 2015, one paper in 2014, and two papers in 2013.

environmental aspects.
4.2.8. Distribution of selected studies based on green management
In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of

environmentally conscious practices [179]. These practices include

environmentally friendly design (sometimes referred to as eco-design),
green procurement, sustainable operations, and a number of end-of-
Proposed and used two kinds of life cycle

life practices such as recycling and remanufacturing. Environmental

awareness may be a consequence of regulatory pressures to protect the
sustainability assessment based on

environment. It should be noted that “green” values and schemes

considered essential for businesses as communal consciousness was
Solution and modeling

developed regarding their ecological influences [180]. With the in-

creasing awareness of the importance of environmental protection,
MCDM approaches.

organizations are obliged to take into account environmental practices,

both to boost their image of being a “green” company and to actually
work to protect the environment [181]. In this regard, companies try to
put more standards and obligations on activities such as raw material
extraction and overflowing waste sites to prevent environmental
deterioration and pollution as an increasingly important issue for a
business [182]. Nowadays, identifying appropriate and green providers
materials related to sewer pipe materials

in the supply chain considered as an important strategic issue.

Need to assess and compare some

Industrial production can cause damage and have an excessive

based on sustainability criteria.

influence on the sustainability of the natural environment and on

humanoid lifecycle itself; those influences contain depletive supply
Gap and contribution

usage, worldwide ecological effects, local ecological effects, well-being

influences, and safety hazards. These types of recyclable subjects have
obtained much focus during the recent years, and supply chain
operations that consider sustainability have become a progressively
significant theme. These increasing interests and the significance of the
supply utility increased the significance of the ecological activities of
providers [183]. Supplier identification is an MCDM problem including
both quantitative and qualitative standards that, together, are in
assessment of Life cycle

conflict. During the previous few years, several investigators were

Research purpose

focused on selecting the supplier problem to improve appropriate

Applied AHP for

decision-making approaches which might associated with the problem


effectually [184]. Some recent works are shown in Table 10. The table
indicates that 13 papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM ap-
proaches. Results of this table illustrate that of 13 published studies,
five papers used AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools, three
papers used VIKOR and fuzzy VIKOR and five papers used fuzzy

TOPSIS and TOPSIS. Moreover, the findings of this table show that; in
No. of

2015, four papers, in 2014, four papers, and in 2013, two papers were


4.2.9. Distribution of selected studies based on water resources


Water resource management is an extraordinarily challenging

realm in which consideration should be given to the complex behaviors

of both the natural environment and human settlements. While the
challenges are often grand, managing water resource systems is critical

and high on the priority lists of various organizations (ranging from

grass-roots groups to international agencies), although management
contexts vary significantly by region or country. During the recent
years, technical instruments to model water capitals difficulties, were

developed meaningfully and MCDM processes are extensively deliber-

Table 6 (continued)

ated to be highly practical in determining conflicts associated to water


management. The practicality of these actions relies on the rational

assembly of assessment processes and on the common scheme

industrialized to define and discuss complicated water difficulties.


Lastly, MCDM simply contains the consequence of doubts that

frequently typifies water management difficulties in the decision-

Table 7
Distributed papers based on renewable energy.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[149] Taiwan Asia Multi-choice goal 7 Employed Multi-choice goal Need to evaluate the planning of Proposed a novel approach is superior to Outcomes of this study found that; these
programming programming for selection capacity expansion problem in the the goal programming by Ramón and goals are attained: social acceptance of
the best location for facilities renewable energy industry based on Cristóbal, in for avoid underestimation of 42.87%, power generation of 197%,
of renewable energy ideal mix of location selection, different aspiration level. investment cost of 131.5% attained based
plant types and other criteria. on MCGP-U.
[147] Greece European PROMETHEE II 5 Assessed renewable energy Due to the complexity of energy projects Developed a MCDM approach based on Results of this paper indicated that,
union projects by applied and energy planning need to develop PROMETHEE II for evaluating and developed framework presented the
PROMETHEE II. and proposed a new dynamic model for selecting of renewable energy projects. user-friendly method, enhance synergy
reaching group consensus in projects of among many actors and can cover a wat
renewable energy. towards consensus.
[150] Romania European VIKOR 7 Assessed renewable energy Due to several criteria for For solving these kinds of problems for Findings of this study indicated that
union projects by used VIKOR. implementation of renewable energy implementation of renewable energy biomass plan alternative is the best
projects a traditional single criterion projects need to consider all criteria, this option follow by solar thermo-electric
cannot handling this implementation. study presented a VIKOR and AHP and wind power for implementation of
techniques for selection of a renewable renewable energy project.
energy project corresponding to the
renewable energy Plan launched by the
Spanish government.
[151] Greece European AHP and 5 Selected of renewable energy Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is the Evaluated five kinds of topologies Findings of this paper found that; hybrid
union PROMETHEE by applied AHP and important requirements for desalination regarding to energy generation of configuration and direct connection
PROMETHEE. process. Reverse Osmosis desalination process by selection were optimum solutions.
using AHP and PROMETHEE.
[152] Republic of Asia FAHP 5 Applied FAHP for For using renewable energy resources in For evaluation of renewable energy Results of this study found that;
Korea assessment renewable Korea need to program by consideration resources need to select the important economic feasibility was highest weight

energy factors. of new R & D and renewable energy criteria and factors based on economic, among other factors; the second highest
technology technological, market-related, policy- weight was power of domestic technology
related and environmental. and global market size and
competitiveness ranked third weight.
[153] Iran Middle East AHP 5 Utilized AHP for selection of Nowadays due to high level of Developed a mathematics approach for Results of this proposed model can
renewable technology competitiveness firms and organizations selection of renewable technology decrease the time related to assessment
portfolio. should allocate their resources for portfolio in the R & D center of oil the portfolio, this model can answer
selection the best projects. industry for increasing of value and some question regarding changes or
strategy of organizations. addition projects related to budget and
finally, model can balances the portfolio
based on organization objectives.
[154] United European PROMETHEE 9 Assessed of energy Need to present the best decision Provided and used a MCA technique for Findings of this paper indicated that,
Kingdom union renewable sustainability support tools for selection of most sustainability assessment in the national rank of provided through the MCA
technologies by used suitable and sustainable options for level and rank eleven renewable energy technique is greatly uncertain and that
PROMETHEE. finding of locations related to renewable technologies. effectively any rank of the eleven
energy technologies. renewable energy technologies is
possible caused by the uncertainty in the
used values of criteria.
[155] Iran Middle East COPRAS and AHP 8 Employed COPRAS-AHP for Renewable energy is important issue in Selected, evaluate and ranking of Findings of this study indicated that,
selection renewable energy the world because environmental renewable energy alternatives are multi effectiveness and capability of the
problems and limitation of other actors and MCDM approach is powerful integrated model in selection of the most
resources. tools for this goal, therefore; this study suitable renewable energy item among
integrated AHP and COPRAS for other alternatives.
evaluation and ranking of renewable
energy alternatives.
[156] Turkey Europe TOPSIS and ANP 7 Evaluated renewable energy Need to assess the native and renewable For this reason, authors of this paper Results of this study found that,
development by used energy sources which improve integrated MCDM approach for assessing hydraulic had the first rank among other
TOPSIS and ANP. sustainable development problems in of renewable energy sources based on alternatives follow by, geothermal, solar,
Turkey. social, environmental and economic biomass and wind.
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Finding of this study found that, a solar

making procedure [196]. There is considerable research about water

collector in the household sector is the

alternative in Turkey were wind, solar,
Findings of this paper found that; the

best option of sustainable renewable

resource planning and management using MCDM techniques. MCDM

most important renewable energy

methods were used to the selection of difficulties in watershed
management [197], collaborative environmental planning, land-use

geothermal and hydropower.

planning and optimal spatial distribution [198], strategies of land-use
restraint, wastewater treatment alternatives, and groundwater partici-
pation, wastewater treatment technology, and water scarcity manage-

energy resources.
ment [199]. Findings from Table 11 indicate that 10 papers used fuzzy
MCDM and MCDM approaches. The table indicates that of 10

published studies, three papers used AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with
other tools, four papers used PROMETHEE. Furthermore, the results
in this table show that two papers were published in 2015, one paper in
Provided the flexible and transparent

renewable energy resources based on

environmental and economic factors.
Evaluated and ranking of renewable
energy alternatives based on social,

MCDM approach for assessment of

extension of TOPSIS and 2-tuple

4.2.10. Distribution of selected studies based on climate change

Climate change is considered one of the primary environmental
Solution and modeling

phenomena that has captured the world’s attention in recent decades

[209]. Climate change has the potential to cause multiple negative
impacts on human health and human life generally, especially in

developing countries because of the difficulty of adapting and imple-

menting public health programs [210]. Climate change may also cause

changes in the manner and place that diseases develop and transform
[211]. Mortality rates are expected to increase along with the increase
in temperature, as more heat waves are expected in some parts of the
For sustainable development we should

world [212]. Regional water resources and water supply also will be
reduce fuel and fossil imports and see
which decrease the carbon emissions,
There is challenge in Turkey energy

see the renewable energy resources

greatly affected by climate change [213], as the demand for water is

the other energy policy objectives.

expected to become greater and water quality is expected to worsen. In

consumption which increased

short, climate change is likely to affect many water-related aspects of

Gap and contribution

human well-being, from agricultural productivity and energy use to

flood control, municipal and industrial water supply [213], water
quality, and human health as it relates to water quality. The amount
of water available for use will decrease as a result of climate change,

through increased evaporative losses from bodies of water, reduced

runoff, and increasing competition between different sectors [214].
Climate change has affected different species, populations, distribu-
tions, and interactions. Biodiversity is expected to be negatively
Assessed renewable energy

Assessed renewable energy

impacted through reduced habitat suitability and reproduction perfor-

development by utilized

development by applied

mance [215]; indeed, some species are in danger of extinction because

Research purpose

of climate change [215]. Recently, there has been a growing interest in

climate change studies and other areas using MCDM approaches [216].
Table 12 illustrates distribution results of decision making approaches.
fuzzy AHP.


Findings from this table indicate that 10 papers employed fuzzy MCDM
and MCDM approaches in area of climate change. The table illustrates
that of 10 published studies, four papers used AHP and fuzzy AHP
mixed with other tools, four papers used ELECTRE and two papers
No. of

PROMETHEE. Moreover, the results in this table presents that three

papers were published in 2014, two papers in 2013.

4.2.11. Distribution of selected studies based on strategic

environmental assessment

fuzzy AHP

During the last 25 years, Strategic Environmental Assessment


(SEA) has experienced a significant evolution. SEA extended the

practice and concepts of projects’ EIA to focus likewise greater amounts
of decision making. Some researchers [226] argued that there is a need
for SEA to serve sustainability drivers, address the policy and organiza-


tional outline, and mix the social standards into the decision-making

process. In addition, SEA should directly act on the preparation and

improvement procedure of policies, plans, and programs (PPP) to
enhance the volume of effective decision primacies and develop the

ecological and sustainability incorporation into the decision-making

Table 7 (continued)



procedure [227]. This evolution of SEA was associated with the

development of multiple SEA interpretations, which was well docu-
mented by Silva et al. [228]. Table 13 indicates that seven papers

employed MCDM and fuzzy MCDM approaches in area of strategic



environmental assessment. Results of this table indicate that AHP and

fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools were the most used techniques in this

Table 8
Distributed papers based on energy sustainability.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[164] USA Northern MCA 9 Applied MCA for evaluation Main barrier for implementation of Used MCDA for to help the Results of this paper indicated that,
America of sustainable bioenergy bioenergy projects in the resulting implementation and design of social criteria were identified by four
projects. complexity constitutes. sustainable bioenergy projects. kinds of MCDA tools as presence critical
in making a bioelectricity project
[165] Greece European PROMETHEE I and 8 Employed PROMETHEE I Sometimes using of some traditional Assessed planning of sustainable energy Findings of this paper revealed that
union PROMETHEE II and PROMETHEE II for assessment approaches like, macro- based on MCDM approach by complexity of system based of multi-
assessment of sustainable economic indicators and cost-benefit consideration of economic, actor energy could be as an advantage in
energy planning analysis did not combine all technological, social and environmental planning through using of MCA analysis
environmental factors by energy plan. on the island of Crete in Greece. to evaluate energy alternatives for
sustainable planning.
[166] Japan Asia AHP and 4 Integrated of AHP and Need to consideration of all economic, Evaluated and design a model for using Results of evaluation model indicated
PROMETHEE PROMETHEE for environmental and energetic effects on linear programming and MCDA that; nowadays renewable energy
assessment of sustainable assessment of sustainable residential evaluation method for define the systems are not more competitive unless
residential energy system. energy system. optimal residential energy system significant focus is should paid to some
through diverse types of information. benefits such as environmental aspect.
[167] Bosnia and Europe VIKOR 23 Assessed sustainable Numerous projects developed for Evaluated and selected 23 criteria Results of proposed model indicated
Herzegovina hydropower by applied minimize conflicts among Directives, related to environmental issue for by only 14 of criteria from 23 criteria of
VIKOR. sometimes presenting a criteria list for using VIKOR approach. environmental aspect were convenient
consideration when deciding on the and applicable by most users.
influence minimization of new ones or
warranty to existing plants.
[168] UK European MAVT 3 Assessed of sustainability in Need to consider three sustainability Integrated sustainability evaluation of Findings of this paper found that, from
union energy systems by used dimensions including social, economic energy system through MCDA 17 sustainability criteria using in this

MAVT. and environmental for sustainable techniques. study the business-as-usual scenario,
development in energy system. typically based on fossil fuels, is
unsustainable regardless of the
preferences for diverse sustainability
[24] Lithuania European TOPSIS and 3 Used TOPSIS and It is very important to present Applied MULTIMOORA and TOPSIS Results of analysis indicated that policy
union MULTIMOORA MULTIMOORA for sustainable decision making for energy for selecting of the most technologies related to future energy must orient
sustainable energy sources policy based on political, social, regarding to sustainable electricity towards of technologies regarding the
selection. technological and economic, production. sustainable energy, namely solar thermal
developments. and water ones.
[160] Lithuania European Fuzzy 9 Assessed sustainable energy Selection of sustainable energy crop For ranking and selection of sustainable Results of this study various new crops
union MULTIMOORA by applied Fuzzy should be include the environmental energy crop this study applied for Boreal–Nemoral region in Lithuania
MULTIMOORA. and strategic aspects which create MULTIMOORA approach which identified by using multiple
biomass as important element and enables to tackle imprecise information. environmentally compatible indices by
energy source in the sustainable energy the virtue of the multi-criteria ranking.
policy which involve several uncertain
[169] UK European AHP, DELTAP and 6 Selected the suitable MCA Selecting an appropriate MCA approach Provided a transferable method for Findings of this study indicated that,
union ROMETHEEII method for sustainability for individual project is challenge selection of MCA for assessment of MCA approaches and choosing the
energy systems. reason by the complexity of sustainability energy systems. criteria found and summarized present a
participatory sustainable decision wide application potential to help MCA
making in energy sector. approach selection in the renewable and
energy sectors.
[170] Sweden European MCA 12 Used MCA for assessment of Increasing of energy prices, efficiency Evaluated of Building Energy Findings of this study found that, the
union energy sustainability and energy demand are the most Performance Calculation Methodology proposed model can help to decide
technologies. important issues in energy (BEP-TR) by used fuzzy MCDM. which part will be the ranking criteria for
consumption. enhance efficiency and effectiveness of
their construction.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al.

Table 9
Distributed papers based on land management.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results

[172] USA Northern AHP and OWA 2 Evaluation the suitability by There is lack in previous studies Used Principal component analysis (PCA) Findings of this paper found that, some
America used AHP and OWA for regarding to sustainability performance for assessing sustainability performance technologies such as biogas, biomass
selection of landfill site of energy technologies in the rural based on energy technology sustainability gasifiers and microhydro technologies
electrification. index (ETSI). has the better relationship with
sustainability performance.
[173] Iran Middle East AHP 3 Integration of landfill siting There is problem in selection of Landfill For assessment of suitability of landfill Outcomes of proposed model indicated
based on among economical as important process of municipal site selection, this paper proposed GIS- that, the goal of this model was not to
environmental and socio- planning which can influence in various based MCDA approach. identify a single optimal solution, but to
cultural expertise. regions regarding to different aspects other strengths linked to weight
such as environmental, ecological and flexibility of the OWA method.
economic the health sectors.
[171] Australia Oceania Fuzzy-AHP and 23 Applied FAHP and AHP Selection of landfill site is the complex Integrated method for selection of landfill Finding of this paper demonstrated that,
AHP assessment of urban land-use multiple criteria land applies planning site based on different ideas among socio- the suggested crossing model can help to
planning that must influence on all stakeholders cultural economic and environmental choose the most accurate landfill site.
with different perception. expertise.
[174] Austria European PROMETHEE 6 Analyzed landscape planning Need to comparison of presented Compared of land land-use types based Results of this paper indicated that,
union by applied PROMETHEE. ecosystem services in the landscape on Ecosystem services criteria and using spruce forest had the first rank in the
planning and land-use types. MCDA techniques. land-use alternative, traditional larch
meadow had the second rank and

intensive meadow was the third rank.
[175] China Asia AHP 7 Applied AHP for Spatial There is need to combing of an extensive For development of spatial analyzing Finding of this paper found that,
analyzing system. kind of data on ecological and system need to combined landscape reasonable land planning measures and
environmental process on urban ecological analysis, land suitability land-use management policy should be
development and planning in the urban modeling with remote sensing (RS), and modified to continue the sustainable
land management. geographic information system (GIS) development of Changsha City.
regarding to urban expansion land
[176] Brazil South AHP 6 Applied AHP for ranking of There is concern about Brazil condition For achieve ranking scores related to Results of this paper found that in two
America environmentally valid highway paved highways which risky and ranking of the environmental restoration separate segments landslips and
restoration. investment limitation regarding of in paved highway, this paper used landslides and risk of erosion had the
environmental and safety conversation. FMCDM. first rank.
[177] Turkey Europe AHP 5 Utilized AHP for selection of Due to using of solar energy and solar Applied MCDM approach and GIS to Findings of this study suggested that, the
solar farms site. energy investments in Turkey, need to finding the best area for solar energy proposed methodology can help decision
find appropriate site selection for solar farms in Turkey. makers for solving problems related
energy farms. selection of solar farms site.
[178] Iran Middle East ANP and 13 Applied ANP and DEMATEL Site selection of wind energy as a resource This study for selection of suitable wind Finding of this study demonstrated that,
DEMATEL for evaluation of Land of renewable energy is important issues in energy site in Iran, integrated MCDM east of the capital city was appropriate
suitability. some countries due to some requirements approaches and GIS approach. for wind energy site.
such as careful planning and basic
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 10
Distributed papers based on green management topics.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[185] Malaysia Asia F-VIKOR 7 Used F-VIKOR for There is problem to achieve the This study for solving this problem and Findings of this study found that; eco-
assessment of green supply complete understanding related to evaluating of green SCM developed design had the first rank among other
chain practices. green issues for consideration quantitative assessment for measurement criteria related to green SCM in Malaysian
environmental regulations to uncertainty of green SCM by used fuzzy manufacturing mobile companies.
companies and firms. VIKOR approach.
[186] China Asia F-TOPSIS 9 Green supplier evaluation Green supply chain management, For evaluation and selection of green Findings of this paper demonstrated that,
performance by employed F- especially green supplier selection is a suppliers this paper applied fuzzy MCDM. such suppliers with the highest scores had
TOPSIS new and important issue for companies the best environmental performance.
to attain the environmental
[187] Hong Kong Asia AHP 14 Utilized AHP for assessment There is lack in environmental tools This study proposed new system based on Results of this study found that, the
of Green construction for evaluation related to construction operational performance indicators and proposed tool can help to evaluate
environmental management industry. management performance indicators which contractor’s performance and
called green ‘green construction assessment environmental achievements.
for construction.
[188] Iran Middle East COPRAS –G and 6 Selection of greenhouse There is important problem related to This study for selection of greenhouse Results of this study found that,
ANP location by applied greenhouse location selection due to location identified six factors and used government, environment and physical
COPRAS–G and ANP several criteria and sub-criteria for COPRAS–G and ANP for assessment the condition were the best rank criteria in
analysis and assessment. greenhouse location based on these factors. selection of greenhouse location.
[180] Turkey Europe F-TOPSIS, F- 19 Applied F-TOPSIS, F- Nowadays finding the appropriate and For selection of appropriate green suppliers Results of this paper found that, the
DEMATEL and DEMATEL and F-ANP for suppliers in the key strategic in supply this study investigated dimensions of green proposed framework evaluated the green
F-ANP evaluation of green suppliers chain of companies due to SC management and proposed a framework supplier for improve of green SC
environmental performance and image. based on capability dimensions. management initiatives.
[189] Denmark European F-TOPSIS and F- 5 Applied F-TOPSIS and F- For selection of suppliers there are For selecting, rating and evaluating of the Results of this paper demonstrated that,

union AHP AHP for evaluation of green some problems related to quantitative best green suppliers, this paper used proposed model can help to firms for
suppliers and qualitative criteria due to environmental and economic criteria based creating of systematic model for
limitations of suppliers. on fuzzy MAUT theory and multi-objective undertaking of green supplier selection and
programming. problems related to order allocation in real
case studies.
[190] UK European F-TOPSIS 22 Used F-TOPSIS for There is problem to use traditional. Life For this purpose, this study modified the Findings of this paper indicated that,
union development of green cycle assessment (LCA) as popular concept of Life cycle assessment (LCA) and packaging, transportation and life cycle
product method for measurement of presented a comprehensive approach which phase has better performance regarding to
environmental impact on development combine fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy extent environmental assessments.
of new products. analysis for environmental performance
assessment with focus on diverse product
[191] India Asia fuzzy AHP 5 Used fuzzy AHP for analysis Identify of risks related to green supply Identified and analysis of green supply Results of this paper found that, some risks
of risks in green supply chain chain are very important due to failure chain which influence on implementation of related to operational category were the
in the economic-ecological green supply chain practices in industrial most important risks in green supply
performance. companies by using fuzzy MCDM approach. chain.
[192] UK European fuzzy AHP 25 Utilized FAHP for green There is the major challenge in world Presented a comprehensive model for Results of this paper found that, Printed
union design and life-cycle in the competitive environment related measurement of organizational and Circuit Board and Plastic were two
environmental management environmental performance and costs environmental performance by combine important criteria in the product life-cycle.
accounting in design and development phase of EMA and LCA and using fuzzy MCDM.
[193] Denmark European fuzzy TOPSIS 17 Applied F-TOPSIS for Nowadays companies faced with For selection of green supplier, this study Findings of this study found that, four
union selection of green suppliers environmental pressure by proposed a framework based on green SCM important criteria in selection of green
stakeholders for using green practices practices and using fuzzy TOPSIS. supplier selection were; senior
in daily activities. management commitment, product design
for reduce toxic and energy, compliance
with some regal environmental needs.
[194] Turkey Europe VIKOR AHP, and 4 Applied VIKOR AHP, and Development of green supplier is the For finding the supplier performance Results of this study indicated that, the
fuzzy c-means fuzzy c-means for evaluation important activity for organizations for related to green and environmental, this proposed approach is very useful and
(continued on next page)
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A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

area of research. Furthermore, the results in this table show that one

Results of this paper concluded that; The

structure of close-loop hierarchical very
paper was published in 2015, and two papers in 2014.
effective for supplier evaluation and

close with existing applications.

4.2.12. Distribution of papers based on construction and
environmental management
segmentation problems.

The negative impact of building and building operations on human

health and the natural environment has been a subject of research
interest in recent years [236]. The impact of the building industry on
natural resources has shown direct and indirect relations between the
construction industry and sustainable development [237]. The envir-

onmental impacts of the construction industry, such as resource

depletion, biological diversity losses, poor indoor air quality, energy
consumption, and emissions causing global warming, acid rain, and
For investigation and comparison of these
two models this study, considered criteria
used fuzzy MCDM for evaluating of green
analysis and for evaluation of factors and

smog accounted for 40% and 16% of annual energy and water
preferences of green SCM with using of

consumption worldwide respectively [238]. Due to the significant

paper performed a survey and factor

amount of energy consumption, the building industry had several

and aspects related to qualitative

environmental concerns, one of which is harmful emissions [239].

Solution and modeling

Sustainability literature has focused on defining and assessing envir-

onmental performance indicators and environmental scoring systems.
Environmentally conscious construction has been studied, and a
significant body of knowledge on environmental performance [240]
fuzzy MCDM.

methods of environmental impact analysis [241] and environmentally


conscious construction management (e.g., [242]) has been demon-

strated in literature. Environmentally conscious construction is defined
as the encouragement of ecological, economic, and social-cultural
focus on environmental SC capabilities.

sustainability in buildings [243]. Therefore, the concept includes

Need to a study for compare of close-
loop and open structure and of green

environmental parameters, as well as other objectives. Although

including; suppliers-manufacturer-
SCM in two different perspectives

previous researchers have clearly summarized the significance of

environmental impacts during the construction phase (e.g., [244]),
Gap and contribution

there are still gaps between the ultimate goal of environmentally

conscious construction and contributions of those studies. This is
mainly because the purpose of most of the studies has been to solely
understand and analysis the relation between environmental impact

and construction processes, and they have overlooked the multi-

objective nature of construction projects. Findings from Table 14
indicate that 21 papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM approaches
in area of construction and environmental management. Findings of
evaluation of green suppliers

this table show that of 21 published studies, the commonly used

techniques were AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed with other tools, TOPSIS
Research purpose

and fuzzy TOPSIS integrated with other tools and COPRAS. In

Applied F-ANP for
of green suppliers

addition, the results in this table show that one paper was published
in 2015, four papers in 2014 and five articles in 2013.

4.2.13. Distribution of papers based on other energy management

Table 15 shows valuable distribution results of MCDM approaches
No. of

based on authors, techniques and applications, year of publication,

summary of papers, and criteria. Findings from this table indicate that

22 papers employed fuzzy MCDM and MCDM approaches in other

areas of energy management, for example, [266] applied AHP and GIS
for spatial data analysis, Malekmohammadi and Rahimi Blouchi [267]

implemented of AHP for evaluation of ecological risk factors, Theißen


and Spinler [268] used ANP for assessment of CO2 management

reduction, Shaw, Shankar [269] employed FAHP and fuzzy multi-
objective LP for low carbon development, Vadrevu, Eaturu [270]
evaluated of fire risk based on FAHP and Lee and Chan [271] assessed

proposals based on urban renewal by used AHP. Results of Table 15


indicate that bulk of the studies employed AHP and fuzzy AHP mixed
with other tools. Furthermore, the results in this table show that two

papers were published in 2015, four papers in 2014 and three articles
Table 10 (continued)


in 2013.

4.3. Distribution of selected papers based on name of journal



Table 16 presents the journals distribution which was used in this

paper. In total, 72 journals database related to the energy management

Table 11
Distributed papers based on water resources management.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[31] Spain European AHP 23 Used AHP for strategic Need to use SEA process for involving of This study used AHP approach for Results of this study found that, AHP can
union environmental assessment social, economic and environmental evaluation of water programs based on help to SEA by finding the most suitable
(SEA) for water programs. aspects and combine with design SEA procedure in developing countries. indicators for the control the influence of
planning and human development project.
strategies in order to in in order to
encourage poverty reduction related to
environment and natural resources.
[200] Australia Oceania WSM and 10 Used WSM and PROMETHEE For selection of water supply source, For select and evaluate the best source of Results of this study found that, all
PROMETHEE for water resource analysis. there is need to consideration of water supply, this study used MCDA approaches which used for criteria
sustainability criteria, such as social, technique. weights (CWs) were in appropriate
environmental and economic criteria. agreement with regarding to which
rankings can affected.
[201] Australia Oceania PROMETHEE II 98 Assessment of water resource Need to comparison of MCA approaches For this purpose, the author of this Findings of this paper indicated that;
and Evamix management by utilized for evaluation of water resource paper used five MCA techniques for six although the choose of MCA approach is
PROMETHEE II and Evamix. management decision problems. water management decision problems. important more focus required on
primary structuring of problems related to
decision making which including selecting
of the criteria and decision options.
[202] Australia Oceania PROMETHEE 8 Evaluated of water supply Evaluation systems of urban water For evaluating of urban water supply Findings of this study indicated that, the
system by applied supply with integrated of multi- systems this study explain the modeling modeling preference factors can evaluate
PROMETHEE. objectives is efficiently done by using process and preference elicitation by and compare of options operating roles
MCA techniques, when modeling and using PROMETHEE. when values of performance measure are
preference elicitation play as main role. available for individual operating rule.
[203] Switzerland Europe MCDA/MAUT 27 Presented MCDA/MAUT for Need to examine the for sustainable This study used global sensitivity Results of this paper indicated that,

water supply planning. water infrastructure planning for analysis (GSA) to evaluate of sustainable outcome uncertainty could be
undertaking uncertainty and predictive water infrastructure planning in a case considerably decrease by additional
modeling for supporting of MCDM and study in Switzerland with comparison of elicitation of few parameters, for example
MAUT. 11 water supply alternatives. the aggregation functions at higher-level
nodes and overall risk attitude.
[204] Lithuania European AHP and ARAS-F 12 Applied AHP and ARAS-F for Deep-water sea port has the important For cover and achieve these economy Findings of this paper demonstrated that;
union deep-water port selection. role in the model economy development; development, this study used MCDM the proposed model appropriate for
there is need to develop it for economic techniques including AHP and ARAS solving problems regarding to locations
requirements satisfaction specially, fuzzy. selection.
Baltic see which is corridor between
Western and Eastern Europe.
[205] Iran Middle East SFOWA, ELECTRE 11 Presented SFOWA for There are various types of uncertainty For solving these kinds of problems Results of this study found that, with
I and MAUT assessment of water resources related to water resources management related to MCDM, this study proposed comparison of five methods, proposed
management with comparison and MCDM techniques. new approach by integrating of fuzzy model is the best method for solving this
of ELECTRE I MAUT. approaches and merging the stochastic kind of problem.
and into the OWA) operator.
[206] USA Northern A-IFS MADM 7 Proposed A-IFS MADM Need to best management practices for This study for selecting and ranking the Findings of this study proved that;
America approach for selection of the influence of ground water in agricultural best management practices introduced standardization of measurement model,
best practices of Agricultural practices. new approach based on MCDM and particularly finding of reliable cheaper
Management. Attanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (A- and methods would growth the usage of
IFS). this best management practices (BMPs).
[207] Iran Middle East fuzzy AHP 26 Assessed environment and There is need to emphasis of This study found effective external and Results of this study found that,
water management by applied environmental concerns related to water internal factors and ranked sustainable “promoting stakeholders’ participation”
FAHP. resources protection. development criteria by using FAHP and and “human resources management” were
SWOT model. the best strategies.
[208] USA Northern PROMETHEE V 18 Used PROMETHEE V for There is challenge in the middle east For assess and choose the water Results of this paper found that, focus on
America assessment of Water related to water resources issues due to resources development options this conservation and domestic water supply
resources planning the socio-political problems. study applied the PROMETHEE V rank measures and efficiency
technique. improvement were the best options.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 12
Distributed papers based on climate change.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[217] USA Northern ELECTRE I, fuzzy 4 Used ELECTRE I, fuzzy sets Need to integrated assessment for For design and implementation of Findings of this paper demonstrated
America sets and AHP and AHP for evaluation of evaluation of long-time plan about energy integrated assessment this study that, MCDM techniques can integrate
climate change and environmental policy for climate investigates the possible role of MCDM formal approach with data which
change and greenhouse gas emissions. techniques. traditional approaches may ignored such
as preferences and users’ background
[218] Greece European AHP, MAUT and 3 Evaluated climate change Need to optimal techniques to help the For evaluation of climate change this Results of this paper demonstrated that,
union SMART policy by integrated AHP, government in order to finding and study integrated three MCA techniques EU member state ready for
MAUT and SMART enhancing instruments related to climate including, AHP, MAUT and SMART. implementation new measure related to
change mitigation policy. climate policy, in addition; results found
that plan has integrate the performances
of seven countries are less than the half
of the highest performance.
[219] Lithuania European MULTIMOORA 3 Employed MULTIMOORA Need to look at harmony of climate change For finding this goal this study, analysis Results of this study indicated that, the
union for mitigation of climate policies for rank of climate change EU climate change mitigation policies best policy related to climate change
change. mitigation based on influence of and energy, determine targets based mitigation in Lithuania is include
developments of sustainable energy goals. sustainable energy development targets, scheme of green certificate trading and
suggested new techniques for scheme of EU GHG emission trading
assessment of climate change policies with higher than existing CO2 price.
and finally ranking these policies in
[220] Spain European TOPSIS and AHP 4 Used TOPSIS and AHP for Need to optimal assessment for finding the For assessment and identify of best place Results of this study found that, based on
union assessment of solar farms best place for photovoltaic solar power for photovoltaic solar power plants, this location, terrain, climate and
locations. plants in Spain. study integrated GIS and MCDM environmental characteristics the

technique. optimal place for install solar
photovoltaic plants was Cartagena.
[221] Greece European ELECTRE III and 10 Evaluated species in urban For enhance of urban climate trees can For improve of urban climate and Findings of this paper indicated that, the
union PROMETHEE environments by employed effect on various dimension and aspects, evaluate of performance index by high ranking of trees species in center
ELECTRE III and particularly in order to densely populated pooling trees species, this study point were C.australis M.Alba,
PROMETHEE. environments factors by high levels of air proposed a MCDM approach based on styraciflua, Liquidambar and S.japonica,.
[216] USA Northern AHP and fuzzy 6 Used AHP and fuzzy Assessment of policies related to For evaluation of climate change policy, Findings of this paper indicated that
America ELECTRE ELECTRE for evaluation of preventing global warming require this study combined the integrated MCDM techniques can contribute to
climate policy. consider the uncertainties and multiple assessment into MCDM techniques. climate changes policies in order to
criteria. finding how policy selection can
influence by disagreement for individual
[222] Iran Middle East fuzzy DEA 3 Employed FDEA for Due to rapidly increase of wind energy For selection and evaluation of optimal Results of this study demonstrated that,
optimization of location for demands around the world, need to focus location of wind plan this study consumers’ proximity is the best factor in
wind power generation. on selection of best locations for wind integrated fuzzy DEA, Numerical establishment of wind plant generation.
power plants by consider of various local Taxonomy (NT) and Principal
and social criteria. Component Analysis (PCA).
[223] China Asia ELECTRE-II 5 Used for selection of macro Nowadays, there are several of lacks in This study presented a framework based Results of this study found that, three
site station of wind, solar implementing of solar and wind power on literature and some standard and important stations for implementing of
and hybrid power. generation systems such as site location experts opinions for selection of seven this hybrid generation systems were,
selection, so, how to choose wind and solar solar and wind hybrid stations by using Erlian haote, Zhangjiakou and Yumen.
hybrid station is the first problem in this of MCDM technique.
[224] Taiwan Asia FANP 4 Applied FANP and ISM for Due to environmental protection and This paper for develop of PV silicone Outcomes of this study found that,
analyzed PV solar cell. natural resource scarcity, using renewable solar cell power proposed a conceptual family products, with emerging new
energy resources such as solar cell, framework by fuzzy ANP with parts and multiple product with updating
attempted to provide plentiful and clean consideration cost, risks, opportunities of existing equipment were the best
energy. and benefits for help to better analysis of options for development of PV silicone
(continued on next page)
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A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

and MCDM approaches and indexed in “Web of Science” were included

alternatives than other alternative for

Results of this study found that some
on this review paper. In this regard; the first rank of scholarly journal
was the journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, with

assessment of CSP technologies.

technologies with were the best
alternatives using hybrid solar
32 papers which contributed paper as the most significant journal
related to the energy management and MCDM approaches. Journals of
Cleaner Production and waste management had the second and third
ranks with 13 and 10 papers respectively. In other journal rankings,
solar cell power.

Journal of Energy Policy with 9 papers had fourth rank, European

Journal of Operational Research had the fifth rank with eight

publications; finally, Ecological Indicators, Expert Systems with

Applications and Environmental Modeling & Software, each with
seven studies, had sixth rank. Table 16 has shown the frequency of
other published scholarly journals.
This paper for evaluation of CSP

4.4. Distribution of selected papers based on year of publication

technologies used some MCDM
techniques such PROMETHEE.
Solution and modeling

In this section we presented the some significant information about

the frequently of the publication years. Results of this distribution
strategic products.

represented in Fig. 2. The outcomes of this table demonstrated that;

duration of 1995 until 2015 using decision making techniques in
energy management field increased dramatically. In addition; findings
of this table found that, previous scholars only published one paper in
1995, although, numbers of publication has increased to four papers in
2005. Moreover; results of this section proved that; the numbers of
There are uncertainties about solar thermal

information such as performance and cost

and their influence on the environment of
the system for primary commercialization

published papers in 2014 and 2015 were 38 and 23 respectively.

technologies (CSP) due to lack of some

According to this finding and results, we can indicate that; currently

scholars in different areas of energy management use the decision
making techniques and we can predict these number of publications
will increase.
Gap and contribution

4.5. Distribution of papers based on nationality of authors

in the market.

Several of authors from different countries have involved in our

review paper. According to Table 17, in total; 40 countries or
nationality employed decision making techniques in various fields of
energy management. Results of this table found that, Turkey with
7.61% was the first country from other countries. In this regards some
Assessed of technologies in
concentrated solar thermal
by utilized PROMETHEE,

countries such as China, United States and Greece had the second,
Research purpose

third and fourth ranks with 14, 14, and 13 papers respectively.

4.6. Distribution of papers based on region area

Distribution of published papers based on region area is an

interesting topic in our review paper. In this section, based on
geography classification we showed that, which region used decision

making approaches in fields of energy management.

No. of

According to our classification, in total; nine regions such as;


Europe, Northern America, Asia, Oceania, European Union, Middle

East, The Caribbean, South America were involved in our review
papers, frequently of this classification provided in Fig. 3.

5. Discussion

This study contributes to literature by representing the possibility

of integrating of energy management fields and decision making and in
the procedure of MCDM approaches. The potential for finding the most


feasible MCDM method under the influence of changing energy

management systems conditions is promising. These complexities in
generating the desired energy management decisions may be exacer-

bated by uncertainties existing in the related system components. For

Table 12 (continued)

many decades, energy management problems, which have been


accompanied by rapid economic and social developments, have been

of great importance for both local and national governments world-

wide. Recognition of decision schemes, with sound socio-economic and


environmental efficiencies, is necessary for promoting effectual prac-

tices in energy management. Still, energy management systems are

A. Mardani et al.

Table 13
Distributed papers based on strategic environmental assessment.

Author Nationality Region Technique Number of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results

[229] Germany European MAVT 22 Used MAVT for There are some differences on This paper used decision support tools Results of this study found that; removal had
union assessment of strategies environmental emergency in various ways for radiological accident or nuclear the best rank follow by disposal, in addition;
in the nuclear such as; their cause and their impacts of energy in Europe by applied MCDA While acceptance had the huge contribution
remediation management dimensions, so need to effective and techniques. on overall performance and finally, impact was
coherent emergency management. the best factor in differentiating of them.
[230] Austria European AHP and ANP 43 Comprised AHP and ANP Nowadays, sustainable forest management Compared two different MCDM Findings of this study found that, combine
union for strategic management (SFM) is the one important topic in approached for assessment of data for interdependencies among sustainable
options. environment and forest policy which it is sustainable management strategies at forest management (SFM) system can lead to
related to environment and forest policy. level of forest management for employ further comprehensive and transparent
criteria and indicator method. decision making in levels of tactical-planning
and strategic of forest management.
[231] Australia Oceania ELECTRE-SS 4 Applied ELECTRE-SS for There is need to choose of a management Proposed a novel process based on Findings of this paper found that; anaerobic
selection of management strategy for the bio-degradable action in ELECTRE III by define of the pre-order digestion and paper composting were less
strategy. the MSW. and present a ranking index (RI). environmentally sound options than recycling.
[232] Netherlands European Fuzzy AHP 16 Applied FAHP for Some technologies photovoltaic are Determined and analysis the most Outcomes of this study found that, standard
union selection of PV available commercially, but some of them important technologies photovoltaic support strategy is the most important

technology. are not clear and which of these factors by using fuzzy MCDM category, and two factors including
technologies will improve the main design. technique. technological superiority and pricing strategy
were the most effective in the dominance
process. chance of achieving dominance (30%
[233] USA Northern AHP 4 Selected of strategy for Need to some mitigation strategies for Analyzed and rank of several strategies Results of this study found that; reduce
America reduction of CO2 by used decrease carbon dioxide emissions for on- related to on-road emissions mitigation strategies were the highest scores followed by
AHP. road transportation. such as replace strategies, avoid and avoid and replaced strategies.
[234] China Asia MCDM and GP 14 Used MCDM and GP for For developing of hydrogen economy in For analysis and evaluated of hydrogen Results of this study proposed nine effective
ranking of strategies China, need to analyze external and economy, this study used SWOT model strategies for development of hydrogen
based on SWOT. internal environment of hydrogen and fuzzy MCDM. economy in China based on SWOT model.
[235] Australia Oceania Fuzzy AHP 3 Used FAHP for evaluation For assessment of recreational fishing, This study for evaluating of Findings of this study demonstrated that, the
of ecosystem need to solve some conflicts interests management strategies integrated proposed decision support system is the
management strategies. related to the management of recreational decision support system and fuzzy valuable technique for assessing management
fishing. AHP. strategies regarding to coral reef
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 14
Distributed papers based on construction and environmental management.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[245] Turkey Europe ANP 3 Used ANP for fuels evaluation For developing of energy demands This study for developing and Results of this study found that,
based on residential heating related to fuels for residential heating, evaluating of suitable fuels for pollution cost elimination, effects of
there some factors which are residential heating used ANP technique morality, clean environment and
important for implementing of energy with integrate group decision making. greenhouse effect is the most important
policy such as; energy prices, society criteria in social, environmental,
structural development and political and economic aspects, and
technological development. economical heating is the most
important opportunity.
[246] Portugal European MCDA 6 housing evaluation Need to suitable methodology for For evaluation of urban built space, this Results of this study indicated that, the
union assessing of urban built space due to study suggested the MCDA techniques, presented method offered to users the
increase of housing demand, GIS and human computer interface. user-friendly and flexible environment
construction and environmental for helping housing assessment by
requirements and scares housing consumers and experts.
[247] Iran Middle East SWARA and WASPAS 3 Employed SWARA and For implementing of solar energy For solving problem related to identify Findings of this study found that, the
WASPAS for regions priority projects need to consider several the best regions for solar energy best region for implementation of solar
assessment of solar projects environmental, economic, social, projects implementation this study energy projects in Iran the first rank
technical and risk criteria rather than used two MCDM techniques including was Yazd.
finding of suitable regions. SWARA and WASPAS.
[248] Italy European ELECTRE III 27 Applied ELECTRE III for Due to complex and long process there For activation of an EIA procedure, Results of this study demonstrated that;
union selection of the best sites for is problem for choosing the best incinerator and other waste-disposal proposed model analysis the decision
EIAP. incinerator location for store ashes and this study used two MCDM techniques process and synthesizes the results of
other wastes in Italy. for choosing the best location. MCDA intervention.
[249] UK European MCA 4 Used MCA for evaluation of There is lack in suitable tools for For evaluating of sustainability criteria Findings of this paper illustrated that;

union hydropower project sustainability assessment related to this study proposed a novel method for for development of hydropower projects
hydropower project which can evaluate assessment of hydropower projects by there is clear trade-off based on
all social, economic and environmental employ MCA technique. economic, social and environmental
criteria simultaneously. criteria.
[250] UK European COPRAS 20 Applied COPRAS for There is need to consider economic, For assessment of affordability of Results of this study found that, for
union evaluation of the housing environmental and social criteria sustainable housing, this study used affordability of housing in the selected
affordability. related to housing sustainability for MCDM approach based on COPRAS. areas, need to more focus on
improve life quality and community environmental and social criteria than
sustainability.. economic criteria.
[251] Sri Lanka Asia Fuzzy TOPSIS 3 Analyzed of designing HESs by Due to global issues related to fossil For design process of hybrid energy Results of this study found that, a new
applied Fuzzy TOPSIS. fuel resources depletion and systems (HESs) this study integrated proposed model was useful for
greenhouse gas emissions need to find MCDM technique and multi-objective determine weights of objectives for
the optimal design of hybrid energy optimization. present a details view.
systems (HESs).
[252] Greece European ELECTRE III 22 Employed ELECTRE III for There is need to identify of optimal For selecting and assessing of the best Outcomes of this study found that;
union selection of the best location related to demolition waste locations for demolition waste Litochoro is the best location followed
construction location facility. management and construction with management and construction , this by Veria and Polikastro for
respect environmental, technological paper used MCDM approach by development of Units of Alternative
and economic criteria in construction consider of environmental, Management (UAMs).
industry. technological and economic criteria.
[253] Italy European AHP 8 Utilized AHP for space heating There are several conflicting solutions For selecting the best space heating Results of this study found that;
union systems selection. and objectives for space heating of systems in the industrial buildings this investment costs were the most
industrial buildings which need to study used MCDM technique. important criteria for industry, while
consider the economic optimization operational cost and qualitative
models. attributes were the most important in
[254] India Asia fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS 6 Used FAHP-TOPSIS for There is problem in location selection For ranking, selection and evaluating of Findings of this study based on
selection of thermal power of thermal power plant (TPP) which thermal power plant (TPP) location this sensitivity analysis found that; cost and
plant location. influence on economic operation study used STEEP-fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS availability of resources were the most
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 14 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

regarding to plant and sustainable by consider environmental, technical, important criteria for selection of
development of the region. political and economical criteria. thermal power plant (TPP) location.
[255] Turkey Europe TOPSIS and AHP 9 Used AHP and TOPSIS for Due to important of ship safety and For implementation of safety Results of this study found that, crew
assessment of safety evaluate effectiveness of safety management in on-broad ships, this injuries, detentions number and major
management system. management system (SMS), need to study measure effectiveness of this non-conformities were the most
attain maritime regulatory system by using MCDM techniques. important factors in evaluation of ship
compliances with some requirements safety management system.
of ship operational for perform the safe
operations on-broad ships.
[256] Spain European FAHP 9 Used FAHP for urban pervious Need to the efficient modeling to For selection of project contractors this Finding of this study indicated that; the
union pavements selection. manage urban storm-water runoff paper proposed the integrated method proposed model is useful for decision
related to sustainable urban drainage based of MCDM and this paper maker for selection of the most
system. presents a multi-criteria approach and appropriate types of pavement.
MIVES method.
[257] China Asia FAHP 9 Evaluated of quality evaluation Need to quality evaluation framework For evaluation of reusability of Findings of this paper found that; this
for development of for reuse and recycling parts of end-of- recycling parts this study used MCDM proposed system can help to
management system by used life wheel loader in order to technique. management for process recovery and
FAHP. environment impacts. enhance the workflow efficiency.
[258] Lithuania European TOPSIS 6 Used TOPSIS for evaluation Need to evaluate the technologies of For evaluation of energy technologies Finding of this study indicated that;
union technologies of road transport. energy related to road transport sector related to transport road sector, this some factors influence on
in European Union due to second rank paper used MCDM techniques such transportation overall level such as
greenhouse gas emissions. Interval TOPSIS. quality, extent and capacity, in addition;
results found that; renewable-based
battery-electric vehicles was the best
rank based on holistic and

environmental approach.
[259] Lithuania European TOPSIS 4 Applied TOPSIS for There is need to replace the old For assessment new technologies Results of this study found that, stirling
union assessment of technologies capacities such as Russian gas and oil related to future energy such as CHP engines, micro-turbines and PEM fuel
building based on small scale and supply new technologies for future technologies, this paper applied MCDM cells were the most important
CHP. energy in Lithuania such as CHP technique. sustainable small CHP technologies.
[260] China Asia DEMATEL and fuzzy 7 Applied DEMATEL FTOPSIS, Selection of technology related to For assess, select and ranking the Findings of this paper indicated that,
MULTIMOORA, FVIKOR and fuzzy disposal of Health-care waste (HCW) optimal technology related disposal of steam sterilization was the optimal
FTOPSIS, FVIKOR MULTIMOORA for evaluation is complicated problem in developing Health-care waste (HCW), this study technology related disposal of Health-
of HCW technologies. countries. consider the qualitative and care waste (HCW) treatment.
quantitative criteria by using MCDM
[261] Australia Oceania MCA 12 Used MCA for ranking and Due to increase on some regional-scale For raking and evaluating of regional Results of this study found that regional
assessment of regional ecological restoration such as native conservation, this study used the MCA conservation has higher value by
conservation planning. vegetation quality, need to ranking and methods. support regional natural resource
evaluating the farm scales. regional management decision-making rather
conservation priorities and assesses than as a tool to influence farm-scale
how these maps map influence farm- actions.
scale actions in Western Victoria,
[262] Lithuania European SWARA-TODIM 5 Integrated SWARA-TODIM for The high amounts of energy in Europe For analyzing of efficiency of building Findings of this paper found that,
union ranking of wall insulation in spend in old buildings, in this regard, modernization, this study used MCDM duration of works, price, water vapour
building there is need to retrofit energetically techniques by emphasis on thermal diffusion, payback perious and energy
non-efficient of buildings. insulation of external walls. losses were the most important factors.
[263] Lithuania European ARAS, SAW, TOPSIS 8 Evaluation of built and human There is a problem of defining The COPRAS method was presented for An original model was proposed for a
union and COPRAS environment by used SAW, intelligent built environment in the designing a number of the alternative complex analysis of the intelligent built
ARAS, TOPSIS and COPRAS case of several stakeholders. versions of an intelligent built environment.
[264] Lithuania European COPRAS 13 Applied COPRAS for There is need to consider the building For consider and integrate the building The MCA of the projects assessed by
union intelligent built environment renovation and micro, micro and meso renovation and micro, micro and meso ARAS SAW, and COPRAS techniques
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

generally associated with various uncertainties and complexities that

method, COPRAS, the most sustainable

restoration of Shumen Fortress and the
yielded the same results. The optimal
alternative was the conservation and

residential area was determined and

are being further amplified due not only to dynamics and interactions

Based on multipurpose evaluation

amongst different sub-systems, but also their association with econom-

least optimal alternative was the

establishment of “Sofia Arsenal”
museum for contemporary art.

evaluated by 22 sustainability
ic penalties at the time that different overriding policies are violated.
Consequently, it is desired to develop robust and efficient systems
analysis methodologies that can address the above-mentioned com-

development indices.
The approaches are detected to be most important in energy
management areas followed by 13 sub-areas such as environmental

impact assessment, energy management, waste management, sustain-

ability assessment, renewable energy, energy sustainability, land
management, green management topics, water resource management,
three MCDM techniques such as ARAS,

the priority order) of residential areas

climate change, strategic environmental assessment, construction and

evaluation method, COPRAS, allowed
the authors to establish the ranks (or
human factors this paper combined

environmental management and other environmental areas.

The application of a multipurpose

in respect of their sustainability.

This study combines the dimensions of uncertainty considered in


energy decision-making processes and MCDM techniques. All studies

Solution and modeling

have taken into consideration various aspects of energy management in

different sub-areas with great planning level, e.g., a local or nationwide
level. Weights of criteria directly influence on the decision-making
consequences of energy systems substitutions. They will be mainly used
to energy systems decision making as they assess the comparative
significance accurately minus decision makers. MCDM approaches
were extensively used in energy systems decision making that considers
multi-criteria. Usually hybrid MCDM and FMCDM in the integrated
human factors building environments.

problems of sustainable development

approaches and AHP and fuzzy AHP in the individual methods are the
Many countries in the world face

in the city and residential areas.

most prevalent widespread technique that the basic biased sum

technique is still simple in MCDM difficulties. Fuzzy set methodology
Gap and contribution

was progressively used for caring the qualitative standards and the
vagueness or fuzziness characteristic in the data. The calculation and
evaluation in energy systems decision making is usually obtained in a
MCDM approaches. It is essential that a few dissimilar classes of
techniques and approaches are used to get the ranking instructions of
energy systems’ substitutes and ensure that the validity of MCDM
approaches is confirmed. It is supposed that the consequences got by
the other mathematics approaches are more balanced and more
to improve inhabitant's quality

Applied COPRAS for ranking

mathematics approaches will help in the energy management problems

in the future. It can recommended that MCDM can develop an
influential instrument for solve problems in the energy management.
Research purpose

of life and to satisfy

of residential areas.

Table 18, Figs. 4–6 show the MCDM methods development trend in
energy management issues based on three main categories including

crisp, fuzzy or grey numbers and hybrid methods. The following table
provides information about the reviewed different MCDM methods
amount applied in overview articles. Taken into account MCDM
methods were used in traditional original form (crisp) or were used
extensions applied fuzzy sets or grey systems and how many times
No. of

these methods have been used in hybrid systems.


Table 18 represented the frequently of MCDM methods such as

fuzzy sets, grey systems methods and hybrid MCDM that applied for
solving problems in energy management issues. The table shows that
the traditional form (crisp) mainly used for AHP, PROMETHEE,
ELECTRE and TOPSIS methods, because these methods are old,

well-known and widely used in many fields such as energy manage-


ment issues. However, using fuzzy sets mostly applied AHP and
TOPSIS methods, but usually in hybrid MCDM approaches two or
three MCDM methods integrated such as AHP and TOPSIS with
ELECTRE or PROMETHEE methods. Pohekar and Ramachandran

[20], also found that AHP with 20% of published papers followed by

PROMETHEE and ELECTRE techniques was the significant technique

for ranking the energy management alternatives. For example; some

previous scholars employed DM techniques and approaches to improve

Table 14 (continued)

problems in this field such as Mourmouris and Potolias [77] employed

MCDA for assessment of energy planning and renewable energy
sources. Mourmouris and Potolias [77], evaluated the performance

by fuzzy ANP, AHP and TOPSIS for building energy systems. Catalina,

Virgone [78], analyzed energy systems by using ELECTRE III. Lee,

Mogi [79] used FAHP and DEA for allocation of R & D resources based

Table 15
Distributed papers based on other energy management areas.

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[266] Portugal European AHP 9 Applied AHP and GIS for spatial Incineration of municipal solid waste For assessment land suitability related Results of this paper indicated that,
union data analysis (MSW) needs to finding and assessment to plant siting this study integrated Praia municipality is the best option for
the best location with respect to MCDM technique with GIS. build the MSW incineration plant with
minimize the health, economic, social, respect to environmental, social-
environmental and technical costs. economic and technological criteria.
[272] Finland European MCA 7 Used MCA for stand treatment Due to exogenous factors and long Developed model for evaluation of Findings of this paper found that,
union programs evaluation production periods forest planning different programs related to stand integrate use of multi-criteria analysis
usually under some uncertainty and treatment in the boreal forest based on and ecosystem approaches were suitable
risk. MCA. for evaluation of performance an
adaptive preferentiality of forest
management alternatives.
[273] USA Northern ProMAA and MAUT 43 Used MCDA method for selection There is need to simultaneously For choosing the optimal metrics of Finding of this study found that, there
America of programs for ecosystem consider all different environmental, ecosystem restoration this study used are no differences between the MAUT
restoration economic and social aspects in selection MCDM techniques based on MAUT and and ProMAA in the ranking of metrics
of ecosystems restoration programs probabilistic multi-criteria acceptability and predicted utility.
metrics. analysis.
[267] Iran Middle East AHP 17 Implemented of AHP for There are several risks factors can For identification of stress factors Results of this study found that; change
evaluation of ecological risk influence on developing of wetland such related to ecological aspects this study in natural habitat and sedimentation
factors. as ecological risks factors. used ecological risk assessment (ERA), and filling factors were high and low
GIS and MCDM techniques. raking factors respectively.
[274] Argentina South LGP and 17 Applied LGP and Compromise Erosion control of soil is the main topic For evaluation of soil erosion control Finding of this study found that, there
America Compromise programming for assessment of and there is not any system of based on economic, social, are interest of high influence on water
programming the conflicts and trade-off among production of soybean widely environmental aspects by using MCDM and soil management factors on the
environmental, economic and developed. techniques. environmental aspects and strong

social interests. conflict between economic and
environmental aspects.

[275] Australia Oceania Multi-criteria 5 Evaluation of oil and gas There is need to consider financial, This study to assess and compare all Results of this study indicated that,
Approval infrastructure by used Multi- socio-economic, environmental, health alternative related to decommissioning leave in intact present the best
criteria Approval method and safety aspects for assessment and options used MCDM approaches. environmental outputs for future
comparison of all options of decommissioning.
[276] China Asia Fuzzy MCDM 4 Used fuzzy MCDM for evaluation Need to identify the best practical Proposed an assessment model by using Findings of this paper found that; gas–
of CCHP systems. decision making model for cooling, fuzzy MCDM for evaluate of CCHP steam integrated cycle CCHP system is
heating and power (CCHP) system by systems based on environment, the best option among other five
focus on different energy sources. technology society and economic options.
[277] Portugal European MCDA 13 Used MCDA for assessment of There are some high possible way for For raking of different scenarios this Results of this study found that; relying
union electricity production scenarios. develop renewables energy, but there is study used MCDA technique for ranking mainly in new coal power plants,
high uncertainty which energy can use of 13 criteria technical, job market Maximum Renewable and Coal were the
as power generation system in Portugal. quality of life of local populations, most important ranks.
economic and environmental issues.
[268] Germany European ANP 4 Used ANP for assessment of CO2 Need to proposed methodology for For assess and select the optimal Findings of this study found that; the
union management reduction. manufacturing firms for assess which supplier this paper used MCDM proposed methodology can help to firms
supplier are the best partners which can technique. for develop their strategies related to
cooperation in reduction and CO2 management on the supply chain
implementation CO2 reduction level.
management method.
[278] Iran Middle East AHP and fuzzy 4 Selected of Prime mover by Need to consider environmental, For choosing and selecting the best Results of this study found that; best to
algorithm employed AHP and fuzzy technological, economical, and social prime mover for micro-CCHP system in worst prime movers were in this study
algorithm. for selection and evaluation of the best the residential building, this study used included of the internal combustion,
prime mover for a micro-CCHP system. fuzzy MCDM approaches in five sterling engine, conventional separate
different climates. production and micro-gas turbine.
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
Table 15 (continued)

Author Nationality Region Technique No. of Research purpose Gap and contribution Solution and modeling Results
A. Mardani et al.

[279] Turkey Europe FMCDM 4 Utilized fuzzy measure and fuzzy Management of health-care waste Proposed a novel model for assess of Outcomes of this paper found that,
integral for selection of best (HCW) is the important issue in HCW treatment alternatives based on steam sterilization is best rank of HCW
HCW treatment. developing countries and need to MCDM approaches. treatment followed by microwave.
attention on health, public and
environmental concerns.
[280] Canada Northern fuzzy MCDA 3 Employed fuzzy MCDA for Need to present new general framework Presented a novel methodology for Results of this paper found that water
America selection of the best scenario in based on DSS for water resources developing of water resources supply scenario had the best rank
WRM and planning management planning in Haihe River management planning. among other scenarios for solving
Basin. problems related to water resources
[269] India Asia FAHP and fuzzy 5 Employed FAHP and fuzzy There is need to consider the carbon Proposed new fuzzy MCDM for Results of this study indicated that;
multi-objective LP multi-objective LP for low carbon emission factor for evaluation of evaluation of suppliers based on quality quality, cost and carbon footprint were
development suppliers. rejection percentage, cost, late delivery the import factors in selection of
percentage, gas emission demand and suppliers.
greenhouse demand.
[281] Spain European ANP 56 Applied ANP for selection of PV There are several risks of time delays for Select and assess the best projects of Result of this study demonstrated that;
union solar power projects. selection of projects related to the photovoltaic (PV) solar power for changes in energy policy, social
selection of photovoltaic (PV) solar investment and minimize of risks by consequences resulting from land
power. using MCDM technique. acquisition, delays in the obtaining of
the EIS, thefts, legislative changes in the
EIS, obtaining of the local body
approval, revenue estimation based on
effective solar radiation time, delays in
the obtaining of the local body approval
were the most important factors in

selection of PV solar power projects.
[282] China Asia Fuzzy AHP and 11 Applied FAHP and FTOPSIS for It is very important to rank the various For identify and ranking of the criteria Outcomes of this study found that; the
Fuzzy TOPSIS ranking of hydrogen production hydrogen production technologies in factors various hydrogen production technologies of storage and
technologies. order to development of hydrogen technologies this paper used fuzzy hydropower-based water electrolysis
economy in China. MCDM. and coal gasification with CO2 capture
were main important hydrogen
production for development of
hydrogen economy in China.
[283] USA Northern AHP 7 Applied AHP for evaluation of There is need to focus on small modular For develop of emerging economics, this Results of this study demonstrated that,
America SMR deployment in developing nuclear reactors (SMRs) as emerging study used MCDM technique by assess some countries with increasing energy
countries. energy technology in developing the market conditions for SMR demand and GDP have a strong energy
economies. development. production from high GHG sources;
infrastructure and governmental
policies encourage foreign investment
on SMR deployment in future.
[284] Italy European TOPSIS 3 Utilized TOPSIS for flood There is need to proposed framework For evaluation of recovery options and Outcomes of this study found that;
union mitigation. for evaluation of recovery measure and flood data and mitigation, this study development of evacuation plans and
score portfolios of flood mitigation. used an innovative operational DSS. construction of sand dunes are the best
mitigation option, and insurance
schemes and construction of sand dunes
and development of evacuation were the
best recovery options.
[285] India Asia AHP 8 Applied AHP for selection of the There are main challenges on detection For evaluate of different islanding Results of this paper indicated that;
best IDMs for GCPVS islanding in the grid-connected detection method ad identify the with respect to implementation cost,
photovoltaic due to make hazardous to suitable selection for grid-connected rate of change of frequency had the first
both utility personal and components of photovoltaic system (GCPVS) this study rank.
the system. applied MCDA technique.
[286] Spain European Fuzzy TOPSIS 6 Applied Fuzzy TOPSIS for Due to high cost of implementation of For solving this problem, this study Outcomes of this paper found that;
union evaluation of PV cells. solar energy, countries cannot use this tried to analysis criteria related to solar advanced thin film III–V technology
(continued on next page)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256
A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Table 16

proposed model is suitable for analyzing

highest rank compare with other aspect
vegetation, climate and topography had
concentration is the best alternative for

Outcomes of this paper indicated that;

Distribution of papers based on the name of journals.

environmental sustainability had the

and green design factor had the first

Results of this paper found that; the

with monitoring systems with solar

of alternatives related to watershed

socioeconomic factors followed by
Findings of this study found that;

rank compare with other factors.

Name of journal Number Percentage (%)

the highest rank respectively.

ecological risk management.

using og solar systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32 16.33%
Journal of Cleaner Production 13 6.63%
Waste Management 10 5.10%
Energy Policy 9 4.59%
European Journal of Operational Research 8 4.08%
Ecological Indicators 7 3.57%

Expert Systems with Applications 7 3.57%

Environmental Modeling & Software 7 3.57%
Journal of Environmental Management 5 2.55%
Energy 5 2.55%
proposal related to sustainable design of
energy for finding the best photovoltaic

study integrated GIS with fuzzy MCDM

cell based on fuzzy MCDM techniques.

watershed ecological risk management

Renewable Energy 5 2.55%
For showing the forest fire risk, this

Analyzed the alternatives related to

Resources, Conservation and Recycling 4 2.04%
by proposing new fuzzy MCGDM.
urban renewal, this study applied
For identify the most important

Environmental Impact Assessment Review 4 2.04%

Energy and Buildings 3 1.53%
Solution and modeling

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 3 1.53%

Applied Energy 3 1.53%
Ecological Economics 3 1.53%
MCDM technique.

Omega 3 1.53%
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk 3 1.53%

Journal of civil engineering and management 3 1.53%

Safety Science 2 1.02%
International Journal of Production Economics 2 1.02%
Building and Environment 2 1.02%
There are several serious alternatives of
watershed ecological risk management,
and ecological disturbance is the forest

Energy Sources, Part B 2 1.02%

One of major cause of environmental

which need to consider in terms of

published papers in urban renewal

Water resources management 2 1.02%

environment conditions for urban
Need to enhance of the physical

Environmental Science & Policy 2 1.02%

renewal due to lack in previous

Decision Support Systems 2 1.02%

system in widespread way.

International Journal of Sustainable Energy 1 0.51%

multiple complex criteria.
Gap and contribution

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 1 0.51%

proposal assessment.

Computers & Industrial Engineering 1 0.51%

Environmental Earth Sciences 1 0.51%
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 1 0.51%
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 1 0.51%
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 1 0.51%

Computers in Industry 1 0.51%

The British Accounting Review 1 0.51%
Journal of Environmental Science and Health 1 0.51%
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1 0.51%
Evaluated of fire risk based on

urban renewal by used AHP.

Assessed proposals based on

assessment of ecological risk

Agricultural Water Management 1 0.51%

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 1 0.51%
Presented FMCGDA for

Bioresource technology 1 0.51%

Research purpose

Technological and Economic Development of 1 0.51%

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and 1 0.51%

Ocean & Coastal Management 1 0.51%

Annals of Operations Research 1 0.51%

Fuzzy sets and systems 1 0.51%
Automation in Construction 1 0.51%
International Journal of Computational Intelligence 1 0.51%
No. of

Social Indicators Research 1 0.51%


The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1 0.51%

Sustainable Cities and Society 1 0.51%
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 1 0.51%
Land Use Policy 1 0.51%

fuzzy AHP

Ecological Engineering 1 0.51%


International Journal of Strategic Property 1 0.51%


Science of the Total Environment 1 0.51%
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 1 0.51%
International Journal of Project Management 1 0.51%

Agricultural systems 1 0.51%

Environment International 1 0.51%


Journal of Environmental Engineering and 1 0.51%

Landscape Management

Hong Kong

Energy Conversion and Management 1 0.51%

Table 15 (continued)

Urban Climate, 10, Part 1 1 0.51%


Optimization Letters 1 0.51%


Forest Ecology and Management 1 0.51%

Applied Thermal Engineering 1 0.51%

Progress in Natural Science 1 0.51%




Process Safety and Environmental Protection 1 0.51%

(continued on next page)

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Table 16 (continued) Results of our review paper indicated that, there is lack of attention
regarding the preparation of decision making matrix and also lack of
Name of journal Number Percentage (%)
justification which how and why they choose one or other methods for
Journal of Business Economics and Management 1 0.51% data normalization. In this regards, only few of previous studies are
Applied Soft Computing 1 0.51% given justification for normalization method in terms of comparative
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 1 0.51% calculations and sensitivity analysis [299–301]. In the literature,
Procedia Engineering 1 0.51%
several aggregation operators have been developed by researchers to
aggregate numerical data in different situations. Currently, more than
90 approaches of aggregation operators studied. The main aim of the
aggregation phase is to integrate a set of measures in such a way that
on efficiently energy, Polatidis, Haralambopoulos [80], integrated the final aggregation output takes the entire single criterion into
ELECTRE IV, PROMETHEE I and PROMETHEE II for a wind-hydro account. The final selection of classifications naturally derives from
hybrid energy evaluation. this set of overall degrees and therefore valuable classifications are not
There are various theories for handing imprecise information like discarded for having failed to meet few criteria. In many real life
neutrosophic sets theory and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory. These decision making situations, the available information is vague or
theories can handle one feature of imprecise problem in the one imprecise. To adequately solve decision problems with vague or
framework. Smarandache [288] and Atanassov [289] introduced the imprecise information, fuzzy set theory and aggregation operator
neutrosophic sets theory and intuitionistic fuzzy set theory in 1980 and
1986 respectively. These two theories successfully applied to solve
challenges in various application areas using MCDM methods. These Table 17
two theories could be successfully adapted to analyze energy manage- Distribution of papers based on the authors’ nationality.
ment problems, but based on our review paper only few of previous
Name of Number Percentage (%) Name of Number Percentage (%)
published papers have used these theories, therefore, using these country country
theories would help better to assess uncertainties, risky environment
and solving energy management problems. Energy management pro- Turkey 15 7.61% Netherlands 2 1.02%
China 14 7.11% Romania 2 1.02%
blems are typically influenced by extensive kinds of uncertainties.
United 14 7.11% Brazil 2 1.02%
When selecting an MCDM approach for energy management, it is States
therefore important to consider the method’s ability to take uncertainty Greece 13 6.60% Sweden 2 1.02%
and risk preferences into account. However, the ability of the methods Australia 12 6.09% Austria 2 1.02%
to account for uncertainties should be weighed against their other Iran 12 6.09% Hong Kong 2 1.02%
Lithuania 11 5.58% Nepal 1 0.51%
weaknesses and strengths. In fact, selecting the best MCDM approach Canada 10 5.08% Belgium 1 0.51%
for a specific application is essentially an MCDM problem on its own. UK 10 5.08% New 1 0.51%
It is well known that individual MCDM methods can make different Zealand
selectable options ranks. Usually, analyzed articles only used one Germany 9 4.57% Slovenia 1 0.51%
Italy 8 4.06% Ireland 1 0.51%
method. Therefore; it is recommended to use hybrid MCDM techniques
India 8 4.06% Trinidad 1 0.51%
[290] and use the results for final decision. In this regard, for and Tobago
integrating process future paper can be applied some old techniques Taiwan 7 3.55% France 1 0.51%
such as Borda and Copeland methods, dominance theory [291] and so Spain 7 3.55% Japan 1 0.51%
on. According to our review paper in energy management problems, for Portugal 5 2.54% Bosnia and 1 0.51%
development of hybrid methods previous published papers commonly Finland 4 2.03% Switzerland 1 0.51%
applied a single method to determine the criteria weights and few of Republic 3 1.52% Sri Lanka 1 0.51%
them have integrated the subjective and objective criteria weights of
[292]. For this purpose, future studies can integrate traditional AHP Korea
Denmark 3 1.52% Argentina 1 0.51%
[293], entropy [294], expert judgement [295] methods. Moreover,
Malaysia 3 1.52% Croatia 1 0.51%
recently, some scholars proposed some new methods SWARA [296], Serbia 3 1.52% Poland 1 0.51%
FARE [297], CILOS and IDOCRIW [298] which can be used success-


Frequently of papers


100 Cumulative frequently


Year of publication

Fig. 2. Distribution papers based on year of publication.

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Fig. 3. Distribution papers based on region.

Table 18 qualitative information and quantitative data based on hesitant fuzzy

MCDM methods development trend. linguistic term sets, discrete fitting aggregation and simplified optimal
discrete fitting aggregation. In case of interval-valued intuitionistic
MCDM Crisp Fuzzy or Grey numbers Hybrid Methods
fuzzy, future scholars can use MCDM methods for integrating with
AHP 48 28 22 Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy weighted arithmetic aggregation,
ANP 10 9 6 the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighted aggregation,
interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid aggregation operators.
TOPSIS 12 13 12 Furthermore, future studies can combine the MCDM methods with
ELECTRE 18 1 11 fuzzy ordered weighted operators like induced interval-valued intui-
VIKOR 6 2 3 tionistic fuzzy ordered weighted geometric, fuzzy ordered weighted
DEA 2 1 2 averaging (FOWA) operator, the fuzzy ordered weighted geometric
COPRAS 6 1 4
(FOWG) operator and other fuzzy ordered weighted operators.
ARAS 2 1 3
TODIM 1 – 1
SWARA 3 – 3 6. Concluding remarks
MAUT 2 3 2 This review paper is aimed to review previous studies that applied
OCRA 1 – –
the MCDM approaches in various areas of energy management and are
WASPAS 1 – 1
SAW 1 – 1
published duration of 1995 until 2015 in 72 international scholarly
WSM 1 1 2 journals most related to energy management fields indexed in Web of
DELFI – 1 1 Science database. This review paper aimed to classify published papers
OWA 2 – 2 into 13 main areas: environmental impact assessment, energy manage-
MAVT 1 – –
ment, waste management, sustainability assessment, renewable en-
TOTAL 142 64 92
ergy, energy sustainability, land management, green management
topics, water resources management, climate change, strategic envir-
onmental assessment, construction and environmental management
theory have become powerful tools. In last four decades, decision and other energy management areas. In the field of environmental
making theories and methods under fuzzy aggregation operator have impact assessment, outcomes demonstrated that 31 papers use MCDM
been proposed and developed for effectively solving the decision approaches. Furthermore, in the area of energy management, finding
making problems and numerous applications have been reported in indicated that 21 studies have MCDM techniques. Additionally, in the
the literature. While various aggregation operators have been sug- field of construction and environmental management, 21 papers have
gested and developed, there is a lack of research regarding to implemented MCDM approaches.
application of decision making theories and methods under fuzzy Based on review findings, 55 studies combined hybrid MCDM and
aggregation operator in energy management issues. Therefore; it is fuzzy MCDM in various fields of energy management, 49 articles
recommended to use these techniques for solving the energy manage- applied fuzzy AHP and classical AHP, moreover, 25 papers used
ment problems. In this regard, future papers can focus on the MCDA and MCA approaches. Regarding to journals distribution,
integrating MCDM methods with other types of fuzzy theory sets, fuzzy findings found that; journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
integrals and aggregation operators such as; hesitant fuzzy Choquet Reviews had the first rank among 72 journals with 32 papers most
integral, hesitant fuzzy Choquet ordered geometric (HFCOG) operator, related to the MCDM approaches in various fields of energy manage-
hesitant fuzzy Choquet ordered averaging (HFCOA) and other fuzzy ment. Regarding to nationality of authors this study found that 40
integrals and aggregation operators’ techniques. Moreover; future countries or nationalities used MCDM approaches into 13 various
studies can combine MCDM techniques with energy management fields which the highest contribution was from Turkey. .

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

Fig. 4. Distribution papers based on crisp methods.

Fig. 5. Distribution papers based on fuzzy or grey numbers.

Fig. 6. Distribution papers based hybrid methods.

A. Mardani et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017) 216–256

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