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S6GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO Ki THI TUYEN SINH LOP 10 THPT NAM HQC 2022-2023 THAMH PHO HO CHI MINH, KHOA NGAY 11 THANG 6 NAM 2022 MON THI: TIENG ANH DE CHINE THUC] Ngay thi: 11 thang 6 nim 2022 Théi gian lim bai: 90 phuit (Aiedng ke that gian pha té) (Dé thi g @ trangi 1. Choase the word / phrase / sentence (A, B,C of D) that best fits the space in each sentence or best answers the question. (3.5 pts) (Tir cam 1 dén can 14, thi sinh vidt mau te (A, B,C, hode D) dai dién cho cfm tra loi ching, vao phan ANSWERS) 1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others? Anational B. natural C. carry D. plane 2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others? Aimnovated B. mended. 2 received 1D. celebrated 3. Which werd has a different stress pattern from that of the others? A. destruction B, mechanic 2, interview 1), environment 4. Which word has a different stress pattem from that of the others? A. littering B. measure C. rubbish D. prevent 5. "Let's congratulate Nam. his excellent academic achievement," said the teacher. Ato B. of C.on Din 6 Our school celebrated Children's Day A.on C, at D, to 7. Nam: "Have you ever enjoyed Tet, Maryam?" - Maryam: "You mean the Lunar New Year? | once had a chance to be im Vietnam then, I really liked it” Aor B. and C. so D, although &.- Bao: "Did you follow SEA GAMES 31, eld in Vietnam from May 12th to 23", 20227" Minh: "Of course. Viet Nam won over 200 gold medals.” Avwhois B.whichwas C.thatis D. when was 9 Mark: "Viewers from the rural areas can get access to cable television, can't they?" -An; "Yes, there is. local and international programs on different TW channels." A. lotsof — B. plenty of C. a variely of D. a number of 10. Our teacher suggests waste paper for the school's recycling scheme. A. collecting B. to collect being collected 1D. ta be collecting ANSWERS 1D 2C 3C 4D5C 6A 7B SBC LUA - Daisy: “what is your favorite place to ~ Lucy: “Lemonggrass Restaurant.” A. mnont B eat out ©. carry out D. fill out 12. Famers use animal dung to their fields Avmuke B fatilize Cnn D_dovelop 13. — Thank “Why don’t you reduce the amount of water your family uses?” “Nea A Nice idea. B. Yes, please C. No, Thanks. D. You're weeomel 14. Chinh: “Congratulations! You scored a superb goal for our team.” Tong A. Everybody dees the same 1B. It was the whole team’s effort. Thanks ¢, Yes, let's, The crowd was fantast D. Thnk you. Everybody em salve this problem, IL. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, (0.5p) , D) for questions 15 and 16. 15, What does the sign tell you to do? A. Pay attention when being on fire : ¥ here. B. Extinguish five inside, = guish fire insi C. Don't play with fire here D. Exit in the event of a fire. 16. What does the sign mean? A. Bad students will be punished at school B, Violence is not allowed at school . Classmates should not talk too much ta gach other. D. Younger students mustn't obey their ienitors al school. LIL Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 17 20 are True or False, and choose the cerrecl answers (A, 13, C er D) for questions 21 and 22. (1.5 pls) (Tir cit 17 dén ciu 20, thi sinh phai viet day di tir True hose False vio 6 wa lai. Moi cach khac déu khéng due cham diém. Pai voi ci 21 va 22, thi sinh viét miu nr (A, B,C hoa D) dai dién cho cau ta loi dimg vao phan ANSWERS). Where did your water come from before it arrived in your kitchen? Ts your glass of water as new as this morming or as old as the dinosaurs’ Is it even older than the dinosaurs? Water on Earth is always moving round and round, like a wheel turning. This is ealled "the water eycle," and it has no beginning or end, But to talk about it, we must choose a place to begin. ‘We will start with the oceans, the largest bodies of water on Earth In this part of the cycle, the sum heals the water in the oceans, aud (hen the warm water evaporates into the air, The water in the air eventually comes together to form very large clouds. Wind then moves the clouds over the land: When clouds finally meet eold air, the water comes down in the form ef rain or snow, Some of this rainwater will stay on the land, but most of the water goes down into rivers and slreams: Finally, it goes back to the eeeans, where the cyele begins again The water cycle is billions of years old. So, think again about how old that water in your up is! It's much, much older than you thought ANSWERS IIB 128 13A 14B 15D 16B 17. The oceans are the largest bodies of water on Earth. 18. The water eycle is compared to a wheel Lurning 19. When you look at clouds, you are seeing the beginning part of the water cycle 20. Water is made neve every day. 21. Which of the following may be the best title for the reading passage? A. The beginning of the water B, Water on Earth C. The water cycle D. the age of water 22. In the reading passage, all of the following are mentioned EXCEPT A. the sun makes water hol, B, Water beautifies human life C. Water is used in the kitchen D, Clouds and cold air create rain, ANSWERS 17True 18True 19False 20Palse 21C 22B IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (1.5 pts) (Tw cau 23 dén cau 28, thi sinh viét mu ty (A, B,C. hoc D) dai dién cho cau tra loi ding vao phan ANSWERS). My sister Susan and I were in the yard (23) with our neighbors! dog last Saturday afternoon when suddenly the sky turned dark gray. Minutes later, it began to rain heavily, so we ran quickly into the house Mom asked us to close all the windows, Just as I shut the window in the we heard a loud clap of thunder, Dad took us to the (24) and asked us to keep calm, From there, we could hear the strong wind outside, All of (25) my sister was startled by a loud crashing noise and started to ery, We tied to calm her down but she was very scared. After a few minutes, the wind stopped and everything was quiet. We slowly made our way up from the basement. The house was full of glass (26) the broken windows. The real damage was outside though. There were trees on the streets and there were damaged cars all over. Our neighbors were very (27) because they couldn't find their dog. We (28)_ everywhere and finally found him behind some bushes, He got wet all over but luckily was unhurt, 23. A. play B. played C. playing D. to be played 24. A. garage B. basement 2 alte 1D. kitchen 25. A.a sudden B, suddenly an immediate D. Immediately 26. A. on Bo up 2 to 1D. from 27. A tired B, satisfied horrible D, worried 28. A. scarched B, phoned cried D. watehed Answers. 23C 24B 25A 26D 27D 284 V. Use the correct form of the word given in cach sentenee, (1.5 pts) 29 Her father leamed that the house was for sale throughan (advertise) 30. Physical exercise is (benefit) 31, In the speaking examination, answers are presented ‘on tape. (oral) 32. She's just had an article in the Tuoi Tre (publish) 33. ‘I'sunami is a natural thal can cause greal damage, (disastrous) 34. [like watching the news on TV every day becaus Answers 29 advertisement 30 beneficial 31 orally 32 published 33 disaster 34 informative VI. Rearrange the groups ef words im a_correet order to make complete (0.5 pt) (Tw edu 35 dén eu 36, thi sinh vil Gép ede nhém ur va dau cfu thea ding tinh wt vao phan ANSWERS bén di cau hadi dé hinh thanh cau hoan chinh) 35. Most students tried / Entrance exam / to concentrate / for the commg / on studying 36. Global warming / thal happens / over many, many year: Answers. 35/ Most students tricd to concentrate on studying for the coming Entranec exam. 36/ Global warming is a slow change that happens aver many, many years. VIL EF (inform) entences a slow chan; ish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means almost the inted before it. (1.0 pt) (Tit cfu 37 dén cfu 40, thi sinh hoan thinh phan ta loi bén duréi mai edu). 37) How long have you been learning English? » When did you start leaming English? 38/ The studenis spent ten minutes waiting for their bus. + Iktook the students ten minutes Lo wait for their bus. 39/ My uncle will send for a mechanic to fix his car tomorrow » 39 My unele will have his car fixed by a mechanic tomorrow. 40’ "What about teaching the children how to cope with an emergency?" said Mrs Thu. — Mrs Thu sugessted that the children be taught how to cope with an emergeney. ‘THE END OF THE TEST Bach Thanh Minh (THPT Vinh Wién)

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