Tstory of Yoga: Osteoporosis

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Oer a prolonged pertd ot ine, too much stress leads too much cortisol being released in
hich in turn tOwers the immune function and metabolism Jeading to ranid weight gain
fodies wh
hilit f body t0 pathogens, osteoporosis, blood pressure imbalance, muscle weakness ete

stress also has links to i

that long term
insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depre ssion, thyroid
ers etc. Modern research accepts three aspects of Yoga (Asanas, Pranayama and meditation) as One

hest method for moderating

the production of cortisol,
the thereby managing the stress respOnsc
hady, By reducing cortisol levels, yoga therefore raises the immunity level of the body. Secondly.
en we hold our body in a yoga posture for a few breaths/counts, our parasympathetic ne rvous system is
imlated which in turn lOwers our BP to enable better post-stress response. Thirdly, cxercise in the
mor outdoors cannot massage our internal organs which are nothing but muscles performi ng a particular
nction. Yoga keeps these muscles exercised and active. Fourthly, yoga is able to enhance the body s
atural defense mechanism against free radicals. There are many rnore benefits of Yoga that students may

ike to research on themselves.

The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit word 'Yuj' that means bonding of connection. join or uni te. This
mplies joining or integrating all aspects of the individual body, mind & spirit, to achieve a happy ba.lanced
useful life and spiritually uniting the individual with the 'Supreme'. Yoga is consideredas one of tne six
pranches of classical philosophy and is referred throughout the 'Vedas' ancient Indian scriptures. the
bidest texts in existence. Yoga is a spiritual quest. Its purpose is to help each one of us to achieve cur
ighest potential and to experience enduring health and happiness. While practicing Yoga we can exterd
pur healthy productive years far beyond the excepted norms and at the same tinme, improve the quality ot
Yoga is truly a science of human personality. It has a very efficiernt system of postural and breathing
xercise which promotes the complete health including physical, physiological, emotional, behavioural,
and social aspects. Yoga is very helpful for school a days sehool
vironment going students because now
hildren are suffering from physical, mental and emotional problems. helps school children to
relaxation. Yoga 1S not a Single exercise, it has
Crcome stress, strain, anxiety, tension and provides
Meditation. These exercises are very etfective
ny aspects like Suryanamaskar, Yogasana, Pranayama and
mental tension. lt also contributes in developing
antaining physical purity by reducing obesity and
uOTal and ethical values to lead a happy and contented

But it is detinite that yoga originated
the origin otf yoga.
Cre knowledge available about
is no exact
is derived a Sanskrit
in 147 BC. The wor yoga
ratanjali wrote the first book on yoga
166 ACT
particular situation i
or some
WOrn u, whch m e a n S stability of mind
in meditation in aposition
health of body and harmony of mind. In nutch
VOga is a s c i e n c e which deals with the

aiid peaceful life.

tshell, yoga AcActwl
is a
te. a ncan to cnjoy complete happy, healthy
The education board has incluled the following
exercises or asanas in the svllahtse
2. Ardh Chakrasana
4 Shalabhasana 5.


Padmasana 9
7. Paschimottanasana
10. Sarvangasana 11. Matasyasana 12 Halasana
13 Yog Mudra 14. Mayurasana 15 Uddiyan
16. Pranayam-anulom-vilom 17. Suryanamaskar 18. Shavasana
s about Yoga
Yoga has eight steps.
Yama (Social discipline) - refraining from violence, telling lies, casual sex and stealing.

purity, contentment and tolerance

Niyma Observance -

Asanas - Physical Exercise (Postures).

Pranayama - Breathing techniques.

Pratyahara -

Control over senses.

Dharna Concentration' - able to hold mind on an object.

Dhyana Meditation' - ability to focus on o n e thing or nothing without divergence.

of self and the divine pleasure.
Samadhi *Atsorption' -

realisation of essential nature

Basic Requirements/Equipments
outdoor accommodation for yoga.
Any suitable well ventilated indoor or

Soft mat and comfortable dress.

o f the Activity
exercise ularly
regularly and safely for
attention span.
personal welI-being and
ance increased to enhance physical flexibility. meta
Outcomes of the activitu
anding the place of regular activity as
part of an overall
.eal co0o7
harmony with nature
leading to inner
healthy lifestyle, greater physical
transformation of
na is a third step of Yoga (in Ashtang Yoga). Asana
Asanas are of various types
means position or
posture of body.
Meditative Asana : For improving mental activities.
i Relaxative or Therapeutic Asana For
curing various problems.
ii Cultural Asana For body fitness. )
These asanas are performed in
standing, sitting, lying (proline & supine lying) and inverted
i Meditative Asanas: These are cross-legged postures.
laxed for a
sitting postures which allow you to sit
upright and
longer time. They provide a stable seat for meditation. The aim is to train
n long time
sit a
without moving any part of your body so you
your body. This is important if you are practising meditation
pranayama and want to come to a concentration. deep
YOu should choose the posture that is most comfortable for
you and start practicingg it for 15 minutes.
R can increase the length gradually.
ne raja yoga sutras the asana is defined as a steady, firm and comfortable posture.
RETe are five main meditative postures:
1) Padmasana or
1) Siddhasana or
adepts pose
) Swastikasana or locked-ankles pose
v) Sukhasana or
jrasana for people who cannot sit cross legged
The asanas for relaxation are designed in a ay that hene is no need to
ntract any muscle.
There are three main relaxation postures:
Shavasana or corp pose
(ii) Abdominal rciaxation
ii CGarbhasana child's pose
i he tirst asana of this tv pe. shavasana is als for yoya nidra. the powertut system of
deep relaxatics
VIsualtzation and seif transformation.
T There are three important phases in the practice of cultural asanasach
them equatiy important and should be paid equal attention:
m n into the position
Holding the position
i rtng vul oi tne pusuon
group contains by far the largest amount of asanas. It is said that there are 84 lakhs (8.4
YOga postures. Of these. 84 are more
important and 12 of them constitute the structure of the
sequenee sometinmes called Sivananda series or Yoga Vidya series.
sanaIn this asana. the trunk is pulled upwards. when one
Hn 6theAs ha
is in
STOn ot Iarasana In this asana. the position is like that of a palm tree.
chnique ot Tarasana Stand upright. join the heels and toes of both the feet and lift
the arms
straight upwards. Let the fingers of one hand intertwine to those of the other. The
wnsts should be
upwards and eyes fixed to the front. Breathe in fully. Raise the heels so that
the whole body
weight is on to the toes. Raise the body upwards. After sometime. breathe
out and lower the
body down. Repeat it 10-15 times.
antages of larasana
(1) It reduces obesity (fatness) of the body.
2) It raises the statue.
(3) It removes constipation.
(4) It does not allow to develop the intestine.
(5) Taking cold water everyday and doing this asana afterwards serves
to cleanthe bowis.
rdh Chakrasana :

Technique Stand straight and lean on to one side. One hand should
be near the head.

(1) Increases the flexibility of spine. (2) Reduces the body fat
around the waist.
3. Bhujangasana: In this asaha, one lies down straight
in prostrate
position and loosens the trunk.
Technique of Bhujangasana It is also called as Sarpasana. ln
this position, the body is like that of a serpent. In order to do it, lie

on to the belly on to the ground. Place both hands on the ground just parallel to the shoulders. 6
ifiness into the legs and with the help of wrists siowly raise the chest up, so that the arms are coimpc

ht vertically. Pull-in the toes and hang the head slowly backwards. Return gradually to the forme

Repeat this asana 3-5 times.
dy anlages
)Bhujangasana improves the digestive power. (2) The diseases of liver and spleen are E
Ihe DuigE
3 The vertebral coumn and muscles become stronger. (4) Constipation is removed. (5)
at of bell gets to the normal. (6) The lungs become stronger.

halabhasana !n this asana, one lies in prostrate position and the thighs spread bacKWarud

chnique of Shalabhasana
the palms on the ground along
Lie down on the ground with the weight on the belly. Keep both the feet. As
the shoulders. After that join both
sboulders. so that palms do not go forward with respect to
and lower part of the waist and remain
in this position but the portion
far as possible, raise
upper the
should remain perfectly straight and not bent.
between the waist and the foot

chest is broadened. (2) It is
makes the waist and vertebral column flexible and the
(1) This asana
in the mouth and retention of
of this cures coming of sputum
useful for the shoulders. (3) The practice for
practising this asana. (5) This asana is useful, especially
une. (4) The power of memory develops by
diseases concerned with
adiestelieves from and holds on to the
one lies in prostrate poSition, pulls-up the legs
hanurasana. this asana,
Shun near ankles.

1s like that of bow In d.

asana, the shape or he body

tha r to
In this Bend the knees backwards.
Hold the shin near
backwards. Hold the
chnique of D h a n r a s a n a . the
ond. Bend
ground. s
the belly on Now, bring stiffness into
erfocmd n a n u r a s a n a , lie
on to
chest upwards as
nucl is possiDle.

breathe-in deeply and raise the

fect so that the body acquires the shape of bow, Remain in the above pOsition as 1ong as po5sible. Breathe

, Keep the hody loose and return to the former position. Repeat this asana 5-4 umes.

Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana should be done alternately (turn by turn).

This asana reduces obesity i.e. fatness of the body.
I t inereases the power of digestion.
)Rheumatism and urinary diseases are cured.
(4) The stomach and intestine hecome stronger.
5The vertebral column and muscles become stronger and flexible.

Ardhmatasyendrasana In this asana, in sitting position, the trunk is

pushed towards the sides.

Technique: Sit down on the ground. Bring the heel of the left foot from
the right side and as is set near the hip, so that the portion of heel comes near
the anus. Near the knee of the left foot, fix the toe of right foot on the ground.
Then. bring the left arm near the chest and set the part of the hand below the
knee. on your thigh. Change the foot (Place the heel of the right foot near the anus) and repeat the above
(1) Kundalini is aroused by this asana.
(2) It has all the advantages of Poorna-matasyyendra-asana but it is comparatively easy.

t prevents disease like diabetes.

aschimottanasana In this asana, hold the big toes with fingers and sit in such a way thatthe
trunk goes towards one side.

Position of Paschimottanasana In this asana, the whole body is stretched and bent.
Technique of Paschimottanasana Spread both the legs forward and sit on the ground. Hold the
raise the
toes with both the hands, breathe-out slowly and try to touch the knees. Then breathe-in slowly,
head upwards and return to the former position.

The various
(1) This asanaprovides strength to the thighs. (2) The blood vessels are cleansed. (3)
excess fat of the body is lessened. (5)
Gastric troube
types of diseases of the belly are got rid of. (4) The
is no more.

8. Padmasana In this asana, one sits cross-legged.

Pesition of Padmasana: The position of body is like that of lotus.

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