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Making Reservations
Receptionist: Good morning. Welcome to The Grand Woodward Hotel.
Client: Hi, good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for the third weekend in September.
Do you have any vacancies?
R: Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. And what is the
exact date of your arrival?
C: The 24th.
R: How long will you be staying?
C: I'll be staying for two nights.
R: How many people is the reservation for?
C: There will be two of us.
R: And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed?
C: A double bed, please.
R: Great. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean?
C: If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. What's the rate for
the room?
R: Your room is five hundred and ninety dollars per night. Now what name will the
reservation be listed under?
C: Charles Hannighan.
R: Could you spell your last name for me, please?
C: Sure. H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N
R: And is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
C: Yes, my cell phone number is 555-26386.
R: Great. Now I'll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What type
of card is it?
C: Visa. The number is 987654321.
R: And what is the name of the cardholder?
C: Charles H. Hannighan.
R: Alright, Mr. Hannighan, your reservation has been made for the twenty-fourth of
September for a room with a double bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at 2 o'clock. If
you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us.
C: Great, thank you so much.
R: My pleasure. We'll see you in September, Mr. Hannighan. Have a nice day.
2. Check-in
Staff : Good afternoon. How can I help you?
Guest : Good afternoon. I’m Wulandari, I want to check in. I have a reservation in the name
of Dira.
Staff : Let me look on the system. Yes, Dira. A twin a room for 2 nights, bed and breakfast.
Is that right?
Guest : That’s correct.
Staff : Alright, Ms. Wulandari. We put you in room 515 overlooking the sea.
Guest : Okay, that’s fine.
Staff : Could I see some ID, please? A passport or an identity card are both fine.
Guest : Here you go.
Staff : Perfect. Could you please fill in this form with your details? Your name and address
(Two minutes later)
Staff : That’s look fine. Could you please sign at the bottom of the form? Your signature.
Perfect. Your room includes breakfast in the morning. Breakfast is served between 7.30 am
and 10 am in the restaurant in front of the reception. On the last morning of your stay, you
have to check out before 11 am.

Guest : Okay. Thanks. Ah ya, I have an important meeting tomorrow morning. So, could I
have a wakeup call tomorrow at 6 am?
Staff : Certainly, Madam.
Guest : Dose the room have wi-fi?
Staff : Yes, all the rooms have wi-fi, cable televisions and air conditioning.
Guest : Okay, thanks.
Staff : Is there anything I can help you with?
Guest : No, thanks.
Staff : Enjoy your stay, Ms. Wulandari.
Guest : Thank you.
3. Check-out
Receptionist: Good afternoon, ma’am, how was your day? Do you want to check out
Guest: Good afternoon. My day was amazing. Yes, I want to check out now,
but sorry I’m a few minutes late
Receptionist: No problem, ma’am, it often happens on the guest when they want to
check out and you don’t have to pay more. May I know your name
Guest: Thank you and once again I’m sorry. My name is Desy
Receptionist: Alright Miss Desy, may I know your room number?
Guest: My room number is 216
Receptionist: Alright Miss Desy, first I will check your identity, please wait a
moment. Thank you for waiting miss, I will check your identity, your
full name is Desy Saudiah, is it right? And your room number is 216 and
you booked a room started from November 27th until 28th. Is it correct
Guest: Yes, that’s correct
Receptionist: Alright Miss Desy, for the total of your bill for your room is Rp
550.000. Would you like to pay? We available credit card, cash or mbanking?
Guest: I will pay by cash
Receptionist: Alright Miss Desy, can you sign here, and here please? By the way,
how your holiday during stays with us Miss?
Guest: That was really fun and enjoyed during here. For the service is very
good and for the staff is very kind and very deft when I need some help.
For the room is exactly with my expectations, the view from the balcony
is really beautiful in the night, the bed is comfortable, and I have a nice
swim in the morning with the delicious breakfast. But for the bath tub is
not really big and dirty.
Receptionist: Thank you for your compliment, Miss Desy and we do apologize about
the bath tubs. We will improve our quality and service, and convey your
problem to the hotel management.
Guest: No problem, the staff or the cleaning service clean right away. That’s
a big problem
Receptionist: Thank you Miss Desy for choosing our hotel for your holiday. Once
again, we do apologize about your problem and I hope you will come
back and stay with us. Thank you miss Desy and have a nice day
Guest: You are welcome and have a nice day too.

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