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Câu 1: Lý thuyết (30 điểm)
Câu 2: Lý thuyết (30 điểm)
Câu 3: Lý thuyết (40 điểm – bôi xanh)
HÌNH THỨC THI: Viết Online
THỜI GIAN THI: 60 phút

1. What are the type of registration of ships and conditions for registration of ships in Vietnam?
2. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large container
ships operating on international voyage?
3. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large container
ships operating on internal voyage?
4. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large crude vessel
operating on international voyage?
5. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of small crude vessel
operating on international voyage?
6. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large crude vessel
operating on internal voyage?
7. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large ion ore vessel
operating on international voyage?
8. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of small ships
carrying rice on international voyage?
9. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large passenger
ships operating on international voyage?
10. Based on Cir. 55/2019/TT-BGTVT, please list the types of certificates of large passenger
ships operating on internal voyage?
11. Condition for issue Certificate of Competency for Deck officer at operation level on ship 500
GT or more?
12. Condition for issue Certificate of Competency for Master, Chief Officer on ship 3000 GT or
13. Condition for issue Certificate of Competency for Chief Engineer, Second Engineer on ship
3000 kW or more?
14. Condition for issue Certificate of Competency for Engine Officer on ship 750 kW or more?
15. What is the minimum safe manning? Based on Cir. 03/2020/TT-BGTVT, please calculate
minimum safe manning of cargo ship 3000 GT or more and 3000 kW or more?
16. What is the concept of Bill of lading? When is the date of issue of the bill of lading and the
date of goods delivery in the contract the same and when is the different?
17. What is the meaning of bill of lading? Who has the right to sign on bill of lading? Why must
the bill of lading be signed on the date but not signed in advance?
18. Presenting the concept, legal conditions of shipping agent activities and requirements for
19. Presenting the concept of brokerage, the legal status of a marine broker?
20. Presenting the general concept of maritime pilotage? Analysis the regime of maritime
21. Describe the legal relationship between the master and the pilot?
22. Presenting the rights and obligations of maritime pilots when steering vessels?
23. Presenting obligations of masters and shipowners when employing maritime pilots
24. Presenting your understanding about obligations of the parties to contracts for towage of
seagoing vessels?
25. What should Captain do when there are sacrifices and General Average costs?
26. What is the shipowner's responsibility when claiming general average?
27. In order to prevent the shipowner from benefiting from the replacement and repair of
equipment and machinery that are counted as general average, what provisions do the York-
Antwerp Rules 2016 provide?
28. Presenting the steps to calculate general average distribution? M/V Endeavour was ran
aground on her voyage. Captain decided to throw a certain amount of cargo into the sea to
save the ship and cargo, while opening the hatch cover, the waves hit and damaged 100% of
the value of 500 tons of cargo? Is the value of 500 tons of wet cargo in this case counted as
general average? Explain why you made the opinion?
29. What is the real peril? On the voyage, Captain considered that the weak hull structure could
be dangerous to the ship and cargo, Captain decided to enter Dalian port (China) to
strengthen the structure (Dalian port has no in the ship's route). Are costs for ships entering
Dalian port counted in general average? Explain?
30. Presenting the conditions that exist civil liability when occurred collision?
31. Analysis of compensation cases and compensation principles in ship collision accidents?
32. Presenting some notes on handling of the accident happened ship collision?
33. Based on the 1910 Brussels Convention, analyze the condition for salvage remuneration?
34. Presenting the harm of marine pollution and summary the content of Marpol 73/78?
35. What is the purpose of submission of the sea protest? What circumstances does the Master
need to make a sea protest?
36. Presenting the settlement of maritime disputes method?
37. Based on Vietnam Maritime Law 2015, calculate the limit of civil liability for other maritime
claims, noted that ship has GT 95055?
38. Based on Vietnam Maritime Law 2015, calculate the limit of civil liability for other maritime
claims, noted that ship has GT 75055?
39. Based on Vietnam Maritime Law 2015, calculate the limit of civil liability for other maritime
claims in case of death, injury or other harm to health occurring to non-passengers, noted that
ship has GT 87233?
40. Based on Vietnam Maritime Law 2015, calculate the limit of civil liability for other maritime
claims in case of death, injury or other harm to health occurring to non-passengers, noted that
ship has GT 91256?
41. Ship A and ship B collide each other. Ship A suffered $420,000 in damage, and ship B
$550,000. The rate of ship A’s fault is 53%, ship B’s fault is 47%. Calculate the amount of
compensation in this case according to the single liability?
Know that:
- ship A has GT 40500; Ship B has GT 65100?
- rate exchange on 06/12/2021: 1 SDR = 1.4 USD
- apply the limit of civil liability according to Clause 3, Article 301 in Vietnam Maritme Law
42. Ship A and ship B collide each other. Ship A suffered $480,000 in damage, and ship B
$560,000. The rate of ship A’s fault is 55%, ship B’s fault is 45%. Calculate the amount of
compensation in this case according to the single liability?
Know that:
- Ship A has GT 53500, Ship B has GT 66100?

- rate exchange on 06/12/2021: 1 SDR = 1.4 USD
- apply the limit of civil liability according to Clause 3, Article 301 in Vietnam Maritme Law
43. Hai Ship A and ship B collide each other. Ship A suffered $420,000 in damage, and ship B
$550,000. The rate of ship A’s fault is 57%, ship B’s fault is 43%. Calculate the amount of
compensation in this case according to the cross liability?
Know that:
- Ship A has GT 350, Ship B has GT 450?
- rate exchange on 06/12/2021: 1 SDR = 1.4 USD
- apply the limit of civil liability according to Clause 3, Article 301 in Vietnam Maritme Law
44. Ship A and ship B collide each other. Ship A suffered $480,000 in damage, and ship B
$560,000. The rate of ship A’s fault is 57%, ship B’s fault is 43%. Calculate the amount of
compensation in this case according to the cross liability?
Know that:
- Ship A has GT 370, Ship B has GT 480?
- rate exchange on 06/12/2021: 1 SDR = 1.4 USD
- apply the limit of civil liability according to Clause 3, Article 301 in Vietnam Maritme Law

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