Question Bank (MCQ) - 2 Year - Mathematics - Paper 07 - Group Theory (Limited Version) (For Circulation)

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B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.


Q.1) Which of the following is true?

a) (2, 5) ≠ (5, 2) ✓
b) (2, 5) = (5, 2)
c) {2, 5} ≠ {5, 2}
d) (2, 5) = {2}

Q.2) What is the notation for Cartesian product of two sets ‫ ܣ‬and ‫?ܤ‬
a) ‫ܤܣ‬
b) ‫ܤ⋅ܣ‬
c) ‫ܤ×ܣ‬ ✓
d) ‫ܣ‬/‫ܤ‬

Q.3) If ‫ ܣ‬has ݉ elements and ‫ ܤ‬has ݊ elements, then how many elements
does ‫ ܤ × ܣ‬have?
a) ݉+݊
b) ݉–݊
c) ݉÷݊
d) ݉݊ ✓

Q.4) If ݂ : ‫ ܤ → ܣ‬and ݃ : ‫ ܥ → ܤ‬are two mappings, then which of the

following is true about their composite (݃◦݂)?
a) (݃◦݂) : ‫ܤ → ܣ‬
b) (݃◦݂) : ‫ܥ → ܣ‬ ✓
c) (݃◦݂) : ‫ܣ → ܥ‬
d) (݃◦݂) : ‫ܤ → ܥ‬

Q.5) For appropriate mappings, which of the following is the associative

property of composite of mappings?
a) (ℎ◦݃)◦݂ = ℎ◦(݃◦݂) ✓
b) ݃◦݂ = ݂◦݃
c) (݃◦݂)⁻¹ = ݂⁻¹◦݃⁻¹
d) ‫݂ = ݂◦ܫ‬

Q.6) What is the element ݁ ∈ ‫ ܣ‬for the operation ◦ on ‫ ܣ‬satisfying ܽ ◦ ݁ =

݁ ◦ ܽ = ܽ, ∀ ܽ ∈ ‫ ܣ‬called?
a) Inverse element
b) Inversible element
c) Identity element ✓
d) General element

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.7) If ܴ is the set of real numbers, what is the inverse of any ‫ ܴ ∈ ݔ‬with
respect to the binary operation of addition of numbers?
a) 1/‫ݔ‬
b) −‫ݔ‬ ✓
c) 1
d) 0

Q.8) If ܴ = {(ܽ, 2), (ܾ, 1)} is a relation from a set ‫ܽ{ = ܣ‬, ܾ} to a set ‫{ = ܤ‬1,
2}, then what is ܴ⁻¹?
a) {(2, ܽ), (1, ܾ)} ✓
b) {(ܽ, 1), (ܾ, 2)}
c) {(1, ܽ), (2, ܾ)}
d) {(ܽ, 2), (ܾ, 1)}

Q.9) What is a relation ܴ in a set ‫ܣ‬, satisfying (ܽ, ܾ) ∈ ܴ ⇒ (ܾ, ܽ) ∈ ܴ,

a) Reflexive
b) Symmetric ✓
c) Transitive
d) Anti-symmetric

Q.10) How is an equivalence relation in a set ‫?ܣ‬

a) Reflexive and symmetric
b) Reflexive and anti-transitive
c) Reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive
d) Reflexive, symmetric and transitive ✓

Q.11) When is an integer ܽ said to be congruent to an integer ܾ modulo a

fixed positive integer ݉?
a) If ܽ − ܾ is divisible by ݉ ✓
b) If ܽ + ܾ is divisible by ݉
c) If ܽ × ܾ is divisible by ݉
d) If ܽ ÷ ܾ is divisible by ݉

Q.12) If ‫ ܣ‬is a non-empty set and ܴ is an equivalence relation in ‫ܣ‬, then

for ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ ܣ‬with ܾ ∈ [ܽ], which of the following is guaranteed?
a) [ܾ] ⊊ [ܽ]
b) [ܾ] ⊋ [ܽ]
c) [ܾ] = [ܽ] ✓
d) [ܾ] ≠ [ܽ]

Q.13) If ‫ ܣ‬is a non-empty set and ܴ is an equivalence relation in ‫ܣ‬, then

for any ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܣ‬, how are [ܽ] and [ܾ] related?
a) Always [ܽ] = [ܾ]
b) Always [ܽ] ∩ [ܾ] = Φ
c) Neither [ܽ] = [ܾ] nor [ܽ] ∩ [ܾ] = Φ
d) Either [ܽ] = [ܾ] or [ܽ] ∩ [ܾ] = Φ ✓
B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.14) What is a binary operation on a set ‫?ܩ‬

a) A mapping ݂ : ‫ܩ → ܩ × ܩ‬ ✓
b) A mapping ݂ : ‫ܩ × ܩ → ܩ‬
c) A mapping ݂ : ‫ܩ → ܩ‬
d) A mapping ݂ : ‫ܩ × ܩ → ܩ × ܩ‬

Q.15) Which of the following is not a binary operation on the set ‫ ܫ‬of all
a) Addition
b) Subtraction
c) Multiplication
d) Division ✓

Q.16) What is an algebraic structure?

a) Any non-empty set
b) A non-empty set equipped with only one binary operation on it
c) A non-empty set equipped with one or more binary operation on it ✓
d) One or more non-empty sets with only one binary operation on them

Q.17) Which of the following is a semi-group?

a) (ܰ,+) ✓
b) (ܰ, −)
c) (‫ܫ‬, −)
d) (‫ܫ‬, ÷)

Q.18) Which of the following is not part of definition of a group?

a) Associative property
b) Closure property
c) Existence of identity
d) Commutative property ✓

Q.19) In the group ‫ ܫ‬of all integers with respect to addition, what is the
inverse of any integer ݊?
a) ݊
b) 1/݊
c) −݊ ✓
d) 0

Q.20) What is the notation for the order of a group ‫?ܩ‬

a) ܱ(‫)ܩ‬ ✓
b) Or. ‫ܩ‬
c) Ord. ‫ܩ‬
d) ܴ(‫)ܩ‬

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.21) What is the order of an infinite group?

a) Zero
b) Finite
c) Infinite ✓
d) Cannot be determined

Q.22) Which of the following property is not present in a non-abelian

a) Associative property
b) Commutative property ✓
c) Existence of identity
d) Existence of inverse for every element

Q.23) How many identity elements are present in a group?

a) Zero
b) Unique ✓
c) Multiple
d) Uncertain

Q.24) If ‫ ܩ‬is a group, then for any ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬, (ܽ⁻¹)⁻¹ = ?

a) ܽ ✓
b) ܽ⁻¹
c) ݁
d) Not fixed

Q.25) If ‫ ܩ‬is a group, then for any ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܩ‬, (ܾܽ)⁻¹ = ?

a) ܽ⁻¹ܾ
b) ܾܽ⁻¹
c) ܾ⁻¹ܽ⁻¹ ✓
d) ܽ⁻¹ܾ⁻¹

Q.26) Composition table is possible for representing operations on which

types of sets?
a) Only finite ✓
b) Only infinite
c) Both finite as well as infinite
d) Neither finite nor infinite

Q.27) In the composition table for a group, what is the specialty of

column headed by identity element?
a) It contains only identity elements in all places
b) It contains only a fixed element in all places
c) It coincides with the header (First) column ✓
d) It contains elements random fashion and cannot be specifically

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.28) While taking the operation of addition modulo ݉, what must be ݉?

a) Zero
b) Any integer
c) A negative integer
d) A positive integer ✓

Q.29) 19 +₄ 4 = ?
a) 23
b) 27
c) 1
d) 3 ✓

Q.30) If ܽ ≡ ܾ (mod 5), then which of the following is guaranteed?

a) ܽ=ܾ
b) ܽ +₅ ܿ = ܾ +₅ ܿ ✓
c) 5 divides ܽ + ܾ
d) 5 divides ܾܽ

Q.31) While forming a group using the operation of multiplication

modulo ‫݌‬, what must be ‫?݌‬
a) Positive integers
b) Prime number ✓
c) Even integer
d) Odd integer

Q.32) What is the identity element of the group of integers modulo ‫݌‬,
under the operation of multiplication modulo ‫?݌‬
a) 1 ✓
b) 0
c) ‫݌‬
d) Doesn’t exist

Q.33) How is the group of integers modulo ‫݌‬, under the operation of
multiplication modulo ‫?݌‬
a) Infinite non-abelian
b) Infinite abelian
c) Finite non-abelian
d) Finite abelian ✓

Q.34) As per division algorithm, if ܽ and ܾ ≠ 0 are two integers, then by

dividing ܽ by ܾ we get integers ‫ ݍ‬and ‫ݎ‬, such that a = ‫ ܾݍ‬+ ‫ݎ‬, where
what is the range of ‫?ݎ‬
a) 0 ≤ ‫|ܾ| < ݎ‬ ✓
b) 0 < ‫|ܾ| ≤ ݎ‬
c) 0 < ‫|ܾ| < ݎ‬
d) 0 ≤ ‫|ܾ| ≤ ݎ‬

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.35) What is the greatest common divisor of two relatively prime

integers ܽ and ܾ?
a) 1 ✓
b) −1
c) 0
d) Not defined

Q.36) What is a permutation on a finite set ܵ?

a) A mapping of ܵ onto itself.
b) A one-to-one mapping of ܵ into itself.
c) A one-to-one mapping of ܵ onto itself. ✓
d) A one-to-one mapping of ܵ onto any other set.

Q.37) If ܵ is a finite set having ݊ number of elements, then what is the

degree of any permutation on ܵ?
a) 0
b) 1
c) ݊!
d) ݊ ✓

Q.38) How many total number of distinct permutations of degree ݊ are

a) ݊
b) ݊! ✓
c) 2݊
d) ݊²

Q.39) What is the notation for symmetric set of permutations of degree

a) ܲ݊
b) ܵ݊
c) Both ܲ݊ and ܵ݊ ✓
d) Neither ܲ݊ nor ܵ݊

Q.40) Which of the following properties does the operation of product or

composite of two permutations doesn’t have?
a) Commutative property ✓
b) Associative property
c) Both commutative property and associative property
d) Neither commutative property nor associative property

Q.41) Which of the following is true about the group of all permutations
of degree ݊?
a) It is an infinite group
b) It is a finite group of order ݊
c) It is a finite group of order ݊! ✓
d) It is a finite group of order 2݊
B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.42) Which permutations have inverse?

a) None
b) All ✓
c) Only even permutations
d) Only odd permutations

Q.43) What is the image of 4 under cyclic permutation (1 2 3 4)?

a) 1 ✓
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Q.44) For any element ܽ in a group ‫ܩ‬, (ܽᵐ)ⁿ = ?

a) ܽᵐ⁺ⁿ
b) ܽᵐ⁻ⁿ
c) ܽᵐⁿ ✓
d) ܽᵐ/ⁿ

Q.45) For any element ܽ in a group ‫ܩ‬, ܽᵐܽⁿ = ?

a) ܽᵐ⁺ⁿ ✓
b) ܽᵐ⁻ⁿ
c) ܽᵐⁿ
d) ܽᵐ/ⁿ

Q.46) What is the order of an element ܽ of a group ‫?ܩ‬

a) The least positive integer ݊ such that ܽⁿ = ܽ
b) The least positive integer ݊ such that ܽⁿ = ݁ ✓
c) The greatest positive integer ݊ such that ܽⁿ = ܽ
d) The greatest positive integer ݊ such that ܽⁿ = ݁

Q.47) For an element ܽ of a group ‫ܩ‬, if ܽᵐ = ݁, then which of the following

is true?
a) ‫݉ > )ܽ(݋‬
b) ‫݉ < )ܽ(݋‬
c) ‫݉ ≥ )ܽ(݋‬
d) ‫݉ ≤ )ܽ(݋‬ ✓

Q.48) What is the order of −݅ in the multiplicative group {1, −1, ݅, −݅}?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4 ✓

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.49) Which of the following is always correct?

a) A complex of a group is always its subgroup
b) A subgroup of a group is always its complex ✓
c) A complex of a group is never its subgroup
d) A subgroup of a group is never its complex

Q.50) What is the smallest subgroup of a group ‫?ܩ‬

a) ϕ
b) {݁} ✓
c) ‫ ܩ‬itself
d) Uncertain

Q.51) If ‫ ܪ‬is a subgroup of a group ‫ ܩ‬and ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬, then which of the

following is a right coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫?ܩ‬
a) ‫ܽܪ‬ ✓
b) ܽ‫ܪ‬
c) ‫ܪ‬ᵃ
d) ܽᴴ

Q.52) If ‫ ܪ‬is a subgroup of a group ‫ܩ‬, then how many elements are there
in any right coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫?ܩ‬
a) Uncertain
b) Equal to the number of elements in ‫ܪ‬. ✓
c) Less than the number of elements in ‫ܪ‬.
d) Greater than the number of elements in ‫ܪ‬.

Q.53) If ‫ ܪ‬is a subgroup of a group ‫ ܩ‬and ℎ ∈ ‫ܪ‬, then which of the

following are always equal to ‫?ܪ‬
a) ℎ‫ܪ‬
b) ‫ܪ‬ℎ
c) Both ℎ‫ ܪ‬and ‫ܪ‬ℎ ✓
d) Neither ℎ‫ ܪ‬nor ‫ܪ‬ℎ

Q.54) If ܽ, ܾ are any two elements of a group ‫ ܩ‬and if ‫ ܪ‬is any subgroup
of ‫ ܩ‬such that ‫ܾܪ = ܽܪ‬, then which of the following condition is
a) ܾܽ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬ ✓
b) ܽ⁻¹ܾ ∈ ‫ܪ‬
c) ܽ⁻¹ܾ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬
d) ܾܽ ∈ ‫ܪ‬

Q.55) What is the index of a subgroup of a group?

a) Order of that subgroup
b) Number of distinct right cosets of the subgroup in the group ✓
c) Number of elements of even order in that subgroup
d) Number of elements of odd order in that subgroup

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.56) For any two elements ܽ, ܾ of a group ‫ ܩ‬and any subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of ‫ܩ‬,
when do we say that ܽ is congruent to ܾ mod ‫ܪ‬.
a) ܾܽ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬ ✓
b) ܽ⁻¹ܾ ∈ ‫ܪ‬
c) ܽ⁻¹ܾ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬
d) ܾܽ ∈ ‫ܪ‬

Q.57) How is the congruence relation modulo a subgroup of a group?

a) Reflexive, symmetric, but not transitive
b) Reflexive, transitive, but not symmetric
c) Reflexive, symmetric and transitive ✓
d) Neither reflexive nor symmetric nor transitive

Q.58) For any elements ܽ, ܾ, ܿ of a group ‫ ܩ‬and any subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of ‫ܩ‬,
which of the following is reflexive property of congruence relation?
a) ܽ ≡ ܾ (mod ‫ )ܪ‬and ܾ ≡ ܿ (mod ‫( ܿ ≡ ܽ ⇒ )ܪ‬mod ‫)ܪ‬
b) ܽ ≡ ܾ (mod ‫ )ܪ‬and ܿ ≡ ݀ (mod ‫( ݀ ≡ ܽ ⇒ )ܪ‬mod ‫)ܪ‬
c) ܽ ≡ ܾ (mod ‫( ܽ ≡ ܾ ⇒ )ܪ‬mod ‫)ܪ‬
d) ܽ ≡ ܽ (mod ‫)ܪ‬ ✓

Q.59) What is the notation for the congruence class of an element ܽ of a

group ‫?ܩ‬
a) [ܽ] ✓
b) (ܽ)
c) {ܽ}
d) <ܽ>

Q.60) What is Lagrange’s Theorem?

a) The order of each subset of a finite group is a divisor of the order of the
b) The order of each subgroup of a finite group is a divisor of the order of

the group.
c) The order of each subset of an infinite group is a divisor of the order of
the group.
d) The order of each subgroup of an infinite group is a divisor of the order
of the group.

Q.61) If ݇ is index of any subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of a finite group ‫ܩ‬, then how is it
related to the order of ‫?ܩ‬
a) ݇ | ‫)ܩ(݋‬ ✓
b) ‫݇ | )ܩ(݋‬
c) ‫݇ = )ܩ(݋‬
d) ݇ > ‫)ܩ(݋‬

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.62) For every element ܽ of a finite group ‫ܩ‬, how are ‫ )ܽ(݋‬and ‫)ܩ(݋‬
always related?
a) ‫)ܩ(݋ > )ܽ(݋‬
b) ‫)ܩ(݋ | )ܽ(݋‬ ✓
c) ‫)ܩ(݋ < )ܽ(݋‬
d) ‫)ܩ(݋ = )ܽ(݋‬

Q.63) If ‫ ܩ‬is a finite group of prime order ‫݌‬, then how many subgroups
does ‫ ܩ‬have?
a) Zero (No subgroups)
b) Only one
c) Only two ✓
d) ‫݌‬

Q.64) For a positive integer ݊, what is ϕ(݊)?

a) The number of positive integers greater than or equal to ݊ that are
relatively prime to ݊
b) The number of integers greater than or equal to ݊ that are relatively
prime to ݊
c) The number of positive integers less than or equal to ݊ that are

relatively prime to ݊
d) The number of integers less than or equal to ݊ that are relatively prime
to ݊

Q.65) For a positive integer ݊ and any integer ܽ relatively prime to ݊,

which of the following is guaranteed?
a) ܽᵠ⁽ⁿ⁾ ≡ 1 (mod ݊) ✓
b) ܽᵠ⁽ⁿ⁾ ≡ ܽ (mod ݊)
c) ݊ᵠ⁽ᵃ⁾ ≡ 1 (mod ܽ)
d) ݊ᵠ⁽ᵃ⁾ ≡ ݊ (mod ܽ)

Q.66) What is the theorem with statement ‘If ‫ ݌‬is a prime number and ܽ
is any integer, then ܽᵖ ≡ ܽ (mod ‫ ’)݌‬known as?
a) Lagrange’s theorem
b) Fermat’s theorem ✓
c) Euler’s theorem
d) Cayley’s theorem

Q.67) What is the modulus in the congruence of Fermat’s theorem?

a) Any integer
b) Any positive integer
c) Any prime number ✓
d) Any composite number

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.68) Which of the following is correct?

a) No abelian group is cyclic
b) No cyclic group is abelian
c) Every abelian group is cyclic
d) Every cyclic group is abelian ✓

Q.69) Every group of which of the following types of order is cyclic?

a) Composite
b) Prime ✓
c) Even
d) Odd

Q.70) If ܽ is a generator of a cyclic group ‫ܩ‬, then which of the following is

also a generator of ‫?ܩ‬
a) ݁
b) ܽ⁻¹ ✓
c) ܽ‫ ݔ‬for every ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬
d) ‫ ܽݔ‬for every ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬

Q.71) What is the order of a cyclic group?

a) Less than the order of its generator
b) Greater than the order of its generator
c) Equal to the order of its generator ✓
d) Not dependent on the order of its generator

Q.72) What is the smallest subgroup containing subset {݁} of a group ‫?ܩ‬
a) {݁} ✓
b) ‫ܩ‬
c) Every subgroup of ‫ܩ‬
d) Doesn’t exist

Q.73) How is the smallest subgroup of ‫ ܩ‬containing a subset ‫ ܯ‬denoted?

a) {‫ }ܯ‬or [‫]ܯ‬
b) {‫ }ܯ‬or (‫)ܯ‬ ✓
c) (‫ )ܯ‬or [‫]ܯ‬
d) {‫ }ܯ‬or (‫ )ܯ‬or [‫]ܯ‬

Q.74) Which of the following is true about smallest subgroup of a group

‫ ܩ‬containing a subset ‫?ܯ‬
a) Not guaranteed to exist
b) Exist and are finite in number
c) Exist and are infinite in number
d) Exists and is unique ✓

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.75) If ‫ ܯ‬is subset of a group ‫ ܩ‬and if ‫ ܪ‬the smallest subgroup of ‫ܩ‬

containing ‫ܯ‬, then how are the elements of ‫ ܪ‬expressible?
a) As positive integral powers of finite number of elements of ‫ܯ‬
b) As negative integral powers of finite number of elements of ‫ܯ‬
c) As positive and negative integral powers of finite number of elements

of ‫ܯ‬
d) As positive and negative integral powers of infinite number of elements
of ‫ܯ‬

Q.76) A subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of a group ‫ ܩ‬is said to be normal subgroup of ‫ ܩ‬if,

and only if, ∀ ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬, ∀ ℎ ∈ ‫ܪ‬, which of the following conditions is
a) ‫ݔ‬ℎ‫ݔ‬⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬ ✓
b) ℎ‫ݔ‬ℎ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܪ‬
c) ‫ݔ‬ℎ‫ݔ‬⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܩ‬
d) ℎ‫ݔ‬ℎ⁻¹ ∈ ‫ܩ‬

Q.77) Which of the following are always the normal subgroups of a group
a) ϕ and {݁}
b) {݁} and ‫ܩ‬ ✓
c) ϕ and ‫ܩ‬
d) ϕ, {݁} and ‫ܩ‬

Q.78) If a subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of a group ‫ ܩ‬is such that every left coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫ܩ‬
is a right coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫ܩ‬, then how is the subgroup ‫?ܪ‬
a) Abelian
b) Normal ✓
c) Finite
d) Infinite

Q.79) If a subgroup ‫ ܪ‬of a group ‫ ܩ‬is normal subgroup of ‫ܩ‬, then what is
the product of two right cosets of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫?ܩ‬
a) Again a right coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫ܩ‬ ✓
b) Not a coset of ‫ ܪ‬in ‫ܩ‬
c) Equal to ‫ܪ‬
d) Equal to ‫ܩ‬

Q.80) If ܰ and ‫ ܯ‬are normal subgroups of a group ‫ܩ‬, then which of the
following is most correct?
a) ܰ‫ ܯ‬is not a subset of ‫ܩ‬
b) ܰ‫ ܯ‬is not subgroup of ‫ܩ‬
c) ܰ‫ ܯ‬is a normal subgroup of ‫ܩ‬ ✓
d) ܰ‫ ܯ‬is an infinite subgroup of ‫ܩ‬

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.81) For a quotient group ‫ܩ‬/‫ ܪ‬and for any ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬, (‫)ܽܪ‬⁻¹ = ?
a) ‫ܽܪ‬
b) ‫ܽܪ‬⁻¹ ✓
c) ‫ ܪ‬⁻¹ܽ
d) ܽ‫ܪ‬

Q.82) What is the order of the quotient group ‫ܩ‬/‫?ܪ‬

a) ‫)ܩ(݋‬/‫)ܪ(݋‬ ✓
b) ‫)ܪ(݋⋅)ܩ(݋‬
c) ‫ )ܩ(݋‬+ ‫)ܪ(݋‬
d) ‫ )ܩ(݋‬− ‫)ܪ(݋‬

Q.83) If ‫ ܩ‬is any group, then what is the set ܼ = {‫ݔ݃ = ݃ݔ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬, ∀ ݃ ∈ ‫}ܩ‬
a) Unstable complex of ‫ܩ‬
b) Index of ‫ܩ‬
c) Center of ‫ܩ‬ ✓
d) Normalizer of ‫ܩ‬

Q.84) If ‫ ܩ‬is any group and ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬, then what is the set {‫}ݔܽ = ܽݔ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬
a) Normalizer of ܽ ✓
b) Index of ܽ
c) Order of ܽ
d) Center of ܽ

Q.85) Every mapping ݂ satisfying which of the following conditions is

called a homomorphism from a group ‫ ܩ‬to a group ‫?'ܩ‬
a) ݂(ܾܽ) = ܾܽ, ∀ ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܩ‬.
b) ݂(ܾܽ) = ݂(ܽ)ܾ, ∀ ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܩ‬.
c) ݂(ܾܽ) = ݂ܽ(ܾ), ∀ ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܩ‬.
d) ݂(ܾܽ) = ݂(ܽ)݂(ܾ), ∀ ܽ, ܾ ∈ ‫ܩ‬. ✓

Q.86) What is an isomorphism?

a) A homomorphism
b) A one-to-one homomorphism ✓
c) An onto homomorphism
d) A one-to-one onto mapping

Q.87) What is an endomorphism?

a) An onto mapping from a group to itself
b) An onto mapping from a group to another group
c) A homomorphism from group to itself ✓
d) A homomorphism from group to another group

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.88) If ݂ is a homomorphism of a group ‫ ܩ‬into a group ‫'ܩ‬, then ∀ ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬,

[݂(ܽ)]⁻¹ = ?
a) ݂(ܽ⁻¹) ✓
b) ݂⁻¹(ܽ)
c) ݂(ܽ)
d) ݂⁻¹(ܽ)⁻¹

Q.89) If ݂ is a homomorphism of a group ‫ ܩ‬into a group ‫'ܩ‬, then what is

the kernel ‫ ܭ‬of ݂?
a) {‫݁ = )ݔ(݂ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬, the identity of ‫}ܩ‬
b) {‫'݁ = )ݔ(݂ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬, the identity of ‫}'ܩ‬ ✓
c) {‫}ݔ = )ݔ(݂ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬
d) {‫ݔ = )ݔ(݂ | ܩ ∈ ݔ‬⁻¹}

Q.90) If ݂ is a homomorphism of a group ‫ ܩ‬into a group ‫'ܩ‬, then which of

the following is most correct about the kernel ‫ ܭ‬of ݂?
a) ‫ ܭ‬is subset of ‫'ܩ‬
b) ‫ ܭ‬is subgroup of ‫'ܩ‬
c) ‫ ܭ‬is normal subgroup of ‫'ܩ‬
d) ‫ ܭ‬is normal subgroup of ‫ܩ‬ ✓

Q.91) If ݂ is a homomorphism of a group ‫ ܩ‬into a group ‫ 'ܩ‬with kernel ‫ܭ‬

and ݂ is one-to-one, then what is ‫?ܭ‬
a) ‫}݁{ = ܭ‬ ✓
b) ‫}'݁{ = ܭ‬
c) ‫ܩ=ܭ‬
d) ‫'ܩ = ܭ‬

Q.92) If ݂ is a homomorphism of a group ‫ ܩ‬into a group ‫ 'ܩ‬with kernel ‫ܭ‬

= {݁}, then how is ݂?
a) Only homomorphism
b) Onto homomorphism
c) One-to-one homomorphism, i.e., isomorphism ✓
d) Endomorphism

Q.93) For a group ‫ܩ‬, consider a mapping ݂ : ‫ ܩ → ܩ‬defined by ݂(ܽ) = ܽ⁻¹,

∀ ܽ ∈ ‫ܩ‬. When is this mapping a homomorphism?
a) For non-abelian group ‫ܩ‬
b) For abelian group ‫ܩ‬ ✓
c) Always
d) Never

B.Sc. – II Year – Mathematics – Paper 07 – “Group Theory” BY Prof.Dr.N.A.Pande

Q.94) If ‫ ܩ‬is a group, ܰ is a normal subgroup of ‫ ܩ‬and ݂ is an

automorphism of ‫ܩ‬, then which of the following is most correct
about ݂(ܰ) = {݂(݊) | ݊ ∈ ܰ}?
a) ݂(ܰ) is an empty subset of ‫ܩ‬.
b) ݂(ܰ) is a non-empty subset of ‫ܩ‬.
c) ݂(ܰ) is a subgroup of ‫ܩ‬.
d) ݂(ܰ) is a normal subgroup of ‫ܩ‬. ✓

Q.95) What is the notation for the set of all automorphisms of a group ‫?ܩ‬
a) ‫'ܩ‬
b) ‫)ܩ(ܣ‬ ✓
c) Both ‫ 'ܩ‬and ‫)ܩ(ܣ‬
d) Neither ‫ 'ܩ‬nor ‫)ܩ(ܣ‬

Q.96) What is the identity element of the group of all automorphisms of a

group ‫?ܩ‬
a) Identity mapping ݅ ✓
b) ݁
c) Every automorphism
d) It doesn’t have identity element

Q.97) Which of the following is true?

a) Every inner automorphism is an automorphism ✓
b) Every automorphism is an inner automorphism
c) No inner automorphism is an automorphism
d) No automorphism is an inner automorphism

Q.98) For a fixed element ܽ of a group ‫ܩ‬, which of the following mapping
is an inner automorphism?
a) ݂(‫ܽ = )ݔ‬⁻¹‫ݔ‬, ∀ ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬.
b) ݂(‫ܽݔ = )ݔ‬, ∀ ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬.
c) ݂(‫ܽ = )ݔ‬⁻¹‫ܽݔ‬, ∀ ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬. ✓
d) ݂(‫ݔ = )ݔ‬, ∀ ‫ܩ ∈ ݔ‬.

Q.99) What is an outer automorphism of a group?

a) Every endomorphism
b) Every isomorphism
c) Every automorphism
d) Automorphism which is not inner automorphism ✓

Q.100) What is the notation for the set of all inner automorphism of a
group ‫?ܩ‬
a) ‫)ܩ(ܫ‬ ✓
b) ‫)ܫ(ܩ‬
c) ‫)ܩ(ܣ‬
d) ‫)ܣ(ܩ‬


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