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Case Study: Management and Motivation

Directions: Read the short case below and answer briefly (3-5 sentences only) the
questions that follow.

1. How can you relate this scenario to the following Theories of Motivation?
     a.) Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory
     b.) McClelland’s Theory of Needs

2. Identify the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of Jane and discuss how this
affects her motivational behavior.
Here are the intrinsic factors that motivated Jane based on the case scenario:

 Finding out what her managers think. Jane improved herself as a result of this
appreciation. Jane was inspired to work more diligently and even motivated to go
above and above in her profession.
 Because of the manager’s decision about giving Jane the authority to guide her
co-workers. This also motivated her to develop effective leadership abilities that
serve the organizational objective. In order to ensure that the company's
objectives are not compromised by the failings of other employees, it can be
seen that Jane assumed greater responsibility and even carried her colleagues'

On the other hand, here is the extrinsic motivation:

 Because of her promotion. She was, however, transferred from one position to
another as time went on. This indicates that her achievements were not ignored
and that the management properly rewarded her by promoting her. And this
element inspired Jane more to work harder and accomplish more.
 We can see from the example that Jane's outstanding performance was
acknowledged by her managers as well as by others. They'd seen her potential,
thus receiving such encouragement from them had also motivated her to be
more upbeat and diligent in order to live up to their expectations and avoid
disappointing the management.
3. Reflective on this scenario and as part of the management, how can you best
impose your strategy to motivate employees?

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