Valentine Day

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 France. Valentine’s Day originated in France during the middle ages. When birds began to
mate halfway through the second month of the year, lovers considered this a sign and began
exchanging lkove letters, beginning the cherished holiday.

 Japan. On February 14th, women buy Hom-mei, a chocolate strictly for boyfriends and
husbands. Women have to wait the whole month to receive their gift, which is usually white

 United Kingdom. Along with exchanging cards, chocolates and flowers, Brits write sonnets
and verses to each other. Children also join in the fun by spending the day singing songs.

 Canada. On Valentine’s Day, balls and parties are organized and thrown all over the country.

 South Africa. Week long celebrations and parties take place in South Africa. Young girls
celebrate the day by celebrating a tradition called “Lupercalia.” This tradition requires girls
to pin the name of their lover on their sleeve.

 India. Celebrating Valentine’s Day is a recent tradition here. Festivals are week-long and the
day is hyped by television, newspapers and more.

 Italy. Couples exchange flowers and chocolate along with more extravagant gifts such as
perfume and diamonds.

 Scotland. Imagine celebrating a romantic day with a complete stranger. A popular tradition in

Scottish culture is “The Search of the Valentine Date.” The first man or woman a person sees
on the street becomes his or her Valentine.

 China. Chinese Valentine’s Day is on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month on the Chinese
calendar. Couples visit a temple called "Temple of Matchmaker" and pray for happiness and
future marriage. Single people also visit to pray for luck in finding love.

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