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Rajgad Institute of Management

Research & Development, Pune 43

A. Y. 2021-22
MBA First Year, Second Semester
Assignments: 1 & 2
Name of the Student:

Name of the Subject: 217- Labour Welfare

Roll No: Division:


Assignment No. Date of Signature of the

Submission Student
1 15/06/2022
2 15/07/2022

To be filled by the Faculty

Assignment No. Evaluation Signature of the
(Marks) Faculty
1 /25
2 /25
Final Total Marks /50

Name of the Faculty

Assignment No. 1

Presentation (Total Marks 25)

Instructions for the students:

1) Presentation topics are assigned to the students.

2) Each student has to prepare a PPT presentation and should present the
theme in the classroom.
3) This will be individual assignment.

Presentation Topics:

I. Need and importance of Labor Welfare

II. Statutory Welfare Amenities – as per Factories Act, 1948

III. Role of Trade Unions, NGOs and Local-self Govt

IV. Labour Laws of the Elimination of Child Labour

V. Problems of Indian labour

Assignment No. 2

Case Study (Total Marks 25)

Ramesh was just promoted as a shift officer. The promotion became effective
when his immediate superior Mr. Sharma was out of town for a few days. Due
to illness of Ramesh’s subordinate the work schedule was not being met. He
decided to pitch in and help spending bout four hours daily in production.
When Mr. Sharma returned to his work, Ramesh is not available, as he is not
working on the shop floor. He is upset and tells him that it is the function of
the supervisor to accomplish work with and through other people and not do it

1. What was the initial problem in this case?

2. Tick the alternative you would select to solve future problems when workers
are not available:

(a) Let the scheduled work be late and catch up when the worker returns

(b) Lend a hand as Ramesh did in this case.

(c) Prepare back up for emergency

(d) Workout an acceptable compromise with the superior.

3. Evaluate each of the alternatives in terms of their advantages and
disadvantages to the company, to the workers and to Ramesh.

***************************Best of luck**********************************

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