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Good afternoon teacher my name is Hieu today I would like to introduce my topic is the environment as

you have seen the environment is getting more and more destroyed and becoming heavily polluted the
earth may soon disappear without your help Now as for today first, we will take a look at The Cause Of
Air Pollution. Second, we will look at The Effect of forest fires. Finally, the Melting of Glaciers

Here is The Cause of Air Pollution Dust is the main factor that reduces air quality, leading to pollution.
Let’s begin by talking about the factories

The factory emits up to 47.8 million tons of dust every year dust, smoke, and waste can damage the
ozone layer Many harmful rays will easily be exposed to harm human skin

Next Dust from vehicles: 70 - 80% of urban air pollution is caused by transportation activities. Causes
allergies, skin diseases, and respiratory diseases that cause coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Burning plastic waste: Items made of plastic are very difficult to decompose and take a long time to
completely decompose If burned, they can spread very quickly and destroy everything, greatly affecting
humans and animals

We have seen The Cause of Air Pollution now let’s move on to The Effect of forest fires

forest area is shrinking, many forests have been burned, and many species of animals have no place to
live and are at very high risk of extinction. Example the images The Australian bushfire disaster in 2019
damaged a total of about 10 million hectares of forest. And the second image 2,000 koalas were burned
to death because they couldn't run in time. Losing a lot of trees and the ecological environment will
unbalance people and animals will suffer many natural disasters

we have seen The Effect of forest fires up to now we have looked at the Melting of Glaciers

Changing environment leads to climate change greenhouse effect ice melts at the poles let’s see the
images on average from 2006 to 2018, seawater density can increase by approximately 4 mm per year.

By 2100, without changes in climate policy, sea levels are expected to rise by 15 mm.

melting ice causes sea level rise causing tides If this situation continues, the earth will disappear
completely in conclusion, today we saw three harms when the environment is affected first The Cause of
Air Pollution, we should Plant a lot of trees both in and around the house to block dust and increase the
ability to filter air. Use a mask when going out to prevent dust, and prioritize the use of public transport
second The Effect of forest fires you can Build a fire-resistant runway, and third Melting of Glaciers we
should Protect forests, plant forests, do not cut down trees indiscriminately

thank you for your attention

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