Kindergarten Primary School Geography Grade 9 Mid Exam

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Kindergarten Primary School

Geography grade 9 mid exam

Name ___________________________________Id No_________________________

Part I match the terms under column “A” with its related meaning under column “B”
___________1. Crescent Moon Shape A. wind creation
___________2. Fold mountain B. Sand Dune
___________3. Title of the map C. parallels and meridians
___________4. Irregular shape D. lake
___________5. Study soil and their characteristics E. Total destruction
___________6. Middle course of river F. Soil Geography
___________7. The Richter scale.>8.1 G. give the map’s name
___________8. International grid system H. cape range
___________9. Eratosthenes map I. flood plain, river cliff
___________10. External force J. Barchan
K. Earth Quake
L. Traditional Map
Part II choose the best answer from the given alternative
_______1. _________ is formed when magma solidifies in a vertical or near vertical creak.
A. Sill C. laccolith
B. Dike D. Batholith
_______2. Which one of the Following is not main agent of physical weathering?
A. Forest action C. temperature change
B. Deposition D. action of plants
______3. Which one of the Following is not active volcanic?
A. Tatali C. fentale dubbi
B. Eratali D. damiali
______4. Which one of the Following course of river is characterized by flay flood plain, leaves,
Sands and ox-bow lakes?
A. Upper course C. lower course
B. Middle course D. cataract
______5. . The ground distance between two places is 100 km. if this distance is represented
by 5 cm on a map, what is the scale of the map?
A. 1 : 50,000 C. 1 : 200,000
B. 1 : 100,000 D. 1 : 75,000
Kindergarten Primary School

Moral And Citizenship Education grade 9 mid exam

Name ___________________________________Id No_________________________

I. Choose the correct answer from the given four alternatives

1. What branch of ethics concerned with the development of one’s character in order to prepare one
for good citizenship?
A. Virtue ethics B. Applied ethics C. Teleology D. Denteology
2. Which one is false about fairness?
A. Treat all people equitably C. Based all decisions on appropriate criteria
B. Giving judgment with favourism D. Handle all essential situations similarly
3. All are the importance of virtue ethics except?
A. To distinguish between right and wrong
B. Building a positive approach
C. To become irresponsible members in the society
D. To eliminate problems of social evils
4. In which political arrangement are powers concentrated at the center?
A. Federalism B. Unitary C. Confederation D. Monarchical
5. “I act carefully and cautiously, looking to avoid unnecessary risks and planning with the future in
This refers to:
A. Honesty B. Courage C. Prudence D. Generosity
6. Which one is the polar opposite of virtue?
A. Compassion B. Self-discipline C. Fairness D. Injustice
7. Which country use centralized state structure with large territory?
A. Russia B. USA C. Brazil D. China
8. Compassion is:
A. Evaluating people free of bias
B. An empathic understanding of another person’s feelings
C. Acting in accordance with certain acceptable standards
D. The ability to make sound decisions in order to avoid dangers
9. Who develops virtue ethics primarily?
A. John Locke B. Aristotle C. Theodore Roosevelt D. George Washington
Kindergarten Primary School
10. Among the following one is not the feature of presidential system of government?
A. Process of impeachment C. Nominal head of state
B. Separation of power D. The president has fixed term of office
11. Which one is false about the military regime in Ethiopia?
A. Adopted unitary state structure
B. Replaced feudalism by socialism
C. Emerged to be dictatorial form of government in Ethiopia
D. Forming bicameral chambered parliament
12. What is the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government?
A. System of government C. Function of government
B. State structure D. Form of government
13. Which one of the following is amoral virtue?
A. Paying fair tax C. Being informed
B. Self-discipline D. participate in public government

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