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Science 1- Earth and

Life Science
First semester, S.Y. 2021-2022

1.6 Rocks and Minerals

 Building blocks of rocks.
 5 requirements of a mineral
• Inorganic
• Solid
• Definite chemical composition
• Ordered internal structure
• Naturally occurring
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Different mineral properties:
a. Luster – it is the quality and intensity of reflected light exhibited by
the mineral.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Different mineral properties:
b. Hardness – it is a measure of the resistance of a mineral (not
specifically surface) to abrasion.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Different mineral properties:
c. Color and streak – Color maybe a unique identifying property of
certain minerals (e.g. malachite – green, azurite – blue).

There are also lots of

minerals that share similar or
the same color/s.
There are also lots of minerals that
share similar or the same color/s.
In addition, some minerals can exhibit a range of colors. The mineral
quartz for example, can be pink (rose quartz), purple (amethyst),
orange (citrine), white (colorless quartz) etc.
Streak on the other hand is the color of a mineral in powdered form.
Streak is a better diagnostic property as compared to color.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Different mineral properties:
d. Crystal Form/Habit –The external shape of a
crystal or groups of crystals is displayed /
observed as these crystals grow in open spaces.
The form reflects the supposedly internal
structure (of atoms and ions) of the crystal
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Different mineral properties:
e. Cleavage – It is the property of
some minerals to break along parallel
repetitive planes of weakness to form
smooth, flat surfaces. These planes of
weakness are inherent in the bonding
of atoms that makes up the mineral.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Different mineral properties:
f. Fracture – Some minerals may not have cleavages but exhibit broken
surfaces that are irregular and non-planar. Quartz for example has an
inherent weakness in the crystal structure that is not planar. Examples
of fracture are conchoidal, fibrous, hackly, and uneven among others.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Different mineral properties:
g. Specific Gravity – It is the ratio of the weight of a mineral to the
weight of an equal volume of water. A bucket of silver (SG 10) would
weigh 10 times more than a bucket of water (SG 1). It is a measure to
express the density (mass per unit volume) of a mineral. The specific
gravity of a mineral is numerically equal to density.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Different mineral properties:
Others – There are certain unique properties of minerals that actually
help in their identification (e.g. magnetism, odor, taste, tenacity,
reaction to acid, etc.). Magnetite is strongly magnetic; sulfur has
distinctive smell; halite is salty; calcite fizzes with acid as with dolomite
but in powdered form.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

Rocks are an aggregate of minerals. A rock can be composed of a
single mineral (e.g. Quartzite is a metamorphic rock composed
predominantly of Quartz) or more commonly composed of an
aggregate of two or more minerals.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

3 Rock types
A. Igneous Rocks
B. Sedimentary Rocks
C. Metamorphic Rocks
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
• these are rocks that are derived from the cooling and
solidification of magma or lava
• from solidified molten rock materials, usually hard
and crystalline - rate of cooling as one of the most
important factors that control crystal size
• solidification can occur along the surface of the earth
or beneath the surface of the earth.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
Magma is a molten rock material beneath the surface
of the earth. Lava is molten rock material extruded to
the surface of the earth through a central vent
(volcano) or as fissure eruption.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
a. plutonic or intrusive rocks
• from solidified magma underneath the earth
• gradual lowering of temperature is indicated by the movement of magma
from depth to surface causing slow cooling /crystallization
• Phaneritic textures - Slow cooling forms large interlocking crystals
• Examples: granite, diorite, gabbro
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
b. volcanic or extrusive rocks
• from solidified lava at or near the surface of the earth
• fast rate of cooling/crystallization due to huge variance in the temperature
between Earth’s surface and underneath
• common textures: aphanitic, porphyritic (define groundmass vs phenocrysts),
• examples: rhyolite, andesite, basalt
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
Igneous rocks are also classified according to silica
content and relative amounts of K, Na, Fe, Mg and Ca.
They can be classified as felsic, intermediate, mafic and
ultramafic, practically based on presence of light and
dark colored minerals.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Igneous Rocks
The relatively dark minerals are olivine, pyroxene, hornblende and
biotite. The relatively light-colored minerals are plagioclases, feldspars,
quartz and muscovite.
• felsic: granitic: >65% silica, generally light-colored
• intermediate: andesitic: 55-65% silica, generally medium colored (medium
• mafic: basaltic: 45-55% silica, usually dark colored
• ultramafic: <45% silica, generally very dark colored
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Sedimentary rocks
these are rocks that are formed at or near the surface of the Earth
sedimentary processes include: weathering of rocks, erosion, sediment
transport and deposition (compaction and cementation)
common sedimentary features: fossil assemblages and stratification
fossil assemblages: remains and traces of plants and animals that are
preserved in rocks
stratification or layering (strata which is >1cm is called bedding and < 1cm is
called lamination): layering is the result of a change in grain size and
composition; each layer represents a distinct period of deposition.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Sedimentary rocks
a. Clastic sedimentary rocks
• grains, matrix and cement are the components of
clastic rocks
• are commonly classified based on particle size
• with volcanic origin (e.g. pyroclastic) and may have
undergone some stages in the sedimentary processes
could be classified as sedimentary rock (e.g.
volcanoclastic rocks).
• the presence of variable grain sizes (including matrix
and cement) is indicative of sedimentary
differentiation which is actually a function of
processes happening in different sedimentary
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Sedimentary rocks
a. Clastic sedimentary rocks
• grains, matrix and cement are the components of clastic rocks
• are commonly classified based on particle size
• with volcanic origin (e.g. pyroclastic) and may have undergone some stages in
the sedimentary processes could be classified as sedimentary rock (e.g.
volcanoclastic rocks).
• the presence of variable grain sizes (including matrix and cement) is indicative
of sedimentary differentiation which is actually a function of processes
happening in different sedimentary environments.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Sedimentary rocks
b. Non-clastic sedimentary rocks
evaporation and precipitation from solution or lithification of organic
classified as evaporites (halite, gypsum and dolostone), precipitates
(limestone) and bioclastics (coal, coquina)
• Evaporites: rocks formed from the evaporation of water leaving the
dissolved minerals to crystallize
• Precipitates: rocks formed when minerals from a mineral
supersaturated water start to crystallize at the bottom of the
• Bioclastic: rock formed from compacted organic matter
Halite Gypsum



Coal Coquina
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Metamorphic rocks
Formed below the surface of the earth through the process of
metamorphism with the recrystallization of minerals in rocks due to
changes in pressure and temperature conditions.
 contact and regional metamorphism
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Metamorphic rocks
a.Contact metamorphism
heat and reactive fluids as main factors: occurs when a pre-
existing rock gets in contact with magma which is the source
of heat and magmatic fluids where metamorphic alterations
and transformations occur around the contact /
metamorphic aureole of the intruding magma and the rock
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Metamorphic rocks
a. Contact metamorphism

creates non-foliated metamorphic rocks

example: hornfels
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
Metamorphic rocks
b. Regional metamorphism
pressure as main factor: occurs in areas that have undergone considerable
amount of mechanical deformation and chemical recrystallization during
orogenic event which are commonly associated with mountain belts
occurs in a regional/large scale
creates foliated metamorphic rocks
examples: schist, gneiss
non-foliated rocks like marble also form through regional metamorphism,
where pressure is not intense, far from the main geologic event.
1.6 Rocks and Minerals
1.6 Rocks and Minerals

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