Bullying Essay

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Bullying is a behavior where(that) one person (or group of people) in a position of

power intimidates or abuses an individual with the intention to hurt that person
physically or emotionally. Acts of bullying can be physical or verbal, and when
someone is being bullied, he/she feels really small because of the inability to stop
this situation. These children may have psychological problems or even want to kill
It could happen in many places, such as at school, although (even) in the park or in
activities you do out of school, etc. In addition, there are many types of bullying
behaviour: physical, verbal or written, social and cyberbullying. Physical bullying
includes pushing, hitting, intimidating, violence, etc.; the next one(verbal bullying) is
about insulting someone or name-calling; social bullying happens when someone is
excluded, people spreading rumours about this person,... and the last type is
cyberbullying that occurs online or via electronic devices, it is similar to the verbal or
written one. I want to underline cyberbullying, because it is becoming the most
popular way to hurt people, due to the person who is writing bad comments is not
showing his/her face.
Many children who are bullying others are because they might see their parents
fighting, they are spoilt in their families or they play violent video games, in my
opinion all of them need help, either with doctors or responsable adults. And if I see
my friend or another student who has been bullied I will tell it to someone(would talk
about it to someone) that I trust, maybe the teacher, or my parents. Therefore, if
someone bullies me, I will need help, and it will come from my teachers, parents and
In conclusion, if we want to reduce bullying the person who is bullied has to try to
stay calm or also tell it to someone, and the others who want to help to
stop(stopping) bullying need to take immediate action or even talking with your
favourite teacher.

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