DCOM Tutorial

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DCOM Tutorial - Intro to the DCOMCNFG.

EXE Utility
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What is DCOM Config (aka "DCOMCnfg")?

DCOM settings are stored in the Registry. "DCOMCNFG" is a native Windows utility that is hidden
and accessible when running the command "dcomcnfg" (from Start > Run).

So where is the DCOM Config Utility on my computer?

Dcomcnfg is like many Microsoft tools... it exists, but only to those who know about it because it is
hidden. It should be installed in your \Winnt\System32 directory on either NT or 2000 and the file is

What does the DCOM Config Utility Look like?

Depending on your operating system will determine what the utility looks like. Pre Windows XP
computers look like below...

... whereas Windows XP and newer look like...

How should I use DCOM Config ?

There are 3 major things that you may need to set with DCOM Config

1. OPC client PC settings (more info) to allow OPC Servers to communicate with OPC Clients.
2. OPC server PC settings (more info) to allow OPC Clients to communicaet to OPC Server.
3. On your OPC server machine (more info), setup OPCEnum to allow OPC Clients to query
what OPC Servers are available.

Things to remember when using DCOM Config

• When changing DCOM permissions, you need to restart OPC applications.

• Sometimes Windows will CACHE DCOM settings; sometimes a Reboot is necessary.
• Once you get your DCOM Config settings right, you should not have to change them again.
• Document your settings carefully - make screenshots if you want and paste them into a Word
document. Proper and organized documentation of how you have your machine setup can be
a lifesaver if you have to reload a machine in an emergency (i.e. drive failure, hardware
failure, etc).

DCOM Config Screenshots - provided as a reference for the above descriptions.

Default Properties Tab

Default Security Tab

Default Protocols Tab

Warning: contents of this tutorial are Copyright Software Toolbox, Inc. 2001-2002, and may not be reproduced in electronic or written
form without written permission of Software Toolbox Inc. Anyone found copying copyrighted material from this site for use on another
site will be prosecuted. You are welcome to link to this site from your site. The information in this article is accurate to the best of our
professional judgement at the time of writing but is subject to change.
DCOM Configuration Tutorial
OPC SERVER Computer Recommended Settings
DCOM Tutorial Home

This section provides general guidance for configuring DCOM to allow OPC software to interoperate.

If you are not already familiar with the DCOM Config utility and how to launch it, please review the
DCOM Config Utility Introduction.

Client Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Properties Tab

1. First, the Enable Distributed COM on this computer MUST be checked.

2. The Default Authentication Level should be set to None.

3. The Default Impersonation Level should be set to Identity

OPC SERVER Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Security Tab

It is on this tab that you tell the operating system who you will allow to access the OPC Server
OPC SERVER Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Security Tab - Default Access
Permissions Dialog

It is on this dialog that you will set who (i.e. users that remote OPC Clients are running under)
will have access to the server.

We recommend you add the following accounts to this list:

o Everyone
o Interactive
o System
o Network
o Guests
o Anonymous
o IWAM_<computer-name> *
o IUSR_<computer-name> *

For each account listed above, set the "Type of Access" property to FULL CONTROL .

* only applicable if IIS (Internet Information Services) will be making/receiving OPC calls.

OPC SERVER Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Security Tab - Default Launch
Permissions Dialog

Add the same accounts as previously stated, configuring each account to receive the ALLOW
setting for the "Launch Permission".

OPC SERVER Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Security Tab - Default
Configuration Permissions Dialog
Again you will add the same accounts as previously stated, this time each account will receive
the FULL CONTROL permission for the "Type of Access".

OPC SERVER Side DCOM Configuration Properties: Default Protocols Tab

Generally speaking, the protocols listed on here are not so important.. but if you have more
than 1 listed, you should ensure TCP/IP is at the top of the list.

Warning: contents of this tutorial are Copyright Software Toolbox, Inc. 2001-2002, and may not be reproduced in electronic or written
form without written permission of Software Toolbox Inc. Anyone found copying copyrighted material from this site for use on another
site will be prosecuted. You are welcome to link to this site from your site. The information in this article is accurate to the best of our
professional judgement at the time of writing but is subject to change

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