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2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Home / My courses / 2020-2021 Spring / Faculty of Business Administration / Aviation Management / AVM 302 Airport Management
/ 4 June - 10 June / AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Started on Thursday, 10 June 2021, 2:33 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 10 June 2021, 3:12 PM
Time taken 39 mins 24 secs
Grade 64.00 out of 100.00

Question 1 The Public Authority decided to transfer the operation

of two Terminal Buildings at The Airport XXX to private
Correct sector. Which type of
concession rights can not be included in the contracts between private sector?

Mark 4.00 out of

4.00 Select one:
a. Restaurants
and Food and Beverages Activities

b. Shops
in the terminal Buildings

c. Medical
Services in the Terminal Building 

d. Air Traffic Control Tower Activities 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Air Traffic Control Tower Activities

Question 2
This question is related to an Aviation Company. In the web site of this company is written; 
……….is to provide an air navigation and airport operation services at
international standards in the aviation sector
Mark 4.00 out of
4.00 leaning on high quality, safe,
human and environment sensitive high technology infrastructure and systems and
qualified labor force. …………. is to be one of the leading companies in the World
with the competitive power
globally on the field of air traffic management and
airport operations.

Select one:
a. Our Mission/   Our Vision 

b. Our Values/  Our Beliefs

c. Our Vision/   Our Mission

d. Our Values/  Our Vision

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Our Mission/   Our Vision 1/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 3 Which factor does not influence the the Cargo

operators’ choice of airport ?


Mark 4.00 out of Select one:

a. Customs
Clearance Times

b. Passenger Services 

c. Night

d. Airport
Road Access

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Passenger Services

Question 4
Public Private Partnership enables to utilize the
private sector sources for Public investments and can  help to
mitigate  the financial burden  over public debt capacity.
Mark 4.00 out of

Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 5
When the airports compete each
other, Because they are under control, the pricing and non aeronautical
and facilities are very easily handle and can be tool for competition.
Mark 0.00 out of

Select one:

False 

The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 6
Considering the competition
for Connecting Traffic, the Hub airports strategies are related to and parallel
with the
Airlines’operating strategies 
based at that Hub. 
Mark 0.00 out of

Select one:

False 

The correct answer is 'True'. 2/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 7
Airports need to
ensure that they meet all the physical airfield infrastructure requirements and
associated technical
capabilities of the airlines they are aiming to attract.
This will include  adequate runway length
and capacity;
Mark 4.00 out of
appropriate air traffic control, instrument landing, lighting
etc.  These phsical facilities will play
a key role in
determining what type of airline is able to use the airport,

Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 8 The
developments like  deregulation, liberalization at the aviation
industry in many parts of the world influenced
Correct the airlines. These impacts have
caused changes on the strategies and business decisions of airlines.  These impacts
Mark 4.00 out of and changes reflected to
Airports business Industry Dynamics and strategies.


Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 9
Air Cargo traffic on routes is not directionally balanced.
While combination flights are confined to the needs of
passengers, freighters
can follow routings based on the needs of shippers.
Mark 4.00 out of

Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

Question 10 The marketing audit

requires airports to conduct an internal and external audit. An internal   audit 
provides a
Correct means for reflecting on the airport’s business environment
and its actual or planned ability to respond to that
Mark 4.00 out of environment.


Select one:

False 

The correct answer is 'False'. 3/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 11
The Airport Authority
at the Airport CCC made a research and they realized that their business aimed
number reduced significantly because of that they accustomed and
learnt to make their business meetings online
Mark 0.00 out of
by video conference.. This number
unrecoverably reduced. This passengers’ behaviour can be called as;

Select one:
a. Threat
of New Entrants 

b. Threat of Substitute

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Threat of Substitute

Question 12 Which one is not one of

the Primary Airports features compared to the secondary Airports?


Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. High frequencies

b. Capacity
constrained(due to physical or political limitations)

c. Higher
airline operating costs due to long taxi times,congestions,higher labour rates 

d. More remote location to the

central city(not always the case),but closer location to some parts of the

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: More remote location to the

central city(not always the case),but closer location to some parts of
metro region

Question 13
Airport is close to Milan City, approximately 40km. far away. In Milan there
are two large airports, Milan
Malpensa and Milan Linate Airports. Flight
operations are  approximately executed by
RyanAir, EasyJet, ( over
Mark 4.00 out of
%80) and other low cost carriers like Pegasus,
WizzAir… The terminal is very small and it provides prime services..
limited non aeronautical services.. The prices and charges are low compared to
the other airports. Which type
of business strategy can be pursued by the

Select one:
a. Cost
Leadership Strategy 

b. Focus/ Niche Strategy

c. Differentiation Strategy

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Cost

Leadership Strategy

Question 14
Airports make Marketing Research to collect
and  publish data as a book to Aviation

Mark 4.00 out of

Select one:

False 

The correct answer is 'False'. 4/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 15 There are some

competitive marketing  for Airports .
Which one is not one of the competitive marketing
Correct environment for Airports ?

Mark 4.00 out of

4.00 Select one:
a. Competition for attracting Helicopter and Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles 

b. Competition with other

modes (Eurostar, TGV)

c. Competition for cargo


d. Competition for serving a shared local market

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Competition for attracting Helicopter and Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles

Question 16
…………….concerns the methods used by companies to deliver their products or
services to target markets; this
includes direct sales, mail order, vending
machines, or selling over the telephone or internet.
Mark 0.00 out of

Select one:
a. Promotion

b. Marketing 

c. Distribution       

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Distribution       

Question 17
XXX Airport in Turkey was losing Money. The Public Authority sold it
with its all assets. The Airport has been
started to operate the Company BBB
with its all assets. Ground Handling Services are provided by Company CCC.
Mark 0.00 out of
Farming has been operated by Company DDD. But Air Navigation Services are
provided by DHMİ ( Public
Authority). Which type of ownership and operation can
be said for this airport?

Select one:
a. Private ownership and commercial focused public
incorporation 

b. Fully
Privatized Airport

c. Public-Private Partnership

d. Local Administration and Operation

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Fully

Privatized Airport 5/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 18
…………. consists of
factors and forces close to the organization that have direct effect on its
ability to serve its
customers and on its marketing strategies. These
consist of the organisation or company itself, suppliers,
Mark 4.00 out of
marketing intermediaries,
customers, competitors and stakeholders.

Select one:
a. Microenvironment 

b. Macroenvironment

c. Internal Environment

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Microenvironment

Question 19 Which one isnot one of the tangible airport products

for passengers?


Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. Checkin
desks and self kiosks

b. Runways

c. Fuel Farming 

d. Firefighting Services

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Checkin

desks and self kiosks

Question 20 In  the Airport

XXX, the passenger traffic handled in one year is approximately 4.000.000.
approximately % 85
Incorrect passenger is international. % 15 is domestic. Of
International passengers, % 90 international passengers are
Mark 0.00 out of transferred by
hotel shuttles organized by tour agents between the airport and Hotels. For the
4.00 passengers, % 95 of domestic passengers are transferred by taxis to
hotels. Which type of the airport can be said
for this airport?

Select one:
a. The airport serving to a holiday region
including holiday towns.

b. The
major airport serving  alarge city which
is a domestic hub

c. The
major airport serving a large and holiday city and close holiday towns (beldeler)

d. The
major airport serving to the metropol city. This airport is a global hub.

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: The airport serving to a holiday region

including holiday towns. 6/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 21 Which one below gives the competitional disadvantage?


Mark 4.00 out of Select one:

a. Slot availability

b. Proximity to city center

c. Long Runway


Night Curfew 

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

Night Curfew

Question 22 If the airport wants to interest connecting Cargo traffic, it must…..


Mark 4.00 out of Select one:

a. it
must provide a product that fits in with the LCC business model, which requires simple, efficient and low cost


offer efficient transhipment facilities. 

c. it
must be able to offer product enhancements such as dedicated VIP lounges and other dedicated facilities that
their passengers desire,

d. they  must possess

the more sophisticated and costly passenger and handling systems needed for this
type of
traffic; likewise

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is:

offer efficient transhipment facilities.

Question 23 The airports and The

Airlines relation is;


Mark 4.00 out of Select one:

a. BTC       

b. BTA

c. BTB        

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: BTB       

Question 24 Considering Competition environment, Which the airport

below has limited or non existence rivalry below?


Mark 4.00 out of Select one:

a. Sabiha
Gökçen Airport

b. Ercan Airport in Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkish 

c. Kütahya
Zafer Airport which is far from 60km. Kütahya, 70 km from Uşak, 80 km. from

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Ercan Airport in Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkish 7/8
4.04.2022 13:30 AVM 302 2020-2021 FINAL EXAM

Question 25 Slot availability is one

of the most important factors for the airport competition. It is easily handle
and this factor
Incorrect is under the control of airport authority.

Mark 0.00 out of

4.00 Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'False'.

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