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"4 Aakash Medical|IIT-JEE| Foundations (Dims aainceraest ceca) Regd. fice : Aakach Tower, &, Pusa Road, Hew Debie110005 Ph: 011-47022458 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNMENT-19 Toples Covered Zoology + Blotechnology-Principles and Processes Choose the correct answer : 1. In restriction endonuclease EcoRI, the letter 'R’ 4. Elution’ is the technique of oe (1) Separating DNA fragments of various sizes (1) The order of isolation of enzyme from the through gel matrix under electric field eed (2) Observing bright orange DNA bends in a stained (2) Strain of the source bacteria gel under UV radiation (3) Genus of the source bacteria (3) Extraction of DNA bands from the gel piece (4) Species of the source bacteria (4) Construction of recombinant DNA by joining 2. Anenzyme isolated from Arthrobacter luteus which NA fragments vith cloning vectors cuts the phosphodiester bonds between 'G' and'C’ 5. The process by which a bacterial cell takes up 2 vues in FRET] oceeme wit DNA fragment from the environment is ses in toga Palindrome wi Gtresaress create (2) Transfection (1) Sticky ends (3) Cloning (2) Cohesive ends (4) Biolistics (3) Blunt ends 6. Consider the following statements < (4) Either (1) oF (3) (@) Normally, E, cof cell does not cary resistance 3. During separation of DNA fragments by gel against any antibiatic electrophoresis, the DNA fragments move towards (©) Gene encoding resistance to chloramphenicol under electric field through the gel matrix ccan be Used a¢ a selectable marker for gene made of cloning experiment in E. coli ‘Select the option which fills both blanks correctly. Select the correct option w.r.t. above statements. (1) Anode, Agarose (1) Only (a)is correct (2) Cathode, Sodium dodecy! sulfate (2) Only (b) is correct (3) Cathode, Agarose (3) Both (a) and (b) are correct (4) Anode, Sodium dodecyl sulfate (6) Both (a) and (b) are incorrect “ Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-18 412 Zoology Assignment-19 rocess of 2 PCR, 7. The insertion of a desired DNA fragment in a vector 12. In the primer extension pi is done normally thermostable DNA Polymerases are used a5 the (1) Within the of site sequence process occurs at 72°C (Way slbquend The common enzyme used in the process is (3). fe) none ol elect mat isolated from (0) In one le lence: mat bn ve oe me _ gene sequences Select the correct option filing both blanks. piers on the plese rancor (1) Methylase, prokaryotic cells ee eee ey eaneot (2) Restriction endonuclease, bacteria cells enzyme fi-galactosidase is used for mass scale () Taq polymerase, Thermus aquaticus production of a product in bacterial host cells. (4) ONA ligase, T, bacteriophage “The host bacteria having the recombinant DNA in 13. Which of the following has ability to transform @ them can be easily selected because normal plant cell info tumour cell by delivering @ (1) They have ability to produce colour in presence EDN into 8? of chromogenic substrate, ‘X-gal (1), Retrovirus cloning vectors (2) They are unable to produce colour due to lack (2) Shuttle vectors of ability to utilize %-gat (8) Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacteria (@ They have insertionally inactivated antibiotic (4) Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) resistance genes 14. Downstream processing of 2 recombinant protein (4) They have active p-galactosidase gene involves all steps except ©. Select the incorrect statement wc. transformation (1) Process of separation of the protein from the of 2 host cell wth recombinant DNA. Gains median (1) Host cou must be made competent of upting @ Purification of the protein obtained from the the DNA es it cannot otherwise pass through oars med cell membrane, being a hydrophilic molecule (3) Formulation of the protein product with suitable (@) Treating the host cells with Ct- ions makes them vee . competent to take up the DNA (4) Mass scale production of the protein in @ @) Incubating the host cells with DNA bioreactor ating the host cells wit on ice i Pee Mcp inca atse"c mates hem 1S Cloning vector which can be used to amplify 2 Sompetens to take up the DNA desired gene in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic = host cells is known as (2) Ca? ions facitate the efficient enty of DNA into 7 host cells through pores in its cell wall (1) Strat w J @) Yeast artificial chromosome 40. Select the correct combination of enzymes used ick for isolation of genome and the respective cell @) Bacterial artificial chromosome (Plant cett (@) Chitinase a “ ee ey eraser ol panies ‘Which of the following is not a vectorless method Fungal cell (©) Celtuiase Groene transer? sm i) Bacterial cell (©) Lysozyme (1) Chemical mediated method of gene transfer 4) (a. (ib, je) Ge, (PB, Gia ) Biolistics @ (v.(i)a, (Je) Ma. de, Gi @) Microinjection 41. The possibilty of formation of religated plasmids (4) ‘Disarmed pathogen’ oan technology can be reduced by the use 17, _Restiction endonuclease hydrolyzes polynudeotide from (1) Only the 5' end (1) Restriction endonuclease @) From either terminal (@) Alkaline phosphatase (@) At any internal phosphodiester bond (@) Terminal transferase (4) A phosphodiester bond with in a specific (4) ONA ligase sequence @ Scanned with CamScanner PPP Pee es. pee HS HL al i j o9orpo ce J e " iE: Zoology Assignment19 113 rank Enhancement Programme for NEET19 ye enzyme 48. Bacteria protect themselves from virus by fragmenting viral ONA upon its entry with (1) Methylase (2) Endonucleases ) Ligases (4) Exonucleases Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly peired with ts use? (1) Restriction enzyme ~ Molecular knives 2) DNA ligase = Enzyme-that cut DNA, creating the sticky end (@) Taq DNA polymerase - Used in a polymerase ‘chain reaction = Production of cDNA from mRNA. 19, (4) Reverse transcriptase The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector became possible with enzyme (1) Ugase 2) Transformation (8) Restriction enzyme (4) Hybridization ‘To be a cloning vector, an artificial plasmid requires (1) An origin of replication 20. 24 2) An aniibiotic resistance marker @) Restriction sites (4) All the these ‘A multiple cloning site (1) Contains many copies of a cloned gene @) Allows flexibility in the choice of restriction enzymes for cloning Allows flexibility in the choice of organism for cloning Contains many copies of the restriction enzymes site of the same enzyme Find the wrong statement. (1) DNA fragments move towards cathode in electrophoresis (2) DNA containing gel can be stained with ethidium bromide (3) Smaller DNA fragments diffuse more rapidly through gel than larger ones (4) Electrophoresis is used to separate different pieces of DNA on the basis of their length Identify the shuttle vector mong following, (1) Hinckit (2) YEP (3) Modified Ti plasmid (4) Both (2) & (3) ° @ 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28, 29. 31 ‘The specific DNA sequence where thi EcoRI cuts is !- GGATCC: 5: GAATTC: ©) §8Gmkees — @) 3-cTTAAGS y-ARGCTT:S! 5: COCGGG-S o SMEERS — & Secccces The processes which include separation and punifcation of products after the completion of the biosynthetic stage come under (1) Upstream processing {2) Downstream processing (3) Quality control testing (4) Both (1) & (2) Biluesntite selection is used (1) Totest for the presence of a plasmid in bacteria {2) To reveal the dentty of a cloned DNA fragment (3) To express the product of acloned gene (4) To test the presence of a cloned insert In a plasmid The PCR is used to (1) Ampity gene of interest (2) Cleave bacteria plasmids (2) Seal sticky ends (4) Identify target plasmids PCR amplification cycle involves, which of the following? (@) Denaturation (0) Annealing (©) DNA polymerization (@) Reaction mixture containing target DNA, primer, thermostable DNA polymerase and dNTPs. © @.8&@) @ @0) ae @) (b). (€) & (@) (4) (@), (0), (6) & () BAC can be used to clone DNA fragments of the size (1) > 1000 kbp (2) 300 - 360 kbp @ 10kbp (4) 150-300 kbp YAC is used to clone DNA fragments of the size (1) 10 kbp @) 45 kbp (1000 kbp (4) 300-350 kbp 8 Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 4 Zoology Astignment-16 82, Choose the mismatch. 38, The given figue i he iagrammatereprevenation (1) Phogemid Bacteriophage and plasmid ofthe Eco vecoy pBR322 hich of these ger (2) Transposons Mobile genetic elements (2) Shuttle vector Yeast epicomal plasmids (4) Tiplasmid = Agrobacterium dhizogonos 33. Vector, vic differentiates recombinants from non recombinants on the basis of their ability to produce colour in the presence of a chromogenic substrate, (1) pBR22 @) pucte Putt @) Ti plasmia (1) On (2) amp & tet" (4) YAC - vector @) 10 (4) Allof these 34. Which of the following has been Incorrectly 38. Match the column-| with column-lI and select the matched? correct option from the codes given below (1) Ligase = Molecular gum Column | Column I (2) galactosidase — Encoded by lac Y gene a. Exonuclease () Stable even above (8) Restricion = Molecular knives. seal endonuctease b. Alkaline phosphatase (i) Removes (4) Celluiase ~ Plant cell wall digester mnucleatides from 35. Which of the following is used as vector for cloning ends of ONA strands genes into animal cells? cc. Tag DNA polymerase (ii) Remove phosphate (1) Cosmia : from 5 end errno 4. Terminal transferases (v) bn Poly AA ond @) Ti- plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens blunt ends sticky (4) Mycobacterium (1) aid, bov), ef, iy 36. Which of the following is incorrect statement 2) ati, ii), ef), ov) regarding DNA polymerase used in PCR? @) a(), bai, in, ev) (1) Itis thermostable (4) aii, bv), (i, i) 2) tis tag-polymerase isolated from Thermus 40. 5'GAATTC’, is the recognition sequence and aquaticus bacteria Cleavage site for which of the following enzyme? (@) Taq polymerase polymerises DNA at 50-60°C (1) Aus 2) EcoRI in PCR (3) Bam 4 (4) Hing (4) The DNA polymerase can only add new 41. Which of the following is not correct statement nucleotides to the 3'-OH end of strand ‘about the plasmids? 37. In genetic engineering, lac-Z genes are used as (1) Its the extra chromosomal DNA in bacteria (1) Cloning sites (2) tis an integral part but inert genetic material (2) Selectable marker @ i \cvomesoe can be integrated with a (8) Palindromic site (4) Transfer of plasmid can be done from one cell (4) Both (1) & (2) to another and make several copies of itself Ol Scanned with CamScanner SSSISPPL IPL LPL AL PM RPA SAF Juj_J o9nonnnann AAR AHOKRHOHD OOOOKOKOHUHHGVUOKVKH¥H94KH4VVT TT HEY He ~ eh ~~ Zoology Assignment-19 15 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 42, The figure below show tivee steps (A, B &.C) of 46. Here are the recognition sites of restriction polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Select the option ‘enzymes giving correct identification together with what it | represents? (a BamHi = GGATCC Aegon ttn enliet co TAGS So SEES Eee ors | Yrest “ (o) EcoRI GAATTC TTT at 1 CTTAAG CTTT TT BESTT” panes ii pone tren (9 smal cccless SSSI seq,cce a « |, SESE er. * 4 7 Gree (@ Scal AGTYACT ‘TESST | sates, TCA,TGA e=eeeeee | t Which of these enzymes will create (1) B — denaturation at a temperature of about complementary sticky end? 94°C separating the two DNA strands and id then, primer annealing at 60°C (1) (@) and (©) 2) (6) and (@) (3) (@) and (b) (4) (e)and (2) QA -semsuraon ‘at a temperature of about 47. Agyobacterum tumefaciens is an effective vector for gene transfer in (3) C — extension in the presence of heat labile (1) Com. (2) Rive DNA polymerase (3) Wheat (@) Soyabean (4) A—annealing with two sets of primers 48, Blunt ends are created by Smal but not EooR, Enzymes ‘such as Eo0R! are favoured since they produce 43, In gel electrophoresis, macromolecules are separated from each other on the basis oftheir (1) Cohesive ends (2) Flush ends (3) Staggered ends (4) Both (1) & (3) (1) Char (1) Charge only (2) Size only 49, The enzyme Hind I! recognises a six base pair (@) Charge to size ratio (4) All of these palindrome. The alphabets ‘in’ in Hind 1! refer to 44, Which of the following is required for biolstics (1) Indicus @) Infuenzae method of gene transfer? (3) Indica (4) Both (1) & (3) (1) PEG 50. Read the given siatements and mark the correct option i. (@) Nearly 900 restriction enzymes have been (2) High velocity microparticle of gold or tungstun - Apel High veloiy extart tom 20 roca ar yotes @) Micropipettes (b) Methylase enzyme adds methyl group to Vector phage DNA when they infect bacterial cells (@) Restction endonucleases are called molecular 45, Polymerase chain reaction is considered a8 @ ‘scissors ae oe rT fathead (@) Both alien DNA and its carrer vector need to sons, except be cigested with same RE (1) enables an unlimited production of a DNA ‘en fragment ia viro aoe le 2) tis a highly sensitive technology mT FT F {@) ts experimental protocol is simple @F TT F (4) tt enables the direct production of a synthetic @F FT T gene that did not exist before @T TF OT aaa @ Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 Zoology Assignment-19 116 @ 8) (1) @ a) 3 @ 2 (2) 3) @) Aakash Medical] IIT-JEE| Foundations (Ghisens ot Aakash Eauzatonl Seraces Pv. Lis) Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005, Ph: 011-47623456 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNMENT-19 20. @) @) @) (ty (2) (1) Answers 2. (1) 4.) 2 (1) 32. (4) 2. 4) 3) 24. (4) 4 (2) 25. (4) 35. (2) 2%. @ 36. (3) 27. @ 37. @) 28. (1) 38. @) 29. (4) 39. (2) 30. (4) 40. @) oaa 41 42, 43, 45, 46. a7, 48, 49, Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 (2) a @ 2 @) ® (4) @) @) @) © Scanned with CamScanner PPPPHPHHTFE POOP NN HP TPP PNM PHA: O99 » © VOOM Peg ~~ NS “sD Sy sp fe dda > >> = = =e =e 47 CODE-A Aakash_ Medical|IIT-JEE| Foundations (Ovens Aas ecto Sve Po LE) ‘Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Dethint10005 Ph. 011-47623456 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNIMENT-20 Topies Covered Zoology 1 Biotechnology Principles and Processes Choose the correct answer : 1. Match the following (1) Selectable markers (2) Blunt ends (3) Origin of replication (4) Sticky ends Column | Column tt a. Restriction () Plasmid 3, Consider two statements regarding ‘gel trophoresis! ‘endonuclease cone (). Itis process of separation of fragments of b. Autonomously (i Exonuclease DNA, based on charge in agarose gel matrix, replicating extra con application of electric field chromosomal DNA ji) Ethidium Bromide is the compound used to slain DNA to visualize it under visible light c. Enzymes that (i) Hind It Choose the correct option regarding above removes nucleotides Garant! from ends of DNA (1), Statement (i) and (i) are incorrect d. Sequence of base —(v) Palindrome (2) Statement (i) is comect and (i) is incorrect pair in DNA that 3) Statement (ji) is correct and (i) is incorrect reads same on two (4) Both statements (i) and (ji) are correct strands from 5° > 3! 4, Read the following (2) Origin of replication (0) Selectable marker as antibiotic resistance or 3' + §' direction (1) afi, bea, et, ov) (2) afi), bei), efi), iv) oe (©) Recognition site for restriction endonucleases (3) ativ), Bi), ef), Af) (@) Selectable marker as Lac Z gene (4) ati), BG), eli). div) Which of the above is/are the feature(s) desirable 2. When two DNAs molecules are cut by EcoRI, for a vector to be used in DNA recombination resultant DNA fragments will have same kind of techniques if selection is to be less cumbersome? ‘hich can be joined together to combine both ves See eee M @,0).)&@ 2 M&@ @ M8 @ @.©&@ “ Scanned with CamScanner 418 Zoology Assignment-20 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-18 5. Which ofthe following is a correct match between 9. temperature listed & corresponding steps of PCR being run to amplify a gene from source DNA in 28 cycles? Temperature (°C) Step type Cycle number () &0 denaturation 7 @ 72 ‘annealing 4 os annealing 2 (4) 95" extension % DNA precipitates out after the addition of during recombinant DNA technology. (1) Chitinase (2) Taq polymerase (3) Chilled ethanol (4) -Galactosidase Which one of the following is not the method to introduce alien DNA into the host cells? (1), Mictosinjection 2) Treatment & host cell with CaCl, (@) Disarmed pathogen vectors (4) Biolistics Match the following Column | a Aradiolabelled probe () of either ssDNA or ssRNA is employed 10 1. Column It Thermus aquaticus b. Itisavectorto (i) Gel electrophoresis introduce functional ADA cDNA into lymphocytes of patient cc. Inthis, DNA fragments move towards the ‘anode under the electric field d. Source of DNA polymerase used jin PCR (1) ati, Xv), ef), 6A) (2) af, BED, efi), div) (2) ali), Bl, efi), Ativ) (4) ativ), Gli, eC), i) (ii) Autoradiography (w) Retroviruses 12. Consider following statements @ InPCR, fresh tag polymerase is added into the thermocycler after every cycle (i) When recombinant ONA is inserted within the coding sequence of an enzyme, D- galactosidase, leading to its insertional inactivation Choose correct option regarding above statements (1) Statement (i) is correct and (i) is incorrect (2) Statement (i) is incorrect and (i) is correct (3) Both (i) and (i) statements are correct (4) Both (i) and (ii) statements are incorrect Which ofthe following is correctly matched? (1) DNA ligase - Molecular scissors (2) Salmonella iyphimurium - Bt toxin (Q) Agrobacterium tumefaciens - shuttle vector (4) Hind 11- the second-restriction enzyme to be discovered. Read following four statements (2-4) (e) Molecular sealpels always cut DNA molecule at a particular point by recognising 2 specific palindromic nucleotide sequence. (b) Ethicium bromide is the stain used to dye ONA strands orange that are visible only under vvisual spectrum (©) Disarmed pathogens are also used as vectors in transfer of recombinant DNA into the host cell (@ Plasmid is autonomously replicating circular ‘extra chromosomal RNA Identify the two statements having mistakes? (1) Statement (a) & (c) (2 Statement (b) & (4) (3) Statement (a) & (4) (4) Statement (b) & (c) A student wishes to isolate DNA from Rhizopus. Which enzyme is he likely to use? (1) Lysozyme Q) Cellulase (8) Isomerase @ YPNONNRTAONM NN HANA, € 6 ° ne aN Scanned with CamScanner @ 3 . > ° J J ° ° 3 2 6 M4, 16. 17, 18. SSlited-tank bioreactors have been designed for ay 0? a, Obtaining tow biomaas Polymerase chain reaction Providing oven distibution of O, and other contents of vessel (4) Increase! rat of dawnstieam processing PIR 922 vector of Ecol! haa many genes and. fllon which make desirable as vector for DNA recombinant technology. In which of the following ‘option 18 the location of restriction enzyme site cortactly matched? (1) Pst 1 Totracyclino resistanco gana 2) Pu it~ Rop gene (3) Bom H1- Ampiailin resistance gone (A) Sat 1 Totracyctino geno, Elficloncy of entry of alion DNA Into E.coll Is fociitatedimade possible by (1) Troatment of cot colts with divalent cations, (2) Providing hoat shack at 42°C (3) Providing cold shock at 14°C (A). Providing Increased hoot shock at 95°C Primer used in PGR Is chomicaly synthasised (1) Polypeptide (2) Oligo nucleotido (@) Phosphotipid (4) Polysaccharide Tho correct rolo of DNA ligase Is exemplified by “) Formation of hydrogen bonds betwoon ‘complementary strands of DNA Formation of phosphooster bond on single strand of DNA only Formation of phosphodiester bond on both strands of DNA All of these ) @) (4) Ifa foreign geno is insorted at BamH! site of pBRI2 of E.coli, the recombinants will survive in. a medium rich in __ and die in presence of (1) Ampicilin ; tetracyetine respectively {Q) Tetracycline ; chloramphenicol respectively (8) Kanamycin ; chloramphenicol respectively (4) Tetracycline ; ampicilin respectively 19 20, 24 22, 23, 410 Rank Enhancoment Programmo for NEET-18 __Rank Enhancomant Programme Ce In which one of the following technique, plant cell is bombarded with microparticles of gold or lungaten coated with (DNA to transform the host cell? (1) Microinjection 2) Biolistieégene gun (@) RNAI (4) Spooting Gactorial plasmid used as vector in fONA tachnology is (1) Chromosomal ‘autonomously Satellite chromosome with 2° constriction ssRNA Extra chromosomal DNA that can replicate autonomously DNA polymerisation always requires primers to get Wt started. Primer is (1) Polypeptide that are complementary to the regions of DNA (2) Phospholipid (3) DNA polymerase enzyme (4) Oligonucleotides synthesized chemically that ‘are complementary to the regions of ONA DNA Is Isolated from bacterial cells by using the enzyme (1) Cellulase ) Chitinase DNA that replicates 2) @ « (3) Lysozyme (4) Ligase. Choose Incorrect match (1) oF - origin of replication 2) mop - it codes for the protein involved in replication of plasmid @) Salt = Selectable marker on the plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium Restriction site on pBR322 (4) EcoRI site — 8) Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-B Zoslogy Asignment.20 724, Which ofthe flowing can be used asa cloning vector in edaryeie anal eel? (1) Plas 2 Disomed Retroviuses (0) Phagemid (@) Bacteriophage 25. Consider he following fig regarsng PCR . NA palmate 4 (3) Extension STEELE * we ° + siti, soopdes CIOOTITTTIE pnpites SCOOT Con mes) Inst (6 (aed cooee Be comet orfon (1) ac temperate = Deoryruceoides €-ONA gate @ a-wwoec b= Pome = Deoxyructatses © 4~Chited earch, = DNA igace = Deoxneaties (@) a Restriction endonucease b= Primers = Heat 2. * Which ofthe following option is not true for saRsza? (1) W possesses gone for etracyeine resistance (2) It shows eset sites Bam HI end Sal! (9) tis cloning vector of: eo! (4) thas ro recogrion ste for resicton enzyme ie In ROT ehtled ethanol is used for precitation of fatowng eompour () NA @ FMA ©) Protons @ Upids During gel electrophoresis, ONA strands are Sained bright orange by using one chemical Compound known 35, (1) Methylene tue (©) Cemium wroxide Discovery of molecular scissors isthe most Important discovery bat les othe development (recombinant ONA technology. Term melecslor ‘8550 ress 12 (9) ONA gaze (2) DNA polymerase (@) Reston endonuciease (4) Reverse transcriptase “Tq polymerase enzyme used in DNA technleay Isextactes tom (1) Saccharomyces coreuision 2) Mainyephis (© Thermus equations (6 Saimonetatyphimurir In Get electrophoresis, DNA fragments are ‘separate as pes thet (1) Speedot movement (2) Charge @) Ske (4) Thymin richness [GAATTC is recognition sequence for restriction endonuclease {land it eu nucleotide chain between (il caring nuctectses. Complete the sentence. @) EosnY (4) Ethidium bromide (1 Obi @ osat ast @tac © MCRL @ @BemHt won @rac ~ 4 SISIIILIIILI TE | Tttitddd opp 4 © : 5 3. treteton enonsns yne ca vay ttom cane of pelodome se Trew wathessecaial (0 Blaterds——) Otgnote ©) Sey ents) Secale In pest esta, la wich one of 1 aed a ves ood na see vi he foe plt™ (0 Revove (2) Prem vec (p02 © Ee (6) Aarbacertn veces Sherine tonnes mbar (1) Soman proceing (2) Terfomaton bacneute (0) apcten Choose nconect sateen (1 Accbctrtu uniac hes a ‘pled oat cel at con see 2) ONA is hyoptcbie ate (9) Ampcinreestance genes incase pORa2 (6) Yan poyrerase can ber High Ud dg POR a temo Corer he ftong (o) Peis 0) Osan (© Pete om ow many the above can cm {bom ct ing NA etc (0) Ove @ Ww (Tree (@ For insti tik boractor the st desnresto (Poy the produts ring processing ©) Ae preeaatves toe po €) Ensure evainity of 0, 1 borer a. (4) Prepare he ONA oy Scanned with CamScanner OED weouvevew wwe ewe re wwowervevrvvvvvdwvwe 424 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-18 Zoology Assignmont-20 33, 385, It restriction endonuclease enzyme cuts the dsONA away {rom centre of palindromic sequence, it produces ssONA stretches at both the cut ends. ‘Those strotches are called (1) Blunt ends (@) Origin of replication (@) Sticky ends (@) Selectable marker In pest resistant, plant which one of the following is used as a vector to iniroduce nematode speciic gene into the host plant? (1) Retrovius (2) Plasmid vector (pBR-322) @) & col (4) Agrobacterium vectors Process of separation and purification of products alter their biosynthesis in bioreactor is. (1) Downstream processing 39. 40. Restriction endonuclease enzyme Hind I has been isolated from (1) Agrobacterium tumifaciens (2) Haemophilus influenzae (9) Yersinia Postis (@) E.coli Choose the palindromic sequence (1) 5 —GAATTC — 3° 3 —CTTAAG — 5) @) S—GTTTAA—3 —CAAATT— 5° (@) 5'—ATATGAC — 3° —TATACTG — 5) (4) 5'— GAAAAC — 3 g—criTT6—§ (2) Transformation 41. Sampling ports of bioreactors help to 3) Batch culture (1) Withdraw small volumes of culture periodically (4) Ampitication (2) Purify the products of recombinant DNA 36. Choose Incorrect statement technology (1) Agrobacterium tumifaciens has ability to deliver (3) Distribute the products in the market ‘Ti plasmid fo plant cell that can carry desirable (4) Preserve the products by adding specific gene preservative 2) DNAis hydrophobic in nature 42, What type of enzymes remove the nucleotides (8) Ampicilin resistance gene is selectable marker from theveod oF ENA? in case of pBR322 (1) Exonucleases (2) Endonucleases (4) Taq polymerase can bear high temperature (@) Ligases (4) Polymerases used during PCR as itis thermostable 43, Gene encoding antibiotic resistance can act like 37. Consider the following selectable marker. In pBR322 which one of the following antibiotic can be used to differentiate (@) Plasmid (0) Disarmed pathogen transformant from non-transformant? (©) Probe (@ Yac (1) Ampicitin (2) Tetracyctin How many of the above can cary desirable gene @) Chloramphenicol (4) Both (1) & (2) {0 host cell during rDNA technology? 44. Agarose gel used in gel-electrophoresis is (1) One @) Two exiracted from a @) Tree (4) Four (1) Bacteria 2) Fungus 38. In stirred tank bioreactor the stirrer has been (3) Animal (4) Seaweed designed to 45, Microinjection is the technique used for (1) Purify the products during downstream (1) Developing dsDNA from ssONA, processing (2) Downstream processing (2) Add preservatives to the products {@) Isolating DNA from cell (8) Ensure availability of O, throughout the (4) Introd i psc 2 (4) Introducing alien DNA into host cell (4) Prepare the rDNA © Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme fr NEET:8 Zooloay Aesonmen J cont @ Aakash MedicalllIT-TEE|Foundations soy. ome na Tome 8 Puen Ret Hew SNV110005 wn onarenaese Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNIMENT-20 Lo no angers aw 20 2 no a ao 2 0 ao nw nw no a 2 20 no 2 oe a0 5 0 “6 ao 20 a0 so so ue ao ao 2 @ % @ 2 @ ao ao a me aw Par “© 2 @ 2 0) 2. 8 @ 4) EPPS ddIIIIIS IIIT = / Rank Enhance 200! ‘Topics Covered Zocloay ‘Botechnolay Conse he following sates (0) Bone marrow wansplarta (0) Eneyme replacement he deaminase is given tothe (Gene producing ADA is cal at early embry ‘hich ofthe above can bet ADA cefceney? (1) ony @baec @ cony (@) Alcan be used or pee (Choose the correct match (1) Biogracy ~ Using bir biological ents wi ‘competent authorives 0 (@ Boopatent- Set stander vse of some DiIoa (evelopment bythe (9) Bioethics ~ Th right te (4) Bicwar ~ Competton| forthe beneft of ener Inhuman beings esis ‘wih Spepies chains. On maturation of insulin. Statements and choose t (1) Haman ins rok by using plasmids of Scanned with CamScanner “a 41 a 46 a a 0 ” “ “ ® “ vated F ad LS. fm) PEoS§ Po ood 123 ® [cote | Aakash _an&wss_ Medical] IIT-JEE| Foundations (Dvtondisenttend Soves PU) Regd. Ofice : Aakash Tower, 8, Puss Road, New Dale 110008 ph on1-47629486 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNMENT-21 Topics Covered Zoology Biotechnology-Prnciples and Its Application (@) C-peptide is not present in mature insulin (@) A and B peptides produced in the bacterium fare pined by peptide Bonds to form functional Consider the folowing staternents (@) Bone marcow transplantation (6) Enzyme replacement therapy where adenosine ‘deaminase is given to the patient by injection insain {€) Gene producing ADA is introduced into the (4) Number of cisulghide bonds in mature insulin is thee cals at early embryonic stages Which ofthe above can be the permanent cure for 4, Which one ofthe following is ene human protein prepated in transgenic animal named ‘Tracy’ to ADA deficiency? (1 aony treat respiratory system disorder, emphysema? @ bac (1) aactalbumin ——@) a-t-antitrypsin (@) P-galactosidase (4) Taq polymerase @) cconly (@) Allcan be used for permanent cure ‘5. Insecticidal proteins produced by 8. thuringiensis: {do not harm the bacteria but kills some insect Choose the correet match eee ee ee pests, Choose the option that is not the reason ere ew why bacteria producing it is saved but pest logical entities without the permission of Suing the protein ces. competent authorities or organisations (2) Biopatent - Set standards used to regulate the (1) Acidic pH of pest gut activates the toxin tse of some biclogical products or their {@) Inbactria toxin is produced as crystals which evelopment by the organisations are inactive (@) Bioethics ~ The right to use biological enites. {@) Itkils the pest as crystals get solubilised in (4) Biowar ~ Competition to use biological entities the migut of the pest {or the benefit of other counties. (4) Bacteria produces inactive protoxins In human beings insuin is procuced as prohormen® gt Bringal is an example of transgenic crop that ieee epre reer beech et eenetereete ee sae a Cree Car tain arn nda he ti cry apa ce a tater (1) Human insulin is produced by DNA technology (1) Ghotechnotogy @) Becatowteat thotnttenda Et (Sachs urd Bt carte Scanned with CamScanner tt 10. Enhancement rogram NET 7. Ingenetic engineering tha tem Probe is used or (1) sumping genes ) Radeactively labetied e2DtUA molecte ©) Primer used in PCR (©) DNA template formed ater denaturation of ‘ssDNA Choose te diseases for which wanegenie models hhave boon prepares to study the eect of new tweatments on civeaced man (@) Cystic ivosis (>) Cancer (6) Rheumatoid artis ee Bae. @ Mee 4 (0), @) & (6) “Tobacco plant resistant 19 nematodes has been veloped by the invoducion of DNA that produced (1) Aparteuar hormone (2) Aminactive protein (©) Bath sense and antisense RNA interfering the IRINA tunetonng of the nematode @) A toxic protein Hiren is obtained trom wansgenc pons ike (1 Brassica nopus 2) Hibiecus rasa (®) Raphanus sativus —(&) Vinea o0ea “The transgenic plant Flavr savr tomato caries @ transgene fo (1) Pest resistance Blocking the expression of 2 native tomato ‘gene that causes delayed ripening (©) Proseetion of ant-coaguant (4) Vitamin production 14 16. 16. sniogy hevgnaanh2§ choose the corect option. (1) ati, ein, cy). bi, hy (2) ax, ea.) 4), 1. Which ofthe falling tet tanagenis 7m that preduetes human gactbin wtoctftarin wth os rile (1) Rosie @ Troop ©) Doty (6) ty Choose the correctly matched cangenent of cr Of the meet widely Wood plaenid of Ecol th ts ecztgion (1) Hindi sed EcoR- Rocenption ste or tess restriction endonuclease are at origin of replication (2) 9) - Cotes tr pahcin ivches i epition tthe plasmid @) Patt and Pru | - Rscoqnition ves for these festiction endonucieave at the gene earings tetracycline resistance (8) Pwr tl - Recegnition ee fr tis preconta he {gene shoving ampcilin resistance. Choose the incorrect set of process and its decerpion (1) ELISA ~ I's bazod on principle of antigen- ‘anbbody interaction (2) PCR Used to detect HIV in AIDS pstionts (2) RNA Method used for calor doteron ty lh prokarytic and eukaryote organisms (@) Transgenic animal ~ Animal carying come extra foreign gone Mark the protein produced inthe mil of raneaenic ‘eat used forthe Leatment of emphysema r » DEITIES ~~ ~» a | Yerba bastpewet 4 Me oh ta tony aad ton Sn tsa hen 6) botayo wpsenig D Simpeee Sty 00 w1e Wh (0 totam Wy Wit ton Macs nantes deta ott Pececghoea tani (1) Braazee 1 200 109 0) Neoptera sien (9 Weser0n 1 9 won (6) Weert trans express iin maine trary sand i peat bps In ce A 9 potent 9 ocr bray ets goretessy ext tne I Cre d pn b09 5) 8 (8) resexeh A EAN © Lyre tate () Cophtcaschrtieets (6) Furetenah 1B tocen wmebiea he ti ten gree gene vas than waretert ‘inte havin wath Cates (9) Hirsi ace a Brassica napus 12. Coton tots ae (9) Apa anyon oF 8 ee ct (1 Lepicpterans——_@) Caleotrans © Laxtserin PO | 4 cone preaueing @) Dpterars (@ Hymenoptera (©) Apa actin we veces 18. dh cote. ate el OLS lex wrote w co cotmn 18 natn caret bo sytneszed ty odueng |. [ Corny wy oe inner normal human gene ia bacteria because 7p | (9 eeretorcy teflon tovorm (0) Normal tuman gees are spt genes they do | pg |) Barer > cy (0 Gone oereade nak express tiemselves in bacaria [OY 26 tres rm east Can tease ©) Prokaytic genes are notable to remove : [OP eerste & eyts on cere ©) hin camette aseniesino natvetem |g | 2 |) serra tee toe com borer (4) All of these y Le totam of ton vars @ oes oly els 2 i Scanned with CamScanner 428 < = a 125 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET19 Jogy Assignment21 ed we sgeni cow that sumin with y 7 mmponent of ne of Ecol with its sites for these re at origin of ed in replication sites for these gene showing present atthe scess and its Ye of antigen- 0S patients defense by all isms arrying some of transgenic ysema introducing nes they do a to remove nature form daadededeede Test LS i) tdad rnp Jae TIRE d Zoology Assignment-2t 18. Which of the following statement is correct wrt Flavr Savr variety of tomato? (1) Delayed softening (@) Superior taste and increased total soluble solids (8) Delayed ageing () Allot these 20. Mark the incorrect statement wt, west African plant Pentadiplandre brazzeana (1) Brazzein is 2000 times sweeter than sugar (2) High calorie sweetner (@) Brazzein isa protein (4) Introduction of brazzein gene into maize end to ‘express it in maize kernel in USA was seriously objected by counties exporting forge quantities of sugar 21. In case of a patient suffering from adenosine deaminase deficiency requies periodic infusion of genetically engineered lymphocytes during the course of gene therapy because (1) Functional ADA (cONA)is deleted after sometime (2) Lymphocytes have definite ie span (9) Depletion of nutrients (4) Funetional ADA become non-functional after sometime 22. The protein hirudin prevents blood clotting and its ‘gene was then transferred into Brassica napus, where hirudin accumulates in seeds. The gene is cbtained from (1) Hiradinaria (common leech) 2) Brassica napus () The gene encoding hirudin was chemically synthesised (4) Gene producing heparin which was transformed. 23, A set of standards used to requlate own or ‘community activity in relation to biological world is. (1) Biopatency (2) Biopiracy @) Blowar (4) Bioethics 24. Toxins from Baeilus thuringiensis upon ingestion by susceptible insects are converted into active form and kill them by (1) Stopping their digestion and absorption (2) Inhibition of ion transport in the midgut 2 2. 28 30, 34 {@) Damaging their chromosomes (4) Changing them to mutagenic form IN gene’ for nitrogen fixation in cereal crops like Wheat, jowar ete. is introduced by cloning (1) Rhizobium mettiot! (@) Bacitus thuringiensis (@) Rhizopus (4) Rhizophora Which ofthe following is used in RNA interference sliencing the mRNA of nematode infecting a plant? (1) &50NA (@) ss0NA (dsRNA (@) ssRNA “The first rnegenic primate acclaimed is (1) Daly (2) Rosie (3) Chase (4) ANDI ‘One of the following transgenic animal is now 2 days used for vaccine safely testing (1) Monkeys: @) Pigs @) Mice () Goat Eli Lily company (USA) developed Ist commercial recombinant product. I is named 2s (1) Human growth hormones (2) Tissue plasminogen activator (3) Hurtin (4) Anti haemophilic human factor Scientists discovered immunological agents against viruses and develop them by DNA recombinant technology. These glycoproteins are (1) Interferons (2) Intereukons, () Platelet derived factor (4) Tissue plasminogen activator ry | Ab genes in BT cotton are used to produce toxins against| (1) Boll worms (2 Com borer @ Mosquito (All Beetles (Meloidogyne incognita is a nematode which causes (1) Ctrus canker @) Earcockle of wheat @ Root knot of tomato (4) Sugar rot of sugar-cane FH ° Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 Zoology Aewanment21 33. Genetic engineering has ton used to do alo the faliowng except (1) Make plants more estan to fost {@) Make plants mere resistant to aecases 2) prove the nurtonal talon of pants () Allof these ve coneet 34, Transgenic bacteria hava beon developed end oro sed fr achieving all the flioning except (1) Production of inguin {@) Preduetion of human growth hormene (2) Clearing ot seks in oceans (4) To est he safety of polio vaccine 35, Which of the folowing statomant is true about \eveloning cONA? (1) Mature mRNA arets the formation of ONA (@) Mature mRNA does not contain introns {@) DNA token trom the nucleus Is used to produce the cDNA (4) Bown (1) 8 (2) are tue 38, Adenosine deaminase enzyme deficiency wil ead toa decease sco @ sans ©) Cystic ivcosis (4) Masts 237. The Indian Government has set up rgonisations to make decisions regarding the validity of GM ‘esearch and the safety of introducing GM ‘organisms for pubic services. This organisation is () FOR @ GEAC © EPA ( EFo ‘38, Which ofthe flloning vector has been used for introducing nematode-speciic genes in Infected 40 a 2, 2 Preoins wih therapexme ond dus valve have tboon prostcod In tho nik of trnegenic wheers ‘Theo sheops a0 (1) Poly and oily (2) Poly and Moly (9) Poly, Moly and Tracy (4) Molly on Dally Golden reo is a vary le in (1) Biatin 2) (rearotone and fort @) Viomin 8, (4) Viamin By Whi ofthe flowing statement is Incorrect? (1) Tranagonie ruin Is obtained from Brassica opus 2) Natural gonotie engineer ts Agrobactorium ‘umofocions {@) A “giant mouse’ In the laboratory can be proceed by gene dupieation (4) Recombinant ONA technology Is used to produce Interferons drug used in concer ‘wesiment Blopatents are awarded forthe following (1) Cattnes 2) String of mieoerganisms @) DNA soquonces @ Alertnese toga and vnlawiul development of biomaterials without payment to concerned authority or ‘organisation Is called roeng en ()Besiey 2) Sete ann 1) Bence) Beet @ Reet Amn (0 Omethepy honing omy 39. Which of the following protein has been produced eran eae ‘but not commercialized in the milk of transgenic (8) Enzyme replacement therapy ec due ony) Baza) 0) testa se. Trop me care wed tives ee noyhines Sees eee (9 Optetieds@) Carona pet ©) Pao to Atotbese @ | d e Jddssed idl dded b ops }@ ley Aegon jenerena IE 47. Wich ofthe taloung oy Frten wn coma ( Cyay a © cyte cy Which ofthe fotowng eo produced by recombinant Stag won Pelt (0 totes ) Peet comes out () Steoknese (0 ietoons Scanned with CamScanner -vTwwvrvwwewewevse VHHVUOUUHHESseesbeoe ee Zoology Assignment-2 127 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 47. Which of the following cry gene codes for the Protein which control the corn borer? (1) Cry AB 2) Cry Ab @ CrytAc (4) Cry Ac 48, Which of the following compound has been produced by recombinant DNA technology for stimulating wound healing? (1) Interteukins (2) Platelet derived growth factor @) Streptokinase (4) Interferons 49, ‘Abnormal gene is replaced by normal gene through (1), Cloning (@) Radiation (@) Gene therapy (4) Recambinant technology ‘The Indian Goverment has set up organisations to make decisions regarding the validity of GM research and the safety of introducing GM ‘organisms for public services. This organisation is, 2) GEAC (4) EFB (1) FDA (3) EPA a 6) Scanned with CamScanner Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 Zoology Assignment-21 128 @ Aakash Medical] IIT-JEE| Foundations (Dvisons ot Aatash Euesorl Series Pa Lid) Regd, Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.: 011-47623456 ZOOLOGY ASSIGNMENT-21 Rank Enhancement Programme for NEET-19 Answers 1 @ 1. @ 2. @) 3. @ a. @ 2 4) 2 2 8) 2. 3) 2 @) 2 @ 13) 2. (4) 33. (4) a. 4) 4 @ 14 (1) 24. @ 34. (a) 44.) 5 tt) 8 @ 25. (1) 35. 45. (1) eo 16 3) 2% (3) 38 (t) 46.) 2 @ 17. (4) 27. (4) 37. (2) 47. (2) 8 (4) 18. (4) 28. (3) 38. (3) 48. (2) 2 @ 19. (4) 29. (3) 38. (3) 49. (3) 10. (1) 20. (2) 30. (1) 40. (3) 50. (2) ooaa Cy Scanned with CamScanner ARHHAHRHHHEHODOADODNANDHLHHONHOAONHHHTAONNN PHP

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