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BJTC 2033



05 NOVEMBER 2022



Kampung Chegar is a village located in Jitra, in the state of Kedah Darul Aman, which is the

northernmost state in Malaysia, and which borders the country of Thailand in the northeast,

and borders the state of Perak in the southeast, Penang in the southwest and Perlis in the


Kampung chegar is also surrounded by very large rice fields. Kampung Chegar has a small

community of 300 to 600 people who live in the village.

There is a primary school and a mosque near the village, which is Sekolah Kebangsaan

Kampung Chegar and Masjid Sultan Muhyiddin Mansor Kariah Jerami.


Social service-based learning or better known as 'service learning is a learning and teaching
method based on social service to the community (Ibrahim et al, 2014). This method has
already been used in several countries such as America, Canada, Australia, and so on to
ensure that their learning practices can have an impact on the community. 'Service Learning'
also the involvement of many parties such as the community, university students, etc. which
is an aspect of learning and teaching practices. Usually, the main subject that drives social
service is community involvement with students (Charles, 2013).

If we can see through the 'service learning' that has been carried out in Kampung
Ghegar Tunjang, Jitra Kedah, it encourages more volunteer activities that give exposure to
students about the social services that are carried out. This is because, this exposure has had a
positive impact on the experience and learning of students on how to communicate with the
villagers and also be able to know a little about the experiences and lives of the villagers.
Through service learning, the program that has been carried out is by giving awareness about
electronic waste to the villagers. It can enlighten and open the minds of the villagers about
the importance of taking care of electronic waste. This is because the widespread disposal of
electronic waste can have a negative impact on society. Even with the disposal, it can be
recycled to make a product that can be used according to the creativity and innovation of the

So, it can be concluded that the ‘service learning program is beneficial to all
communities, both village residents and university students. This is because, this kind of
program, can strengthen unity and establish close relationships in addition to being able to
learn about the culture and way of life of the village community. Furthermore, it can
indirectly give exposure and awareness to the village community about the importance of
electronic waste.


Malaysia is a country that produces a very high amount of solid waste. This is said to
be so because, it can be proven through the Ministry of Housing and Local Government
(KPKT), which states that the statistics of garbage production in Malaysia is quite high.
Estimated as much as 0.8 kilograms of solid waste if calculated on average. The production
of this food waste is one of the highest wastes recorded in the production of waste. Every day
there is an increase of 4000 metric tons of wasted food in the restaurant industry and also
untouched food in the hotel industry. Because of this, there is an effect that harms the
community, which is that landfill sites are decreasing.

A landfill is an area created by companies to collect, categorize and recycle waste.

When the area is filled with piles of garbage as a result of the increase in solid waste there is
no limit because day by day the garbage disposal waste is increasing and getting fuller and is
no longer able to accommodate the solid waste that the country produces every day. The
disposal works were also interrupted because there was too much solid waste that was not
disposed of on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. As a result, the garbage bins found in
residential areas, industrial factories and collection centers will be filled with solid waste
without being collected by workers due to the dumping of garbage in landfills. Therefore, the
situation in the area will be filled with animals and pests such as rats, cockroaches and flies
that turn on the remains. In addition, the surrounding conditions will also become dirty and
produce odor pollution that causes discomfort to the local community.

In addition, the effect of food waste on the community is that the country will be
looked down upon by the outside world. Although Malaysia is not a country that can be
categorized as a dirty country, this situation will have a big impact on the people of a
community if they face such problems. Food waste is a moral issue faced by many countries
including Malaysia. Malaysians are reported to have wasted 15,000 metric tons of food a day,
including 3,000 tons that can still be enjoyed and should not be thrown away. It is also caused
by the existence of food waste that reaches approximately 16,500 tons per day in Malaysia, as
well as food that is still good to throw away. Food waste comes from the disposal of large
amounts of food waste through traders, as well as individuals themselves. Food waste is too
common in Malaysia because of cooked dishes, food sales in markets and restaurants.

When food is discarded it goes to the landfills, there it rots to produce Methane- a
Greenhouse gas that is 28times much potent than Carbon dioxide. If we divert food waste
from landfills to an innovative food waste treatment system then we can stop almost 11% of
Greenhouse gas emissions. The content of methane gas that is too high in the air can be fatal
to the public, methane gas affects anyone regardless of age, the early symptoms that can be
identified if someone inhales the gas are shortness of breath and vomiting. This gas is
difficult to detect since it is odorless. When a person experiences shortness of breath or
vomiting, this means that the oxygen content taken by them is greatly reduced or there is air



One of the effects of food waste on the environment is that it can contribute to climate
change. Climate change occurs due to certain factors that have an impact on the environment.
Food waste that is thrown away by humans will be taken to a landfill to be disposed of. When
food waste is left to rot in landfills, it indirectly releases methane gas. Methane gas is a
hydrocarbon that is the main component of natural gas. While it is also a greenhouse gas that
leads to changes in temperature and the earth's climate system. Methane gas emissions are
from various anthropogenic sources that are influenced by humans and naturally. If this
methane gas is released, it will take 12 years to remain and will indirectly trap heat from the
sun. As much as 20% of methane gas contributes to the global greenhouse effect released.
Greenhouse gas emissions released using natural resources will contribute to severe climate
change. Therefore, if the food waste treatment system is done in a good or systematic way, it
can stop 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International Agricultural
Research Consultative Group found that one-third of greenhouse gas emissions have been
contributed by humans from food waste. The greenhouse effect will cause infrared radiation
that enters the earth's atmosphere to not be adequately reflected normally. It will also cause
gradual global warming. The implications of global warming will cause the ice sheets at both
poles of the earth to melt and cause sea levels to rise. Global warming will certainly melt the
snow cover and glaciers in mountainous regions and both poles. The rise of sea water due to
the melting of ice can have a serious impact such as major floods on island countries such as
Fiji and the Maldives as well as countries at low altitudes such as the Netherlands and
Bangladesh. As a result, the melting of the ice that caused this major flood will result in the
destruction of not only human lives and property but food supplies such as fertile agricultural
lands will also be destroyed (Studocu, 2019).

Langkah mengatasi masalah pembuangan sisa makanan

The issue of food waste disposal is not something new in Malaysia. If this waste is not
managed properly, it can affect the community and the environment. Therefore, in an effort
to overcome the problem of food waste disposal from continuing, the food waste composting
method can be implemented to be used as organic fertilizer. In order to make this program a
success, cooperation is essential from waste management companies such as Environment
Idaman (E-Idaman) Sdn Bhd by taking the initiative to collect food waste from the local
community and also nearby restaurants for that purpose. Among the techniques that can be
used in producing environmentally friendly organic fertilizers is Black Soldier Fly Larva
(BSFL). The BSFL fertilizer production process is very helpful for environmental
sustainability and can reduce pollution from food waste. With this composting method, it can
also reduce the disposal of food waste in landfills while preserving the environment.

The issue of food waste disposal is not new in Malaysia. This problem has been going on for
a long time, and every day, there must be food waste dumped in landfills. If this waste is not
managed well, it can have an impact on the environment. Therefore, there are several steps
that can be taken to reduce the problem of food waste disposal. Among them is knowing the
right method of storing food items. The aspect of food storage is an important matter and
needs to be paid attention to. Food with a shorter expiration date should be stored at the front
of the storage area so that it is easy to see. At the same time, the storage of well-cooked food
is also a critical factor in guaranteeing the shelf life of food (Sobian, 2020). The correct
method of storage will prevent the food item from spoiling quickly. For example, leftover
cooked food is stored in a covered container. Then, the container is placed in the refrigerator
so that it can be eaten again the next day. Similarly, vegetables and fruits must be pre-
packaged in airtight containers before being stored in the refrigerator to maintain freshness
(Husaini, 2020).
In addition, steps that can be taken to reduce the disposal of food waste include reducing the
purchase of goods. Every family or household needs to plan before purchasing goods. In fact,
it is also encouraged not to make excessive purchases because it is feared that the food will
expire or become damaged, like vegetables and fruits. Buy at a sufficient rate for the family,
and it is recommended to make purchases more often, for example, weekly purchases
(Husaini, 2020). Each family or household also needs to prepare a menu for a certain period
of time, for example, on a weekly or monthly basis, thus being able to plan food purchases
more regularly. Menu planning affects food purchases (Sobian, 2020). Therefore, a shopping
list of food items can be made based on a structured menu that can help simplify the purchase
process, avoid over purchasing, and definitely save more.


Service-Learning or service-based learning is defined as a method of teaching and

learning using experience in serving the community. In this service learning, the active
involvement of students in carrying out the planned service allows students to learn
something while also developing their knowledge, skills and self-worth. Service-Learning
engages students with the community through a combination of academic learning and real-
world experience. The involvement of the university or faculty member can be seen as a
provider or planner to the organization of the activity. Therefore, involvement in Service
Learning activities is students providing service to the community through planning and
organizing activities from faculty members.

In addition, it is necessary to hold a food waste campaign aimed at educating the

community not to waste the food they buy and to buy food according to need. There are two
levels of food waste that can occur in a household, the first is at the purchase stage and the
second is at the food preparation stage. Purchases not carefully planned can lead to excessive
household food stocks. Excess stock of food that could not be used before the expiration date
ended up having to be thrown away. Awareness campaigns and more proactive measures
should be extended to the industrial sector including stall traders, eateries, restaurants, hotels,
educational institutions, government departments and the private sector.


Johari Surif, Nor Aliah Zainal, Nor Hasniza Ibrahim & Abdul Halim Abdullah. 2014.
Pengetahuan Dan Amalan “ Akademia Baru ” dalam Kalangan Pensyarah : Satu Kajian Kes
Di. Konvensyen Antarabangsa Jiwa Pendidik. 11-13 Ogos 2014.
Paul Benneworth & David Charles. 2013. University–Community Engagement In The
Wider Policy Environment. Dlm. University Engagement With Socially Excluded
Communities, hlm. 223–41. Dordrecht: Springer

Kesan Rumah Hijau dan Pemanasan Global. (2019). Retrieved from studocu:


Muhammad Farid Ahmad Tarmiji. (2022, March 9). Mengubah Sisa Makanan Menjadi Baja
Organik. KOSMO. Retrieved from

Husaini, Z. (2020, April Selasa). Cara-Cara Mengurangkan Pembaziran dan Pembuangan

Sisa Makanan di Rumah. Retrieved from zikrihusaini:

Sobian, A. (2020, Mei Jumaat). Mendidik Keluarga Urus Makanan Elak Pembaziran.
Retrieved from Berita Harian Online:

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