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1.1. General Provisions

Before the work manufacture and installation of metal roofing tiles is done, then:

a. The Contractor shall conduct the examination, measurements in the field to fit the size of the field.

b. The contractor must submit first examples of materials that will be used to obtain approval
Construction Management Consultant (MK), Tasks and Planner giver.

c. Defective materials should not be used, the material must be installed according to the approved
sample MK, Tasks and Planner giver.

d. The contractor must create shop drawings.

1.2. scope of Work

a. This section covers the terms / conditions (payment, delivery, storage, installation) for the work,
materials, and equipment.

b. Work includes ceramic tile roof skeletons and their supporters.

c. Related parts:

 Work Roof

 Article Insulation

1.3. References

a. All work must be referring to the standard installation of metal roofing tiles.

b. Quality Assurance:

Qualifications manufacturing: product used here should be produced by companies that are well known
and have experience of successful and accepted by the Court and the client.

c. Qualifying workers:

 At least there should be one person who fully understood against this section during the
implementation, understanding of the needs required, materials, and methods needed for

 trained workforce available to be enough and have the required skills.

 In the acceptance or rejection of workers, MK, and the client does not allow workers without skill or
lack of it.

1.4. Submittals / Delivery

a. Contractor shall submit samples of materials and installation of the complete system with the
technical specifications and the manufacturer's label.

b. Submit shop drawings that show the installation of the roof system and relations with the fabric parts
such as steel tanks, walls, gutters and forth for approval of the Constitutional Court and Planner.

c. Submitting installation schedule coordinated with other relevant sections in the same area for the
approval of the Constitutional Court and the client.

1.5. Storage and Care

a. Products shipped packed in a closed state of the plant, without defects.

b. The material must be stored and maintained in a closed warehouse, safe, protected, stored complete
with labels, types, and both are mentioned in accordance with specifications and drawings planning.

1.6. warranty

a. A written guarantee from the fabricator for quality, durability and color materials.

b. Warranty for the quality of the installation work of the contractor / installer proper, well and in
accordance with the specifications and drawings mentioned in the planning.

2.1. Materials

a. Roofing material made of coated steel sheet protected zinc alloy and aluminum.

b. Staining is done in the plant material with a layer of silicone polyester baked through the oven.

2.2. product

Production: BHP, Fumira or equivalent

Type: Spandek or equivalent

Thickness: 0.45 mm

Color: Natural

Flashing and Capping: the shape of a standard production.


3.1. examination
Check the top surface of all purlins or order leverage lies in a flat plane, and edit it if necessary with
urgent or set these parts and structures penumpunya.

3.2. preparation

a. To protect the surface of the sheets and safety of workers, it is suggested that only handled by
workers who use gloves clean and dry, the sheets should not be drawn over a rough surface, on another

b. Screws that are used have the ability to support the life of the building is designed, the necessary
recommendation for the use of these products.

c. The entire accessories that will be used in this work shall be in accordance with the standards of the
products used.

3.3. installation

a. The entire method of installation must be in accordance with product instructions are used and
shown in shop drawings.

b. Installation of sheet metal, nok, and other components required in accordance with product

c. Installation of metal roof along with details such as job cover corner, ending at the back of the wave,
the edge termination must follow the instructions of the products used so assured of leaks.
3.4. Field Quality Control

a. Before the entire surface covered / protected against another job, do testing with water to find the
leak, the water flow correctly.

b. Fix the broken parts, and repeat testing until completely safe and not leaking.

3.5. Protection and Cleaning

a. Protect the area around the surface from damage and fading. Clean the surface of objects and traces
of unnecessary work.

b. Protect the surface from heavy objects and not recommended for occupied objects such as chillers
and so on related to ME installation on the roof.

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