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1.1. General Provisions

Before the floor finishing work done, then:

a. The Contractor shall conduct a study of the image to fit the slope of the floor plan.

b. Floor finishing layer should not begin before the entire job ceiling and the walls finished, except for
the installation of acoustic panels.

c. The work and materials for these things must first get approval from the Construction Management
Consultant (MK), Tasks and Planner giver.

d. Before work begins, the Contractor is required to submit working drawings for approval by the
implementation of the Constitutional Court and the client.

e. This general provision binding for the entire work floor.

1.2. scope of Work

a. This section covers the terms / conditions (payment, delivery, storage, installation) for labor,
materials, and equipment.
b. Sections which include:

1 Regional lobby for floor and wall

2 Job exterior walls and patio floors.

3 Other parts suitable plan drawing

4. Digesters (mortar) for setting the walls and floors of marble / granite, kansteen, as well as other jobs
such as in the image plan.

5. Grouting Anchors, Angles (elbow), and the amplifier (framing) is sufficient.

6.-Accessories Other accessories needed in this work.

c. Relevant part:

 Work Ceramics

 Work Walls Plastering

 Work Kosen / Leaves Window / Door Wood / Iron

1.3. References

a. All work must refer to standards:

 pubi

 SII-0739-80 - Marble

 ASTM A123-84 - Zinc (Hot Dipped) galvanized coatings on Iron and steel


 ASTM A-307 - Steel Anchor, bolt, dowels, nuts

 ASTM C241 - Stone abrassion resistance to imported granite and marble.

b. Quality Assurance:

Qualifications manufacturing: product used here should be produced by companies that are well known
and have experience of successful and accepted by the Court and the client.

c. Worker Qualifications:

 At least there should be one person who fully understood against this section during the
implementation, understanding of the needs required, materials, and methods needed for

 trained workforce available to be enough and have the required skills.

 In the acceptance or rejection of the workers, the Court, the client, and does not permit labor Planner
or less without his skills.

1.4. Delivery (submittals)

a. Product Data:

 Submit technical information from the factory to the brochure.

 Submit abrassion data on resistance to any type of traffic based on the frequency of usage.

b. Shop Drawing:

 Submit detail drawings showing the shape, size, and method and anchor (armature).

 The contractor shall submit to the Court and the client for the approval of the drawings are complete
cutting, placement of the pieces of detail and size of natural stone connection settings, anchor, and the
details required.

The possibility of mounting the anchor, dowel, and cramping in accordance with the standards of
practical should be clearly indicated in the shop drawings.

c. sample:
 Submit 3 sets of samples for each type of natural stone (marble / granite) with a size of not less than
600 mm x 600 mm which show finishing and color variations are expected as a whole.

 The Court and the client will review the sample as approval expected range of variation as a whole.

 Submit grouting for example color selected by Architect.

d. Qualification Data:

Submit qualifications Fabricator and Installer with high experience, including a list of projects with
similar scope to include the name, location, date, and reference names and phone numbers.

e. Mock-up:

 Make a mock-up area of 3 m2 for the installation of floor and wall finish the job represents.

 Mock-ups should be made as part of the work which must be approved in writing by the architect.

 Mock-ups are approved to be used as the standard and quality of work. Retain mock-ups until the
entire job is completed.

 After completion of the work or as directed by the Court and the client, lift and move out the mock-up

1.5. Storage and Care

a. Lift, store, and maintain each unit to avoid damage. Hold the wooden crate to avoid damage to the
ends and edges.

b. Protect natural stone (marble / granite) to keep from staining (color faded / damaged), broken,
chipped, or scratched. If the damage to the above case, it will be rejected either before or after
c. Protect from moisture grouting material, hardened, and faded.

1.6. warranty

a. Fabricator and Installer Qualifications:

 Minimum 10 years experience in the field of writing granite / marble.

 Carry out the work with mechanical skills and installation of marble / granite.

b. Fabricator must submit a guarantee that every type of natural stone (marble / granite) were sent to
the site must be derived from one source (Quarry).


2.1. Material / Type

a. All the material is a quality product from the selected source.

b. Examples of packaging must be presented to the Court and the client and all the granite that is used
must be in accordance with the sample approved and supplied in original packaging from the factory.

c. Extra Stock:
1 Provide extra stock and send the minimum amount of 5% of every size, color, and finish of each shape
tile to replace the amount that was damaged during shipping and installation.

And also send extra 5% for each type and size according to the size of the largest panels installed after
completion of the installation work to be used by the client in the days to come.

2 extra stock Email the site as directed by the Court to the client, and make sure it is packed in wooden
crates for protection and identification of each package.

d. Type Granite:

 adjust the type and size of material and images skedule.

 type granite material is ex Import: USA, Italy, India, Africa.

2.2. Accessories

a. Anchor, Dowel, Ties, and Cramps:

 Support angles, slotted cramps, straps, rods, clip and soffit hangers, should be of stainless heavily
galvanized after fabrication.

 The size and configuration as needed to support the granite / marble and superimposed loads.

 Bolt and nuts (nuts) should be of stainless steel, AISI 304 suit.

b. Cleaning solutions:

Type in accordance with the joint marble / granite, joint / connection between the material and
adjacent surfaces. Consult with the supplier of natural stone (marble / granite).
2.3. Making (Fabrication)

a. Granite manufacturing tolerances.

 Tolerance for each size: + or - 1.5 mm

 Tolerance of thickness: + or - 1.5 mm

 square shape Tolerance: + or - 1.5 mm

 flatness tolerance: 1.2 mm when measured with a straight side

 Deviation diagonal: + or - 1.5 mm

 Tolerance should not be increased.

b. The precision cut to ensure the correct shape and size and fit.

c. The accuracy of relationships installation, corners and sides.

d. Cut the back parallel to the face.

e. Cut to fit the outer corner of the picture, and make the appropriate bevel on the side of the picture.

f. Should be readily available anchor mounting holes, dowels, and other equipment for the sink, and

g. Attach the blocking buffer with granite and stainless steel pins and epoxy adhesive.

h. Provide pieces and drilling as needed to accept the other job.

i. In cutting and fitting, carefully cut and grind the surface without reducing the strength or appearance
of the material.

j. Perforated patches or charging area to cover the error is not permitted.

k. Granite relationship with structural work must be at the check again on the image. Marble protrusions
on structural work must have a form corresponding to the buffer (support).

2.4. finishing

a. All exposed finish, side bevel, and other surfaces should difinish to give the face.

b. Granite and Marble

 Coarse (flamed), honed (not buffed) and gloss (polished) floor or fit the image.

 Finish floor or surface to receive / frequency corresponding traffic or the corresponding image.

c. Natural stone workmanship ex Padalarang with drawstring engine.

3.1. examination

a. Check the installation conditions and processes associated with the jobs.

b. Into account that the items other related work can be measured and placed.

3.2. preparation

a. Clean marble / granite before installation. Do not use wire brushes or implements that can damage
the surface of the diexpose.

b. Clean the surface to be installed marble / granite.

Make sure the surface is already strong, dry, clean, and free from oil or used grease, mortar, soil or
foreign impurities.

c. Prepare surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to install the material or additive that
has been used.

d. Clean the concrete surface by grinding where necessary in order to truly be able to eliminate the
compound or other materials that interfere with adhesive (bond) in the setting material.

e. In locations where there is a pattern of granite / marble, these patterns must be marked to prepare
before installation.
3.3. installation

a. General

1 Tolerance:

 Variations flatness and level: not exceeding 3 mm in 3000 mm

 Joint size: + 25%

 Step in face: 1.5 mm maximum

 Jog in alignment at the edge: 1.5 mm maximum

 Tolerance is not increased in number

2 Materials marble / granite that will be installed on the floor must be held prior to approval uniformity
of style / pattern tile sinews and quality sorting by MK and the client.

3 Clean the marble / granite / rock by wetting with clean water before it is set in the job; specifically for
wet installation.

4 Install the tile with a flat, level, straight and true to the overall relationship. Straightness tile surface
should be on the outside.

5. Do not install tile is chipped, cracked, or faded or not good, it will be rejected.

6 Provide and set anchors, dowels, ties and other things that are needed to strengthen the pair.
Set anchor in a good position and not less than the allowable distance. Install the tile to allow the
movement to shift, shrink / expand, and thermal expansion and contraction.

7 Do not use aluminum, plastic or wood leverage.

8 Give the average relationship, within allowable tolerances / specifications, on the surface between
adjacent pairs to produce a good relationship and maximal.

9 Cut with precise and accurate, holes and adjust marble / granite for hardware, outlets, fixtures, fittings
and other works attached to the marble / granite.

10 In cutting and fitting, carefully cut the sides and grinding to precision, cutting such a way that does
not reduce the strength or appearance of marble / granite.

11. Make sure that the outlet was placed in the middle of the pair of marble / granite unless otherwise
indicated in the figure.

When the outlet / holes not shown in the figure, must be made by the contractor in accordance detailed
instruction locations indicated by Architect.

12. For installation of marble / granite on the wall with the bottom of the system (mortar) should be
strengthened with the anchor.

The position of the anchor should be right on the beam or column so strong practical.

13. For marble / granite used for the exterior of the building, should be coated with anti-dust coating
and water on all sides.

14. All marble needs to be polished / dicoating scratch-resistant in accordance with the drawings.

b. Wet system
1 Pour the mixture is thick on the concrete.

2 Check the stabbing and mortar condense to produce the same density.

c. Control Joints

1 Perform joint control in which the pair of marble / granite tile suspended / expired as on the perimeter
wall, kansteen, columns, wall corners, the joint direct and uncontrolled stop, also the location of the
beam on concrete or in locations other as shown in the picture.

2 Give the control joint (Naad-Naad perpendicular and equal width) on the horizontal surface of a
maximum of 500 mm in each direction.

3 Keroklah and goretlah concrete floor or other structural part to strengthen adhesiveness mortar.

3.4. Adjustment, Cleaning and Sealing

a. Move from the location of the marble / granite tile which has the following defects:

1 Broken, chipped, faded or damaged.

2 Joint ugly and damaged

3 Pairs marble / granite is not in accordance with the approved sample or mock-up is approved.

4. surface (grain) marble / granite is not in accordance with the required / specifications.

b. Change the type / types of marble / granite with new to match the samples and mock-ups are
approved without conspicuous in his removal.

c. Clean the surface of the marble / granite after installed, digrouting, and treated as a whole.
Use the procedure recommended by the fabricator of marble / granite for maintenance and cleaning it.

3.5. Protection / Protection

a. Protect the surface of the marble / granite, the sides and the corners from damage. Use and attach a
safety timber, plywood or corboard to protect from damage.

b. Before the examination as a whole, move / open protector and wipe the surface according to the
procedure, the material recommended by the fabricator of marble / granite.

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