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Arajah Handguide Magic Items and Spells

Riganiän Spells...................................................................................................................................2
The Red Legion..................................................................................................................................5
Magic Items and Weapons....................................................................................................................6
The Rubble, Trash and Junk...............................................................................................................7
Common Magic Items........................................................................................................................9
Uncommon Magic Items..................................................................................................................11
Rare Magic Items.............................................................................................................................12
Very Rare Magic Items.....................................................................................................................13
Legendary Magic Items....................................................................................................................15
Cursed Magic Item...........................................................................................................................19
Transformation Weapons................................................................................................................23
True Transformation Weapons........................................................................................................24
Switch Weapons and Tools..............................................................................................................25
Desert Spells
Shrapnel Sand
A basic Riganiän desert spell only created and found within the desert. This spell is a rite of passage
among the warriors of Riganiän. The Officer gets put under heavy strain and if they survive they gain
the capability to cast certain spells like Shrapnel Sand.
This short ranged blast deals minor damage, but visually impaires the target.
You can use a weapon that has the Ammunition property to make a ranged Attack only if you
have Ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you Attack with the weapon, you expend one
piece of Ammunition. Drawing the Ammunition from a Quiver, case, or other container is part of
the Attack (you need a free hand to load a one-handed weapon). At the end of the battle, you can
recover half your expended Ammunition by taking a minute to Search the battlefield. If you use a
weapon that has the Ammunition property to make a melee Attack, you treat the weapon as
an Improvised Weapon (see “Improvised Weapons” later in the section). A sling must be loaded to
deal any damage when used in this way.
When making an Attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of
your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the Attack and Damage Rolls. You must use the same
modifier for both rolls.
Weak Creatures have disadvantage on Attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapons size and
bulk make it too large for a weak creature to use effectively. A creature with a Strength below 12
would be considerd to weak.
Extremely -Heavy
Weak Creatures have disadvantage on Attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapons size and
bulk make it too large for a weak creature to use effectively. A creature with a Strength below 16
would be considerd to weak. Only a few weapons are Extremely heavy.
A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when Fighting with two Weapons.
Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of Ammunition from it
when you use an Action, bonus Action, or Reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of Attacks you
can normally make.
A weapon that can be used to make a ranged Attack has a range in parentheses after
the Ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal
range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s Long Range. When Attacking a target beyond
normal range, you have disadvantage on the Attack roll. You can’t Attack a target beyond the
weapon’s Long Range.
This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you Attack with it, as well as when determining your
reach for opportunity Attacks with it.
If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged Attack. If the
weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that Attack roll and damage roll
that you would use for a melee Attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a Handaxe, you
use your Strength, but if you throw a Dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity,
since the Dagger has the finesse property.
This weapon requires two hands when you Attack with it.
This weapon can be used with one or two hands. A damage value in parentheses appears with the
property—the damage when the weapon is used with two hands to make a melee Attack.
Improvised Weapons
Sometimes Characters don’t have their Weapons and have to Attack with whatever is at hand.
An Improvised Weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as broken glass,
a table leg, a frying pan, a wagon wheel, or a dead Goblin.
Often, an Improvised Weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For
example, a table leg is akin to a club. At the GM’s option, a character proficient with a weapon can
use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her Proficiency bonus.
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the GM assigns a damage type
appropriate to the object). If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee Attack, or throws a
melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1d4 damage. An improvised
thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a Long Range of 60 feet.
Silvered Weapons
Some Monsters that have immunity or Resistance to nonmagical Weapons are susceptible to
silver Weapons, so cautious Adventurers invest extra coin to plate their Weapons with silver. You
can silver a single weapon or ten pieces of Ammunition for 100 gp. This cost represents not only the
price of the silver, but the time and Expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it
less effective.
A weapon with the special property has unusual rules governing its use, explained in the weapon’s
Lance: You have disadvantage when you use a lance to Attack a target within 5 feet of you. Also, a
lance requires two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted.
Net: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is Restrained until it is freed. A net has
no Effect on Creatures that are formless, or Creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use
its Action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a
success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming
it, Ending the Effect and destroying the net. When you use an Action, bonus Action,
or Reaction to Attack with a net, you can make only one Attack regardless of the number
of Attacks you can normally make.
Flamethrower: When attacking with a Flamethrower you always attack in a 30-foot cone. Any
creature inside that cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity check. A creature takes 2d8 fire damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in
the area that aren’t being worn or carried. A creature which takes full damage from a flamethrower
takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns, not stacking with itself. A creature can end
this damage by using its action to make a DC 15 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
The Red Legion
Name Damag Weight Range Tags Source
Simple Weapon
Combat Knife 1d6 1 - Finesse, Light Nk-40
Handgun 2d4 2 80/160 Ammunition, Light, Loading, Magazine (8) Tula Tokarev
Automatic Rifle 1d6 10 250/500 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (30), Two-Handed, Automatic (3) Ak-47
Scoped Rifle 2d12 9 450/900 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (5), Two-Handed, Bolt-Action Mosin Carbine
Combat Rifle 2d8 8 300/600 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (10), Two-Handed Tokarev
Advanced Firearms
Advanced Handgun 2d6 4 160/320 Ammunition, Light, Loading, Magazine (12), Automatic (2) Tula Tokarev
Assault Rifle 1d10 16 300/600 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (40), Two-Handed, Automatic (5), Heavy Scar
Flamethrower 2d8 50 60 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (10), Two-Handed, Special, Heavy Harvey
Machine Gun 1d4 85 300/600 Ammunition, Loading, Magazine (300), Two-Handed, Automatic (20), E-Heavy Vulcan

Fragmentation Grenade Gas Grenade

As an action, a character can throw a grenade A metal flask holdin in a poisonous mist under
at a point up to 60 feet away. pressure. You can throw the Gas Grenade to a
Each creature within 20 feet of an space you can see within 60 feet. It explodes on
exploding fragmentation grenade must make impact, releasing the gas into a sphere of radius
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 10 feet. Each creature that is completely within
piercing damage on a failed save, or half as the cloud at the start of its turn must make a DC
much damage on a successful one. 12 Constitution saving throw against poison. On a
failed save, the creature takes 3d6 poison damage.
Creatures that don't need to breathe or are
immune to poison automatically succeed on this
saving throw.
A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour)
disperses the gas after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at
least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round.
Magic Items and Weapons
The Rubble, Trash and Junk

Wand of Kamikaze (Wand) Ring of Attunement (Ring) Requires attunement.

This want can cast the spell fireball, This ring grants focus to allow
of fireballs have a range of 10
Rage (Quill) more
Ring ofmagical items to Requires
Bloodyscream be attuned.
feet. It has quill that will
An ordinary It grants its user one more
When you attune to this ring you
3 Charges.
only write when you attunement slot.
will start every morning with
Once these
scribble arecorner
in the a blood curdling scream at 6AM
used it breaks
to make sure it is working. sharp
Ring lasting Ignorance
of Mutual for about 5(Ring)
minutesRequires attunement
While wearing this ring you gain +20 to stealth rolls
Wand of Pointing (Wand) against
Wandpeople who haven’t
of Persistent Drizzle (Wand)
The Wand of Pointing can shoot out noticed you. People who you docast
not it
This wand
Talisman of has 1 Charge(Necklace)
Judgement when
a thin beam of light than cannot notice also gain 20+ to stealth rolls
will make
While wearinga small cloud above
the talisman the
it will take
harm anyone and against you.
note entering and
of everyone will everything.
make the It will
shows up on walls
also whisper moist andsuperficial
very see like they areabout
things in
as a small dot
a fog cloud
people, Whenand rain its
it talks willeye will open.
Ring of Fire Sensing (Ring) Requires attunement
fall upon them for 1d20
When you are attuned to the Ring of Fire Sensing
Rock of Returning (Pebble) weeks. After the charge
The you can touchAxe
Abhorrent fire(Handaxe)
and see if itRequires
is fire. attunement
When this rock makes contact is expanded the wand
You You havealsoa know
+3 bonusif it magical
to attack orand
not.damage rolls
with a person it will loses all its magic.
made You withdo not gain
this magicresistance.
weapon. This axe
always return after
gives extra striking power, but all people
1d4 hours. Boxyou of Names
find and the(Chest)
axe disgusting as it is
It does this for 1d4 Years Ring of Rock Eating (Ring)
Demon box has an
given theempty
form of aRequires
and handaxe.attunement
When attuned
seemingly endlessto thevoidRing of Rock
inside. OnceEating one gains
Bottle of Remembrance (Bottle) the day
per ability to eat
it will shoot rocks. These don’t
This bottle will have a new message givea you
out random any sustenance
name and
every day. The message will warn of Bagfill aof
you It's
up.GotYouTocan Be In Here Somewhere
on random time ofhowever
Functions willas
an event that bite It into a bag
stone and ofdigest
holding,it. but is constantly filled
day. also include
happened before in with random junk in addition to the
a random fact about
the last seven days. contents. It always takes a full hour
that person.
find theofitem(s)
Tree (Necklace)
one wishesRequires
to take attunement
Club of Delayed Slashing Allows the wearer to
out of it, during which the character transform into a tree when
they Ofsay
Lowthe Self
words EsteemTree (Ring)
The Club of Slashing deals no cannot gain the benefit of a short rest.
Your self-esteem
Activate, they just getsbecome
damage on impact,
asa in your mind insult
regular tree. Only the spell
but instead deals slashing
are wishbeingcanhurled
reverse atthis
damage a while later
inside of your own mind
Coin of Certainty
The Coin of certanty always has the Tiara of Potato’s (Tiara) Requires attunement.
symbol of a Devil on While wearing an being attuned to this tiara. You
one side and a gain the ability to understand
tree on the other. what potatoes are saying and
It will always hear their whispers.
land on the Devil.
Common Magic Items

Cape Of Occasional Invisibility (Cape) Bag of Onions (Bag) Requires attunement.

You can activate invisibility when you The Bag of Unions holds 5 different onions each week
put the hood over your head the player can choose which ones 1 of each is
as a bonus action. This last mandatory and its stench over powers any kind of
for1 minute roll a D20 if it odour that you naturally had. Lasting for 1d8 days
is above a 7 the user will after you unequip it. There are three different kinds of
become invisible and if Onion
belowa 6 the wearer loses Remedy Onions, Remedy Onions heal 1d8 Hit Points
invisibility. You need to reroll once per bit a Remedy Onion. One onion has three bites
per 20 seconds. and taking a bite costs a Bonus Action. They do not
feed a person.
Arsonist Tinderbox (Matches) Bloom Onions, Bloom Onions can be
An otherwise innocuous tinderbox thrown they will make a 15 foot circle
that sets fire to everything - around the place of impact. Ending the
flammable or not - in a 20' radius. turn in the poison cloud will make a DC 14
Each flame deals 1d6 fire damage for CON check if failed they will take 1d6 Poison damage.
1d10 turns. These if succeeded they will take half damage.
tinders where made Spring Onions, If one eats a Spring Onion they will
by a small group of gain +1 AC, +10 Movement speed and +10 to all jump
the pyromancers of hights. A Spring Onion is eaten in one bite and cannot
Solitude who couldn’t do any amount be stacked. Taking a bite takes a bonus action and it
of pyromancy. will not feed the person

Ooze in a Bottle (Bottle) Shroom Shield (Shield) Requires attunement.

This bottle has an Ooze in it. Its color When equipped the user gains +2 AC. Each time the
is decided before hand you can use a Shroom Shield is active and attack it will
bonus action to release it take damage. It has 100 HP and takes the
wherever you point it. same amount of damage as the player, but when it
This Ooze will not be allied takes damage the user can shoot a 1D10 Acid blast
to you and will attack the enemy in from the shroom. When the Shroom Shield is down
front of him and if there is none it will the target user loses 1 AC. It takes 1 Day to regrow.
attack the closest enemy
Rust Sword (Shortsword) Requires attunement.
A short sword coated in a thick layer of rust this rust
Jumping Stick (Quarterstaff)
can be shot of recharge 6, rest dealing 1d8
This Quarter Staff is 10 feet tall land
Bludgeoning damage range 30/60ft
has the reach property.
the opponents next attack has
When someone uses
disadvantage. Rust sword belonged
this pole to jump they
to an ancient long forgotten knight who’s sword lost
will have an extra 10
its former glory and became filled and overrun by
feet added and dubbled
their normal rolls.
Scroll of Mystia (Scroll) Ankh of Rebirth (Necklace) Requires attunement
This reusable scroll when held up Cast Revivify on the wearer. It can also be placed
and talked out all the text a field 15ft on a deceased person. It also heals for 2d6+4.
will be created around the user all After one use the Necklace loses all its magic.
spells will be reflected off to the
point of origin, once
you start reading you
can’t stop. When the
scroll is read the text
it said is directly
forgotten. This lasts
for 12 seconds. It has 1 Charge per
day it regains them all at dawn.
Homing Knife (Dagger)
Has +5 to hit when thrown and it has
a range of 40/120,
it was made by the
Owlfeathers to have an
alternative to shoot the
long ranges with bows.

Bow of Amity (Bow)

Amity was a great wizard and
created a small wooden coin that
could be snapped to
create a see through
bow and arrow which
deals 4d8 Piercing and
then directly disappears
after shooting its one arrow.

Floobleck Knife (Dagger)

This item once thrown never stops
bouncing naturally deals 1d4
bludgeoning damage per
hit has 20/60 feet and
each turn it bounces
and flies 60 feet. It can
be caught by making a DC 16
Strength or Athletics check. If failed
they will take 1d4 damage and it will
bounce further.
Uncommon Magic Items
Whispering Bow Rootmasters Blade (Longsword) Requires Attunement
This Longbow has +1 to hit and the The Rootmasters Blade entangles itself around your
arrows fired from this bow are arm you let go of i tand it will hang about 2 feet
completely silent and will maximum away from you due to vines
only appear in the body. entangleing your arm. This weapon
While they fly through the can also not be knocked out of your
air they are invisible. hand. This blade has 7 Charges to cas
t Thornwhip with Con as yout casting stat. At dawn
you regain 1d8+1 Charges.
Rare Magic Items
Box of Those in Need (Chest) Templars Medallion (Medallion) Requires attunement.
Once per week this box will spit out This Medallion can summon a spectral holy knight use
a piece of paper with a name and a holy knight stat block. He understands
vague reason why they what the user says and listens general
need help and with what, commands. He will not obey an evil
but this is very vague. person he instead will fight them, nor
The piece of paper will warm up will he fight a good person. He was a
until you get in 100 feet of that templar in life but he remains in the medallion.
person and it will burn up.
Lance of Scar (Lance) Requires attunement.
After you attack and hit with this lance, throw a d6 if it
lands on a 6 you can roll 2d12 of
Necrotic damage to add to the
attack. The Lance of Scar was the
weapon wielded by the Pale Rider,
it is said that his spirit remains in the weapon.
Very Rare Magic Items
Axe of the Skin Ripper (Battleaxe) The Broken Blade (Shortsword) Requires attunement
When attacking with the Axe of the You gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made
Skin Ripper one can spend a charge with this magic weapon. When you wield
to force the target they last attacked the Broken Sword without using any magic
to make a DC 12 CON save if passed you are wielding a shortsword. You can
nothing happens. If failed the channel the broken shards of the sword
target will be paralyzed for 1 to do one of three things. You can activate
minute. The target must one of these abilities as an action after using a ranged
repeat the Con Save for each ability one needs to use a bonus action to retrieve it
turn of that minute to free Sword of Shards, you can channel the shards to
themselves. Creatures last struck by enlonggate the sword this makes the blade gain the
the paralyzing blow are not able to properties of a Longsword with Reach aswell.
be revived with the spells Revivify Shard Blast, You can shoot the shards of the sword
and Raise Dead. having the range of 40/120 and dealing 1d10 slashing.
Shard Swarm, You can create a swarm of shards this
Longbow Great Frost (Longbow) can move 30 feet per turn if you use your bonus action
You gain a +1 Bonus to attack to move it. When you hover this around an enemy they
and damage rolls made with will have disadvantage on their attack rolls.
this magic weapon. This
Longbow is cold to the touch
and has a string made from an Trackers Dagger (Daggers) Requires attunement.
ice like material. When an arrow is You gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made
shot you cast the spell Fireball, but with this magic weapon.
instead with cold damage DC 12. It When you wield the Trackers Daggers
can do this once per day. Becoming and are attuned to the daggers you gain
a regular bow and losing all magic 20 feet extra movement and proficiency
until the next day in Acrobatics and Survival if you are already proficient
you gain expertise. You can throw one dagger and will
Turning Point always know where it is no matter how far. You do not
This magical sword know the precise location, but instead can see a vague
has +2 to attack. path that directly leads to the other dagger.
When you attack
with this sword it Arrow Storm (Great Bow) Requires attunement.
will show its tendancy for deadly Arrow Storm is a large and heavy bow, none the less
strikes with a high crit rate creating quite eloquent and beautiful. It uses strength
a critical hit at 17, and deals 1d10 instead of 1d8. A minimum of
Turing Point has been a weapon of strength requirement is 14. When attacking
great renown for a long time it was with Arrow Storm you can expend a charge
wielded by many and many more to multiple your arrows. As you shoot it, it
will wield it, as it is the only weapon will split into 1d10+ your proficiency bonus.
who remains if the wielder dies from If your first arrow attack would have hit all
the Sword Tree. next arrows have advantage, if not they are
normal, if a natural 1 is thrown all will have
disadvantage and if a natural 20 is thrown all arrows
gain advantage and +5 to hit. This bow has 3 Charges
and regains 1d4 Charges at dawn.

Robe of the Elements (Robe) Requires attunement.

Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each
increase by 1.
If you aren't wearing armor, your base
Armor Class is 12 + your Dexterity modifier.
You gain the ability to cast certain spells Absorb
Elements (4 Charges), Create or Destroy Water (3
Staff of the Elders (Staff) Requires attunement.
Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase
by 1.
When you wield the Staff of the Elders
and are attuned to it your Wisdom
score is 19. It has no effect on you if
your Wisdom is 19 or higher without it. You gain
proficiency in Religion, Medicene, Survival, Nature and
Animal Handeling. If you are already proficient in this
you will gain expertise in those skill checks. You have
the ability to cast certain spells Sending (4 Charges),
Charm Monster (2 Charges) and Dominate Beast (2
Charges). Once all charges are expanded the weapon
regains them on the next dawn. Wisdom is your
Legendary Magic Items
Glaive of the Kingscourt (Glaive) Requires attunement Ruptor (Great Sword) Requires attunement.
You can use a bonus action to toss this magic Glaive into You gain a +5 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
the air and speak the command word. When you do so, this magic weapon.
the Glaive begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks When you attack with Ruptor you
one creature of your choice within 10 feet of it. The inflict a -2 Bonus to the targets AC
Glaive uses your attack roll and ability score modifier to this stay until your next turn, when
damage rolls. you attack you don’t attack with 2d6
While the Glaive hovers, you as opposed to a regular great sword
can use a bonus action to cause you roll with 2d8 instead.
it to fly up to 30 feet to another The Ruptor is a giant sword is also ancient one of the four
spot within 30 feet of you. As part of the same bonus swords brought back to Helgeän by Helg, Ruptor is
action, you can cause the sword to attack one creature wielded by Valiheart. It is said that Ruptor changes the
within 10 feet of it. As another separte bonus action you wielder to suit its wishes for a wielder. No one knows who
can split the glaives they both use the same turn to or what made Ruptor, it is assumed it was the gods. Even
attack and can move separtly. more it is assumed that it is Ramalous

Clypeus (Mace) Requires attunement. Purgator (Long Sword) Requires attunement.

You gain a +4 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made You gain a +4 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
with this magic weapon. this magic weapon. When you wield Purgator
When you equip Clypeus your AC increases you deal an extra dice of
by 2 and you gain the ability to cast Shield damage when attacking
(5 Charges), Wall of Force (3 Charges), with a smite and you have the ability to cast each smite
Globe of Invulnerability (2 Charges) and once per day at 5th level. All spent charges are regained on
Holy Aura (1 Charges) these can be cast on the next dawn
other people as well with 30 feet of range, The Purgator is wielded by a very devoted servant of the
all spent charges are regained on the next king and the gods of light Godfrey Kingsever, a scroll with
dawn. Wisdom is your modifier. tales about Purgator was handed down to the people of
The Clypeus is wielded by one of the four
Helgeän it said that the Purgator was made by Ralam.
former heroes of Yolm John of Hawkwood
he is a kind and gentle man and a cleric by trade, a scroll
with tales about Clypeus was handed down to the people
of Helgeän it said that the Clypeus was made by Arcvius (Rapier) Requires attunement.
Larmous. You gain a +4 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Dragon Piercer (Pike) Requires attunement. Staffmagic
of theweapon.
Record (Staff) Requires attunement.
You gain a +5 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made Your spell save
Bow of When wieldDC
you Bringer and spell attack
(Flail) you
bonus each increase
can attunement.
with thisthe
Blaster magicLongweapon.
Gauntlets Hunt (Longbow)
(Gauntlet) Requires
Requires attunement.
attunement. Penance
by 3. the power of flight you can
gain aa+4 +4Bonus
Bonus totoattack
damage rolls
rolls made invoke
Yougaingainthe a +4 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made
Dragon piecer is a large spear which deals 1d10 You ability to cast certain
with with
this this
magic magic
weapon. weapon. fly up to
with this60magic
feet per turn,
weapon. you can spells Slow
piercing and a word can be invoked to infuse it (4 Charges), Haste (4with
Charges), Hold Monster
Thebow deals also ignite the blade holy fire
with Blaster
lighting it 1d10
deals damage
Gauntlets 2d6 count per
lightning arrow
as unarmed
damage youuntil
can When
(2 deal
Charges)wieldingand TimePenance Stop Bringer
(1 Charge) one all
initiate to 2d8 extra radiant damage,
is saidthe
itweapons Long
otherwise, Hunt
when by focussing
Dragon attack with
Piercer the arrow
it roll
has reach. repentance which deals 2d12 bludgeoning to
a 1d8range
it can doubles
be and
surpassed you byaccuracy
monks. bonus
When when theare
blade but
on the
is increases
ignited you next
thecan dawn
damage of the
You gain the ability to cast Lightning Bolt Intelligence is your modifier.
doubles as well, your next shot deals 4d10 extra shoot out a burst of flame dealing
(3you wield
Charges) the
Chain Gauntlets
Lightning you
(1 can
Charges), Penance Bringer by 2 times got the nrxt 1 minute
The Staff of the Record was a powerful
focus your damage,
energy The Long of
shoot Hunt (2 Charges
a blast of dawn. per day) all 2d6 radiant
, if the wielderdamage isbelow with
of Evil a range
alignment 120artifact
ofthe feetdeals
put in a
all spent charges are on the next vault deep, deep ground with monsters and
2d4 charges
force are
damage regained
it has a on
rangethe next
of 60 dawn. equal to fire bolt)
bludgeoning. When the Penance
sword keeps burning.
Bringer attacks an Evil target
Intelligence is your modifier. The Dragon Piercer was a golems guarding it as to
feetBow ofit the
hits Long Hunt was crafted The Arcvius3d8isextra
wielded bycontrol
a young time is to who
woman controlhasthe
famous andweapon the
forged by thein
within the age
gods You
to of
can also
destroy it deals
world. bludgeoning damage.
cast certain
dragons to spells
end theirArcane Hand
legacy it was (2 Charges)
wielded last all spent
by her
Penance of Grimlife to Dark
and wield theconclusive
no blade and
(Tome) protect
Requires ither
said to
and strike down the dragons with powerful lightning
You gain
magic. are +4regained
isa wielded
ItBinisque Bonuswhobytoon the
Seugfrin and
his dawn.
thebow andDexterity
Dragonslayer, nowmade is your
who has her
When wielded is Ysmeina
casting bytheMayvil Belleville,
spells andwho many a scroll
resideother with
within talesTome
The about
of justice.
Wand of Herr Flann (Wand) Requires attunement.
in the this magic
retired in recent times. weapon. It now
Grim is lost
and Dark toTales
handed thedownages
yourandto the
spell hidden
save in and
DC aofplace
spell no
it said
Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase
The Shadelords
The Blaster Gauntlets Daggers are special
can’t casttype
gauntlet who
without onethe
that has found
Arcvius it
wasyet,madeit leis
by 3. byand waits for a new wielder.
by 3.
come and go around the hands of
each other, as a bonus action when you stand in a the wearer becoming You can cast Chill Touch (At Will) and Ray of
Dominator of the Mind (Helmet) Requires attunement. You gain the ability to cast certain
shadow you only by death,
can teleport tothey wereshadow,
another weapons you created
can by Enfeeblement
The Key of Solomon(3 Charges) all expanded charges are
While wearing the Dominator of the Mind you receive +1 spells Burning Hands (Orb) Requires
(6 Charges), attunement.
the Elven
invoke smithstoforbecome
shadows a youngviolent,
prince when
who was yougooddo this with
you regained
Your spellRay upon the
save(5DC next day.
and spellFire attack bonusiseach
Intelligence yourincrease
to AC and have advantage against Intelligence and Scorching Charges),
his fists,
can makebut onenot a sword.
creature Thea shadow
with Blaster Gauntlets
be are now modifier.
by 3(4and +4 Bonus toof attack
Wisdom Saving throws, you can also not be magically Ball Charges), Wall Fire and damage rolls made with
guarded by their
attacked a hidden shadowgroup Elven
this makesMonks
fourwhoarmsworship You can tell certain tales
charmed, put to sleep and resistance to Psychic damage. (3this magic weapon
Charges), Flame Strike and attack made with the Key have
rise Gauntlets.
dealing 4d4 bludgeoning damage and which
the summon
reach property.certain
You also gain the ability to cast certain spells Dancing (2 Charges) and Firestorm (1 Charge) all spent charges
must make a Dex save (DC 12), if failed the monster
The Key of to Solomon
the can be used as a melee
Cursed Magic Item
Sebastian (Familiar) Requires attunment
Adventuring Gear, Legendary, Cursed, Familiar, Caster, Support.
Sebastian’s 1st form is a skull which can’t fly or move on its own, but can communicate to the one
closest or is attuned to it in its 1st form. He is very knowledgeable about Yolm and even all of
Arajah’s History. When held in this form he can be used as a spell casting focus. However being
attuned to him makes you lose 5% of your maximum health.
Sebastian’s 2nd form is that of a skeleton with the same skull on top of it. To activate this form one
must sacrifice atleast 1 hit dice. The number of eyes thrown is the number of turns it remains in this
form. The user can choose to sacrifce more hit dice to suit their need. When in this form use the
appropriate Sebastian stat block. Controlled by the DM.
Sebastian’s 3rd form is one that looks dapper and more closely to how he acts. This would mostlikely be
his normal form if he wasn’t cursed. He can only be obtained by sacrificing one of your highest spell slots.
The level of spell slot will bet he amount of turns he is arround When in this form use the appropriate
Sebastian stat block. Controlled by the DM.
Sebastian’s 4th form is gargantuan only obtained by sacrifcing all your health except 1, all your hit dice
and all of your spell slots except for Level 1 slots. This form is what got him cursed. Sebastian was
always known for his gigantic power, magic and capability of vengeance. When in this form use the
appropriate Sebastian stat block. Controlled by the DM.

Cursing Sword (Shortsword) Requires attunement Sword of the Deep Ocean (Longsword) Requires attunement.
Weapon, Cursed, Debuff, Rare, Melee Weapon, Cursed, Buff, Very Rare, Melee
You gain a +1 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made You gain a +3 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. with this Magic Weapon.
When you attack with the cursing sword When you Attack an object or creature
you can choose a curse to apply to your with this magic sword and hit, maximize your weapon
target. You can only curse one target damage dice against the target. While wielding and
with one curse at once. Each curse can be cast once per being attuned to the Sword of the Deep Ocean one will
day and you will receive said curse a turn later. Each gain 60 feet of movement in water and will make them
curse is a DC 12 CON save. amphibious.
Partial Blindness, the target has a hard time hitting its However as you adapt to the water you become weaker
target and receives disadvantage on all attack rolls. on land as you need to be submerged at least once
Weakened Body, the targets body’s defences are made every 4 hours to avoid suffocating.
weaker and receives disadvantage on all saving throws.
Feeble Body, the targets skin and bones cannot take a The Shield of Sorrow (Shield) Requires attunement.
lot of punishment and are vulnerable to Piercing, While wielding the Shield of Sorrow you recieve +3 AC.
Bludgeoning and Slashing. When attuned tot he Shield of Sorrow.
Spontaneous Clumsiness, the target enters a rut of One can spend one of 3 charges
clumsiness and receives disadvantage on all skill checks (Which comeback at Dawn) to make
that they make. the shield wail in pain, as blood rushes
Each Curse lasts for 1 day or until someone uses through it. This reinforces the Body
Remove curse or if the target dies. giving advantage to the wielder on all their attack rolls.
For 1d6 turns. The shield does fill the wielder with its
own sorrow making them severly defeated in the mind.
Only the strongest retain the wil lto go on while
wielding the shield, even if you unattune to it you still
will be severly defeated.
Axe of the Undying (Greataxe) Requires Attunement The Midnight Daggers (Daggers) Requires attunement.
You gain a +1 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made You gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this Magic Weapon. with this Magic Weapon.
When you kill a creature that is not a Construct When having these daggers equiped you will begin to
or an Undead with the Axe of the Undying and walk very hunched. You are able to throw these daggers
killing the enemy. You will regain 1d10 Hit and they will comeback immediately. You also
Points and your natural age will be extended
by 1 year. You also gain the ability of Undead
Fortitude. However when you unattuned or when you
let go of the weapon each second will make you age 1
year of your increased life span.

Midnight Daggers Requires attunement.

Two powerful daggers, turn the body into that of a demon
Sentinels Halberd Requires attunement.
Empowers the user when defending a location, the user can never leave said
Helmet of Hell Hag Requires attunement.
Protecting magic helm, a hag lives in your body
Eternal Stone Armor Requires attunement.
Never breaks and powerful, the armor is unremovable and fuses with the
Creeping Blade Requires attunement.
Magical abyss blade, shows the user
different ways they die feel realistic
Grim-Eater Scythe Requires attunement.
Powerful quickening scythe, the user is
filled with bloodlust
Igniting Sword Requires attunement.
Powerful fire sword, body ignites sometimes take damage gain AC
Dread Bow Requires attunement.
Powerful Bow, silences the user in all ways. +2
Blight Blood Requires Consumption.
The users blood turns to blight, stat buff, user gets short burst of anger
Unyeilding Armor Requires attunement.
Powerful armor, redirects damage to the mind
Slithering Cloak Requires attunement.
The user can turn parts into snake shit, the user thinks more and more like a snake
The Tower Armor Requires attunement
Takes control of the body of the user, but makes them neigh invincible.
The Blade of the Dragon God Requires attunement.
You gain a +5 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
A powerful sword to rival Ruptor who belonged to Yuudai
Hand of Death Requires attunement.
You gain a +3 Bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase by 1.
Made from the hand of a powerful lich with six fingers
Sword of the Blind Berserker
Deals 6d12 Slashing, -10 to hit and adds disadvantage on all sight
based checks and adds -5 to perception
Transformation Weapons
Weapons made by Infarna, the Jealous Inventor. These weapons are rare around Yolm, but there are quite
allot in the home of Infarna which is Yvalken, the Grimwatch have adopted them as their official weapons as
they are perfect for gutting beasts.
 Switch Sword
Sword to whip
 Great Spear Canon
A Spear that can shoot of the top once for massive damage
 Rope Launcher
Can shoot grappling Metal hook to tie down monsters
 Switch Bow
Bow to a sword
 Charge Axe
Charges up for extra damage
 Switch Hammer
A sword which can transform into a hammer
 Switch Axe
Axe to Halberd
 Crossbow Greatsword
Glaive can shoot bolts
True Transformation Weapons
True Transform weapons are the original versions of transform weapons, they are more powerful and infused
with magic, not made for common use, there are even some weapons labelled prototype these weapons are
way more powerful, but are not made for preserving the user as much.

Infa speech  Hello Human or other race. I ‘am here to help, not to harm. You can call me I.N.F.A it
stands for Informational Nanny for All. I can answer some questions about the weapon and
some about the magnificent creator, not about life or the world. I will now answer some
commonly asked questions.
 Am I insane? I cannot answer this question for you, but if it concerns you my voice in your head is
linked to the magical weapon you just picked up.
 Who made you? I was made by Infarna, the greatest magic smith on Yolm. My body is a
recreation of the great Infarna himself.
 Are Transforming weapons the same as Trick weapons? No, Trick weapons are truly inferior to
Transform weapons. As is their maker Mister Turning.
Switch Weapons and Tools
Magical Orgy tree

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