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European Journal of Marketing

Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing
Bernard Cova, Véronique Cova,
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Bernard Cova, Véronique Cova, (2002) "Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact
on the conduct of marketing", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 36 Issue: 5/6, pp.595-620, https://
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Tribal marketing The tribalisation

of society
The tribalisation of society and
its impact on the conduct of
marketing 595
Bernard Cova
ESCP-EAP, European School of Management,
Paris-Oxford-Berlin-Madrid, and
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VeÂronique Cova
University of Toulon-Var, France
Keywords Society, Postmodernism, Behavioural sciences, Consumer behaviour, Marketing
Abstract This paper presents an alternative, ``Latin'' vision of our societies. Here the urgent
societal issue is not to celebrate freedom from social constraints, but to re-establish communal
embeddedness. The citizen of 2002 is less interested in the objects of consumption than in the
social links and identities that come with them. This Latin view holds that people like to gather
together in tribes and that such social, proximate communities are more affective and influential
on people's behaviour than either marketing institutions or other ``formal'' cultural authorities.
There is also an element of resistance and re-appropriation in the acts of being, gathering and
experiencing together. This view of the shared experience of tribes sets it apart from both
Northern notions of segmented markets and one-to-one relationships. In this Latin view, the
effective marketing of 2002 and beyond is not to accept and exploit consumers in their
contemporary individualisation, as Northern approaches might. Rather the future of marketing is
in offering and supporting a renewed sense of community. Marketing becomes tribal marketing.
In a marketing profession challenged by the Internet phenomenon, tribal marketing is by no
means just another passing fad but a Trojan horse to induce companies to take on board the re-
emergence of the quest for community.

Introduction: a Latin view

The Latin School of Societing[1], that represents the focal point for this
paper, provides a basis for a retrospection of the role of marketing in 2002
and beyond (see Appendix 1). The central leitmotif of societing ± the link is
more important than the thing ± leads researchers ``to analyse economic
activity not as an independent activity but as one embedded in a societal
context, which, at the same time, encompasses it and renders it possible''
(Cova, 1999, p. 80).
Consequently, this Latin view makes salient a number of societal issues
overlooked or neglected in Northern approaches of marketing (Cooper and
McLoughlin, 1998). The Northern school of thought sees consumption as self-
defining, whereas the Latin School espouses the view that products and
services are consumed as much for their linking as for their use value. In this
paper, we will develop one of the aspects of the Latin approach, namely
European Journal of Marketing,
Vol. 36 No. 5/6, 2002, pp. 595-620.
The authors wish to thank Kenneth Cassler for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of this # MCB UP Limited, 0309-0566
paper. DOI 10.1108/03090560210423023
European tribalism and tribal marketing. The aim is not to replace a Northern by a Latin
Journal of marketing but to engage with more than one perspective; to have a repertoire of
Marketing more than one way of interpreting reality; to stir marketing imagination from
its apparent lethargy (Brownlie et al., 1999). The aim is also to mobilise
36,5/6 marketing researchers and practitioners around what we think is right (Sherry,
2000; Sikka, 1999): re-socialising people more than liberating them! Thus, the
596 urgent societal issue is not to celebrate freedom from social constraints, but to
re-establish communal embeddedness: a kind of emancipation from the projects
of emancipation (Firat and Dholakia, 1998). The path we follow ``to catalyse
moral insurgency beyond the school-yard'' (Sherry, 2000, p. 333) is to offer
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tribal marketing as an appealing alternative to the dominant discourse in

In this paper we will first discuss the sociological foundations of such an
approach, then present a case study on the in-line roller[2] tribe in order to
investigate possible ways for marketers to support ± and capitalise on ± the
link between members of a tribe.

Tribalism: the strangeness of postmodern social dynamics

Our era is often characterised in Northern countries by individualism (Firat and
Venkatesh, 1993; Firat and Shultz, 1997), the logical conclusion of the modern
quest for liberation from social bonds. The right to liberty ± unbounded in
theory but until now limited to the economic, political and intellectual field ±
affects all aspects of daily life. Gaining ground is the idea of a social condition
in which individuals, freed from the constraints of collective ideals in matters of
education, the family, sex, are operating a process of personalisation as a way
of managing behaviour. They do this not through the tyranny of details, but
with as few constraints and as many choices as possible. It has been said that
we have now entered the era of the ordinary individual, that is to say an age in
which any individual can ± and must ± take personal action, so as to produce
and show one's own existence, one's own difference (Elliott, 1997, 1999).
The fragmentation of society, fostered by the developments of industry and
commerce, is among the most visible consequences of this individualism.
Products and services have progressively freed people from the many alienating
tasks left behind by tradition, even shopping itself. From one's own home, and
without physical social interaction, one can obtain almost everything one
desires. All the technology increases isolation, while permitting one to be in
virtual touch with the whole world via fax, TV, telephone, Internet. The process
of narcissism, induced by the development and widespread use of computers in
all aspects of human existence, seems to characterise our daily life.
Our era can therefore be understood as a period of severe social dissolution
and extreme individualism. But attempts at social re-composition are also
visible: people who have finally managed to liberate themselves from social
constraints are embarking on a reverse movement to recompose their social
universe. This results in an active quest for alternative social arrangements
and new communities (Goulding et al., 2001). People are increasingly gathering
together in multiple and ephemeral groups, and such social, proximate The tribalisation
groupings have more influence on their behaviour than either modern of society
institutions or other formal cultural authorities. Our era, then, does not crown
the triumph of individualism but rather may herald the beginning of its end.
We can speak of the emergence of a reverse movement: a search for
maintaining or (re)-creating the social link (Maffesoli, 1996a). In fact, it is
sometimes claimed that the social dynamics, characteristic of our postmodern 597
era, are made up of a multitude of experiences, representations and emotions
that very often are not properly understood. Although most of the time such
dynamics are explained by individualism, we can readily observe the emerging
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of ``tribalism'' (Bauman, 1990; Maffesoli, 1996a).

Why is it relevant to use the tribal metaphor in order to describe these social
dynamics? If we accept with Maffesoli (2000, p. 13) that ``postmodernity is
synergy between archaism and technological development'', we should
recognise the movement of ``re-rooting'' of the individuals that comes with their
continuous ``uprooting'' caused by progress. What they seek through the
experience of shared emotion may be considered a return of the pre-modern
imagination which has been rejected by modern thinking. This pre-modern
imagination values notions contrary to progress, such as community, locality,
nostalgia . . . The word ``tribe'' refers to this re-emergence of quasi-archaic
values: a local sense of identification, religiosity, syncretism, group narcissism
and so on. It is borrowed from anthropology, which used it in order to
characterise archaic societies, where social order was maintained without the
existence of a central power. The notion has been used largely in politics to
describe any collective behaviour, in these archaic societies, that resists the
construction of modern state institutions. Finally, the word ``tribe'' conveys the
same characteristics as the notion of ``ethnic group'' but on a smaller scale: local,
linguistic and cultural homogeneity. In the same vein, it conveys the same
characteristics as the notion of ``clan'' but on a larger scale: kinship, lineage and
other blood-related attributes.
Postmodern social dynamics can metaphorically be defined as ``tribes''
because, much like the tribes of the archaic societies:
. they cannot rely on central power to maintain social order or coerce their
constituency into submission to collective rules (seldom do they have
clearly codified rules to which submission could be demanded);
. they constitute a collective actor that represents a counterpower to
institutional power;
. they do rally people not around something rational and modern ± a
project, a professional occupation, the notion of progress, but around non
rational and archaic elements ± locality, kinship, emotion, passion; and
. they are close to clans and other ethnic-flavoured groupings in the sense
that they participate in the re-enchantment of the world (Maffesoli,
European These tribes do not limit themselves to teenage groupings, as shown by the
Journal of number of adult tribes where people gather around shared ``ordinary passions''
Marketing (Bromberger, 1998). In fact, the common denominator of postmodern tribes is
36,5/6 the community of emotion or passion. So, why not call them ``communities''?
Bounds (1997) looks at the variety of uses of the concept of community in the
598 USA. For her,
. . . community serves a metaphor for those bonds among individuals that the market is
eroding and is a reaction to globalisation . . . They are reactions to a sense of uprootedness
which is countered by seeking/roots connections through forms of associations which
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preserve particular memories of the past, a measure of stability in the present and particular
expectations for the future (Bounds, 1997, pp. 2-3).

This is particularly in tune with postmodern social dynamics, but the concept
of ``community'' as used in the English language suffers from an excessive
modernist bent, since it characterises a body of people with something in
common (e.g. the district of residence, the occupational interest) without
implying the existence of non-rational and rather archaic bonds. This is
completely different in Latin countries, where the word communaute in French
or communitaÁ in Italian conveys the existence of blood-related bonds.
Furthermore, with the development of the Internet, it would appear that the
concept of ``community'' is now conjoined with that of ``interest''. The latter has
little to do with archaic values, which is why we do not use the concept of
``community'' to define postmodern social dynamics, even if they can be
described as ``temporary or momentary communities'' (Firat and Dholakia,
1998, p. 155).
Postmodern tribes are inherently unstable, small-scale, ``affectual''
(Maffesoli, 1996a) and not fixed by any of the established parameters of modern
society. Instead, they can be held together essentially through shared emotion
and passion. They exhibit such strong ties not despite the fact that they are
temporary, but precisely because they are temporary (Kozinets). Tribes exist in
no other form but the symbolically and ritually manifested commitment of their
members. They cannot count on the high frequency of neighbourly bonds or
the intensity of reciprocal exchange. Tribes are constantly in flux, brought ever
again into being by the repetitive symbolic ritual of the members but persisting
no longer than the power of attraction of these rituals and of their cult-objects.
In fact, the (re)construction or (re)possession of meanings through shared
experiences and their enactment through rituals is the most potent form of
maintaining tribal identity in our postmodern societies.
Take the Lomo tribe as an example (Appendix 2). The whole tribal
phenomenon around Lomo is an ephemeral joint construction of the reality: a
shared feeling about what is going on around the tribe supported by numerous
rituals and the collective (re)construction or (re)possession of meanings.
Because the newly appropriated sign given to the Soviet camera is common
only to the tribe, its apparent secrecy lends added identity to the Lomo tribe.
So, postmodern tribes present some clear differences from archaic tribes The tribalisation
(such as Indian tribes in the USA): of society
. They are ephemeral and non-totalizing groupings. Archaic tribes were
permanent and totalizing.
. A person can belong to several postmodern tribes. In an archaic tribe a
person could only belong to one tribe. 599
. The boundaries of a postmodern tribe are conceptual. They were
physical in the archaic tribes.
. The members of a postmodern tribe are related by shared feelings and
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(re)appropriated signs. Members of archaic tribes were related by

kinship and dialect.
Indeed, for postmodern people, the fact of belonging to a tribe does not exclude
the possibility of living a ``normal'' life: ``instead of constantly remaining within
their singularly preferred countercultural domain, they participate in
mainstream life, behave and dress differently and work in mainstream jobs,
they participate as students, staff or faculty in educational institutions. They
also occasionally cross over and participate in other counter-cultural-scapes''
(Firat and Dholakia, 1998, p. 144). Here, it is interesting to note that Firat and
Dholakia (1998) prefer to use other terms to describe these social alternatives:
``life-mode communities'' (p. 156) or ``life-mode-cultures'' (p. 158). They position
these social alternatives as ``enclaves'' (p. 160) outside the society. This is not
the Latin way of seeing things. Tribes are more than a residual category of
social life. They are the central feature and key social fact of our own
experience of everyday living ± even though, and maybe because, they are
difficult to catch. Therefore they can exist, often unnoticed, side by side with
modern society in a complex and intertwined fashion.
In a Latin approach (Club de Marseille, 1994; Maffesoli, 1996a), society
resembles a network of societal micro-groups, in which individuals share
strong emotional links, a common subculture, a vision of life. In our times, these
micro-groups develop their own complexes of meanings and symbols and form
more or less stable tribes, which are invisible to the categories of sociology.
Each individual belongs to several tribes, in each of which he might play a
different role and wear a specific mask; this means that the rational tools of
sociological analysis cannot classify him. And belonging to these tribes has
become, for that individual, more important than belonging to a social class or
segment. The social status, that is to say the static position of an individual in
one of the social classes, is progressively replaced by the societal configuration,
that is to say the dynamic and flexible positioning of the individual within and
between his tribes.
On this Latin analysis of society we can build a view of marketing as a
vector of the tribal link (Cova, 1997a, 1999; ReÂmy, 2001). In other words, we can
hypothesise that consumers value the goods and services, which, through their
linking value, permit and support social interaction of the tribal type, products
European or services that support AB and not the fact of being A or B. Ephemeral tribes
Journal of which need to consolidate and affirm their union are, in fact, on the look-out for
Marketing anything that can facilitate and support the communion: a site, an emblem, the
support of a ritual of integration, or of recognition (Thompson and Holt, 1996).
36,5/6 Thus, to satisfy their desire for communities, consumers seek products and
services less for their use than for their linking value (Godbout and CailleÂ, 1992;
600 Godbout, 2000). Consequently, we see marketing as the activity of designing
and launching of products and services destined to facilitate the co-presence
and the communal gathering of individuals in the time of the tribes: a kind of
``tribal marketing''. The credo of this so-called tribal marketing is that today
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consumers are looking not only for products and services which enable them to
be freer, but also for products, services, employees and physical surroundings
which can link them to others, to a tribe.

Tribal consumption: worth a second look

The Latin view of marketing proposes to put into play such notions as that of
``tribes'' and ``linking value'' in order to bring into focus blurred or fuzzy
groupings of people in today's societies. In this way, it participates in the
interpretive trend in consumer research (Sherry, 1991), which focuses on the
consumer experience to interpret it with as many approaches as there are
possible related theories. One of the relevant approaches to consumption today
is the ethnosociological approach (Dibie, 1998), which offers a useful counter to
the dominant psychosocial approach (Moscovici, 1998), that of the vast
majority of marketers. Where psychosociology focuses on the influence of A on
B (A being a person or a group), or on the power of A on B, or on the
contamination of B by A or on the imitation of A by B, ethnosociology will
focus on what makes the glue between A and B, or the shared emotion between
A and B, or the being-together AB. Ethnosociology will focus on the tribe as an
actor capable of collective or group action (Bagozzi, 2000), such as industrial
districts or inter-firms networks in business-to-business markets (Brito and
Araujo, 1993). Thus, the Latin approach to marketing is more distinguishable
from other forms of marketing by its more holistic and less individualistic way
of looking at consumption than by its territory. In this way, it is not without
link with ethnoconsumerism (Meamber and Venkatesh, 2000; Venkatesh, 1995),
which studies consumption from the point of view of the social group or
cultural group that is the subject of the study. The meanings of tribal symbols
do not exist in isolation, but are constructed within the tribal culture,
negotiated and interpreted by individuals in that specific subculture. The
meaning ascribed to products and services is related to collective experiences
that constitute opportunities to affirm, evoke, assign, or revise these meanings.
Consequently, the objective is to pin down elements of an intangible nature,
which are imperceptible taken one by one but can be discerned in collective
experiences taking place in a subcultural context.
The Latin view looks at consumption from a micro-social perspective
(Figure 1). This micro-social level is one of interaction between people, whether
The tribalisation
of society

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Figure 1.
Levels of observation of

face-to-face or in large gatherings. It is the forgotten level in consumer research

(Bagozzi, 2000), which has been mainly devoted to the individual and macro-
social levels of analysis; ``Consequently both group and non-problem-solving
behaviours have been neglected'' (Sherry, 1995, p. 12). This is the ``societal''
level as named by Maffesoli (1996a), that is to say the level of the primary
sociality (Godbout and CailleÂ, 1992), which is made up of everyday interactions
and daily emotions and differs from the secondary sociality that deals with
more official belongings and participation such as occupational. At this micro-
social level, to consume is, above all, to create social links, to build a societal
frame (Desjeux, 1996).
This micro-social perspective of consumption has been posited by
Ostergaard and Jantzen (2000) as ``consumption studies'' as opposed to ``buyer
behaviour'', ``consumer behaviour'' and ``consumer research''. In this
perspective, ``the consuming individual should be conceived as a tribe member''
(Ostergaard and Jantzen, 2000, p. 18) and not only as an ``animal'' (buyer
behaviour), a ``computer'' (consumer behaviour) or a ``tourist'' (consumer
research). The consuming individual as a tribe member ``exists beyond the
emotional and narcissistic project described in the consumer research category.
The tribe members still have some of the tourist's emotional aspects, but the
individual is no longer viewed as an independent self who is trying to collect
ever more experiences. Instead of being based on personal emotions, the
consuming individual is a member of a tribe, where the product symbolism
creates a universe for the tribe (Ostergaard and Jantzen, 2000, p. 18).
The Latin approach makes an epistemological choice to look at consumption
at the micro-social level ``particularly as found in groups of consumers and
manifested through group action'' (Bagozzi, 2000, p. 388). This does not mean
European that other levels are useless. It only means that the Latin approach is focusing
Journal of on something relatively neglected in Northern approaches.
Tribal marketing versus transactional and relational marketing
36,5/6 So, the Latin approach of tribal marketing has virtually rejected such concepts
as consumer segments, market niches and life styles, i.e. the very macro-social
602 constructs that underpin Northern marketing management. Nor do Latin
marketers attach too much importance to coherent consumer groupings,
because their belief is that such groupings are based on imagined, implausible
consumer profiles. The unit of reference used in tribal marketing is more a
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micro-social cohort of individuals who share similar experiences and emotions,

and bond together in loosely interconnected communities, e.g. tribes. Examples
include: Lomo enthusiasts (Appendix 2), Magic the Gathering players (the card
game), sky-divers (Celsi et al., 1993) . . .
In consumer terms, the notion of tribes is not particularly revolutionary. It
can be said that they have always existed under various names (e.g. even the
Mods, Teddy Boys or Skinheads of the 1960s and 1970s can be called tribes)
but the difference is that, nowadays, ``individuals can belong to more than one
neo-tribe whereas with earlier youth subcultures it would have been
impossible'' (Shankar and Elliott, 1999). Indeed, former groupings were more
stable and more constraining than today's. The major difference lies in the dual
identity of postmodern tribal groupings; they are simultaneously primary and
secondary group structures. As in the primary groups, members are bonded by
shared and concrete experiences of everyday life. But these tribes do not
withdraw into themselves, because, similarly to secondary groups, the very
condition of their existence is to interact with other collective actors, to
influence the public domain through the valorisation of the shared emotion of
its members.
Of course, tribal groupings are not directly comparable with reference
groups or psychographic segments. On the one hand, they differ from reference
groups in that they do not focus on the normative influences of the group or of
individual group members on one another. Instead tribes concentrate on the
bonding or linking element that keeps individuals in the group. Tribes differ
from psychographic segments by their short life span and their diversity. It is
fair to say that postmodern neo-tribalism translates a need to belong not just to
one but to several groups simultaneously, and that tribal membership does not
involve set personality traits or same values, but expresses a shared experience
of maybe only some aspects of a person's personal history.
Where the notion of tribe achieves a break with Northern marketing is in the
comparison with the concept of segmentation, which until recently was thought
to provide reliable consumer profiles to the marketer:
. a tribe is defined as a network of heterogeneous persons ± in terms of
age, sex, income, etc. ± who are linked by a shared passion or emotion; a
tribe is capable of collective action, its members are not simple
consumers, they are also advocates;
. a segment is defined as a group of homogeneous persons ± they share The tribalisation
the same characteristics ± who are not connected to one another; a of society
segment is not capable of collective action, its members are simple
Tribal membership arises from a shared experience of reality and is not derived
from an ordained consumer identikit based on quantitative analysis or 603
otherwise. Tribal analysis may defer to a kind of behavioural segmentation,
when all tribe members display similar behaviours or attitudes with respect to
a given product or service, but in general multiple tribal membership virtually
precludes consumer segmentation, since membership of one tribe is hardly
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meaningfully discriminating.
Finally, the tribe is more than an all-pervasive vogue or society-engulfing
trend (Morace, 1996). Vogues and trends tend to ignore the shared emotions
and interactions among individuals, but tribes in contrast set great store by
them. This is why Latin thinking is uneasy with some concepts such as ``life
mode communities'' (Firat and Dholakia, 1998) that are positioned at the cross-
roads of trends, communities and lifestyles. Are they aggregated actors
without interactions of their members or are they concrete actors which result
from interpersonal experiences? And the tribe is not necessarily a ``brand
community'', which is defined as ``a specialised, non-geographically-bound
community, based on a structured set of social relations among admirers of a
brand'' (Muniz and O'Guinn, 2001, p. 412). Brand communities are explicitly
commercial, whereas tribes are not. However, when a tribe is organised around
a same passion for a cult-object such as the Harley-Davidson, it exhibits many
similarities with a brand community.
The key concern of tribal marketing is to know which tribe(s) to support in
marketing terms. The tribal marketing approach places less emphasis on the
product or service for a ``specific'', ``average'' consumer, or indeed a segment of
consumers. Instead it supports products and services that hold people together
as a group of enthusiasts or devotees. This includes anything that strengthens
community links and fosters a sense of tribal belonging and membership, the
``we-ness'' (Muniz and O'Guinn, 2001). The key word here is the ``linking value''
of the product/service (Cova, 1997b). This refers to the product's, or service's,
contribution to establishing and/or reinforcing bonds between individuals.
Such linking value is rarely intentionally embedded in the use value of the
product/service concept, yet it is a quality that merits our careful attention. The
greater the contribution of a product or service to the development and
strengthening of the tribal bond, the greater its linking value will be.
The Latin approach to marketing is also challenging the way customer
loyalty can be built. In this alternative view, one-to-one marketing and other
relationship marketing panaceas can be criticised on two fronts (Cova, 1997a;
Muniz and O'Guinn, 2001):
(1) They are limited in their attempt to be the closest to known customers,
without sharing any emotion with them. They confuse proximity and
European intimacy, and base everything on customer service. In fact, increasingly
Journal of people do not want to be simply the object of an individualised service in
Marketing terms of customisation of functions. They also want an emotional bond
of a collective nature.
(2) Relationship marketing approaches are short-sighted in how they look at
what they call the ``relation''. Whereas the individualistic approach to
604 relationship marketing aims at creating and developing a relation
between the brand or the firm (even a member of the firm) and a customer,
the tribal approach to marketing prefers to recreate and support the
relation between customers. Products, services, physical supports and
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employees are dedicated to supporting the tribal link, not substituting for
it ± an often unfeasible and counter-productive task. The tribal inter-
relations exert pressure on members to remain loyal to the collective and
consequently to the brand.
As a consequence, it is possible to oppose a tribal way of building customer
loyalty to an individualistic one:
. whereas the individualistic approach focuses on the customer/company
relationship, the tribal approach focuses on the customer/customers
. whereas the individualistic approach positions the company as a pole of
the relationship, the tribal approach positions the company as a support
of the relationship; company's members, products, services and
servicescapes are there to support the link between customers;
. whereas the individualistic approach uses such cognitive means as
loyalty cards, bulletin boards and so on, the tribal approach relies on
rituals and cult places;
. whereas the individualistic approach develops cognitive loyalty, the
tribal approach aims at building affective loyalty.

Identifying the tribe: seeing the ordinary with fresh eyes

Compared with consumer segments, tribes are not easy to identify using
modern marketing variables. Perhaps a metaphor from quantum physics can
be helpful in illustrating this difficulty. Tribes are like elementary particles:
hard to measure because they exist but do not exist. Tribes are fuzzy; more
societal sparkle than socio-economic certainty. They are shifting gatherings of
emotionally bonded people, open systems to which a person belongs and yet
does not quite belong. It takes a disruption in marketing know-how to
understand tribes. Modern, rational analysis likes to define the scope of a thing,
to describe its specific characteristics. But tribes will not brook this approach ;
their logic is too frail.
Take the tribe of CitroeÈn 2CV[3] enthusiasts. How many 2CV enthusiasts are
there? According to the CitroeÈn Car Club, the official international club, there
are around 120,000 members. But what is the significance of the response when
you know that there are more than 500,000 2CVs still in circulation? It is the The tribalisation
difference between the number of individuals that form the hard core of the of society
community, actively contributing to its organisation and life, and the total
number of individuals who still drive this legendary car. How many people
identify or sympathise with the 2CV, when, for example, there is a special
gathering in Canada or in France? And participating in these 2CV gatherings
does not exclude being a Beetle enthusiast either. So what are the 605
characteristics of the 2CV tribe members? Who are these people gathering
together and chatting about this ugly old car? Are they all old guys? Are they
young and nostalgic for a lost world? The CitroeÈn Car Club gives some
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indications about their profile: people are anywhere between 18 and 76 years
old. They are students, white-collar workers or retirees. The analysis is
meaningless. The one significant fact is that 2CV enthusiasts tend to be found
outside big cities. Maybe not such a coincidence, after all, since big cities are
rather dangerous for such a car! In fact the bond of the 2CV tribe ± its
underlying logic, its shared experience, interpretation, representations,
discourse and action ± goes unnoticed through statistical surveys. Everything
unquantifiable and qualitative slips through the filter. What the 2CV tribe
members have in common is the pleasure of driving a car with a maximum
speed of 85 kilometres per hour and so to experience, as soon as they sit in it, a
sudden break with today's high-speed world. 2CV enthusiasts are weekend
warriors of sorts. The shared experience of breaking free from the stressing
work-week is a more powerful selector than any socio-demographic category.
Tribes convey signs with which members identify. Such signs, or traces of
identity, cannot express the totality of belonging but provide helpful hints and
put us on the path of understanding. We would argue that there are at least two
types of ``tribal traces'': temporal and spatial traces. In temporal terms tribes
emerge, grow, reach their zenith, languish, then dissolve. Their underlying
logic is timeless and fragmented. For example, in the funky music scene
(Cathus, 1998, p. 92) ``the tribe exists when it springs to life with the crowd. The
coteries, rock groups and posses, each with their own identity dissolve in the
crowd for a brief moment of existence. All differences vanish for an instant.
Even the most exclusive coteries join the flow and allow themselves to be swept
away by the flood''. Tribes also exist and occupy space physically. The tribe ±
or at least some of its members ± can gather and perform its rituals in public
spaces, assembly halls, meeting-places, places of worship or commemoration.
These spaces are ``anchoring places'' (Aubert-Gamet and Cova, 1999), which
provide a momentary home for the tribe. None of these time and space traces
exhausts the full potential of tribes. Tribal belonging exists on a daily basis at
home, as well as occasionally and informally with others anywhere. Some also
advocate that a tribe can be just a feeling, a fancy, a fantasy. Tribal members
are never alone, because they belong, in fact or virtually, to a vast and informal
community (Maffesoli, 2000).
The recognition of tribes requires a different and special effort (Maffesoli,
1996b). The marketer is well advised to cast aside the more traditional mono-
European disciplinary, systemic approaches and to favour practices based on detecting
Journal of signs, foraging for hints and exploring the unusual by undertaking:
Marketing . desk research on everything that can be said or written about the tribe in
36,5/6 newspapers and books, on chat lines, diffusion lists, Net forums; all that
done in a similar approach to that developed by Kozinets (1997) for his
606 X-files ``netnography'' in the USA;
. semi-structured interviews and non-structured interviews with
members on an individual or group basis (focus groups);
. participant and non-participant observations on specific places where
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the tribe (or part of the tribe) gathers.

Figure 2 illustrates somewhat metaphorically[4] the signs that can be found in
the environment.
In this framework, the physical evidence of tribes is located on the horizontal
or ``visible'' axis (traces or evidences). This includes, on the temporal plane, the
moments when tribal members come together for their rituals (occasions), and
on the spatial plane, the physical meeting-places and virtual spaces
(institutions) where tribes convene. On the vertical or ``invisible'' axis (hints or
shadows), we detect the signs coming from day-to-day activities (the personal
and shared experiences) as well as the trends and vogues and other
constituents of fantasy and imagination that sweep briskly through society.
From this clutch of evidence we can work out the roles adopted by tribal
members in their dealings with one another and their surroundings. As Figure
3 illustrates, tribal members can adopt four roles. These are:
(1) a ``member'' of institutions (associations, religious sects);
(2) a ``participant'' in informal gatherings (demonstrations, happenings);

Figure 2.
The tribal clover
The tribalisation
of society

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Figure 3.
Roles of tribe members

(3) a ``practitioner'' or adept who has quasi-daily involvement in tribal

(4) a ``sympathiser'' or fellow-traveller who moves with the vogues and
trends and is marginally/virtually integrated into the tribe.
Tribal marketing can take aim at all the members of the tribe at once, or focus
on a cross-section with a view (or not) to reaching the whole tribe.

Case study: marketing to the urban tribe of in-line roller-skaters

Like all tribes, in-line skaters have their ``in groups'' and ``out groups''. The ``ins''
share an experience which produces a bond and distinguishes them from others
(we are tempted to say from ``normal'' people who are ``out''). To quote a
Parisian skater: ``in the street, cars blast their horn at you and run you down ; in
the bike lanes, it's the riders who yell and holler at you ; and on the sidewalk,
it's the pedestrians who scream in anger''.
The in-line skaters have been around as a recognisable tribal group since the
mid-1990s. In 1999, this group was identifiable in a number of ways (Figure 4).
Visible traces include physical gatherings of urban skaters:
. two large national gatherings took place in Paris during 1999; in
September Roller City brought together 15,000 people for a skate
through the city ; in October Tatoo Roller-Skating assembled 10,000 for
the same purpose;
. regular, local gatherings, called Friday Night Fever, took place weekly,
naturally on Friday evening, in Paris at around 10 p.m.; in the Place
d'Italie anywhere from 3,000-5,000 skaters congregated and set off for a
Journal of

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Figure 4.
The in-line skaters tribe
in 1999 France

night-time skate through the city; similar gatherings also took place on
Friday evenings in Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Rennes and Strasbourg.
Other visible traces included the public meetings of such Parisian associations
as Roller & Coquillages, Paris Roller and the Roller Squad Institut. Nationally,
there was the French Federation of Roller-Skating (established in 1990) with
28,000 card-carrying members! There were also special gatherings like the
Plage du Prado in Marseille, where hundreds of skaters congregated daily, and
also specialist Web sites, where skaters met to chat and connect with fellow-
members of the tribe.
The invisible side was equally rich in tribal potential. Daily skating offered
benefits to fitness freaks as well as to stunt skaters. It has been estimated that
there were over two million in-line skaters in 1999 France, compared with only
10,000 just 15 years before. There were as many female as male skaters who
skated for fun, as a means of transport, or as a sport. Hard to estimate ±
because they were less visible ± was the number of people who were part of the
in-line skating vogue, maybe not skaters but enthusiasts who relate to the more
active members of the tribe. There were even smaller tribal factions which
found expression through internal rivalries: for example, fitness skaters and
stunt skaters belong to antagonizingly different worlds.
The primary task of tribal marketing is to consider the product or service
from the angle of its linking rather than its use value (Cova, 1999). It is more
important for the firm to know how its product or service can support the tribe
in its very being than how to deliver the offer to the consumer. Here the notion
of ritual is critically important to describe the way companies marketed to the
in-line roller tribe (``intensive tribal marketing''). Durkheim (1912) discovered
that rituals endow a social entity with permanence. Just as every lasting social
relationship requires some kind of ritual to establish and sustain itself, so too a
tribe relies on rituals to pronounce its existence and sustain its membership.
Large social events and small local gatherings display rituals which can be The tribalisation
leveraged by tribal marketing activities. Such meetings are opportunities to of society
reaffirm and strengthen the underlying values of the group at the same time as
they bring together and bond the individual member with the tribe. Rituals are
a tribe's expression of shared beliefs and social belonging (Segalen, 1998). To
perform their function at social gatherings, rituals need to be supported in
various ways. Examples include the use of sacred or cult objects, ritual 609
clothing, sacred or ceremonial places, magical or ritual words, idols, icons and
sacred images.
For the tribe of in-line skaters, it is clear that the notion of ritual provided
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manufacturers and marketers with a number of opportunities to strengthen the

tribal bond. Take cult objects, for example. Rollerblade, the brand of the
founding father of in-line skating and professional hockey player, Scott Olsson,
springs to mind. In the early 1980s Scott Olsson had the brilliant idea of
replacing the blade of his hockey skates with four in-line rollers. Another firm,
Roces, immediately recognised the value of Olsson's idea and signed a licensing
contract with him. Roces then handled the research and development of the
product, while Olsson through Rollerblade handled marketing and sales. In
1999, Rollerblade was owned by Benetton and remained a cult object among
the members of the in-line skating tribe, even in the face of stiff opposition from
the likes of Salomon, Fila and many others (K2, Razors, Oxygen, Tecnica,
Rossignol, Roces, Nike . . .).
Look now at the manufacturers of ritual clothing for in-line skaters! This
encompassed a full range of accessories, including shoes, key chains, hats,
belts, backpacks, sun-glasses ± the list is endless. Many companies have
jumped into the market: Pawn, Senate, USD, England . . . They have positioned
themselves in such a way as to target sub-tribes ± e.g. stunt skaters ± which
had their special practices and rituals and their own special dress codes.
There were also companies which offered special events or places for tribes
of in-line skaters. As was mentioned above, Tatoo (the pager or bipper
launched by France TeÂleÂcom) organised the Tatoo Roller-Skating in Paris and
sponsored a series of events around the country. They have even increased
their commitment by opening a Web site dedicated to in-line roller skating.
Salomon organised a night-time skating escapade through the city of
Strasbourg with 3,000 participants and Kellogg's supported a number of active
skating clubs affiliated with the French Federation of Roller-Skaters (FFRS).
Then there were the many special words that belong to the vocabulary of the
skating tribe. In France, tribe members used English words like ``stunt'',
``tricks'', ``shine'' and ``mega''. It is difficult to give examples of companies which
were positioned in this segment apart from tribal magazines such as Crazy
Roller, Urban, Roller Saga or Roller Mag.
Finally there were the high profile idols and icons, the divas of in-line
skating who were supported by leading firms. Internationally, they included
Aaron Feinberg sponsored by Salomon, Matt Salerno under contract with Fila,
European and many others. Such sponsorship could be found at both the local and
Journal of national level.
Marketing And moreover, companies willing to do marketing with the in-line roller
tribe considered that, beyond their products or services, they might have a
36,5/6 brand or corporate linking value by the way they interacted with the tribe:
helping in the mobilising of the collective competencies of its members,
610 ascribing value to the shared emotion of its members, supporting the
(re)construction or (re)possession of meanings by the tribe, assisting the tribe in
its interactions with other collective actors in order to influence the public
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Some marketing activity takes place outside the context of rituals and tribal
supports. Such activity is primarily aimed at the fraction of tribal sympathisers
who identify with, but stand silently apart from, the mainstream tribal
membership (``extensive tribal marketing''). For instance, Ford launched Ka
Roller, a limited series of 3,000 units, to capitalise on the trend. Its advertising
slogans showed that Ford was promoting a product more than a bond : ``With
Ford Ka, you will thread your way through the city like a skater!''; ``With my Ka
Roller, everything is in-line!''
Brands like Tatoo built on tribal bonds with in-line skaters to emphasise the
bonding value of its offer. In this instance the tribe of in-line skaters was the
focus of marketing and an important element of brand identity together with an
ingredient of global offering. Tatoo enabled tribal members to stay in contact,
whether they belong to the tribe of in-line skaters or another tribe. Like Magic
fanatics who haunt Magic CafeÂs everywhere, the simple fact that there was a
fanatical tribe of in-line skaters legitimatised the linking value of Tatoo. In
contrast, an effort by the French bank, Caisse d'Epargne, to promote a tribal
savings account named ``Tribu'' has been a dismal failure, because there was no
specific linking value in the offer.
Of course the approach has its limits and Tatoo had to be cautious not to
position itself as the pager of in-line skaters! Tatoo's target market was much
bigger than the in-line skaters' tribe, as its advertising spots wittily
demonstrate. Tatoo used imaginary tribes, such as the Tribe of Santa Clauses
and the Tribe of Snowmen, to avoid narrow identification with an existing
tribe, thus extending its appeal. The astonishing success of the brand Helly
Hansen also illustrates the point. Popular among skippers of racing yachts, the
Helly Hansen line of clothing has become the rage among rappers! Its Bubble
garment became a cult item in France ± in one year (1997) sales jumped from
100 to 10,000 ± and now represents an estimated 15 per cent of world-wide
sales! Rather than ignore the surprising success of its brand, Helly Hansen
softly supported it by sponsoring rap groups like Manau. At the same time, it
continued to stress the themes of genuineness and quality. In its 1998/1999
advertising campaign this resulted in an emphasis on the sporting goods
connection of its products and the up-market quality of its label. Its advertising
campaign included images of skiers being dropped high up on the mountain
slopes by helicopter! What happened to the rapper?
The company side of tribal marketing: Salomon The tribalisation
In 1994, Salomon was a very traditional brand, a little bit outdated, but still a of society
world leader in winter sports equipment. It served people skiing on ``closed''
tracks and was completely excluded from new ``open'' winter playgrounds
where ``style sports'' were practised. This also means that it was excluded from
new forms of distribution channels. One of these style sports was the
snowboard. Snowboarding was not considered a winter game; its roots were to 611
be found in urban passions. Snowboarders represented a marginal group, a
tribe, which structured itself against the whole universe of skiing (federations,
clothes, brands. . .). They wanted to stay apart from traditional skiers. They
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had their own small manufacturers (more than 150 craftsmen), their own
distribution channels (Pro-Shops), their cult-brand (Burton) and they hated
Salomon, which was considered a ``daddy's brand''.
In 1994, Salomon decided to focus on the snowboard phenomenon. The
watchword was ``Be humble!'': ``We are starting from scratch'', ``We will be low
profile'', ``We will go there to listen''. . . The aim was to build and develop
proximity between Salomon and the snowboarders. This was mainly done
through participant observation by Salomon people. In 1995, Salomon decided
to set up a marketing unit made up of snowboarders. It designed a specific
``logo'' for its snowboard activities and supported a team of good snowboarders
fitted out with non-Salomon boards (Salomon boards did not yet exist!). Some
of the tribe members were invited to join the design of Salomon projects.
In 1996, Salomon was ready to launch its snowboard production. No
advertising, just physical presence at summer camps and the launching of an
advanced batch of 200 boards for the pro-shops (not the traditional winter
sports channels). At the Grenoble exhibition, Salomon boards were on pro-shop
stands, not on Salomon's, clearly showing a different type of approach:
Salomon respected the special nature of the tribe. The following year Salomon
launched its marketing approach to the snowboard tribe:
. huge presence on playgrounds with boards to be tested by
snowboarders without any incentive to buy (``we are just there'');
. presence at cult places;
. advertising in tribal media with a great variety of visuals; and
. support for contests and events.
In 1999, Salomon rose to Number 3 in the snowboarding French market.
Along with this first foray into the tribal world with the snowboard,
Salomon investigated the ways of supporting the in-line roller tribe. This
approach was more systematic:
(1) Phase 1, Ethnomarketing: Salomon moves closer to the in-line skaters
. analysis of rituals and practice codes;
. encounters with the milieu;
European . presence at in-line events;
Journal of . participant observation of in-line skaters.
Marketing (2) Phase 2, Co-Design: Salomon launches its in-line activities (1997-1998):
36,5/6 . design of products in collaboration with skaters;
. work on distinctive features of the product with skaters;
. product tests by a team of skaters supported by Salomon.
(3) Phase 3, Tribal Support: Salomon takes root in the in-line skate tribe
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. Salomon is an embedded actor who shares the values of the tribe;

. Salomon supports in-line events not by placing an ad (streamer) but
by promoting the practice (contests);
. Salomon creates new events and helps in the building of in-line
. Salomon supports the shared passion of in-line skaters.
In 1999, Salomon achieved 15 per cent of its turnover in snowboard and in-line
skate activities. Salomon became No. 3 in the world for in-line products. This
has changed the positioning of the brand in the minds of the consumers.
Salomon now organises its marketing approach around the ideas of practices,
tribes and passions. It has a new slogan, ``Freedom action sports'', a new
graphic identity (the logo of the snowboard activities becomes the logo of the
brand) and a new type of communication, more non-verbal than verbal. Now,
Salomon focuses on increasing tribal marketing approaches with such tribes as
One way to measure the quality of Salomon's approach is to compare it with
those approaches developed by its direct competitors in the same market. In
1997, there were four major companies seeking to penetrate the in-line roller
market: Salomon, Nike, Fila, and Rossignol. Only Salomon succeeded. Fila and
Rossignol faced major sales disillusions in trying to enter the tribal market as if
it were a classical market, i.e. starting with a product offer! Nike also threw in
the towel after a while. In contrast, people from Salomon humbly approached
the tribe; they did not seek to get a market foothold, but to join a tribe and to
support its rituals. If we pursue the parallel with business-to-business markets
(Hakansson and Snehota, 1995), we can say that they gained a network
position. After that, they were allowed to think about bringing their products to
the members of the tribe.

Tribal marketing and after: societing

Tribes such as in-line skaters provide opportunities for marketers to engage in
symbiotic relationships with groups of consumers. The best thing about these
tribes is that they do not wait to be invited to participate (Aubert-Gamet, 1997),
they just get on with it. Marketers who understand the structure and ethos of a
tribe as Salomon has done can profit from supporting it. In addition to The tribalisation
providing necessary supports for the functioning of the tribe, marketers can of society
also assist in the socialisation of new members, facilitate communications
within the tribe, and support events and other experiences that provide havens
for the activities of the tribe (Schouten and McAlexander, 1995). And rather
than limit themselves to the status of non-participant observers, marketers can
involve themselves with members of the tribe in shared, high emotion and 613
ritual experiences. These methodologies are based on high emotional
involvement with consumers and resemble an anthropology of consumption
(Sherry, 1995). Some define this range of methods as ethnomarketing or
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market-oriented ethnography (Arnould and Wallendorf, 1994). These methods

enable observation of how the meaning embedded in products is transferred
from the product to consumers or how it is altered, diverted and twisted
through everyday experiences.
All this contributes to a loss of control on the part of the company in its
relation to the market and the consumers. Marketers in Salomon aim more at
supporting than at controlling the tribe. They treat members of the tribes as
partners in market and non-market activities. In doing so, Salomon breaks
down the wall between the sphere of the market and that of society. In its
search for authentic interaction with the tribe, the company is progressively
obliged to adopt some of the rules and norms of the tribe. This has direct
consequences on the way people are managed inside the company; some of its
operating modes in terms of human relations may be altered (ReÂmy, 2001). It is
not just a question of serving a community, it is a question of being a member
of it. And this community is not a ``brand community'' (Muniz and O'Guinn,
2001) but a community supported by a brand, which is slightly different. The
very idea of building a brand community is in fact a Promethean dream of
marketers which rarely becomes a reality. It is much more interesting and
socially responsive to support social tribes than to dominate markets, as
consumers resist market logics and corporate interests more and more.
Here, the idea of partnership between the company and the tribe is another
crucial dimension of the tribal approach. If we consider the tribe as an actor
capable of collective action, such as are industrial districts or industrial
networks, it is possible to incorporate the tribal experience into the company
model: customers are co-developers of tribal experiences and tribal
competencies that can be mobilised by the company, just as Salomon did when
co-opting skaters to co-design its products. The recognition that tribes are a
source of competencies forces marketers to lower the boundaries of the
company (Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2000): the tribe is not outside the
company, it is part of the company network, just as the company is part of the
tribe. All these connoisseurs, regulars, adepts and other collectors produce, in
their shared experiences of re-appropriation, a collective expertise of the
product, service or brand that can be beneficial for the company, if taken into
account by the marketers; and, if not, it may be a source of negative rumours. In
European any case, they avoid the attitude of the ``atomized dupes'' (Kozinets,
Journal of forthcoming), who are manipulated by the brands and the market.
Marketing The central leitmotif of Societing ± the link is more important than the thing
± is clearly perceptible in these examples of tribal marketing approaches. The
business firm acts at the societal or micro-social level, which is the level of
concrete actors (Desjeux, 1996). It operates in a way close to the ``social
614 exchange'' as defined by Belk and Coon (1993): it does not look for a balanced or
even negative reciprocity in exchange for what it gives the tribe. The tribe and
the business firm are more in a system of perpetual mutual indebtedness than
in one of reciprocity. The partner in the exchange is not viewed as a
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commodity; it comes to be seen as part of the extended self. The return on

investment will come later or perhaps never. As described by Kozinets
(forthcoming) in the Burning Man experience, the presence of the market is
acceptable for the tribe as long as the exploitative motive, manipulation and
socially isolating outcomes of the market can be said to be absent. The
company's first move is non-market and has a purely societal anchoring,
whereas the second move will allow the company to return to the market with
the support of the tribe; a kind of partnership to influence the public domain. It
has a clear market anchorage. The core of the societing effort is to support a
tribe of enthusiasts, whereas the core of the marketing effort is to serve a
market (Figure 5).
Some researchers could put limits on these efforts, arguing that ``consumers
would not like the experiential enclaves contaminated by intrusions from other
enclaves'' (Firat and Dholakia, 1998, p. 158) and that any attempt to capitalise
on a tribe will melt into thin air. We are not sure that the concept of enclave is
fit for tribalisation. Tribes can co-exist side by side with mainstream society in
a complex and intertwined fashion, allowing many re-combinations. The soft
marketisation of some of the tribe symbols and recreated meanings, with its
agreement and its help, is not always synonymous with colonisation, ``selling
out'', and, consequently, rejection by the tribe members.

Figure 5.
A different anchorage of
the effort
Some managers could say that there is nothing new under the sun, and that The tribalisation
these kinds of tribal support have always existed. As a matter of fact, they may of society
have existed in a pre-modern form but have vanished from marketing today.
For example, in the South of France, Ricard, which produces a very well-known
alcoholic beverage Pastis, has supported the peÂtanque[5] groupings and
competitions for many years. It is noteworthy that this support was dedicated
to a geographically bounded group of people, whereas tribes are more 615
conceptually bounded, and that there was no attempt to co-opt and integrate
customers' competencies, whereas tribal approaches are willing to open the
company to an outside collective actor. Finally, even the return to pre-modern
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practices can be seen as a way of softening the pure business orientation of the
Other authors argue that societing is just another buzzword to hide ``the
ability of the market to co-opt, usurp and commodify, as a part of mainstream
culture, the subversions attempted by the consumers'' (Firat and Dholakia,
1998, p. 64). Globally, societing would be another vehicle of hypercapitalism
(Rifkin, 2000). On the contrary, we think that these critics neglect a reverse
movement of hypercapitalism that forces business firms to relinquish part of
their power in dealing with tribes of enthusiasts. This movement pushes
companies outside the market sphere and involves them in societal efforts. To
be intimate with tribal enthusiasts requires the firm to act as a voluntary
organisation. In fact, we are not so sure that there is only one move: the
invasion of the societal sphere by the market sphere. There may well be a
reverse move: the invasion of the market sphere by the societal sphere. More
and more tribes of enthusiasts want to play a part in the firm's decisions that
concern their object of passion. And this phenomenon is likely to take on a new
and larger shape with the development of the Internet.
On the Internet, virtual tribes structured around a shared passion are
growing rapidly (Rauch and Thunqvist, 2000). These emotional tribes that we
see as something more than just ``communities of interest'' (cf. Northern
cybermarketing approaches) are to be considered with care: ``Online consumers
are much more active, participative, resistant, activist, loquacious, social and
communitarian than they have previously been thought to be'' (Kozinets, 1999,
p. 261). In order to support these e-tribes, it is not enough to open a new Web
site. It is important to support the myriad Web sites that already exist. ``The
goal is not to control the information, but to use it wisely in order to build solid,
long-lasting relationships'' (Kozinets, 1999, p. 263). For example, the French
automotive manufacturer CitroeÈn undertakes tribal marketing on the Web in
support of a selected number of the 1,500 ``Citroenthusiasts'' sites. This is in
addition to its official CitroeÈn Web site. In doing so, CitroeÈn facilitates the
emotional experience these enthusiasts can have on the Web. But even this is
not sufficient. Tribes of cyberenthusiasts want to take part in decisions and
they have the power to do so. In fact, if you do not want to play with tribes of
enthusiasts, never mind, they will play with you anyway! And they will force
the company to adopt Societing.
European Societing is an approach which is willing to establish mutually beneficial
Journal of compromises between market and society rather than an approach that targets
Marketing the colonisation of one by the other, or the enclavisation of one versus the other.
The notion of tribe gives the business firm the opportunity to develop such an
36,5/6 approach. Thus, ``the company is not only a simple economic actor adapting to
the market, but a social actor relating to the societal context'' (Badot et al., 1993,
616 p. 51).

In this paper, the tribe of in-line skaters has been used to illustrate the
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marketer's exciting task of identifying, supporting and integrating neo-tribes in

today's society. Opportunity depends on a willingness to discard mechanical
marketing thinking and adopt a fuzzy logic, which places the link at the heart
of the offering strategy. This implies, both in market research and in offering
strategies, the tempering of the psychosocial view with an ethnosociological
approach, which is able to take into account the shared experience of
consumers in their tribal groupings in order to integrate it into the business
The Internet, which provides a powerful tool for people to link and act
together in tribes without restrictions of time and space, is bringing to light the
need to develop a Societing approach to go hand-in-hand with the increasing
issue of re-socialisation of the individuals.

1. Also called the Southern School of Marketing or the Mediterranean School of Marketing.
2. In-line roller skates resemble ice-skates with the blade replaced by four ``in-line'' rollers.
3. The 2CV is the cheap car launched by CitroeÈn at the beginning of the 1950s. This ``ugly''
car was in production until the end of the 1980s. It is now a cult-object.
4. The clover is directly linked with superstition, and so with archaic values.
5. Game of bowls.

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Appendix 1. The Latin School of Societing

The vast majority of French, Italian and Spanish marketing researchers do not emphasise their
differences with North-American or North-European thinking. They position themselves or
within the dominant North-American stream of marketing management or within the promising
stream of Relationship Marketing, while displaying their virtual membership in the Nordic
School of Services Marketing and/or in the Scandinavian School of Industrial Marketing.
In contrast, a group of French, Italian and Spanish researchers are gathering around what we
call the ``Latin School of Societing''. Their common denominator is to be born on the edge of the
Mediterranean Sea ± a small, warm closed piece of water compared with the vast Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans ± and to assert their identity (Cassano, 1996). Their shared thinking can be traced
in the following simple manifesto, which is clearly embedded in the Mediterranean way of life
(Cova, 1997a):
. people like to gather together in tribes even ± and especially ± in the age of
. everyday practices are made of re-appropriation, diversion and distortion of the
dominant system of meanings, not only of mere participation in this system.
Actors of the Latin School call for ``a knowledge of the Southern type'' (Maffesoli, 1996b, p. 217).
They believe that there is a close connection between individualism, rationalism, utilitarianism
and universalism, which reflect Northern thinking, and that there is a close relation between
community, affectivity, futility and resistance, which are characteristic of Southern thinking
(Morace, 1996). Latin researchers also hold (Club de Marseille, 1994) that Mediterranean-specific
cultural traits have fostered the development of human attitudes oriented towards being,
experiencing and gathering together, that is to say a high propensity to self-organise in micro-
groups. Parier sur l'homme (Betting on the Human), the title of Club de Marseille's book, is a
paradigmatic axis for research programmes: we cannot live without human relationships and
shared emotions; they are at the centre of our everyday life and therefore orient our research on
Societing has been defined by Latin researchers as ``a socially relevant perspective of the
marketing, design and R&D interface''. In a societing approach ``the company is not only a simple
economic actor adapting to the market, but a social actor relating to the societal context'' (Badot
et al., 1993, p. 51).

Appendix 2. The Lomo tribe

Lomo stands for Leningradskoye Optiko-Mekhanicheskoye Ob'edinyeniye. The Lomo is a small,
low-tech camera ± there is no need to focus, set a light meter, use a flash, or, for that matter, look
through a viewfinder. ``Photography is heavy-weight: serious, demanding and difficult'' says
Stephan Pauly, a Lomo tribe member from Berlin. ``Lomography is charming, easy, nice,
happening. Fun.'' In 1991, Austrian student Matthias Fiegl found an old metal Russian camera in
a dusty shop in Prague and brought it back to his Vienna flat. During one of the wild, open-house
European parties he and his room-mate Wolgang Stranzinger used to throw, Fiegl began snapping pictures
of everyone and everything. He held the camera at his hip, or above his head. The results were
Journal of blurred, distorted, abstract ± and exciting. Lomography was born. What began as a parlour trick
Marketing has become a tribal movement across Europe. Fiegl and Stranzinger tacked their new images up on
a kitchen bulletin board and called it LomoWall. They founded the Lomographic Society. They
36,5/6 started bringing more Lomos from Eastern Europe and, once 100 people had the cameras, the
group mounted its first exhibition, in Vienna. Now, about 35,000 people own the cult-object,
620 including David Byrne and Brian Eno, and the most enthusiastic preachers have been designated
Lomo ``ambassadors'', running ``embassies'' everywhere from Cuba to Japan. In 1998, the first Lomo
Congress was held in Madrid, with 15,000 images on a 108m-long LomoWall, while a Lomomobil (a
schoolbus) toured Western Germany, displaying pictures and renting out Lomos to curiosity-
seekers. ``Lomo creates a shared feeling about what is going on around you. In the end,
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Lomography is a product of communication'', explains Gerald Matt, director of Vienna's

Kunsthalle, a contemporary art space. Lomography ``has an anarchic approach to the world of
pictures'', says Matt. ``It's about fast shots, impossible perspectives, gloomy and spectacular
colours, anonymity. The whole Lomo thing doesn't care whether it is art or not''.
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