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Corona Virus which is commonly known as COVID-19 is
an infectious disease that causes illness in the
respiratory system in humans. The term Covid 19 is sort
of an acronym, derived from “Novel Corona Virus
Disease 2019”. Corona Virus has affected our day-to-day
life. This pandemic has affected millions of peoples,
who are either sick or are being killed due to the spread
of this disease. COVID-19 is a new virus that is
impacting the whole world badly as it is spreading
primarily through contact with the person. It is spread
from person to person among those in close contact
within 6 feet. Most of the countries have slowed down
their manufacturing of the products.
Origin of Coronavirus and Coronavirus Symptoms

The city of Wuhan in China was the one that first

reported the case of COVID-19 in December 2019.
Further, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared
the outbreak of this disease as a pandemic in March

Due to this outbreak, a lot of countries all over the world

announced a nationwide lockdown. This was done as a
preventive measure against the pandemic. Ultimately, it
limited the movement of billions of people all over the

Consequently, all commercial establishments

including schools and colleges were shut down. In
addition to this, international and intra-state travel also
saw a ban. Similarly, many of the countries suspended
tourist visas to avoid the outbreak of this disease.

In countries like India, people from underprivileged

backgrounds had to suffer greatly. Even to date, many
have not been able to earn a proper livelihood. Shortage
of food, loss of income, and more have become a
common phenomenon for some.

Similarly, industries like pharmaceuticals, tourism, the

power sector, and more are also suffering losses after the
Coronavirus outbreak. All in all, it has an impact on the
global economy as well as our daily lives.

Impact of covid-19

 A government declared lockdown to break the

chain of covid-19 people had to face a lot of
troubles due to it.  it the labours who earn and if it
daily wear out of food. did don’t have any work
because all the economical social and educational
activities where closed for a long time it has
affected our education bodily people lost their
jobs etc.
Symptoms of Coronavirus
Coronavirus and coronavirus symptoms are
something everyone is looking for. As per the CDC,
you may have coronavirus if you are experiencing
symptoms like:

Fever, Cough, Chills, Difficulty in breathing,

Fatigue, Headache, Body ache, Loss of smell
or taste, Congestion, Diarrhoea, Sore throat,
Runny nose
Other than that, there are additional symptoms
that may possibly happen to anyone. It depends on
the individual. Further, the symptoms will start
appearing between two to fourteen days after you
have been exposed to the virus.

In children, symptoms can be milder when we

compare them to adults. On the other hand, people
who have serious underlying conditions such as
heart disease or diabetes and older people will be
at a greater risk of complications.

One must immediately get medical attention if one

is having trouble breathing. Other warning signs
include persistent pain or pressure in the chest.
Further, if one cannot seem to wake up from their
sleep or their lips or face start to turn blue, they
must get medical attention instantly.

With that being said, if a person is experiencing

these symptoms, they must contact a medical
professional. They will be able to better help the
individual with their particular case.

Prevention of covid-19

The best defence to prevent getting COVID-19 is to

get vaccinated. You should also follow the same
steps you would take to prevent getting other
viruses, such as the common cold or the flu.

 Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds —

especially before eating and preparing food,
after using the bathroom, after wiping your
nose, and after coming in contact with
someone who has a cold.
 Wear a multi-layered cloth facemask that fits
snugly on your face and covers your mouth,
nose and chin as recommended by the CDC.
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth to
prevent the spread of viruses from your
 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue
when sneezing and coughing or sneeze and
cough into your sleeve. Throw the tissue in
the trash. Wash your hands afterward. Never
cough or sneeze into your hands!
 Avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with those
who have coughs, colds or are sick. Stay home
if you’re sick.
 If you’re prone to sickness or have a
weakened immune system, stay away from
large crowds of people. Follow the directions
of your healthcare authorities, especially
during outbreaks.
 Clean frequently used surfaces (such as
doorknobs and countertops) with a virus-
killing disinfectant.
 Use hand sanitizers that contain at least 60%
alcohol if soap and water are not available.
 Greet people with a friendly gesture instead of
shaking hands.
 Get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, drink
plenty of liquids and exercise if you are able.
These steps will strengthen your immune
system and help you fight off infections more


Depending on the severity of your COVID

symptoms, you may need:

 Supplemental oxygen (given through tubing

inserted into your nostrils).
 Some people may benefit from an infusion of
monoclonal antibodies.
 Antiviral medications may reduce the risk of
hospitalization and death in certain patients
with COVID-19.
 Mechanical ventilation (oxygen through a
tube inserted down your trachea). You are
given medications to keep you comfortable
and sleepy as long as you’re receiving oxygen
through a ventilator.

Therefore, governments and health organizations
all over the world are constantly working to limit
the outbreak of coronavirus and coronavirus
symptoms. Similarly, our healthcare professionals
are facing various difficulties to protect others’
lives. We must work together as one and be
responsible on our part to safeguard our lives as
well as others.

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