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One of the effects of food waste on the environment is that it can contribute to
climate change. Climate change occurs due to certain factors that have an impact on
the environment. Food waste that is thrown away by humans will be taken to a landfill
to be disposed of. When food waste is left to rot in landfills, it indirectly releases
methane gas. Methane gas is a hydrocarbon that is the main component of natural gas.
While it is also a greenhouse gas that leads to changes in temperature and the earth's
climate system. Methane gas emissions are from various anthropogenic sources that
are influenced by humans and naturally. If this methane gas is released, it will take 12
years to remain and will indirectly trap heat from the sun. As much as 20% of
methane gas contributes to the global greenhouse effect released. Greenhouse gas
emissions released using natural resources will contribute to severe climate change.
Therefore, if the food waste treatment system is done in a good or systematic way, it
can stop 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International
Agricultural Research Consultative Group found that one-third of greenhouse gas
emissions have been contributed by humans from food waste. The greenhouse effect
will cause infrared radiation that enters the earth's atmosphere to not be adequately
reflected normally. It will also cause gradual global warming. The implications of
global warming will cause the ice sheets at both poles of the earth to melt and cause
sea levels to rise. Global warming will certainly melt the snow cover and glaciers in
mountainous regions and both poles. The rise of sea water due to the melting of ice
can have a serious impact such as major floods on island countries such as Fiji and the
Maldives as well as countries at low altitudes such as the Netherlands and
Bangladesh. As a result, the melting of the ice that caused this major flood will result
in the destruction of not only human lives and property but food supplies such as
fertile agricultural lands will also be destroyed.

Food waste has an impact on the loss of biodiversity worldwide. This is due to
farmers' increasing encroachment into untamed areas in search of fertile land in an
effort to boost agricultural output, which has led to the loss of biodiversity. Due to
slash-and-burn farming, deforestation, and the conversion of untamed areas to
agriculture, natural habitats for birds, fish, mammals, and amphibians have been
devastated. Farming practises that encourage monoculture have accelerated the loss of
biodiversity. The vast production of cattle for human use and the use of pesticides in
agricultural agriculture are two factors that have significantly contributed to the
nitrogen, phosphorus, and chemical pollution in streams, rivers, and coastal waters.
The marine life is impacted by this pollution.


In addition, Agriculture uses an astounding quantity of water to create food.

The quantity of freshwater wasted during food production and processing is therefore
larger than 30% if 30% of all food produced is squandered. This increases the amount
of groundwater and surface water that is utilised, wasted, and otherwise contributes to
the "blue water footprint." Precise calculations show that food waste results in the
annual loss of 250 km3 of water. This trash is three times as large as Lake Geneva.
Furthermore, it is established that every kilogramme of beef that is thrown away
results in the loss of 50,000 litres of water that was used in the meat-producing
process. the same way that pouring one glass of milk down the drain causes 1000
litres of water to be wasted.
Causes, Effects and Solutions to Growing Problem of Food Waste - Conserve Energy

Future. (2017, September 13). Conserve Energy Future. https://www.conserve-

Jabatan Alam Sekitar. (2021, February 15). [INFOGRAFIK] 3 KESAN E-WASTE... -

Jabatan Alam Sekitar.



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