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University of San Agustin

General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines



Module 6: HUMAN WORK

Welcome to Module 4!
Hello Augustinians! Welcome to our Theology class.
In this module, we will try to reflect on the topic of Human Work and how it is connected to our
participation in God as a worker Himself.
The module is composed of four topics and varied activities are required for you to participate
as our formative and summative assessment. At the end of every topic of this module, you will
submit a written reflection.
Consultation hours
Phone / messenger:
Virtual time:

Module 6: Learning Objectives

At the end of the module, the students shall be able to:
1. manifest clear understanding of the Social Teachings of the Church on Human Work;
2. reflect on the value and importance of work;
3. conduct an interview and write a reaction paper on the value and importance of human

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Module 6: Course Content

Below is the schedule for Module 6.

Activity Description Time to


Prayer 2 minutes

Checking of Attendance 2 minutes

Overview 2 minutes

Learning Objectives 2 minutes

Lesson 1 Dignity of Work

Activity 1a Express and discuss


Activity 1b Bible Reading/Church Document 5 minutes

Activity 1c Sharing

Activity 1d Exposition

Activity 1e Bible Reading/Church Document

Activity 1f Final Exposition

Activity 1g Synthesis


Lesson 2 Rights and Duties of Workers

Activity 2a Express and Discuss 10-15 mins.


Activity 2b Bible Reading/Church Document

Activity 2c Sharing

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Activity 2d Exposition 10-35 min.

Activity 2e Reflection Paper

Activity 2f Exposition

Activity 2g Synthesis


Lesson 3 Rights and Duties of Employers

Activity 3a Express and Discuss 10-15 mins.

Overview of the topic 5-10 mins.

Activity 3b Bible reading/Church Document 5 mins.

Activity 3c Sharing

Activity 3d Exposition 10-35 mins.

Activity 3e Reflection

Activity 3f Synthesis


Lesson 4 Work & Private Property

Activity 4a Express and Discuss 10-15 mins.


Activity 4b Bible Reading/Church Document 5 mins.

Activity 4c Sharing 5-10 mins.

Activity 4d Exposition 10-35 mins.

Activity 4e Reflection 10-20 mins.

Activity 4f Synthesis


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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Opening Prayer:

Compassionate Father, we thank you for allowing us to be

partakers in your creative wisdom...and that is human
work that we are to participate.

Grant us the grace for us to do our duties to be your

approve worker wherein we unite to your work.

This we ask in Jesus holy name. Amen

Module 6: Topic 1: Dignity of Work

Activity 1a: Express and discuss

1. Think of the present situation today in which Work is manifested.
2. Share your opinion in 3-6 sentences about your understanding of Work and post it in
our discussion board. (5 points for this).

Work is any productive activity that persons are involved in. How the worker performs
his work also defines the totality of his personhood. Work is a vocation, and it is a
participation in the creative wisdom.

Activity 1b: Bible Reading/Church Document (5 minutes)

“At the time when the Lord God made the heavens-while
as yet there was no field shrub on earth and no grass of the
field had sprouted, for the Lord God had sent no rain upon
the earth and there was no man to till the soil, but a stream was
welling up out of the earth and was watering all the surface of
the ground-the Lord God formed man out of the clay of the
earth and was watering all the surface of the ground-the Lord

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


formed man out of the clay of the ground, and blew into his
nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being.

Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and
he placed there the man whom he had formed. Out of the ground the Lord God made various
trees grow that were delighted to look at anf good for food, with the tree of life in the middle
of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. (Genesis 2:4-9).

The Lord God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care
for it. (Genesis 2:15).

Activity 1c: Sharing

Share an experience by posting three or six sentences on our discussion board in relation to
Dignity of Work from the bible passage presented. (5-10 minutes).

Activity 1d: Exposition

 The dignity of the person is manifested in all its radiance when the person’s origin and
dignity are considered: created by God in His image and likeness as well as redeemed
by the most precious blood of Christ, the person is called to be a ‘child in the Son’ and
a living temple of the Spirit, destined for eternal life of the blessed communion with
God. For this reason, every violation of the dignity of the human being cries out in
vengeance to God and is an offense against the Creator of the individual. (CL 37)
(Theology Manual).

 Constitution of Human Dignity: The Human Person as the “Imago Dei”

○ The Church sees in men and women, in every person, the living image of God
Himself. (CSDC 105).
○ The fundamental message of the Sacred Scripture proclaims that the human
person is a creature of God (Ps. 139:14-18) and sees in his being in the image of
God, the element that characterizes and distinguishes him: “God created man
in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He
created them” (Gen 1:27) (CSDC 108)
○ Man (in Hebrew, “ adam”) is formed from the earth (“adamah”) and God blows
into his nostrils the breath of life(Gen. 2:7).
○ Therefore, “being in the image of God, the human individual possesses the
dignity of a person, who is not just something, but someone.
○ Manifestation of Man as an “Imago Dei”, is his capacity for self-knowledge, self-
possession, of freely giving himself and entering into communion with other

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


persons, and called by grace to a covenant with his Creator, to offer Him a
response of faith and love that no other creature can give in his stead” (CSDC

● The likeness with God shows that the essence and existence of man are
constitutively related to God in the most profound manner. (CSDC 109).

● The relationship between God and man is reflected in the relational and social
dimension of human nature. (CSDC 110).

The Nature of Work:

 The Old Testament presents God as the omnipotent Creator (Gen 2:2; Job 38:41; Ps. 104;
Ps. 147) who fashions man in His image and invites him to work the soil (Gen. 2:5-6).
(CSDC 255).
o The Church finds in the very first pages of the book of Genesis the source of
her conviction that work is a fundamental dimension of human existence on
earth. (LE 4).

The Dignity of Human Work

 Human work in the objective sense, is the sum of activities, resources, instruments
and technologies used by men and women to produce things, to exercise dominion
over the earth, in the words of the Book of Genesis (CSDC 270).

 Work, in the objective sense, constitutes the contingent aspect of human activity,
which constantly varies in its expressions, according to the changing technological,
cultural, social and political conditions.

 Human Work in the Subjective Sense is an essential expression of the person; it is an

actus personae. Work does not depend on what people produce or on the type of
activity they undertake but, only and exclusively, on their dignity as human beings.
(CSDC 270).

 The Goal of Work: work must be oriented to the subject who performs it, because the
end of work, any work whatsoever, always remains man. “Work is for man and not
man for work. It is always man who is the purpose of work, whatever work it is that is
done by man- even if the common scale of values rates it as the merest ‘service’, as
the most monotonous, even the most alienating work”. (CSDC 272).

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


The Social Dimension of Work

 Human work also has an intrinsic social dimension. A person’s work, in fact, is
naturally connected with that of other people. Today “more than ever, work is work
with others and work for others. It is a matter of doing something for someone else”.
The fruits of work offer occasions for exchange, relationships and encounter. (CSDC

Three Moral Significance of Work

 It is the principal way that people exercise the distinctive human capacity for self-
expression and self-realization.

o Man must work in order to respond to the need to maintain and his own
humanity. It is the ordinary way for human beings to fulfill their material
o Work is needed to form and maintain a family
o Work is needed to have a right to property.

 Finally, work enables people to contribute to the well-being of the larger community.
Work is not only for one’s self. It is for one’s family, for the nation, and indeed, for the
benefit of the entire human family.

o Work contributes to the common good of the human family.

o Work remains a good thing, not only because it is useful and enjoyable, but
also because it expresses and increases the worker’s dignity. Through work,
we do not only transform the world, we are transformed ourselves, becoming
“more a human being” (LE 9).

The Spirituality of Work

 Work is a vocation. In the Creator’s plan, created realities, which are good in
themselves, exist for man’s use. The wonder of the mystery of man’s grandeur makes
the psalmist exclaim: “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man
that you care for him? Yet you have given him dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under his feet” (Ps 8:5-7). (CSDC 255).

 Work has a place of honor because it is a source of riches, or at least, of the conditions
for a decent life, and is, in principle, an effective instrument against poverty (Ps 10:4).
(CSDC 257).

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


 Jesus teaches that we should appreciate work (CSDC 259).

o He Himself, having “become like us in all things, devoted most of the years of
His life on earth to manual work at the carpenter’s bench” in the workshop of
Joseph (Mt. 13:55; Mk6:3), to whom He was obedient (Luke 2:51).
o Jesus condemns the behavior of the useless servant, who hides his talent in
the ground (Mt.25:14-30), and praises the faithful and prudent servant whom
the Master finds at work at the duties entrusted to him (Mt.24:46).
o He describes his own mission as that of working: “My Father is working still,
and I am working” (Jn. 5:17), and His disciples as workers in the harvest of the
Lord, which is the evangelization of humanity (Mt.9:37-38).
o Work is a participation not only in the act of creation but also in that of
redemption. ( CSDC 263).
o Those who put up with the difficult rigors of work in union with Jesus
cooperate, in a certain sense, with the Son of God in his work of redemption
and show that they are disciples of Christ bearing his cross, everyday, in the
activity they are called to do.
o In this perspective, work can be considered a means of sanctification and
enlivening of earthly realities with the Spirit of Christ.
o Understood in this way, work is an expression of man’s full humanity, in this
historical condition and his eschatological orientation. Man’s free and
responsible action reveals his intimate relationship with the Creator and his
creative power. At the same time, it is a daily aid in combating the
disfigurement of sin, even when it is the sweat of his bow that man earns his

Cardinal Chito Tagle shed light on the concept He preaches that work should be done
and with dignity Well of human work

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


He also reveals that work should fulfill its Work is to contribute to the well- being
purpose. of the family as well as to the

Work should be done appropriately to earn

Magandang umaga po sa inyong lahat! Tayo na pong mag kape at pandasal. Ako po si Cardinal
Chito Tagle ng Manila. Pagnilayan po natin, tuparin ang mga tungkulin. Bagamat naghahanap
ang lahat ng tao ng makabuluhan at matiwasay na buhay, malimit din nating tinatakasan ang
trabaho at pag-pupunyagi. Kung kikita naman ako ng pera ng walang pawis, mas mabuti, yan
ang pag-iisip ng iba. Kung aasenso naman ako ng walang pagod mas mainan, yan ang
katwiran ng iba. Kaya naman pala maraming tungkulin sa buhay ang hindi nagagawa o kaya’y
dinadaya. Huwag namang ganyan an gating iisipin at gagawin. Sa bawat tungkuling iniatas sa
atin iisa ang tugon na nararapat; tuparin ito ng maayos at marangal. Hindi lamang sarili natin
ang makikinabang sa mabuting pagtupad ng mga gawain at panunungkulan. Mag bubunga rin
ito ng sagana para sa ating pamilya, lipunan, at para sa buong sangkatauhan. Itigil na po ang
pagpapalusot, katamaran, at shortcut. Tuparin ng tapat ang mga tungkulin natin. O Diyos,
bigyan Mo kami ng sipag at katapatan sa pagtupad ng tungkulin. Amen.

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Activity 1e: Video Reflection

Make Reflection on Work and its Relationship to the Human Person.

Content 34 points
Appropriateness 33 points
Construct 33 points
TOTAL 100 points

Activity 1f: Final Exposition

Work is destined for man to do since God Himself is a worker in that man ought to follow. In 2
Thessalonians 3, St. Paul said that if man does not work, he therefore should not eat, an
indicator that man mist be productive through work.

Activity 1g: Synthesis

Share your personal experiences from the lesson presented and post 3-6 sentences on our
discussion board (5 points).

Activity 1h: Assignment

Think of any situation from a news item that touches about work.

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Module 6: Topic 2: Rights and Duties of Workers

Opening Prayer

Compassionate Father, we praise and thank

you for giving us the grace to participate in your
creative wisdom through our work.

we pray that you will give us the strength so that

we can perform our task and duties well.

All this we pray in the holy name of Jesus. Amen.

Activity 2a: Express and Discuss (10-15 minutes)

1. Think of the present situation today about your understanding about the Rights and
Duties of Workers in our present time
2. Share your opinion in 3-6 sentences and post it in our discussion board
(You will receive 5 points for this).

Overview (5-10 minutes).

Human person has dignity as he was created in the image and likeness of God, and
has to work since he is predestined by God for it. It is understood that man has to perform his
duties well. Inherent in his dignity is his rights and responsibilities as well in the conduct of

Activity 2b: Bible Reading/Church Document.

“Let every person be subordinate to the higher authorities, for

there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have
been established by God. Therefore; whoever resist authority
opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will
bring judgment upon themselves...then do what is good and
you will receive approval from it, for it a servant of God for your

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


good. (Romans 13:1-2;3)

Activity 2c: Sharing

Share an experience by posting 3-6 sentences on our discussion board about the Rights and
duties of Workers connecting it to the scripture passage presented. (10-30 minutes).

Activity 2d: Exposition (10-35 minutes).

 The rights of workers, like other rights, are based on the nature of the human person
and on his transcendent dignity. The Church’s social Magisterium has seen fit to list
some of these rights, in the hope that they will be recognized in judicial systems which

o the right to a just wage

o the right to rest
o the right to a working environment and to manufacturing processes which are
not harmful to the workers’ physical health or to their moral integrity
o the right that one’s personality in the workplace should be safe guarded
“without suffering any affront to one’s conscience or personal dignity
o the right to appropriate subsidies that are necessary for the subsistence of
unemployed workers and their families
o the right to a pension and to insurance for old age, sickness, and in case of
work-related accidents
o the right to social security connected with maternity
o the right to assemble and form associations

Duties of Workers (CSDC 274)

 Work is also an obligation, a duty on the part of man. Man must work, because the
Creator has commanded it and in order to respond to the need to maintain and develop
his own humanity.

 Work is presented as a moral obligation with respect to one’s neighbor, which in the
first place is one’s own family.

 In society to which one belongs to the nation.

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Activity 2e: Reflection Paper

Reflection paper in relation to your realization about the connection of the Rights and Duties
of Workers.

Content 34 points
Appropriateness 33 points
Construct 33 points
TOTAL 100 points

Activity 2f: Exposition (10-20 minutes).

As a Worker we must do our work well for it is a vocation entrusted into us. But Workers
as having dignity possesses Rights and Responsibilities as well in the conduct of his duties as

Activity 2g: Synthesis

Share your personal experiences from the lesson presented about Rights of Workers, how
they have exercised it and post it on our discussion board (5 points). (20-30 minutes)

Activity 2h: Assignment:

Think of any situation about the Rights of Workers that is happening in our current time today.

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Module 6: Topic 3 – Rights and Duties of Employers

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, we Trust in your abiding

providence...we pray that you illumine our
minds and hearts so that we will be able to
perform our task well to the best of our abilities
fully conscious that our work where we are
at is our vocation. Grant us the grace and the
strength to understand that our work is an avenue
for us t become holy.Amen

Activity 3a: Express and Discuss (10-15 minutes)


1. Think of a situation that shows the rights of Employers as well as his obligations
towards his employees.
2. Share your opinion in 3-6 sentences and post on our discussion board (5 points).

Overview of the topic (5-10 minutes).

Employers also have rights and responsibilities in dealing with his workers because great
responsibility was given in their stead. They have the right to be respected and they also
should take care of the welfare of the Workers.

Activity 3b: Bible reading/Church document (5 minutes).

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his
glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people
from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his
right and the goats on his left.

Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘come, you who are blessed by my Father; take
your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was
hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothe me, I was sick and you
looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty
and give you something to something to drink? When did we see you stranger and invite you
in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit

The king will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and
sisters of mine, you did it for me.

Activity 3c: Sharing

Share an experience by posting them on our discussion board in connection Rights and Duties
of Employers related to the scripture presented.

Activity 3d: Exposition (10-35 minutes)

Rights of employers
Employers have the right to:
> Decide on the objectives of the business.
>Hire suitable staff for their business.
> Dismiss dishonest or unsuitable staff.
> Expect loyalty from their staff.
Responsibilities of employers The responsibilities of the employer are to:
> Ensure the workplace is safe and has healthy working conditions.
> Provide employees with adequate training (and protective clothing/equipment if
> Provide employees with statutory holidays and leave, e.g. maternity/paternity/ parental
> Pay agreed wages. They must pay at least the minimum wage to their employees and
equal pay to men and women.

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University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


> Deduct Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) and Universal Social
Charge (USC) from their employees ‘pay and keep employment records including
Revenue payments for each employee.
> Ensure all employees are treated equally in the business and that bullying/ harassment
does not exist. They must not discriminate when advertising, recruiting or promoting
> Comply with all employment law and give employees a written contract of employment

Activity 3e: Reflection

Reflect about the Rights and Duties of employers in relation to our discussion.

Content 34 points
Appropriateness 33 points
Construct 33 points
TOTAL 100 points

Activity 3f: Synthesis

Share your personal experience from the lesson presented and

post 3-6 sentences on our discussion board (5 points for this).
(20-30 minutes).

Activity 3g: Assignment

Write your realization about the value and importance of the rights and responsibilities of
employer to its workers.

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Module 6: Topic 4 – Work & Private Property

Opening Prayer:

Activity 4a: Express and Discuss (10-15 minutes)


1. Think of a situation today in relation to Work and Private Property.

2. Share your opinion in 3-6 sentences and post it on our discussion board. (5 points)

Overview (5-10 minutes)

Activity 4b: Bible Reading/Church Document (5 minutes)

Activity 4c: Sharing

Share an experience by posting 3-6 sentences on our discussion board in relation to Work and
Private Property (5-10 minutes).

Activity 4d: Exposition (10-35 minutes).

 Rerum Novarum of Pope Leo XIII promulgated the first social encyclical, Rerum
Novarum . This encyclical examines the condition of salaried workers, which was
particularly distressing for industrial laborers who languished in inhumane misery.
The labour question is dealt with according its true dimensions. It is explored in all its
social and political expressions so that proper evaluation may be made in the light of
the doctrinal principles founded on Revelation and on natural law and morality.

 Rerum Novarum list errors that give rise to social ills, excludes socialism as a remedy
and expounds with precision and in contemporary terms “the Catholic doctrine on
work, the right to property, the principle of collaboration instead of class struggle as
the fundamental means for social change, the rights of the weak, the dignity of the

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


rich, the perfecting of justice through charity, on the right to form professional
association. (CSCT 89)

 Rerum Novarum is above all a heartfelt defence of the inalienable right of workers,
connected with the importance of the right to property, the principle of cooperation
among the social classes, the rights of the weak and the poor, the obligations of
workers and employers and the right to form associations. (CSDC 268).

 By means of work and making use of the gift of intelligence, people are able to exercise
dominion over the earth and make it a fitting home: “In this way, he makes part of the
earth his own, precisely the part which he has acquired through work: this is the origin
of individual property. Private property and other forms of private ownership of goods
“assure a person a highly necessary sphere for the exercise of his personal and family
autonomy and ought be considered as an extension of human freedom...stimulating
exercise of responsibility, it constitutes one of the condition for civil liberty.(GS 71).
Private property is an essential element of an authentically social and democratic
economy policy, and it is the guarantee of a correct social order. The Church’s social
doctrine requires that ownership of goods be equally accessible to all so that all may
become, at least in some measure, owners, and it excludes recourse to forms of
“common and promiscuous dominion”.

 The Church’s social Magisterium sees an expression of the relationship between labor
and capital also in the institution of private property, in the right to and use of private
property. The right to private property is subordinated to the principle of the universal
destination of goods and must not constitute a reason for impeding the work or
development of others. Property which is acquired in the first place through work,
must be placed at the service of work. This is particularly true regarding the
possession of the means of production, but the same principle also concerns the goods
to the world of finance, technology, knowledge, and personnel. (CSDC 282).

 The means of production “cannot be possessed against labor, they cannot even be
possessed for possession’s sake”. It becomes illegitimate to possess them when
property “is not utilized or when it serves to impede the work of others, or in an effort
to gain a profit which is not the result of the overall expansion of work and the wealth
of society, but rather is the result of curbing them or of illicit exploitation, speculation
or the breaking of solidarity among working people. (CSDC 282).

Email: | Tel. No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

University of San Agustin
General Luna St., 5000 Iloilo City, Philippines


Activity 4e: Reflection

Reflection based from your realization in connection to Work and Private Property.

Activity 4f: Exposition (10-20 minutes).

Work is the vocation of man and a way of his participation in the creative work of God, for
God Himself is a worker. It is by work that man becomes productive in whatever
circumstances he is in, and possessing private property is the fruit of his labor.

Activity 4g: Synthesis

Share your personal experience in relation to possession of private property as a fruit of labor
presented in 3-6 sentences and post it on our discussion board. (5 points)

Activity 4h: Assignment

Share a success story of a person you know and make a reaction out of it.

Module 6: References

ECCE(1994)Catechism of the Catholic Church.WORD&LIFE.Manila

CBCP (1991). Plenary Council of the Philippines-PCP II. Ateneo de Manila Press. Manila
Theology 5 Manual chapter 20 pdf

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