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Name : Magfirah Razak

Class : B1
Nim : 06120200048

Final Poetry


You always with me

You always accept me
You’re the one who always smiles
In joy amd sorrow

Jokes decorate our day

It’s sad that we go through together
Glad we went through tohether
Togetherness is always with us

O my friend....
I will never forget our togetherness
I will always be there for you
You are my true Friend

Analisis the poem :

1. Themes : Happy & Gratefull with his friend

2. Title : Describes thank for his friend
3. Tone : This poem refers to feeling of gratitude, Happy because she can have true friend
4. Structure : the first stanza have 4 line with rhyme ABCB
the second stanza have 4 line with rhyme ABAB
the third stanza have 4 line with rhyme ABCABC
5. Language & imagery :
- In the first stanza usinng symbol a person because there is word you and me visualizing about a
- In the second stanza using symbol a person & because there is the word our [ line 1] visualizing
about a person , in line 2,3 the word we visualizing a person , and the word us in line 4
visualizing a person.
- In the third stanza using symbol a person because there is the word my friend [ line 1], I, our
[ line 2], I,you, [line 3], you,my,friend [ line 4] visualizing about person.

6. Sound of words :
- Assonance “in joy and sorrow” [ line 4 stanza 1]
- Assonance “ go through tohether [ line 3 stanza 2]
- Assonance “Forget our togetherness “ [ line 2 stanza 3]

7. Semantic figure : - Antithesis : “In joy and sorrow “ [ line 4]

- Hyperbola :” jokes decorate our day” [ line 2]
- Hyperbola:” you are my true friend” [ line 4]
8. The meaning of words :
- In the first stanza describe the feeling of happines because his friend is alwaysd there a long time
and the poem describe that the speaker will not leave his best friend, she will always be there
for his best for his best friend if his best friend need her .

9. Sound & rhytem :

always : vs/2syl /l/lw
accept : vs/2 syl/h/st
smiles : cs/1syl/h/w
joy : cs/1syl/lw/s
sorrow : cs/2syl/l/lw
jokes : cs/1syl/l/lw
decorate : cs/3syl/l/lw
our : vs/1syl/h/s/st
day : cs/1syl/s/h/st
sad : cs/1syl/lw/s
through : cs/3syl/l/lw
together : cs/3syl/l/lw
glad : cs/1syl/s/h
tohetherness : cs/3syl/l/lw
friend : cs/1syl/l/lw
never : cs/2syl/l/h
forget : cs/2syl/l/lw
true : cs/1syl/s/h

10. biography : the writter of poem is magfirah razak is college at university muslim indonesian

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