Utah Monarch Look-A-Likes - Distinguishing Characteristics of A Monarch Butterfly

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Utah Monarch Look-A-Likes - Distinguishing

Characteristics of a Monarch Butterfly

Monarch butterflies are one of the most recognizable butterflies. But it is important to know that there are
other larval and adult forms that can look very similar. Take a look at the following images of each of the
six types of butterflies presented in the caterpillar stage and with their wings up and wings down.
Sometimes its easy to spot the differences in one state but not another.

The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

• Their wings are a deep orange with black vein-like markings
• There is a black border
• White spots along the edges
• About 4 inches wingspan
• Pale orange underside of the wings

The Viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus) is nearly identical to the Monarch.

These two adult butterflies to tell harder to tell apart. They are both have brightly colored wings warning
predators that they are not good to eat. They have developed similar appearances as a shared protective
device, this phenomenon is called Müllerian mimicry. The monarch caterpillar feeds on the milkweed
which means it ingests cardiac glycosides which is toxic. The viceroy caterpillar feeds on Willow species
(cottonwood, willow, poplar trees) which contain salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin and make
them taste bitter to avian predators. Luckily the caterpillars are easy to tell apart.

It has orange-brown wings with dark black veins. A black line across the hindwing distinguishes it from
the Monarch.
The Queen butterfly (Danaus gilippus) is also another that is often mistaken for a monarch. It is just slightly
smaller than the Monarch. The Queen is an orange-brown color with white spots and black borders.

Soldier butterfly (Danaus eresimus) is also slightly smaller than the Monarch. The Soldier is an orange-
brown color with white spots and black borders. It also has darker veins than the similar Queen.

Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) has a caterpillar stage that looks similar to that of the monarch.

The last one is the painted lady (Vanessa cardui).

• Their wings are a deep orange with black vein-like markings

• There is a black border
• White spots along the edges
• About 4 inches wingspan
• Pale orange underside of the wings

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