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Worksheet Natural Habitats and environmental issues

Name ___________________________________________

No. _______________ Class ________________________

Date ____________________________________________
NATURAL HABITATS 3 This is a real problem. There are lots of dangerous
1 Look at the photos and complete the natural habitats chemicals that we don’t need and it’s really difficult to
words. get rid of them safely.
h__________ w__________
4 I worry a lot about this problem. So many wonderful
animals are in danger now and they could disappear
e__________ s__________
desert 1 e__________
4 Match the halves of the environmental issues.
1 air a fuels
2 de b species
3 oil c fishing
4 pest d pollution
2 g__________ 3 t__________ 5 fossil e waste
6 endangered f icides
7 over g forestation
8 solid h spills
9 ero i sion

4 p__________ 5 m_________ f________ 5 Read the clues and write the words.
Dry, rocky land, where only a few plants grow.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Scrubland
air pollution deforestation erosion fossil fuels oil spill 1 A very small amount of fresh water that isn't moving,
overfishing smaller than a lake. ________
A lot of sea birds died in the oil spill. 2 Land with very little rain, where nothing grows.
1 _____________ means catching too many fish. ________
2 _____________ means cutting down trees in forests. 3 Where a river becomes wider and meets the sea.
3 Wind and water can cause soil _____________ . ________
4 In some cities there are lots of cars, so there can be 4 A habitat which is good for farm animals. ________
_____________ . 5 Land which is frozen for most of the year. ________
5 Oil, coal and gas are all _____________ . 6 A habitat near a river, where the land is rarely dry.
7 There are many types of trees and plants here.
3 Read the descriptions and complete the ________
environmental problems. 8 The trees are very tall, and it's hot and wet.
In the winter, high winds blow soil off the land. This ________
means it’s more difficult to grow crops. 9 An important underwater habitat. ________
6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1_. There’s so much of this now that it’s a real problem. There are three options that you don’t need.
It isn’t dangerous, but we can’t keep on dumping it in the endangered estuary hazardous mixed species
ground. overfishing pesticide pollution pond tundra
s__________ w__________ wetland
There aren't many tigers. They are a / an
2 Farmers use these to kill insects that harm their endangered species.
1 These frogs live in a small __________ in our
crops. The problem is, they also kill bees and other
useful insects.
2 __________ areas often have a large number of
p__________ water-loving birds.
3 __________ means that there aren't many of these
sea creatures these days.
4 Don't go near that factory! It produces a lot of Does it live in family groups, or alone?
__________ waste. Paragraph 3
5 The air __________ is very high in some large cities.
6 This is an area of __________ forest. There are lots What habitat does it need?
of different types of trees and plants here. ...s need a ... habitat to survive.
7 The river runs into a large __________ and then it Is it endangered? Why / Why not?
meets the sea. ...s are(n't) endangered because ...

7 Read the text. Correct the sentences

Orangutans in Danger
Of all the great apes, the orangutan is the one which
has the most specialized lifestyle. Unlike gorillas or
chimpanzees, orangutans are arboreal, which means
they live in nests in the trees almost never coming down
to the ground. Deforestation in Borneo and Sumatra,
the Indonesian islands where they have made their
home, is particularly bad news for wild orangutans.
Why are they cutting down so much of the orangutans'
natural habitat? It's a story which is happening all over
the world: there are too many factories that need wood
to make homes, furniture and paper, and farmers who
need land to plant crops. Indonesia is not the only place
where wild animals are losing their habitat because of
the farming of palm oil, which is used in manufactured
foods and cosmetics. As soon as the trees are
removed, the land becomes palm plantation.
Many charities are now rescuing orangutans which
have lost their habitat. Is it already too late? Only time
will tell.

Orangutans have a similar lifestyle to other apes.

Orangutans have a different lifestyle to other apes.
1 Orangutans spend most of their time on the forest
2 Pollution is a big danger to orangutans.
3 Orangutans are not losing their natural habitats.
4 Palm oil is used in the manufacture of furniture.
5 Factories are trying to help the orangutans.

8 Write about an animal that you like.

Paragraph 1
What is it?
It's a ... It's a large / tropical type of ..., which has ...
Paragraph 2
What is its lifestyle?
It lives ..., where it has ...
What does it eat?
It eats ... and drinks ... which it gets by ...

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